Shark where it lives what is supplied. Sharks

To date, not all about sharks is known. Nevertheless, they cause constant interest in humans. Not one encyclopedia is written about them. Not all kinds are dangerous for a person. They themselves suffer greatly because of people. Every year, up to 100 million individuals die due to fishery.

Who are such sharks? For the first time they appeared 450 million years ago. Since that time, these creatures have almost changed. Shark is a fish that inhabited in the oceans long before dinosaurs.

There are about 450 types of sharks on the planet. Between themselves, these cartilage fish differ greatly. The largest of them reaches a length of 20 m, while the length of the smallest is only 17 cm. Some of these predators, the inhabitants of the depths, with the help of special organs are capable of glowing, lining prey.

How many years do sharks live? The answer to this question will be individual for each specific species. Polar are real long-livers. The life expectancy of the shark of this type is more than 100 years. For more than 70 years, whale life lasts. How many of these predators live on average? Most species have a lifetime range from 20 to 30 years.

The life of the shark is subordinate to the complex hierarchy, acting not only within one species, but also between representatives of different varieties. A significant number of species of these fish coexist with each other in large groups.

They swim most of the time at low speed. The average speed of shark varies from 8 to 9 km / h. During the throw to a potential sacrifice, they can noticeably accelerate. Shark-Maco is considered the fastest. It can develop speed up to 50 km / h.

Anatomical data

Different types of sharks differ from each other by external data. The dimensions of these animals can vary greatly. What do sharks look like? Fish have a streamlined body shape, tail fins of a special form, as well as two dorsal, anal, paired abdominal and chest, many teeth growing in several rows. The closest relatives of these creatures are rocks.

The structure of the shark is different than those of other fish. These predators refer to cartilaginous fish. The name indicates one feature of the anatomy of sharks. The skeleton is not boneless, but from the cartilage.

The scales of the predator are arranged in such a way that the tips of the scales protrude out of the skin. They are very tightly adjacent to each other, due to which the skin of the shark may seem like smooth, if they have a hand in the direction from the head to the tail and hard, rough, resembling sandpaper, if you stroke the sea predator in the opposite direction.

The teeth of these predators grow in several rows, the structure differs from different species and depends on the fact that this fish is powered. If for some reason the shark will lose his tooth, in its place standing in the previous row. In the last row, a new one will grow new. How much this predator lives, so much grows her teeth. The device of the dental is able to report a lot about sharks.


How to breathe sharks? Shark is a fish, and her breathing occurs in the same way as other chord. This uses a special organ - gills. Glaby shark bags are opening in a throat, and outwards on the sides of the head. Gweets can be from 5 to 7 couples. Crying fish use gills only for breathing.

Most of these marine predators are cold-blooded animals. Partially warm-blooded include only a few species. These species shark thermoregulation differs from others. They are able to maintain a body temperature by 9-13 ° with warmer than the ambient water. However, such a temperature difference extends not to the whole body of the predator. Near the gills and heart temperatures will be equal to the surrounding.

As sharks have no swimming bubble, they have to constantly be in motion. The need to constantly sail is due to the fact that most of these fish is not able to pump water through the gills on their own. This is used by sharks hunters. If you pull some time shark behind the tail down, water will not come into her gills. In this case, the predator can drown. However, there are exceptions to this rule. One of them is a shark-nurse, which is capable of maintaining the operation of the respiratory system, lying on the bottom.

How does the shark compensate for the negative buoyancy? Compensation occurs due to a decrease in body weight. This helps the cartilage skeleton, which is much easier than bone, as well as carbon accumulation in the liver. To be easier to sail, skin covers are covered with fine fatty film. Some predators create a positive buoyancy in a different way. They swallow air, creating an improvised swimming bubble from the stomach.

Food and hunting

What do sharks eat? The answer to this question will be different for different types of marine predators. Sharks are all carnivores, but their food preferences differ. Since these marine animals spend a lot of energy for a permanent movement, they need to consume a large amount of oily food.

Most species do not attack a person. Only rare predators are dangerous.

Tiger shark, fastened to everyone that comes across its path, including inedible items, deserved the title of sea garbagers.

The biggest shark - whale - uses plankton in food. In the course of feeding, it floats very slowly, developing speed not more than 1 m / s. The teeth of the shark of this species are not intended to capture the flesh. They are needed for retention in the mouth of the plankton. For a person, this kind of shark is safe. In addition to the whale there are 2 more types of sharks feed on plankton.

The main diet of a large white shark consists of fish, lastonous, dolphins and sea pigs. In addition, this predator can eat and Padal. A person is not familiar food creatures. They attack people by mistake.

The main product in the diet of many sharks is fish. Frequent cases of cannibalism. For this reason, the young often dwells away from adults.

How do these creatures make meals? The answer to this question depends on the type of power of a particular type. The largest creatures are powered by zooplankton, which is caught in a widely revealed mouth, swimming through clusters of krill at low speeds. Some believe that these giants are sharks without teeth. They have teeth, however, they are not intended to bundle meat from the body of the victim.

Small essentials hunt for chest fish.

Larger species are hunting for large sizes. Often they raise prey, swimming around it with circles, after which, waiting for a suitable moment, make a sharp jerk, attacking the victim. At the time of the throw, this fish develops the speed significantly exceeding the usual one. There are a lot of energy and strength on such throws. What speed are such throws? From 19 to 50 km / h, depending on the species.

They can hunt both alone and flocks.

Habitat area

Where do sharks live? The habitat depends on the type. In addition, some commit migration.

The habitat of most of these fish is marine water. There is only one species that is found in the freshwater of Lake Nicaragua.

Most of small species prefer to settle from the coast in the Warm Seas. Larger swim in the open sea. Most often, they can be found close to the surface. Preferring to live in a little depth. There are only a few species that are found in the pitch darkness. Luminous sharks fall at a depth of more than 6 thousand m, and at night closer to the surface. It is known about shark depths a little. The choice of place where the shark dwells, depends on what food it prefers, sizes, habits.

You can meet these fish in most seas. In addition, sometimes they swim in the mouths of the rivers, rising pretty high upstream.


How do sharks multiply? Despite the fact that shark is a fish, she does not mild caviar. According to the type of reproduction, they can be divided into 3 types: novelty, egg-in-lawn and egg-owned. For these fish, internal fertilization is characterized.

The nipples develops several embryos. Some species of kids eat each other in the womb. Because of this feature, shark breeding sometimes have 2 uterus.

The godbirth differs from the eggmifting the fact that in the first case there is a placenta in the parent organism that ensures the metabolism between the mother's organism and the embryos. In the event of an eggsiveness of such metabolism, it does not occur. In this case, the cubs hatch out of eggs in the body of the females, after which they are born. All nutrients they get from the yolk.

Egg-holder on average lay off 1 to 12 eggs. The only one, postponing much more - polar. At one time she postpone up to 500 eggs.

How long does pregnancy last? The answer to this question depends on the type. Whale shears offspring for more than 2 years. Pregnancy reachesum lasts 3.5 years. Shark-Nyanka hatches embryos for 2 years, after which one of her uterus is born by 1 young.

Maternal instinct in most of these fish is absent. Mother can eat kids whom herself recently gave birth. Tiger predator nature dults hunger before childbirth, so that young people manage to escape. Some time after the female gives birth, the instinct is restored. Therefore, young people live separately from adult individuals and is mainly in shallow water. Only a few species of these predatory fish take care of their own children.

If there is no male individuals, then with sexual reproduction, the shark will go to the sexual. This often happens in captivity. In the wild, there is no case when this fish is diagnosed in a similar way, not fixed.

Victims of fishery

Every year in the world from 40 to 100 million of these creatures becomes victims of fishery. They are caught for fins, which are considered delicacy, leather from which bags, briefcases, suitcases, shoes, teeth, liver and cartilage are made. Some time ago, the extractor of cartilage was considered an effective tool from cancer. Although the effectiveness of this drug was not confirmed, the shark cartilage is considered a source of vitamins. The same applies to the liver. Teeth are used as souvenirs.

Forens are considered the most valuable part. Often these fish are caught only for them. I cut off the fins, fishermen throw a carcass overboard. At that moment, shark is often still alive. There is no chance of survival from a predator left without fins. She cannot move independently and hunt, because for catching food it takes speed, and will be easy prey for another predator or dying from suffocation.

In recent years, in many countries of the world, it was forbidden to catch these fish only for the sake of fins. Before cutting down the fins, fishermen should provide a whole carcass.

Monsters of the past

The largest of ever existing sharks is the giant megalodon. The classification of megalodone causes many disputes. At the moment, this extinct underwater giant is the largest fish of all time.

Megalodon is extinct more than 2.5 million years ago. Until these days, only numerous remains have been preserved. This huge fish was the owner of a frightening dentist. The tens of centimeters that have reached the length of the edge, they grew into 5 rows. There was no more animal on the planet. The gigantic jaw shark of a distant past size exceeds human growth. Currently, they are very expensive and sold at auctions.

What do the sharks of the past look like? It is assumed that megalodon was similar to modern large white, but large sizes. There are no such sizes from one of the existing fish in our time.

At the moment, not all about sharks of antiquity is known. Some researchers suggest that in reality Megalodon is not extincted, but it has not been able to prove it.

The nearest relative of Meghalodon is also considered megalolamna. About the sharks of this species is known a little.

Shark refers to the type of chord animals, the class of cartilage fish, supercount shark ( SELACHII.). The origin of the Russian word "shark" originates from the language of the ancient Vikings, named the word "HAKALL" any fish. In the 18th century in Russia, they began to call dangerous waterfowl and initially the word sounded like a "shark". Most sharks live in salted water, but some species live in fresh reservoirs.

Shark: description and photos. What does a shark look like?

Thanks to the species manifold, the shark length is very different: small bottoms barely reach 20 cm, and the whale shark grows up to 20 meters and has a weight of 34 tons (medium couching weight). The skeleton of sharks does not have bones and consists only of cartilage tissue. The streamlined body is covered with scales with pronounced relief protrusions, the strength of which is not inferior to the teeth, in connection with which the scales of the shark received the name "skin teeth".

The breathing body of the shark are gill cracks that are in front of the chest fins.

The shark heart supports too weak blood pressure, so the fish should be in motion as often as possible to stimulate blood flow, helping the heart with continuous muscle contractions. Although some types of sharks feel perfectly, lying on the bottom and pumping water through the gills.

A shark has a swimming bubble that has all bone fish.

Therefore, the buoyancy of the shark provides a giant liver, which constitutes almost a third of the body weight of the predatory fish, low density of cartilage fabric and fins.

The stomach shark is very elastic, thanks to which it can accommodate a large amount of food.

To digest food, the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice is not enough, and then the sharks turn the stomach inside out, freeing from untapped surplus, and what is interesting - the stomach does not suffer from numerous sharp teeth at the same time.

Sharks have excellent vision exceeding the human severity 10 times.

The hearing is represented by the inner ear and catches low frequencies and infrasounds, and in addition, it provides predatory fishes with the equilibrium function.

Sharks have a rare sense of smell and can teach odors that are informed by air and water.

The smell of blood predators are tracked in a ratio of 1 to a million, which is comparable to a teaspoon, diluted in the swimming pool.

The speed of the shark, as a rule, does not exceed 5 - 8 km / h, although having reached prey, the predator can accelerate almost to 20 km / h. The warm-blooded species - the white shark and shark-mako disseminate the water thickness at a speed of up to 50 km / h.

The average life expectancy of the shark is no more than 30 years, but sand catransleans, whale and polar sharks can live more than 100 years.

The structure of the jaw predator depends on the lifestyle and food consuming. The teeth shark are long, sharp, in the form of a cone, they can easily pose the victim's flesh.

Representatives of the gray shark family are endowed with flat and sharp teeth, which allows them to break into parts of large mining meat.

Teeth Tiger shark

Whale shark, the basic diet of which is plankton, has small teeth up to 5 mm long, although their number can reach several thousand.

Horned sharks that feed in the main bottom food have the front sharp small teeth and the rear row of large crushing teeth. As a result of the heating or falling out of the teeth of the predatory fish is replaced by new, growing up with the inside of the grace.

How many teeth have sharks?

Greeting sharks have 6 rows of teeth on the lower and 4 rows on the upper jaws with a total of 180-220 teeth. In the mouth of white and tiger sharks there are 280-300 teeth, which are located in 5-6 rows on each jaw. At the sinking shark, the number of dental rows is 20-28 on each jaw, with a total of 300-400 teeth. The whale shark in the mouth is 14 thousand teeth.

The size of the shark teeth also differs from the type of point. For example, the size of the teeth of the white shark is 5 cm. The length of the shark teeth, which are powered by plankton, is only 5 mm.

White shark teeth

Where do sharks live?

Sharks live in the waters of the world's ocean, that is, in all seas and oceans. The main distribution falls on the equatorial and anti-essential water of the seas, in coastal waters, especially in reef buildings.

It is worth noting that some kind of sharks, such as ordinary gray shark and stupid shark, are able to live in salty and fresh water, swimming in the river. The drying depth of sharks on average is 2000 meters, in rare cases they are lowered by 3000 meters.

What feeds on shark?

The shark food is quite diverse and depends on the specific type and range. Most of the species prefer sea fish. Deep-sea sharks eat crabs and other crustaceans.

White shark hunts on eared seals, sea elephants and cetacean mammals, a tiger shark swallows everything in a row. And only 3 species - Big, whale and giganic sharks eat plankton, challenges of mollusks and small fish.

Types of sharks, titles and photos

The modern classification of these ancient fish, which existed hundreds of millions of years ago, allocates 8 main detachments forming about 450 sharks:

Cracheyrino-shaped (gray, carcharide) akula(Carcharminiformes.)

This detachment unites 48 genera and 260 species. The following types are considered typical detachment representatives:

  • Giant hammer shark(Sphyrna Mokarran. )

It lives in the waters of the Atlantic, Indian, Pacific Oceans, Caribbean and Mediterranean seas. The maximum registered shark length - the hammer is 6.1 m. The front edge of the "hammer" they have almost direct, which distinguishes them from other hammer-headed sharks. The high dorsal fin shaped sickle.

  • Silk (Florida, WIDE) shark(Carcharhinus Falciformis)

Lives in the Mediterranean and Red Seas, it is found in the Equatorial and the latitudes of the World Ocean.

For the shark, the shark is characterized by a fairly dark color on the back of various shades of gray, blue, brown-brown with a slight metal glitter. With the age of color dull. The scales covering the skin of the shark are so small, which create the effect of their complete absence. The length of the Silk (Florida) shark reaches 2.5-3.5 meters. The maximum secured weight is 346 kilograms.

  • Tiger (leopard) shark ( GaleoCerdo Cuvier)

It lives off the coast of Japan, New Zealand, USA, Africa, India, Australia. Tiger shark is considered one of the most common types of sharks on Earth.

These large predators reach the length of 5.5 meters. Gray leopard shark painting, belly white or light yellow. While the shark does not reach the two-meter length, transverse stripes are noticeable on its sides, similar to tigerines. Hence the name of its name. These bands mask predatory fish from their larger conifers. With age, the strips fill up.

  • Akula Buckor gray bull, stupid shark (Carcharminus Leucas.)

The most aggressive type of shark, common in tropical and subtropical oceans, can often be found this predatory fish in rivers and canals.

These huge fish are characteristic of the gray shark spin-shaped oblong body, a short, massive and dull snout. The surface of the stupid shark body is painted in gray, belly white. Maximum registered body length - 4 meters.

  • Blue shark or blue shark (Big Shark or big Blue Shark) (Prionace Glauca. )

It is one of the most common sharks on Earth. The habitat of a blue shark is quite wide: it is found everywhere in the temperate and tropical waters of the World Ocean. Big blue shark reaches 3.8 meters long and weighs 204 kilograms. This species has an elongated slim body with long breast fins. Color color - blue, belly-white.

Retained (bullish, horned) sharks(Heterodontiformes. )

The detachment includes one fossil and one modern genus, in which the following types can be distinguished:

  • Zebrid bull (Chinese bull, narrow-band bull, narrow-haired horned) shark (Heterodontus Zebra.)

Inhabits the coast of China, Japan, Australia, Indonesia. The maximum fixed length is 122 cm. The body is narrow-rope bull shark light brown or white color with wide brown stripes, in addition there are narrow strips on the sides.

  • Helmet bull shark(Heterodontus Galeatus.)

Rare view, lives off the coast of Australia. Skin of helmet bull sharks is covered with large and rude skincloths. The color of light brown color, on the main background, 5 dark saddles are scattered. The maximum fixed shark length is 1.2 m.

  • Mozambique Bull (African Horned) shark (Heterodontus Ramalheira.)

Fish has a body length slightly more than 50 centimeters and lives off the coast of Mozambique, Yemen and Somalia. The base of the anal fin is located behind the base of the second dorsal fin. The main color of this type of shark red-brown color, small white spots are scattered along it. Maximum fixed length 64 cm.

Polyburnike-like(polyboy) Akula(Lat. Hexanchiformes.)

Primitive detachment representing only 6 types of sharks, with the most famous:

  • Plaspered Shark (Plachen-gauge) (Chlamydoselachus Anguineus.)

This shark has the ability to bend the body and attack the sacrifice like a snake. The slate length can reach 2 m, but is usually about 1.5 m in females and 1.3 m in males. The body is strongly elongated. Color of this type of shark is smooth dark brown or gray. They are common from Northern Coast of Norway to Taiwan and California.

  • Sevenizabnaya (ash-gauge shark, semi -cerk) (Heptranchias. perlo)

It has a length of a little more than 1 meter and, despite aggressive behavior, is not dangerous for a person. It dwells from coastal Cuban waters to the coast of Australia and Chile.

The color of this type of shark ranges from brownish gray to olive color, belly lighter. Some individuals of the ash-gauze shark on the back are scattered dark marks, bright edging of the fins is possible. The young sharks of seven-barkers on the sides there are dark spots, the edges of the dorsal and top blade of the tail fins is darker of main color.

Laman shark(Lamniformes.)

These are large fish, endowed with a body, like a torpedo. The detachment includes 7 genera:

  • Giant (Giant) Sharks ( Cetorhinidae.)

They have a length of 15 m long, but despite the impressive dimensions, do not pose a danger to people. Color painting with specks. On the tail stem there are pronounced lateral keels, the tail of the shark sickle form. Giant sharks live mainly in the waters of the Atlantic, the Pacific Ocean, the North and Mediterranean seas.

  • Fox Sharks (Marine Lisers) (Alopias.)

They differ in the very long top of the tail fin, equal to the length of the body. Nautical foxes in general, a slim body with small spine and long breast fins. Shark shark varies from browned to a bluish or marine gray, belly light. Grow up to 6 m in length, but the bugles and try to avoid meetings with a person.

The lashes are common in the waters of North America and throughout the Pacific coast.

  • Seld (laminated) sharks ( Lamnidae.)

These are the fastest sharks. A bright representative of the family is the white shark, which has a body length of up to 6 meters. Thanks to delicious meats, herring sharks are exterminated in commercial purposes, and also used as sports hunting objects in the warm waters of the World Ocean.

  • Falconish sharks(Pseudocarcharias.)

Pseudocarcharias Kamoharai is the only kind of kind. These fish are distinguished by a kind of body form that resembles a cigar. The average body length is 1 m, predators are not aggressive in relation to man, but being caught, they begin to bite. These sharks live in the eastern part of the Atlantic, in the Indian and Pacific Ocean.

  • Sand shark(Odontaspididae.)

Family of large fish with a welded nose and a curved mouth. Slow and not aggressive are considered theoretically dangerous for a person, although the fixed cases of cannibals are likely to relate to gray sharks with which sandy is often confused.

Sand sharks are the inhabitants of all tropical and many cool seas. The maximum length of the body of this type of shark is 3.7 m.

  • Bigger (pelagic) sharks(Megachasma.)

Family Megachasma. represented by the only and rare species Megachasma.pelagios.. Representatives of the type of bigger sharks feed on plankton and are not dangerous for people. Body length of this form up to 6 m in length. These sharks float off the coast of Japan, Taiwan and the Philippine Islands.

  • Skapanurinovy \u200b\u200bsharks (house-shaped) (Mitsukurinidae.)

Represents 1 form that received a nickname "shark - goblin" for a long nose in the form of beak. The length of the adult individual is about 4 m with weight just over 200 kg. The rare deep-water appearance of the shark lives off the coast of Japan and Australia.


A squad consisting of 32 types of sharks, the brightest representative of which is considered a whale shark (lat. Rhincodon Typus.), growing up to 20 meters long. A good-natured animal that allows divers to stroke themselves and even ride back.

Most species feed on shallow water with mollusks and crayfish. These sharks are found in warm waters of tropical and subtropical belts.

Pilon-like sharks(PRISTIOPHORIFORMES. )

The detachment includes a single family of pilon sharks or pilon (lat. PRISTIOPHORIDAE.), which are distinguished by a long flat muzzle with teeth resembling a saw. The average length of the adult pilon shark is 1.5 meters. These predatory fish are common in the warm waters of the Pacific and Indian Ocean, as well as the coast of South Africa, Australia, Japan and a number of the Caribbean countries.

Cathedral (spiny) akula (Squaliformes.)

Numerous detachment, including 22 kinds and 112 species. The unusual representatives of the detachment is the Southern Katran, a sea dog, or a maiden (lat. Squalus Acanthias), which can be found in all seas and oceans, including arctic and subnatrotic water.

Plateful sharks (sea angels, squatins) (Squatina.)

They differ in a wide, flat body, seemingly resembling a skate. Representatives of nautical angels have a length of a little more than 2 meters, leads mainly a night lifestyle, and in the afternoon they sleep, tearing in il. It is inhabited in all warm waters of the World Ocean.

Reproduction of sharks

Shark features a large duration of puberty. Most females are able to fertilize only 10 years of life, and the whale shark becomes a hawk aged 30-40 years.

Aclaus is characterized by internal fertilization: some kinds are laying off eggs, others are characterized by eggmifting, the remaining species are nobbing. The incubation period depends on the species and lasts from several months to 2 years.

The laying of egg-standing fish contains from 2 to 12 eggs.

Shark eggs after fertilization are coated with a protein sheath, which also in turn is covered with a rod-like shell. This allows them to protect them from different marine predators.

The hatched cub immediately begins to live and eat alone.

At the shark living in captivity, cases of parthenogenesis were recorded - fertilization without the involvement of individuals of the male.

Young eggshawn sharks, hatched in the womb, for some time remain in the ovid, and continue to develop, first bypassing not fertilized eggs, and when they grow their teeth - their weak brothers and sisters.

As a result, one appears one, less often - the two most severe young. The length of the body of a newborn shark is different, for example, a white shark shark is born 155 cm long, and the tiger shark has a length of only 51-76 cm.

Attack sharks on people, or killer sharks

According to international data, the leading countries in the number of sharks are the USA, Australia, Brazil, South Africa and New Zealand. However, countries in Africa are most dangerous for informal statistics. Here, the largest and most dangerous sharks inhabit the area in the area of \u200b\u200bMozambique, Tanzania and Ghana. It is worth noting that the attacks of sharks on people occur mainly in the ocean waters than in the mainland seas.

Throughout the history of its existence, a person considers the shark by the dissection of Hell, the killer with the maniacs of the maniac and the universal evil. There are a lot of stories about shark killers in the world.

The danger that shark allegedly represents for people is greatly exaggerated due to fantastic books and sensational horror films. Only 4 types of sharks make unworched attacks on people: white, tiger, long-gray shark and shark bull. The most common misconception that sharks love human meat. In reality, grabbing a piece, shark most likely will be spoiled, not finding anything satisfying its need for the replenishment of energy reserves in such a nutrition.

  • Despite (or thanks to), bad glory, sharks are considered among the most curious fish, causing the interest of scientists, divers, and many people far from the ocean world.
  • In the culture of China sharks, more precisely, their parts play a special role. Soup of shark fins - recognized delicacy and is offered to the most honored guests, and the dried sharks fins are considered an aphrodisiac.
  • The culture of the Japanese exposes sharks to terrible monsters, carrying sinners.
  • The incident belief that shark cartilage is a panacea from cancer, has no scientific confirmation. Moreover, scientists dispelled the myth that sharks have immunity to cancer: Many fish had malignant tumors of different systems and organs.
  • Despite the fact that the shark meat has an accuracy of mercury, it does not stop many, it is still used as a delicate.
  • Strong and durable shark skin found use in the haberdashery industry, and is also used to make abrasive materials.
  • Over the centuries, the sharks exterminate the most irrational and blaspheme for the sake of fins, which constitute only 4% of the body weight. And the carcasses are left to rot on the ground or thrown into the ocean.
  • Shark is a fish playing an invaluable role in the ocean ecosystem, but the third part of the sharks is on the verge of disappearance only by human fault.

Although they are considered the most large marine predators, dangerous for a person, how much we, in fact, know about sharks? Do you know that a person has more chances to become a victim of another person's attack (former boyfriends and girlfriends not counting) than sharks? Or what, starting from the XVI century, is fixed much less unburovized sharks bites than the number of SMS-OK, which you send every month? Do you know that sharks are not only gray, but also all the colors of the rainbow - for example, pink and yellow?

Sharks are delightful creatures playing a key role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem. Without these skillful predators (good, let all of them are skillful - some seem like the same lost as we are on Mondays in the morning) the oceanic ecosystem would be so violated that a person may have to say goodbye to fish and crustaceans.

In our today's list, some little-known facts about sharks are given, namely: why the cubs sharks eat their brothers and sisters in the womb of the mother, what a shark is the largest organ and many others.

Since a large white shark is already very popular, we will focus mainly on facts about other types of sharks living in our oceans.

So, in front of you - 25 facts about sharks that you still did not know!

25. The most nasty taste on the planet

One of the national Icelandic dishes is called "Haukarl" (Hákarl). It is prepared from the meat of the Greenland polar shark or a shark giant, which is fresh, cut and leave for 6-8 weeks to glass juices, and then for 2-5 months hold in the fresh air bother.

Famous American Chef Anthony Burden (Anthony Bourdain) called this taste 100 times rushing than the cheese with mold, and said that it was "the only worst, most disgusting and terrible thing."

24. Sharks help a person to struggle with infection

Since the aconodium cancers and microorganisms will not grow to sharks for some reason, scientists examine their skin to find a way to combat bacterial infections in the human body.

23. The strangest thing to eat sharks

It is known that sharks living in northern latitudes often eat seals, but did you know that sometimes Green-polar sharks eate horses, deer and even white bears?

22. Why are sharks more attack people near California

In the waters near California, there are more sharks attacks because there is more prey. By order of the US government, several different protected natural zones are located nearby. The population of marine mammals increases, thereby attracting hungry sharks to the shores, who want to be engaged.

21. The number of bites sharks registered in the last 400 years

In the period from 1588 to 2011, only 2463 unwondered cases of bite of sharks were registered. Less than 20% of cases were fatal.

20. Shark can eat underwater chamber

Since they can catch the electrical signals emitted by living beings, then during the hunt they can take for the production and eat an underwater chamber emitting an electrical signal.

19. In the blood of the shark contains anticoagulants

Also, scientists explore the blood shark to help patients with heart disease. In particular, they study the blood coagulation system present in the blood of these predators.

18. The best place to survive when attacking sharks

If a person bit the shark, he is best to float into the place where the water is the most cool, since in cold water the body temperature decreases, thereby slowing down blood loss. With everything, there are fewer people from the bites of sharks than while playing football in high school or college.

16. Baby Shark eat their brothers and sisters

Baby sharks often eat their brothers and sisters in the womb. Do you know why? Since the shark female can be fertilized at once with several males, small sharks eat each other to be born children only their father.

15. Large white sharks do not like the taste of human meat

Ask any person, what shark he is afraid most, and in response, most likely, hear that this is a big white shark. Fortunately, people should not be too afraid of big white sharks, because in fact they do not like the taste of human meat; They most often bite and let their sacrifice.

14. Eyes with Samonagrev

Sharks living in cold waters can use organs located near the eyes that heat their eyes, helping to see better and, therefore, it is better to hunt in ice water.

13. Shark, which floats during sleep

Katran, or an ordinary barbed shark, is most famous among sharks due to its strange feature: she sleeps swimming. Just like people-Lunatic, who can sleep and walk, Katran can swim during sleep.

12. Strange romance of blue sharks

Many types of sharks have unusual ways of seduction. To show your interest, male blue shark bites the female. Strong. And the leather of females of blue sharks, naturally, three times thicker than the males to protect them during such courtesies.

11. Colorful sharks

In addition to its widely known grayish appearance, sharks of pink or yellow color are found.

10. Live shark

California inflating shark, or the Chilean cat shark can be caught up with water and swell, halvening the size of his body so as not to give predators to stretch out of the reefs and clefts in which they sleep during the day (these sharks lead a night lifestyle). If they are pulled out of the water, they swallow air and, being blown away, publish sounds similar to Lai.

9. The smallest shark

Surprisingly small shark Etmopterus Perryi has a body length of only 20 cm. Thanks to the presence of photophors, it can emit a glow.

8. Jaw for almost three people

Whale shark can reveal its mouth 4.6 meters. Fortunately for a person, it feeds on only plankton.

7. Sharks have excellent peripheral vision

Anxious for shallow fish fact about sharks: they can see around them almost 360 degrees. The only places that they are not visible - right in front of the face and immediately behind the head.

6. Shark playing football

Atlantic herdo sharks, or lame, when they are not chosen in search of food, throw slices of algae among themselves in a kind of game that can be compared with football.

5. Akula patrian travelers

If you are a tourist looking for inspiration in animals, then pay attention to the shark-hammers. These migrating travelers float from the Floridian coast up to the Polar region, adapting to the changing temperature of the water throughout the path.

4. The largest body at sharks

Despite his seemingly voraciousness, the largest body is not a stomach at all, but the liver.

3. sharks teeth

One of the coolest facts about sharks on our list is that they never have holes in the teeth. And all because outside the teeth are covered with fluoride - the main active ingredient contained in most of the toothpaste.

2. Unsuboacula

Disgustingly looking (and with a strange name) Wobbegong, or a carpet shark, even a sharper, is difficult to call. Being a bad swimmer, she lies in an ambush on the seabed for all days to suddenly attack the fish sailing past.

1. Shark VS. human

Sharks kill less than 15 people per year - agree, more than a meager figure compared with 73 million sharks destroyed by a person in the same period.

In the modern animal, the world has a little less than 250 of a variety of sharks. From this species diversity per person can attack representatives of only 27 species. Among them are lemon shark, tiger shark, hammer fish, white shark. Many people are not just eating, but also how shark eats.

What are the sharks feed

The most harmless person, oddly enough, is a gigantic whale shark feeding with small marine animals. The main feed for these predators is mainly shrimp, lobsters, crustaceans and vertebral fish. They also feed on birds, dolphins and turtles. Some types of sharks can eat their relatives.

There are many documentary evidence of how sharks eat people. However, it is necessary to note the fact that no shark attacks on a person as to the means of its nutrition. Specialists-ichthyologists argue that predators can attack a person only in two cases: when the invasion of the guarded aclaus occurs, or in case, for any reason, the usual food becomes inaccessable.

The mouth of the shark is located on the underside of the head. If the predator is under water, then she eats without changing her position. And for such, for example, to grab the prey on the surface, it is forced to roll over to the back.

The teeth in the mouth of sharks are arranged by rows, in some cases there are up to thousands in one row. In different types of sharks of such series numbers from 4 to 20. The teeth themselves are equipped with muscles and are immersed in gums. If the first row falls out, the rear is moved to its place. Newborns are already a complete set of teeth in the mouth, and they can bite. For example, a tiger shark for ten years of his life can use and lose up to 25 thousand teeth.

How sharks are attacked

Near his alleged sacrifice of the shark can circle long before it decides to approach it to apply a decisive impact. Very often, the sharuel of the pack becomes annoyed to such an extent that it can eat everything in its path. The main thing is that the larger the flock of it, the more enraged sharks become. In such a state, everything can be eaten - oars, boats, tin cans, rubber car tires. Scientists call it hungry rabies. In such a state, even the weakest and small sharks represent a real danger.

How hunt sharks - marine foxes. The jaw of this predator is relatively weak, and the teeth themselves are small. Therefore, a marine fox for food extraction uses his tail to which she stunches the fish to then swallow it easily. It feeds on a small fish, such as mackerel and herring.