White raid on the soil in the greenhouse. The earth in a flower pot is covered with a white bloom: why and what to do? Effective methods of struggle

What is the main thing when growing indoor plants? Of course, a good soil, after all, it is he who gives our flowers to nutrients, thanks to which they actively grow and make their blooms. Non-quality soil not only slows down growth, but also can cause the death of indoor crops, so all the flower products carefully choose a suitable substrate for their favorites. However, it is often that good, nutritious soil is covered with a white blanket.

The reasons why land in flower pots is covered with a white bloom, maybe several, namely:

  • for irrigation, low-quality water is used;
  • a fungal infection settled in the vazon.

Problems with water

Not depending on the type of houseplants for all colors there is a general rule: for watering it is necessary to use only the dilated water, and even better - rain. The tap water passes through the cleansing systems and is "enriched" by some elements that are not soul with flowers, for example, chlorine. In addition, it is too tough, so after irrigation on the surface of the Earth there is a lime precipitate. Externally, such a soil is similar to dry white granules, if they can be carefully removed, an ordinary black soil is visible from below. Usually this is exactly what they do, removing the top layer and adding a fresh soil in a pot.

To prevent the appearance of the sediment, watering flowers should only be water. It is possible to soften it with the help of a homemade filter, putting into a rag bag a little and lowering into a container with water. Also in flower shops for sale special means for softening.

To neutralize lime compounds in water, it is recommended to add lemon juice or kitchen acid (lemon).

Fungus in the soil

If the white bloom in the pot is wet and reminds the gun, and an unpleasant smell comes from the ground, it means that the fungus settled there. The appropriate microclimate for the occurrence and progression of mold and rot, we often create themselves, intensively pouring a plant. And as you know, constantly wet soil is an ideal environment for many diseases.

In this case, it is better to take the most radical measures and completely replace to fresh. The processing of fungicides does not prevent and prevent fungal infections. In henceforth in watering, the golden middle should be observed and be sure to monitor the humidity of the substrate.

Polycarbonate designs can now be found on almost every household plot. In such shelter, the plant feels comfortably under all weather conditions. In the northern regions, the use of greenhouses contributes to the extension of the season for the ripening of the harvest, and in the southern steppe areas kept moisture and saves from the scorching sun.

But there are also cons of closed microclimate, for example, mold in a greenhouse. The fungus may appear in the soil, on the fruits and greenery of plants, on the surface of the design materials. What if in a greenhouse from polycarbonate mold spreads rapidly and ruin crop?

Causes of the appearance of mold in the greenhouse

Mold on the surface of the Earth in the greenhouse appears as a result:

  • insufficient ventilation;
  • air temperature is about 20 degrees;
  • lack of UV radiation (sunlight);
  • excessive air humidity;
  • faults of the irrigation system.

The useful soil microflora is replaced by pathogenic, soil is covered with spots. Over time, the fungus is distributed by disputes that settle on plants. Various diseases of fruit crops appear.

Mold on cucumbers and tomatoes in the greenhouse significantly reduces the level of yield. Depending on the type of fungal colonies, white, black spots, rotes appear on the fruits. If the disputes fell on the plant during flowering, then the crop may not be at all.

Black mold on tomatoes in the greenhouse is capable of switching to other cultures that grow next door. This type of fungus is quite aggressive and get rid of it difficult.

Methods of struggle

On the appearance of fungal colonies in the greenhouse indicates a shallow smell, white bloom on the ground, rotting on the fruits, fading the leaves of plants. What to do if the mold is found in the greenhouse?

Start fighting mold from the soil:

  • out the soil by making carbohydrate-mineral mixtures into it;
  • add ash and charcoal soil in equal proportions;
  • spray plants with a solution of fungicide (" Fundazoll», « Phytosporin-M.»);
  • pour under the plants " torpalin“;
  • leaves that are amazed by fungus, cut off with scissors;
  • during the disease "Black leg", a plant remove.

How to get rid of mold in the greenhouse after harvesting? Remove all the remaining plants from the soil. There should be nothing on the soil. All healthy "tops" goes to a compost bunch, and the fungus affected is burned.

The shaft smell in the greenhouse indicates the presence of active fungal colonies. Air is found as a result of insufficient ventilation. It is enough to open in the ceiling and on the side walls of the window to get rid of it.

Also with the smell will help to handle the bottles of iodine, raised along the greenhouse. Running hydrogen peroxide greenhouse glasses will help eliminate fungus, smell and improve sunlight penetration.

Prevention of mold

The basis of prevention is compliance with the purity and rules of agrotechnology, as well as:

  • Permanent control of the level of humidity.
  • The established method of ventilation.
  • Operable irrigation system.
  • Good penetration of sun rays.
  • Preventing moisture in the soil.
  • Disinfection of a greenhouse after harvesting.
  • Spring preparatory framework for manganese or soap solution.

In the fall, when all plants are already removed from the soil, you can use active means of combating fungal colonies, such as sulfur checkers, which highlight smoke penetrating into all hard-to-reach places.

In order to prevent the prevention of fungal lesions on plants, spray them with biopreparations, while avoiding the flowering time, since all chemicals remain in the fruits.

Frequently often among greenhouse owners on their own site there is such a problem as, white bloom on Earth in the greenhouse. As a rule, the shade appears as a result of salting sediment on the surface of the soil. The reason is excess water. Excessive concentration of salt falling into the ground from water and fertilizers, adversely affects crops. This symptom does not threaten the full crop death, but it may affect its quantity and quality. During the growth, plant development and fruit, it is not necessary to make radical measures to reduce the level of acidity and removal of plaque. Chemical preparations negatively affect the state of the soil. The methods of struggle are recommended after the harvest season. When all cultures are removed from the site, the upper layer of soil is removed and a new soil is poured. Such a procedure will avoid the problem for the next year. The main reasons for the appearance of the symptom are the following factors:

After determining the cause of the provocation of white plaque, measures are taken to eliminate it. Timely help will avoid negative impact on plants and harvest.

Right watering

If the same problem is observed annually, after preventive measures for the next season, a white flare appeared on Earth in the greenhouse, then an approach to moisturizing soil should be changed. Perhaps the cause of excessive salt concentration on the surface is the place of water intake. When using a fluid from a well or flowing urban water supply, the Earth is insulted much faster. The most successful option in this case will be rainwater to collect moisture. Along with the choice of fluid, it is necessary to ventilate the greenhouse through special vents. Lack of fresh air leads to stagnation of water inside the greenhouse. Evaporation and elevated temperature lead to high humidity. Such conditions are an ideal environment for the development of fungal infections, a spider tick and onion flies. With a careful inspection during the damage, the whiteflite fungus is formed not only on Earth, but also on the inner surface of the greenhouse. You can distinguish fungal infection in appearance. It resembles a down coating with many intertwined fine hairs. When a fungus is detected, it is necessary to stop watering and ventilate a greenhouse well, leaving the doors open even at night. Reduced humidity stops the development of the pathogen. These procedures allow you to temporarily suspend the defeat with infection, prevent spreads to plants. After harvesting, disinfective measures are required. It is necessary to thoroughly rinse the inner surface of the greenhouse and the frame with soap solution or special preparations. Disinfect the soil for the next planting of crops.

The appearance of mold

The soil in the greenhouse is saturated with a variety of microorganisms, which at the normal state of the soil must be in equilibrium. Any change leads to a failure of this process. As a result, the mold begins to develop and form white bloom on the soil in the greenhouse. Violation of the natural balance promotes the development of harmful microflora. Several factors contribute to the appearance of mold:

To eliminate the problem, control over the amount of moisture during watering. Regularly ventilated the room. With a lack of sunlight, it is necessary to additionally highlight in the greenhouse with special ultraviolet lamps. After harvesting, carry out thorough cleaning of the greenhouse space. If necessary, disinfect not only the soil, but also the design of the greenhouse.

Methods of elimination of mold

If the land in the greenhouse turned as a result of the formation of mold, then a set of activities to combat fungus. It is necessary to increase the alkalic index of soil carbon - mineral compositions. Such procedures will prevent the development of infection. Processing is carried out twice. Break between procedures for 30 days. Another method is the sweeping of the Earth in the greenhouse with a powder mixture consisting of ash and coal of wood in the proportion of 1: 1. With a wide propagation of plaque, a copper solution of neuropolyne can be used (due to each bush in the greenhouse). Special fungicides are widely used, such as phytoosporin - M or Fundazole.

To prevent unwanted vegetation, the development of infections, soil blooms must be observed all agrotechnical and preventive measures. Minimizing problems will allow to get a rich and high-quality harvest. Thus, the host work invested will be fully justified.


Mold on earth in the seedlings: why the earth is covered with mold, what to do and how to get rid of?

When planting seedlings into the greenhouse soil, there is often an appearance on the surface of the mold earth. Why the greenhouse soil is covered with mold? Is it a gray raid that appeared on the ground is mold? In this article - qualified answers to the questions asked as well as recommendations on how to get rid of mold in seedlings.

Gray or white bloom on the ground - is it mold?

The appeared raid on the surface of the greenhouse soil is not always mold. Often, it is simply speaking on the surface of the salt crust, which is formed during an excessive content in the soil of minerals. A layer of saline earth should be simply removed by adding a new portion of the soil. It is useful to sprinkle with large quartz sand, which will protect the gentle seedlings from the formation of rigid salt rings trauming young plants. Water for watering should be defended, such water will contain a smaller amount of dissolved salts, which are precipitated when defending.

Tip! When upholding in a bucket with water, you can lower the gauze bag with peat - it will help reduce water rigidity for watering plants or seedlings.

Between the seedle appeared mold

The appearance of a real mold is caused by the rapid growth of the mycelium of moldful fungi, which fell into the greenhouse soil. Adult plants mold will not be very damaging, but for young and weak seedlings is a real trouble.

The following reasons may provoke the development of molds:

  • Mooring soil in greenhouse beds.
  • Too heavy soil.
  • Floor air, no periodic ventilating greenhouse.
  • Thickened seedlings.
  • Infected soil.

Methods of getting rid of mold are somewhat, it all depends on the degree of soil contamination. General actions when infecting soil mold:

Tip! The development of mold is directly related to the large content of yals and humus in the soil. Prepare the ground seedlings in the right ratio, add sand.

We should not forget about the ventilation of greenhouses and ensuring proper lighting of planted seedlings.
Special attention should be paid to the soil, which is filled with greenhouse beds. Pre-examining the soil, you can take a timely trace of mold and take timely measures before landing in the ground of greenhouse plants.

How to deal with mold at seedlings: video

The greenhouse is a closed type space in which the Earth is in special conditions. The greenhouse soil is deprived of the possibility of self-set, intensively accumulates the negative fauna and flora, the bioprocesses take place faster. High temperature and change in humidity are able to provoke the growth of mold mushrooms that destroy wooden frames, affect living plants and negatively affect human health.

When systematizing plants in the wildlife, mushrooms are separated into a separate kingdom. There are more than 250 types of mushroom organisms, which are combined into orders and biological ground groups. In the international modern classification, mold molds occupy the sixth order and are mainly represented by single-cell organisms, and in rare cases - multicellular. Due to the microscopic sizes of individual groups of fungi they are called micromycetes.

Sphere of distribution

Live and spread mold mushrooms can be on the soil and in water. Extensive colonies are distributed everywhere in wet warm places with a suitable nutrient medium. It is such a medium that is soil in the greenhouse. Plant health directly depends on the quality of the substrate in which they were grown. If the quality of the greenhouse soil has changed, it will not very well affect the growth and development of seedlings. The very first sign that a white mold appeared in the greenhouse, there will be a whitish raid on the surface of the soil, which is a malicious fungus.

How to deal with a phytoofluoride on tomatoes: Treatment in greenhouse

The causes due to which the white mold can appear in the greenhouse, are:

  1. Violation of agrotechnical rules in the cultivation of seedlings and crops in conditions of protected soil. This may lead to the prevailing development of the pathogenic microflora.
  2. Pollution of the room. Mostly mold applies in dirty conditions. It is because of this that the greenhouse needs to systematically process with antifungal drugs (paint, blew, washing) and clean.

Conditions for development

Microscopic disputes are easily transferred to air flows and for several decades are capable of being in sleep. When suitable conditions appear, they begin to grow quickly and multiply. At the same time, live plants are captured with soft tissues (cucumbers, tomatoes, seedlings of vegetable crops and others like).

The conditions most suitable for the spread of mold:

  1. Insufficient illumination (small amount of ultraviolet rays, which fall into thickened plantings, as well as cloudy weather without additional lighting);
  2. Increased moisture content of soil and stagnation after watering at the root system. It may be due to the leakage of water in damaged hose places or irregular watering;
  3. Weak ventilation or no ventilation;
  4. Temperature regime in a greenhouse 20-22 degrees above zero;
  5. In the closed room, the humidity of the air is 95%.

Preventive actions

The appearance of mold is associated with the processes of decomposition of vegetation and biocorrosion. It is because of this in the autumn period the mold grows the most strongly. But with one-time use of drugs from the mold, there will be no desired result. To create optimal conditions for the growth and development of plants on protected ground, it is necessary to conduct a number of activities.

How to deal with onion fluff folk remedies

Be sure to need to disinfect the greenhouse in the autumn period after harvesting in the autumn period before the next season of growing with a reckless way of vegetable crops. To get rid of mold on the soil in the greenhouse, you can act in several ways:

  1. Process the facility;
  2. In the spring it is necessary to repeat the procedure for the processing of rooms with a solution of manganese and adhesives (soap and the like), if the mold was revealed in the greenhouse in the previous year;
  3. Constantly control the indicators of humidity of soil and air during the cultivation of cultures and seedlings;
  4. The watering system must be kept in good working condition. The convergence should not be allowed. One of the indicators of the convergence is the appearance of a black leg in seedlings. In this case, the soil must be sprinkled with dry sand under plants. It is necessary to test the greenhouse well, but avoid drafts;
  5. Mold does not like an alkaline environment. It is because of this that the greenhouse soil with an interval of 3-4 weeks needs 3 times for the season under all plants to point in a mixture of charcoal and ash, fusing into powder (the proportion of the mixture is 1: 1).

If the mold appeared on the ground (especially on the compacted), it can be treated with the help of peat, represented by dry peat briquettes. The peattio contains a synthetic polymer serving a soil bundle. When it is swollen, it increases several times in the amount. In order to neutralize acidity in the soil, it is necessary to carry out treatment with a peat copper solution. Mineral water soluble fertilizers add there.