That if the power supply is heated. Overheating of the power supply of the computer

During the operation of any electrical circuit, its elements are heated. This also applies to the power supply, and to the system unit. To ensure stable operation, it is carried out (through the holes in the housing) and forced (with the help of fans) heat removal. The user's manual always indicates the permissible temperature limits at which a particular node of the system unit is normal.

If a lot of dust fell into the power supply, the heat sink is significantly reduced, which leads to overheating of the device. Disconnect your computer from the network and unscrew the screws that the power supply unit is attached to the rear wall of the system unit. Remove the cover with BP by unscrewing 4 screws. Thoroughly blow the block from dust using a vacuum cleaner included on blowing, a hair dryer or a sprayed gas can. Tight brush Clean all board items.

Usually the power supply is attached closer to the top panel of the system unit. If the holes of the system unit are scored dust, air, not finding, rises up and additionally heats up the BP. Pouring the power supply, do not forget to free from dust and system unit.

High-quality expensive power supplies are equipped with a protection system that turns off the power supply during overheating. If your computer is often disconnected, perhaps the cause of that problem with nutrition.

Fault Fault

The power supply may overheat due to insufficient forced heat sink. If the BP fan bursts or tips during operation, disassemble the power supply, as described above. Unscrew the 4 screws that the cooler is attached to the wall of the BP, and remove it from the case. Remove the sticker and remove the rubber plug in the center. Apply a couple of droplets of machine oil onto the bearing and screw the fan blades in different directions so that the oil is evenly distributed.

Put the rubber plug and remove the wrapper of the oil from its surface with your cotton swab. Lubricate with glue sticker and attach it to the plug. Screw the fan to the power supply housing and check it out.

Failure of the power supply elements

Disassemble the power supply and carefully inspect the board on the subject of discomfort or exploding electrolytic capacitors - in serviceable upper end should be even or slightly intended. Please note that there is no blackened burnt sections and elements on the board. All these faults can lead to overheating of BP.

Filed elements can be replaced at home. But, if you are not sure of your own, it is better to buy a new power supply in order not to risk costly nodes of the system unit.

Constructive features

Some manufacturers to reduce their products produce too little on the size of BP. Due to the lack of free space, the elements inside such a housing are much stronger. Therefore, experts do not recommend save when buying a power supply. It is better to take products of well-proven firms.

Notebook power supply

The removal of hot air from the laptop housing is carried out through the ventilation holes on its underside. To prevent overheating of the power supply, the laptop cannot be put on the pillow, sofa and other surfaces that are well holding warm. It is best to use special stands that do not interfere with the heat sink and do not give a laptop overly warm.

The power supply is the most important component of the computer, which provides the normal operation of the entire system by converting alternating current to constant. Below will be more reviewed the problem when the computer power supply is very hot.
There are not many factors that will be discussed below to overheat the power supply.

Symptoms of overheating of the power supply

1. Do not touch the power supply for a long time. Objectively, he is very hot;

2. Temperature indicators came out far beyond the limits. Moreover, overheating of the power supply will affect other computer devices, such as a central processor, motherboard, video card, etc. (To change the temperature indicators of the computer, you can use the CPU-Z program);

3. The computer works much slower much;

4. Possible sudden reboots and shutdowns;

5. The coolers in the computer are very noisy.

Why is the power supply overheat?

Faced with overheating of the power supply, carefully read the reasons below, starting at the very first.

Cause 1: The power supply is clogged with dust

Perhaps this reason arises in most cases. Over time, any computer is clogged with dust, in particular, the power supply fan that cannot normally spin and, accordingly, cool the device.

The solution is logical - you need to clean the power supply from dust. To do this, with a screwdriver, it is necessary to open the system unit housing, and then use the vacuum cleaner to remove all the visible dust. Next, the system unit must be disconnected from the motherboard and carefully clean it from dust first with a vacuum cleaner, and then the residues will be brushed using a brush (it is convenient to use a brush for dyeing hair).

Cause 2: Fault Fault

In the event that the power supply was cleaned of dust, but the fan still moves with difficulty or stays at all, it can talk about its fault. In this case, it is advisable to perform a fan replacement in the power supply to a new one or try to lubricate the old cooler with a drip of machine oil.

Reason 3: swollen capacitors

Capacitors are small barrels located under the housing of the power supply, which are responsible for the accumulation and return of the electric charge. These devices may fail to determine externally - they swell. In this case, the problem can solve only the reparation of old capacitors to new ones.

Many computers today work at the limit of their capabilities, since users often launch resource-intensive games and programs. In this case, the phenomenon is quite normal, and it is possible to reduce the heating of the power supply using additional fans to blow out that can be installed on the opposite side of the system unit.

Cause 5: Features of the Power Supply

Some power supplies, with their considerable sizes, are completed exorbitantly miniature fans that cannot effectively cope with their task. You can solve the problem by setting a more powerful fan for the power supply or having done additional holes in the power supply housing.

Cause 6: Slowing thermal paste

The thermalcase is the most important component of the computer, which must be maintained in the "fresh" form. This paste allows you to exercise the best heat dissipation from the processor to the cooler.

It is possible that in the power supply unit of the thermal paste for a long time "dried", so it must be replaced. To do this, you need to withdraw the radiator and the cooler, the old thermal paste is carefully removed with a cotton stick and alcohol, and then apply a new layer with the finest layer (the rule "is better").

Cause 7: Power Supply Fault

The power supply, like any device, is flashed with time, fail. If the power supply served you faithfully for many years, then it is quite possible, you need to think about it.

As a rule, these are the main reasons for overheating the power supply. It is worth noting finally see if you have not previously been able to open the system unit housing and work with its contents, we recommend not to risk, but immediately contact the computer master or in a service center, where qualified specialists will allow quality and quickly eliminate the malfunction.

The fact that the laptop power supply is heated when charging, should not confuse you - this is a normal phenomenon. Another question if the power supply is strongly heated and does not cool after the battery is fully charged. Let's see why this happens, and what to do that the laptop does not suffer from overheating.

The cause of heating

The reason that the power supply of the laptop is greatly heated when charging is the low power of the adapter. The more powerful adapter, the less he heats up when charging. But with increasing power, the size of the power supply will become more, which negatively affects the perception of Laptop users.

Therefore, manufacturers are chosen to the laptop adapter with a minimally allowable power. You can charge a laptop, but you should not be surprised that it is very hot - the adapter has to work at maximum turns.

The unit turns the alternating current of 220V to a constant current 15-24V. The transformation performs a transformer, and straightening is a diode bridge. Depending on the magnitude of the electrical load, both nodes are heated with different degrees of intensity.

Typically, the maximum heating is necessary for the first 20-30 minutes of the laptop operation with the connected power supply. This is due to the fact that the adapter acts under the maximum load, simultaneously charging the battery and maintaining the operation of the computer. As a result, the power supply is very hot.

But if the adapter remains hot after charging, then this is a reason to draw attention to his condition. Why is this happening? In addition to low power, there may be several more reasons why the power supply is very hot:

  • There is no natural cooling (the power supply is covered with a cloth, lies on the carpet, under the right sunlight).
  • Worry about the status of a laptop and the adapter is also in the event that when charging the power supply is heated so that it is impossible to keep it without unpleasant sensations. The human skin is withstanding the temperature of 60-70 degrees, but if the adapter heats up for all 80 degrees, then you can not take it in hand.

    How to reduce the temperature of the adapter?

    Now you know why the power supply of the laptop is very hot. It remains to understand how to save a laptop from this disadvantage. You can try the following ways:

    • Place the power supply in such a place where it can be cooled naturally. As noted above, the adapter should not be closed with a blanket or any cloth. He is also contraindicated lying on the carpet and entering direct sunlight.
    • Try when charging does not load the laptop strongly. Wait until the battery charges, and only then run "heavy" games and demanding to the resources of the program.

    If neither natural cooling nor temporary refusal of games reduces the power supply temperature, then you will have to buy new equipment with greater power. But the laptop does not burn out, it is necessary to correctly select the power supply, given the tension. Examine the label on the laptop housing. There must be specified parameters of the charger: for example, 19V-2.4A.

    Then see the current and voltage on the old power supply, which is greatly heated. The voltage on it should coincide, and the current of the current can be slightly larger.

    To get rid of overheating, you should buy an adapter with the same voltage (19V) and more current - for example, 4,7A instead of 2,7A. In this case, the power supply during charging will maintain a low temperature, because the load on the nodes will decrease.

    Laptop temperature monitoring

    It is necessary to monitor not only for the state of the adapter but also at the temperature of all components of the laptop. Determine how they are heated to the touch, therefore, special utilities are used to monitor: Speccy, CPU-Z, and the like. In addition to the power supply, it is necessary to periodically check the temperature:

    • Data storage devices, especially if an HDD is installed in the laptop, and not a solid-state drive (SSD).
    • Graphic adapter. The video card is particularly heated during the game and the work of resource-intensive applications: various graphic editors, multimedia programs.
    • System board. From the temperature of the motherboard largely depends on how other components will be heated.
    • Central processor. If the CPU overheats, the system performance decreases sharply.

    You can view the maximum permissible temperature of the equipment in its specifications, but if you enjoy the Speccy utility, when overheating, the indicator next to the device will be painted in red.

    Another obvious feature of the excessive increase in temperature is the hanging and periodic unauthorized shutdown of the laptop. If you encounter such a problem, it is recommended to disassemble the laptop, clean the cooling system and the body from dust and replace the thermal paste. In some cases, to maintain the normal temperature, you have to install additional coolers, mounted in a cooling stand. Without normal cooling, the components can quickly fail, and their replacement will require serious financial costs.

    In this sense, the heating of the power supply is not such a serious problem, because in most cases users experience unnecessary excitement about the temperature, whereas in fact the adapter is fully fulfilled.

    Today we will look at:

    Power supply (BP) - an important component of any personal computer. It is with the help of this device that the energy is distributed across all the working elements of the PC in the amount that is necessary for correct operation specifically in a given period of time. When using the power supply, for a long time, you may notice how this device begins to warm up strong. The first signs of this is hot air, blowable BP on the back side of the system unit and significantly slower computer. Let us take a look at this situation from different sides to clarify the reasons why it may happen, as well as consider ways to return the working temperature of the BP in a stable state.

    What indicates the overheating of the power supply?

    To begin with, let's go through all the signs that the BP temperature is at the mark, above normal:

    • permanent hot air flow that is blowing out by the device;
    • the large temperature of the power supply itself, in which it is impossible to touch the BP housing;
    • slow motion computer;
    • frequent hangs and sudden reboots of PCs;
    • noisy operation of power supply coolers;
    • large temperature indicators, check which can be used using the CPU-Z utility.

    Causes of overheating and their liquidation

    A large amount of dust

    The presence of dust on the working parts of the system unit is this factor to which many closes the eyes with long-term operation of the computer. What is already talking about the power supply, which is to get rid of dust, you must also be promoted. "But what's the dust?" - Tell me.

    Imagine the situation that you froze and covered with a blanket to warm up. Thus, being under the thick layer of the fluff or other filler, from which this is the most blanket, you do not give the opportunity to get out the warmth. The same applies to dust: covering a large area of \u200b\u200bchips, contacts, capacitors and batteries, dust simply holds heat to working elements, maintaining a high temperature.

    Solving the problem of trite simply: unscrew the power supply from the system unit, open it and completely wipe out of dust.

    A good addition to this procedure will wipe the dust within the entire system unit. It will also facilitate the load and other hardware components of your computer.

    Couple breakdown

    If you completely cleaned BP from all the dirt on it, but the fan on the device still works very badly or its blades do not move at all, it means that the cooler on your power supply is simply broken.

    There is also a way out of this situation: you need to still promote the power supply and replace the fan to the new one. When selecting a new cooler, pay attention to its parameters (speed of rotation and size), because it is very important that the new cooler approaches in size to the power supply. A good speed of rotation will be an additional bonus to high-quality air purge.

    Swimming condensers

    Condenser is a small barrel that is responsible for the accumulation and return of electrical energy. If you carefully inspect the BP in a disassembled state, then notice that the power supply board is covered with several such elements.

    With a large load or long-term use of BP, the capacitors can swear, making an unpleasant smell with which you can define it. In fact, one bloated condenser is enough so that the power supply is simply stopped working.

    To correct this position, you have two outputs: it is either overwhelmingly broken kegs to new, while you should realize what and how you do, or just buy a new power supply that can significantly hit your wallet. The choice is yours.

    Huge pressure

    The main parameter that determines the quality and cost of any power supply is its power. It is from the size of the power depends on which load will be able to withstand your BP, and considering that quite often home personal computers work mainly at maximum power (take the same computer games), it turns out that a weak power supply can simply not cope with the His task.

    The output from this situation can only be purchasing a more powerful power supply.

    Drying thermalcaste

    If you thought it was used only on processors and video cards, then you are mistaken.

    Who did not know the thermalcaste is a substance that is a good conductor of heat and is used for a faster heat recoil from the working elements to the radiator. A long-dried thermalcase loses its properties, which can negatively affect this very return.

    All you need to replace it is to pull the radiator together with the cooler, with the help of a cotton stick and alcohol to erase on the radiator old paste, then put a new one with a very thin layer.

    To help! Usually, a special plastic tassel is in the set, along with a thermal pump, with which it is very easy to apply a thermal path to the surface.

    When you make it, install the cooler and the radiator into place, and insert the power supply back to your place.


    Reduce the larger operating temperature of the power supply is very simple. To do this, it will be enough for you to go through the stages described above and solve the tasks that will arise as they arrive. On this we say goodbye and wish you good luck in this matter. For all questions you can contact us in the comments.

    Usually figure out why the power supply is heated on the computer, just enough. Since most often, such a phenomenon occurs according to quite standard reasons, which are quite limited. At the same time, the elimination of this trouble is sometimes possible even without interference with the hardware of the PC, sufficiently software.

    Signs of overheating

    Determine that the computer's power supply is heated, simple enough. At the same time, it is not even necessary to open the case - there are some indirect signs indicating the presence of an elevated temperature of the component part of the PC.

    These include the following:

    • sensor readings - the temperature goes beyond the limits of permissible limits;
    • slows down the operation of the operating system;
    • the machine is independently restarted;
    • the coolers are spinning very quickly.

    What sensors show

    When BP heats up overly, it affects the temperature of all other devices located inside the PC.

    It is necessary to know the normal temperature regime for all parts where the corresponding sensors are present:

    • cPU;
    • motherboard;
    • video card;
    • others.

    You can find out the sensor readings through the BIOS - many versions display all the values.

    Also, special programs are used for this purpose:

    • Speed \u200b\u200bFan;
    • CPU-Z;
    • Core Tempreal Temp.

    The list is quite extensive.

    Works slowly

    Another indirect indicator of abnormal work of BP is a strong slowdown in a stationary PC.

    Moreover, this affects all the tasks that are performed on it:

    • work with video files;
    • copying and writing on HDD, other media;
    • "Intensive" is restarted, the inclusion of PCs;
    • other tasks requiring a large number of resources.

    If the user observes similar phenomena, it is necessary to check the sensor readings on its PC. Perhaps BP began to distinguish a large amount of heat inside the systemist.

    Video: Cleaning from dust power supply

    The computer reboots

    Sometimes the system can start spontaneously reboot. There may be viruses, OS problems, as well as other. But often, this result is as a result of a strong increase in temperature inside the PC due to overheating of the BP.

    Therefore, in the event of unplanned restarts, it is worth using special applications for checking the hardware PC.

    Fans spin stronger

    Most of the modern PCs are equipped with special cooling systems consisting of radiators and special fan coolers. Moreover, the speed of rotation of the latter is regulated by the PC alone. Most often, in the normal mode of operation of rotation of moving parts, it is practically not heard. But it happens that the fans are noisy very loud.

    Most often, this happens if information on excessive temperature comes from the sensors. If, in this mode, the coolers operate continuously, then this is a serious reason to alert - perhaps the problem is in a faulty BP. In such a situation, it is necessary to diagnose special programs, a visual inspection of BP.

    Causes and solutions

    Reasons To change the mode of operation of the power supply - a great set.

    But most often this situation occurs because:

    • there is a large amount of dust;
    • cooling fans are defective or do not work at all;
    • separate electronic components of BP failed;
    • there are some design features;
    • the radiator is poorly adjacent to the surface with which heat should be carried out;
    • conducting heat paste has lost its properties (hardened or otherwise);
    • the work is performed with increased voltage;
    • bIOS settings are to blame, as well as the PC operating system.

    Most of these faults can be detected simply enough. Eliminate them is also not difficult. Special knowledge, skills or tools are not required for this.


    One of the biggest problems of modern computing machines (stationary and laptops) is static electricity. A similar physical phenomenon causes the occurrence of large dust clusters, as well as dirt. Its presence can disrupt the normal mode of heat leading from the heating surfaces.

    To deal with a similar problem, you will need:

    • crosshead screwdriver;
    • a vacuum cleaner;
    • watercolor drawing brushes.

    The cleaning process is as follows:

    Fault fans

    The lion's share of heat from the heating parts inside the PC is given special fans - coolers. They are joined by radiators and directly to the warming surfaces through a layer of special heat-conducting paste.

    Often overheating occurs when the details are simply faulty. Detect the breakdown is very simple - the temperature of the BP increases greatly, but the cooler does not spin.

    You can solve this situation in only one way - the replacement of the broken fan to the new one.

    This operation is extremely simple:

    After all the actions listed above, it is necessary to collect everything in the reverse order. But replacing the faulty fan to the new one.

    It often happens that the cooler does not spin due to hair or dust in the bearings. In this case, it is necessary to simply extract foreign objects, as well as lubricate the device with a special silicone lubricant.


    Often, problems arise due to the failure of various electronic components located directly on the BP board. Most often, the causes of overheating are swollen capacitors. To detect them, it is enough to just open the block of the block and carefully examine.

    Capacitors are small barrels. If the end part has revealed, the component failed.

    Repair in this case is not as folded as it may seem. It is necessary to purchase suitable capacitors in advance of the appropriate tank and stocking soldering iron.

    The replacement is as follows:

    • with the help of the soldering iron, the legs of the capacitor are gently warm;
    • when tin was melted, the components or tweezers are extracted from the board;
    • a new condenser is soldered.

    It is necessary to wait until the tin finds and implement the assembly of BP. After that, check the computer operation.

    Constructive features

    Sometimes the device under consideration may overheat due to the design features. Many blocks are performed in a very small body and are equipped with weak fans. That is why air heating and all surfaces occurs very quickly, and a weak cooler simply does not cope with heat tap.

    It is possible to solve this problem as follows:

    • by installing more powerful fans or additional cooling;
    • make additional holes in the BP housing, or leave it at all open.

    The first option is more preferable, although it requires the cost of a certain amount of funds as well as time for installation. But it is much safer than the dedication of current-carrying electrical details.

    Loose radiator fastening

    Very often, problems arise because of a loose fastening of the radiator. Such malfunctions may appear due to sharp temperature differences - sometimes the fastening screws are unscrewed due to this. Also, often the radiator is simply soldered and with a strong heating, the cooling component departs.

    In this case, you need to pull the fastening screws. If problems with soldering arose, then the optimal output from the current position will be simply replacing the BP entirely. So how to find a special solder that crept the radiator is quite problematic.

    The computer power supply is heated, what to do - replace the thermal

    Very often cooling elements of the personal computer are lubricated by the thermal ward. It allows you to significantly improve the thermal conductivity between individual surfaces. If she harder, or simply lost its properties, its heat-conducting properties deteriorate immediately. This can be the cause of overheating.

    The replacement process is such a paste fairly simple:

    • the radiator is disconnected;
    • pasta will be scraped using a credit card;
    • a thin layer of new pasta is applied;
    • the assembly is carried out.

    Heavy tension

    Another reason for violation of the operation mode of the device under consideration is increased voltage of the supply network. In this case, the BP has to convert non-standard 220 (B), and higher values \u200b\u200b- 230, 240 and even 250 (B). Accordingly, this leads to the release of unnecessary heat. You can cope with this by installing a special voltage stabilizer.

    Also, sometimes high voltage occurs directly in the BP itself. It is possible to determine its presence using a multimeter. With an abnormal voltage at the output, it is best to replace BP.

    BIOS and OS settings

    Often the overheating problem helps to solve the usual refinement BIOS - special energy-saving programs are built into many versions.

    You can also enable them directly from the operating system.

    For Windows 7:

    What to do if the reasons designated above are not detected, and the BP continues to overheat? The best way out will be replaced by a new one.

    Normal temperature regime is required for stable operation of any technique, especially the computer.

    That is why it should always closely monitor the testimony of sensors, when suspected overheating, it is necessary to immediately check the BP. Since increased voltage, or other problems can cause serious damage to PC components.