What is better foam blocks or gas blocks? Foam concrete and aerated concrete: comparison and characteristics, what is better, the differences of a house of aerated concrete or foam concrete is better.

Cellic concrete generated by the following circumstances: First, for low-rise buildings, the strength, density and complexity of bricks and the more reinforced concrete is definitely redundant, and heat and sound-insulating properties are also definitely insufficient. Secondly, any known methods of wood processing guarantee durability and fire-resistance of a wooden building for more than 30 years only in particularly favorable operating conditions. Therefore, attempts to bring the properties of concrete to the tree by creating voids or inhomogeneities in it were taken back in the first half of the XIX century, and at present the types of cellular concrete numbers are more than 10. The most popular and promising foamed concretes are most popular, but it is not easy to work with them. .

In Internet sources on the question: what is better, foam concrete or aerated concrete, the confusion is unimaginable, And in some cases clearly malicious. This is especially sinning by the construction sites of some countries of the neighboring countries. What is there is an egg, and that chicken is difficult to understand, but the characteristic situation is as follows: there is, let's say, the site where a comparative analysis of the other material is sufficiently objectively. But! The properties of foam concrete is attributed to a gas concrete, and vice versa. Those., If "foam" and "gas" to change places, everything will be true.

Next to the text, contextual advertising and links to suppliers are discharged. Go through them - they call their products correctly. Suddenly, the unfair buyer, guided by read, will order and pay, it will bring a completely different material on the platform. And, as they say, no edge: Suppliers with publications do not respond with each other, and you can still disappear on advertisers. Therefore, it is imperative to understand which of these two varieties of cellular concrete for construction is urgently needed.

Note: From other types of cellular concrete, we will further touch some more polystyrene foam; It is not that they lie about him, but something is substantially silent. And with a ceramzitobetone, arbolite, fibrobetones, etc., serious misunderstandings seem to be looking for.

Where to confusion?

Sources that have the power of the law, authoritative or at least applying to objectivity, from SNIPs and polytechnic dictionaries (construction, intelligent, encyclopedic), to Wikipedia, give a clearly visible criterion for the differences of foam concrete from aerated concrete. In the first pores through, winding, irregular shape; In the second - rounded closed, see fig. But within each structure, the difference in properties and quality material is possible greater than that of different structures. Simply: a good foam concrete can be better suitable in the case of aerated concrete. And a significant moment: the initial characteristics of both of these materials are varied differently and manifest themselves during operation, see below.

Why, we still see. In the meantime, it is simply necessary to explain, about the discrepancies of which scale are speech. Otherwise, it is impossible to objectively appreciate the pros and cons of foam and aerated concrete: for dry numbers in tables lies a lot, about which, actually there is this article.

For example: about the situation with real estate in Spain, you may have heard. There, according to the state program, the rescue of unlucky developers from bankruptcy is put up for trading somewhere 800 thousand new (!) Individual residential house-building. Prices are amazed. Here, let's say, the wonderful resort area of \u200b\u200bCosta Calida. To Granada with her Alhambra and Sierra Nevada ski delights to serve. And - the villa is sold at 100 squares of residential at the 2nd beach line (3-10 minutes on foot to the sea). Architecture - NOVOANDALUZSKA, there is a swimming pool. The price of this paradise is 200,000 euros, 2,000 euros per square. On the standings, it is not at cost, but for how much will take.

Why? We look at the specification: construction material - a gas-block of a European standard. What is this erectaco? We are looking for, with difficulty, but we find. And, clearly! EvroTA car is a surrogate aerated concrete (see further). Correct the dates: the eurotacomute in this structure until the end of its estimated period of operation 20 years left 12. Who will give me at least the Russian for the house, which is guaranteed to dwell on less than 15 years? Does it take for rent for a porn studio or a brothel, but under a million institutions of such a sewing it and Spain is too many.

But an example of another kind. In the zero-tenth years, a thorough revision of the Farmeto concrete buildings of the USSR of the 30s - 50s was carried out. It turned out, 95% of the buildings scored twice-triply strength (!); Other their characteristics did not deteriorate. These buildings are recognized as suitable for use after cosmetic repair; Based on the current state, the re-audit was assigned in 80 years. 5% dilated due to violations of the rules for the construction of work during construction. Considering that under Stalin in construction, the forced labor of the unskilled labor force (zekov) was widely used, it must be recognized that the then foam concrete ended the gross violation of construction technology, except for completely unacceptable.

We are looking for again why so. The answer is easier: the main mass of the material is a portland cement with quartz sand; The rebel - natural protein (more about it below). This is such a Costa Costa comes out.


Foam and aerated concrete is manufactured / manufactured by the following brands; The numbers mean the massive density of the ready-to-use material:

  1. Thermal insulation, not capable of carrying a load - D200-D400 for foam concrete and D200-D300 for aerated concrete;
  2. Heat-insulating-structural, from which partitions can be put and enclosing structures - D400-D800;
  3. Construction, for the construction of carrying construction structures - D900-D1200.

Note: This shows that the first 2 groups of brands and partially 3rd lighter than water.


To understand the abovely incomprehensible situation described above, you must first figure out what the production of foam concrete from aerated concrete is distinguished. Key points here:

  • The method of creating voids in the material; Simply - foaming.
  • For aerated concrete - conditions for exposure to frozen.
  • The composition and properties of the main (carrier) material.
  • Method of forming construction modules.


It is the way the formation of emptiness is the main difference in foam concrete from aerated concrete. Foam concrete is obtained by introducing into water for the kneading organic foaming. They are, firstly, from the animal protein: the first foam concrete samples were obtained by adding to the cement-sandy solution of bovine blood. Secondly, on the basis of saponins - substances that are stronger than soap, but with a neutral chemical reaction. Saponins were first obtained from the plants of the family of the bootheld (soap root, etc.), but now they are almost completely ousted by synthetic, which is much cheaper than natural extracts.

Protein foaming devices provide practical unlimited durability of the construction - recall the vintage buildings, in the masonry solution for which eggs were added. But with the current position with the animal protein in the world, protein foaming agents are very expensive and foam concrete on sale almost no. Saponins guarantee relative stability of masonry characteristics for 40-70 years, and then its strength, moisture resistance and vapor permeability are as stable and fast enough. The introduction of those and other foaming in the solution is possible directly on the site, i.e. Foam concrete can be monolithic. Saponic foam low or secondary, therefore the variation of the initial parameters of foam concrete is quite large.

The aerated concrete is mixed on a strongly alkaline solution (narrowing lime is usually used) with adding aluminum powder. At the same time, hydrogen is distinguished, creating together with the bulk of a high-time foam, due to which the initial characteristics of the material are kept with high accuracy. The technological process is organized in such a way that the volume concentration of hydrogen in the air is nowhere and never exceeds the explosive value of 4%. Due to the high diffusion ability of hydrogen, it almost completely disappears before the mass of the mass, and its subsequent remnants are harmless and safe. But powdered aluminum and caustic alkalis - carcinogens and, recent, toxins, high hazard groups. The safety of production processes with them is possible to ensure, only laying it constructively into technological equipment; PPE can be only an addition.


A comparison of various brands of aerated concrete must also be carried out with regard to the method of excerpts to the technological clarification. The ripening of the foam mass of the aerated concrete is carried out or heated without excessive external pressure (bassoclave aerated concrete) or in the pressure autoclave (autoclave gas concrete). On the source characteristics, they may not be particularly different, but more expensive autoclave aerated concrete gives the service life of the buildings from it over 70 years, and a bastoclave aerated concrete - up to 40-50 years. Frost resistance (the number of total friction cycles / thawing prior to the start of cracking) autoclave aerated concrete is from 80-100; Disavavoclave - up to 30.

The bulk

The main thing is to pay attention to if you intend - the composition of its bulk. The best results on the basis of operation show mixtures of portland cement and quartz sand; Further, if not specifically stipulated, we will consider cement-sand foam concrete. However, the sale of a huge amount of foam and aerated concrete with a binder of the limestone and the filler from the ash of CHP, the ground industrial slag, and the like. Production waste, this is T. Naz. Surrogate concretes. Their durability and frost resistance is 1.5-2 times less than that of cement-sand foamed concrete of the same brand, but other initial qualities may not be worse.

Surrogate foamed concretes can be white, dazzling-sparkling, like raffin sugar, even in coffee. But the foamed mixture of Portland cement with quartz sand can also be white as writing paper. Here, the selection criterion is the specification of the material or simply marking on the package. Manufacturers of cement-sand foam and aerated concipes do not miss the case to indicate the advantage of their products, especially in conditions of having a tough competition, and suppliers of surrogates about the origin of their goods are prudently silent.

Blocks and monoliths

Independent developers are used for foam blocks or gas blocks. Aerated concrete is made only in production conditions and is manufactured by standard modules. To knead the foam concrete on the site, it requires expensive purchased equipment, but still the variation of the material characteristics is more permissible. Therefore, the monolithic foam concrete on the spot is made only low grades; Basically for insulation and, rarely, enclosing structures. On the methods of production of foam and gasoblocks give a picture of the video:

Video: Production of foam concrete blocks

Video: Production of aerated concrete blocks

Note: Visual video materials. Depending on the manufacturing equipment used, those and other technological processes can differ significantly.

The dimensions of foam and gas blocks are kept in the module 300 mm; Standard - 300x300x600 mm. The low-brand aerated concrete for thermal insulation is also available with plates in modules 150 and 125 mm, for example. 1200x600x150 mm or 1250x500x125 mm.

Aerated concrete and foam concrete is a usual steel tool with a common steel tool, but the first crumbles weakly and only from shock loads, and the second is strong and, except for the drums, from uneven loads. Therefore, foam blocks are formed exclusively in bulk in the form. Saponic foam creates significant pressure, formulates, so that the accuracy of the manufacture of foam blocks is small: about 1% of the acc. size. Those., The transverse dimensions of the standard structural foam block can "walk" by 3 mm, and the length is already at 6.

Gas blocks are shipped for sale cast and cutting. Highly prone hydrogen foam almost does not press the form: the rate of diffusion of hydrogen with an increase in its partial pressure grows very quickly, and excess gas simply disappears. Dimensions of cast gasoblocks can be kept with an accuracy of +/- 1 mm. Rezanny gas blocks are generally fantastic for building materials accuracy +/- 0.5 mm, but 5-15% are more expensive, because Wear cutting tool and waste money is worth.

Jumpers, locks and loads

Due to the best ability of gas-blocks to carry shock and uneven loads together with higher production accuracy, it is possible, first, to put the jumpers of window and doorways in gas block walls from 150 mm (pos. 1 in Fig.), Whereas for foam blocks are required to launch those The same structural elements from 300 mm. Secondly, gas blocks are manufactured with shaped locks, pos. 2, ensuring greater strength and smaller heat loss building.

Then, to the walls of foam concrete can be mounted with steel fasteners only crates under the trim, with the embedding of dowels under hardware from 150 mm; Under the concentrated loads you need to put through anchors. And a hook in a dowel depth from 120 mm in a gas-concrete wall holds weight up to 15-25 kg, depending on the material brand. Those. To hang on the foam concrete wall, say, TV, you will need to open the finish in the adjacent room. With aerated concrete, there are no problems, even on the contrary: do not need a perforator and bug along concrete, enough hand drove without a vibrator and a conventional spiral drill. Acc., And garbage will be less.

Foam concrete and aerated concrete characteristics

The most important performance characteristics of structural cellular concrete, red brick and construction wood are summarized in Table. Some perplexity can cause the required wall thickness, but it is calculated, first, for the wall naked, without internal and exterior decoration, trim and insulation for -25 outside. Secondly, it takes into account so that the homeowner does not pay for the overrun of energy at an increased rate. And to summarize, we will pass more by other essential rows.

Cost and shrinkage

Actual cost of 1 square meter. M walls change, but their ratio remains approximately the same. However, there may be a question: how so, foam concrete almost a quarter is cheaper than aerated concrete, and the wall is more expensive? In addition to the thickness of the wall, it plays the role of a masonry seam. Gas blocks are placed only on a special glue. A high-quality adhesive for aerated concrete is 2-3 times more expensive than a conventional masonry solution, but the latter is 3-5 times more in volume (see the thickness of the seam).

Focoblocks can be laid like on the glue, but foam concrete disintegrates moisture, see below, and the fresh seam dries before the subsequent block will be laid. In addition, the accuracy of the manufacture of foam blocks is almost equal to the thickness of the adhesive seam, which for considerations of strength is unacceptable.

Note: It is not necessary to estimate the estimated cost of construction at the price of the wall of the wall. The total cost of the construction depends on many factors, and, depending on the local conditions, it may be comparable for the price or even cheaper than stone.

Next, a small dry (own) shrinkage of aerated concrete occurs quickly, within a month, and you can start the finish. Foam concrete is settled for the year, and technics are also worth the money. An individual developer is at least for renting temporary housing. Finally, due to the chipping of foam concrete under the uneven load, the carrying capacity of the foundation of the foam concrete house should be higher, and its shrinkage is less than under a gas concrete, i.e. And the foundation for foam concrete will cost more.


Operational humidity means - how much water vapor material is able to "pump" from the air. 5% or 15%, there is no special difference; eg For air-dry businesswood, humidity is normalized in 20%. But moisture absorption rate is quite another matter. It depends on the physical mechanism of moisture absorption: capillary or diffusion. The first is characteristic of foam concrete and wood, the second is for an autoclave aerated concrete, and the non-autoclave aerated concrete absorbs moisture and so, and so. In turn, the speed of capillary moisture absorption is very dependent on the size of the transverse section of the pores in the material.

We do a trace. Experience: Take pieces of foam, autoclave and non-autoclave aerated concrete and tree of the same size, form and density, i.e. Weight. Let them swim in water tanks. Foam concrete in his eyes is soaked with water and will pick up. We will continue experience, pouring water as they evaporate. The non-autoclave aerated concrete will swim 2 weeks - 3 months, but the autoclave will remain afloat and then when the area will go to the bottom. Remember: aerated concrete reaches slowly and unimportant.

Parp permeability

Here we compare foamed concrete with wood. With the fact that wooden structures without ends in the air does not happen, it turns out that the foam and aerated concrete "breathe" almost like a tree. And if we remember how the autoclave aerated concave point is slowly gaining moisture, then we come to the conclusion that for the bath he is hardly better than the traditional tree. Moreover, its thermal conductivity is lower: the bath warms faster.

What is not in the table

Overview of the properties of aerated concrete completed some additional parameters:

  • Candy resistance - F35, i.e. Mechanical characteristics are saved to -35 Celsius.
  • Fireproof - class A1, withstands without loss of strength heating for 20 minutes to 300 degrees.
  • Allowable axial load of structural brands - class B2.5; Permissible erection of walls up to 20 m high.
  • Absolutely unattractive, in contrast to polystyrene foamball (see below) for rodents and insects.

On polystyolistrolbetone

Foam polystyrene foam, or foamflast concrete, does not apply to the number of foamed concrete, but it is necessary to linger on it. Polyfoamobeton has recently advertised recently, and the formal reason for this seems to be: it is cheaper than aerated concrete and for most parameters it is not inferior to it. But what the enthusiasts of foam plasticism are not told: his firefightness zero, Heating is unacceptable. In the flame, the polystyrene foamball is collapsed catastrophically, the crucible flies into pieces, and it highlights, as well as the foam, a large amount of extremely toxic gases.

Outcome (and what not necessary)

What is not necessary - this is noticed foamed concrete yourself. With the components of the aerated concrete at home is simply dangerous for health, see above. And as to the foam concrete, then on YouTube plots about him on the topic "do it yourself" abound. But you will be shown or work dear and requiring qualified service of the purchase of a purchase installation, or an embarrassment of something like a basin or a balance. Is it possible to get cubes and dozens of cubes of high-quality material for construction - a rhetorical question. To knead the components from purchased into retail to insulate overlaps? "Spotted" heat conduction insulation is worse than bad homogeneous, because Causes mock and mold. And at the price, it will be comparable to the insulation of an eco-art having a mass of its own advantages, but devoid of flaws of foam concrete.

Modern construction trends of private houses require the replacement of traditional bricks and wood to more technological materials. It remains only to decide: foam concrete or aerated concrete. What is better?

The use of foam and aerated concrete construction

The construction technology of buildings from cellular concrete was mastered relatively recently, but it has already managed to go through a successful time calibration:

1. The foam and aerated concrete are distinguished by a small specific weight, they are easier than other materials. And this factor is decisive when choosing a material for buildings on lightweight foundations.
2. Unlike bricks, the laying is raised quickly, such work does not require high qualifications.
3. Not exposure to these corrosion materials or rotting allows them to connect them with structures from other materials by means of metal fasteners.
4. Any concrete products do not represent interests for insects.
5. Fire safety is also an important thing.
6. Even if the project of the house was made with errors, they are quite simple to eliminate in the walls of cellular concrete. So, in order to extort only one niche in the wall of the monolithic concrete for the outlet, you will have to spend up to five hours. During the same time, it is possible to mount in the living room in full hidden electrical wiring. Provided that the walls are made of cellular concrete.

Along with general positive characteristics, the use of a specific material is due to its features. Before making your choice: what is better, foam or aerated concrete, it should be familiar with their characteristics, comparing them to solve a specific task.

Foam concrete and aerated concrete: similarities and differences

Mesh concrete is usually used for the manufacture of foam concrete and aerated concrete blocks. By analogy with red and white bricks, one root lies in the name of these materials.

For the preparation of both materials uses the foaming technology of the cement solution, which is then formed into blocks. On this community of their technological features ends. Due to the fact that air bubbles are formed in the petrified shell, the design acquires its most basic qualities: heat and sound insulation. Such characteristics of this material allow a cellular concrete with a success to compete with a tree. The way of the formation of a petrified shell for gas and foam concrete each has its own.

Manufacturing technology

How do foam concrete:

To impart porosity, the material produces foaming of a solution consisting of water, cement and sand. To make greater stability, synthetic reagents contributing to the formation of foamy mass are added to the composition of the liquid structure. After the solution gets the necessary consistency, it is spilled by forms. There is solidification, there is any plus temperature for the process.

In order to make blocks, it is enough to have an ordinary concrete mixer and a simple foam generator. The entire production process is easily organized directly on the household plot.

How do aerated concrete:

In the manufacture of aerated concrete blocks, the formation of foam occurs without adding synthetic additives. A solution consisting of cement, water and silicate sand is added aluminum powder and lime. After the reaction takes place between the reagents, the entire volume of the mixture is filled with stable gas bubbles. If you do not create special conditions, such a foam will very quickly.

In order to prevent the sedimentation of the foam, the mass that was formed into blocks is processed in the autoclave. Durable treatment at a temperature of about 200-tons of degrees and high (up to 14 atmospheres) The pressure of the water vapor ensures the formation of the petrified structure of the unit.

This production requires industrial conditions. But with serial production you can make blocks in large volumes. At the same time, they will be the same size and with identical mechanical properties.

The block of blocking blocks during their laying is determined by the specifics of their manufacture. Thus, a conventional cement solution is used to fasten the foam concrete blocks, and the use of special glue is required to bonding aerated concrete.

What to choose: the advantages and disadvantages of each

In order to answer the question: what is better, foam concrete or aerated concrete, should first give the answer to the question: what is "good" at all. In some cases, the individual properties of each of the materials are useful, sometimes they make these materials indispensable. Related among themselves, they are united by a common concrete base. Therefore, they possess the following common useful properties:
  • Low specific weight (ease);
  • High heat insulation;
  • Low sound conductivity;
  • Simplicity and ease of processing;
  • Ease and simplicity of laying;
  • Lack of flammability;
  • Do not be afraid of damage from rodents and insects.

To the only lack of both materials, their high ability to absorb moisture can be attributed. This adversely affects the thermal insulation qualities of materials, and negative temperatures threaten the destruction of the material structure. However, this deficiency is easy to eliminate if the surface is simply fond.

It can be conditionally distinguished by the advantages and disadvantages of each of these materials in comparison with each other:

Aerated concrete, Advantages:

1. Higher thermal insulation;
2. Best geometry of blocks;
3. It is possible to reinforce the masonry;
4. Less proportion;
5. The masonry is characterized by higher strength;
6. Reducing the load on the foundation;
7. Large resistance to low temperatures;
8. more durable (service life - from 50 to 70 years);
9. Not exposed to shrinkage;
10. It is better to handle finishing materials.


1. big value;
2. Higher ability to absorb moisture;
3. The worst sound insulation properties.

Foam concrete, Advantages:

1. Lower cost;
2. Higher sound insulation qualities;
3. The best waterproofing qualities.


1. Lower thermal insulation properties;
2. The worst geometry of blocks;
3. Lack of opportunity to reinforce the masonry;
4. Lower service life (up to 30 years);
5. The material is more severe (it has a greater proportion);
6. Less masonry strength;
7. Creates a greater load on the foundation;
8. prone to shrinkage;
9. It is more seriously processed;
10. Low exposed to low temperatures.

To assess the remaining features of cellular materials, it is necessary to understand all the conditions of application in specific conditions. It would seem even obvious.

The cost of delivery of the material is another not an unimportant component. Cellular blocks can not be stored in the open air due to the threat of precipitation. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately use them. And the blocks from foam concrete exists the ability to make it right on the spot, as they need them when installing.

The device of cold bears, which are common to the cement screed, are unacceptable for adhesive seam. But this is a disadvantage only for external walls that are not finished. Given the fact that for any wall made of cellular material, a finish is provided with the help of plaster or siding coverage, this factor has no particular importance.

There are dimensional standards, accuracy of their execution - up to 1 mm. This circumstance helps to significantly facilitate the laying of flat walls and significantly reduce the consumption of glue. Gas blocks are strictly in the form of parallelepiped. Foam concrete blocks can have any shape, as they are manufactured independently. The result is the possibility of performing walls in the form of rounded, and sometimes even more complex profiles performed in the form of complex architectural elements.

It is the opinion that foam concrete is not environmentally friendly. As an argument, use is given in the manufacture of foaming drugs of synthetic origin. However, if you enter a request to search engines: houses made from aerated concrete reviews of owners, it will be possible to make sure that this material does not carry any threat to human health. Moreover, these people have the possibility of selecting a particular drug. The market offers a wide range of similar preparations, they have a different composition and cost. It is necessary to take into account the fact that by buying ready-made blocks from aerated concrete, the consumer has no confidence in their quality and sanitary safety.

The creative space when using materials from cellular concrete is endless. It remains only to wish the owner at home to plant a tree and grow a son in it!

With the development of energy saving ideas, alternative building materials were obtained, in particular wall blocks. For the construction of the walls, foam block and gasoblock belonging to the varieties of cellular concrete are increasingly used.

The main similarity is a porous structure that contributes to improving performance in comparison with the classical ceramic brick.

Foam concrete block - artificial stone with a porous structure consisting of sand, cement, water and a synthetic foaming agent.

A gas-concrete block is a cellular artificial stone consisting of cement of quartz sand, a gas formator (aluminum paste or suspension), water, gypsum or lime.

1. Foam block and gasoblock: What is the difference?

Already from a short definition of concepts, it can be noted that, despite the close composition, the materials have a significant difference in manufacturing technology. From here and completely different structure of the internal pores.

Comparative analysis by key parameters is presented in the table:

Parameters Foamclock Gasoblock
Mesh structure it has closed pores that provide excellent heat and sound insulation it has a fine-cellular structure with microcracks after gas release, allowing the material to "breathe"
Production technology a) mechanical mixing of components and a foaming agent - the complexity in obtaining homogeneous by the density of the structure;

b) drying and a set of strength in natural conditions.

a) the interaction of components through a chemical reaction is the ability to manage the process;

b) Drying passes in autoclaves under elevated pressure and temperature.

Visual perception a) gray shade;

b) smooth surface;

c) with a split large pores are visible;

d) a fragment during immersion in the water remains on the surface.

a) white color;

b) surface with roughness;

c) when split the pores in diameter less than 1 mm;

d) a fragment in tanks with water quickly lowers at the bottom.

There is an opinion on the difference in the geometry of blocks, which is not always fair. More often compared materials made in different ways. So, if we compare the foam blocks produced by the cassette method (molded), with sliced \u200b\u200bgas blocks, then the first will be instructed by the accuracy of the sizes. The cassette method is common in small handicraft factories. In large production, high technologies are used to comply with the accuracy of the parameters, regardless of the type of material.

There are no differences and environmental safety. Natural materials are used, and chemical reagents are either disintegrated during the reaction process, or go to non-toxic state.

2. What are the sizes of foam concrete and aerated concrete blocks?

The construction of walls and internal partitions from blocks is accelerated, partly, due to the relatively large size of the unit of building material. An increase in geometric parameters relative to the classic brick was made possible by reducing the weight of the porous material. But here there are our limits regulated by GOST: the maximum size of one foam block in mm is 625x500x500.

Foam concrete blocks 600 mm long, 200 and 300 mm high, 100 (for partitions), 200 and 300 mm, 200 and 300 mm are demanded on the market. The exact dimensions are spelled out in Guest. Enterprises producing cutting blocks, it is possible to carry out orders with individual dimensions on dimensions.

Gas blocks are in demand of the following dimensions: length 600 or 625 mm, height 200 or 250 mm, thickness 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350 and 400 mm.

With cheap block production, a cassette method is used, in which the concrete mixture is poured into shape with partitions. With this method, the deviation in size can be up to 5 mm.

When choosing a suitable version, the height and length is compared with the perimeter of the walls of the wall for ease of laying, and the thickness to directly depends on the load and the required level of thermal insulation.

3. How much foam blocks and gas blocks are?

The cost of building materials is an important argument in favor of one or another. Especially when it comes to similar technical characteristics. But you need to understand what to compare. Strong plot prices will be in comparison of products of different quality. Flods of handicraft production for outdated technology will be noticeably cheaper than gaskets from the plant with advanced equipment. But this approach will not benefit, because savings means loss of quality.

Analyze the price of certified products from large manufacturers with a good reputation. The price of blocks depends on the grade of strength and size.

In Moscow and the Moscow region, the cost of one wall foam block of the brand D600 and the size of 600x300x200 in different manufacturers ranges from 100-115 to 160 rubles. At the same time, 1 m 3 costs 2900-3750 rubles.

The price of thermal insulation and structural aerated concrete wall blocks of the D500 brand and the size of 600x300x200 in Moscow and the region begins from 110-112 rubles. per piece, and the upper border is at the mark of 167-175 rubles. per piece In 1 m 3, 27.8 blocks are fitted, respectively, the average price of 1 m 3 of gas blocks is 3058-3700 rubles.

The price of blocks in remote regions (Siberia, the Far East), as well as other building materials, will be 1.5 times higher than in the central region. In addition, during construction to enhance thermal insulation, thicker walls need to lay.

The budget also needs to lay out the cost of paying services. On average, 1 m 2 Walls from cellular blocks costs 1500-1700 rubles. The price of contracting organizations indicates the cost per cube, which varies from 2400 to 4,000 rubles.

4. Specifications: What is warmer and stronger?

Specific specifications are available in the product card on the manufacturer's website or in the accompanying document on the Committed Party. The most significant indicators are strength and ability to maintain a comfortable temperature for living.

Structure of blocks of different density: structural insulating (D600) and thermal insulation (D300).

The thermal insulation of the cellular concrete is due to the presence of a port system filled with air. This indicator wins foam blocks with closed pores. But if we consider a cheap option with a bad geometry, requiring masonry on a cement solution, then due to the "cold bridges", the wall of foam concrete needs additional insulation.

Gas blocks more often have accurate dimensions and fit onto the glue composition, so the ready-made box of aerated concrete creates the best microclimate (retains heat in winter and cooling in summer). If you compare the walls of the foam block and the gas block on the glue, then in the first case the thermal insulation will be better.

The strength of the material depends on the density, while the density adversely affects the thermal insulation (the higher the density, the higher the thermal conductivity). Based on the density of kg / m3, the blocks are divided according to their purpose: heat-insulating D300, D400, D500; Constructive-thermal insulation D600, D700, D800 and structural brands D900 and higher.

When comparing the aerated concrete and foam concrete one stamp of strength in the first density will be lower. Autoclave production technology provides high strength blocks.

In relation to moisture, gas blocks with open pores and a rough surface are comparable to a sponge. In areas with frequent floods of the house of aerated concrete and short-lived. Foam blocks are more resistant to the effects of the medium and slowly absorb water, being immersed in it. Water absorption in foam concrete is twice as smaller than that of aerated concrete. However, the porous structure of the material, one way or another, requires moisture protection.

5. What are the main advantages and cons of foam blocks and gas blocks?

The common pros and cons of wall blocks and specific, characteristic of the only specifies are presented in the table below.

pros Minuses
ecology low carrying ability - are suitable only for low-rise construction
light specific weight do not fit the open-air storage, after laying is required Outdoor finish
easy installation and high vestment speed measures the building of the capital expensive foundation
high thermal insulation fragility - with the slightest deformation of the foundation of the wall gives cracks
need an outer insulation to displace a dew point dewing material
for foam blocks
good noise insulation gradually gain strength - masonry begin 1.5 months after manufacture
low thermal conductivity gives a small shrinkage in 2 - 3 mm
durability of more than 30 years high Risk Buy Low-quality Material
fire resistance
frost resistance 25 - 30 cycles
for gasoblocks
ideal geometry - error in size not more than 1 mm below indicators noise insulation
does not give a shrinkage strong water absorption
durability of more than 55 years high cost of interior finishing works
frost resistance 50 cycles and more ground the surface of the walls need twice due to strong absorption composition

On the forums you can meet other comments on materials, but most of them are associated with the unscrupulousness of the manufacturer or with violations of construction technology.

6. What to put foam blocks and gas blocks: glue or cement mortar?

Gas block manufacturers as the advantage of their products indicate the accuracy of the block size, which allows you to implement. This method makes it possible to achieve the minimum thickness of the seams in 2-3 mm and high storage strength. At the same time, the laying of gas-blocks on the cement solution is not allowed, since the material takes a large amount of water, as a result, the masonry is perfect. The glue for cellular blocks contains water-retaining additives and substances that increase the adhesion of materials.

The exception is the laying of the first row. It is carried out on a cement-sandy solution of 10-15 mm to compensate for the irregularities of the foundation and accurately set blocks in terms of level.

For foam blocks, masonry is possible both on the solution and for glue. The first option is considered to be budget and is used for low quality material with poor geometry. The second is used for high-quality certified high accuracy blocks.

7. What is the foundation for the house of foam blocks or gas blocks?

In promotional materials you can find a statement that because of the small weight of the blocks foundation may be lightweight and low-cost. But this coarse error can lead to irreversible consequences. Porous blocks are distinguished by fragility and low deformation stability, so they need a reliable monolithic foundation. But this option will no longer be cheap, and large costs will not always be rational.

To find the optimal option for reliability and price, take into account the following factors:

  • the properties of the soil (groundwater level, the depth of freezing, bunchiness, soil type);
  • number of floors in the plan (direct dependence with the load on the foundation);
  • the volume and complexity of the work (in some cases initially a simple and cheap option as a result can do the most more than the monolithic plate).

Before starting work, you collect complete information about the characteristics of the soil on the construction site. Errors When booking the foundation in a short time, they will be praised with large cracks on the walls.

Most often used ribbon foundation and monolithic reinforced concrete plate, less often pileno-screw foundation.

8. How many blocks are needed for the construction of the house: calculation technique

The correct calculation of the required number of blocks for the construction of a residential building will save from the overruns: on an extra volume or on the second delivery during recyclaze.

Methods for calculating for one-storey house Next:

  • calculate the perimeter of the external walls (the sum of the lengths of all sides);
  • calculate the walls of the walls (perimeter multiplied to the height of the floor);
  • subtract the area of \u200b\u200bwindow openings and doors;
  • determine the volume of masonry (the resulting area is multiplied by the thickness of the walls);
  • calculate the amount in the pcs, dividing the volume of masonry on the volume of one block (obtained by multiplying the length, height and thickness);
  • multiply the resulting number on the loss factor of 1.05;
  • similarly, we calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe inner bearing walls and partitions.

Read more about the nuances of the calculation with the analysis on real examples.

9. Do I need to warm up, reinforce or plastering blocks of foam concrete and aerated concrete?

Despite the good thermal insulation indicators, porous blocks need outdoor insulation. This is done to displace the dew point to eliminate the formation of condensate inside the block. The insulation is also needed in areas with a temperate climate when the masonry in two rows is inexpedient.

In most cases, it is necessary to pour under Mauerlat and under the overlap with 2 - 3-storey construction, small one-storey houses and household buildings are erected without reinforcement.

To protect against atmospheric precipitation (rain, snow and fog), the cellular material is covered with plaster. The plaster of gas-blocks is better to immediately implement on the reinforcing grid, as there are reviews about the problems of its application. Flods are plastering including to improve the aesthetic qualities.

10. What is better foam blocks or gas blocks: folk opinion

At construction forums, these materials have their fans and opponents. The negative is more often associated with the acquisition of a cheap low-quality material produced by handicraft technology (injection molding (cassette) foam block and non-autoclave gasoblock). Experienced builders advised to acquire certified material from major manufacturers and comply with technology.

Many gas blocks are conclusted by the presence of aluminum powder, so they are considered ideal for non-residential economic buildings. Due to the high hygroscopicity, gas blocks are not suitable for the internal partitions of the bathroom, shower and bathroom. For the same reason, they are not chosen to build a bath.

For a private house, the mobility and foam blocks are considered to be the most successful option. The first goes to the outer walls, and the second - on the construction of interior partitions.

What is better: foam or aerated concrete?

In recent years, such non-traditional building materials such as gas and foam concrete, or, as they are also called porous blocks, were widespread. These are two types of concrete blocks possessing a cellular structure.

Mesh concrete, due to its pore, has high thermal insulation properties.

The cellular structure of these types of concrete is characterized by high energy-saving qualities. In addition, simplicity of manufacturing and use in construction, relative low cost compared to brick and reinforced concrete displays gas and foam concrete on the advanced positions of their use in private construction.

Feno and aerated concrete with all their similarities have some differences.

Types of concrete

Mesh concrete is an artificial stone that has a mineral binder and a silica component with pores distributed throughout the material.

The main components of cellular concrete components are cement, lime, sand, water and foaming agents.

The binding filler may be cement, gypsum, lime or compositions from listed materials. As a disperse filler, ground or non-thin sand or ash tes is used.

Different technology manufacturing. Pores in foam concrete are formed by the introduction of foaming agents, and in the aerated concrete, poring is carried out due to hydrogen, which is distinguished by the reaction between metallic aluminum and alkali.

In the manufacture of porosity is regulated relatively easy and it allows you to get concrete mixtures of different density and destination.

Concretes on density are divided into three groups:

The scope of blocks from cellular concrete is determined by their density (D).

  • a group of thermal insulation concrete, the density of which is dried up with 200-500 kg / m³, is used as insulation for floors, walls, roofs;
  • a group of structural-heat insulating concrete density 500-900 kg / m³ is used in the construction of enclosing structures and buildings with a height of up to three floors;
  • a group of construction concrete concrete density is 900-1200 kg / m³, which are used in the production of reinforced concrete.

Materials used in the production of cellular concrete:

  • binding components and additives to them;
  • silica component and additives;
  • additives that form.

As the main binder in the production of gas and foaminetones with a cellular structure, it is recommended to use a low-aluminum portland cement of 400 grade and higher.

Lime smooth clay is used for the production of solutions and concrete.

In the production of foam of silicate concrete, cements are used with short grasp. The end of the seting should be no later than 4-5 hours after the fill.

When preparing silicate cellular foam and aerated concrete, calcium flurry lime is used. If the quality of the cement used in the production of cellular concrete is low, the caustic naoh is added to the aerated concrete.

With an elevated chromium concentration in cement in the gas, the concrete mixture is added an aqueous solution of iron vapora.

The quality of cellular concrete depends significantly on the type of a thin-fat silica component, which is used as sand, ash-deposit tes, and on heat treatment conditions.

The use of sand of fine grinding allows you to reduce the consumption of binding foam and gas of the educational, but for this process additional equipment is required. The fineness of the grinding is regulated by regulatory documents and depends on the size of the products.

Aluminum powder is small particles of a plate shape of silver-gray, which are used in the manufacture of cellular concrete.

As an additive that ensures the porosity of the aerated concrete is used by aluminum powder and perhydro. Currently, the aluminum powder is entered into aerated concrete in the form of a water-aluminum suspension, which significantly better ensures the uniform distribution of the gas producer gas than the introduction of a dry calcined aluminum powder. Surfactants are used to obtain a water-aluminum suspension, which make it easier for mixing components: rosin soap, creoshot soap or sulphite-alcohol bards.

The use of pergerer also involves the use of catalysts or inhibitors. A chlorine lime is used as a catalyst, and as an inhibitor - salts of phosphoric acid.

Foam concrete has several foam of educators, which are formed from the following materials:

  • clee-rope - glue, rosin, caustic sterre;
  • aluumulfone-fed - kerosene contact, alumina sulfate, caustic natra;
  • emolo-saponin - soap root and water.

The foaming agent is prepared in an emulsifier equipped with rotating blades.

Autoclave production method

Aerated concrete combined the best properties of building materials from stone and wood.

Aerated concrete, like foam concrete, is an artificial porous stone with first-class thermal insulating and energy-saving properties, a small weight.

Move from a mixture of portland cement, a silica component and a gas formator. Gas-formers for the caused chemical reactions are divided into such types:

  • substances reacting with the binder component - aluminum powder;
  • substances decomposing with gas release - perhydrol;
  • substances entering exchange reactions among themselves. As a result of these reactions, a large amount of gas is distinguished - ground limestone and hydrochloric acid.

Gas blocks are easy to handle: they can be cut, saw, drill and milling both electric and hand tools.

Standard gas-block weighing 30 kg replaces 30 bricks. And the small weight of the blocks makes it possible to build without the use of special lifts, which reduces the cash costs for renting equipment. Aerated concrete blocks are easy to cut and treatable.

To obtain a deplete mixture, use:

  • water;
  • lime;
  • cement;
  • quartz sand.

The production of gasket concrete is carried out on semi-automatic or fully automated production lines, blocking blocks are carried out using wire strings.

The production of aerated concrete in industrial conditions is conducted from Portland cement, lime and sand with the addition of aluminum powder by the autoclave method.

The molding technology of gas-dry concrete provides for the fill of the finished cellular mixture into block forms.

The starting materials are dosed and fed into a self-propelled mixer, in which the mixture is stirred for 4-5 minutes. An aqueous suspension of aluminum powder is added, and after thorough mixing, the mixture with aluminum powder is poured into metal forms not to the top. The space is left to fill the shape to the top after the intake.

Thermal treatment of aerated concrete is carried out in autoclaves in a saturated ferry.

The production process includes the following operations:

  • kneading the solution in the concrete mixer;
  • casting solution in forms;
  • pumping of concrete in forms under the action of a chemical reaction;
  • removal of Gorbush with a string;
  • autoclave processing to obtain a building material with a set of pre-specified properties and characteristics.

Non-autoclave way

Foam concrete blocks over time continue to gain strength.

Foam concrete is made by several technologies. The largest distribution was produced by the production of foaming concrete in the steam generator and in cavitation installations.

Foam concrete is obtained from a mixture consisting of cement, sand or ash-injunction, water and foam. The foam is formed in the foam generator from the solution of the foaming agent and water. Changing the ratio of components in the mixture, the use of different cooking technologies allow you to control the ratio of solid and air phases in the mixture. As a result, it is possible to obtain foaminets of all three groups: structural, structural-thermal insulation, thermal insulation.

In cavitation installations, the mixing of the starting materials is carried out in the BaroSmel, without the use of the foam generator, which allows manufacturing foam concrete in small volumes.

Has a wide range of applications. From it to be erected:

Foam concrete is made of sand, cement, water and special foam mechanical method.

  • carrying walls in private construction;
  • external enclosing structures in the construction of high-altitude monolithic houses;
  • internal partitions;
  • thermal insulation of pipelines;
  • thermal insulation of technological equipment;
  • soundless overlapping;
  • for roof insulation;
  • to fill out voids of various purposes;
  • for the manufacture of building blocks, fences and balcony fences;
  • for the manufacture of wall panels, overlaps, various partitions.

Foamy concrete has the following advantages: Ecology, durability, absorbs a small amount of moisture, fire safety, provides good sound insulation.

The manufacture of foam blocks lead in three ways:

  1. In cassette metal forms.
  2. Cutting foam concrete arrays at cutting installations.
  3. Focusing the foam concrete mixture into special forms with subsequent automatic platform.

Comparison of the types of cellular concrete

The cellular concrete varies on the production technology: aerated concrete - autoclave, and foam concrete is a non-autoclave or mechanical production method.

  1. Density and durability. Gas and foam concrete have the same density, and by strength, the indicators are better at aerated concrete.
  2. By frost resistance and thermal conductivity, both materials have similar characteristics.
  3. The water absorption capacity of the aerated concrete is higher, but it does not affect the quality of the material in construction.
  4. Cost of materials. This indicator is better at foam concrete, its cost below is 20-25% from. This is achieved by the low cost of foaming additives.
  5. The cost of production equipment. Equipment for the production of cellular gas and foam concrete has a high cost, but the cost of equipment for the gas of concrete is an order of magnitude higher from the cost of foam concrete.
  6. Production of foam blocks can be adjusted at the construction site.
  7. The closed structure of the cells of foam concrete allows it to be used for the construction of potential flooding water in the zones.
  8. The geometry and structure of the blocks are better in gas-sized concrete.
  9. Properties of silicate gas absorb and give water comparable with the qualities of natural wood.
  10. Gradual construction of structures on specially designed projects. This indicator better characterizes aerated concrete. It makes it easy to put up and hold the house at any time.
  11. Aerated concrete requires plastering, and this work is not required to be a pennant concrete.

The popularity of cellular concrete in the form of blocks is growing from year to year. The foam and aerated concrete are valued for high technical specifications. In recent years, other products from cellular concrete are also in demand: jumpers, overlap plates, staircases.

Didn't find an answer in the article? More information

In the section "Cottage" we affected the construction of cottages from the tree and a variety of composite materials (construction and operation of frame houses). Now let's pay attention to such innovative materials like aerated concrete and foam concrete. As well as their similarities and differences.

Concrete and wood are the most common building materials in Ukraine, of which most cottages are built. But now, foam concrete and aerated concrete blocks that combine the best qualities of these materials are conquered.

Aerated concrete and foam concrete - similarities

Since aerated concrete and foam concrete belongs to concrete with voids, that is, cells, then a collective name for aerated concrete and foam concrete - cellular concrete. The porous structure of cellular concrete determines their properties. Mesh concrete It is a type of lightweight concrete (a density of less than 1800 kg / m3) with evenly distributed by volume with spherical pores with a diameter of 0.5-2 mm.

For the production of concrete of this type, the same components are used as for conventional concrete (cement, quartz sand and water), but another component is added - poweredWhich can be different substances (for example, aluminum powder). Mass prepared by such methods is poured into the forms of large size, and when it will freeze, cut into blocks.

So, foam concrete blocks can be

  • cut a hand saw
  • stroke
  • strict
  • milling I.
  • drill.

That is, the porous structure of foam concrete and aerated concrete blocks facilitates their mechanical processing.

But the mounting to cellular concrete concrete frames, door boxes and other products and devices with ordinary dowels and, even more nails, does not provide a reliable connection. Recommended to apply special dowels with an enlarged spacer. Similar dowels should be used when installing brackets (for example, for mounted furniture and technology).

It should be borne in mind that to increase the strength and reliability of the structure of the house as a whole overlapping panels should not be relying on foam concrete blocks, but on a monolithic reinforced concrete beltcreated specifically for this in the upper wall area.

Aerated concrete and foam concrete, if the house is built on them, quite not necessarily facing brick. To finish the facade, you can use vapor-permeable plaster, tile, and natural and artificial stone, siding. Good foam concrete workability allows you to create perfectly smooth frontones under any angle of inclination of the roof, as well as such elements complexity, as semicircular and multifaceted erkers.

Since the air, in the pores, in itself is a good heat insulator, a cellular concrete wall with a thickness of 30 cm in its heating saving characteristics is similar to brickwork with a thickness of 1.7 m. And this means that such walls do not need additional insulation.

Sound insulation Indicators in cellular concrete is approximately 10 times higher than that of the brick. By fire resistance - the carrying ability to maintain in a fire - this type of concrete also takes higher positions than brick. As you know, brick walls in the fire are lost and destroyed. The cellular concrete and strength properties do not lose - when restoring the house, it is enough to consider soot, re-build wooden structures, roofing and prevail the damaged plaster.

By parry permeability - Ability to pass water vapor, always present in the air of residential premises - foam concrete blocks are approaching a tree, so in their homes it is easy to breathe, and the microclimate is close to the microclimate of the wooden house. And plus the material produced from mineral raw materials does not rot, does not burn and does not twist in water, the more profitably differs from the tree. One block of standard sizes (40 * 30 * 25 cm) replaces the laying of 15 standard bricks (25 * 12 * 6.5 cm), which reduces the complexity of the work and accelerates them approximately four times.

Malaya density Material (an average of 600 kg / m3, which is three times less than that of the brick) allows you to significantly reduce the transport and installation costs.

Since foam concrete (and gas-concrete) block absorbs moisture, it is necessary to protect the outer surface of the wall from the effects of atmospheric precipitation.. However, this should be done so as not to reduce the vapor permeability of the structure. A vapor-permeable plaster can be used as such protection (followed by a "breathable" facade paint) or lining with bricks, siding.

At the same time it is necessary to provide ventilated gap between the wall and facing. If you refuse it, then the steam coming out of the cellular concrete, without the opportunity to get outward, will begin to condense on the surface of the section, and even in the thickness of the walls, which during freezing will lead to their destruction. The surfaces of the walls of rooms with high humidity (bathroom, kitchen) also require protection against moisture - cladding them with ceramic tiles.

Differences of gas and foam concrete

If a pore formator is added to the concrete in concrete, which reacts with the components of the concrete is released, the mixture and becomes porous - as a result it is formed gasobutton.

If special foam agents are added, then foaming is mechanically produced (type mixer) - it turns out so foam concrete.

It should be noted that the use of different pores in the production of cellular concrete provides various properties of the materials obtained.

So, gasobutton is different significant through porosity and gas permeability (In other words, the pores in its thickness are interconnected by "moves"). That is, the walls made of aerated concrete "breathe".

On the other hand, foam concrete absorbs the atmospheric moisture less, since its pores are closed (isolated from each other). Thanks to this property, it is applied significantly wider than aerated concrete.

Another difference of aerated concrete and foam concrete consists in particularly cut them into blocks.

To cut the frozen mass of cellular concrete to blocks, domestic plants use different equipment. It is its quality that affects the accuracy of the geometric sizes of blocks. Products having significant deviations (± 3 mm or more), during construction is placed on a thick layer (10-12 mm) of cement-sandy solution, which allows you to compensate for curvature.

Blocks with minimal deviations Sizes (± 1 mm) can be mounted on "glue" (a special adhesive masonry solution for cellular concrete; is available in dry fine mixtures of water). Fat seams made of cement-sandy solutions have a greater thermal conductivity than a cellular concrete, and play the role of "cold bridges".

In the case of the use of "glue" of the seams in the masonry are obtained by more subtle (1-2 mm against 10-12 mm per solution). Such a wall is almost homogeneous, that is, it is characterized by minimal losses of heat-saving properties of cellular concrete on the seams. Masonry on "glue" has an explicit economic advantage. Of course, 1 kg of "glue" is more expensive than 1 kg of solution, but with a lesser thickness of the seam on the masonry there is a significantly smaller volume of the material ("glue"). As a result, costs are obtained by an average of 30% lower than when using cement-sandy solution. But once again we repeat: Mounting on "glue" Suppose only for blocks with dimensions of ± 1 mm!

Now for production Aerated concrete blocks It is used better equipment than for the manufacture of foam concrete, so most often there are precisely aerated concrete blocks with permissions of ± 1 mm. It is not surprising that the "glue" is mainly mounted aerated concrete. Of course, there are foam concrete blocks with high accuracy, but it is more difficult to find them on the market.