Wooden stand for cutlery with their own hands. Stand for knives and cutlery with their own hands

Create beautiful and original products can be almost from any material. The main thing for this is the desire to create beauty with your own hands.

Perfectly suitable for home creativity ordinary plastic spoons. From the standard and unremarkable items of disposable dishes, you can make bright, interesting, creative compositions.

This fascinating occupation will have to do with both adults and children.

What can be made of spoons

All who want to please the results of their creativity themselves and loved ones, we invite you to the master class "crafts from spoons."

You will see a gradually the whole process of forming crafts from plastic spoons.


In order to make a charming bouquet of tulips, we will need:

  • spoons (5 pieces for each flower);
  • color corrugated paper;
  • glue with a tassel;
  • scissors;
  • green tape.

Cut the squares of red paper. In each square wrapped with spoons and stuck.

Then we collect tulip. To do this, we fasten 2 spoons, add 3 more to them and fix the resulting flower with a tape. Cut out the leaves from the green paper, we attach to the stalk and tie to the ribbon.

We make a bouquet and put in a beautiful vase.

Water lily

To create plastic pits, you need to prepare:

  • spoons of different sizes,
  • glue pistol;
  • ordinary glue;
  • paints;
  • scissors;
  • green plastic bottle.

I cut off the handle in spoons, secure future petals with a glue gun. You must have the inner layer of petals.

In the same way, make the outer layer of the flower. Cut out a 12x3 cm strip from the bottle and make one of its edges with a fringe. Roll the strip and lock it with glue.

Paint fries in yellow and let it dry.

Make leaves from the bottle, as shown in the photo.

Attach the dried strip to the petals from the inside - it will be a middle of a flower. Magnificent whitewear ready!

Garland of flowers

A bright flower garland will be very impressive, for the manufacture of which you will need:

  • 18 multicolored spoons;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • thick thread;
  • paint;
  • pompona;
  • dense cardboard.

Cut from cardboard 3 triangles of the same size and color them.


Cut sticks in spoons. Mark in triangles the middle and stick the petals around it (6 pieces per flower). In the center of each flower place for Pompon.

Do in each triangle 2 holes and thread through them, connecting flowers in the garland in such a way.

Flower vase

Making a pretty flowers for flowers will require you:

  • spoons;
  • jars from tin;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • paints.

Paint your favorite color to the bank. Cut sticks from spoons. Paint the right colors rounded parts of spoons.

Stick spoons to a jar, placing them with smooth rows.



You can make it possible to make it possible to make a cow from spoons with:

  • spoons;
  • glue;
  • large volumetric buttons;
  • paints;
  • scissors.

Cutting off the handle in spoons, color oval part of each of them. Glue the wings together. Attach the button on top.


To create a sterile original candlestick, only spoons and glue are needed.

By gluing a spoon as shown in the photo, and attaching to the top of the design of the candle, you will get a stylish decor element that will decorate any holiday.

Decorative frame

You can use disposable spoons and to create an original framework that adorn various interior items.


To do this, you will need:

  • spoons in large quantities;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • foam or dense cardboard;
  • clock, a small round mirror, a photo or another valuable thing for you.

Having measured the diameter of the desired item, cut the circumference of the appropriate size in the cardboard or foam.

Place the clock, a photo or mirror in the resulting frame and secure them. Cut the handles of spoons. Enclose rounded parts of spoons to the rows of rows in a circle, from the edge to the center.

Color the finished fruit of your creativity as you want.

Christmas tree

Among the crafts from disposable spoons are very popular with a picturesque Christmas tree, for the manufacture of which you will need:

  • paper cone;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • paint.

Cut, as usual, spoons on 2 parts;

We glue an oval part of the spoons to the cone in a checker order.

I can paint the resulting Christmas tree in any color or leave it white and admire your creation.

Maracas (musical instrument)

The creation of this unusual tool will take you quite a bit of time, but guaranteed to delight your children.

Prepare for this following the following materials:

  • 2 spoons;
  • plastic egg;
  • scotch;

Place a small amount of rice in the egg and close.

Hold the egg with spoons on the sides.

Place the resulting model of scotch.


To make a large bright pumpkin from spoons, you need to cook:

  • spoons of yellow or orange color in large quantities;
  • foam ball.

Cut from spoons of handles.

Rain part of the spoons attach to the ball in the chess order upwards.

The crown of the resulting pumpkin can be decorate with a small branch.

The process of creating all the described compositions is reflected in the photo of crafts from spoons. We talked about the most popular and beautiful products from this material and shared secrets about how to make crafts from spoons with their own hands.

We hope that our master class has benefited and delivered aesthetic pleasure.

Photo crafts from spoons

Interesting and helpful trifles and devices made by their own hands give the house a special charm. They are the very place in the kitchen - such crafts make it cozy and especially homely. Many designer things can be easily made independently, possessing minimal abilities to needlework. So, useful master class on the topic, how to decorate the kitchen.

What design stuff do it yourself are appropriate in the kitchen? It may be simply interior things created for beauty, and there may be devices that carry practical benefits for the home - for example, the original dryer for the dishes, the organizer, cutting board. This is no longer just baubles, but quite used crafts.

In general, in the kitchen for decoration it is appropriate:

  • All sorts of napkins - fabric and bamboo;
  • Estampa;
  • Decorative boards and plates;
  • Ceramic products;
  • Topiary;
  • Dryer;
  • Organizer;
  • Board for cutting bread and vegetables;
  • Kits of tapes and other devices.

It must be said that the crafts made by their own hands are appropriate almost on any kitchens, in whatever style they were, ranging from the classics and ethno and ending with High Tek. Of course, the needlework is more appropriate in the kitchen in an ethno-style, especially if it is a tack with appliqué in the style of hokhloma or knitted napkins. But even for High Tek, you can create original kitchen crafts-baubles. For example, vases woven from the wire will be relevant here.

Decorative plates from buttons do it yourself (video)


You can decorate the kitchen if you do the topiary - a peculiar imitation of the happiness tree. Today, such crafts have become very popular, because it is believed that Topiary brings good luck to the house. It is extremely easy to make such souvenirs and will not need special skills for this. Master class can be viewed on the Internet.

As details of the tree - its leaves and colors can be used completely different and sometimes unexpected accessories - ribbons, bows, artificial flowers, artificial and live fruit, candies.

In order to make the topiary, you need to make the basis. It will form a tree shape and any interesting components will be inserted into it. The basis is made from:

  • old ball;
  • foam;
  • ready-made polystyrene balls that are sold in stores for the hobby;
  • paper-Masha in the form of a ball.

To make a stylish topiary in the kitchen, it is necessary to think about the trunk. The trunk of a tree can be made from the real branch of the tree, wire, wrapped the twine stick. If the topiary is tiny, then a pencil is used as a barrel.

The barrel is based on the basis. The wires are based on, on which those baubles are fixed, which depict the crown - bows, shells, candy. The main thing is to plant the entire surface of the base tightly so that there are no lumens, trying to follow the rules of symmetry. The village is planted in Cashpo, which can be placed as a filler. From above it is masked by clay and decorative pebbles. Topiary is ready.


Why not make useful fittings for home? For example, kitchen accessories - dryers for dishes. Such a dryer can become a decoration of the table if you make it in the original style.

Extremely beautiful and originally looks dryer for dishes made of wood. For its manufacture, you will need small bars from the tree - better pine and kay for wood. All items should be carefully polished and glued. You can cover the dryer for dishes from wood with paint or varnish.

You can make very original souvenirs in the kitchen, if you use unexpected accessories. For example, a dryer for the dishes can turn out of the pencils. The base of the stand is used a cutting kitchen board from a tree or just a segment of a tree. On the board make markups under the holes. The holes must be in the place where the racks will stand in the dryer for dishes. Pencils apply as racks. The holes depart the drill, pencils are inserted into them, and the dryer for dishes is ready. If you take pencils with colored enclosures, you will get a very cheerful positive thing. Such souvenirs can safely do as a gift.

Organizer for kitchen

Organizers are interesting and helpful kitchen devices designed to store all the little things. Organizer can be made of fabric. Such pleasant crafts can even be given to the housewarming. To do this, you can take the fabric you like and sew a rectangle from it. The pockets of different sizes are closed on it. On pockets you can make an application or decorate their embroidery. On pockets you can stick various baubles for decoration. Such an organizer will especially decorate the cuisine in a folk style.

An interesting organizer is obtained from a metal grid. It can be painted in different colors - master class on metal color can be viewed on the Internet. Such an organizer is good for a kitchen in a minimalist style or a style of Haytech. Different baubles can be hidden on the grid, fix notes to it. The frame with all sorts of clothes placed in it is also an interesting organizer, where you can store baubles and different interesting little things.


Wipes can be decorated with kitchen shelves, windowsill, table. If needlework is the hobby of the hostess, Tony can be bound by crochet or knitting needles. If needlework is not the strongest side, you can still quickly make a cloth napkin. Especially beautiful will look napkins with various patterns. Such needlework is available to everyone - it is enough just to apply the selected pattern or pattern to the cloth using a stencil.

There is a special master class on screen painting. But it is possible to arrange a napkin and without resorting to it. It is enough to choose the motive you like, transfer to the cardboard and with the help of a stationery knife cut stencil.

Important: Interesting interior solutions will turn out if the motifs of napkins will be applied to walls, curtains or kitchen cabinets with the help of all the same screening equipment.

You can make other souvenirs in the kitchen, applying all the same painting through the stencil. For example, a good decoration of the kitchen will be strains with a pattern, cookbooks with a drawing on the cover, other pleasant baubles, which are usually forced by the shelves of the house.

Crochet knitting (video)

Rug on the kitchen

The rug on the kitchen looks very cute. It may be woven. Moreover, the creation of the rug will not need complex devices, although the needlework is quite complicated and already requires skills.

The simplest thing is to make a rug in a nodule manner. To do this, you will need a mesh for the rug and old things that do not reach your hands to throw out that have interesting colors. Old things you just need to cut into stripes. Then every strip simply tie up the knot in the grid cage, leaving the length of the ends as the length of the pile I want to have in the rug. Work is simple, but painstaking. The rug can be done in a couple of evenings. Here is a secret in a beautiful selection of colors.

From the strips of the fabric can weave pigtails. And already putting pigs in the spiral. There will also be a beautiful rug in a grandmother's style.

Interesting mats can work out from the twine. The twine is better to take thick. It can be easily wrapped in a roll, fastening it with threads so that the roll does not fall apart. It turns out such a pancake, like a spoke tree. Such a rug is done quickly, but looks spectacular.

Interesting mats are obtained from stitched together fabric balls. But this needlework takes time.

In short, the kitchen mat is a stylish and easy to manufacture with your own hands accessory.

Fabric rug do it yourself (video)


You can make a craft to the kitchen with your own hands, guided by ideas found on the Internet or guided by your fantasy and skills. In any case, you should not be afraid that such crafts will look ridiculous. Even if they are not so professional, as I wanted, they still will create interesting and unusual interiors, the main value of which is originality and pieces.

Examples of stylish designer trifles for your kitchen (photo)

Stand for cutlery allows you to store cutlery and teaspoons, forks, knives used in the family daily, separately from each other. Unlike trays intended for kitchen boxes, the stands are installed on the kitchen tables in the dishwashing zone.

What to make a stand for appliances

Manufacturers offer ready-made wood support, plastic, metal, ceramics or combined. Alone, the kitchen accessory can also be made of these materials, but in the presence of work skills with them, special machines and tools.

More simple variants are made of infirred materials: tin cans, wooden boxes, kitchen boards. Additionally, it may be necessary: \u200b\u200bacrylic paint in aerosol cylinders, jute thread, dense fabric, skin pieces or suede.

Preparatory work

First choose 4-6 the same capacities in size. The height of tin cans should be 2/3 of the length of the cutlery. Previously, they are thoroughly washed, dried, the upper part with the help of pliers align from burrs. Then paint acrylic paint, which will protect against corrosion.

Reference! To work it is better to use paint in cylinders, which lies with a smooth layer and facilitates staining of the inner surface.

To properly cut the board, it is put on the table, install 4 or 6 cans (2 + 2 or 3 + 3) on it. Between them put the second plank, which will serve as an intermediate support. Make marking, cut, grind, color.

Install banks on the base, outlined holes in the center with a long nail or dumping and hammer. On the board in marked places, small holes are done. In this way, the banks will be attached to a wooden base.

Such operations are done with an intermediate support installed between banks. In the upper part of the capacities adjacent to the base, the location of the attachment is also planned.
You can use the jute rope as a decor, turning it the upper and lower part of the cans of 3-4 turns.

Stand for cutlery: step-by-step

There are several ways to make a stand under cutlery.

Standing from tin cans

After preliminary preparation of materials, it remains to assemble the entire design. This is done in 3 steps:

  1. With the help of self-tapping screws, banks on a wooden base on scheduled points are fixed.
  2. Install the second plank between the banks, fix them with the help of self-tapping screws.
  3. To the end of the board fasten the finished furniture handle or made of leather for ease of carrying a stand.

Attention! As an intermediate plate, you can use the finished kitchen board with an elongated upper part and the hole carved in it intended for fastening on the hook. It will make it easier to carry a stand without a handle.

For cans without decorating, the jute can be used by small signs cut from the same skin as the carrying handle. On the paint plate to write the purpose of each container (forks, spoons, knives). You can draw any small drawings (emoticons, spoons, forks, figures). Printed with special glue.

Kitchen Board Stand

For work, you will need 3 identical kitchen boards, dense cloth with any pattern (in a cell, colors, peas), braid. Kitchen accessory assembly step by step:

  1. A rectangle, 2/3 of the length of the cutlery, cut out of the tissue width of the board.
  2. Put the prepared fabric on the board, decorated with braid on top.
  3. With the help of small furniture carnations or a stapler attach a tape with a cloth to a wooden base.
  4. Boards with pockets hang on 3 separate hooks or on a ready-made hanger for kitchen accessories.

Three nearby hanging boards with pockets for knives, spoons and plugs look unusually and original. If the material is selected in the correct color scheme, the kit will definitely decorate the kitchen.

Convenience in all many times reduces the time that allows you to have much more than work in discomfort. Having wondered by this idea, the author of the self-catering decided to create a homemade stand for knives and other cutlery, as the chaoticness of their stay in the kitchen cannot please, and the search for kitchen appliances across the kitchen is not at all Comilfo.

In order to make such a comfortable stand for knives and cutlery, you will need:
* Plywood.
* Carnations.
* Clamps.
* Glue for wood.
* Bormashinka.
* Metal grid.
* Screws.
* Screwdriver.
* Electrolovka.

That's all the materials that we need to create a stand.

Step one.
On the sheet of plywood, we lace the desired dimensions, and then with the help of the electrobrice, drink blanks. When operating an electrolovka, be careful, as well as dress gloves and safety glasses. In this case, the stand will be calculated on 8 knives of various sizes. After all the blanks are drinking, you can move to the next step.

Step second.
In order for the knife to sit in its groove, you need to make sides from speckle, which glue to each of the parts of the stand on a special adhesive for wood. Also, do not forget to retreat a few millimeters from the edge of the blade so that the knife is simply not stuck into the groove. For greater persuasiveness and reliability of the design, we knock off the joints with small nails with a secret hat.

Step Three.
Having made the same way 8 such parts of different sizes, starting from the small, ending with large, go to the gluing of them into something more similar to the stand. Bloom the best glue PVA, as it has long established itself when working with a tree. The lower part of the stand is cut into the form of a semicircle with the help of an electric bike, then in the same way with the help of clamp we press to our billets, prematurely flushing the joint with glue.

The place for knives is ready, and now you need to make a separate compartment for other kitchen appliances.
Step fourth.
With the help of the borders from the metal mesh, cut the desired size of the trapeze, the dimensions of which are shown in the picture.

After that, it is necessary to fasten the screwdriver to small screws to the lower part of the stand, and to the parts where the knives are installed must be glued, pressed after that the clamps.

For all modern owners kitchen - one of the most important rooms in the housewhere they spend a lot of time. For them, this is a real workplace that needs to be equipped under their own needs.

As you want, the kitchen is cozy, comfortable and very functional! It turns out comfort and maximum convenience can be made with your own hands, We will make a little imagination and patience.

Trivia for kitchen

Unfortunately, most modern apartments, especially built several decades ago, do not boast big spacious kitchensTherefore, hostesses have to resort to different tricks to save space.

In the cabinets under the sink, there are usually no one shelves, but all detergents and cleaning products may not fit. To save place and not install additional shelves, you can, for example, attach a metal pipe into the top of the locker.

In this case, was used old crossbar for bathroom curtainand. The pipe can easily hang cleaning products in bottles with sprayers.

Magnets You can use for storing knives or scissors. Convenience is that the knives are easy to get at any time.

Rubber gloves and rags for dust and washing You can equip hooks or hinges and hang them dry in a closet under the sink on the inside of the door. The same can be done with brushes.

Often you can face a problem as more aesthetically stored plastic bags. Usually packages are put in one large package and thus stored, but you can sew the fabric long narrow sac. It will look original and do not spoil comfort.

For hanging towels use ordinary clothespins. To do this, you need to glue them to the wall or attach to the suction cups on the wall. Such a way to keep towels will look very original and will save you from buying hooks and drilling holes for them.

Important attributes of any kitchen are spices and various loose substances, sort of sugar, salt, croup, which are always important for cooking. You need not only to store them correctly, but also put them so that they are always easy to get and put in place. Here are some tips on how best to keep spices.

Beautiful will look at the spices placed in same jars or bottles, then they are not necessarily hiding somewhere in the cabinets. You can adapt the shelves at the edge of the table.

Another option: to put the jars with spices right above the working surface on special adapted shelves. Then the spices will always be at hand.

If you can find sets of bottles for spices, which have special covers In order to hang them on the crossbar, then the spices can be accommodated next to other kitchen accessories.

Spices in jars on a magnet. If you have the opportunity to find similar jars that are equipped with magnets, then with the help of steel sheet, they can be stored attached to the door of the kitchen cabinet.

However, you can buy and ordinary plastic jars and glued to their bottom flat magnetic plates.

In order to make magnetic jars You will need a magnetic leaf, banks (better plastic) with dense lids, scissors, pencil, glue and ordinary paper.

1) With the help of a pencil circle the bottom of the jar on a sheet of magnetic paper.

2) Cut in the contour as many circles as you are in the presence of jars.

3) Stick Magnets to the bottom of the cans, let it dry well.

4) Cut paper strips for inscriptions.

5) Stick paper strips on the lid.

6) Subscribe the names of the spices that you will be stored in jars.

7) In order to keep magnetic jars vertically, you should also have available magnetic board.

Original use idea magnetic lidswho are attached to the refrigerator on the side. Instead of conventional magnets, you can hold on the surface of the refrigerator magnets-jars with spices.

Another option to store spices - two-storey stands. They will save a lot of space in the lockers:

By the way, spice Storage Shelves You can make yourself using plywood and nails.

Spices can be stored in special drawerswhich are made to order for maximum saving space.

The original method of storage of spices - in jars whose covers screwed from the bottom of the shelf. Taking the spices, you will have to unscrew the cans from the nailed covers.

Storage of vegetables in the kitchen

Some types of vegetables do not necessarily store in the refrigerator or on the balcony. Moreover, in winter it can be very cold, so vegetables are often transferred to heat so that they do not froze. Vegetables are most convenient to store in the kitchen in special boxes.

If the place allows, you can put vegetables in baskets, and baskets in drawers. Baskets can be revealed at any time.

It should be remembered that not all vegetables are well stored in warm conditionsTherefore, too large cabinets should not be made and store large batch of vegetables. It is better to store for storage for several kilograms of potatoes or onions, and as the reserves are exhausted new. Vegetables can also be placed in wooden boxes or baskets with covers.

An interesting idea of \u200b\u200bstoring vegetables in bags on ropessuspended on the wall. The only problem is that the bags you will often wash, especially if you store potatoes, beets and other roots. Bags can be sewed from linen or cotton fabricwhich in color is harmony with the kitchen design.

It will look original baskets, hung right on the walls where can be placed vegetables or fruits. These baskets will perform in the role of functional design details.

In the kitchen usually a lot bulk utensilswithout which cooking is impossible. In addition to plates and cups, you will need to store the pans, pans, caulders and much more. To save space a little and accommodate everything, you can use the following tips:

One of the most convenient ways of storage metal dishes, more precisely, more flat frying pan, cooks and so on - this is their hanging on the wall. Around the perimeter of the kitchen can be attached pipe with hooksFor which pans and other utensils are hanging.

If you have enough space in the kitchen and high ceilings, you can hang the dishes right above the table, attaching to the ceiling special design for this. The only minus such a decision is that the pot will hang over your head all the time.

If the design "all in sight does not suit you, then the dishes will have to hide in special lockers intended for herwhich are part of the furniture.

Or like this:

Crafts for kitchen with their own hands

In order for your kitchen more cozy, you can decorate it different handmade craftsthat will always please the eyes, and will also perform your faithful assistants. Here are some interesting ideas of accessories for the kitchen made with your own hands.

Clothespins, decorated with inscriptions and bows, can be glued to the wall so that they keep towels or tacks.

Knitted hats for kettle (You can make from the old header). Such a cap will allow you to keep warm well, and tea in the kettle will be brewed faster.

Original hot Patterns. They can be made any form and any color. The most beautiful will decorate the kitchen.

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Kitchen tags do it yourself

Some fabric accessories that will be suitable in each kitchen can be easily made independently for themselves, or present close as a gift. Very necessary thing in the kitchen is fucking for hot dishes. We offer you several options for the manufacture of this accessory.