Home Task on Biology Workbook. Biology Workbook

Will help get five any student GDZ Biology Workbook Grade 9 Book V.V. Not every student is aware that all its further life depends on the quality of his school. Most children and adolescents relate to eleven classes as long-term punishment. In fact, how a person shows itself in this period greatly affects his future career. If you turn to statistics, you can notice very curious facts. So, all budget places in the prestigious universities of the country are occupied by excellent students and, where more often, good. They receive a red diploma, and they go to prestigious positions in large firms or government agencies. Many and at all begin their, quite successful, business. This is due to the fact that these people are one of the most disciplined, hardworking and responsible: they never get the case halfway. In addition, there are peculiar bonuses in having an excellent certificate:

  1. They are going from the hands of missed lessons and not written verification works. It is connected with the fact that the teachers know perfectly well that they will be able to catch the entire missed material.
  2. They practically do not know what excitement on tests. Cold, durability and ability to gather in critical situations taught them the experience of visiting the set of Olympiads and Competitions. Participation in them can also bring good bonuses in the university: for example, an increased scholarship or grants.
  3. They want to be friends almost all, because They can write off at the control work. They enjoy this authority among their peers.

How to overcome difficulties with a biology benefit for a working notebook for grade 9 from the butter

To achieve such a position, you must try. So, a schoolboy is obliged to attend every occupation, perform any exercise - only the work program will be assimilated. It is important to eliminate gaps in knowledge. For example, they often arise with such a subject as an algebra. Queen Science does not tolerate the forgotten rules - everything needs to be learned by heart. However, this does not have to do - it is enough to just open the GDZ on the textbook of the Book. GEF for grade 9 online. IN reshebnik on biology for grade 9, workbook, authors: V.V. Book, G.G. Shvetsov there is:

  1. Faithful answers to any number.
  2. Detailed tasks solutions.
  3. There are performed test work.

The workbook is an integral part of the educational and methodological kit of the Life Line series for 5-6 classes edited by V. V. Pischikov and addressed to students engaged in the textbook of this line.
The structure of the manual corresponds to the thematic structure of the textbook "Biology. 5-6 classes "and contains a variety of questions and tasks aimed at developing a wide range of necessary skills. The manual also includes tasks for control that will help better prepare for knowledge checks.
The manual is intended for independent work of students at home or in class.

The notebook is an application to the textbook V. V. Book "Biology. Bacteria, mushrooms, plants. Grade 5. " The textbook complies with the federal state educational standard for basic general education. In addition to the notebook, the CMD includes an electronic application, a methodological manual and a working program.
The notebook contains various reproductive and creative questions and tasks, including in the form of laboratory work, cognitive tasks, tables, schemes, drawings and terminological crosswords. The notebook also includes test tasks that will help students prepare for successful delivery of the USE and GIA.
Special signs are noted tasks aimed at the formation of meta-delta skills (planning activities, allotment various signs, compare, classify, etc.) and personal qualities of students.

Download and read biology, bacteria, mushrooms, plants, 5th grade, workbook, Book V.V., 2015

The proposed notebook is part of the educational complex to N. textbook. Sonina "Biology. Living organism. 6th grade". Special marks are noted tasks aimed at the formation of meta-delta skills (planning activities, allocate various signs, compare, classify, etc.) and personal qualities of students.
The material in the notebook is located in the same sequence as in the textbook. At the end of each section, the rubric "Training tasks" is placed, the questions of which are compiled in the form and taking into account the requirements of the EGE. Working with notebook will help students better master the course content.
The textbook corresponds to (federal educational standard of basic general education. In addition to the notebook, the CMD includes an electronic application, a methodological manual and a working program.

Consider drawings of flowers. Find a flower glass, a color, cups, petals, stamens, pestles (with urging, a column and a stitch) and pull out each part of the flower in one color (for example, a cup of green, whites - yellow, etc.).

Download and read biology, living organism, grade 6, workbook to the textbook Sonina N.I. "Biology, living organism, grade 6", Sonin N.I., 2014

The workbook is designed to the textbook "Basics of General Biology" for 9 Class Students (Avt. I.N. Ponomareva, O.A. Kornilova, N.M. Chernova). The tasks offered in it, having a different educational nature, correspond to the sections and paragraphs of the textbook. They will allow the teacher to organize a differentiated practical work of nine-graders, and students - to acquire qualitative knowledge of general biology.

Download and read Biology, Grade 9, Workbook, Kozlova T.A., Kuchmenko V.S., 2013

The proposed notebook is part of the study kit to the textbook V. B. Zakharova, N. I. Sonina "Biology. Mature of living organisms. " It includes a variety of questions, tasks, laboratory work.
The material in the notebook is located in the same sequence as in the textbook. Working with notebook will help students better assimilate the content of the textbook and prepare for the successful delivery of the USE and GIA with the help of test tasks included in the workbook.

Download and read biology, variety of living organisms, grade 7, workbook, Zakharov V.B., Sonin N.I., 2014

The workbook is an addition to the textbooks V. B. Zakharov, S.G. Mamontova, N. I. Sonina, E. T. Zakharova "Biology. General biology. Profile level, grade 10 and "Biology, general biology. Profile level. Grade 11".

The workbook will allow to better assimilate "to systematize and consolidate the knowledge obtained in the study of the material of the textbook.

At the end of the notebook, "training tasks", compiled in the form and taking into account the requirements of the exam, which will help students better assimilate the course content.

  • Why do teachers recommend using reshebniks? What GDZ - online cheat sheet or an indispensable tool in learning? For these and other questions, schoolchildren and their parents will easily answer themselves, having received the practical publication at their disposal.
  • Workers notebooks are offered as an effective help in studies. Didactic practitioner complexes are a daily teacher's arsenal, a skillful mentor for a schoolboy and a reference book for the parents' school program. The presence of ready-made answers is nothing more than a "guide thread" for each category.
  • To prepare homework in grade 9, it is recommended to use the manual, which was V.V. Book, G.G. Shvetsov. The authors have made every effort so that everyone finds in the publication necessary and useful:
    - Pedagogues - anterorant training complex;
    - Schoolboy - Knowledge Grinding Tool;
    - Parents - the ability to check homework.
  • Biology lessons in grade 9 encompass volumetric training material: from molecular theory to evolutionary hypotheses. Schoolchildren not only continue to know the world, but also get acquainted with the Aza research activities.
  • GDZ - This is an opportunity to consolidate information learned in the lessons, apply it to practice and check the results obtained. The correct approach to the use of the reshebnik will bring a sense, incorrect - aggravate problems. The choice is yours!
  • Biology - Nine-graders: Effective working notebooks and reshebs

  • Pursuing working notebook According to biology for grade 9, compiled by Polanik V. V. and Shvetsov, G. G. and released by the publishing house, student will receive full and deep, worked in practice. View of such sections and course themes as:
    - the role and place of biology in the system of modern sciences, methods of biological research;
    - the fundamental concepts and principles of the science of the cell - cytology, cell theories and the chemical composition of the main element of all living organisms on the planet flowing into the cells processes - metabolism, biosynthesis of protein and others;
    - the concept of organisms, their individual development and reproduction, methods and peculiarities of processes;
    - genetics, its patterns and forms, theory and their practical verification.
  • Using a special reshebnik to the manual, nine-graders will be able to independently, in their pace and on the basis of their tasks and goals, make an effective work plan and achieve the desired one. At the heart of this planning work with GDZ Must lie:
    - assessment of the basic level of schoolboy's knowledge;
    - the result that he seeks to achieve such work - participation and victory in the Olympiads on the subject, improving the current and final score on biology, preparation for the surrender of OGE for this discipline;
    - self-control and self-test of achievements, identifying and timely correction of emerging flaws, solving problems, adjusting plans.
  • Working with the help of collectors of finished homework, nine-graders can independently or attract specialists - tutoring and manufacturers of preparatory courses and biodiversity. Another important advantage of such a technique is to continuously observe the principle of competent recording of results. Often correctly received, but incorrectly displayed answer leads to a decrease in the score, and in contests, competitions and similar events - to the loss of a prize place, losing. Working with ready-made homework in regular mode will allow you to get rid of such risks, the main thing is to be attentive not only to the solution, but also to writing results.
  • The collection is recommended by many experts and experts, often used by graduates of the eleventh grade, preparing to pass the EGE on biology to repetition of a difficult and volumetric material of the ninth grade course.