Where to repair the secateur garden scissors. Springs for brainjets do it yourself

When creating various devices, it is very useful to have a spring at hand. By itself, the question arises: how much, what type and size can be needed next time and how to make a spring with your own hands?

At the same time, sometimes there is a situation when it is difficult to find a spring that perfectly meets your requirements. So why not make your own?

Creating springs may seem frightening, but with the help of a basic tool and with a simple instruction, each of you can create it.

In this article, I will show you how to do some of them, first the simplest, and then I will go to some "advanced" tools, but this will not add the process of creating complexity.

Step 1: Types

Here are some of the many types of springs that we will learn to do. From left to right:

  • Tensioner
  • Compressive
  • Conical
  • Torsion

Step 2: Let's start working with basic tools

You can start creating many different types using the tools designated in the list:

  • pin with a diameter of 1.4 cm
  • string for piano or wire
  • pliers with bearings
  • clips
  • wireless drill

Step 3: Cut the pin

First take a wooden pin and cut it up to about 12 cm. Then shift in one of its ends of the groove, it will be destroyed for a string. The pin with a diameter of about 1.4 cm is best suited because it is well attached in the cartridge drill.

Step 4: Creating a Stretch Spring

Wireless drills are good because you can configure the speed of their rotation. For safety, always use pliers - if the wire jumps, it can cut your hands.

Secure the drill on the table with the help of the clips. One hand lies on the gun turning button, and the second clamps the pliers. Turn the drill as much as you need until you achieve the required number of turns. During the winding, hold the cord under stress, and the spring will turn better.

Step 5: Figure String

After winding, I contacted the pliers remaining tips and got a stretch spring. Experimenting, you can achieve various sizes of the loop.

Step 6: Compression

It will require a longer pin, in which the groove will also be cut. During winding, measure the distance between the turns on the eyes. It will require your practice, but the occupation is actually very entertaining.

When the spring was ready, I spent the test (see the last photo). I placed her on the pin, pressed it from above a small wooden bar and quickly let go - the bar shot to the ceiling.

Step 7: Conical

The conical is done with a drill and a ribbon grinding machine.

Using the same winding technique, I planted a string to the Pazik on the pin. When the spring was completely wound, I cut her ends, and the conic spring was ready. I did it twice, and the second option came out better.

Step 8: torsion

For the manufacture of a torsion, I used a brass rod, since the wooden pin could not withstand the load and broke. To create a spring, make several turns and leave the straight line of the string at both ends. Curved the ends of the string, you will create a good torsion spring.

Step 9: Conclusion

In the photos you see the compressive and set of different springs that I did at home.

I hope the manufacturer will be for you a simple occupation and will help you make a lot of interesting projects. If you use them constantly, it will also save you money.

Most often, the question of how to make a spring independently, using for this, the remedies does not occur. However, there are situations where the springs of the required diameter are not at hand. It is in such cases that the need arises in the manufacture of this item with their own hands.

Of course, spring for responsible mechanisms working in intensive mode, it is best to produce in production conditions where it is possible not only to choose correctly, but also to observe all the parameters of the technological process. If the non-standard spring is required for use in the mechanism that will be operated in a gentle mode, you can make it at home.

What you need

To make a spring with your own hands, prepare the following consumables and equipment:

  • steel wire, the diameter of which must correspond to the size of the cross section of the turns of your future spring product;
  • conventional gas burner;
  • a tool that is necessarily in every plumbing workshop;
  • scrolls;
  • the furnace, which can also be used and the heating device of domestic destination.

Wire, if its diameter does not exceed 2 mm, you can not subjected to preliminary heat treatment, as it is easy to bend it without it. Before winding such a wire on the mandrel of the desired diameter, it must be accelerated and thoroughly align over the entire length of the winding.

Choosing the diameter of the mandrel, you should consider the size of the spring you are going to do at home. To compensate for the elastic wire deformation, the mandrel diameter is selected slightly less than the desired size of the internal cross section of the future product.

In the event that the diameter of the wire, from which you are going to make a spring, more than 2 mm, it must be preloaded, since without such a procedure, it will be difficult to put it on the mandrel.

Step-by-step instruction

Step 1

The first thing you need to do if you are going to make a spring with your own hands, is to choose a material for such a product. The optimal material in this case is another spring (the main thing is that the wire diameter, from which it is made, matches the cross section of the springs that you need to do).

Step 2.

Annealing wire for spring, as already mentioned above, will allow you to make it more plastic, and you will be able to align it and wind on the mandrel. To fulfill such a procedure, it is best to use a special oven, but if there is no one at your disposal, you can use any other device to be melted.

In such a furnace, it is necessary to ignite birch firewood and when they run up to coal, put a spring in them, the wire from which you are going to use. After the spring is hot, the corners must be moved to the side and give the heated product to cool together with the furnace. After cooling the wire will become much more plastic, and you can easily work with it at home.

Step 3.

A soft wire should be thoroughly aligned and start winding on the mandrel of the required diameter. When performing such a procedure, it is important to ensure that the turns are located close to each other. If you have never engaged in winding springs earlier, you can pre-watch a training video that is easy to find on the Internet.

Step 4.

So that your new spring has the desired elasticity, it must be hardening. Such thermal processing, like hardening, makes material more hard and durable. To perform hardening, the finished spring should be heated to a temperature of 830-870 °, for which you can use the gas burner. It is possible to focus on the fact that the required temperatures of hardening is achieved, it is possible to color a hot spring: it should become light red. To accurately define such a color, also focus on video. After heating to the desired temperature, the spring must be cooled in transformer or Verezero oil.

Hello everybody mosigumchinam! Well, if the spring desired for your projects can be bought in the store, but then, how much do you need to have in stock, and what size and type? In addition, the purchased springs are sometimes suitable, and sometimes it is very difficult to find the right one, so it would be nice to learn to make them do it yourself And this article will help you!

Production of springs Although it seems something frightening, but having basic fool's tools and simple knowledge of any homemalerchik They can do. In this guide, I will tell you how to make some springs, first with a slight way, and then with the help of a more diverse tool, but also not difficult.

Step 1: Types of Springs

The photo contains several types of springs that I will show how to do.
Left - stretching spring, further compression spring, conical spring and twist spring.

Step 2: The main way

In the first and simple way to create brainskin Used tools and materials shown in the photo. Using them can be safely made a wide variety of springs, and this is:
- Wooden wand with a diameter of 1.2cm
- Piano string
- Pliers with "option" wire boning
- Hoven
- Clamp
- Screwdriver

Step 3: Preparation of a wooden stick

From the wooden stick, we cut a part of about 13 cm with a length of about 13 cm, and on one of the ends, we make a slot to which the strings will be inserted. Well for this is suitable wand with a diameter of 1.2cm, since it is perfectly included in the cartridge of the screwdriver. Little wand Mozdiameter Not suitable - she will not be able to keep the piano string.

Step 4: Production of spring springs

For our purposes, the screwdriver is suitable, rather than drill, because you can control the speed of rotation. For security reasons, always use pliers, as the string can characterize and impass you!

At first, the clamp is secured by a screwdriver to the workbench, then by one hand controlling the inclusion button of the screwdriver, and the other holding braincuts, screw the springs turns, as much as you need. During the flow of the string tensely stretch it, so the spring will be better.

Step 5: Bending ends

After turning the spring, with the help of pliers, it is fucked by its ends and get the finished stretching spring. Experimenting in a similar way, you can get springs of various sizes.

Step 6: Compression Spring

To create a spring of this type, you will need a longer wand, but also with a slot on the end. When it winding it between the turns, it is necessary to keep a certain distance, which is controlled by which "on the eye" may have to practic a little to get a high-quality spring, but mozgianship This is quite interesting.

Having made this spring, I tried it - put it on a wooden rod, and a small block was placed on top. When I clicked on him and let him go, the block "bullets" flew to the ceiling.

Step 7: Conical Spring

The conical wand can be made using a screwdriver and grinding machine.

Applying the same brainotechnicalThe string is refueling into the slot of the cone shaft, and then winding occurs. After the spring is wound, its ends are trimmed, and everything, the conic spring is ready.

To get a high-quality cone spring, I wound two such, and the second turned out better.

Step 8: Time Spring

To create this spring, I was forced to use a brass rod with a slot, as the wooden could not stand it.

To make a twist spring, it is enough to wind several coils on the distance you need between them. After that, a little fastening the ends you will get the finished twist spring.

Step 9: And in conclusion

The photo shows the compression spring, which I did with a brass rod, and some other other, different sizes.

I think that this brainotechnics the manufacture of springs is not complicated, and I hope it will come in handy in your selfiets. In addition, it will help to save if you need a lot of springs.

Thank you for your attention and good luck in modymagism!