The interior of the house from the bar: possible stylistic directions and photos with examples of design. Perfect interior for home from a bar of a room in a house from a bar

Wooden houses from the bar are associated with us with an exceptional climate, eco-friendly space, they are closely related to nature. The interior of the country house from the bar, we try to decorate so as to emphasize the beauty of the tree, create a warm and cozy atmosphere. Different interiors of rooms in a house from a bar with a photo you can see below, with the help of the presented options you can find inspiration to create your own cozy housing.

Search for inspiration

So, you built a wooden country house from a bar. You probably analyzed the pros and cons of such a decision and took into account when choosing certain arguments. Now it's time to equip the interior of the house from the bar inside. Part of the design bureau in the project package also offer visual examples of interior design. However, if you decide to approach this issue with a fantasy and consider other projects, we will provide you with several interesting decisions, how to organize the interior of a wooden bar in.

Interior of the house from a bar inside - photos and fresh ideas

The design and interior decoration is probably the most pleasant part of the realization of the dream of the country house owner, as we had to overcome a considerable and difficult way to build. Buying a plot, the choice of design solutions related to construction technology and their subsequent implementation, as a rule, cause us a lot of problems, require a lot of effort, time and money. At this stage, many have probably re-read the construction guidelines, conducted long hours on thematic forums, consulted with specialists, discussed problems with friends and neighbors. At that time, we had to deal with a variety of professionals, sellers of building materials, various firms and experts.

In the end, we successfully raised the walls of our home. Now you can afford to show imagination and create a unique interior, not only beautiful, but also functional, taking into account the needs of each resident of the house.

An interesting idea is to use a wooden house attic to organize mezzani. Natural wood does not require painting, it will make the room with warm and cozy.

In wooden houses, the rooms are very often designed in a classic style with the addition of elements in a rustic style, such solutions in the kitchen are especially popular. The interior of the kitchen of a wooden house, of course, should be made in a tree, excellent additions to which will be natural and artificial stone or brick. Elements of a wooden ceiling play an important role in such kitchens. Usually we try to separate them so that they are combined with other elements of the interior.

In order to emphasize the beauty and variety of textures such premises should get more light, especially worth paying natural light. This question should be taken into account yet at the design stage of the house. Large panoramic windows will allow natural finishing of the premises to merge with nature outside, forming a harmonious whole.

Can we decorate the interior of a wooden house in a modern style? What about minimalism? Lovers of these styles can also achieve amazing and interesting effects.

The arrangement of the bathroom can also be a difficult task, but modern finishing materials and plumbing gives us a lot of opportunities, and the privacy of a country house will allow you to enjoy the look of a beautiful landscape from the window, lying in a hot bath.

The wooden house, decorated in a modern style, looks very spacious and cozy, and glass and metal give it modern accents. In this case, it is worth a bet on modern stairs, leather furniture in minimalistic form, biocamine.

Large windows in the front of the building wall will help you make an attractive open-open living room. Mansard windows will help in illumination of this part of the house.

Great opportunities give us wood

Genuine wood provides unlimited opportunities for the design of wooden houses. If you feel sorry to hide all wooden, natural framework elements under a thick layer of plasterboard plates, you can leave, and even emphasize some of them, such as wooden poles that support beam or other wooden roof elements. Due properly integrated and adapted to the style of the whole house, they can add a charm even into modern arrangements of the premises, additionally ordered space.

Let the Volodya Traditions

As a rule, a rustic or classic style is dominated inside the interior of the house. Special character gives them raw materials - unpainted wood, beams and columns.

In the design of such interiors, a unique finish is often used, for example, hand-painted, historical clock with cuckoo and battle or samovar. In this type of interior, natural materials are very well suited - a tree, with a pronounced graininess or imitating stone tile on the floor.

The interiors of wooden houses have a special climate, but their arrangement can cause us a lot of trouble. It seems that this type of interior does not create restrictions, but it will be quite difficult to arrange it in a modern style, the village interior is often used or even eclectic.

To give some lightness to heavy walls from the logs well combine them with fragments of ready-made plates from drywall and to do smooth plaster walls. But you should not close the finish all the tree, wood must give the interior internal nature and expressiveness. Very nice on a background, a fireplace, decorated with a stone or red brick, will be highlighted.

In the bedroom, you can combine the charm of natural wood and modern elements of the interior. The location of the windows in the bedroom on the attic will be favored by the morning awakening and provide optimal bedroom lighting.

And finally, you can also decorate a log house in an environmental style, for example, combining bar and beams with elements of simple, preferably white furniture, which in its form will emphasize the natural structure of the walls. Natural materials are suitable for this type of interior, the stone, flax, cotton and clear natural colors, such as beige, white or green. Thus, we will make a lighter interior and give it some lightness and space.

As a rule, preference is given to the finishing method, emphasizing the natural origin of the material. This is usually grinding and coating of brusal walls by lesing (transparent, toning) or shelled (opaque) composition. As for the style of decoration, the interior of the brusade cottage can be both traditional and quite modern. The desired aesthetic effect is achieved by means of "auxiliary" means - flooring, furniture, lamps and decor items.

1. House of timber in modern style

Architect Yuha Paldanius (Juha Paldanius). Photo: Andrei Shevchenko

The inner walls are reduced to their light grinding and subsequent treatment with a lesing material, which emphasized the natural beauty of the glue bar, while removing the invested pine yellowness. Design style -, with single borrowings in loftov and Japanese aesthetics.

2. Laconic interior of brusade house

Covered with transparent varnish - in the future, the drawing characteristic of the Angarsk pine will appear brighter and more active. To the services of a professional designer, customers did not have to resort, because they were well represented that the interior should be in modern concise, built on a combination of various shades of gray and white.

3. House in Gustavian style

Pasi Pasi Pasi Pasi Puhakka, Designers on the interiors, Latteri Rantasalo (Petteri Rantasalo), Charlotta Lindroos. Photo: Andrei Shevchenko

Customers were alien to modern aesthetics, in addition, they planned to "move" into a new housing antique furniture. The hostess also identified its colorful preferences - she really likes warm, according to her "fragrant", shade of coffee with milk. Designers took the basis of Gustavian (Swedish) style. The latter accepts almost any additions, both classic and modern, without losing lightness and elegance.

Such an openness allowed the authors of the project to introduce into the interior, as well as abandon the generally accepted practice to leave without additional finishing. Some walls in the house were ground and covered with translucent paint and varnish compositions, others - first stitched with plasterboard, after which they were sailed by wallpaper or painted in a shade of coffee with milk.

4. Interior with olive style elements

Architect Alexander Petunin (Palex-Stroy), author of the interior of Daria Zhukov. Photo: Serebryakov's hope

For decoration of the walls in this cottage, a method was used, borrowed from furniture manufacturers. First, the walls in one layer were covered with matte paint. After the last dried, the wood was polished. Thus, it was possible to emphasize the unusual natural texture of the material, without resorting to hard methods like the brushing (artificial aging by means of special metal brushes).

With ceilings, triggeted with larch, they were accepted differently. The texture of larch is more interesting than pine. Therefore, a very liquid paint applied to the ceiling surfaces, immediately removed with a wet cloth. That grabbed, it was grabbed, but the "impregnation" came out very natural. When interior design, the architect proceeded from the fact that "beautiful and expensive" is not synonymous with comfort. In his opinion, a wooden house should be spacious, well-groomed and European comfortable.

This atmosphere can be created using olive style, but the author of the project wanted to avoid associations with a rural way of life. Therefore, its choice was the simple and at the same time elegant wooden furniture, design, lines and decoration of which only remind of furnishings of houses of southeastern provinces of France.

5. Rustic style house

Architect Yani Ikkala (Jani Ikkala, Kimara), lead designer Timo Mättänen, designers at the interiors of Rita Vanhaoja (Ritva Vanhaoja), Sanna Lahtivesi. Photo: Suomen Asuntomessut

The owners preferred the rustic style of the cottage. Walls in all rooms, with the exception of the guest bedroom, shower and sauna, painted white. For work, a lesser composition was used, which emphasized the texture of natural wood. The situation was made up of items painted in white (cabinet furniture) or covered with printed or monophonic tissues with a shade of non-heated flax (sofa, armchairs, couch, beds).

This choice is quite justified - the general metrar of the cottage is small, and light tones contribute to the optical increase in the premises. The provincial character of the decoration was emphasized by adding objects that are intended for operation on the street. Thus, the dining group was staffed by braided chairs, and large garden lights placed in the living room.

6. Light interior

Architect Taisto Hertteli, Designer on the interiors of Sirkka Liga Murtovaara (Sirkka-Liisa Murtovaara). Photo: Studio Hans Koistinen

The decoration of all rooms is withstanding in a single color scheme. The tone sets the pine timber, in the group of its support - white, gray, black and numerous shades of beige. Undesome, erected internal partitions are covered with aspen lining. Thus, wooden structures are simulated. At the same time, the selection of the material is not quite trivial: the aspen should be used to finish bath and saunas due to its resistance to simultaneous exposure to high temperatures and steam.

In this case, preference is given to the aspen because its wood is very bright, almost white color and a low-rise texture. The calculation was carried out that after treatment with lesing compositions, the material would acquire the necessary, pine tone, and through the transparent colored coating will not be shone to the foreign elements (annual rings, heart-shaped rays, fibers, etc.). For the same reason, the aspen lining was applied to the ceiling sheat. It was covered with white paint, visually lifting the ceiling levels.

7. Interior in natural colors

Architect Kuusamo Hirsitalot. Photo: Studio Hans Koistinen

The walls of the house, isolated from the profiled bar, did not need a special design. From the inside to the vertical surfaces caused a lesser composition, using a transparent paintwork. Similar material was used for pre-trimmed by pine clap. Used for interior design, the coloristic palette is made up of warm natural shades. Due to this, it seems that there is a little warmer in the house than in fact.

8. House in Ecostel

Architect Alexander Petunin (Palax-Stroy), Designer Anna Polev. Photo: Serebryakov's hope

For bruschers, no other finishes were assumed, rather than grinding and coating with a lesing composition. The exception was made for the hall of the first floor, one of the walls of which was told by quartzite. Working with a stone did not cause difficulties, as the wall appeared in the process of working on the interior and was made of bricks. When making interior design, the designer proceeded from the fact that the decoration does not conflict with the vital structure and the taste of customers.

Also, the hosts took her idea that the wooden house should not be forced non-functional furniture and agreed with the proposed design concept in. The dynamism of the interior was given through the use of original layouts of floor coatings, unexpected combinations of wood and stone in a wall decoration, smooth and ornamented textiles. Wood color of the Angarsk pine is very active, so it was necessary that the accompanying materials are fundamentally different by tone and at the same time constituted with it a harmonious composition.

9. Interior with scandinan style elements

Architect Ville Niscasaari. Photo: Studio Hans Koistinen

Decorating the premises customers were engaged independently. However, "on paper" all the furniture was already placed in places - for example, it was with its help that the general purpose zones were allocated: the kitchen, a dining room and a living room. The working documentation also indicates the type of floor and wall coatings, developed lighting scenarios. The owners remained to choose those subjects and materials that were approached by style, color, dimensions and financial considerations.

A gray and chocolate tone, as well as shades of coats and eggplant, were chosen in companions of natural pine colors. If we talk about style, then preference was given to modern aesthetics in it, that is, without glossy painted surfaces and bright tones. In addition, the owners of the cottage tried to acquire either very simple in design, in other words "eternal", things, or products, while still their creators applying to the status of cult.

10. White walls in the interior of the house from the bar

The walls of the cottage are erected from a profiled glue bar made of fir. An unusual choice of building material is due to the highest decorativeness of ate. Its texture is smaller (the main disadvantage - the batch is eliminated during production), and the color is white. Because the desired finish of the house - painting walls and ceilings in white - passed faster and easier. Surfaces are simply covered with opaque paint compositions of matte white.

For the trimming of the cottage, they used traditional for the Scandinavian countries a sharm palette, which is quite explained. The building is located in the picturesque area, and its impressive windows are called to "include" the landscape in the interior. White surfaces do not enter the dissonance with the landscape during the year behind the windows, besides well reflect the natural light (which is important in the northern countries). Well, black and gray - companion colors that sometimes become invisible, invisible. 11. Modern aesthetics in the interior of the house.

Architect-designer Ekaterina Shebunina, Designer on the interiors Natalya Yuschiev. Photo: Ivan Sorokin

The profiled bar was treated with a tinting impregnation on a water basis. The coating was made by the pine handpiece, leveled its tone. In the future, it will hide the inevitable change (darkening) of the color of the walls. As for the style of registration, the authors of the project proposed customers to resort to unexpected on the decorative moves of the composition and the all-sensitive modern aesthetics. Thus, they were able to confidently combine silver and gold (lamps and accessories in the kitchen-dining room), gloss and patina (finishing materials), tinted wood and forged metal (), ethnic parts and high design items (elephant figures, console countertops , lamps, small-sized furniture).

The greatest contrast and at the same time harmony they managed to achieve with the layout of the materials of the walls and gender. Strongly tinted, having a native bitch, a pine timer is well combined with a porcelain stoneware, whose texture reproduces "sent" time, rusty metal.

12. Style Chalet with elements of a french country

Architects Elena Burmistrova, Tatiana Osina. Photo: Ilya Ivanov

Customers needed budgetary, but high-quality and aesthetic solutions. In addition, the interior was to be harmonized with the architecture of the cottage. The optimal choice in such conditions has become unobtrusive and at the same time natural style chalet with elements of French. A similar mix did not conflict with the brusade walls and brought home traits to the premises.

Among other things, a moderate, characteristic of the French country, but noticeable decor (furniture on shards or, on the contrary, curved legs, the situation with wrought-iron parts) allowed delicately bypassing the decoration of wooden walls and revitalize monotonous surfaces. Architects have implemented several "urban" solutions, thanks to which they managed to avoid the usual finish of brusched walls. In the kitchen zone and in the bathrooms, the lower part of the walls were tested with ceramic tiles with "handicraft" or the English plot, the staircases were separated by the same material. Wallpapers were used for design walls. In combination with a coarse bar, their plots toile de jouy look even more tender.

Another way to bring a variety of monotonous wooden walls is to apply a variety of decor elements: mirrors in unusually ornamented frames, tables for one candlestick or bust, tapestries, watercolors.

13. House in the style of the Russian manor

Designer Boris Dmitriev. Photo: Mikhail Stepanov

During the work, the interior of a small house, initially planned by the hosts as minimalist, was transformed to become an older surrounding - it became oblivious, filled with the items "with history." However, the owners still managed to begin the implementation of the initial interior design. For example, in all rooms a rough screed for laying a water warm floor (with ethylene glycol as a coolant) and the subsequent installation of porcelain stoneware under the stone was performed. Nevertheless, the designer skillfully inscribed not quite traditional for the Russian manor's flooring in the overall picture.

To create a stylish interior in a bar, a special atmosphere of this building material should be taken into account. In the article we will tell how to arrange the rooms inside the house, competently organize lighting and furnishings and do not forget about the calm and warm atmosphere for a comfortable stay.

Features of design

A number of main specific properties:

  • The advantage of the glued bar is that the houses made from this building material are practically not exposed to shrinkage.
  • After time expiration, the timber does not give cracks and does not change, as it is processed using special compositions.
  • Bruce walls are different, smoothness and do not require additional cladding. In addition, they retain heat well and have noise insulating properties.
  • Brous houses are very durable, reliable, durable and can have any architectural forms.

Photo inside the house

Several interior design options.

Interior of the kitchen and dining room

For design, furniture is chosen from materials as emphasizing the functional designation of structures. The products do not always have wooden facades, it is also appropriate to use modern plastic, marble, stone, granite or malachite.

The kitchen table is usually selected rectangular or round shape. An interesting solution can be a real fireplace or stove. The most popular elements of the decor are:

  • mosaic panel,
  • cuckoo-clock,
  • trays or saucer with painting.

In the photo of the kitchen-living room design in a rustic house from glued bar.

Quite often the kitchen is part of the guest room. For separation of space, a bar rack is used, sliding widths or construct the height difference of the ceiling or outdoor plane. The spacious dining room places a large dining table, chairs and other additional furnishings in the form of a cabinet, chest or buffet.

Examples Living room design

An excellent flooring for the living room is a parquet or ordinary laminate with a pattern approximate to natural wood. The ceiling in the hall can be separated by clapboard or MDF panels. The main zone around which the rest of the situation is built is considered a fireplace or a place of rest in the form of a soft corner. The living room-dining room is a dining group.

In the photo interior of the living room in the house of glued timber on the Karelian isthmus.

Bedroom in the house

Thanks to natural materials in the bedroom it turns out to maintain a natural atmosphere. A spacious oak bed with soft floor mats on the sides will be given special warmth and immediate comfort. In this room there should be a chamber and cozy atmosphere, which has a dream and rest. Basically, calm and light shades in combination with multiple flower accents prevail in the interior.

Interior of the hallway

For a corridor with a sufficient number of area, the installation of deep cabinets, a small sofa or a bench is suitable. With a minimal pattern, the hallway can be supplemented with hangers for clothes, shoe shelves and couches. The situation is beneficially emphasized by small accents in the form of wall-mounted compositions, VAZ, mirrors or hours. The walls are sometimes made by washable vinyl wallpaper, clapboard or MDF panels.

Children's room

The design of the nursery should differ not only by beauty, but also safety. Carefully processed high-quality, durable, aesthetic and environmentally friendly, glued bar, allows you to maintain a clean air balance in the room. For furniture and accessories, they prefer white or beige colors, which create a harmonious combination with a wooden finish, thereby forming a comfortable design. In such an interior, patchwork and knitted textiles will be interesting.

In the photo, a children's room for a girl in the interior of a country house, built of glued timber.


The optimal solution in the arrangement of the classic cabinet represents the presence of only the most necessary practical and quality things. First of all, the table and armchair of durable dark shade are chosen. The working area is located near the window, which provides decent lighting. You can dilute the atmosphere and at the same time to put it with mysteriousness with the help of wooden ceiling beams, massive columns, collections of paintings or aquarium.

On the photo. Cabinet design in a private house from glued timber.


For a harmonious interior in the bathroom in a cottage from a glued bar, it is appropriate to use special finishing materials resistant to high humidity. The tree is organically combined with tiled tile or a masonry, which makes the wall next to the shower or washbasin.


The presence of a balcony in the house from the glued bar assumes an additional free space and sets the setting a certain architectural stylist. For the design of the railings, materials are selected in the form of forged metal, carved wood, kalen glass, monolithic polycarbonate, bamboo and other things. The balcony space is decorated with light tissue curtains, equipped with cozy armchairs with warm plaids and arrange flowers and other plants.

Photo in various styles

The house of glued timber does not always imply Russian motifs. Its interior can combine a coarse and charming chalet, unusual forms of modern style, organic trends of European designs and much more.

Modern style in the interior

Modern minimalism is distinguished by practicality and functionality. The atmosphere consists of simple lines, chrome-plated metal or glass surfaces and does not contain unnecessary accessories.

A rather successful solution in a wooden house will be the Loft style, which combines old and new elements. Such design most often has huge panoramic windows, antique furniture and lighting in the form of suspended retro lamps with outer wiring.

In the photo Country house from glued bar with a living room made in the style of high-tech.

Scandinavian style

The tree is the most popular material in the decoration of Scandian interior. The main tone of the finishing materials is white or any bright shades of wood. Natural textiles are chosen as an additional cladding, less frequent preference to metal or stone elements of the finish.

In the photo interior of a living-dining room with white walls in a brusade house in Scandinavian style.

Provence in the interior

A distinctive feature of Provence is considered to have scuffs on furniture and decorative accessories. This style prefers pastel burning colors, light textiles with floral prints or a cell.

In the photo, a spacious living room with a second light decorated in the style of Provence in a house of glued timber.

In the facing it is appropriate to the predominance of neutral and natural shades. The walls and ceiling are decorated in a bright color scheme, and the furnishings are selected in a brighter version. The room is decorated with live flowers, lavender bouquets, compositions of dried plants or branches.

Chalet house

A key interior can be a fireplace with an arrangement along the wall or the center of the room. The hearth is mainly lined with a natural stone, harmoniously combined with a bar. For floor decoration, matte or semi-wave boards with the effects effect are used.

An excellent addition to the chalet will be a decor in the form of carpets made of skins, or hunting weapons. The alpine house is equipped with massive furniture with an upholstery made of natural leather material or high-quality leatherette.

Russian style in the interior

Such stylistics requires minimal finish. Supplement the overall composition will allow a stove with tiles or elegant painting. The surface of the walls may be rudely trimmed, polished and lacquered. Russian-style furniture has simple forms. In the interior there are such ethnic directions as Gzhel or Khokhloma.

In the photo the interior of the house in the Russian style, made of a large bar.

European style house

European-style design is characterized by high technological, lack of clutter and the presence of concise, eco-friendly and comfortable parts. Decorative beams are applied in the ceiling design, the floor is laid out the parquet board and decorate knitted and high-circuit carpets.

The individuality of the stylistics can be emphasized at the expense of photo frames, VAZ with flowers, indoor pots, books, wooden or porcelain statues.

Interior decoration

In the cladding of the house from the glued timber, the textures and shades, contrary to naturalness and naturalness, do not use. For example, a gray, mustard, sandy or cream finish is best for light wood. Copper or warm golden-gold bar complement materials in terracotta, green or chocolate tones.

In the photo of a bedroom in a brusade house with a floor, decorated with a dark parquet board.

Here will be appropriately coarse facing with a raw surface that gives the situation by ease and natural rustic simplicity. The most popular use of plaster, natural stone or bricks. It is often enough for the walls and the ceiling do not use the finish to emphasize the entire naturalness and beauty of the interior.

In the photo in the headboard bed, the shelves made of brickwork in combination with white brusched walls in the bedroom in a country house.


Natural wood does not accept artificial textiles. In the design of windows there are laconic curtains from such fabrics as cotton or jacquard. Against the background of the glued timber, it looks much more profitable.

In the photo interior of the bedroom in a house made of glued timber with a window, decorated translucent tulle with curtains.

The sofa and the bed are complemented by decorative bedspreads with stitch and pillows from tapestry or wool with thematic patterns. Woven carpets in the form of a panel hang on the walls, the colorful plaids are used for the chairs, and the table is covered with an embroidered tablecloth.


Rooms in the house of glued timber should not have abundant lighting. As the main light, they choose a massive chandelier with low-power lamps, gently illuminating the room.

In the photo of the ceiling light design in the living room in the house of glued bar.

There are a large number of additional light sources, for example, in the form of flooring, wall scaves, desktop lamps and illumination. These devices may have a specific location to illuminate a certain area in the room.

In the photo, a small living room in a brusade house, decorated with ceiling chandeliers and wall braces.

Furniture and decor

For a warm atmosphere, emitted by wood, select the appropriate furniture. The living room can be arranged a spacious sofa with a tissue trim, for the dining room pick up a simple table with elegant chairs, and a bedroom to equip the bed with a wooden or textile headboard. Do not overload the space with a large number of furniture items.

On the photo of a wooden bed with a soft back in the design of a country house from a glued bar.

It is interesting to decorate the room with the help of decorative candlesticks, still lifes or landscape paintings, VAZ with flowers and ceramics painted under a storm or Gzhel.

Ideas design houses from timber

Interesting designer examples for a private house.

Stairs on the second floor

The traditional and most popular material for the manufacture of stair marches is wood. Most often from this raw material, a marching, direct and swivel structure with two spans or a screw staircase with a metal frame was constructed. Such models look very elegantly and occupy a minimum of space. A truly impressive species differ rates from artificial or natural stone.

In the photo two-storey brusade house with a march wooden staircase.

Houses with mansard

The building with the attic floor has a presentable and stylish appearance. The attic not only is distinguished by the aesthetic functions and due to the beveled roof adds the setting a highlight, but also has practical properties. For example, an attic room contributes to a significant increase in residential space.

In the photo a bedroom on the attic floor in a house made of glued timber.

Photo of houses with a veranda or terrace

It is difficult to imagine a cottage without a comfortable place to stay. A terrace is suitable for relaxing outdoors. It can be supplemented with wicker or any natural furniture, vases with flowers and all sorts of pleasant baubles. A closed veranda type is considered more practical. When complying with the main nuances and competent insulation, it is able to turn into a universal spacious room.

In the photo of the design of open attic in the house made of light glued bar.

Examples of single-storey houses

The interior of a single-storey country house should not look overloaded. For decoration of the walls, materials are better fit in light colors, for example in the form of a whitewash oak. The most rational use of the area can be achieved with the use of Scandinavian stylistics in which the surrounding situation will not look boring and dark.

Interior with panoramic windows

Thanks to the panoramic window openings, the room is endowed with sophistication, uniqueness and acquires an exclusive and non-standard appearance. Due to these windows, the surrounding interior is perceived completely differently and is distinguished by increased illumination.

In the photo the interior of the kitchen-living room with large windows in a private brusade house.

House with Erker

Erker protrusion is becoming an interesting designer idea for the kitchen or living room. A similar architectural element fills the space with natural light and increases it in size. Houses made of glued bars can have a rectangular, five-moisture or a trapezoid erker, equipped on the first or second floor.

With second light

Housing equipped with a second light in the form of a large number of windows, it looks spacious and air. Such a technology emphasizes the naturalness and naturalness of the structure and fills it with maximum lighting.

Ideas with fireplace

The fireplace is a symbol and soul of the house and therefore it requires careful decoration, which will allocate it from the surrounding design. The most practical facing is the use of porcelain stoneware, natural stone or painted tiles.

Photo Gallery

The structure of glued timber is a comfortable dwelling with an original and interesting setting. Eco-friendly and safe natural wood fills the space with a pleasant forest aroma and forms a comfortable and cozy design.

In recent years, a modern timber is selected more and more often for the construction of country houses. This material allows you to quickly and with minimal financial costs to build high-quality cottages. In this article we will talk and how can the interior of the country house from the bar, as well as what design solutions are suitable for individual rooms according to their purpose.

Benefits of Bruus

The timber is a modern building material made of wood. For the production of timber, expensive wood rocks are used, mainly coniferous, in which natural resins are contained that increase the technical characteristics of the material. In the process of manufacturing wood is processed, and as a result, products with a square or rectangular cross section are obtained. To date, there is a possibility to choose one of several types of wall timber.

    Profiled. With its production, smooth trunks are selected without defects. After that, with the help of sleeps, it gives the right geometric shape with grooves for the perfect connection. Advantages - Ideal bars fit tightly to each other, high construction speed, minimal shrinkage, aesthetic appearance.

    Unfielded (whole). It is manufactured by surface spillation of a small layer of trunk. In form is not ideal. It has natural humidity. Advantages: Low price, fast manufacture.

    Glued. It is manufactured by gluing and pressing thin lamellas. Advantages: Strength, deformation resistance, technological installation using a puzzle system, minimum shrinkage, aesthetic appearance.

    Insulated. It is two boards, between which the insulation is laid. This new material that has not yet proven itself in long-term operation. It is approximately like glued bar. Advantages: Strength, increased thermal insulation properties.

An ordinary non-stroke timber is used in the construction of cottages more and less. It is difficult to lay out the wall without interventical gaps, besides, it gives a long and significant shrinkage. For the construction of cottages, the most often profiled or glued bar is used.

On our site you can familiarize yourself with the most popular projects of the houses of the bar from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

The principle of interior decoration

The interior decoration of the wooden house is carried out after cacopa and consists of several stages:

    at first, communications are laid along the bars;

    then all wooden elements are covered with special protective compositions;

    a rough finish is carried out;

    windows and doors are installed;

    at the last stage, work is carried out on the facial finishing of surfaces.

Even before the internal work, it is necessary to make a design project of all premises. From this may depend on the specificity of the preparatory stage. In any case, it is necessary to initially know where household appliances will be installed, lighting devices, sockets, etc.

The inner finish of the house from the bar can be made of any facial materials. Therefore, the interior in a wooden house from the bar is not limited to any styles. However, there are nuances here. It's all about the shrink, which even in a minimum percentage, but still gives even a glued and profiled timber. It is divided into two stages. Primary shrinkage can last from 2 to 6 years. It is silent as a result of the fact that the bar gradually gives moisture and dry. In addition, under the severity of elements of the architectural design, the bars are crushed stronger. As a result, each floor of the cottage can "Suitable" by 2-3 cm.

Secondary shrinkage is a slight deformation of the walls caused by seasonal variation of humidity. Secondary shrinkage can manifest itself throughout the entire operational period. And, although it is insignificant for the entire architectural design, it can adversely affect some finishes.

The presence of shrinkage processes requires attentive selection of finishing materials. Plaster and paint in the process of wall deformation may suffer. Therefore, it is recommended to use mainly plastic finishing options in the first years of operation of the building. For example, the ceiling is better not to shuffle, but to re-organize the tensionable web. Walls can be "sewing" panels or plasterboard. At the same time, the trim is assembled so that no shrinking fluctuations have caused its deformation. Competent specialists know how to do it.

If the quality of the bar is high enough, and there is no need to additionally insulate the walls, you can leave the house without interior decoration. All plaster works can be started only after 12 months from the end of construction work.

Finishing work begins with floor laying. The first thing is to be built a draft floor, which includes thermal insulation and thermal insulation. Outdoor coating is placed on the draft floor. Usually use a tongue board, laminate or parquet.

Design of rooms

Describing the design of the premises need to take into account the appearance of the house. So, if the facades are left without finishing or lined with panels that imitate the timber, it is desirable to use a tree or imitation in the interior. But this is optional. Professional designer can create a project in which different finishing materials will be harmoniously combined.

Living room

The living room is a central room in any house. The interior of all other rooms should be combined with the stylist chosen for the living room. At the same time, the design of the living room can be more bold and expressive than, for example, in the bedrooms or the office.

The windows of the living room must go to the south or oriental side. Otherwise, the room in which there will be a lot of time the owners of the house will not receive enough sunlight and heat. The perfect option is a wide glazing with access to the terrace or in the courtyard.

The living room must be quite spacious. It needs to be located a convenient area of \u200b\u200brecreation, which is suitable for both family evenings and reception. Often in the living room weigh the place for the dining area. If there are children in the family, you need a place for the gaming zone. In any case, the living room must have some free space, not forced by furniture.

In wooden houses it is pretty easy to create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere. For this purpose, wood materials are applied in the decoration. The inner interior of the house from the glued timber can be performed in one of the national styles, as in the culture of all nations there are traditions of the construction of wooden houses. For example, you can choose a country style or provence. However, our compatriots naturally choose mainly the style of the traditional Russian manor.

Fans of exotic designers offer interior design living room in Asian style. It is difficult to combine with elements of modern household appliances, but if you take a blank style as a basis, and easy stylization, you can get a very interesting design. The advantage of styling under the Japanese or Chinese style is that his main characteristic feature is minimalism, and it is characteristic of most modern styles. This means that having a living room in such a style can be safely used to use modern stylistics without fear of disharmony.

Often in the living room of wooden houses provide a fireplace. It gives the guest room microclimate even more comfort and heat. There are certain security rules that need to be considered when choosing a place for the fireplace and the development of the construction of its structure. In the houses from the bar, among other things, it is necessary to consider the isolation of wooden elements. The base for the fireplace should be concreted or posted by ceramics. The adjacent walls need to be protected with non-combustible finish, for example, facial tiles brick or stone (natural or artificial).

It may be interesting! In the article following the following link, read about how to plaster the wooden house from the inside and outside.


Wooden finish allows you to effectively arrange the kitchen. But the natural tree does not tolerate the intensive impact of moisture and sharp temperature differences. However, the tree can be used in the interior of the kitchen, if you pre-protect it. The easiest way to ensure wood protection is to apply paint or varnish on its surface. Especially attractive looks wooden finish covered by a translucent tinting material.

Another option is to cover surfaces with clapboard or panels that are designed to finish kitchen premises. With their help, you can create an interior of a wooden kitchen, and not worry about the preservation of finishes for many years. Planks lining can be stacked vertically or horizontally.

Some homeowners in their cottages from the bar simply sew the walls of the working area with non-combustible and moisture-resistant materials. It can be plastic, stone, ceramics, etc. removed from the working area of \u200b\u200bthe surface leave wooden.

If you wish to make the kitchen visually more spacious, it is possible to arrange it without wooden elements, with the help of smooth surfaces. To do this, it is necessary to close wooden walls with plasterboard and coat them with plaster, paint or wallpaper.

Often the kitchen is designed as part of the living room. Guest and kitchen zone are separated by a bar with a bar, sliding shirma, a flood of floor height or ceiling, and other architectural methods. Enter the kitchen in the design of the living room is easy if you apply one style and color for both zones. However, the modern design of houses from a bar inside from the best designers is based on contrasts and unexpected combinations. This also applies to the guest room with the kitchen. For example, a kitchen can be highlighted with a brighter decoration and furniture.

Dining room

The dining room in a wooden house can also be different. It is advisable to make it fairly light on trim and well lit. The place for the trapes should be associated with cleanliness and tidy. The spaces in the dining room should be enough to accommodate a large dining table, chairs, as well as for additional furniture designed for storing tableware (wardrobe, buffet or chest).

The dining room in the house can be a separate room, part of the kitchen or part of the living room. Another option is an open layout of a guest zone, in which the living room, kitchen, dining room, and often the lounge, are parts of the uniform room.

In the latter case, the dining room usually places between the kitchen and the living room. It is desirable to be near the window. With this layout, the dining room is located in the territory of the living room, and, accordingly, has a common interior with it. But if the open planning room is quite spacious, it can be highlighted in a kind of island. For example, sometimes it is placed on the podium. Such zoning variants are usually supported by multi-level lighting.

When placing a dining room and kitchen in one room. You can use a single designer solution or a combination of contrasts. One of the most successful options for wooden houses is the use of practical materials to finish the kitchen part, and the maximum of the tree in the dining room interior. In this case, a cozy atmosphere of a tree cottage remains, and it disappears the need to think over the walls of the wooden surfaces of the surfaces above the stove, in the sink, above the desktop.

The dining room as a separate room is rarely found in modern cottages. In the middle and small houses, a free planning principle is usually applied. But when developing projects of spacious houses intended for living a large family, this option is sometimes used. A separate dining room is a self-sufficient room that does not need to harmonize with a working area of \u200b\u200bkitchen or soft living room furniture. It can be arranged in any style and in any color scheme. The main rules are the maximum of natural light and bright shades. You can combine bright colors, preferably a red-orange palette that contributes to the excitation of appetite.


If the design of other premises in a wooden house can be performed by standard finishing materials or wood toned in various original shades, then in the bedroom it is better to leave the natural color tree. Natural shades of wood, as well as its texture favorably affect the emotional state of the person. In the wooden bedroom it is easy to relax and distract from everyday worries.

If we separate the bedroom dark wood, the room will look less than it really is. This is the effect of any dark finish, which is enhanced by the fact that the facing of the board or panels, as it diffurs the wall plane to segments. In all rooms at home, it is desirable to avoid such an effect. But in the interior of the bedroom, the main thing is not space, but comfort and comfort.

The bedroom does not have to be big. But it should fit all the necessary furniture items, and there must still be a place to pass. The bedroom traditionally installs a bed, a wardrobe for things, a couple of chairs or chairs, a small table, shelves for books and minor accessories, a dressing table.

Do not strive to accommodate a lot of furniture in the bed. If it is very small, you can only put the bed and compact chest. You can hang the shelves over the headboard. At the same time, the passage to the window is desirable to leave free. In the extreme case, you can put the bed with the window, but do not block it with excess furniture.

An excellent option for the bedroom in a wooden house is a bed on the podium. Such podiums are built near the window. Especially cozy they look in mansard bedrooms with low ceilings. A wide squat bed from an expensive tree will also look great in the interior of a fever house made of glued timber or a bar profiled.

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Beds for wooden bedrooms


The texture of the tree is ideal for decoring children's rooms. But in the interior of premises for children of any age, saturated color gamut is very important. The main background may be natural wood shades, but they must be complemented by other colors depending on the floor and age of the child.

For preschoolers, children are decorated with light and clean colors. As a contrasting, the colorful picture on the wall or a bright element of furniture can be used.

For boys of school age, the room design is usually carried out in "Male" colors - blue, blue, green. You can stylize a room for any children's literary work. Other options are a sports-style room, in the style of a scientific laboratory, with the use of automotive, military, maritime or any other suitable subject.

School girls prefer the interior with the use of pink, red, and any flower shades. When creating a nursery for a girl, you need to take into account that red-pink shades in large quantities affect annoying. This does not mean that they cannot be brought into the interior. Just need to remember the reasonable dosage. Let it be better than the background will be gently peach or caramel shade, and the red and pink elements of the interior will become accent interior elements.

Teenagers love dark tones and modern architectural styles. Children's design for a teenager should also be performed with a sense of measure. To make it completely black or dark brown, of course, not worth it. The optimal option is a combination of finishing with panels 2 or 3 different colors.

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Teenager room design options


For a classic cabinet with a leather chairs and an oak table, a tree finish is perfect. But even here it is better to resort to combination to "dilute" a little too relaxing the atmosphere of the wooden interior.

Full trim tree will contribute to the working mood if there is enough natural light in the office. For this, there is a wide glazing.

If the specificity of the work in the office involves the use of a large number of office equipment, it is better to choose not classic, but a modern interior style.

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Home Office Options in Modern Style


The bathroom in a wooden house can be the most common, as in any brick or stone cottage. But if you wish to keep the harmony of design in a cottage from a bar, you can use special facing wood materials intended for premises with high humidity.

Wooden lining can be combined with a stone or a fabric. This option is used to extend the lifetime of the facing tree. Tile or stone lay the walls near the bath, shower, washbasin.

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Bathroom options in a wooden cottage


The interior of the house from the bar can be made very stylish and original. It is not necessary to stop on the classic design techniques for design of wooden cottages. You can experiment with color and shape, as well as with contrasting combinations of various styles.

The construction of wooden houses from the bar is widely distributed in our country. Thanks to the rapid speed, a smaller time on the shrinkage, as well as a noble form, wooden structures won with bricks. But the interior design of this house represents some difficulty. How to separate the same-type log walls? What style to diversify the room? About everything in order. From this article, you will find out important details of the design of a wooden house built from a bar.

The interior of the house from Brous has a special cozy atmosphere

The main feature, as well as the difficulty of registration of this type of structure is the ubiquitous use of wood. It is here everywhere. Log walls, ceiling (or ceiling overlap, depending on the floor), and even the floor is made of the board. With such an abundance of a homogeneous building material, it becomes necessary to diversify the inner decoration.

The inner walls of the house of the bar are usually covered with varnish that does not hide the expressiveness of the wooden texture.

  1. Use suitable design styles. For example, an old-Russian or American country successfully will fit into such a room.
  2. The use of multi-colored paint, as well as specialized coloring oils dilute a single-sized design.
  3. Creating accent zones will beneficially affect the inner decoration of the building.
  4. The studio location of the rooms will make it possible to give eccentricity, originality.
  5. The unique structure of the wood itself is very beautifully looking in the interior of the room. With the right approach and processing of this material, you can create a truly chic style.

Panoramic windows from the floor to the ceiling allow you to keep in touch with nature

The interior of the house from the bar is very environmentally friendly. This is the main advantage of such a structure. With the right step-by-step approach, it is possible to organically diversify the rooms at home. All disadvantages are easily turned into advantage.

Benefits of Bruus

Since the walls are performed from the tree, namely processed logs, from the inside they will also have such texture. Therefore, it is not necessary to shock the wall space.

Brous house is environmentally friendly

If we talk about the practicality of this building, then wooden material does not need to warm up for the winter. Wood has a very low degree of thermal conductivity, which will undoubtedly successfully affect the internal climate in winter and summer. The high environmental friendliness of the material will ensure safe children inside such a room.

At the moment there are two varieties of wooden products for construction:

  • glued bar;
  • one-piece execution.

The joinery adhesive compositions are manufactured on a water basis. They are non-toxic, have a strong and reliable seam. The solid product is a cut out of the middle part of the tree trunk. It is also called round. If the round barrel is cut from four sides, then the same square timber is obtained.

The house of glued bar is durable and durable, the walls in it do not dry and do not deform

Specialists argue that the glued product is less susceptible to cracking, the cutting structure. For the construction qualities, the broom dialed from smaller boards is also better mounted than one-piece. Therefore, when choosing one or another option, professional builders are recommended to stop on glued wood.

Walls from rounded look very attractive and decorative

Another thing is rounding. The houses erected from the raw material are similar to the older residents of the landowners. If you are a supporter of the traditions of his homeland, be sure to build a house in such a style.

Original design options

Wooden structures, lined with completely and near wood, suitable look in folk types of decoration. The "Starussky" and "American Country" style mentioned above is harmoniously fit and complement the construction.

Registration of the hallway in the style of "Russian hut"


Cottage from rounding will be interesting to look in the old-Russian style. The main attributes of this design are the folk patterns of the past time, painted facades, as well as coarse shapes of wood surfaces. The living rooms in two floors, complemented by majestic stairs, look original. Supports of such stairs are necessarily performed from thick logs.

Stylish interior design of a round house

Decorative elements should reveal the features of Russian style

The Russian interior design of the house from the bar must be complemented with decorative elements. To do this, you can use household accessories of that time. For example, hanging on the wall of the wheel from the trolley, an accommodated metal strip bring the decoration of the room to the times of Russia. The use of wild animal layouts, skins, and the attributes of Russian cuisine will be quite by the way.

You can decorate a cottage with small scenery and built of profiled boards. Here are also suitable skins of animals, painted curtains, folk fringe. Additionally, the floor will ride a luxurious carpet, embroidered patterns.

In the interior there must be only natural materials

Very beautiful will look at the floor covering made from ceramic tiles. The shade is chosen dark, sharply contrasting with wooden facades. Instead of carpet, a solid bear skiing is merged. Scarecrow can be purchased in artificial performance.

The living room is decorated with a massive fireplace, over which the layout of the head with majestic horns are located.

The kitchen is an ideal place suitable for an old-circuit style. The ceiling here must be crowned with massive log partitions explicitly protruding outwards. They form the necessary niches with the ceiling board, which are subsequently decorated with kitchen utensils. Here you can place therapeutic herbs dried for the winter. Bagels and Barancas, woven with a cascade on the ropes, will give an atmosphere of the original Russian manner.

Interior design - tribute to traditions and respect for the origins of Russian culture

The interior of the house from the glued timber in the kitchen will give a folk style clay jugs, as well as wicker baskets made of grape vines. Placing these items are best on open shelves suspended to the walls of the kitchen.

Do not forget about the main element of Russia - the stove. Its not necessarily do exactly like our ancestors. An interesting option is to combine the fireplace, or an electric oven (which is more appropriate for the kitchen) with a stove. Such a neighborhood will allocate you as a true connoisseur of Slavic traditions. Free space above the furnace, which in the old days is especially valued by the lessels, is drawn up with supports with kitchen utensils (forks, spoons). You can put family photos here.

The furnace is the main attribute of the interior in the old Russian style

The finishing of the furnace element must repeat its predecessors. Therefore, it is sure to Belim ordinary chalk whitewash. You can even perform a relief finish, which will create artificial irregularities of the coating. If your choice stops on the more stringent outline of the elements of the kitchen space, then the combined furnace with the fireplace is separated by a mosaic tile, specially designed to finish the furnaces.

The furnace can be placed and whitewashed, or bore

Tiles - Special tiles for finishing stoves. It has an unusual form, due to which the surface does not heat up very much.

Painted curtains hang on the windows. Color - white or red. Additionally, patterns, fringe must be present here.

Pillow and patchwork bedspreads perfectly complement such an interior

The interior of the house in the Old Russian style can be complemented by elements of decoration borrowed from English locks. For example, if there is a second floor, the staircase is built in the spirit of English manners. Round, carved dark-colored balusters, framed by even darker railings and steps, will create a wonderful accent in the center of the cottage.

American Country

The arrangements of the American ranch are characterized by the use of heavy, rough, massive furniture. The widespread use of the skins of wild animals gives an atmosphere of the shade of old days of America.
The wall decoration implies the use of natural facing stone, brickwork. The colors of the finishing material of the wall space is selected from the shades of natural wood. From the outside, the cottage exterior can also be littered with stones. It will be expensive to cost such a decision, but the building will envy modern glass and metal offices.

For style is characterized by wooden wall decoration and floor

For decorating, support attributes of cowboys, colorful textiles and a variety of figures on open shelves

The American Country is divided into several thematic biases. The barbaric interior is suitable at home from glued boards. Its distinctive features are coarse forms, untreated, not polished material, as well as the presence of a massive fireplace.

Flooring is resurrected by the board, impregnated with the dark composition. Walls can remain from bars, but they will have to be soaked in a brown tinge of oil. Ceiling space, namely, floor partitions are performed from huge logs of trees, roughly polished.

Mandatory attribute - leather sofa in the living room

The emphasis in this decoration is made on the stairs. It is performed from a natural stone of a large size. In order to visually close the stairs to the second floor, on the side of the living room it is overlapped to the ceiling by stone masonry. In this place the fireplace can be located, which is additionally decorated with a horned deer head, or ordinary family photos within the framework (not necessarily strictly fit barbarism).

Hunting accessories, rifles, carbines, pouchs with cartridges will bring the atmosphere of a notch of Wild America.

As rugs and capes used animal skins

The official country will look more strictly. It also uses natural stone everywhere, but in better processing. The dimensions of the tiles are selected relatively small. Wood surfaces have a smooth texture and dark shade.

Panoramic windows of the living room will become a unique addition to this type of design. If your cottage was erected in all standards of American construction, the window will be huge, majestic.

In the interior of the living room with panoramic windows, the open beams of the rafter system are often present.

A feature of the construction of American homes is the location of the ceiling of the living room. The hallway is necessarily erected into one floor, so the roof is done here directly above the Hall. Inside the room receives a pyramid set of the ceiling. This method makes it possible to place massive structures, as well as large light sources.

For Country fits the walls of the walls whitewash. To do this, the wooden base is overlapped with plasterboard, and the top paint layer is already applied from above. It is not necessarily in this way to finish the entire room. It is enough to highlight the staircase or focus on some facility.


The interior of a wooden house from a bar in the kitchen requires color variety. As this will fit the focus on the kitchen headset. It is done in bright, soft colors. For example, olive or milk white facades of lockers and shelves.

For the kitchen in the house from the bar well suits retro style, country or provence

The wall area between the worktop and the ceiling is separated by a combined method:

  • one piece is covered with white paint, using drywall;
  • the remaining area is frozen by brick masonry from red brick.

Such design of the kitchen diversifies internal decoration by the elements of the Loft and Provence.
It is necessary to hang out open shelves for dishes. The compositions of glass bottles filled with sunflower oil, or a special colored liquid are perfect as decorative elements. Inside such containers houses small marine pebbles, sprigs of plants and other elements.

In this kitchen Country style successfully fit into the traditional Russian log cabin

Kitchen in eco-style in a wooden house

Window openings will be beautifully issued by rolled curtains. On the windowsill, you can lay pots with green plantings. Like "Provence" notes on your American cuisine.
Be sure to make the island part of the kitchen headset, located in the middle of the room. It can also be placed in interesting ways. For example, the bottom of the corners make an open type. It will be interesting to be located wicker baskets from rattan, or books in beautiful covers.

An interesting option is the installation of a large aquarium under an island countertop headset. It is not necessary to launch live fish there. You can organize the space with branches of trees, aquatic plants, as well as set multi-colored backlight.

Choosing furniture for the kitchen, you need to stick to the stylistics of the room

A plot over the kitchen stove, where the exhaust device is installed, frames with a wooden carved facade. The apron is laid out by ceramic tiles of a light shade. Formation is heterogeneous. A plunder is made above the stove, which serves as a stand for decorative elements.

Separate a kitchen from the living room with a partition from a bar

Wood for home - noble material. Air in this room is completely different from concrete structures, and even more so from urban apartments. The tree presented by nature itself, will have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the human body.

Low ceiling is better to paint white

Cozy, winter evenings here will be held in a pleasant circle of family communication. Warm, hospitable cottage will delight you not one decade. And thanks to the unique advice, you received from the specialists of the design area will help to easily realize the most extravagant ideas. Create with us!

Video: Wooden house design

Photo of interiors of houses from a bar