Interesting facts about Sergey Yesenin for children. Esenin's biography: Interesting facts from life

Sergey Yesenin is perhaps one of the most famous silver century poets. Thanks to a large number of diaries, essays and articles, much more about his life is known. But, as you know, know everything about a person, albeit public, impossible. Therefore, we decided to open the veil of secrets and tell the most interesting facts about the poet's life.

Almost everyone knows the birthplace of the poet - this is the village of Konstantinovo in the Ryazan province. But not many know that Sergey Yesenin was born on the day of the 800th anniversary of Ryazan.

It was on October 3, 1895, the whole city was incredibly decorated, music sounded everywhere, laughed. Even the correspondents of the Moscow newspaper noted that they had not seen such a wise thing in the country!

Children's nickname poet

Despite the fact that Sergey Yesenin studied in the church institution, he was an atheist. At twelve years, the poet removed his native cross, for which he got a nickname "Sleeping".

Surprisingly, his grandfather was going to devote all his life to serving God, but then changed his mind. After that, His and all the genus Yesenin nicknamed "monks".

The first job of the poet

Alexander Nikitich Yesenin, Poet's father, worked from an early age in the Moscow meat shop. In his footsteps, the young poet went, but his patience was enough for a while for a while.

In relation to S. A. Yesenin, many biographers use the term "peasant grip". The subtle nature of the poet supplemented and moved forward the incredible energy to ink with congenital stubbornness. Sergey Alexandrovich was not hesitated to find his place in the city and take place there.

Silge dog - Favorite Pet of Poet

The favorite of the Yesenin family is the redhead of the church named. The dog was the most ordinary - non-pioneering and uncompatible, but it did not prevent the poet to love her with all his heart.

Yesenin, all his sisters and serving lived together in Galina Benislavskaya, personal secretary, on Bryusov Lane. Parents could not leave the serge after the death of the Son, so they took the dog to themselves in Konstantinovo.

Sergey Yesenin and Gendarmery

Not many know that the poet had many fears. One of them is the fear of gendarmes and other guards of the law. According to Wolf Erlich, the Russian Soviet poet, when meeting with the law enforcement officers, Yesenin changed in his face: he immediately covered panic, he was pale, then he breathed heavily. Later, the poet always asked for his friends and familiar not to talk about it to anyone.

Apparently, except for fear, the role of Sergey Alexandrovich to Gendarmerie was played by the fully informed fear of the ministers of the law. As you know, he loved to try, to hang, drink, so he often had to deal with law enforcement agencies as a violator of order.

"Labor artel artists of the word"

In 1918, Sergey Yesenin, Andrei White, Lev Povitsky, Sergey Klychkov and Peter Oreshin create the organization of the Soviet poets "Labor Artel Artists of the Word". Overflowing ideas and thoughts of the Creators prevented only one thing - the lack of paper that at that time could only be delivered in the Presidium of the Moscow Council.

Yesenin sought to show his determination, so he moved into simple clothes and went there. In the Council, he was accepted for the "peasant poet" and gave the necessary paper.

The only close friend of the poet

Not many know that Sergey Yesenin had a personal literary secretary - Galina Benislavskaya. For five years she was engaged in all sorts of poet and rewritten with the editors.

Galina Arturovna was very predicted to Yesenin, so after his death she shot himself on his grave. Later there was a posthumous note by Benislavskaya: "In this grave, everything is most expensive for me ...".

Konstantinovo or Yesenino?

In 1926, a year after the death of the poet, the inhabitants of Konstantinovo filed a statement to the Presidium of the WTCIK about the desire to rename the village in Yesenino. The first attempt was not crowned with success. The second took place in 1965, when Yesenin could turn 70 years. But this petition was rejected, so the village and to this day is called Konstantinovo.

Relationship between two great poets

The hostility of Vladimir Mayakovsky and Sergey Yesenin is just a myth. It is known that in public they could argue and swear. However, away from human eye each of the poets praised each other, and sometimes even read the excerpts from the works!

However, the aggressive dogma of the futuristic movement, to which Vladimir Mayakovsky belonged, demanded the denial of classical art samples that Sergei Yesenin associated themselves, affecting the eternal themes and using folklore motifs. In addition, the political views of the poets differed: if our hero doubted the new strict and its justice, then his antipode was famous for his party verses, chanting a new time. Therefore, the nature of their relationships in the public demanded confrontation.

True on the death of Yesenin

What is hiding in the work of the famous Russian poet? Almost every work of Sergei Yesenin is an expectation, an anthem of a complex, unpredictable, but wonderful life. In each poem, the poet appears before us a scandalist, hooligan, a sage and philosopher. But the last of his work is clearly transferred not only to this: they are disappointed in the new political stroke of the country. On the eve of death, the poet was distant from power, trying to defend the originality of his creativity. However, as we know, he did not have to defend her for a long time: he was found hung in the hotel. The investigating authorities recognized his death by the result of suicide.

But there are also those people who believe in the other version of what happened: a secret manner from the authorities, dissatisfied with the activities of the woln-loving poet. Some eyewitnesses who saw the body of Sergei Alexandrovich, argued that numerous traces of beatings were found on it. This fact gave reason to think that Yesenin resisted in a suicide fight, and then the killers staged suicide. However, the investigative data on the death or death of the poet is still classified, so evidence to blame representatives of the authorities is not enough.

We hope that our article helped you better learn one of the greatest poets of our country.

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Born on September 21 (October 3), 1895 in p. Konstantinovo Ryazan province in the family of a peasant.

Education in the biography of Yesenin was obtained at the local Zemsky school (1904-1909), then until 1912 - in the class of church-parish school. In 1913 he entered the urban University of Shanyavsky in Moscow.

The beginning of the literary path

In Petrograd, Yesenin reads his verses to Alexander block and other poets. It brings together with a group of "Novokrestest poets", and itself is fond of this direction. After the publication of the first collections ("Radunitsa", 1916) the poet was widely known.

In Lyrique, Yesenin could psychologically approach the description of the landscapes. Another topic of poetry Yesenin is the peasant Russia, the love of which is felt in many of his works.

Since 1914, Sergey Alexandrovich is printed in children's editions, writes poems for children (Syarota poems, 1914, "Breeding", 1915, the story "Yar", 1916, "The Tale of the Shepherd Safety ...", 1925 .).

At this time, real popularity comes to Esenin, it is invited to various poetic meetings. Maxim Gorky wrote: "The city met him with the admiration, as an adzhuchor meets strawberries in January. His poems began to praise, overly and insincere, as hypocrites and envious are able to praise. "

In 1918-1920, Yesenin is enjoyed by immudy, issues of poems: "Confession of hooligan" (1921), "TRERADNIK" (1921), "Skandalist poems" (1923), "Moscow Kabatskaya" (1924).

Personal life

After acquaintance with the dancer Aseedor Duncan in 1921, Yesenin will soon marry her. Prior to that, he lived with A.R. Vizrozhanova (he had a son of Yuri), Z.N. Rayh (son Konstantin, Daughter Tatyana), N. Rolpina (son Alexander). After the wedding with Duncan traveled Europe, USA. Their marriage turned out to be brief - in 1923 the couple broke up, and Yesenin returned to Moscow.

Last years of life and death

In the future, Yesenin's work was very critical of Russian leaders (1925, "National Country"). In the same year, the edition of Rus Soviet is coming out in the life of Yesenin.

In the autumn of 1925, the poet marries his granddaughter L. Tolstoy - Sophie Andreevna. Depression, alcohol addiction, the pressure of the authorities was the reason that the new wife placed Sergey into a psychoneurological hospital.

Then, in the biography of Sergei Yesenin, there was escaped to Leningrad. And on December 28, 1925, the death of Yesenin came, his body was found hanged at the Angletter hotel.

Chronological table

Other biography options

  • Option 2 is more compressed for a report or message in class
  • Yesenin was well educated, read a lot, but did not know the languages \u200b\u200bat all. With his wife Isenor, he could not speak English, and she barely spoke in Russian. Living abroad, he communicated with foreigners with a translator.
  • Yesenin became a father pretty early - at the age of 18. The first child from a civil marriage with Anna Islenament was the son of Yuri, who was shot on a false accusation of an attempt on the life of Stalin in 1937.
  • The ideological literary opponent Yesenin was of course Mayakovsky, who belonged to futurists. Poets could publicly cut each other's creativity, but each of them had a high opinion about the talent of the other.
  • Until now, there remains unspecified mystery of the death of the poet. In addition to the version with suicide, there is also an assumption about the murder on political soil, which was staged under suicide.
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Interesting facts about Sergey Yesenin They will help you even better learn this ingenious poet. For his short life, he was able to write a lot of poems and poems that were classic in his life.

The verses of Yesenin are made a lot of songs that know and sing both young and older people. In his works, he paid great attention to nature, human qualities and reflection on the meaning of life.

So, in front of you the most interesting facts about.

  1. When Yesenin studied in the third grade, he was left for the second year due to terrible behavior.
  2. After graduating from studying, Sergey went to where he originally worked in the meat shop. Later he settled to work in the printing house.
  3. His first verse Yesenin composed at 8 years old.
  4. Interesting the fact that when Sergey Yesenin called on a war, the comrades helped him get a appointment to the military-sanitary train No. 143 with the permission of Spouse - Alexandra Fedorovna.
  5. In 1917, Yesenin married the artist Zinaide Reich. But a few years later, he decided to escape from a pregnant wife. In addition, the poet left a little daughter.
  6. At the 27th age, Yesenin took the American dancer Ayedor Duncan in his wife. This family union also soon collapsed.
  7. The third and last spouse Sergei Yesenin became the granddaughter - Sophia Andreevna. Alas, but this marriage suffered Fiasco.
  8. According to Sardanovsky and letters of the poet, Sergey Alexandrovich adhered to vegetarianism.
  9. Yesenin has repeatedly violated the law and participated in different fights. So, he was a defendant of four criminal cases about hooliganism.
  10. Interesting the fact that the Soviet leadership wanted to help him get rid of alcohol addiction. Felix Dzerzhinsky tried to arrange Yesenin in a sanatorium for treatment, but neither he nor his assistants could have been able to find a rampant poet.
  11. Sergey Yesenin and his buddies were accused of anti-Semitism.
  12. Do you know that to persuade Yesenin to lie down in a psychoneurological hospital managed only his spouse. A month after treatment, he left for Leningrad, removing the room at the Ageleter Hotel. It was in this place that Sergey Yesenin was discovered hanged. According to the official version, he committed suicide on the soil of depression.
  13. Close friends of the poet said that the most Yesenin was afraid to get sifilis. He was still afraid of meetings with policemen.
  14. In 1995, a brand was published in Albania with the image of Sergei Yesenin.
  15. Interesting the fact that, despite the fact that Yesenin with often joined open conflicts, resorting to mutual insults, both poet recognized each other's talent.
  16. Regulations for today in

Sergey Yesenin is perhaps one of the most famous poets of Russia, familiar with almost any literature lover. Those who are more closely familiar with the work of Sergei Yesenin, know about his representative office of a lyrical focus. He was also an immudy, if we talk about his later creativity.

Biography Sergey Yesenin

Sergey Yesenin's father is a peasant Alexander Nikitich, his family was big, in addition to Parents, Sergey had two sisters. She studied Yesenin in the Konstantinovsky Zemsky School - the learning process took five years, after which he went to church school. Already after the death of the poet, this school was redone to the Museum of Sergei Yesenin. Four years of study, Sergey leaves his parental nest and goes to Moscow, where he continues his training already in the role of the Volo pilot, As a student at the Shanyavsky University.

Creative activity

The first verses of Yesenin became known only due to their publication in the most popular journal of the time "MIRIO", which is children who are children. After one year after their first publication, Sergey read his works more famous to poets, such as the block or city. During the universal military convocation of 1916, Sergey was forced to go for an urgent service, but his influential friends and acquaintances patted that he had to serve him in a sanitary train. It was there that he was able to publish his first collections of poems that served as the main cause of his wide fame.

Sergey traveled a lot in Russia with his close friends and visited many significant cities. In such a journey, he met his future wife. Marriage them lasted for a short time. Already after the divorce, his wife fell into an accident - her scarf when leaving the car wound on the wheel and the neck could not withstand such a load.

Numerous collections of the poet were attracted to themselves the attention of all lovers of lyrics and poems of all time. The most famous collections of Sergei Yesenin, who have deserved universal folk love:

  • "I remember my favorite, I remember."
  • "Spring poems."
  • "The grove was dissolved."
  • "I know the future."
  • "Poems to children."

Personal life

From the first wife - Anna Romanovna - Sergey had the son of Yuri. His fate is tragic, being a young and healthy guy, Yuri was sentenced to shooting. After his execution it turned out that the charge was false. Tatiana's daughter and son Konstantin were already from his second wife Zinaida Reich. The third, and the last, his wife - Sophia Tolstoy - was the native granddaughter of the famous Lion Nikolayevich. Many scientists believe that it was unsuccessful marriage with Sofia who served as the soil for the poet's suicide. After his death Sophia spent a lot of time for preparing for the publication of his work, writing memoirs affecting their personal life and relationships, and also published unnecessary works, later printed in many magazines.


In 1925, Sergey Yesenin was found dead in one of the rooms of the Angletter Hotel of St. Petersburg (then Leningrad). His close friend of Georgy Ustinov, who came to a hotel with his wife, found the poet's body. The farewell and last poem written by the poet had the symbolic name "Goodbye, my friend ...", which Yesenin was transferred to Wolf Erlih on the eve of his suicide. According to him, Yesenin complained about the lack of ink in the hotel room, and because of this, the poem was written by his own blood.

The official version states that it was the suicide that caused the death of the poet. While in the deepest depression, the recently ending the course of the treatment of a psychoneurological hospital, Yesenin could not find a different exit from the current situation, except for how to commit suicide - he hanged himself. The poet's body was buried in Moscow, where he was pre-delivered by train after the end of the Panhid and farewell.

However, almost half a century after the death of the poet began to appear different versions that supposedly suicide is only a production, and in fact death was violent. Its organizers are called the NKVD. The author of this theory is considered to be Edward Chlystalov, working as the posts of the Moscow criminal investigator. The main assumptions for the emergence of such the theory were the photos that, when reviewed, showed the poet quite strongly beaten before death: Sergey, who had a passion for fist fights, could give a worthy fighter to the attackers to him with unfinites. Later, after a number of experts conducted and deep investigations, it was proved that the staged version does not have sufficient grounds for its confirmation.

We know Yesenin from school as a hooligan and a drunkard who chas the blue Russia and women. But there are, which remain beyond the school program. The brilliant poet always surprised her friends and relatives risky actions who raised him to the top of Olympus and tightened in the bunch of hopelessness.

Since childhood, Yesenin was distinguished among his peers, he did not really eased to be workers, although she loved his homeland tremendously, he could wander around the fields by enjoying the province. From the age of 5, grandfather of Titov was engaged in the education of the poet, he was distinguished by high intelligence and education. It was he who attracted Yesenin love for literature, and the grandmother constantly told folk tales. In such an atmosphere, it was impossible not to grow sensory and loving person. Later was brought up by his mother.

Learning went to the church-parish school, graduated with honors and went to Moscow, to the Father. Father worked in a meat shop, but the son could not withstand in this activity and six months.

An interesting fact about Yesenin: a boy since childhood considered that he would become a Russian famous poet. The first poems began to write in adolescence. And now he stated his father that will earn rhyme-flying, it will not go further, there will be no stay in the meat shop. Yesenin settled in the printing house for workers, closer to the publishing case, and therefore, to writing and Russian poets. At this time, he first read the poems A. Block and began to consider him his teacher.

Yesenin tried to break into the circles of writers, he acquainted with everyone who could at least somehow help him. As a result, he decided not to wait "By the sea of \u200b\u200bthe weather," he learned the address of the block and came to him, stating himself as a future poet. The block was wondering such audacity, he met him, without lyrical retreats demanded to read poems. An interesting fact that the block was delighted with the creativity of Yesenin - this was led to the poet to the long-awaited literary circles.

Do not miss! Interesting facts from the life of the block. Biography Bloka

  • Yesenin was married 4 times (not counting numerous hobbies).

  • Galina Benislavskaya Yesenin considered another and companion, and she loved him. After the death of the poet, Benislavskaya shot himself on his grave and was buried near Esenin.
  • Yesenin had two interesting phobias - the terrible fear of militia and the panic fear to infect syphilis.

Yesenin Biography: Interesting Facts about Yesenin

  • At one time Sergey Yesenin was a vegetarian.
  • Duncan Ishedora - the most famous woman Yesenin saw her son in his son who died in infancy. Duncan did not speak Russian, Yesenin - in English, but in passionate quarrels, their dialogue consisted of a language mixture of cursory words. Friends it really amused.
  • After the death of Yesenina Iceedor tragically and ridiculously died: he left a taxi, and her long scarf climbed the door of the car, the car moved and suffered a great dancer.
  • Yesenin and Mayakovsky at least in public and showed neglect of each other, but in fact everyone admired the talent of her opponent. An interesting fact in Yesenin's biography: Mayakovsky once reading his poems, exclaimed to the whole voice: "Damn Talented!". But from all those in the room, harshly demanded never to talk about it.

  • Before the death of Yesenin, he spent a month in a psychiatric clinic, at that time representatives of the Soviet authorities were founded under the pretext of delight Yesenin from alcoholism and send to the sanatorium. But I could not find a poet. On December 21, Yesenin left the clinic and settled in Angletter, where the 25th was found dead.