How to glue vinyl wallpaper? Preparatory work, stages of sticking and secrets of high-quality facing. How to glue vinyl wallpaper (photo, video) properly glue vinyl wallpaper

When it comes to repair, it is becoming the question of how and what makes the walls of the apartment premises. The most optimal choice will shove wallpaper. It is best to choose vinyl, because they have a large number of advantages, and besides very attractive outwardly. They have a long service life, mostly all types of wallpaper data is easy to wash. Some can only be wiped with a wet cloth from the resulting dust, and some can wet and even brushing with a sponge. In order to choose exactly the detergents best consult from the competent seller of a specialized store. Or independently inspect the packaging and find identification signs that indicate the degree of endurance in front of moisture.

Immediately before the adhesive of vinyl wallpapers, there are difficulties, and what you need to have tools to easily shove the wallpaper canvases, which stages include the blending process, how to properly prepare walls and many more similar nuances. Answers to these questions will reveal this article.

Required tools

Before proceeding to the process of sticking, you need to make sure that all tools are in stock and prepare them so that they are all the time at hand.

The following tools will be needed:

  • a special brush with the help of which the walls are primed;
  • brush and roller for coating the wall-haired glue mixture;
  • special roller without a pile is necessary to rolling the seams;
  • special soft spatula for uniform smoothing of the canvas;
  • malyary Scotch;
  • cotton napkins or rags in order to eliminate excess glue mapping;
  • the bruster of a small size will be needed to boost the wallpaper canvase;
  • stationery knife for smooth cutting, scissors will not fit;
  • the blade or spatula of a tree for presses and disappear of irregularities in small areas.

With these tools, glue the wallpaper will be easier and more convenient. The main thing is to have them at hand.

Preparation of walls

No need to ignore this item, since the preparation of the walls is an important step. Thanks to the competent and thorough preparation of the walls, the wallpaper coating will hold a long time, and delight with its beautiful view.

Initially, it is necessary to remove the layer of old wallpaper, if any. After that, it is necessary to cubs the walls, it is best to do if it is done with a special primer, which is focused on deep penetration. If suddenly it did not turn out, the divorced glue mass can cope with this task. After the walls are primed up to cover them with a special tool, which prevents the occurrence of fungi and the development of microbes.

Upon time, when all the layers were dried, professionals are advised to read the line in the entire height of the wall and already take a benchmark for sticking the first strip. You should not focus on the angle of the room, as it may be uneven due to which problems can occur with the pattern. To be 100% confident that the conducted line perfectly need to use a special building level.

Once all the preparatory stages of the wall are completed, it is necessary to isolate the rooms from the current and remove all existing sockets and switches. This will allow the canvas perfectly to go on the wall surface. You do not need to neglect this and do as before, simply cut the hole for one or another item. It serve as an uneven pattern and all the beauty of the canvas will disappear.

Important! Vinyl wallpaper should always be glued only on well-dried walls. For authenticity, it is possible to attach polyethylene to the prepared wall for a day with the help of painting tape and if there is a moisture on it after it, this means that the wall requires more time to dry.

The room where finishing works are underway to isolate from the stream of air, namely, close all windows and doors, turn off the heaters and air conditioners. It is possible to ventilate the room only after the vinyl wallpaper is carefully dried.

Step-by-step instruction of sticking vinyl wallpaper

How to glue vinyl wallpaper on a fliesline basis?
Vinyl wallpaper on the phlizelin-based basis have a number of features that should be known:

  • glue is applied only on the wall;
  • no need to allow lumen when applying a adhesive solution, with its layer should be thick;
  • punching should be performed from an even angle;
  • wallpapers are glued only to jack and either otherwise;
  • smoothing the attached strip to the wall you need strictly from the center to the edges.

The phlizelin base has a large amount of cellulose in its composition due to which the canvas is more dense and severe. To better glue such canvases, it is better to use glue for vinyl wallpapers on a fliesline basis. On store shelves, it is referred to as vinyl glue. It is made on the basis of methylcellulose, there is no PVC in its composition. As a rule, it is considered universal and is suitable for any type of vinyl wallpaper.

If the wallpaper of this species is planned to be glued in a room with high humidity, it is better to purchase polyvinyl acetate glue. It will ensure reliable gluing and long service life.

Required time for drying vinyl wallpaper wallpapers

Wallpapers with a fliesline substrate have different dates of drying. First of all, it depends on the manufacturing method. For example, wallpaper made with hot pasta is required for complete drying so that the temperature is on average about 25 degrees, and humidity is no more than 60%. Then, until complete drying, you should wait 48 hours.

If the canvas has a decorative finish, then it may be necessary for a longer period in some cases a week.

Practice Wallpaper Bolds Rules

The key to success in sticking vinyl wallpapers on a paper basis lies in the correct selected glue. It is important that its composition be qualitative, it will avoid the formation of bubbles and irregularities. And this will also serve their long service. It is best to choose glue from foreign manufacturers. Of course, they have a higher price category, but costs will definitely take up high quality. It is important that the adhesive mass of had a property to quickly capture with the surface, but not instantly.

The glue must necessarily present compounds that are aimed at preventing the formation of mold and fungi.

High-quality glue has the following characteristics:

  • when glue mass is divorced, there should not appear lumps and incomprehensible origin of the clots, if it arose, it is better not to use it, as this can lead to irregularities;
  • after the day does not dry out;
  • in not open the package can be kept for years;
  • should not have in the composition of harmful substances;
  • simple preparation of the mixture.

Preampling of vinyl wallpapers on a paper basis, you need to thoroughly align the wall surface.

It is divided into types:

  • putty;
  • stucco;
  • plasterboard.

Stages of sticking wallpaper having a paper substrate for nothing differ from other types of vinyl wallpaper.

Drying Wallpaper with Paper Substrate

How quickly the wallpaper of this species is dry, depends on many factors. First of all, the weighty moment is a well-dried prepared surface of the walls. If it was not dry, then the time of drying wallpaper will be increased at times.

Optimum option If the room temperature is approximately 20 degrees, and humidity is not more than 70%. If the temperature is less, and the humidity will be high, then wait until the walls are dry, it will have to go long. In addition, it can entail the detachment and deformation of the canvas.

Important! To air and carry out further finishing work the premises is possible only after complete coating.

Home Repair is troublesome, especially for the interior decoration, which sets the tone to the whole interior. The presence of errors can spoil the entire design of the room. We will help you to avoid them, dismissed in detail how to glue vinyl wallpaper on the ceiling and walls.

General provisions

First, let's give a little attention to the selected material. Why exactly vinyl wallpaper, what's special in them? Everything will become quite clear after the review of their qualitative characteristics.


The products under consideration are a phliselin or paper base covered with a layer of vinyl.

Such a structure provides them with many advantages:

  • Moisture resistance. Excellent quality that is unusual for most other types of wallpaper. But the vinyl not only sufficiently reliably opposes dampness, and is also able to withstand wet cleaning using household chemicals and even painting.

  • Wide range of possible models. In addition to the stunning choice of various ornaments and colors, there are also textured samples and silkographic.

  • High resistance to mechanical damage, ultraviolet radiation and even temperature drops. That is, if you are opposite the southern window, you will start a cat and get long-term ventilation in winter, they still retain their original appearance.
  • For a long timewhich reaches ten years.
  • Simple put instructionwhich we will look further in all subtleties.
  • Acceptable price. The entire totality of the strength characteristics is quite accessible by the Budget of the average alignment.


The only thing that may happen unpleasant after the application of the wallpaper under consideration is the presence of an unpleasant odor for the first two months. But this is with the condition of acquiring cheap samples of an unknown manufacturer. Qualitative models do not have such an effect.

Tip: If you nevertheless, it was nevertheless to blew foolish-smelling canvas, and even ventilation does not help, it is recommended to paint their acrylic paint.
The polymer layer will block the contact of vinyl and air, eliminating the spread of the smell.

Application technology

First of all, everything necessary for the implementation of finishing works should be prepared.

Tools and materials

To work, you will need:

  • Velor roller. It simplifies treatment of cloths and walls.

  • Brush. Allows you to qualitatively covered with glue hard-to-reach places.

  • Pure bucket for dilution of the adhesive mixture.

  • Special bath with ribbed surface.

  • The stepladder is to get to the top of the wall and the ceiling.

Tip: Choose such a staircase on top there is a shelf.
Then you will be where to put the container with glue.

  • Metal or plastic. With it, it is much easier to cut the canvas.

  • Roulette for the implementation of all necessary measurements.

  • Stationery knife for cutting wallpaper.

  • Brush to smooth out products on the wall.

Tip: Before glue heavy vinyl wallpapers, be sure to make sure the stiffness of the prepared brush is sufficient.
Because the soft bristle simply will be frozen on the dense canvas and will not cope with its task.

  • Clean rag for removing randomly caught lining droplets on the front side of the finish.

In addition to tools, it is necessary to take care of directly about the materials themselves:

  1. Wallpaper Choose in accordance with the rest of the interior of the room and its functionality. It is better to fit the products calculated under painting, and for the living room, for example, silkographic samples. The color scheme is also very important and can have a significant impact on the sensations of tenants, visually expand and narrow the room.

  1. How to determine when buying, what glue is better for vinyl wallpaper? There are no secrets in this and invent something new should not. Just get acquainted with the attached instructions for glue, and specify the nuances from the seller.

  1. Shplanke. It will be necessary if large cracks and significant damage are detected in the wall after removing the old finish.

Preparatory work

Before gluing vinyl wallpapers, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface of the wall.

And at least such large-scale work with perfect alignment, as in the case of paint use, do not need to do something still need:

  1. We remove the old cladding:
    • Paint washed with a special chemical composition.
    • Tile knocked with a perforator.
    • Wallpapers remove with a metal sharp spatula, pre-mixed with water.

  1. We swell possible cracks and noticeable irregularities.

  1. Ground the wall. Do not refuse this step, even if it seems to you with overhead and superfluous. The primer creates a polymer layer that increases adhesion, protects the surface from physical effects and reduces its porosity.


Now wonder how to glue vinyl wallpapers:

  1. We drag the adhesive mixture with water according to the prescriptions indicated on the package.

  1. We measure the wall, add a few centimeters and the resulting length note on an expanded roll.
  2. Cut the desired size according to the labels.

  1. Apply glue to the back side of the canvas. It is noteworthy that if products with a flieslinic basis are used, then this step is not needed.

  1. Next we apply the adhesive composition on the wall.

  1. We apply the cloth to the surface and smooth it with a brush, removing all air from under it.

  1. In the process you will definitely encounter such a question: how to glue vinyl wallpaper in the corners? The fact is that the corners in the room are almost never fairly smooth, because of which you can not make there even joints. Therefore, it should be applied to the cloth so that it closes the problem space and went on the adjacent wall at least 10 cm.


We looked at how the vinyl wallpaper is glued. The process is absolutely not difficult, but requiring accuracy and attention. Adhere to all the above recommendations, and you will succeed.

The video in this article will provide additional information. Successful to you shook wallpaper!

In addition, the vinyl wallpapers are beautiful and practical, they are considered ideal for new buildings. Their flizelin base is elastic, so the wallpaper does not spare from the wall because of their natural shrinkage. To glue such wallpapers, special glue uses. How to glue vinyl wallpaper correctly?

Relief vinyl wallpapers are very practical, and their decorative characteristics are above all praise

What instruments are needed

For work, except for the wallpaper, it will be necessary

  • brush for primer walls;
  • roller or brush for applying glue on the wallpaper cloth;
  • line and level;
  • roller for rolling seams;
  • special spatula or brush to smooth cloth;
  • scotch paper;
  • two cotton rags and sponges that are necessary for wiping excess glue with floor and walls;
  • stationery knife for cutting wallpaper;
  • tassel for lubricating small sections of wallpaper glue;
  • the blade is wooden, which is pressed and spread the wallpapers on narrow parts of the walls.

The necessary tools for pasting wallpaper must be clean and working

How to prepare walls under the stick of wallpaper

First of all, remove the remains of old wallpaper from the walls. Dry mixture for gluing vinyl wallpaper, according to the instructions on the package. Walls are neglected. This can be done with glue, and you can use the primer of deep penetration. It is also desirable before starting work on pasting walls vinyl wallpaper handle walls with a special composition, which prevents the appearance of mold under the wallpaper.

After drying the glue and composition on the wall, it is necessary to spend a vertical line. It will serve as a benchmark for gluing the first cloth. It is possible to navigate the angle only if you are sure that the corners indoors are smooth. In order to spend the line correctly, use the plumb.

After that, you need to turn off the electricity in the apartment and remove the outlets and switches from the walls.

Remember that the vinyl wallpaper can be glued only to dry walls. They must be cleaned of old coatings if there are cracks, they should be sharpened, and align the surface. How to check dry walls? Shack a small piece of polyethylene to the wall with a painted scotch. If the water droplets will appear on the night on his inner side, then the walls are still insufficient, and you need to wait until they dry out.

So that the wallpaper lay smoothly and kept hard, you need to carefully prepare the walls, removing the remnants of old wallpaper from them

How to make sure the strength of the surface before pasting the walls of vinyl wallpaper? Just stick to the wall a piece of ordinary scotch, dramatically drop it and look at the wrong side. If there are remains of old plaster or paint, the wall cannot be considered prepared. Do not forget to align and rejuvenate the walls before glue vinyl wallpaper.

Works on pasting walls with wallpaper should be carried out indoors where there is no draft. You must close all windows and turn off the fans and air conditioners. It is not recommended to glue new wallpapers for old. Walls must be completely cleaned. Include fans and air conditioners, you can open the windows only after complete wallpaper drying.

How to beat vinyl wallpapers correctly: step by step instructions

Cut the wallpaper on the stripes, leaving a 10-centimeter point in length of each strip. If you bought vinyl wallpapers with a pattern, carefully pick up the adjacent panels in the height. Fold the sliced \u200b\u200badjacent wallpaper panels on each other in the drawing down. In each stack, fold no more than 10 stripes. Each strip should be shifted at the bottom of 10-15 cm.

Promotation of the edge of the edge of the canvas - a particularly important operation that requires attention and diligence, because it depends on it, how strong there will be joints between the wallpaper strips

Step 2: Apply Glue

How to beat the vinyl wallpaper correctly, so that the band connections were practically invisible? The panels should not find each other, the wallpaper should be glued. You can start working only after complete drying of the primer. First apply glue the wall of the wall under the first cloth. After the adhesive is applied under the second cloth, etc. There are varieties of vinyl wallpaper, where it is necessary to miss glue only a bulletin cloth, not a wall, and there are such where it is necessary to apply glue and on the wall, and on the wallpaper. Information on how to apply glue composition, read on the roll of wallpaper.

In modern repair technologies, almost everything is provided; therefore, to smooth joints between the canvases, you can use a convenient and efficient roller

Step 3: Sticking Wallpaper

It is better to do it together. One person stands on a stepladder and applies the top edge of the wallpaper to the wall under the ceiling. The other at the same time, standing on the floor, maintains the lower end of the strip, gently combines the edges with the vertical line spent along the wall. The cloth should be slightly pressing the wall and squeeze the brushed air bubbles from top to bottom from the axis to the edges. It is very important to wipe the surplus of glue if he spoke at the edge of the wallpaper. Make it with a clean cloth, not a brush.

Wallpaper smoothing is performed from top to bottom in the directions indicated in the photo

Step 4: Cut the edge of the wallpaper

After the cloth is glued, near the plinth and under the ceiling remains extra material. Surplus must be cut off with a knife. The lower edge of the wallpaper is bent on the plinth of 4-6 mm. It is very important to use when cutting only with a sharpened knife, if its blade is stupid, wallpapers will ride and reveal. If you use a stationery knife, periodically change the blade during work.

Step 5: Technique sticking vinyl wallpapers in "Problem Places"

Problems When the walls are pasting, wallpaper most often occur during the circumcision of excess canvas at the bottom of the plinth, on top of the ceiling, at switches and sockets, in the corners.

If you have not removed the plinth before starting work, the wallpaper should be inserted into the junction between the wall and the plinth. At the same time, the remaining part of the lower edge is cut and the reconciliation is sticking the strip for overlapping the seam and part of the plinth. But it is best to remove the plinth before starting work. When the wallpaper is pasted, the plinth is screwed to the previous place.

Circumcision of wallpaper at the plinth must be performed by a special knife so that the slice was smooth and neat

The edge of the panel adjacent to the ceiling should be obtained about 5 cm so that the glue does not blur the ceiling. Then the wallpaper is needed to press the wall from above and smooth the brush from the bottom. If you glue the wallpaper not to the ceiling (for example, we decided to combine two types of wallpaper or part of the wall you are painted), tick the pencil before gluing the boundary of the top of the cloth throughout the perimeter. It is on this strip that you will focus when sticking.

In the corners, leave extra wallpapers to the depth of the niche and the allowance. It is necessary to make cuts on the cloth from below and on top. Climbing the canvas, it is bent over the angle, and after it is neatly cutting. The joints and places of wallpaper overlapping are highly pressed to the base so that the gluing was durable.

Today you can often meet vinyl wallpapers in the kitchen, where their strength, practicality and ease of operation are particularly relevant.

If you decide to punish the batteries wallpaper, the canvas should be found no further than 10-20 cm for the heating radiator. Use a narrow roller with a long handle for pressing wallpaper to the wall. Near switches and sockets wallpaper, as a rule, do not cut in advance, but glue directly on the holes. When the glue dries, the holes cut through the wallpaper. Switches and sockets are screwed into place after the end of work.

Video master class: how to glue vinyl wallpaper

Vinyl wallpapers are in demand from those who want to make cosmetic repairs in their apartments. This popularity is explained by the fact that the vinyl imitates various textures and drawings perfectly, and the wallpaper is durable and durable. People who first have decided to conduct cosmetic repairs independently, must first find out how to glue vinyl wallpaper. Tips and recommendations will help prevent traditional errors of beginner finishing workshops.

Vinyl wallpaper is durable and durable, perfectly imitate colors and textures.

Vinyl wallpapers are textured and smooth. This is a two-layer wallpaper consisting of a base that can be flieslinic or paper and vinyl coating. In order to give the figure the texture, the coating is poured foaming vinyl, which has a special density and durability. When silk screen printing, the drawing is obtained smooth and brilliant.

Properly glued wallpapers service life is at least 10 years.

They are easy to care and apply to finishing any premises. Among the disadvantages of this modern coating, it is possible to call its chemical basis, which in small doses allocates harmful volatile substances, poor breathability. The manufacturer informs exactly where its products are allowed to glue. When violating technology on the wallpaper sticker, mold and fungus are formed under them.

Features of vinyl wallpaper

For premises with high humidity it is necessary to use foamed vinyl.

In rooms with high humidity, foam vinyl is more suitable. Such wallpapers have a relief pattern and a low density of the upper layer. They possess good breathability and ability to mask the shortcomings of uneven walls. Glued wallpaper does not represent complexity.

Silkography is characterized by special beauty. It imitates the luxury of textiles and is much cheaper, does not fade and is exploited for a long time. If you need to glue the wallpaper with silk screen, then they buy glue for heavy wallpaper. This type of vinyl wallpaper is better suitable for rooms. Before their use of the wall is necessarily aligned. If unevenness remains on the surface, then their silkography will emphasize them.

Glue for working with vinyl wallpaper choose the one that the manufacturer did specifically for them. You can choose the composition of the universal type, allowing any. If this is not on sale, you need to purchase special adhesive for paper or fliesline base. Other varieties of the wallpaper glue are not suitable due to a specific material, the work will be performed poorly.

Before glue vinyl wallpaper, you need to turn off the electric current intake into the room. Switches and sockets in the room during wallpaper stickers must be removed. If you manage to remove the plinth, then the work will look very neat.

Wall pastry technology with wallpaper requires a dry surface to be dry. When you work, you cannot open the windows and turn on the fan, air conditioning or convector. The main stages in the work are preparatory work, the wallpaper sticker on the wall, the final stage. The quality of the work performed will depend on how all the stages will be performed.

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Wall pastry tools

To correctly blew the vinyl wallpaper, you will need the following tools:

  • fur roller for the primer of the walls;
  • brush for applying glue on the canvas;
  • rubber roller for working with seams;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • ribs for removing excess glue;
  • stationery knife for cutting powders;
  • knife Sharpener.

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We are preparing for pasting walls with vinyl walls

It is necessary to glue the wallpaper correctly, otherwise they will be covered with mold or quickly disappear from the wall due to violations of technology.

First you need to clean the wall from old materials. It is cleaned with spatulas, sandpaper. The finished wall is aligned with a putty, give dry and once again treated with coarse sandpaper.

After the wall is completely dried, it is treated with a primer for antifungal protection. After a few hours you can start the walls of the walls. Before you break the vinyl wallpaper, glue is bred and give it to ravel. Do it according to the instructions.

If you have drawings on wallpaper, they need to be customized with each other.

Then proceed to cutting sheets of the required length. Using the roulette, the height of the walls is measured, added to the resulting digit 10 cm and begin to cut the material. If there is a drawing on the wallpaper, then the canvas additionally customize that the pattern coincides. No need to make a stack of more than 10 bands. It is usually cut one roll of wallpaper, and when the cooked sheets are completed, they begin new.

If a fibergal basis is used, then you need to know how to glue the vinyl wallpaper on the phlizelin. Such wallpapers are not treated with glue. For them, it is enough that glue that was applied to the wall. This base does not change the size of the canvas, it will work easily.

Wallpaper sheets on a paper basis laid down the face. First, the walls are covered with a thin layer of glue. This will improve the clutch of the sheets with the wall. Having finished the wall with a roller, begin to apply glue on the back side of the wallpaper. Ideally performed work has no traces of glue on the front side. Randomly falling excess glue are immediately removed with a clean rag.

The middle of the sheet passes with a roller, and the edges and corners are thoroughly treated with a tassel. A cooked sheet on a paper basis can not be glued at the wall at once. It is required to wait until the paper is on the melted of the adhesive composition. For this, the sheet is folded in half. On the package it is written how to glue wallpaper. The duration of this process depends on the density of the material used. Than it is tight, the more time it will be required. Wallpapers on a paper basis have a swelling property slightly stretched. So that the work looks flawlessly, the exposure time is observed on each strip, be sure to wait the right time.

Trying to figure out how to glue vinyl wallpaper? They have their own characteristics in use and, knowing them, the process of sticking will not be difficult. Washing vinyl wallpapers are a very convenient and practical wall material. They are moisture-resistant, it is easy to remove contamination with them, and the composition has special anti-grib components.

Those who decided to insulate their balcony or loggia and comfortably separate and equip this new premises, you can safely advise the use of this material. Properly selected wallpapers will not only give a balcony a nice appearance, but also will serve for a long time.

  • Vinyl Wallpaper on Flizelin Base. Most durable of all kinds. Wallpaper waterproofs, have some leveling properties (visually hide surface irregularities), easy to use (glue can be applied directly on the walls), have a long service life, possess a beautiful and rich appearance
  • Vinyl paper based wallpaper. Consist of two layers: paper and polyvinyl chloride. They are less durable than phlizelin, but will serve longer than many other wallpaper varieties. Produced both smooth and with embossed texture
  • Vinyl wallpaper. It can be both paper and phliselin. They are impregnated with a special composition that impedes the penetration of moisture, and painting creates an additional protective layer. The structure of the wallpaper can be absolutely different

After you have decided on exactly what kind you will use, you can start calculating the required number of wallpaper and all necessary materials.

Calculation of the number of materials

One of the proven and reliable methods of calculating the desired number of wall rolls is to determine the perimeter of the floor and the height of the room. To do this, add all sides of the floor and multiply the resulting number to the height of the room. Then subtract from this area of \u200b\u200bwindow and doorways and divide the residue to one roll area. The final number is rounded into the biggest way - you received the number of rolls that will be needed for pasting a particular room.

If you are implemented poking vinyl wallpaper With a pattern, you will need additional calculations for fitting the image. An important concept here is the pattern of the pattern - the distance separating two identical images along the length of the roll. The difficulty lies in the fact that the actual step may differ from this figure, as you glue you to the right and left parts.

Please note: In order to avoid difficulties, add 5 cm on a strip in a step of 10 cm. The number of waste in this case will be equal to half the step from each band.

As soon as you calculated how many rolls of wallpapers need, you can estimate how much glue will go. Do not blindly trust what is written on the package. The amount of glue for vinyl wallpaper is determined at the calculation that the packs of 250 g grabs an average of 20-25 kV2. Sometimes the flow rate may exceed these parameters.

Necessary materials Materials and tools

You picked up the appropriate wallpapers, determined how much material will be required. Next, slow down all the necessary tools. In the process of preparing the room and when glue vinyl wallpaper, we use:

  • Level
  • Ruler
  • Scissors or knife
  • Brushes for applying glue and primer
  • Little brush for additional mismirement of small sites
  • Roller to roll the seams
  • Spatula for smoking wallpapers
  • Spatula for pressing wallpaper parts in hard-to-reach places
  • Ragged and sponges to remove excess glue from wallpaper

Now you are stuck with everything necessary. Familiarize yourself with, and you can proceed to the direct process.

Stages of work

Stage I: wall preparation

  1. Remove the old finish from the walls: wallpaper, blotch, paint. The surface must be smooth
  2. Treat walls with special antifungal solution
  3. Tear glue for vinyl wallpaper and boil the wall
  4. With the help of the level, spend the vertical line - a guide for the first piece
  5. Disable electricity, remove all switches and outlets from the walls

Stage II: glue vinyl wallpaper

  1. Cut the rolls on the smooth stripes (+ 10 cm of the allowance)
  2. If glue phlizelin wallpaper, then smear the wall with glue. Paper - glue is applied to the stripes themselves.
  3. Similarly, place the first piece on the line. Glue better in a pair: one person applies the top of the piece, and the second supports the bottom
  4. The rest of the choleute additives. If the wallpaper is patterned, do not forget to combine it
  5. Scroll glued roller wallpapers from the center to the periphery. Air bubbles should not remain
  6. Thoroughly ride the seam
  7. Loom to glue outgoing areas
  8. Remove protruding excess glue
  9. Cut extra wallpapers at the ceiling and plinths. Use only sharp scissors or knife. Blunt blade tears wallpaper

Poking vinyl wallpaper Completed.

How to glue Corners and joints: Final Form

The most difficult and painstaking work is the refinement of the smallest and sizing angles and junctions. To avoid troubles in the form of gaps and pronounced seams, pieces of wallpaper gloves. For vinyl wallpapers on a fliesline basis, it is 1-2 mm, on paper - up to 5 mm. Several more difficult to solve the question of the sizing corners.

This is the most difficult part of the work: the question how to glue cornersoften puts in a dead end, especially newcomers. Getting Started to this stage, damage the angle with glue. The canvas is better to cut down in such a way that it can be 2-3 cm in the adjacent walls.

If you measured the angle with the help of the level and found that it is strongly "boiled", use the clipping method. The first piece of glue in the same way, only leave the edges wider - about 9 cm. The lateral bands from it are strictly vertically (this will help you all the same level) at a distance of 2 cm. Place of adhesion. Cut the sharp knife - both layers together. And then glue the top layer.

Completion of work and quality check

After all the basic stages of work are completed, check how you put the blending of vinyl wallpaper. Review, there is no progressive sections and bubbles on the walls. Return to the location of the previously removed sockets and switches. If there are any radiators, batteries or other devices in the room, behind which there are hard-to-reach sections of the wall, then they can not be placed, but simply paint the color in similar wallpaper.

You got acquainted with how to glue vinyl wallpaperAnd learned that even on the balcony and loggia they can be used as a wall finish. If this article helped you make repairs, leave your comments. And, perhaps you have your own secrets of the wallpaper? Please share your unique experience. Your tips can be very useful to many people.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper photo

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How to glue vinyl wallpaper video

We also offer you to get acquainted with the video on our article. In this video, it is considered how to glue vinyl wallpaper.

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To write "How to glue vinyl wallpapers: Step-by-step instructions" 10 comments

    For the first time, when you needed to shove the vinyl wallpaper in the apartment, there was a light shock. How to work with them?! But after reading the articles, having studied all the subtleties, the blending of the wallpaper was not as terrible, as at first it seemed to me. The most important thing in this matter is, in my opinion - to prepare a wall for wallpaper. It should be clean (without any traces of the old coating) and even.

    And I was just the first time in a very big disappointment after the adhesive of vinyl wallpaper, since all these subtleties did not know and such a stuck together with her husband. On the second day, they simply asuated together, the joints were completely shrinking. So for me, the joints and the angles were a big problem, and the second time I had already hired a specialist. It is a pity that such an article I didn't get on my eyes earlier.

    Recently glued vinyl wallpaper on a fliesline basis in a rustic house. Of course, they hide without irregularity, but they had to mess around with joints very long. Due to the fact that the walls are slightly uneven wallpapers go to the junction in the junction. Where the joint is in the joint - everything is fine, even the seam is practically not visible. But where in the backstage is trouble. Wallpapers do not want to glue with each other, so the upper layer sticks out very strongly. Maybe this is due to the fact that the wallpaper is thick.

    Glue wallpaper at home is always independent. It turns out always in different ways. We often swear with your husband about how to glue the wallpaper. After reading the article, learned many subtleties of this difficult business. It was useful to learn the stages of the work, understood our error that we did not have the right organization and did all the crayp. Now we will glue strictly according to your recommendations.

    I was looking for such instructions on the network sooo for a long time, and thank you so much that you all painted. My husband is on a business trip and I had to do this "cheerful" business - glue wallpaper. Delza is not of the lungs, but there were children-assistants nearby (truth to them 5-6 years old)) and a combat mood) will begin with the fact that it is very difficult to choose wallpaper, firstly, to find a quality product and for a pleasant price - not always easy Secondly, pick up to the interior so that in a year / two are not tired of the eyes - sometimes there are not enough patience, well, and to please all family members in color and drawing - the task is not a lung. In general, we coped quickly with this, but how to glue them, if you don't call a brigade ... If I did not find the video and photo, it would hardly be for this business. For me, the most difficult was: sizing the corners. If it would not be your site, then it would be just a "angular hell", since I didn't finish it like that and where. thank you so much! In the general, my covers were pissed in 3 days)) Hands) So I feel heroine)) Everyone is satisfied, thanks to you))

    With us when weeping vinyl wallpapers in a private house "The first pancake" was a huge one! But ... the Internet to help and learning from this article Many of all kinds - risked to punish another room yourself! A pleasant tip was applied to the walls of the antifungal agent. I hope the walls will not take mold. But all the same wise labor was worth it to shove the corners! But we coped! Now we have experience of sticking and the following rooms are not so scary. I want to beat the photo wallpaper in the living room. I think we will now work out now!