How to calculate the flow and correctly apply bitumen mastic for waterproofing the foundation and concrete structures. The use of bitumen mastics and working rules with them to cover the foundation of mastic

Water stone sharpening, and concrete it leads to complete unsuitability, and not only concrete. To build a house, at a minimum, for decades, it needs to be well insulated. First of all, this concerns the foundation. Bituminous mastic is one of the most comfortable in applying, reliable in operation, high-quality and durable materials to protect the foundation from moisture.

Bituminous Mastic Cold Application and Hot

Bituminous mastics are divided by the method of use on cold and hot. In private practice, cold is more often used, because it is possible to work with them without special tools and skills. And when it comes to a bitumen mastic for the foundation, in 95% of cases it is the animal mastic that is meant.

Bitumen Mastics of Cold Use are 2 species: water and on a polyester basis. The latter can be simply bituminous, or with the addition of polymers. Bitumen polymer polyester-based masts can be used at minus temperatures. According to the reviews of builders from the Far North of Russia, such masts have proven perfectly when applying to Claus -40 about C. However, this concerns only quality materials with a guarantee from the manufacturer.

You can find one- and two-component mastics on sale. One-component are ready to use, they only need to mix. The second requires the connection of the components before use. Two-component bitumen mastics are distinguished by a longer storage and service. However, it is necessary to use them immediately after cooking, because they quickly grab on the surface.

Hot applications are used in the case when it is necessary to strengthen the base and create protection for the foundation in particularly difficult conditions. Hot mastic are applied after their preheat to 300 OS. This process is complicated, and requires compliance with safety standards. Because if there are no necessary tools and experience with hot mastic, it is better to turn to bitumen masts for the foundation of the cold application.

Bitumen Mastic Properties for Foundation

Bituminous mastic is used to waterproofing the foundation. Sometimes it is used as a gluing layer between rolled waterproofing and foundation. But more often acts independent protection against moisture.
Basic properties of bitumen mastic for foundation:

  • Creates an impenetrable solid film, hydrophobic, not absorbent moisture.
  • Prevents the formation and reproduction of mold, fungus.
  • Climbs small pores, chips and cracks on the basis.
  • Perfectly tolerate minus temperatures, it does not break, it does not crack.
  • Differs good adhesion to any reasons.
  • The film on the surface retains elasticity during the entire service life, which allows it to carry various blows and not crack.

Mastic consumption

How many mastic will need to cover the foundation, it depends not only on its quadrature. The value of the material (brick, concrete, wood) of the foundation, the density of this material. Consumption depends on the brand of mastic, its composition, quality. The consumption of mastic can vary from 300 to 900 g per m2 of the base.

To glue the rolled waterproofing, one layer of mastic with a thickness of 1 mm is sufficient. If the mastic acts as the main material for waterproofing, the layer should be thicker up to 3 mm. Moreover, it is necessary to cover the foundation in several layers, their number depends on the conditions of operation of the foundation.

On the packaging of bitumen mastic for the foundation, an approximate consumption is indicated. Having an average digit, you can understand how much mastic need to water the foundation. One layer of material is not enough, mastic cover the foundation at least 2-3 layers. Sometimes to save, you can use primer mastic, which will fill the cracks and prepare the surface to cover with bitumen mastics.

Instructions for the use of cold mastic

All work with mastic needs to be performed in protective outfit. To prevent eye damage, you need to wear construction glasses. At high temperatures, respiratory tract to protect the respirator. Open areas of the skin close. Bitumen mastic cannot be applied to the wet surface. It should be refracted from unprotected rooms during rain or snow.

  • Preparation of the foundation for the use of all types of mastics is the same. The foundation needs to be cleaned of dust, dirt, it is desirable to dry, degrease. Visible cracks, chipsers, dents are sealed with a solution of cement or other compositions. After drying the repair makeup, the surface can be covered with primer mastic (primer). It is already sold in the finished form, or it can be prepared from mastic, mixing it with a solvent.
  • Before applying, opening the packaging, the mastic should be mixed well for 4-5 minutes manually, or 1 minute drill with a nozzle mixer.
  • You can apply bitumen mastic with your own hand with a roller or a solid cape brush. Pricewer has a lighter consistency, a painting brush can be used for application. It is easier to apply a mechanical way, however, special equipment will need. No qualifications for applying mastic do not need. The feature of the use of bitumen mastic according to the instructions consists only in observing the thickness of the layer and the uniform surface coating.

On the vertical surfaces to apply the material, starting from above, moving down.

  • When the first layer will dry up. The following layers are applied. To achieve a more dense waterproofing ball, it should be sequentially applied layers, without making long breaks in operation.
  • All tools that were used to work and blurred with bitumen mastic should be cleaned immediately at the end of work. For this, a solvent is used, for example, White spirit. In some cases, hot water can help with soap solution.

How to choose high-quality mastic?

When choosing a mastic there is one good way to find high-quality material, not even opening the containers. The fact is that the mastic is though dense, but lighter than water. Therefore, in a bucket of 5 liters there can be no more than 5 kg of mastic. Different types of mastic have a different weight, but it is still less than water weight. When producing in the container, the mastic is filled with hot, which increases its volume. In the bucket of 20 liters it is impossible to fill 22 kg of mastic.

If the weight of bituminous mastic comes across, which exceeds the volume of containers, it is safe to talk about the handicraft production of the material. Where the usual bitumen filled with solvent is used, or more often the diesel. Such a mastic is not different from high-quality, but it will last no more than a couple of years, after which it begins to crack, turn and fall.

When the foundation of any structure is erected, it is necessary to take care of its protection against the influence of soil and atmospheric moisture, which is capable of destroying even the most reliable building materials over time. Therefore, the long-term operation and strength of the whole building depends on the choice of protective composition.

The most common and affordable protective agent and is a bitumen mastic for. This material, as well as all other types of waterproofing, has its own physico-technical and performance characteristics, features of application, their own advantages and disadvantages that need to be borne in mind when choosing it for subsequent work.

"Pros" and "minuses" of bituminous mastic

It is necessary to immediately note that the advantages of this material are much more than negative qualities. From the "pluses" of such waterproofing, you can select the following:

  • Due to the high elasticity of bituminous mastic, excellent adhesion is provided between it and the surface of the walls of the foundation, and therefore the material reliably protect the construction structure from the penetration of moisture and the erosion caused by it.
  • In addition, elasticity preserves a waterproofing layer when shrinking the structure and cracking of the material under a long service life.
  • Bituminous mastic prevents the emergence and development of corrosion processes of the metal elements of the foundation, which also significantly extends the service life of the structure.
  • The composition protects the material of the foundation walls from the appearance of mold and other colonies of unwanted microflora.
  • Mastic penetrates well in the pores of the material of the walls and fills it with cracks.
  • The simplicity of application of this composition on the wall allows this work independently, since the waterproofing process will not require special skills. The main thing, in the course of the work, make sure that there are no very small areas that are not covered by processing on the surface.
  • The advantage of mastic in front of other waterproofing materials can also be called the speed of coating.
  • Bituminous mastic can be used as an adhesive composition for mounting a rolled waterproofing material.
  • With the correct selection of this material, it is possible to work with it almost at any temperatures.
  • All bitumen mastics have an affordable price, so you do not have to seek large amounts for their acquisition. In addition, the mastic is consumed quite economically, and it will not be needed excessively much.

From the disadvantages of this waterproofing material, it is possible to distinguish the duration of the polymerization of the composition applied to the surface, which causes to carry subsequent operations until the waterproofing layer is completely frozen. However, this factor is even difficult to call a disadvantage, since providing for it, you can plan the time for the implementation of insulation and finishing at a later date.

Another possible "minus" - some of the masses of low quality can overreach and crack themselves. Therefore, it is very important to correctly choose the material, guided by not only price criteria.

Varieties of waterproofing mastik

Main types of bitumen mastics

Bituminous masts are divided into various criteria, therefore, choosing this material for the foundation waterproofing, it is necessary to carefully examine the attached instruction that contains information and its composition, and the technology of application.

1. Mastics on a bitumen basis are divided according to the peculiarities of the technology of their application to the surface. There are two main varieties of this process - "cold" and "hot" applying.

  • You can find a lot of brands of "hot" bitumen mastics, but unites them exactly that before applying to the wall they should be warm up, to bring to a certain temperature. "Hot" mastic can vary by heat resistance, that is, at the maximum temperature, which you need to warm up to achieve the desired state to use as glue under the rolled material, or as an independent coating waterproofing. It should be noted that manufacturers of this material are not recommended to mix masts with different characteristics.

The so-called "hot" mastic are used mainly by professional builders, as it is necessary to adhere to a certain process technology and, in order to avoid severe injuries, a clear compliance with safety. If there is no experience with such compositions, it is better to refer to specialists or use to create a waterproofing layer "Cold" version of the coating material.

GOODHIM Bitumen Mastic Prices

Mastic Bituminous Goodhim

It can also be noted that this type of waterproofing is most often used in the case when the structure is built in the regions with harsh winter conditions.

  • Cold bituminous waterproofing compositions are also produced in various versions, but they are all applied to the walls without a special preliminary preparation of mastic, except, possibly thoroughly mixing it. However, to work in the cold season, under negative temperatures, some variants of such mastics still require a certain heating. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that only high-quality, preferably bitumen and polymer compositions produced by proven companies are suitable for work in such conditions.

2. Bituminous mastic are produced both on the basis of organic solvents and water-soluble, depending on which components are included in their composition. In this regard, it is possible to breed them to a more liquid consistency only by those liquids on which they are originally involved.

3. Waterproofing mastic are one-component and two-component.

  • The first option is ready for use, that is, it is enough to open the packaging, then mix the mixture well - and it can be applied to the surface of the walls prepared for this.

  • Two-component mastics consist of two components that are connected in certain proportions immediately before applying. Such formulations quickly set up and hardened, so after kneading them, it is necessary to work quite quickly. Two-component mixtures have not only a longer shelf life in a closed state, but also high-strength during operation. This option is convenient in the case when the work must be made quickly. But, I must say that, due to the high cost and complexity in use, there were no widespread similar compounds.

4. Separate mastic and by their solidification, as they, after application, can harden to solidify completely or remain in the semi-solid state.

5. Finally, bitumen mastics are divided and components included in their composition. Today, you can find the following options for waterproofing compositions based on bitumen:

  • Bituminous Mineral Mastic includes in its composition substances such as chalk, cement, dolomite, asbestos, quartz or limestone, chopped to fine powder - these substances are up to 20% of the total weight of the mixture. In addition to minerals, a plasticizer necessarily includes this mastic - it should be according to the production technology of at least 5%. In cold mastic as a plasticizer, an oil solvent or lacquer is used - this is not a waterproofing composition, withstanding any mechanical, vibration and hydraulic loads without damaging. In this regard, such mastic is used to protect the in-depth parts of the foundation walls.
  • Bituminous rubber The composition, in addition to oil bitumen, contains fine rubber powder or synthetic rubber, which make mastic more elastic. In addition, the mastic includes mineral fillers, as well as special mineral oil as a plasticizer. Compounds based on an organic solvent are manufactured.

Such a kind of mastic can be sold in powder form, and its flow, depending on the thickness of the coating, is 1.5 ÷ 2 kg / m². Dry mixture before applying heated to the temperature indicated on the package. To do this, it is poured into the container and put on fire. This type of mastic can be called one of the most affordable, and the life of waterproofing is 15 ÷ 20 years.

  • Bituminous rubber The mixture has a good viscosity, due to which the material forms a dense, elastic and reliable protective coating from moisture. This variant of mastic, like the previous one, if necessary, divorces the solvent. The dying period of each of the layers of this coating is from 6 to 12 hours. The consumption of the material depends on many factors in which the porosity of the base material can be included, the thickness of the applied layer, the parameters of humidity and ambient temperature. In general, the flow can vary from 0.75 to 1.5 liters per square meter. For better clutch with the basis and formation of high-quality film coating, the concrete wall is recommended a little moisten. Primer primer under rubber mastic is not required.
  • Bituminous polymer Poly-emulsion mastic includes one or more modified polymers. It does not contain organic solvents, therefore it does not have sharp odors and can be used not only for outdoor, but also for internal works. Compositions containing polymers are not only excellent waterproofing for building structures, but also become an excellent protection of walls and interior areas from the soil of radon harmful to health. The drying time of this mastic on the walls is 6 ÷ 8 hours.
  • Bituminous latexmastic is manufactured on an aqueous emulsion. Latex is rubber synthesized in industrial environments and has improved characteristics. In most cases, this type of mastic is applied in cold condition and sold in the finished form, that is, are one-component composition. It is desirable before applying bitumen-latex mastic to prepare the walls of the wall, processing their primer, which can be made independently, diluing the same composition of mastic water in proportion 1: 1. Latex mastics can be used even at negative temperatures without heating.
  • Bituminous and oil The frost-resistant mastic is great for waterproofing external and inland plugged structures, the walls of which can be erected from any materials. This mastic is divorced by gasoline, White spirit or solvent. The consumption of oil waterproofing composition is 1 ÷ 1.5 l / m².
  • Bituminous primer It differs from mastic with its more liquid consistency, as it is used to prepare surfaces under the application of the main waterproofing layer of mastic. The primer can be made of mastic by breeding with solvent or water, depending on the basis, to the desired consistency. This preparing surface composition is applied with a roller, brush or sprayed with a special pulverizer. The deadline for graze of such a composition on the walls, depending on the basis, can be from 1 to 5 hours.

Requirements for mastic

In order for the waterproofing coating to be durable and durable, the composition of bitumen mastic should be qualitative, and the date of its manufacture is to meet the declared manufacturer with warranty periods.

Therefore, acquiring this material, it is necessary to learn the label on the packaging, where all the necessary characteristics and information on the date of its production should be presented.

In addition to these criteria, it is necessary to take into account the following qualities of mastic:

  • The waterproofing mixture should have a homogeneous consistency without extraneous inclusions, which can be created in an applied air bubbles, weakening the water protection properties of the material.
  • Mastic should be elastic and convenient for applying.
  • The mixture for applying and during operation should not be separated into the environment harmful substances for humans, which means it should not include toxic components.
  • The bituminous waterproofing composition used for the foundation waterproofing must have a heat resistance of no less than 70 degrees.
  • Full waterproof is one of the main qualities for any bitumen mastic.
  • The high adhesion of the mixture is necessary not only for good clutch with the basis, but also for reliable gluing waterproofing rolled cloths.
  • The frozen waterproofing layer must have permanent physico-mechanical characteristics that remain throughout the entire operational period, in the operating temperature range indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer.

Basic technological methods of applying waterproofing mastic on the foundation walls

The process of creating a waterproofing protective layer on the walls of the foundation is easy, but it will take quite a lot of time, if you manually work, i.e., brush, roller or spatula, especially in cases where the design is deeply in the soil, and therefore has a large height and total area .

IllustrationBrief description of the operation
Starting work on waterproofing the foundation, it is necessary to carry out its audit for the formation of cracks.
When such flaws are found, they must be sealed, and if necessary, to pull the metal screeds consisting of reinforcing brackets with a diameter of 10-12 mm or a thickness of 3 ÷ 5 mm thick.
If on the basis of leaving cracks, it is useless to hydroize it with its coating, since the walls will fall into the walls through these gaps, continuing to destroy the concrete.
It is necessary to start repairs from expanding cracks and deepening them as much as possible.
If the crack is small, then it must first fill in the primer of deep penetration, dry, and then fill the sealant for external work.
If the clearance is large, then the walls are fixed on the wall, and then after processing the primer, the crack is filled to the entire depth and width of concrete or concrete-adhesive solution.
If the foundation is posted out of the brick, it is recommended to reinforce the metal grid, then plaster, and only after that move to waterproofing.
Next, before applying the waterproofing material, a primer of purified walls is a bitumen primer consisting of bitumen mastic and solvent.
This composition can be purchased at a finished form or make it yourself, mixing two components in the proportion of 1: 1.
The primer layer is necessary, first of all, in order to create a good basis for applying the main waterproofing material.
The primer will strengthen the surface, tied the remnants of dust on the wall surface. It fills the pores and small cracks, eliminating the excessive absorbability of the structure of the foundation material - this will reduce the consumption of bitumen mastic and will create a smooth waterproof surface for its application.
Since the primer has a liquid consistency, it is convenient to apply it using a soft brush or brush, to comfortably carry out the work planned on a long handle.
The primer is applied to the surface evenly, and when it is fully processed by the preparatory composition, you need to give time for grappling.
This process will take from 3 to 12 hours, depending on the composition of the solution and the features of the base.
After grappling primer-primer, a waterproofing coating is applied by one of the selected mastic compositions. It can be applied by one or more layers.
Waterproofing, applied in four layers, between which fiberglass is laid, called heavy, and it will not only protect the walls from any moisture, but will also become a kind of additional reinforcement for their surfaces.
Bituminous waterproofing mastic often has a sufficiently thick consistency, so it is often applied with a wide spatula or trowel.
Mass must be evenly distributed over the wall, creating a smooth layer.
If the application is provided for several layers, each of them, before the transition to the next one, should be well succeeded. The mastic drying time is defined on the packaging of the material.
Another option to use bitumen mastic during the foundation isolation is staging roofing cloths.
In this case, one layer of mastic is applied to the primed walls, which is usually heated for better adhesion of materials to the best adhesion of materials.
Further, before carrying out further construction work, the waterproof and dried foundation walls must be closed with thermal insulation material.
It will be performed as directly destiny and, at this stage of the work, it will be a good protection for waterproofing coating from damage.

If there is a need to carry out such work in the winter period, then for waterproofing, a mixture is used capable of withstanding applying to the surface at ambient temperature up to - 30 degrees, for example, bitumen-tick mastic. To work in this difficult period to be successful, it is recommended to perform some requirements:

  • When using bitumen mastic, as the main material of waterproofing, that is, without the use of rolled materials, the surface of the treated wall should be heated to the positive temperature. For this purpose, heat guns are commonly used, although you can also apply warp using a gas burner.
  • Mastic itself should be prepared in warm rooms located at a short distance from the place of application.
  • It is impossible to arrange the foundation waterproofing coating with high humidity, fog, rain or snowfall.
  • With the highest need to carry out these works in the cold season, it is recommended to arrange special structures - warmly, which will help achieve a positive temperature of the foundation walls.

The warmly is the design of a timber or metal in the venue of work, which is delayed with a dense polyethylene film. Inside this facility for air heating, heating devices are turned on without open fire, in order to avoid creating hazardous conditions for the health and life of builders.

  • When mixing the mastic in equipped with warm-ups, electrically heated mixers are used to heal with mixtures.
  • Due to the unfavorable winter conditions, the application of all layers of waterproofing is carried out by the so-called invigs, that is, the process of applying all the layers is fully produced on one site of the foundation. Then, warmly is rearranged to the next section of the structure, and the work is fully carried out on it - and that further until the whole task is fully fulfilled.
  • The results of all the work carried out in the winter should be checked with the onset of the warm season, for the manifestation of certain defects that should be immediately eliminated.

The process of creating a waterproofing barrier in this publication is considered briefly, but only for the reason that a separate detailed article is devoted to this issue on our portal.

Waterproofing foundation is important!

Those builders, who, after filling the foundation, misses the problem of creating protection from the impact of soil moisture. For what you need, what requirements it should be responsible, and how it can be done on its own - read in a special publication on the pages of our portal.

Popular brands of bitumen mastics

In the construction market of Russia, a fairly wide range of waterproofing bitumen mastics of different manufacturers is presented, but still some of them are as high as possible.

Products of Technonikol

Mastics "Tekhnonikol" are today, perhaps, the most popular consumers engaged in private construction. These compositions are made from high-quality products on the most modern equipment and comply with all international quality standards.

Prices for bitumen mastic Tehtonikol

TechnoNIKOL mastic Bituminous

Bituminous waterproofing mastic are made on the basis of solvents and water emulsions, for use in hot and cold form, as well as for applying with special equipment and manually.

This table leads to the physico-technical characteristics of the compositions of the brand "Tehtonikol":

Physical and technical indicators of bitumen mastics "TEKHNONIKOL"№20 №21 №24 №31 №33 №41
Clutch strength with base, MPa:
- with concrete0.6 0.1 0.45 0.6 0.2 0.6
- with metal0.9 0.1 - - 0.25 0.9
Flexibility on a bar with a radius of 5.0 ± 0.2 mm 0s-15 -35 -5 -15 -25 -
Relative extension at break,%100 500 - 700 900 1100
Moisture absorption during the day,% by weight2 0.4 0.4 1 0.4 1
Waterproofing for a day at a pressure of 0.1 MPa+ + + + + +
Mass fraction of non-volatile substances,%73 ÷ 93.50 65 50 ÷ 70.53 ÷ 65.100
One layer thickness, mm1.5 1 1 1 2 2
Consumption per layer, kg / m²2.5 ÷ 5.72.5 ÷ 5.72.5 ÷ 5.72.5 ÷ 5.73.5 ÷ 5.52.5 ÷ 5.7
Drying time of one layer, h, with + 20 ° C and 50% air humidity.24 24 24 5 5 4
Temperature range of applications, ° Сfrom -20 to +30from -20 to +40from +5 to +30from +5 to +30from -20 to +40from -20 to +40
The moisture content of the mass is not more than,%4 4 8 8 4 4

More information about Tekhnonikol mastic is presented in the table below:

Bituminous "Aquamast" is made by Technonikol for use in different areas indoors and for external construction work.
The packaging indicates the purpose of a particular composition - it can be waterproofing the foundation, pools and floors in the bathrooms, roofing works and other operations.
The composition of the mastic "Aquamast" includes a petroleum binding bitumen, mineral fillers, technical oils and a solvent.
The waterproofing bitumen mass for the processing of foundations is a ready-made composition used to apply on structures built from concrete, metal, reinforced concrete, wood, bricks, plugged into soil and directly contact with moisture.
To create good adhesion between the waterproofing layer and the material of the foundation, the manufacturer recommends before applying it to impregnate the surface with a bitumen primer "Aquamast", and especially this is true if a porous building material is waterproofing. Moreover, following this advice, it is possible to save significantly on mastic and facilitate its application.
The drying time of one layer of mastic is from one hour to one day, depending on some factors in which the material includes the construction of the foundation, temperature and humidity of the environment, as well as the thickness of the applied layer.
Mastic is considered dry, if its surface ceases to be sticky.
In order for further construction work, the waterproofing layer is not damaged, immediately after drying it, it should be closed with protective plates or heat-insulating mats.
This mastic is packaged by the manufacturer in metal buckets of 3, 10 and 18 kilograms.
Mastics consumption is 1 kg / m².
Technonikol No. 20 is bitumen-rubber mastic, ready for use.
The waterproofing material consists of several components - modified crushed rubber, petroleum bitumen, mineral fillers, technological additives and an organic solvent.
After final drying, this mastic creates a high-strength coating capable of operation in a wide range of operating temperatures, in different areas, ranging from the application of protective layers on the roofing material and ending with the waterproofing of various building structures, including foundations.
Consumption TechNonikol No. 20 for the roof varies from 3.8 to 5.7 kg / m², and for waterproofing the foundation from 2.5 to 3.5 kg / m².
It is possible to carry out work on the application of this composition at temperatures from -20 to +40 degrees, the drying time of the waterproofing layer is 24 hours at temperatures above +5 degrees.
It is impossible to carry out work close to open fire sources, the masses and mucous membranes should be avoided.
Storage of bitumen rubber mastics should be made at temperatures from -20 to +30 degrees, in a dark place. The shelf life from the production date is 18 months.
The mastery "Tekhnonikol No. 20" is sold in metal buckets of 20 liters.
"TechnoNIKOL №21" ("technomaist") - this mastic is designated as roofing, but successfully used not only for repairing any kind of roofs in a complex with rolled coatings, fiberglass and as independent waterproofing, but also to protect against moisture of all building structures . Such areas include basements, piles, house foundations and other parts of buildings, plundered in soil and directly contact with water.
In addition, this composition is suitable for anti-corrosion treatments made of metal - this is the body of cars, pipes and other nodes and structures.
Tehnomast is ready to use a mastic consisting of a modified artificial rubber, mineral fillers, technological additives, organic solvent and oil bitumen. The coating layers from this material have high elasticity, heat capacity, clutch strength, moisture resistance.
It is possible to work with the Mastica "Technomast" at ambient temperature from -20 to +40 degrees. If the air is heated to a temperature below +5 degrees, then before applying the composition it is necessary to withstand in heat for at least a day.
Under favorable conditions, the dying period of the layer of mastic is no more than 24 hours.
It is impossible to work with this composition if the open fire is located nearby, as well as the applied mastic, it is necessary to protect the eyes and open areas of the body.
The solution is sold in metal buckets at 20, 10 and 3 liters.
The consumption of mastic when used for the roof is 3.8 ÷ 5.7 kg / m², and to protect against moisture of foundations 2.5 ÷ 3.5 kg / m².
Technonikol No. 24 (MHTN) is a waterproofing mastic is a mixture consisting of bitumen, mineral fillers, solvent and technological additives.
This type of mastic does not contain polymers, therefore it is somewhat lower and there is no relative elongation, therefore mastic refers to rigid waterproofing coatings and is not suitable for working with metal.
Mastic is designed specifically for protective coating of wooden, concrete and reinforced concrete surfaces. The remaining data on this material is shown in the table presented above.
Technonikol No. 31 is an aqueous emulsion of oil bitumen, technological additives, modified artificial rubber, and mineral fillers.
Material has a high adhesion with any surfaces, resistant to moisture, elastic and heat supply. Since the composition is made on the basis of water, it does not contain mineral solvents. In this regard, such a mastic can be applied to waterproofing works indoors - balconies, bathrooms, pools, basements and others.
However, the material is also used to repair roofing, both independent waterproofing, and in combination with rolled cloths or fiberglass.
Official "TechnoNIKOL №31" and for protective coverage of the walls of the foundation and other structures, plunged into the ground.
This waterproofing mastic finished to use has some features of application. The solution before starting the work, it is necessary to mix well, and then apply a dry or slightly wet surface to cleansed from contaminants - the main thing is that it is not wet. Fooling surfaces can be made by a spatula or a wide brush.
The aqueous solution is applied at air temperature from +5 to +30 degrees, and the grave of one layer of waterproofing takes no more than 5 hours. Finally, the coating will type strength in seven days.
The flow rate of the composition "Technonikol No. 31" is at the waterproofing of the roof of 3.8 ÷ 5.7 kg / m², and when applied to the walls of the foundation 2.5 ÷ 3.5 kg / m².
For sale, mastic enters in metal buckets of 18, 9 and 2.7 kg.
Technonikol No. 33 is a bitumen-latex mastic made on the basis of an aqueous emulsion, which also includes modified polymers. The composition does not contain mineral solvents.
This type of material is also suitable for waterproofing both foundations and roofs and for field areas indoors.
Mastic does not require training before use and suitable for manual and mechanical application.
When solving, using special equipment for surface treatment, spraying is possible only with a 10 ÷ 12% calcium chloride solution, which means 4 kg of crystalline substance by 25 liters of water, which is added to the mastic in the proportions of 1: 8.
Mastics are sold in barrels of 200 liters, and its consumption is to cover the roof of 4.5 ÷ 5.5 kg / m², and for waterproofing foundations - 3.5 ÷ 4.5 kg / m².
Tekhnonikol No. 41 is "hot" waterproofing mastic is considered roofing, but it is possible to use it and it is possible to use elevation and cracks in concrete screeds and reinforced concrete plates, coating of foundations from concrete, metal, various blocks, as well as to protect pipelines.
This variant of mastic is made from modified polymers, mineral fillers and oil bitumen. When applied, it creates a solid solid coating, providing reliable waterproofing of the structure.
Before starting work, Tekhnonikol No. 41 must be prepared. For this, dry mastic is laid into the tank and heated to 160 ÷ 180 degrees, after which they are applied to the surface-primed by a bituminous primer with a brush.
Application work is made at air temperatures from -20 to +40 degrees.
This product is sold in paper bags having inside a siliconized inner layer. The net weight of the bag is 30 kg.
The shelf life of the material from the date of manufacture is 18 months.
The Bitumen Polymer Mastic Master of MCTN is the composition used in the cold state. It includes oil bitumen, modified artificial butadienestyrene thermoelastoplast or its modifications, solvent, filler and technological additives.
An applied mastic for the arrangement and repair of roofs, as well as for waterproofing walls of basements and foundations, as well as other building structures that are plunged into the ground and are subject to constant moisture.
The material has not only waterproofing qualities, but also anti-corrosion, therefore it is often used for protective processing of metal structures and parts not only in construction, but also when repairing cars.
The consumption of mastic is for the roof of 3.8 ÷ 5.7 kg / m², and for waterproofing foundations 2.5 ÷ 3.5 kg / m².
The material is designed for use in the temperature range from -200 to +300 degrees, and the time of its drying in normal conditions is no more than a day.
The warranty period of mastic from the date of manufacture is 18 months. It enters the metal buckets and barrels of 20 and 50 liters.

Bitumen mastics of other manufacturers

In addition to the well-known domestic brand Tekhnonikol on the Russian market, other manufacturers are also represented by other manufacturers, which can be attributed to the "nefte-bituminous plant", "Gidrolux", "Icopal", "Donisol", "Grid" and others.

The characteristics of some of them will be presented in the tables.

Physical and technical indicators of bitumen mastics"MGH-G""MGH-K"MGH-T"Darkness""MEBIS"
Moisture absorption during the day no more,% by weight0.5 0.5 1 0.2 0.5
Conditional viscosity, not less, seconds21 15 15 20 14 ÷ 28.
Clutch strength with concrete, not less, MPa0.3 0.4 1.5 ÷ 3.00.15 ÷
Softening temperature, ° С70 130 100 80 100
Single layer drying time, watches24 12 ÷ 24.24 12 ÷ 24.12 ÷ 24.
Needle penetration depth at 25ºС, 0.1 mm15 ÷ 20.12 ÷ 20.15 ÷ 20.15 ÷ 20.12 ÷ 15.
Mastics consumption, liter / m², with a layer thickness in 2 mm1 0.8 ÷ 1.00.8 ÷ 1.02.5 ÷ 3.00.25 ÷ 0.5

And about the same compositions - several more:

IllustrationBrief description of the characteristics of the material
Mastham MGH-G "Grid" is a composition, ready for use and not requiring heating. The homogeneous mixture consists of an oil bitumen, mineral filler and a solvent on an organic basis.
Such a composition is intended for external work on waterproofing of various building structures, including bulwed in the ground, except for those on which during operation there will be a thermal effect exceeding 70 degrees.
Works on the application of this composition are carried out at air temperature not lower than +10 degrees, to the surface, pre-cleaned and primedly primed by a bitumen primer.
Masthem mall-g is quite thick, and often applied with a spatula. If it is planned to work with a brush or roller, then the mixture is necessary to dilute by an organic solvent, the amount of which should not exceed 25 ÷ 50% of the volume of mastic. As a solvent, you can apply the oil solvent, white spirit, turpentine, xylene and organic compounds like it.
If the mastic for waterproofing is used without additional materials, such as runner, it is recommended to apply on the walls of the foundation 2 ÷ 3 layers of the composition, giving each of them from 6 to 24 hours if the ambient temperature is at least +20 degrees. Full fueling of the coating occurs after a day after applying the last layer.
If the works are made at low temperatures, the time of drying increases.
For sale, mastic enters the metal buckets of 20 liters.
MGH-K "Grid" is a bitumen-rubber composition, ready to use, which consists of a crushed rubber crumb, oil bitumen, resin acids, synthetic thermoplastic polymer and organic solvents. The components of the mastic ingredients in the complex give it elasticity, which is not lost at temperatures from - 35 to + 130 degrees.
The waterproofing material is used to apply to the roofing surface, for foundations, and other parts of the external part of the structure. Thanks to a balanced consistency, mastic penetrates well and closes various flaws of surfaces, such as chips, cracks and slits.
If damage has a greater width, then the mastic is used in a complex with reinforcing fiberglass mesh.
The strength and adhesion ability of this type of mastic is so high that it is used even when the pavement is repaired. A complete list of works that can be performed using this waterproofing material can be found on the packaging label.
If it is necessary to obtain a more liquid composition, mastic can be divorced by one of the organic solvents. It should be remembered that the solvent can be added in the amount of no more than 25 ÷ 50% of the total mass.
To protect the foundation walls from moisture, on their surface it is recommended to apply two - three layers of mastic, and each of them is best reinforced by fiberglass or fiberglass mesh. Each of the layers need to dry at least 6 hours at a temperature not lower than 20 degrees. The final burnt occurs in the last day after applying the last layer of mastic.
This mastic is sold in metal buckets having a volume of 2, 20, 50 liters.
MGH-T "Grid" is a revincible mastic, ready for applying, consists of oil bitumen, mineral fillers, small-scale rubber crumb, solvent and synthetic rubber. Mastic has excellent adhesive ability, therefore, it creates a durable, waterproof, elastic coating on the surface of concrete and metal, which can be operated at a temperature of from - 40 to +100 degrees, that is, inert to temperature differences.
The material is suitable for waterproofing of any surfaces, ranging from roofing and ending with a basement or pool floor.
Mastic is applied with a spatula, a brush or roller, but in the latest applications, it must be dissolved. The application of this waterproofing composition is made by the same principle as MGH-K "Grid".
If you have to work at low temperatures, the mastic need to warm up a little on the steam bath to a temperature of 30 ÷ 50 degrees.
Mastic is packaged in container at 2, 20 and 50 liters.
"MEBIS" is a water-based bitumen-polymer mastic, as cold for waterproofing work.
It is used to protect the roof, as well as other building structures, including shrouded in the ground.
This waterproofing composition does not contain organic solvents, so it can be safely applied not only for external, but also internal works. Mastic is suitable for protection not only concrete and metal, but also materials such as plasterboard, brick, wood and plaster.
In addition, this mastic is an excellent primer to prepare surfaces for further waterproofing.
If "MEBIS" is used in this capacity, then it is divorced by water, in proportions 1: 1. To prepare the surfaces, it is enough to apply a primer with a layer of 1 mm on them.
Waterproofing is applied to the prepared wall with two - three layers, between which fiberglass is laid. Each layer will take up 3 ÷ 4 hours, and the final burning occurs after 12 ÷ 48 hours, depending on the temperature and humidity of the environment.
The temperature of the material varies from -35 to +100 degrees.
The material consumption depends on the quality of surface preparation, porosity, structure and hygroscopicity.
For sale "MEBIS" in plastic buckets of 5, 20 and 50 kg.
Factory "MPK CRZ" Ryazan makes mastic "Darkzhanka".
This waterproofing material consists of bitumen, rubber fine crumb, organic solvent and technological additives.
The presence of rubber in the mastic makes it more elastic, increases the adhesion qualities of the material and its resistance to the temperature differences, soil and atmospheric moisture. Therefore, this type of material is suitable for waterproofing of different areas of the structure, including roofing, washed off the foundation, as well as pools.
If necessary, the bitumen mixture can be diluted with solvents such as gasoline, nephrase, solvent, white spirit and other similar. This process will have to be conducted if the work is supposed to be carried out with a brush or roller.
The consumption of such a mastic with applying it to the foundation wall layer in 2 mm will be 2.5 ÷ 3 kg / m².
On sale, it enters the metal package with a packing of 18 kg.

Video: Bituminous mastic "Bitumast "- Reliable waterproofing from the foundation to the roof

At the end of the topic, it is necessary to emphasize once again that by choosing material for waterproofing, it is necessary to give preference to known proven manufacturers, which comply with the established standards for the quality of manufacturing their products. However, whatever mastic is chosen to protect the foundation, the waterproofing coating will be really reliable only if all technological requirements for applying material on the surface will be observed.

Find out about various, from the new article on our portal.

Refractory waterproofing is one of the most common methods of the foundation waterproofing device, which is associated with the simplicity of mastic mastic, the absence of seams, the possibility of use on the elements of the complex configuration and mechanized application (sprayed waterproofing).

The main disadvantage in the use of these materials is shrinkage, which can lead to waterproofing rupture. The apparel of the mastic is produced from the water pressure (on the press), and before the backflow, the coating waterproofing requires mandatory protection, which can be performed in the form of protective walls, using flat drainage (profiled membranes), thermal insulation (XPS), etc.

The cooler waterproofing should be used mainly to protect against capillary (ground) moisture and soil water in drainage and low-voltage soils, when groundwater is 1.5-2 m below the basement floor level. With hydrostatic pressure, it can be used if the pressure will not exceed 2 M. for waterproofing from bitumen mastic and 5 M. For waterproofing from bitumen-polymer mastic.

The cooler waterproofing from pure discharged bitumen is not recommended due to the insufficient durability of bitumen coatings.

Waterproofing thickness

Bituminous or bitumen-polymer mastic should be applied 2-4 layers. General depends on the depth of the foundation (see table).

Due to the fact that they are applied in a liquid state, the decisive role plays compliance with the design thickness of the waterproofing layer. In this regard, the control should include the measurements of the thickness of the coating in the wet and dry state. The thickness control of the wet film is produced by a comb or disk, the thickness of the dry film is measured by universal thickness gates.

The lack of a mastic coating is that it is difficult to achieve a guaranteed insulating film thickness, especially with large slopes and uneven surfaces. Therefore, it is necessary either thoroughly prepare the surface, or increase the consumption of material. Both leads to an increase in the cost of the coating.

Consumption per 1 m2

Waterproofing consumption Bituminous bitumen in 2 layers - 2.0-2.5 kg / m2

Interlayer intervals

Each bitumen mastic layer is applied only after complete drying or rejection of the previous one. If the subsequent layer of mastic applies to a low previous one, it can lead to the detachment or absence of the necessary adhesion of the mastic coating to the base.

The waterproofing layer made of mastic is considered to be dried if its surface is not a sticky. The drying time of the mastic layer depends on the composition of bitumen mastic, temperature and humidity, both ambient air and base.

Waterproofing device (technology)

Preparation of the foundation

  • The base for coating waterproofing should be durable and continuous, with rounded (radius 3-5 cm) or cut on the champions in the angles and faces. In places of transitions with a horizontal to the vertical surface, filters must be performed (cartlers), which ensure the smoothness of the interconnecting planes.
  • Concrete surface with a large number of shells from air bubbles in order to prevent the formation of spills after 10-15 minutes of bubbles in a freshly mastic layer, ample with fine-grained cement solutions from dry building mixtures.
  • For appropriate waterproofing, "scallops" are especially dangerous with sharp and prolonged protrusions, which are formed in places of docking of the formwork sheets that need to be removed.
  • The surface of the base is purified from dust, dirt, construction garbage.
  • The waterproof surface should be dry.
  • Humidity of the base - The most important indicator of the readiness of the surface under the application of bitumen mastic. The presence of moisture leads to the formation of blinking or detecting mastic from the surface.

    The permissible humidity of the surface for bitumen (bitumen-polymer) mastic should be no more than 4%. Mastics of water-emulsion can be applied to wet (up to 8%), but not wet grounds.

    The simplest moisture test provides for the laying on the prepared surface of the concrete of a polyethylene film of 1x1 m in size. If there is no condensate under it for 4-24 hours, then the application of bitumen waterproofing is possible.

Application primer

  • To improve the adhesion (adhesion) of mastic with a concrete surface, the base is cooked (ready-made bituminous primer).
  • The primer can also be prepared from bitumen (BN 70/30, BN 90/10 brands, BNC 90/30) and a fast-minded solvent (gasoline, nephrase), diluted in the ratio
    1: 3-1: 4, by weight or bitumen mastic with heat resistance above 80 ° C, diluted to the desired consistency.

  • The type of primer (primer) must correspond to the applied mastic.
  • The primer composition should be applied over the entire surface into one layer, in places of adjoining on the grout from the cement-sandy solution - in two layers.
  • Primer bitumen is applied to the surface with a roller or brush. The base is ready for the beginning of the coating waterproofing device after the outcast.

Application of mastic

  • Bituminous mastic applied to prepared surfaces from the moisturizing side (from the water pressure).
  • Mastic is applied in layers with roller, brush, spatula, or in bulk. Each layer should be solid, without breaks, uniform thickness, parallel stripes. Direction of applying bitumen mastic from below-up.
  • The next layer of mastic should be applied after the rejection and drying of the previous one (on the applied tampone should not be traces of the knitting).

Reinforcement of waterproofing

In places of adjoins and conjugations, in which the formation of cracks is possible, places of cold seams, detected cracks in monolithic concrete, etc. Defects The cooler waterproofing must be reinforced.

The fiberglass material is consistent in the first layer of mastic and rolled up with a roller, which ensures the tight adjacent of the panels to the base without the formation of voids under it. After drying the system "Masty bituminous - reinforcing material", applied to the second layer of mastic. Fasting strips of fiberglass or glass cholester in both sides of the axis of the problem space should be at least 100 mm.

The presence of reinforcing material in a waterproofing coating leads to the distribution of the tensile load on the entire insulation band, reduces the elongation of the material at the point of disclosure of the crack, which ensures the preservation of its continuity, reliability and durability of waterproofing.

Fasting walls with coating waterproofing should be made only with a soft soil, a protective coating (screed, walls) in this case is not required.

The most affordable and efficient waterproofing has always been bitumen processing of both constructions from brick and concrete and tanks, wooden beams, metal pipes and other building materials. This is a universal type of isolation.

Previously, frequent difficulties occurred when applied - bitumen it was necessary to melt and apply until it was still hot. Now there are such problems due to the use of solvents. The consumption of mastic with waterproofing works is about 2-3 kg / m 2, it is produced in the finished form. For applying, no more than two people participate.

It is also worth noting that this coating was previously cracked and breaking at low temperatures. Now this task is solved using various polymer additives and plasticizers. So the development of chemistry had a positive impact on the quality of the means and work.

Types of mastik

Bituminous mastic for shared on many different types. They have differences in solvents, binding components, methods of application, composition and sector of use. Ordinary polymeric options are more rare and losing bitumen in their characteristics. Among the main types it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Primer, or emulsion composition, It is an aqueous mass of bituminous fine dust, the main use is to prepare surfaces for rolled material or mastic of another type.
  • Polymer mass As part of which - fillers of various types, such as minerals, rubber crumb. Polymer elements are mandatory components, which can be polyurethane or polystyrene.
  • Rubber mastic It has high heat resistance and excellent elasticity with a minor viscosity, due to which it is possible to carefully wetting the base from concrete.
  • Rubber insulation Contains a dispersed emulsion or rubber crumb. In some cases, it is necessary to apply a hot method.
  • Building bitumen Requires heating to a certain temperature to impart the required elasticity.
  • Mastic with mineral supplementsThe asbestos, asbestos, cement or chalk may be present in its composition.

What is required for waterproofing

The house itself and the materials used should be protected from melting snow, damp, capillary and groundwater, regardless of which the foundation technology was used. Bituminous mastic will make it inexpensively and practical. Such a measure will help avoid moisture from entering the basement and extend the service life.

The porous structure of concrete quickly absorbs water, due to which the dampness penetrates into the building and causes the occurrence of mold and fungus. In addition, over time, corrosion and fittings begin to be subjected to the occurrence of cracks in the design. High-quality foundation, protected from moisture, is a guarantee of long-term operation of the whole house.

Dampness can have a different degree of influence on the foundation, it depends on the presence of the basement, such as the soil, water level. Special protection requires for designs in the following cases:

  • when building a building on a waterproof soil;
  • if the foundation has a lower marker at the level of water;
  • if the ground is less than one meter to groundwater.

Bituminous mastic for waterproofing foundation: features working with material

White spirit, gasoline and toluene are the most common solvents. It is because in a closed room when working with such means requires compliance with the safety rules, in particular the use of glasses and respirators. The application of the latter is also desirable outdoors under the condition of hot weather.

The bitumen mastic for waterproofing the foundation is made mainly without the use of organic solvents, which is undoubtedly convenient, since it is possible to contact thermal insulating coatings from polystyrene and foam. Also toxic and flammable evaporation they do not allocate.

The material may contain reinforcing particles: fiberglass elements, a variety of fibers. By destination, you can meet universal mastic, to repair the roof, for work with a road surface, to fix the rolled material, for waterproofing.

What you should pay attention to

The stores are mainly represented by universal type mastic suitable for various works. But for the optimal result, the selection of the material is desirable, which is created for the alleged operating conditions. This can be a waterproofing tape, mastic for brick coating or steel pipes, composition for or foundation and others.

They differ in the best performance characteristics, they have excellent adhesion with various materials, whether it is referenced, stone or wood, and also form an elastic reliable film coating, which does not change its chemical and physical properties in the extensive temperature range.

It is worth noting the durability and increased resistance to mechanical effects, because of this costs such a waterproofing of the foundation. The price is different from different manufacturers, but on average begins from 360 rubles per pack (17 kg).

Number of required material

Mastics consumption is one of the important indicators. This parameter can be found on the commodity packaging. With its absence, the minimum recommended layer must be marked, which will calculate the approximate amount of the composition for work. Mastic usually contains from 20 to 60% of solvents, respectively, shrinkage after distribution will be similar percentage variation. Consumption can reach up to 4 kg / m 2; If the foundation is waterproofing, the price of work is increasing because of this, especially with the fact that hot mastic is spent slightly faster. To achieve the required coating thickness, the material is rolled in several layers, each of which is applied after complete drying of the previous one.

Sealing ribbon.

The waterproofing tape is an elastic, waterproof material that is not affected by negative temperatures and withstanding considerable water pressure. As the basis, there is a polyester knitwear with a coating of a thermoplastic polymer. The mesh knit structure is ensured reliable fixing.

The combination of facing coating and tape forms a surface that is not affected by the saline solutions, acids and alkalis. The material is characterized by resistance to aging and has an excellent level of stretching. It is possible to use both exterior and internal works.

Self-adhesive ribbon

The use of tape for waterproofing self-adhesive type is possible in the bathrooms, bathrooms and other internal work. It consists of a nonwoven material with an insulating polyethylene coating, and adhesive one-sided surface with an acrylic basis. It is also used together with the compositions for waterproofing in the places of possible cracks and the voltage concentration, on the seams, at the place of pairing the floor and walls, on the outer and internal angles.

Preliminary work

The surface of the foundation after full aging of concrete is thoroughly cleaned from dirt, dust and sand. To improve the adhesion, the location of the intended mastic applied is treated with the help of adding another layer, if the material has absorbed the main part of the existing composition. The density of the coating in the intensity of the black tone is determined, into which the surface being processed is stained. With the help of a roller or maclovers, a layer of primer is distributed.

Technology processing

The main layer can be applied after the course of the day after using the prime. Any bitumen mastic for waterproofing foundation is suitable for work. Too thick can be diluted with White-spirits using a drill and mixer for mixing. If the works are carried out at negative temperatures, the composition is heated in a metal form up to 40-60 degrees. Maximum caution should be shown and avoid contact of the open flame and emerging evaporation.

Waterproofing by bitumen is carried out using a spatula, roller or special brush. The layer should be in moderation thick, without forming the flows. To facilitate work, you can use a long handle for roller.

When using a bitumen-polymeric agent that does not comprise organic solvents, a heater from extrusive polystyrene foam or foaming can be fixed from above. The specified materials on mastic with solvents are glued only after its complete drying, otherwise there will be corrosion of the structure of the plates and their warping in the connection places.

Dignity of cold application

Modern bitumen mastic for waterproofing foundation, GOST 30693 2000, has several advantages, among which it is worth noting a long shelf life, ease of application and an acceptable cost. This material forms a hermetic single seamless coating, which due to the presence of plasticizers and other additives is not destroyed by reducing the temperature and has sufficient durability and strength. But if the application of the composition is under the power of each, then in each particular case, only a specialist should determine the applicability. It also concerns the period of operation, layer thickness and type of material.

To protect concrete structures from the destructive impact of moisture, a set of events perform. One of the options to close the access of water to the concrete fittings is. It is often used for painting or coating of foundations, as well as in everyday life for coating concrete floors and inter-storey floors of bathrooms and shower.

Despite the fact that concrete is a monolithic product of increased strength, it has small pores and microcracks. Through them, groundwater can leak to the inner frame of steel reinforcement. It provides the strength and stability of the entire concrete element on bending and gap.

It can be submitted that if with time the armature is rushing, the multi-torque load of the construction to the foundation will lead to the fact that the foundation unit or the support concrete pillow burst and wake into the ground. This will cause the deformation of the whole house and cracks on the walls.

In order for this not all concrete structures that can enter into contact with water should be isolated from it. For this, one of the types of protection is used - bituminous. It reliably burst through all the pores and cracks in concrete.

Materials for performing bitumen waterproofing

The following materials are used for painting or coating of concrete elements:

  • Solid bitumens BN-3, BN-4, BN-5
  • Discarded BN-3 bitumens, BP-5, DH-1V
  • Bituminous rubber mastics
  • Mastic Bituminous Polymer Waterproofing

For coloring concrete structures, solid bitumens are melted in a solid metal container (barrel or bucket). In the process of smelting, the bitumen dehydration occurs, which is extremely important when applied to the concrete surface.

It's important to know! Before carrying out a coating concrete coating, it is necessary to carefully dry it.

Otherwise, the moisture will throw in contact with a hot resin and under the insulation layer are formed bubbles. The separation of the bituminous layer will not border the pores and cracks of concrete.

The molten bitumen coating is applied with a brush or a wide brush. Hot bitumen is gaining into a metal bucket, dip the brush and apply the melt with the movements from top to bottom. The next strip is thoroughly rubbed into the surface of concrete with the allen on the previous one at least 10-15 cm.

Note! The cooling time of bitumen in the ladle from the temperature of the liquid state is equal to + 160-170 degrees to the solidification temperature of about 1-2 minutes. This is the main disadvantage of working with solid bitumens.

Therefore, when the hot color is performed at least 2 people. The stroke supports the fire and adds pieces of the bits of the bitumen to the container. The performer is gaining a bucket of 20-25 kg and produces a coating. Bitumen flow per 1 m2 is 1.5-2 kg. The thickness of the layer should be at least 2 mm.

To check the thickness of the layer and refine the rate of consumption of bitumen, in an arbitrary place, a sharp knife cut a square segment with a size of 2 x 2 cm. Its thickness is measured by a caliper. If necessary, waterproofing is applied twice.

It is worth knowing! Bitumen becomes fragile and cracks when the temperature is lower than zero, so it is not recommended to use it in cold times.

After processing the basement concrete structures, it is necessary to perform backstage and a dense grinding. If metal pipelines were handling, they are also required to cover the heat insulation layer.

Bitumen discharge does not require constant heating. In this case, the finely humid resin is poured by a solvent. Most often it is automotive low octane gasoline. After thorough mixing, a variety of similar to a sausage is obtained.

Discarded bitumen mastic for waterproofing is conveniently applied with a brush and brush and fear of fast screwdriver is not worth it. Such mastic is polymerized after 24 hours outdoors. It is more resistant to frostous conditions, but combustible gasoline mixtures, and their pairs are explosive. This requires performers of special security measures and the complete exception of smoking and open fire.

Application of bitumen and polymer mastic

Bituminous polymer significantly exceeds its characteristics bitumen and bitumen-discharged coating. The polymers included in its composition have wonderful adhesion and do not require careful drying of the concrete surface. However, when it is used, constant water filtering and puddles on the surface are unacceptable.

Such mastic are easily used at low temperatures. They can also be diluted with gasoline, kerosene or White spirit. Gasoline "Kalosh" is suitable, although the solvents can be dosed moderately so as not to turn the viscous into the broth.

Foolish waterproofing The bituminous mastic is applied with a brush on concrete and metal structures. The interval between the subsequent layers is 24 hours. Such mastic are remarkably suitable for waterproofing bathrooms, bathrooms and shower in apartments and private houses.