How to make a deep cleaning station himself. Main ways of cleaning wastewater in a country house with their own hands

Any developer with an improvement of a country house sooner or later is puzzled by how to arrange a local sewer system. Modern technologies will solve this issue in several ways, among which the cleaning station, septic typical of concrete rings and so on. But to select the optimal option, a comprehensive solution is necessary.

Wastewater treatment methods

It is necessary to know that it is possible to purify wastewater in two ways: anaerobic and aerobic.

The first method is used in various types of septic plates - ranging from simple overflow septic stems from concrete rings and ending with local sewage treatment facilities. The second method of purification is used in autonomous sewage systems - deep biological cleaning stations.

The first method is used in various types of septic plates - ranging from simple overflow septic stems from concrete rings and ending with local sewage treatment facilities. The second method of purification is used in autonomous sewage systems - deep biological cleaning stations.

Septic of concrete rings

This kind of local sewage treatment plant, working on an anaerobic principle, despite its simplicity and lowestly in a thoughtful approach. These features can be this type of septic.

Chief Engineer Companies "Artesium" Dmitry Zadrotsky:

- Although a similar type of cleaning facility on the site is often built on its own, a number of features of this type of septica should be taken into account:

  • The septic cleansing in this form takes place by overflow of wastewater from the chamber to the chamber. And therefore, there are 3 chamber septic tanks from concrete rings.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to the diameter of the rings. This depends on the volume of septic. The greater the number of people living, the more we need the volume of septicism and the number of cameras.
  • If there is a high level of groundwater, then in order to avoid seeping of contaminated waters in the soil, the best sealing septic is required.
  • For better cleansing of drain, you can use special bacteria, and for the drainage of the drain, it is recommended to arrange the filtering field.

The disadvantages of this type of septica include:

  • Complexity of installation and a large volume of earthworks;
  • Unlike plastic septic, it does not ensure complete tightness of the joints of the rings;
  • The need to use for installation of septicity of special equipment and lifting crane.

In this septicch, you can dump the toilet paper, personal hygiene products and produce a drainage of a washing machine, but the reset from the dishwasher is no longer desirable, because Fat deposition on the walls of the trunk tube is formed. It is impossible to use water for watering, and it is necessary to periodically cause an asserenitator machine to pump the septic.

Local sewage treatment

To understand what processes occur in this type of septicism, the management partner of the company will help us "Triton plastic"(Moscow) Manufacturer of Septics" TANK» Vladimir Pivovarov:

- P the rinjip of the septic shutters: wastewater from home devices. Self-sector is sent through pipelines to the first septica chamber, where their natural separation is passed on the lungs - fats, oily substances, organic waste and severe components. Heavy fractions are lowered to the bottom and over time turn into il, lungs together with water come to the second chamber for inflexible processing by anaerobic bacteria, and then, if there is, and in the third chamber.

And the final purification of the effluent is already performed in the filtration fields, selected on the basis of the absorbent characteristics of the soil on the site and the depth of the groundwater during the installation.

The organic Il, which accumulated in the receiving chamber of the septicity as a result of the processing of heavy fractions from wastewater, is periodically utilized by pumping through the sleeve of the assessing machine.

It should be noted that for such a type of septica requires mandatory filtering devices. Since the water after the septic is cleaned by about 60-70% and it requires its fingering to reset into the ground.

After the process of additional purification, water is purified almost to 99%. However, it is not recommended to use data streams for watering or other needs.

Vladimir Pivovarov:

- during seasonal accommodation, pumping is required once every 1-3 years, depending on the number of people living and the intensity of use. This can be estimated, visually opening the hatch cover in septic to the winter period. With constant accommodation, pumping 1 time per year or with the addition of bacteria times 5-8 years.

In the conditions of seasonal accommodation, it is necessary only once a year to pump a sediment from the septica when it is conservation for the winter period.

And with constant accommodation, using the backfill of special bacteria for intensive decomposition of the sediment, approximately once a month, the pumping is required significantly less frequently, only once every 5-8 years.

Septict can be used for any types of soils, including non-filtering and high groundwater levels.

The main advantages of this type of sewage treatment facilities include:

  • Long service life - more than 50 years;
  • Ease of operation and non-volatility;
  • The possibility of processing in moderate quantities of organic substances that fall into a septic tank along with drains (detergents, paper or cigarette);
  • Durable finned surface of the septica, and its manufacture of extremely durable plastic, increases the resistance to the effects of aggressive chemicals and seasonal temperature difference.

Dead Biological Cleaning Station

We understand what advantages contains the biological treatment station and how the waste is cleared.

Expert company "SBM groups" Producing autonomous systems of local sewage "Junulos"Beschenko Maxim .

- The principle of action of a deep biological purification station is based on the method of continuous cultivation of microorganisms, which occurs under the action of oxygen or as it is also called aeration method. And the purification of stocks is due to the active sludge of the resulting bacteria and microscopic animals.

Active IL is a weighted active biomass that carries out the process of wastewater treatment in the aerotane. The large community of microorganisms formed during biological cleaning is intensively oxidized organic matter.

Due to the organic substances that are in the wastewater and excess oxygen entering the installation, these bacteria begin to grow violently and then glued in flakes, after which they highlight enzymes, mineralizing organic pollution. If you get a sump IL with flakes in the weekend, separating from purified water.

Biological purification station allows the use of purified water for watering. And the active IL, which formed in the aerotane, is very similar to the river and is a valuable fertilizer. So it does not have to call an assession machine.

Unlike cesspools, the biological cleaning station does not accumulate impurities, and ensures their biochemical decomposition on simple, safe compounds - technical water and stabilized active IL, therefore, there is no bad smell. Therefore, the biological cleaning station can be installed near the house, on a distance from 2 meters, and purified water can be immediately removed to the terrain without using soil cooking systems.

We understand with the features of exploitation of a similar system.

Beschenko Maxim:

- Despite the reliability of the system, there are a number of rules that need to be adhere to the effective operation of the deep cleaning station, namely: in the sewer, it is forbidden to discharge waste from construction, chemicals, polymeric materials, petroleum products and other biologically not decomposed compounds. And when the electricity is disconnected, it is necessary to reduce water consumption, since it is possible to overflow the receiving chamber of the biological cleaning station and enter the crude flow into the environment. It is also necessary to produce timely across the active ral.

By submitting the result, it can be noted that the station of biological cleaning has the following main advantages:

  • The degree of purification in modern aerial installations exceeds 95%, and purified water can be sent to water bodies, without the device of additional filtration fields;
  • Biological cleaning station is easy to transport. Also, when installing the station, it is not necessary to carry out large-scale earthworks or install it on a concrete base and annex it;
  • The mechanical properties of the housing made of foamed polypropylene allow you to install the station in any, the most "heavy" soil even with a very high level of groundwater;
  • The durability of the biological treatment station, its absolute tightness, environmental safety, corrosion resistance, as well as to the effects of aggressive acids and alkalis, allows to exploit a deep biological cleaning station for at least 50 years.

Where does the choice of autonomous sewage begins

In order to choose a local sewage treatment plant, the consumer must first be answered by several simple questions:

  • How many people will stay in the house constantly;
  • What type of accommodation will be in your home - seasonal or constant;
  • How many plumbing devices forms drains;
  • Land area;
  • Features of the soil in which the sewage treatment will be installed.

Vladimir Pivovarov:

Knowing that the city value of water consumption is 200 liters per day per person, each consumer can pick up the required volume of the local selection for its home.

An important influence is the location of the septica on the site, soil characteristics and the factor where the purified waste will be reset. Depending on this, the septic installation circuit is selected and the corresponding additional equipment. So for the classic installation scheme with low groundwater levels, infiltrates, drainage pipes or well are required, according to how the filtering fields will be organized.

Vladimir Pivovarov:

- Gardeners need to remember that the planting of trees is closer than 3 meters from the septica location is not allowed, especially those trees who have a very powerful root system. And if there are already wells or water wells on the site, the installation of the filtering platform of the septica should be carried out at a distance of more than 15 meters from them.

Summing up, we can say that, armed with the necessary knowledge, and most importantly, clearly imagining the possibilities and features of a particular treatment plant, any developer will be able to choose the most optimal system. sewage and tsankosis of sewage wastewatering.

The degree and quality of cleaning of stocks are dependent on structures and methods used. One effective is biological. To do this, at the expense of the installation of a special station. It makes cleaning all waste sewage waters. Details and reviews - Next.

Biological Cleaning Station: Description, Operation Principle

Most often, the question associated with the discharge of polluted water and waste is worried about the inhabitants of the private sector, summer residents, country cottage owners, recreation centers, campgrounds. After all, where, as not far from cities with an established sewage system, you have to think where to give and how to filter the drains. Here on the revenue and the stations of biological treatment of wastewater come. Working from the mains, they purify the sewer waste and remove them to any place equipped for this: a ditch, filtering fields, etc.

Connecting the biological cleaning station to the sewage system

The principle of operation of the station is based on the vital activity of microorganisms, which are originally in the wastewater. They have the ability to reproduce in special devices in the presence of favorable conditions. For the operation of the bacteria, the air is needed, which is specially pumped into the cleaning system. Under its action, the microorganisms decompose the sewage waste, as a result of which brown flakes are formed - active il. It is considered a good fertilizer, so it is very appropriate to use the station on the summer site.

Council. Additional bacteria in the biological cleaning station is not required. Special "Exquisites" here will be useless here, which are used for processing cesspools, dry them. Know that its composition of microorganisms contained in such preparations and in sewage water differ from each other.

Construction and methods for biological wastewater treatment

By types of microorganisms, which are involved in wastewater purification, 4 methods are distinguished:

  1. With the help of aerobic bacteria, for which oxygen is needed. With this purification method, biofilters and aerotanes are used, which are more efficient. It is as a result of their application that is formed by active yield, which ferture gardens.
  2. With the help of anaerobic microbes that live without oxegen. They launch the fermentation process and convert organic waste into methane and carbon dioxide. Mettelas are used for this. Anaerobic method requires attachments of a smaller amount of funds, because Additionally, there is no aeration (air saturation).

Attention! For the greatest effectiveness, experts recommend using installations in which both types of microorganisms are involved.

Methods for cleansing contaminated waters using aerobic microorganisms are divided by type of capacity, where waste waste is oxidized:

  • bioprud;
  • filtering field;
  • biofilter.

Station with Aerotencom

The use of the first two structures has features:

  • seasonality - they work only the warm season;
  • relatively small performance;
  • the need to use large plots of land.

Stages of biological purification. Installation station

The biostation is a container that is divided into several compartments. In the first of these, there is a mechanical purification of water from solid household waste and the accumulation of precipitate. Periodically, it needs to be deleted. Further, depending on the design features, there are already a little purified water overflowing or into the secondary sump (methatec or an anaerobic camera) or in the bio cleaning compartment. In it, the further process occurs with the help of biofilter or aerotane.

Attention! The degree of water purification in the aerotane is better than in the device with a biofilter. In addition, such a station does not require additional insulation. But the biofilter is more convenient in operation, in particular, an autonomy in terms of electricity.

The station fits into the design of almost any summer cottage, because it can be:

  • install underground;
  • deepen half (if groundwater go close to the surface)
  • put on the land plot (relevant for devices that work not all year round, but only in the warm time).

Installation scheme station

The station assembly is better to trust professionals, since the price of error during installation is very significant. For example, a competently installed structure is not a source of unpleasant odor, since absolutely hermetically. In addition, due to improper installation, expensive parts gradually fail.

Pros and cons of biological purification station. Ownership reviews

Benefits of stations:

  • high environmental friendliness;
  • easy use;
  • durability, since there are no parts from the metal;
  • universality - suitable for any soil;
  • compactness;
  • high performance;
  • the need for maintenance rarely occurs.

Disadvantages of biological cleaning devices:

  • high price of the system itself, as well as expensive service costs;
  • restrictions on the use - merge substances containing chlorine, is not recommended;
  • the need to continuously use the station, because with long interruptions, microorganisms are dying.

True, the last drawback loses relevance if you choose a device, for example, with an active ral self-examination system.

Owners testify that, with the right installation and operation of the station, there are no problems: filters do not clog, the seams are not separated on the case, the parts are not broken. In addition, such observations of those who managed to test the devices on their plot should be taken into account.

It is very important to carry out the correct installation.

  1. Despite the lack of recommendations from manufacturers, some biostancies still warm.
  2. Waste some vegetables, for example, mushrooms or tomatoes, it is better not to drop into the sewer: they are not processed.
  3. Strokes of a bath or shower cabin, as well as shells it is worth equipping with special meshes that delay their hair, otherwise the filters are quickly clogged.
  4. Drain from washing and dishwasher needs to be equipped separately, since aggressive detergents can destroy microorganisms.

Council. The greatest effectiveness is the degree of cleaning to 98% - provides a system of three- or four-stage processing. This indicator is characteristic only for stations. More simple devices, with filters, have an indicator at 65%. Keep this in mind, deciding to equip biocanalization on the site.

Biological Cleaning Station: Video

Biological Cleaning Station: Photo

From this article, you will learn about the most common ways to improve the wastewater treatment system for a private house, about the pros and cons, features of operation, as well as the cost of each of the variants of these systems.

The competent arrangement of the drainage system can be considered one of the most difficult and responsible tasks in the design of an individual house. The most common ways to improve the local sewage system are considered:

  • cesspools
  • sepage of various types
  • biological cleaning systems

All wastewater treatment systems work with the participation of microorganisms, which in the process of their livelihood absorb contamination, which are for them a magnificent nutrient medium. The number and species composition of these bacteria determines the type and quality of final cleaning. The organization of the process is fundamentally possible only three ways:

  1. Using putrid bacteria, without creating additional favorable conditions. Purification of the effluent is minimal. This type is characteristic of various wastewater storage.
  2. The use of anaerobic microorganisms living in an oxygen-free medium. The degree of purification of wastewater is an average of about 50%. This option is used in the work of various types of septic. Advanced bio-loading devices involve periodic feeding of artificially grown microorganisms.
  3. The use of aerobic bacteria, which require constant oxygen access. The process of wastewater treatment proceeds similarly to the natural decomposition of waste, but much faster. At the exit - technical water purified by 98%. It is used in bio cleaning systems with aerotanes.

Thus, it is possible to equip local sewers in various ways with different costs, but the effect will be unequal. The choice of the system remains behind the owner of the housing, and in order to make it easier, consider the main ways to arrange autonomous sewage.


Devices are the simplest drives intended for collecting unclean. Streams are entered into a pipeline capacity, which must be laid below the level of primeros of the soil or additionally been insulated. As the pit is filled, it is cleaned with an assessing machine. The construction must be sealed, it is the guarantee of its safety. Embodiments of the holes without bottom or equipped at the bottom of the filtering layer of sand and rubble poison the soil and, accordingly, groundwater, which makes them a serious source of pollution.

Autonomous sewage with a cesspool has certain advantages:

  1. Limit simplicity of design.
  2. The cheapness of manufacture and installation. In the event that industrial production capacity is purchased, the costs will be slightly higher.
  3. The device does not require maintenance, except for pumping. It does not depend on the supply of electricity and does not need to arrange additional purification areas, such as filtration wells or fields.

There are deficiencies of the system:

  1. The need to regular uncleanness pumping, which requires certain costs for the payment of services of the assessing agents.
  2. A sufficiently high likelihood of depressurization of the capacity and to enter the effluent in the soil and groundwater. This is especially true for metal structures that are subject to corrosion.
  3. Unpleasant odor.
  4. The location on the site is limited by sanitary standards, while the possibility of free access to the construction for pumping is also taken into account.
  5. The impossibility of arrangement in the event of a high level of groundwater.

Options for arranging cesspools set. The simplest, but it is the most cost - buying a finished tank. Most often these are plastic containers of various shapes and volumes. They are not subject to corrosion and retain their tightness of the entire service life. There are many varieties of such drives. This is a "tank", "Triton", "Leader", "Topp" in various modifications. The cost of devices begins from 9,000 rubles.

Many prefer to equip cesspools with their own hands. Such structures are made of bricks, concrete, slag blocks or tires. Another common option is the use of a finished metal container or manufacturing such on the desired size. In any case, choosing a cesspool pit as an autonomous sewage, the intensity of its future pumping should be estimated. Very often, cleaning costs are great and reduced to zero seeming benefits from the cheapest at the cost of the option.


Septic is a technologically connected system of containers, in which, with the participation of anaerobic bacteria, mechanical cleaning of household wastewater occurs. Contaminated liquid flows from one container to another. In each of them there is a decree of solid fractions, which are subsequently decomposed by bacteria. The accumulated precipitate must be periodically removed from the system. Septic tanks clean up the estimates to a maximum of 60-70%. All solid insoluble contamination remains inside the system, and light fractions continue to be present in water. It must be cleaned further. For these purposes, special structures are used, the choice of which is due to the type of soil.

Most often it is filtration fields. They are pipes-sprayers placed in trenches from a filter element with a thickness of minimum in 1 m, under which the drainage is laid for removing clean water. It should be equipped such fields at a certain distance from drinking water sources and fruit plants. In addition, the depth of their laying should be greater than the level of soil freezing, otherwise the system will not be able to work during the cold season. Once a five to seven years, it is necessary to cancel the construction, completely flushing or replacing the filter layer. In any case, such fields are very expensive and unsafe for the environment.

The water purification system for a private house - with septica has indisputable advantages:

  1. Full non-volatility.
  2. The relative cheapness of arrangement and installation.

Its flaws can be attributed to:

  1. Lowest cleaning level of household wastewater.
  2. The need to arrange an additional cleaning system of the type of filtering wells, fields, etc.
  3. Regular, although not so frequent as for cesspool, pumping il from the system.

Septic can be equipped independently. For this, several tanks interconnected. They can be made of concrete, bricks, tires. Also for these purposes used eurocubes. Homemade systems will cost their owner cheaper than industrial septic colors. However, the latter are distinguished by high reliability and variety of models, which allows you to choose an option optimal for specific conditions.

The main septic selection criteria are considered:

  1. Productivity or amount of waste processed by the device. Measured in the cube. m / day.
  2. Quality of material containers.
  3. The maximum value of the volley discharge, that is, the volume of wastewater, simultaneously entering the chamber of the device in cubic meters.
  4. The degree of purification that the structure carries out.
  5. Limit value of short-term loads. For some models, it is permissible to exceed the passport loads for a short time, which is necessarily indicated in the documents of the device.
  6. The ability to install the structure under high groundwater conditions.

As practice shows, it is best to acquire a septic in companies specializing in the sale and installation of devices. In this case, you can be confident in the competent selection and installation of the system, which will save from problems and additional costs to correct the mistakes made. In addition, you need to familiarize yourself with the certificate, hygienic conclusion and guarantees. These documents must be present.

Comparative characteristics of the most common models are shown in the table:

Volume options Cleaning degree Material Additional advantages Cost
Tank From models calculated for 1-3 people. to options for 7-9 people. Up to 70%, the use of an infiltration system offered by the manufacturer allows you to get to 98% purified water Durable plastic thick up to 17 mm, seamless case The block-modular design makes it possible to collect the system of the desired volume, From 27,000
Triton From devices for 1-2 living to systems by 38-40 people 60%, required subsequent doochetic High-strength polyethylene thick from 14 to 40 mm Low cost of the device, ease of installation From 20,000
Cleaning From models intended for 2 people. to devices at 18 living For systems with bio filter - up to 80%, you need an additional cleaning Polypropylene, fiberglass thickness from 10 to 14 mm Built-in bio filter, additional resistance to large volleune discharges, adapted to Russian climatic conditions From 24,000
Rostock From options for 1-2 people. to 8 people systems. For devices with biofilter - up to 80% Polypropylene thick 10 mm, seamless case Protection against volleary reset, special form, preventing the device preventing, maintenance required every 1-2 years From 25,000

Stations of deep bioochemical

Deep biological wastewater treatment - can only be produced using aeration stations. This device, in which the principle of natural biological purification is used, which is universally present in nature. Mechanical purification in combination with the effects of aerobic and anaerobic type bacteria makes it possible to obtain technical water purified by 98%, and Il, which can be used as fertilizer.

The principle of operation of systems is quite simple. The drains fall into the receiving chamber, where large uncleans are crushed and the liquid is saturated with oxygen. Thus prepared wastewater, having passed a coarse filter, with the help of erlifed, are sent to the biological cleaning chamber. Biomass forms an active weighted il, on the flakes of which the purification processes occur. With the help of erlifes, the exhaust IL moves to the active ral stabilizer.

Purified drains are exempt from suspended particles dissolved in them and discharged into reservoirs or relief. In addition, such water can be used for technical needs, for example, for watering. On average, once a month, the exhaust IL rolls out of the device using a regular pump. It is an excellent source of biofuel and high-quality fertilizer.

The advantages of using such a system are obvious:

  1. The high degree of wastewater treatment, reaching up to 99%, which makes it possible to freely discharge the obtained technical water or use it for economic needs.
  2. Compact sets of installations that allow minimizing the work on the arrangement of autonomous sewage.
  3. Maximum simplicity in service.
  4. No unpleasant odors.
  5. Easy installation of a device for which the special equipment is not required.
  6. The ability to install in soils of any type.

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Sewage and wastewater treatment in a private country house

Country houses located in country partnerships, rural areas and even in a number of cottage villages, do not always have the ability to connect to a centralized sewage network. The optimal solution of the problem is the use of a local sewage treatment plant - Los

From cesspool - to los

Modern technologies in the field of engineering equipment are walking with seven-world steps, and today has developed a lot of types of installations for the purification of household wastewater. Recall how the history of private sewage has developed.

First - a cesspool, then its upgraded version - septic tank and finally the installation in which the full cycle of wastewater is carried out. The latter is called differently: stations (systems) of deep biological purification, wastewater treatment plant (WSAIS), local treatment facilities (LOS), etc.

In order not to get confused in these names, in fact denoting the same, we will use the abbreviation Los.

But I'll talk about Los a little later, and now we will discuss the question: Sepage is already the past or not yet?

Since the consumer inexperienced in the problems of private sewage is sometimes incredibly interpreting the meaning of this term, it will not be superfluous that the septicity of industrial production is a greater capacity (most often - made of plastic) in the ground and the connected supply pipe with the sewer release from the house.

The simplest septic is essentially a large barrel, more complex models are separated into two or three sections or consist of two-three separate containers. In the septhet, the drains are not simply accumulated, there are their primary decomposition on heavy, stepwise deposited down, and light, pop-up to the surface. Thanks to this purification method, which is called mechanical, the drains are cleaned by 60%, which is a very low degree of purification, and therefore they are forbidden to reset the relief.

The technologies of the ten-year prescription assumed the device on the adjacent portion of the filtration fields - the DRET fields, according to which the soil impact was originated from the septic. Today it is an outdated way. However, the septic tissue itself cannot be discounted. Sometimes it helps solve certain tasks. For example, if we are not talking about the country house year-round living, but about the country where the family is seasonally or periodically. Since septic is suitable for processing a relatively small volume (1 -3 m 3 / Sug.) Household wastewater and fecal masses, it will have to cause an assession machine from time to time. To reduce the filling rate of the container, the drains can be divided into "gray" (water after washing dishes, bathing, washing) and "black" (revenues from the toilet) and send only "black" to septic tank.

In any case, for the home of the periodic stay septicch will be the most economical solution. Sometimes it has to be installed for other reasons. For example, in water protection zones, which is forbidden to use even the LOS, cleaning the drains by 94-98%. Actually, this is all the information you need to know about the septica of a private developer to make a choice in favor of septica or los.

Waste Waters

a) Watering of purified water by self in an existing drainage network
b) the discharge of the effluent into the intermediate well, in which the drainage pump is installed
c) Pressure discharge in road dial
d) samotane wastewater discharge in filtering (drainage) well

Principles of Aeration Los

Individual sewer installations on the Russian market is presented a great set. Some of them, called differently, are actually almost "twins". And therefore it makes no sense to describe each model separately and engage in comparison. It is much more important than the future user to understand the fundamental constructive difference between the systems from each other.

Conditionally, all installations can be divided into two types: aeration and complex. In the first, the purification of stocks is due to the operation of aerobic bacteria, which are used for its livelihoods contained in the air oxygen. How does it enroll in the Los container? Aeration (saturation of water oxygen) is forcibly: for this, compressors (pneumatic aeration) or pumps (ejector aeration) are used, connected to the installation.

The method of recycling, used in such equipment, is biological, therefore, this type of los is also called biological cleaning systems (less often - bioseptics). Constructively, the device is a capacity (as a rule, made of polypropylene) with technological hatches separated by partitions into several sections: septic, anaerobic bioreactor, aerothenec I steps - bio filter, sump, aerotenk II steps, secondary sump - contact tank, pumping compartment. The number of camec compartments in different models may be different.

The general is their purpose - to consistently clean the household drains to the parameters specified in the technical passport. This is done as follows. Wastewater is sent to the septic chamber, where they are fermented, separation of suspended substances, settling sand and other insoluble inclusions. After that, partially clarified drains fall into an anaerobic bioreactor, where they are purified by anaerobic il (microorganisms community). The process proceeds without access of oxygen. Anaerobic bacteria converts hard-fastened organic compounds into easily octile. Then there comes a phase of treatment in the aerotane I stage with the effects of oxygen (with the help of forced aeration). Here the drains are mixed with an active il absorbing and oxidizing pollution. After the wastewater enters the aerotenk II of the stage, where the bioflighter from microorganisms formed on the loading of artificial algae at a continuous small-pushed aeration is filled (by oxidation and adsorption). Next, in the secondary sump, there is a deposition of active yals and return it to a septic tank with an erlift, and the waste water purified to 98% is discharged into a reduced relief location. So the Los is the first type - aeration.

Integrated wastewater treatment plants in a private house

The second type LOS is complex installations in which the purification of the effluent occurs in three ways: mechanical, biological and chemical-physical (coagulation). Structurally, they differ significantly from aeration plants. Complex Los consists of vertical sump with partitions (septica) and a bioreactor located above it. In the septic, the sediment and anaerobic cleaning is settled. In bioreactor - aerobic (with oxygen) purification of already clarified effluents. Bacteria are attached to the biotage of the reactor, forming an active bioflightener. The settings include precipitating chemical (coagulant) in the form of tablets. It binds phosphorus, significantly reduces its concentration in drains and accelerates the process of precipitation. The coagulant is located in a plastic container, which is suspended on the bowl of the toilet. With each wash, the particles of the substance fall into the system together with the drains.

What do you need to know the consumer?

Aeration VOCs do not allow volleune discharge of waste (more than 100 l / h). For example, if there are guests in the house, the wastewater flow (taking a bath, soul, etc.) increases sharply, due to which the colony of bacteria, with which cleaning is carried out, partially (or completely) is washed away. And therefore, for some time after a volley reset, the installation will not be able to clean the drains to the indicators specified in the passport. Prolonged electricity disconnection also negatively affects the operation of the first type systems, namely, leads to partial or complete death of the bacteria colony. True, some manufacturers "forget" notify the buyer about it. Others convince that this is not a significant disadvantage of devices, because it is necessary to only be placed in the container purchased in the bacteria store for septic, and the installation will start functioning in the same mode. This is true, but the exit to the manufacturer declared by the manufacturer will occur in this case not earlier than in two or three weeks.

But the complex los is neither a volley reset, nor the disabling of electricity is not threatened with negative consequences. The reason for this is in the constructive differences of the settings of the first and second type. The fact is that in aeration los aerobic and anaerobic processes proceed in one volume, where, at the expense of aeration, there is a constant mixing of active ral. In complex Los, the deposition of the sludge occurs in a separate chamber, where it is in the state of relative rest, and since bacteria live in such systems not only in water, but also in the bioreactor, the washing out of the non-normalized runoff they are not threatened, as well as death due to shutdown Electricity. Even with a long break in the power supply of the bacterium on the biofilter is alive for three months. Exit to the manufacturer declared mode occurs 4-10 days after the installation is started.

Household waste (toilet paper, hygiene items) should not fall into aeration units, as this may lead to blockage of pumps that provide the station. In addition, it is not desirable to drain the chemical household detergents there, worsening the conditions necessary for the vital activity of bacteria. But the complex installations are more "loyal" to these factors, mainly due to their constructive features. Household debris (toilet paper, napkins, food remains, pet wool, polymer films) remains in a sump chamber and cannot penetrate the section where the pumps are located. A small amount of chlorine-containing drugs (washing powder, bleach), which, together with water, entered the second type Los, will also not lead to the loss of system performance.

Both types of devices are energy-dependent - compressor (pump) must function in continuous mode. However, complex Los electricity consumption is slightly lower due to the fact that they are not a compressor, but a timer pump (15 min / incl. - 15 min. / Off).

The Russian market presents systems of various complexity of both domestic and foreign manufacturers. In some of these, the cleaning process controls the programmable controller, changing the operation mode of operation based on the number of incoming drains. If there are few of them, the controller translates the system into an economical mode, with a slotted discharge - in forced. Although the automation simplifies the operation of the system, but significantly increases the price of LOS and its further service.

Where to remove the estones in the country house

When installing the equipment, one of the main is the question of where water purified in the installation is received. The easiest option is to lead it to a self-shot. After cleaning in the Los, the drains are reset directly on the relief or to the drainage network (trench, roadside ditch) depth of at least 80-90 cm, protected from flood flooding. The second option is the filter well used in cases where the removal is impossible.

From the LOS at a distance determined by the project, the reinforced concrete well of a depth of about 3 m. At the bottom of which crushed stone poured (in order to increase system performance). The bandwidth of the well depends on the type of soil.

In sandy soil, it is 80 l / day. On 1 mg of the area of \u200b\u200bthe outer surface of the filtering cylinder of the well, in the suctioned - 40 l / day. In clay soils or at a high level of groundwater, this scheme does not work. In these cases, drainage pumps are used. To pump purified water from the LOS, submersible devices with a conditional passage (maximum impurities) are 10-12 mm. The pump can be installed directly in the Los latest chamber either in an additional intermediate well, should be sealed. It is necessary that the pump does not pump also sorate water.

When installing a wastewater treatment system, it is important to consider that it should be at a distance of 3-5 m from the cottage so that in winter, the drains do not freeze on the way to Los


The cost of installations manufacturers indicate differently. Some call the price only on the equipment itself, others are "turnkey" system, that is, taking into account the installation.

When choosing a device for cleaning the drains, it is better to focus on a full range of services. On average LOS + Delivery to the Customer's section + installation will cost from 80,000 rubles. (The installation volume is designed for four users) to 140,000 rubles. (for ten users).

For some systems, monthly service events may be needed, the cost of which per year sometimes reaches 20% of the price of equipment.

The general rule for all installations is the cleaning of the sump chamber on average once a year from the accumulated excess ile with an assessing machine. The cost of services of the assessing agents - 750-800 rubles / m 3.

What is the volume of wastewater installation to choose

Choosing a household cleaning plant for specific construction conditions is a complex multifactoric task. First of all, it is necessary to calculate the performance of the equipment, since it depends the size of the capacity.

The specific rate of drainage (SNiP 2.04.01 -85) is from 200 to 300 liters per person per day and includes the use of a toilet, bathroom, shower, kitchen sink and washing machine. A family of three or four people on average spends a day on the wash, wash the dishes and washing 200 liters of water, the toilet accounts for another 200 l, for shower and bath - 400 l.

Total is 800 liters. The size of the capacity is chosen taking into account its working volume superior to the daily rate of water consumption three to five times. Consequently, in our example, a reservoir is 4 m 3.

Installation of aeration station (LOS) do-it-yourself - Photo

a) Preparation of the subsystem of the subsystem b, c) the installation hull is placed in the kittle, r, d) inserts of underwater and taping highways in the body of the sewage seal E, g) Installation of electrical equipment, filling the installation with water and sprinkling sand, h) Outdoor part of the aeration station

Septic, Biaseptic or Biological Cleaning Station - Select for a private house?

Previously, to organize in the countryside "Life support" on urban standards it was more difficult than in space. Fortunately, times have changed, the question is solved and where the connection to the centralized water supply and sewage is the case of an unrealistic future. It is simply solved locally for one or several households - drilling of the artesian well and the choice of an autonomous sewage system.

What preferred is septic, bioseptic or biological cleaning station?

All variants of local sewage systems (LOS) have both "pros" and cons. Let's deal with!

Local principles

To start a little science. It should be understood that any modern device, a decisive "toilet" problem (by the way, including a relay), works through microorganisms. As a result of the vital activity of these invisible faces of creatures, the processes of biological oxidation go. The solid fraction of waste decomposes, other organic compounds are formed, and water is defended. Everything is simple, but there is a nuance. Biological oxidation is two types: aerobic (when the process comes with oxygen access) and anaerobic (without access).

And the bacteria in these processes take part different. When aerobic, the degree of cleaning is taken for the case, corresponds to the current hygienic standards; When the anaerobic works - does not match, and the doochetics are required.

What is septicchik

In fact, septic is a storage tank of sewage waste with anaerobic bacteria. Structurally, it is a reservoir - a hermetic or non-bottom. There are models consisting of non-

how many tanks conjugate with each other nozzles and overflows. Heavy particles fall on the bottom, the most liquid fraction successively flows from the chamber to the chamber. Defending this way, plums are gradually cleaned.

Theoretically, the larger the septicity of cameras (tanks), the better and more reliable. But in practice in complex systems above the risk of breakdowns, their operation is more expensive, since many components require periodic maintenance. In addition, as a rule, the greatest amount of sediment remains in the first section. So it is too complicated to complicate the septic tank, three tanks are optimistic.

Part of a large whole

Septic - device is incompatible. Thanks to the anaerobic processes, plums will leave in it somewhere 65% of pollution. Where to delably far from the ideal state, bad smelling moisture? It is drained into the drainage well or lead through the so-called "field of filtration" (section of the earth, equipped far from the house in a special way for the purification of water by filtration through the soil). Therefore, it is necessary to have this drainage well or place sufficient to organize the "Filtering Field" on its land. What to do with accumulating at the bottom of the chambers with a precipitate? It is periodically absorbed. Alas, without an asserenitator there is no need to do. So, it is necessary to ensure the free entrance of the car of the asserenitator to the septic. These moments will have to be taken into account when choosing a system of autonomous sewage.

"Pluses" and "Minuses" of Septics

Preserving performance after long interruptions to use.

Some models do not need to connect to electricity.

Low degree of wastewater treatment - up to 65%.

There are unpleasant odors near the installation.

For installation requires a significant space on the plot.

For maintenance requires access roads.

Complex installation of bulk and heavy equipment.

Septic tank is not the best solution at a high level of groundwater and if the plot is clay.

What is bioseptic

This type of septica in which the cleaning process is reinforced by regular loading of bacterial preparations.

Its design provides a bio filter - a small reservoir with a chemically inert, resistant to rotting. It may be, for example, foam balls, shungizite, ceramzite or shell. The backfilling is an excellent environment for the growth of bacterial colonies and at the same time plays the role of a mechanical filter - delays solid fragments of sewer plots. The degree of cleaning in the bioseptic is slightly higher than in the usual, and the precipitate on the bottom of the chambers is formed less. That is, with other things being equal, the assessing agent will have to be less common.

What is aerotenk

In general, the tank was originally called an aerotank, in which the cleaned drains are mixed with active il - biocenosis of microorganisms capable of absorbing the organic. Today, the aerotank is often called the installation of deep biological purification, including this tank. Variety of bioseptics? Probably, you can say so. But, definitely, the difference between aerotank and a septic with a biofilter is fundamental: other bacteria are used, aerobic.

The operation of the system is based on biological oxidation with air access, which pumps the compressor. Due to the aeration, the oxidation process occurs evenly throughout the volume. "The final product" - not having smell IL - is fed into a special compartment. Filtered water does not need to clean!


Any Los is designed for a certain number of users. To calculate the volume of wastewater treatment plant, it is recommended to proceed from 200 l / day per person. The volume of simultaneous discharge of the effluent is important ("volley reset"). This indicator is able to strongly affect the quality of cleaning. The greater the bandwidth of the Los per day, the more Nego should have a stock for simultaneous reception of discharges from various sanitary nodes within an hour.

"Pros" and "Cons" Aerotenka

The high degree of cleaning of wastewater is the product at the outlet of the odor.

The ability to install in the ventilated basement. Aerotenk is not necessary to bury in the ground, like a septic tank (the riser is required!).

Saves place on the site - "Filtering field" is not necessary.

In winter, the aerotenk is more effective than septic (aerobic processes occur with heat release, anaerobic - with absorption).

The cesspool is the easiest, but not too successful an autonomous sewage option at a private house. Modern technologies offer more convenient solutions, such as local industrial purification stations.

A skilled builder is quite able to make septicch with their own hands without pumping. What options of septic sobs are popular among owners of private houses and what will be required for their facilities - all this we will consider in our article.

And also give an example of the assembly of the septica of concrete rings and compare the ready-made solutions offered by the market, with homemade.

Septures are called sewage facilities that are almost completely recycled wastewaters, decomposing them into safe components.

All work on the transformation of waste human life is assigned to microorganisms. Multiple sewer masses aerobic and anaerobic bacteria are gradually processed into water and active il.

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If the device is insulated and correctly canned, it is not terrible or winter frosts or spring floods. It will not pop up and does not crack, even if part of its content will freeze.

It is important, of course, to correctly install the device. In the process of recycling, the Bacteria Effectively eliminate the smell characteristic of the sewage.

The resulting water, of course, is not suitable for drinking, cooking, washing or other household needs. With a high degree of cleaning, it can be used for watering plants on the site.

Often water is removed through a filtration well or a filtration field. Water gradually enters the ground, passing through the cleaning system, the sand layer and rubble.

Il, which settles at the bottom of hermetic capacitance, of course, does not go anywhere. It accumulates, as a result of which the total amount of septicism decreases slightly. When the amount of deposits becomes critical, the device should be cleaned using a special pump.

The septic cleaning is performed significantly less frequently than pumping a cesspool, and this process is usually not accompanied by a maliciousness, because IL has a completely neutral smell.

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Outside, septic tip the layer of waterproofing. Some masters recommend missing not only joints, but completely all the capacity of the device

The trench for the sewer pipe, leading from the house to the septic, without pumping and smell, is placed with a slight bias. At the junction of the septica and pipes in the thickness of the concrete, a hole of suitable sizes are done.

In the same way, plugs are installed and pipes that combine individual parts of the septic. All connectivity septic places with pipes need to be seen and coated with a layer of waterproofing.

At the bottom of the last septic septic department, instead of a cement mortar, a gravel-sand filter is placed. First fall asleep and smash the sand, and then the layer of gravel.

The use of a suitable fraction for these purposes is also allowed. The thickness of the filtration layer should be approximately 30-40 cm.

As the upper overlap of the septic, made of concrete rings, use a special round plate of a suitable size with a hermetic lid

After all septic branches are ready, you need to cover them with round concrete slabs that can be purchased from concrete rings with concrete rings.

In such lids there are holes with hermetic concrete lids. It remains to perform the backstage of the kittlers, and the septic tank can be considered ready for operation.

Other options for homemade septic

In addition to concrete rings, other materials can be used to create a septica. We will consider the most popular materials and options for the manufacture of septics.

Option # 1 - Septic tank from the Eurocuba

Earlier, Eurocube has already been mentioned - hermetic plastic container.

Establish such a septicity is relatively not difficult, but the low physical weight of the plastic should be taken into account. During the spring flood, groundwater can simply push the lightweight container to the surface.

For weighting of such a septic, the bottom of the pit should be laid with a concrete slab with metal loops. To these loops, the container is fixed with a metal cable. Sometimes such a septic toss is pulled by a heavy object that is fixed in the upper part of the device.

Option # 2 - Monolithic Concrete Design

Concrete septic tank can be done with the help of fill. In this case, it is not necessary to make several pita, you can do one building a large size and a rectangular configuration.

First concrete the bottom, then the formwork is installed and the walls are poured. For the separation of a large container into several sections, concrete walls are made inside.

To pour a concrete septicity with a solution, you will need to build a wooden formwork, in which openings immediately make holes for overflow tubes

Septic typical can be made with their own hands from concrete blocks or bricks, but the laying should be as sealed as possible.

Another option is to make. However, such a material cannot provide sufficient tightness to protect the soil from non-recycled drain.

With the help of tires, you can only make an option permeable cesspool. The term of such a device is substantially limited, unlike capital septicism, which, with proper maintenance, can serve as decades.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

This video contains a detailed option for creating a two-chamber septica:

Of course, the homemade septicch does not always provide the same high degree of purification as modern Los. But still these structures are functioning very successfully with relatively low costs of their installation and maintenance.

When erecting septica, it is important to adhere to the technical norms to prevent groundwater pollution.

Do you use homemade septic without pumping? Tell us what type of building you preferred and whether your family has enough of its volume? How often do you do clean and what measures do you take to prepare your septica by winter?

Leave your comments under our article - your experience of the homemade septica will be useful to many owners of private houses and cottages.