How to make a roof on the bath: Make the roof mounting with your own hands. Roof for a bath: Choosing and nuances worth it to cover the roof of a flexible tile

During the construction of the bath, everyone is thinking by which roofing material to cover the roof. The roof must perform a protective function, fit well into the common ensemble on the site and serve as longer as possible. The buyer wants quality characteristics and price to be balanced. We will tell you how to cover the roof of the bath, which roofing materials are better to use, their pros and cons.

The roof of the bath should play not only the protective function, but also to withstand high internal temperatures.

Factors influencing the choice of roof

Choose the roof for the bath must be pushed from the following factors:

  1. The average precipitation level in the area where construction will be carried out.
  2. Roof construction and inclination angle.
  3. What material covered the roof of neighboring buildings (houses, garage, etc.).

Typically, the design of the bath does not complicate and the roof mounted a double or single one. Calculate the complex design is expensive and time consuming. The complex roof is better to trust the specialists, as the right installation requires skill.

Choosing the roof design, you need to follow the following rules:

  1. For a single standing bath, it is preferable to make two slopes attached to one-sided one. Angle of tilt 45 ° -65 °.
  2. The gable roof is built on the bath with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 12 m², a single one is suitable.
  3. For a climatic zone with an average precipitation and more angle of the roof of the roof should be at least 45 °. Otherwise, snow in winter will accumulate on the roof and can damage the design.
  4. For windy stripes (steppes, forest-steppe) it is better to choose an angle of inclination less than 40. The wind force will be less affected by the "sailboat" of the roof.

The material for the roof is leaf and rolled. The design of the roof under various material is different. Under the professional flooring, tiled or slate must be mounted a crate. Rolled species spread to a solid plane. To do this, the boards or sheets of plywood are coated with a solid layer.

Different materials for roofing bath

Ruberoid is the most economical of all roofing materials.

The roof of the bath should be not only high quality, but also inexpensive. In order to save it, you can recall the Dedov methods: tes, chip and turf.

The design of the chips is performed from large clots of coniferous trees. Locked chips in 2-3 layers so that each of the chips got caught on the previous one. Looks like a roof of vintage and attracts attention, but work works. Write a roof from 5 to 10 years. The service life depends on the design and angle of inclination than the coolest of the skate, the longer the roof of the owners will be pleased.

The turf roof is performed in several layers: bituminous mastic, gravel layer in 2-3 cm, then 2-A layer of turf. The bottom is laid up, and the upper, roots down. Externally, the roof will resemble a glade from grass. The delicate roof is high thermal insulation and sound insulation, but in the summer it can dry and lose its protective properties, so the roof is periodically watered from the hose. The weight of the roof is big and she is short-lived.

Tested roof is made of logs impregnated with bitumen or first spin oil. Laying logs in 2 rows, lower Gordon Book, upper tray.

But these designs were outlined, as they had a high degree of fire hazard and a short service life. They can be seen on some designer vintage bath designs.

Modern roofing

Among the modern materials you can allocate hard, soft and rolled. All of them have a certain service life and are suitable for a different roof inclination. Read more Indicators can be seen in the table:

As saving a bath in the country easier to cover the usual slate or rubberoid. For the building, next to the residential house take the same on the main roof of the house: professional flooring, Ondulin. The most expensive version is metal tile or ceramic. The cost of the roof may take ⅓ from the whole construction.

Pros and cons of various roofs

Each type of roof has its own characteristics, pros and cons. They play a decisive role when choosing a material for their bath. Consider more each of the materials.

Ondulin and soft tile


  1. Easy installation due to low weight.
  2. More than 5 colors.
  3. High noise insulation (rain and hail will not be heard inside the bath).
  4. Good resistance to mechanical damage.
  5. It takes the temperature difference from -60 ° C to + 60 ° C.
  6. No need to make a massive rafter system.


  1. High cost of soft tiles.
  2. High fire hazard at Ondulina.
  3. Need an angle of inclination more than 45 °, otherwise the snow will accumulate on the roof.

Professional flooring and metal tile.


  1. Durability.
  2. Professor is easy to install.
  3. A variety of colors, more than 25.
  4. Fire safety.
  5. Light weight, do not need a massive rafter system.
  6. Well tolerate temperature differences, mechanical and chemical impacts.


  1. High price.
  2. With strong impact it may be deformed.
  3. Low sound insulation.

More The design can be viewed on the video:


  1. Low price.
  2. High fire resistance.


  1. Fragile especially at minus temperature.
  2. Unattractive appearance.
  3. Heavy, so you need a more powerful rafting system.
  4. Not durable.



  1. Low price.
  2. Easy installation.


  1. Not durable.
  2. Easily damage.
  3. You need to apply with the use of dangerous hot mastic.
  4. Low fire safety.

From choosing a roof will depend on how to mount the design of the crate. Consider on the example of a roof from slate (rigid) and rubberoid (rolled).

Features of styling hard roofing

Hard roof is one of the most successful options for the bathhouse of the private house.

The crate to the rigid roof is fastened with increments of 0.6-1 m, depends on the size of the sheet of material. The waterproofing is spread on top of the crate, for example, under metal tile produced a special membrane. If runneroid is used as waterproofing, then the crate is fixed with a solid construction.

Slate can be attached directly to the crate with special nails with a wide hat (slate). They are covered with an anti-corrosion layer and not rust. The length of the nail depends on the material, to the sector take 10-12 cm. Under each nail put a special rubber washer or a roofing leaf.

Styling begin to bottom up, in the disintegration. The fattest sheets on the lower depends on the angle of inclination of the roof: less than 45 ° - 14 cm, more-12 cm. If the locality where the bath is built, windy, then the lower row (carnome) is additionally strengthened with brackets or screws. All joints and places of compounds at the end are labeled with mastic or bitumen in 4-5 mm.

A shock for a rigid roof can be a bent sheet of stainless iron. To do this, cut the strips of 0.6 m and bend in half. The sheet is attached to a wooden skate. For metal tile and painted professional flooring, they sell a special ready-made horse.

Features of the fastening of a soft rolled roof

Ruberoid looks good and a small dacha bath.

Roll material, such as rubberoid, need to be laid in several layers. Between the layers are glued together with bitumen or mastic. The crate is fixed with a solid layer, you can use plywood, so work will go faster.

On top of a stainless steel iron horse. And additionally closed with parchment or tone bedding. Fasten to the skate only you need a bitumen mastic heated to 1800s. It is necessary to work quickly, as the mastic is frozen. In this case, caution is observed, as you can get used. For this, the solution is raised to the top of the bucket, and put protective gloves and boots.

The litter under the headline is pasted by the bands of the mustache, laying them across the skate. Additionally, the material is fixed with bell nails. On both sides of the skate, the material must lie on a wooden roof by 25-30 mm.

Working with rubberoid is needed in protective gloves and with caution.

The resulting layer of detergent again is wetted with mastic and glue the runneroid. It is also glued with stripes by throwing through the horse. The bands are stacked by the brand of the previous one on the ½ width. The seams are wicked by mastic and carefully smoothed so that the material lay down exactly and failed bubbles.

On the slope of the runner rolling from top to bottom to bend over the cutter under the cornice for 20-25 cm. Fasten the bends with wooden slats and beef nails. At the edges of the roof, runneroids are fixed in the same way.

Between the pipe and any roofing material it is necessary to make an additional protective layer. Use for this asbestos sheets or metal. Especially such events are necessary when roofing soft or rolled materials.

Which of the types of roofing for the bath is better to choose in each specific case, you can answer knowing all the features of the structure. But the choice should be done puffed, since the roof is better at once for a long time. And from the quality of the material will depend on how often repair work will have to carry out.

What kind of root for the bath to choose

The bath is the construction that most often is on most country sites. With independent construction, the question arises, what kind of roofing for the bath is suitable? There are many popular solutions that are most fully suitable for the recruitment of the pair complex.

What is the features?

The construction of the roof of the bath has a number of features. The main thing is that the main burden on the roofing system is not outside, but from the inside. And this load is expressed in a regular increase in temperature and strong humidifier. Accordingly, the roof for the bath should be erected so that these negative impacts on the wooden structure are minimized. An important step in the roof improvement in this case is hydraulic and vapor insulation using modern materials.

In the architectural plan of the bath you can provide any kind of roofing system. The specific type of roof depends on the technical parameters of the future building and the type of terrain, where it will be erected. But before choosing a roof for a bath, you need to consider a number of important nuances:

  1. In the regions with harsh climatic conditions, rains and snowfall, it is important to choose the right inclination of the roof: it should not be less than 45 °. With such a constructive solution, water and snow will roll to the ground, and there will be too heavy on the roof.
  2. If the bath is built in the forest-steppe or steppe zone, where strong winds are observed, the roof should have a minimal bias. In this case, the necessary aerodynamic properties will be achieved, so that the wind will turn the root, not too loading it.
  3. The roof of the roof of a bath attached to the main residential building is made for a single one, and it is important to competently select an inclination angle in accordance with the conditions of the terrain and the technical properties of the residential object.

What to choose?

What roof is better for a bath? It is impossible to give an accurate answer to this question, since the choice of a specific design depends on the set of factors. Most often, the roofing system is duplex, which is traditionally and modern, and its installation is quite simple. But some prefer to build multicate structures that look more attractive and original. This solution is particularly often accepted if the bath is built with an attic.

The roof of the bath can have an attic or to be built without it. In the first case, the installation of overlap for the underpants room will be required. In the second case, that is, without a attic, the roof and ceiling of the baths are combined, the roof itself is left with a single one. On the one hand, the attic room creates a more aesthetic appearance of the entire structure, besides, more efficient thermal insulation is ensured. On the other hand, when erecting a country bath, operating only in summer, the attic room is not necessary.

How is the bath?

The roofing device is complicated, as it consists not only of roofing material, but also the thoughtful construction of the rafter. The rafting system is a combination of rafting farms, which are located in a certain order. Fitting equipment is required, and the selection of the right materials for installation. Special nests are cut down in the walls, they are needed in order to horizontally located overlap beams. The mounting of the rafter farms is performed by self-drawing.

It is important to think about both the installation of the pipe into the bath through the roofing, for this you need to consider where the furnace, chimney and a pipe will be located. Display and close the pipe on the roof of the bath is not easy, as you need to take into account the many nuances. In general, the baton-chimney-roof is a whole system in which everything should be provided. When removing the pipe from the furnace through the roof you need to think about where it can be done. You can not remove the pipe through Undov or near the attic windows. A competent solution is to eliminate the chimney through the roof of the roof, however, it can lead to a violation of its integrity, which is not very profitable. The second option is to pin the pipe next to the skate.

What insulation?

Any wooden elements of the bath must be treated with special means that protect surfaces from rotting, fire. For this, antiseptics are used, antipyren. The insulation of the roof of the bath involves the use of waterproofing - in this capacity, membrane films can be used, which will prevent ingestion of water indoors.

Most often, the insulation of the roof is performed by basalt fiber or mineral wool. It is environmentally friendly and is tricked by good thermal insulation properties.

In addition to laying the waterproofing layer, vaporizolation is also required.

Selection of material

The roof of the bath can be covered with different materials. In most cases, practical and cost-effective solutions are selected in the form of turf, chips, but such coatings are gradually remaining in the past. Modern buildings are best covering rubberoid, metal tile, professional flooring or slate. Each of these materials has its own characteristics that affect the operational properties of the surface.

Most often, the roof of the bath is made tough. In the old way, it can be covered with slate - in this case, the installation of the crate to which the material will be mounted on. If there are funds and want to make a roof aesthetic and presentable, you can cover the roof of the bath with a metal tile. Since the material is too heavy, you will need to think about the installation of the crate and frame.

No less popular soft roofs. To cover such systems, rolled materials are used, for example, rubberoid. Such a roof is a dense carpet in which several layers of the material glued together. The rubberoid is placed on the wooden flooring, laid by a solid layer, it is necessary to lay the underlying layer based on pergamine or roofing. Soft roofing Beautiful, and most importantly, a practical solution for any buildings. With a competent approach to installation, it will last not one year.

How to make a roof on the bath

Installation of the roof of the bath is the final construction stage. Consider this procedure more detailed. When building the roof of the bath is important to consider the features of the terrain, functionality and type of construction. This will make it possible to choose the right installation method and type of coating. Our advice will help get around all the underwater stones of the roofing of the roof.

Types of bath roofs

There are several types of roofs suitable for the bath. They are distinguished by the number of skates, see the attic and the type of materials used.

The roofs are isolated by the number of skates:
  1. Single-car. The perfect option, if the room is adjacent to the house. The more precipitation falls in winter in the construction zone, the more you need to do a slope. Otherwise, the snow will be accumulated from above. If the area is characterized by frequent wind gusts, the bias must be minimal. This type of roof does not imply the arrangement of an attic room.
  2. Two-tight. Different with durability and efficiency. The bias must be counting on the same criteria as in a single one. With this type of roof, you can equip the attic. Universal option.
  3. Merrals. A similar project of the roof of the bath is considered an architectural delight. The construction of such a roof is better to instruct professional builders. They have skills connecting skates to effectively provide thermoregulation and strength.
The choice of the number of skates is affected by the locality where the bath is built, and the distance to residential buildings.

By type, the attic distinguishes the roofs:
  • Incotional. Different with high heat transfer and functionality. In the attic room, you can equip a billiard room, a rest room, a dryer, storage room for the storage of brooms and other bath accessories. Such a roof is suitable if you plan to use the steam room in winter.
  • Bescane. Economical option. Suitable for summer cottages. On the flat surface of such a roof it is convenient to dry the spices and fruits. Such a roof does not shade a lot of space on the plot.
IMPORTANT: If you decide to combine the ceiling with a single-sided roof, then note that the bath area in this case should not exceed 15 square meters. m.

Selection of material for the construction of the roof of the bath

Thought on how to make a roof on the bath, it is important to pay attention to the choice of type of cover. This depends on the service life and the formation of the angle of the slope:
  1. Metal tile (15 degrees) - from 220 rubles per meter square;
  2. Euroshorter (20 degrees) - from 110 rubles per piece;
  3. Ruberoid (5 degrees) - from 250 rubles per roll;
  4. Professional flooring (8 degrees) - from 160 rubles per square;
  5. Folding roof (18 degrees) - from 250 rubles per square meter.

In addition to the coating itself, you will need:
  • Rafters (from 8 thousand rubles per cubic meter);
  • Beams (from 18 thousand rubles per ton);
  • Mauerlat (from 270 rubles per square);
  • Metal plates for fastening the components (from 25 rubles per piece);
  • Antiseptics for wood processing (about 500 rubles);
  • Heat insulator (about 450 rubles);
  • Waterproofer (from 1000 rubles per roll).

Roof for a bath with your own hands: Step-by-step instructions

To properly erect the roof of the bath, you need to collect the carrier frame, install the shap and insulating layers. All actions are performed in such a sequence:
  1. We put the beams over the strapping of walls. They are intended as a support. For further arrangement, the attic fix the beams in sockets. In this process, it is necessary to observe the horizontality, and the ledge of the bars per wall should be less than 50 cm.
  2. We mount rafters from the tree on the support using wooden or metal linings. The rafters may have the shape of boards, logs or bars. The distance between them should be less than one meter.
  3. Spil up all the extra details in the "skate" of the roof.
  4. Construct on the design of the flooring from the tree for further use of the roll coating. Or you nail the cut from top to bottom to the chalkboard fixed from the "skate" if you plan to cover with a bath with a bath.
  5. We stretch into the makeup waterproofing layer. To effectively circulate air, it is necessary that there is no savory.
  6. We put the ROVNO RUBEROD with a switch of 10-15 cm. We start to perform the process from the "skate".
  7. Determine the spot of the chimney. It should be located more than 0.5 meters from the nearest rafter. We use iron sheets for the root in a radius of 40 cm from the alleged opening. This is necessary to provide fire safety.
  8. We celebrate the marker and cut the protruding edges.
  9. Fix the sheet with buttons for stability.
  10. We are putting a second sheet.
  11. We close the "horse" asbestos-cement blank or galvanized material sheet.
  12. We draw up fronttones. To do this, use the material to your discretion. The optimal option is considered siding and lining.
  13. Leave holes for windows and doors if the attic arrangement is assumed.

Warming of a bath roof

The correct selection of the insulation will exclude condensation in winter. This will significantly increase the battery life. Install the heat insulator can be in several ways:
  • Under the rafter system;
  • Above rafters;
  • Between farms.
Any method assumes the use of a thermostatic layer of 10 cm. The optimal option is considered to be insulation of the Minvata. This material is an eco-friendly and cheap.
It is also necessary to pay due attention to hydro and vaporizolation. For this, protective films are labeled without stretching for 20 cm flashes and put on a special scotch. In this way, we will prevent the material break. It is important to protect wood from insects, high humidity and fire. To this end, it is treated with various antiseptic impregnations.
Check out the video about the construction of a bath roof:

Given the features and area of \u200b\u200bthe structure, the bath roof can be installed without the help of professionals. Posted by: Editorial

Materials for roofing baths: how to cover the roof of the bath?

The question is not new, but requiring little attention. Due to the small size of the structure, any material can be combined in the roof, but still some recommendations for the choice of coating are.

Skeleton roofs

To start a few words about the material for its construction. Given the features of the roof construction for the baths, based On small dimensions, any dried board will fit as a material for creating the isow. That is, it is possible to abandon the use of a solid bar, for laying rafters, as many people practiced in the construction of houses.

For transverse racks in a bartal roof, the timber 100x100 mm will fit, the rafters can be laid with the material with dimensions of 50x100 mm, and the lamp is performed from the unedged board to 22. If a broken design is installed, then a set of multiple bars for backups and voids will be complemented. They can also be made of 50x100 mm board.

From these indicators and choose the type of material for coating the roof of the bath.

Materials for roofing

By class, all materials used to close the roof are divided into two types: tough and soft. To first include: slate, metal tile, folding roof, profiled sheet, to the second: rubberoid, flexible tile, ondulin, etc. Each of these materials is good in its own way, and it is possible to use it to cover any type of bath roof, due to its Low weight. But some builders will still distinguish the use of materials in appearance, roofing, one can be used in a single roof, others are not. Take this and talk more.

Despite the relative severity of the sheet, they cover the roof of almost any type. Restrictions concern only the broken design with a large boat angle. But for a single-table or double, it is quite applicable. Even if the owner of the bath decided to create a certain color and planned the assembly of the tent roof or the holm, slate will be a good addition. Especially since today there is his younger brother, ereshorter. Decorativeness and versatility of sizes are more pronounced in this material.

Metal tile and professional list

Two of these material can be put in one line by weight load. They are made of galvanized iron and have a relatively small weight. Differences only in decorativeness and fastening. The profiled sheet is easier to put, the metal tile is attached by individual sections that need to be customized to each other.

These coatings can be placed on the roof of any design. Light weight makes them indispensable if there will be a veranda or a frame of a rafting system with a heavy material under the roof of the bath. In order not to load the bath weighing, you can choose this lightweight roofing material.

One restriction is still there. It does not even ban, but recommendation. Being a peculiar roof decor, a metal tile is better not to lay on gentle single-sided roofs. Her simplicity will not be visible. Yes, and it is impossible to believe snow from it in the spring, climbing on the roof and throwing a shovel.

Flexible materials

The proceedler of such coatings is the rubberoid, but the modern industry has developed as many diverse material on a flexible basis that everyone can choose coatings for the price and decorativeness.

Breaking all stereotypes about antiquity of origin, flexible tile appeared on the market. This novelty was accepted skeptical, but the price and quality of this material were forced to revise the views of dissatisfied. Ondulin is another fellow Ruberoid, only above in quality and reliability. I also call him - flexible slate. The appearance of these materials has somewhat complicated the life of a flexible roof, and today it is often used for waterproofing during the construction of the foundation of the bath and at home.

Materials of the past

There are several other coatings that are gradually forget about, but still there are baths with such a decorative finish. For example - chip. Many do not even know about this coverage. It makes it from Osin, alder, spruce and pines. The roof of the chips is distinguished by durability, but the way to lay it is not easy, and all the roofers slowly depart from it, giving preference to more technological options.

Derneal coating. Another view that goes into the past. This is not a single material, but a kind of pie from several, stacked in stages. Initially on solid The crate is spilled rubberoid, its surface is poured by bitumen, then a fill in gravel. The originality of the finish gives the roofing material - this is an artificial grass for lawns, only made according to special technologies for roofs. One layer lay down the roots, and the second down. Of course, the view of the hut with the evergreen roof is attractive, but special care, the complexity and cost of the structure makes it possible to doubt the expediency of using it.

Roofing from Tesa

Easy and convenient material. By choosing it, when drawing up a plan for the construction of a bath, you must lay in the roofing design of materials with low ignition. That is, if possible, all the rafters are impregnated with protective compositions, the insulation does not use foam, and the crate is pre-coated with a foil film. Tes, soap in oil paint or bitumen, and to reduce the probability of leakage, the boards are placed in two layers in a checker order.

From a technical point of view, all submitted materials can be used to use a bath roof to cover. The question is only in the cost of work and the complexity of execution, because, not knowing the techniques of laying a metal tile or a folding roof, it will not be possible to put it on your own.

The roof is the final construction of the bath construction that performs the function of protection against atmospheric attacks and playing the role of an important aesthetic indicator. Over hygiene facilities, suitable roofs with numerous frontons and other delisons are rarely erected. Often these are the simplest options, with the construction of which you can cope with the personnel. Owners who want the roof of the bath with their own hands is beautiful and durable, the construction rules should be thoroughly followed. The roofs are simple and the rules are not too complicated, but it is necessary to know their independent builder.

  • 3 Methods for installing rafter legs
  • 4 Sling System for Double Roofing
  • 5 Single Construction for Single Roof

Standards of the fabrication of pitched roofs

Construction of a bath roofing in general terms

Simplified construction of the roof includes two elements: the carrier of the truck system and directly flooring with the crate and waterproofing layer necessary for it. The design elements include another significant component - an attic overlap. But its presence is not a prerequisite, since almost flat roofs with a minor angle of slope build and without it.

Regardless of the presence of an attic overlap or absence of this element of the roof over the baths, it is erected with one or two slopes. Among the owners of a country bath is not too many adherents of four-tight roofs and structures with multiple fades.

Two skate or one?

  • A single roof for a bath is constructed in the case of a bathing of a bath building to a country house or, if the owner is desired to reduce the construction budget. The height of the roof with one slope is not regulated by any other requirements. True, mostly these are almost flat roofs, built over small summer baths buildings. The advantages of them are in low cost, simplicity and efficiency of the structure.
  • The roofs with two slopes are the most common type with the traditional configuration for log canoes. With a sufficient height of the skates and in the presence of ceiling overlap in space under the roof, you can arrange a domestic or residential premises. The height of the skate is, that is, the steep roof is determined by the aesthetic demands of the owner and its desire to find practical use, as well as the climatic features of the region.

Rules for determining the angle of slope

The angle may vary from 2.5º to 60º. What it is more, the better the precipitate will be rolled with inclined roofing planes. However, too high design is not acceptable in regions with regular gusty winds. In the steppes blown from all sides with a small number of winter sediments, the roof is best made flat. In the northern multiserry regions, the roof with an optimal angle of 45º will work fine. Not worse there are variations in a big and smaller side.

Note. Simultaneously with a decrease in the roof resistant, the consumption of material, labor costs and, naturally, the cost is reduced.

Roofing support

The roofing system is based on two slopes on the beams of the upper overlap or on a firmly attached to the upper strapping of Mauerlat. Maurylalat is installed on both sides mainly on the walls of brick, aerated concrete or foam concrete facilities. To set the beams of the upper floors over wooden baths in the upper crown on the same level, nests make, strictly extinguishing the horizontal of the recesses for laying the support elements.

Note. Beams can be output beyond the walls of the bath. There is a condition: if the length of the beam behind the wall is greater than half a meter, it will require an outdoor support post.

If a bath with a single-sided roof is built, the beam-frame roofing system will rely on the walls with different heights, and for fastening of the rafter farms you need to use rafting bars and runs.

Methods for installing rafter feet

A rafter foot or simply rafted is a component of a rafter farm based on Maurylalat or to the upper crown of walls, built of timber or logs. The legs of the rafter design are working, both on compression and bending. For the manufacture of a rafter farm, you can purchase rafted or use the factory conditions.

  • logs with a diameter of 12 cm and more;
  • square or rectangular in the cut of a bar with a cross-section area of \u200b\u200b60 cm² and more;
  • boards with minimal sizes in cross section 4 cm and 15 cm and more.

It will be easier to build farms from the factory elements, from a bar or boards connected by self-draws, screws, screws or simple nails with lining of lumber. Words in such cases are made only at reference points.

The rafters can be hanging or voted.

  • Hanging. The rafting legs of this type rest in each other at the highest point, through which the line of the skate passes, relieve the roof of the roofs located along the edges of the contour. The farm with hanging legs is characterized by the formation of a significant horizontal pressure. In order to extinguish the expansion, the tight is the lower belt, according to the geometric concepts, which is the basis of an inaccessible triangle. To perform hubs hanging rafters, you can use the riglia, you can do without them. If the owner decides to alleviate the roofing design and performs the roof device of the bath of lumber with a minimum cross section, then improve the strength of the structure is needed using the runs.

Attention. All compounds of the rafter farm with hanging legs should be extremely rigid due to significant loads created during operation. To protect against wind loads, the rafter design with hanging elements is also equipped with diagonal bonds in each plane of the roof slope.

  • Cover. This type is most often used when constructing a single-piece roof. No tightenings for laying of spots do not need. They set them along a single slide, refrigerated to Mauerlat fixed on opposite carrier walls. Fasten to the walls through the brown of Mauerlala with steel studs, muffle churchas or thick wire.

The cross section of the rafter feet determines the calculated load, which is the sum of the weight of winter precipitation and roof. When calculating, the installation step of the rafter and the projected angle of the slope is taken.

Slinge system for two-tie roofs

The design consists of a series of consistently installed rafting farms with equivalent geometric parameters. It serves as the basis for subsequent laying of roofing material with concomitant elements of insulation, as well as hydro and vaporizolation.

Those who wish to find out how to make the roof of a bath with two congruent not too high skates, ready to install the farm reminds the anoscele triangle. Depending on the structural complexity and the size of the distance between the spans, a simple isceived triangle is complemented by lining, pins, tightening, support vertical beams and other parts. The listed additional elements are necessary for the formation of rigid bonds.

The assembly of rafting farms can be performed without climbing the upper overlap. Those who decide how to build a roof of the bath must be clear that it is more convenient and safer to lean the components of the rafter design on Earth. True, then they will need to raise them up with the help of a team of workers or lifting crane, for the use of which you need to pay. Money or safety with comfort to leave in priorities, solves the owner.

Experienced builders advise first to make a template whose shape will with accuracy to repeat all the rafting farms. For the manufacture of the template, the upper ends of the two rafting legs are connected by a single nail. Then the opposite ends are set to the point of the future support and fix the position of the riel - transverse crossbar. Typically, the rigle helps in a parastra or fixed with screws.

Note. The verticality of the installation of rafting farms must necessarily control the plunders. In the case of deviations under the rafter, put the pieces of the board, the surplus is shy.

Assembly of the rafting system for the roof of the bath is produced at the installation site. Start from the installation of two front farms, between which the peculiar guidelines stretches - the mounting cord passing along the line line. The optimal installation step is 1.2 m with options up to the reduction or increase.

Read more about a double roof option on the roof guide site.

Single Roof Single Design

If there is less than 4.5 m between the supports of the single-table roof, it is possible to do without additional reference racks. The recommended step of laying the elements of the base under the insulation of the roof of the bath and under the roofing coating of 0.6 m. In the upper bar and the grooves are cut into the rafter, the size of which is calculated for tight contact. Upgrading gaskets can not be used. Out of the limits of the contour of the construction of the rafter, remove from 30 cm to 50 cm, due to which protective eaves are formed.

For the construction of the crates will fit the timber, boards, stiffs. The lumber cross-section and the installation step is chosen according to the type of roofing. For a soft roof, the crate makes from the boards, leaving the gaps between them in 1 cm. Under the laying of the sheet material, the crate is built from a bar from a side in a section of 5 cm and more, between the elements of the crate can leave the distance from 15 to 50 cm.

Fastening the boards or the laminating shells start from the skate, moving towards the eaves, fixing the elements of screws or screws. On the line of the skate, the board is mounted on the edge.

After the device, the crates need to know how to insulate the roof of the bath from the corresponding article. From the inside, it is warmed up and put a vapor barrier layer, then separated. And with the outer coat with rolled waterproofing, on top of which the rails of the next crate needed to ensure ventilation.

For the covering of frontones horizontally or vertical, the pre-construction of the crate with pre-formed openings for doors and windows is also required.

At the end of the entire spectrum of work, the roofing coating selected owner is assembled, the lobby is protected or specially made to equip it with parts or a galvanized iron strip, the frontal and cornese swells are laid.

The two simplest ways are described, according to which the roof is most often constructed on a bath with their own hands. They are not only popular among home masters, but also among professional builders due to simplicity and speed of production. Observing the rules, the owner will provide a bathhouse of an excellent durable roof that makes pleasure not only from impeccable work, but also from a beautiful form.

The construction of the roof of the bath is the final stage on the formation of the "Box" of the structure. This detail of the design is first assumed all the blows of the elements: the wind, the rain and snow in no case should the protective "umbrella" of the building.

We will tell you how to build a roof of the baths on our own, we give examples of optimal options for arrangements, introduce the reader with the main nuances of this difficult construction stage. You will need to additionally shut up a lot of specialized literature. The future roof of the bath "will not forgive" mistakes, the correction of which will take a lot of money and time, so if they doubt their strength, "Give" the hands of experienced masters. In any case, the knowledge of the correct sequence of roofing work is always useful: to the customer - to distinguish the halter from the professional, self-relocine - successfully cope with the task.

Introductory Theoretical Course for Self-Road: Roof Design Bath

"First theory, then practice!" - This initial rule is particularly strictly observed in construction, as it is impossible to make a roof for a bath on its own without good theoretical training. Previously, it should be familiar with its constructive features and sort out the "charms" of narrow terminology.

The roof device of the bath is a carrier frame for fastening the roofing material, the main components of which are:

  • Mauerlat.
  • Stropyl farm
  • Okeekhet
  • Roof

The installation of the roof of the bath begins with the installation of Maurolalat - a wooden bar, disposed on top of the finished walls and an employee for connecting a rafter farm with the "body" of the building. If the construction is built of brick (foam blocks, gas blocks), then before it is installed, the surface is thoroughly hydrocerated by the weapon. When we build a roof of a bath from a bar, then the role of Mauerlat plays the latter in the bundle of the walls of the log, in which the slots are done to install the rafted. Reliable fastening of the frame to the building will provide the perfect horizontal surface of the Mauerlalate (control is carried out by a construction level), which is rigidly (with long anchors) is attached to the walls of the building.

The rafter farm is a rigid bruck from BRUSEV, which serves for the distribution and effective amount of arising in the load system. Its form depends on the type of roof and the magnitude of the overlapping span. Slingers call the main massive "spare parts" of this design that make up the whole severity of the roof. Additional elements: jumpers, screeds, struts, riglels, etc. They are attached directly to them and serve to strengthen, unloading and damageing these massive bars.

The lamp is a mounting "grid" from bars (boards) stuffed on top of the rafted for a dense mounting of the roof to the frame. The step of the "cells" depends on the technical characteristics of the roofing carpet: Ruberoid or other installed material requires a practically a continuous basis, where the slots between the boards should be more than 1 cm, and for a light coating (professional flooring), the bars are stuffed with an interval of 40-50 cm.

The roof is the upper armor of the roof consisting of a durable waterproof material, not predisposed to rapid wear. Roofing is not afraid of sudden temperature drops, keeps well and "extra" weight.

How to cover the roof of the bath? To date, the choice of roofing material is rather rich, so the owner, first of all, should focus on the harmony of the construction with the design of nearby buildings on the site. What is better to cover the roof of the bath, for themselves will say indicators of the durability of popular samples in the people:

  • Ruberoid: The minimum roof inclination angle is 5 °, service life is 10-15 years;
  • Slate: the minimum roof inclination angle - 20 °, service life - 30-40 years;
  • Professional flooring: the minimum roof inclination angle is 8 °, the service life is from 50 years;
  • Folding roof: the minimum roof inclination angle - 18 °, service life - from 50 years;
  • Metal tile: the minimum roof inclination angle is 30 grams, the service life is from 50 years.

The installation of the roof of the bath is not limited to the installation of the above-mentioned structures described above. In addition to them, you should take care of the additional hydro, vapor barrier and insulation of the roof, as well as protect all the wooden parts from the three "troubles": fire, water and bugs. The rafted roofs for the bath, all other "parts" of the farm, Mauerlat and the doom should be made of well-dried wood of coniferous varieties (no more than 12% humidity) and carefully treated with protective impregnations.

It is better to use special membrane films as waterproofing and vaporizolation. How to make a roof on a bath with their help really waterproof? It is important to properly furnish protective coatings in the roofing "puff":

  • The hydrobrier is an additional "trap" for water, which can penetrate through the small roofing defects; spread the film directly to rafters before installing the crate
  • Parobarrier protects from moisture from the inner premises, so it is fill between the insulation and the sewing of the ceiling

Protective films are placed necessarily a mustache (15-20 cm and glue with special scotch) and without stretching to prevent possible gaps when expanding / narrowing the material due to temperature differences.

How to insulate the roof of the bath and on what thermal insulator to stop your choice? The classic insulation for the roof of the bath is basalt mineral wool, the advantage of which is naturalness and excellent thermal insulation characteristics. The technology requires a 10 cm heat insulator with a thickness of 10 cm thick, consisting of two-sequentially laid rows of this material (5 cm). The insulation of the roof of the bath on such a scheme is devoid of cold bridges, since all the joints of mats (plates) overlap, but from an economic point of view, the cost of the construction increases significantly. In view of the economy, many developers prefer to do with a 5-centimeter layer of mineral wool, protecting the room from heat loss with a more powerful "heat-saving" vapor barrier (for example, a two-layer film Armitek).

Often, to reduce the cost of installing the roof of the bath, instead of mineral wool use foam, but this option has doubts because of the separation of phenol poisonous vapor from this artificial material. Polystyrene foam is an excellent external thermal insulator, but in the buildings it is better to never be used.

During the construction of the bath, everyone is thinking by which roofing material to cover the roof. The roof must perform a protective function, fit well into the common ensemble on the site and serve as longer as possible. The buyer wants quality characteristics and price to be balanced. We will tell you how to cover the roof of the bath, which roofing materials are better to use, their pros and cons.

The roof of the bath should play not only the protective function, but also to withstand high internal temperatures.

Choose the roof for the bath must be pushed from the following factors:

  1. The average precipitation level in the area where construction will be carried out.
  2. Roof construction and inclination angle.
  3. What material covered the roof of neighboring buildings (houses, garage, etc.).

Typically, the design of the bath does not complicate and the roof mounted a double or single one. Calculate the complex design is expensive and time consuming. The complex roof is better to trust the specialists, as the right installation requires skill.

Choosing the roof design, you need to follow the following rules:

  1. For a single standing bath, it is preferable to make two slopes attached to one-sided one. Angle of tilt 45 ° -65 °.
  2. The gable roof is built on the bath with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 12 m², a single one is suitable.
  3. For a climatic zone with an average precipitation and more angle of the roof of the roof should be at least 45 °. Otherwise, snow in winter will accumulate on the roof and can damage the design.
  4. For windy stripes (steppes, forest-steppe) it is better to choose an angle of inclination less than 40. The wind force will be less affected by the "sailboat" of the roof.

The material for the roof is leaf and rolled. The design of the roof under various material is different. Under the professional flooring, tiled or slate must be mounted a crate. Rolled species spread to a solid plane. To do this, the boards or sheets of plywood are coated with a solid layer.

Different materials for roofing bath

Ruberoid is the most economical of all roofing materials.

The roof of the bath should be not only high quality, but also inexpensive. In order to save it, you can recall the Dedov methods: tes, chip and turf.

The design of the chips is performed from large clots of coniferous trees. Locked chips in 2-3 layers so that each of the chips got caught on the previous one. Looks like a roof of vintage and attracts attention, but work works. Write a roof from 5 to 10 years. The service life depends on the design and angle of inclination than the coolest of the skate, the longer the roof of the owners will be pleased.

The turf roof is performed in several layers: bituminous mastic, gravel layer in 2-3 cm, then 2-A layer of turf. The bottom is laid up, and the upper, roots down. Externally, the roof will resemble a glade from grass. The delicate roof is high thermal insulation and sound insulation, but in the summer it can dry and lose its protective properties, so the roof is periodically watered from the hose. The weight of the roof is big and she is short-lived.

Tested roof is made of logs impregnated with bitumen or first spin oil. Laying logs in 2 rows, lower Gordon Book, upper tray.

But these designs were outlined, as they had a high degree of fire hazard and a short service life. They can be seen on some designer vintage bath designs.

Modern roofing

Among the modern materials you can allocate hard, soft and rolled. All of them have a certain service life and are suitable for a different roof inclination. Read more Indicators can be seen in the table:

As saving a bath in the country easier to cover the usual slate or rubberoid. For the building, next to the residential house take the same on the main roof of the house: professional flooring, Ondulin. The most expensive version is metal tile or ceramic. The cost of the roof may take ⅓ from the whole construction.

Pros and cons of various roofs

Each type of roof has its own characteristics, pros and cons. They play a decisive role when choosing a material for their bath. Consider more each of the materials.

Ondulin and soft tile


  1. Easy installation due to low weight.
  2. More than 5 colors.
  3. High noise insulation (rain and hail will not be heard inside the bath).
  4. Good resistance to mechanical damage.
  5. It takes the temperature difference from -60 ° C to + 60 ° C.
  6. No need to make a massive rafter system.


  1. High cost of soft tiles.
  2. High fire hazard at Ondulina.
  3. Need an angle of inclination more than 45 °, otherwise the snow will accumulate on the roof.

Professional flooring and metal tile.


  1. Durability.
  2. Professor is easy to install.
  3. A variety of colors, more than 25.
  4. Fire safety.
  5. Light weight, do not need a massive rafter system.
  6. Well tolerate temperature differences, mechanical and chemical impacts.


  1. High price.
  2. With strong impact it may be deformed.
  3. Low sound insulation.

More The design can be viewed on the video:



  1. Low price.
  2. High fire resistance.


  1. Fragile especially at minus temperature.
  2. Unattractive appearance.
  3. Heavy, so you need a more powerful rafting system.
  4. Not durable.



  1. Low price.
  2. Easy installation.


  1. Not durable.
  2. Easily damage.
  3. You need to apply with the use of dangerous hot mastic.
  4. Low fire safety.

From choosing a roof will depend on how to mount the design of the crate. Consider on the example of a roof from slate (rigid) and rubberoid (rolled).

Features of styling hard roofing

Hard roof is one of the most successful options for the bathhouse of the private house.

The crate to the rigid roof is fastened with increments of 0.6-1 m, depends on the size of the sheet of material. The waterproofing is spread on top of the crate, for example, under metal tile produced a special membrane. If runneroid is used as waterproofing, then the crate is fixed with a solid construction.

Slate can be attached directly to the crate with special nails with a wide hat (slate). They are covered with an anti-corrosion layer and not rust. The length of the nail depends on the material, to the sector take 10-12 cm. Under each nail put a special rubber washer or a roofing leaf.

Styling begin to bottom up, in the disintegration. The fattest sheets on the lower depends on the angle of inclination of the roof: less than 45 ° - 14 cm, more-12 cm. If the locality where the bath is built, windy, then the lower row (carnome) is additionally strengthened with brackets or screws. All joints and places of compounds at the end are labeled with mastic or bitumen in 4-5 mm.

A shock for a rigid roof can be a bent sheet of stainless iron. To do this, cut the strips of 0.6 m and bend in half. The sheet is attached to a wooden skate. For metal tile and painted professional flooring, they sell a special ready-made horse.

Features of the fastening of a soft rolled roof

Ruberoid looks good and a small dacha bath.

Roll material, such as rubberoid, need to be laid in several layers. Between the layers are glued together with bitumen or mastic. The crate is fixed with a solid layer, you can use plywood, so work will go faster.

On top of a stainless steel iron horse. And additionally closed with parchment or tone bedding. Fasten to the skate only you need a bitumen mastic heated to 1800s. It is necessary to work quickly, as the mastic is frozen. In this case, caution is observed, as you can get used. For this, the solution is raised to the top of the bucket, and put protective gloves and boots.

The litter under the headline is pasted by the bands of the mustache, laying them across the skate. Additionally, the material is fixed with bell nails. On both sides of the skate, the material must lie on a wooden roof by 25-30 mm.

Working with rubberoid is needed in protective gloves and with caution.

The resulting layer of detergent again is wetted with mastic and glue the runneroid. It is also glued with stripes by throwing through the horse. The bands are stacked by the brand of the previous one on the ½ width. The seams are wicked by mastic and carefully smoothed so that the material lay down exactly and failed bubbles.

On the slope of the runner rolling from top to bottom to bend over the cutter under the cornice for 20-25 cm. Fasten the bends with wooden slats and beef nails. At the edges of the roof, runneroids are fixed in the same way.

Between the pipe and any roofing material it is necessary to make an additional protective layer. Use for this asbestos sheets or metal. Especially such events are necessary when roofing soft or rolled materials.

Which of the types of roofing for the bath is better to choose in each specific case, you can answer knowing all the features of the structure. But the choice should be done puffed, since the roof is better at once for a long time. And from the quality of the material will depend on how often repair work will have to carry out.

And what is the optimal roofing material to pick up so that it satisfies you and in quality, and at the price? The modern market offers a large number of most different options for the choice of consumers, among which traditional ceramic tiles, and metal, and materials based on bitumen.

It should be noted that any roofing coating must comply with the following requirements:

  • reliability and strength;
  • resistance to weather conditions, moisture, temperature drops;
  • reliable heat insulation;
  • functionality;
  • durability.

Bath Roof Options

For the bath you can use materials such as Ondulin, erectifier, metal tile, cellular polycarbonate and rubberoid. Such covers differ simplicity of installation, as well as low weight. Materials themselves are durable, do not require frequent repair work, easy to care.

Consider more different options for roofing products that can be effectively used to cover the roof of the bath.

Tile - Traditional Material for Roofing

For baths apply such types of tiles like:

  • ceramic tile;
  • metal tile;
  • bitumen materials.

Ceramic tile is distinguished by durability, increased strength. If necessary, individual damaged elements can be simply replaced.

When working, it is used for a bathhouse flat, a slotted stamped, tape-groove tile. It is placed by therapy, and special minor nails apply for fastening. The seams are labeled with lime-clay solution.

Tile is the most common material for the roof of the bath. The only disadvantage of such roofing can only be called a high cost, which is quite justified by good performance characteristics and the durability of the coating itself.

To cover the roofing bath, as a rule, it is recommended to use conventional metal tile, which is rapid installation, excellent thermal insulation and waterproofing characteristics. Such a roof is resistant to weather conditions, durable, has a long service life.

When laying this material, it is necessary to ensure the presence of special polymer membranes providing protection against excess moisture.

Soft roofing can be divided into 2 types:

  • polymer sheets in rolls;
  • bituminous tile and roofing mastic (seamless material).

The difference between such roofs can be called what they are used for flat and complex roofs, reliably providing protection for the entire structure, while having low weight (soft roofs do not "load" the entire design of the bath).

Even non-professionals can cope with styling, it takes enough time. In addition, the cost of such roofing is small.

Soft roofing materials have the following advantages:

  • large service life (about fifty years);
  • high performance;
  • simplicity of installation work;
  • resistance to mechanical effects, loads, ultraviolet radiation, precipitation, strong temperature differences.

The advantages include a wide color gamut and many options for external design.

Copper and Otsinkovka

Metal has long been applied to landscaping the roof of the bath. The advantages of such coatings can be called lightweight and fast installation, increased strength, resistance to various influences and durability.


  • low sound insulation;
  • the roof in hot weather quickly heats up.

Important! All metal coatings can be divided into galvanized and on the roof of non-ferrous metals (for example, from copper).

Steel roofing materials are durable, they are able to withstand heavy loads (including wind). Therefore, for a bath, this is a very promising option. The roof is obtained light, durable, non-governmental and durable. The galvanized roof has a service life of up to 35 years, and black painted - up to 25.

There are two ways to manufacture steel roofs:

  1. An ordinary coating that is performed using steel sheets together by lying and standing folds along the length and width of the sheet. At the same time, the metal is simply nailed to the basis of roofing nails.
  2. Roof covering without folded seams. Sheets roofing nails are nailed immediately to the roof crate.

Copper roofs are noticeably stand out among others. They are distinguished by an unusually attractive appearance, the highest resistance to various adverse weather conditions and mechanical effects, a high degree of protection against corrosion, rust, ecology.

In addition, it should be noted that the service life of the roof of the copper is more than 500 years. Agree, the figure is extremely impressive.

Asbestos-cement roofs

Such roofing material is made of asbestos, water and cement. It is durable, waterproof, has a low thermal conductivity, resistant to water and high temperatures.

Asbestos cement sheets are dense and durable with bending, but they are fragile and prone to warp.

The sheets of figured and wavy species are produced. At the same time, the latter are especially recommended for baths. They provide even with small structures good rigidity, with an absolute waterproof, is guaranteed when laying. The bath will look with such a roof aesthetic.

Carpet type of coating

A similar coating for the roof of the bath is performed from rolled materials like roofing, a simple rubberoid without mastic. Put the materials in three or four layers, the upper goes with coarse-grained sprinkle.

The roofing of solid nails is fastened, also for fixing rolling edges, bars with a cross section of 50 * 50 millimeters are used. Rolls in the installation process must be thoroughly aligned.

For rolled coatings include:

  1. Pergamine roofing is a cardboard that is processed by oil bitumen. The layers of bitumen and sprinkling material are not noticeable on its surface. Most often rolls of 20 sq.m.
  2. The roofing is obtained by impregnating cardboard with coal or the same degrees. There are products with sandy and coarse-grained sprinkle.
  3. Ruberoid is made with scaly and shallow sprinkle. It is obtained by impregnating and covering cardboard with refractory oil bitumens. The rolls of 10, 15, 20 square meters are produced. m.

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Bath coatings from TESE

Such roofs, although they have the most different advantages, it is still not recommended to apply for baths, as the tes are easily fastened. But it is still used, soaking with refractory bitumen or oil paint.

In the process of installation, you will need to follow a number of conditions: the boards are stacked with hump down, the top row is the hump up. The crate is constructed from crane poles with a cross section of 50 * 50 millimeters and with a distance of up to 1000 mm between individual elements. Fastening is carried out to rafters and crate with roofing nails.

Shale roofing

Shale roofing tiles are one of the optimal options for covering the roof of any bath. They even withstand the strong temperature differences and the most adverse weather conditions. Benefits:

  • one hundred percent environmental friendliness;
  • high waterproofing;
  • long service life;
  • a large variety of laying methods;
  • the ability to use for roofs of any configuration.

When installing, such types of laying are used: rectangular double, scaly, rhomb-shaped at an angle, universal, octagonal, coquette, oldoneenets.

The only drawback is all tiles have one color.

Roofing chips and turf

The roof for a chip bath is durable, their service life can be more than forty years. To install such a coating, they take chips from ate or pine and aspen. Its length should be 50 cm, and the width varies within 6-12 cm.

Stacked with three layers: for the first applied shortened with a length of 35 centimeters, for the second - longer. All the ends should be lowered by 4 cm above the formwork, the sinks must do smooth.

Attention! The layers are stacked in this way: the first - right to left, the second - from left to right, then alternating layers.

The roof of the turf is acceptable for small baths built from a natural tree. What is the installation begins? On the boards, two layers of an ordinary rubberoid is first mounted, or the bitumen is poured into which small pebbles are hung (fraction - about five to ten millimeters).

The resulting waterproofing is stacked by gravel, on top - two layers of ordinary turf, while the first must go up the roots, the second layer is down.

Such a roof requires careful care, it must be watered in hot weather. Since it has sufficient weight, it is necessary to install special backups for raw rafters. Despite this, such a roof has indisputable advantages: light installation, additional thermal insulation from the turf, an unusual view of a green, flowering roof.

Crained roofing

Such a roofing material is great for small village baths that are built of wooden bar, logs. Its cost is very low, and the manufacture is simple.

When the coating is coated, the straw is strengthened and thoroughly wet the fatty clay. The roofing device is recommended to do in spring or at the very beginning of summer so that the clay can dry well.

In the future, this roof can serve for many years, it is resistant to high temperatures and fireproof.

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As you were convinced, today the options for the arrangement of the roof of the bath is set. It remains only once again to analyze and pick up the appropriate material.

As a rule, a personal bath on the country site does not differ in large sizes, so the roof for it does not have the most complicated design. However, despite the seeming simplicity, this design should still be reliable and durable. In addition, do not forget about the planned functionality of an attic room - it may not be used at all, regarded only as a utility, for example, to store the bathing utensils and brooms, or in the plans of the hosts - to create there quite suitable, where it is possible to fully relax.

Therefore, before you decide how to make a roof on a bath, you need to choose its design. Of course, this is done at the stage of drawing up a construction project. Well, then - you can go to the final calculations And further - directly to the installation work.

Bath Roof Varieties

There are quite a lot of roof designs, but double and single-sided options are most often used to cover the bath, less often - the broken attic type of the solo system. To figure out which of the designs is more suitable for a specific case, it is necessary to consider their general characteristics.

Duscal roofs

The most popular bath coating design is the bantane version of the roof, as it has a lot of pronounced advantages. Divan systems can be created with a "inhabited" attic room or simply with a cold attic, depending on the desire of the structure of the structure. It is worth staying on which of the options is more profitable.

  • The roof under which the arrangement of the attic room can be called a more profitable design option for the following reasons:

- A residential premises can be equipped in the underfloor space. If the bath is erected at the cottage, then the residential house and the bath can be placed in the same structure - on the first floor of the bath and bathroom, and on the second - rest rooms.

- If the country house is already built, then on the attic baths you can make a room for winter storage of various gardening and other necessary for summer holidays and work on the site of items.

- if the bath will be used in winter, then the attic will be additional air insulation interlayermaintaining heat inside bathrooms.

- The presence of an equipped attic suggests the location of the roof rods at a large angle, so that snow masses will not linger on the surface of the roof.

- Any roofing material may be laid on steep slots, as there is practically no risk of such a design.

The disadvantages include what such a project is somewhat more complicated in the implementation, however, is not so much. Materials will definitely leave more. The wind load on the roof will play a much larger role. If it is decided to equip the veranda next to the bath, then, most likely, one of the skates will have to make a broken to go to this extension with a smaller corner of the roof.

  • The duct roof without an attic room is usually chosen in three cases:

- If a similar design predetermines the selected architectural style of the construction.

- If it is planned under one of the rods, in addition to the bath itself, lay the veranda or terrace, and at the same time leave the skate smooth from the skate to the cornice, without a break.

- If you plan to place a water heating system on the roof -

If we talk about this design, then its characteristics will be directly opposite to the previous option:

- If the bath is built in the region with snowy winters, then the applied drifts will be lingering on the slopes located at a low angle.

- For such a roof, there are already quite serious limitations on the choice of roofing coating with expressly small angles. So, for example, it is not recommended to use soft tiles as roofing material. Its pronounced rough surface will contribute to the delay of moisture and the dirt applied by the wind, which becomes prerequisite for The appearance of the colonies of moss, and it will sooner or later lead to leaks. There may be problems with other coatings - each of them has its own limits of use on small steep rods.

- Under the low roof it is impossible to equip either residential or normal economic premises. You can only add solid garden tools at best.

- When leakage occurs, it will be much more difficult to detect the exact damage to the roofing material.

- When using a bath in the winter period, heat will be much faster from the premises through the ceiling, even when it is insulation, since the "cold" attic cannot receive any participation in the general system of thermal insulation.

If the bath is planned to be used only in the warm season, then a low roof is suitable for it. However, it is necessary to provide a reliable rafter system, since under the pressure of large masses of snow, its elements may not withstand the load.

Single Roof

A single-piece roof has the most simple design, so its solo system is easy to mounted. Mainly, due to the fact that it is not necessary to equip its skate area - rafters are usually based on opposite walls of different heights.

To the peculiarities of this design include the following:

- The lack of a warm attic will require effective ceiling thermal insulation if the bath will be used year-round.

- On a single-sided roof it is convenient to install a solar collector or a tank for natural water heating.

So, if the sauna has small sizes, and the hosts are not experienced in the attic room in the attic room, then a single-board roof may well become the best option.

Fastening prices for rafters

fastening for timing

Loan roof

The roof is usually done in the event that it is planned to place a bathhouse in the same structure, and residential premises of the cottages. This option is definitely harder in calculations and practical performance, but in the end it helps to significantly save money.

It is clear that the attic necessarily needs effective thermal insulation. Moreover This is important even if the cottage is considered only for summer use. Otherwise, in the summer at the top of the house, it will be unbearable, and there can be no speech about the comfort of living on the attic floor.

The attic roof has the most difficult of all the designs listed above the construction. Nevertheless, very often it can be called the optimal option, since this approach allows you to save not only tools, but also keep more free space on the site.

Any roofing material can be used for the attic rafting system, as the snow can be lined only on the upper part of it, which has a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skates. Nevertheless, they are best located at an angle of at least 20 ÷ 25 degrees.

Of course, no one bothers to build over the bath and a more complex roof system - Valm, half-haired, tent. But this in this case, rather, an excess, which, however, can be justified by the total design style of this country "manor".

What needs to be taken into account by making up a project of a rafter system?

Although There are several suitable structures for the roof of the bath, the most popular of them is the duplex. Therefore, on the example of this design and it is worth considering the design features that need to be considered when calculating the solo system.

If a duplex roof is selected, then you need to know that there are two options for its arrangement - these are systems with urban and hanging rafters. The choice of one of them depends on the presence within the structure of capital partitions. If those are present in the project, then the urban version of the rafter system is selected. However, given the fact that the structure of the bath is usually quite compact sizes, a hanging rafter design can be used for its coating, in which the main load from its weight of the entire system falls on the external capital walls of the construction.

The rafters in the bath, built from a bar or logs, are fixed on the upper strapping series. If the walls rose from bricks or blocks, then on the upper end of the walls, to which the rafter will be rejected by a wooden bar - Mauerlat.

Due to the fact thatIn addition to the weight of the roofing coating with a crate, other, more serious loads will fall on the rafting legs, before ordering or making them yourself, it is necessary to make some calculations of their parameters. And for this, first should determine the corner of the roof slope angle. Very much depends on this parameter - and the length of future rafting legs, and the loads falling onto the roof and the roofing tap.

It is quite obvious that the angle of the slope directly depends on the height of the skate line, if we assume that the width of the building along the frontal wall is known. To make it easier to decide on this parameter, you can use the proposed calculator.

The design of the roof for the bath is an important stage of design and construction. Efforts to search for a suitable place, the labeling of the foundation and the construction of walls will be vain in incorrect arrangement of roofing design. A special atmosphere, reigning in the room, forces with special care to approach the choice of the roof of the roof for the bath and the roof materials. The study of the characteristics of various designs and nuances of the design will help in the process of arranging their own bathroom.

Choosing a roof type

The aesthetic side of the question when choosing a type of roof for a bath is in the last place. The foreground is the practical properties. To create a solid design, the following factors take into account when determining the roof type:

  • climatic conditions of the region where the bath will be built;
  • wind and snow load parameters;
  • material of walls and dimensions of the box;
  • foundation power and soil characteristics.

Examine all the indicators and make a project recommended before the start of the foundation laying so that the support structure sustain the weight of the roof.

Wrongs of the roofs are able to satisfy the most demanding requirements. One is important easy installation, others appreciate the external appeal. In both cases, the vertex requirements are the operational characteristics of the roof. In most cases, during the arrangement of baths, preference is given to familiar forms in the form of a single-pate and a bunk design. The bath with a broken roof is extremely rare due to the complexity of the installation.

Characteristic of a single-board roof

Small expenditures on the arrangement are the key advantage of this type of roof. This applies to material, labor and time costs. The bath with a single-sided view of the roof drops less shadow, which is important in the conditions of a compact area.

Attention! This design is suitable for small-sized buildings or rooms attached to the main building.

The practicality of a single-table roof will appreciate the terrain with strong winds. The bath with such a roof has less sail. Among the shortcomings of the structure, the problem of precipitation delay is noted. Additional roof load reduces its period of operation compared to other types of structures.

A single roof for a bath is designed with a slope of at least 40 o relative to the horizon line. An important point is also the choice of roofing. The simple view of the bath is presented in the photo further:

Features of a bunk design

A more attractive view has a bath with a bartal form of roof. Such a design allows you to make an attic room and use it for economic purposes. The binary type of roof ensures the unhindered approach of precipitation. But here it is important to competently approach the choice of parameters and find the golden middle. There is a direct relationship between the change in the slope and the growth of wind loads.

Bath with a double roof view is characterized by large arrangement costs than a single design. But a similar form is more familiar to the gaze and practical during the operation of the bath. The presence of a attic is especially important when using a bath in winter. It serves as a peculiar layer and keeps warm. Therefore, it is necessary to bother in advance about the formation of roofing pie in the bath, which necessarily includes heat-insulating material.

The impressive size of the bath allows you to equip the attic instead of the attic, which will become a temporary chain for late guests. Instead of a duplex, for the attic it is better to choose the corresponding view of the roof.

Bath with a double roof view is presented in the photo:

Materials for roofing

The compilation of the Bani project is simultaneously in two directions: besides the type of roof, it is important to provide for the types of roofing materials in advance.

Finish coat

The main features of the finish coating:

  • Metal tile. Despite the high cost of the material, it is actively used for the design of various types of roofs of the bath. The reason for popularity lies in the high performance of the material. The service life of the metal tile is at least half a century. The smooth surface contributes to the rapid one of the snow cover. In addition to practicality, the metal tile gives the exterior of the bath additional attractiveness.
  • Professional flooring. Durable material is optimally suitable for the improvement of hozpostroops. The bath is executed under the condition of the roof of more than 10 o.
  • Slate. When this type of coating is selected, you should be prepared for two unpleasant moments. If the roof slope is less than 20 o, there is a risk of precipitation in the joints, which adversely affects the integrity and strength of the coating. Over time, moss is formed on it, and the bath loses its former attractiveness. Return the aesthetics to the exterior will help periodic cleaning of the roof surface.
  • Ruberoid. Budget roofing type designed for a single design type with a slight slope. After 10-15 years, the roof of the bath will have to be updated, since the material will come into disrepair.

In addition to listed species, the bath is covered with bitumen tiles or slate.

Roofing pie

Any roof need extra isolation. Couples from the bath rises up, so it is important to provide the heat-insulating layer against excessive moisture. Among cheap waterproofing options, dense polyethylene is isolated. More practicality is characterized by vapor insulation membranes.

Attention! When installing materials, between membrane and the inner finishing of the roof, the gap is 2 cm. This peculiar ventilation gap provides an accelerated evaporation of condensate, not allowing it to penetrate inside the roofing pie.

The use of a two-sided membrane allows you to do without a ventilation gap when the roof is arranged in the bath. Installation of all insulating materials carry out overlas with a margin of 15-20 cm. Products should not excessively pull and leave the seal sections.

High-quality thermal insulation layer will reduce heating costs. Warm sauna or bath with the following materials:

  • Mineral wool. Widespread received thanks to the cheapness. The material copes perfectly with the function of insulation, but extremely hygroscopic. Therefore, it needs a reliable waterproofing layer.
  • Basalt plates and EPPs. The cost of fixing the bath will increase somewhat. Among the advantages there is a lower exposure to the influence of moisture.
  • Polyfoam applied with caution. The bath is a fire-hazard object, and the foam melting is accompanied by the release of toxic substances.

The roofing cake scheme is shown in the photo:

When the roof shape and the type of material for the baths are defined, go to the next step.

For the manufacture of a frame, it is important to determine the angle of inclination of the roof and the necessary elements of the solo system. The parameters of the rafter depends on the set of constant and variable loads acting on the roof of the bath. Permanent values \u200b\u200binclude the weight of roofing pie and finishing coating, crates and directly rafting system. The roofing mass is dependent on the material and is indicated by the manufacturer. Snow cover, wind loads and weight of workers define temporary loads.

Various types of rafter systems that are used to arrange a bath show photos:

To understand the need to install certain elements of the rafting system on the bath, it is important to know their functions:

  • Maurylalat is designed to fix the bottom of the rafter. Therefore, the node must withstand the side and vertical loads.
  • Substropical racks provide reiglel support.
  • Rigels perceive exclusively horizontal loads.
  • Screeds protect the outer walls of the ball from tipping. Fixed them with metal overlays or bolts as low as possible.
  • Spetes of the rafter system work on bending.
  • The skating part of the frame must withstand horizontal compression efforts.

Comment! Elements of the rafting roof system of the bath are subject to mandatory pre-protection. To do this, they are treated with special compositions that impede the development of fungus and mold.

The final type of the rafter system depends on the size of the bath in general and the roof in particular. Strengthening rigidity contributes to the addition of racks, screeds, struts and rigels. Make a frame with a layer of rafters on Mauerlat and the horse easier than to carry out additional mounting of the riglels. But then permanent load will act on the walls of the bath.


The choice for the bath of the roof of the roof depends on several factors. Compact construction with a small construction budget can be issued a single roof and dwell on low-cost roofing materials. If the bath will be operated year-round and the object of construction of impressive sizes, it is better to stop on a bartal form. In addition to the practical warmed roof, you will get an aesthetic appearance of the structure. More complex types of structures are rarely applied due to the complexity of the construction.