How to make a kitchen sofa. Kitchen corner do it yourself, step-by-step instructions

Wooden kitchen sofa is a very popular and convenient thing in any kitchen. Sitting on it is very convenient. Yes, and fit people on it can much more than on the stools. Buy such a kitchen sofa or completely all kitchen set is not a problem, but if you have a small or non-standard kitchen, you can not always find the appropriate option. If you even understand the furniture assembly and have the necessary tools, you can easily make such a sofa and yourself. At the same time, you select exactly the parameters that you need, and save the round sum of money.

Preparation for work
First of all, carefully think over the form and design of your sofa. And then only draw the drawing. We offer you master-class sofa with such parameters:
1. Height - 85 cm
2. Length of a small sofa - 90 cm
3. Length of a large sofa - 120cm
4. Side width - 45 cm
5. Back height - 30 cm
6. Seat height - 40 cm

Necessary materials
1. Wooden bar
2. Puner
3. Porolon
4. Material for upholstery
5. Blackboard
6. Metal corners
7. Reika
8. Self-timers
9. Evrovintage
10. Furniture Glue
11. Loops

Main sofa

The kitchen sofa consists of two sidewalls to which the back and seat are attached.

Collect the sidewalls

First we drink the side parts 45 * 37 cm (2 pieces). The sidewalls will be mounted on the supporting bars of 4 * 4 cm, the length of which is 45 cm. At the same level or slightly lower than the foam rubber to the sidewall, another timing of the same sizes, it will strengthen our design and give it the type of completeness.


The box serves to store various things that is very convenient in the kitchen. We need 2 boards with a size of 15 * 2.5 * 120 cm and two trim 15 * 2.5 * 30 cm. On the bottom of the box, we install the Faner, which is attached to the grooves, all parts must be screwed up with a scope of 6-7 cm. Holes close the plug , or profile plank.


The sidewalls attach to the back of horizontal bars: 1 upper 2.5 * 6 * 120 cm and 2 lower 2.5 * 7 * 120 cm. We take 4 vertical racks to which bars are converted. The racks themselves have a size of 2.5 * 7 * 26 cm. We collect the frame and fastened to the sheets of plywood, then we will not glue the foam rubber.


The skeleton of the seat consists of 4 transverse (4 * 7 * 16 cm) and 2 longitudinal bars (4 * 7 * 12 cm). Krepim longitudinal bars self-drawing by screwing them through the side sides to the ends of the bars. Longitudinal planks are secure to transversely by spikes. Then the sheet of plywood defined sizes is screwed to the frame to the frame. Connect due to the piano loop seat lid and rear longitudinal bar. The lid should go ahead for 2-3 cm. Here you also screw the backrest racks on metal corners.

Assembling short sofa and angular connection

This sofa is assembled in the same way, the only difference is that longitudinal bars have a length of 90 cm. For an angular connection, we make the seat 45 * 45 cm. Cut the front and rear corner of the lid. We screw to the sidewalls of adjacent sofas with the help of screws on a bar, cross section 3 * 3 cm, in length 40 cm.
Install the rear rack for the backrest of the angular connection. Cutting a 3 * 35 * 100 cm board. Rack of cutting under the cone, choose the edges under an angle of 45 degrees. Confirm on EuroBrints to the ends of the seating from the back. On both sides, the additional backs are fed, we firewood them and screw themselves to the sidewalls.

We are upful of sofa

Before proceeding with the coupling of the sofa, make sure that all parts are ready and correspond to each other. Disassemble the corner module to pieces. Cut the foam rubber separately for each detail. Then make and cover the cloth. Back Collect the angle of the already scheduled holes.
Then secure the foam rubber to the seats and sofas backs. Do not forget to leave a 2 cm reserve on each side to close the ends. To avoid defects and irregularities, at first attach the stapler in the edges, and then the foam on the seat itself. The maximum distance between the brackets should not exceed 2 cm.

When upholstered with cloth, measure the necessary part and transfer the measurements to the cloth, while do not forget about an additional point in a pair of centimeters on each side. After all, it will be necessary to adjust and secure the staple fabric from the back.

It remains only to cover the wooden details of the veil, and then varnish, or, at will, paint.

Well, now you have an exclusive thing in the kitchen

No need to think that make a sofa to the kitchen - a complex technological process. If you take into account all the rules, follow the recommendations, you can perform a solid, good design. And the finishing of furniture finishes will be the final fireworks.

In this article, let's try to figure out how to make a sofa to do it.

The sofa is the necessary thing in everyday life. There are many variations of the furniture subject. Due to the fact that it resolves long-term, reusable operation, the threshold of wear increases sharply.

For this reason, the sofas are in great demand.

Home Positive Sofa Mounting Sidedo it yourself - This is an opportunity not to overpay in the store for a thing that is much cheaper by the "designer".

So, having bought the necessary materials and prepare construction utensils, you can make an angular sofa in the home workshop in a matter of hours.

Factory make monotonous models. If furniture can be mastereddo it yourself , it can be made of this species and design that you have outlined in fantasies. This is another plus creating design itself.A variety of building universes, supermarkets determine the availability of any of the materials.

Due to this, the selection of lumber, fasteners, finishing elements for the future product expanded.

The most popular, practical option is a kitchen corner sofa. Such a design can be used, disassembled into separate sectors or put it all, around the perimeter of the wall.

In addition, the models are appropriate in the kitchen interior, practical in everyday life.

So, covering wooden panels with varnish, you can warn it from the influence of humidity, dampness, excessive dryness of air. The angular installation consisting of two benches with a rounded middle will take a small space in the kitchen, which is very convenient.

Aesthetically attractive glossy coating contributes to a lighter removal of oily spots from the surface.

The angular sofa is two types: stationary, sliding. The first is easier in the installation, so he perfectly "misses the hand" to the novice master. Sliding design - troublesome in performance, but outwardly quite presentable. Observing the schemes and recommendations, to do both, and another species really first timedo it yourself.

Since most of the dining tables are wooden, the base, the handrails of the corner must be performed from a similar material.

Working out the kitchen sofa of its dreams, you need to decide on the upholstery. It is this detail that will create an original, interesting piece of furniture. The choice of gasket matter can be on microfibre or artificial skin.To make the sofa seats as soft as possible, it is important to correctly choose the filler. There are materials of normal, high rigidity, soft, hard, elastic. All kinds will give additional convenience, softness.

The filler is worth choosing, pushing out of its preferences.

Necessary materials

The choice of manufacturing materials is a responsible step, since the durability of the design depends on their quality, reliability. Buying lumber, you need to take a little more. This determines the presence of defective elements.

For kitchen facilities, you will need:

  • Bruks 15 * 15 mm - 1.2 m;
  • Bars with a cross section of 40 * 40 mm - 0.135 m;
  • Bruks 25 * 25 mm - 3.6 m;
  • Bar 30 * 30 mm - 1.2 m;
  • The board with a cross section 20 * 350 - 1 m;
  • Rake 20 * 60 mm - 2.1 m;
  • Plywood 1.2 * 45 * 255 cm;
  • Foam;
  • Plugs for fasteners;
  • Piano loops;
  • Corners;
  • Euro bolts;
  • Glue for wood.
  • Chipboard.

Materials for the manufacture of a corner sofa.

Various types of fasteners.

Before starting the main work, it is important to determine the sofa size. The masters are not recommended to perform it according to standard parameters, since the slightest deviation from the norm can spoil the design.

Dimensional kitchen sofa plan:

  1. Main sofa: Length 1.2 m., Height 0.85 m., Back in height 0.3 m.;
  2. Side sofa - 0.45 * 0.45 m.;
  3. The width of the side panels - 0.45 m.;
  4. Seat height - 0.4 m.

Required tools

In the conditions of the fact that the kitchen corner will be manufactureddo it yourself , in the joiner you need to take a set of tools:

  • Woodlet on wood;
  • Drill;
  • Electric jigsaw;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Electronic shutter;
  • Building level;
  • Tape;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Scissors;
  • Stapler with brackets.
  • Knife for foam rubber.

This is the main list. Be sure to prepare protective glasses, gloves, a simple pencil for marking, line.

Frame preparation, bars and plywood back

Sofa in the kitchen with their own hands Start with frame mounting. The process consists of the following steps.

As a result of uncomplicated carpentry, a three-section furniture device will be obtained.

Kitchen sofa assembly

Construction hull construction - 50% of the idea implemented. To form a sofa you need to make a seat.It is required to make "skeletons" from bar 25 * 25 mm. Sew them with plywood sheets with a thickness of 25 mm. The sandpaper is rubbed irregularities, joints. Mandatory condition is the processing of wood elements by antiseptic solution, layer of veil, varnish.

With the front side of the lid foaming the stapler or falls on the glue.

Along each should strengthen the piano loops. After they will bind the main module with the seat.Before the upholstery, all open places of modules are shedding plywood, the seats are attached to the frame. The tree is covered with a lacquer.

Upholstery kitchen sofa

Sofa for kitchen with their own hands almost ready. The next stage is the upholstery. As a material, they choose a syntheps or foam rubber. Each of the elements of the sofa is measured.

The parameters are cut out the upholstery material, attacking immediately on the glue to the details of the furniture.

Similarly, we are engaged in the upholstery back.

Next, you should cover the lining of matter. In this regard, the most used fabrics: jacquard, velor, microfiber, flock. To perform processing, cut parts of the selected material in size of the sofa elements with allowances.

Material should be attached to the backs of modules and joints with seats.

The final stage of manufacturing an angular sofa is your own hands - the assembly of all parts into one.

Last Stage - Decoration

To the corner sofa gained uniqueness and distinctive features, it is subjected to additional transformation.

Decorating the sofa is the most interesting part, therefore, it is possible to perform it, heaving it from the main work.

The sofas are able to change the atmosphere by one presence by making it in cozy and harmonious.

Video: how to make an angular sofa for the kitchen with your own hands.

Sofas in the kitchen interior - 50 photo ideas:

The solution to make a kitchenette with your own hands usually take those who disappointed the range offered by furniture stores. The order of an individual project will be expensive, and his own hand-made corner sofa will cost inexpensively. In addition, when choosing a suitable model and in the assembly process, you can use any material, take into account the color gamut and the overall design of the room.

First of all, you need to decide on the configuration. It is necessary to understand how a kitchen corner will stand, in which direction will be deployed. It depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the location of other furniture.

Before deciding which kitchen corner is to do, it is worth viewing photos of finished projects.

Kitchen corner of wood array

Kitchen corner, covered with leatherette

Kitchen Shelves Sofa

Kitchen corner sofa with pillows

Big corner sofa

Kitchen wood sofa

Outdating Corner for Kitchen

Kitchen corner made of boards

Wooden corner

Corner for large kitchen

Conduct kitchen measurements, measure the angle of the room. Focusing on them, determine the depth and length of each sofa, the height of the frame, the location of the sections. You can use ready-made drawings by adjusting them.

Kitchen corner from chipboard: step-by-step instruction

Consider how do it yourself make a kitchen corner consisting of 3 elements: a short and long sofa and a part connecting them.

Kitchen corner: top view

Choosing materials

For the manufacture of the base of the kitchen corner, you can use the Fanur or Chipboard.

As a kitchen upholstery, apply:

  1. Synthetic fabric. The material is distinguished by the available price, the resistance of the color, it is easy to clean.
  2. Microfibra. It has elevated resistance to moisture, practicality - poorly susceptible to pollution. The kitchen corner, hurt, for a long time will not need to be restored.
  3. Leatherette. Easy to care, does not absorb water, you can wipe with a damp cloth.

You can use the foam rubber (budget decision) or polyurethane foam - it is more expensive, but it preserves better.

In more detail about the better to hide the kitchen corner, you can learn from the video

Materials and tools

To make a soft corner, you will need:

  • electrolovka (if the sheet material is planned independently);
  • metal furniture corner;
  • edge for ends;
  • carpentry glue;
  • pencil;
  • nichrome thread;
  • drill and drill set;
  • scissors;
  • fasteners (wrenches, confirmation);
  • loop piano;
  • sweesters for furniture;
  • construction stapler;
  • roulette;
  • a hammer.

Making the corner on the kitchen with their own hands, begin with a chipboard.

Making a long sofa

The kitchen corner of this model consists of 3 elements: two sections and a connecting angular part.

Long Sofa Scheme


The back, seat, bottom and wall of the niche, the stubborn spark bar are made from polished chipboard, the remaining elements are from laminated. The sidewalls will need 2 pieces, other parts are cut into 1 copy. The dimensions of each element of the angular design are visible in the drawings.

Facial part of niche


Nishy wall

Upper Planck

Planck seats

Stubborn Planck backs

Procedure for the manufacture and assembly of the sofa:

  1. Place parts for milling. In places where fasteners will be located, put points with a pencil, drill holes.
  2. The ends of the sidewall close, gluing the edge on them.
  3. At the end, which will come into contact with the floor, pinch the grooves, fixing them on the self-tapping screw.
  4. Go to the assembly of a niche. Take the front panel, the wall and bottom of the niches, connect the items using confirmates.
  5. The sides of the niche close, attaching the sidewalls prepared on them.
  6. To the wall of the niches screw the seat bar. She is fixed on the sewage.
  7. Install the seat, it will be lifting, loops are used for mounting to the bar.
  8. Fix the blank of the back, using the seasons.
  9. Mounted on the back of the top bar, under it - a stubborn bar. Elements are fixed by two metal corners.

Scheme for layout of holes under fastening on the sidewalls

Back. Back view

After the assembly is completed, go to the upholstery.

Collected Sofa (Rear View)

From the foam rubber cut 2 pieces. Thick foam rubber can smoothly cut with a nichrome thread, the material is less than 5 cm thick with a knife.

For the back, the piece is linked, the length of which is equal to the length of the chipboard sheet, and the width is 4 cm more. It is fixed so that 2 ends are closed with foam rubber. For fixing use glue.

For the seat, the workpiece is cut, a length of equal to the seat, and 2 cm width. Fasten so that the facial end is closed.

Fastening of foam rubber

Then take up the upholstery fabric. 2 details will also be required - for the back and seat. They need to be cut with such a calculation to completely wrap the upper sides of the chipboard along with the foam rubber, with each edge there are several centimeters of the fabric, which is fixed to the chipboard using a stapler. Staples are rowed every 2 cm.

First, fix 1 long side, then, slightly stretching the fabric, nourish the opposite, after moving to the side, installing the material.

Short sofa


Split the details from which the sofa will be gathered, focusing on the drawings.

Upper Planck

Stubborn Plank for Back

Planck seats

Nishy wall

Facial part of niche

The sidewalls, the front side of the niches, the bar for the seat and the top bar for the back are made of laminated chipboard, the rest of the grinding. The sidewalls will need 2 pieces, other parts - 1.

The process of assembling a short sofa is similar to the manufacture of long.


This element will connect a short and long section in the corner sofa.

Connecting corner

Corner Planca

Central part of the back

From 16 mm chipboard thickness need:

  • 2 stripes stubborn for the back;
  • the workpiece that will be installed at the seat level;
  • the trapezoidal part of the back, which will be located in the center;
  • side parts back.

Assembly order:

  1. First connect the side parts of the back with the central. Use the sewage and confirmation.
  2. Fasten to the back 2 stubborn strips, fixing them with worst and metal corners.
  3. Connect the design with side parts of the sofas.
  4. The seat is abyss, using a foam and cloth.
  5. Fix it between sofa sidewalls using confirmates and metal angles.

Soft corner is ready.

Making a kitchen corner with storage boxes

Less complex kitchen corner can be made from a furniture shield or thick plywood.

The design is 2 connected rectangular parts with backs. Despite the simplicity, looks like a finished corner can effectively: you can paint, cover the seat with a cloth, put the pillows on the back.

Corner Scheme with Boxes

Materials and tools

To make an angular sofa, a furniture shield will be required or a plywood with a thickness of at least 18 mm. In addition to them, you need to prepare:

  • fabric for upholstery;
  • electrolovik;
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • foam;
  • nichrome thread;
  • drill and drill set;
  • plastic scales;
  • metal furniture corner;
  • water-based paint;
  • brush, cuvette;
  • primer.

Cutting parts and build frame


  1. Using drawings, carry parts on the furniture shield, saw, using the electrolybiz. It is important to keep the blade so that a straight angle formed.
  2. Collect the basis of the sofa: First, the bottom is screwed to the front part, then the rear wall.
  3. In the central part of the workpiece, the transverse bar is installed. It should form a straight angle with the front and back sides. The bar will serve as an extra support for the seat, so that it does not be bombing under the weight of the seated.
  4. After installing the sidewalls.
  5. The same makes the second sofa.
  6. With the help of self-samples, both bases are connected to each other to get an angular sofa.
  7. We screw the backs to each workpiece, in the connection site from the back, they fix them first by the confirmates, and then install a metal corner. Before screwing down the screws, first place the location of the fastener and drill the holes using the drill with a diameter of 0.5 mm less than the diameter of the self-press.

Before completely collecting a kitchen corner, setting the seat cover based on the base, the blank is painted.

Unpainted carcass

Decorating the carcass

Furniture shield or Paneur can be painted, covered with a mourn or varnish. Before you begin, the corner is covered with antiseptic primer - it will protect the tree from rotting, and also improve adhesion. All items are thoroughly ground on both sides, and then leave to dry completely. Separately apply primer on the seats that are not yet fixed on the frame.

If the corner is decided to paint, it is better to take a water-based paint, for example acrylic. It is resistant to the contact with water, saves brightness for a long time, does not grieve.

Painted corner


When the paint dried, start collecting the corner. Seats are connected with a frame with a loop.


Instead of ordinary upholstery, soft pillows can be used for such a model of the kitchen sofa.

For this:

  1. Porolon 8 cm thick is cut into 2 parts, the dimensions must coincide with the parameters of the seat covers.
  2. Fabric sew covers for foam rubber.
  3. They put them on the workpiece.

The soft corner of the furniture shield for the kitchen is almost ready - it remains to put on the backs of the pillow or cover their cloth.

Corner from the board

Easy in assembly Corner for the kitchen can be made from ordinary wooden boards.

Corner for kitchen from boards


  • boards 100 * 40 mm;
  • stapler;
  • foam;
  • electrolovik;
  • roulette;
  • sucks;
  • drill, nozzle-crown with a diameter of 1.5 cm;
  • glue construction;
  • sandpaper;
  • batting;
  • material for upholstery;
  • varnish, painting brush;
  • pencil.

Cutting parts and framework

Corner make, guided by kitchen parameters. The diagram shows all the details, so detailed drawings will not be required.

Circassia scheme

If the scheme is still needed, you can see the video on how to build a template yourself

After selecting the optimal depth and length, the boards on the segments of the desired dimensions are cut.

We will be needed:

  • 3 racks;
  • 2 legs;
  • 3 transverse elements of the same length for a long sofa;
  • 5 identical crosslinor for short;
  • 4 identical bars for sidewalls of both sofas (2 for each side);
  • 2 transverse elements for a long sofa.

After the elements that make up the corner are cut, they are thoroughly grinding, using sandpaper. Start with coarse-grained, then apply medium.

Wanded holes for the sewage. Each frame of the frame must be connected to another with the help of 2 waders. Drill holes for them with a drill with a crown.

Wash the holes with joinery glue, stick the seasons, tightly customize the details to each other using the hammer. It is important to ensure that there is a straight angle between the elements, you can not allow distortion.

Each inner design of the design is strengthened by screwing the metal corner to the boards.


The wooden base is covered with 2 layers of varnish or veil. If the latter is used, after drying the frame, it needs to be redesigned, because the pile of the pile on the wood rises, and there is a risk of planting the opposition.


Assembly and painting frame

At each lower crossbar from the inside, the metal angle is fixed on the same level - it will hold the bottom of the box.

Fastening furniture corners

Cut 2 blanks for the bottom. Put them on the frame.

Bottom of boxes

Cut 2 facial staps for the box, 2 side. They fix them from the inside of the frame, so that the lower end comes into contact with the bottom. Fixed on the screws to the boards.

Two seats covers drink. Thes of them should be 2 cm more width and length of boxes so that in the closed state they securely retained on the frame.


Before completely assembled the kitchen corner, the lids are trimmed. First, the foam rubber is glued to the base, then wrapped with a Vatin, fixing it with a stapler, after which they are squeezed with a furniture cloth.

Living fabric

Final stage - installation of the seat. Both billets are attached to the back of the loop frame.

The corner sofa for the kitchen from ordinary boards is ready.

Update and Restoration of Kitchen Corner

If the kitchen corner collected by their own hands began to look unsightly, it can be renovated by returning the original appearance. The method depends on which part of the furniture requires updating - frame or upholstery.


The front part of the frame, made of wood or plywood, can be painted, covered with varnish, mourn.

For this you need:

  1. Remove the elements with a cloth.
  2. Remove the old coating if it is available. Paint residues can be written with sandpaper.
  3. Pack fittings or other parts of the frame, which should not get the paint, painting ribbon.
  4. Using a cuvette and brush, carefully cover 1-2 layers of varnish, simulators or paints kitchen corner.

Replacing upness

The process of replacing the faded, covered spots or torn upholstery is quite simple. Disassemble completely corner for the kitchen is not required - you need to remove the sofas seat with the loops, and dismantle the backs.

After removing the fabric, pulling out the brackets, tear off the slats of the foam. Cut parts of the desired size from the foam rubber and fabric (leatherette, velor, microfiber, etc.), given the size of the wooden elements. Then rebel, acting in the same way as in the manufacture of furniture.

Replacing the foam rubber and upholstery on the sofa: before and after

Make a kitchenette with your own hands is not too difficult. The main thing is to accurately carve all the details, adhering to the sizes specified in the drawings. Even a minor deviation can lead to a breakdown of construction.

The kitchen has long ceased to be just a zone for cooking. Now guests are taken here or rest after the preparation of complex recipes. Therefore, the presence of upholstered furniture is not considered something unusual, but, on the contrary, it expands the visual and functionality of the room. How to choose a suitable model where it is located? In this article we will try to answer these and other issues related to the purchase of a sofa to the kitchen.

Straight sofas

Traditional option with a simple and comfortable form. Someone may seem that such a sofa is too cumbersome for the kitchen, but the appropriate model can enter it into space with any layout.

Two-triple furniture endowed with small sizes. Even in spacious rooms, it is recommended to choose compact kinds so that they do not take care of too much attention in the kitchen interior. To ensure a larger seats, it is better to combine with several chairs on both sides. Stationary sofas will be placed in any part or use for zoning.

The laconic version created by the type of ordinary bench. Often, he does not have armrests, which only visually simplifies the design. The sofa can be designed in minimalist form or decorated with forged elements. The presence of upholstery and textiles eliminates the possible "outdoor" image.

"Bench" is more suitable for the dining area, next to the table. Such an object does not look so cumbersome as standard sofas, and fit well into a small kitchen. There are also types with drawers under seats in which you can store kitchen utensils.

Such a model is usually part of the furniture headset, forming a single monolith with the cabinet. In fact, it is a design of retractable boxes with a seat installed at the wall or window. An excellent option for modern kitchens that put functionality in priority.

In addition to the obvious practicality of the decision, the visual unity of furniture allows you to create a holistic design that does not work the space on the set of details.

In small-size, an extra bed will never be superfluous, especially if it can be "disguised" under a cozy sofa in the kitchen. Collapsible models are often just as comfortable for sleep, like beds, but allow you to save area.

Unfortunately, to put such a design near the dining table will not work, but it can become part of the recreation area - next to the bookcase or opposite the TV. Ideally fit into the studio apartment.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen, it is not always possible to find a free angle to accommodate a soft furniture there. But if such an opportunity is there, angular sofas will help to transform the room and maximize the possibilities of each square meter.

Such models may include storage or have a minimalist design, by type of bulk. The optimal solution is an instance with three seats and drawers on sides, which are convenient to use near the table.

If there is a plating wall in the kitchen, you can purchase a sofa, adjusting to its geometry. True, it is easier to make them to order than finding goods with suitable sizes.

Much less often occurs angular furniture of curved forms. On the one hand, it takes more space. On the other hand, smoothes the corners and makes the area visually "friendly". But the most important thing is that such a solution looks non-standard, helping to diversify the design.

Where to place a sofa in the kitchen?

The location of the sofa depends on its purpose, furniture headset and kitchen geometry. It is necessary to consider the layout so that the object will not interfere with free movement, but at the same time it was in a convenient place for residents.

Direct models can be installed along a free wall or under the windows, and corner, respectively, put into the angle. If an island countertop is included in the kitchen kit, with the opposite side of the work area, a small sofa will look good. However, even a separate product will fit into a spacious interior and will help with zoning.

In a narrow geometry, it is recommended to arrange kitchen furniture along one wall, and along the other - the table and compact sofa. Such a solution is more profitable for chairs that only crush space, and can be used as storage.

In the kitchen with a large sofa area, it is not necessary to combine with the dining room, as it is suitable for the rest area. A very narrow room will not seem disadvantage, if at the end along the walls to put each other two seats - an image, posted by romance of cafes or trains.

Materials and upholstery

Due to the immediate vicinity with the kitchen to the sofa materials, elevated requirements are put forward. It is necessary to take into account the temperature differences, high humidity, as well as the possibility of dropping a drop of fat or food.

The most stylish and practical option for the frame - durable varieties of wood, to which beech, oak or cheaper pine. At the same time, on the negative impact of the environment, their surface will protect a special lacquer coating. But you can always choose a budget form, for example, chipboard. Just keep in mind that the service life has such an alternative to about five years.

There are no competitors as a upholstery. It possesses aesthetics, a variety of color solutions, as well as practicality, does not absorb smells and is easily cleaned. What you can not say about natural tissues. Cotton, flax, silk modifications are not suitable for the kitchen, as they are poorly cleaned. But the same textile is admissible as a cover: it can be removed for washing or replaced, thereby cheap updating the design.

In the matter of visual design, it is necessary to focus on the selected stylist. We only note that the sofa can become a bright accent or merge with space. Pillows in the kitchen can be found extremely rare, but their presence is only "revitalizing" the situation.

Style solutions

Even the smallest sofa is a noticeable part of the interior, so it is necessary to accommodately approach its design, given the patterns of style. This concerns the decorative elements and design features of the model.

In the kitchen in the classic style, the subject composition plays a huge role when the central object is selected, around which the interior is built. A stationary large wood sofa with a beautiful texture and thread may well claim this role if the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is large enough. In this option, leather upholstery or textiles with a restrained pattern will be perfect.

For more modern interpretation of the classics, you can stay on corner or combined versions with storage places - here the desired impression of the model will help create other items.

The coating can have a natural texture or being painted in white. The color decision should reflect the general palette of the room.

In such an interior, you can enter a model of any design: from the sofa with bends to standard compact instances. The origin of the material is not fundamentally, much more important than its practical properties and beautiful texture.

Single textiles, harmonizing with curtains or another part of the interior, will look more appropriately richly decorated matter. It is recommended to select natural bright shades that will create the most comfortable atmosphere.

This direction is characterized by a snowy color gamut, dominance of natural coatings, minimalistness, but at the same time - a real cooler. Laconic sofas with leather upholstery will look very natural and easy.

Residents of the northern countries demonstrate their unique approach to creating items, making them as practical, functional as well as available. This concept will fit the models with built-in boxes of any geometry and woolen blanket as a style accent.

Industrial style loves the concept of Open-Space, which involves the absence of partitions between the main zones, the maximum comfort and a large number of seats.

In such a multifunctional room, it will be quite appropriate to look a large sofa next to the kitchen head, which performs the role of a resting place. He can serve as a partition, sharing the kitchen and living room.

To stick to an authentic style interpretation, it is recommended to stop on the design with leather upholstery or purchase an antique object. The presence of small traces of time will give the depth object.

High-tech style requires appropriate solutions. Ideally, the interior will fit angular models with bends, benches or other options for unusual forms. At the same time, the coating can be glossy, and the upholstery is leather.

Since the Kitchen in the style of high-tech is often built on contrasting shades, you can pick up a sofa in white, gray, brown or even black.

At first glance it may seem that the sofa for a small kitchen is too bulky and absolutely unnecessary element, which will only take precious square meters. But in some situations it is a more profitable acquisition than a few chairs or chairs. The following recommendations will help you choose the desired model:

1. The angular views of although they save the area, but it rarely managed to find a free corner in small-hydrokes. In this case, the straight sofas along the wall are perfect.
2. Ideal if it turns out to put it under the window, as other items will not fit here.
3. Try to select options with a minimum number of details. Less attention will be attracted by a sofa without armrests and pillows. But the most optimal solution will be mounted on the wall structure, which do not form a gap.
4. With a sufficient number of storage facilities, it is better to stay on a bench sofa with a free space under the seats.
5. The sofa on a small kitchen should not be highlighted in color. It is better if it is merged with the wall, forming a monolithic volume with it.

Beautiful sofa in the kitchen is comfortable, cozy and aesthetic. A variety of assortment allows you to choose a model for any interior, even the smallest. How else can you enter a soft furniture in space - see our selection of colorful photos. Real projects will definitely come across you for a successful solution. Happy viewing!

Without a kitchen corner - an angular sofa in addition to and, chairs or a bench - modern life is not unthinkable. It makes sense to make a kitchenette with your own hands not only for saving money: not all of the sales models will accurately rise in the free corner of the kitchen, and suitable in size may not be suitable for design or price. Kitchen corner The piece of furniture is not out of complex, but a novice master, not equipped as it should be quite expensive equipment, on the way of its incarnation in the product stumble upon a plurality of pitfalls. This article on how to get around them and still make a corner in the kitchen at home, not inferior to the factory.

Note: The secret of the comfort, which creates a kitchenette - in its aesthetic self-sufficiency. The corner sofa with a table and tabreates / bench subject of the furniture is impossible, it will create a region of calm and felt, a kind of virtual erker or alkali, and in a clean field or a barn.

What to do

Make a kitchenette is possible in different types of execution. The main requirements for the kitchen corner are compactness, convenience (ergonomics) and hygienicism in the cuisine. We still need to achieve maximum savings, materials and labor, working as an accessible tool. Based on this, we choose which one can be made easier and better.

The main types of kitchen corners are shown in the photo. Pos. 1 - Erket corner, round or faceted. Each seat in the knee level is given the optimal seating width approx. 400-450 mm. Erket corner is extremely comfortable and comfortable, but, alas, folded, roads and requires extensive kitchen.

In the kitchen of a modern apartment, a half-rankee corner will fit higher class: the side sections are straight, and the width of the corner at the level of the knees is 200-300 mm, pos. 2. A person of the average set to sit in the corner of the semicircular corner is almost as convenient as in the erker. In the kitchen of ordinary dimensions, most often instead of semi-ferrous places corners with a beveled corner; They are 150-200 mm, pos. 3. Especially no longer turn, but, calmly sitting, thoughts, where knees, do not arise.

Lovers in small-sized cuisine most often make corners straight, pos. 4, with a wedge back in the corner, pos. 5, and with a beveled back, pos. 5. Their convenience, technological complexity and cost in this row are growing, but in direct kitchen corners there is a general positive property: if instead of a pair of stools with a long side of the kitchen table, the bench of the height, like the seats of the corner, then, moving the table and moves the bench, You can get a sleeping place with a width of 600-850 mm. Very expensive and equipped with complex mechanisms, branded kitchen corners with a sleeping place are not more convenient, see fig. left. The property of the transformation into a sleeping place without additional devices has a corner with a bevelled angle if the corners of the seat of the accommodation coop. The way is beveled.

Note: In fig. Right perverted generation of modern marketing - expensive straight kitchenette. In fact, the right corner is the most uncomfortable of all. Much inconvenient of the nearest relative - a corner with a wedge in the back. The direct kitchenette is well suited except to plant an angle of an unwanted guest. But it will not be able to go in English, you will have to move the owners.

Corners with a beveled corner and back often complement the table and / or bar in the corner, pos. 7-9. The first two are not an option: to get something because of the back is uncomfortable, and to push or tilting the lacquer easily. If the owners are firmly susceptible to prejudice and put anyone to the corner, then it is better to equip a mini-servant in the corner with a lament and bar as on Pos. nine.

On pos. 6, 7 and 8 show corners with t. hanging angle, i.e. Without a separate support. Kitchen corners with hanging angles, made of LDSP, are no less durable and durable than reference, but in production is cheaper and more technological. However, they cannot be modular (see below), because Initially, only right or left. For the consumer, the cheapness is apparent, because A corner with a hanging angle cannot be transported collected and requires assembly in place.

Modular corners

Kitchen corners from non-interconnected furniture objects (modular, see fig.) Good in production and sale: No need to make right and left performance. They appreciate them and lovers often rearrange furniture; Modular kitchen corners look good in laconic styles studios, such as Loft, Hightec, minimalism. But the functionality with ergonomics from modular kitchen corners, simply speaking, no - do not put anything in them, and sit in the corner is inconvenient.

Note: Kitchen corners of the traditional species are performed by modular, from 3 separate items - pairs of sofas and angle. Right or left them set, turning the angle of 90 degrees, and one of the sofas at 180. However, such corners are more expensive, because Requires extra material at the angle and its design becomes complicated. At home, make a modular kitchen corner is very difficult, because The accuracy of interconnection of items is added to the required accuracy of interfacing parts within the 1st object (see below).

How it is necessary and not necessary

The first error in the design of the kitchen corner - the table to it on the legs and the direct facades of the seats, pos. 1 in fig. The secret of the comfort and self-promotion of the kitchen corner in its compactness and convenience, and then the table does not push the table, and its legs are confused in the knees of 3 sitting. Corner for the kitchen should be done under the beam-shield design table, pos. 2 and 3, and the facades of the seats or mowed (pos. 2), or with raised bottoms of the bars under the seats, pos. 3.

Second error - do not under the seats of drawers, pos. 4 and 5. They interfere with each other, spoil the floor. To get to the contents of the boxes, you need to move the table far and put on your knees. If the house contains a maid with a housekeeper, and there is no owner before their concerns, then the kitchen corner with drawers is a taste. And we need to make a corner in the kitchen with gardens under folding or removable seats.

For business!

What an area in your kitchen is better fit - at your discretion. And we will see here, with what difficulties will have to face, making it at home without experience, and how to cope with them. The analysis will go on the example of a design known in the RuNet, the drawings of which are shown below; The main materials are laminated and simple polished chipboard 16 mm thick.

On the one hand, this corner requires minimal costs of materials, labor and can be made much more convenient, see below. On the other hand, the prototype is focused on industrial technology, the design of it is rational and well worked, but we need to get the product is not worse, collecting it at home on your knee and weight. It was this sample that it is also selected because it is capable of acquiring all the best quality corners with a beveled corner, plus the ability to serve as a sleeping place, but technologically slightly harder more complicated direct corner. In addition, it is in general the correct specification with the Vedomosti material and on the accessories, see fig. on right.

Note: If you need to be checked / navigated at other sources with descriptions of this sample, keep in mind - in the parts of them, and considerable, in the drawings of the details dimensions are given a passage for sofas length 100 and 60 cm. To assemble the blanks cut into it, of course, it is impossible.

For example, in the top row. The drawings are given to the assembly schemes, clear as the day of the factory technologist. But how to be with them, without having production equipment? Conducted sample - panel box design, similar to a power scheme with a carrier cover in aircraft. Box-shield structures are maximally saved material and work, giving very strong products, but a number of specific requirements are made to the technology of their manufacture. There is full of invisible Caverz, but you can cope with them, and we will do it. First for sofas, in such a sequence:

  1. Selection of fasteners;
  2. Fitting sizes for a specific room;
  3. Cutting LDSP and chipboard on blanks, markup and drilling holes;
  4. Trimming edges of beveled parts and incommion;
  5. Tights of the details for which it is required, soft trim;
  6. Assembly.

Next, let's see how you can simplify the manufacture of the angular section (angle) and make it more convenient. The original design is modular, but we have in the apartment angles of walls themselves do not change places. Knowing exactly where the corner will rise, it will be right or left, the angle can be made hanging (see below), and this will be much simplified and reduces it.


The main fasteners of this kitchen corner, which perceive operational loads - furniture screws Confirmates and steel corner connectors; The ducts play auxiliary role, holding the details from the displacement. In the specification, the statement of the fittings for the assembly in industrial conditions is given, but for home execution something in it will have to be changed.

Note: In products from LDSP and chipboard, replace the configmatics with screws on a tree to connect the details through the ramp in the edge possible occasionally. In this product, it is impossible, because Boards are very thin, 16 mm. Self-timers on the tree are attached to the details of the connecting corners, see below.


Specified confirmation sizes 7x50 Maximum allowable for this thickness of the chipboard / LDSP. This makes it possible to carry the modules of the corner assembled and somewhat reduced it, because The need for assembly in place disappears, and any of the modules makes hands to the apartment of a person with the physical development of an office type. But the markup and the drilling under the largest fasteners are also needed production accuracy (see below), which, working at home with hands, not achieve. For example, whether you can, working with a manual electric door, feed the drill perpendicularly or parallel to the board of the board with a deviation in the direction of not more than 0.1 mm? The question is rhetorical. Therefore, under manual work, provided that the product will not be transported to distant distances with shaking and jog, the confirmation sizes need to be reduced to 6x50 or even 5x60. Otherwise, i.e. If you take fasteners on the industrial specification, part of the details when driving or assembling can be stuffed. If the chipboard / LDSP is taken eco-friendly marks E0 or E1, it will necessarily be stirred, so that the chipboard / LDSP must be taken to the household brand E2, and if you want E0 / E1, then the thickness of the boards need to be increased to 24/20 mm, adjusting acc. Sizes, see below.

Important for confirmation strength Confirmates has the height of the neck of the screw H, see pos. 1 in fig. H should exactly equal to the thickness of the overhead board, right to pos. 1. Sometimes H is indicated by the 3rd number in the name of the screw sizer, i.e. We will need confirmations 6x50x16 or 5x60x16 for the original design or 6x50x24 / 6x50x20 or 5x60x24 / 5x60x20 in the case of the use of greater thickness boards.

The confirmation drill must be taken for this for this screw sizes. The height of his skirt should be h (in the center for pos. 1), the diameter to be equal to the diameter of the screw body without thread, and the length of the spiral part of the drill L (without a cutting tip) to be equal to the total length of the threaded part of the screw. If the heel of the screw strengthened into the residual conical well in the hole, then the hidden bundle in thin boards is guaranteed, and its distribution will only be a matter of time. Small.


In all sources on the topic of the kitchen corner under consideration with enviable constancy, but without a proper understanding as illustrations are photos of wooden waders. This is a rough mistake in this case. Wooden specks are designed to connect wooden parts: they dry together with basic materials, and the connection holds firmly for many years. Or century, if the furniture did an outstanding master.

Chipboard / LDSP does not dry and therefore are connected by plastic waders. If you take a little more expensive propylene, it disappears the need for a rather time consuming and requiring increased accuracy of the combination of compounds. At the above reasons, the diameter of the waders under manual manufacture should be reduced to 6 mm, leaving their length is the same. In the edges of the opening boards, the ducts are twisted only by the conductor (pos. 4 in Fig.); Diameter - 5.3 mm, drilling depth of 22 mm in the edges and 12 mm in the reservoirs.

Seats (see Next) You can do not be detected, but removable, putting on the seeds with round heads for detachable connections (at the top on the pos. 2). This will allow you to give up a rather complicated installation of piano loops, spending on them and fasteners for them. And if the corner do up to rearranged, then the likelihood of its damage decreases: they grabbed the seat, without thinking, she remained in his hands, and the sofa did not bounce and did not hit anything. To get something out of the dam under the seat on the piano loops is no more convenient, because The seat cover is leaking less than 90 degrees. It is easier to remove it and lean to the back, than rummaged in the lare, holding the cover with your hand. But in the design under consideration it is, unfortunately, it is impossible, see below.

Other wizards for our kitchen corner is better to take with tablets, down on the pos. 2. The thickness of the washer is 0.5-0.7 mm; At first, such gaps will not be visible. After some time, the washers are in the chipboard (the details are tightly set by confinals), the gaps will comply, and all the product will acquire additional strength. Another advantage of the ducts of this type is different rifrance on the long and short parts, which ensures even higher connection strength without the danger of bundle of boards. It is only necessary to choose the sewage dials of the required size: with a 20-mm long part and 10 mm short (under 16 mm board). For boards 20/24 mm, the long part is needed 30 mm, and a short 12/16 mm.


For the design under consideration, steel equifias will need 30x20x2 angular connectors (under fasteners perhaps) or 30x15x2 under fasteners in a row. The first digit indicates the length of the shelves of the corner, the second width, the third - the thickness of the material. Corners when assembling partially will have to bend, for mounting inclined parts, so we need to take white or gray from a viscous "raw" or moderately annealed steel. The presence of climbing stiffness on bending for the bendable corners is unacceptable, pos. 4 in fig. Internal and external sequels of corners must be smooth, without supervisors and wrinkles. Yellowished with stained colors of dealt with corners of the checked steel if and bend, then cracked. Black phosphatated corners of t. The overwhelmed steel is very durable, but when prevented immediately break.

Note: Plastic furniture corners so that you know, you can bend, warmly warm the household hairdryer at full power. But plastic corners serve not more than 3-5 years, and then dry and crack.


Turn again to fig. with drawings (duplicated on the right). Dimensions there are corrected: black is given a length of 1 m long; Red and blue near the "black" for a small sofa of 60 cm long. Green markers will be suitable later when you get to the angular seat.

"Red" sizes are basic: they need to be added to the missing from 600 mm for greater length sofas. For example, for a sofa 1.3 m long to "red" sizes need to be added 700 mm. The highest possible length of the sofa of this design is 1.5 m. "Blue" dimensions are relevant for sofas up to 750 mm long. If the sofa is longer, instead of the "blue" sizes you need to take "black".

6th position

In the drawings there are no 6th items. This is a seat billet, a simple board without any holes there. Its length is equal to the length of the length of the sofa (968/568 mm in the drawings) minus the double thickness of the upholstery fabric, it rests in the range of 1-3 mm. The thickness of the optimal flock in the kitchen and microfiber approx. 1.5 mm, taking into account the folds, therefore, in this embodiment, the seat length will be 965 mm for a large sofa and 565 mm for small. The minimum seats width is 297 mm, taking into account the upholstery of the cloth and installation on the piano loop, see below. If the kitchen dimensions allow, the width of the seat can be increased, then its sink is formed in front. With the following version of the angular seats under consideration, the maximum seating width of sofas 444 mm; Then the skew seats of the angular section decreases. The width of the sleeping place in this case can be obtained up to 900 mm.

Cutting and sawing

The sawing of chipboard sheets / LDSP on the workpiece of parts is made by an electroll bison along the contour. The outline is guided by the template, so the jigsaw pyline must be kept on the inner edge of its line. The upper and lower edges of the parts 2 (facade of varnar) and 8 (the base of the back) in Fig. With drawings, it is necessary to cut out the formation, for which you need a jigsaw with a tilted shoe or it will be necessary to buy a shoe to the existing one. The angle of the facade of the facade of 10 degrees, and the backs of 5 degrees. Scale of some shoes are graded in units of relative inclination; For an angle of 5 degrees is 0.085, and for 10 degrees 0.177. Not 0.175, as it may seem, since the relative slope is nothing but tangent acc. corner.

The punch of the jigger for trimming is mounted inside from the cut edge. For children. 2 (facade) The upper edge is cut from the face to be untouched by the upper outer angle, and the bottom, on the contrary, from the heel (inside), so as not to cut the inner lower angle. The edges of the back, because It she is tilted back the facade, cut in the reverse order: upper from the rear, and the bottom front.


The free edges of the kitchen corner parts must be covered with something in a common tone. The adhesion of the kitchen furniture PVC edge of the T-shaped profile is undesirable not because the grooves under the edge should be selected by the milling machine, but because the mud will accumulate in the edge gaps. By the way, for the same reason, it is advisable to do a table in the kitchen to do under the ready-made tabletop from post-forming: it does not require admixation at all and is equipped with a kapellable.

Visible and accessible to touch the edges of the kitchen furniture are closed with a plastic band of the complex composition ABS (ABS, acrylonitributadienestyrene) with a thickness of up to 2 mm, and the rear and coming over the floor - fastened paper tape. ABS is absolutely safe, hygienic and environmentally friendly, medical equipment makes out of it. The edges of the ABS and paper are produced dry and self-adhesive. The first are intended for industrial use with a separate adhesive supply, so you need to take self-adhesive. Kitchen corner shape by self-adhesive edges is done like this:

  • The edge tape is cut off from the roll to the desired length plus 2-3 cm. The length of the curvilinear edges is convenient to measure the portnoometer.
  • From the end of the segment, 2-4 cm of the protective film, not touching the adhesive layer with the fingers of the adhesive layer.
  • Apply the end of the ribbon on the edge smoothly along and pressed.
  • Holding the ribbon with hand, the other hand is pulled out from under it a protective film for the original "tail". The tape should go to the edge itself.
  • When the tape is all on the edge, it is rolled by a rubber roller.

In general, the procedure is the same as with a high-quality sticking of self-shot. By the way, this is a good finish option, if you decide the whole kitchen corner to make from an inexpensive polished chipboard: a bit of visible parts in it, and the textured self-tech under acrylic varnish from a natural tree will not immediately differ and the experienced joinar. Punching self-keeper is made after sawing and trimming edges before short. In this case, you can simply be labeled in this case.

Marking and drilling

The accuracy of the markup of the details of box-shield structures from chipboard / LDSP is required no worse than +/- 0.5 mm, but how to withstand it on the edges and polished chipboard, if the size of the fiber material of the same order? In the factory there are no problems with these problems, there is no markup as such - carbs and drill machines. In handicraft production, use templates, but to take each, you have to spoil up to 2-3 blanks. For piece production at home, it is so unacceptable if only because templates need a lot and time for their manufacture is needed so much that it is easier to buy a finished corner. Yes, the quality of the product from the parts marked by templates is at best of 3+.

First, the markup of the holes on the parts of the kitchen corner from the chipboard / LDSP must be made by the T. Naz. marking caller with sharp sponges for measuring outdoor sizes and venier to accurately install the carriage (left in fig. Nonius is difficult.

Note: electronic stakes, incl. Verifying (right in Fig.) In fact, it is not so convenient to use, and the accuracy of the markup goes worse. Here the electronics has not yet caught up with the old good mechanics.

Next, the markup of the holes on all the details are made from the exhaust. Placing asymmetric sidewalls, keep in mind so that it does not work out in the mirror reflection. Mirrored, understandable things, right and left sidewalls.

Then there is axial lines between the centers of the extreme holes under the fastening of the conjugate detail and the axial lines are carried out and they are punched from them to half the width of the attached board. On the axial line, the removal of the attached part is removed and also noted that the contour of its edge is. On the urgent of each board, you need to mention the contours of all attached edges, it is necessary for accurate assembly. The finishing accuracy of the edges is required +/- 0.5 mm, which in this case is provided with a plumbing corner with millimeter divisions and a steel sheets.


The drilling of deaf holes for the sewage is made immediately at the desired diameter to the desired depth, as described above. But here are the holes for confirmates while drill only through the plastic of the boards and only the helical part of the drill, i.e. Not on the full diameter. To be reserved completely later, in the order of assembly, so the whole kitchen corner will turn out without distortion and cracks.

Upholstery and tightness

Fully covered before assembling the sofas need backs with seats, and from parts of the angular seat also segments of the backs separately. We will talk about touching and assembling an angle of the kitchen corner further, but still limit the sofas.

An excellent for interior furniture Hollofiber in the kitchen fits badly, in the local microclimate it is not particularly hygienic. The soft packing of kitchen furniture is made from the foam rubber low permeability of the stamps EL2240, EL2540, EL2842, EL3050, EL3245, EL3550 and EL4050. The first 2 digits characterize rigidity, and the last 2 means the density in kg / cube. m. The carrying capacity within this row grows from 60 to 120 kg per square. M, this means that this material is able to withstand this weight indefinitely, completely straightening the load with the removal. Universal is the foam rubber EL2842; The lower stamps are on the back, EL3050 and EL3245 on the seat, and EL3550 and EL4050 are designed for furniture in public buildings or for highly heavy riders.

The thickness of the flap layer is needed 20-40 mm. Cutting such exactly recommended heated nichrome thread. Make your own hands the machine for cutting foam and foam rubber is easy, but it is still an extra work. In addition, that the machine is safe, the thread needs to be powered from the power source of 12V 5a, and this work is already a more serious or solid consumption of money. However, cut the pieces of foam rubber with fairly smooth edges can be easier:

  1. Along the line of the cut is glued with a steel plumbing line;
  2. Cuts lead a new, absolutely sharp assembly knife in several techniques in the ruler;
  3. For the first end, the blade is pushed at 5-7 mm, and the knife ruffer relies on the ruler. Take a closer to your knife - the end of its clip is reduced by an angle, it is just for such cases;
  4. For subsequent cuts, the blade push longer on the same value until all the reservoir are cut.

The kitchen corner seats are tightened with foam rubber with an overall in the front edge. On the champion, you need to give an allowance of 2-3 boards thicknesses. The sheets of foam rubber for the backs are cut exactly according to the size of the base. The foam rubber is glued with 88th glue, the grounds are glued by the latter. If the seat with the removal, then it is better to round his front edge before sticking, and foam-cutting is given in 4-5 the thickness of the board, see fig. on right. Sitting on such a sidushka will be much more convenient.


Ordinary upholstery fabrics in high-quality kitchen furniture are rarely used, because Quickly impregnate with tea and dirty. The leathesis is hygiene, but it is unpleasant to sit on it in the heat, and the air conditioner is not desirable to put in the kitchen for many reasons. Cut the kitchen is best of all flock or microfiber.

Flock is manufactured in monophonic and waslated, smooth and embossed, on the left and in the center in Fig. The dirt is entangled in its fibers without migrating back, and removes in the process of mandatory regular cleaning at least 2-3 months. It serves a flock upholstery of kitchen furniture up to 10 years and more.

Microfiber is valid by the same principle, but its fibers are regular plexuses of the finest fibers. Microfiber, as it were, draws the dirt and firmly holds it; Initially, this material was designed to clean the optical glasses. Microfiber is produced only by monophonic modest colors (right in Fig.); In leaving at all time it does not need. Unfortunately, the material of this road and serves no more than 3-5 years, and then you need to fully change the upholstery: cleaning the microfiber is not subject to, because In this case, its structure is disturbed.

Flush upholstery from flock and microfiber as usual, a furniture stapler to the end of the base. The folds on the corners are sampled by the 88th glue: the fold is turned away, the glue is dripped on the fabric adjacent to the base, withstand to the lowlight and the rotated fold is pressed. PVA is not necessary, it can give visible from the outside of the spots.


Before the final assembly on the legs, the sidewalls put the scales. They are suitable for any width in the thickness of the board, but still better instead of the original design recommended by the authors, put round with threaded or ducts: less will be for the accumulation of dirt. The ducts are cheaper than threaded cheaper, and put them easier: in the edge of the leg, the holes are drilled under the waders (6 mm in this case), and the spikes are just pushed into place.

How to collect homemade box-shield furniture without distortion, cracks and without using complex manufacturing equipment, this is a question, as they say, still. In this case, do not do without a pair of angular furniture clamps, see fig. on right. Welding angular clamps with a common clamp are not suitable, they cannot accurately reduce parts, and with the help of furniture it is not so difficult:

  • Put the sews in the children. 4 in the drawing, slightly picking up with a rubber hammer or a conversion;
  • One of the sidewalls (details 1 in the drawing) and the rear wall of the lady (children 4) are tightened by clamps so that the edge of the children. 4 entered the outline for her at the yad. one;
  • Replete holes for confirmates and screw them;
  • Without removing the clamps, they put children on the drums. 3 - the bottom of the bottom;
  • The upper clamp is removed and rearranged to the far corner of the details 3 and 4;
  • Connect the parts 3 and 4 (with reserving holes for confirmation). The clamp from their angle is immediately removed, otherwise it remains in the sofa;
  • Remove the remaining clamp (do not forget!), Put children. 5 (lower screed back) and attach to children. four;
  • Put children. 2 - facade of varnar;
  • Attach the second sidewall, without screwing the confirmation to the end. It is only necessary to put out that the heads of the wankings enter the holes are slightly entering the holes;
  • Collect the back (cutting on the right at the bottom in fig. With drawings) and put in place, the track spreading the sidewalls. Applied confirmations on the 2nd sidewall;
  • Plunct on the piano loops seat, see below.

There is a question here: why are the clamps, if the sewage is already? The wrenches are not guides, they do not hold the angle and during the assembly on the weight can snap. Taking into account the fact that the markup and sawing were made manually, without clamps could not do. The conscientious professional furniture collectors of the clamps use might and main, and we have something to have been cheering?


Put the seats on the seats with rounded heads in our case will not work, because The facade of varnar. If you restrict ourselves to the wigs on the edge of the back of its wall, then even removing the seat lid neatly. The seats of the kitchen corner sofas are hanging out on the piano loops, but take 1-2 long (pos. 1 in Fig.) It is not worth it: to hang in such a lid in the same way so that it fell into place exactly and leaving it was not thrown into the place, without a special snap. You need to take 3-4 short loops for fastening in a row, pos. 2. Loops for fastening with zigzag (pos. 3) are not suitable - how to fix them with a 16mm board? The same refers to card loops, pos. 4, persistently recommended by the authors.

Wings loops seats must be width in the thickness of the board. First, the loops put on the seat, even the edges of the wings on the bottom edge of the board together with the upholstery. Then you need an assistant: he will keep the seat, and the master lines the edge of the wing of one of the extreme loops along the lower edge of the back of the back of the back (children 5 in the drawings) and nagging a pair of self-tapping screws without reaching them to the end. Then the other extreme loop is also intimidated, and after the rest are attached to the full tension and reach extremes. Assistant all this time keeps the seat thrown back.


The angular module of the original construction is quite complicated (pos. 1 in Fig.), It is not quite comfortable and not very hygienic: on the gap between the back and seats, dust and crumbs will be crumbling just where it is difficult to clean. Since on our case the entire corner is made at the place of permanent operation, it will be more expedient to build a suspension angle to it, tightly bonded with sofas. His drawings of its 5 parts - the seat, the reference plank and the 3-segments of the back - are given in Fig. An angular seat of the corner seats with sofas seats of 400 mm wide is 210 mm, and this is considered that the semi-rocker is placed in a small kitchen. SCOS can be direct, convex and concave. The most convenient is a little convex SCOS, but then it is impossible to put a bench to arrange a sleeping place. The back of the collapse up, which further improves ergonomics.

The sizes of the backing segments must be unimpressed by the location of the trail. reasons. The first, the thickness of the casing strongly affects the thickness. Since the sofas are covered earlier, this value will be known to the beginning of the corner section. The second, all the accumulated dimensions accumulated in the sofas will comply with the same in the corner.

And also, sowing the seat and segments of the backrest overstairs are needed freely, without tight, so that the back of when assembling does not drag fabric. The lower edges of the segments should be mounted inside by 2 mm (under an angle of 10 degrees, it is with a margin). The top of the segments can be figured (options for pos. 4 and 5 Fig.), If only the contours at the interface points were condensed.

Note: Rear support racks can not be installed if there are no suitable trimming and seeds less than 100 kg weighing. If you put, they are attached with pairs of confirmates through the ramp in the edge. The heel of the bottom support is rushed by the axle of the ABS and simply stands on the floor.

Corners in the corner

There is a corner and 2 secrets. The first is the surcharge under the seat. From the point of view of the pet, it is a reliable and safe distance from the main house. Spare lair. And from the point of view of the owners - not delivering those of unnecessary trouble.

Second. The average segment of the backrest of operational loads does not bear. If you put it instead of self-tapping screws on friction pins, a cache is formed in the cavity. Only it will be necessary to still be up to the bottom edge to sew a directional language-strap from durable fabric, and an angular section from the rear to sew a fiberboard. Close the cache, the tongue is turned inside so that it is not visible. To open a cache, the language needs to pry and pull out the fork or something like. Remove the segment by pulling the tongue and top of the back. From the experienced housework or professional search, this cache is unlikely to hide, but from thieves-amateur or not to measure curious households quite reliable.

By older

The kitchen corner of the tree looks elegant in any atmosphere, whether it is made from an array of valuable breeds or boards from unsustent building pallets - pallet, see Fig. And make a wooden kitchen corner with your own hands can be not more difficult and not more expensive than described above.

To start carbon monoxide on wood, and not on a viscous and fragile chipboard, it is not necessary to immediately buy a costly triad fugoval machine - a manual milling machine - grinding. You can do the traditional manual (and non-volatile!) Hand tool. The processing of small parts in private production is often easily and faster than the timing of the machine to the next operation.

For a start, except for the electrolovka (we are not pedants, this tool is not very expensive, it is often necessary and better than an archery saw in all respects) You will need the usual carbouse, handmade Fuganok and a set of wood rasp. At first, there is enough one t. Cabinet Raspil, flat-convex with a narrowed end, on the right in Fig.:

We also need selection (emphasis on "s") Rubanka-Zenzubeli straight and bevelled (left in Fig.) Direct Zenzubel remove the folds and choose the grooves along the fibers, and the knocked ends and fuse ends.

For the primary processing of the bitchwood, the Blackboard is needed, in the center. Scharelm work with a slight slip of the sideways, as it would be cut, and cutting the bitch. In the samebel, it is possible to turn ordinary plans, putting knocker in it with a rounded blade.

I finish myself, you can replenish the instrumental park with another 3-4 types of selected ructants with interchangeable glands to them, see the next. Fig. Take a closer to antique furniture: it is made precisely such a tool, and not modern machines with shaped mills.

The last moment is an assembly (rallying) from the furniture boards, they are a furniture array. In theory, this requires special devices - Viima - 3 on the table top, 4 on the sidewalls of the cabinet and 2 to smaller shields. Here, firstly, one waime can be replaced by a pair of sponges with clips for fastening on the rod, and the bar will take a segment of a bar suitable under the wallpaper of thickness, see rice; Usually 60 mm. Kits of sponges for Waim and long clamps are sold separately.

Finally, for a kitchen corner of wide shields do not need; Most often requires a shield on 3-4 boards. In this case, the shield from the boards can be collected at all without a special snap, see video:

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