Clinker tiles for interior wall decoration: Important characteristics. Clinker tile for interior decoration clinker for interior wall decoration

The clinker tile has such a set of characteristics that can satisfy many requirements. Its most important feature is that it serves as a facing material, practically for any surface. Therefore, it begins to force out the rest of the tiles and take the entire highest level in the consumer confidence. However, it is worth identifying several of its advantages and disadvantages.

Perhaps the most important advantage on which all buyers pay is the strength of clinker tiles. After all, it is made of clay and burned under a large temperature in the furnace. Now, with a modern level of industry development and its harm on the environment, the use of environmental and harmless materials and just this material consists of clinker tiles, which contains elements in which the fungus does not appear.

What an additional material for wall decoration clinker will be required

Cement base is the perfect adhesive material for clinker tiles. The method of preparing the solution can be read on the package, but if you want to achieve a stronger composition, then a small amount of liquid glass should be added or a polyurethane-based mixture. Installation of this tile takes a huge number of strength and patience, so we recommend contacting the specialists of our company thermal stillar.

Clinker tile is the perfect option for wall decoration. This is due primarily to its strength, attractive appearance and good performance characteristics. The process of finishing the walls with clinker tiles is technologically simple, however, in order to perform its qualitatively, it is necessary to comply with certain rules and subtleties. About how to put the clinker tiles on the wall will be talked further.

Wall cladding with clinker tiles: features and benefits of material

Clinker tiles are widely used as a material for finishing the walls both inside and outside the room. This is explained by its advantages:

  • resistant to temperature fluctuations;
  • moisture resistance;
  • environmental safety;
  • resistance to burnout and ultraviolet radiation;
  • resistance before the ignition and spread of the flame;
  • ease of care;
  • long service life.

The clinker tile has universal use, with its help perform a fireplace finish in the living room, kitchen, bathroom, hallway, etc. It is suitable for any microclimatic and climatic conditions, without losing the appeal of appearance and strength. This material is placed on any basis, with the exception of drywall.

The benefits of the material ensures the technology of its manufacture. Clinker tiles are made of clay, burned with high temperature. There are two versions of tiles in the ratio with the technological process of its manufacture.

The first option implies drying of the previously prepared material and subsequent roasting it. According to the second method, the tile after the formation of it from raw materials is immediately amenable to burn. Firing tiles lasts up to 48 hours, while the temperature in the furnace exceeds 1100 degrees. The technology of producing clinker tiles provides material high strength.

How to choose and buy clinker tiles of walls

There are many options for clinker tiles that differ in appearance and operational characteristics. In the ratio with the latest indicator, the clinker tile is divided into:

  • technical - with its help, we exercise roads and sidewalks, the tile has excellent strength and is distinguished by a long service life;
  • moisture-resistant - used for trimming bathroom, kitchen, pool;
  • standard - Recommended for use for finishing various walls;
  • tile of various forms, to create complex architectural solutions.

Clinker tile differs in color, shape texture. Allocate a large number of its variants suitable for one or another interior option. To create a color of tiles, natural dyes are used in most cases, therefore, the tile differs in environmental safety. Most often, the tile is produced in red-brown or white and gray.

There are strokes with a smooth and rough surface. The first option is similar to a noble brick, and the second - with natural stone. With this material, not only the wall decoration, but also floors, stairs, individual sections of the room are performed.

When choosing a clinker tile for the room, it is necessary to determine the decoration area in advance and, depending on this indicator, calculate the amount of material for work. The resulting value increases about ten percent to compensate for waste and marriage.

In the process of selecting tiles, inspect the packaging in color, there should be no cardinal differences between them. Buying tiles, immediately and purchase glue. Most often, the manufacturer makes up a glue list, optimal to install the tile.

Clinker tiles for interior wall decoration: Application in the interior

Clinker tile is an excellent brick imitation indoor. In order not to build a brick laying inside the room, it is enough to separate the walls in it with clinker tiles. Thus, firstly, it is possible to achieve saving space in the room, on the other hand, the load on the walls is reduced.

There are certain stylist predispositions according to which clinker tiles are used in the interior. We offer to familiarize yourself with them:

  1. Lift style - originated in industrial warehouses, where due to the lack of material resources, repair was not carried out and the finish remained the same as before. This style is widely used in private houses or apartments and implies a finish at least one of the walls of brickwork, which perfectly imitates the clinker tiles.
  2. In Country Stylistics - the mandatory attribute is the presence of a fireplace or oven. In this case, their finishing is also best to perform with clinker tiles. This material besides its appeal is able to withstand a high temperature without losing aesthetic characteristics.
  3. Gothic style - implies compulsory wall decoration with bricks. This material is perfectly combined with large cavalry over the bed, arches and large chandeliers from Crystal.
  4. In minimalist style, clinker tiles are designed to emphasize the urban dwelling performance. Her simplicity makes the room a little extravagant. Preferably use light tiles.
  5. Despite the fact that in the stylistry of Heytec used upgraded technological equipment, finishing of one wall or surface with clinker tiles, gives the room harmony. Tile complements glass and metal products.
  6. Stylistics Rustic implies the use of massive tiles for the design of walls. In addition, the clinker surface should be a bit of the one. Indoors are faced with tiles all the walls. Thus, it is possible to achieve a dimming effect.

If the interior of the room is made in a classic style, then the tile here is most often used when finishing columns, massive structures. The trim of the walls tiles gives them a charm, anticipation and nobility.

Finishing with clinker tiles Photo:

There are several ways to apply clinker tiles in the interior:

  • acceptance of attention on a specific wall - for example, a wall decoration located next to the bed with clinker tiles, or a wall decoration with tile under a lounge in the living room, you can hang pictures on this wall or a series of portraits;
  • creating a brick apron for the kitchen surface, the tile is easy to care and does not affect the fungus and mold;
  • if you decide to install an electric fireplace in the room, then the use of clinker tiles is an excellent option for its finishing;
  • with the help of clinker tiles, it is possible to finely zonate space, dividing it into several functional parts.

How to lay clinker tiles on the wall with your own hands

The clinker tile is placed on the base of concrete, reinforced concrete, brick, metal, wood. Plasterboard walls are not the best base for mounting tiles. Since the base must withstand certain loads from the material, which is not capable of making plasterboard.

Before starting laying clinker tiles, you need to take care of the surface leveling, cleaning it from dirt, old finishing materials, paints. If the base is distinguished by the presence of dust, it processes it before starting work. In addition, it is thus reduced the level of moisture absorption with the base and its connection with the glue solution is improved, on which the tile is fixed. Read the start of the masonry to mark the markup according to which the whole tile will be in the center, and the sides in a symmetric position. For finishing angular sites, a special angular tile is used. If partial decoration of the walls is performed, then work should be started with angular sites.

If during the purchase of tiles you purchased material in various packages, then get tiles from there and mix each other. Thus, it will be possible to reduce the risk of sharp contrast or color drop in the process of laying.

The tile is laid on the wall below. At the same time, the glue solution is prepared in small portions, since the average time of its use is no more than half an hour. Time to change the position of the tile on the wall - 15 minutes no more.

To align the row of clinker tiles each other, use the cord. It is necessary to close the seams after complete drying of the adhesive, after two days from the moment of laying the finishing material. For these purposes, we recommend using special grouts that are installed inside the seam by a rubber spatula.

Clinker tile laying technology on the wall

In the process of installing clinker tiles, it will be necessary:

  • clinker tile, the amount of which is ten percent more necessary;
  • special glue recommended by the tile manufacturer;
  • two spatulas: with a smooth and toothed structure;
  • glass cutter, stoveturis or grinder - with their help a tile cuts;
  • crossings to comply with the same interval between tiles.

Before starting inside the room, it is necessary to prepare walls to laying tiles. The base for clinker tiles should be different, durability, it should not be traces from the old finish. To check the wall at even use the construction level.

Consider if there is a departed plaster on the walls, it should be deleted before starting laying. Walking in this case is made again. Before starting work, it is also covered by the walls of the primer of deep penetration. This composition not only protects the surface from the appearance of fungus and mold, but also improves its adhesion with tiles.

Create a project according to which the tile will be located on the wall. Cropped sections position near the ceiling.

The next stage of work on the walls of the walls with clinker tiles implies the manufacture of adhesive mortar. As glue, a glue composition is most often used, which is mixed with water in a specific consistency. Before breeding glue, carefully read the instructions and add water according to it. In order for the composition to acquire a homogeneous consistency, use the microchnye nozzle.

The resulting mixture is not at least 25 minutes, until all components are completely dissolved. The adhesive composition is applied to the area of \u200b\u200bno more than one square meter. Since its adhesive properties are preserved for half an hour. If the wall decoration is performed outside the room, then for fixing the tile it is recommended to use a strong fixation composition. Elastic glue with moisture-resistant characteristics of medium fixation is suitable for the interior wall decoration by clinker.

Clinker tiles for walls are fixed on the wall with glue. To apply adhesive composition on the base, use a special spatula with teeth. The tile is tightly attached to the wall, use a rubber hammer for additional pressure. Observe small gaps between adjacent tiles, in the future they will be closed by grouting. To comply with the same gap, use plastic crosses.

Note that if you did not have time to put the tile on the previously applied glue and it is already dropped, it is necessary to remove it from the base and put a new portion of the adhesive composition. After two days from the moment of the finishing of the walls, the seams are made between tiles. If the grout accidentally hit the tile, then use a sponge to delete it.

Since the clinker tile is a brick imitation, then there are several ways to lay it. We offer to familiarize yourself with them:

  1. Publishing a spoonful type - Laying the tile by the rotor, and it is possible to get uneven edges, in some cases this feature is an excellent effect for the decoration of the room, for example, under ancient.
  2. Experts use varieties of spoonful masonry by observing it in a diagonal or horizontal direction. Despite the large amount of material circumstances, it is possible to get an amazing effect of decorating the wall.
  3. The use of chain dressing implies the formation of a block using two connected tiles. The method is quite simple, but is distinguished by creating interesting drawings.
  4. Laying tiles in perpendicular to each other allows you to achieve masonry in the form of fish bones. Wall, in this case it looks extraordinary.
  5. The masonry with intertwing bricks is quite rare, as it needs a thorough selection of materials for its execution. In this case, intervals appear between the tiles, to fill which it is necessary to use trimming material. In addition, they are filled with gravel, rubble or other small stones.

Clinker tile is an ideal solution for wall decoration. This material is not afraid of moisture, the temperature drop is distinguished by a long service life. The main rule of obtaining a qualitative result of the tile laying is compliance with its installation technology and the right choice of glue for work.

Laying of clinker tiles on the video wall:

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The beautiful design of the brick laying rooms allows you to give a special comfort home, emphasize the originality of the interior. For the interior decoration of this type, it is possible to use decorative clinker tiles. Material has increased strength, it is easy to clean and is not afraid of water. Can be used in any premises of apartments and houses.

Characteristics of clinker tiles and its features

Thanks to the manufacture of finishing material from natural raw materials, the clinker is completely safe. It can be used to styling bedrooms, children's rooms. Clinker tiles can be used for interior decoration of walls in home offices or living rooms. To other important characteristics of products include:

Low water absorption (about 3%)

The dense structure of the finish excludes significant water absorption, which ensures long service life. It can be used for original design of kitchens, pools, plumbing rooms.

Resistance to burnout

Clinker Even with a constant hit on the surface of UV rays (in the bedroom, in the kitchen) will not change the color and will not burn out. Pigments used for staining are resistant to the negative effects of sunlight.

Foreign safety

Clinker tiles suitable for attractive interior wall decoration around fireplaces and furnaces. The effects of high temperatures or open fire will not lead to the allocation of vapor harmful to health, does not worsen the characteristics of the material.

Easy cleaning of products is provided with a smooth surface. But for premises in which care for materials should be carried out as often as possible (for bathrooms or kitchens), a special kind of clinker with icing is sold. The coating simplifies the removal from the surface of the dust, dirt and fat material.

Production specificity of modern clinker tiles

In foreign and domestic plants producing clinker, a purified clay is used for work. Staining raw materials is performed using natural harmless pigments. In the manufacturing process, clay mixing with mineral components is made. Next, the clinker tile under the brick is obtained (by molding after pressing or grinding). The final stage is the firing of products at a temperature of about 1200 degrees. The pressing and grinding of harvested raw materials makes it possible to make the material dense and eliminate the presence of delights inside individual products.

Size and decorative clinker colors and color gamut

There are two types of standards according to which clinker is classified: European and American. They share materials in size. For example, for American standards, the clinker length is 295 or 193 mm. For European, the length of the products from 210 to 295 mm is allowed.

The variety of clinker colors allows you to select them for any styles: from the modern loft to light provence. On the presented photos, you can see that there are practically no restrictions in the colors of the clinker: it is sold in Light Beige, and in dark brown, black. White clinker tiles, used for visual expansion of rooms by finishing with light materials.

Features of the use of clinker tiles in the interior

Restrictions on the use of clinker in the house No: Finishing is suitable for all rooms. If you use such a finish to stylish each room, you can create an original loft style in a regular apartment. The material is great for this use:

  • framing fireplaces or stoves;
  • manufacture of kitchen apron;
  • framing passes between rooms;
  • supplements of metal stairs or marches;
  • excretion of angles in the hallways and corridors;
  • selection of 1 or 2 walls (their sections) in bedrooms, living rooms.

The decorative clinker tiles and in the bathrooms are perfect. It allows you to stylishly place the premises, give them an original look. Popular use of clinker for framing a niche in the wall: Beautiful design allows you to draw attention to even a small branch and make it a "highlight" of the interior.

Clinker tile is a popular finishing material today. He is universal, but not everyone knows how to use it to finish. In addition, he has a number of advantages and some drawbacks, which is important to study before choosing.

What it is?

Some think that clinker is a new finishing material, which is distinguished by unusual characteristics and innovative production technology. But it is incorrect. Clinker tile is a popular finishing material that has been popular for many years. Just do not everyone knows its correct name. It allows you to return to the old traditions and reminds the work of old masters. External This finishing material is like a brick or stone laying.

The history of clinker tiles is very long. When in the XIX century in European countries there was a sharp increase in demand for building materials due to an increase in urban construction, masters had to look for new types of finishing materials, because the stone and bricks were simply not enough, the quarries were overloaded. Then the masters of the Master of Germany came up with the technology of production of a new material, which was an exeed under high clay temperatures. Moreover, it was not used non-ordinary clay, but a selected, high-quality type of material.

From clay produced "bricks", which in their quality characteristics were even better than the original analogue. They were waterproof, durable and high quality. In addition, they were used for the construction of roads, squares, bases, walls of street buildings and many other things. And such buildings have retained a very long time.

And now in the production of clinker tiles, the same technology is used. Of course, it is produced on factories using new equipment, but in general the process remains the same: clay is selected and burned at a temperature of more than 1,200 degrees. Sometimes minerals and some other additives are mixed in her, which improve its quality characteristics.

Modern clinker tile is dense, and its texture is uniform. If you hit this material with a hammer, there will be a long pure sound. It is from this that the name of this material happened. Klink with Dutch translates as sound or ringing. Hence the material and got its name. From the German language, the word "clinker" is translated as a brick, so some believe that this word has a German origin, like the material itself.

First, the clinker tile was brick blocks, now it is produced in the form of tiles. It is used for facing buildings. It is capable of imitating natural brickwork. The facade decorated with clinker, externally will not differ from brickwork. Now manufacturers represent a wide selection of clinker tiles. And the models have a certain purpose and are necessary for different types of construction and finishing. This is because the material is universal and therefore suitable for many finishing works.

What is needed for?

Clinker tiles are often used for lining houses and industrial structures. She is able to give any facade an aesthetic appearance, as well as protect it from negative factors. Clinker is used to finish already in advance of the prepared and aligned surface to make the visibility of brick masonry. The clinker can also be the primary material for creating whole panels that are separated by the facades. It is used in different forms for finishing.

In addition, the clinker is used even for the insulation of the walls. In private houses, they often finish external pipes at home, as well as other ventilation systems. They decorated at home and other buildings from concrete, stone, wood and other materials.

With it, there are beautiful ladies and other elements of landscape design in the country areas, lay out the garden tracks, as well as floors in a gazebo or on the terrace. Another purpose is the facing of the fences of artificial water sources, such as a fountain, pond, a stream in the country area. With it, also finish the pool.

The clinker is most often lined in the house fireplaces or stoves in the bath. This is due to the strength and reliability of this material. It sends the walls inside the production, as well as residential premises. In addition, in garages, car service and other industrial premises, where the floor accounts for a large load, with its help they even make floors. Thus, the range of use of this finishing material is very wide.


Clinker tile has a number of advantages that attract buyers and determine its popularity. It is very durable and wear-resistant. Such material is almost impossible to damage, it is resistant to external influences of technical type and many natural factors.

A big plus is the durability of this material. But this applies only to those cases when its installation was carried out correctly and efficiently. The service life is not limited to time, since such a tile is practically not wearing.

Over the years, the material over the years is practically not changed, especially if you provide proper care. Moreover, these advantages relate to those cases when the tile is in adverse conditions.

One day the element of the facade will not lose its decorative qualities. The material is completely environmentally friendly and natural. In the process of its production, manufacturers do not use toxic substances harmful to human health. And the tile does not secrete harmful substances and when exposed to elevated temperaturesHow it happens with many other materials.

Clinker tile has a low level of water absorption. This indicator does not exceed 3%. Thus, this tile can be used in almost all rooms, including where the air humidity is too high. Therefore, with its help, the baths and pools are separated.

The advantages are the ability to select one or another product type, depending on the purpose of the room, where this tile will be used. You can save and purchase a model for decoration of residential premises, which will, for example, have a lower level of water absorption.

Clinker tile is a fire resistant.She is also not afraid of temperature drops. From this it does not deteriorate do not change their external characteristics. It is considered a frost-resistant material and is capable of incurring more than 150 cycles of complete freezing and defrosting. Thus, it can be used on the street under all weather conditions, as well as for decoration of walls or sex in unheated rooms. The tile is completely lit, which once again confirms the safety of this material. Wedge is not scary and straight ultraviolet rays.

A great advantage is the ability to select various textures or colors of this material. You can even select models of different sizes in the form of small products or large one-piece panels. You can choose a model for every taste for both external and interior decoration.

The material is chemically inert.It does not give any reaction to the impact of chemical stimuli, even very aggressive. With the external decoration of the room, even in conditions of smog or other harmful effects, the tile is not crumbling.

The clinker is easy to care. She does not collect dust. In addition, this factor slows down the spread of moss. Therefore, the facades of buildings will always be clean and neat.

But this material still has several flaws, although they are rather obvious. First of all, it should be noted the high cost of this material. He will have not for everyone to his pocket. On average, 1 kV. M clinker tile costs from 1500 to 3000 rubles, but manual molding models are much more expensive. Thus, the finish of the house with this material will rise in a round sum. Of course, there are cheaper models, but also the quality of them is usually appropriate. All high-quality products are expensive.

It should also be noted a relatively low selection of product design options. All types of tiles will be like a brick or stone.

Among the shortcomings, many buyers note the fragility of this coverage. This is due to the fact that the technical characteristics of the clinker is very similar to the glass. This material must be transported very carefully and lay soft elements between the tiles or tight stacks with tiles. Even with a slight blow, such a tile can be easily crashing before editing. In addition, the material can easily crack.

A large disadvantage is also considered the complexity of its processing during the installation process: in some cases, it is necessary to cut the clinker tiles for dosilets, and it is quite difficult to do it. Cracks or chips can appear on the location of the cut. It is practically impossible to make it with your own hands without spoiling a cutting material.


Since the clinker fully imitates the brickwork, its dimensions in general correspond to this material. The main difference is the thickness of this finishing material.

Types of clinker tiles may differ in their thickness. It depends on the purpose of this material, as well as on where it will be used: inside or outside the building. Manufacturers represent a clinker with a thickness of 5, 7, 12, 17 mm. But the most popular is the models with a thickness of 7 mm.

For interior decoration, they select the finest products, as they look more aesthetically and do not overload the room. But for the exterior trim, they try to acquire the most durable thick models.

In addition, the thickness of the tile should depend on climatic conditions. The lower the temperature in the region is lowered, the more thick must be clinker tiles. As a rule, a standard size of clinker tile according to GOST is considered to be 11.5 cm by 24 cm. But you can meet other options for the formats of this product. Moreover, they differ depending on the manufacturer. Domestic manufacturers represent models according to the following dimensional line:

  • L-NF -29.5 × 7.1 × 1.5 cm is long models;
  • WF -21.5 × 6.5 × 1.5 cm - medium-sized models;
  • WDF -2.1 × 0.5 × 0.2 cm - small models.

Tile produced in Europe has other parameters. As a rule, its length also remains 240 mm, but the thickness begins from 9 mm. European type clinker differs in width. Manufacturers represent a wide model:

  • DF - 5.2 cm;
  • 2DF -11.3 cm;
  • NF -7.1 cm;
  • Rf -6.5 cm.

You can also meet the clinker of American production. Its thickness is standard - 1.5 cm. The length varies from 19 to 30 cm. But they may differ in width. There are models with a width of 5.7, 7 and 9 cm. Thus, acquiring different tiles from different brands, it is necessary to calculate the costs of materials for one square meter. This indicator varies from 34 to 73 elements per square.


Clinker tiles are distinguished by such characteristics as its texture. So, manufacturers represent several different options:

  • Smooth clinker.Most often it is used for interior decoration, but sometimes for facing facades of residential buildings. Such a tile is the most unpretentious: it is easier to care for it, the dirt and dust are not clogged into it. In addition, it is the thinnest. In general, such a coating looks monolithically and therefore harmoniously.

    Raised. Such a type of clinker resembles a brick not only with appearance, but also in its texture. It is inhomogeneous and has some bulges. In addition, the embossed clinker on the texture can be similar to a stone or other interesting natural finishing materials. But for such a tile, it is necessary to regularly take care, since dirt accumulates in elements of the relief, with time the product can be strongly blocked, which will significantly reduce its presentability.

  • Under ancient. This is the most embossed type of tile, which has artificially created chips, cracks and other visible defects that make the texture of older. Such tiles are used to finish the facades of buildings or some elements of the room under ancient, as well as for the restoration of famous architectural buildings.

There are also different types of clinker depending on the external finishes and textures:

  • Glazed tile. This is a smooth tile with a small glossy reflections. Most often used for decorative trim.
  • With roughness. Such a clinker is used for external or for interior decoration. It has a rude texture and looks more naturally, which allows him to completely repeat the brickwork.
  • At all processed models.Such a clinker is suitable for finishing tracks, industrial premises. Also, some use it to finish the premises under the old days. It looks as natural as possible and simple.

Clinker can be represented not only in a piece format, but also in the form of panels.

Clinker thermopanels

Separately, it should be noted the tile in the form of facade thermopanels. This material is already mounted tile elements. Thus, it is possible to simplify its laying. The clinker in production is installed on already ready-made facade thermopanels so that it can be mounted in this form on the frame of the house. Such a lover will take a little time, but will also look presented. The tile is in advance to be mounted in the thermopanel - polystyrene foam slab with ceramic trim. You can only prepare a frame and all surfaces, secure panels on them and make a grout.

Heatopannel allows you to "kill two hares at once." It will warm the house and make it a facing of beautiful and decorative. In addition, the cost of such panels is rather low and starts from 1,500 rubles per square meter. m.

Thermopanels are a two-layer material, which includes a warm insulator and clinker. As a rule, polyurethane foam, expanded polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam or minvata performs the role of the thermal insulator. On average, the thickness of the insulation layer ranges from 3 to 10 cm. Models of polyurethane foam have high thermal conductivity and good density. In addition, such panels do not rot.

Panels are mounted spikes in the groove, so the coating becomes rigid and stable. He is not blocked by wind and does not pierces frost. Thanks to such thermopaders with clinker tiles, it is possible to reduce the cost of heating at home to 50%.

Since such panels are rather large, then the number of seams on the facade of the building becomes minimal. Thus, you can reduce the number of wrecks. The manufacturer assures that the service life of such panels is at least one hundred years. But thermopanels are hard, so it is not bent. That is why it is necessary to prepare a good basis for them.

Thermopanels have different qualitative characteristics and depending on where they are installed. Thus, the base panels have not such large sizes, but their thickness is rather large. Facade thermopanels, on the contrary, have large sizes, but not such a large thickness.

Depending on which this design consists, the warmed clinker panels are divided into:

  • double-layered - they include only insulation and clinker;
  • three-layer - producers include a substrate from moisture-resistant OSB plates that make them more rigid and durable;
  • four-layer - the fourth - refractory substrate between the layers of insulation and the OSB is added to the previous three layers.

The clinker can be stuck with a special composition on such panels. The glue is used only if the clinker is attached to expanded polystyrene. Thus, the panel initially already has a deepening, where the elements of the tile with glue will be recorded. They are fixed under greater pressure so that the panel completely grabbed.

More reliable are models of pressed type. The clinker is first laid on the shape, it is covered with foam polymer, and then left under high pressure so that the insulation is completely frozen.

Clinker tangled panels

They are presented in the form of a durable and resistant to bending a sheet material, on which the clinker elements are recorded in the form of brickwork. The clinker is attached to glue and holds quite firmly. The facade of the facade is presented in the form of a constructor, in which the adjacent elements continue the previous ones. There are also brackets between the rows that allow you to mount the panels to the wall.

The role of the substrate for such clinker tiles is performed by fibrotent, chip or glass edge plates. All these types of substrates have a homogeneous structure and are quite durable and moisture resistant. In addition, they provide good sound and thermal insulation. In this case, the design is not dried, because all these types of panels weigh quite a bit.

Typically, tiles on such panels are applied using polyurethane glue. It provides good adhesion and reliable fixing tiles on the surface. Such clinker panels cost from 2000 to 3000 rubles per square meter. m.

Thus, the cost is approximately the same as the cost of individual standard elements of clinker tiles, but the installation of such a coating is very simplified.

For decoration of premises from the inside, glass jamsite plates with clinker are used. They have a very small thickness - no more than 8 mm. At the same time, they are resistant to temperatures, chemicals, as well as ultraviolet rays. Also this material will provide good noise insulation, which is why they often make walls in the premises.

It also retains warmth. This option plates is universal, since it is very flexible. That is why it can be separated with coatings that have some defects. The cost of these panels is approximately 3,000 rubles per square meter. m.

Manufacturers even provide the ability to make an individual order of such panels in which you can reflect any option to lay tile. So, you can choose the type of calculation, texture, as well as the color of the clinker.

You can even make models with mosaic styling. But such differences greatly increase the cost of finishing materials.


Many believe that the design of the decorative clinker tile is uninteresting and boring. But it is not. For example, artificial gypsum can look very interesting and even more original than its natural analog. In addition, manufacturers represent a wide selection of models with a different texture, as well as interesting color solutions. Brick stacking due to this looks not so cold and not very monotonous.

Models with design under the antique are just fascinating. They look stylish and natural. Separately, the models should be noted, the design of which has a specially underlined non-uniform firing of bricks. On it alternate bright and more dark areas. This design looks stylish and interesting. This finish will resemble a noble old. In many interiors, it looks more refined than simple smooth modern models.

Models are very popular, which have additional elements in the structure of the material, imitating the pieces of coal, wreckage of stones and minerals. Usually this type of material has a more interesting diverse texture.

Manufacturers represent not only the traditional brick color of the clinker, but also more interesting options. So, the red and white clinker tiles look brightly. Such decisions attract attention and fascinate. And the white clinker tile can be perfectly white, and may have a yellowish tint.

Pretty gracefully looks clinker of ivory. This is especially true of the design of the interior of Provence.

Make a house more cozy will help yellow clinker tiles. It will fill him with warmth and will find it more comfortable.

A black clinker tile looks very restrained and stylish. This is an excellent solution for finishing the interiors in a modern style, such as High-tech, loft, minimalism. At the same time, the grout for such models choose the same black.

The design of the entire coating as a whole affects the color of the grout. It may be similar, and maybe a couple of shades lighter or to be contrasting. The red clinker with white grout looks most bright.

Some clinker tile models are painted in mass. Such covers are painted not only outside, but also throughout the texture. If suddenly the tile is damaged, its color will not change. The coating will look even more vintage and unusual. Decorative coatings with coloring in the mass do not deteriorate from scuffs and scratches. Just in the production process, such a clay is painted in different shades.

Very interesting is the design of the decorative tile from the clinker for the bath. It perfectly replaces ceramics and looks very stylish. To finish this room, glazed tiles are used more often. Moreover, you can choose both transparent and colored glaze. Such products look more bright and modern.

By design, the tile may differ and depending on the size of the bricks. The most standard is the size of ordinary brick, but there are larger or smaller models.

To decorate modern interiors, a small narrow clinker is used, and for more traditional styles - standard models or products with a greater width.

Choosing clinker tiles, initially calculate the required amount of material. To do this, you can use a special program or calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe plot that is planned to be made by this material. Consider that the planned thickness of the intercine seams will affect the consumption of materials. Especially this rule concerns cases when a large surface area is separated by clinker tiles.

Try to acquire a tile with a margin.This is necessary in order to be able to cut it off in places of the joints of the adjacent walls or replace the elements in cases of damage. Thus, it should be purchased by about 10% more clinker for finishing.

When buying, try to check whether there is no package with a tile of broken elements. This is very important because the material is fragile, but it is expensive. Subsequently, it will be quite difficult to change.

If you acquire a clinker for facades, it is important to pay attention to its characteristics. Models for the facade are from 4000 rubles per square meter. m, so you should calculate the cost of such a coating. When buying, try to choose between popular foreign brands that are already proven high-quality models. Many of them give a long warranty period. Although the domestic clinker tile is cheaper, but its quality is mainly lower.

Choosing clinker tiles, consider that Interesting models with embossed texture are much more expensive, but are not so practical.In addition, the maintenance of such a clinker will require additional costs to process the master. Although externally, such a coating looks presentable, but it must be maintained in good form.

Choosing a clinker, pay attention to its color. It must be harmonized with all the elements of the building, if it comes to the exterior. Moreover, this applies not only to the design and color decoration of the building, but also to its architectural features. That is why when choosing it is better to ask for advice from a designer or architect.

Try to pick a clinker in such a way that it matches the rooftop to design and did not look too bright. Contrast options look tasteless.

By purchasing clinker, you also need to buy an adhesive mixture for fastening the data of the elements and the grout, which you will process the seams. As for glue, in this case there is more a durable frost-resistant coating, designed specifically for this finishing material. It is better to pick up adhesive compositions for clinker, which can withstand more than 50 cycles of freezing and defrosting. Thus, you will ensure a more reliable fastening of the finishing materials to the facade of the building.

Grout is also an important element, so you need to pay attention to its quality and color. It must be able to compensate for the temperature expansion of the tile. As for its color, it must be harmonized with tiles.

But in some cases the contrasting edits options are allowed. It is important that she advantageously emphasized the beauty of the clinker.

If you plan to make a clinker building cladding yourself, it is better to look at the facade panels with clinker tiles. In this case, the most practical thermopanels will be the most, since they provide an additional layer of thermal insulation. In addition, they are also much easier to lay them than a piece clinker.

Manufacturers and reviews

Now one of the most popular manufacturers is brand Stroeher. from Germany. It represents models with the highest quality level. Many collections are stylized under ancient, but at the same time have a small glossy shine. Such a coating looks luxuriously, and the care of it is simplified at times. Due to the features of the coating, dust is not delayed and easily washed off from water. The manufacturer also represents non-standard models 44 by 5 cm. With their help, you can make the original and unusual laying. But the cost of this product is quite high.

Among buyers are popular tile from brand Houson which is produced in China. Although the Chinese tile usually is considered rather inexpensive and poor-quality, but in this case the brand proves the opposite. Clinker from this company has many positive feedback. This product is in great demand in Russia.

For quality characteristics, it is not worse than the German clinker, but costs are at times lower. The fact is that the manufacturer does not charge charges for transport services, as it usually happens with models from Europe. It presents a wide variety of design options and colors of such products. In addition, the tile under the brick is slightly different in the format from domestic and European indicators. Models are presented in sizes of 20 x 6 cm and 24 x 6 cm.

Pretty popular is the Polish brand Cerrad. It represents the tile models that are manufactured using dry forming technology. Material in its high-quality and external characteristics is similar to porcelain stoneware. It is most resistant to mechanical impacts and external damage. Moreover, the cost of these models does not exceed 1000 rubles per square meter. M. That is why such models are in great demand. Buyers indicate that such clinker tiles is very durable and high-quality.

Brand Opoczno. - This is another Polish manufacturer who makes a clinker tile designed for facades and facing space around structures. With its help, buyers often separate the steps, tracks, as well as the floors of the verand. This tile is also manufactured using dry press technology and has a high-quality and eco-friendly composition.

Clinker tile GerRardessently popular among buyers. This is due to the fact that the manufacturer represents not only the standard clinker models under the brick, but also products under the tree, as well as under concrete. With it, you can finish the floors and facades of buildings, steps and tracks. The manufacturer also separates the models for internal and external finishes. Buyers write that with its help even finish the windowsills and space around the windows. Also, this manufacturer presents a separate clinker tile line for the pool. That is why such models are in great demand.

In Spain, a good tile represents a brand EXAGRES.. Moreover, you can choose both color models of large size for decorative finishes and standard samples.

Popular Facade Tile Handmade Forming from Brand Vandersanden. These inexpensive samples under brick are of great popularity due to a good price-quality ratio.

In Italy Brand Klinkersire. Products extruded-type models that have a low price and low weight. Of the minuses, buyers call only the briefness of these coatings.

Beautiful examples

Clinker tiles are now taken to use for finishing different interior elements. As a rule, it is a fragmentary finish: with it, it is decorated with one of the walls or only part of it. In order to make a beautiful finish with the help of a clinker indoors, you need to follow several advice. In the interior it is necessary to choose one accent wall and arrange it with a clinker.

This is a great solution for the bedroom in the country style. For example, it can be separated in this way the surface of the wall near the head of the bed. Moreover, the clinker can be both dark and light.

With such a decoration of one room, you can follow the approach of the uniform design of all other rooms by making an accent wall from the clinker in each room.

As for the kitchen, clinker also use here. But in this room with its help, a kitchen apron is often separated. This is a great solution for this zone, since the clinker makes the kitchen more stylish and modern, while it is well tolerate all the effects of temperature and humidity that are characteristic of the apron zone.

In the interior, clinker tiles also use for zoning. So, with its help you can divide the room to different sections, for example, a kitchen on a dining and working area. And in the kitchen area you can put a bright clinker apron, and make a lunch zone more comfortable by placing it with a classic clinker under the brick.

In the interior of the classic living room, a fireplace decorated with clinker will be perfect. In this way, not only a real source of heat can be issued, but also decorative, artificial. Such traditional design looks very stylish.

The clinker tile is often used in the hallway or in the corridor. The angular model is suitable for registration of the lower part of the walls at the entrance, since it is there that the surface is most often exposed to splashes, dirt with shoes. It will be easier to clean in the hallway, while such a designer stroke looks winning.

In the corridor, you can simulate brick masonry near the doorway. You can add this design with a clinker with clinker, columns or accent corners. Clinker tile allows you to create a fashionable and current interior in Loft style. With it, it is possible to separate all the walls and even the floors. Clinker is a characteristic loft style line.

Clinker is also used in the interior of High-tech style and even Gothic. The bright clinker fits perfectly into the interior in the style of Provence or Country, as it looks natural and naturally.

And what about the internal decoration? Today we will tell you more about how to glue, mount (stack) clinker tiles on the wall, about the cost of work and materials.

Conditions of operation within the house, of course, much more gentle than on the "fresh" city air or in the garden. However, there are features here.

  • The bathroom requires increased dampness resistance.
  • For kitchen, it is important to combine resistance to drops of temperature and lightness of cleaning.
  • In the living room you can afford any solution, as the main factor is the decorativeness of the finish.

Wall tile for internal work is characterized by a minimum thickness - 8 mm. It is not too important its wear resistance and bending strength, since the walls are not subjected to such a load. On the contrary, the lighter the finishing material, the less problems arises with the facing.

About the use of clinker in the interior for wall decoration will tell this video:

Purpose and color

Several varieties of items:

  • technical tile - implies a non-colored material suitable for cladding industrial and laboratory premises. Thickness in this case is usually higher because there are resistance to chemically aggressive substances and mechanical strength at such objects;
  • normal finishing - Private product, equally suitable for decoration of the living room or kitchen. Distinguishes its higher porosity and variety of textures;
  • waterproof - Tile with minimal water absorption. It is not even so much for the baths as for more "heavy" objects - saunas, the pool, where the humidity is higher and the temperature differences are much stronger;
  • heat insulating - Not quite ordinary way. To achieve maximum density and strength, the product in front of the firing is additionally dried. If this is not done, the tile turns out more porous, and, it means that has higher thermal insulation qualities. This option is suitable for those cases when the external thermal insulation of the building is impossible or insufficient;
  • special - Products are manufactured for facing complex architectural forms. Usually such a need arises when finishing public premises.

The focus when choosing is paid to the appearance of the product. The decorative capabilities of the clinker are, of course, are limited compared to the cafeter: the material mimics, so the tile is not too varied in form and sizes.

But the gamma colors is much richer compared to the natural color of the clay brick. The addition of mineral pigments allows you to get any, even exotic shades. In this case, the color does not change with time, since the coloring component is mixed to the original raw material.

White clinker tiles for interior wall decoration (photo)


The material may have a different texture:

  • smooth surface - The most common option. A smooth clinker is much easier to wash, while its similarity with ceramic brick remains. Slipness of such a material during wall decoration does not matter;
  • rough - option for living rooms, bedrooms, hols and so on. In the bathroom roughing the tile can be used: the clinker absorbs moisture very little, but it is not suitable for the kitchen: such a surface collects the dirt easily, and it is much more difficult to remove it;
  • glazed - with a shiny smooth surface. Very decorative and unusual clinker. Here, only lading remains with the similarity, but in the interior, this option is willing to use;
  • rustic - reproduces the texture of roughly processed or aged. "Brutal" material is indispensable when finishing in the style of Loft, Industry, Rustic, and so on.

Clinker is not suitable for any interior. Special masonry, a rough surface, a vivid expressive color makes this material very individual. Even when the tile is used in monophonic and only as a background, and then it acts as a kind of emphasis, indicates the selected style.

Designer techniques

Clinker does not create a pronounced vertical or horizontal. But brickwork and strict geometric shapes of elements to some extent structures the wall, make it more expressive and visually approach. This feature must be taken into account in the interior.

  • The entire clinker is finished with clinker - a small lining room will be visually reduced. The tile value affects the effect: a clinker that does not exceed the dimensions can be used in small bathrooms, but the large tile is better to use for a large space.

Clinker is discharged both kitchens and living rooms in English or rustic styles. Moreover, actively applies both natural colors - in red-hidful colors and unusual. White brick, for example, looks great in minimalist living rooms.

  • One wall or partition is burst with a clinker much bowl. Such a surface ceases to be a background, and serves to highlight the zone - a working, dining room, living room, and so on. Almost obligatory is the combination of "brick" walls and. For masonry with the same success, both a one-color version and the "natural" range, where the shades of each "brick" differ and very noticeably.
  • An equally popular fragmentary use of clinker is the trim of the angles, parts of the wall in the form of a panel or symmetrical elements, unevenly arranged brickwork tiles and so on. In this way, some kind of architectural feature of the room can be distinguished or create it. Approximately vertical and horizontal fragments play the role of structural elements, visually lifting the ceiling or expanding the room.

We will tell about the options for laying clinker tiles on the wall in different interiors.

Pro stacking clinker tiles "under the brick" on the wall will tell this video:

Styles of interior

The clinker tile is very expressive in fact, while very far from the concept of luxury, gloss or elegance. So the material is not good for all interiors.

  • Loft - This is, of course, the first thing that comes to mind when looking at the brick wall. Loft - high-specific style, preferring surfaces authentic and roughly processed, brickwork for it - one of the best design options. Clinker replaces heavy brick perfectly. The loft is allowed to finish the tile of the whole room, and, rather, the studio. The style involves very large rooms, combined rooms and so on, where the masonry seems organic and not intrusive. In the commercial version - Industry, the clinker separates some walls or fragments to structure the space and highlight the zones.
  • Country style - Provence, Country, English, Dutch. Clinker is used everywhere as wall decoration, corners and, of course, if it is. The masonry must definitely imitate the brick, but the colors can be very peculiar. So, natural color is welcomed in an English style, in the country is preferable to white and even glossy white, Provence is also white plastered or delicate pastel shades, especially lavender. The indispensable feature of a Dutch or German style is a bright red brick.
  • Rustic - And here it is best to use a tile large and as rudely treated as possible, the aged clinker is quite suitable. The finish will be more spectacular if the tile colors will vary slightly. Rustic suggests the facing of all the walls, so it is better to realize the idea in large rooms. In this case, the effect of dimming will be attended what to take into account.
  • Gothic - Dark large and fine brickwork will bring the required fraction of gloomy into the interior. The difference between the rustic style is that there are coarse, frankly heavy and dark walls are combined with luxurious furniture objects and crystal chandeliers.
  • Minimalism - uses both a casually processed stone surface and glossy brick. Here the clinker allocates zones and emphasizes on planes.
  • The same task tile plays in style technoHowever, here "brick" is selected smooth, with the most accurate geometric circuits and in one color, the natural gamma is not welcome.
  • IN high tech The tile is applied less often, as the style prefers smoothly smooth surfaces, but it can also be used as an accent. The fragment must have a pronounced vertical and horizontality. The trim of corners and niches is not allowed. Color white or contrast bright - black, red.

About the technology of laying clinker tiles on the wall read below.


As a base for cladding is suitable, a metal structure is suitable. Plasterboard - option more dubious. However, with sufficient density and small sizes, a decorative fireplace, for example, a solution is allowed.

The main requirement to the base is the smooth surface: it is impossible to put a solid solid tile on the uneven wall. Permissible unevenness - no more than 2 mm per square. m.

What do you need

No special tools for clinker laying are not needed. It will take the following.

  • The clinker of the appropriate size and color - to purchase is preferably 10-15% more, because part of the tiles will have to be trimmed, and the part may suffer during transportation.
  • Special glue for ceramic tiles - even in the house is not desirable, although it is allowed. If the bathroom is facing, the glue must also be waterproof.
  • The main tools are the toothed and smooth spatula, rubber hammer.
  • For trimming tiles, glass cutter, stovetur, Bulgarian with a diamond disk applied. To make a hole - for a socket, for example, drilling a tile must be diamond crowns.
  • To comply with the same seams, assembly crossings of the corresponding value are used.

Technologies and options

The main complexity when laying the wall is that it is impossible to place the stacking dry, such as, for example, the stairs. So you have to rely on your experience or make marking. The last solution is better and in the case when it is necessary to choose the material so that the center of the wall or fragment occupy whole tiles, and the circumcised turned out to be on the perimeter of the panel or closer to the corners.

  1. The base is prepared for operation: it is leveled, put it, if there is a need for this, and is processed by the primer of the appropriate type. Clinker's adhesion is high enough, but still, it is better to progress.
  2. Glue is prepared according to the instructions. It is recommended that the composition is recommended to mix small portions designed for laying somewhere 1 kV. m. The composition retains adhesive properties for 20-30 minutes, and then comes in disrepair.
  3. Tile from different packages before laying is taken out and stirred in order to reduce the difference in the shade to a minimum.
  4. Begain the laying from below, as a rule, from the left corner. If part of the wall is facing, then start from the window.
  5. The glue is applied to a plot of no more than 1 square meter. m. Totchatper. To avoid absorbing moisture, the glue layer is also applied to the tile, but immediately remove the smooth spatula. Water, contrary to popular belief, can not be lubricated, since it disrupts the process of glue polymerization. When laying on the clinker wetted.
  6. Putting the tile is needed in the direction of the lines on the wrong side. The clinker is pressed against the surface and is confrontated by the image to achieve dense adjustment. Between the tiles install mounting crosses so that the seam is the same.
  7. Each second row of tiles is checked by a building level. Within 10-15 minutes after the laying, the position of the tile can be changed, but after the collapse, do it fails.
  8. After 2 days, they start. Inside the premises for this it is better to use the epoxy mixture. The grout is applied by a rubber spatula and leveled with a wet sponge. At the same time, traces of grouting or glue on the tiles themselves are removed. After 2-3 hours, wet cleaning is recommended to repeat.

Methods of installation

The clinker tile imitates the brick, so the methods of laying is the same as bricks are possible. In fact, they are not so much.

  • A spoonful bandage is the easiest and accessible option to lay a rotation. The edge is uneven if required, the tile is cut. Sometimes this feature is used as a decorative effect.
  • A spoonful bandage can be used when laying horizontal rows or diagonally. The last way is more difficult, it will turn out a lot of trimming, but the wall looks very effectively.
  • Chain bandage Two tiles form a block. And the blocks are stacked alternately in a vertical and horizontal position - very simple and interesting.
  • "Fish bone" - the tiles are placed perpendicular to each other, forming an angle. The masonry is simple, the edge is very uneven, but the original species of the wall is provided.
  • Commissioning masonry - on the walls is applied much less often, as it requires a clinker selection of two different sizes. Larger tiles in the form of bricks are stacked alternately vertically and horizontally so that the grip horizontal "brick" rests on the side of the vertical side.

With such a masonry, large gaps appear between the elements. They are filled with small tiles. Also for filling can be used, or other small stone. In the residential room is not a bathroom and kitchen, you can leave such a weave without a placeholder, since here the excessive moisture is not threatened.

About the price for the work on the facing and interior wall decoration with clinker tiles, for example, "under the brick", we will tell below.

Cost of works and materials

  • The price of the clinker wall tile is quite democratic: its thickness is small, and so high requirements are not presented to density and mechanical strength. Various cost from 556 p. up to 1348 r. per square. m.
  • The work itself, depending on the masonry method, is estimated at 1300-1400 p. per square. m. Grouting, as a rule, it does not include another 300-400 r. per square. m.

Finishing with clinker tiles is an interesting design solution for many modern and rustic styles. Surprisingly, as far as the cozy feeling creates a brick wall in the kitchen and how much the trim of the clinker of the corners and arches is.

A specialist in this video will tell about the role of clinker in the design of the interior of the housing: