Beautiful reservoirs in the garden. Decorative design of an artificial pond with their own hands

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ABOUT difty of the best accents in landscape decoration can be an artificial reservoir. Such a structure will delight the owners of the site and will serve as a great place to relax. Many cottage sites are limited in size and are not suitable for large reservoirs, but having instructions and certain construction skills, you can make a small pond in the country with your own hands step by step. Photo All stages of installation will allow you to decide on the technical side of the issue. Before installing the water, you will need to prepare certain materials, choose a suitable project and familiarize yourself with the recommendations from specialists.

To build a beautiful pond in the country, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money. From the primary options you can build a budget option

I solve how to make a pond in the country with your own hands, you first need to decide on the size and shape of the structure. These parameters are dependent on the size of the site and the preferences of the owners. At the same time, the water can be both a strict geometric shape and have natural contours of a natural pond.

The following requirements are presented to the place of the future location of the water structure:

  • the reservoir should not be covered with sunshine all day, just 7-8 hours per day. With intense lighting, water can bloom;
  • the pond should not be located in a too shaded place;
  • there should be no trees nearby, as the foliage will pollute water;
  • the selected place should not be very frozen by the wind.

When choosing a good place, the value has a terrain and a good design review from any place.

If the pond is planned to install the fountain, then it is necessary to take care of the convenient electrification. Special rules when choosing a configuration of the structure does not exist. Pond can have any form - asymmetric, loop, oblong or square.

Helpful information!The deeper container, the more in a brighter place should be the pond. If the fish will dwell in water, then it is worth considering that the amount of oxygen is reduced in a strongly heated water.

The pond in the country's own hands step by step: photo and installation guide

There are several ways to build a pond in the country with their own hands. Select landscape photo ideas will help. To quickly carry out installation works, it is worth purchasing a finished form. There are special tanks from rubber rubber and reinforced plastic on sale. The budget option is the insulating film.

Installation using the finished form

After selecting a suitable place, the finished form should be put on the ground and to read the contour. Marks made trench. After mounting the tank, it needs to be filled by a third and adding sand to the formed emptiness. Then the bowl is filled with water. After the shrinkage around the received reservoir, plants are planted, and a stone is stacked.

Helpful information!Plastic containers are distinguished by durability and simplicity of installation, but such structures are destroyed in time under the influence of ultraviolet rays. The best option is a fiberglass tank that is strengthened by the rubber basis.

Film arrangement

With the right approach, you can equip the pond from the film with your own hands. Step-by-step photos demonstrate how to perform a good job. For installation, you can choose the following colors of the film:

  • black reflects the clouds well, it looks like a mirror;
  • brown material imitates the ground at the bottom;
  • cream and blue film will give similarity with the pool and at the same time fish are remarkably visible.

When choosing a material, it is worth paying attention to the composition of the material, thickness and resistance to mechanical damage. Bonding material is made by special glue. The use of the film can be accompanied by a preliminary arrangement of a sand pillow. The laid film must lie freely, without excess tension. After laying the material, the pit can be filled with stones. After the water is disappeared into the tank for several days, the film can be trimmed.

Helpful information!The harder the device of the reservoir, the more stronger there should be a film.

Features of water filtration and plant landing

Installation of the filtering system must necessarily accompany the design of the pond at the dacha with their own hands. At the same time, the photo of the necessary work can be viewed on the site. This is especially important when running fish.

Filtration kits can be purchased in stores. They are attached to the instruction with which the equipment is installed. An important stage is the planting of plants. For the landing in the water will fit the graonist and tail. You can choose floating cultures: hyacinths and lilies. Ferns, reeds and reeds will look around the reservoir.

Helpful information!Artificial reservoir must be cleaned periodically. At the same time, the bottom should be cleaned of il, leaves and other garbage.

Article on the topic:

Pond at the cottage with your own hands: Landscape photo ideas and decoration

Special design requires ponds in the country with their own hands. The photo displays the best designer techniques. Statuettes, stones and beautiful trees can be used as decor. Drops and uneven relief make it possible to build a cascade and a waterfall. The original solution will be a bridge or artificial ride.

The finished facility can be decorated with the following elements:

  • it is fascinating underwater illumination, for this, mini spotlights are mounted;

  • for mounting fountains, different types of pumps will be required.

Vegetation is considered an important decoration. It can be planted in baskets filled with land and install on the surface of the reservoir. Nearly, high varieties of plants will look good.

Helpful information!Before purchasing Fish, you need to clarify the conditions for their content. Some species of fish are entitled among themselves, so you need to choose those who will stay with each other.

Useful tips: how to equip a pond in the country with your own hands, video

  • the pond is better to draw up stones of different sizes. Harmonious combination of blocks with small stones will create a magnificent view;

  • do not use when creating water bodies, the sheer surfaces on which it is difficult to place plants;
  • when gardening, it is worth using containers that will prevent the strong growth of plants.

Helpful information!For planting water crops requires a special soil. At the same time, plants should not occupy more than half of the area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir.

How to prepare a reservoir for winter

The pond, made of plastic bowl, is well tolerating the winter cooling. So that the bowl is not deformed under the load of the ice, you can lower several plastic sand bottles into the container.

In the case of a film design, a similar method can also be used. In winter, equipment and plants should be covered. When the first appearance of the leaf fall, the pond must be covered with a fine-colored grid. Before the frosts are cleaning the water and water pumping. Plants and fish must be sent to winter facilities. Pumps and filtering equipment should also be removed.

In the spring, the reservoir can be launched when the night temperatures will become higher than the zero mark. When complying with all the installation rules and in the presence of high-quality material, you can build a beautiful pond in the shortest possible time. The use of stylish decor elements will create an excellent central composition on the plot.

In the summer, we all want to relax well from the water, but not everyone has the opportunity to go to the sea. Someone spends a summer vacation on its own country, but even in a small area you can create a zone of comfortable rest with an artificial reservoir made by your own hands.

Reservoir for giving - where to start

In order for the issue of the reservoir building, it seemed so complicated, it is necessary to divide the whole process into several stages and to perform them in succession.

To begin with, decide on the place for the future artificial pond and its size in the country area.

How to choose the most suitable area for the reservoir in the country:

Important! It is easier to build a reservoir of a small area. If you are confused by the scope of work or the financial side of the question, start with the lake of the minimum size.

Perhaps subsequently, having experience and skills of work, you will create a fairly bulk version of the reservoir in the country, with your own hands, good experience is given on video

We are determined with the dimensions and form of the future reservoir in the country

The depth of the reservoir, according to experts, should not be too big, for an artificial lake there will be enough blowout to two meters. The deepest part is usually done in 1/5 of the area of \u200b\u200bthe whole reservoir.

When planning a pond, consider the landscape of the site of your cottage. Designers advise to make it on a flat surface area, and if the relief of the territory of the cottage is buggy, with slopes, in this case it is better to stop the choice on the current stream or cascade.

It is necessary to choose which version of the pond is most profitable and interesting to fit into the landscape of the site of your cottage. Designers of landscape objects offer a lot of variants of decorative water bodies, you only need to be performed in the subtleties and nuances of various projects and pick up the best, optimally appropriate for your cottage.

Varieties of the shape of water bodies

The reservoir can be with clear geometric lines of shores, especially if it is located on the territory near the mansion built in a strict aristocratic style, with alleys, tracks, flower beds of the right geometric forms. In this version, the pond or lake will be organically fit into the overall interior of the plot.

A small pond area can be made round or oval shape, use moisture-boring plants to decorate it.

If you wish to get closer to the natural landscape, the coastline is performed with winding or arbitrary shape, in order to maximize the natural reservoir in the country.

You need to think about the design of an artificial lake in advance so that it is combined with the style of the rest of the dacha, complementing it.

Before you begin to work in the country, you should also foresee how you plan to use your future artificial pond. If you want to get a swimming space, then it can not be breeding fish. Decorative reservoir will not be used for bathing on sanitary standards and hygiene requirements.

Choosing the size of the future reservoir, keep in mind that an artificial pond is the same biosystem as a natural pond or lake, with the optimal ratio of animal and plant world, with water purification system, self-regulation of microorganisms.

Follow the observance of ecobalans and maintain it easier in large artificial reservoirs, in small, as in small aquariums, maintain the necessary balance is much more complicated. But in the manufacture of your own hands and materially, and it is much easier to make a small pond much easier.

The shape of the pit under the pond in the country

It is clear to make an artificial reservoir in the country, first of all, you need to dug the cutting of the corresponding forms and sizes. Drive under the pond has its own characteristics. In shape, it resembles a deep plate with wide edges, as can be seen in the photo.

At the edges of the pit, a small coastal zone must be performed, then a protrusion that prevents the water transfusion from the coastal zone to the bathing area, and vice versa. The center is deepening to the required size.

To support environmental equilibrium, water in the pond should circulate, otherwise it will quickly clog out, and loses his decorativeness and attractiveness.

In a small pond, a skimmer is installed in the country to support purity, which allows you to clean the surface layer of water from contamination, and the UV sterilizer. To do this, at the bottom of the reservoir, drainage pipes are installed through which water is pumped into the filter and back into the bathing area, as in the photo.

Materials for waterproofing bottom of the reservoir

Options for the manufacture of waterproof bottom of the reservoir may be several:

  1. Using the finished plastic form. Such a choice of the bottom greatly simplifies the procedure for manufacturing a water branch for giving, but limits the possibility of choosing the size, shape of the shores and volume of water space form and sizes of the selected container. Typically, such a container has a small volume to 4m 3;
  2. The bottom of the reservoir in the country can be made from concrete, but it will be a rather time-consuming procedure, moreover, additional protection against frost will be required to avoid cracking of the concrete base. In addition, if there is a need to rework or dismantle a pond in the country, to do it will be quite problematic;
  3. One of the most budget options for the giving will be the bottom of the water reservoir, but the process is quite labor. It will take on the bottom of the bowl of the reservoir to apply two layers of the clay dough, and then also to strengthen the bottom of the small crushed stone, pressing it into the clay layer;
  4. The most optimal and most used method is the use of a special film stacked on the bottom of the pit.

Important! If the width of the roll of the film does not allow you to cover all the bottom of the pitual one whole piece, it is necessary to weld the seams so that the water can be seen from the reservoir.

Choosing a film, keep in mind that cheaper options have a significantly smaller service life, fasterly destroyed under the influence of frost and sun rays, video

Execution of earthworks

To dug your own hands under the water 20-30m 2 or more - the task is not easy. Perhaps it will be easier to attract technique in the form of a small excavator. With a minor scope of earthworks, you may, you will bypass or hire several workers armed with shovels, video

The main thing is to correctly designate the size and shape of the required pit.

We are placing the boundaries of the future reservoir using a rope or hose, you can sprinkle with sand contours so that they can be easily distinguished. The coastline is then digging the trench to about the depth of the bayonet, thus, the first level of depth is the line of the marsh zone, a depth of 40 cm and 30-50 cm wide It turned out a bowl, as in the photo.

The second level is made to a depth of 1 meter, the deepest third level in the center of the pit.

Important! In the process of digging, check the level of shores, they must be the same height.

On the perimeter of the dug pitcher, another moat, up to 30 cm deep, so that it can be put and secured the edges of the film.

Film laying

Before laying the film, the bottom of the row need to be aligned, the ramming, remove the stones, the roots of trees, garbage. Then pumped the sand layer, 15-20 cm, thoroughly roll up and tamper. After that, a layer of rubberoid or geotextiles is placed, you can use the old linoleum, and then the bottom is lined with the film.

The edges of the film are fixed by brick or stones, and after that, the water is filled with water. Water is poured by several portions, if there are air bubbles under the film, they need to be removed in the water reservoir filling process, consider the experience of others on the video\u003djlxwyfnrkig. After that, the ends of the film are placed in the prepared ditch, fasten with crushed stone or large stones.

The arrangement of the reservoir in the country's own hands is stepdown

When you fill in the pond in the country with water, measure how the volume of water was required. It will be the capacity of your reservoir. In accordance with these data, it will be possible to choose the necessary power of the pump, filters and other equipment for water purification in the water branch in the country. Usually it can be purchased by a set and install it with your own hands in accordance with the instructions.

Then you need to strengthen the edge so that the earth does not appear inside the reservoir, and arrange the coastline in accordance with your project.

It is possible to lay out a large stone on the bottom, it must be a rounded shape, so as not to damage the film and do not injure swimming. Stones can decorate the shores of the pond in the country, better if large boulders alternate with smaller stones. In addition to stones, in the design of the water branch in the country, you can apply squigs, wooden structures, animal figures and other options.

For the design of the shores of the reservoir in the country, there are also moisture-loving plants with large leaves, such as bad laments, as well as ferns, valley, coniferous shrubs. In shallow water, you can plant such plants like AIR, Rogo, Rogoz, or Water Lily as a video

In the center of the pond for the cottages there are pitches, lotus. An interesting design decision will be the creation of a floral composition floating in the center of the reservoir, as in the photo.

Typically, plants in special containers or pots or pots are used to design decorative reservoirs, it is convenient to clean them for the time cleaning the bottom and replace water.


The creation of a reservoir at the cottage for each of the wishes, the main thing is to carefully treat the recommendations of specialists. Of course, you will have to spend time and money, but as a result you will get a wonderful place to relax and will be happy to spend time at your dacha.

And pond. Even a small reservoir as a magnet pulls others. Water fascinates even in small quantities ... and the pond can be built in several hours. But it is a small artificial reservoir. For the construction of great and money, and time.

Where to dig

On small artificial reservoirs, it is best to look from above. Because if there is an appropriate sweep on the site, it is best to do it here. There is, however, in this and the negative side: you will have to raise the edges of the bowl higher, so that the rain water does not get inside. The second option is to come up with a water removal system (above the reservoir to make a drainage system).

If there is somewhere on the site the key, it is logical to make a natural pond, dig or deepening the existing bowl by posting by cobblestones or stones of his borders, plant plants. The rod, which is necessarily in this case, can also be created by laying it by a cobblestone, drowned them into a splashing ground, you will give great strength to the shore, you can plant moisture-boring plants between them.

Even a small waterfall is a magical spectacle how to drive a pond, if there is a natural stream on your site - dig up the pit, sow it with a stone and direct the stream in it

Not everyone has such a luxury on the plot, as a stream or key. It is necessary to make artificial reservoirs. With proper registration they look no worse than natural.

How to make an artificial pond with a bowl (without a film)

The easiest and fastest way to make an artificial reservoir in the country is to bury the finished bowl into the ground, issued and reagreeing its edges. Bowls are plastic - ready-made different shapes, sizes and colors (mostly blue, green and black).

The device of a plastic garden or dacha pond is a simple matter. Here is a step-by-step instruction:

  • It is necessary to dig the pit in the form of a bowl. If the form is very non-standard, you can turn it out at the installation site upside down, outline by something contour (even throw a shovel). The bowl is aside, digging the pit. It should be slightly more - a little wider, but not deeper. The edges or must be on the same level with the soil, or slightly perform. If it turns out to lift a little edge will even better: during the rain, dirty water will not fall.
  • After the desired depth is achieved, the bottom is aligned into the horizon: it is aligned at first the shovel, then the surplus is removed and the smooth bar. The surface must be smooth and rigid: plastic should have a good support. If the land is poorly leveling (clay), you can pour out 5-10 cm of sand, wet it and catch it.
  • The next step is to install in the boilers. If the bottom was done smooth, the edges of the bowl will become exactly relative to the horizon. Now the space that remains between the wall of the bowl and the pit need to be filled with soil or sand and good to ravibly.
  • Now it's about the design: the installation is finished, you can pour water.

As such technology, a pond in the courtyard with backlit was built, look at this photo report (you can flip by yourself by clicking on the thumbnails below).

Copy pitted. They decided that the board would be 1-2 cm above the level of the track - there will be less garbage inside, and the edges decorate the stones from this side just below the maximum level embedded into the bowl of the pipe - so that the water surplus the water. It was brought into the sewer

But not always and not everywhere there is an opportunity to constantly add and remove water into the pond. Then you have to or plant such plants that will clean it, or periodically change it.

Pond from the old bathroom

It is not necessary to buy a bowl. You can use any container. Even an old bath. It turns out very well. All actions are the same, the first digging by the pit, the bath is placed in it, which goes on, look at the series of the following photos. They are transformed on them from the old bath in a truly adorable corner.

The platform was still embarrassed by the wire - so that the clay does not swim, and the playground did not seek it in a month this beauty - a garden Pru, built with my own hands I am glad

PRADIK MANUAL Tires (with film)

A minibar can be made from the old car tire, or rather from the tire. What it is more, the more reservoir. The most difficult thing in this business is to cut off one side part. If the edge turned out sharp, they need to be treated with sandpaper. The second is the complexity of the task - to dig the pit of the appropriate size. At this difficulty ended. The rest is completely easy.

The cropped tire is installed in the pit, falling asleep on the sides of the earth, is well compacted. Also, the land or sand is poured inside, the bottom is leveling. You take a piece of dense polyethylene film, you can roll twice and drag the resulting tank. Do not try much: install water, it will send the film itself.

Instead of polyethylene, you can take a banner film (there is in advertising firms that produce outdoor advertising) or a piece of special for pools and ponds. They are much stronger (but more expensive).

The protruding ends of the film are touched around the walls of your pond, decorated with stones. The pond device is completed, further - decoration and plant landing. See how to make a tire pond in the photo report.

The next stage of the production of a mini-pond for summer cottages - decoration of edges by stones

That's certainly nothing complicated in such a device. Such a reservoir in the country can build anyone, and the attachments are minimal.

In general, mini-ponds are made from tanks, barrels, saucepan, even flower pots. The main thing is that there is a corps, and it is not very difficult to arrange it: gradually experiences experience. Put them in the garden, at the cottage, near the house. It is possible to bring water, to make a stream, it can be diluted under trees, such as shrubs. And beauty and benefit at the same time.

We make a pond with a film

Creating this artificial pond from the film, you almost exactly repeat the work described above, only without installing the bowl:

  1. mark the form of the future pond;
  2. digging the pit, forming, if necessary, ledges;
  3. clean the bottom from any acute items: roots, stones, etc.;
  4. align the shores of your pond;
  5. spread the waterproofing film;
  6. fill in water pond;
  7. fix the edges of the film;
  8. decorate.

The country pond, created by this technology can be more solid sizes. Important moment: on the bulk soil, make it easy to make and put the film will not work. You will have to invent some kind of activities to strengthen the shores. In this case, you will have to or put a bowl, or to make a more serious structure - from brick or concrete. Next, consider examples of how to make a pond from the film.

First project: Board Vrowning with a soil

Eight simple steps and your reservoir on the cottage is built. How to dig and equip the pond in the country, make it look like a natural look in the photo report.

Second project: Board raised

The second version of the homemade pond in the first stages is built almost as first. Only after the depth of the pit has reached the project, the side lifted, laying on the edge of the brick and slaining. It turned out with raised sides. Another water circulation system is still made. It is presented in the figure below.

As you can see, this pond is more multi-layered and litter it is more serious. If you want to have a reservoir at least medium sizes and do not build a serious bowl, you can act as shown in the figure: to squeeze the cut-made sand, cover, and only on top to put the film. Geotextile evenly distributes the load and does not allow to germinate by plants. This is especially true if you build a pond in the garden and have shrubs or trees nearby.

Serious projects: from brick and concrete

If you want to have a big pond in the country, and you wish to build it with your own hands, you will have to study the topic for the construction of the pools. First, the construction of cups - one to one repeats all the stages. Even the forms are sometimes done stepwise. True, the shores are not executed by plants, and they do not plant them in the pool itself ... But the process of construction, with reinforcement, plaster, waterproofing is the same. Moreover, the water supply and water purification system is also similar. Except that the ponds do not use chemical methods of cleaning, but filters, scremmers and ultraviolet can be used.

In general, the big pond is the cheapest pleasure. Moreover, expenses require only construction, but also maintaining a large reservoir in a normal state: the filters need to be cleaned regularly and change cartridges or backfill. But pleasure, of course a huge ...

Not the biggest pond, but 10 bags of cement went on it, 30 sand bags (20 large and 10 small), hydrophobic additive - 5 packets so that concrete is water-repellent. Mained on fixed grid

Plants for the pond

Forming or choosing a bowl, consider not only its shape and depth. If you want plants into the pond, a swampy coastal area is necessary. If we form with a film using a film, you can make approximately such a profile as in the picture.

It is more convenient to do this if you squeeze the sand layer at least 15 cm thick. With it, you can make relief as you like. To work was easier and the film was not broken, in the sand lay geotextiles. This thin membrane is very durable on the gap. You can do what you want, and do not break it. By molding with its help the desired bottom relief, you can put the film and lay stones on it, pour water and plant plants for a pond at different levels.

In order for the water to be enough oxygen, you can plant Canadian, rogolnik and the shroud. They are in the photo below. Sit down into the water are aquatic plants.

If the household territory is spacious enough, and in a plot near the house there is a lot of free space, take advantage of the possibility of arranging decorative reservoir. Such an object will perfectly complement the zone on the site designed to relax. We are sure: near the pond will be much more pleasant to spend time reading newspapers or refresh legs, relaxing after a working day.

And taking into account that the appearance of such a reservoir may be different, you can arrange an aqueous corner in such a way as to create even more comfortable living conditions.

Creative ideas to arrange such an object you will be able to learn from this article, looking at the photos and pictures of artificial man-made ponds created in the country's dacha in the efforts of their owners.

How to make an artificial pond in the country, photo


If you have made a decision to mainly build a pond or other reservoir for bathing, first of all, select the best place to place it.

Choosing a pond creation zone, take into account the following points:

  • preferably, the water object is located in an open territory. The presence of trees in the pond zone will distort the landscape, besides, they will be contaminated with water from the leaves and sprigs, there will be a need for its constant cleaning;
  • try to choose a zone in which after creating an artificial reservoir there will still be a place. Over time, you will want to increase the size of the pond, including new decor elements in the water complex - consider that some of them can be very overall;
  • refuse to create a water facility in a zone located under the scorching sun, otherwise the reservoir will quickly dry, the water will bloom in it, there will be harmful bacteria in it.

Ideally, if the sun will illuminate the water object only in the first half of the day or, on the contrary, in the second. At lunchtime, the place where the country pond is located should be in the shade. Examine the opportunities for the formation of the shadow zone in advance: in an optimal place to form the marking of the water site and appreciate how its illumination will change the day.

To create a shadow zone, you can use the buildings or high plants located near the pond. Shrubs and a tree (for example, weaving willows) will decorate the water and give it a natural appearance.

You need to be able to harmoniously turn on the water object in the existing landscape - be sure to take into account this moment when planning a water branch.

Pond in the country, do it yourself: Landscape ideas, photos

If you decide to create a water facility in a nizine on the wet areas of the garden, then you will get the opportunity at the expense of the drainage system to ensure the removal of water from the homeland territory. If the plot is smooth, lick the reservoir on the border of the garden zone - where shrubs and trees grow, or close to living hedges (in this case, you will need to create a soft transition from many years of vegetation).

Refuse to form an artificial pond in the country area in the location zone of the lawn. If there is no other place, visually divide the pond and lawn grass, putting on the border of the plant of different varieties, including low vegetation so that water can be seen.

Many owners of dacha plots form decorative reservoirs near rockers and mountaineers. Boulders, which are part of such objects, can be successfully combined with the design of the pond.

Do not ignore the ravine and other irregularities on the site: they will become an excellent basis for the formation of streams flowing towards the pond on the boulders. Over time, in this zone you can install the bridge - it will become another element of the landscape decor.

Choose shape and style

Before you have to equip your own pond in the country area, you need to think about several more nuances. First of all, decide with the style in which the water object will be decorated. From the selected style, the shape of the reservoir will be directly dependent.

For example, the English direction is characterized by rounded form. In regular modern design, concise lines and accurate proportions are dominated.

Imitation of the pond in the country of hand, photo

And the most naturally looks up the ponds in the Asian style. For such design, the unevenness and asymmetry of forms are characterized.

Strict requirements for the appearance of the reservoir in the country area are absent. But it is preferable that it looks natural.

A good idea is a combination of several different forms in the formation of an artificial pond on a spacious plot.

Registration of a pond at the cottage, photo

Choosing materials

An independent creation of a water facility in the country area is beginning to prepare a pit. The reservoir can be formed in two ways:

  • due to the use of ready-made forms from polyvinyl chloride or fiberglass. Plastic and polypropylene reservoirs are also very popular. When choosing, proceed not only from the price, but also from high-quality parameters, if you want a pond for a long time preserved a presentable view;
  • with the help of PVC film or special boutique-based rubber. The main advantage of these materials is their durability. The film will last ten years, and rubber - whole half a century.

Artificial pond at the cottage, photo

Each of these methods has its advantages. When using the finished form, you will quickly complete the work on the construction of the pond, since for the formation of the pit it is necessary only to fasten it from the inside. The second technology makes it possible to select the parameters of the reservoir and creating natural design - it is used if it is decided to build a concrete object ..

In addition to the materials for forming a reservoir form, prepare everything you need in order to maintain it in an optimal state. Buy at least a pump - it is for sure you will come in handy.

Before proceeding with the arrangement of a pond in the garden, we advise you to explore the recommendations of the landscape design professionals presented in this video:

Master class on the formation of a reservoir not film based

We offer step-by-step instructions for the independent creation of a decorative pond in a rubber-based garden or from the film. You need to start with the preparation of the pit: If the reservoir is small, take advantage of the shovel, for the overall pond will need a special technique.

Make a plot with pegs.

Remove the surface layer of the soil, removing the terrace to a depth of 30 cm and the width of 20 cm, and dig the main recess.

Important! The edge of the pond should have a 45-degree bias, and the deepening of the recovery is to make a minimum of 60 centimeters. If the depth is less, the reservoir will freeze in winter, and in the summer - heavily hot.

To ensure a high-quality device of water with waterproofing from the film, make a 15-centimeter trench around the perimeter of the water object for a more reliable fastening of the film.

After preparing the pit, crush the bottom, removing the boulders, and make a sandy pillow with a height of 0.15 m. Cover the pigtail to protect the film material.

After that, you can make a gasket film. Its parameters are selected taking into account the depth of the reservoir, multiplied by two, and its lengths. Please note that the film will need to be strengthened at the edges, that is, the reserve will need another 50 centimeters.

Estate the film by fixing the edges of bricks, and fill the pond with water. Excess films around the edges do not need to cut, for 24 hours the material will take the desired form. After this time, it will be possible to cut off the edges, leaving 25 cm for the scene.

Decorative pond in the country, do it yourself, photo

Distribution Design on the basis of individual preferences. It can be made of stone, and you can - tiled or brick. For fixing materials, cement mortar is used. The minimum width of the scene is 60 centimeters.

Bath reservoir

A homemade little pond on the country area can be created from the old font. We will find out in more detail how step by step to implement this idea. Start with the formation of a pit, its dimensions will be small. Depth depends on bath dimensions.

Fill the pitted sand and make a cement screed so that the soil waters do not blur with the reservoir. The sand layer in 10 centimeters and a 3-5-centimeter cement layer will become a reliable pillow. A week after creating these layers, form a gravel layer, about 25 centimeters height.

Lower to the prepared kitty bath. By installing the font, fill the cavity from the side of the gravel (at least 10 centimeters from the font to the cut). Check the edges of the bath do not protrude above the shore. Pond perimeter decorate with small smooth pebbles or large boulders.

Pond design at the cottage, photo

If you wish to handle the reservoir from the bathroom on the canopy area, on one side, fasten the bath with a large boulder, making a full-fledged subtop for one side and partial for the one that is free. The appearance of such a composition will resemble a mountaineering.

Creating a mini-pond

As already noted, the artificial reservoir created by its own efforts may have any configuration. If you want to create a pond that will only perform a decorative function, you can use small-sized containers.

For example, you can create a miniature reservoir from the pelvis. The pond is formed by the same principle as the pond from the overall bath. To implement this idea, you can use not only a basin, but also the old trough, the containers for colors and barrels.

Multipurous reservoirs from automotive tires are very often designed. To create such a mini-pond from the tires, it is necessary to form a reliable bottom.

Little pond in the country, do it yourself, photo

After examining the gallery of photos of finished ponds in the country area, you will see that small reservoirs can be deepened or, on the contrary, towel over the pits. To decorate such objects, large boulders, colored sand, brick, crushed stone and vegetation are used.

Subtleties of care

In order for the homemade reservoir for a long time, the presentable view of it needs to be careful, to conduct special procedures in a timely manner. How to care for such a garden pond? First of all, you need to form a small ecosystem, correctly pick up aquatic vegetation.

In the summer, remove the weed herbs surrounding the water and appear in water algae. Use for cleaning water saccs with rakes and other tools.

Artificial pond in the country, do it yourself, photo

Important! It is possible to purify with water in the country area with the help of special means designed to saturate water with oxygen and non-harm to fish and other aquatic inhabitants.

If the water object began to dry, replenish it with water. With the arrival of autumn, in time, clean the water surface from foliage, branches and other debris so that they do not fall on the bottom. Separate types of decorative plants for the winter need to be transplanted in the tank, and too thick vegetation - to cut forward.

After the battleship is completed to protect the water branch from dirt, use the mesh material.

In the spring, perform trimming dried plants, clean the walls and bottom of the reservoir from the accumulated sludge. Cleansing is best carried out with special equipment. In April, the fountain can be launched, if such is provided in the Pond complex.

Be sure to remember the strengthening of the shores of the pond at the cottage - the coastline of the reservoir at the first signs of their deformation over time they can suffer significantly. This work is better to entrust professionals.

With timely, these events do not have to spend a lot of time to care for the reservoir.

Arrangement of a pond at the cottage, photo

What kind of vegetation is preferred

The owners of the country's sites who made the solution to equip the pond in the garden are interested in which decorative plants can be planted around the reservoir. Not all plants can adapt to the conditions of high humidity. We'll figure it out in this matter in more detail.

The coastlines of large water bodies can be decorated with lush vegetation. For example, an amolistic derbennik, a swamp and a high reed, a darmer and coal vessel.

Perennial plants are suitable for decorating an artificial reservoir. Here is a list of the most popular varieties:

  • hosts;
  • roger;
  • iris Swamp;
  • astilba;
  • gunner.

Between the stones surrounding the pond, you can plant forget-but-minded or crafts.

Important! The vegetation in the area of \u200b\u200bartificial reservoir is better not to land into the ground, but in special containers that can be moved to insulated place for the winter period.

Decoration of a decorative pond at the cottage, photo

Now you know what kind of vegetation to decorate the artificial reservoir in the country area. But you also need to choose the right plants that will decorate the water surface. For this purpose, water varieties of hyacinth are used, multi-colored pita, ore.

Read about how you can make the original grid manufacturing with stones of all kinds of shapes and sizes.

View photos with examples of canopies for the machine for the cottage from the metal can be in the article.

Features of the manufacture of garden sculptures are described in the article at:

Other decor elements

One of the most popular ideas of decorating artificial reservoirs is the installation of fountains. The fountain can be made large and arrange it in the central part of the pond or use several small fountains that emphasize the aesthetic appearance of a small reservoir.

To independently create a water object with a fountain, you need to buy special water spraying devices. Spryges are installed on iron stands that are screwed to the fountain housing. The legs are definitely grinding not to damage the film in the water branch.

The design is placed in the water in a suitable place.

Registration of an artificial pond at the cottage, photo

The hose can be attached to the fountain and put water through it so that it flows through the decor elements. Thus, you personally create a pond with a waterfall imitation.

Another decoration for an artificial reservoir in the country area is created from stones and boulders.

You can make small steps that distinguish the irregularities of the landscape, fences from stones or sculptures, organically scoring them into a natural landscape.

Stone reservoir can be issued in any color palette.

Another interesting embodiment of the artificial reservoir in the country area is the installation of decorative bridges. These designs can be purchased ready or make them with your own hands. Bridges can be wooden, stone or metal - welded or wrought. The advantage of these elements is that they are suitable for decorating and plastic ponds, and any other.

Near the reservoir, you can install beautiful benches or benches with a table, hang a hammock, thus creating a full-fledged recreation area.

Pond Design in Dacha With Your Hands, Photo

Popular reception of the pond in the country area - the use of water light (the lighting can also be done along the perimeter of the reservoir). In the dark, the backlight will focus on the water bodice, create a comfortable atmosphere for recreation, tune in reflections and emphasize the beauty of the reservoir.

Registration of a pond at the cottage with your own hands, a photo

For maximum convergence with nature, you can settle in the pond of the fish. Red carps look especially impressive, but you can think about the content of crucia in the pond, then your reservoir will become an ideal place for fishing.

But do not forget that the fish in the pond needs to be fed, otherwise it will die.

Beautiful ponds at the cottage, photo

There are many options for the arrangement and design of decorative ponds in the garden. Such elements of the landscape decor make plots even more beautiful. There are a lot of interesting concepts that you can implement our own forces.

If you wish, you can use several ideas on the design, so that the water object looks even more original.


From this video, you will learn the details of the independent creation and decoration of the artificial reservoir in the country area - in detail how to improve the plot, make and issue a pond in the country with your own hands:

Gallery photo

A selection of photos with the brightest landscaped ideas for the design and design of large and small, but beautiful ponds on a plot near the house - for your inspiration:

Everyone dreams to recreate a miniature paradise in its plot. It is associated with us with a beautiful landscape, garden trees and shrubs, leisure gazebo, seized by plants, and a focus for cooking on fire. Supplement to this idyllic picture will become. The pond can organically fit into the natural ensemble and become his decoration, because water is the fourth element that needs a person to feel harmony.

It's not so difficult to create an artificial reservoir, the main thing is determined with its dimensions, design and place where to position it.

Dimensions of the pond

The decisive factors here are the area of \u200b\u200bthe site, which you see the reservoir and the place that can be left. Conditionally homely ponds are divided into three categories:

  • small decorative ponds that decorate the site and serve as an addition to landscape design (up to 5m. sq.);
  • the pond that performs a decorative function, but at the same time in it (from 10 mq.)
  • landscape pool in which you can swim. Dimensions depend on the possibilities and free land, which can be allocated for these purposes.

Ecoprugands, as an alternative to the pool, laid out, are becoming increasingly popular. Apparently, it has the cause of the subconscious thrust for the original nature.

  • Small decorative ponds make from different materials.

At the cottage or section of the house can be made of large tires, plastic containers, old bathroom, ready-made formswhich you can buy. Optionally, equip them pump for water circulation and filter, make a cascade or waterfall. You can run a small number of decorative fish, carp Koi or Shubuni.

The design of the water and plants will become the basis of the aqueous composition. The charm of small reservoirs is that they can be made with their own hands. You can realize your fantasies and tastes in the design to subsequently enjoy your work.

  • Middle-sized ponds are more labor-intensive in the manufacture and require certain professional skills.

Making a medium pond, basics

This is a rather complicated ecosystem, where it is necessary to properly install the equipment and pick up plants that would support the natural balance and purified water.

Important. There are several rules for the selection of a reservoir place:

  • next, trees should not grow, due to falling foliage;
  • avoid planting plants with a powerful root system next to the reservoir;
  • the pond should not be in the sun and warm up. It is necessary to choose a place to be in the hot time of the day it is in the shade.


The most interesting and pleasant moments in the landscaping of the water garden is the design of the coastline. It is here that your talent and creative abilities will be able to manifest. Before proceeding with the decor, you need to decide on the stylistics.

What techniques use to decorate:

The terrace board is one of the elements for the design of the coastline of the pond, it fits well into the landscape composition of the reservoir. The bridge or track through the reservoir will become a detail, which will give an additional originality.

These rules are common. The main thing is to embody your vision and creative energy in the decoration of the pond. The main thing is that it was beautiful and pleased.

Plants for registration of the pond

When choosing vegetation for a pond, you need to focus on the size of the reservoir and depth.

Important. On the 1 square meter, 2,3rds are planted. 1/3-underwater to maintain an ecological balance.

Optimal planting time Spring plants, beginning of summer. It is better to put the containers with a film and sprinkle with pebbles so that the soil is not washed off. As the extensions grow, excess vegetation is caught and thinned. As evaporation, water is added to the pond.

It is not difficult to make a pond in the country, if you work out a little and take into account the recommendations.

  • It is better to choose a place in the shade at home or near the fence. This is the optimal location for the reservoir and rest in the hot time of the day.
  • Nearby you can put a leisure gazebo, barbecue, shops.
  • The optimal and less time consuming will be a pond made of film.
  • Try to locate the water not far from the water supply location.
  • When digging, pay attention to how the soil waters are located closely. In the case of shallow occurrence of water in the ground, it can accumulate and squeeze the bottom of the reservoir.
  • Take a film with a margin. It is possible to extinge it with the help of an ordinary cord that is stretched through the bottom of the bottom from one edge to another.
  • After filling the pond, give water for a while standing.

The pond in the country or at home will be a favorite holiday destination for you. If he is made with his own hands, then the subject of pride. Nice to spend a summer evening on the shore of your own little lake.

Creating a pond on video

Photo gallery of examples of the pond