Lexical analysis of a word - what is it? Lexical parsing of words What is lexical parsing of a word.

Lexical analysis of a word involves analyzing the word as a lexical unit of the Russian language, indicating: 1) the unambiguity and ambiguity of the word; 2) the type of its lexical meaning in a given context; 3) synonyms; 4) antonyms; 5) the origin of the word; 6) the word belongs to commonly used vocabulary or vocabulary limited in use; 7) phraseological connections of the word. Lexical analysis is an optional type of analysis for school practice. Usually it is not given as a test task.

Lexical analysis of a word should be carried out using linguistic dictionaries: an explanatory dictionary, a dictionary of synonyms, antonyms, homonyms; Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language.

Scheme of lexical parsing of a word.

1. Determine the lexical meaning of the word in context.

2. If the word is ambiguous, indicate its other meanings (if necessary, you can use an explanatory dictionary of the Russian language).

3. Establish the type of lexical meaning in this context: a) direct; b) portable.

4. If the meaning is figurative, describe the type of figurative meaning.

5. Construct a synonymous series for the word in this meaning.

6. Choose an antonymic pair for this word.

7. Determine whether this word is native Russian or borrowed from another language.

8. Establish whether the analyzed word belongs to commonly used vocabulary or vocabulary that is limited in use.

9. Determine if a word is obsolete.

10. Indicate whether this word is included in phraseological units.

An example of lexical analysis of a word.

Having completed their operations, the fronts, one after another, stopped at the milestones achieved by the spring. (K. Simonov)

1. Operation - a series of strategic actions carried out during offensive or defensive battles (military, professional).

2. The word has multiple meanings: a) surgical operation; b) trading operation; c) financial transaction; d) postal operations.

3. The meaning is direct.

4. Synonymous series: operation, battle, battle, military action.

5. The word is borrowed from Latin.

6. A word of professional vocabulary (military terminology).

7. The word is not obsolete; it is included in the active dictionary of the Russian language.

Lexical parsing of a word(analysis under number 5)

Lexical analysis of a word should be carried out using linguistic dictionaries: an explanatory dictionary, a dictionary of synonyms, antonyms, homonyms; Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language.

Word lexical parsing scheme

1. Determine the lexical meaning of the word in context.

2. If the word has multiple meanings, indicate its other meanings.

3. Establish the type of lexical meaning in this context: a) direct; b) portable.

4. If the meaning is figurative, describe the type of figurative meaning.

5. Construct a synonymous series for the word in this meaning.

6. Choose an antonymic pair for this word.

7. Determine whether this word is native Russian or borrowed from another language.

8. Establish whether the analyzed word belongs to commonly used vocabulary or vocabulary that is limited in use.

9. Determine if a word is obsolete.

10. Indicate whether this word is included in phraseological units.

Examples of lexical parsing of words

Having completed their operations, the fronts, one after another, stopped at the milestones achieved by the spring. (K. Simonov)

1. Operation- a series of strategic actions carried out during offensive or defensive battles (military, prof.).

2. The word has multiple meanings: a) surgical operation; b) trading operation; c) financial transaction; d) postal operations.

3. The meaning is direct.

4. Synonymous series: operation, battle, battle, military action.

5. The word is borrowed from Latin.

6. A word of professional vocabulary (military terminology).

7. The word is not obsolete; it is included in the active dictionary of the Russian language.

For medicinal purposes, the roots and rhizomes of Eleutherococcus, collected in the fall, are used.(V. Yagodka)

1. Root– in this sentence, the word “root” means “a part of a plant grown into the ground, through which it absorbs juices from the soil.”

2. The word has multiple meanings: a) part of a plant, b) part of a base, c) the root cause, d) part of a word, e) algebraic operation, function, f) a number that vanishes or an identity

4. There are no homonyms, synonyms, or antonyms in this meaning.

5. Originally Russian.

6. The word is commonly used, used in all styles of speech.

7. The word is not obsolete, it is part of the active vocabulary.

8. The word is included in phraseological units: look at the root, uproot, root of evil, at the root, under the root, take root.

An old friend is better than two new ones.

1.Old friend - a friend who has existed for a long time, for a long time.

2. The word old is polysemantic: a) having lived or existed for a long time, reaching old age (Old Man), b) not new, damaged by time or having fallen into disrepair (Old Suitcase), c) not new, long known or long familiar (This old joke), d) existing for a long time, ancient (Paintings of the Old Masters), e) former, previous (He quit his old job and got a new one).

3. In the sentence it is used in its literal meaning.

4. Synonym - old.

5. Antonym - new.

6. Originally Russian.

7. The word is commonly used, used in all styles of speech.

8. The word is not obsolete, it is part of the active vocabulary.

9. The word is included in phraseological units: an old horse will not spoil the furrow, an old raven does not croak in vain.

Lexical parsing of a word

1. Determine the lexical meaning of a word (on your own or with the help of a dictionary).

2. Determine whether the word is used in a literal or figurative meaning. If in a figurative meaning, then indicate the type of trope (metaphor, personification, epithet).

3. Determine whether the word has synonyms, antonyms, homonyms.

4. Determine the stylistic coloring of the word (colloquial, neutral or bookish), the peculiarity of its use in speech (for outdated, dialect, professional words).

5. Determine the origin of the word (on your own or with the help of a dictionary) - original Russian or borrowed.

Sample entry:

The golden stars dozed off.(S. Yesenin)

1. Take a nap- fall into a doze, fall into a light sleep.

2. Peren, meaning. - personified

3. to forget, to fall asleep, to fall asleep, to fall asleep, to fall asleep- synonyms.

5. Originally Russian.

WHAT TASKS in the exam test test knowledge and skills in vocabulary and phraseology?

AZ. Which of the following words means “disdainfully-arrogant”?

1) arrogant

2) familiar

3) vain


To cope with this task, you need to have a large vocabulary of words. At the same time, you need to rely on linguistic intuition, which can tell you the correct answer

The essence of the task is that from the four proposed words you need to find exactly the one whose lexical meaning is given among the others listed. For example: the meaning of “a person engaged in risky and dubious matters, counting on random success” has the first of the following words (adventurer, swindler, egoist, extremist), the meaning “acting without any hesitation” is inherent in the third adjective (constrained, shackled, unceremonious, democratic), to the expression ʼʼdisdainfully arrogantʼʼ - second adjective (vigorous, familiar ill-mannered, arrogant), To ʼʼhypocrisy, hypocrisyʼʼ- last word choice data (bragging, indifference, adventurism, pharisaism), ʼʼdeprived of extremely important supervisionʼʼ- first word (neglected, unpunished, hopeless, defenseless), to ʼʼmusical accompaniment of voiceʼʼ - third word (arrangement, announcement, accompaniment, impromptu), k ʼʼa convenient opportunity to send a letter or parcel with someone ʼʼ - the fourth of the listed words (express, fax, forwarding, opportunity), to ʼʼa person who hates peopleʼʼ - the third word (melancholic, maximalist, misanthrope, curator) and so on.

A4. In which sentence should I use INFORMATIVE instead of the word INFORMATIONAL?

1) Recent decades have been characterized by the wide dissemination of a variety of media, incl. presented in electronic form on various INFORMATION media.

2) Dmitry Olegovich was appointed head of the new INFORMATION television program.

4) Modern INFORMATION technologies help to solve many problems successfully and quickly.


The task tests the ability to correctly use words, taking into account their lexical meaning. At the same time, four sentences are offered for analysis, in which paronyms- similar-sounding words with the same root that denote different concepts.

There are many such words in the Russian language, and their use in speech is associated with certain difficulties: subscriber- subscriber, submit- provide, toast- health resort, guaranteed- guaranteed, secretive- hidden, spare- thrifty, memorable- mindful, understandable- understanding, neighborly- neighborly, agreeable- obsequious, dress- put on, lucky-lucky and so on.

Errors in the use of paronymic words are primarily due to the fact that these words have a certain similarity in sound, morphemic structure (they have the same root), and grammatical features (these are words of the same part of speech). The root also gives them a common lexical meaning. Nevertheless, these words have different meanings, which must be taken into account when using them in speech.

Consequently, when analyzing sentences in which words of this group are used, it is necessary first of all to determine what the semantic difference between the words specified in the task is. For example, if you need to find an error in the use of words eternal And century old, then you need to try to formulate their lexical meaning, and then try to determine what the difference in these meanings is. Let's compare, for example, this pair of words:

century-old- living, existing for centuries, for a very long time;

eternal- endless in time, having neither beginning nor end; unchanging, constant; not ceasing to exist, perpetual, having no term; constantly existing, found in nature.

The difference in the lexical meaning of these words is clearly manifested in their compatibility with other words. So, adjective century-old correlates with a noun century, century and is used with words that name something that lives for a very long time, centuries: century-old oak- an oak tree that lives for centuries, centuries, centuries-old traditions- traditions that have existed for a very long time (century, centuries). Adjective eternal associated with the concept of infinity in time and constancy.

Having understood the difference in the lexical meaning of paronyms, you can begin a semantic analysis of the four sentences proposed in the task. In one of these sentences there was an error in the use of a word. Analyze, for example, the following examples and try to prove that in sentences No. 4,6,8 and 10 instead of the word eternal you need to use an adjective century old

1) Love- the feeling is wonderful, and it should be constant and eternal. 2) Although the island is in the zone eternal warm, but at this time of year there are often storms and strong winds.
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3) There is nothing secret that would not become obvious, and this eternal true. 4) One day, rummaging in the attic among the dusty eternal garbage, I came across a box with interesting documents. 5) Yes eternal human values, among them- honesty. 6) It was massive wooden furniture, chipped from time to time, covered with a thick layer of eternal dust. 7) Οʜᴎ lived all their lives on the same platform, door to door, in eternal grievances and quarrels. 8) It was their favorite, cozy place in the park, where pine trees mixed with eternal oak groves. 9) Still, it’s better to walk alone in the forest, otherwise you’ll have to decide eternal problem: calling loudly to those who lag behind and go aside. 10) The researchers carefully descended into the dungeon, and the eternal the secrets of this ancient castle. 11) We stood silently at the grave of the Unknown Soldier, looked at the blue flames rushing in the wind eternal fire.

So, when completing this task, correctly finding a sentence with a lexical error, you need to take into account the semantic differences of the cognate words indicated in the wording of the task.

A29. Indicate the meaning of the word EFFECTIVE (sentence 12).

1) deep, all-consuming

2) capable of influencing, active

3) in constant motion

4) real, genuine


This task tests the ability to determine the lexical meaning of a polysemous word based on context; discover synonyms and antonyms in the text, identify words that are used in a figurative or literal meaning.

AT 8. Which three of the following means of expression are used in the text? Write the numbers of these means of expression.

1) metaphors

2) alliteration

3) inversion

4) personification.

5) epithets


This task tests the ability to identify the most typical means of expression used by the author of the text you read in order to more accurately and expressively convey his thoughts and feelings. The Unified State Exam results show that this is one of the most difficult tasks. The difficulty of its implementation is explained by the fact that you must first of all have a complete understanding of the basic linguistic means of artistic representation, that is, know the list of such means, understand the features of each of them, know the terms by which these means are called, be aware of the differences between these means . At the same time, you need to learn to analyze the text in such a way as to not only detect these linguistic means, but also name them correctly.

Fine and expressive means of the Russian language so numerous and diverse that there is still no clear classification of them. For this reason, in some textbooks that you studied at school, different terms are used to call these means: tropes, figures of speech, figurative and expressive means, means of artistic expression, etc. The Unified State Exam in the Russian language does not require knowledge of these classifications, but tests the ability to detect in the source text the most common means of expression, which you have repeatedly encountered when analyzing text in Russian language and literature lessons.

Let us recall the most typical means of artistic expression, which are based on the lexical system of the Russian language and are associated primarily with the use of words in a figurative meaning.

Epithet(Greek epitheton - ʼʼattachedʼʼ, ʼʼaddedʼʼ) is an artistic, figurative definition that has special artistic expressiveness, expressing the author’s feelings towards the depicted object, creating a living idea of ​​the subject. As a rule, an epithet is expressed by an adjective used in a figurative meaning. From this point of view, for example, adjectives blue, gray, blue in combination with the word ʼʼskyʼʼ are not called epithets; these are adjectives lead, steel, amber and so on.

However, not every definition can be called an epithet. Compare: iron bed And iron character, silver spoon And silver key(meaning - spring). Only in phrases iron character And silver key Before us are epithets that carry semantic and expressive-emotional load in the statement.

Rare (individually authored) epithets are found in literary texts. They are based on unexpected, often unique semantic associations: marmalade mood(A. Chekhov), cardboard love(N. Gogol), sheep love(I. Turgenev), colorful joy(V. Shukshin), moth beauty(A. Chekhov), wet-lipped wind(M. Sholokhov), tearful morning(A. Chekhov), flabby laugh(D. Mamin-Sibiryak), candy pain(Vs. Ivanov), etc.

Sometimes among rare epithets there are combinations of opposite concepts (oxymorons). The illogicality of combining words attracts the reader’s attention and enhances the expressiveness of the image. The functions of such epithets are similar to the reception antitheses(oppositions). Eg: gray youth(A. Herzen), joyful sadness(Korolenko), sweet sadness(A. Kuprin), hateful love(M. Sholokhov), sad joy(S. Yesenin), etc.

Metaphor(Greek metaphora-ʼʼtransferʼʼ) represents the transfer of meaning by similarity. This means of expression is very close to comparison. Sometimes a metaphor is called a hidden comparison, since it is based on a comparison, but it is not formalized with the help of comparative conjunctions: sleepy lake of the city (A. Blok), the soaring tambourine of a blizzard (A. Blok), my words are dry leaves (V. Mayakovsky), the fire of red rowan (S. Yesenin), my words are nightingales (B. Akhmadulina), lies are cold smoke ( A. Tvardovsky), stream of smile (M. Svetlov), silver spoon of the moon (Y. Moritz) and so on.

Sometimes the entire text or a significant fragment of it is built on the basis of transferring meaning by similarity. In this case they talk about extended metaphor. An example of this type of metaphor is M. Lermontov’s poem “The Cup of Life”, which is built on the deployment of a metaphorical statement drink the cup of life.

Personification- an artistic technique that consists in the fact that when describing animals or inanimate objects, they are endowed with human feelings, thoughts, and speech: Sit down, muse: arms in your sleeves, legs under the bench! Don't turn around, little girl! Now let's begin... (A. Pushkin) The moon laughed like a clown. (S. Yesenin) Everything around is tired: the color of the sky, the wind, the river, and the month that was born are tired... (A. Fet) The Dawn rises from the bed of its tormenting Shadow. (Annensky) The trees sing, the waters glisten, the air is dissolved with love... (F. Tyutchev) Midnight enters my city window with nightly gifts. (A. Tvardovsky)

Hyperbola(Greek hеrbо1е- ʼʼexaggerationʼʼ) is a visual technique built on the quantitative enhancement of the characteristics of an object, phenomenon, action. In other words, this is an “artistic exaggeration”:

It will pass- as if it were illuminated by the sun! Will look- He'll give you a ruble! (N. Nekrasov) I saw how she squints: what a swing- then the mop is ready. (N. Nekrasov) I never knew that there were so many thousands of tons in my shamefully frivolous little head. (V. Mayakovsky)

Antithesis(Greek aptithesis- ʼʼoppositionʼʼ) is a technique of contrast, contrasting phenomena and concepts. As a rule, the antithesis is based on the use of antonyms: Death and immortality, life and destruction, and nothing to the virgin and the heart. (M. Lermontov) It seemed difficult for us to part, but it would have been more difficult to meet. (M. Lermontov) You are poor, you are abundant, you are powerful, you are powerless, Mother Rus'! (N. Nekrasov) Faces appear, disappear, cute today, but far away tomorrow. (A. Akhmatova)

Oxymoron, or oxymoron(Greek wow- ʼʼwitty-stupidʼʼ) - a combination of words with opposite meanings: Sometimes he falls passionately in love with his elegant sadness. (M. Lermontov) But I soon perceived the sacrament of their ugly beauty. (M. Lermontov) To live, preserving the joy of grief, remembering the joy of past springs... (V. Bryusov) And the impossible is possible, the long road is easy. (A. Blok) From hateful love, from crimes, frenzy- righteous Rus' will arise. (M. Voloshin)

Lexical repetition- deliberate repetition of the same word in the text. As a rule, using this technique, a key word is highlighted in the text, the meaning of which you need to draw the reader’s attention to: The winds did not blow in vain, the storm did not come in vain. (S. Yesenin) The hazy afternoon breathes lazily, the river rolls lazily. And in the fiery and pure firmament the clouds lazily melt. (F. Tyutchev)

Gradation(lat.gradatio- ʼʼgradual riseʼʼ) - arrangement of words and expressions in increasing or decreasing importance: There was something elusively oriental in his face, but his huge blue eyes glowed, burned, and shone from his gray-haired darkness. (V. Soloukhin) Music is useless sounds, unnecessary sounds, unexampled tones, groans not caused by pain. (B. Slutsky) I called you, but you didn’t look back, I shed tears; but you didn’t condescend. (A. Blok)

The examination work as a whole tests the level of proficiency in the lexical norms of the modern Russian literary language. Information about this will contain answers not only to tasks AZ, A4, A29, but also the text that you write while completing the task C1.

Lexical analysis of words - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Lexical analysis of words" 2017, 2018.


Lexical analysis of a word - what is it? Examples

August 17, 2014

How is a word lexically parsed? You will learn the answer to this question from this article. In addition, several examples of such analysis will be presented to your attention.

general information

Lexical analysis of a word is carried out using various linguistic dictionaries, namely explanatory, phraseological, dictionary of antonyms, synonyms and homonyms.

It should be especially noted that such an analysis is aimed at the lexical unit of the Russian language, indicating such features as:

  • unambiguity or, conversely, ambiguity of a word;
  • the type of its lexical meaning in a particular case;
  • synonyms;
  • origin of the word;
  • antonyms;
  • whether the word belongs to a vocabulary limited in use or to a commonly used vocabulary;
  • phraseological connections of one or another expression.

Lexical analysis of words is an optional type of analysis for regular school practice. As a rule, such an analysis is not given as a control task.

Generally accepted scheme

In order to correctly carry out lexical parsing of a word, you must adhere to the following scheme:

  1. Determining the lexical meaning of a word in a particular context.
  2. If the selected expression is ambiguous, then you need to indicate its other meanings (if absolutely necessary, you can use an explanatory dictionary of the Russian language).
  3. Establishing the type of lexical meaning in a particular context (direct or figurative).
  4. If the meaning is figurative, then its type should be characterized.
  5. Construction of a synonymous series for a word in its existing meaning.
  6. Selection of antonymic pairs for the selected word.
  7. Determining the origin of a word, that is, whether it is originally Russian or was once borrowed from a completely different language.
  8. Establishing whether the selected word belongs to a vocabulary limited in use or to a commonly used vocabulary.
  9. Determines whether a given expression is obsolete.
  10. The inclusion of this word in phraseological units.

Examples of lexical parsing of words

In order to understand how lexical analysis of a word is carried out, it is not enough just to know the features of such analysis and its scheme. After all, any theoretical knowledge must be supported by practical work. To do this, we decided to present to your attention several examples of various words that have undergone lexical analysis.

Lexical analysis of the word “mower”

So, let’s analyze the word “mower”, which is included in the following sentence: “The mower walked along the quickly mowed steppes.”

1. A mower is a person who does mowing, that is, cuts grass or any grains using a traditional scythe or mower.

2. The word “mower” has several meanings, namely:

  • the one who mows;
  • a heavy and large knife designed for scraping something or splitting a splinter;
  • thousand monetary units (jarg).

3. The meaning of the word “mower” in which it is used in a sentence is direct.

4. Synonyms for the word “mower” are “mower” or “mower”.

5. The origin of the word “mower” is originally Russian.

6. In the first and second meanings, this word is commonly used. As for the third, in this case it is used only in a conversational style.

7. The word “mower” is outdated. Accordingly, it is not part of the active vocabulary of modern people.

Lexical analysis of the word “golden”

Let us analyze the word “golden”, which is included in the following sentence: “A golden autumn has come to us.”

1. Golden autumn is the time of year when all the trees and grass turn yellow and resemble a shade of gold (metal).

2. The word “golden” has several meanings, namely:

  • made of gold;
  • embroidered with gold;
  • calculated at the gold rate;
  • similar to the color of gold;
  • wonderful, very good and wonderful;
  • auspicious and happiest;
  • beloved, dear (in addressing someone);
  • mineralogical and botanical names.

3. The meaning is figurative.

4. The type of figurative meaning of the phrase “golden autumn” is a metaphor (meaning similar to the color of gold).

5. Synonyms for the expression “golden” are the following: yellow, beautiful, wonderful, fabulous, delightful, etc.

6. The word “golden” has the following antonyms: dirty, disgusting, nasty, bad.

9. The word “golden” is not outdated. Accordingly, it is part of the active vocabulary of modern people.

Lexical analysis of other words

Here are a few more examples:

  • Lexical analysis of the word “fantastic” in the sentence “I’ve seen enough science fiction films”:

1. Fantastic film - made up by fantasy and not existing in reality.

2. The word “fantastic” has several meanings, namely: magical and whimsical; incredible and unrealistic; non-existent and being a fantasy.

3. The meaning is direct.

4. Synonyms for the word are: incredible, stunning, inconsistent with reality.

5. Has the following antonyms: ordinary, banal.

7. Origin - borrowed from English (fantastic).

8. This expression is commonly used. It can be used in any style of speech.

  • Lexical analysis of the word “kindness” in the sentence: “Out of the kindness of his heart, he gave away all his clothes”:

1. Kindness is a spiritual quality expressed in a caring and tender attitude towards someone.

2. The word “kindness” has only one meaning.

3. The meaning is direct.

4. Synonyms of the word are the following: good, good-natured, good-natured, philanthropic.

5. Has the following antonyms: angry, cruel.

7. Origin - originally Russian.

8. This expression is commonly used. It can be used in any style of speech.

9. The expression is not outdated. Accordingly, it is part of the active vocabulary of modern people.

10. Used in the following phraseological units: out of the kindness of one’s heart, blind kindness, etc.


1. General characteristics of the text (functional-semantic type, style, genre, communicative task of the author, topic, main idea, possible title ).

2. The word in the text: informative and structural-compositional role in the implementation of the author’s communicative task (correlation with the thematic structure of the text, role in expressing the coherence of the text).

3. Semantic structure of a word: is it unambiguous or polysemantic, the meanings of a polysemantic word, their types and relationships with each other.

4. The meaning of the word in this text (using an explanatory dictionary), the method of interpreting the meaning.

5. Type of lexical meaning:

– by nomination method: direct or figurative;

– according to the degree of semantic motivation: unmotivated (non-derivative) or motivated (derivative); derivative-direct (non-emotional), derivative-figurative (emotional);

– if possible, lexical compatibility: free or not free (phraseologically related, syntactically conditioned, constructively limited);

– according to the nature of the function performed: nominative or expressive-synonymous.

6. Systemic connections of a word: the possibility of synonymy, antonymy, homonymy - with a definition of their type.

7. Origin: originally Russian, borrowed - with a definition of the source language and its characteristics.

8. Belonging to an active or passive vocabulary fund: is active, actual, historicism, archaism (with type definition), neologism or occasionalism.

9. Sphere of use: generally used or limited in its use: territorially limited - with a definition of the type of dialectism; professionally limited: term, professionalism (in what professional environment it is used) or socially limited; jargon, argotism.


The priests did everything to forever erase in the hearts of people the memory of the reformer pharaoh and his beautiful wife, the legendary Nefertiti. But fate had prepared for them immortality. During excavations of the ancient capital, their portraits were found in the workshop of the sculptor Thutmes.

The most famous of these portraits, the portrait of Nefertiti in the royal headdress, is now kept in the Berlin Museum. The portrait is full of real breath of life. With amazing ease and subtlety, the brilliant sculptor conveyed this elegantly majestic position of the head on a long neck, the charming design of slightly smiling lips, narrow almond-shaped eyes covered with heavy eyelids.

After thirty-five centuries of oblivion, the refined, spiritual beauty of Nefertiti was rediscovered to the world. (O. Nikolaevskaya)


This is a text of a mixed functional type, in which description predominates - in this case it is a description of the situation, but there are also elements of narration, since the text also reports events that follow one another ( the priests did..., fate prepared..., portraits were found... etc.), as well as elements of reasoning - thesis “But fate was preparing immortality for them” receives development and proof in subsequent paragraphs; The style of the text is journalistic, since it implements informative and influencing functions. The author’s task is to convince the addressee that the spiritual beauty of Nefertiti, captured by the brilliant sculptor, is immortal. This text talks about the found portrait of Nefertiti. So the topic is portrait of Nefertiti. Main thought - Nefertiti's refined, spiritual beauty is immortal. Possible title – the beauty of Nefertiti, captured in the portrait, is immortal.

Word immortality participates in the structuring of the verbally expressed rheme of the text – fate was preparing immortality for them. The text-forming role of the lexeme under consideration lies in its key position in the semantic structure of the text-discussion about the immortality of beauty.

to the word immortality The following lexical features allow you to perform the communicative task identified above in the text:

This word is ambiguous, as it has several meanings:

1. Eternal existence, unceasing existence. Immortality of nature. 2. High Unfading posthumous glory. (IAC)

The first meaning is direct. This is the main, original meaning, the second is a derivative of the first - figurative (transfer by similarity), metaphorical.

In this text the word is used in the second meaning: immortality– ‘unfading posthumous glory’; this is a figurative meaning, a metaphor, since in this meaning the word is not a direct, but an indirect nomination of a phenomenon (by similarity in manifestation); according to the degree of semantic motivation, the lexical meaning is motivated (derived, secondary),

because it is motivated by direct meaning (in the second meaning immortality - this is glory, that is, fame, recognition, popularity, and therefore ‘eternal existence, unceasing existence’ in the memory of many people); free, because it has free connections with other words, limited only by subject-logical relations; expressive-synonymous, as it has an emotionally expressive coloring high and names a phenomenon that evokes a positive (respectful) attitude towards oneself; by the nature of the connections in the lexical system, this meaning is deterministic, since it is determined by the meanings of other words ( fame, fame, recognition, popularity), representing their expressive-synonymous version.

Parsed word immortality is included in the synonymous series of semantic-stylistic synonyms, differing in shades of meaning and stylistic coloring: fame, fame, recognition, popularity, name; laurels (book), immortality (high). Has a linguistic antonym (to the 1st meaning) death. There are no homonyms.

Originally Russian in origin, actually Russian; formed in a prefix-suffix way from the common Slavic DEATH (cf.: Bel. immortality, noPeacefulness (high), Ukrainian immortality, worldlessnessschis (high).

Refers to an active vocabulary fund, devoid of shades of obsolescence or novelty. Commonly used, since its use is not limited either professionally, territorially, or socially. In terms of stylistic coloring, it is bookish, refers to high vocabulary, and is included in the connotatively positive group of words.