Lemon Tree Care at home. How to care for the home lemon: problems and errors in growing

Citrus's bedroom varieties are compact, they rarely grow more than two meters in height. How to care for lemon on the windowsill so that he is safely growing, bloomed and fruit, read in the article.

Choosing a lemon for home cultivation, you need to take into account its need for lighting. If the windows of the apartment go to the West or North, you can choose Pavlovsky lemonHe grows perfectly on the northern windows. This variety is unpretentious in cultivation, begins to be fronding for 3-4 years of life, bringing from 20 to 40 delicious medium-sized fruits.

For more experienced rabids, a variety is suitable Meyer or Chinese lemon. It is demanding of watering, lighting and air temperature. If in the winter in the room where it grows, more than +12 ° C, the fruits may not get involved.

Distinguished by beautiful blooming grade Anniversary. Flowers collected in inflorescences of 14 pieces, white with a purple tint. Fruits are large, can reach 600 g, they begin to get tie for 3-4 years after landing. The variety is undemanding to watering and humidity.

Variety Maykopsky Attracts great yield. Adult tree can give a year from 100 to 300 fruits weighing about 150 g. Winter lemon prefers in a cool room.

Large fruit, weighing more than 500 g, grow in a variety Panderoza. This hybrid was obtained from crossing citron and lemon. It normally transfers dry, roast air, loves a bright scattered light, needs frequent feeding. Flowers with large creamy white flowers.

Miniature tasty lemones, with a diameter of about 4 cm gives a variety Volcano. This dwarf tree does not exceed 1.2 m. It is very decorative, because it blooms all year round, it can often be seen at the same time flowers and fruits.

Optimal conditions for breeding room lemon

It is advisable to choose a well-lit place for indoor lemon, where it will be protected from direct sunlight. So that the crown develops evenly, the plant turns to the window for several degrees 1 time in 10 days.

Conditions of cultivation and lemon care:

  • soil with a weakly acidic reaction (pH 6);
  • regular feeding all year round;
  • backlight in winter time;
  • abundant summer watering;
  • air temperature from 14 to 27 ° C;
  • forming trimming.

You need to feed home lemon, alternating mineral and organic fertilizers. When the tree begins to be fruit, feeding it is especially necessary for him.

Can be made under the lemon nitroposku. Well perceive plants fertilizer fertile or punch for citrus. In winter, lemon fertilize only wood ashes (1-2 art. L. Per 1 liter of water). From early spring and to late autumn feed the biohumus, where more nitrogen contributing to the growth of leaves. In the summer you need to make fertilizers 1 time in 2 weeks, in winter - 1 time per month.

How to water the tree

Watering the plant is necessary as the soil graze in the pot. In the summer, when moisture evaporation is stronger, it makes more often. If the plant is outdoors - in the garden or on the veranda, he needs a daily watering.

You can check the soil moisture level by the indicator or touch, if it dried to a depth of 5 cm, produce watering. Water take a key, room temperature. Loves lemon spraying in the morning when the sun's rays will not leave burns on wet leaves.

Technology trimming

So that the plants have a compact form, they need forming trimming. Crop the upper point of escape is best in January, when the plant is still at rest.

In February, the room lemon will begin to "wake up", and will give side shoots from 3-4 kidneys, located closest to the top. Side shoots are also cut off, leaving 3-4 interstices, after which the third order branches begin to awaken.

The formation is necessary for good fruiting. The more branching orders of the plant, the greater the fruit.

So that the plant began to fruit faster, the branches should be left into a horizontal position. This can be done with copper thick wire.

Lemon cuttings, which remained after trimming, can be rooted in the sand or perlite, they easily let the roots in about a month. Then they are transplanted into fertile soil.

Basic rules of transplant

Transplanting pots must correspond to the size of the root system. The plant is undesirable to the spacious planting capacity.

While the citrus is young, it is transplanted 2 times a year. For an adult 8-year-old lemon, the Earth can be updated 1 time in 5 years.

For the preparation of soil take compost, humid, large sand. To add a pine boring a small fraction, then the root system is better developed.

It cannot be used as a mulch for Lemon Moss Safagnum, he keeps moisture for a very long time, it leads to the root cervix, and the death of the plant. The mulch is better suitable crushed pine bark.

How to care for lemon during flowering

On a young lemon, blossomed flowers would be better to break down, so that he gained strength, grown roots and leaves, and only then fertile. The plant should grow at least 20 leaves so that it could give the first few fruits, and then fruit annually.

In order to grew up a full-fledged harvest at home, the flowers need to be pollinated. The citrus fruits are tied up without pollination, but seeds are formed in them, only in cross pollination. If there was no pollination, the fruits are less than the size, the worse hold on the branches, sometimes fall.

The greater the trees on the tree, the fact that they will grow smaller, so the part is removed immediately after flowering. Leave, usually, from several close-based the largest. Citrus has a very long period of ripening fruit, from 7 to 9 months.

Fighting diseases and pests

If the root system started, the leaves are falling. This happens when placing the plant. Intense watering in the cold season is dangerous. To help lemon, which begins to "Fit", he is transplanted into a pot with fresh soil.

The roots are well cleaned from the old substrate, washed under warm water, they cut off all faded. It is possible to put a plant for several hours into the corneser solution (1 h. Per 1 liter of water). Then the roots are sprinkled with Fundazole and charcoal, and plant a "universal" substrate.

Noticing insect pests on the tree insects, the phytodeter is carried out. Most often in lemon, the web tick and insects against insects spend two spraying with an interval of 5-7 days.

What difficulties can be encountered when growing and leaving

In evergreen plants, food is postponed in the leaves, so they need to be preserved. Sometimes, lemon drops foliage, and its existence is at risk.

Causes of leaves and treatment:

  1. When drying the earth coma, lemon can reset the foliage. To help the plant, it is watered and put on the brightest windowsill. When new leaves grow, all dry branches cut off.
  2. Lemon can reset the leaves 1-2 months after buying it in a flower shop. This is due to the fact that the conditions of the room content are very different from the orangene, to which the plant is used to. Limon is not enough first of all the world. Noticing leaves' fence, it is necessary to organize a backlight for the plant.
  3. Low air humidity also contributes to "leaf stand". You can buy a moisturizer or simply spray 2-3 times a week a plant on the leaves of water temperature.
  4. The yellowing and focus of foliage can be caused by a disadvantage of nutrition. The plant must be fed and replanted into fertile soil.
  5. If you lay down the leaves, lemon should be transplanting, getting down, and cover the package to create an increased moisture, then young branches and roots will grow. Immediately remove the package can not be done, it is done gradually. You can treat a weak epinom plant.

"Aboriginal" plants are more stable and unpretentious than purchased in the store, you can sell a tree from the lemon bone. For this, fresh seeds are put in a pot of earth, blocking for 1 cm, it will go around after 1 week. For lemons grown from seeds began to be fruit, they are vaccinated when the thickness of the barrel reaches 4 mm. The vaccination can be done about a year after the germination of the seedlings.

28.09.2016 34 417

How to care for lemon at home - Cheat Sheet for housewives

Growing an exotic plant in the apartment, you need to know how to care for lemon at home. The tree is quite capricious to get a delicious harvest you need to attach no little time and forces for a long-awaited result. Only compliance with certain rules will force a lemon to fruit and delight healthy growth.

What conditions are needed by a room lemon?

    The lack of nutrients leads to fading, yellowing of the sheet apparatus, poor blossom, dropping buds, small fruiting or its complete absence. When to fertilize lemon? First, in the period of bootonization, the tie of fruits, secondly, with visible disadvantages of nutritional elements in the plant.

Caring for lemon, you need to remember, the tree has a reinforced period of growth 3-4 times a year. To get a crop, you need to regularly feed the citrus. Usually, abundant bloom occurs with February month of P. August In winter, the number of feeding is reduced to once a month.

Lemon feeding during flowering period, smoothly, as during fruiting, produced once every two weeks. It is better to feed a room lemon by an organica. Well suited, for example, the Gumi Omi Kuznetsova Lemon, the drug is based on natural, so you can use for home wood. Divide 1 tbsp. Fertilizers in a liter of water, mix well, pour out 0.5 glasses per plant (more volume is required for adult powerful trees). You can use another natural preparation lemon-mandarine "Mother Land".

    The fruction of lemon at home is impossible to achieve without feeding, nor in spring or summer. It is also recommended to perform spraying the lower side of the leaves with a solution of fertilizers. Citrus filter after transplanting is carried out after 3-4 weeks, the main dose is given to the placement of the tree to the new container in 2-3 days. After lemon transplant to a new pot, it is recommended to pour plants to the drug with a drug to improve and restore the root system.

Diseases and pests of lemon, fighting them

In bad conditions, the lemon content may be affected by pests, various diseases of infectious and fungal nature. Purgious damage is applied. The red tick and silver are most present on the lemon, which is grown in room conditions in the south of the country. It is known for everyone and most common, both in midwives and in the north, where the plants are year-round in the apartment, without the possibility of carrying out fresh air.

weather tick - pictured

The web tick has a brown color, sometimes with a red or yellow tint. With a careful inspection of pest plants, it is easy to detect. Usually, the hordes of pests are on the underside of the leaves, laid down with the finest cage with a green mass of wood. Over the summer, one female can leave up to 10 generations, postpone from 150 eggs.

The fight against the spider tick on lemon is carried out using a soap solution that the leaves and branches are treated. Do not forget about washing the crown using an ordinary soul (the leaves are clean on both sides). Put the pot with lemon away from other plants. Use garlic infusion, 5-6 crushed teeth poured with a glass of boiling water, insist 48 hours and spray lemon. If the plant is strongly affected, insecticidal preparations are used (Omaith et al.).

In the photo - Vintage of home lemon

It can also be an unpleasant guest, which damages citrus leaf plates. On the back of the leaves, sometimes on the stems, it is possible to detect clusters of small brown scales, which are practically not separated from the plant. It is necessary to fight with a shield immediately, otherwise the lesion of the sheet apparatus will lead to, fruiting can be slowed down. Methods of dealing with boards on lemon are similar to the fight against the tool.

In addition to dirty pests, lemon may suffer from diseases such as:

  • root rotBasically, it is found when the leaves begin to be massively falling. Here you need a transplant to a new pot with a good washing of roots and removal by rewinding;
  • gommoz Destroys a home lemon trunk. In the lower part, the crust and the formation of cracks, of which the adhesive liquid of the dark color is distinguished. The crack size gradually increases, the process of rotting begins. The citrus urgently requires a transplant to a new soil with mandatory treatment of the trunk with copper vitrios, in difficult cases - a highly affected bark first believes, then deceived;
  • malselko It is known for its defeat of shoots, sometimes to complete death. The disease begins with the tips of the branches, goes to the leaves, trunk. Damaged parts will be painted in brick color. The disease has various forms, sometimes the defeat begins with the root system, as a result of the citrus dies very quickly. Unfortunately, there are currently no specific drugs and methods that can destroy the mushroom strain. Observe preventive measures, when creating signs, handle the infected areas of the plant with copper vigor.

Evergreen Perennial Plant Room lemon belongs to the family of the rut, the genus of citrus. His homeland is considered India, the foot of the Himalayas. At home on the windowsill to raise him is not difficult and very exciting. With competent care, the bush can be fruitful, its fruits are also tasty, as well as grown under the southern sun.

Views of indoor lemons

Domesticated citrus attracts brilliant emerald leaves and bright yellow fruits. Room Lemon - Description:

  • the plant is considered short, the oldest copies can reach a height of 1.5 m;
  • shrub has prickly branches;
  • leather leather, elongated, oval, gear, contain essential oil;
  • several times a year, the plant forms small white sockets (4-5 cm in diameter) with a plurality of stamens and a gentle aroma, which cleans the room from unpleasant odors;
  • bud develops 5 weeks, 50 days blooms;
  • fruit is a homely citrus from one to four times a year, depending on the variety, the period of fruit development - 200-230 days;
  • the fetus has a light yellow color and a tangible lemon smell, meal juicy and sour;
  • with normal development, the culture is fruitful all year round - on the bush at the same time, zerovy, buds, flowers and fruits can develop.

Room lemons - varieties:

Growing room lemon

Grow room lemon is easier from the bone. To accommodate the bush, it is better to choose southern or oriental window sills with good lighting. Lemon - a thermo-loving room plant, the optimal temperature for it + 15-22 ° C. The landing is carried out in a depth of 1-2 cm with a distance of 5 cm in a small pot with drainage from clay or wood coal. Contain sowing in a bright place, he grows after 2 weeks. After the appearance of sprouts, they choose strong, covered with a can. After a pair of real leaves, the instance is planted in a 10-centimeter pot.

Soil for room lemon

Fertile soil for indoor lemons should be a weakness or neutral (6-7 pH), aerated. For self-preparation you need to make a mixture of meadow turf, leaf land, large sand, humoring in the ratio (2: 2: 1: 1). You can use a soil for citrus from the store, mixing it in equal shares with peat. Then the composition will be easy and breathable.

Reproduction of indoor lemons

For room lemon, the drawing is a popular way of reproduction. For sprouts in the spring, the proceeds of 10 cm in size with 3-4 kidneys and 2-3 leaves are taken. The twig is treated with a stimulant for the development of roots and placed in water for 3 days. For cultivation, a ground of humus, coarse sand and flower land in the same shares is suitable. The cuttings are drawn by 3 cm, moisturize daily leaves, the substrate should not have water stoles. The rooting occurs after 30-45 days, then the cuttings can be placed in another pot.

Room lemon - care at home

Caring for room lemon is troublesome. He loves good lighting, compliance with the temperature and irrigation regime. To grow the leaves, it needs at least + 17 ° C, during the development of fruits, the temperature should be increased to + 22 ° C. Room lemon care assumes the organization of good lighting. Straight sunlight should fall on a bush 2 hours a day. In order for the tree not to develop one-sided, every 10 days it must be rotated 10 ° around its axis. In winter, with a short lighting day - to organize highlighting with the help of lamps.

Trimming indoor lemons

  • in the first year of life, the plant gives 30 cm;
  • in the second season in the spring, the secret must be cropped, leaving a height of 20 cm, while the tree will begin to produce side kidneys;
  • the lower shoots must be cut off, leaving 3 upper - they will quote the skeleton of culture;
  • the next year they do the same with the side branches - they are shortened to stimulate the development of subsidiaries, then several upper sprouts are left;
  • room lemon acquires a beautiful view in the presence of trunks to 5-6 branch levels;
  • in the future, there is enough pinching of fast-growing shoots or removing them.

What to get a room lemon?

The citrus at home needs feeding. Signing the tree start when they reach 2-3 years of age. For fertilizer, complex mineral compositions are used in the spring-summer period twice a month. From the middle of autumn, the feeder is carried out every 6 weeks. For two hours before making fertilizers, the substrate in the pot is important to pour clean water.

From the organic, the lemon tree prefers the hood of wood ash, infusion of birch (half a breaker of the leaves poured with water and withstand 2-3 days), diluted at 5-6 times fresh manure. Organic fertilizer for room lemon is made with the same periodicity as mineral feeding. If there is an intense growth of green mass to the detriment of the fruits, it is necessary to remove the nitrogen from the nitrogen feeding and add phosphate component;

Watering room lemon

Before looking at the room conditions behind Lemon, it is important to explore the rules for its moisture. From May to September, home citrus needs moderate watering every other day, in winter it is reduced to once a week. The tree is moisturized by non-cool water, estimated for 5 hours. Pour it all over the surface of the pot. The plant loves spraying with heated boiled water, especially in winter, if heating systems work around. For citrus, the "wet" air around the crown is more important than excess moisture in the soil.

Limon diseases in room conditions

Why yellow leaves in room lemon?

Often, irregular care leads to the disease of indoor lemons, the leaves turn yellow. There are several reasons:

  1. Lack of nutrients. Calcium is responsible for the root system, phosphorus helps in the formation of delicious fruits, nitrogen affects a healthy color of foliage, and potassium contributes to its normal absorption. Timely fertilization with such elements will help prevent the yellowing of foliage.
  2. Lack of lighting. Room lemon needs a 12-hour day, if it is shorter - will help the backlight using a fluorescent lamp.
  3. Excess light, straight sun rays cause burns on the leaves. The tree must be moved to the shaded place.
  4. Lack of humidity leads to the fact that the tips of the leaves turn yellow. You need to carry out a daily spraying of the plant using a spray gun. It is useful next to the pot to keep water to evaporate in a flat bang. Summer times a week, the plant is advised to rinse under the shower.
  5. A sharp drops of temperature, drafts, the proximity of the heating devices can also lead to yellowing foliage. Then you need to get rid of such adverse factors.

Why fall leaves from room lemon?

The adverse conditions of the content of the bush lead to the fact that it begins to reset the leaves. Often this happens in the autumn-winter period. The larger on the tree of healthy leaves, the better it grows and fruits, by their number and judge the condition of the bush. In some cases, the plant is restored independently, but it is important to eliminate the cause of an unpleasant phenomenon. If the room lemon dropped the leaves what to do:

  • with a lack of moisture, it should often spray the plant and not allow the soil to displace;
  • if there is little light plants - apply additional lamps;
  • eliminate the hyproofing of the roots, water the bush is only warm water;
  • if you have a close pot - a bush should be transplanted into a capacity of larger size (by 2-4 cm);
  • control so that in the soil did not arise the excess of moisture, leading to the root rotting;
  • inspect the tree for pests if they are detected - conduct treatment.

Room Lemon Diseases - Sticky Leaves

In some cases, foliage on shoots becomes sticky - as if it was sprayed with syrup, crystals can even form. The disease causes a shield that settled on the tree. When untreated treatment in sticky liquid, a sage fungus is started, which manifests itself on branches, barrels and leaves with dark spots, without treatment, the plant dies.

To eliminate plaque, the folia is wiping with a solution of transformer oil (6 ml per 1 liter of water). After 5-7 days, the processing is repeated. The solution removes sticky raid and kills the young shield. You can use another method of treating lemon - room plant care in the form of spraying by carbocket or tobacco solution also helps well. Processing is carried out 2-3 times with an interval of 7 days.

Pest of indoor lemon

Citrus can be damaged and typical pests. To grow a room lemon, you need to know how to get to fight:

  1. If they are presented, the leaves are falling, the branches dry, the plant is dying. The pests are cleaned with a brush, the leaves are washed with a soap emulsion (2 st. L of liquid agent per 1 liter of water), garlic water (7-8 crowded heads of day insist in water bucket).
  2. Located in the bottom of the sheet, gradually envelops the entire culture. When damaged, it is necessary to spire a tree with a solution of "Actress", repeat 3 times with a period of 10 days.
  3. It feeds with greens, leads to drying of the leaves and cracking the fruit. The plant must be inspected and manually get rid of its larvae.
  4. Aphid.Eats the tops of the shoots. The plant is necessary three times (every 10 days) to make a solution of "ACTELEC". Nearby you can put a geranium pot. Help and spray garlic water.
  5. TRIPS. They look like small black dots, they can fly, spread viruses. To destroy the bush wash under the shower, processed by soap emulsion.
  6. Bellenkles. The larvae are located at the bottom of the leaves. The bush spray at least 5 times every three days.

Lemon - evergreen citrus tree. The homeland of lemons is subtropics, so plants love heat and moisture. In the open soil, the tree grows up to 8 meters, although there are also dwarf three-meter trees. Homemade varieties with good care fruit all year round.

Room Lemon - Quick description

At home, lemons are grown in flower pots or tubs. Growing lemon in the tub, you can receive from 10-30 fruits from a young plant to 200 from an adult every year. Lemons, not inferior in the quality of southern varieties, can be removed from the tree about one and a half meters in height. It is possible to grow a house plant from lemon bone, but truly delicious fruits are obtained only from varietal plants. Lemon is a perennial plant and it blooms abundantly, although the flowers are not too noticeable behind the thick foliage, but the room is filled with fresh aroma from essential oils allocated by all parts of the plant.

Features of cultivation

Grow lemon at home is not as simple as other indoor flowers. For a home tree, a spacious, well-lit room and constant attention is required. But there are also obvious advantages - durability, pleasant smell, delicious and useful fruits.

From the moment of landing until the first fruits are received for several years, so be patient and wait for your tree to bloom and give you the first small lemones. Over time, the village will strengthen, and will delight you more generous harvest.

When growing room lemon, you must comply with the required conditions:

  • Light room.
  • Regular ventilation.
  • Good drainage.
  • Regular feeding.
  • Cool wintering.

Landing lemon

If you decide to grow lemon from a seedling, pay attention to the "pedigree." A fruitful trees from subtropics will be difficult to acclimatize. We recommend choosing seedlings from indoor plants or from a tree living in your climate. Lemons from the Caucasus, grafted on trifolia, are suitable for growing in cool rooms - winter gardens or greenhouses. At home, the plant will most likely die. Choosing a seedlove, carefully study information about it.

When landing, the root cerv should be gluned into the ground just 5 mm. The soil level is 1 centimeter below the edge of the pot. It is necessary that the root neck is not reloaded, and the ground is not flushed when watering. After landing, spray a seedling and sprinkle with a weak solution of manganese. Put the pot into the illuminated place, but protect the leaves from direct sunlight, if necessary, provide a tree.

Lemons do not like to move from place to place, so choose a constant refuge for the plant and do not turn it sharply so that the home flower can develop normally.

Optimal time

The best time for landing is the end of the winter spring, because at this time the natural growing season begins.

The soil

Swim and nutrient soil fall into the pot after drainage styling. Soil composition:

  • Light loam (meadow turne) - 2 parts.
  • Sheet land - 2 parts.
  • Dung humus - 1 part.
  • Large sand - 1 part.

On ordinary land from the country area, lemon will be bad fruit.

If you cannot assemble such a complex composition, buy in the flower store the land "Lemon" or "Rosa".

Important! A tree for several years will grow in one soil, therefore the correct selection of the substrate and regular feeding is very important.

Features of care

The lack of sunlight should not destroy the plant. When days are lengthened, the growth of the tree is activated, but the fruiting is delayed. South and Eastern windows are suitable for a room plant. The most favorable destination for lemon becomes the windowsill are the eastern windows, on which morning the rays of the sun are bright, but not scorching. Hot summer Flower pot burgel from the sun marl curtain.

Room lemons do not like changing the light and permutation, the growth and development of fruits can slowly slow down, but the tree when turning will be correctly formed.

Council. In winter, it is advisable to organize a daytime backlight for 6 hours a day. Place the incandescent or daylight lamp at a height of 60 cm above the tree.


The most difficult period for houseplants - October-March. The air in the apartment at this time is dry due to heating. Move the pot or cover the battery with a damp cloth. Periodically spray lemon, but do not get carried away, so as not to cause the development of the fungus. Put in a pot or near it a cup with water.

In the summer, it is useful once a week to arrange a trees a cool shower and wipe the leaves with a wet sponge. It is necessary that the plant can breathe fully.

Important! The plant painfully reacts to changes in air humidity, the dryness of air is particularly dangerous at high temperature during flowering and fruits. Flowers and wounds can crumble. The wet air, the longer the leaves of the plant live.


In May-September, lemons should be watered daily, but moderately. Wetlands categorically does not fit, but also the pushed primer can destroy the village. In winter, water Lemon less often, but provide him with sufficient air humidity.

Important! It is impossible to water lemons with cold water and in the sun. The optimal time of watering is morning or evening.


The optimal temperature for the development of shoots and leaves + 17 ° C, for the growth of fruits, the temperature should be higher - + 21 ... 22 ° C. Lemons are poorly worried about heat, especially at low humidity. In the summer, when sharply warms, flowers and wounds may fall, and the temperature differences in the fall-winter can lead to falling out of the leaves.

Attention! The soil temperature should approach the air temperature. It is dangerous to bring lemon from outdoor air into a heated room. When snapping, try to gradually move the pot with a plant so that it can adapt to new conditions.

Fertilizing and fertilizer

Fertilizers in the soil should be moderately, but regularly, since their excess is harmful to plants.

According to the leaves, shoots and fruits can be judged which lemon needs:

  • The leaves are yellow, the number of fruits is reduced, and they become smaller - lack nitrogen.
  • The leaves are pale and fall, and the fruits are deformed and stubble - phosphorus deficiency.
  • The leaves increase, and the fruits are minor - potash starvation.
  • Dry the tops of the branches, pale and yellow leaves, the lemon does not bloom and does not be fruitful - little iron.

In the summer, when the plant can be taken out of the house, you can feed it with an organic fertilizer (bird litter or water in which meat washed). It is not necessary to apply all fertilizers at the same time - lemons suffer from excessive feeding.

We spend the planned feeder twice a month in the summer, from October to February it is not necessary to feed the lemon.


When growing room lemon, it is important not to give it to grow up to the size of the tree, especially since this plant is prone to the formation of long branches. If the bush does not cut, the crown will become too big. When trimming, a part of the branches is removed after the fifth sheet - the crown from such a haircut will become productive and compact.

Transfer Lemon.

The fact that Lemon is time to replant testify the roots sticking out of the drainage hole, but this is the case of extreme nestness. The planned transplant should be carried out as the trees grow, each next flower pot must be a little more than the previous one. Circumstances happen, forced transplant, for example, can crash a pot or you will feel the unpleasant smell from the soil.

If Lemon is growing poorly, it can be transplanted in autumn, although the optimal time is the end of February until active growth began, or the middle of the summer.

  • Gently get the plant, cut the breakdown and damaged roots, and sprinkle them with a crowded coal or row. Earth's kom shake completely not needed.
  • Put on the bottom of the pot drainage and pour some river sand. From above - a layer of soil.
  • Cut part of the twigs so that the roots are easier to feed the plant.
  • Make a groove in the ground, install someone so that the neck is just below the edge of the pot. If you need to lift, split the earth.
  • Sweep the land at the edges along the edges, following the trunk to be in the middle of the pot.
  • Soap the ground with your hands so that no emptiness remains.
  • Pour outstanding water and shuffle the soil slightly.

Council. So that the lemon is easier to suffer stress, spray it with a zircon and cover the film for 5-7 days.


Limon breeding can be carried out with cuttings or seeds. The tree, grown from the seed, will bloom and start fruit no earlier than in 8 years. If you plant a cuticle, wait for my own lemons of the year after 4. The young lemon, which grew out of the seed, does not necessarily inherit from the parent tree, signs of varieties, and when staring the identity is guaranteed. But trees and seeds are resistant to diseases and better adapt to life in captivity.

Reproduction of seeds

Lemon seeds you can get from any ripe fruit. Each lemon is contained several seeds, get them and plant a few pieces at a distance of 5 cm. It is better to plant seeds of several fruits.

Soil for planting is well-drained peat and earth for flowers in a 1: 1 ratio. Blind the seeds for 1 cm and make sure that the Earth remains wet, but without overflows. At room temperature, the sprouts should appear in two weeks. Select the most tall, and the rest are removed. Sprout Cover the jar and put in a well-lit place without direct sun rays. Every day, a few hours ventilate the sprout, taking off the jar.

When several real leaves appear, pick up a gear sprout with a diameter of up to 10 cm with a good drainage. When transplanting, try to keep the roots and the ground around them. Put a mixture of peat and earth for flowers. Stretching up to 15-20 centimeters Plant Pere in the "adult" pot.

Reproduction of cuttings

In the spring, the semi-respent twigs are cut about 10 cm long with several leaves, and rooted in homemade tubers with high humidity and temperature. Soil: peat and earth for flowers.

At the bottom of the pot, put drainage, from above - a 5-centimeter layer of a mixture of turf and sand (6: 1), then - a mixture of sand and moss. In this layer, there will be mainly the root system of the future plant. Put the cuttings, pour it and spray with warm water. Cover the jar.

Spray the cuttings need twice a day with water about + 25 ° C so far there will be no rooting. At room temperature, the cuttings should be rooted after 3-4 weeks. After that, remove the bank for a few hours a day, and in a week, remove it at all. Another 7 days you can transplant the cuttings in a small pot with nutritional land and reliable drainage. After a year you can transplant lemon into a regular pot, and after 3-4 years it will begin to bloom.


Tops of young shoots of rose-violet lemon. The oval gear leaves contain essential oil. Leaves are replaced after 2-3 years. Large lemon flowers (4-5 cm) flourish in spring five weeks after the appearance of bud, flowering lasts more than two months. After the flow of petals, the fruit is tied, maturing after 200 or more days.

If the young plant begins to bloom in the first years of life, buds are desirable to cut off so that the tree can develop normally. When buds appear for the second time, they are no longer cut - the lemon "decides" himself, how much fruit it can fade. Extra buds will shock themselves. You can allow flowering when there are at least 20 leaves on the tree. It is believed that each fetus requires at least 10 mature leaves.

Care after flowering

Lemon grows all year round, blooms and fruit. On one tree can be matured fruit, stocking, flowers and buds. Flooding the blurred inflorescences are not necessary, as they turn into a wound. If lemon bloom in summer, the fruits ripen faster than with spring flowering.

Problems, diseases, pests

Many diseases of decorative lemons are caused by improper departure. With a lack of illumination and nutrients, lemon leaves are brighten. Buds and leaves flip out if moisture lacks. Especially hard is the plant dryness of air indoors, flowering may cease, the leaves are darker and fall.

Pests also often settle on the plant:

  • Shields lead to drying branches, leaf leaves and lemon death. Remove the pests with a toothbrush and rinse the lemon with a soap solution.
  • The web tick shares on the wrong leaves and the web gradually envelops all the village. Spray a 0.15 percent solution of "Actress" three times, every 10 days.
  • Mute Cherver leaves adhesive selection on the leaves. Fruits and leaves are falling. It is recommended to inspect the plant and collect larvae.
  • Citrus TLL. The solution of "Actress" helps to get rid of this pest.
  • On lemons, trapses and whiteflies are also seen, which should be collected manually, and the wood is rinsed under the shower and treat with soap solution.

Popular views of the bedroom lemon

  • If lemon leaves have become brown, increase the humidity indoors and more often water the plant.
  • Small leaves and subtle shoots say that the lemon urgently needs to be filtered and put it in a more illuminated place.
  • Leaves dry and twist when there is not enough light and moisture. Every day spray the lemon, water and adopt with complex fertilizers.

Answers on questions

Life expectancy of room lemon

With a careful relationship and proper care, lemons live up to 45 years. Room flower perishes ahead of time due to diseases and pests.

Why doesn't lemon bloom?

Probably, you planted the plant into a close pot. Peread it and adopt with complex fertilizer.

What if lemon drops the leaves?

For lemon leavefall - a reaction to stress. Perhaps after the summer you moved it to the room or, on the contrary, put sharply under the bright rays. Arrange an artificial backlight or create a shadow. The reason may be excessive or insufficient irrigation - lemons equally harmful to the watering of the soil and the drying of the earth coma. If you didn't water the tree for a long time, do not moisturize the soil abundantly, pour water to little for several days.

Why is lemon reset the fruits?

Lemon drops the fruits when he does not have enough strength for their development. The first flowers appeared on the young lemon are necessarily breaking down, and on a three-year plant you can leave only 2 fetus. In the future, each fruit should have at least 10 leaves.

How to arrange wintering?

The main task in wintering is to save the leaves. The room should not be too hot - no more than + 20 ° C. Keep the pot with a plant away from the batteries and put a water container next to it. If the windows are securely protected from cold air, arrange a tree on the southeast or south-west window. Watering lemon in the winter should not be as abundant as in the warm season.

Plant lovers grow citrus frills even on the windowsill. What factors pay attention to see blossom and enjoy exotic fruits?

Grow a beautiful tree that will delight with fragrant fruits, at home. But this plant has a whimsical character, it takes attention not only to watering, but also to the temperature regime of the room where it is located. The obligatory element of the care is the feeding, which is performed in accordance with certain rules. Important air humidity, lighting, timely transplant. If all care elements are performed regularly and efficiently, then the plant will be fruit and rejected by barriers.

Factors that affect lemon growth

Limonchik who is grown on his windowsill may differ slightly from those selling in the markets. This is due to the fact that household varieties choose for home dilutions. Fine lemons, which have a very thin skin, are particularly appreciated. In addition, they look very bright and beautiful on the window. Larger fruits will have a dense and thick skirt, and it will be no less exotic to look.

The complexity of the care of this fruiting tree is that it is accustomed to climate of subtropics wherever it comes from. This causes that its comfortable air temperature should not be more than 17-18 degrees. In the winter in winter due to heating, this indicator is higher. The presence of batteries also affects the humidity. It becomes below 70%. And the correspondence of the indicators characterizing air, the regulations are very necessary a trees for growth.

No less important for the growth of lemons and the degree of illumination of the room. The right place for wood indoors is chosen with the fact that it does not like straight sunlight. The most ideal location will have a good degree of lighting throughout the day, but this light will be scattered.

Cookware for the tree also matters. For entry into the phase of active growth and the formation of the strings of future fruit, it should be placed in a closer pot. If the root system is too spacious, the flowering phase will move away indefinitely. Ideal for plant landing will be dishes from natural materials. These are clay products or drawers made of wood.

Earth for growth does not matter. But it must correspond to the quality of air and water permeability. The soil mixture may contain peat and sand. Fertility will add humus. Soil should be disappeared.

Moisture has a direct impact on growth. Therefore, abundant watering in spring and summer time, when the ambient temperature is striving up. In winter, the irrigation frequency is reduced. More adult trees require more abundance of moisture. It is desirable that watering is carried out by prepared water. Suitable in advance gained in the container and ending. You can also use the outflow water, although the most ideal option is rain.

So that the lemon tree is fruitful, it is fed. Suitable will be any of the organic or mineral fertilizer species. The frequency of this procedure should not be too intense. The optimal period of time is in 20 days.

Lemon care at different times of the year

To grow lemon, care at home behind the plant should take into account some differences depending on the time of year. In the spring season, it starts the phase of active growth, and then forms buds, which will subsequently become fragrant fruits. Temperature regime should be in the range of 14-18 degrees. Neighten, the warm room will lead to a dropping of buds and barriers. And such an event can provoke the death of the entire tree.

Well contributes to the natural growth of the fresh air. Since the stabilization of the air temperature outside the window at 13-14 degrees, the plant can be placed for the entire warm period on the balcony or terrace. However, it is monitored for possible drops of temperatures due to possible freezing and reduce it by night. To avoid the death of the plant, it is wrapped.

Summer danger to lemon tree represents open sunny rays. Therefore, this situation is carefully monitored to avoid burns.

Winter time for lemon is characterized by the stage of the final ripening of fruits. The optimal conditions for this period include moderate temperature regime (16-18 degrees). Be sure to maintain optimal humidity (about 70%). Another important condition of the good state of the tree in winter is to eliminate air flows that go from heating sources. The pot with a lemming is removed away from heaters and batteries. It also provides no time for at least 12 hours by the source of light.

Lemon tree in care is quite capricious. For him, no high temperatures are not suitable, as too low. Watering should be moderate, but at the same time, a very dry earth should be avoided. The plant does not like direct sunlight, but requires a long exposure during the day of scattered light. Excluding and fulfilling all these conditions it is impossible to achieve the appearance of uncertains, which will subsequently delight with fragrant fruits. Timely irrigation and feeding, the correct soil is also of great importance.

Errors when growing lemon on video

You bought a young lemon tree in the hope all year round to obtain crops of fragrant fruits for tea drinking and strengthening immunity.

And it will really give a lot of fruits, if you know how to care for lemon: water, feed, replant, etc. We learn all the subtleties of the care of lemon trees grown at home, including the formation of the crown and the collection of fruits.

Room lemon: home care

Lemon care is regular watering, sufficient lighting, feeding, compliance with the temperature regime and humidity. It is equally important to know how to transplant home lemon.

Having decided to grow lemon - a tree at home, read the intricacies of care:

Watering lemon

How to water lemon? In the cold season, since October, and up to spring moderately water the tree once a week, using warm water. In the spring and summer months, as well as in September, we are well shed a soil with warm water once a day. Periodically loose the upper layer of the Earth.

The main thing in the watering of lemon is to prevent the water stagnation in the ground leading to the root of the roots, and do not overcome the earthen com: it is fraught with the leaf twisting and falling leaves and lemonciles.

Lighting for lemon

How to care for home lemon in terms of lighting? Lemon does not need a long day day, if you want to get more fruit, not leaves. The tree is good fruit with bright abypt light: it is better to keep it on the windows overlooking the east. If the southern window, in summer, be sure to protect the plant from direct sunlight.

So that Krone is evenly thrown, 2 times a month turn the lemon tree in the direction of the Sun. And do not allow weak lighting: in the half and shadow, the leaf is growing slowly, and the fruits are obtained too acid.

Temperature mode

Home lemon care implies compliance with a certain air temperature.

  • While lemon grows and picks up a green mass, either blooms, keep it in a room where 17-20 degrees of heat are observed.
  • When fruits appear and ripen, you need a pair of degrees higher.
  • In winter, during the rest period, a temperature is not higher than 14 degrees, or 18 ° C, if the plant is not "sleeping" yet - in this case, we provide a 12-hour day day with a phytolamp.

Do not hold the lemon in the hot room and do not allow sharp temperature changes.

In the summer, you can carry a tree to the street - the main thing, have time to put it home before the evening (if the weather is expected).

Room lemon: home care

Humidity level for lemon

How to water the lemon, we figured out: we find out what level of air humidity is suitable for its cultivation. He needs a rather high humidity, especially in a hot season - in summer or during the heating season.

When it is hot, every day spray the tree and once a week we arrange a warm shower to him.

To increase the level of humidity, we set a pot with a wide throat with lemon with water, filled with water so that it evaporates, or put the pot into the pallet, placing the material evaporating moisture.

Third option: turn on a household air humidifier near the plant.

Furuska Lemon.

Room lemon needs regular feeding: in summer - every week, in winter - every month (if there are fruits).

What to get lemon? Mineral and organic fertilizers, pre-2 hours before the procedure watering the plant so as not to burn root.

  • Mineral fertilizer. For feeding, you will need a ready-made means of the "citrus mixture", in which the proportions N: P: K are 14:16:18. We divor it in water on the applied instructions and water the soil.
  • Organic fertilizer. We make infusion, mixing 1 part of the water and 1 part of the cowboat (horse manure) and, waiting 7 days, weep it with water: the infusion of a cowber - 1 to 15, the infusion of horse balls is 1 to 10.

Twice a year we water the soil with a weak solution of manganese - to enrich and disinfection of the soil.

Transfer Lemon.

Young lemon plants in a pot, how to care for whom, we will find out today, we need a transplant after 1 and 2 years after landing.

In the spring we buy soil for citrus fruits or we make it yourself from the humor (1 part), earth from under deciduous trees (4 parts), crystal sand (1 part) and wood ash (1 tbsp.).

Just pass the plant, carefully shook some of the old earth, in another pot with a soil. The diameter of the new pot must be 4 cm more than the diameter of the previous one.

Subsequently, we transplant the plant once every two years, when vegetation begins. With transfers, do not forget to put drainage (clamzite + charcoal or layer of sand) 2 cm layer. Thanks to the transshipment, you do not have to think about how to root lemon. The main thing is not to transplant while the lemon blooms or fruit.

Crane formation

As lemon grows, the crown should be trimmed - in the spring, at a low strain of about 18 cm, before the green mass begins. Sut off the shoots, leaving 5 leaves so that the tree branched to the beginning of the fruit.

A tree with a competent formed crown blooms on the second or third year.

Formation of the crown of indoor lemon

Lemon flowering on the windowsill and harvest

While lemon blooms, all the flowers can not be left on the plant:

  • With first bloom, we break half the flowers and leave no more than 4 fruits from the remedies.
  • With second bloom, we leave only 6 fruits.
  • With the third stroke, we leave 8 fruits, etc.

Flowering regulation is necessary to preserve a strong and healthy lemon treerty: its extra inflorescences will quickly delete. Each ovary should have at least 10 developed leaflets.

Flowers do not need pollination and bloom about 2 months.

The fruction of lemons is possible up to 4 times a year: it depends on the variety. The development of the fetus and the beginning of maturation takes about 6-8 weeks. The peel fully matured lemonciles acquires a rich golden shade: it means it is time to collect a crop.

If tightening with the collection, the skin becomes thicker, the slices will die and the juice will lose the characteristic acidity.

Now you know how to care for the lemon at home so that it grows strong and healthy, and gave a lot of fruits. Observe all the rules for the content of room lemon, and it will delight you with beautiful flowering and abundant fruiting.

How to care for lemon at home? This question is interested in every inexperienced gardener. After all, it is care that affects the growth and fruit of the plant. Lemon is a very useful citrus for the human body. With it, you can cook delicious tea and increase immunity.

Proper lemon care - warranty of fruit

Therefore, if you want to get all useful vitamins, you need to know how to care for the lemon tree.

Watering lemon

Care at home primarily lies in the right watering. In the cold time, home lemon watered once a week. To do this, we must defend warm water in advance. In the warm season, watering is necessary once a day, because in the heat any plant requires a lot of fluid.

After each watering the upper layer of the soil should be loosened. To bring water to the ground is clearly according to the scheme, so as not to harm the root lemon system, because a large amount of moisture can lead to its winding, and the lack of water leads to the fact that the lemon tree at home starts to throw off the leaves. This is the first answer to the question of how to care for the home lemon.


It is worth knowing about the right light, if you are wondering how to care for room lemon. " After all, no plant can exist without sunlight. Lemon tree does not need a long lighting day. The amount of light affects only the formation of leaves, not fruits. Tree at home is better to keep on the windowsill, which is located in the east.

If there are no windows from the desired side, then the plant from direct sunlight should be protected. For proper formation of the crown, it is necessary to rotate the tree several times a month.

Shadow negatively affects the development of lemon. Try to carefully care for the lemon, then there will be no problems there will be no such problems.

Drop Lemon loves color, but not hitting direct sunlight

Air temperature

Lemon care at home provides temperature regime. This is one of the main conditions of fruiting lemon.

Temperature regime for lemon should be like this:

  1. When lemon begins to bloom or actively grow, the air temperature should be at least 17 ° C.
  2. When active fruiting started: 20 ° C.
  3. In the period of rest, which most often comes in winter, in the apartment must be from 14 ° C to 18 ° C.

For lemon at home, care in terms of temperature regime must be observed clearly. The slightest drops cause disease and lead to death.

Summer lemon can be taken out on fresh air

Humidity level

Home lemon care includes control over humidity level. So that it roses normally and gave fruit, humidity must be high, especially in the summer due to heat. On such days, the plant must be sprayed daily and once a week wash it under the shower.

To increase the level of humidity, it is necessary to put a small container with water next to the pot, which will evaporate and create optimal conditions for the growth of the tree. If you wish, you can purchase a special humidifier, which should be in one room with lemon.


Room lemon care includes his feeding. In the summer period, it is carried out every month, and in winter - every month, if the lemon is fruitful. If there is no fruit, you can do it less often. Care of the lemon tree provides for feeding with mineral and organic fertilizers.

Before you make useful substances, the plant is watered. This will avoid roots burns. If you use the finished mineral fertilizer, the proportion of substances (N: P: K) is equal to 14:16:18. Use the tool according to the instructions.

Organic fertilizers for lemon must be prepared correctly. To do this, it is necessary to pour with water and insist his week. After that the mixture is bred in proportion 1:15. Twice a year it is recommended to process the soil with a manganese, this will prevent diseases.

Manure - Excellent Organic Fertilizer for Lemon


The cultivation of lemon includes not only the correct care, but also its transplant. It is recommended to make it with the trees every two years while they are young. In the spring period, it is necessary to purchase a special soil and transshipment method to transplant lemon into a pot, which is more than the previous 4 cm in diameter. Thanks to the transshipment method, the roots retain their fortress and quickly learn in a new place.

It is necessary to transplant the tree several times a year, during the growing season. Use drainage from crumbs and charcoal. It is impossible to transplant the tree during flowering and at that time when it is fruit. Proper landing is a guarantee of wood health.

Lemon transplant is carried out in spring

Flowering and lemon fruiting

Over the trees of lemon should be careful, especially in the period when flowers appear on it. For the first time this happens two years after seeding. When the plant blooms, it is impossible to leave all the flowers on it, t. To. The young tree is not able to grow all the promises that appeared.

Flowers removal process:

  1. The first blooming lemon is pulled by half, leave the fetal fetus.
  2. When the tree begins to bloom the second time, leave the wound to six lemons.
  3. For the third time, lemon should be left for eight fruits.

These manipulations with the tree allow us to correctly care for it and achieve active fruiting. The older the tree the more lemons will give it. Therefore, you should not be afraid to cut the flowers.

The plant gives fruits about four times a year, depending on the variety and care. Since the development and up to the moment of ripening runs about 6 months.

Fully matured fruit has a golden peel. It is not worth tightening with harvest harvest, because Lemon will lose all its useful properties.

Lemon flowering should be adjusted

Pollination of lemon in pots

Flowering and fruiting occur only in adult plants. If lemon is still young, it is recommended to turn all the flowers. To get fruit, there should be about 20 adult leaves on the tree. Early fruiting depletes the plant, it may die. If the tree is strengthened, then you need to wait when it blooms, and then you can pollinate.

How to pollinate a lemon right? First you need to create the necessary conditions. Humidity should be 70%, and air temperature is 25 ° C. Also worth prepare special tools:

  • soft tassel;
  • a small piece of fur;
  • cotton wand.

Gently with the help of prepared tools to collect pollen from the stamens and transfer it to pestles. Conduct it with all the flowers. If you doubt that the pollination process was successful, you can repeat it.

If desired, you can take advantage of special drugs. Popular are biological preparations "Bud" or "Zajaz". They allow them to form fruits, in that cases if the marking is very weak.

If you "settled" lemon, care at home will require a lot of labor. It refers to the repair plants, therefore, under certain conditions, it is capable of blossoming and fron. But not everyone succeeds not to try the fruits of their citrus, but also just admire blossom. What is the reason? Let's deal with.

Select variety

First of all, for landing in the house, you should choose varieties specifically derived for these purposes. They do not grow up to gigantic dimensions, but at the same time characterized by high yields. Pay attention to such varieties of dwarf and semi-caric lemons:

  • Meyer.
  • Pavlovsky
  • Novogruzsky
  • Maykopsky
  • Eureka
  • Jenoa

Among the most common varieties in our latitudes Lemon Meyer, the care for it is the least troublesome compared to the rest. This variety is sometimes called Chinese dwarf, and its fruits are not so acidic as the other varieties. Dwarf lemons do not differ in a rich harvest, but they will add comfort to the interior of the apartment.

Video about room lemon

Tall lemons will certainly delight you with delicious and large fruits, but at the same time require large temporary care costs, because besides ordinary events, they need more frequent trimming, garter and crown formation. If you are interested in such citrus, choose among the following varieties:

  • Novogruzinsky
  • Kursky

Creating an optimal lighting, temperature and humidity regimen

How to care for lemon in the conditions of a common urban apartment, when there is no heating, then the windows north, then the citrus air is too dry? It will be necessary for you to provide a tree with comfortable conditions for growth and development.

The first thing is important for lemon is the light.

Photo of home lemon

For the location of the pots, it is better to choose southeast windows with moderate lighting, if you, of course, lucky, and you have. But what, to do if your entire alternative is -sor or south side.

On the northern windows, Limon will notice the lack of light, so you have to use daylight lamps, extending the light day for the plant up to 12 hours. This is especially true for the winter period.

From the south side of the house there is always light in the sufficiency, and for lemon, in excess. Therefore, at midday hours it is necessary to give your citrus, saving it from the density of direct sunlight, they can leave real burns on leaves.

Lemon is a native of Pacific tropics, so there is nothing surprising that the tree is demanding about the thermal regime.

In the spring during the bootonization period, the room temperature should be 14 - 16 degrees. High degrees contributes to drying and dropping buds, and low - slow down or even stopping this process. During the period of rest of the room temperature up to 26 degrees. If you can, for the summer, transfer your favorite to the Glazy Balcony. Fresh air will benefit lemon and the question of how to care for lemon, will not stand so acute. However, it is prevailing to relate to the sharp drops of temperature and to drafts. As a true southerner, a room lemon requires a scrupulous care.

In the photo home lemon

Moisture. This lemon parameter is very important. Therefore, it is necessary to control so that the soil in the pot was constantly a little wet. In the summer, it is reasonable to increase the number of up to 3 irons per week, and in winter it can be reduced to 1 time, but to spray the air around the tree. This is provided that the heating devices are far from the plant. Water lemon necessarily non-cooling water, which sat down within 5 hours. Pouring water should not be rooted, but evenly over the entire surface of the soil. The air around the tree should also not be dry - at least 60% humidity. Otherwise, risks to see on lemon twisted, brown leaflets.

Facely, feed ...

Lemon, like the rest of the plants in your home, needs support, so it must be periodically feeding.

The young trees of Lemon do not need additional stimulation, it is necessary to fertilize lemons that have reached 3-4-more age.

On the photo of the lemon tree

Specialized mixtures of organic fertilizers can be purchased, and you can use people's ways:

  • For abundant fruiting, sometimes the usual watering is replaced with an infusion of the eggshell. But it is not necessary to get involved in this way that an excess of calcium does not reduce the acidity of the soil.
  • If the plant is normally developing, it has a healthy look and makes it blooming, you can refuse the fertilizer.
  • During the growing season, it is worth twice to feed the lemon with superphosphate (per 1 liter of 50 grams of fertilizer).
  • Ammonia Selith is very recommended to improve growth. It is taken in the proportion of 30 grams per liter of water. Watering with such fertilizer can be done monthly.
  • Periodically water your lemon 7-day innovation of horse-diluted, ten times diluted.
  • Limon for normal development requires trace elements: magnesium, phosphorus, nitrogen and others. To fill their drawback, it is possible to use the fertilizer of a cytrus mixture. 2-3 grams of this fertilizer are bred in a water liter and used instead of the main irrigation.

Pruning and transplanting room lemon

Replanting the young trees of Lemon should not less than once a year.

Copies older than 3 years - with a frequency of 2-3 years. However, the need to transplant may occur "unscheduled", for example, due to illness or deterioration of lemon.

In the photo of a lemon transfers

  1. The ground around the trunk is abundantly watered so that it is soften, then carefully take out the tree. At the same time, it is necessary to show marginal caution so as not to disturb the earthen one and do not hurt the root system.
  2. If they discovered the pitched roots, cut them with a sharp knife or blade.
  3. For transplant Take the capacity by 30-50% more than the previous one. Too big, like a too small pot, contributes to a slowdown in growth. Prefer the cone-shaped container.
  4. At the bottom of the pot on the drain hole to install the shard so that the convex side is from above. Then the drainage layer (small pebbles, pebbles), a thin layer of dry manure and earth mixture is placed.
  5. Closer to the center, the pot is installed in the village along with the land of the earth. Slowly start to fall asleep with a soil capacity between coma and walls pot. It is possible to lightly press the laid ground, but there is no need to tightly.

Lemon trimming is made to form a beautiful crown and improving fruiting.

At the height of the village, 20-25 cm from the soil pinch the stem, giving the opportunity to develop side branches. Please note that the first fruits appear on branches of 4-5 of the order (a number of Niza) and until they are formed, it is not necessary to wait for the fruit.

Vertically grown branches worth cut without pity.

To form the correct shape, the pot with a flower you need to gently rotate every 10 days relative to the sun. Gardeners sometimes improve the crown using the copper wire - they fix individual branches by it, giving them the desired direction of growth.

Photography trimming lemon

The formation of the crown is carried out at the moments of the collection of fruits. The ripe lemon is cut off not only with the fruit, but also with a section of the twig itself with 1-2 interstices. Thus stimulate the growth of the branch.

Homemade Lemon - Emergency Care

Lemon is very whimsical to the environment and the slightest fluctuations in temperature or humidity reacts instantly. Measures should be taken to save the plant.

The dry citrus needs watering. In the appearance of foliage - it becomes yellowish-brownish and rare - it is easy to guess about the reason for the ailment. But do not rush to richly irrigate the ground, you can spoil the root system. It is better to pour a little outstanding water under the root, and around the crown, make a spraying. You can wrap the barrel of gauze folded in several layers and moistened in water. Let the Tver stand in such a "outfit" a few hours, but do not leave for the night.

Excess watering will quickly give themselves to know the sudden leaf fall. Healthy leaving suddenly fly away. As soon as they revealed a symptom, immediately spend the transplant. Gently remove the village from the pot, set together with the land coma to the newspaper or cardboard, so that the roots are dried. It is necessary to plant into the ground, slightly moistened and so much watered moderately.

In the photo home lemon with fallen leaves

The frozen lemon save is very difficult. In sharp cooling conditions, the vital activity of the plant may stop. In addition to focusing, the trunk becomes the trunk during frost. You can try to spend "resuscitation." To do this, move the lemon to a warmer room, extend the day day with artificial illuminators. It makes sense to conduct a transplant in another pot. When removing, be sure to inspect the rhizome, remove the dead and fiddled parts. Remove dried branches.

Overheating is no less dangerous for citrus. The brown spots appeared on the leaves clearly indicate overheating. Therefore, in hot summer days, remove the container with a plant deep into the room. Make sure that the air from the air conditioner does not fall into the crown. Additional watering or cooling is not required.

Important! It is impossible to change the place and environment of habitat, it is long and badly adapts to new circumstances. Therefore, slows down and fruiting, may even file signs of illness. Equally detaining for him both drafts and non-refined premises.

Photo of lemon tree

Pests and lemon diseases

Appeated white flies may indicate congestive phenomena. Their larvae feed on roots and cause significant damage to the plant. Insecticides of various species are used to combat them - solutions for watering and aerosol forms for the destruction of insects, which managed to get out. Carbofos and the actor are quite effective in combating these insects.

It is necessary to regularly view lemon leaves on which tied cells and shields can settle. Externally, the tweezes rose on tiny spiders. They are given a coloring orange or brown, noticeably released on the green background of the back side of the leaves. Damaged sections they are tightened with a thin cobweb, which is easy to recognize pests. Several times at intervals three or four days rinse twigs and leaves from two sides under the shower nozzle with strong water pressure. Effective multiple spraying with influences

  • garlic (1 medium head insisted in 0.5 liters of water),
  • luke (1 bulb, powdered on a fine grater, poured a liter of water),
  • lavra (2-3 sheets on 0.5-liter water can)
  • strong welding of green tea (on 2 glasses of boiled water 2 tbsp. dry tea sheet).

Attention! Water with these means, the soil is not recommended.

The shields are similar to small brown turtles, motionless and tightly attached to the leaves. It is difficult to deal with them. Three times with a weekly interval, the plant, including leaflets on both sides, branches and trunk thoroughly wipe with a mixture of soap and kerosene, taken in proportion 1 / 0.5. The ground is to cover with cardboard or polyethylene, the trunk at the bottom is to wind the narrow bandage in order to avoid the penetration of the liquid into the root system.

Often lemons are "sick" from improper care. Brown leaflets on an outwardly healthy plant, and even during flowering period - one of the ailments. In this case, review the conditions of the flower content, perhaps it makes sense to transplant it. But the soil in this case, select other than now. It may be precisely the acidity of the soil caused the disease.

Video Limon Videos

As for the human body, the prevention of diseases is important for citruses. To prevent diseases, observe the mode, carry out a transplantation, trimming of corrupted areas. Sometimes a sudden disease can be dictated by the depletion of the plant itself. In this case, limit the flowering by several buds, and the rest, no matter how sorry, delete. Each house has its own separate microclimate, not always a suitable lemon. The task of the plant owner is to adapt it to the existing conditions gradually.

Sometimes the lemon care process at home is comparable in troublesome care for small children - at the beginning it is difficult, but all the works are rewarded when the tree begins to actively grow.