Mol in the house how to get rid of folk remedies. How to deal with mol at home

But is it possible to decide how to destroy mole in the apartment from the first time? The approach should be comprehensive, and it all depends on how much pests in your apartment. It may be that the first time will not be able to kill all individuals, so it will be necessary to re-process.

Mol loves the place where many woolen and fur things, as well as a sufficient amount of food.

Types of moths in residential premises

Depending on where it settled and that eats moth, the following types are distinguished:

  • Fur coat (woolen) mole. This pest prefers fur coats, caps, covers and other products from natural fur. In addition, she is able to eat books, feathers pillows, felt and woolen things.
  • Furniture. This species most often settled in upholstered furniture and eats the coup of the sofa and chairs. Rarely can spoil fur and wool.
  • Handling. Most often lives in dark cabinets with clothing. Eats all the fabrics without parsing.
  • Food (grain, fruit). Prefers tea, flour, nuts, sugar, cereals, legumes. Then leaves there products of their livelihoods, caterpillar husks. Such food is no longer suitable for use.

Important: Adult mole cannot harm, as she has no mouth, and it is not able to eat and digest food. The pest simply lays eggs from which voracious caterpillars appear.

What to do when moth appears in the apartment

To answer the question - how to destroy mole in the apartment at home forever, you need to know several useful recommendations that will help in solving the problem.

  • Seeing mole, inspect the entire room. She rarely appears in the house one. You also need to reconsider all the products if the insect has discovered in the kitchen. Do not forget to go through cabinets and textiles just in case.
  • If you find a nest with larvae, it needs to be immediately eliminated using a vacuum cleaner, and then rinse this place with a chlorine-containing detergent.

But how to get rid of moths in the apartment, if not found the larvae?

  • Put large woolen sweaters in the freezer, such a procedure will not give any larva. Also try to launch all things and underwear with powder. Upper clothes need to be brushed, paying special attention to folds, pockets and lining. Heavy jackets, fur coats and coats can be treated with a steam generator if it is in the house.
  • Be sure to spend general cleaning in the residential room. Put all the curtains, carpets, blankets and blankets. Those things that can not be washed, you need to take out to the street, preferably in sunny weather and keep them under the right sunlight.
  • The kitchen also requires cleaning. Roll all the cereals, nuts and dried fruits. All cabinets, containers, hard-to-reach places wipe with chlorine and vinegar solution.

When adult flying insects, the mistress appear already understand that the case is serious and you need to decide how to deal with mole in the apartment. As a rule, concerns are supported and the facts. On your favorite woolen things you can see journey holes.

However, in the summer, the urban residents may be disturbed by another kind of moth - the Pestryanka. Its a lot where there is a poplar. You fly the poplar mole in the apartment, how to get rid of it - the question of the exciting of many.

Unfortunately, many residents themselves are to blame for themselves, which create suitable conditions for the development of these harmful insects. Therefore, it is important to know how to bring mole in the apartment at home yourself.

How to get rid of homemade household pray in the apartment

Before the use of any means from moth, you need to clean and ventilating residential premises.

Folk Methods

When in the apartment or house I started mole, many remember the means that our ancestors used. This is especially important for the dwelling, where there are children or persons prone to allergies.

To the best recipes can be attributed:

  • Fir oil or lavender. Woolen mole does not tolerate the smell of these plants. To combat pest, you need to decompose in wtwat wool closets impregnated with so oil.
  • Flowers lavender. Means tested not by one generation. To scare the moths, you need to collect flowers, dry and put them in gauze.
  • After that, bouquets are placed in places where the pest can settle.
  • Orange zest. The crusts of oranges or tangerines are dried and folded into wardrobes.
  • Garlic. Mole does not like this smell. Spread garlic cloves in a warded cabinet - this will scare the insect.
  • Tansy. This plant for a long time is used to scare moth.
  • Geranium. The leaves of this decorative plant allocate odorous pairs that do not like many insects, including mol.
  • Carnation and fragrant pepper. The spicy smell of these spices mole does not tolerate. Spread them in bags throughout the house, and mol leaves him for a long time.
  • Laundry soap. Any mole does not make alkali, so erase them things, and also put the soap into the closet, to better scare the pest.
  • Naphthalene or empty bottle from under the spirits. These funds are well helped in the fight against Mol.
  • Frost and sun rays. The insect is afraid of too high or low temperatures. Therefore, take the fur coats in winter. Also, dry all the clothes, including pillows and blankets under the right sunlight.
  • Newspapers. Mole does not like the smell of typographic paint. Therefore, if you put in the fur boots of the newspaper, then it will never take them.

Professional methods

There are household chemicals that quickly and reliably help deal with the problem - how to get rid of moths in a house where many moths are unknown from where.


These funds are sold in special ballot. Since they are croofs, then when they are used, a number of factors should be taken into account:

  • the degree of toxicity of the main substance;
  • processing area;
  • is there allergic or small children in the house.

Most Popular Preparations:

  • Raptor. Expensive, but it is effective.
  • Clean house. It is used for clothing processing. Showed good results.
  • Arch. It is considered not toxic means, so it is allowed to use it even in the kitchen.

Terms of use:

  1. Explore the instructions.
  2. Use protection tools.
  3. Open the vents for air inflow.
  4. Conduct the processing of the entire premises, not only infected areas.
  5. Furniture should be closed for better action.

Then the room is ventilated, all things decompose into its place in the completion of processing.


They are used to destroy mosquitoes. But according to some reports, the plates and liquid will help in the fight against mol. We can also use and to remove poplar pothas. Although this insect does not cause much harm, but his huge amount in the house causes discomfort.

The fumigator is less toxic than an aerosol, so it is safer for a person.

Principle of operation:

  • Install the plate or pour the liquid into the container intended for this.
  • Connect to the outlet.
  • Do not disconnect until the substance works.

The most popular fumigators:

  • raid;
  • moskitol;

The advantage of their use is also the fact that destroying mosquitoes is carried out prevention from moth.

Formon traps

Traps are considered one of the effective ways to get rid of the annoying fly. If you still do not know what to bring mole in the apartment, you should try this method.

The trap is a small piece of cardboard, which is processed by a special substance resembling porcers of females of moths.

The individual of the male flies on it, sticks and dies. So how to create offspring not to anyone, then the life cycle of moths ends.


These are special containers, where there is a rejection of the insect substance that operates 2-3 months.

The most sought-after stamps:

  • raptor;
  • moskitol;


Many famous smell of naphthalene is known, which does not tolerate mole. Some manufacturers use it for the manufacture of special pills from moths. They are placed in a wardrobe with clothes or put inside up the soft furniture. They protect things from moli for 2 years.

But do not open the tablet simply and do not leave its contents unattended. Follow the children to do not come to her. The composition of such tablets is toxic.

How to get rid of food moths in the apartment

Such mole is called barn, fruit or grain. It spoils various products - cereals, nuts, dried fruits and others. All the food, where you visited mol, you need to dispose of. After all, if there is still one larva, it can cause severe diseases and intoxication of the body.

To combat food mole, it is better not to use chemicals. After all, it comes to food and kitchen, where food is preparing. Therefore, the most correct option will be folk methods:

  • Roll into all infected products. Flour and clean cereals to remove into cans with tightly spinning lids.
  • Treat all kitchen cabinets with solid food soda.
  • Watch that there is no water in the sink and all sewer pipes were dry. An adult person lives at the expense of water.
  • Rinse all slots in kitchen furniture 9% acetable solution. Food mole is there it loves to postpone their larvae.
  • In lockers put black fragrant peas.
  • Glue the grid with very small holes on the ventilation hole in the bathroom and in the kitchen.

Prevention measures

Mole in the apartment - what to do? To less often ask this question or forget about the pest forever, it is necessary to comply with a number of rules that will help protect the house from the invasion of this voracious insect.

  • When buying things, they need to carefully examine, especially the seams, pockets, lining. In particular, it concerns things from fur and wool.
  • All new clothes are desirable to post in frost or sunny weather for several hours on the balcony or on the street.
  • Store bulk products in tanks with covers. Before putting them into the closet, carefully inspect. Do not try to buy the future, because with a debt of storage, the likelihood that mole will be taken in the croups or flour, increases.
  • Periodically in Chiffiorier, you need to sort out all things and wipe the shelves with soap solution.
  • Use folk remedies as prevention. Spread orange peel on the cabinets, or arrange the bottle with the ending spirits.
  • Regularly ventilate the room and use air fresheners.


It is not always easy to understand how to deal with the mole in the apartment at home is not always easy if you do not know the reasons for its appearance. Therefore, the primary task is the answer to the question why this insect appeared. Although his size is negligible, but the damage is incredibly large.

Therefore, if you saw in the house mole, immediately destroy it, and then start the product revision and inspection of everything else.

But most importantly, it must be remembered that if there is no moth in the apartment - this does not mean that it will never be. Be sure to conduct prevention. Because the struggle against the pest may be very difficult, having taken a lot of strength and energy.

Prices for clothing are now rather big, especially on elite from fur. But, unfortunately, to keep the proper condition of things interferes with mole. She is the main enemy of all coats, and every person who values \u200b\u200bhis clothes, thinks about how to protect his wardrobe from these pests and bring mole from the apartment.

if you have a moth at home, hurry to get rid of it

There are two types of moths. Representatives of individuals of the first species are called - by payers, such a mole is most common in everyday life, it is usually started in the closet and spoils things.

The second type of moth is food, it starts in the apartment not as often as a wrame, but harm brings no less, as it usually spoils food. Before starting to fight insect, it is necessary to determine what kind of it represents, because for everyone there are separate ways of struggle.

In today's article, we will consider the basic methods of combating paying moth.

Methods of getting rid of wrapping moth

Methods for making moths. So, the main ways to protect your clothes from the winged pests.

  1. Natural, natural way to get rid of moths is to affect it with air temperature. These butterflies do not tolerate the temperature below the minus five and above forty-five degrees Celsius. In winter, you can leave for some time the windows open, which will allow to destroy the mole and its larvae. There are also special devices that are capable of maintaining the desired temperature.
  2. The second, and the most efficient, method for the destruction of moths is chemicals. Most often, they are in the form of aerosols, but there are devices operating from the mains, as well as in the form of plates impregnated with special substances.
  3. Also assistance in confrontation with moth will be popular methods. There are a huge amount of them, since during the years of the existence of moths people tried to use many different methods for the struggle.

Aerosols against moth

Aerosol is an excellent way to get rid of insects. It is good for preventing the appearance of these pests. The use of spray aerosols has the greatest popularity among other methods.

This is explained by the fact that it is easy to use aerosols, and they quickly destroy mole. Previously, such substances had a sharp, unpleasant smell, now most of the manufacturers are added special flavors in aerosols, which made their smell pleasant.

But no matter how nice are neither an aerosol, you should clearly follow the instructions that attached to it. In all modern means there are substances that can cause allergies or even light poisoning in humans.

Below is a list of the most effective aerosols:

  • Moskitol
  • "Raptor"
  • "Arch"

the best aerosols from moths


Well help in the fight against the pests-pests fumigators. There are pyrotechnic variants of the device (in this case, the fumigator is represented as a spiral, when the ignition is allocated to smoke). And also there are electrical (in such an apparatus there are special plates, which are separated from heating with electricity, a special substance is distinguished)

To achieve a better effect, you need to put a fumigator in a closed wardrobe. In the case of an electricity operating apparatus, an extension can be used. After processing with an electric fumigator, a plate should be swapped.

List of most effective and harmless to human fumigators:

  • Moskitol
  • "Raptor"
  • "Raid"

the best fumigators from moths

Sections for scaring moths

Sections - the easiest way to use the way to remove mole. It is enough to ravine special plates in places that may be subject to moth attack, and insects will fly through this place to the party.

The choice of such sections in the store is quite large. They are presented in different forms and with various flavors. Here are the most popular of them:

  • Moskitol
  • "Raptor"
  • "Raid"

the most effective sections from moths in clothing

People's Methods for Moth

As already mentioned, the folk methods of combating moths. Such methods are available to everyone and do not require large financial costs. But no matter how sad, folk remedies from moths serve only as supplements to professional substances, and hope that such ways will completely remove mole, not worth it. Basically, all these funds simply kick mole from habitats, but do not destroy it.

Here is a list of the most popular folk agents from moth:

  • it is necessary to place the leaves of lavender in the places of clothing storage (cabinets, suitcases). You can use lavender in bags or lavender oil, which are freely sold in pharmacies.
  • put next to the places where mole started, a pot with fragrant geranium, its smell will scare pests;
  • moisten cotton wool orange butter and decompose the pieces of this wool in the closet;
  • place orange peels in the wardrobe, household soap, geranium leaves;
  • just wrap things in the newspaper and hide into hard-to-reach places.


As much as many methods exist to destroy moth. But it is best that they do not need. And for this you need to regularly make the prevention of the appearance of these malicious butterflies. It is enough to keep an apartment clean and regularly ventilated.

To figure out how to get rid of moths, first need to find out what kind of this insect penetrated to your home. It is also necessary to detect the place in which these minor moths began. Consider the rules and methods to combat the moth of different types.

The first thing to understand, starting the struggle with Mol, is not the insect with which you can cope with mechanical means. In other words, trying to kill insects just useless. The females lay eggs in different places around the perimeter of the entire premises, so all forces should be sent to the destruction of them.

It is necessary to start with the determination of the habitat of moths. If the insect is seen in the kitchen, then the first
The rule of combating it will eliminate infected products. If the insect constantly flies away from the cabinets, the struggle will be longer.

In order for the fight against the mole in clothes, it makes sense to begin with, it is necessary to fully check all things. Those of them that are subject to heat treatment must be wrapped in hot water or just disappear. Some modern models of washing machines have such a function. It can help and freeze, for example, things can be removed on the frost for a day and there will be no larvae in them. Of course, this can be done only in winter and that if you have the opportunity.

Only after such simple manipulations, you can resort to other people's or purchased tools, of course, if the mole remains.

Types of moths in the apartment

Mole in the apartment there are two types: wraising and food. Often, people do not even notice that these annoying insects are different. And, because that the struggle with them is effective, you must first find out what mole started with you.

In total, there are about 150 thousand moth species. Fortunately, in our area there are only some of them. Food moth is the most popular pest in our apartments and houses. It has small dimensions - no more than 9 mm, and the dimensions of the larvae can reach one and a half centimeters. The lifespan of an adult individual - up to three weeks, but the larva can live for about two months, sometimes more, if you need to be overwhelmed. Food is powered by dry products.

Harding mole has smaller dimensions than the food, the length of the body of an adult individual does not exceed 5 mm, the dimensions of the larvae can reach one centimeter. Development period from pending eggs to adult
Oracle is half a year. The place of reproduction, the wool mole chooses woolen things, they should only be natural. Dirty woolen things are suitable.

Interestingly, in a natural environment, a wrapping mole puts eggs in bird nests. In apartments and houses, it will fully arrange a place with things of natural origin with animal fibers.

In the house mole, but you do not know where she is from?

Some mistakenly think that if the apartment or house is clean, then the mole cannot start. In fact, the perfect cleanliness of the room can scare, cockroaches, bedbugs and many other insects, but not mole. The "richer" house, the more food and clothing in it, the greater the likelihood of moth appearance.

Where does the food mole come from? To answer this question, you need to think in what places you buy products. In most cases, food mole enters the room precisely with food from the store. This pest has its favorite products.

These include:

  • all cereals;
  • dried fruits;
  • flour;
  • dry milk mixtures;
  • dry pet food;
  • dried herbs.

It is easy to see that all these products are dry. Buying them, you need to be particularly attentive. Sometimes such a product, often precipitated cereals, sold with a big discount. It should alert, because most likely they are overdue, which is a faithful sign of the presence of moths.

There is also the likelihood of the appearance of food moths from neighbors, for example, through the ventilation system. However, even though moths have wings, it flies badly, so that such a probability is very small, but it is not worth excluding it.

Where does a wrapping mole come from? Think about what things you bought lately and where. Hard moth also have beloved things.

These include:

  • natural coats of wool;
  • footwear with natural fur;
  • any woolen or knitted clothes.

At the time of purchase in things there could be several larvae, which, having come home to you, turned into adult individuals. Fast reproduction of moth may contribute to a rapid increase in the amount of pests. Unfortunately, often even in expensive elite stores you can buy clothes with pest larvae, so no one is insured.

Mole in the kitchen

Food mole that starts in the kitchen requires primarily time to fight her. The first thing to start - find the packages themselves in which insects began. Even thinking should not be about the further use of products in which the mole is found, they need to throw them out. Moreover, it is necessary to do this immediately and not just in the trash can, but immediately in the garbage chute. It is necessary to revise each bag with cereal. Special attention should be paid to packages with a cereal bought.

There are other rules to combat mole in the kitchen:

  1. The kitchen should be kept clean. How much as it says that it is impossible to leave any food open open, some are still neglecting these rules. As for the croup, someone thinks that it will not become a source of problems, because cockroaches, flies and many other pests bypass it. But about the food mole that is never averse to reinforce the cereal, they forget.
  2. After you bought a barbell in the store and brought home, do not rush to suspend it in glass jars or other storage tanks. First, it is recommended to hide it in the oven. It takes quite a bit of time, literally five minutes. Those who have become in habit are never faced with the problem of food moth. After the oven, the cereal must be shipped into containers that close tightly.

In addition to cereals, mole can settle in tea, dried fruits and other dry products. So the kitchen is a place where you need to follow the order and condition of absolutely all products.

Mole in Crup

The appearance of moths in the cereal requires immediate disposal of the entire pack. After that, you need to check other packs and proceed to the processing of the cabinet, in which the contaminated gruse was located. It must be washed with soap or a special means for disinfection, then wipe with dry rags and leave open until it dries. Only then the cereals can be put back.

To the rescue in the fight against the mole, which has fallen by visiting a kitchen cabinet with croups, can come usual garlic. In each jar with a crop, it is recommended to put 1-2 cloves of garlic. Its smell does not just scare the mole, but can lead and even to poisoning insects, because it irritates the mucous membranes of the whole organism. As for the cereals itself, it is not worth worrying, it will not affect the taste of the qualities of the garlic, even the smell will not hear.

The cans themselves with croups should close tightly. Some hostesses simply dress up an open package clove or paper clips. This method of storage of cereals absolutely does not protect it from moth, and from other insects too.

The most efficient advice may be quite simple - change the store in which you buy a barn. Some unscrupulous sellers can sell an overdue product or a product of unknown origin.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies from moths are often valid.

Consider the most popular of them:

What to buy in the store

If the use of folk remedies did not give results, it is not worth tightening. After all, the wrapping mole carries the risk of destroying all the clothes, and the food - infection of all products. In specialized stores you can find modern means from moths, the result of the application of which will not make you wait for yourself.

Consider possible options:

If the purchased funds do not help, and the moths are becoming more and more, you can contact special services, whose specialists come to the house, evaluate the situation and conduct professional processing.

Prevention of appearance

Any problem is easier to prevent than eliminating and the appearance of moths is no exception. It is especially important to comply with preventive measures to those who have already come across this problem and has coped with it.

First of all, prevention includes control of the stock of products. Many are used to creating huge stocks, although there is no actual need for this. Specialists advise you to buy food in such a quantity so that it is enough for a week. As for the choice of the products themselves, especially cereals, it is better to buy a barrel of famous brands that have a good authority.

Buying clothes, you need to care carefully. If you have to buy used things, they need to carefully wrap up before you begin to wear. In stores you can buy special disinfection tools that are added to the washing machine to eliminate the larvae of pests. If the matter allows, you can lift it in boiling water. Particular attention must be paid to woolen or other natural things. It is them most likely loves mole and puts her eggs there.

  • shubny - feed mainly animal wool, have yellowish-clay color and slightly pubescent wings;
  • hards - We prefer wool products, capable of all the thick sweater or coat, have a thick sweater or coat, have a wings of a purple shade, passing into yellow, head - white;
  • furniture - the golden shade of this butterfly attracts attention, but it can be infrequently found, but the caterpillars feel quite freely in the upholstery of furniture from horse's hair and other natural materials;
  • food or cereal The eggs in the storage location of cereals and flour, which in the future feeds the larvae, can distinguish them by habitat, mainly near edible supplies.

Actually, it is the food habits that are the only significant sign that distinguishes the species of the winged pests from others.

Rules of preventive struggle

Bright sunlight, regular ventilation and maintenance in cabinets and layers of low humidity allow you to create conditions that are not suitable for insect development. Another important point is timely cleaning and washing of clothing cleaned for storage. Pot and contamination spots contain substances that attract pests. Accordingly, it is from these sites that the caterpillar will begin its breakfast, lunch or dinner. Fur things, cleaned for seasonal storage, it is necessary to periodically shake, thus getting rid of the possible deposits of eggs that have not yet reached the output stage of the larvae. Store clothing follows in special covelaces or packages.

Regular cleaning and ventilation is the best prophylactic agent. Before removing the mole, as well as after getting rid of the pest, it is worth taking a regular wet carpet cleaning and upholstered furniture using disinfecting compositions (monochloraine or its analogs) and a vacuum cleaner.

Folk methods of destruction

If the food mole appeared in the house, how to withdraw it - the question will stand on the agenda quite acute. Impact chemicals here will not work. More secure processing is required. So, if you found in banks or packages with the croups of translucent "worms", from already affected reserves it is better to get rid of immediately. And the rest, "clean" at first glance grocery products need to be treated thermally by subjected to heat in the microwave oven.

Among the so-called "folk" funds from wrapping and fur coiled species of winged "incineration", the following options are particularly popular:

  1. Naphthalene. This chemical has been actively used to scare up adult individuals our grandmothers. True, today it is considered to be too dangerous from the point of view of excretion of carcinogens into the air environment and do not recommend to use in residential premises. Moreover, on larvae and eggs, this means is not at all.
  2. Another option of an effective scarethew - lavender. It can be used in the form of twigs or essential oils. Similar effect also have coniferous rocks: pine, fir and cedar.
  3. Acetic couples - Extremely effective repellent, capable of expelling the pest from the subsoil of the cabinet. True, he only acts on adult males and females.
  4. PyrethrumReceived from certain types of chamomile is an effective insecticide of a wide range of action. It can be bought in special stores.
  5. Dried Gena Leaves, Orange Zedra, Pijmas Flowers - All this can be attributed to the category of home repetitions. True, their effectiveness still leaves much to be desired. But to spoil the surface of clothing in the process of using pollen or plants essential oils will not be completely difficult.

Chemical attack

The use of household insecticides is a good solution if you want to quickly end the "invaders" inhabiting the premises. However, it is worth remembering: you should remove children and pets. This rule refers to the use of sprays and liquids sprayed with a spray gun. In particular, this category includes all the well-known "Suprozol" and similar to it in the composition of "suprite", as well as the good old "dichlorophos".

Repellents - another option of manufactured chemicals. In this form, you can find plates for fumigators of various production, as well as tablets placed in wardrobes and storage rooms. They act during a certain period of time and require regular replacement. Popular today and special sections from moths are chemical flavored agents intended for accommodation in the cabinets.

Food trees are destroyed by steaming or warming up in the oven or microwave oven. Infected packaging larvae emit. Cabinets are released from content and treated with special preparations (aerosols) from the inside and outside, paying special attention to the back wall.

Alternative solutions

If you are not ready to resort to the use of household chemicals, it is worth paying attention to alternative solutions to the problem. For example, as an auxiliary effect, you can use the effect of direct sunlight or quartz radiation. Under their impact of caterpillars and eggs that do not have natural protection are dying within 30 - 60 minutes without any additional effort.

As a measure of impact on eggs and larvae, you can use boiling water or washing in very hot water. If clothing items, curtains or furniture covers do not have contraindications to thermal exposure, they should be subjected to this type of processing. Carpets are better to give in dry cleaning or treat with a vacuum cleaner using disinsection funds.

Fractionalization is another effective method of destruction of recently hatched individuals. It is enough to leave a wardrobe or packages with clothes for a day in a unheated room (a balcony is suitable) at a temperature below zero and thoroughly shake each thing before you put it in the house.

Help professionals of the company Eco-Capital

How to remove moth times and forever? It is enough to contact the help of professionals. Experienced specialists have a whole arsenal of funds for combating paying, fur coat and food types of insects, and will also help choose the drugs of small toxicity, lose their danger for a person a few hours after applying.

As the most effective measures of struggle, the models of hot and cold fog are used - aggregates that allow insecticidal drugs under pressure, providing their uniform spraying to all the surfaces available in the premises or an apartment. It is worth considering that when processing a cold way, it is necessary to provide access to the rear walls of the cabinet furniture - it will increase the chances of success. The hot fog method does not require additional preparation for treatment and allows you to destroy insects in any stage of their development.

Many owners of even the most pureldoor apartments periodically have to think about where Mol appears from. It seems to be in the house everything is not clean and other insects, but these unbreakable gray butterflies begin to come across the eyes more and more. In fact, the reason for the appearance of moth depends primarily not from the purity of the dwelling itself (as, for example, in the case of cockroaches), but from other factors.

Most importantly, what kind of mole started in the house, to which kind it belongs - there are wrapping moles and food mole. These are similar to each other, but quite different in their biology pests fall into the house every way with their own ways.

Hading, where in the apartment takes mole, it is useful to remember that she is indifferent to the sanitary condition of the room. The pest is equally efficiently infected with low-chi-generic barracks, and luxury housing. The main thing for it is the presence of a feed base, namely, this feed base is most abundant in expensive homes.

Food moth path in the apartment

Favorite food moths - cereal, seeds, nuts, dried fruits, dairy mixes, flour, animal feed, dried berries, herbs and roots.

On a note

Very often, products in warehouses infected with moth are sold at bargain prices. Sometimes it means that by purchasing buckwheat or flour with a "festive" discount, a housewife provides a headache and bewilderment about the appearance of moths in the apartment. It is important to remember that it does not appear in the kitchen in itself, - in the overwhelming majority of cases, the owners of the room are entered.

Sometimes the reasons for the appearance of moths in the house are becoming clear after the conversation with the neighbors: the pest moves along the ventilation systems passing throughout the house. This means that mole in your apartment may well come from the neighboring room.

Mol is a bad shooter, and between apartments move quite rarely. Much more often larvae, pupae and eggs moth fall into the house with food or furniture.

If a grocery store is located on the first floor of a residential building, it is possible that it is he who is the place where the food mole is taken from a multi-factor house. Storage of croup and flour in warehouses in large quantities provokes the reproduction of this pest.

As anything else, the winged can simply fly into the apartment, for example, from the staircase through the open door, but it happens extremely rarely.

How to get into the apartment weed mole

So, where does the mole come from in the closet, if all the things are new, clean and neatly folded? To find out if you should remember whether the following products have been bought:

  • natural woolen carpets
  • furniture with natural upholstery
  • outerwear from fur or wool
  • wall wool or knitted things
  • footwear with natural fur.

If at home I started mole after one of these purchases, you can confidently say that the larvae was already in it at the time of purchase. After settling, the mole began to multiply and spoil other things that came across her way. Unfortunately, the pest can even be in expensive things from the proven stores that they protect their reputation.

Buying in the store or used furniture can also serve as an excellent "vehicle" for transporting moth larvae to a new place of residence. This is especially true of the old furniture, in which it is very easy to get to the "delicious" filler.

Fully insure against the appearance of food moths in the apartment is unlikely to succeed, because to infect the kitchen, one flies in an individual or one larvae in the painted crop. It is much more important to create homes such conditions that will not allow moths comfortably multiply and spoil products.

First let's see what conditions for food moth are most favorable:

How to prevent pray from entering the house?

The one who knows well where the mole is taken in the apartment can competently approach and to prevent her appearance in the dwelling.

Avoiding the appearance of a wrapping moth can be avoided only with careful inspection of all new things that fall into the house. Even if the fur coat or the hat is bought in an expensive store, it is standing right there to carefully view its external and inside on the subject of damage to moth larvae. At home, it is necessary to post the purchased thing to the balcony and leave it there for three days. Do it stands with clear sunny weather without dampness, so as not to spoil the fur or wool.

Wonderful fragrant prevention from the wrap moth will be unfolded in the lavender closet or orange peels (they need to be changed as drying), you can also put an outdoor essential oil bottle of any of these plants.

For lovers of finished preparations, you can offer special sections from moths that are hung in the closet and also have a pleasant aroma. The fur coat itself, the cap or carpet can be treated with a spray from moths - it is especially recommended to do when storing warm things in the summer season.

It is interesting

There are some more ways to keep your favorite things from wrapping moths. Before storage, they can be laid with fresh newspapers or put a few strong cigarettes in pockets (mole does not like the smell of typographic paint and tobacco, but it can be preserved for a long time and spoil the pleasure of wearing things). Another good way is to quell things or products. For this, during the cold season, they can be "forgetting" on the balcony for several days, after which any mole will die. The central heating battery is also working, which is on small woolen and knitted things - socks, hats, sweatshirts.

Principles of preventing infection with food moth are similar to the foregoing. After arrival from the grocery store, you need to view all goods where moth can start: cereals, dried fruits, nuts, dry spices, herbs. If nothing is found there, food can be stored in glass jars or linen bags.

Some folk recipes are advised to heat the bags with brine or simply salted water. Definitely do not store cereals or flour in the opened factory packaging.

It is recommended to periodically air the kitchen cabinets and wipe the shelves with vinegar, lavender or orange peels in them. It is not recommended to acquire cereals and nuts in large quantities "about the supply", as the longer such a product is stored, the greater the chances of moths in it.