Installation of a folding roof: arrangement of roofing pie and installing folded panels. Installation of a folded roof Folding roof with your own hands

Folding roof - durable metal coating for any building. It looks at all as we are accustomed to and compared to tiled, metal tiles, metal products, slate and rubyroid, very attracts attention.

This roofing material received its name from the name of the seam, which is fastened with a thickness of 450 to 600 millimeters with a thickness of 450 to 600 millimeters. If you buy ready-made metal for a folded roof, then its sheets are called paintings. Between themselves, they are connected using a folding seam.

Not any specialist will be able to fully and beautifully fulfill such work. But in the building materials market now you can find self-locking folding roof, for the installation of which is not needed high qualifications.

Advantages and disadvantages of a folding roof

Recent years, the folding roof is not very popular, as it is very simple and quite cheap you can build a roof from the professional flooring. In addition, it has such disadvantages:

    additional noise insulation will be required. Without it, you can not feel comfortable during the rain, since the knock of the droplets on the metal is very loud;

    complex installation and small popularity are very complicated by the search for specialists in the installation of a folding roof;

    the cheapest option is from galvanized steel - it looks not very attractive. Much higher aesthetic indicators in the copper folding roof or metal with a special coating of zinc-titanium, but this is strongly reflected in cost;

    required during the device of the folding roof it is necessary to build a thunder, as it can accumulate electrical stress.

But there are advantages:

  • high strength and durability;
  • low weight does not require enhanced design;
  • economical consumption of materials;
  • the cost is fully adequate to all the pluses and cons of the material;
  • wide selection of color solutions;
  • thanks to the smooth surface on the roof, snow and rainwater do not accumulate.

Installation of the folded roof is carried out on the roofs with a bias of 140 . In this case, you can use simple seam. If the slope is less (the minimum allowable - 70 ), then you will need to do a double fold on a solid crate and be sure to compact it at the expense of silicone sealant.

Special attention in the arrangement of the folding roof from copper or any other material should be given to heat and waterproofing, as well as ensure sufficient ventilability of the reverse side of the roof. Additionally, it is necessary to provide noise insulation of the roof or attic room.

When installing, the steel fasteners with zinc coating should be used so that they will serve sufficiently long time. Otherwise, during operation, small repair work will be required to replace them.

As for the base for the roof, it can be both solid and in the form of a crate. In the case of the crate, it is necessary to arrange it so that there is no savory. To do this, it is necessary to correctly calculate the estimated step, based on the width of metal sheets (paintings) and the location of the seams.

With proper installation, with compliance with all the subtleties of technology and high-quality execution, such a roofing can last up to 100 years.

Types of folding roof

According to the method of fastening the metal plates (paintings), 4 types of installation of a folding roof differ in each other:

    standing single;

    single single;

    standing double;

    lying double.

The latter species is most reliable, since when using this type of seam mounting is protected well and the roof becomes a practically monolithic design protected from external influences.

Single Falts is used only on the roofs with a slope from 150 .

In the case of complex structures, 2 types of seams are used - laying for horizontal (transverse) compounds and standing for vertical (longitudinal) compounds.

Metal roofing can be made of different materials:

    the easiest and cheapest option is galvanized steel folding roof - required periodic tints every 8-10 years. Otherwise, its appearance sharply spoil the gray spots and it gradually comes in disrepair due to corrosion. Useful exploitation - about 20 years;

    steel with polymer coating is better withstanding the sun's rays and more attractive;

    the most optimal material is aluminum. Aluminum folding roof at its relatively small cost can serve up to 80 years;

    often make a folding roof from copper. It does not require tints, very resistant to corrosion and over time acquires noble color (darkest);

    the most expensive and reliable alloy for the folding roof from zinc and titanium. It has resistance to corrosion, temperature drops and long service life (up to 100 years).

Instructions for the installation of a folded roof with their own hands

Installation of a folding roof consists of such steps:

    Preparatory work (procurement of materials and preparation of instruments).

    Installation of the rafter system, waterproofing membrane and crates.

    Installation of the cornice plank and wind rail.

    Preparation of paintings and their installation on the roofs.

    Installing the aprons on all roof holes, fastener skate.

Preparatory work

Immediately before starting the folding roof installation, prepare all the materials and tools.

You will need materials:

    metal sheets (paintings) or metal in rolls;

    wind strips;

    carnival node;

    horse and z-slats;


    a wall profile;

    50x50 mm beams and boards for the rafter system;

    drainage grooves and other elements of the drainage system;

    fasteners, including Klimmers. For mounting sheets in length, over 10 meters use "sliding", in other cases - fixed.

The amount of materials depends on the size of the house and the roof project. The least materials of the materials will be in the event that you first prepare the drawing in which all the little things will be taken into account, and buy a metal in rolls, which will allow it to be cut under the required dimensions right before installation.

The main tool for a folding roof is a mile or a special folding mechanism for folding machines (folding machines can be used), but besides this, you will need the following tools:

    scissors for metal;

    electronics or nibler;

    roulette, centimeter;

    level, level, plumb;




    rubber hammer;

    pincers with wide sponges;

    hacksaw, jigsaw, hammer;

    pistol for sealant.

Installation of the rafter system, crates and waterproofing

The rafter system for a folding roof is no different from any other.

Important! Before mounting any elements from the tree, do not forget to treat wood impregnation from burning, rotting and bugs.

At rafters according to the technology, the waterproofing membrane should be attached. For ease of work, it is desirable to immediately prepare a control (30x60 mm board) with a length of the membrane roll equal to the width - 1.5 meters. Under these controls, it is advisable to use a sealer layer, which will help to take the holes in the membrane from the fastening nails. Thus, the roof waterproofing will be not only improved, but the noise produced during the rain or hail will decrease slightly.

Waterproofing is performed from left to right and bottom up. At the same time, each subsequent segment of the material is located with an adhesive of 15 cm. It is glued with a double-sided scotch or butyl ribbon. This achieves additional insulation of the roof.

The first lower layer of the waterproofing membrane should be removed on the upper Svet (special construction plan), from which water from the membrane will enter the roof drainage system, which should be installed before the start of these works.

An important stage is the arrangement of the crate. A steel profile, a 30x100 mm or 50th bar can be used for it. In the event that the copper roof is mounted, the lamp must be solid. In other cases, there is enough step 20-25 cm between the boards, but closer to the carnisy skes, along the skate joint and in places where there is a rash, should be attached to several solid boards. Minimally 50 cm.

Installation of the cornice plank and wind rail

The bottom of the roof, which comes into contact with the drain, must be installed before mounting the main part of the roof. To do this, you can use the finished carnisic bar, which looks like this:

It is not possible to gently bend it yourself independently, it is not possible, so if you for some reason did not buy it, then you can make a little different design. To do this, it is necessary to fix the corner bar for the cornice, and then on top of the allen in 20 mm, consolidate another metal sheet, through which the water will be drained into the drain.

After that, the crate should be fastened to the windscreen rains. These are ordinary wooden bars of 30x50 mm.

Preparation of paintings and their installation on the roof raids

There are 2 ways to lay fold sheets:

    Traditional. In this case, the finished paintings are mounted according to the drawing, where their symmetric location is accommodated, which gives an attractive view of the roof. Sheets raise, decompose, and then fasten with each other dual or single folded seam. If the house is large, then not only vertical, but also horizontal seams are often used. If you do a roof with your own hands, then it will be easier to use pictures with a self-locking mechanism.

    Modern. In this case, the site is bought metal in rolls. Before installation, it is cut into the patterns of the required length with festers for seams. The length of the frame typically corresponds to the length of the roof (for bands over 10 meters used "sliding" klemmer for a folding roof). The sheets are connected by a special device on double folds, sometimes with the use of sealant.

Attention! Feeding any metal panels (paintings) on the roof should be carried out with marginal caution. For convenience, you can use lags.

The starting picture with the help of self-samples is attached to the wind rake, forming a small ledge for her. At the same time, the self-sufficiency should not be twisted a little. Leave somewhere in the floor of turning so that the metal sheet is not deformed during heating. Nearby fasten the next leaf on the crate. Self-tapping screws are fixed in the same way, without cheating on the floor turnover. If the pictures without a self-locking mechanism are used, then the panel crate is attached using curvators, and after installing the paintings they are connected by seam using a roofing tool for a folding roof.

In the event that a number of folding sheets does not coincide in length with a width of the roof, the laying should begin with the left edge. The last sheet should be trimmed with a ledger for a roof by 30 cm. It is bent up. If it is not enough for the centuries quite a bit - up to 50-60 cm, then you can leave discover parts from both sides of the roof, but they should be drove up.

Installing aprons on all roof holes, fasteners

The folding roof is completed by mounting the skate and the installation of aprons on all holes in the roof.

The horse is fixed on the upper bent up the edges of the patterns or with perforatedZ. - Layers, which is attached using self-samples to roofing panels. The horse can be flat or semicircular (shaped).

At the skate and all other protruding parts of the folding roof it is necessary to make a plug. To do this, just adjust the sheet.

The roof windows, chimney and other holes should be closed with the help of aprons and wall profiles.

Any type of roof needs an annual inspection and a small repair. If the folding roof was established in compliance with all technologies, then in the absence of emergency situations and natural cataclysms, you will not need to repair for many years.

In case of significant damage to the coating in some areas, it is possible to replace pictures.

If your roof is made of aluminum or zinc, then there is a chance to get rid of a small patch. Zinc is a lease and soldering. After installing a new site, do not forget to apply a solution for aging for copper after repair so that your patch does not stand out over the rest. For aluminum, they make a pay at 7-8 cm wider than the affected area and fasten it with the help of self-tapping screws. The joints should be labeled with roofing twice with a drying break.

More often, the repair is underdeveloped due to the formation of leakage. Usually they arise already after several years of operation. Causes can be:

    schedules of sheets due to the too wide step of the crate;

    the change in the geometry of the building in connection with the change of temperature form leaks in places that are closed by apron;

    metal corrosion or mechanical damage on it;

    violated sea tightness.

To identify the cause of the leakage, it is necessary to examine the attic room. If it turns out that there flows in the place of the connection of sheets, additional rolling of seams will be required using the sealant.

In the case of leaks on the chimney or other places closed apron, it is necessary to produce their full disassembly and return using high-quality sealant.

The most expensive repair is waiting for those from whom from leakage rotches the rafter system. It is almost impossible to replace it for repairing a roof in this case, you will need to remove the whole roof and do it again. It is unlikely that after dismantling it is possible to use the same pictures (metal). In order to avoid such an unenviable fate, it is necessary to prepare wood with antiseptics in a timely manner and monitor its condition.


Folding roof allows you to create interesting and reliable structures that protect the house from bad weather and heat loss. Made of high-quality and durable materials such a roof can serve 80-100 years. However, due to quite large difficulties in installation, this type of coating is not too popular. In recent years, it is most often used for large industrial facilities.

During the construction of private houses and cottages, a folding roof has become increasingly used as the most optimal version of the roof for any one and two-story building, observing items SNiP (construction standards and construction rules).

Folding is called a certain technology of laying metal sheets on the roof, the nodes of which are connected in a special way using the machine (parts can be seen in the photo below).

What does she represent?

Folding the roof is used in the construction of private residential buildings, primarily due to the availability and durability of the material.

The technology of the folding roof appeared in Germany, it was from there to us and this definition came (from the verb "Falzen", which with German denotes "bending").

Also, in addition to the method itself, a special tool was developed for a folding roof and a machine that ensure high-quality work, because Bend the metal with bare hands, creating, for example, the dome will not work.

Nowadays, buy a high-quality device to make folding roofing pie is not difficult, a huge variety of equipment is present on the domestic and foreign markets of construction equipment, and the instruction in the understandable language complements such a device.

Folding and repairing the folding roof itself is difficult, basically do not require specialized skills and skills, a little practice and even a person who is not aware of the construction business can qualitatively perform this procedure or make a dome as in the photo below. The main thing is to follow SNiP.

You can make sure how to work with time if the sheets are fastened reliably and in compliance with the SNiP, the moisture will not penetrate the housing.

Installation of the folding roof or create a dome can also be on the construction site using the machine, and directly on the roof itself.

Classification of folding seam and varieties of materials used

There are several varieties of folding seam: lying, standing, double and single. The laying technology is largely dependent on the seam type.

Standing folds are connected by the side edges of steel strips running along the skate.

False perform using a special electromechanical sealing device presented in the photo.

The most optimal and reliable view of the folded seam is double standing - in this case, the tightness will be the maximum that it will not even allow the moisture drop.

When creating a roofing folding coating using a machine, several components can be used.

Non-ferrous metals, namely copper, aluminum or zinc-titanium alloy. Over time - the red color of the roof goes into a brown, and next - in matte-black.

The folded copper roof can be covered with a protective layer of patinas, this technology will extend the service life of the roof and protect the original color, will save our solid dome from damage and corrosion.

In other words, the patina layer turned copper roofs in the photo from below to almost invulnerable material.
Because of this feature, copper uses the most popular among roofing materials.

In practice, there are cases when the copper folding roof, protected by a patina (a special machine was used when installed), served more than a hundred years.

In addition to the long service life, the metal roof is popular for the following reasons:

  • The folding surface absolutely will not need operational expenditures. After the work, there is no need to paint or clean the surface using expensive devices and construction techniques, roofing pie will be shown from the effects of adverse weather conditions;
  • Copper is harmless to the human body, the material does not distinguish harmful substances;
  • Due to the high indicator of the plasticity of copper, the repair of the folding roof is performed quickly and simply, the metal is melted.

Along with copper, folding is done using polymeric materials, while observing SNiP (shown in the photo below).

The folding surface consists of several layers: steel, zinc, soil, paint layer and polymer itself.

This combination of layers is selected using many years of experience and practice, all components perform their specific functions, the repair of the folded roof, the instruction of which is available to everyone, is quite simple.

It should be remembered that not all polymer coatings have the same properties, according to SNiP.

Each material has its own impact of ultraviolet light on the coating, the tensile strength at different temperatures.

Following the popularity of use, there is a profiled coating.

Using the machine, giving metal sheets of a wavy form due to decorative targets, thanks to which the coating looks beautifully (you can see an example on the bottom).

Such sheets can be made using polymer products, but not always they are included in the composition.

The technology of the polymer profiled coating will allow you to create such roof forms:

  • Trapecietary folding roof;
  • Normal, rounded metal roof;
  • Sine-shaped folding roof.

Corrugated sheets differ in the width of the finished profile, under the conditions of application, in the form and height of the corrugations.

The roofing pie of this species can be suitable for both large-scale production and office, and for the arrangement of private housing, you can even create a dome for the urban construction in compliance with the SNiP requirements.

Among the buildings of a non-standard form (an example is the dome), builders most often use aluminum.

This element has a flexible basis and excellent resistance to weather conditions and corrosion, which is important for urban structures.

In the presence of the required amount of this flexible metal, construction organizations can repair the folding roof and its laying using the machine, depending on the requirements, such as the dome can be done. Also, roofing pie can take any other form (the most common are shown in the photo below).

Also, with the help of falset technology, you can achieve a different relief.

Aluminum exhibits itself equally well in any form, even decorative figures will look carefully and elegant if all the work is performed by qualified professionals.

Aluminum folded coating itself, during operation, forms a special protective film that protects material from environmental impact.

At the same time, it should be paid to the free access to the material.

In addition to good protection against corrosion, aluminum does not miss ultraviolet and does not burn. A qualitatively performed aluminum folding roof will serve several dozen years old!

The video below shows the device of the folding roof.

Recently, the technology of folding coating with the help of curls has become in demand.

Kleimmer is a special adaptation of the curved shape, with which the sheet began to be attached to the crate.

The convenience of the klymmer is that it is attached to the sheets by ordinary self-drawing, which compensates for the absence of special holes in the roofing material.

How to put a folding roof?

The list of works is as follows:

  • To begin with, a rafter system is established in compliance with the requirements of SNiP. Elements of the system are processed by means of inflammation protection, as well as an antiseptic. At this stage, the areas planned in the future, the largest and smallest loads are calculated;
  • Mounted sound insulation and waterproofing membrane;
  • It is necessary to form a system of easy access of oxygen to the layers of the folding surface. For this, special holes are created in the cornices and skates;
  • The doomle is stacked for folding roof, which will continue to provide ventilated space;
  • Comb is installed;
  • With the allen lay metal sheets, a self-locking folding roof is installed. The connection of the sheets at the same time occurs on the roof itself, with the help of a special device;
  • An aprons consisting of identical to the other material coating are mounted on outdoor places.

It should be remembered that the folding coating can be mounted if the angle of inclination of the roof is at least 7 degrees, according to the requirements of SNiP.

If the degree is even smaller, then the material can be deformed, and in the place of the metal sheets of metal sheets are formed.

When circumcised part of the coating, the corners of the cut must be coated with corrosion protected.

Today on the market there is simply a huge selection of roofing materials: from traditional ceramic tiles to modern ondulin. However, despite such a diversity, many owners of housing stop their choice on metal roofs mounted by a folding way.

Main features of folding roofs

To begin with, we will understand in the construction technology associated with this type of roofing. So, Fal'tseva is called the roof collected from metal sheets interconnected by means of special seams - foldals. These seams can be like horizontal (lying folds), so vertical (standing folds that should go exclusively along the skate). In addition, single and double folders are applied.

Metal sheets with edges prepared for forming folded compounds are called paintings. Installation of the folding roof is made of sheets with a thickness of 450 to 800 millimeters and width from 600 to 800 millimeters (the length may be arbitrary).

Fold compounds are created using special hand tools or electromechanical devices. Also, the modern industry is manufactured, the installation process is significantly simplified and does not require the use of tools.

Positive and negative aspects of applying a folding roof

As in the case of any other roof, the installation of a folding roof has both advantages and certain disadvantages.

Among the advantages of such a roof can be allocated:

  • long service life;
  • corrosion resistance;
  • low weight;
  • a smooth surface that does not allow to delay rainwater and snow.

From the flaws of the folded roof it should be noted:

  • weak noise insulation (in the absence of a layer of thermal insulation during the rain, a knock of drops of metal will be heard);
  • difficult installation (without sufficient experience to cope with such work will be very problematic);
  • low aesthetic appeal (in the case of using galvanized steel) or high cost (in the case of using copper or zinc-titanium);
  • the ability to accumulate static electricity (in connection with this, the device of the folding roof is invariably accompanied by mounting a lightning conduction).

Types of metals used to build a folding roof

For the installation of the folding roof, such types of metal can be used:

Specificity installation of a folding roof

Of course, the choice of material plays an important role, but the other moment is equally important when the folding roof is installed - the installation technology that should be strictly observed. First of all, it should be borne in mind that this coating method can be used for those roofs whose slope slope is at least 14 degrees. The use of a folding roof on more gentle roofs (with a slope of 7 degrees) is possible only if the sheets of metal are connected by a double fold, compacted with silicone sealant.

So that the roof of a fold type served as long as possible, used in the process of its installation connecting elements (curmmers, nails, bolts, wire, etc.) must be made of the same material as it is. If this requirement is not compared (for example, when using conventional nails to secure galvanized steel sheets), due to the corrosion of the connecting parts, it will begin to gradually come into disrepair and the roof itself, which will significantly reduce its life.

Mounting technologies folded

For the device of the folded roof, two main technologies are used: traditional and modern. Consider in detail each of these techniques.

Traditional technology provides for the following stratification of work:

  • production of paintings for subsequent assembly of the roof, as well as other roofing elements (sinks, gutters, etc.). For this, the drawing is performed, on which the blanks are cut from the metal, and then the edges of these billets are bended in such a way that they can be connected to each other with the folding method;
  • lifting on the roof of prepared paintings and the connection of them with the help of special seams - false;
  • fastening installed paintings to the crate using special connecting elements - curvators. Their end is started in Falts, and the second is attached to the cerebral bruus;
  • installation on all holes (pipes, ventilation products, etc.) protective aprons, made of the same metal as the roof itself.

In the case of the use of metal sheets, the length of which exceeds ten meters, the technology of mounting the folding roof provides for their fastening to the crate through floating curzmers. Due to this, even in the case of temperature deformations, the tightness of the roof will be saved.

Modern installation technology allows:

  • make pictures of any length;
  • use mobile rolling mill, providing the most durable and sealed connection;
  • metal fastening with hidden beammers, as well as minimize the total number of connecting elements, which reduces the likelihood of corrosion manifestation and increases the service life of the roofing coating.

Features of the installation of the roof from zinc titanium and copper

One of the most specific materials from which the folding roof can be performed is zinc-titanium. It is distinguished by unsurpassed durability and excellent appearance, but it is extremely sensitive to mechanical damage. Therefore, the most important moment about which it is necessary to remember when a zinc-titanic folding roof is satisfied - the installation should be made as accurately as possible, not allowing shocks or scratching sheets. If you need to stagnate marker, you should use the marker. Also, work with this material provides for the availability of special

The fence must be not only durable, but also aesthetically attractive, so that the general type of building does not suffer from its installation. It is recommended to produce it from profile pipes or similar material painted by powder polymer paint.

When the folding roof is installed on installation instructions, as well as sanitary standards and rules should be strictly observed. Only in this case, the roof will become a reliable protector from atmospheric precipitation and will ensure heat and comfort in the house for many decades.

Folding roof is one of the most sealed as it is mounted by a weightless way. Read more about the installation of this coverage in the article.

Installation of a folded roof

Folding roof is performed from rolled, galvanized steel, non-ferrous metals, as well as steel with polymer coating. And it is called so, because the compounds of the sheets are performed by the folding method, when they are mounted with each other without nails, screws and other devices. As a result, it turns out perfectly hermetic roof covering.

For transportation of sheets (paintings) use cargo transport. When unloading, the sheets are carrying strictly in the vertical position and one by one. To lift them to the roof, use the staircase, bars or boards, which are installed between the ground and the roof.

A little bit of the theory

The minimum slope slope in which it is permissible to use thin-sheet steel to coat the roof - 7 °, but the optimal 12-14 °. The shadow step should not exceed 40 centimeters. It is necessary to cut the metal with the help of metal scissors, on Earth. Folding roof can be performed both on a solid and rarefied crate.

For installation, you will need: hammer, mall, pincers, roofing mandrels, roofing frames, metal scissors.

Consider in detail the technology of mounting the folding roof.

Instructions for the installation of a folded roof with their own hands

Mounting begins with the installation of cornice planks on the cornese swell. They are fastened with roofing self-drawing in a step of 30-40 centimeters of jack. Further, before mounting sheets for each of them, noise insulating tape spreads on the roof. The edge of the ribbon below and at the top should be at the level of the second bars of the crate.

Fastening sheets

Installation can be started from any roof edge. However, the sheets of some manufacturers must be attached only to the right.

The first sheet is stacked with 10 centimeters over the eaves. If the sheets have a lower bend (dimensions and sheets are hurt in the right places), then they rest in the cornice. Bending the edges of sheets can be after installation, about it a little later.

The sheet must be equally aligned with the vertical and horizontal. And only after starting to fasten. Between it and the cornice should be a straight angle. It is possible to determine this with the help of a large carbon. The correctly mounted first sheet is the key to successfully laying the following.

There are two types of fastenings of sheets: with the help of clips and screws. Products of some manufacturers on the sheet there are holes in which the screws are screwed. They overlap by subsequent sheets, the edges of which are bent. In another case, if there are no holes, use curvators. Lock connections may be different.

Consider fastening with the help of clamps.

The sheet is attached:

  1. First, the clamping curzmers are attached to nails or self-drawing to the rafter foot on the front
  2. After that, the opposite ends of the clips are bend so that they securely held the sheet
  3. On the opposite side of the fastening sheet, clamps are also used, only smaller. Step between fasteners - 50-60 centimeters, or through two boards (timing) cladbles

Video on the installation of a folding roof

The construction of a private house is completed roofing. This stage is considered one of the most complex and reliable. Moreover, difficulties are associated not only with the roof device itself, but also with the choice of coating. It is quite difficult if you consider a huge variety of roofing materials, which are presented on the market.

No matter how durable and hardy material, the reliability of the finished roof cover will depend on the quality of the attachment of individual elements. Today, the roof of the roof is extremely popular, when laying which is used by a special type of fastening.

Folding roof what it is

Falz of the roof is a solid coating, laid along the entire length of the skate. Its individual elements, fold-panels or paintings are interconnected by special elements - false.

Falk panels are metal sheets, the side edges of which are specially prepared for this type of connection.

For the manufacture of metal folded roof, you can use ready-made patterns (0.555x8 m) or roof metal in rolls. In the latter case, special edging equipment is used, which is installed directly at the installation site. Made panels patterns may have false shapes, single or double, different lengths. In any case, they are rolled in one pass.

Metal for a folding roof can be almost any type:

  • copper;
  • aluminum;
  • steel;
  • Zinc alloys and titanium.

On a note

Galvanized folding roof, as a rule, has a polymer layer of pourala, polyester, plastisol and others.

All of them are durable and simple, do not be corrosion. These materials are distinguished by a slight weight, easily molded, can take any shape, even the most quit.

Types of falothing roofing

Metal sheets have a tendency to thermal, which can create certain complications when connected. Penetration of water into roofing pie can be prevented by putting a homogeneous waterproof layer on the clamp for a folding roof. However, it will be impossible to achieve a hard connection due to a change in linear dimensions. In this case, there is a tension in the pairing site, which leads to possible significant deformations.

The only reliable version of the mechanical connection, specialists consider the use of a special way - folding. By the way, the word "fold" has a German origin and means in the translation of the "chute" or "groove". It involves the connection of the edges of the adjacent paintings that are bent specially. Along them, the grooves are formed, which serve to lead water.

Fold compounds are classified by two parameters:

  • Appearance: lying, standing or angular fold;
  • The degree of seal: 1. Falts single, 2. double fold (photo below).

False rush to manually manually or using a special tool, or electromechanical using special devices.

The main types of standing folds

  • Single. This is the simplest method of compound, which is used by the slope of the folding roof from 10 °.
  • Angular. A special M-shaped form creates a volume and compounds of a compound effectable appearance, so it is used mainly on "prominent" surfaces that have a large area: the facade, with the slope of the false roof more than 25 °, etc.
  • Double. This compound is more difficult. It is performed in two steps: first create an angular fold and bend it at right angles. Falcountry equipment of the new generation allows you to get double folded seams and on technically complex for processing the roof segments. On small slopes, they are better to disappear. The transverse thermal examination occurs mainly at the base of the fold, so it is necessary to provide a gap to 5 mm.

Double fold protects the design from the effects of precipitation, as well as melting snow, but it does not save from standing water. That is why according to the side of the roof, the fold should have an angle of inclination at least 10 °.

On a note

Nevertheless, if before comprising a fold, insert a special sealing tape into it, the minimum shock threshold can be 3 °.

  • Today, another variety of folds is used - self-locking. To connect them, it is possible to limit ourselves to simply pressing.

Advantages and disadvantages

The roof is folded, like any other, has its advantages:

  • The plane of the roof coating, assembled from paintings on double folds, is a one-piece leaf, which has a smooth surface, with which water from precipitation and snow is unhindered;
  • low weight, which allows not to enhance the carrying design and thus reduce costs;
  • Such a roof can be operated sufficiently for more than 50 years, given the high anti-corrosion resistance of the coating;
  • High moisture resistance, which is explained by the reliability of the folded lock and the minimum number of fastening holes. Such a level of tightness eliminates possible leaks;

  • Simple mounting for the roof of any complexity with which you can cope with your own hands in the presence of a self-locking lock;
  • Waste when working with the material is minimal. For example, unused trimming of such expensive material, formed during the installation of a folding roof, can be rearranged on other sections. Moreover, in contrast, let's say, for such a coating, components do not need. Thus, it is much more economical;
  • Suitable for rods of any length of both short and long.

Folded roof has disadvantages. Among the most important, we note:

  • laying an additional layer of sound insulation, which will turn off the noise from rain drops, etc.;
  • Mandatory installation of a lightning conductor, minimizing the risk of static electricity, which accumulates the roof coating;
  • The need for a high-quality and expensive tool.

Installation instructions

How is the installation of falset panels, how to combine them competently to ensure the durability and strength of the roof coating? The technological map on the metal roofing device involves the sequential execution of several steps:

  • Sheets that are specifically prepared for folding are made. This process is carried out in production conditions to order according to individual sizes. This allows you to get the maximum accuracy when a folded roof device. In parallel with the panels, the shaped elements are also ordered, for example, sinks or skates and more.

  • Metal sheets are attached using a special tool or by pressing for self-locking folds.
  • Fasten them to the crate. Use for this narrow strips from the same material, as well as sheets - "Klimmers". One end of fasteners in the bending process will start in Fals, the second is fixed to the element of the crate.

For fastening use two different types of curmmers:

  • hard. The picture fixed on them remains still relative to the base. They are used on any scath, while the location of rigid beats depends on the angle of inclination of the roof;
  • floating. They are used mainly for slopes with a length of more than 10 m. Metal sheets at temperature fluctuations are expanded and compressed and the rigid beater can cause significant deformation. As for the floating, the reserve of the free move of this fastener is enough to avoid such complications.