Is it possible to drink yarrow nursing mom. Lactation

"Elevit Pronatol" is a complex of vitamins, minerals and microelements, intended for women at the stage of pregnancy planning, during pregnancy and after childbirth during breastfeeding period. Today, Eleute Pronatal is the only vitamin and mineral complex (ICD), the effectiveness of which in relation to the prevention of congenital malformations was clinically proven 1. In one tablet "Elevut Prontatalog" (which is a daily dose) contains 800 ...

prices to increase lactation. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. A child from birth to one year. And I hear about it for the first time :) Maybe it will help us, or even tea with milk drinks with liters, and the nettle is brewing, but I caustiously.

Increase lactation. Breast-feeding. Breastfeeding: Tips for increasing lactation, feeding on demand, long-term GW, redemption from the chest.

Breastfeeding: Tips for increasing lactation, feeding on demand, long-term GW, redemption from the chest. And what do you miss one lactovit? I loved him with pleasure the first months. There is nettle and dill. Only brew advise in ...

I have twins. Babes drink sage. milk. I prepare from both breasts in the sum of grams of 100-120 every three hours. And they need 90-100 grams each. As a result, it is necessary to recover a mixture. And so I want to feed yourself. Share recipes for increasing lactation, pliz! I drink Hippov's tea. Maybe there are still some products or ways.

You can also brew net leaves (1 tablespoon on a glass of boiling water). 03/21/2006 15:58:51, Lask M. I think that you can find the best methods for increasing lactation than antiemetic means.

Breastfeeding: Tips for increasing lactation, feeding on demand, long-term GW, redemption from the chest. I have myself from nettle in itself, my milk just goes, I only drink fees on 12/26/2005 16:02:09, Indigomama.

Breastfeeding: Tips for increasing lactation, feeding on demand, long-term GW, redemption from the chest. Rupping of nettle Good milk increases - I have brewed with green tea - the effect was awesome.

Breastfeeding: Tips for increasing lactation, feeding on demand, long-term GW, redemption from the chest. From drink - lactavit (way of welding the same), nettle, cumin (but oochny nasty), b / a beer. Well, relax at the maximum, everything will work out! Successes!

Breastfeeding: Tips for increasing lactation, feeding on demand, long-term GW, redemption from the chest. Then when it was necessary to feed again, the doctor advised me to buy in Gom. Pharmacy: Urcan Orenes 3x (it is nettle in granules) or ...

According to the legend, the plant yarrow or Latin Achilleamillefolium, containing the medicinal substance Achillein, was named after Achille, the Greek mythical hero, who used him to heal the bleeding wounds of his soldiers.

Yarrow Well known in the world, thanks to the large content of medicinal substances.


The yarrow belongs to the Astrov family and the composition is similar to chrysanthemums and daisies. Grows in solar warm places, in the meadows and along the rooking of the roads, on the dry southern slopes of the mountains.

The yarrow blooms from June to September. Flowers, as a rule, white, pink or pale purple.

As a medicine, inflorescences, leaves and stems of yarrow are used. Plant collection occurs only during full flowering.

Leaves and flowers contain Flavonoids or antioxidants, bitter tannic substances, alkaloids, sterols (hormones), phenolic acids, including salicylate, coumarins that have an antiseptic effect on the human body, essential oils and other components.

Yarrow is one of the main types of plants used in homeopathy and herbury.

This type of plant is also called the "Blood owner" Because of its numerous properties, such as the increase in blood clotting, the impact on the vessels and the nerve endings, the ability to adjust the inflow and outflow of blood from the capillaries and veins. These properties of the plant are used in the treatment of all kinds of wounds, bruises and bleeding.

Yarrow also helps relax the smooth muscles of the intestines and uterusthat facilitates pain in spasms and colic of various origin.

In addition to its activities as a hemostatic means and normalization of blood circulation, yarrow it has a stream and diuretic properties, Normalizing the water balance in the body.

The use of a hot branch of the yarrow contributes to the sweating and extension of vessels, the use of cold drink stimulates the functions of the stomach, contributes to the digestion and improves the functions of the kidneys.

The effect of yarrow on the body depends on the use of fresh or dry leaves and inflorescences, on the method of drying and processing the plant, from temperature conditions for the development of plants, collection and storage.

Application in gynecology:

Based on scientific research as a grass, the use of yarrow has a beneficial effect on the vascular and blood circuit system and is excellent for the treatment of such ailments as:

  • hematomas, bruises, wounds and bruises;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • as a sedative with nervous voltage;
  • diseases of the stomach and;
  • diuretic;
  • muscle spasms;
  • to combat infection as a bactericidal agent;
  • fever;
  • stops bleeding.

Application during pregnancy

Use and testimony

Apply Yarrow in herbal fees in the late period of pregnancy, before childbirth and during childbirth It should be with great care, and only on the recommendation of the doctor.

When started birth, decoction of flower tops of yarrow facilitates generic spasmsAnd the use of yarrow helps prevent excessive and pain.

Nursing women to increase lactation shows the use of herbal fees, which include thousands of thousands.

Miletter decoction shows to reduce pain during childbirth and preventing a large blood loss.

Pregnant women in the early deadlines are contraindicated to use Yarrow.

Methods of use

During and after childbirth, it should be applied to the booth of yarrow on 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.

Nowadays, the yarrow can be found in the following forms:

The flower whisk (basket) is collected at the peak of its development and dried to use as tea, alcohol tincture or peat a powder for capsules and tablets. Young leaves and roots can also be used.

Cooking: 1 teaspoon of dry grass pour a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid to preserve essential oils, insist for 15 minutes.

With long-term brewing of tea, a change in the drug properties of the plant is possible. Dosage: take 100 ml to meals 1-3 times a day with chronic diseases; 6-8 times a day for fever and high temperature.

Normal dose of alcohol tincture It is 5-20 drops 1-3 times a day. The yarrow in tablets take 1 tablet 2-3 times a day before applying for food.


The use of medicinal herbs strengthens the body and is used to treat many diseases.

Important to rememberThat herbs can cause side effects in the body and interact with other substances, food additives or drugs.

Therefore, medicinal plants should be used with caution, previously consulted with a doctor.

With the existing allergy on the plants of the ASTR family (chrysanthemums, ambrosia), may appear on the yarrow.

With many mercenaries, use this medicinal plant it should be carefulSince there are a number of side effects and contraindications.

This is a plant contraindicated people for , with thrombophlebitis and with increased blood coagulation, as well as women at any time of pregnancy.

In addition to the use of ragum or a thumbnacker, the plant can cause poisoning, as in large doses is poisonous.

Women in breastfeeding period are largely limited. This applies not only to food, but also drinks, namely herbal teas. After all, many herbs provoke allergic reactions. But this does not mean that you need to abandon all drinks and consume only filtered water. Some herbs have a beneficial effect on the organism of lactating women and their children. The main thing to find out what?

Useful herbs with breastfeeding

There is no absolutely safe herbs, because any plant can provoke allergies from a mother or her child. To avoid side effects, it is necessary to observe moderation in everything, and before using a new bravery to consult with the doctor.

Relatively safe herbs with breastfeeding:

  • - This is a useful medicinal plant that is bought inflammation, reduces the temperature, stimulates the protective forces of the body. Chamomile decoction helps to cope with the cold, it is used for rinsing, dying, inhalation. Chamomile is useful for babies, it weakens the manifestations of colic, settles the digestion, soothes, normalizes sleep. It is recommended to use faint tea no longer than 14 days.
  • Young nettle satums with vitamins, stimulates immunity, increases hemoglobin levels. For this reason, the decoction of nettle is shown in the anemia, the decline of the forces. The plant increases the production of breast milk, increases its nutritional qualities. The nettle eliminates the ethomicity, normalizes the chair, helps to stop postpartum bleeding. After eating tea from nettle, you need to carefully observe the condition of the child.
  • Fennel (pharmacy dill) has a choleretic effect, eliminates spasm, negatively affects pathogenic microorganisms. The plant sets up digestion, shows sedative properties, stimulates lactation. Pharmacy dill is used to weaken colic, normalizing the intestinal work. It is forbidden to drink only with hypersensitivity to its components. After use, you need to monitor the reaction of the child.

  • Zeterariya Icelandic helps to get rid of diseases of the respiratory organs, which are accompanied by a cough (bronchial inflammation and lungs). The decoction of the plant eliminates the inflammation of the digestive tract. Before use, you need to consult with the doctor.
  • Calendula has an antimicrobial effect, and therefore it is used in acute tonsillitis.
  • Eucalyptus helps to fight infectious, inflammatory and colds (angina, cough, etc.). In addition, the plant demonstrates soothing properties.
  • The rhizome of the Peppermaker has a bactericidal, astringent effect, stops blood, eliminates inflammation. A decoction of the roots of the plant helps with inflammatoryly infectious diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, gingivitis, acute tonsillitis, etc.). The tool has a beneficial effect on digestive organs.

In addition, a lactating woman can use lindens, raspberry leaves, currants, hops, cumin, etc. Before using any plants, you must consult with the doctor, since the risk of side effects (from a mother or child) always exists.

Harmful herbs

When using herbal teas during lactation, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage that the doctor indicated. Doctors recommend avoiding herbs that stimulate the production of hormones or affect their level. This limitation concerns plants with intensive laxative and sedative effect.

List of plants that negatively affect the newborn and lactating woman:

  • The decoction of the crash is used to normalize the chair, eliminate the renal, heart edema, the disorders of the post-glimacteric period, etc. However, this plant is contraindicated during lactation, since the likelihood of side effects in a nursing mother and child increases.
  • Mother and stepmother are contraindicated with breastfeeding. This is explained by the fact that the plant contains alkaloids.
  • Nine is a powerful diuretic that reduces milk production. After 7 days of regular drinking, the lactation ends.
  • A decoction from ephedron (coniferous shrub) is strictly forbidden to drink when lactation. The plant contains an alkaloid ephedrine, which causes headache, nausea, bouts of vomiting, disrupts the work of the heart, vessels, respiratory organs.
  • Ginseng tea is forbidden for nursing mothers and children under 12 years old. The biologically active components of the plant accumulate in the tissues of the body, increase the pressure, provoke dizziness, nausea.
  • Valerian is one of the most effective sedatives. However, vegetable remedy is dangerous for the newborn, the risk of allergic reactions, constipation increases. The child becomes too sluggish or, on the contrary, overexcited.
  • Broth of wormwood contains toxic substances that negatively affect the newborn. The plant causes an allergic reaction, disrupts the work of the GCT, causes hallucinations, convulsions. In addition, wormwood makes milk bitter and reduces milk generation.

Herbal fees for lactation increase

Often, nursing mothers face hypolactation (insufficient milk generation). It is possible to enhance the production of milk using nettle, fennel, anise, cumin, etc. Herbal collection will help to establish lactation:

  • 40 g of nettle, 3 g of dill seeds poured 1 liters of boiling water. At 60 minutes, the liquid is filtered, take three times per day.
  • You need to mix nettle, Melisu, donnik, Fennel fruits (25g) with 5 g of dill seeds. Dry raw materials are poured 3 liters of boiling water, insist, then filter and use.
  • Take 20 g of anise, nettle, dandelion, cumin, mixed, poured 2 liters of boiling water.
  • 5 g of anise seeds are poured 200 ml of boiling water, insist. After 60 minutes, 50 ml are filled with three times.
  • 20 Dry nettle poured 1 liters of boiling water, after 20 minutes the decoction is filtered, drink three times in 24 hours 25 ml.

These herbal fees help mothers to increase breast milk production and extend the lactation for a long time. However, before applying such agents, GW should obtain a doctor's permission.

To use herbal tea during breast feeding period only positive emotions, a woman must comply with the following rules:

  • Herbal tea is introduced into the diet with small portions, while you need to pay attention to the state of the baby and your own.
  • It is recommended to use not strong teas, since the concentrated decoction can provoke an allergic reaction in infants.
  • A lactating woman can drink 2-3 cups of herbal tea per day. This safe dose of the drink will not harm the mother and the child.
  • Ramars are recommended to use without sugar or with its minimum amount. If desired, the drink can be sweetened.

Thus, the herbs at lactation do not always benefit. Many plants contain toxic substances that adversely affect the newborn, cause allergic reactions. And therefore, before using medicinal plants, you must consult with the doctor. The drink should be introduced into the diet with caution and observe the child's condition. When changing behavior or the appearance of rash, it is necessary to stop using herbal tea and contact the pediatrician.

When a woman feeds the baby to the baby, she often has to hear "it is impossible", "it is harmful." So let's figure out what herbs, what influence is on nursing mom, breast milk and baby. In the article, consider the following herbs: rosehip, chamomile, mother-in-law, chicory, nettle, mint, sage, fennel, licorice, oregano.

Rosehip (root, flowers and fruits) is very often used for drugs. In breastfeeding, the decoction of richness has a beneficial effect on the organism of a nursing mother.

For newborn babies rosehip is very dangerous. The decoction has a diuretic effect, useful substances are washed from a small organism. Also, the rosehip can cause an allergy from a child. Consequently, the rosehip for the baby is not the best tool, but the mother when feeding a child can use the decoction of this herb.

Rosehip fruits are rich in vitamins, they contain iron, sodium, calcium, magnesium. Roshovnik's decoction is allowed to use after delivery, it will slow down the bleeding, contributes to the removal of excess fluid from the body, improves the performance of the kidneys, increases lactation.

When feeding the baby, the decoction of the rosehip is recommended to drink some time before feeding, then the arrival of milk increases. And with milk, nursing mom transfers vitamins to the baby who entered her body with a decoction of rosehip. Also, such a decoction contributes to the strengthening of immunity, improves metabolism and tones.

About the benefit from the use of ragger from chamomile there are contradictory opinions.

Chamomile may turn out to be the best medication for a nursing mother. But still you need a doctor consultation. The course of herbal treatment should not exceed two weeks.

Chamomile hour is considered the best tool to increase lactation. However, there is also an opinion that with the use of strong branch lactation, on the contrary, decreases.

So for nursing mom chamomile is useful:

  • as rinsing the throat, dying, inhalation, etc.;
  • in the form of tea for night (fastening).
  • For newborns, chamomile is useful in painful colic and intestinal problems, for soothe, as well as to normalize the baby's sleep. But first must be advised to the doctor, because chamomile, like many other herbs, can become an allergen.

    In the life of a nursing mother, it is sometimes necessary to calm down, sleep, lower the pressure - and here the mother-in-law comes to the rescue. Nursing mother should carefully treat what she takes. After all? What falls into her body is transmitted to the milk kid.

    And in this case, the motherboard is worth taking in pills or in the form of herbal beam, because the nasty contains a certain amount of alcohol, which is not at all necessary kid.

    Overdose of the motherboard can cause a nursing mother, immeasurable drowsiness, nausea, reinforced thirst, dizziness. If these symptoms are detected, it is necessary to stop receiving the dyeing and examine the doctor.

    Reception of mother-in-law baby Suppose in small doses through breast milk (not an infusion on alcohol) or in cases of the hyperactivity of the baby, the dying machine for soothery can be added to the bath. Otherwise, the use of infusion for the newborn is prohibited.

    Coffee is a favorite drink of many women, however, if you are a nursing mother, you need to refuse it. Then the chicory becomes the replacement of coffee. Chicory to taste almost the same as coffee, but without caffeine. Consequently, the nursing mother can drink chicory, because it does not have a negative effect on the kid, but only if there is no contraindications from the doctor.

    The benefits of chicory is that the trace elements contained in it contribute to the antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, soothing and tonic effect, while use of digestion and appetite is improved.

    The opinion of the doctors about the chicory of nursing mother is divergent. Supporters of a strict diet are categorically against the reception of chicory, although in the modern world such restrictions are almost not applied. However, it is also not recommended to abuse the drink, because it, like any other grass, can cause allergies, in which case the doctor's help is necessary.

    The impact of chicory into lactation in modern medicine has not yet been investigated, so before you use this drink a nursing mother should think about the possible consequences.

    For the newborn, the transmitted properties of chicory with breast milk are considered harmless if he does not have personal intolerance.

    For a nursing mother, good lactation is needed, but it is very difficult to establish it. Doctors are often recommended for increasing lactation to use a decoction of young nettle. Buy dried nettle can be in a pharmacy. Doses and course coordinate with your attending physician.

    In addition to the beneficial effect on the release of milk from nettle, there are also other beneficial properties. Rupping nettle is a good medicine at edema, as well as postcase bleeding. After childbirth, the nursing mother often falls, and in this case, rope of nettle comes to the rescue. Another decoction can be taken with fatigue and lack of sleep.

    Nettle contains a lot of useful substances and vitamins that have a positive effect on the kid. Together with milk, the child absorbs vitamin A, K, E, as well as calcium, iron, honey, magnesium. Ruhar of nettle greatly strengthens the body of the mother and child, increases its resistance to bacteria.

    The nettle should be administered gradually, because it can become an allergen. If a rash appears on the skin, you need to urgently consult a doctor for help.

    Mint tea has a calming effect, in front of its aroma, many cannot resist. But the nursing mother abuse mint is strictly prohibited. The plant reduces lactation. If your lactation has not yet settled, then only huge doses of menthola can even think about the mint, but only huge doses of menthola can be "shaking" the well-established excessive lactation. We are talking about mint not only as the grass, but also about mint candy, gingerbread, medicines containing mint.

    Before use of the product, read whether it is in its composition of menthol.

    For a newborn menthol is very dangerous. When using a large amount of substance, a child may have vomiting, convulsions.

    It happens that the nursing mother appears an irresistible desire to drink a cup of herbal tea, in this case the doctors recommend to give preference to the chamomile. Chamomile, like mint, has a soothing effect, but does not have a detrimental influence on lactation.

    Well, if you really want to feel the taste of mint, then just add a couple of fresh leaves into green tea for a few minutes. In this case, a large number of menthla in tea will not be, but a pleasant fragrance will remain.

    Sage is an effective solution to many female problems. The duration of the stage of breastfeeding has its own. One is waiting for breast milk to disappear itself, and the other little time is trying to teach a child from the chest. Then she needs to get rid of milk. A decoction from Sage is perfectly suitable for help.

    The sage reduces the level of prolactin hormone, which is responsible for the production of breast milk, and thus stops lactation. Herbal decoction Sage doctors recommend taking for several days to stop lactation to be painless for the mother. If there are pains, burning sensation or seals appear in the chest, it is necessary to seek advice from the doctor.

    The long-term plant of Fennel is reminiscent of dill, and its fruit is very sweet to taste. Already long ago, Fennel began to eat and as a medicament.

    Useful properties of Fennel:

  • renders a choleretic effect;
  • is a spasmodic;
  • manifests an antibacterial effect;
  • promotes digestion;
  • beneficially affects the nervous system.

  • The beneficial properties of the plant have a positive effect on a nursing mother, but it is not necessary to abuse Fennel, as it increases the lactation. Also, Fennel cannot be taken if there are personal contraindications.

    For newborn fennel Not dangerous in the form of herbal decoction, drugs based on fennel essential oil and in the form of "dill water". Doses Consider with your doctor.

    If, when used on the body, the baby appears rash, then the plant is contraindicated to the child, the use of it should be stopped and consulting a doctor for help. But such allergic reactions Fennel causes very rarely.

    Basically, the newborn is well tolerated by the medicinal plant, it is often used to disappear the gazes in newborns.

    The root of licorice in medicine is used for many years.

    The licorice has an antihistamine, anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory effect, the plant restores the water balance in the human body. It has a beneficial effect on the strengthening of the immune and nervous system, well tones. It is an excellent drug with throat disease.

    Nursing breasts The planting of licorice is prohibited. In terms of its agency, this medicinal plant is similar to Shalfege - stops lactation.

    For a child over two years, licorice root in the form of syrup is an excellent cough medicine, however, for a newborn, such a medicine is contraindicated.

    A perennial plant of Oshinitsa attracts the attention of many women with its beautiful aroma. The soul is used both in food and for medical purposes.

    The plant has an anti-inflammatory, painful, soothing, sweat, diuretic effect. Preparations based on scenters are used as spasmolitics, expectorant means, to stop bleeding and to stabilize digestion.

    However, the use of bravery and informations of the plant at the stage of breastfeeding is prohibited. Newborn - also contraindicated.

    The soul can be consumed in the form of a weak tea to increase lactation, but only under the supervision of the doctor. After restoring lactation, use immediately stop.

    Take care of your baby's health and health. Remember: Not all Grandmasters are safe in breastfeeding period.

    Yarrow is a perennial plant, with reprehensive dissected leaves, a height reaching a half-meter. During the flowering period, the plant throws a thick "hair" inflorescences consisting of small white baskets collected in large shields.

    The yarrow during flowering spreads the tart of bitter fragrance, thanks to which he got the name of the "fragrant grass", "rosary". Also, the plant is called the bedrid, a whirlpool, a cut.

    The composition of the yarrow is unique and rich. It contains:

    • Essential oils
    • Tubil connections
    • Amino acids
    • Flavonoids
    • Bitterness and resin
    • Polisaccharide Inulin
    • Alkaloids Achillein, Stakhidrin
    • Organic acids - acetic, ant and izovelaryan
    • Choline
    • Vitamins C, K
    • Potassium, Iron, Zinc, Selenium, Bor, Calcium

    The useful properties of the yarrow are due to the high content of essential oils and organic substances. The plant has bactericidal, antispasmodic, invalid, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, relaxing properties. Preparations based on yarrow - powerful hemostatic agents, which are used to treat uterine, hemorrhoids, intestinal bleeding.

    Yarrow - the leader among plants in vitamin K. also concentrates the necessary substances such as zinc, molybdenum and selenium.

    Fresh yarrow juice, even diluted with water in a 5: 100 proportion, improves blood clotting process by 60-80. Moreover, the effect of juice is preserved for a long time, reducing the likelihood of thrombosis.


    Yarrow: Contraindications

    As a raw material for the manufacture of medicines, medicinal tinctures use leaves and flowers of the plant. It is in them that focuses the main mass of useful and potent substances. However, due to their high concentration there are extensive contraindications of thousands of thousands.

    Grass-based preparations are contraindicated in such cases:

    • Blood coagulation disorders (increased clotting)
    • Hypotension (Low Pressure)
    • Template to thrombosis
    • During pregnancy
    • If the individual intolerance of the grass components has been revealed
    • Children up to 6 years

    Outlet of the yarrow is unacceptable - the grass of poisonous and can cause intoxication of the body. In case of overdose, such symptoms are possible: dizziness, pain in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, skin rash. The use of strong infusion can cause heartburn.

    Given the contraindications of the yarrow, the reception of informants on its basis is not recommended to take more than 2 weeks. Poisonous substances included in the plant have the property of accumulating in the body, which can lead to poisoning.

    Eating yarrow has a huge impact on the vascular and circulatory system. Therefore, despite the beneficial properties of the yarrow, the reception of decoctions on the basis of it is contraindicated to people who have problems in these spheres.

    Yarrow in pregnancy and breastfeeding

    The future mother of the reception of any potent herbs is contraindicated, the yarrow is included in their number. The grass is poisonous, and when it uses in the body, the number of estrogen increases. This can lead to miscarriage, premature childbirth and disorders in the formation of the fetus.

    During the lactation period, the use of blood-based drugs is not recommended. With maternal milk, allergenic substances fall into the organism of the newborn and can cause gastric colic, spasms. And although the plant has pronounced lactogon properties, it is better to refuse it.

    Non-contraindicated yarrow for outdoor use: they can be treated for burns, wounds, apply as compresses, with hemorrhoids.


    Yarrow: Useful properties

    The bed is used with a reduced appetite to improve the work of the digestive organs. The plant is part of drugs intended for the treatment of tuberculosis, hemorrhoidal and liver ailments (cholecystitis, hepatitis, giardiasis).

    With kidney diseases - cystitis, pyelonephritis, (especially if there is blood in the urine).

    Yarrow has pronounced bactericidal properties, due to which it is used to treat the following diseases:

    • Gastritis, ulcer stomach
    • Diseases of digestive organs and duodenum
    • Hypertension
    • Obesity
    • Furunculosis
    • Atherosclerosis
    • Bleeding of various etymology
    • Metabolism disorders
    • Gout
    • Stones in the liver, kidneys
    • Dental inflammation and bleeding gums
    • Cystitis, Enurrez
    • Inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract
    • Deprive, frostbite, burns
    • Diarrhea
    • Hemorrhoids
    • Menstrual disorders in women

    In general, the yarrow helps with any problems associated with bleeding (by any bleeding), for example - bleeding from gums, nasal, some wounds, bloody diarrhea, hemorrhagic diathesis. Funds based on plants are taken with strong uterine bleeding - after generics of abortions (with severe blood loss in women). Also with abundant bleeding during painful menstruation.

    The bedroom includes Alkaloid Achillein and Vitamin K. Thanks to these components, the blood coagulation increases with these components, when the strength of the capillaries, the hemostatic properties of the plant are improved, and the hemostatic properties of the plant allow it to be used to stop internal hemorrhages.

    The beneficial properties of the yarrow due to the content in the plant of macro and trace elements. Antiseptic properties provide resins and silicon - substances that contribute to the regeneration of tissues, a decrease in inflammatory processes in the body. Preparations based on yarrow are shown by patients suffering from thrombophlebitis (due to its ability to influence the venous wall). Because of this property, it helps well with varicose veins.

    Also, the yarrow is used for the disease of the gastrointestinal tract - with gastritis, ulcerative gastric disease (especially if there are bleeding in the stomach). It is still used in meteorism, dysbacteriosis.

    It will be especially appropriate to improve the appetite, which is often relevant for children. Yarrow - a destructive means for worms.

    How to brew thousands of thousands

    Teas and miletoxys are useful for allergies, colds, flu, dry cough. The reception of ragners from the grass normalizes blood circulation, removes urinary acid from the joints, saturates the organism with oxygen, which is very important for the prevention of arthritis. The bedroom has stiff and diuretic properties, removes toxic compounds from the body.

    Preparation of tincture:

    To obtain a strong tincture, use vodka or alcohol in the amount of 100 ml on 5 tablespoons of dry grass. The raw materials are placed in a glass container, poured with alcohol, tightly clocked and maintained in a dark, cool place for 2 weeks. Take inside 30 drops during bleeding.

    Cooking the beam:

    The gross parts of the plant are taken as raw materials - stems and inflorescences. Dry grass in the amount of 1 tbsp. Spoons poured 250 g of water and boiled on moderate heat for 20 minutes. A ready-made decoction must be strain and take 4 times a month for a month.

    Preparation of water infusion:

    Infusion is prepared by small volumes, since the beneficial properties of the yarrow are preserved for 10 hours. The portion of dry grass (1 Art. L.) is poured 300 g of boiling water and withstand in a thermos for 2-3 hours. Ready infusion is filtered and taken by 50-70 ml.

    Cooking tea:

    On a glass of water takes 1 tsp. raw materials (blend of leaves and inflorescences). When tea boils, boil 1-2 minutes, and then insist for 10 minutes. To give a drink a pleasant taste in tea add honey, sugar or lemon.

    How to take a thousandth

    By virtue of the hemostatic and anti-inflammatory properties, the thousandths are used to treat gynecological diseases, diseases of digestion, in diarrhea and diseases of the urogenital system. Considering the anti-yarrow contraindications, the grass is taken at various illnesses:

    For the treatment of erosion of the cervix. Water infusion takes a course at 2-3 weeks in the volume of 1/2 cup. Cooked with infusion should be served during the day, and the next day to prepare a new one. In addition to the main treatment, it will be advisable to conduct herbal anti-inflammatory sinks (at the atrociety, calendula, ninethyl).

    For the treatment of infections of the urogenital system. Take tea from the plant throughout the day in the amount of 1-2 glasses. Perfectly removes symptoms of urinary infection. Plant juice, squeezed from fresh stalks and inflorescences. It is consumed with honey in the volume of 3 teaspoons per day.

    When cystitis. Helps the chant of yarrow during cystitis. It takes 50 mg per day at 10 days. After treatment, take a break for 2 weeks, and then renew reception.

    With bleeding (intestinal, pulmonary). Take the alcohol tincture of the plant in the amount of 40-50 drops to three times a day. Also, the tincture is used to stop the outer bleeding as a compress.

    Milestone for weight loss

    Due to the choleretic and diuretic properties of the yarrow, it is used in weight loss programs. A good option in the fight against overweight will be combined by several herbs. For effective weight loss, aquatic infusion prepared on the basis of Yarrow and Hypericum is used.

    We are preparing infusion: 15 g of the Herfts and a bedrid and a bedrid fill with boiling water (0.5 l) and insist for half an hour. The effects are accepted during the day, drinking 1/2 cup. The recommended course is 2 weeks. Infusion suppresses appetite, quenches the sense of hunger, produces high-quality cleaning of the body, removes salt and toxic clusters.