Is it possible to shorten it. Tui trimming in spring: description and basic rules for forming crown for lush shrubs

The tuya's coniferous tree refers to the cypress family. This plant can be an excellent decoration of the country or garden plot, if you know how to properly care for it and when the trimming of the car is required.

Thuja is used for single landing, and for the device of green hedges. There are several varieties of this plant, they all possess different cheese. The haircut of the car is required to maintain its decorative function. The main objectives that persuade the crown of the tree:

  • sanitary: cut of damaged and dried branches;
  • sluorrow to improve the state of the plant;
  • decorative: giving the necessary or selection of natural wood shape.

The low-spirited types of Tui retain their shape well, so they do not need correction with trimming. Old trees, whose crown has a columnar or spherical shape, can gradually decay. Unnecessary wood trunks need to be eliminated taking into account the state of the tree.

Do you need to cut everything?

This plant calmly perceives trimming, if you follow all the rules of the procedure. The need for a haircut depends on the prescription of the plant. For example, landscape designers can cut beautifully with the purpose of decoking the garden.

Many subspecies of these trees are quite minimal correction of the crown, because they are attractive initially. Variety Brabant needs to be cut regularly, because this thuja has a loose and lush crown.

Hairstyle - When to do pruning?

To trim the Tui, it is recommended to resort in spring, as well as during all summer and autumn months. It is necessary to start a haircut depending on the climate of the region where the plant grows. For example, in the southern areas to the trimming of Tui in the spring, you can begin at the beginning of March or even at the end of February.

After winter, there is a sanitary haircut and elimination of dry branches. If the plant has been covered with a cloth over the winter months, then you need to wait until it fully straightens. It is desirable to break the thick and magnific crown, otherwise the tree will feel bad in hot weather. Forming the branches are best done after spring when the thua begins to actively grow.

It is best to cut the crown at the end of May or early June. At this time, kidneys and young shoots appear.

The autumn trim should be started at the end of summer, when the thua starts to prepare for the winter: the elongated branches can damage Tui, because a large amount of snow will be accumulated in winter. Before the procedure, it is recommended to inspect the plant for damage.

Basic Rules Haircut Tuy

If you know how to trim, you can make it a crown more lush and beautiful. To do this, follow the following recommendations:

  1. Every year the thuuy height increases by 20-22 cm. It is forbidden to trim the height of more than two- or three years of increment.
  2. Plant branches need to be adjusted often, but in small quantities. Any trimming is conjugate with a significant stress for the Tui, so it can be bad to grow with a regular haircut.
  3. The haircut should be done without a rush.
  4. Pruning should be carried out in suitable weather conditions.
  5. After cutting, the branches should not be hemp.

The following trimming tools can be applied:

  • sickle - most often used to cut large branches;
  • the secator is used to cut small and medium branches;
  • rubber gloves - protect hands from the resin, which is able to cause the development of an allergic reaction;
  • special scissors are designed for decorative trimming.

Professional gardeners and owners of large plots use powerful trimmers and other equipment for trimming.

Options for giving thuja with their own hands

Decorative trimming and curly haircut are performed only after removing dead and affected branches. At the same time, such factors should be taken into account:

  • chosen the form of the crown should be tailored to its natural species;
  • it is undesirable to trim the plant too much;
  • the crown shape must be adjusted regularly;
  • it is necessary to remove branches that there are no needles;
  • the plant processing tool should be sufficiently sharp and clean;
  • to create a neat shape, you can use additional devices (rails, paint, twine, etc.).

Some varieties of plants have a ball-shaped crown. In this case, you need to cut off the affected and too long branches.

With a top-trimming crown, a non-standard form is given. For this, special frameworks can be used in the form of different sculptures.

For the creation of green pyramids on the plot, SMARAGD variety is suitable, because the crown of these trees originally has a cone shape. Around the trunk is created whether the camcas is created. Rakes need to be connected to each other in the top of the resulting pyramid. The pruning is exposed to all the faces of the plant, otherwise the pyramid will turn out to be uneven.

Roddedovodov has a spiral haircut. This form is obtained from the Tui, which has a direct barrel. You can scale the spiral using a cord. At the first stage of processing should not be too deepened in the tree crown. For processing it is better to use scissors, holding them parallel to the curls of the spiral.

The egg shape of the crown is also considered popular, because many varieties of plants originally have such a crown. Such trees need only regularly adjust. Giving the egg-shaped shape of Crone variety Smaragd implies trimming of the top of the plant.

It does not take a long time to care. Compliance with the recommendations allows the plant more attractive.

Thuja is a beautiful conifer plant for decorating a private courtyard and manor as and element of landscape design. Along with juniper, larch and fir Tuya was popular with gardeners. In order for the tree to reveal all its decorativeness, you need to trim the crown in time. Trimming Tui depends on its variety and destination of the tree. Consider a question in detail.

Tui varieties

This evergreen tree belongs to the family of cypress and has various shades of needles. Tui have many varieties and species, some of them got widespread in our country. We are talking about Western varieties that make eyes with a variety of forms:

  • pyramidal;
  • columnative;
  • spherical;
  • dwarf;
  • purchase types.

The most common view is the Thuja Smaragd with an emerald tint. This tree resembles a cypress and can stretch to five meters long. Smaragd steadily tolerates the winter (withstands frost to -35c), does not require fertile soil - it grows well on thin soils and sandstones. Smaragd is used to form a living hedge and to create garden figures.

Unlike Smaragda, which is resistant to the smoke and the ridiculousness of large cities, Tui Golden Smaragd with a golden tint of branches does not like the branched dirty air. This type of thuu is better to use for the scenery of a country cottage or cottage.

The next variety is the dwarf thuja of the donika shaped form. This shrub is well suited for the formation of alley, since the maximum height of the plant is 1 meter. Datinist width - 1.5 meters. Croon of the dwarf buoy is well amenable to forming a haircut, well tolerate freezing and does not require special care.

For the formation of living hedges, the Brabant variety is great. This tree can grow to twenty meters high under certain conditions. In a more severe climate, Brabant reaches no more than five meters in height. The tree is untranscript to the fertility of the soil, well tolerates drought and excessive humidity.

Eastern Tui varieties are more capricious with respect to external growing conditions - require fertile soil and feeding, as well as good illumination during the day. In the shaded places, oriental varieties grow poorly and quickly lose decorativeness - it is necessary to know when buying plants. Also, the eastern types of the thu are not distinguished by freezing and may die from the cold.

Rules trimming

The formation of the Tui crown will depend on its purpose on the garden plot - a single landing, a live fence or material for low curbs. The trimming is carried out not only in order to give a certain form of a plant, but also under health purposes: the removal of yellowed branches, the thinning of the crown, the removal of dried and sick branches.

The lowest varieties do not need a detailed haircut: it is sufficient to maintain the form predetermined earlier. High trees with time can be divided into several trunks and lose form. Therefore, gardeners remove individual trunks with regard to the general state of the Tui. Regular trimming requires an empty Thuya Brabant. Tui varieties Smaragd (Column) does not require decorative haircut, only a small trimming of the tips of the twigs.

First you need to cut off all dry and sick branches. Next, you can proceed to pruning the tips of the branches - but only on 1/3 of its length. When circumcised the tips of the Krone branches fill fills with green mass and acquires a pomp. However, the too thickened crown is unacceptable, it should be remembered. In this case, the green mass must be reversed, so that the rays of the sun and air flows will be entered into the center.

Rules of haircuts:

  • branches do not cut too short;
  • you can not immediately cut all branches of the plant;
  • pruning is carried out in small sections in several approaches;
  • in the spring it is necessary to break the crown and remove thickening;
  • you can not squeeze the branches in rainy weather.

How to trim it? Cut off twigs of a two-year / three-year-old age. They are very simple to determine: annually the green mass grows by 10-20 cm. Gardeners do not recommend cropping all branches immediately - thua badly transfers such a procedure and loses decorativeness. Twigs cut gradually, no rush.

When cutting off the Tui, you need to take care of the cleaning of the crown from old needles and dirt. Inside the thuu accumulates the dead needle, which can infect healthy mushroom branches and other dangerous diseases. Tui purify twice a year - early spring and early autumn. If this is not done, the tree may die. This applies to plants with a dense crown.

Crane formation

How to form a krona of Tui and give her decorativeness? First, after planting a new plant in the ground, you must immediately remove all sticking twigs. The decorative haircut is carried out only in a year when the thua takes on a new place.

During the decorative haircut it is impossible to rush. Select the crown section and begin to form it gradually, periodically examining the operation from afar. When trimming a whole branch, it is not necessary to leave a funeral: it will spoil a general view.

Note! Tuya badly tolerates radical trimming, so it may die. If you didn't cut the branches for several years in a row, do it very carefully.

When forming a living hedge, you should not wait for the bushes grow at the necessary height - you need to immediately form a crown. Every year, the thua gives a new increase, so the hedge will grow with regular trimming.

Important! The main rule of the decoration of the Tui is to cut a little, but regularly.

For an inexperienced gardener, the decorative haircut can be an unresolved problem, so it is better to choose certain varieties of wood. For example, Tuya Smaragd has a clearly pronounced cone shape and does not require skills to design the crown - simply cut the abnormal twigs and remove dried or patients.


To create a windy screen, the varieties of Brabant and Smaragd are well suited. In the formation of the hedge, it should be aware that the tops should already be Niza. In order for the hedge to be the same height, use a measuring stick - oriented at its height. When the trunks are cut in height, remove the green mass. To do this, you can use an electric tool (grinding) to form a green hedge. After processing the tops and sides of the hedge, it is necessary to carry out the finishing finish - to cut the protruding twigs with manual garden scissors.

Figured haircut

When trimming things to give a form, the gardener itself solves. The formation of the crown begins with spring and may continue the entire summer period until the autumn preparation for the winter. Simple decorative trimming can be done with the help of mechanical or electrical garden scissors, the topium trimming is better to entrust professionals. With incorrect approach to curly crown formation, the appearance of the plant can be spoiled.

Trimming time

Usually, forming the crown is accepted in the spring. However, the tree perfectly transfers the haircut in the summer and autumn. In the warmth climate, pruning is started in mid-February, since there are no strong frosts at this time.

Trimming Tui is not carried out in rainy rainy weather, as the wounds of the tree will heal for a long time.

Spring care

After the offensive of the spring thaws, it is necessary to carry out the sanitary processing of the crown: remove damaged and frozen branches, as well as branches without needles. It is covered with a tissue for the winter from the fabric, and give time to the twigs completely straighten. The formation of the crown is carried out later, after the active vegetation of the plant. The crown is thinned to breathe in the summer heat.

The most favorable time for the decorative haircut tree is the beginning of June or the end of May. In the warm climate, the haircut can be held a month earlier.

  • The lowered plants to create a hedge should be one height, so the thrust is cut off.
  • If you need to achieve the puff of the crown, cut the top at the central trunk.
  • Sick plants are not subjected to decorative haircut, but only sanitary trimming.

Note! Young seedlings need shading, as an aggressive spring sun can wish young chew.

Care in autumn

Trimming Tui Autumn is held at the very beginning of September or at the end of August. During this period, the tree begins to prepare for winter, and it can help him: long twigs are worse than tolerated frosts than shortened. In addition, long branches can break down under the weight of the snowy mass. Therefore, the main purpose of autumn haircut is not scenery, but preparation of twigs for wintering.

Care after trimming

The tree moves the haircut well, but after trimming needs additional care. First, you need to pour a plant well to strengthen its vitality. Next, it is necessary to braid the soil near the roots - the soil is necessary to go to the depth of no more than 10 cm so as not to damage the root system.

Then you need to make mulching, handle the soil of the growth stimulant and add feeding. Remember that after radical trimming, the plant long restores the form and may lose decorativeness. Also, a weakened plant can easily get sick and die.


How to trim the thuja what tools? In horticulture, you should have several tools necessary to work:

  • gardening scissors;
  • secator;
  • sickle.

Garden scissors give the decorative shape of the Crown, the secateur cuts the branches, the sickle remove large branches. Also for working with the thay you need to have gloves, since the resin is poorly washed away from the skin of the hands. All tools must be sharpened. Professional gardeners prefer electrical tools mechanical.


Decorative evergreen thuja is a symbol of a well-garded garden and a country cottage. An unpretentious plant is well tolerated by Russian frosts, not demanding to external conditions. However, the care of the Thay involves a constant trimming of patients and dried twigs, as well as a decorative crown haircut.

With the help of garden scissors and a secaterator, you can give a shrub of any shape, arrange garden tracks and make a beautiful living fence. When working you need to use well-sharpened tools so as not to damage the branches. For the formation of natural hedges, it is better to use electric grinding. Remember that after trimming you should pour and feed the plant to maintain the vitality. Working from Thuya is not recommended to carry out a hot sunny day or rainy weather. Better trimming time is a cloudy dry day. Pruning is carried out twice a year - early spring and autumn. Corrective haircut can be carried out at any time, except for winter.

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Such a perennial plant like a thua belongs to the family of cypress. The original form of the Tui made it in demand among the gardeners. This plant has many varieties, it is not enough to grow to growing conditions.

For many decades, it is thuja in landscape design that is used to create unique living ingots, as well as separate elements of the natural landscape.

With a professional approach, you can make a beautiful form of this plant.

In order for the thua to have a beautiful form, the procedure for its trim should be performed in a timely manner and professionally. Care for this green plant involves the removal of damaged branches, in which case the plant will have a chance to update, Croon Tui will be beautiful and lush.

Let us analyze the rules for performing the trimming of the Tui, as well as the time of the implementation of such events. To perform the trim, you will need a sharp garden secateur, as well as a growth stimulator. The optimal time of the trimming of the Tui, specialists call the beginning of April. In order for the crown of the plant to have a beautiful shape, pruning should be carried out monthly until cold days come. It is advisable to crop this plant into dry and windless weather.

To obtain the desired form, in April, all old and damaged branches are removed from the thu. If the plant is too thick crown, it is necessarily thinned, some of the branches are cleaned, increasing the circulation of fresh air in the crown, reducing the risk of pests.

In order to adjust the growth of the Tui, the trimming should be carried out at the top of the plant. In this case, you will have a plant that will start in width, and not height, Thuja will delight you with its original appearance. To become the owner of a spherical bush of the Tui, cut off the branches forming the crown.

The decorative trimming of this plant involves constant circumcision of the plant, getting rid of all annual growths. Such actions will help support the throne in aesthetic state, form it to the crown. With a monthly trimming, a minor loss of decorative plant occurs, but after a short period of time this problem is automatically resolved, and the plant will again be a magnificent green shape.

Part of the gardeners are convinced that the accelerated crown growth is caused by constant adjustments, the specialists offer to reduce the amount of fertilizers that are entered under the plant.

If the green crown did not have time for the summer period, invite specialists, they will conduct a sanitary trimming of this plant, neatly agolate all the extra branches, cut the crown. If the thuza is planted in the shadows, thinning can be excluded, the crown of the plant will remain thick and lush. If you wish to conduct a Tui transplant from one place to another area, take care that the plant remains a layer of land located around the roots of the plant. Adult plants do not like a transplant, so young individuals are best transplanted.

The old plants of the spherical, or colonum-like species are gradually formed in several trunks, and can fall apart. The reason for this problem is snow that sticks on the branch, pulls them down. You can solve a similar problem by using old stockings, they need to firmly pull the crowns of trees, except for the kapron stocking you can use isolate, PVC.

Serious trimming of the Tui can only professionals, as it is a time-consuming procedure. Upon completion of such a trimming, the plants receive the correct geometric shape, you will enjoy their naturalness and originality.

Thuja (or "Life Tree") - a coniferous plant belonging to the family of cypress. Magnificent beauty immigrated to our household sections from East of North America. Due to its structure and various colors, it is often used to design a landscape as a living hedge. This evergreen plant is rather unpretentious, however, to him, as many other perennials, it is necessary to provide solid care when preparing for winter, throughout the autumn period.

Features of the care of the Thuy in the fall and preparation for winter - general advice and recommendations

From the quality of the autumn caring, it depends on how the coniferous tree takes the winter and will look like the next spring.

Thus, the main activities for the preparation of the Tui to winter are as follows:

  • watering (moisture profitable);
  • feeding (if necessary);
  • sanitary trim (mandatory cleaning of the crown from old yellowed and dried needles) and the forming haircut (if required);
  • processing from diseases and pests (if there are concerns about their presence);
  • mulching and shelter for the winter (protection against snow and sun rays).

Video: Care of Tues in the summer-autumn period and preparation for winter

Watering and autumn tui feeding

Regular watering It is necessary to provide a tue that grows in the region for which dry autumn is characteristic. Before the upcoming frosts, watering should be particularly abundant ( waterproof irrigation): The roots will be full of moisture for a long time, the wet earth comes longer to water, which will save the rhizome from minus temperatures, as a result, the thua will be more resistant to changing the temperature modes in the winter. If the autumn abounding with rains was issued, the coniferous tree is additionally not poured (except for the final moisture profitable watering).


For better wintering, it will not be superfluous to make under the autumn fertilizer, although, if in the spring you have already given a comprehensive fertilizer of prolonged action, you do not need to additionally.

It is worth knowing!Autumn fertilizer is called fertilizer, in which there is a high phosphorus and potassium content. You can purchase both a special fertilizer for coniferous and the usual marked "autumn".

Tui trim in autumn

As such autumn trimming for the winter of Tue is not required. Another thing is that you should necessarily clean the tree from the yellowed old needle and spend preventive trimming (cleaning). Remove patients with a secateur or dry, dead branches by circumcalling them under the very base.

If you form Tyu (for example, a ball), then in this case you need regularly adjust her shape and peel (Cut branches that went somewhere not there ").

Note! The main rule of the trimming of the Tui is to trim in a little bit, but regularly (not more than 1/3 of the branch at a time). The bottom line is that if you miss the moment and branch It will grow very much, then you will have to cut a lot and it will be easy to allow a mistake, because of what the hole will work in Krone, which will be touched enough.

Important! Desirable do not cut the landing in the first year: Give quietly in a new place, and in the next year to start the formation of the crown.

Naturally, if you do not completely trim in at all, it may be in size, because of which it will be bad and covered inside due to excessive thicance, which will definitely lead to sad consequences in the form of fungal diseases. Therefore, periodically also need to perform thinning trimming, removing thickening branches.

Interesting! Thuja Smaragd independently acquires an almost perfect form and does not need any haircut. But Tue Brabant, for example, a regular haircut is required, without which her crown becomes loose and empty, in other words, the swabster looks unsightly.

Concerning tui pruning termsthen the best time is this is the end of spring - the beginning of summerwhen the kidneys only dismissed and young shoots appeared, or End of summer - the beginning of autumnWhen the tree is already preparing for the winter.

Tip! Pruning should be carried out only in dry weather. If you do it during the rain, all sorts of illnesses can get into open wounds.

Video: How to trim the autumn, spring or summer

Processing against diseases and pests

In the autumn, when preparing the Tui for the winter, it will be good to make preventive processing of a conifer from diseases and pests before it is sent to wintering.

Tip! It is advisable to carry out even 2 processing: the first - from diseases and, accordingly, the second - from pests.

  • From fungal diseases (in particular from rust) -, (30 grams per 10 liters - for treatment, 10 grams of 10 liters - for prevention) or special preparations - HOW, ABIG peak (based on chlorocycy copper), acrobat MC.
  • From pests (especially Tsi) - Aktellik, ordinary fufanon or fufanon-nova, Rogor, carboofos, confident, desisis (apply everything according to instructions).

What to do if the thuja wish in the fall

The needles of the thuu can turn yellow in autumn for a natural reason - due to the loss of chlorophyll, the substance that provides nutrition of the chewing. They turn yellow, dry and die, and then on the same place a new green needle appears. it normal Natural Life Cyclewhich comes from the thread every 3-6 years.

Also at the end of the autumn of the needle of the Tui may be brightened due to natural protective reaction of the conifer to cooling. Then she will again warm up.

Moreover, this (yellowing due to stress) will definitely happen if Tui does not have time to adapt in a new place when landing in early autumn or at the end of summer.

In any case, no matter how reason caused the yellowing and drying of the conifers of the Tui, all affected (yellowed) parts need to ruthlessly cut. At the same time, just enough delete only dried "leaves" (chewing)Since the branches are still growing. Do not leave yellow chew if you want to keep a tree, otherwise it can become an ideal chatener for pathogenic fungi and pests!

Video: Why Louis's wishes in autumn

How to preserve the following winter: Rules of preparation for winter and protection of the thuly from snow and early sun

Is it necessary to strengthen it for the winter

From nature, Tuya is endowed with high frost resistance, so in the classic shelter for the winter does not need, with the exception of only recently planted seedlings.

However, a certain winter protective shelter of the Times is still required, but for other reasons:

  • from putting snow (especially relevant for young plants);

Young Tuii (from year to 4-5 years) enough tenderwhy they can easily deform under snow cover. In other words, when the snow sticks on the branches, they are greatly bent and can simply break under the weight of the snow masses.

Important! If you have winter very snow, that I. adult Tui well at least tidy for the winter,especially if the plant Several trunks.

  • for prevent sunny burns (relevant for young and adult conifers growing in the sun).

How to protect it right for the winter

As we have already found out, first of all you need to take care of the protection of the evergreen crown of the Tui, which may suffer from a large number of snow and bright sun at the end of winter and early spring.

However, before directly stole-to protect the thuly from snow and ultraviolet rays, it is very important to climb the soil around the rolling circle. Mulch will help keep moisture (decreasing its evaporation) and protect the root system of still young conifers, which it is not yet too well developed and can freeze if the winter is very frosty and mad.

Tip! As a mulch, you can use almost any loose material: peat, coniferous opead, bark of coniferous trees, compost, humus, sawdust, dry leaves.

The main rules for the shelter of Tui for the winter:

  • In no case you can not use cellophane or polyethylene filmSince it does not let the air and the plant can recreat under it.
  • To protect against snow sticking Excellent fit non-woven pasta materialswhich is good paste air.

But! Many special Nonwoven observing materials, transmitting air, for example, agrofiber, spunbond, skip with him and ultraviolet rays! They can be covered by snow, but they will not protect from the sunSo thuu under them will necessarily get burns.

  • To protect the Tui from the Sun You can use gauze, craft paper, white cotton fabric (sheet, duvet cover), polypropylene bags, burlap, polymer mesh.

Video: Preparation of the Tui for Winter

How to save the in winter in a pot

Coniferous trees to two years are often grown in pots or containers. So that it should be kept in a pot until spring transfer into a bright and cool room where the temperature ranges from +4 to +10 degrees (but not lower than zero) or cool dark basement (no higher than +4 degrees). And a pre-pot needed to inspire something that the roots are not frozen. Alternatively, you can make a pot mineral wool either to climb into the old track, and the Turgi itself to close in particularly frosty days with Lutrasil (or spunbond).

Important! Do not be afraid to freeze your own. At home, the likelihood that it will not reach the spring is very low: too dry and hot. But on the balcony (in the apartment) or unheated pantry or basement (in a private house) - quite.

Tip!If you do not have a better windowsill, then better skin the pots in the fall right in the ground(for example, to a greenhouse or simply in the garden), clogging with Loutrasil (spunbond). Then dig up in the spring, put for 2-3 weeks in the shadow for adaptation and.

Not very suitable conditions for maintaining the thuu at home in winter in a pot ...

Thus, the autumnal care of the Thuye will not cause difficulties even far from the gardening owner of this evergreen plants. So after wintering the coniferous tree did not lose its decorativeness, it should be abundantly pouring, to be filtered, to be treated from diseases and pests, clean and trim from yellowed and damaged branches. And also do not forget to climb the soil in the rolling circle and properly hide for winter \u003d protect from snow and sun.

Video: how to prepare a car to winter

In contact with

Thuja is an evergreen coniferous plant, which is often found both in the city landscape and in small country sites. The shrub is not published in care and has many garden forms. To preserve the green mass, the plant needs regular haircut. Next, we will discuss when the trimming of the Tui is carried out, under which weather conditions it is necessary to carry out the procedure in the fall and what an algorithm of actions to adhere to.

The main tasks and order of trimming

After the Tui trimming procedure, the tree is experiencing stress and prone to diseases. During this period, it is important to provide him with the right departure, which consists of a complex of simple events:

  • abundant irrigation - each ture requires at least 10 liters of water;
  • undercaming - the tree feels in humus, peat, other specialized mixtures (in summer, the feeding is not needed);
  • spraying growth stimulants in front of winter - is performed immediately after the haircut to soften the effects of trimming on the plant.

The main advantage of the Tui is its unpretentiousness in care and the ability to realize a varied landscape. An important component of the care of this evergreen decor is a systematic pruning of plants during the year. She libeas from dead sick branches and give Krone the desired shape.

How to trim: video