Outdoor sewage the principle of laying pipes. Technology laying sewer pipes in the ground

To properly put pipes for sewage to open soil, it is necessary to strictly observe the technology of work, follow the sanitary and construction standards, select the appropriate material. The article discusses all these issues.

Materials for pipes

Traditionally, sewer pipes were made of cast iron. But with the development of the chemical industry, new materials appeared. Now the construction market has a large selection of more modern products in this category. What pipes are better suitable for external sewage, and what requirements do they have to fit?

Features of operation put forward such characteristics as:

  • durability;
  • strength;
  • resistance to the effects of aggressive substances;
  • bandwidth;
  • the ability to transfer low temperatures.

Also important is the weight of the product and simplicity of installation.

Guided by these criteria, consider the pipes for the sewerage made from different materials.

Cast iron

His durability is confirmed by enormous experience in civil, and in industrial construction. But call cast iron pipes with an optimal choice for sewage is difficult - they are heavy, and it causes problems with installation. Much hassle delivers and the need to ensure the tightness of the joints. Characteristic of the material rough surface leads with time to accumulation of deposits.

Black Steel

Durable and inexpensive, but unstable to corrosion products. For household needs are rarely used.


Pipes are made by firing from clay, and top covered with icing. They have good corrosion resistance and aggressive chemical impacts, but heavy, expensive, fragile and poorly carry shock loads. If the glaze is chips, then the product is deprived of all its protective properties.

Reinforced concrete

The material is very reliable, having chemical and biological resistance. However, high weight and installation problems make reinforced concrete pipes not the most attractive choice for the arrangement of the sewer system in a private house.


Pros - strength, chemical stability, absence of corrosion, excellent heat-shielding characteristics, low weight and low price. The minuses include fragility.


This category includes products from PVC, polypropylene, low pressure polyethylene, etc. They have indisputable advantages over pipes from the above materials: cheap, lungs, reliable, very simple in installation, with a smooth inner surface.

The use of polyethylene for pipe production made it possible to develop a method of trenchless laying. Two-layer corrugated pipes have such ring rigidity, which is suitable for use even at a depth of 20 meters. Polypropylene pipes have a long service life and are very convenient in the assembly.

What pipe to use for the sewage underground

According to statistics, about 90% of pipelines in the private sector are made of low pressure polyethylene. Experts recommend using PND pipes for external sewerage for the following reasons:

  • long service life (minimum 40 years);
  • corrosion resistance;
  • chemical stability;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • purpose of water pressure and hydraulic man.

When laying PND pipes for sewage to the ground, you can not be afraid of the freezing of wastewater. The material is expanding by 7%, and then returns to its original state.

Small weight facilitates the installation of the system. Compared to steel products, welding for connecting PND pipes underground is much simpler, and the seams are obtained more durable.

Polyethylene pipes, possessing excellent performance, are relatively cheap.

How to dig a trench

After the development of the project and the acquisition of the material, the installation of communications is proceeded.

The laying of the sewer tube in the ground is starting with a trench. Depending on the volume, the excavator is used or exclude earthen operations into manual with the help of shovels.

The depth of the ditch is determined by how much the soil is preserves in this area. The lower part of the pipeline should be located at least 30 cm from the border of the soil friction. Snip P-G. 3-62 indicates the estimated values \u200b\u200bof the depth of the pipe in the trench: in the middle lane of Russia - this is 2.5-3 meters, in colder regions - 3.5 meters.

For the sewage arrangement in most cases, pipes with a diameter of 110 mm are used. Therefore, the standard trench width is 60 cm. But if the pipes used have a greater section, then the width should be increased.

Attention! The trench for the sewage is digging with a slope of 1-2 cm for 1 mongo meter. This is necessary because in private systems there is no pressure pressure, and wastewater moves to septic sambeck.

For the normal functioning of the system, special wells are needed in areas with a steep hint of a highway or significant differences. This moment also needs to be taken into account when laying the trench.

The bottom of the ditches align, the soil tram and pour sand or gravel with a layer of 15 cm. For the skin, they make special recesses in the ground - pit. A few meters to the viewing well and on the plot, where the pipeline is connected to the inlet pipe, the pillow is sealing. Thus, the soil is prevented during abundant precipitation.

Question: If there is little space on the site, then you can lay pipes for water supply and sewage in one trench?

Answer: According to regulatory documents (SNiP 3.05.01-85), laying pipes of sewage and water supply should be performed at a distance of 1.5 meters horizontally from each other. This is if the diameter of the pipe is not more than 200 mm. If the size is greater, then the distance must be increased to 3 meters. Theoretically, you can use one trench for laying different pipes if the requirements specified in SNiP will be followed. In practice, this option is quite difficult to implement. In addition, even the use of plastic pipes does not guarantee that Stock Wats will not be able to get into the water supply during an emergency.

Laying the pipeline in the trench

After the trench is dug, proceed directly to the mounting of the pipeline.

Attention! The use of polymer pipes significantly facilitates the arrangement of the sewer system on the site. Below are the tips on how to work with such products.

When laying sewer pipes in Earth, technology includes the following steps.

Work is starting to perform from the foundation of the house. The pipe outlet tube is connected to the mains with the codbus.

After the formation of the outlet from the building, laying sewer pipes into the trench is performed. To do this, put them down the downstairs and proceed to the connection.

On the surface of the pipe put a mark indicating which depth the product should be included in the fool. The edges are cleaned of contaminants, then the sewer pipe is inserted into the socket until it stops.

Attention! If a special mastic is used to seal the pipes from the polymer, then it is better to apply it on the edges before performing welding.

An ideal option would be if the sewage was packed in a straight line. But the wastewall system on the site usually changes the direction several times and has bends. How to pave pipes so that there are no blockages? For these purposes, we use taps, and in places turn outdoor wells.

After completion of the installation work, repeatedly check the tilt of pipes.

To protect the system from freezing, a rolled or shaped insulation is used. Rolled material is wound on the pipeline in the process of laying, shaped - put on the pipe as a case. The heat insulating materials for water protection are covered with a layer of waterproofing.

The trench falls asleep at first sand (up to 15 cm), and then removed soil. The dwarf is pre-crushed. Large stones are removed in order not to damage the plastic pipes. When the soil layer reaches 30 cm, it is carefully sealing on the sides. With further backfilling, the land is trambed after every 5-6 cm.

Council. If it is impossible to pull the trench on any site, then a horizontal puncture can be used to lay the sewage pipes. For this drilling head with a special emitter, a well is dried. It is then expanding to size, which is 25% higher than the pipe diameter. Using the ledge (special mechanism with a hinge and expander), the pipeline of the desired length is pulled through the hole.

Communications laid in the ground are subjected to quite serious external influences: they press the ground layer, has the effect of moisture and low temperatures. All requirements for laying pipes are tested by long experience. The momentary benefit from their violation in the future will inevitably turn large losses.


In contact with

The laying of sewage pipes is carried out indoors (internal system) and outside the house (external pipeline). Initially, the domestic sewer system is mounted, and then the outer. Laying various sewage pipelines has its own characteristics.

Outdoor laying of sewer pipes

Installation of the internal sewage pipeline begins with the calculation and determination of the pipe material. Having calculated the required in various parts of the pipeline, having calculated the number and types of elements by selecting the plastic, you can start laying the internal sewage system.

How to put the sewer pipes? Must be observed.

Preparatory stage

Pipes and fittings are carefully examined for damage, the difference in the wall thickness. Then parts of the pipeline are stored on a flat platform, preventing deformation during storage.

Laying of sewage pipes requires cutting of a sewer pipe to a part of the required length using a special cargo or ordinary hacksaw. When using the handchie, the cut line must be cleaned with a supphyl from the sovereigns and remove the chamfer so as not to damage the rubber cuff when installing.

Mounting pipelines

So that the elements of the pipeline were easier to connect, the smooth end of the pipe or fitting is applied silicone lubricant. Prolongs the service life of the rubber rings of sealing, prevents the sticking of the elements, reduces the voltage and friction inside the system.

The use of lubricants (sealants) not intended for sewer systems is not allowed. Internal surfaces are not lubricated.

In accordance with the scheme, inserting a smooth end of the element with a sealant-applied sealant into the socket of the next part. At the same time, the compensation gap is left - 10 mm.

Such a gap compensates for the change in the length of the pipe of the sewer during temperature drops, prevents the stroke and removes the internal voltage.

After connecting all parts of the pipeline, the sewage pipe is fixed in the floor and to the walls. It is carried out by clamps by setting them under the socle to eliminate slip.

When installing the domestic sewage system in the room without heating, it is necessary to use a heater for pipes.

Laying outdoor sewage pipelines

Technology laying sewer pipes:

  • Preparation of trenches.
  • Assembling system.
  • Insulation.
  • Trench frustration.

Tresh preparation

The trenches depends on the depth of the soil freezing at the installation site of the sewage pipeline. Trench width is at least 40 cm.

The trench is digging with a slope necessary for the normal operation of the pipeline with the effect of self-cleaning. The fulfillment of these requirements is answering the question: how to pave sewer pipes? The bottom of the trench will be thoroughly trambed, a sand or gravel pillow is created at least 10 cm.

Assembling system

Sewer pipes are stacked in a trench against wastewater.

The release of the sewer tube of the internal system is connected to the socket of the stacked pipeline.

If the length of the pipeline exceeds 15 m, then the observation well is arranged with revisions for cleaning.


In the case of a similar location to the surface of the groundwater, it is necessary to produce a shallow laying (the depth of at least half a meter) of the pipes. In this case, the system must be insulated. The insulation is placed on the pipeline throughout the length.

If the sewage system is laid, in accordance with the standards, below the friction point, it is not required. In this case, you need to take into account the depth of the occurrence of the exit of the internal sewer system. If the depth is insufficient, the part of the pipeline needs insulation.

Flipping trench

The sewage system is external checked for tightness. The correspondence of the tilt angles is also determined. If all the requirements are observed, then you can proceed to filling the trenches. It is desirable to fall asleep the pipeline with chopped soil. Every 5 cm filled soil is recommended to rub the trench on the piping sides. The land over the pipe is not compacted, since there is the possibility of damage and disruption of the tightness of the joints and the system as a whole.

Optimal backfill option: 15 cm sand, top ground, dug out of the trench.

It must be remembered:

  • The normal operation of the sewage system is possible only in the temperature range
  • 5-45 o S.
  • The inner surface of the sewage pipe should be smooth, preventing the formation of deposits.
  • When the direction of pipelines change, fittings are used with an angle different from 90 o (to prevent blockage).
  • The bandwidth of the pipes depends on their diameter.
  • The tightness of the system determines the duration of the service life.
  • When choosing, its maintainability should be taken into account.

Requires physical work, but usually does not cause great difficulties. It is important to initially calculate the amount of material and means to be used when installing the sewer system.

Characteristics of pipes

Orange (red) pipes from polyvinyl chloride or polypropylene are used for laying outdoor sewage. The inner surface of such pipes is absolutely smooth, it prevents clogging, and the wall of the strengthened plastic allows you to lay the pipeline at a depth of up to 3 meters. Usually, pipes with a diameter of 110 mm are used to obtain household wastewater, but a diameter of 160 mm can be used to drain large volumes.

Despite the fact that the outer sewage is mounted from durable materials, an additional load (for example, a high depth or underway) can have a strong effect on the walls of the system, which will lead to cracks and other defects. To avoid this, in cases of the proposed enhanced load, corrugated pipes with a two-layer wall should be used. They are usually manufactured from polyethylene or polypropylene.

Tresh preparation

The development of trenches can be carried out using an excavator or manually. With any way to do this correctly, you need to comply with the standards for the width and depth. The most common diameter of pipes, as mentioned above, 110 mm. For products of this diameter, a trench is required with a width of 600 mm. The depth is determined by the features of the project, but the building rules and norms regulate that it should not be less than half a meter from the maximum point of the soil freezing (counting from the bottom edge of the pipe). For the middle strip of Russia, this value is from 2.5 to 3 m, for the southern regions - from 1.25 to 1.5 m, and for the Northern - 3-3.5 m.

It is also necessary to take into account the proximity of groundwater. In any case, the depth of the trench must be about 50 cm more than the depth of the sewage laying, which is always placed on a sandy or gravel pillow. For convenience, the connection between the pipe wall and the walls of the trench should not be less than 20 cm for the average diameter (up to 225 mm) and 35 cm for large diameter.

The bottom of the trench must be aligned and made homogeneous. It is not allowed to have irregularities and promotional sites.

If the soil is very soft and loose, you need to strengthen and compact the bottom of the trench. The pillow under the pipe is falling at any soil. For these purposes, sand or gravel are usually used. Throughout the pillow should not be seal, the seal is required only 2 meters from the viewing well. It is necessary to align the surface of the pillow and make a pit under the conversion.

Scheme of sewage pipe laying depending on hydrogeological conditions.

The technology of laying the pipe into the ground When the sewer system is replaced, it does not differ from that when laying from zero, but in the first case it is necessary to make sure that all parts of the old sewage are removed, and the trench is carefully cleaned.

Laying pipe

  1. Before laying, it is necessary to clean the internal eases from possible contaminants and check the availability of sealing rings. It is carried out from the foundation of the house. In cases where the output of the sewer pipe was laid in the foundation during construction, the stacked part is dressed in the exit end. In order to facilitate the compound, the silicone lubricant is used, which is covered by a sleek end of the pipe. If the output of the pipe from the building is not provided, they produce a supply under the foundation or cut hole. When laying the first pipe, it is always carefully centered.
  2. Place the pipe under a properly calculated bias. Construction rules and norms determine that the optimal magnitude of the plug for the pipe with a diameter of 110 mm is 2 cm per meter per meter. In this case, there is a silent and smooth flow of liquid and there is no accumulation of solid particles, so the risk of a blockage decreases several times. Be sure to check the angle of the slope before proceeding to the following steps of work.
  3. The pipe does not always run directly from home to the collector, the sewage has bends and turns. For these purposes, there are taps for the corner of the knee 15, 30, 45 or 90 degrees. If the sewer system has a length of over 15 meters, an audit should be installed over each knee.
  4. The next step is the connection of pipes, which is carried out until it stops, as in the process of operation, the pipe diameter may vary. To ensure the strength of the connection, the pitch is carried out manually. It is always necessary to ensure that there are no contaminants on the smooth end of the pipe, which may interfere with a solid connection and lead to the system breakdown. It is also necessary to remember that the fool must also be absolutely clean. For easy and sealed docking, use silicone lubricant.
  5. If the bottom of the trench is within the limits of the ground freezing level, the stacked pipes are insulated with a stainflex along the entire length. After that, you need to check the angle of the slope and begin backfilling. It can be produced with duck up soil, which is pre-purified from stones and other solid particles. First, we fall asleep with sand over the entire length to a level of 10-15 cm above the top edge of the pipe, while the sand is torn around the edges. The technology of mounting the sewer system with power supply involves laying the cable over the sand layer, while the cable must be in the protective corrugation. Then they smash the dug soil. Please note that the pipe is not produced above the pipe!
  6. The final stage of installation is the connection of the pipe with a predetermined septic. Completion with the help of a pipe in a septic tank.

Thus, the technology of laying sewer pipes is quite simple and understandable. The main attention when laying should be given to the purity of the pipes and the density of the joints, as well as the angle of inclination. To properly put and mount the external sewer, follow the instructions set out in the article. So you will be able to avoid problems when installing and the operation of the sewer system.

Construction of autonomous sewage includes several stages. First, the inner layout is mounted, then proceed to the construction of external networks. This stage, in turn, is divided into two operations. The first is the installation or construction of an autonomous treatment plant. Second - laying of sewer pipes with their own hands. Consider what rules should be observed if laying of sewage pipes in the ground is performed.

A house that does not have a water supply and wastewater system cannot be called comfortable. Problems of improvement should be done on the building design. And if the house is already operated, then communications can be paved in the reconstruction process.

During the construction of autonomous sewage, many questions arise with their own hands. In particular, you need to know which materials need to be used to build outdoor networks, how to properly lay sewage pipes, what rules when performing this work must be observed? Let's try to find answers to the questions.

Selection of pipes for laying in the ground

Outdoor sewage pipes are experiencing more serious loads than those are located inside the building, in the internal networks of the pipe are laid along the walls, as a last resort, the laying of sewage pipes under the floor are used. The pipes of the external sewage are laid in deep trenches, they have to test the pressure of the soil.

Tip! If necessary, pave the sewage pipeline under the roadway, it is necessary to use the pipes of the highest strength of the strength.

For external networks produced a special type of pipes. So that the consumer is not confused with the choice, manufacturers paint such pipes into brown-orange or red color. While pipes intended for installation internal sewage is usually dark gray. To assemble the outer sewage, the following types of pipes are used:

  • Smooth polymer - from PVC or polypropylene.
  • Corrugated polymeric - from polyethylene or polypropylene.
  • Cast iron.
  • Asbesto-cement.

It must be said that polymer pipes are most often used. Moreover, corrugated products are recommended to be used where the load is especially large - if necessary, deep laying or when placing a pipeline under the car expense.

Tip! The most common pipe size used to build outdoor sewage in a private house - 110 mm. In addition to the pipeline assembly pipes, you need to purchase fittings - taps, crosses, revisions, etc.

The quantity and number of types of fittings is determined by the external sewage circuit. If possible, we need to plan a pipeline laying in a straight line, avoiding turns and drops in height. But it is not always possible to fulfill this condition.

Therefore, in places of turns, as well as where the highway has a drop in height, the installation of an additional well is necessary - an angular or distribution. The presence of a well will allow you to perform the maintenance of the system, since it is precisely in such complex sites most often scores are formed.

Laying pipes

The process of laying pipes into the trench can be divided into three stages:

  • Excavation.
  • Build pipeline.
  • Backfilling.

Execution of earthworks

The most difficult stage of work is the first associated with earthworks. Before laying sewer pipes in a private house, you need to properly prepare trenches. Rules for performing earthworks:

  • Trenches can be digging manually or when using earthmoving equipment, if possible, you need to use the second option. But this is not always possible. For example, construction equipment may simply not come up on a tightly built site.
  • The width of the trench should allow the installer to work with the pipe, being at the bottom.

Tip! If the pipes have a diameter of 110 mm, then the width of the trench should be 60 cm.

  • It is more difficult to determine what is the optimal depth of laying sewer pipes. According to standards, it should exceed the depth of the primer of the soil in this area by half the meter. But in practice, this condition is not always possible to perform. If the pipes are placed on a smaller depth, then you should take care of their insulation.
  • Trenches need to ride with a specific slope. As a rule, the project is laid in the amount of 2 cm per meter of the pipeline.
  • When the trenches - there are deeper than the designed depth of pipe laying by 10 cm. This depth will be used to create a shock absorption cushion.
  • The bottom of the dug trench should be well tumped if there are large boulders or freezing lumps of the earth, they will need to be removed, pumped up the formeds of the Earth's pits and tamper it there.

  • On the bottom of the trenches, put a layer of sand or small gravel. Pillow seals along the entire length of the trench is not required. But in the places of the planned installation of revision wells, the bulk sand will need to be sealing two meters away from the place of installation of the well.
  • In those places where the races of pipes will be, satisfied the pit.

Laying and assembly of pipes

Consider the basic rules for laying sewer pipes:

  • Pipes start from the place of exit pipe from the foundation of the house.
  • Pipes should be put along the trench, while the troops of the pipes should be directed towards the opposite motion of the effluent.
  • We carry out pipe connections. This requires well clean the fool and make sure that it has a rubber sealing ring. No less thoroughly cleaned and smooth end of the pipe, which will be inserted into the socket. Produce a preliminary measurement of the entry of the pipe into the socket until it stops, putting a label on a smooth pipe. To facilitate the introduction of the pipe into the slur, the silicone lubricant is applied to the smooth end. If there is no lubricant, you can use liquid soap or liquid intended for washing dishes. The pipe is inserted into the socket, and to compensate for linear deformations of the pipeline, the pipe is administered not until it stops, but leave a centimeter clearance (when the pipe is administered, they are focused on the label set earlier).
  • If necessary, perform a pipeline rotation, you need to use taps with an angle of 15 or 30. Use taps with an angle of 90 degrees is prohibited.

  • In addition, the technology of laying sewer pipes provides for the installation of revision wells. These devices are necessary to control the operation of the pipeline and conducting cleaning in the event of a blocking.
  • If it is provided for by the project, the insulation of pipes is carried out. For this purpose, it is recommended to apply insulation based on foamed polyethylene.

Putting backfill

  • Having finished laying the pipes and mount the sewage system, you need to check the pipe slope once again and check the quality of the assembly. Important parameters that are subject to mandatory verification are the tightness of the assembly, as well as the capacity of the pipeline. To check for each pipe connection, you need to put paper (you can use old newspapers). After that, it is necessary to pour in the toilet 5-6 buckets of water. Next you need to check how quickly and in what volume the water will "get" to the end point. If the volume coincides, then the throughput system of the pipeline is good. In addition, you need to check the state of the newspapers, which we have previously faltered under the places of compounds. If there are no wet spots on them, it means that the connections are sealed. If there are moisture spots on paper, the connection with the defect should be removed. Mandatory is the use of silicone sealant.
  • After completing the assembly quality check, you can proceed to perform the backfill.
  • The first 10-15 cm. Failure heights are recommended to perform sand. At the same time, it is necessary to carefully compact the sand along the edges of the pipe, but over the pipe itself, the backbone is stupidly prohibited.
  • Next, the pipeline can be filled with the usual soil, which was taken out when tranches. Only it will be necessary to ensure that large stones can be caught in the ground.

The process of laying pipes in the trench - the work is simple, but labor-intensive. In addition, the performance of work requires accuracy and patience, as it is important to accurately fulfill all the requirements of construction standards. It is very important to comply with the rules for the preparation of trenches and the installation of the pipeline, only in this case, the work will be perfect.

Laying the sewage of the private house does not require any complex skills, special tools or deep special knowledge. However, small errors during the installation of installation may continue to lead to serious damage to the system. There is a pretty serious pressure of the soil layer, they are exposed to cold, moisture, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to take care in advance that the laying of sewage pipes in the Earth be performed correctly.

Types of sewer pipes and their features

The process of laying outdoor sewage looks quite simple. Pipes are placed in a torn trench, joking with the system located inside the house, as well as with a collector, then fall asleep. Before making a project of external sewage, you need to decide on the type of pipes. From the diameter, section and material of these elements, the size of the trench, the slope, and so paragraph are dependent.

Pipes that are used in creating an outer sewage are distinguished by many parameters, such as the diameter and the cross section configuration, as well as the material. Today, sewer systems are performed from:

  • cast iron;
  • ceramics;
  • concrete;
  • asbetic;
  • plastic;
  • fiberglass.

Cast iron pipes weigh quite a lot, their inner surface is not too smooth, and the installation is very complex, so this type of sewerage is extremely rare on the household sections. Ceramic elements are easier to mount, but with an inaccurate appeal to be easily damaged. Concrete structures of greater weight is also difficult to install, so they are rarely used for the outer sewage of the private house. Inexpensive and light asbetic designs in the past were popular, but they are distinguished by some fragility, and the smoothness of their inner surface leaves much to be desired.

Plastic pipes for outdoor sewage are usually orange to distinguish them from elements for the internal system. These are light, durable and comfortable in the installation of the pipe

Unconditional leader in the sewer system market - plastic. Pipes from PVC, PP, PVP have all the characteristics necessary for external sewage:

  • light weight;
  • considerable strength;
  • resistant to chemicals;
  • simplicity in montage;
  • smooth inner surface;
  • the ability to transfer very low temperatures, etc.

It is very good for sewage and fiberglass, which is a composition of polyester resins reinforced by special fiberglass. However, such structures weigh significantly more, and it is much more expensive.

To create sewage in the household plot, plastic rounds of circular cross section are most often used, the diameter of which is usually 110 mm. When laying pipes by puncture, for example, under the roadpapers, as well as in other places with high load, it is recommended to use two-layer pipes with a corrugated outer surface.

Note! Polyvinyl chloride pipes (PVP) withstand the heating only to 40 degrees, and polypropylene (PP) structures carry the temperature increase of up to 80 degrees. High-strength polyethylene (PVP), which is used in the production of sewage pipes, the heat resistance occupies the average position.

Order of work when creating external sewage

The laying of pipes of sewage from the project begins. It is recommended to make a trench with a minimum amount of bends, the optimal solution is a completely straight pipe without any turns. If without them, it is not necessary to do without them, and the length of the system is more than 12 meters, in such places there are inspection wells, because it is most often stems and breakdowns.

Note! Even the perfect straight sewer must be supplied with viewing wells every 25 meters.

It is important to correctly determine the depth of laying the sewer pipe. When it is determined, it takes into account the depth of the primer of the soil and the level of the sewer tube in the septic tank or the pipe of the centralized sewer system. In addition, the necessary slope of sewerage, which is 2 cm for each traveling meter of construction.

When determining the depth of the gasket of the external sewage pipes, the level of soil freezing, the required slope, as well as the depth on which the pipes will be connected to the treatment facilities

Often, the creation of a rather deep trench turns out to be too time-consuming, and sometimes impossible. In this case, it is necessary to carry out thermal insulation work to protect the drains from freezing in the winter. According to the rules of sewer tubing, the minimum trench width is defined as the pipe diameter plus 20 mm on each side for pipes. If the pipe is wider than 200 mm, the free space should be increased, otherwise it will be difficult to carry out the correct installation.

After the plan is drawn up and all factors are taken into account, proceed to the performance of work. For installation of external sewage, follows:

  1. Drop the trench of suitable size.
  2. Put on a bottom sand pillow with a thickness of about 50 mm.
  3. Carefully tumble bottom of the trench.
  4. Put and combine sewer pipes.
  5. Connect them to internal sewage and to septic.
  6. Check the system operation and make sure of its tightness.
  7. Purplify the space on the sides of the pipes, layered his ramming.
  8. Fill the sewer from above.

Note! The sand or soil layer, laid on top of sewer pipes, does not need to ram.

The practical experience of the external sewage device is presented in the following video:

Finding out how to make the sewer pipes correctly, the recommendations of specialists should be taken into account:

  • the number of joints and turns should be minimal;
  • all crops need to be sent towards the movement of waste;
  • it is impossible to shorten the squabs and shaped elements;
  • pipes should be fixed to ensure the correct slope of the sewerage.

To comply with the bias, the marking cord is used, which is stretched along the bottom of the trench.

At the bottom of the trench for the sewer tube should be put and carefully tumped by a sandy pillow. Trambet also sand, which falls asleep on the sides, but the sand and ground over the pipe should not be touched

A few words about insulation

The insulation of sewage pipes is used quite often. This uses special rolled or shaped insulation. The first must be climbed onto the pipe in the process of installing the sewer system, the second is made under the pipe of a particular diameter and just put on it. Since heat-insulating materials in contact with water can lose a significant part of their beneficial properties, it is important to cover them with a reliable layer of waterproofing.

As an alternative or additional method of thermal insulation, a special heating cable is used, which is mounted throughout the length of the pipe. You can save time and strength if you buy pipes with an already installed thermal insulation layer. Elements are available, equipped not only by a conventional insulation, but also a heating cable. When using such structures, you need to carefully close the joints so that moisture does not hit the insulation.