Unfortunate home. Flowers happy love

Chapter Tenth.
Unhappy house

This five-storey house I started building another salary, just we just taken the oath.
House as a house. He was intended for the families of officers. But the fate of this house was so unfortunate that he was completed already when I was demobilized. Rather rebuilt, but about it below.
My platoon drove to the construction site of the foreman Chavchavadze - a young guy who served the urgent service and remaining in his company to the superior. Since he visited the soldier's skull, and did not have time to get a thick hippopotamus, he regretted us and helped us in every way. But it seemed that the house was rejected all his efforts. So, and, accordingly, we did not allocate the excavator to lay the trenches. But, as you know, three soldiers from Stroybat replace the excavator. And we dug trenches manually, irrigate the roots of trees and stones, staining their new gymnasters and halifa. Chavchavadze, dropped the gymnaster and climbed into the trench with us. It was a slight, small sprout guy, black, with eagle nose. Despite its punishness, he replaced the excavator. When we, erase palm in the blood, glowing from sweat through, poured next to the trenches to catch his breath, he threw one without tired and threw the earth. She grabbed the ax and irradiated powerful roots. We were ashamed to lie for a long time and we again descended to him. He disappeared on the persuasion and said that he was not tired.
It ended in that he, trying to throw away a hefty stone alone dropped him, and received a fracture of his legs. It was the first accident. Could we know then that this house is unhappy?
Finally, we were driven by a beadozer, and in the first days of his work, the bulldozer overturned. Alexander, the second year of service, did not have time to jumped out of it, and was injured. There were no fractures, but it had so many bruises that Sanka some time was like a blue altogether.
Slowly the house began to rise. Earthworks were changed by concrete. And we like damned tuskled a heavy concrete on stretchers on stairs, on which there was not even a fence.
You guessed correctly, I flew this time. Rather did not fly, but flew. Cutting, I lost my balance, and how a steamed bird flew a couple of spans. But this time the trouble passed. In addition to bruises I had not a single fracture. And when they put me in the Peppermaster, and I had long been kept in the bed - I didn't have a limit. In addition, the unfortunate injured friends were dragged by Tyro, buns, and soldier delicacy - condensed milk.
But everything is good ends quickly. A week later I returned to the object (so called the house). We ended with concrete and a solution and we were not born on the grass, remembering the unforgettable Rinikinsky "brick bar, a solution of yoke, I sit in a church." On the object that day almost no one, except for our platoon there. So there was a complete silence, except for the buzz of a flame in bitumen. We melted in the sun and poisoned anecdotes. Smell something burned. I was running around the construction site. We did not find anything burning. A few minutes later, an explosion rang out and an iron barrel from the diesel was unexpectedly flew into the air.
Our serenity has evaporated MiG. We rushed in the right side, but they immediately recoiled, since one two more explosions rang out one after another and two more barrels flew into heaven.
Hiding for the standing bulldozer, we carefully looked out because of it. Mom dear. Bitumenovarka is all embraced by a flame, a mountain of boards, pallets and all sorts of boxes is burning next to it, and the barrels from the diesel burning are terrifying with a flaming mountain. Those of them, which are empty alternately explode and scatter, what up, aside, explosions scattering flaming boards, which in turn ignite around everything that can burn. The spectacle is very beautiful and exciting. It would be possible to calmly watch the fireworks if it were not for one "but". The fire was chosen to a huge tank with gasoline. He was already awesome in centimeters from her, and the fever certainly had already heated the tank. She was about to bubble. And then few would not seem to all. We needed to run, but suddenly Volodyca Vinnitsky rushed to the tower of the tower and how the monkey scrupted him. Another minute and the crane moved, his arrow began to unfold and depended on the tank. Hooks began to descend.
I and two more guys picked up the cable, I was right there and climbed to tut her tank. Work turned out to be hot. The fire tormented to the lick of our face, the eyebrows gave him at the moment, the hands were fought firing hardware. But adrenaline boiled in the blood and we coped. Hooked the cable with hooks and how the hares rushed to fall. The cable stretched, the tank leaned, but did not slip away. Slowly, very slowly she rose over fire and began to swing, risking slip out of the cable or explode directly in the air. But the crane turned and the tank sailed to the side.
Danger it seemed to have passed, and only now they struck fear. The hands were shaking, the knees were shaking ... We left the fire away from the grass fell on the grass.
Suddenly, at somewhere, many people came from somewhere, our buildingbatovtsy came running from the part, some civilians. Began to calm down the burning boards, someone started a bulldozer and began to move the barrels with a diesel fuel to the side. From somewhere there was a hose, and it began to water what was not yet caught. Another half an hour and the fire surrendered. Only smoke and steam rose from charred governments and logs.

About the fire somehow quickly forgotten. Time was nearer to autumn. The house has ruled the floor outside the floor. Here is the fourth floor ready. Here is already the last fifth almost rose ...
At the facility, to our joy, a brigade of civil girls - plaster. They occupied one of their apartments on the first floor. They had a warehouse of paints, one room served as a locker room, and in just one, where did the sofa come from, the table and a few chairs and girls there usually rested and lunch. They were not deprived by soldier's attention, and for autumn it was unexpectedly that one of them marries. And not for someone, but for our construction soldier, the most quiet and modest. No one even thought that he was like that, for some couple of months, the most beautiful girl from "our" plaster. The commander of the part consent to their wedding and, to our inexpressible joy and happiness, she turned rare in our soldier's dining room.

There was a hot autumn day. We worked on the roof, stacked twelve-meter overlaps into the roof of the fifth floor. It remained to put several overlaps and a box of the house, consider, built. Everyone has already passed into part, dining, and we, in order to bring the matter to the end, decided to stay and report the last overlaps.
I, and two more my comrade rafted them, and I commanded the lifting crane:
- Vira, Vira grind! Main!
Two guys on the roof, picked up the raised overlap, unfolded, and with an accuracy to centimeter put in their place. Here raised the penultimate overlap on the roof level. Suddenly, one of the two cables that the overlap was filling, with the sound of a shot burst. The slab overlap twisted and started rotating around its axis. Finding a wide semicircle one end of the overlap almost a bit from the roof of one of the soldiers. He somehow miraculously managed to jump, take off to the overlap and clinging for the crane cable. At the same time, the overlap hooked the wall. First, nothing happened and it was possible to think that everything was over. But suddenly he heard a strange soft buzzing sound and the building was very slowly to settle in its central part. The following entrances began to be tilted to the center. The house, as folded from Domino, began to develop to the center and, as in slow motion, collapsed. There was a rumble, we shot out like an atomic explosion, a cloud of dust. Then she began to settle and the terrible picture appeared before us. There was no house. In his place pile of garbage, wreckage of walls, overlaps, blocks. And the concrete slab with a little man on it, frightened from horror.
Silence lasted only a minute. The craneman began to lower the stove, and we almost loud prayed that the second cable would not burst. But we picked up the slab and put it on the ground. There was a zurab on the stove, one of those who worked on the roof. His partner was not. It was clear that he was buried under the wreckage of the building.
Zurab was so clung to the cable, which we had to squeeze his fingers.
Suddenly someone shouted not by his voice.
- Girls! Girls there!
Indeed, because their apartment is under the wreckage, they always dine in it at this time.
We rushed with fingers to garbage, tried to discard, drag, roll back hefty fragments. It was scary to stumble upon a dead girl, see her hand or leg. We woke up such force that sometimes we lifted such pieces alone, which in a normal setting would not be raised. After a few minutes, she appeared assistants. All worked ostervell and silently. Only tears rolled out of the eyes, and occasionally shuddered the sneaking of the palm or after receiving a bruise.
- Oh, and sho there is a Praplia?
All as the team froze. Then we turned around and stared as ghosts on the question. We faced our girls, our plaster, our relatives, nice, favorite. Live and healthy. We rushed to hug and kiss them, and they could not understand what happened.
It turned out that they decided to stumble into the local shop, and at the time of the tragedy they were not in their apartment.
The second soldier, Peter buckwheat, soon dug off. But it was already without us. Neither I neither my friends on whose eyes it happened, and could not force ourselves to go to the Leninsky room, where his parents were sitting near the closed coffin. We did not want to bury it. Instead, someone dragged the bottle of vodka and we sat on the bed, opposite his bed, put a glass of a glass with a vodka, covered with a piece of bread, and, not choking drank to the Earth Petke was Puhat.

Then there was a consequence. It turned out that the house was built with a thousand violations. What the cement has grown, and in the solution there were more sand than cement that the welding was poorly, which ... and so on and so on. The head of UNR was democated to the ordinary and sent for construction on the island of Damansky, where at that time were fighting with the Chinese.

The construction site was cleared and the house began to erect first. Only on his stance I could no longer be. And yet I met this home again. We were then built in Goncharov Circle, everything in the same tents, all in the same tank part, from where the tank part was transferred to Czechoslovakia for several hours, to suppress the "Prague Spring". Was already winter, and when we wake up our heads in the morning were covered with inheree and tried to pillows. I cruelly caught up and I was taken to Chernigov, treat. As I was very weak, I was determined to watch one of the entrances of the "unhappy" house. The house was already completed and even partially furnished. So that this furniture does not soak for each entrance to put on the soldier "for the protection of military property." True, the watchmen besides his own fists and a formidable voice (and I didn't have any votes, since I was hijacked) no weapons were observed. However, it was a raspberry, which my "favorite" senine smoking immediately announced. Say, these Jew will always find a warm place.

I looked after my apartment on the third floor and settled there. In the neighboring entrances, my comrades also spent the night, one at the entrance. I locked the door of the entrance of some kind of woodcut, traveled to her handle, I fell to bed.
At night I heard some kind of noise, but I did not understand what it was. In the morning, the winter sun illuminated my window and I woke up. On the street he was heard, screams and I looked out a window. Meters in a foil from the house there was a grocery shop and people gathered near him.
What is the deficit of which brought? It would be necessary to curb. After checking the reliability of constipation of the access door, I got out through the window of one of the apartments and went to the store. My comrades from neighboring entrances were also there. But none of them knew what's the matter. Having touched the arrogance, I swore inside the crowd and turned out to be on the other side. However, there was nothing at all. From this lady took place on a low mound road. Under the embankment of Cherl, concrete pipe. The store remained even twenty meters.
Wrapped I asked someone what happened. And he said: "And you get off and look into the pipe."
I looked. At first I could not understand what I see there. And only, accustomed to the semitime in the pipe understood. There was a girl. Her coat was unbuttoned and open, and the coat had a satin allay lining. Her naked legs were bent and deployed to the sides, and between them Alla Silk Dresses. But after a moment I was horrified. It was not a lining on the coat, and it was not silk. The girl lay in the puddle of the blood, and her belly was cut and in him an allah healing a cloth torn off from her dress.
I became bad. Soon the militiamen appeared on the yellow policeman. What a woman identified a girl. After a few minutes, the police put it in the lawn and left somewhere. The crowd meanwhile increased.
Soon some boys were brought. When he was shown that in the pipe, he lost consciousness. He was led to the feeling and he said that this is his girl, and what his younger brother was also arrived. For that he recently hijacked his neck. From yesterday, the brother disappeared and did not appear at home.
The cops left the friendships of the younger brother and soon found him. When it began to lead to the pipe, began to squeeze and break.
- Let me go, uncle Militiamen. I'll tell you everything.
And he began to tell. He is still from the 9th grade, he tried to fear for this girl who was older than him for a year. But she did not pay attention to him and he suffered terribly from it. Moreover, she began to meet his elder brother. Friends once introduced him to an adult man who heard local authority. He sat in Darkness and taught them all the "wisdoms". Last night, they all drank everything and the boy admitted to the authority that he had a problem. And he said that the problem is easily solved. It is enough to fuck the girl and she will not need your brother.
They settled the girl when she was on the bus to go to the night shift. Pulling her mouth, dragged her to the newstore. But broke out, since all the entrances and windows were locked from the inside. The girl broke out, she even managed to bite the hand of the authority. And then he hit her. She crumpled and the man's tops are in this pipe so that they do not notice them from passing cars. There he broke her dress, and ordered the boy to rape the girl. However, from fear, he managed to do anything. Then the authority began to do it myself. Suddenly, the girl came to himself and tried to scream. And then the rapist looked like a knife in her throat, and then he drove through the stomach.

Suddenly, someone's fist flew between the police and defeated the boyfriend to the face. Militiamen surrounded the crowd of men and women. Everyone tried to reach a freak, hit him, cling to the eyes, in the face. Militiamen tried to protect him with themselves. But the blows fell on them. Someone shouted that she brought the rope and this bastard would now hang right on the tree near the store.

The miracle of militiamen managed to drag into the Gazik the boy distraught from fear. The car almost a foot began to roll the forefined. On the windows beat fists, they spoiled on them. Then stones were sprinkled. The car with difficulty broke through the crowd and disappeared behind our house.

Soon the house was settled by the family of officers. But there were rumors that the house brings misfortunes that people in it hurt that families disintegrate ... who knows it may be the truth.

Why did the city administration be on the side of the minority?

07/02/2016 01:36

Andrei Trofimov

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Those who regularly enjoy the site will probably remember my investigations about the activities of RESPECT-SP. Among other things, there was a story about how at the end of last year the company firing elders on the north settlement. As a result of campaigning, several protocols of assembly appeared, allegedly confirming the decision of the tenants to abandon the services of the Criminal Service of the MosoblopechSecondition and switch under the wing of the Respect.

GGG suspected the organizers in violations and promised to conduct inspections. As a result, the owners of housing, and competing UK for almost six months live in conditions of complete "misunderstanding". Before the court decisions, clarifying someone, the case has not yet come. Therefore, almost half of the tenants of controversial houses stopped paying for the LCA. Yes, and those that pay, carry money into two different companies that now have an iron excuse for Noschena.

According to the deputy Nikita Smirnov, more than once commented by this situation, the cause of the Bardak's behavior is the behavior of "Mosobl Sunlement". Type, if the company handed over to the Respekt's house and stopped billing accounts to residents, scandals would have subsided for long. However, the deputy director of "Mosobl Sunlement" Konstantin Scriskin, with whom I met the other day at the house 13 on Tchaikovsky Street, argues that not everything is so simple. Here are almost literal explanations that I did not have time to appear on the video:

- I will not lie: the loss of two or three is not new houses is not a serious problem for us. As they say, it is still unknown who was lucky. And all the same, we were disappointed when information went about re-election on our housing. Last year, "Mosobl-Sunny" only rose on his feet, and it was not easy to establish work in such a huge territory. The competitors took advantage of this for our discredit - they figured the heads of the heads. Yes, and rejoiced, not everyone! Otherwise, the organizers of the assembly would prevent us with evidence of their success, and did not hide the register of residents who voted for termination of the contract. Actually, we left precisely because they did not want to look like "suckers", which are driving around the finger. Well, okay house 17 on the street of Glinka or house 16 on Friendship Street, where the tenants soon after the meetings practically read our receipts! We know that there were violations there, but why to cling to it, if people have already voted against us by the ruble? Happy, as they say, swimming! Well, if from the whole house 13 on the street Tchaikovsky "Respect" to this day only 30% of tenants pay? What do we need to believe that the majority voted for "respect"?

About whether I wanted to believe my leg, you need to talk in more detail. But this is the next time. In the meantime, a small fragment of the meeting at home 13, where the so-called board at home is trying to prove to his tenants that the vote for the "Respect" was honest.

I was interested in this piece of videos for a simple reason. According to data, the Chairman of the Council of the House of Marina Nikolaev, the owners owning 2350 meters of housing, which is 58.4% of the total residential area of \u200b\u200bthe house, voted for Respect-SP. Thus, even according to the information of the Council "Respect" overcame the bar in 50% of the votes of "the principle" - with a margin of only 338 meters. And provided this stock city administration! It is she, as the owner of the municipal housing, put more than 500 square meters in the piggy bank of the Respect.

Now we must remember that the city authorities are usually guided by the Iron Rule: to get up when choosing the Criminal Code. In this case, this rule was broken: the representative of the administration supported the minority. Who gave him this team, I seem to know.But for what reason?

9 Alex 14. 03.07.2016 20:12

Quote Kthrby Kthrby:

and yes. Any owner (including the administration) has the right to vote for whom it wants, regardless of whom that when he spoke in the summer on a haymaker.

In fact, it is in any incorrect thing when the government refuses the principles announced earlier.
But formally you are right. So let's go further to the question formally.

The decision of the administration should be issued on time to the decision of the head of the city.
I will not be surprised if this ruling is not in mom. And if it was released, it was certainly not published so as not to disturb the dissent majority of tenants. This is also a reason for protocol protest.

But the main thing is still not in this. And why GGGs winds nerves for months. Install, whether the owners adopted the decision or was falsification, it is possible in a week.

5 vlad66. 03.07.2016 22:01

Citizen Ekaterina Davydova:

For 205V, the man taxes such a level that he hardly happen at the law.
Look at the brine of the trophim note of two years ago
There is a story about how Belenkova sobbed "Posad Energy" and loved the Criminal Code "SPMR". Under the note - my comment.
Here is a literal quote:
"And Belenkova recently diluted over the" Radonezh ", that all as one tenants of her house gathered at the face of the meeting and voted for the SPMR. Ruhnuogu! The journalist did the view that believes."

Guys, well, if a person, without blinking with the eye, tells the camera about his one hundred percent appearance to a full-time meeting, what can I talk about? And notice, no gqi did not check anything. Is it because the falsec was created in favor of the municipal uk?

Today, however, the situation is somewhat different. The other day I was told that Ekaterina Mikhailovna, having learned about the court, rushing around the house, trying to raise a copy of the certificates from the owners and remake the deliberate Laude. But the people seem to be no longer being conducted.

4 Nikita Smirnov 04.07.2016 00:44

Citizen Ekaterina Davydova:

PKA 205V .... everything is the same ... the receipts bring from two Crimson, the older house with foam at the mouth proves the rightness of the "Respect" ... from the administration a response came that they all hold on control , Before the court decision, the house serves "Mosobläklovatiya".

To date, the OSS protocol on the house acts and all residents are obliged to observe him. As far as I know the Respect of the Treaty with the RSO for this house enclosed. Let such contracts for resources show the exploiters where we will see this address. For RNO concludes an agreement with only 1 company.

8 # 10 vlad66 04.07.2016 09:54

Quote Nikita Smirnov:

Why are you lying? Before the court decision by law, the house serves "Respect". Read the laws.

3 # 11 attentive 06.07.2016 11:51

Quote vlad66:
Quote Nikita Smirnov:

Why are you lying? Before the court decision by law, the house serves "Respect". Read the laws.

No need to offend people in vain.
Yes, not all residents read laws. And from those who read, not everyone knows how to properly interpret. Therefore, people tend to make their own opinion, focusing on an authoritative position. In this case, to the opinion of power. This is a lady's opinion in this case and published.

You, by the way, is also power. And voiced exactly the opposite opinion. So we will understand there in the "White House" before blaming your voters in the lies.

Gold words!!! According to the principle of the fact that some laws are not read, while others do not know how to interpret them, at one time the lighter stroke of Mr. Persianov was given to the houses of your beloved Posad Energo. And now in the same principle there are Mosobl'lopeatants.

Houseplants that we decorate our dwellings are not only beauty, but also special energy. Someone feels subconsciously, particularly sensitive are able to catch some "fluids". Of course, I want the energy of the plants that we cultivate, bringing to our homes corresponding to ours. And that the plants in gratitude for our love and care made us happy.

If the energy of the plant ideally coincides with the energy of the owners, it will multiply a positive. But there are plants with universal energy, which bake about the happiness of absolutely everyone. And here is the question: if there are "happy" plants, then there must be "unlucky", that is, those who are undesirable in the house? Indeed, some earned questionable glory. But "Who is who" in our home green nursery, and is there really plants able to change the environment?

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It was bad - it became good!

A happy plant for the house is the Drazen Sanderian. This plant, very similar to bamboo, is even called a "happy bamboo". It is said that it attracts energy to the house, which is able to transform the negative in positive. A happy bamboo is very unpretentious: can grow both in the ground (loose) and just in water. With the soil easier - the leaving of the plant is exactly the same as for all the drasenes. If bamboo happiness grows in a flask or a vase, water needs to be changed every two weeks. Do not forget that there are not many nutrients in the water itself, so when changing water from time to time, add some complex mineral fertilizer to it. In the store you can buy original branches of Sandyriana dusses - swirling spirals. But you can grow such a "spiral" and independently. To do this, it is necessary to secure a transparent tall glass on the escape and turning the container more often so that the growing branch stretches to the sun. But the bright sun is a happy bamboo, like all the drasaren, does not like - he better feels in a half, with a scattered light.

Female and male happiness

A plant that contributes to female happiness is considered spathifylum. It is believed that he is responsible for ensuring that the woman is not lonely. The energy of this plant is quite strong: to settle the quarrel or translate relationships from the category of uncertain to warm, trustful, affiliates - its task. Spathifulum - "moderate" flower, he prefers the golden middle: in watering, lighting, feeding, content temperature.

The plant that is stirred to ensure that happiness does not go around a man - Anthurium. In principle, it performs all the same tasks that it performs for a woman spathifylum. But in care, they are very different: if the spathifylum is satisfied with small, then you need to care for the anthurium, as for a man: it's good to feed, it is good to rich, keep it in warmth. Only in this case, the anthurium will rejoice for a long time with flowers, as well as to fulfill its purpose to ensure a happy living of a man in the house.

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Flowers happy love

Colors specializing in happy love are Oxalis and. Oxalis has decorative leaves that resemble the wings of a big butterfly (wings of love). In the evening, the flower folds his "wings", and in the morning spreads. He has a modest flowers, and the plant itself is not too impressive, but in this modesty is hidden a lot of power: they say that Oxalis is able to cause a feeling of love from who you are waiting for it. To care for Oxalis is easy - watering as the soil and moderate feeding is drying.

Hibiscus, in counterweight oxalis, very effect. And acts directly, causing not even feelings, but passion. The most important requirement he puts forward to care is more than the sun! If this requirement is satisfied, putting a pot on the southern windowsill, it can bloom this plant from the end of winter and before the beginning of the next.

Avocado belongs to plants that contribute to happiness in love. Neither bloom, nor fertime at home avocado will not, but in a couple of years, it will grow from the bone to a pretty tree, resembling a laurel (avocado belongs to the Lavrov family). The conditions that avocado prefers: heat, sunny, wet. It is best to put a container with this plant in the pallet with pebbles and more often to pour water there.

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Plants for family happiness

It is believed that family happiness produce ficus, chlorophytum, sensipolia (Uzambar violet). These are plants that have such a quiet energy that in it irritation, anger, disputes and quarrels simply "drown." It is successful that these plants are unpretentious, especially, chlorophytum and sensipolia. They can grow in the shade and in the sun, to carry out long interruptions in irrigation, do not protest, if at all do not feed (although with feeding, of course, develop better). Ficks are more demanding, but it depends on the species. General conditions for successful cultivation: Heat, moderation in watering (roots of ficuses from the conjunction are discharged), the absence of drafts.

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Ivy - Vampire and Musicon?

To Ivy, the attitude is ambiguous: some are confident that ivy (as in general, all the lianoes) - "Vampire" the energy of the owners, others claim that this plant will instill confidence, especially if it is located "on ascending", that is, climbs Support up.

In fact, Ivy saves the balance of energy: if it is much (for example, a person is annoyed, extinguished), ivy, really, "sucks" surplus. Little - appreciates from their stocks. The existing belief that the clashes - the women's "in the tests are not confirmed": in many families, husbands with Ivy get along perfectly. If you need someone to blame that the husband left (except for himself and his), then Ivy grimit and takes blame for himself.

By the way, indoor lianas with small leaves (for example, tradescans) fear from the risk of gossip. Be calm, the Association is purely external ("creeping gossip").

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Cacti - provocateurs or guards?

The main superstition associated with cacti is that they can provoke a drunkenness of her husband. It is said that the more the man drinks, the thicker and the cheerful cactus (the task of the series "who was before: an egg or chicken?). Very much likely that cacti just pull the" drunk "energy of the owner. Anyway, in the world is a huge The number of passionate fans of cacti - tridents.

There are faithful to the fact that cacti cannot be kept in the bedroom - "kill" a sexy passion. This is unlikely - if there is a passion, it does not scare any cactus. Although you can make cacti from the bedroom - just in case. By the way, and check.

Cacti and good deeds are noticed: for example, it is believed that the house where the cacti grow, robbers bypass. Not true, rob, despite cacti.

Any room plant in the house can be grown - if only you liked it. By the way, this harmless "Like-I don't like" an excellent indicator. If you are experiencing admiration or lunizing, looking at the plant, - it is yours, since your energetics coincide. If, when looking at the plant, you feel doubt or, worse, rejection - it is better to stay away from each other.

The house on Brivibas, 46, stands in itself in the very center of the capital, and at this time there are serious passions around him.

One of the former owners of this building, I. Badenov, is confident that the entrepreneur Dmitry Stadnyuk, helping to make a loan for a purchase, deceived him. In turn, Dmitry Stadnyuk does not doubt that it was a victim of real extortion. The tenants do not suit the living conditions in the house and they are submitted to the owner of claims to court with a request to refund moral damage.

Do not talk with strangers

According to I. Badenov, this story began in 2005, when he, together with his business partners, Viktor Kulishov and Igor Conno decided to buy a house on Brivibas, 46, - then he belonged to the Synod of the Latvian Orthodox Church. The cost of real estate at that time was more than 2 million lats. In order to make payment, customers needed a loan. "At that time I met Dmitry Stadnyuk and Anna Afanasieva (his wife D.Stadniyuk), they offered their services in the loan design. I agreed, as they seemed to me very solid people," recalls I. Badenov.

Acceleration of the process

However, more than two months passed, and the loan issuance was delayed. "The excuses were different, but I waited patiently, I believed that everything would work out with a loan," says I. Badenov. On September 30, 2005, I. Badenov concluded an agreement on cooperation with A. Afanasyeva and D. Stadnyuk.

At about the same time, IPSO S enterprise was created, in which 60% of the fundamental capital should have belonged to I. Badenov and its partners, and A. Afanasyeva and D. Stadnyuk - 40%.

"Stadnyuk told me that to speed up the process of obtaining a loan, it is necessary for it to be drawn up on an enterprise, and for this, in turn, you need to rewrite the house on IPSO S. Stadnieku I completely trusted and agreed to it," says Badenov.

However, during the re-registration, I. Badenov did not receive its 60% of the IPSO S. enterprises. Moreover, Stadnyuk and Afanasyev became the only owners of IPSO S, and D.Stadniuk is the only member of his rule. The house was in possession of the IPSO S, to which neither Badenov nor his partners had no relationship.

Did not cause confidence

The story that business & Baltia from Dmitry Stadnyuk heard, differs from his opponent's story. D. Stadnyuk explained that he was familiar with I. Badenov since 1997. "Badenov himself came to me with a proposal to jointly buy a house. I refused. At that time, the deal seemed to me unlikely. In addition, Badenov had to me several hundred thousand dollars and used to come with various business projects that did not cause me special trust. "

However, when Badenov, Conno and Kulish brought D. Stadnieku documents that legally they are homeowners, and asked for assistance in the design of the loan, because They had to fully pay for the house before October 21, 2005 - Stadnyuk changed its attitude to the purchase.

According to Stadnyuk, there was a loan of 3.7 million euros. For a loan, they appealed to Rietumu Banka, which put forward the condition - place a purchase on a legal entity. For this, a cooperation agreement was concluded, in accordance with which Badenov, ConnOn and Kulish should have been included in IPSO S (60% of the company's profits). Rietumu Banka refused loan. Then they decided to use another option, and the house acquired Dmitry Stadnyuk, and all the participants in the enterprise agreed.

Speak out

The cooperation agreement was recalled and another sales scheme entered into force. "According to Igor Badenov, I faked documents that respond to the contract, according to which" three comrades "had to enter the company IPSO S," said D. Stadnyuk. In conclosing the management of the economic police on the termination of the criminal case against Stadnyuk, which was initiated by Badenov, Kulish and Conno (documents provided business & Baltics Dmitry Stadnyuk), it says that during the investigation, the version of the participation of the cooperation agreement did not find evidence during the investigation.

After buying a house, Stadnyuk suggested Badenov, Horse and Kulishi to do management and get a reward for this. However, according to him, "three gentlemen did not work, everything had to do with my team." After some time, they turned to me again and reported that they still want to do the house. "I invited them to make an agreement, but he himself refused to study him. They returned without a contract, but with the words that they will now speak differently."

Rights through the court

I. Badenov told business & the Baltic States, which at the moment is trying to defend its rights through the court. In one of the claims, Badenov challenged the contract, concluded in September 2005 with IPSO S for the sale of a house on Brivibas, 46. In the lawsuage of Badenov, wrote that the contract was indicated in the cost of purchase in the amount of 1.02 million euros. From the amount specified in the agreement, the Badenov did not receive 270 thousand euros.

In his opinion, IPSO S was not going and was not going to pay this amount. That is why this agreement must be canceled, because because of the wires with the payments of I. Badenov, who acted as a seller, is no longer interested in this sale. In addition, it turned out that property was also burdened. In his opinion, IPSO s did not have the right to burden the property with mortgage loans, since it was not yet paid for its full value requested by the seller. The company IPSO S indicated that on October 21, 2005, 147,000,000 euros were transferred to the Synod of the Latvian Orthodox Church. 300,000 euros were paid before the conclusion of the contract.

On June 30, 2006, the Supreme Court refused to Badenov, but he intends to challenge this decision in a higher authority - the Senate.

And other claims

Another book by Badenov, Kulish and Conno on the house on Brivibas, 46, was considered by the Jurmala Court. In this case, D. Stadnyuk, A. Afanasyev and Victor Smirnov (the latter, according to Lursoft, were fully owned by the company Silk Road Baltija, the only owner of IPSO S). The plaintiffs asked the court to put arrest on the enterprise IPSO S.

In June 2007, the Jurmala Court provided Badenova's lawsuit, Kulish and Conno, imposing an arrest to the enterprise. The defendants did not agree with this. On September 1 of this year, the Jurmala Court partially satisfied the request to the defendants about the cancellation of the arrest.

D. Stadnyuk has no doubt that the sole purpose of I. Badenov and his companions was to achieve property arrest. "This was achieved - the house was arrested, the company was arrested. They have a simple plan - to wait for November. It is then that the term of the loan agreement on this house is expired - more than 4 million euros. If an arrest will be imposed on the house, I will not be able to extend the mortgage in the land book. . Now I have a choice - to find the amount for November that the bank must, or contact Badenov, Kulishu and Conno to solve the problem. For the removal of arrests, they want 2 million euros, "says Stadnyuk.

"In January of this year, 240 grams of TNT was attached to the goal of my house. I start to remind the Bulgakovsky Roman," D. Stadnyuk shared. Igor Badenov in a conversation with the newspaper also remembered Trotil, but explained that the suspected Stadniek about his involvement was unjustified.

Now pay attention to the opposite side of the street. There are several non-existent addresses on Arbat. On the site of the brick wall stood house number 14. It was destroyed in 1942 a German bomb dropped into Arbat, and was still not restored. However, it is possible to draw up an idea of \u200b\u200bthe appearance of this building, since it was actively replicated in printing first in the form of sketches, and then in photos. This was explained not only to his attractive appearance, but also the legends that it was surrounded. The fact is that the house number 14 was considered the inhabitant of unclean strength, and, although he did not deliver special anxies, the Muscovites still preferred to bypass him. Indeed, once, one of the princes of Obolensky, but strange noises and sounds, who came from here, were committed to life, but the strange noise and sounds were explained - the house was chosen by the criminal elements and probably sat down at night drunk goules. So there were numerous legends about the ghosts of the house number 14, which worried Muscovites and transmitted from mouth to mouth.
Nevertheless, the place was the case for many wonderful people. First of all, the great commander of Russia was born here, the future Generalissimus Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov.
There is no need to talk about his legendary transition through the Alps, that his hand belongs to the most famous work about the wisdom of the military "Science to win", about mutual dislike with the great, her son of Paul I, or that he It was one of the most educated people of his time.
In the XIX century, the owner of the house number 14 was Prince Mikhail Alexandrovich Obolensky. In his possession was the famous portrait of Pushkin Brush Vasily Andreevich Tropinin, who later became the pearl collection of the Tretyakov Gallery. This portrait was written in 1827, when Alexander Sergeyevich was 28 years old, and was kept here secretly until 1860, while his owner, Prince Obolensky, was not allowed to take a picture of the precious relic. There is an interesting legend associated with this portrait. The fact is that in the XIX century, the distinctive sign of all Mason was a long nail on the Mizior. When Tropinin came to write a portrait from Pushkin, then for such a nail he found out in him Mason. The artist made Pushkin a sign that the poet did not answer him, but he shoved his finger - a gesture simultaneously confirming, and warning.
At the end of the XIX century, the house was shot by another Russian Prince - Lev Sergeevich Golitsyn. The figure is in many ways noteworthy: a graduate of Moscow University and Sorbonne, Golitsyn Frames and Tumbins preferred the peasant Armenian, and the "Prince" title was certainly added "winemaker". Golitsyn really had a great estate in the Crimea, not far from Sudak, where he was engaged in wine-making in his own pleasure.
Thoroughly, he studied all the grapes and their behavior in the Russian climate, examined the basement at various depths and installed, for which variety which depth is suitable. The great interest of Golitsyn was champagne wines, the production of which he put on an industrial basis and brought to the international level. His successes were so great that in 1900 champagne from Golitsyn's vineyards "New Light" (later renamed "coronational") was awarded the highest award - the Grand Prix of the exhibition. Golitsyn technology is considered to be classic. Its main secret is the secondary fermentation of wine in the bottle and the subsequent excerpt of at least 3 years. Testing a deficit of funds, but wanting to preserve technology in Russia, he sold his vineyards to Emperor Nicholas II, remaining lifelong managers of his own possessions.
To the right of the "Devil's nest", as the house number 14, superstitious Muscovites nicknamed, until the 1920s stood the Church of Nicholas Shvilansky - the most, who has a French commander Murat standing in anticipation of the Kremlin's messengers.
The temple was erected at the beginning of the XVII century and was considered one of the richest in Moscow. He was surrounded by a big parish - i.e. Territories and houses belonging to the church. Among the houses were not only residential, but also allocated for the shops that gave a good income. In the house number 16, there is a restaurant now, but until recently, a "Flowers" store existed here for several decades.
In the place where we are, two alley are adjacent to Arbat. Left - older, right - silver. Let's go into an old barn to head to the next stop on the Siveve enemy.
The names of the alley speak for themselves: in the old-term in the XVII century there was a Slobod Konyukhov, serving the royal courtyard, in Silver - a mint. Handling of the century later, they pushed out the rich nobles, and live in an older time for a long time among the aristocracy was considered a sign of knowledge and prosperity.
On the left side of the old-baroneous, we almost immediately meet an interesting landmark, a monument to the wooden architecture of the late XIX century - the House of Entrepreneur Alexander Alexandrovich Porokhovshchikova, relating to the same land ownership as the house number 25. Layout of this house, so unusually looking in the city center, received a premium At the World Exhibition in Paris as an incarnation of a truly Russian style. In fact, before us, the charming disposability of the unaware style characteristic of the end of the XIX century. Not only architects were experiencing interest in the roots of Russian nationality, but also, for example, artists. Let us remember how Victor Vasnetsov embodies him in painting, and if you look at his "three heroes" or "Alyonushka", it is quite likely to find a lot of common features with the Arbatian "hut". Now the shopping team is carefully kept by his descendant, a famous Russian artist.
While we are approaching the Sivtsev enemy, two words are about one interesting phenomenon: often found by Nicholas in the names of the lost Arbat churches.
Nikola Yika, Nicola in carpenters, Nicola in the sands - all this churches dedicated to the Holy Nicholas of the Hydroeee. They are in those areas where the numerous shooting approximates once located. First of all, do not cease to be surprised at how much the "everydays" names were given to the Orthodox churches in Moscow - Nikola in the sands, or the Trinity, that on the mud, the Holy Trinity, which is on the droplets, or in general Nicholas the Wonderworker, which is in the courier legs. The appeal to the saints of Nikolai was no less free and quite kind - some of the saints could be called so simple, neighboring, Nikola? And the point here is not in disrespect for the saint, but completely opposite - in genuine folk love. Nicola Razi, as he was often called in Russia, was one of the most revered saints, in the unofficial hierarchy of the reverence immediately after Jesus and the Mother of God. His kindness was comparable only with the kindness of the Major Virgin, but only he was closer to the people. Nikolai was a defender and patron, the Savior from all the troubles. The child snorted, there was a cripplence, he demands money a landowner or fell ill - in all cases turned to the saint. He was also considered the patron saint of prisoners and innocently convicts, poor people, Skaltsev, travelers. Sailors have long been honored, and currently drivers are resorted to his help. What, if not the icons depicting Nicholas in the front of the car, it is best about the strength of the tradition of reverence from us Nicola?
Nevertheless, despite the great popularity of this saint, few people now know His historical fate and the fact that Saint Nikolai and Santa Claus is the same face. The prototype for the Christmas fairy tale was the history of the bishop from the city of the world who lived during the Roman Empire. Now this city is located in the territory of modern Turkey. According to the legend, when one ruined Citizen was going to give his daughters to "crop", Nikolai secretly threw him three wallets with gold and, thus saved the family from hunger and sin. The wallets were thrown through the chimney, the money fell into stockings that were dried by the fireplace, and since then has led a tradition to hang for Christmas elegant socks by the fireplace in anticipation of gifts.

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