Registration of the country area with its. Decorate the summer cottages with your own hands! Open and closed

Most of us perceives the country area as a place where it is necessary to constantly process the soil, plant and care for plants, collect harvest, to repair fences and buildings. By and large, this, of course, is, but even everyday affairs can be turned into interesting lessons. In addition, the creative approach to the decoration of the site will allow you to distract from the routine.

In the photo - interesting ideas for the country site

Why not transform a cottage

It is not about what you should drastically review your principles and take up only the design of the landscape. Just keep in mind that such work helps to maintain not only beauty, but also the practicality of the territory.

Agree, there are many points when the work is completed and there is enough free time. So why not take advantage of our original ideas and do not turn the cottage in an interesting and practical corner outside the city. Below we want to offer a simple decor with your own hands for the cottage and at home that you want to taste.

Flowerbed and recreation area

The country decor is interesting because its originality sometimes happens over all measures, although it is for the better, since creativity here is only welcomed. Let's start with the idea of \u200b\u200bdesigning flower beds - the most common landscape object.

In addition, it is possible to use a solution for other suitable places, for example, for a pond. We continue the seating area and the table on it from natural materials.

Klumba The idea is in an inexpensive and pretty fence, which can be made of:
  • concrete columns;
  • wooden bar;
  • old sleepers.

Create independently such a structure is easy, it is enough just to evenly lay the laying on the form of a refined object. Difficulties may occur only with the "lock", but it can be made from a high-pressure foam or metal.

It will only remain paint the decor in the colors that you consider appropriate. The originality of the design, we hope, not only to you, but also to your guests, as they hardly seen something else. The price of the project may well be calculated by double digits.

Table in the recreation area Located outside the city of Dacha, and even in an ecologically clean place, it is simply obliged to take place where everything will be made of natural elements. In this case, it will be about the table in the recreation area.
  1. No need to create designers who will require a decent fee for their work.
  2. We will do it yourself, for which you will need a brick or stone.
  3. Of these, we will construct a cubic-like design with special side linings, where we will plant plants, and let us make our moss design.
  4. Of course, you will have to spend time and some efforts, but you will have unlike other cottages.
  5. Last chord - installation of table tops.

In fact, you will succeed like which is very and very difficult to find.

Second life of old furniture

Pouring and creative homeowner in our country will never get rid of old furniture if she can serve again, but already in the country. It will help bring originality in the countryside landscape. For example, old chairs can be used as coasters for pots or kashpo with flowers.

Tip: decorating the colors of summer houses from the container block, you can transform their standard appearance.

No matter what plants you decide to arrange the old furniture, the main thing they should like you. Agree to put the pot with flowers in the seat of the chair will not be difficult.

Then you need to provide plants to normal care. So that everything looked even more beautifully, you can pull up and paint furniture, then it can be exploited much longer.

Decorating a palisader

Not everyone wants to spend time to care for many plants landed near the house. We offer a simple, but radical way to get rid of it - lawn grass that needs to fall as the soil, which will make it possible to create beauty from different elements based on it.

Why not stop in this case on the classic design of the territory.

For example, put:

  • part;
  • entrance arch decorated with ornaments;
  • small tyn;
  • put a few barbell or cart over the site, decorating them with flowers.

Tip: It will be interesting to look nearby buildings that will be decorated with a variety of fusing plants or use vertical landscaping for this.

Additional ideas

The carts are not interesting, then you can make modern versions of jewelry capable of surprising and please your loved ones.

Old boots, wire, bamboo fishing rod and plastic bottles:

  1. Take a broken bamboo fishing rod, 2 pieces of thick wire, old boots and plastic bottles.
  2. Put boots near the country threshold, having them into the track with wire.
  3. Reduce her bamboo, just putting on her.
  4. Generate the wire so that you can pick it up with small porridge with plastic bottles.
  5. Paint the design of gold paint from the canister.

Such a decoration is unlikely to leave someone indifferent.

Another way to decorate the country house is to transform his porch. In this case, you will need a lot of worn clothes, the warehouse of which is usually there in the country site. It is usually used for dirty work as a desktop.

Now there is another option of its use, in particular, old jeans. As a result, you can make the "feet" that will become "flower" for perennial herbs. The idea is pretty pretty and does not require cash costs.

Tip: Feature difficulties with electricity in the country site, you will help solve the problem of renting a diesel generator for giving.


For the overwhelming number of summer residents, the site outside the city is not the only source of existence and producing products. Therefore, it is possible to turn it not only to landing and harvesting, but also in the original park, where it is pleasant to spend time. To do this, you do not have to spend big funds, just only time and fantasy. The video in this article will help you find additional information on this topic.

They go into the past times when everyone was engaged in the cottage and fruit trees, and they did not think about the decoration. Sometime, the best decoration of the courtyard was unpretentious flowers along the fence or small flowerbed. Today, the cottage becomes a countryside site, and many owners hire a landscape design specialist. But if your hands are in place and there are some standing ideas, you do not need high costs. The original design of the country area is made by their own hands from the subwoofers, which are in excess in every garage, on the mezzanine, balconies or in storerooms.

Duch design with your own hands

Mill at the cottage from stones

Decoration of flower beds

The main advantage of the homemade dacha decor is that it is possible to attach everything that was sorry to throw. Every planned host of the house in the garage and on the balcony, Andresol and in the storage room are kept perennial deposits of all kind of good, which will soon become a landscape decoration.

Under the country design, you can adapt many items that served the main term:

  • bald car tires;
  • plastic bottles, containers and tanks;
  • ropes, tarpaulin, burlap, camouflage mesh;
  • trimming boards and thin sawes of wood;
  • unnecessary plastic pipes;
  • thick wire, rubber grid, metal trimming;
  • old shoes and sports equipment;
  • plywood boxes and wooden packaging;
  • empty barrels and other tanks;
  • protruding teapots, bowls, pans;
  • unnecessary carts and bicycles;
  • old plastic and wooden furniture;
  • remains of building materials and mounting foam.

First of all, you need to evaluate the "stocks" to distribute to the exhibition of cottages as necessary. Part of the materials will go to the manufacture of quite functional devices.

In any yard will be useful "Moidody" (washbasin) in the barbecue area or mangal and sofa swing in the garden shadow under the tarp canopy. From other old things, make floral stands and porridge, all sorts of original garden decorations with your own hands.

Cabani head from a heap of land in the country

Decoration of flowers of flower beds

It will take a detailed plan of the site for competent zoning and markup. Even in a small courtyard of a country house or in the summer garden, it is necessary to distribute the functional areas that will delimitiate:

  • borders;
  • safety of plastic bottles;
  • hedges;
  • decorative stone masonry;
  • original fences.

Lowned estate does not require redevelopment, you will need only creative design ideas for giving. At the new plot determine the places for a comfortable pastime:

  • forest for cooking outdoors;
  • children's playground with decorative sandbox;
  • arbors, shops, swing;
  • parking under a canopy for cars, motorcycle or bicycles;
  • playground for a children's pool;
  • decorative beds, flower beds, flower beds and alpine slides.

Working on the country design with their own hands, it is possible to realize the long-standing dreams and plans for the whole family. Free areas can be floated with small pebbles, sow lawn grass, low-spirited border plants and flowers, as in the photo.

Gazebo in the country with your own hands

Flowerbed with flowers in the country

Border do it yourself in the country

Garden tracks

The reasoning about whether the paths are needed in the country, last until the first shower. In some regions, the soil is so viscous that the legs of the dirt are not pulled out - sticks to the shoes with a heavy room. The only way out is to provide aesthetic paved passes between summer cottages.

To decorate the cottage with their own hands will help tracks from different materials:

  • bricks or foam blocks;
  • trimming boards and round sleepers;
  • sea pebbles and wild stone;
  • the rammed small gravel and sand;
  • homemade paving slabs;
  • marble crumb and other bulk materials of small fractions;
  • concrete lanes with mosaic masonry from broken glass and ceramic tiles.

The country alley leading to the garden will be functional in itself and attractive when the sides of the original sides or ranks of the annual colors. But the original laying idea will make it a real decoration of the garden with their own hands from the girlfriend.

Plant decoration of the country area

Flower flower beds in the country

A paved track may be lower than the level of the earth or a slightly rise, have a flat or slightly convex surface. Alley will serve for many years if done by all the rules.

We need a shallow trench, which is placed and fixes the boundaries on the rope between the picked pegs. This is the only way to make the track of the same width.

The bottom of the trench is sealing gravel and sand, regardless of the variety of material for paving.

Next, you need to organize a formwork for a concrete with filler or sideboards for large blocks. As decorative sides, low log keens, rows of covered upside down glass or plastic bottles of one size are suitable.

Sandbox with flowers

Flowers in pots at the cottage

Flowerbed of stones in the country

Between the formwork, the rammed trench is filled with the concrete base under the treble finishing materials. Between pieces of tiles of the mosaic path, you must neatly fill the seams.

Alleys made of bricks, blocks and solid tiles (without compounding cement mixture) sprinkled with sand on the seams.

When laying a tile or brick on sand, use a rubber or wooden hammer - for fitting and alignment.

The horizontal is corrected by the construction level.

If the site is in lowlands, be sure to organize drainage, otherwise the alleles during the shower can turn into waste ditches. The situation will save a shallow drainage drank parallel to the garden path, paved from ceramic fragments or a flooded cement.

Designer ideas for giving will be embodied in the best possible way, if all the stages of the path of the track and its decor do slowly and efficiently, observing the laying technology. It is easiest to use ready-made lattice patterns for homemade cement tracks with filler, as in the photo. The template step by step is rearranged by the free trench with the "sand and gravel pillow, filling the main material.

Forms for sidewalks and "Euro-free" of different sizes and forms are on sale. You can organize a whole production for the country area or start your own business.

Gardening Bordeur at the Dacha

Border do it yourself in the country

Decorative hedges, fences and borders

According to the technology described in the previous section, decorative flights are made to strengthen the levels of the country area under the slope and wall of cascade flower beds. The frequency method is also suitable as a decorative hedge.

The edge of a low sideboard can be used as tracks between flower beds and sandboxes. In the ranks of the inserted "Penchkov" like to run children.

Live hedges are a great way to save on the zoning of the country area with their own hands. Shrubs under trimming, ordinary or strambed roses in the form of a tree are suitable. Better roses are planted between them, a two-row flower wall will be obtained.

The simplest side is made of plastic bottles. The capacitance of the same color is filled with sand, gravel or soil. In a small trench, bottles are bought up to half and fall asleep the earth or stone crumb. They can be empty, but longer hold on with something filled.

Attention! Water plastic bottles cannot be filled - under the sun, lenses are formed, which burn nearby plants. Even a fire is possible.

Flowerba do it yourself

Castle from stones at the cottage

Brazing stones in the country

Flower arches and arbors of curly plants

Pleet roses and other curly flowers are a great way to decorate a homemade country gazebo or arcs from girlfriend. A metallic rod, a corner or a channel, which can be collected in the design with a welding machine or twisted with bolts in the design of the welding machine or twisted in the design.

The prepared supports for the arches must be securely secured in the soil. The dumped pits with columns under the country decor are well tamped by rubble and sand, after which it is cement and fall asleep by stone crumb. At the top of such a gallery, depending on the climatic features of the region, grapes or fragrant flowers can be shaved.

In the hot climate it is better to make a covered gallery. The remains of the light of roofing materials are suitable. Sheds along decorative tracks can only be from the south side, but under the tilt to give more shadows. Between the pillars, stretch the sleeper from the wire, where the plants will be. The most economical way is to grow along the army cucumbers, decorative beans or pumpkin.

Family lovers can decorate the cottage with different methods with their own hands from girlfriend. They make vertical flower beds in wide plastic pipe holes, wooden or openwork metal shelters under the pots, as in the photo.

Flowerbed of stones in the country

Duch design with your own hands

Garden sculptures and decor of girlfriend

Garden design with their own hands from the primary materials, mainly associated with such materials:

  • car rubber (bald tires);
  • templates from plywood trimming, of which it is easy to make the missing items for "smiling characters" of the country decor;
  • plastic containers;
  • ceramic flower pots;
  • unnecessary shoes;
  • metal and wooden barrels, etc.

Some homemade sculptures for the garden are so good that they can compete with real masterpieces. For example, frogs from the mounting foam or gypsum swans.

But most of all samples for imitation make out of automotive tires - row and twisted. Acrylic paints convert any material to make recognizable characters for country design with their own hands. Depending on the skill and style of garden design and courtyard, you can choose any idea. Here's what swans and parrots look out of rubber, palm trees from plastic bottles.

Design of flower beds with their own hands

Cutting with giving materials

Table and chairs from hemp in the country

Original flower beds and mini-flower beds

The mini-flower beds with succulents and cacti (other small plants) inside large seashells look original. No less interesting to many will seem the idea of \u200b\u200busing shoes as flower pots or old hats on the wall.

Small tanks are suitable for succulents and indoor plants, exhibited for summer in the open air. But before you decorate the cottage with your own hands, consider that they will have to put into the house during a shower, hail and a gusty wind. Original shapes and caspo are better to make stationary, and flower pots insert for the season or upon arrival at the cottage on weekends.

Traditionally broken vehicles are used as original garden ornaments with their own hands. Trolleys and bicycles, large parts of the car body are suitable for a small flower garden. Musical instruments are also suitable. Creative idea - piano with flowers and waterfall.

Fountain, artificial pond

Mini-reservoir is an excellent solution for designing cottages with your own hands. A small tank can be equipped with primary means:

  • old rubber boat;
  • large metal barrel;
  • excavator bucket;
  • tub;
  • trim tanks.

The bottom of the homemade pond is done in a small pitcher, with a rammed cushion from gravel and sand. Toppers are lined with tarpaulin and a dense film in 2-3 layers, the edges fasten the stones in the form of portors. It remains to fill with water and decorate consuming plants.

Council. To maintain the ecobalance, it is necessary to monitor the state of water, which is periodically drained or organized circulation. For the fountain, you need a pump and filter. To complete the design of the "Lake", add homemade frogs, swan or crocodile.

Flowers in the country with flowers

Flower beds do it yourself in the country

Landscape design with a playground

In order for children to be bored in the country, and they did not take time while working in the garden and in beds, there is a solution - a playground with a sandbox and fun homemade figures.

The condition is important - the place for children's games should be clearly visible from the different perspective of the country area to watch what is happening.

Sandboxes easily to build from the remedies:

  • frequency from logs;
  • painted boards;
  • wide wooden box;
  • large tire, etc.

With any type of sandbox, children need a place before the seating and laying out the molds. Countrying corner can be burned from the neighbors by a fence in the form of pencils or decorate another homemade decor - paints to help!

If there is enough space, you can build a more interesting sandbox on the site - in the form of a ship, machinery or teremk. Somewhere nearby you can build a house on a tree with rope ladders and a slide for descent to a sandbox or a tent town from the old bed. Tensioning the ropes between the trees, give them clothespins and fabric, they will gladly co-worn homemakes.

Original garden furniture

Fantasy of folk craftsmen is limitless - from plastic bottles, awesome materials and wood waste make garden furniture on the verge of masterpieces. After trimming the garden and removal, a lot of material remains, which is easy to attach to do:

  • chairs;
  • swing;
  • rockings;
  • tables and stands.

For comfort, soft seats are made, and the material of the natural form goes on the sidewalls and the framework of products. It is very convenient to use ready-made pallets or pallets as a base for a sofa or a corner under a canopy. From plastic bottles make puffs and banquettes, tables and chairs. There is time and experience - make a whole sofa to the cottage from plastic bottles, but you will need a lot of tanks of the same shape and volume. Case or cape on a homemade sofa sew from old curtains.

More original ideas will be prompted by photos from our gallery.

Video: how to make a beautiful summer cottage

The summer cottage for many people is the already familiar and integral part of their lives. Someone used to grow plants from year to year and collect harvest, and someone just rest in nature in a pleasant company. Regardless of where the cottage is located, what area it takes, each owner thought about how to enjoy it. There is a lot of effort to improve and decorate the site.

Many just go to the store and buy everything they need to create comfort and comfort. But much more pleasant and more interesting for this apply your imagination, especially when all the necessary material can be found at hand.


Now there are more popular items created by their own hands. There are many interesting ideas to decorate the country area. With their help, the place for recreation will be truly unique and unique. The beauty you created in the country will attract the views of the neighbors, surprise with its uniqueness of guests who visited your cozy corner outside the city.

To create most scenery, it will be enough to be minimal costs, mainly the embodiment of ideas is based on the use of girlfriend. If you seek help from specialized organizations, the price for services will be very large.

Rest zones

Modern pace of life exhaust us on weekdays, everyone tries to come for the city on the weekend, breathe fresh air. Having a country house, it is difficult to do without a recreation area. It should be comfortable here and calmly, as the cottage is, first of all, the place for your holiday from the daily fuss. After work in the garden and in the garden, I want to relax somewhere, filled with new forces and energy.

If the usual setting already bored, it is not necessary to repair, it is enough to find fairly simple solutions in this matter, to show a maximum of fantasy:

  • Swing, which can please not only children, but also adults, you can hang in the shade, unusual pillows of bizarre colors and forms will definitely make this place favorite.

  • A simple device from an old barrel can be made beautiful mangal. And evenings admire the flame languages \u200b\u200bunder the trill of forest birds.

  • Install the table, shops or chairs on a specially designated place, lay the platform with tiles and, at will, decorate it, from the sleeps of the tree you can make a colors that decorate this area to relax.

  • Arbors made by their own hands look very beautiful. And the material for the manufacture can be any: remnants of construction, plastic bottles, rods of trees or simply curling plants will exceed the role of living walls.

  • Having a comfortable hammock in the garden, you will get a huge pleasure from the rest, new forces will appear and you can continue to work.

  • Each dacket dreams of installing a decorative pond. It is not as difficult as it seems, you need to choose the size suitable for your site and pick up the tank. Fill it with gravel, pots with water plants and pour water. Lying stones around your reservoir will resemble a stone necklace, but should not be accepted, everything should be in moderation.

Register flower beds

Arriving on a summer residence, you are starting to improve the bed, the firewood will not be laid in the woodwoman, but a significant part of the time is always given to the case for the soul. The most favorite court plants for the dacket are flowers. This is a decor without any land can do. Of course, some separately planted plants look good, but flower beds always fascinates with its magnificence.

Making a flowerbed, everyone wants her to look unique, but not necessarily acquire and plant rare plants, you just need to show fantasy. Of course, traditionally decorated flower bed will not surprise anyone, then unusual items should be used to create it, let them have nothing to do with landscape design.

Crafts from plastic

Dachas know different tricks, how to make a flower garden much more paint, resorting, for example, to crafts from plastic. Plastic is one of the most easily accessible materials.

It has very attractive qualities:

  • Strength.
  • Flexibility.
  • Durability.

Very often plastic bottles are used for the manufacture of flowers for decoration, palm trees, dwarves, animal figures. Then these crafts complement the compositions of flower beds. It always looks very pretty and attracts attention.

Very good to make the flower bed fencing from plastic of various shapes and colors. Plus the figure flows from the bottles in the fact that they can easily change their shape. If there is a desire, at least change the shape and size of such a flower bag every year. In winter, such a flower bed is not afraid of frost.

Stones in landscape design

The use of stones in landscape design has always been popular. Stone decor for giving can be made with their own hands. Even if he is simple, but harmoniously fit - this is already a huge plus to its creator. Flower gardens can be chosen by smooth white pebbles. It can be bought in the store or go walking on the river, in its search. It will be a little journey with benefit for business.

A smart solution: to put an inverted jug on the lawn, deepen it to the ground and pour a number of small stones alongside, and then decorate this composition with low colors in the tone, so the pleasant atmosphere of magic will be created.

An interesting idea for giving with the use of stones in the decor is the creation of an alpine slide or garden rocks "Rokary". The decorative garden composition, created from stones of different sizes and dwarf plants, supplemented by a dry stream, also made of stones, is one of the ways to expand the space. Looks great and will not leave you and your plot without praise guests.

The painting on the stones is also a very successful solution for decorating the country area. Acrylic paints apply a drawing that chose, and interesting pictures will decorate your garden and a garden. The choice of ornaments is quite large: ladybug, bugs and spiders, houses and fish, emoticons and just multicolored pebbles, you can add the image you intended to be completed.

Old rubber decor

Creative homemade from old rubber is now widespread among the gardeners. Registration of playgrounds with different figures of animals, sandboxes, swings from automotive tires, tracks between rubber beds, artificial reservoirs and, finally, different decoration of flower beds - all this very original looks in private territories.

Instructions with a detailed description will help make remarkable colors for flowers from you who are unnecessary to you. Of course, it is necessary to apply male strength here, as it will not be enough for rubber. Moreover, if you want to cut something curly, you will have to resort to special tools, such as Bulgarian.

Miniature flowerbeds are made from small tires, separately standing on the lawn or along the tracks painted in different colors. Fantasizing, you can make a multi-tiered flowerub, using rubber of different sizes and diameters. And the covers covered in the ground can serve as a fencing of the plots.

We use a tree and rods

If we talk about the ways of updating the country area, it is decorated, it is worth paying attention to such a material like a tree and bar.

The tree can be applied to the set of the most original crafts for the country area and the garden:

  • The tree chosen as a production material, subject to special processing, will delight the eye for a long time. Wooden decor is distinguished by a low cost and easy enough to process.
  • From the bar you can make original tracks that will add comfort to the area. Wooden chock borders are very popular, but differ in the complexity of the process. It is very interesting to be a fence of a wooden rounder, with the help of paints you can turn the fence in multicolored men or in color pencils. Such fences can be lit the territory on the site, for example, the playground.

  • When creating a wooden decor on the site you can use mosaicaidection. Mosaic will give your craft individuality and creative originality. You can beautifully decorate the slice of stump with multi-colored glass or left after repair by fragments of tiles. Beads and bright pebbles are also very beautifully looking in the overall composition of the mosaic.
  • Wooden fence can also be made with bright shrinks and beads. To do this, you will need a drill with drills, glass and fence itself, of course. It is necessary to make holes in the fence, having them in chaotic order, then placed in the holes already cooked glasses and beads. Now it remains to be observed for charming overflows and the game of light that reflects from your fence.

  • From birch stumps you can make an interesting bird feeder, it will become an excellent decoration for your garden. It is necessary to make a small hole for a delicacy, and the visor will be protected for the time of rain. With the feeder feathers will often visit the country area, and adults and children will be able to admire beautiful birds.
  • If you have no place for flower on the site or simply do not want to spoil the lawn, find a few constructed tree trunks of various diameters, with their help and your fantasy can easily make steam locomotive. From above, you need to make holes with a chisel and a hammer and land the flowers who loved you, timely watering will give the opportunity to admire their beauty all summer.

  • Flowers can also be planted in a wicker basket made by the rod of trees that grow close to your site.
  • Ponds, and in particular, wicker structures, most economical material for the manufacture of jewelry on the plot. You can disappoin the pond and fountain, weigh the suborance for curly plants, and for more experienced, those who have already tried themselves in this difficult business will suit the arches, benches and gazebos.
  • Pretty beautiful and very common is the fence from the rod - a woven. You can disappoint them the entire country area or highlight the recreation area, the garden, the playground, here you can exercise fantasy, and will serve such a fence for about 5 years.

Camping country plots, you can do almost anything, most importantly, you need to plan all stages of work.

Several useful tips on how to apply old or unnecessary things, creating a decor on the plot:

  • Furniture that you no longer use for a long time can be applied on your estate and give it a new life. Previously clean it from old paint, paint again or just covered with varnish and here is the element of the decor is ready. If there is no desire to create a new flower, then this option is perfect for you. Old chairs can remove the seats, install drawers in their place and turn into portable flower beds. You can also go with the bed, in this case it can serve as a flower bed.

  • Surely Dachnikov has an inventory that is no longer required in the work:
  1. Shovels.
  2. Chippers.
  3. Sickle.
  4. Garden scissors and many other tools.

They can also be used in the dock decor. For example, paint them with varnish or paint suitable color and hang on hooks in a shopping block or decorate the gate of the garden.

Reading time ≈ 9 minutes

Many owners of the cottage or frequency house are wondering: how to decorate the garden with your own hands from the girlfriend, which are often fully after repair or construction? An independent manufacture of garden decor has several goals: financial savings, competent use of construction waste and the ability to implement original ideas. Even if you do not have any special skills of work with your hands, spying simple ideas in the photo and video, you can easily make outcomes, beautiful things for your site.

The use of rubber boots as flower beds.

Options for garden decor do it yourself

It is impossible to list all the infringement materials suitable for creating a decor. After all, in fact, any unnecessary thing in the presence of fantasy can give a second life and organically enter into the exterior. We will look at the variants of the homemade garden decor from the most common programs, which will be found at each dacha or private house. Often, decorative crafts are made of remnants of boards and log cabins, old furniture, products for storing products and substances, even shoes and clothing.

Alone created things can be not only the decoration of the territory, but also functional, that is, a useful product.

Decorative fences, fences, hedges

Fences and hedges on the site can not only perform their basic function - zoning, but serve as a bright decorative element that distinguishes your territory from neighboring.

For example, for the arrangement of bright accents, you can create a fence from boards painted in different colors. Shades of red, pink, orange and yellow will advocate contrast with the greenery. Additionally, you can draw various patterns, ornaments, drawings. For greater identity, it is better to use flints and boards of different lengths, thickness. It is not necessary that they were perfectly smooth. Registration of such a fence can be engaged together with the child. Proactive inaccurability and asymmetry of such a fence will be its main highlight.

Decorative multicolored fence.

Another original solution is the homemade fencing from the branches. If you have to update the trees on the site, after which there are many branches, do not throw away the valuable building material. Of these, you can make a very simple, but beautiful fence in rural style. Completion to her several clay pots will give.

Woven from branches in rural style.

Some craftsmen create decorative fences from unnecessary scrap metal: spare parts, mechanisms, wheels and other metal things, more unsuitable in everyday life. They can be painted with bright shades or black enamel, laying ordered or chaotic. In any case, such a decorative fence will definitely stand out against the rest of the rest.

Decorative fence from old bicycles.

In many areas for zoning, a non-discontinuous chain grid is chosen. You can make it more attractive with the help of painted plastic bottles, old disks, a kind of embroidery from scany.

Decorating a chain grid with cloth.

Decor of old tires and transport

If there is a car in the house, for sure the old tires were sent in the garage. They were traditionally used to decorate school / kindergarten territories and sports grounds. But in garden design, they can also come in handy.

The most popular application is the manufacture of flower. After painting and disembarking the flowering plants, a simple tire is transformed beyond recognition! The main thing is that such an exposure fit into the garden exterior.

Original tire beds in the shape of a cup on a saucer.

Another possible use of the tires is the manufacture of garden furniture. You can create tables, high chairs, baffies to relax in the garden. Tires can be wrapped with a durable rope, cloth, paint paint and sew simple seating pads.

Self-made automotive tire furniture should not remain under direct sunlight to avoid the release of toxic substances and extend the service life.

Funds from automotive tires.

If there are kids in the family, the playground for games can be decorated with fumbies from automotive tires.

Decoration of plates of the playground.

Original Garden Lighting

With the help of lighting, the garden will turn into place filled with magic, a special atmosphere of the holiday and joy. Usually, the garden decoration with candles and light bulbs occurs at special cases: on anniversary of important dates, birthdays or romantic meetings. Not to be limited to only special dates for the use of lighting in the garden.

A very simple and original garden decoration can be ordinary tin cans with an applied pattern and a layer of paint inside which candles are placed. With the onset of twilight, it will be possible to observe an amazing game of light and shadow through the holes of the cans.

Decorative lamps from tin cans.

It is possible to highlight the garden with homemade balls from knitting thread or bell. Action algorithm simple:

  1. You need to inflate a regular air ball.
  2. Thread thoroughly soak plow and wind around the ball.
  3. The product predefined the circle with a diameter of up to 5 cm, which will not be covered with a thread. A light bulb or garland will be placed through a free plot.
  4. After drying the air balloon must be pierced and remove, and insert the garland into the ball from the thread.

Balls from threads.

When choosing a garland, give preference to products with LED light bulbs - they do not heat up, therefore are much more secure.

Another option of using garlands is the creation of a decorative rain. If you have selected an unnecessary polyvalka, it can be used as the main element of the composition.

Decorative rain from garlands and polyvalka.

Another simple and spectacular version of the decor is depicted in the photo. For the manufacture, glass cans with twists, metal chain, candles and a bit of beans. You can use another croup.

When using candles, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the rules of fire hazard and never leave the place of recreation, while pre-hiding the candle.

Decorative pendant lamps from cans and candles.

Using a bat tile and dishes

Tile remnants can also be used to decorate the site. At the cottage, the tiles can be postponed around the barbecue or mangala, decorate kashpo and ceramic pots, shops and stools. Additionally, you can use a bit of dishes, beads, pebbles. Excellent will look like abstract panels and geometric shapes. If you spend a little more forces and time, you can lay out a mosaic in the form of plants and animals. Steps into the house can also be established with a bit of ceramic tiles.

Decorating the old vason mosaic.

If the tiles have accumulated quite a lot, it is possible to lay out a colorful path to the garden or other economic sites.

To improve the soda track, you need to use a tile with a matte coating (not glossy!), Otherwise, the track will be slippery and traumatic during the rain.

Walkway with your own hands from the old tile.

Decor of old furniture

To understand how to decorate the garden plot with your own hands from the girlfriend, look at the attic or in the barn. Surely you will find there several pieces of furniture, which have long soldered dust and ask for a landfill. But not hurry to throw them out - you can also make a functional and beautiful garden decor from furniture.

The most popular solution is. They can be created in fact from any furniture subject: chairs, tables and dresser, servants, even beds.

Flower flower beds from chairs.

For alteration, furniture is suitable, which has lost decorative species and functionality: items with a broken or broken fittings, deformed legs and doors, seeded. To create a spectacular garden decor, furniture items can be slightly inhibited using a new varnish or colorful coating, decoupage, painting, adhesive firing.

Important: If the furniture stands on an open-air street, it needs to be covered with special paint for outdoor work: facade acrylic paint, alkyd or oil.

The chest of dresser gained the second life and became a house for flowers.

Plastic Bottle Decor

Plastic packaging is usually most of the daily garbage and accumulates at home in large quantities. To make your contribution to the ecology, plastic can be either recycled or re-use it with benefit, beauty and convenience. From the empty PET bottles you can make many different useful trifles for the house.

Plastic packaging is lightning in work, soft and puffy, does not require the presence of a complex tool or work skills. Therefore, from bottles and other plastic capacities can easily make crafts even a beginner.

One of the popular solutions is the manufacture of feeders and berths for birds. For this purpose, it is better to choose an eggmarket for 5-6 liters, as it is more spacious and durable. Step by step making feeders:

  1. In the marker draw on opposite sides of rectangles, put a bottle of the sidebake and cut down the lower and side sides of the rectangle.
  2. Bend the "Doors" of the feeders up like a canopy. They will serve protection from snow and rain.
  3. From the side of the slits to do the holes on the same level and the thread through them is a thin twig that will serve as a piping.
  4. The bottle can be reappeted to your liking.
  5. To attach to a tree, you can use self-tapping screws, or (in order not to injure the plant) to tie the ropes to the neck and the holes under the pendant, and then hang on the branch.

Cutter from the eggplant.

Plastic bottles of various volumes are often used for the manufacture of pots and vases. They can grow flowering plants and seedlings, and in the process of creating such colorful products can easily be involved in kids. For the manufacture of such a masterpiece, it will take a simple stencil, scissors and acrylic paints with tassels. Also from plastic bottles you can build picturesque vertical flowerbeds, hanging them to the wall for the rope or cable.

Vase in the form of animals from a plastic bottle.

We reviewed examples of a different complexity, how can you decorate the garden plot with your own hands from the girlfriend. Similar processing of construction waste and just unnecessary things allows you to get a lot of outstanding, functional decor for giving or at home and have fun for creating original things.

More ideas and inspiration you can learn from the video: