Finishing at home board under the timber. Installation of timing of timber: unforgivable errors

Unfound mistakes when installing timber imitation

In search of an inexpensive building material it is worth paying special attention to. This product is a whiteboard, manufactured from various varieties of wood.

In the ends of the material there are pinches and grooves that provide the creation of coating without lumen. The timing board is similar to the lining, but its dimensions are different: thickness - 15-45 mm, width - 90-190 mm.

What kind of wood to choose?

There are a large amount of wood species that are used in the manufacture of building materials. Each of these species has its own distinctive features, therefore, to make the right choice in favor of this or that product, special attention should be paid to the qualitative characteristics of the tree itself.

Thus, for example, all the advantages of the Siberian tree, namely, the strength, wear resistance, the ability to withstand the temperature differences, the resistance to the appearance of fungus and mold, as well as high heat and waterproofing. Coniferous types of building materials, such as the imitation of a bar (Angarsk Pine) differ in a lower cost, which makes them a budget variant of the external and internal sheaving engineering structures.

Trees such as oak and ash allowed to create products that differ in high strength, which increases the life of their operation several times. In addition, such materials have an attractive appearance than designers actively use. However, the price of the oak building material is high, so it may not be possible to afford this product, and the larch is not inferior to him.

Wood Crease - Main differences

Wood varieties are described in state standards and differ in the presence of vices (bitch, cracks, rot, and so on). The highest class is "extra", since it does not have a large number of visible vices, creating a perfectly smooth coating that has high aesthetic qualities.

Imitation of a bar from the larch "Extra" is used in the inner and external decoration of the premises and allows you to implement a large number of design solutions. The next variety "A" is also famous for high aesthetic characteristics, although it allows the presence of bitch. The "B" variety may have nonsense and pits with a resin, and the variety "C" allows for the presence of drop-down bitch and non-serrated cracks.

The most affordable value is the last grade (the price of the simulation of a bar from larch for a sq. M. meter can be viewed). Before buying building materials, the GOST should be studied, where the characteristics that one or another must be complied with, or refer to the manufacturer, where you will have consulting support. Differences of wood classes can be seen visually in the photo of the simulation of the bar.

How to care for building materials?

Wood - a product that requires special care, without which it is impossible to preserve its high quality characteristics for a long time. Before carrying out installation work, the product is treated with specialized antiseptics and oils (), after which the procedure should be repeated at least twice a year.

In addition, with the internal finishing of the timber imitation, the optimal level of humidity in the room should be maintained, which will protect the trim from rotting and damage. The product used in the exterior finish also needs quality care.

After working, it must be covered with paints that protect against humidity and direct sunlight (). Repeat procedures should also be at least twice a year.

How to avoid mistakes when installing?

From how carefully the installation will be made, the service life of the building material depends. Errors made in the installation process entail the entire coverage without the possibility of recovery. So what should be paid when carrying out installation work?

Let's start with the preparatory stage:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to carry out acclimatization of the imitation of the board. To do this, you need to free up the product from the packaging and leave indoors for several days.
  2. Be sure to install waterproofing. Any tree does not like excessive moisture, so the waterproofing layer is the basis for the successful operation of the product. For the device is used parchment or other products similar to it. Material is mounted with aluminum scotch.
  3. Device crate. Wooden bars with a size of at least 30 mm are attached to the walls (for fastening with wooden walls, self-tapping screws or nails are used, for brick or concrete walls - frame dowels). When installing the heat insulating layer, the thickness of the bars should not be less than the insulation. Wooden bars are attached at a distance of no more than 1 meter from each other.
  4. Wood processing. This item is mandatory, both during the preparatory phase and after the installation is completed. Regular coating care is the key to a long service life.

Let us turn directly to the installation of the lining of the simulation of the bar:

  1. Boards are mounted in the bottom upward direction. The first of them should be laid with special care and checked with the help of the level so that the entire design is smooth.
  2. Fastening boards occurs in grooves down. This measure exists in order to avoid the accumulation of moisture in the wood. When installing should not forget about a gap equal to 2-3 mm, which exists as insurance during product deformation under the influence of temperature differences and humidity. It is also necessary to leave the gap under the bottom and above the top boards.
  3. Fastening the board with nails in extreme operating conditions. Self-tapping screw and kleimer allow you to make coatings smooth, without the presence of visible fasteners, but they do not leave spaces, which can cause cracks with a sharp increase in temperature. In order to avoid these cases in certain rooms, it is necessary to use nails, leaving space for the simulation boards of a brown of a pine or larch.
  4. Suggesting boards. To make the docking of the boards as inaccessible to the eye, they should be written on both sides at an angle of 45 degrees. Spilute boards in different directions. If the wall is too long and the need to create a large number of docks, then they should be placed in a checker order - so the coating will look more attractive.

Buy imitation of bars from larch from the manufacturer

If you want in Moscow, the best solution for you will be the company Angara Woods. We produce building materials and offer the best conditions for our customers, namely:

  1. High-quality products;
  2. Low to imitation of timber per m2;
  3. Lack of overpayments for intermediary services;
  4. The use of modern equipment in the production of wood;
  5. Fast products to construction site;
  6. Professional personnel and high level of service.

- this is one of the ways exterior and interior decoration of walls With the help of a natural, environmentally friendly and pleasant on the form of a trim board, an externally quite definitely imitating profiled timber. The trimming of the timber is used as for finishing new houses ( dacha ,) and when repairing old. At the same time, the houses decorated with the imitation of a bar visually practically do not differ from those folded from profiled bar.

A special aroma emanating from the board, a thin wood pattern, a beautiful texture in combination with the "sunny" shades of the tree - all this creates a special, balanced and pacifying psychological climate, positively affecting the overall health and mood.

However, the imitation of a bar in house-building has other advantages:
  • easy installation - lining the simulation of the bar has a spike-groove fastening system, which makes it easy and quickly connect panels;
  • durability - unlike the array of the bar, wooden profiled boards - the imitation of the bar is quite thin, so they can be carried out with a better dryer, followed by impregnating special compositions. As a result, such a board is very resistant to moisture, it is well opposed to fungus and mold;
  • large selection of sizes: width - 135-195 mm, thickness - 16-35 mm, length - 2-6 m;
  • environmental purity and complete safety for human health;
  • efficiency - compared with a wooden bar, its imitation costs significantly less, moreover, it will be much cheaper than its installation. This allows, for example, to get a representative and rich interior, having sewing the walls in the home imitation of a bar of valuable breeds, for example, cedar;
  • good sound and thermal insulation characteristics.

The house from the glued or profiled timber looks stylish and expensive, but this is a pleasure to pocket not everyone. Therefore, an alternative appeared - you can see the placement of timber imitation. At the same time, the visually home will be very similar to the brusade, and financial costs will be significantly less.

What it is?

The simulation of the bar is also called Falchbus. This is a material that can be used to cover both outside and indoors.

To date, there is an artificial imitation of a barMade from wood waste with the addition of plastic, as well as a variant of solid wood, which is particularly popular with consumers. It should be considered in more detail.

It is a planed board treated with 4 sides, and made in the form of a treated wooden bar. The thickness of such a material is up to 35 millimeters, and the width can reach 260 millimeters. Material of manufacture is wood coniferous and hardwood. The profile in this case is a trapezoid, and due to this, smoothness is achieved and the fatality of the base.

For the best docking edges are processed by a special way.This allows you to reliably protect the insulation from the impact of negative climatic conditions and humidity. The fact that the product is made of the product, determines its density and characteristics.

Pros and cons

The modern market offers a wide selection of fraud. The consumer can choose the appropriate material based on the price of the product, its appearance and operational qualities. Falxtrus is very popular when finishing the facades of private frame houses and cottages. This is explained by its positive properties.

First of all, the material is natural and environmentally friendly.It is not toxic and does not have an unpleasant smell during operation. Products are absolutely safe for humans and can be used when working with any premises.

Panels do not cause problems when installing, it is quite possible to do it yourself, having ideas about finishing work. In addition, the timber imitation looks more neatly in comparison even with natural wood, while having a much lower cost.

If the installation was performed competently and efficiently, the products will serve for a long time without creating problems to the owners. Imitation under the timber has a protective function. It is resistant to mechanical exposure and aggressive climatic conditions. It is impossible not to note a wide color scheme of materials, allowing the consumer to choose the desired shade, thanks to which the houses look expensive, profitable and stylish.

At the same time, it is impossible not to say about negative moments. One of them is a high fire hazard of materials. To extend the service life of the products, they are recommended to be treated with special solutions that have antiseptic properties, and also reduce the combustion. They will also protect the facade from the drying and cracking.

To imitation of a bar constantly looked good, and also did not lose its properties, it is necessary to periodically cover it with paint-and -merous compositions, which bears unnecessary financial spending. And it should also be borne in mind that the components for the panels are not suiced, and their use is necessarily under the right work.

For those households who do not have the desire to facade with wooden panels, manufacturers offer metal siding under the bar. The term of its operation, according to reviews, is up to 50 years, and the visual structure looks like a log.


For the outer finish of the facades of the building, materials of different types can be used. All of them differ in external parameters, as well as by physical properties.

First of all, Falchbrus is divided into types of manufacturing material. There are products from pine, cedar, larch and other tree breeds. In addition, the size of the panels can be diverse.

The price of the wood is affected on the price category, from which the panels are made.They are divided into varieties of category A, AB, B and C. This information should be displayed in certification. It is from the variety that the performance characteristics depend.

The price of varieties is higher than the others, but its quality is better. Pine manufacturing material. To complete the decoration of the residential area outside, it is recommended to use classes A and AB. The variety is suitable for facing household buildings.

But when choosing a finish breed, you need to take into account the operating conditions. In rooms with high humidity, it is better to use a liquid and larch.

Imitation under the bar is divided by profile geometry. Here you can select a block house and lining.

The dimensions of the simulation of the bar are different, they need to be selected on the basis of the consumer's preferences. The width varies in the range from 140 to 190 millimeters, length - up to 6000 millimeters. The thickness is selected depending on the type of planned work and the conditions of application, it can be from 16 to 35 millimeters.

Features of choice

Options for siding, imitating the timber, in a large variety are presented on the market. The price of materials can be significantly different. For savings, experts recommend buying panels directly from the manufacturer to avoid the cheating of building stores. But first of all you need to choose high quality material. This should take into account individual moments.

The humidity indicator should not be above 15 percent, otherwise it may threaten the facade in the process of operation. The groove on the panel serves to ventilate the facade and helps extend the term of the external attractiveness of the panels.

Siding width is also important for the appearance of the building. So that it looked like a natural bar, the width should be about 100 millimeters. Very narrow panels look cheap, and wide - inactious. In addition, you need to pay attention to the quality of the castle compound. Its evenness and smoothness is important, as well as the absence of defects and damage.

And it is also necessary to choose the right decorative elements. It is they who increase the wear resistance of the surface, and also respond for the appeal of its appearance. Therefore, you need to choose high-quality products.

Before performing work, it is necessary to calculate the material and its components.To do this, measure the walls, window and doorways. The area of \u200b\u200bthe openings will not be covered with a rashball, so it must be subtracted from the general so as not to acquire extra finishing materials.

How to carry out work?

High-quality panels do not cause problems when installing, it can be carried out and with your own hands. However, it is necessary to have an idea, in which sequence and how exactly the work is carried out.

First of all, it is necessary to prepare the surface. Walls are thoroughly cleaned by contaminants. It is recommended to treat them with an antiseptic to eliminate the appearance of fungus and mold.

After that, installation of the crates is carried out. It is important to vertically establish on the basis. If the surface is wooden, the fixing is made with the help of self-tapping screws, a dowels cracked into prepared holes are used for the surface of brick or slag blocks.

An important step is to conduct high-quality vaporizolation and thermal insulation of the room. The insulation is placed on top of the vapor barrier film and again closes it. Shakes must be punctured.

Next are attached directly panels and decorative elements. After that, the facade should be fixed with screws or cloves. In the absence of the finishing coating, the final stage is the surface treatment with antiseptic and paint and varnish materials.

Important nuances

Falchbus comes on sale in hermetic packages. After purchase and before work, the packaging data must be opened, and products are decomposed in air, not allowing open sun rays and precipitation. The panels should be left for two days. This is done, because after opening the hermetic packaging, wood will absorb moisture, and, as a result, it may increase in the amount of which will entail the catching of the facade of the building.

The panels are attached towards the bottom up, the groove should be located below.This will help prevent moisture and pollution from entering. The first panel is installed using a level. It is from its proper installation that depends on how even the whole surface will be. Attasches are screwed at an angle of 45 degrees.

Works must be carried out exclusively in dry weather and at a temperature not lower than -15 degrees. Coloring is made only in warm and dry weather.

Today, the construction market presents a large number of finishing materials that can be used for both internal and exterior finishes. As far as great variety is so much a big abyss as products. After all, it is from the quality and characteristics of the material, it depends on how work with it will be built. And on the quality of the work performed will depend on the service life. In order not to sort out a variety of options and not spend time, Company Leathering It offers you a high-quality and environmentally friendly material made of the best wood breeds, which can be used for the inner and external finishing of various buildings, as well as for the construction as a whole.

We will talk about a very popular embodiment of a timber imitation and its correct attachment. This board won its popularity thanks to a rather light method of installation, unpretentiousness and, of course, a visual effect. What would look for more detail in this, let's look at how to work with the board, and how to fix timber imitation in different finishes.

Photo 1. Interior decoration of timber

For interior decoration there are two types of panel mounting:

Monolithic - This is when the walls and ceiling are closed with panels completely and a deaf monolithic coating is created.

Combined - This is when different parts of the room are separated and combined with suitable style, texture and color by other finishing materials.

Photo 2. Wall sheathered by timber

How to fix timber to the wall?

  1. Before attaching a timber imitation inside the house, be sure to decide with the microclimate of the room. This will help you correctly pick up the wood of wood. Depending on the characteristics of the breed, wood in different ways behaves in rooms with different temperatures.
  2. For the interior decoration, the medium-sized panels are better suitable, for example, the width of which is 140 mm, and the thickness is 21 mm. They will not visually "eat" the room and will allow you to additionally save the skinny meters.
  3. Grinding and processing of panels are one of the very important stages. Usually do it after completing the installation, but knowing from experience, we advise you to spend and grinding and processing at the very beginning. While the boards are not mounted, it is easy to scratch from the end sides, which will help to avoid with the further operation of the appearance on your wall or ceiling of non-treated slots, which will affect wear resistance and aesthetic form.
  4. After you deliver the panel from the warehouse, they must be searched for 7-14 days precisely in the room where they will be mounted. Any tree is simply necessary to "acclimatize" in new conditions.
  5. Carefully prepare the walls (ceiling) at home before performing the mounting of the timing of the bar. The surface should be smooth, purified from contamination and dust. If necessary, they need to equalize or entertain sheet material. Then on the base, not in the tension, the vaporizolation is attached.
  6. Installation of the crate is performed from 30/40 timber, with a step of 50 - 60 cm. If you plan to warm the room, then you will need a thicker cranial bar. The lamp is attached perpendicular to the future arrangement of timing of timber. All bars of the crates are initially processed by antiseptic solutions.
  7. Installation of panels begins on the floor, leaving a 1-2 cm gap for free airgo. Also, coming to the ceiling, do not forget to retreat the same space. This will allow the tree to breathe and change its geometry.
  8. The board is located spikely up and levels using a level that allows you to evenly and easily post the following panels. It is not recommended to dock the simulation of a timber of timber - leave 2-3 mm. When finishing all the walls indoors, a number over the entire perimeter is recommended nearby, and not separately each wall. When the monolithic finish is performed, the mounting of the timing of the timber to the wall is made first.
  9. With horizontal laying, the question often arises - how to dock the simulation of a bar in length? Experienced masters advise to direct the boards with an accurate 45% degree. Joints need to be written in different directions. If there will be many joints on one wall - they are better to arrange them in a checker order. Of course, for the safety and more accurate results of the docking, feeding better to trust professional installations in the workshop.

Photo 3. Brushed brushed imitation

The overall process of installation of timing, we considered very detailed on the example of fastening it to the wall. This process is applicable to all other planes. If you are wondering - how to mock the imitation of a bar on the ceiling or how to fix the imitation of a bar outside the construction, then all of the above information will have to help you.

Photo 4. Self-tapping screws for fixing timber

There are only a few differences for the exterior finish:

  • outside the outside is carried out only in the warm season or, if it is necessary to spend in winter, it is necessary to purchase a ready-made, protected from rapid loss of humidity or its set, painted timing timing;
  • with external finish, there is always a layer of thermal insulation between the crate after vaporizolation;
  • fasteners of panels begins from the ground spike up. This will avoid getting into the joints between the panels of natural precipitation.

There are three ways to fasten the imitation of a bar:

  • "In the ramp" (facial part of the panel). When the self-tapping screws with a shurtpers and specialized bits, right into the board. This method is very reliable and with an external finish the released element - a screw-made hat, creates an original design on the panels;
  • "In the groove". It's when the self-tapping screw is screwed into the groove of the panel, deepening in the wood at an angle of 45 degrees. This method allows you to securely secure the panel and leave the slider space free, which allows the next panel to the next panel freely entrenched;
  • fastening (reinforced) cleimers. This is a rather easy way to perform, very reliable, but it is often not like to perform carpenters, considering that the screws will be faster.

Photo 5. reinforced kaymers

If you have a doubt that you can independently install the simulation of a bar, then our experienced masters are ready to help you. We are contemporary to the simulation of a bar whimimers, professional shurtpers. We grind high-quality machines and make painting work in the workshop.

By phone you can learn about a wider range of services that we provide in the field of finishing and construction by wood.

The production technology of modern finishing materials reached the level that imitation of the surface for any natural materials (wood, stone) as accurately transfers the texture of natural elements that it is possible to distinguish it only with close consideration.

This applies not only to outdoor cladding, but also internal. The imitation of the bar can be made of high-quality wood, from different wood species. Accordingly, the texture, the color of the analogues of the brusade finish may differ among themselves.

Wooden lining attaches to the room comfort, comfort, peculiar to natural material.

First of all, natural wood complies with the requirements for environmental friendliness and the naturalness of the design of the premises. The tree has a feeling of comfort and unity with nature. The country house, covered from the inside of natural wood, mentally disappoints from gray stone urban structures, helps to feel the comfort and warmth of nature. Especially relevant to design brick or block cold and gray walls.

From a practical point of view, the timber finish is durable and durable, it is characterized by good sound insulation and thermal insulation characteristics. In addition, due to the specifics of the design of brusade boards, a comfortable environment is created both in the space between the wall and finish and in the indoor itself.

Installation of wooden panels is easy to produce, and the visual perception is no less effectively than with natural brusal walls.

Types of interior decoration

The separation of finishes by the method and nature of the internal design depends on the design solution, which implies the inner lining with wooden panels.

Separate the finish for the simulation of a bar for two types:

  • monolithic. It implies a decoration with wooden panels along the entire surface of the room: floor, ceiling, walls. The panels are tightly attached to each other and form a monolithic coating;
  • combined. This type provides for the finish of different parts of the room with various materials, the main area of \u200b\u200bwhich occupies a timber imitation, and the additional zones are drawn up according to the style and color by other finishing materials (wallpaper, tiles, plaster).

Regardless of which type of trimming under the bar is selected, it is necessary to acquire additional finishing parts with the panels (moldings, eaves, corners), which will give decoration completion and decorativeness.

Timber preparation

Material for finishing indoors must comply with the following parameters:

  • the quality class of wood should be not lower than in (A, AV or Extra);
  • optimal boards width - 10-15 cm. Narrow boards will be more like the lining than on the bar, and too broad "steal" the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, which is especially inefficient for small rooms;
  • using the thick board is impractical: the optimal option will be 21 millimeter board (or even thinner).

In addition to sizes, it is necessary to pay attention to the wood from which the board is made. For unheated premises, you can use the tree of any breeds, the main thing is that the board will be processed by protective moisture resistant and antiseptic compositions.

For warm rooms, it is recommended to use a predominantly wood hardwood tree. Due to the presence of a resin in coniferous wood, the selection of a coniferous resin and the corresponding aroma is not always appropriate in the room, especially if the tenants are allergic.

For parillas or baths, it is advisable to use a lime trim under the bar.

The durability and appearance of the finish depends on the quality of the material and wood.

Do not save on materials, as high-quality panels under the bar can serve for many years without additional maintenance.

Boards must be well dried, their storage should be carried out in a dry heated room.. Before mounting, you should unpack and transfer the board to the place where they will be mounted so that the material adapts to the room medium. Some types of sawn timber require additional grinding and processing with special impregnation. It is advisable to perform the processing of the board before installation, and after - to cover with varnish or special verses.

How to calculate the amount of material

By the width of the brusade board, you can define the actual number The material required for finishing the room from the inside.

It is necessary to determine the total surface area for cladding: calculate the area of \u200b\u200beach wall (less outlook), ceiling and floor. The area of \u200b\u200beach surface is divided into one board area.

This calculates the amount for each plane. All obtained indicators are folded. Thus, you can understand how much boards is required to cover the entire room. This method involves the calculation of the material for the monolithic coating.

If the use of a combined cladding is provided, then each plane is calculated, which will need to make a plane under the timber, and the amount of material is calculated in the same way: each area is divided into the area of \u200b\u200bthe board, the indicators for all planes are folded.


The number of elements needed for cladding should be purchased with some reserve, taking into account defective or spoiled boards.

Preparation of the surface to installation

How to stripped walls from the inside? Before installing the crate and the panels themselves, the walls should be prepared.

All walls under the panel are necessary:

  • clear garbage;
  • to equalize;
  • wooden walls to handle with antiseptic compositions, and block and brick walls are primed.

After the surface is ready, steamproofing, as needed is thermal insulation and the neckenet for imitation.

Heat insulation and vaporizolation

On the prepared surface, the vapor insulation film should be attached to prevent the formation of condensate moisture inside the trim. For this, the film is fixed using a stapler (to a wooden surface) or through the beams of the crate (to a brick or concrete surface) in such a way that the smooth side of the vaporizolation can come into contact with the wall.

Clean the entire surface under lining. Seams of the film should be laid on 100 - 150 mm and fasten with scotch.


The location of the vapor barrier film should be free, without tension.

Otherwise, a breakthrough of the membrane is possible when mounting the crate or thermal insulation, as well as in the process of natural shrinkage of the walls of the house.

In some cases (in the absence of outdoor thermal insulation of the house), laying of thermal insulation materials is required. In this case, when calculating the shade of the crate takes into account not only the length of the cladding board under the bar, but also the width of the insulation. Rolled or block insulation material fits tightly between the guides of the crates without gaps and docking holes.

Selection and installation of the crate with your own hands

For the house of wood, it is advisable to use wooden bars, having a cross section 40 - 50 mm. The tree should be carefully dried, to be treated with antiseptic and moisture-resistant means. Metal profile is used to mount cladding in concrete or brick walls.

Installation of the crates is performed by fastening the guides in a vertical position with a step from 600 to 800 mm.

Corner guides should be mounted in such a way that there are two bar on each corner.

When installing the crate, the uniformity of the installation should be checked with a level.

In addition to double corner slats, you should additionally install bars in the places of fastening the shelves or other hanging elements that can drag the design.

Wiring should be stretched between the crate, isolating the special corrugated tube.

After completing the crate throughout the area, it should be started to install facing panels.

How to mount the ram indoors

Boards under the bar for internal cladding can be mounted in several ways:

  • fastening in groove. The method is characterized by the fact that the hats of hardware are in a hidden position. Spinning of self-tapping screws in the base of the spike is made at an angle of 45 °. Swirling closure with fasteners with proper installation will be securely hidden;
  • watching elements from the outside. Nails should score over the board. To do this, it is recommended to use decorative hardware with original caps, or apply special plugs, sometimes using a chip putty.
  • using curvators. The most optimal fastener method of panels. More details on the video below.

Mounting through kleimers can be made on the walls, to produce most effectively on the ceiling. Galvanized kleimers in the form of a bracket are attached to the board, they are binding elements between the panels. Molding with kleimers is most often used.

Wall sheathing

Technology of installation panels under the timing involves the sequence of steps (photo below):

  • retreating from the angle of no more than 50 mm, you should mount the first panel, then the first row;
  • it is recommended to install boards up spikes;
  • there should be a small gap between the panels. (up to three millimeters) for temperature expansion;
  • when designing openings, angles and windows, the verticality of the sections should be monitored;
  • installation of panels is taken up on each plane;
  • after installing the main panels, proceeds from one plane to another with the help of plinths.


Fastening the panel should be made strictly perpendicular to the crate.

Most efficiently secure boards by means of kleimers: the fasteners are hidden, and the coating looks like a single web.

If it is necessary to cover the facing with special protective and antiseptic means, then the compositions corresponding to the wood and the nature of the room are chosen.

Thus, the imitation of the bar will help embody design decisions to create a natural interior indoor in the reality. Imitation under the bar is a durable coating, so for several years it will not be necessary to think about the design inside the house: the panels will create heat and comfort. If the facing material is made of wood of coniferous rocks, then in addition to comfort, the room will be saturated with the aromas of the needles and forests.

Useful video

Master class on the installation of panels inside the building:

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