Foam crumb insulation characteristics. Hearth foam crumb

Lightweight, spherical polymer granules foamed with gas isopentane or produced from residual parts of polystyrene foams are called foam crumb. It is a durable and environmentally friendly material that has been widely used in the construction and repair sphere.

Properties and characteristics

The polystyrene crumb has the following properties:

  • heat insulation (full filling with fine airbag granules in a warmed place removes any cold bridges);
  • soundproofing (granules have a rough surface, which does not spend sound oscillations);
  • environmental friendliness (non-toxic material and safe for humans);
  • depreciation abilities (when squeezing the balls do not lose the structure and quickly take the same form);
  • operational qualities (operating temperature range from -190 ° C to + 87 ° C);
  • moisture resistance (absence of absorbent properties);
  • refractory (granules are processed by refractory substance with antipiren);
  • easy work and transportation (has low weight and fills the necessary space as much as possible);
  • there is no smell and does not cause allergic reactions;
  • efficiency (relatively low prices on the product and the possibility of lower prices for other materials due to mixing solutions with foam crumb).

However, there are a number of restrictions on working with raw materials. It should be avoided by the impact on it a direct open source of fire, it is impossible to add it to hot asphalt. Also, when dichloroetane, acetone, petrol, ketones, or their vapors contained in some varnishes and paints, it is destroyed and almost completely loses its properties. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions and safety techniques when working with granules.

Varieties and application

Foamed polystyrene granules have a smooth spherical surface of white with a diameter of 1 - 8mm, which is not deformed when compressed.

Granulated expanded polystyrene is produced by heating the glass-like PS balls with a temperature above 80 ° C and the exposure to the pressure of vapors of isopentane, which foams polystyrene into the granule. After that, they are dried and cooled. Such balls become very dense and elastic, which allows them to withstand heavy loads, as well as use them in the temperature range from -65 ° C to + 75 ° C.

Thanks to many specific properties, this material is widely used in industry. The insulation of the foam crumb is considered the most reliable cold-resistant method of heat insulation of floors, walls or roofs. In addition, it is added to the building mixtures and solutions for facilitating and insulation. Finding granulated foam Application as a filler for upholstered furniture or children's toys, as a bulk packaging material, in the production of polystyrene and as a filtering component when water purification. Also, the balls are used as a bait when fishing, to facilitate structures in unmanned aerial vehicles and during the approach of sunken ships.

Varieties of granules differ in physical and mechanical indicators. An important indicators of the durability of the mainstream service are:

  • the dimensions corresponding to standards (the diameter of the granules should be from 1 to 8 mm, and the limit deviations in linear sizes must be less than 0.5 mm);
  • coating density of the filled space (from 8 to 30 kg / m 3);
  • proper geometric shape and color (spherical white balls);
  • comprehension strength with low probability of deformation (0.005 - 0.026 kg / cm 2);
  • low thermal conductivity of dry granules at 25 ° C (0.053 - 0.036 W / MXK).

The product is packaged in polyethylene bags with a volume of 0.25 - 1 m 3.

The price of foam crumb ranges ranging from 1270 to 1400 rubles / m 3.

Characteristics and application of "Droblenki"

The foam crumb "shotgun" is polymerized rounded crushed balls with a diameter of 2 - 7 mm, which are made from recycled (detailed) waste of PS. This method of manufacture contributes to the cheapening of this material with a partial loss of its primary shape in the foam. However, other initial properties in the process of crushing are saved.

"Droblenka" polystyrene is used as moisture-proof, heat and noise insulating building material. The insulation of foam crumb is obtained high-quality and inexpensive.

In addition, crushed polystyrene foam is used:

  • in the insulation of plates of foundation and walls;
  • in the production of polystyrene bonts;
  • in the form of a shock-absorbing litter;
  • for the device of roofing coatings with a flat slope;
  • for mixtures with concrete or cement with foam crumb;
  • for thermal insulation of trench pipes;
  • for the manufacture of a cement-sand tie;
  • as the best bent material for walls with air layer.

The technical characteristics of crushed foam should approximately correspond to the parameters of the granulated PS. At the same time, the distinctive indicators of the quality of "flimsy" is the absence of large parts of the non-agglied foam in the material and the low number of deformed elements.

The product is packaged in polyethylene bags of 0.5 and 1m 3.

Prices for crushed polystyrene foam is several times lower than granulated and are in the range from 150 to 250 rubles / m 3.

The use of foam crumb

Application can be carried out in several ways: by swelling, stacking or planking.

  • the humping process is quite simple. Hollow places in inter-seat floors, cavities in the walls, irregularities of surfaces, underground space, attics are covered with balls in an amount sufficient to align or filling the desired space;
  • the laying technique is carried out using a foam plastic concrete made from a mixture of cement with a crumb. To obtain laying material in a compact concrete mixer, 60kg of a sandy-cement mixture, 0.5 liters of plasticizer, 60l granules and 8l water was covered. Then everything is mixed. However, the solution must be made quite viscous, since the balls can float to the surface during the styling of the screed;
  • the screed with foam crumb is performed in two stages. First, the first half of the screed (blacknova) is poured, and after drying it and hardening the second half (pure). The screed is periodically moistened to avoid cracking and low surface strength. Thus, after the final stage of work, the design of the floor with foam crumbs becomes insulated, lightweight, moisture resistant, refractory;
  • joining is carried out using a specialized blower. This technology allows you to fully fill any volatile designs. Under the influence of air flow, the balls with a diameter of less than 8mm smooth layer fills all irregularities and cracks.

Uniformity, softness and elasticity of foam balls contributes to the fact that they can take any form of the fill space. They are an excellent substitute for other traditional insulation (clay, foam, mineral wool), because they do not completely fill the necessary space and over time, depart from the insulated surface, which can lead to a point of dew or cold bridges, and then to the destruction of the wooden elements of the construction.

Thus, the foam crumb becomes the best solution when choosing a heating, refractory, high-quality and economical material among most traditional substitutes.

Polyfoam's crumb is polymerized rounded balls with a diameter of 3 to 7 mm. Foam fractional (so often refer to this type of crumb) is obtained by the method of industrial crushing of production waste of foam. Economically, such a method is more effective, since due to this method of recycling of foam, it is reduced to cheaper as a primary material, and the initial properties of foam in crushing remain the same.

The use of foam crumbs:

The polystyrene foam crumb has widely found its use in the industrial and construction and repair sphere. The foam fleece is mainly used as a building material and an excellent insulation. The insulation of the crumb of foam is considered the most economic and reliable method for thermal insulation of the foundation, floors, walls or roofs. Consider the basic principles and methods of use:

  • The filler: the foam crumbs fall asleep holes and cavities in the floors between the walls, in the brickwork or to align the surfaces. Due to its technical characteristics, foam granules can take any form, which avoids any cold bridges. High strength avoids deformities, unlike insulation such as clamzit and mineral wool.
  • Foam screed with foam crumb: The process of cooking polystyrene concrete passes in several stages. Initially, a solution is prepared: they take a small amount of water and cement, stirred to obtain a sour cream-like consistency. The second step: continuing to mix the solution in the concrete mixer, add a crumble of foam. The ratio of material depends on the expected result on thermal insulation. The higher the percentage of the content of foam granules, the greater the thermal insulation properties of your screed. However, it is necessary to consider the following, with the wrong distribution of the material, the density can decrease. For example, if you plan to floor Linoleum, the percentage of the use of foam granules should be less than when laying parquet.

If you yourself want to make a floor screed with foam crumb at home, then it is necessary to comply with the following proportion (* builder recommendations):

  • 4-5 bucket of polystyrene crumbs
  • 2 buckets sand
  • 1 bucket cement
  • 1 bucket water

It is important to note that when working with polystyrene foam crumb, it is necessary to adhere to the norms of use and comply with the safety technique: avoid open fire, not to use various chemical solutions.

The crumb of foam - effective material for the insulation of concrete floors, will serve for a very long time and will not lose its operational properties. Comfort and heat guaranteed!

Int-Deco offers to buy a crumb of foam in Kiev or with delivery in Ukraine. The fragmentation of the foam is packaged in polyethylene bags of 0.33 m3.

Foam crumb for insulation

One of the most popular materials for insulation can be considered a foam crumble. The choice of consumers is justified, since it is a high-quality, environmentally friendly material that will help make the house with warm and comfortable without substantial damage for the family budget.

Foam crumb properties and applications

Polyfoam crumb has a number of advantages in comparison with other thermal insulation materials.

Foam crumb - what it is

The foam crumb or granules is a bulk material, which is noted by its multifunctionality and is the balls of foam, with a diameter of about 5-6 mm.

Characteristics and properties of foam crumb

Polyfoam granules have all the properties of a holistic sheet, but the distortion from foam plates, granules can take the form of any capacity where they are placed. Polystyrene granules have a number of features:

1 almost does not conduct heat. The foam is ten times higher than the thermal insulation of the usual concrete and almost ten times ceramic brick.

2 is safe for people, does not contain toxic substances, does not cause allergic reactions, without smell, no organisms live in it.

3 Little weight. For comparison, 1 meter cubic foam crumb weighs about 15 kg, and plywood is about 500 kg.

4 wear resistance. These laboratories that test expanded polystyrene will determine the durability of the material - about 80 years.

5 is very resistant to temperatures and is able to withstand the differences from -170 to +90.

6 Soundproofing due to the elasticity of the granules, cellular structure that reduce sound oscillations.

7 Ability to restore the primary form during deformation.

8 Ensuring the air exchange of the surrounding space, i.e. Unlike conventional foam plastic, the granules are able to "breathe". This prevents the greenhouse effect and the formation of molds in the future.

Fontoam crumbs are characterized by the following criteria

1 The density of the material from which the balls are made. The high density of the substance determines the increase in the mass and strength of the granule.

2 The diameter of the granules can be varied from 1 to 8 mm, setting the desired size when crushing.

3 flammable. That is why this material is used in the inner layers of the walls. Antipiren is added to the foam of fire resistance. After that, the material acquires self-pulling.

Pluses of foam crumb

All materials have their own advantages and disadvantages. Foam granules are no exception.

These advantages can be distinguished in the use of foam crumb:

Little weight of the final construction.

Savings on further finishing materials due to heat and sound insulation properties.

Easy in the process of work.

Low cost.

Cons of the use of foam crumb

The soft structure of foam plastic makes a screed from such a solution not as wear-resistant.

The need to isolation from air due to its flammability. Foamflast concrete is capable of rapid destruction if he has contact with air.

Varieties of foam crumb

There are two ways to produce pellets from foam and, accordingly, two of their types:

Primary processing when special technology is applied to interfere with polystyrene balls. This is an expensive process.

Crushing foam waste. This is a secondary production, therefore it is cost-effective. The residues of the foam are placed in special machines, which crush the material until uniformity. If necessary, you can set the desired ball diameter.

The cost of pellets from foam

There was an economy of foam crumb as high-quality insulation material compared to others. Depending on the characteristics of foam granules and the method of their production, the price per cubic meter can differ significantly. The smaller the diameter of the granules, the higher its price. Foam crumb obtained by crushing is much cheaper than the resulting primary foaming.

The use of foam pellets in different spheres

The foam crumbs insulate the attic, walls, inter-storey floors and floor.

1 insulation attic. A significant percentage of heat loses the room through the roof. Foam granules are an excellent version of the insulation of the attic due to the low degree of moisture absorption and resistance to temperature drops.

2 Wall insulation. In addition to the main characteristics, the foam crumb takes the form of the container in which it is especially important when the facade is insulated with figure elements.

3 Warming of inter-storey floors. Noise insulation and the specific weight of the final structure are important in the formation and insulation of inter-storey floors. The foam crumb is also useful for the insulation of the floor, if there is a basement under the house, which does not heal and require additional insulation.

Brief results

Consumer interest in foam granules is justified by its multifunctionality and low price. At the expense of its unique properties, the crumb of foamflast is in demand in many areas from the construction and manufacture of furniture, to the creative process of designer decorations and fishing.

The cost of foam granules depends on the technical characteristics of the granules themselves and the method of their production.

Insulation 10 errors

Alignment of the ceiling with the help of "warm" plaster based on crumbs of polystyrene foam

Alignment of the ceiling by applying plaster with thick layers is not always justified: the reinforcing mesh is required, and with a significant drop in the ceiling level - the layer will not stand and collapse. The addition of polystyrene foam balls to the plaster will help you in this case, as well as when repairing walls, masonry in the well, joints of the outdoor panels of the house and interior plates of overlapping, attics, roofs and floors. When connecting the beads of polystyrene foam with cement-sand or concrete solution, the finished mixture perfectly holds heat indoors.

To work with the ceiling, we will need the same tools as for the usual shockting and at least two plastic buckets.

After cleaning the ceiling from the old layers, thoroughly ground the ceiling with the help of the "fur" roller. For concrete slabs, the primer "Conconokontakt" will fit. Complex and hard-to-reach ceiling places prepare several times with a brush.

The delivery time of the primer is applied on the package - from different manufacturers from different times from 3 to 8 hours. Experienced masters never adhere to fastening recommendations, but try the surface to the touch. If the ceiling is still wet, then it is worth waiting, otherwise the ceiling alignment will be in vain - the further layer will collapse in a few weeks.

The polymer plastering solution is prepared from the glue styrobond in the proportion of 1: 1 to the cement M400 in the bucket. Mix all the drill with a mixing nozzle to a homogeneous composition, gradually adding water to the thickness of "sour cream". If the mixture will seem too thick, it is allowed to add some water to it.

Now add polystyrene foam, and you have 2 options: use the finished crumb, which is sold in building stores on the weight, or take the usual plate from the foam and look over it over the bucket. The crumb fills a separate clean bucket by 75%, then add half of the adhesive solution from the first bucket, which you just prepared. The proportion of the crumb solution will be somewhere 1: 2.5. Stir the composition before all polystyrene granules are painted in a dark color.

If your screed (cement + sand) is too high, it is better to abandon the extra overload of the slab overlap, and use the material is easier - polystyrene foam. Its composition is simple: cement is not lower than M400, polystyrene balls and foaming agent "Resin Wood washed" (DDO). Alignment of the ceiling with polystyrene foamball makes a layer not only light and warm, but not subject to shrinkages and cracks.

Table 1. Methods of manufacturing polystyrene foam
Description Benefits disadvantages
"Capsulation" when it is necessary to reduce the density of the material. The granules are covered with cement glue, and emptiness is not filled with sand. Without specials. Equipment and chemical. Supplements such a mixture cannot be prepared! The possibility of production of psbeton, the density of which is less than 200 kg / m3, the use of granules of the same size The mixture is separated when pressure or transportation is submitted, low bend strength (in case of block)
"Publishing" solution, which implies the replacement of sand with air granules The possibility of production of psbeton, the density of which is less than 300 kg / m3, and the change in this indicator in a wide range The stable characteristic is quite difficult to obtain due to the complexity of the technological process: bubbles are lost when laying, transporting or submitting pressure
Creating a concrete PS with a high density structure that will not miss water even at 2MP pressure All the advantages of the 2-method + stability and preservation of their characteristics during transportation, spray. Of this ps of concrete, they even form products using 3D vibropres Mandatory is the presence of special equipment

Alignment of the ceiling by plaster with expanded polystyrene requires the presence of a variety of powder or a solution, but if you do not find it in your store, then without it you can do. The screed without a mother will not be so warm and easy, as with this additive, but better than the usual screed of cement and sand.

Applying plaster on the prepared ceiling we do in two right. The first stage is a layer of 1 bucket (thickness up to 3 mm), then immediately apply a mixture of 2- per buckets. The ironing is constantly wetted by water. Drying time is 3 days, after which they pass to the alignment of the ceiling with plaster spacing from 1 to 5 layers. Each layer should be good to dry before applying the following (1-3 days).

Polyfoam can be insulated house, apartment, garage, shed, extension and even bath. But the latter need to warm carefully, observing some rules. But are there any construction facilities that can not be insulated with foam? Yes, exist. The foam can not be insulated the basement and the building with a ventilated facade. Why?

The advantages of foaming as insulation is very wide. But its capabilities, as a material with certain physicochemical properties, have some negative nuances. What are the pros and cons of foam? This article is about it. But first - pluses.

Advantages of foam

One of the thinnest insulation

Among all the insulation, the usual foam, it is polystyrene foam, has an almost lowest thermal conductivity coefficient. What does it mean? This means that its thickness as a heater will be the smallest compared to other materials. Here is a list of these materials in order of increasing their ability to carry out heat:

  1. Penosole (50 mm).
  2. Polyfoam insulation (75 mm).
  3. Mineral wool (125 mm).
  4. Wood (340 mm).
  5. Brick wall (900 mm).
  6. Concrete (2132 mm).


  • in brackets indicated the thickness of the materials at which their equality is achieved as heat insulators;
  • penosop is a liquid material that consists of several components. When mixed it, it is exhausted and hardened. At the same time, it acquires a porous light structure similar to the hardened assembly foam. Its main drawback is toxicity. Therefore, it can only be used for the insulation of non-residential premises. Usually, it is poured into a specially prepared cavity inside the wall.

The easiest insulation

Find out the weight of polystyrene foam slabs is very simple. All manufacturers indicate the packaging density of the material:

  • 15 kg / m 3;
  • 25 kg / m 3;
  • 35 kg / m 3.

And the density of one cube is its weight. That is, one cube weighs 15, 25 and 35 kg, respectively. By the way, so you can check the quality of the material you buy. If 25 kg / m 3 is claimed on the package, and the verified packaging of sheets weighs less - do not doubt. You have been misleading a little.

Sometimes the manufacturer is bypassed this moment. For example, in the package with the declared density of 25 kg / m 3 there will be sheets with a really smaller density. But this package will have some kind of beautiful name. A pack of sheets with a real declared density will be called differently: "Warm house", "Standard" or "What else is there." But, in any case, the easier the pack, the less the density of the insulation. Remember it.

For work, you can use a foam of any density. The main thing is to understand that what it is below, the more fragile and the continuity of you will be in your hands. And the use of such sheets, for example, on the first floor of the building is not very recommended - the facade can be easily damaged when hitting. Therefore, the more dense leaf, the better.

One of the most inexpensive insulation

This is really the most inexpensive industrial material for insulation. At the same time, two types of it applies in construction practice:

  • sheet foam;
  • foam crumb or balls.

Today, the sale price on both of these species is approximately equal. Most likely, this is due to the increase in demand for balls. Most often, they are used when the roofs are insulated. The cement-sandy mixture is mixed with balls and poured onto the overlap. It turns out heat, firmly and inexpensive.

Polyfoam is a very multifunctional insulation

Here is its main applications:

  • wall insulation;
  • insulation roofing;
  • floor insulation;
  • warming base house.

Wall insulation by foam sheets today has become a classic. The result is very warm, relatively inexpensive, quite firmly and reliably. By time of operation, a closed layer of plaster polystyrene can serve for a very long time. Manufacturers guarantee the life of the facade of polystyrene foam slabs without overhaul for 30 years. It is said that in Germany, at home insulated foam insure for longer times. Up to 100 years.

When the roof insulation, the polystyrene foam crumb or balls in the cement-sand mixture is most often used.

For floors and base, extruded polystyrene foam is used. It differs from the usual foamed manufacturing technology, greater density and durability. But his price is much more.

A little more positive about expanded polystyrene

Polyfoam is the most comfortable and malleable building material in the work. It can be cut with a knife or hacksaw. It can easily do any hole or recess. This property is very much used by builders when designing curly elements of the facade of the building. Eaves, protrusions, windows framing, and other architectural elements to do from such a comfortable material is very simple.

Due to its lightness, the foam element can be glued to the facade anywhere. Well, after drying the glue, it can be easily treated, for example, a plasterboard brang.

These were the strengths of the foam insulation. But, like any other material, he has its own weaknesses. What are the disadvantages of foam and why it is impossible to insulate a basement or ventilated facade?

Disadvantages of foaming

To make the right solution, except for all positive, it will be very helpful to know some negative aspects inherent in expanded polystyrene. There are several of them.

Polyfoam - combustible material

Whatever it was written by the manufacturer on the package, the polystyrene foam is burning with fire with fire and melts. Therefore, it is necessary to make the fire close to him not chosen. Consequences can be very deplorable.

That is why it is impossible to use polystyrene foam on the ventilated facade. Direct contact with air and emptiness between the insulation and the surface of the facade create all the conditions for good burning. Emptiness, by the way, works as an additional air thrust.

Polyfoam allocates hazardous substances

In the process of natural aging - destruction, expanded polystyrene is distinguished by a styrene monomer. Its smell is well audible, if you put a pack of foam sheets in a closed room. After time in the room there will be a characteristic unpleasant smell. That is why it is impossible to make insulation of foam inside the residential premises. But about it, unfortunately, few people know.

By the way, that's why it is necessary to warm the bath with polystyrene and carefully. When heated to 90 degrees Celsius, the release of volatile compounds dangerous to human health becomes very large.

Polyfoam hygroscopic

That is, he pulls moisture. Whatever they say, he does it, though not fast, but confident. Therefore, insulation the raw cold basement with ordinary foam will be a very bad idea. It is better for these purposes to use extruded polystyrene foam. He has another internal structure thanks to which he does not pull moisture.

To verify this statement, you can put a piece of conventional foam and extruded. After time you will receive two different material moisture. One will be heavy and wet, and the second dry and light.

Polyfoam works like a parobararier

This is another serious minus, about which few people think about the design and construction phase. It is especially good, it is manifested by houses that are built entirely of polystyrene foam blocks.

Man in the process of breathing exhales with air warm water vapor. This couple should leave the room. The main direction of the movement of the pair is up and to the sides. The ceiling and walls work as a kind of warehouse, they are "breathing." In the building, insulated expanded polystyrene, good forced ventilation should be made. Otherwise, in winter, it will be possible to collect water in the windows in the windows, and it will be very humid indoors.

Polyfoam is a good house for mice

This is a proven fact. Little gray rodents live well in the usual polystyrene foam. For them, this kind of paradise is warm, soft and safe. Whatever happens, you need to maximize the contact of the insulation with the places of the possible entry of rodents. This can be made mineral wool or metal inserts. Minvatu rodents do not like, and the metal insert will not be able to spray. They also do not live in extruded polystyrene foam.

This article turned out to list the main positive and negative properties of foam. As a heater, foam plastic has a very wide range of positive qualities. But as a material, it has significant cons. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the use of polystyrene foam in the insulation of the housing itself weigly and thoughtfully.

By the way, the name itself is "foam", it came to us from the times of the Soviet Union. Then the first imported supplier of polystyrene foam slabs was a firm, in the title of which was the word "foam". It turned out as with a xerox - the name of the company became the designation of the whole class of copiers. The same thing happened with foam.

Warm house is profitable, quickly and reliably - maybe

How to insulate the house? - The question that is asked by almost every resident of Melitopol and the area living in a private house.

The theme of insulation is particularly relevant today when energy prices grow, and with them - and the cost of the communal. In addition, other unpleasant problems are known to all people who live in a displeasted house: cold walls, fungus, poor noise insulation, heat loss. The result is health problems, discomfort, additional wraths of the family budget for heat.

Of course, all these difficulties are solved by the insulation of walls, floors and roofs. But choosing insulation methods, the average Ukrainian involuntarily faces another problem - the price of materials and works is often "beyond".

How to be? Refuse warming and hope for subsidy or take a loan and long years to pay high commissions bank.

To date, there is a technology that offers a very simple and affordable solution - the insulation of houses of the foam crumb.

What is the essence of such insulation?

During the process of insulation, the granular foam in the inner cavities of the houses occurs.

Foam crumb is polymerized rounded crushed balls with a diameter of 2-4 mm, which are produced from the detailed waste of polystyrene foam. Properties are preserved in the process of crushing. Droblinka is used as moisture-resistant, heat and noise insulating building material. The insulation of foam crumbs is high-quality and reliable. The insulation of foam crumb is considered the most reliable cold-resistant method of heat insulation of floors, walls or ceilings.

How is the process of insulation?

In the walls, the holes with a diameter of 55 mm are drilled, their number can range from 20 to 30 pieces, depending on the insulation area of \u200b\u200bthe walls. A very important point is the minimum interlayer for the pneumon-layer of the foam ball should be at least 5 centimeters. After all the holes are made, the balls of the foam under strong air pressure are blown into the cavity and tamper. Filling the walls of the walls is carried out using a special blower. This technology allows you to fully fill any volatile designs. Under the influence of air flow balls with a diameter of less than 4 mm, a smooth layer is filled with all irregularities and gaps.
The insulation of the foam crumb is occurring in one working day, and can be performed regardless of the season. Most often, the work of this kind is carried out in spring, summer or autumn, however, if necessary, during the period of winter cold, it does not exist with a rigid binding.
Uniformity, softness and elasticity of foam balls contributes to the fact that they can take any form of the fill space. They are an excellent substitute for other traditional insulation (ceramzite, foam, mineral wool), since the latter do not completely fill the necessary space and over time depart from a warmed surface, which can lead to the occurrence of cold bridges and, as a result, the appearance of the dew bridges.

Advantages of choosing this type of insulation:

1. Family Budget Savings
The cost of "flushing" and working with it is significantly lower than the "usual" methods and materials on insulation.

2. Saving time
A private house, an area of \u200b\u200b100 m2, is insulated in one day!

3. Attractive properties of foam crumb
- thermal insulation (full filling with fine airbag granules in a warmed place removes any cold bridges);
- sound insulation (the granules have a rough surface, which does badly spent sound oscillations);
- environmental friendliness (non-toxic material and safe for humans);
- depreciation abilities (when squeezing, the balls do not lose structure and quickly take the same form);
- operational qualities (operating temperature range from -190 ° C to + 87 ° C);
- moisture resistance (lack of absorbent properties, the material does not absorb moisture and
does not prevent the release of excess moisture from the wall);
- refractory (granules are processed by refractory substance with flame retardant);
- Easy work and transportation (has low weight and fills the necessary space as much as possible);
- There is no smell and does not cause allergic reactions.

Thus, the technology of insulation of foam crumbs becomes the best solution when choosing a heating, high-quality and economical material among most traditional substitutes.

The foam crumb is polymerized balls, the diameter of which varies within 3-7 millimeters. It is obtained by a shot (this material is also called) by crushing foam waste. It is economically beneficial, and the original properties of foam in this place remain the same. So today we will find out why the crumb of foam can be used.

Foam crumb - how to use?

The material is widely used in construction and repair, as well as in the industrial sphere, mainly as thermal insulator or building material. The use of foam crumbs is an extremely advantageous method of insulation of foundations, walls and floors. Let's find out what the basic principles of applying flimberry.

  • 4 or 5 parts of the shot;
  • 1 part of water;
  • 2 pieces of sand;
  • 1 part of cement.

Note! When working with a crumb, you should also not forget about safety technique: it is necessary to work away from an open flame, without the use of chemical solutions.

Where else is the shot?

Among other things, the material is also used in the following situations.

  1. For fishing wobbler. Finnish fishermen, for example, fasten the crumb to the hook and use it as a bait.
  2. For decoration of gardens and parks. It is rarely used, but what is interesting, the crumb allows you to make even imitation of snowy snowdrifts!

So, now you know how foam crumb is used. That's all, good luck in work!

Video - knead the crumb of foam

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