Painting auto polymer paint. Casting car polymer

You can paint any car in the workshop in just a couple of hours, but the guarantee for such a coating will be more than 10 years. And today, the polymer painting with their own hands is carried out without any problems in an ordinary garage. However, the final quality of the coating depends on the correct execution of technology at all stages of the process.

Types of polymeric paints

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Polymer powder paints are divided:

  1. In color (the RAL palette is applied);
  2. By type of film consumer: based on epoxy resins, polyester, polyester-epoxy, polyamide;
  3. In the invoice of the seal surface: glossy, matte, textured, metallic, Moire;
  4. For purpose: for internal and external and work, to protect against rust, to obtain chemically persistent, antifriction, ornamental, electrical insulating coatings.

Preparation of the painted surface

It is worth noting that the polymer painting of the metal can only be carried out on a neatly prepared surface - there should be no oxides or rust. To do this, using sandblasting or shot blasting, the previous coating is removed. It is then well degreased by special alcohol-containing liquids or detergent - only this can be achieved by high adhesion of the powder coating used. And due to the sandblasting processing, not only the old layer is removed, but the upper layer of the prepared surface is significantly strengthened.

Application of powdered layer

The overlap of the powder on the surface is carried out by two and three layers. At the same time, no residues of the powder remain, and the workers do not have to inhale caustic hazardous pairs, as when using liquid paints and varnishes.

Heat treatment powder

Powder products are baked for 15 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees in a special oven. The polymer is melted and adheres well to the stained surface, then a layer of polymer paint is formed. Since at a large temperature, the polymer film is created from the powder very quickly, and is also fleeting, it passes crystallization during cooling - this is why time resources are saved in it when it is used. This is a polymerization that creates an impassable coating with anti-corrosion properties. Later, such products that are painted by a traveler are resistant to high temperature.

Cooling process

Baked metal products come from the furnace and give them time to cool. After cooling, the polymer coating can be separated by any mechanical methods - polishing, sharp, drilling, edge finish, and so on. Products obtain accurate matching color according to the RAL catalog and smooth edges of the drawing.

After all the works carried out, the car can be fully equipped - it is ready for subsequent use.

The advantages of polymer painting

Here are the main advantages that have polymer painting in front of other technologies:

  • As part of the paints there are no toxic substances;
  • Significantly saves the paint used;
  • The coating has high strength;
  • To pour polymer painting, it takes quite a bit of time;
  • Durability of the coating;
  • A wide range of structure and colors.

Disadvantages of polymer painting

Polymer painting technology also has its drawbacks:

  • Rather large investments (unite);
  • Limited application capacity;
  • Complex adjustment of paint application with a thin layer;
  • Arising difficulties in coloring in low temperatures.

Pretty many people are currently facing today with the problem of painting their car. And, of course, no one can afford to paint your car. And so many people use the services of a special company so that they carry out this activity. This type of service is especially demanding, because the painted car is the guarantee of confidence of its owner. Many people need to know what is a profitable, but also affordable service with which you can make your vehicle updated in the shortest possible time.

High-quality and affordable car painting by polymer composite

Many do not know, this is a reliable way to improve your car. Such a service is a unique opportunity in the shortest possible time to improve the appearance of your car and make it more comfortable and enjoyable for use.

How exactly the process of painting a car.

  • To begin with, definitely, the entire rust is cleared, which is available on the car.
  • The second stage lies in washing and cleaning the outside of the entire vehicle.
  • All the necessary parts of the vehicle surface are also covered.
  • The subsequent stage putty must sand so that it becomes smooth.
  • After the surface is washed and dried qualitatively.
  • The process of painting a car is also carried out.

High-quality and reliable painting of auto polymer composite price in Moscow

There are a lot of advantages of this work, for example, such as the presence of special equipment, tools and knowledge that will make such work more efficient and productive. Therefore, to make high-quality painting on your own pretty and difficult. Qualitative on which is quite acceptable, perfectly suitable for creating a car update. Such activities are calculated in many parameters. But it is quite accessible to every person and is created as soon as possible. High-quality painting of its car is an excellent opportunity to make it more comfortable and acceptable for further use. With all this, you spend the minimum amount of money, and update your car. Man with painted car feels more confident on the road.

The process of applying polymer paint. Click on the photo to enlarge.

Polymer painting is a modern technology for creating a protective-decorative coating on the car body. Painting of the car body polymer is a guarantee of operation of the coating for a long time without deformation, peeling and other damage as a result of mechanical impacts and the effect of aggressive environmental factors.

As a rule, the polymer layer has a thickness of only 0.3 mm, but this is quite enough to replace several layers of liquid paints and varnishes.

Powder paint is a bulk substance obtained by mixing and melting the resins, fillers, hardeners, pigments and other additives with the subsequent grinding of the frozen melt to the state of the smallest polymer granules.

The polymer painting involves applying a polyester multicomponent powder on the body by electrolysis and further "baked" coating in drying furnaces at a temperature of 200 ° C. It can be said that the paint "complies" into the metal, so the protective properties of the powder coating are an order of magnitude higher than when the car is painted with ordinary LX.

Another attractive feature of polymer powder painting is the lack of need to use caustic and toxic solvents. In addition, this technology saves material, since the powder is applied with a thin layer, which, however, is in no way reflected on the quality of the coating: it is completely impenetrable for moisture, salts and acids, protects the metal metal from the negative effect of corrosion and retains an attractive appearance Throughout the service life.

How is the painting of the car with a polymer powder?

Powder paint detail scheme. Click on the photo to enlarge.

First, a powder paint is sprayed on the prepared surface, which is supplied from the gun in the form of a mixture with air. Polymer painting occurs with the mandatory presence of an electric field, that is, a voltage is supplied to the part to the part so that their charge is opposite. Almost all installations for working with recovery systems, allowing to capture from the air and collect the polymer particles into the bunker receiver. Secondary use of paint is another weighty argument in favor of the efficiency of this technology.

Polymer paint forms a monolithic coating only under the influence of high temperatures, so the powder painting necessarily includes such a stage as the "baking" of paint in special polymerization chambers. This process takes place in three stages:

  • powder granules turn into a visco-fluid mixture;
  • the melted mixture forms a homogeneous layer on the surface;
  • the layer is polymerized and forms a thin but high-strength film.

Powder-polymer coating properties

Polymer coating samples. Click on the photo to enlarge.

As a result, polymeric powder painting is formed a monolithic coating with a thickness of 60 to 80 microns. It is characterized by a high degree of resistance to ultraviolet, moisture, abrasion. It is almost impossible to damage with blows, flexion of the part and other mechanical stress. The polymer layer does not respond to caustic chemicals, and therefore reliably protect the metal of the body from destruction.

Powder paint polymerization technology ensures maximum clutch of material with the surface of the part.

The polymer painting forms a coating that retains its integrity and does not become fragile both at very low (up to minus 60 ° C) and at high (up to 150 ° C) temperatures.

Powder paint allows you to create unusual effects on the car body and hide small defects, even without prior surface rattling.

The term of the polymer coating under the conditions of the average aggressive influence of the industrial environment - up to 30 years, a weakly aggressive - up to 45 years. With a constant negative impact of a wet and saline seaside atmosphere, the coating retains all its operational properties for 15 years.

Powder-polymer paint successfully passes tests in a variety of extreme conditions: Painting withstands without deformation and destruction tests in the humidity chamber (98% humidity at a temperature of 40 ° C), imitation of the medium-aggressive effect of the industrial medium (98% humidity at 40 ° C and concentration sulfur gas 0.75 g / cubic meters), as well as a seaside atmosphere with a high salt content in wet air.

No signs of destruction of the inner structure of polymer and peeling and damage to the coating with lattice cuts during testing in accordance with the requirements of GOST 15140 were detected.

Where is the painting of parts of polymer paint applied?

Metal disk painted by polymer. Click on photo to enlarge

Interior trim pipes of drilling plants.

Formation of protective and decorative coating on metal products that can be heated to 200 ° C.

Decorative trim ceramics and stone.

Painting MDF plates, elements of garden furniture, fences and other products.

The advantages of the coating obtained by spraying polymer paint

Saving consumables, due, firstly, the absence of the need for staining in several layers and pre-priming, and secondly, the possibility of secondary use of polymer particles sprayed in the air.

High level of adhesion with a surface.

Spraying without inclination and influx even in the absence of experience with powder paint.

Resistance to corrosion, abrasion, temperature drops, chemicals and mechanical influences (shocks, bends, etc.).

High decorative properties of the coating.

Ecology process painting.

Main components of powder staining lines

What equipment uses this technology?

Polymer painting lines are equipped:

Polymer coloring system. Click on the photo to enlarge.

  • installations for applying powder on the details;
  • paint chambers;
  • drying furnaces in which the polymerization of the powder occurs;
  • transport systems.

As auxiliary tools, installations for cleaning and drying air, as well as for supplying compressed air to blow the recovery filters are used.

Installations for applying powder for details

This equipment is designed to impart a powder of the required charge and spraying the material into the stainable surface. Spray sets are divided into:

  • tribostatic, in which the powder is charged "from the inside", that is, by friction;
  • electrostatic, in which the powder is charged "from outside", that is, with the help of voltage supply.

The second type of equipment is characterized by higher performance.

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Powder car painting is a new painting technology that allows you to obtain a high-quality polymer coating with a minimum amount of loss and a high degree of safety. The undeniable advantages of this method before the traditional painting lead to an increasingly frequent use of it not only in the automotive industry, but also in other industries.

The powder paint is based on the use of high-polymer powders consisting of polymer granules with a size of 10 to 100 μm.

What elements are part of powder paint?

In addition to the polymer forming the film on the surface of the car, the following components are part of the powder paint:

  • pigment-defining color;
  • hardener;
  • filler firming film;
  • additives regulating spreading and creating a structure.

Mandatory condition for the implementation of powder painting of cars is the presence equipped with special equipment. From ordinary equipment in the chamber there must be a system for feeding and filtering air. Specialized equipment includes paint sprayers, powder recovery system, as well as a polymerization furnace.

The technology of powder painting is based on the ability of the magnetized powder granules to attach to the elements of the car body. In this case, the powder is magnetized in advance and then sprayed with a thin layer on the part surface. After that, the part is placed in the polymerization furnace, where it is withstanding at a temperature of 160 - 200 degrees for 10 to 20 minutes. In such conditions, the powder is melted and forms a solid layer of paint.

Depending on the polymer used, paints are divided into thermoplastic and thermosetting. Thermoplastic paints are splanging when heated without chemical transformation and form relatively fragile coatings. For powder painting of cars, mainly thermosetting paints are used, in which, when heated, not only the fusion of polymer particles occurs, but also a chemical reaction between them. As a result, the film is durable, resistant to physical and chemical damage to the film.

The most important advantage of powder painting is the ability to reuse paint particles that were sprayed, but did not hit the car part.

Powder particles pass filtering steps, preparation and then fed again for applying to the part. This method can significantly save paint, reducing losses up to 1 - 2 percent against 50 - 60 percent when painting with liquid enamels.

Powder painting, like painting with liquid paints requires pre-careful processing of the car body. The preparation process includes the following stages:

  • Stripping rust and oxides on metal parts of the car.
  • Degreasing all parts and surfaces.
  • The coating of the skimped surface with a layer of phosphate or chromate to increase the powder clutch force with the surface.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Powder Powder

In the case of high-quality preparatory work, as well as adherence to powder painting technology, it is possible to obtain a very reliable colorful coating.

  • Powder car painting can significantly reduce the time of painting due to the fact that the paint is applied in just one layer. The thickness of this layer can be adjusted in wide borders from 35 to 250 μm. Due to the application of one uniform layer, the likelihood of education is eliminated;
  • The painted surface is able to withstand shocks and temperature differences from -50 to + 130ºС. Powder coating has a smaller porosity compared to conventional paints, therefore it has greater anti-corrosion resistance;
  • Manufacturers of powder paints give a warranty for up to 20 years;
  • Currently, the powder paint is used not only for the painting of metal parts of the car, but also products from plastic, glass. It is used in painting of automotive discs, bumpers, reflectors of headlights, mirrors, as well as plastic parts inside the car. With the help of powder paint, it is possible to obtain not only smooth color, but also a matte, semi-wave color, coating under the skin and other effects;
  • When using powder painting, car disappears the need to use solvents and hardeners. Paints go on sale in ready-to-use. This allows you to get rid of the process of selection of paint breeding. In addition, the powder paint does not dry during long-term storage;
  • The absence of light aggressive solvents in the composition of powder paint almost completely eliminates the likelihood of fire. The process of painting the car powder paint is environmentally friendly.

Powder painting cars also has drawbacks. Among them you can select the following:

  • Powder painting can be performed only in a specially equipped room using complex and expensive equipment. This condition does not allow the use of the above-described painting method to small and medium companies;
  • Powder paint can not be collected independently. Although this drawback compensates for a huge number of colors and shades offered by various manufacturers of autocossets;
  • Possible difficulties in applying paint to north-resistant surfaces;
  • The minimum paint layer thickness is limited and is 35 microns.

A significant predominance of the advantages of powder painting of cars over disadvantages contributes to the rapid growth of the popularity of this technology. The number of manufacturers of powder paint, as well as companies offering a powder method of painting constantly increasing. The production technologies are continuously improved, which makes it possible to achieve the highest quality painting cars.