Portfolio "Interiors of Beauty Salons" Massage and Cosmetic Cabinet. How to open a massage room from zero step-by-step color plan and decor massage rooms

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Design Bureau "Quantum" is developing unique interiors of public and residential premises "turnkey".

For its history, we have developed about 280 projects, more than 150 of them are implemented or are at the implementation stage.

We work all Russia!

Interior Design Studio in Moscow

Do you want to equip the space of a residential or public interior in a modern style? Then the best interior design studio is ready to help you with this! To evaluate our work, you can see the work in the portfolio by selecting the most appropriate interior design by style and cost.

Our company offers a number of services:

  • Primary designer departure;
  • Measurement plan, design of the arrangement of the situation, equipment;
  • Interior visualization;
  • Design of the room with the necessary drawings, as well as visualization;
  • Author's designer supervision. The cost depends on the number of required departures.
  • Departure of a specialist in stores in order to select materials, decorative elements, as well as conditions.

As can be seen, designer services provide for the development of a full design project. So, our design of the premises provides the creation of an interior visualization, selection of color combinations, decorative, decorative elements, creating drawings for work workers. Additional services included the author's supervision to monitor the process of carrying out repair work. Detailed information about the price of the company's designer services you can find in the price section.

Designer services give a unique opportunity to professionally solve issues related to the competent creation of the interior in favor of coziness, maximum comfort, as well as aesthetics. The interior design studio services can be the most diverse, and the cost depends on the scale and complexity of the work, the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, as well as the preferred style.

Services of the company on interior design in Moscow

From the diversity of organizations offering today designer services, our company can be the best choice. After all, in addition to acceptable prices, experienced specialists will deal with the right design of space, will be carried out if the complex of repair work is required. The designer competently define the color combination of space, successful style solutions, and also prompts with the choice of finishing materials. It will give the room comfort and softness through textiles, creativity and the completion of the appearance of original accessories, art objects.

Specialists of the Designer Studio in Moscow know everything about the range, the qualities of materials, innovative technologies, structures. And also - they are real psychologists offering what you dreamed of seeing in your home or office, but did not find words to describe. Thanks to cooperation with our design studio, you will save nerves and, undoubtedly, precious time, because you will not have to look for a unique interior concept, the necessary materials, conduct dialogues with suppliers. All these duties lie on the shoulders of our design studio.

If the traditional layout of the room in your opinion is quite banal and boring, then it's time to develop a modern and exclusive design, the company in Moscow is ready to help this. As a result of cooperation, you will receive a magnificent functional and fashionable interior. If you earlier, find a good interior design company was considered a problem, today it is quite realistic if you prefer cooperation with the design studio in Moscow. We are pleased to offer you the services of true masters who actually proved that it is the design that the brightness of the paints is able to make in your life and work to make it more comfortable and better.

Now you have a unique opportunity to order design services for the arrangement of the interior, the cost of which will not scare you. You may not worry: designers will make a maximum effort to create a creative interior corresponding to your preferences. Many years of experience, the presence of taste and style, the figurative thinking will be the best way to work on the arrangement of your original space.

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Aquarius, Cosmetology, Smolensk (2)

Today, a modern person wants to look beautiful, well-maintained, because it is often precisely in appearance, the first assessment takes shape, the first impression is that a person belongs to a specific social class. This happens on the subconscious level, but the existing style is already trying to adhere to and do not change it throughout life.

Support your body in tone, and, accordingly, massage salons are helped by the appearance in proper condition, the design of which is worth thinking to the smallest detail. Not everyone wants to see in front of him a small unparalleled basement or a close dark room with a couch in the middle, and the impression of masters working in a similar place will remain twofold.

Consultation designer

The same will happen if massage salon design It will resemble a luxurious palace or respectable rest of the Turkish Sultan. Here we will even go around, not to mention the reason to find out the cost of services.

It is quite another thing if an ordinary building is found in front of the client, inside which the atmosphere of the bliss, peace, relaxation reigns. At the sight of such a place, I want to exclaim: "Here it is! Here I am not scary to change my appearance! Here I am ready to return again and again! " So what is he - the perfect massage salon?

What is important to consider when developing a massage room design?

Thinking massage interior design, It is important to take into account every trifle, starting from the type and color of the walls and ending with the appearance of the couch. The ceiling color can be any - from the classic white to a light blue, reminiscent of a clear sky.

Beauty Salon Design "Beauty Room", Moscow

As for the flooring, it can be soft or solid in the form of a fluffy carpet or solid laminate. The owner of the room can schedule unusual architectural delights, where the non-angle goes into the angle, but is implemented a soft transition from one wall to another. Sometimes the walls will be completely absent, and there will be a single space that conquers its ease, dimensionlessness, giving integrity and harmony with the surrounding world.

Real project massage Studio Design It can be created only that can be done to implement any style - classics, high-tech, modern. It is pre-drawing a sketch of the room to reveal that the fairy tale that you invented in your head spontaneously or for a long time. A professional is a designer to implement any fantasy into reality, and the sketch of the premises will allow you to feel everything on yourself. The owner will be able to understand whether the visitor will want to stay here or prefer to go on.

Down with the standards - they have long been riveted in the fly, now there are completely different requirements, as well as to. There are no longer found rows of ordinary massage couches, tissue shirm. Now their place is occupied by modern massage rooms with the atmosphere of calm, ballas, relaxation. Often, in addition to a convenient massage table, a stylish massage chair occupies the main place, and the wizard works in a separate office, completely isolated from foreign sounds. Any noise is able to interrupt the complete relaxation of the client, and therefore the latter will not be able to fully feel a full result. There are similar models of chairs in which additional functions with wellness are combined - for example, the music, imitating bird singing or the murmur of the stream.

If you have ever been on a massage or spa, remember which associations you call:
- Pleasant atmosphere, burning candles, calm music, lavender aroma, filling the office, rustling fresh sheets ....
- White naked walls, cold, silence, creaking massage table, lying in the corner of dirty sheets ...?
Most people have the first option will cause pleasant emotions and the desire to go to the massage, and the second will remind the reception in the local clinic. And now let's think, in what conditions do you take your customers?
You say: "The situation is not important, the main thing is the Golden Hands of Masseur, Experience and Professionalism!". Yes, of course, this is not the most important thing, but still - this is one of the main factors forcing customers to return to you next time.

Therefore, in this article we will discuss the creation of an ideal massage room.

Where to begin?

First of all, always remember that your cabinet is one of the most valuable marketing tools. Therefore, this space should be as unique as you. Design, layout, the overall impression of your cabinet is crucial to attract and hold your customers. In addition, you will spend many hours in this room, so do not hurry and do everything with the mind.

Develop a plan

When creating your new massage cabinet, do not run directly to the store with a credit card, wait! When setting the goal or creating a new project, usually, the action plan is primarily developed. Therefore, first you need to understand what you are dealing with. Not only a beautiful decor, but also lighting, temperature (at different times, it can be different), humidity, noise level, etc., is important for a massage office. Make measurements of doors, walls, windows.
Pay attention to the placement of electrical outlets. Write down any obvious shortcomings so that you can compensate them with the choice of design. For example, will customer have a place to hang clothes or keep personal belongings? If not, you will need to buy a wall, hooks or shelves. Or take outdoor coating. After all, not all kinds are suitable for a massage office.
Linoleum or tiled floors are much easier to keep clean than a carpet, but they can be cold in winter. Here will help a small rug.

Prepare the soil

Think about what impression do you want to produce? At the time when the client comes into your office, he must feel the energy of the objects around you and feel a relaxing atmosphere. When choosing design elements, ask yourself what exactly you want your customers to feel: calm, relaxation, or on the contrary, energy charges?
Look for photos of beautiful massage rooms and spa, ask your friends, what a setting sets them on relaxation, positive charge, etc., make notes. On the other hand, think about your favorite design elements and how do they make you feel?
We need to use 5 senses of man: vision, smell, sound, taste and touch. For example, concealed light, flickering of LED candles, a beautiful picture on the wall, the natural decor elements, such as a tree, plants, or a stone can calm the eyes and mind. With every visit, these simple strokes will become part of the memories of your customers about exceptional service and a stunning massage.


Going beyond the first need, make the focus on what you need to your customers. Distribute your budget for things that are important to them. For example, why spend a whole bunch of money on expensive wallpaper / paint for walls, if customers still lie most of the time with their eyes closed.
Customers are likely to remember and appreciate those items that are chosen for their comfort and care. For example:
Mirror: Customers usually want to make hair and clothing immediately after massage. They will certainly appreciate the makeup mirror or a mirror in full growth. In addition, the correctly located mirror can visually enlarge the room, and will even allow you to check the body mechanics during operation.

Remember that a beautiful, practical, and most importantly attractive for your customers, a massage room is not only attraction and customer holding, but also your face, as well as professionalism.

To be continued...

Unfortunately, most of the modern massage rooms are very small rooms where it is hardly possible to arrange work equipment. But when making a cabinet, it is important not to forget about its interior.

What to choose in this case: beauty or convenience?

You can find a compromise if you correctly organize your workspace - let it, it is a few square meters with an area!

So, considering the massage room in any case, it is necessary as a business that can bring a stable monthly income. That is why it is first to take care of the functionality of all used objects, their usefulness and convenience when working with visitors. Avoid unnecessary items - whether items equipment for Massage Cabinet Or small decorative trinkets. Remember that everything should be moderately, especially when it comes to a miniature office!

Massage Cabinet design

Thus, in the list of mandatory acquisitions for a massage room there must be a massage table or a couch, a cart for massage agents, cabinet furniture for storing textile supplies and consumables, screen, chair, chair or bench. The remaining objects can be purchased later.

The main item in the list is the table (couch). It is clear that without it, massage services will not work, therefore it is not worth saving on the purchase. In any case, if you are limited in finance, you should give your preference to the average price, but high quality and functional product. The table or the couch must be made of durable materials regardless of the design type (solid or folding). Special attention deserves the materials of the upholstery and frame. If the subject is regulated automatically, then be prepared to pay the seller a certain percentage of prices for a reliable lift.

Equipment for Massage Cabinet

Trolley, rack or wardrobe - all these corpped items can be used to store workers: oils, creams, tonic, flavors, and storage towels, bathrobes, socks, gloves, blankets (for thermal massage). In addition, the listed furniture items can be used as showcases for goods issued for sale, if, for example, you have no money to buy a specialized shop window or simply nowhere to put it.

Shirma, chair, chair or bench - All these items are needed so that the visitor can change clothes without discomfort and prying eyes to clothing suitable for massage procedures: a terry bathrobe or a light cotton costume. Next to the screen can also be put in a small wardrobe or an end, where the client will lay down his belongings in which it came.

Now Ob. interior Massage Cabinet : In most cases, the premises are drawn up according to the overall stylist of the cabin or the spa, if the office is included in the complex or repel from those services on which the Master: Thai (Thai), sports, healing massage, relax equipment, etc.

Interior of massage cabinet

For example, the room under the massage office for the Eastern massage technician is often drawn up with the help of gentle natural shades: the color of the sea wave, herbs, colors. Traditionally, the aromasters, relaxing oriental music, on the shelves and decoration walls can be positioned by figurines and patterns of Eastern topics - all this will help the client relax, and therefore the master will be much more convenient and easier to carry out procedures.

Massage Cabinet design If this room of medical medical massage may not be issued in the sense that many are inserted into the phrase "interior design". Painted walls, perfectly smooth surfaces easily subjected to cleaning, "hospital" white, light green and blue tones - common things in such rooms. Maybe it's not so beautiful as in the eastern rooms - it should look like that massage Cabinet for Sanpina According to regulatory authorities.

Massage Cabinet for Sanpina

The main thing - in the design issue, proceed from what target clientele would you like to attract in your office. And if you are interested in the question of equipping, then contact the managers of our store - they will select all the necessary equipment for you.

Currently, massage salons and cabinets provide a wide range of services: various types of massage (from therapeutic to cosmetic), the use of aromatherapy, various wraps and so on. The development and diversity of massage procedures depends on the development and quality of business. And first of all, its effectiveness is influenced by the design of a massage cabinet. What could be the design and what to pay attention is in our article.

The main point that needs to be taken into account when designing, the items used should be functional, and each trifle must be thought out. The design of the massage cabinet should have customers to thoughts about rest and relaxing in a massage room.

However, you should not fall in extremes. For example, if the massage room will be located in an uncomfortable place, and inside it will be closely and unsuitable, it is unlikely that the client will want to return there again. There may be an inverse situation - if the design of the massage office will look too expensive, the client, representing the price tag that corresponds to the interior will not try to learn the real cost of services.

Massage Cabinet Square Requirements

The underlying condition for the size of the room of the massage is, it should not be closely, and all the necessary equipment and furniture should be placed most optimally. The size of the massage cabinet or the cabin depends on how many massage tables are planned to be placed there. It should be borne in mind that within the framework of design, massage tables must be zoning apart from each other.

If the Cabinet is designed to simultaneously work several massages, then each should be 8-10 square meters. The size of the workplace is calculated on the basis of the official requirements in which the minimum size of the area of \u200b\u200bthe workplace is 8 square meters. Provided that each massage therapist will have its own separate office, the working area increases to 12 square meters.

In addition, the specified area does not include a number of necessary additional premises:

  • dressing room. If the massage study is small, then the screening room will be enough to use the screen. If the area allows you to organize a full-fledged dressing room.
  • bathroom. It should be equipped with both the toilet and shower, because massage procedures are produced on a clean body.


You can also equip a special recreation room, where customers are waiting for their turns can watch TV or Polystai magazines. Massage offices that do not have a large area of \u200b\u200bpremises can limit the small selected area of \u200b\u200brecreation.

Temperature and ventilation


In a massage room, heating and air conditioning systems must be installed, since the room temperature cannot fall below 22 degrees. It is necessary to install and heating and the cooling system. In the massage room there may be central heating or the placement of special boilers - gas or electric to which the system of pipes and radiators is connected.

In summer, at high temperatures and in winter, the split system helps with low. It works on cooling, and on heating, while it is easy to enter into any interior of a massage room. It is also convenient for it because it is possible to combine the air conditioner itself with a supply ventilation due to the air duct. It will provide fresh air.

Watch the walls of the walls from moisture-resistant materials, since they will have to regularly process with aggressive cleaning agents. Vinyl wallpaper with a protective film or ceramic tiles are suitable. For the floor, choose a tile, linoleum or polymer bulk coating.

Another mandatory conditions for the interior design of the massage cabinet is its equipment with a high-quality ventilation system. To date, a wide range of air conditioners allows you to select such a device that can not only cool or heat the air, but also combine it with a supply ventilation.

Lighting in the interior of a massage office

The right choice of light is an important element of the design of a massage office.

Daylight. Strictly needed for a massage. In this case, the windows can not be maintained to achieve an intimate atmosphere. Use fine tulle or blinds.


Artificial lighting, it is also working. It is worth using over a massage table to create comfortable conditions with a massage. In order to create a pleasant atmosphere for customers and help them relax, you can use decorative scattered lighting. It should be soft and warm, for example, such as from a table lamp or night light.

In addition, the type of lighting may depend on the type of services provided. For example, to achieve full relaxation with east massage, it is better to use muffled twilight.

Furniture and equipment in the interior of a massage cabinet

In the interior of a massage cabinet instead of a massage table, a high and rigid bed can be used. However, its use negatively affects the quality of the massage. In addition, the massage therapist itself is quickly tired with a non-professional bed. It is worth paying attention to the ability to adjust the height. And the presence of a folding mechanism is useful for small sizes of a massage room.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the dimensions of the massage table so that customers with a different body complex felt comfortable during massage procedures. The optimal will be the width of 65-70 cm and the length of 185-190 cm.


As massage tables and couches play a leading role in the interior of a massage office, they should not save on them. The material from which they are manufactured must be durable. Wooden couches will fit in the interior of the massage cabinet - it is most environmentally friendly and perceived as natural material. Aluminum tables are suitable for wet rooms.

Also in the massage room should be:

  • closed shelves or cabinets for storing massage accessories (bathrobes, towels, oil, etc.)
  • chair - two, three
  • rack for oils and medicinal preparations.

How to make a color combination in a massage room

How to make a massage room? The use of a large amount of cold shades can cause voltage from visitors. These include:

  • blue
  • blue
  • purple.

So that this does not happen, the cold range of colors is better to use limited. For example, slightly diluting the main warm gamut.

As a rule, one shade is taken for registration, with which further use a few more, based on their combination. You can use white or gray colors. For a massage office, we do not recommend:

  • bright red
  • dark blue
  • the black.

The combination of color scheme with the interior is to consider and when choosing massage equipment. For example, if the interior of a massage cabinet is designed in beige, then a suitable color for massage tables will be brown.


Top 12 colors for interior design Massage Cabinet:

  1. gold
  2. copper
  3. carrot
  4. wine
  5. walnut
  6. chocolate
  7. crimson
  8. pomegranate
  9. mustard
  10. mandarine
  11. terracotta.

If the selected interior style allows, the perfect material for furniture will be a tree, since the tree is perceived by natural material and seems warm.

Decor and accessories


The use of accessories in the interior of the massage cabinet will also help customers tune in to rest and relaxation. So, when decorating the walls it is worth using neutral landscapes and floral compositions. To decorate horizontal surfaces, you can use:

  • candles and aromalamps, but in this case you need to carefully approach the choice of fragrances so that they are not annoying
  • flowers - Live and artificial
  • bundles and bouquets of fragile herbs
  • sculptures and figures
  • bowls.

To decorate windows in the interior of a massage office, use curtains. The fabric is suitable for two colors in the floor on the chapers and with flax inserts. Work with stripes on the curtains:

  • horizontal visually expand walls and windows
  • vertical "pull" walls up, raising the ceiling.

Massage Cabinet Style Choice

As an example, consider several styles that are used when making massage rooms.

Japanese minimalism. This style is the concentration of practicality and convenience. As a rule, it is used in cases where the size of the room is very small. The room is separated in bright colors: ceramic tiles, paint or plaster. It is possible to focus on one of the walls, decorating it, for example, with the help of mosaic in oriental style. Ideal accessories in this case will be small lamps and indoor plants.

East style. Since massage procedures came from the east, the eastern style at the interiors of massage rooms is used quite often. It uses complex compositions of patterns, wood furniture, vases or a bowl of rounded shapes. If the size of the room is allowed, the interior of the massage cabinet also use structures that imitate arches (as in Arabic or Indian style), or tissue to drape ceiling (as in Thai style).

Loft style. One of the modern styles in the interior. Regarding a democratic price - for example, a linoleum with a pattern that imitating wood can be used as an outdoor coating. Furniture should be made of wood, but the main requirement is its practicality. On the walls - imitation of brick masonry in bright colors.

Classic style. This style of massage cabinet requires the use of expensive materials for interior design, so not everyone is suitable. Mostly used in large and expensive massage salons. The main color is brown and its shades. To finish the floor and walls, as a rule, a ceramic tile or marble is used that mimic the tree. Furniture is performed from wood, in its design use threads and expensive fabric for upholstery.

When developing a massage room design, it is necessary to take into account that a relaxing atmosphere is important for the client, which will help relieve stress and tune in to receive massage procedures. Since the interior of the cabinet can both attract customers and scare them, it is important not to fall in extremes when it is designing and not overloading the room with various details.

Massage can be called not just any actions and sessions, the main purpose of which is the improvement of the human body, but the vital philosophy of individuals and entire peoples. If you think about it, the massage appeared a long time ago and at each mainland, in each country it has a lot of varieties, is in constant demand. There are countries, a traditional massage in which is considered the same "business card", such as the Eiffel Tower in Paris or the Colosseum in Rome. Bright examples of such countries are Thailand and Japan. In general, it is Eastern countries, as well as their philosophy, carefully transmit traditional massage techniques from generation to generation.

All probably know that massage can be divided into a lot of subspecies, but the main directions are still considered to be relaxing techniques (relax massages), aimed at normalizing the work of the nervous system and strengthen the forces of the body itself (immunostimulation), as well as classical medical facilities . In the latter case, it is "hospital" types of massage, the main goal of which is the recovery of the patient's body.

Massage Cabinet in Rostov

In fairness it should be noted that the most "commercial" is still the first type of massage - relax equipment, although the medical sessions are also necessary to visit medical sessions to the appointment of the attending physician. The fact is that the modern rhythm of life of almost every person "knocks out of the gauge": makes nervous, it is wrong to eat, live as part of a complex schedule. As a result, a lot of diseases are developing, which if they do not get rid of them from them to become chronic. Such trouble can be attributed to drowsiness or opposite - insomnia, not undergoing headache, psyche disorder, scattered, the inability to concentrate and make the right solutions in short periods of time.

Going to a relaxing massage after a hard working day or a week - sometimes the most effective way to put yourself in order. With that, there are techniques that charge the energy, which is useful, for example, before carrying out important negotiations, and those that, on the contrary, relax, make it possible to sleep perfectly. Anyone can go to the massage salon today, although many sessions are recommended only with the permission of the doctor.

Massage Cabinet Design: Photo

It is clear that for a pleasant pastime, every visitor to the massage salon or a separate office I want to see aesthetically decorated room. Especially the issue of registration is acute today, when the sophisticated client is difficult to surprise.

Let's grow out what better to choose massage Cabinet design.

Photo Numerous already completed projects on the Internet may like or not - from here and should be proceeding during the design. So very often the owners of the salons order projects from those designers whose works seemed to them the most interesting. Although of course you can always come to the interior studio and view the portfolio or order something completely new for yourself.

Regardless of where it is located or in the future your office will be located ( massage Cabinet in Rostov Or Moscow, Yekaterinburg or St. Petersburg), should be repeated in the process of its design on what services a master specializes.

If this is an eastern salon, then you need to "beat" design in Japanese or Chinese style, and perhaps in the style of the amicurbation islands with their bright colors and lush vegetation.

Sanitary Requirements for Massage Cabinets

If you intend to offer our visitors a classic European massage, then stop the classic English or French interiors, modern constructivism. To mix directions, the Art Deco (Art Deco) style is perfect.

In the process of creating a project, as well as on the stages of its implementation, one should not forget about the convenience of the work and functionality of each object of the situation, because massage rooms rarely have a spacious area - in most cases these are small "chamber" spaces. Take care of the availability of sufficient seats for storing fabric accessories, massage products and consumables.

Despite the fact that the appearance of the cabin or individual cabinet is very important, do not forget about the rules of this kind of activity. Nobody canceled strict sanitary Requirements for Massage Cabinets : processing Massage Cabinet , its disinfection, careful ventilation, etc.