Presentation on the topic "Russian language in the family of Slavic languages." Russian language in the family of Slavic languages

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Our native language belongs to the Slavic group of languages \u200b\u200bof the Indo-European family. Our group begins our journey through the world language map.
Slavic languages \u200b\u200bcan be considered the youngest language group among Indo-European languages. Their overall ancestor, which linguists call Praslavyansky, began to lose its unity very late, only in the middle of the first 11th Millennium. e. Before the ancestors of Slavs were one people, enjoyed very close dialects and lived somewhere in Central or Eastern Europe.
In the modern world there are from 10 to 13 living Slavic languages, depending on which status is attributed to several of them: an independent language or dialect. Thus, the official Bulgarian Macedonian does not recognize independently, considering it as a dialect of Bulgarian.
Among Slavic languages \u200b\u200bthere are dead on which no one speaks. That was the first literary language of Slavs. Russians call him Staroslavyansky, and Bulgarians - Stroobrolgar. It is based on South Slavic dialects of the Old Macedonia. It was on this language in the 9th century that the sacred texts were translated by Greek monks - brothers Kirill and Methodius, created the Slavic alphabet. Their mission to create a literary language for all Slavs became possible due to the fact that in those days the Slavic speech was still relatively uniform. Staroslavansky did not exist in the form of a living folk speech, he always remained the tongue of church, culture and writing.
However, this is not the only dead Slavic language. In the West Slavic zone, in the north of modern Germany, numerous and powerful Slavic tribes have once lived. Subsequently, they were almost completely absorbed by the German ethnic. Their direct relatives are probably the current Luzhican and Kashuba. The disappeared tribes did not know writing. Only one of the dialects came to us in small dictionaries and texts of texts made at the end of the XVII - early XVIII century. This is valuable, although a rather poor source of knowledge about the Slavic languages \u200b\u200bof the past.
Among the Slavic languages \u200b\u200bare Russian closest to the Belarusian and Ukrainian. Threesomes they form the East Slavonic subgroup. The Russian language refers to the largest languages \u200b\u200bof the world: by the number of speakers, he ranks fifth, yielding only Chinese, English, Hindustani and Spanish. Ukrainian in this hierarchy are included in the first "twenty", also belongs to very large languages.
In addition to the East Slavic subgroup, Western Slavic and South Slavic are traditionally allocated. However, if Eastern Slavic languages \u200b\u200bgo back to the ancestor to them, the Old Russian (Right-Russian) language, it cannot be said about two other groups. Although the languages \u200b\u200bof each of these subgroups have a number of features themselves, the subgroups themselves, some linguists tend to consider not as genetic, but above all as geographical unity. When West Slavic and South Slavic subgroups were formed, along with the processes of divergence of languages, the processes of their rapprochement played a major role.

Russian is a member of the group of Slavic languages \u200b\u200band in the subgroup of East Slavic. He is the most common language Slavic language: knowing Russian, people can easily understand the languages \u200b\u200bof other branches of the Slavic Group. Also, the Russian language has many dialects and a complex grammatical system, which is why it is difficult to learn. The lexical system of the Russian language compared with the entire Slavic group is rich and diverse: in Russian, more than eighty percent of the original Russian words, however, there are borrowing from other languages. Also in the syntax of the Russian language there is a free order of words, intonation plays a big role. The basis of the writing of the Russian language, as well as the whole East Slavic branch, is Cyrillic. At first, the literary language was neuropric and dim, but the creativity of A. S. Pushkin had a great influence on him.

Formation of the Russian National Language.

The Russian language has passed a long path of historical development. There are three periods of development of the Russian language:

Early period (VI-VII - XIV century).

The average period (XIV-XV - XVII century).

Late period (XVII-XVIII - End XX - early XXI century).

The first period (early) begins after the selection of Eastern Slavs from the general Slavonic unity and formation of the Language of the Eastern Slavs (Old Russian language) - the predecessor of the Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian languages. This period is characterized by the presence in the language of the old blocks, church-Slavic vocabulary, the Turkic borrowing.

II period (medium)it begins with the collapse of the language of the Eastern Slavs and the allocation of the Russian language itself (the language of the Great Russian nation). To the second half of the XVII century there is a Russian nation and the design of the Russian National Language relying in the tradition of the dialect of Moscow.

III period - This is the period of development of the Russian national language, design and improving the Russian literary language.

In the XVIII century there is an update, enrichment of the Russian language due to Western European languages; The society begins to realize that the Russian national language is able to become the language of science, art, education. A special role in creating a literary language was played M.V. LomonosovWriting "Russian grammar"and developed the theory of three styles (high, middle, low).

In the XIX century Throughout the century, there are disputes that consider the basis of grammar of the Russian literary language, what role should the church-Slavic language in the development of his styles be played, how to treat a common language and spacious? In this dispute take part primarily N.M. Karamzin and his supporters-Westerners and Slavophiles led by A.S. Shishkov.

Decisive influence on the development of the norms of Russian literary language Predated creativity A.S. Pushkinwhich in relation to the language was guided by the principle proportionality and contouredness: Any word is permissible in poetry, if it is accurate, figuratively expresses the concept, transmits the meaning.

The concept of the national language. Forms of the national language and their characteristics.

National language - social and historical category, which means a language that is a means of communication of the nation and protruding in two forms: oral and written.

The National Language is the form of the existence of a language in the era of the existence of a nation, complex systemic unity, which includes literary language, dialects, jargon, hopes.

Dialects- varieties of a language that are a means of communication of the team, combined geographically (rural residents of different areas and areas). Territorial dialects exist only orally, serve for everyday domestic communication, have a set of phonetic, grammatical, lexical differences characteristic of each dialect.

Spacious- One of the forms of the National Russian language, which has no own signs of a systemic organization and is characterized by a set of language forms that violate the norms of the literary language.

Jargon- speech of social and professional groups of people, united communities of classes, interests, social status, etc. (managers, military, actors, musicians, athletes, students, etc.).

7) Stylistic features of the use of the forms of the National Language. (Did not find)

Topic: "Russian language in the family of Slavic languages."


  • introduce students to the Russian language course in grade 8;
  • form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe place of the Russian language among Slavic languages;
  • continue the formation of the ability to retell the linguistic text and create your own text according to a given scheme.

Type of lesson: lesson systematization and generalization of the studied.

Equipment: Support Schemes, Tables.


1. Org. moment.

2. The word of the teacher.

Acquaintance with the textbook, goals and objectives of the study of the Russian language in grade 8.

3. Actualization of reference knowledge.

Spelling work.

Record for dictation. Explain orfograms. What are the highlighted words?

Compose with any of the recorded words one simple and one complex offer, in proposals to emphasize the grammatical foundations.

Pester, revival, loud, infinity, shake, penetrate, lighting,

shaking, notify, meet, heartfelt, darkened, swing, vintage.

4. Mastering new knowledge. Work on the lesson.

* Working with UPR. 1: Reading linguistic text, drawing up questions to text.

The conclusion about the relationship of Slavic languages. Selection of your own examples proving this kinship.

  • UPR. No. 2- Analysis of the pattern and comment on a similar image of the family of Slavic languages \u200b\u200bin the form of a branched tree.
  • UPR. # 3. - orally.

5. Formation of knowledge, skills and skills

Free dictation.

All Slavic languages \u200b\u200bare close to each other. Russian is especially close to Ukrainian and Belarusian. Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian, speaking each in their own language, freely understand each other, despite some differences in words, sounds and grammatical forms.

But even listening to the speech attentively to representatives of other Slavic peoples, we also understand it, we will find out a lot of familiar words, and sometimes we comprehend the meaning of entire proposals. There are many words that are used in the same meaning in all Slavic languages. Many words in various Slavic languages \u200b\u200bcoincide. These words representing the most ancient part of the Slavic vocabulary. These words are still vital and most often used. They designate related relationships. Parts of the body, names of parts of the day.

6. Homework.

Paragraph number 1., Ex. 4 (1 part-in writing, 2 parts to make their own speech statement on a given topic)

Additional task.

1. Write phrases for dictation. Explain the spells available in words, designate morph, in which they are. Compose with any of the recorded phrases one simple and one complex proposal, in the sentences to emphasize the grammatical foundations.

Lilac fog, a strong earthquake, apologized for late, flat terrain, a gloomy day, ice wind, faded in the rain, amazing flowers, festive salute, tanned faces, overcome the impassable swamp, enlightens the population, make their way through the jungle, admire the gar, beg for help.

Related are languages \u200b\u200bthat historically go beyond to one language - the ancestor is a defense. All Slavic languages \u200b\u200b(Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Czech, Bulgarian, Polish, etc.) rise to an ancient primary, which is conventionally called Praslavyan language.

Over time, the Slavic tribes settled in a huge territory and in connection with this began to be lost their connections with each other. The language of each of the ullant groups of tribes continued to develop isolated from others, acquiring new phonetic, lexical and grammatical features.

The oldest monuments of the writing of the centuries are common to all East Slavic languages. In ancient Russian language, monuments are written as the chronicle of the Tale of Bygone Years, the Ancient Court of Law "Russian True", "Word about the regiment of Igor"

In the history of the Russian language, three periods are distinguished: 1) centuries; 2) centuries; 3) explosive.

The general Slavonic words include: 1). Name of persons by kinship (mother, daughter, son, brother, etc.); 2). Name of classes and instruments of labor (reaper, leakage, shepherd, weave, sch); 3). Name of housing, clothes, homemade utensils (house, courtyard, window, candle); four). Name of food and products (porridge, kvass, pie, honey. Kissel); five). Name of plants, items and phenomena of nature (cooka, plow, sickle, birch, linden, pine, earth, field. Mountain, sky, winter, morning, sun).

East Slavic (ancient Russian) Words arose B11-14VV. This includes words common to Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian languages \u200b\u200bthat constitute once unity - ancient Russian language. There are a lot of such words (uncle, man, carpenter, squirrel, architect. Pantry, basket, rocker, bag, tablecloth, samovar, boat, flower, lace).

Actually, Russian words appeared C14B. (after dividing the East Slavic language into Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian). These include all the words, with the exception of borrowing (grandparents, grandfather, woman, man, boy, baby boy, calf, cuckoo, swallow, chamomile, dandelion, fairy tale, blizzard, etc.).

How to distinguish old-bands from the original Russian words? First, the starmels denote abstract concepts (generosity, virtue, benefit, attention, etc.); Scientific concepts (universe, saying, pronoun, rule I.T.D.); Church-religious concepts (Sunday, Sacrifice, vice, Temple, Priest I.T.D.).

Secondly, from the phonetic side is characterized by intolerable combinations: -R-, -A-, -re-,-in the place of the Russians -O-, -Oly, -er-, -ela- (hay, sound, chapter, Breg); combinations: -R-, - at the beginning of the word on the site of the Russians, Lo- (work, rook); A combination of railway, corresponding to Russian w: walking (I go), clothes (Odja), alien (alien). I agree on the place of Russian power (can), burning (hot), lighting (candle). Initial a, e instead I, O: AZ (I), Lamb (lamen), one (one), Ezero (Lake).

In Russian, there are a lot of word-forming elements of Old Slavonic origin: consoles: it is possible to prefer, prefer, excessive); Souffixes of nouns: -News-, -, OTHER, - ZNN, -IP, -SH (E), -The, -Sh (s), -yn (I) (Unity, primacy, life, keeper , feeding, pride). Sufifixes of adjectives and communities: -Yesh-, - Esh- ,-, -, -The, -th, -th, -, -Enn- (kind, persistent, led, coming, blessed). The first part of the complex words: the beneficiation of God, evil, sir-, great and others. (Thank, God-fearing, soul, sin, generous, etc.).

Staroslavansky language has a beneficial effect on the development of the Russian language: he enriched him with words having an abstract meaning, replenished scientific terminology, increased the number of consoles and suffixes, enriched the syntax of the Russian language, its stylistic agents.

Training exercises. To these starms, pick up the relevant Russian words. Prahi - Chapter - Element - Neighborhood - Alien - Country - Short - Gate - Powder Head Norov Deer Nevezhi Someone Side Short Gate All the relevant Russian words coincide with Old Slavonic ones?

Essay - reasoning. Russian language in the family of Slavic languages. (Thoughts about the history of the Russian language). When writing, use the phrases: Praslavyansky, the spread of writing, East Slavic (Old Russian), the general Slavonic words, the most ancient monuments of writing, talk of Moscow at the heart of the national literary language, actually Russian words, the use of old-places. To give a speech of special expressiveness, use styles. Literature. 1.Russian. 8th grade. Ed. MM Razumovskaya. Publishing house "Drop" 2008 2. A.I. Vlasenkov. Russian language. Grammar. Text. Speech styles. Moscow "Enlightenment" 2006 3. M.T. Baranov et al. Russian. Reference materials. Moscow "Enlightenment" 2002