Fixture for sharpening knives with their own hands - instruction! HandClinks with your own hands: The simplest devices and the creation of homemade machines of homemade devices for sharpening knives.

Often for sharpening knives at home use conventional abrasive bars. But for their application it is necessary to have a special practice, since with an improper coal for sharpening the result will be deplorable. The blade will not have proper acute, which will require additional processing.

Sharpening rules knife

Scheme of the location of the bar relative to the blade

Before proceeding with the manufacture of a self-made knife sharpening device, it is necessary to get acquainted with the recommendations of specialists. At the first stage, it is necessary to determine the angle between the work part of the blade and Bru. This can be done individually for each model.

The knife should be located strictly perpendicular to the direction of the bar. The angle can be equal to half the sharpening. This is due to the fact that during the processing on the surface of the blade, grooves are formed. They appear due to the effects of abrasive components. With minimal grain tools, they will be insignificant. But at the same time there will also be a slight degree of impact on the knife.

In addition to this factor, when sharpening a knife, you should consider with your own hands:

  • the average sharpening angle is 20-25 degrees;
  • processing is performed from the beginning of the blade;
  • to control the angle of sharpening, you can paint a part of the blade with a marker. Thus, you can control the actual area of \u200b\u200bexposure.

It should be remembered that the deformation along the entire length of the working blade will be inhomogeneous. Therefore, when performing sharpening with your own hands, the "point of the report" should be the most dull part of the knife.

The formed grooves due to the effects of the bar must be strictly perpendicular to the knife line. This is the main condition for proper sharpening.

Selection of bars for sharpening knives

Bars for sharpening knives

The main component of the improvised machine for sharpening will be a bar. This abrasive material, which, when exposed to the blade, thinned it, increasing the severity. Therefore, before choosing a design, the bars should properly choose.

The main indicator of the bar is a grain, but the size should also be taken into account. Ideally, the tool length should be no less than the length of the knife. This will ensure uniform processing, reduce the likelihood of defects.

For sharpening knives, the following types of bars will be required:

  • high grain. With their help, primary processing occurs, the blade shape is corrected;
  • medium grain. They are designed to remove grooves formed during the first operation;
  • paddle or leather belt, grated by paste gom. This stage is called polishing or final blades.

The main task of drawing up the design scheme is the correct location of the bars. Therefore, we consider several options for their fixation relative to the knife blade.

For sharpening of ordinary kitchen knives, there will be enough two types of bars - with high and medium grain. Additionally, they will need rack.

Simple machine version

Simple knife sharpening machine

The easiest design design of the machine is two pairs of wooden plates interconnected using adjustable screws. Between these components the bar is attached.

The main condition in the manufacture of this design is stability. During work, it should not change their location on the desktop. For better fixation of the bar, it is recommended to provide reference planks located between the wooden components.

Despite the simplicity of manufacture with your own hands, this machine has a number of shortcomings:

  • the blade is manually exhibited relative to the stone. With long work, it is not always possible to control the sharpening angle;
  • extra fixation node will be required. Since the design should be stable - it explores it hard to fix on the desktop;
  • in the process of working, the screed can relax, thereby change the location of the bar.

The main advantage of this scheme is simplicity of manufacture. The design is suitable for sharpening kitchen knives at home. As additional components will be checked.

Wooden ridge thickness can be different. In fact, any healthy materials can be used for self-making such a design.

Manual machine for sharpening with adjustment bar

Sharpening machine with the possibility of adjusting the position of the bar

To achieve a better result, it is recommended to take the drawings of the factory tool models. Their difference from the above instruction is the rigid fixation of the knife, but it will take great efforts to manufacture.

The design consists of a reference table on which the knife blade is mounted. A spiral rack is installed in the vertical position. It is attached to her plank with a slot. The grinding stone is mounted on the rod guide. The sharpening angle varies by shifting the bar with a slot along the screw rack.

Features of the operation of the machine of this type:

  • the sharpening angle is exhibited with high accuracy. Its change depends on the steps of the rack thread;
  • instead of bar, you can use sandpaper. For this, the basis is made of the plexiglas. Along it is a hole for installation on the guide rod. The sandpaper is glued to the surface of the plexiglass;
  • the reference base is best done broad. This will give the opportunity to consolidate it with clamps on any countertop.

The main problem of operation of this design consists in long adjustment of the sharpening angle. This may affect the speed of operation if several types of knives are processed. Under each of them, you need a long setting of the machine.

To increase the quality, water or oil can be used. They are applied to the abrasive surface, thereby reducing the effect of the breakaway particles of the bar on the blade.

Sharpening machine with knife adjustment

Alternative version of the machine for sharpening knives

An alternative embodiment of the machine is the change in the position of the knife relative to the stone. In general, the design is largely similar to the above described, but much easier for manufacture.

Based on the movable fastening unit for the pin with a stone. Two clamps are mounted on the same plane. One of them will be stubborn, and the second is adjustable. Changing the distances between the locksters, you can adjust the sharpening angle.

The main disadvantage of this design is Brawn wear in one place. To solve this problem, it is recommended to make a long pin to regulate the edge position relative to the blade.

In addition to the above schemes, there are plenty machines that can be made with your own hands. When choosing the optimal model, it should be processed from the actual presence of girlfriend. It is also recommended to conduct the analysis of factory machines. Often it is the basis for the manufacture of a unique design.

To familiarize yourself with the features of the manufacture, it is recommended to view the themed video in which the machine for sharpening knives is described in detail:

Sharpener for knives with your own hands drawings. Sharpener for knives Lansky drawing. How to make a sharpener for Lansky knives. It took a sharpener for sharpening knives. Basically out of curiosity, what is this beast and what is it. I can be hiding any knife with my hands, but the convenience, and the need for some kind of device in the farm should be found out. Searching on the Internet, found some suitable structures. The simplest and most famous of all turned out to sharpener for the knives of the company LANSKY. Anyone can make a knife on such an adaptation without special knowledge and skills. It is enough to understand the principle, and it is elementary and any knife will be sharp as a razor.

As it turned out, the lansky sharpener is quite expensive. 1400 rubles a minimum for a basic set of clamping, three stone and jars with butter. The photo is presented below.

Cursed greed: For the sharpener ask a bunch of money, and there are three pieces bent on the knees, two screws, and several pebbles. Bargi are real.  Additional sharpening stones can be purchased separately, but not until them.

The sharpener seems to be needed, but I don't want to pay money for it completely. Therefore, it must be done by himself. Carefully examined the design of the Sharpener of Lanski, it came to the conclusion that such a piece of iron makes no problems from the girlfriend.

The principle of the sharpening sharpening is very simple and visible in the picture. The progressive movements of the sharpening stone form a smooth cutting edge on the blade of the knife attached in the sponges of the special clamp. Consistently changing sharpening pebbles with a rough grain to thin and very thin, bring the knife to razor sharpness. Stone movement

Rearming the guide of a grinding pebble in the holes in the terminals, you can get a few strict sharpening angles on the cutting edge. But since the cutting edge of the knife can be fixed in different removal from the clamp sponges, sharpening angles float. And are essentially close to necessary. This in turn affects the cut of the knife, but negligiously that the user does not notice the difference, so the eyes can be closed for floating angle.

Step up on the bins of the Internet, found the drawings of the clamping sponges. Lugged into a more convenient for reading the form and translated all the dimensions of millimeters, since the lanki sharpener is done in the US, and there, as you know, use an inch, and not a metric system. Everything is quite simple.

Detailedly fueled its own clamping design for a grinding stone on a computer. And made detailing details. This design has several advantages. The grinding stones can be of different lengths, pebbles can work alternately with four parties, and not one as branded stones Lanski, which affects the time of sharpening. The onset side of the table can be quickly changed to clean, and Lanski stones will have to cleaned.

Threaded with a carving M6 bought in the store, it costs this pleasure of 20 rubles per meter rod, saws a 160 mm straight with a straw with a straw with a strain and handled the ends with a file, removing the burrs.

The guide made from the electrode for manual electric welding, asked in the welding workshop, gave a few pieces without problems. Also, the electrodes can be bought on the construction market, they are sold individually, there are a kopecks, rubles for 3-5 per piece are given. The electrode brand is not important, the main direct, elastic, smooth and thin cylinder. Has uphound flux hammer and slightly cleaned with sandpaper, removing the burrs and the remains of the flux. Bent the letter G with the help of the passage and saws off his handwheel over the metal, according to the drawing.

Taking advantage of the official position, ran into the mechanical workshop, rummaged in a drawer with cutting metal, the benefit of the trimming, found suitable bodies, from some kind of raw carbon steel, type 3 saws to the size of the metal, processed burrs, and Stop the centers of the holes. Using the drilling machine, screw the holes in the clips and cut after the thread with the manual toll, not forgetting to add a drip of the machine oil into the hole to reduce friction. The steps on the clips sawled with a metal with a metal and fitted with a file, after which the surface of the clamps was polished on the sandpaper.

She washed the glands in soapy water, thereby got rid of the residues of oil and chips on the thread, dried and, gap over the flame of the gas stove, shouted in liquid engine oil. Used for this event "Fishing rod" made from an electrode for manual welding and a piece of steel wire found in the reserves of wires. As a "bait" were clips. Every detail was created separately. Clean the thread from oil residues with a long bolt and pretty washed finished parts in a soap solution.

Twisted together, according to the drawing, clips and a stud, without forgetting to drop the drip of the nail polish, (graded a bubble at his wife), in the connection of the left clamp and the hairpins. To spontaneously did not spin the stud, and eliminate the backlash. After drying, the varnish put the donel between the clips, gently dragged the nut and lined the guide pin along the bottom plane of the stone.

On the nearest construction site found a concentrated metal corner with a width of a shelf 90 mm and a thickness of 6 mm. However, such an iron can be bought in the construction market or found on the nearest construction site. If politely ask, write off the blanks in size for a small fee or "liquid" currency. Such a good also in bulk at the dumps of construction waste, at the points of collecting scrap metal, you can ask for a small amount of money, that is, finding suitable blanks is not a problem.

Lugged the original sizes of lanki sharpeners for a corner of 90x90x6 mm. Since there was already a tap on the M6, I replaced the thread in the original Lansky clamp on the M6 \u200b\u200bthread for my sharpener. Disconnection of the fastener size reduces the construction of construction. In addition, there were small reserves of M6 screws under the inner hexagon of a suitable size.

And read the entire design assembly and drawn in detail the 3D model of sharpeners on the computer. That's what happened

Drinking the grinding corner, processed the cuts with a file from burrs and cleaned the surface from paint with a metal brush and sandpaper. Aligned the plane from irregularities with a file and putting on a piece of chipboard sandpaper brought the perfect plane. I stated and twisted the holes in the horizontal shelves, according to the drawing. With the help of a grinder and a file dried off on sponges, so as not to interfere with the movement of the grinding stone. Gently stuck with the risks of sandpaper. Removed the radii in the corners. Long bolt and nut-lamb M10 found in fasteners.

In the vertical shelves stated and twisted holes. From the outside of the corner with the help of a large-diameter drill, a large chamfer was removed, and wrecked the holes to the elongated groove.

The sponges scrolled the holes and cut the thread M10 under the rack. The rack will serve a large bolt with a nut. For this bolt, the whole system will be attached to table vice. The tightened nut on the rack will protect the design from rotation and backlash.

I collected everything together, fixed the knife, everything, you can use.

After a few days of operation, minor adjustments to the terminal design. In the side planes, drilled a pair of holes and cut the thread M6. In these holes inserted spare screws. Knives are different thickness, and the guide sharpeners clings the screws. By choosing short screws from stocks, screwed them into place in the terminals. The stock pocket does not pull and always at hand.

On the occasion, got a lamb nut with M6 thread. Such a nut is more convenient and faster to tighten the grinder stiletto stiletto.

For a complete set I buy downtown of various grainies. They are not expensive, from 20 to 50 rubles apiece, sold on any construction market or collapse. Again, you can use Lanski branded stones.

It remains to find a suitable box for storing sharpeners. Gift tin and plastic boxes of sweets or cookies are suitable for this role, which are widely represented in confectionery stores. Finding appropriate is not difficult. Sleeping for the end of creating a sharpener, and the bank is in business. In order for the sharpener not beating about the wall in the bank, the stones did not spawn, it is useful on the walls and the bottom of gluing pieces of dense fabric or latitive foam rubber. Or cut into a piece of plywood grooves and pack all iron and pebbles in them.

I have a sharpener on the table, but I spent money, I minimally, mostly on donel. We can say that I only paid for the donkeys, yes for the hairpin the threaded M6.

Pay, our barygam sellers, I do not see any sense. Sharpener is made for several hours, half a day maximum, and only because the paint will dry for a long time.

In online stores, which is significantly cheaper than in ordinary stores, the lansky sharpener costs at least 1,400 rubles. And here is practically an entrance to the useful device.

Of course, the Sharpener of Lansky has a number of shortcomings, somehow a limited number of sharpening angles, which are slightly compensated by the position of cutting relative to the clamp, the high cost of the corporate product. These shortcomings are relatively simply eliminated at home in the presence of an elementary plumbing tool, smelling and a bit of free time.

During the production of the clamp, when the terminals were almost ready, I was presented to the real sharpener of Lansky. So, in a homemade adaptation, the need forged. Thanks konstp. Scary revenge, for this unconscious element, was in the form of a delicious dark beer.

In the process of production, the terminals came up with a simpler and functional design of the clamp for a knife, but about this in the next chapter "Notes".

The finishing of the surfaces of the terminals is far from perfection, as the tasks to bring marafes, was not. The product can be painted, the benefit of the paint in the cannter is.

Fixtures for sharpening knives with their own hands: types and drawings

Each hostess is sooner or late to fasten the knives with which it cuts bread, vegetables or seals meat. Use a stupid knife not only uncomfortable, but also unsafe. It can at any time break from the sliced \u200b\u200bproduct and cause injury. Therefore, periodically, the tool should be told by applying a special device for sharpening knives for this.

Such sharpening devices in a wide range are offered in stores. But for any other reasons, they do not always suit the consumer. In this case, the device for sharpening knives can be made with their own hands, after examining the types of stones for sharpening, the features of the tool and the proposed drawings.

Sharpening knives - Prerequisites

For efficient and long-term operation of a knife, the most important factor in its drainage is corner between the edges of the blade. In the process of sharpening, it is necessary to restore the previously specified angle, which will fully comply with the technological standards and quickly, freely and efficiently cut the material.

For each blade, its optimal angle is selected:

  • for a razor and scalpel, the sharpening angle must be 10-15 degrees;
  • knives for cutting bread, fruits and vegetables are sharpened at an angle of 15-20 degrees;
  • multifunctional knives for various products are processed at an angle of 20-25 degrees;
  • hunting and hike and tourist knives - at an angle of 25-30 degrees;
  • knives for cutting solid materials - at 30-40 degrees.

Without having a special device, the blade under the desired angle is difficult. Holding the knife with hands, it is quite difficult to provide necessary angle of inclination Cutting tool. To facilitate this process there are special devices that can be made it with their own hands. Their designs are quite simple, and on the very manufacturer will leave not so much time.

Knife sharpeners do it yourself

There are quite a lot of species for knives, among which you can choose the most appropriate needs.

All devices consist of two parts:

  • bar of abrasive material;
  • focus for fastening a knife.

As a bar, you can use ready-made special stones or make it with your own hands.

Stones for sharpening - types and manufacture

You can find several types of stones on sale:

Water instruments. When working with them, water is used, which saves the surface of the stone.

Oil Stone in structure and shape resembles aquatic, but its surface is the most oily.

Natural Tools are made of natural stones that are undergoing industrial processing.

Artificial Stones are made of non-human components.

Rubber Tools can also occur on sale, but it is not very convenient to work on them.

For independent manufacture of an abrasive bar, you can use small plates from the glass of rectangular shape and thickness of 4-5 millimeters. On the surface of the plates with the help of bilateral scotch, you need to paste the sandy paper from different grain. The cost of such bars will be very small, and the emery paper can be replaced at any time.

However, when using a glass bar follows neatly tighten nuts. Otherwise, glass can crack. In addition, water is not used when it is used, so the abrasive is rapidly flashes. For the same reason, when sharpening knives, quick movements should be avoided, which can lead to overheating of the material, and, it means, to the loss of the blade properties.

Fixture for sharpening of wooden bars

It is enough just to make a sharpening tool from two wooden and two abrasive bars, which must be the same size.

For greater stability of the grinding tool to its lower surface, it is recommended attach a piece of rubber .

Sharpener with your own hands from mounting corners

As a basis of such a device, a sharpener of Lansky is taken, the drawings of which can be easily found on the Internet.

  • metal plates measuring 4x11 centimeters;
  • standard aluminum corners;
  • metal rods about 15 centimeters long;
  • set of nuts and bolts;
  • grinding machine with vice or file;
  • fillet.

Instead of a grinding machine, you can use the file, as this tool is only necessary for the stratification from the corners of sharp corners and cleansing the metal cut places.

Sharpening Steps:

  1. According to the drawing for future holes in the plates, markup is made.
  2. The holes are drilled, and thread rolls into them.
  3. With the help of a file, all sharp corners and edges are closed. This will allow you to comfortably use the made fever.
  4. In the corner in accordance with the drawing, holes are made.
  5. The hole for the support of the knitting needles is expanded with the appropriate.
  6. In the holes for the studs cut a thread.
  7. The rods are inserted into the extreme holes and fixed with nuts of the corresponding diameter (M6).
  8. A M8 bolt is screwed into a wider opening, the length of which should be about 14 centimeters. Previously, the nut-lamb should be screwed at it, on top of which two ordinary nuts are screwed. The bolt in the design will be used as a reference rack.
  9. The bolts are attached to the remaining holes, with which the knife will be clamped.
  10. Nuts are screwed to the ends of the rods, the corner is rolled out, which is fixed with nuts. Owning or raising the rods, it will be possible to adjust the sharpening angle.
  11. From a thin metal rod in the form of the letter G, a rod with a thread M6, two holders and nut-lamb assembled a device that will keep a stone for sharpening. The extreme holder should be with a pass-through hole under the needle.

Such a device for sharpening knives has a sufficiently wide range of degrees of the clamp angle and most conveniently in operation.

Massive sharpener with stand

You can simulate a device for sharpening knives from Apex, whose drawings are easy to find on the Internet. Such an enemy is represented as a stand on which the site is installed at an angle, and the support is placed on the side of the rod nozzle. This is a very convenient device, with which you can very high quality accurate any cutting tools.

Required materials and tools:

Sharpening angle on such an adaptation adjustable with bar and lamb. Which records the item at the desired height.

Each of the devices described has its advantages and disadvantages. Choosing a speaker option, it is necessary to proceed from your needs and skills in such a work that will need to do with your own hands.

Fixture for sharpening knives - the necessary tool in the farm

The household always has cutting, sawing and planing tools. During the work, the sharpness is lost, and the blades have to restore. You can give knives to the workshop in the workshop, but money is spent on it, and takes up too much. Therefore, homemade masters prefer to sharpen the tool with their own hands.

Important! You can only drain the blades with a certain degree of hardening. If the cutting part has a hardness higher than 55 HRC, it is impossible to sharpen it with prize tools.

You can buy a fixture for sharpening knives or other home utensils in the store. Save time, but spend a considerable amount - good sharpening are expensive.

By the way, there are different opinions about how the knife sharpening device is called. Newspaper, dowdow, bar, sharpened, Musat ...

These definitions may indicate the same subject, or different products? About this, and how to make such a device yourself, we will tell in the article.

Since the emergence of cutting objects (weapons, knives, axes), a person was looking for a way to restore the sharpness of the edge. In the bronze and copper century it was simple.

A homemade sharpener for knives is made with their own hands. The knife cuts paper as a razor! Simple design is available for making at home.

Soft metals ruled by any stone. With the advent of steel blades, special breeds were used for sharpening, as a rule, volcanic origin.

Some of them are used today: American Arkansas and Japanese Water Stone. These are expensive devices, so most masters are used artificial emery.

The knife, and the cutting edge of the planer can be assigned a simple grinding stone. However, the quality will wish to desire the best.

Golden Rule Sharpening: Each blade has its own angle of the edge, and it should not change along the entire length.

This principle lies in the device of all grinding devices. Performing this rule, you can independently make such a device.

Fixture for sharpening knives with their own hands - drawings, varieties

In order for the blade edge evenly, several conditions are necessary:

  1. Fixation of the blade, at the same time reliable, and without excessive load. Metal should not be damaged in vice
  2. Installing a certain corner for bar. When moving along the edge of the knife, the angle should not change
  3. Ability to install different angles of sharpening. You can handle a different tool, and some types of knives have a stepped structure.

Linear sharpening device BRO

For the manufacture you will need:

  • Plywood or laminated chipboard
  • Steel hairpin with threads along the entire length, diameter 6-8 mm
  • Parus textolite or ebonite. Can be replaced with solid wood - beech, oak
  • Aluminum plate 3-5 mm thick
  • Fasteners - bolts, nuts (better bars)
  • Neodymium magnet from the old computer HDD.

From plywood we collect a bed, based on the legs at an angle of 15 ° -20 °. In that part, which is below, tighten the stud 30-40 cm. For strength, you can fasten the thread with glue or sealant.

In the middle of the working surface fix the aluminum plate. Previously, we do the groove, on the diameter of the fixing bolt. Why aluminum? In order not to damage the steel blade of the knife.

We make lever to secure the eatte. It is assembled from the remaining part of the hairpin. Of the two textolite bars, drip the holders of the bar. On the one hand, the emphasis is fixed with a nut.

From the handle side it is more convenient to make a spring-loaded block - for a quick shift of the emery.

We use homemade bars as the main element - we glue the sandpaper with a different grainy to the aluminum plate. Such adaptations are easily fixed in the lever.

A feature of the design is a hinge with two degrees of freedom. It is assembled from two identical bars of textolite. One windows on the vertical stud, and serves simultaneously with a horizontal swivel axis, and the height regulator of the lever support (the sharpening angle is installed).

The second bar, with a horizontal hole under the lever, is screwed to the first. This ensures free movement of the lever vertically.

The knife can be closed using a plate, or fasten on a neodymium magnet. When removing the first layer with a rough emery, the blade should be fixed tight.

For finishing, you can install a blade for a magnet and sharpening with a small force. Magnet horseshoe should be dried up with a tabletop, and glued with epoxy glue.

A homemade adaptation for sharpening knives is ready. I exhibit the desired angle of attack, and smooth movements along the blade exact edge.

The same principle is used in the device for sharpening knives on the electrical

Electric emery not only speeds up the work, but also allows you to get a high-quality concrete profile of the edge of the blade. This is the so-called share sharpening. It will not be possible to get such a form on a linear bar, so these two devices do not replace, but complement each other.

Important! If when working with a manual sharpening device, you fully control the intensity of the process, then the high speed of rotation of the emery circle you can spoil the knife.

From friction, the metal on the edge heats up, the quenching is "vacation". Steel loses hardness and steamed edges. Another problem is "released" the knife quickly loses sharpness. Therefore, it should be working carefully on the electricoid. Briefly bring the blade for a short time, and take breaks for cooling.

Sharpener for knives with your own hands - video with explanations and example of manufacture

In this mode, it is difficult to withstand a permanent angle, so the fixation of the knife is obligatory.

The design is pretty simple - a guide along which the carriage with a knife is moving along the axis of rotation. The angle is kept mechanically, and the force determines the operator.

The device is easy to make with your own hands - and it is not necessary to perform accurate work on the processing of metal parts. The guide is made literally from the foothold.

On the workbench, the guides are attached next to the sharpe, with which you can change the distance from the stop for the knife to the rotating circle. This distance determines the sharpening angle. A vertical rod must have a free move up-down with a solid fixation of the position.

The knife is carried out horizontally, pressing to the slope. The strength of contact with the emery is adjustable directly during sharpening. Processing occurs symmetrically, you just change the side of the knife and sharpen under the same angle.

This method is only suitable for processing classic knives. Kitchen, hunting, tourist. The cutting planes of other tools require a different approach.

Design for sharpening knives, say Fuganka:

Specialized emery is used, with an end working surface. The guide for the carriage is located below, away from the axis of rotation.

It is in this part of the disk that the work of Abraziv is most effective. The guide with the cutting element is moved manually, the clamp is provided with its own bodice of the knife.

Drawings of all design elements are presented in illustration.

This machine was used almost 100 years ago, and since then the technology has not changed. Easy performance allows you to repeat the device in the domestic workshop. Materials any - metal, plastic, wood.

Instead of the cutting elements of the Fugan, you can sharpen the ice axes for winter fishing. Only angle more flat. In the same way there is a device for scissors. The design (as well as the sandpaper) is significantly less in size.

For sharpening chisels and knives of Rubankov, you can also use an electric emery and a locking carriage. However, these tools are compact, and a mechanical device can cope with them.

There are two equivalent methods - along the edge, and across. The processing quality is approximately the same, so it is impossible to give the advantage to a specific adaptation.
The factory product involves the transverse editing of the blade.

By analogy, we make a carriage from thick plywood. We use any rollers as guides, preferably in the amount of more than two. Moving the machine on the emery, you can give the edges of the chisel perfect form.

If you do not need a serious sharpening, a simple device is suitable for a small editing. Secure the bar on the chisels with the required angle of inclination. Put the emery and a piece of glass. Apply a soap solution on the glass.

The effectiveness of the device will pleasantly surprise you.

And for transverse sharpening - you can make an equally simple device. The guide is simultaneously support. The blade is attached to the movable part. The only drawback is the angle fixed and is determined in the manufacture.

True, unlike the knife, the deviation from the ideal is not so critical.

This device is suitable for sharpening the knives Rubanka. Only because of the width of the blade, the process is quite laborious. Therefore, you can use the electrical emery with the end working surface.

The emphasis is performed from a wooden bar. It is necessary to ensure only the change in the angle. The clamp provides the operator, and the semicircular sharpening can be performed - carpenters will appreciate this option.

Of course, the same device is convenient to put the edge of the chisel. Given the high performance - you restore the tool even after serious jar.

Homemade knife sharpening fixture and a tool from a sharpening machine

When you again manually rub the knife about the old donel - remember this article, and create a homemade sharpening set for your home workshop.

Homemade knives sharpening machine with their own hands: scheme, instruction, manufacturer of manufacture

Each man in the house will be a comfortable machine for sharpening knives with their own hands. After all, often about the owner is judged by the fact that Oster is this kitchen tool.

There are many techniques when draining knives blades. For example, for the process carried out at home, only the roll bar will be sufficient or finished devices with an angular form of gap.

To give up expensive hunters knives, European manufacturers produce devices in the form of solid bars, the basis of which is high-strength alloy.

This article will describe the manufacture of the machine for sharpening knives with their own hands.

Why do knives stupid?

What is the reason that the knife is blinking when cutting? This can be explained by the fact that abrasive particles are reducing its negative effect on the cut edge, which are available in the material. For example, they are present on vegetables, paper. In simple language, the blade is subject to gradual erasure.

The following reason lies in the inability to hold the blade in the desired position constantly. Any hand shake causes a knife tilt, which entails the load of lateral nature.

Shocking technique

The drainage technique is unified, but at the same time rather labor-intensive ways. The main task is concluded in eliminating blade damage. It should be noted that many such a procedure, like sharpening knives, provides a good spirit and calm.

The main rule for this process is the observance of the exactly defined permanent corner. The force is not required here. The main thing is that the bar and the blade met at a certain angle. This is the main rule of sharpening technique.

What should I do to maintain a permanent corner?

In order for the angle to have a permanent indicator, there are two ways. The first is to acquire sharpening skills. Control of an angle indicator can be made by means of an ordinary marker. They should paint the veil and after several loop cycles to see how preserved the paint. If it is worn unevenly, the blade is not processed well.

If a decorative knife is decorative, then the scotch blade should be seal so that only the edge for cutting remains open. Even if you unsuccessfully send your hand, there will be no scratches on the blade.

An important point is that the direction of the blade in Bruck is carried out perpendicular to the edge in places of contact. In fact, it is difficult to fulfill it. It is permissible that the angle between the edge and the blade amounted to less than 90 degrees. But when directions along the cutting edge, this indicator does not fit.

The abrasive particles of the bar can leave the grooves on the blades that will never be sharpening, but when cutting will play their positive role. If the grooves are oriented along the cutting edge, then with cutting they will not be useful. The worst thing is that the cutting edge may generally break away.

It is important that the bar is long. It should be one and a half or two lengths of the blade. It is allowed so that the diamond bar is somewhat shorter, as it grinds faster and better. His width does not play a significant role. If it is greater width, then it works more conveniently and less chances to have a blade beyond the device. It can damage its side surface or blade.

Making a machine for sharpening knives with their own hands

Homemade knife sharpening devices are different designs. All that is required from the manufacturer is the presence of the desired material and the skills of working with tools.

The principle of functioning of such a device, as a manual machine for sharpening knives with their own hands, is the hold of a knife blade in a vertical position and driving to them by fixed under the adjacent angle. This is much easier than the placement of the bar for sharpening horizontally and the hold of the knife under the desired angle.

In order to make the machine for sharpening the knives with their own hands, you need a piece of laminate, a rake from a tree, sandpaper and a couple of bots with lamb. Laminate can serve as a chipboard or plywood

For the manufacture of a holder for knives, it is necessary to cut off part of the material. In order for the bar when draining, the holder did not take damn, it is necessary to clean it the edge at an angle through the eatter.

It is necessary to place and cut off the top of the vertical rack, which will serve as a support for the bar. The angle is chosen twice as fewes with which the knife is sharpened. For kitchen knives, it is recommended to take an angle of 10-15 degrees.

The machine for sharpening knives with their own hands, the drawings of which are made knowingly, involves the correct calculation of the length of the base of the racks. Note that the subsequent installation of the transverse support will affect the height. After that, all the details are cut off, and the edges are cleaned.

Holes are outlined and drilled on the base and plate for climbing bolts fixing the blade. When markup, the distance of the holes from the edge of the base is withstanding. It is necessary for the universality of the device, since all the knives have its own width. The clamping plate is fixed with bolts.

Vertical racks are attached to screws. The moment is taken into account that the load on the bottom is small. In this case, it is better to resort to the use of thermal glue. In this way, horizontal crossbar is attached. The grinding device is almost ready. It remains to make a bar.

For its manufacture, the rail is cut off the desired length. On one edge glued sandpaper with the desired abrasive size. To optimize the result, you can resort to the manufacture of several bars with different grain indicators. The best is the R600 - P2000 range. In order to protect hands from the cuts, you need to screw the handle on the upper side of the rail.

As a result, it turns out a homemade machine for sharpening knives with your own hands, distinguished by high functionality and practicality. When working, the device rests on the edge of the table, which is quite comfortable when using it.

The machine for sharpening knives with their own hands is different. In this case, its foundation is a threaded rod M8. Two large washers and nuts used, which serve to hold a 200 mm long bar.

The shrink tube closes the thread. A pair of paper clamps serve as a guide coasters in the desired height. This ensures smooth adjustment of the sharpening angle. The base is a bar, the thickness of which is 40 mm. It is supported by hand.

How to drain the fugoval knives with their own hands

Each owner who has a planer or a fugoval machine, probably faced the problem of sharpening their knives. Periodically acquire new costs expensive. Knives can easily sharpen with their own hands. This uses specialized machines or grinding stones. If the fugoval machine is used constantly, it will be better to make a machine for sharpening knives with your own hands.

Machine to sharpen a fugoval knife with their own hands

Special sharpening equipment is used to sharpen a fugoval knife. The machine for sharpening knives with their own hands has compact sizes. It can be installed in the garage or on the household plot.

Many are interested in how to make the machine for sharpening the knives with their own hands. For the manufacture of the device you need to find certain details. Perhaps such spare parts were shed in your barn or garage. Also, they can also be purchased through the Internet.

The machine for sharpening the fugoval knives with their own hands consists of:

First of all, you should find a bowl. This is the main component of the future equipment. It is she who is responsible for the sharpening process. Nor's knives knives, and the table cheeper serves as a guarantor of a full and safe sharpening. This item will have to buy a new one, but the rest can be used old.

It is better to acquire the bowshake of the German or American production. The average cost of the part is 25,000 rubles.

The next step is to find the engine, the power of which should be 1-1.5 kW. It is not necessary to buy it. Any suitable, even from the old washing machine. But the table, the casing and the vacuum cleaner will certainly have each.

The main stages of the manufacture of the device

When the table is selected, the engine is fixed directly below it. The bracket is attached to the driving part. The engine must initially be equipped with a button that enabling and disabling the unit. It must be conveniently located.

For reliable protection, the faceplate is covered with a casing of a square shape with one cut angle. It is this area that is sharpened.

On the lower surface of the table in the field of sharpening, a hole is made of the same diameter as a vacuum cleaner hose. The presence of a vacuum cleaner is not fundamental, but it is desirable to establish it. It removes unnecessary dirt from the processing of the blade.

What you need to know?

Engine mount under the base of the table cheeper is not a prerequisite. It can be done so that the parts are connected by means of a belt. In this case, the design will be distinguished by complexity.

The machine for sharpening the knives of the Fuganka is also suitable for saws and axes.

Sharpening ice cream

The sharp Knives of the Ice Committee allow the fisherman to quickly make the holes of the water of the reservoirs. However, over time, any cutting tools are blunting and demanding sharpening.

For fishermen, high-quality icework is great pride. Often, true competitions are arranged on the water bodies. And not always the victory smiles at young and strong fishermen, which are armed with adaptations of imported production. There are cases when experienced fishermen equipped with simple Soviet-made tools are in the competition in the role of the winner. The reason for the high drilling speed of the well lies in good sharpening knives and the correctness of the device setting. Fishermen newcomers, having bought new Swedish devices, even the eye do not have time to blink, as their knives become blued. The smallest grain and pebbles in ice contribute to the formation of chips and chosel on the blade.

Sharpening devices are carried out by the most different ways. Many of our ancestors did not know what a professional grinding machine is. In most cases, the sharpening was performed using devices performed manually.

Homemade Machine for Ice Compension: What will take for its manufacture?

For the manufacture of such a device, as a machine for sharpening the knives of an icebreak, you will need two steel strips, the thickness of which is 4 mm, the width is 60 mm, and the length is 200 mm. As a strip, it is often used by the spring from the car. But it is very difficult to bend.


To begin with, make the device body. Steel strips bended in such a way that the chamfer of knives pressed to the ends of the arc were not only parallel, but also were in the same plane.

After making an arc from the same steel strip, the clamping plate is bent, which serves as a lockable knives

In the housing and pressure plate, holes for bolts M12 or M14 are drilled. Having pulled through a bolt and nut housing and a pressure plate, clamp the knives between them and check the strength of their adjustment to the surface of the end of the circle from the sandpaper.

If the knives are not located at the required angle (the chamdes do not fit exactly to the circle), the device is finalized, bending to the corresponding body arc. If the knives are correct, then the design is understandable, and the ribs of stiffness are welded to the housing arc on both sides.

Sharpening knives is carried out better on the sandpaper, which rotates horizontally. In this case, when wetting with knives with water, the latter remains on the blades and the stone longer, ensuring their safety. Lose knives more often in water. This will help to avoid overheating steel.

Minus devices

By cons of the device, it is possible to attribute the impossibility of sharpening knives with different angles of the cutting chamfer. But each manufacturer of ice roll offers its own models. In this case, a universal device is suitable.

Production of universal adaptation for sharpening

The design of the universal purpose allows you to sharpen knives at any angle of the cutting edge. With the smoothness of changing the angle between the shoulders of the unit, on which knives are mounted with screws, it is possible to fix the desired position of the knives relative to the plane of the grinding stone.

For the manufacture of this device, you need to find a door canopy with minimal backlash, as well as a screw M8 or M10 with its nut. Holes drill in the shoulders. Their diameter is 6-7 mm (for mounting knives through screws).

From the steel strip, the thickness of which is 3 mm, a locking plate with a slot for the fastening screw is made. The plate and screw are welded to the shoulders of the canopy.

It happens that the stroke of the knives is made, the location of the holes of which does not match the holes in the canopy. In this case, additional holes are drilled in the shoulders for non-standard knives. In this case, the device has a greater versatility.

How do the knives of the planer?

Such devices like planing machines and flights can often be seen in country houses. They are brought to the desired state by means of the unprocessed lumber. Knives of these devices, like any other, stupid. If you use them often, then the best output will be sharpened by the knives for the planing machine with your own hands. For the manufacture of grinding equipment at home, various materials will be required: metal, aluminum or wood.

Holder for knives can be made of wooden bar. Having made the cutting saw by the disk saw under 45 degrees, you can sharpen the knives with a ribbon grinder or a large bar. If the last is not, then on a smooth surface of metal, wood, chipboard, or glass is mounted sandpaper.

Holders for knives can be made of girlfriend. The optimal solution will be the use of metal corners, which have an indicator of 90 degrees. When placing two knives on the sides, the sharpening angle of each will be 45 degrees. With the help of screws, you can fix knives by the second corner.

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Often for sharpening knives at home use conventional abrasive bars. But for their application it is necessary to have a special practice, since with an improper coal for sharpening the result will be deplorable. The blade will not have proper acute, which will require additional processing.

Sharpening rules knife

Before proceeding with the manufacture of a self-made knife sharpening device, it is necessary to get acquainted with the recommendations of specialists. At the first stage, it is necessary to determine the angle between the work part of the blade and Bru. This can be done individually for each model.

The knife should be located strictly perpendicular to the direction of the bar. The angle can be equal to half the sharpening. This is due to the fact that during the processing on the surface of the blade, grooves are formed. They appear due to the effects of abrasive components. With minimal grain tools, they will be insignificant. But at the same time there will also be a slight degree of impact on the knife.

In addition to this factor, when sharpening a knife, you should consider with your own hands:

  • the average sharpening angle is 20-25 degrees;
  • processing is performed from the beginning of the blade;
  • to control the angle of sharpening, you can paint a part of the blade with a marker. Thus, you can control the actual area of \u200b\u200bexposure.

It should be remembered that the deformation along the entire length of the working blade will be inhomogeneous. Therefore, when performing sharpening with your own hands, the "point of the report" should be the most dull part of the knife.

The formed grooves due to the effects of the bar must be strictly perpendicular to the knife line. This is the main condition for proper sharpening.

Selection of bars for sharpening knives

The main component of the improvised machine for sharpening will be a bar. This abrasive material, which, when exposed to the blade, thinned it, increasing the severity. Therefore, before choosing a design, the bars should properly choose.

The main indicator of the bar is a grain, but the size should also be taken into account. Ideally, the tool length should be no less than the length of the knife. This will ensure uniform processing, reduce the likelihood of defects.

For sharpening knives, the following types of bars will be required:

  • high grain. With their help, primary processing occurs, the blade shape is corrected;
  • medium grain. They are designed to remove grooves formed during the first operation;
  • paddle or leather belt, grated by paste gom. This stage is called polishing or final blades.

The main task of drawing up the design scheme is the correct location of the bars. Therefore, we consider several options for their fixation relative to the knife blade.

For sharpening of ordinary kitchen knives, there will be enough two types of bars - with high and medium grain. Additionally, they will need rack.

Simple machine version

The easiest design design of the machine is two pairs of wooden plates interconnected using adjustable screws. Between these components the bar is attached.

The main condition in the manufacture of this design is stability. During work, it should not change their location on the desktop. For better fixation of the bar, it is recommended to provide reference planks located between the wooden components.

Despite the simplicity of manufacture with your own hands, this machine has a number of shortcomings:

  • the blade is manually exhibited relative to the stone. With long work, it is not always possible to control the sharpening angle;
  • extra fixation node will be required. Since the design should be stable - it explores it hard to fix on the desktop;
  • in the process of working, the screed can relax, thereby change the location of the bar.

The main advantage of this scheme is simplicity of manufacture. The design is suitable for sharpening kitchen knives at home. As additional components will be checked.

Wooden ridge thickness can be different. In fact, any healthy materials can be used for self-making such a design.

Manual machine for sharpening with adjustment bar

To achieve a better result, it is recommended to take the drawings of the factory tool models. Their difference from the above instruction is the rigid fixation of the knife, but it will take great efforts to manufacture.

The design consists of a reference table on which the knife blade is mounted. A spiral rack is installed in the vertical position. It is attached to her plank with a slot. The grinding stone is mounted on the rod guide. The sharpening angle varies by shifting the bar with a slot along the screw rack.

Features of the operation of the machine of this type:

  • the sharpening angle is exhibited with high accuracy. Its change depends on the steps of the rack thread;
  • instead of bar, you can use sandpaper. For this, the basis is made of the plexiglas. Along it is a hole for installation on the guide rod. The sandpaper is glued to the surface of the plexiglass;
  • the reference base is best done broad. This will give the opportunity to consolidate it with clamps on any countertop.

The main problem of operation of this design consists in long adjustment of the sharpening angle. This may affect the speed of operation if several types of knives are processed. Under each of them, you need a long setting of the machine.

To increase the quality, water or oil can be used. They are applied to the abrasive surface, thereby reducing the effect of the breakaway particles of the bar on the blade.

Sharpening machine with knife adjustment

An alternative embodiment of the machine is the change in the position of the knife relative to the stone. In general, the design is largely similar to the above described, but much easier for manufacture.

Based on the movable fastening unit for the pin with a stone. Two clamps are mounted on the same plane. One of them will be stubborn, and the second is adjustable. Changing the distances between the locksters, you can adjust the sharpening angle.

The main disadvantage of this design is Brawn wear in one place. To solve this problem, it is recommended to make a long pin to regulate the edge position relative to the blade.

In addition to the above schemes, there are plenty machines that can be made with your own hands. When choosing the optimal model, it should be processed from the actual presence of girlfriend. It is also recommended to conduct the analysis of factory machines. Often it is the basis for the manufacture of a unique design.

Each hostess at least once in his life came across that her knives were fascinated in the kitchen, which she usually cuts bread, seals meat or cuts vegetables. It is not only uncomfortable to use such knives, but also dangerous, because the blade can break from the product and injure you. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically tilt the tool using special devices. In stores, such devices are presented in a huge assortment, but for certain reasons they do not suit consumers. In such a situation, a knife sharpener can be made with your own hands. Drawings and schemes for work find, in principle, it is easy, and we will give detailed master classes in this article.

What conditions need to be observed when sharpening knives?

Do you know how to get the knives correctly? In fact, there are a number of rules, observing which you can achieve the perfect result.

The necessary conditions look like:

  • For continuous and efficient operation of the knives, when they sharpell, it is necessary to pay maximum attention to the corner between the edges of the blade. During sharpening, it is necessary to restore the initially specified angle so that it will be relevant to the technological standards, allowed to cut the products quickly, efficiently, freely.
  • It is necessary to choose the optimal angle for each blade. So, for example, a scalpel or razor must have an angle of 10-15 degrees, devices for cutting fruits, bread and vegetables - 15-20 degrees. Knives for working with solid materials should be sharpened at an angle of 30-40 degrees.
  • Without a special device, the blade is sufficiently difficult. Holding the knife only with your hands, ensure the desired angle of inclination is difficult. So it's precisely to facilitate this process there are sharpeners.

In fact, the fever is made easier for its own hands, because all such devices have a simple design and you will not leave for their creation.

Varieties and manufacture of stones for sharpening

There are a large number of stones designed to sharpen knives, but the following types are the most popular of them:

  • Water tools. Work with them necessarily provides for the use of water, due to which the surface of the stones is saved.
  • Oil stone. It is very similar in shape and structure a water, the only difference is that its surface is a little oily.
  • Natural stones. They produce them from natural materials, pre-undergoing industrial processing.
  • Artificial tools. They make them from non-natural type components.
  • Rubber devices. They are no less often found on sale, but it is extremely uncomfortable to work with them.

Before you make a fever in the form of an abrasive bar, you need to purchase several glass plates with a thickness of 4-5 mm rectangular shape.

Then perform the manufacture of sharpeners according to the scheme:

  1. With the help of bilateral tape, shift the sandy paper of different grain levels on the surface of the plates.
  2. Gently tighten the nuts so that the glass is not cracked.

Important! During the operation of such a device, water is not used, that is why the abrasive is rapid enough.

When sharpening knives, with the help of an abrasive bar, it should be avoided too sharp movements, otherwise it is strongly overheated and the blade will lose its useful properties.

Products for sharpening knives of wooden bars

Make a sharpener of two abrasive and two wooden bars is simple enough, the main thing is that the starting materials have the same size.

It will be necessary to perform such actions:

  • Carefully polish the wooden bars with sandpaper, remove all the burrs.
  • Preload the bars, given the desired inclination angle.
  • Attach the stone to the resulting line, on both sides of the wooden bar, mark its width.
  • Cut the markups on the wooden blank.

Important! Make sure that their depth does not exceed 1.5 cm.

  • Insert the abrasive bars to the obtained recesses so that they coincide with the grooves.
  • Fasten the grinding stones with bolts, attach a piece of rubber from below.

Embrella from mounting corners do it yourself

Take advantage of the master class so that you have a high-quality cutlery with your own hands. Drawings can take on the Internet.

Tools and materials necessary for work:

  • Metal plates 4 by 11 cm.
  • Aluminum corners of standard size.
  • Metal rods 15 cm long.
  • Grinding machine with vice.
  • Filter.
  • Set of bolts and nuts.
  • File.

Make the sharpener for this manual:

  1. Make markup according to the drawing under the holes in the plates.
  2. Drill holes, cut the thread.
  3. Sharp edges and corners Round with a file.
  4. In accordance with the scheme, make holes in the corner.
  5. Expand the knitting knitting proper.
  6. Cut the thread in the holes for the studs.
  7. Insert the rods into the extreme holes, lock them with nuts.
  8. Screw the bolt into the widest hole with the nuts pre-screwed on it.
  9. In the remaining holes insert the bolts for the clamp knife.
  10. Screw to the ends of the nodes of the nut, to put the corner to fix the nuts on top.
  11. Collect from a thin metal rod, lamb nuts and two holders assemble a device for holding a stone for sharpening.

Important! Such a sharpener can have a wide range of degrees of the climb angle, it is incredibly convenient in terms of operation.

Production of electric knife sharpeners at home

Electrical eraser with their own hands is made a little more complicated, because the device itself has a difficult design.

Prepare materials and devices:

  • A vacuum cleaner.
  • Plan-washer.
  • Electrical engine.
  • Stannu
  • Fencing.

Perform work, clearly following the scheme.

Each man in the house will be useful to a comfortable sharpening machine, because it is often about the owner judged by how Oster is this kitchen tool.

There are many techniques when draining knives blades. For example, for the process carried out at home, only the roll bar will be sufficient or finished devices with an angular form of gap.

To give up expensive hunters knives, European manufacturers produce devices in the form of solid bars, the basis of which is high-strength alloy.

This article will describe the manufacture of the machine for sharpening knives with their own hands.

Why do knives stupid?

What is the reason that the knife is blinking when cutting? This can be explained by the fact that abrasive particles are reducing its negative effect on the cut edge, which are available in the material. For example, they are present on vegetables, paper. In simple language, the blade is subject to gradual erasure.

The following reason lies in the inability to hold the blade in the desired position constantly. Any hand shake causes a knife tilt, which entails the load of lateral nature.

Shocking technique

The drainage technique is unified, but at the same time rather labor-intensive ways. The main task is concluded in eliminating blade damage. It should be noted that many such a procedure, like sharpening knives, provides a good spirit and calm.

The main rule for this process is the observance of the exactly defined permanent corner. The force is not required here. The main thing is that the bar and the blade met at a certain angle. This is the main rule of sharpening technique.

What should I do to maintain a permanent corner?

In order for the angle to have a permanent indicator, there are two ways. The first is to acquire sharpening skills. Control of an angle indicator can be made by means of an ordinary marker. They should paint the veil and after several loop cycles to see how preserved the paint. If it is worn unevenly, the blade is not processed well.

If a decorative knife is decorative, then the scotch blade should be seal so that only the edge for cutting remains open. Even if you unsuccessfully send your hand, there will be no scratches on the blade.

An important point is that the direction of the blade in Bruck is carried out perpendicular to the edge in places of contact. In fact, it is difficult to fulfill it. It is permissible that the angle between the edge and the blade amounted to less than 90 degrees. But when directions along the cutting edge, this indicator does not fit.

The abrasive particles of the bar can leave the grooves on the blades that will never be sharpening, but when cutting will play their positive role. If the grooves are oriented along the cutting edge, then with cutting they will not be useful. The worst thing is that the cutting edge may generally break away.

It is important that the bar is long. It should be one and a half or two lengths of the blade. It is allowed so that the diamond bar is somewhat shorter, as it grinds faster and better. His width does not play a significant role. If it is greater width, then it works more conveniently and less chances to have a blade beyond the device. It can damage its side surface or blade.

Homemade knife sharpening devices are different designs. All that is required from the manufacturer is the presence of the desired material and the skills of working with tools.

The principle of functioning of such a device, as a manual machine for sharpening knives with their own hands, is the hold of a knife blade in a vertical position and driving to them by fixed under the adjacent angle. This is much easier than the placement of the bar for sharpening horizontally and the hold of the knife under the desired angle.

In order to make the machine for sharpening the knives with their own hands, you need a piece of laminate, a rake from a tree, sandpaper and a couple of bots with lamb. Laminate can serve as a chipboard or plywood

For the manufacture of a holder for knives, it is necessary to cut off part of the material. In order for the bar when draining, the holder did not take damn, it is necessary to clean it the edge at an angle through the eatter.

It is necessary to place and cut off the top of the vertical rack, which will serve as a support for the bar. The angle is chosen twice as fewes with which the knife is sharpened. For kitchen knives, it is recommended to take an angle of 10-15 degrees.

The machine for sharpening knives with their own hands, the drawings of which are made knowingly, involves the correct calculation of the length of the base of the racks. Note that the subsequent installation of the transverse support will affect the height. After that, all the details are cut off, and the edges are cleaned.

Holes are outlined and drilled on the base and plate for climbing bolts fixing the blade. When markup, the distance of the holes from the edge of the base is withstanding. It is necessary for the universality of the device, since all the knives have its own width. The clamping plate is fixed with bolts.

Vertical racks are attached to screws. The moment is taken into account that the load on the bottom is small. In this case, it is better to resort to the use of thermal glue. In this way, horizontal crossbar is attached. The grinding device is almost ready. It remains to make a bar.

For its manufacture, the rail is cut off the desired length. On one edge glued sandpaper with the desired abrasive size. To optimize the result, you can resort to the manufacture of several bars with different grain indicators. The best is the R600 - P2000 range. In order to protect hands from the cuts, you need to screw the handle on the upper side of the rail.

As a result, it turns out a homemade machine for sharpening knives with your own hands, distinguished by high functionality and practicality. When working, the device rests on the edge of the table, which is quite comfortable when using it.

The machine for sharpening knives with their own hands is different. In this case, its foundation is a threaded rod M8. Two large washers and nuts used, which serve to hold a 200 mm long bar.

Closes threads. A pair of paper clamps serve as a guide coasters in the desired height. This ensures smooth adjustment of the sharpening angle. The base is a bar, the thickness of which is 40 mm. It is supported by hand.

How to drain the fugoval knives with their own hands

Each owner who has a planer or a fugoval machine, probably faced the problem of sharpening their knives. Periodically acquire new costs expensive. Knives can easily sharpen with their own hands. At the same time, specialized machines are applied or if it is used constantly, it will be better to make a machine for sharpening knives with their own hands.

Machine to sharpen a fugoval knife with their own hands

Special sharpening equipment is used to sharpen a fugoval knife. The machine for sharpening knives with their own hands has compact sizes. It can be installed in the garage or on the household plot.

Many are interested in how to make the machine for sharpening the knives with their own hands. For the manufacture of the device you need to find certain details. Perhaps such spare parts were shed in your barn or garage. Also, they can also be purchased through the Internet.

The machine for sharpening the fugoval knives with their own hands from:

  • table pack;
  • table;
  • engine;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • casing.

First of all, you should find a bowl. This is the main component of the future equipment. It is she who is responsible for the sharpening process. Nor's knives knives, and the table cheeper serves as a guarantor of a full and safe sharpening. This item will have to buy a new one, but the rest can be used old.

It is better to acquire the bowshake of the German or American production. The average cost of the part is 25,000 rubles.

The next step is to find the engine, the power of which should be 1-1.5 kW. It is not necessary to buy it. Any suitable, even from the old washing machine. But the table, the casing and the vacuum cleaner will certainly have each.

The main stages of the manufacture of the device

When the table is selected, the engine is fixed directly below it. The bracket is attached to the driving part. The engine must initially be equipped with a button that enabling and disabling the unit. It must be conveniently located.

For reliable protection, the faceplate is covered with a casing of a square shape with one cut angle. It is this area that is sharpened.

On the lower surface of the table in the field of sharpening, a hole is made of the same diameter as a vacuum cleaner hose. The presence of a vacuum cleaner is not fundamental, but it is desirable to establish it. It removes unnecessary dirt from the processing of the blade.

What you need to know?

Engine mount under the base of the table cheeper is not a prerequisite. It can be done so that the parts are connected by means of a belt. In this case, the design will be distinguished by complexity.

The machine for sharpening the knives of the Fuganka is also suitable for saws and axes.

Sharpening ice cream

The sharp Knives of the Ice Committee allow the fisherman to quickly make the holes of the water of the reservoirs. However, over time, any cutting tools are blunting and demanding sharpening.

For fishermen, high-quality icework is great pride. Often, true competitions are arranged on the water bodies. And not always the victory smiles at young and strong fishermen, which are armed with adaptations of imported production. There are cases when experienced fishermen equipped with simple Soviet-made tools are in the competition in the role of the winner. The reason for the high drilling speed of the well lies in good sharpening knives and the correctness of the device setting. Fishermen newcomers, having bought new Swedish devices, even the eye do not have time to blink, as their knives become blued. The smallest grain and pebbles in ice contribute to the formation of chips and chosel on the blade.

Sharpening devices are carried out by the most different ways. Many of our ancestors did not know what professional in most cases sharpened was performed using devices performed manually.

Homemade Machine for Ice Compension: What will take for its manufacture?

For the manufacture of such a device, as a machine for sharpening knives will need two strips of steel, the thickness of which is 4 mm, the width is 60 mm, and the length is 200 mm. As a strip, it is often used by the spring from the car. But it is very difficult to bend.


To begin with, make the device body. Steel strips bended in such a way that the chamfer of knives pressed to the ends of the arc were not only parallel, but also were in the same plane.

After making an arc from the same steel strip, the clamping plate is bent, which serves as a lockable knives

In the housing and pressure plate, holes for bolts M12 or M14 are drilled. Having pulled through a bolt and nut housing and a pressure plate, clamp the knives between them and check the strength of their adjustment to the surface of the end of the circle from the sandpaper.

If the knives are not located at the required angle (the chamdes do not fit exactly to the circle), the device is finalized, bending to the corresponding body arc. If the knives are correct, then the design is understandable, and the ribs of stiffness are welded to the housing arc on both sides.

Sharpening knives is carried out better to which rotates horizontally. In this case, when wetting with knives with water, the latter remains on the blades and the stone longer, ensuring their safety. Lose knives more often in water. This will help to avoid overheating steel.

Minus devices

By cons of the device, it is possible to attribute the impossibility of sharpening knives with different angles of the cutting chamfer. But each manufacturer of ice roll offers its own models. In this case, a universal device is suitable.

Production of universal adaptation for sharpening

The design of the universal purpose allows you to sharpen knives at any angle of the cutting edge. With the smoothness of changing the angle between the shoulders of the unit, on which knives are mounted with screws, it is possible to fix the desired position of the knives relative to the plane of the grinding stone.

For the manufacture of this device, you need to find a door canopy with minimal backlash, as well as a screw M8 or M10 with its nut. Holes drill in the shoulders. Their diameter is 6-7 mm (for mounting knives through screws).

From the steel strip, the thickness of which is 3 mm, a locking plate with a slot for the fastening screw is made. The plate and screw are welded to the shoulders of the canopy.

It happens that the stroke of the knives is made, the location of the holes of which does not match the holes in the canopy. In this case, additional holes are drilled in the shoulders for non-standard knives. In this case, the device has a greater versatility.

How do the knives of the planer?

Such devices like planing machines and flights can often be seen in country houses. They are brought to the desired state by means of the unprocessed lumber. Knives of these devices, like any other, stupid. If you use them often, then the best output will be sharpened by the knives for the planing machine with your own hands. For the manufacture of grinding equipment at home, various materials will be required: metal, aluminum or wood.

Holder for knives can be made of wooden bar. Having made the cutting saw by the disk saw under 45 degrees, you can sharpen the knives with a ribbon grinder or a large bar. If the last is not, then on a smooth surface of metal, wood, chipboard, or glass is mounted sandpaper.

Holders for knives can be made of girlfriend. The optimal solution will be the use of metal corners, which have an indicator of 90 degrees. When placing two knives on the sides, the sharpening angle of each will be 45 degrees. With the help of screws, you can fix knives by the second corner.

The service life of any knife directly depends on the methods of its operation and the sharpening procedure of the blade. Fixtures for sharpening knives are so diverse that they allow a modern person not to resort to the work of specialists, but to fulfill all the work on their own home. To sharpen knives, you can use both a special adaptation of industrial production and any device made with your own hands. It is important to know that simple elements for the pointing of knives (for example, donel), which are at hand, can serve unreliable service and the product acuity will not only return, but also gradually the product will completely come into disrepair. At the same time, any self-made device for dragging knives can be based on the use of these simple sharpening devices. Detailed information on how to make a sharpening device with your own hands, can be found below.

A homemade manual machine for sharpening knives, provided that all requirements are fulfilled when it is created, it will simplify the sharpening of the knives and its execution will not be worse than professional. Proper accuracy includes the following rule: each type of cutting product is inherent in the defined heating angle of the edge, which must be unchanged along the entire length of the blade (see Table No. 1). The sharpening device, which will be originally based on this principle, will give the master to the acute edge of the knife for a long time.

Table # 1. sharpening angle in parallels with type of cutting device

Edge processing at sharpening should be evenly. To perform this condition, the following rules must be followed:

  • the blade should be fixed in the tisces of the device reliably and efficiently, without exposing metal blades damage;
  • moving the squeak along the axis of the knife edge must be uniform and strictly under a certain angle;
  • the blades point of the blade must be strictly perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the grinding device;
  • pressing the knife blade should change smoothly depending on the change in the area of \u200b\u200bcontact with the blade and sharpened.

Simple device for sharpening knives

The simplest device for pointed knives is based on the use of the corner frame and the appeal. The price of such a primitive factory-made device is high enough, as the price is high, the price and replaceable donkeys, while making such a device for swelling knives at home will not be the master or the slightest work. It will take the following inventory:

  1. Wooden bars of the same size - 4 pcs.
  2. Drill (or any other tool for drilling).
  3. Bolts and nuts (approximately 4 pcs.).
  4. Pill.
  5. Protractor.

First you need to make a pair of wooden corners, placing bars to each other strictly at an angle of 90º (Fig. 1). The resulting wooden angles to close with each other in parallel as a whole and drill through the holes along the diameter of the bolts. Insert the bolts into the holes, and the corners slightly pull to each other with nuts.

The meaning of this invention is to sharpen just holding a knife vertically with respect to the grinding surface at a given angle.

The most important thing is to correctly fasten the rash between wooden angle of fixtures. To do this, using the transporter, you need to set the desired angle of the table and tighten the bolts for a clear fixation of the TICK position.

With some refinement, the device can be fixed and the position of the knife is relative to the sharpening stone. A significant disadvantage of such a machine for manual sharpening is the impossibility of smooth adjustment of the angle of inclination of the grinding stone.

Device for sharpening from mounting corners

The scheme and drawings of the homemade sharpener for knives from the mounting corners based on the Lansky fixture are clearly shown below.

To build this device, you will need:

  1. Metal corners 90 * 90 mm with a thickness of a wall of 6 mm.
  2. Stud with thread M6 and 160 mm long.
  3. Thin rod (electrode, needker, etc.).
  4. Pill.
  5. 2 rectangular pieces of metal (sponge for the clips of the table).
  6. Pliers.
  7. Metal hacksaw.
  8. Fire (or any other tool for processing sharp angles).
  9. Set of hardware (nuts and bolts).

In both metal sponges, designed to fix the appeal, you need to drill under the connecting bolt. Locking donel. A thin smooth needle, pre-bent at an angle of 90 º, it is necessary to insert and fix in the hole of one of the sponges. In the future, with the help of this retainer in the form of the knitting needles, a certain angle of inclination of the appeal will be set. A similar adaptation for the decrease of knives is characterized by an extensive coverage of sharpening angle, which is undoubtedly interested in most masters.

Machines with fixing blades

Machines for sharpening knives with fixing blades will attract the attention of those people who want to put the knife not only qualitatively, but also quickly. The design, a hard locking blade of a knife relative to the grinding stone at the pressed angle, allows you to accurately set the angle of inclination.

To create such a homemade machine with your own hands, you will need:

  1. The base is a rectangular wooden plate with dimensions of 440 * 92 mm and a thickness of 18 mm.
  2. Wooden cry 92 * 45 * 45 mm (for fixing the vertical threaded stud).
  3. Wooden bar 245 * 92 mm and 18 mm thick (plate to which the knife will be attached).
  4. Iron plate 200 * 65 mm and metal thickness 4 mm.
  5. Piano loop, 92 mm long.
  6. Stilette M8 325 mm long.
  7. Nuts and bolts with M8 thread.
  8. Drill 6.5 mm.
  9. M8 tester.
  10. Self-tapping screws 50 mm, 4 pcs.

A shoe intended for fixing the vertical threaded stiletto is to drill a 6.5 mm drill. The hole should be located at a distance of 15 mm from the edge of the dice, approximately in the center.

Next, in the resulting hole, you need to cut the thread under the pitch M8. A wooden cry prepared in this way must be screwed to the base at a distance of 265 mm from the edge using conventional tapping screws with a length of 50 mm, twisted on the reverse side of the base.

After fixing the wooden part of the retaining device, you can begin to attach the iron plate. In the value of the plate 200 * 65 mm, it is necessary to drill an oblong groove, a length of 90 mm and a width of about 1 cm. The groove should be located from the edge of the clamping plate at a distance of 60 mm. Additionally, you need to drill a hole at a distance of 20 mm from the opposite edge and cut into it with a thread under the M8 bolt. Then you need to attach with this bolt clamping plate on the previously prepared wooden base. With the help of another bolt and a suitable washer, you must fix the clamping plate in the center of the cut-off groove. The fixation should be clear, but at the same time neat so as not to damage the surface of the blade.

The most difficult part of the assembly of this device is to prepare an adjusting device, which will set the knife sharpening angle. To do this, you will need:

  • metal square profile 40 × 40 mm;
  • furniture bracket, 40 mm width;
  • pair of ripples;
  • plywood bar 42 × 25 and 18 mm thick;
  • bolt and nut M5;
  • a pair of nut bachers M8;
  • donel;
  • steel rod with a diameter of 0.8 cm and 40 cm long.

On Broza plywood need to drill a pair of holes: through a hole with a diameter of 8 mm in a cross section of 42 × 18 mm (the distance from the edge of 42 mm to set at 15 mm) and the through hole with a diameter of 5 mm on the side with a cross section of 42 × 25 mm (distance from edges 10 mm). The square pipe should be cut in half so that it turned out "P"--like bracket with a width of 40 * 15 mm and 8 mm ears. In the ears you need to drill 8 millimeter holes, which will later be inserted with a pylon M8. Connect the resulting bracket with a furniture loop with ripples. To the resulting design, with the help of the second part of the furniture bracket, attract the plywood bar bolt M5.

The donel is connected to the guide rod, which protrudes the steel rod with a cross section of 8 mm. When connecting the table and the guide rod, it is necessary to strictly ensure that their axial lines coincide. If desired, for ease of use of the sharpener, the handle holder can be adjusted to the donkey on the reverse side. It remains to fasten the rash in the guide mechanism, fix the lamb and the homemade adaptation for sharpening knives is ready.

Machines with fixed sharpening surfaces

Machines with fixed silent surfaces are a simple modification of the device for processing household knife. In such a device, there is no possibility of adjusting the angle of sharpening, while you can install several different angles in advance for sharpening different types of knives. Work on sharpening blades with similar machines is not difficult, it is enough just to drive the blade on abrasive surfaces in the recess.

The device consists of a pair of inclined to each other at a certain angle of planes, one of which is a grinding stone.

Electric knife sharpening devices

The procedure for creating an electric sharpening machine is simple: enough to provide almost any device for sharpening knives and scissors with electric drive. A similar sharpening machine allows you to quickly and high qualityly, it provides a better concave shelf at the edge of the blade.

The mechanism of the powerovering for sweeping knives contains a guide, which is placed along the axis of rotation of the grinding bar, and with which the blade is adjusted at a given angle. The sharpening angle is set and set to the guide, and the clamping force is determined by the wizard.

Special attention is required to pay the sharpening rates, because The electric drive allows you to set the product at high speed, as a result of which the knife is heated. Such superficial heating leads to a vacation of tempered steel, as a result of which the knife can quickly lose its hardness and its service life will noticeably decrease. To prevent the release of steel, it is necessary to sharpen on the high-speed electricity to perform in short intervals and with sufficient interruptions that allow the knife to cool.

Making stones for sharpening

Modern master will not be difficult to make stones for sharpening with their own hands. To do this, you will need:

  • wooden plate in the size of the future sharpened;
  • epoxy resin;
  • cardboard boxes in size bar;
  • abrasive;
  • protective rubber gloves.

As an abrasive, you can use the finished powder, or you can prepare an abrasive of our own production, for example, from the old bruck of the green color more Soviet production. Such a bar can be erased into powder and use it further as an abrasive.

A wooden cry is required to be treated on one side with emery paper and a saw to make frequent notches. Epoxy resin mix with abrasive crumb. Pre-placing the bar in the cardboard box glued to the size of the bar, coat the prepared surface of the wooden bar with a mixture of epoxy resin and abrasive. After a complete curing resin, the bar is ready for use.

Another embodiment of stones for sharpening with their own hands is the creation of a grinding bar from small rectangular glass plates with a thickness of about 5 mm. With the help of double-sided adhesive tape on the surface of the glass plate pasted sandpaper. The grinding bar is ready to work.

Fixture for sharpening of wooden bars

A simple device for sharpening knives is a tool consisting of a pair of wooden rails and pairs of bars with abrasive, with the same geometric dimensions.

Wooden rails should be thoroughly grinding abrasive skins. Then, after applying auxiliary markup, depending on the root of the knife sharpening, make the cuts to a depth of 15 mm. In the resulting holes insert elaborate bars in such a way that each groove coincides, after which they fasten them with bolts. To give a sharpening device of greater stability, the lower part of the surface can be laid a piece of rubber.

Types of fixtures for dragging the cutting tool are different and each wizard will be able to stop their choice on the manual machine, which will fully satisfy its needs.