The training program is a relationship between a man and a woman. Psychological training of relations and women and women

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"A man and a woman - a melody for two voices."

Road of love. Beauty relationship.

Module 1.

On our specialized training site Lila describes the nearest training relationship for women and men:"A man and a woman - a melody for two voices" The Mystery of Human Relations

The site of Lila studio has become the main core of the reflection of group work on the problems, difficulties and tasks of relationships within a pair of M + F and includes serious psychological work on preparations for attracting a decent satellite of life or a change in existing relationships: these are trainings training seminars within Club "M + F. Time to love" , and individual work with couples, and individual work with one person from the pair (influence on the partner in relation to the dynamics of our own internal changes), and work on personal growth (including the change of environment and change the one-eyed scenario is not too successful relationships, as well as the study of love Triangles and love dependencies)

"We're not alone to go to the goal, but with your beloved.

Having learned to understand your loved one, we will learn to understand everyone.

We all love each other. Our children will laugh

Above the black legend of a person who was alone. "

Paul Eloral

The secret of the relationship men and women are one of the most beautiful and amazing. Going hand in hand on the roads of love, a man and a woman get a chance to open new faces of beauty, wisdom and happiness, give the beginning of a new life, to know the inner harmony and gain inspiration.

Love roads give the brightest and most magical experiences of your life!

The relationship of men and women is comprehended by years. It is important that he and she keep in themselves the constant desire to go on the roads of love. Those who have been driving on this journey to have a step by step to bring beauty to the relationship. And this is a big job.

We must not forget that the model of married relations is an example for our children. It is from our relationship to himself and to the opposite sex depends on the formation of the image of future women and men, ready to build harmonious relations in a pair.

Confusion on the roads of love happen exclusively due to the personal features of those they go. Someone wants to "remake" the beloved in his understanding, ignoring his individuality. Someone originally chooses a person in satellites. Someone does not consider it necessary to overcome their own stubbornness and egoism. Someone casually belongs to the lover, hiding it. Someone requires too much; And someone unnecessarily tolerates empty and unnecessary. Someone the annoying ability of the beloved increases to the size of the universal tragedy, and someone is humbled with obvious satellite vices and does not oppose them ...

Provocations of Love Roads require reflection and skillful care. For this, this training was created.

Training topics:

    Diagnostics of relations with the partners of the opposite sex. Paradoxes of choice. What are the real expectations and requirements for your chosen one.

    The main topics of marital conflicts: "Violation of the balance" take and give "," Merge - Autonomy "," Leadership - Device ". Constructive ways to solve conflicts.

    Determination of a negative scenario in loving relationships. Creating a new scenario, modeling a positive future.

    Seven partner compatibility levels.

    When love is, indeed, love. Communication based on the fear of loneliness, sex, money and power. What are the risks to be in such respects and how to reduce them. Seven love languages.

    What is safety in relationships and how to achieve it. Sincerity and trust - the basis of a solid relationship.

    Awareness of your true relationship needs. The angry expression of his feelings and desires in a friendly form without a feeling of guilt and fear to be rejected.

    Secrets of long harmonious relationships in a pair. Ways to achieve them. Overcoming traps and obstacles.

Let Love Roads open you new faces of beauty:

"Common house is a symbol of the fortress of the Union. The feeling of a common house feeds in a special way, protects it and it gives new shades in the deep experiences of love and meaning. "

"On the roads of love a lot of temptations, and only a deep understanding of the value of the Union allows you to preserve the mystery of the proximity of two, their overall happiness."

"Joint ownership of spiritual and material capital allows a couple competently and delicately influence the course of events."

"Whatever tests and lessons have offered life, together he and she can overcome everything."

"Mutual recognition of talents, careful attitude towards them and support, mutual faith in individual identity and purpose of each other reveal and strengthen the talent of love."

"Thanks to mutual influence, loving can convey to the other that the best thing carries. Remembering mutual influence, everyone can accomplish their own shadow quality. "

"In the Union of each of their unique male and women's roles and responsibilities. It is important to fulfill them with joy and love, finely understanding their meaning. "

"In a special place of the roads of love, the Union comes a deep feeling that he and she are intended to each other for something much more than simple earthly joy."

"A genuine sacrifice is always beautiful and causes only high feelings, being lightweight. For a genuine victim, it does not matter whether she adopted beloved, for she is accepted by God. "

"The sacrament of a compound, lit by genuine love, is a secret connection with the universe."

"Don't go behind me, perhaps I will not lead you

Do not go ahead of me, perhaps I am not afraid of you.

Go nearby, and we will be one whole. "

Wisdom of Indians

Module 2: "A man and a woman - war or peace. Unity of opposites. " (About manifested and teneev experiencing your and the opposite sex ).

We are all born by men or women. From whether we accept or reject this integral part of our nature, much depends. Why in one people belong to their sex brings joy and resource, and on others lies with heavy wear? Why some easily install contacts with the opposite sex, and others closes in themselves? At our lesson, participants will get acquainted with the modern concept of male and female identity. On a simple, beautiful and understandable metaphor, the participants will see how the formation of sexual (sexual and gender) identity occurs in childhood, that psychoanalysts are called the "Oedic Complex", and how the passage of this important stage later affects our life and relationship With the opposite sex.

Module 3: "Man and woman inside and outside." (Awareness and integration of their internal feminine and masculine psyche parts ).

In any woman there is a male part - her animus, a man's archetype. And not only present, but also develops: all men leaving a trace in her life (father, teacher, first beloved, film hero ...), form elements of her animus, male archetype. Also, the man has to build relationships with a woman in themselves - in itself with their anime, the archetype of female.

Without anime and animus, we would never have been able to imagine what it means to be in love. After all, in love, we find in another person the features of their anime or their animus, that is, some part of themselves. And fantashes of mergers, pushing to infinite search for that (or that), who once and forever will complement us and relieve the sense of inferiority and loneliness, testify to the inability to conduct a dialogue with their male (or female) part. What forces to look for it in the outside world, leading to new disappointment and suffering.

"HE AND SHE. Towards each other " - this is affordable and easy to perceive, training a two-day training in Kirov, about relations men and women, about the secrets of harmonious relationship, how to return love again and mutual understanding between a man and a womanIf the relationship is destroyed "about Byetovuhu" or went into a dead end.

"He does not hear me and does not understand !!! I'm already tired…»
"She is always not happy and grieved on trifles !!! Got!…»


Powing a training two-day program, you already today You can improve understanding with partner, as well as create a solid platform and a clear direction of movement in harmonious men and Women Relationships. The new experience gained in the training, interaction, will always work for you, without days off and vacation !

Women Imagine: it is not necessary to ask for a hundred times about what I myself could guess, you are heard and understood from the first time. He is attentive and gives flowers. You feel next to him a woman, not a mommy, housekeeper or "protein in the wheel" ...
Men Imagine: You know how best, and when you offer your woman a solution, she easily tells you: "Yes! " Yours Woman wants to be with youAnd when you go to bed, she does not hurt a head. She inspires you to feats and does not interfere with the implementation of your plans for success ...

Men and women Imagine, reading the brain removal of each other with different sophisticated ways, such as threats, reproaches, accusations, manipulations, use, ignore, treason, revenge, struggle, and also: sawing, beating dishes, grinding, disable, drunk, fishing, care With head to work, care for parents, etc. You now have mutual understanding, harmony and loveWhen you want to come home and give love to each other for many years, and not only during the course of the honeymoon.

  • What does it mean to be a man or a woman?
  • How such two different and unique worlds can exist together on one planet and in relations, and most importantly why?
  • How to achieve mutual understanding in the relationship between a man and a woman and learn how to cooperate?

You need only once Find answers to these questions to make rid of erroneous templates, stereotypes and installations that prevent you to be together!

Training "He and she. Towards each other " gives answers to these and many other questions, helps to realize the difference between male and female Beginning, teaches an effective model of behavior in a pair, to preserve and multiply the light feelings that you feed at the beginning of the relationship. In the training you will learn a lot about yourself and about the faces of the opposite sex in order for your relationship They became more joyful and brought more satisfaction.

For whom this training is.

Come, if you are paired, or not, and you are from those Men and / or women, who is looking happiness and mutual understandingwho is ready to change something in the usual partnership schemes relationshipWho is interested in improving the quality of their personal life, who faced difficulties and does not understand how to solve them.

Four main reasons
For which relations rushing between a man and a woman.

When two are united to live together, a new system is created (what is called "the cell of society"), with their newans, rules, laws and orders. If something falls out of the field of view, at least one partner, then the whole system collapses, and the joint existence becomes very difficult and instead of moving towards each other, moves to different directions.

And if you build a relationship not knowing, then the following happens:

1 You value yourself a little like a man or woman. With every failure or error, your self-esteem falls the lower and below, and you, in the end, say yourself: "Some live without love ...". Sync studied, and sometimes consciously, you think that you are not all right ... and remain alone (if not physically, then emotionally).

2 You appreciate your partner littlebecause you do not know what he really is. Moreover, you do not even think about it, because it does not come to your mind, or you are afraid to see in it what they are not ready.

3 Relationships are built on rivalry and struggle for power and influence. As soon as you fall into the field of view of each other, how, automatically include the behavior programs embedded in you by society and family. In the people, this is called "Floor War." And then relations - This is a battlefield, or long waiting, when someone first looks out of the trench and make a step towards ...

4 You get into love trap. The love trap is when you mistakenly lay on love too much when not working on relationships, you think that "love will won everything." Unfortunately, this is not so. Love can exist in a certain order. And the fact that many are taken for love, in fact, it turns out to be completely different ...

Secrets of harmonious relationship between a man and a woman.

1 Understand and take yourself as a man or woman. What does it mean? How is it manifested in the world in life? What exactly applies to the world of men and the world of women? Awareness of features and differences of male and female perception.

2 Learn to see another (partner). Realize that the other is not you! The partner on the relationship has its own world, its values, its perception and life guidelines, and in the end, another destination! Refuse expectations: "You must / should change to do since I want if you love me ...". Realize your own internal image of partner, often erroneous, through which we look at it and impose your rights ...

3 Create intent to cooperate. Harmonious relationship between a man and a woman Get if partners are configured to cooperate. Realize your place in a relationship: a man makes his men's steps, and his female female. Realize, check and change the impressive stereotypes of behavior in a pair. Agree on new rules for the existence of a new "cell unit".

4 Follow the orders of love.

So that relationship between a man and a woman became not only harmonious, but in principle possible, both sides should understand What does it mean to be a man and a woman, and be able to apply these knowledge in practiceAlso, both sides should be aware of the orders in which love and mutual understanding can exist.

In the training program:

  • What does it mean to be a woman?
  • What does it mean to be a man?
  • As we become men and women.
  • What is a reasonable cooperation between a man and a woman? - How to achieve such interaction and mutual understanding.
  • Causes of conflicts in pairs and solutions.
  • What is love?
  • Conditions necessary for love and conservation of relationships.
  • Factors preventing close relationships with other floors.
  • What partners we attract and why: internal man / inner woman.

By the way, training is training through your own experience.. Training is different from the simple reading of the book, listening to lectures or conversations, the fact that in training - train , that is, you translate knowledge. And this your experience will remain with you forever, it is not possible to forget or lose it, since you lived it from the inside.

Sign up for training by phone in Kirov 49-45-21
And get a new experience in building relationships!

Training takes 2 full days: Saturday and Sunday, from 10:00 to 19:00, with a break for lunch and small breaks for recreation.

Training cost 7000 rubles.

The cost of training with prepayment 10 days before the beginning of 6500 rubles.

Many of us have a feeling of pain and misunderstanding, we are offended, quarrel, we leave, we remain alone ...

In fact, we all want to love and be loved.

And we know that for happiness should be nearby - he and she.

We are so different - men and women. This is written a lot of books

You will learn secrets of interaction of men and women, about the peculiarities of male thinking and female, learn how to make your female or your men's steps and see what you can do in a new way in existing relationships or open a new vision so that your life come to your life that you want to live In love, harmony and understanding.

You will find new motifs for new actions that strengthen and update existing relationships between the male and female world, you will learn to hear better and understand your favorite friends, children, partners, colleagues (they are also men and women ..)

How is the training:

"Man and Woman" takes place in Weekend format with a break for a large lunch and coffee breaks

  • Friday evening from 18:33 to 22:00
  • Saturday from 9:30 to 22:00
  • Sunday from 9:30 to 21:00

You are issued a workbook with all important materials.

The certificate of the training is solemnly award.

The training fee is taken only at the first time of the training and then you acquire the right to free assistation on this program when it takes it during your life in any center of relationships in our country and abroad.

About coaches

The training "Man and Woman" is held by two coaches - a man and a woman. We invite psychologists from different cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Stavropol, Izhevsk and others. This allows the same trainings to always stay unique: new experience, new stories, new solutions.

The purpose of the training: to get acquainted with the "world" of its partner in order to better understand each other and build harmonious relationships.

Usually we expect from the partner of what we want. And we think that the partner thinks and perceives everything as well as we, because we do not understand, but as else you can. But in fact we are a man and a woman - different. We think in different ways, we act in different ways, we have different needs and different expectations from the partner and from life. Would you like to know what your partner? How did Nature created him? What does he think and how? How does it work? What wants from you, how is partner? What does it expect from relationship, from life? What is important for him? What can you do in order for you with you (she) felt like a man / woman? In the training you: - Get acquainted with the peculiarities of the female and male world; - Will learn about the circle of interactions of a woman and men 9kone steps in relationships should make a man, and what woman, in order for the relationship to be harmonious.

Sign up for training

The training "man and a woman" allows you to understand and find out:

What is the difference in the world of men and the world of women;
How to create harmonious and trusting relationships;
How to find a common language negotiate during conflict;
What do we do to part and why we need it;
What is sex for men and women mean;
Why men and women change;
How to find your soul mate;
The roles of a man and a woman in the family.
Training description:
There is nothing more important than the relationship of a man and a woman. And no longer a secret for anyone that men and women look at the world and on the relationship.

We - men - it is difficult to understand women:

Why do they constantly ask the same questions?
Why do they show excessive initiative in male affairs?
Why do they do their advice?
What reasons are they constantly offended?
Why are they looking for a second meaning in what is said?
We - women - it is difficult to understand men:

Why don't they hear us?
Why are there indifferent?
Why do not take responsibility for yourself?
Why do disrespect for us?
Because of what they are cruel?
And this is only a small part of the questions that are interested in both men and women.

As a result, we quarrel complaints, we are offended, second, we change, we break up ...

And anyway, we cannot do without each other, so it is important to develop mutual understanding.

The training is primarily aimed at those who are interested in it is better to understand the world of a man and the world of women.

To whom it is important to the ability to find a common language, the ability to negotiate during the conflict and create a trusting relationship. For those who want to understand the nature of the behavior of men and women.

The purpose of the training:

Training man and woman makes it possible to understand and learn:

  • How to create harmonious and trusting relationships;
  • How to find a common language negotiate during conflict;
  • What do we do to part and why we need it;
  • What is sex for men and women mean;
  • Why men and women change;
  • How to find your soul mate;
  • The roles of a man and a woman in the family.

Training description:

There is nothing more important than the relationship of a man and a woman. And no longer a secret for anyone that men and women look at the world and on the relationship.

We - men - it is difficult to understand women:

  • Why do they constantly ask the same questions?
  • Why do they show excessive initiative in male affairs?
  • Why do they do their advice?
  • What reasons are they constantly offended?
  • Why are they looking for a second meaning in what is said?

We - women - it is difficult to understand men:

  • Why don't they hear us?
  • Why are there indifferent?
  • Why do not take responsibility for yourself?
  • Why do disrespect for us?
  • Because of what they are cruel?

And this is only a small part of the questions that are interested in both men and women.

As a result, we quarrel complaints, we are offended, second, we change, we break up ...

And anyway, we cannot do without each other, so it is important to develop mutual understanding.

Passed the training "man and woman." I never regretted neither time spent or money. It was important for me to know why women do sometimes so and I didn't like it, I learned what women I attract in my life why I did not have a past relationship, what mistakes we made together, although they looked perfect for me. I realized how the world of men and the world of women differ - why often, making gifts beloved, she remained dissatisfied. And now I do a little differently and the effect is extraordinary! I was able to save and improve my relationship with my loved one and learned to get joy from them, enthusiasm and delight. It seems to me that this course is necessary for every man and every woman to stop accuse, be able to hear and negotiate and in general, so as not to make complaints of each other and not spend time at this time, but to enjoy what life gives life!

but sincerely recommend it to go through everyone who wants to build a harmonious relationship

Taras Zhilin

Very interesting material. Divided a number of questions and doubts. Many fears. Received a toolkit for liberation from past offend, and another garbage that can deliver inconvenience. Thank you very much Valentin for wonderful material and answers to all questions.

Igor Mosiychuk

Po from Valentine Plotnikova is a training on psychology of relationships and that the relationship is simultaneously simple and difficult. Training that many people create relationships and do not make a damn way to how to do it and for what. There are many simple ingredients and seasonings to cook delicious relationships and make them so that they wanted to consist and support them. During the training, you can catch dozens of insights and reconsider our relationship several times and their views on the relationship. For me personally, this training was also about that if a person could not part with his past relations or in previous relations, his personal borders and freedom were disturbed, and he did not work it, it will include strong internal mechanisms that are not They will allow him to join new either to consist in those, as it will try to run away in every way. In addition, I understood many more things that you should know, probably everyone before building relationships. Therefore, I consider this training extremely useful and I can safely recommend it to everyone who was, consists or wants to be in a relationship. Thank you, Valentine, for your work!

Natalia Listopad

Thank you very much, Valentine, for your invaluable work! What he felt during the training, never previously experienced. It is impossible to describe words! In the head and body, pleasant sensations: lightness, order, purity and freedom. I highly recommend everyone, definitely not excessive work on myself.

Alexander Makovsky

Training Psychology of Relations surpassed all my expectations from him! My conclusions are based on the client's personal experience in family therapy. And although much has already been familiar to me, but revealed for me in new nuans. Clear and concise. No water. Very affordable material feed. Successful examples for analyzing cinema. Effective teaching techniques. This training is the concentrate of the most important and useful information on love relationships. The right accents are made on the most important, in my opinion, aspects of relationships. Enough time was paid to the participants. The value of the training is completely paying for its cost. I recommend this course to everyone, anyone who just begins to build relationships or is in relationships for many years. - Everyone can find something for themselves. Thank you very much valentine for his work !!!

Taras Bondar

On the past weekend, a very deep and entertaining course was rooted. Within 2.5 days, Valentine shared his knowledge gained during many years of training and professional practice, answered all questions and disassembled the problems of each participant. I really liked that all the stages of the formation of a person from birth and even before him were considered, and even the keys and those who surround themselves were considered. As a result, I realized several important points that helped me understand the directions to study its growth points and received a good base for building relationships. I want to thank Valentine for the material provided and help in expanding personal borders, as well as recommend this training to everyone who has questions or problems in the awareness of their gaps in the knowledge of themselves and building relationships.

Vyacheslav Sparrow

The second step from the triad Valentine) were 2.5 pleasant and productive days. For me, this training is primarily about Po with himself. Focus on yourself, your emotions and beliefs. It was all. And useful theory, and practical exercises, and homework. As well as tools and methodologies for further work. Valentine, thanks for the training and sense of humor!)

Vadim Markov

I want to express a huge thanks Valentina Plotnikov, the author and trainer of the training "Psychology of love relationships" Many requests in personal and family life were worked out at this training! And most importantly, I managed to work out relationships with my parents! For me it was very important, because these are the very first relationships that you need to build! Received a lot of easy to use tools! Everyone who will seem to get to this training, I recommend! And Valentina wish you creative success and self-development!

Albert Isingaleev

Training Psychology of relations helped solve the problem with the closure of past relations, unnecessary comparisons to understand their needs and needs of their wife. The relief has come in the morning and the flow of thoughts has become calmer. Exercises of course it is better to do every day :) at least a month

Ivan Ustyugov

The training came to work out love for himself, strain less, enjoy the world. Was on different courses, including those who had to study relationships with parents. After this training, I am in a new state, the mood in which it was not before. The feeling of comfort, comfort, the world has become calmer more pleasant, more diverse. The feeling seems to be like you feel after the massage, the bath or when I did, I achieved what I had long wanted. Pleasantly. And there are tools for working with you, it's cool. At the training was a witness to how easily, in a couple of minutes, Valentine rolls the roots of non-efficiency or problems of different people. Powerfully! And, of course, how a man coach is well done. It's good.

Ruslan Khabibulin

Thank you Valentine. You are a specialist of your business, everything is detailed and understandable. In this course, on the psychology of relationship, I changed my attitude to myself, to the other, to life. I realized that there was a lot of offense and complaints in the shower, and that I wanted to get rid of that shipment in the shower that they created. I understood my growth points that I did not understand for a very long time. Thank you for the tools of work on yourself. Thank you for the understanding that the responsibility is an important way to which you need to go.