Wiring in a wooden house - design, installation and basic safety requirements (120 photos). Hidden wiring in a wooden house - how appropriate is it? European technology for installing electrical wiring in a wooden house

How to make safe wiring in a wooden house?

The most popular material for the construction of country houses was and remains wood. Which, for all its many advantages, has one serious drawback - is, as firefighters say, "combustible material."

Fire statistics show that more than half of all fires in wooden houses are caused by faulty electrical wiring. In practice, the main cause of malfunctions and subsequent short circuits is most often the violation of the integrity of the insulation of the wires in the wiring. As a rule, this happens either due to an increased load on the wires or due to mechanical damage to the insulation.

Why is this happening?

Most of the home-grown "jack of all trades", in order to save time, effort and money, pave hidden wiring on wooden bases, boldly hiding it behind the ceiling cladding, under the wall cladding, behind the skirting boards, in the voids of the ceilings and explaining to the "unreasonable" client that this is exactly what should be done.

Remember! Install hidden electrical wiring in wooden houses using a corrugated PVC pipe, plastic box IT IS FORBIDDEN!


In fact, there are several reasons. Below we will consider two of the most typical situations that arise when using electrical wiring in a wooden house.

At first. In the process of laying the cable, the electrician may slightly violate the insulation of the wires, and the control electrical measurements of the damage may not be recorded.

However, when all the necessary electrical equipment is connected, the wiring begins to function at maximum load. Naturally, such operation, which causes increased heating of the cable or wire, inevitably weakens the insulation, which causes a short circuit in the wiring.

The rather thin walls of plastic pipes and PVC boxes are not able to withstand a short circuit without burning out, therefore, a short circuit, alas, will inevitably entail a fire.

Secondly. Concealed electrical wiring using a corrugated pipe or PVC box, laid in the voids of wooden walls, ceilings and floors, is an object of increased attention from rodents, which are not uncommon in wooden houses, seeking to "taste" the details of your communications.

For mice, and even more so for rats, it will not be difficult to gnaw through a fairly thin pipe or PVC box, exposing the wire cores, which results in a short circuit in the hidden wiring.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that over time, a huge amount of wood dust accumulates in the voids of the walls and floors of wooden houses. As a result, the slightest spark leads to a fire. The worst thing is that it is almost impossible to immediately determine the place of the fire and eliminate it, since the combustion process that occurs BEYOND the walls and ceilings is hidden from view. Therefore, even flooding everything around with water and foam, you still cannot quickly extinguish the fire.

Can these problems be avoided?

At first glance, if you lay electrical wiring in a wooden house in accordance with the requirements of SNiP, PES, there will be no problems. However, in reality, not everything is so simple. First of all, because the requirements of the PUE regarding the installation of electrical wiring in wooden buildings are extremely stringent. By the way, it is the strictness of the standards that most often forces the "home-grown" electricians to break them.

Nevertheless, laying fire-safe electrical wiring in a wooden house is a feasible event, while you yourself can choose which wiring to use.

The table below shows the types of electrical wiring and methods of laying wires and cables in accordance with fire safety conditions.

Let's take a closer look at all types of fireproof electrical wiring in a wooden house.

Hidden wiring

Although most competent sources on this topic do not recommend installation of hidden wiring on combustible, in our case, wooden structures, however, with subject to compliance with fire safety requirements and the absence of financial problems, such a posting can be done.

Below we give a regulatory document (PES-6) in its part concerning the laying of hidden wiring inside the premises.

In fact, methods of fireproof laying of hidden wiring in a wooden house just two.

One of them is laying hidden electrical wiring using metal sleeve (pipes)... The main advantage of this method is that in the event of a fire metal pipe will protect adjacent structures from fire.

When using this wiring method, you will need to comply with several stringent conditions: to protect the pipe walls from corrosion, it must be painted or galvanized from the inside. To protect the cable insulation from sharp edges resulting from cutting pipes, special plastic plugs must be put on their ends. Plus, for such a wiring, you will need to drill grooves in the thickness of the walls in the form of channels, into which, in fact, metal pipes are then laid.

The best option for this wiring option is copper pipes. Due to the fact that copper pipes bend quite easily and they can be laid without special tools, wiring is at least somewhat simplified. However, for simplicity and convenience, you will have to pay a high, literally, price - copper pipes are very expensive.

In accordance with GOST R 50571.15-97 (IEC 364 5 52 93): clause 522.3.2, pipes should be laid with a slight slope to ensure the possibility of condensate outflow. But be prepared for the fact that in practice it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to check the quality of the installation of metal pipes, the same angle of inclination or the tightness of the joints.

The second way to lay hidden electrical wiring in a wooden structure is on a layer of plaster (outline) at least 10 mm thick on all sides.

Way seems to be simple, but when using it, the question arises: how to comply with PES standards regarding the replaceability of electrical wiring. Alternatively, you can embed it in plaster, after packing it in a corrugation. Formally, of course, the PES standards will be met, but in fact it will be impossible to pull the hard wire.

Moreover, no specialist can predict how plaster will behave on wooden surfaces after a while. Will the cracks go? Will it start to fall off? Not to mention, a thick layer of grout will look odd to say the least on beautiful wood surfaces.

It should be emphasized that both of these methods are quite costly in terms of money, effort, and time. Plus, they require planning of electrical wiring even at the construction stage.

Open wiring

- Wiring in electrical corrugated pipe

This method involves pulling the cable into a flexible corrugated pipe made of special plastic that does not support combustion. Two or more cables can be placed in one pipe.

The disadvantages of this method include, first of all, its unaesthetic - you are unlikely to like the prospect of "decorating" your house with several rows of corrugated pipes. Taking into account the number of electrical appliances in a modern house, there may be 5-7 such rows! In addition, since a corrugated pipe with a cable stretched into it is almost impossible to lay straight, "along the line", all its bends and sagging will also not add charm to your home.

Another disadvantage: the corrugated pipe is an excellent "dust collector", from which it is very difficult to remove the accumulated dust.

- Wiring in electrical boxes (cable ducts)

In this method, the cable is laid in a non-combustible plastic and closed with snap-on covers.

The main problem when using this method is associated with the inevitable shrinkage of a wooden house. On average, it is 1 cm per 1 m of house height, and these values ​​are given for houses made of high-quality laminated veneer lumber, the shrinkage of which is minimal. In practice, this means that a shrinkage of three centimeters (for a typical two-story house) will squeeze all the boxes, the lids will fly off, and the boxes themselves will crack. As a result, the wiring will have to be redone!

Secondly, in order to accurately and evenly install plastic boxes, a certain skill and dexterity will be required. Add to this the problems with fittings - alas, manufacturers offer a rather meager assortment of turns, corners, plugs, joints, without which it is almost impossible to accurately install cable channels.

Another significant drawback of electrical wiring in cable ducts is its boring, office look.

The advantages of this method include its low cost, minimal labor costs and the ability to easily make any changes in the future.

- Open cable wiring

Finally, we will consider the most optimal of all methods of laying electrical wiring in a wooden house - wiring with an open cable.

Naturally, when using an unprotected open cable, there is no need to talk about the aesthetics of the room either. Not only does the cable itself in conventional insulation (for example, the most common PUNP) look rather dull, but it will still be necessary to install a gasket of asbestos or metal under it, protruding from all sides by at least 10 cm.

However, there is another way. This is the so-called retro wiring on insulators. Its main advantages are the ability compliance with all necessary safety requirements, a plus, original, extremely popular lately retro style interior design.

You will learn more about the installation of such wiring in our next article.

The company "Salvador"

How to make hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house- correctly, reliably, in accordance with all the rules and regulations?

The answer to this question will have to be searched for a long time in various regulatory documents, rules and instructions - PUE, fire safety rules, etc.

I, too, at one time became very interested in this issue, I had to shovel a lot of literature, crawl on the Internet on sites and forums, and it turned out that the question is rather ambiguous ...

Some requirements of the rules simply lagged behind life and became outdated with the advent of new materials and technologies, and the interpretation of other rules can be interpreted in two ways.

But all the same, there are basic requirements and they are quite strict for wooden houses with hidden electrical wiring.

Here's what I found out.

I will not pull the rubber for a long time - if you suddenly decide to make hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house according to all the rules, get ready to pull the second water supply from the pipes ...

Yes, yes, do not be surprised, these are the requirements in the PUE for hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house, even if it is a house wiring made of laminated veneer lumber ...

All electrical wiring around the house, including transitions through walls and ceilings, must be done:

in metal pipes;

in a layer of plaster in pipes or corrugation (not UNDER the plaster, but in it!)

If done in metal pipes, junction boxes and socket boxes should also be metal.

In a layer of plaster, laying in pipes or corrugation is required because, according to the requirements of the PUE, the electrical wiring in a wooden house must be replaceable and it is possible to replace it in whole or in part.

How do you like this prospect? Not very impressive? To be honest, me too ...

By the way, if the electrical wiring is laid between a wooden wall and drywall in an air gap, this is also a hidden electrical wiring!

Why can't you just make grooves or grooves in a tree and use a cable in non-combustible insulation? Or just lay it under the plaster?

Or in a plastic corrugation, to make a cable channel?

No, you can't ...

Such stringent security measures when installing hidden wiring in a wooden house are used to exclude a fire in the event of a short circuit and other wiring faults.

Here the main point is this.

With a short circuit in the wire, electric arc , which has a very high temperature (the burner flame in a gas stove is a thousand times weaker!).

So: the purpose of metal pipes and a layer of plaster is localize(kill) this arc, prevent it from spreading and causing a fire.

For this, the metal pipe must be of a certain thickness with a different cross-section of the wire so that the electric pipe cannot burn through the walls and break out.

For a wire with a cross-section of up to 2.5 sq. Mm, the wall thickness of a metal pipe is not standardized!

Naturally, no plastic corrugation or plastic cable channel can withstand the effects of an electric arc that occurs during a short circuit.

In the layer of plaster, the same thing happens - the arc extinguishes itself due to the lack of air, and it also cannot burn through the layer of plaster. Therefore, short circuit does not cause any consequences.

Also, this method of laying protects the electrical wiring from other troubles - for example, mice, who, even on a full stomach, enjoy the insulation of wires with pleasure ...

All this is necessary since the electrical wiring is hidden and inaccessible for inspection and maintenance - we will not grind the plaster to make sure that the insulation of the wire is not broken.

Electric arc - 330 fps:

By the way, the metal hose is unsuitable for these purposes and it is also impossible to make hidden electrical wiring in it. It has no localizing ability for self-extinguishing of an electric arc.

Whether we like it or not, we are obliged to fulfill the requirements of the rules, especially if a new house is being built, which in the future will be taken over by the energy supervision.

Although the implementation of these rules leads to deplorable curiosities ...

On one of the forums I read that they were doing hidden electrical wiring in metal pipes in a new house built of laminated veneer lumber.

We did everything according to the rules, drilled a bar, laid pipes, connected them, bent, etc.

As a result, the log house after shrinkage simply hung on these pipes ...

A few centimeters of gaps were formed between the rows of the timber. I had to cut the pipes and make the electrical wiring in an open way.

By the way, wiring is done in Canada without any protection- just a double-insulated cable! What is in panel houses, what is in squared or log houses. Why?

And because, first of all, they use RCDs already on 5mA, secondly, they have a grounding conductor in the cable immediately without isolation.

That is, if, for example, a three-core cable, then between the two cores in insulation is made naked copper grounding conductor. We have never seen such cables.

This makes it possible to catch very early with the help of the RCD the leakage current arising from the deterioration of the insulation of the phase or neutral wire.

My personal opinion is that installation in metal pipes is too much ... I honestly have not seen such a thing live. It is really very expensive and time consuming.

Basically, I meet wood installation just in plastic corrugation, very rarely in a metal hose, and under plaster, it's just a double-insulated cable.

Of course this is not in accordance with the rules, but such is the reality! And not because of a good life they do this, not everyone will financially pull electrical installation in metal pipes.

If you have to hand over the object to the energy supervision or firefighters, or you want to make the wiring as safe as possible, according to the principle “did it once well and forgot”, then it is better to pass the wires in a plastic corrugation in a layer of plaster and install RCDs or difavtomats.

Let's look at the reasons why a short circuit in the cable can occur and, as a result, further fire if the wiring is done incorrectly:

a) defective cable. That is, the insulation of the current-carrying conductors is initially damaged or does not meet the requirements at the manufacturing plant.

How to avoid: buy a quality cable, do an insulation resistance test.

b) mice and other creepers )))

How to avoid: installation in plaster or in a metal frame - pipes, boxes, etc.

v) physical damage to the insulation of electrical wiring. For example, during repairs, accidentally screw in a self-tapping screw, hammer in a nail, etc.

How to avoid: But in any way ... If desired, the metal pipe can be cut with a grinder.

G) insulation failure due to overload electrical wiring.

How to avoid: Correct installation and selection of circuit breakers or fuses.

If you decide to make hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house in a layer of plaster in a corrugated pipe, the "Electric" program will help you calculate the material. How to do this - I told and showed in the article

What is your opinion on this issue? How are you doing electrical wiring in a wooden house?

I am happy to answer your comments!

And finally, a video of an electric arc. arising when the circuit breaker is turned off:

Be the first to know about the new materials on the site!

Why is the idea of ​​building a wooden house attractive? This is the ecological purity of materials that can provide a comfortable and healthy microclimate in the premises of the home and, of course, the desire of homeowners to follow the traditions of Russian architecture. The modern building materials market allows you to build a house made of profiled and glued beams, as well as of rounded logs. In contrast to all the advantages inherent in houses made of wood, there is a problem with the arrangement of electrical wiring. The option of open wiring, laid in cable channels, does not always meet the requirements of an attractive interior design, the homeowner is faced with the question of how to make hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house with his own hands. We will talk about this further.

Benefits of hidden wiring

The indisputable advantages of installing hidden wiring in a wooden house are:

  1. The absence of cable channels on the walls, which adversely affect the appearance of the room and significantly complicate the process of applying wallpaper.
  2. Minimizing the risk of mechanical damage to cables and wiring wires.
  3. Possibility of replacing the cable laid in the pipe.
  4. A high degree of electrical fire safety, provided that the installation work is performed correctly in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents.

Special requirements for safety

Hidden installation of electrical wiring in a wooden house is very difficult, it requires strict compliance with fire safety standards, requirements and compliance with GOST R 50571.1-2009. A person who does not have experience in electrical installation should not try to do this work with his own hands. The homeowner who has invited specialists for the arrangement needs to know the basic provisions on the installation methods in order to monitor the performance of work and in no case should this material be taken as step-by-step instructions.

When designing a home electrical network, the main emphasis is on ensuring fire safety, even if it goes against the aesthetic component. The finished project must be coordinated with specialists. The hidden wiring diagram should provide for a minimum of turns of the electric line. Given the high likelihood of a fire in wooden structures, the wiring should be laid in such a way that even a tiny section of the electric highway does not come into contact with the wood. The cable must be laid in steel or copper pipes. It is allowed to lay electrical wiring in a corrugated metal hose, as well as in PVC corrugation, provided they are protected with plaster or asbestos gasket.

The diameter of the pipe is selected taking into account the fact that the hidden electrical wiring laid in it should occupy 40% of its internal cavity. The thickness of its walls must correspond to the cross-section of the conductors according to VSN 370-93 or SP 31.110-2003 table. 14.1. Pulling an electric main through pipes can cause mechanical damage to its shell, therefore, after each such operation, it must be performed. Special requirements are imposed on the brand of the cable, its sheath must be made of a non-combustible three-layer material, and the marking of domestic samples must contain the letter symbols "ng-LS". For example, VVGng-LS. The imported analogue is NYMng-LS cable.

The pipes must be securely threaded, welded or brazed. Places of interroom transitions, as well as points of installation of wiring elements should be equipped with metal boxes or glasses wrapped in asbestos and fixed with alabaster plaster. In more detail, we talked about it in a separate article.

Installation features

The most time-consuming operation when laying hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house is the installation of pipes in the body of the wall. The process is quite laborious, requiring the greatest possible accuracy and precision. The production of these works will require special practical skills and a special high-tech tool.

To insert insulating pipes into walls, drilling will be required, both horizontally and vertically. Vertical holes are drilled during the laying of the log house, horizontal holes when the walls have already been erected. After the pipes are fixed in the body of the wooden walls, a wire is inserted into them, which will serve as a conductor for pulling the wire. The seats are carefully cut to fit the dimensions of the wiring elements, insulating metal boxes are attached to them.

Alternatively, floor wiring. Is it possible to avoid such a laborious process associated with placing pipes in the walls? Many homeowners, when arranging a hidden electrician in a wooden house, practice laying wiring along the ceiling in the attic. The fire safety requirements for this method of electrical installation remain the same, the electric line in the attic is insulated with metal pipes or trays, only descents to switches and sockets are carried out along strobes or vertical drills in the walls, as shown in the photo below:

Another option is hidden wiring in plaster. You can take the simplest route and lay electrical wiring between layers of plaster. The method is primitive and not expensive, but not very safe. The plaster actively absorbs moisture, and also cracks over time, which is why it loses its insulating properties.

Useful information

For the laying of hidden wiring on wood, experts recommend that developed in Germany, with three-layer insulation made of non-combustible material. You can also use the domestic VVGng-LS cable.

Copper pipes are much more expensive to use, but they are much easier to bend and profile. Depending on the situation, you can use a combination of hidden wiring with an open one.

Installing a socket into a wooden wall

Typical mistakes

Now you know how hidden electrical wiring can be done in a wooden house with your own hands. We hope our advice on installation, as well as the rules and requirements provided, have helped you understand the whole essence of the work!

Materials (edit)

One of the most important measures in the construction of a wooden house is its electrification in compliance with fire safety rules. Usually professional electricians are engaged in the plant in the house and the further laying of cables to each point, although some homeowners tend to take responsibility for this difficult task. To help those who decide to conduct electricity in the house on their own, step-by-step instructions accompanied by mandatory rules.

Rules for laying electrical cables in wooden structures

Before tackling in a wooden house, you should study some of the features of this event, characteristic of buildings made of timber or logs. The rules for electrifying a wooden structure are different from electrical wiring and equipment installation in houses built of stone, brick, or building blocks. The main difference lies in the flammability of wood, which requires special care when carrying out all work related to supplying power to each point.

The second feature of a lumber building is its significant shrinkage, the degree of which must be taken into account when spreading electrical wiring. The specified features of buildings erected from wood building materials dictate the following rules that must be observed when installing electrical wiring with your own hands:

  • preference is given to an electric cable with a copper power core, as it is more flexible and less prone to damage when bending and stretching;
  • the priority is the open (outdoor) method of wiring;
  • the use of metal (non-combustible) socket boxes and junction boxes;
  • holes in the walls for laying cables between different rooms and when entering the house are fenced off from wood by metal cases (sleeves);
  • when installing electrical wiring in a closed way, the cable is laid only in a solid metal tube, the use of corrugated cable channels for these purposes is strictly prohibited;
  • it is recommended to use a wire protected by several layers of non-combustible braid, the outer diameter of which is at least 40% less than the inner section of the case or mounting tube;
  • special attention is paid to protection against short circuits (installation of circuit breakers and RCDs), grounding of all electrical devices connected to the appropriate circuit, creation of effective protection against lightning strikes;
  • The electrical distribution board is mounted to a wooden wall by means of a reliable dielectric non-combustible plate.

These rules will provide you with maximum safety during the operation of the power supply, because more than half of the cases of fires in wooden buildings are provoked by faults in the electrical wiring. For fire safety reasons, to the detriment of aesthetic preferences, experts recommend using an open cable installation method when wiring around the house.

If, nevertheless, in preference hidden (internal) laying of wires, the laying of metal cases for electrical cables must be done when erecting walls. This is a laborious process, which also requires accurate calculations in the design of power supply in order to minimize the likelihood of channel deformation from the pressure of building structures during house shrinkage. For this reason, open wiring in a wooden house is more often preferred, as it is safer and more controllable during operation.

With the open method of cable routing, two options for wiring are used. The first, considered somewhat outdated, involves fixing the wiring on special dielectric insulators, which are installed at a certain pitch according to the wiring diagram. This method loses in aesthetics, but at the same time it is the easiest to install, safest and least expensive in terms of material investments. Open wiring on insulators is now used less and less, preferring to lay electrical cables in special lockable cases that are mounted on top of a wooden wall or ceiling. Laying wires in wall cable ducts is convenient, functional and allows you to implement complex wiring diagrams that meet modern requirements for the power supply of private houses.

Power Supply Design - Highlights

Any complex installation work is preceded by design, including the installation of wiring in a wooden house. But first, it is necessary to coordinate the provision of electricity to housing with an organization providing electricity services, whose specialists must develop technical conditions - the basis for further design. At the same time, the total energy consumption, a set of necessary electrical equipment for entering a power cable into the house is estimated.

For a private household, according to the approved standards, it is considered permissible to consume within 15 KW at a time, which corresponds to an installation at the input of 25 A. If the consumption exceeds the indicated figure, it is necessary to install an additional electric current converter.

Designing begins with the designation of the location of electricity consumers on the construction diagram. Some of them will be powered from the general network (lighting and appliances connected to conventional sockets), others will be connected to the switchboard through a separate cable. This is how devices of increased power consumption are connected (electric stoves, hot water boilers, electric heating boilers). Each of the powerful consumers of electricity provides for connection through an individual circuit breaker.

Depending on the number of devices and their power, which will presumably be powered from a particular room, the number of required outlets and the cross-section of the supply cable are calculated. In order to prevent overheating of the conductors, a cable with a conductor cross-section of at least 1.5 mm is used. Lead at least 2.5 mm to the sockets. The use of tees and electric carriers is not recommended; it is advisable to install more points of power consumption than it is supposed to use electrical appliances.

Also, during the design, the locations of the junction boxes and the ways of their communication with lighting devices, switches and sockets are noted. In this case, the minimum distances from the laid cable to door and window openings (at least 10 cm), floor and ceiling are taken into account. The layout of the cables, especially when they are hidden, will help in the future not to damage the wiring during various installation and finishing works. When designing the wiring, not only personal ideas about the convenience of the location of electrical outlets and cables are taken into account, but also the requirements dictated by considerations of safety and expediency, which include the following rules:

  • it is unacceptable to connect power points along the shortest path - cables are laid only vertically and horizontally, forming direction transitions at right angles;
  • switches are installed in the interval of 0.6-1.2 m from the floor surface, for the sockets, the permissible range of heights of the location is 0.4-0.8 m;
  • switches, sockets and junction boxes must be freely accessible for use, revision or repair work;
  • direct contact of passing wires with metal objects and with each other is excluded (the distance between adjacent cables should not be less than 50 mm).

The connection of copper and aluminum conductors, if any, is prohibited by twisting. To avoid rapid oxidation of such contacts, it is recommended to use special terminal blocks.

Wiring - widely used methods and schemes

Installation of wiring in a wooden house begins with choosing a wiring diagram and a method for laying cables. But first, it is necessary to install external electrical equipment, which includes an electric meter and circuit breakers. Usually, the meter and the main machine are installed by specialists of the power supply organization, further wiring is done by hired electricians or independently.

It is recommended to install additional circuit breakers, through one of which the lighting is supplied, the other breaks the circuit going to the sockets, the third - for electrical appliances located outside the building ... Separate machines are installed on cables supplying electricity to household and technical buildings, as well as high-power electrical appliances installed in the house and powered by individual wires.

The main power cable is led inward through a case mounted in a wooden wall and led to the first junction box, where it is connected to the next main cable to other rooms. When installing open wiring in a wooden house, before routing wires from junction boxes to points of power consumption, it is necessary to install insulators (in the retro version) or closeable cases (boxes) designed for laying the appropriate number of cables according to the wiring diagram. If the method of installing wires in boxes is chosen, the subsequent steps are performed in this order.

  1. 1. In the cases fixed to the walls (the step of fastening is 50-60 cm) we put the wires, one end of which we put into the junction box, the other into the corresponding socket. In the box, we leave a supply of cable up to 20 cm, in the socket - about 10 cm. After laying the electrical wires, we close the box with a lid.
  2. 2. According to the wiring and connection diagram of electric current consumers in the box, we connect the wires. The easiest way is twisting followed by insulation. We clean all the conductors from the braid by about 40 mm, twist them along the entire length of the protected cores, and then isolate them with special caps.
  3. 3. A more reliable way of connecting wires is using terminal blocks of the appropriate cross-section. We clean the wires by about 7-8 mm, insert the pads into the corresponding connector and clamp them with a screw. This connection method prevents sparking and oxidation of the contacts.
  4. 4. Next, we connect the contacts of switches, sockets and light sources to the corresponding wires. We install sockets and switches into socket boxes and securely fix them with special unclenching "mustaches".
  5. 5. Only after installing all the elements of electrical equipment can the junction boxes be integrated with each other and with the central power cable.

For wires supplying electrical appliances of increased power, we lay separate boxes designed for one wire. The cable coming from an electric stove, boiler or other powerful electrical installations must be continuous and open only on an individual circuit breaker installed in the distribution board. For planting into the house of wires for individual electrical appliances, you can use the same case as for the main cable of the main wiring. But at the same time, it is necessary to shield each conductor from each other with a dielectric non-combustible material.

This is how open wiring is done in wooden houses, and its installation is available for independent practical implementation. If you want to carry out the wiring hidden in a construction from a log or a bar, it is better to contact specialists, since this is a troublesome task, requires accurate calculations and involves a laborious installation process with the installation of complex communication nodes.

Most often, wooden houses are erected in summer cottages. The advantage of these buildings is low material costs for construction and high speed of construction. The main disadvantage of this solution is the high probability of ignition in the event of an emergency in the wiring. As a result of arcing and short circuits, walls and ceilings can easily catch fire. Hence the high requirements for cable laying in structures with combustible surfaces in PUE and other NTD. Therefore, let's figure out how the electrical wiring should be carried out in a wooden house safely, according to GOST and PUE.


  1. Lighting
  2. Sockets
  3. Powerful electrical appliances

Be sure to protect these groups with individual circuit breakers and RCDs. The residual current device must be installed on the circuit from which the water heater, electric boiler, dishwasher and washing machine and other powerful consumers are powered, especially if they are located in damp rooms.

Then for a cable with a cross section of 1.5 sq. mm (lighting circuits) choose an automatic machine with a rated current of 6-10 amperes, and for 2.5 sq. mm - 16 amperes.

Group RCDs for outlets or individual consumers must have a leakage current (differential current, aka Id) within 10-30 mA, and a common RCD, also called introductory or fire-prevention, is chosen with a leakage current greater than group ones, for example 100-300 mA ...

Also, a selective RCD is sometimes installed on the input - it differs from the usual long response time. The rated current of the RCD must be higher than the current of the machine that protects this group, that is, AB at 10A - RCD at 16A, AB at 16A - RCD at 25A.

Assembly diagram of a single-phase board in a wooden house:

If you spent 3 phases per site, the switchboard diagram may look like:

After the wiring is completed and the shield is assembled, we recommend that you call an electrician to check everything and possibly eliminate obvious errors. Next, you need to pass acceptance tests, obtain an Admission Certificate for connecting to the network, and also call a representative of the RES to seal the meter and the input machine.

That's all the step-by-step instructions explaining in detail how do-it-yourself electrical wiring is carried out in a wooden house. Be sure to carry out electrical installation according to the PUE and other existing standards. They are designed and built on the basis of a large number of accidents that could have been avoided by simply following the rules. We hope that the tips and diagrams provided helped you to complete the electrical installation yourself, or at least save money on some of the installation stages.