Scheme of heating system for 2 floors houses. Schemes of heating systems for a two-story private house

Heat in the house is an important condition for a comfortable stay. So from how responsible you come to planning will depend a lot, starting with the health of households and ending with the preservation of the whole building. The theme of today's conversation is the heating scheme of a 2-storey private house.

How to minimize heat loss, create an optimal temperature in the house and at the same time save on materials and fuel - about all this in our material.

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What is the scheme of heating a 2-storey private house and its main components

The task of selection of equipment for is not simple. To solve it, you need to have a complex of engineering knowledge, mathematics data and practical experience. Professionals cope with the design of heating for a private house in a few hours. The amateur may leave for several days. In this case, you will use useful and important information on formulas for calculating, types and types of heating systems, features of heating devices with different coolants.

First of all, we'll figure it out that such a heating scheme. This is a graphic plan in which all the placement of elements of the heating system and the methods of their connection to a single network are indicated.

In a private house, heating can have only a closed contour for obvious reasons, because the main source of heat is located in the building itself.

The easiest example of the scheme is a single closed pipe that is condensed by the building around the perimeter. The coolant is heated in and, gradually cooled, passes along the contour, returning to the original point to warm up again. So used to do with their own hands of private houses. The scheme of this contour is extremely simple, and it would seem why to invent something new? But this simple system had significant disadvantages - only the first rooms were fully warmed on the path from. Those premises that were at the end of the heating ring were not lucky. Temperature regime was unsatisfactory there. On the walls, the mold was grown, and was uncomfortable in them for a long time. In addition, for full heating, the volume was required, and they do not install furniture to the walls with it.

It was replaced by modern heating devices, with elegant, different coolants and complex layout systems, allowing to evenly distribute heat throughout the house.

For greater efficiency in modern homes, combined heating is used. Use, for example, a traditional water circuit with and, which include for heating a bathroom or in residential areas.

The heat generators are used on solid or liquid fuel, heat pumps, solar collectors and others.

In addition to the heat source, it is necessary to determine whether the contour of the coolant will have a forced or self-e-movement. This factor is also one of the most important schemes. Natural circulation requires a thorough calculation of the liner of the pipe and. With forced circulation a little simpler, the movement is carried out using an electric pump, but heat in the house will depend on the presence of electricity. Residents of country households know that just the presence of this electricity depends on many factors and is not guaranteed.

Another important point to select a scheme is the type of heat carrier. Water, air or oil can act in his role. If the choice is made in favor of air, it is most likely, or. Air can be heated with electrical appliances - or infrared emitters. Water is the most frequently used type of heat carrier. It is well holding heat, easily heats up. Anti-corrosion substances are added to the water in the water and are installed to collect a precipitate.

Tip!If the heating is installed in the country and the building heating is periodic, antifreeze is added to the water. So in the absence of hosts, the coolant will not freeze and does not break the pipes.

Oil electrical heaters are an excellent option if you can afford high electricity costs. They effectively heat the room, hold the heat for a long time, even after shutdown.

Featuring the type of heating, features, contour and coolant, you can start creating a scheme. Here are some examples of how the heating project looks like:

How to choose a source of thermal energy

Most often, the source of thermal energy is noted not from considerations of savings or convenience, but forced, guided by the features of the location of housing and its remoteness from the necessary communications. If there is no electricity, it is clear that installing electrical heaters will not work. The lack of a network gas highway will make you make a choice in favor of solid fuel, and the absence of access roads to the house - and contact alternative energy sources at all. Consider different heating options and their features.

Heating of a private house with electricity: the main nuances

There are two ways of electric heating in a private house:

  • with the help connected to the network;
  • with the help that is part of the heating system with radiators.

Disputes about what is better - separate calorifers or, continue constantly. Supporters of electric boilers as an argument lead a long-term preservation of heat in the system. That is, the traditional coolant slowly cools, and, therefore, such a system is more efficient and economical. On the other hand, convectors and oil heaters heat the room much faster, and infrared emitters warm the items in the room, each of which becomes a kind of battery.

All would be good, but note that when choosing such heating, you fall into direct dependence on the electricity supplier, and they, as mentioned above, are sometimes summary.

In addition, the power grid in the house should be ready for such a load, because the heating devices consume a large number of kilowatts. That is, although it is not necessary to create a project of heating, you will have to carefully approach the development of a housing power supply project.

And the last difficulty with which will have to face: the cost of electricity. Today, electricity prices are high enough, despite the fact that our state produces it in huge quantities sufficient even for sale abroad. Such heating will fly to you in a penny.

If we talk about what system is more suitable for a two-storey house, then listen to the opinion of professionals. And they advise the use of closed systems for multi-storey structures, guaranteeing uniform overwhelming the entire contour.

Circulation options in the system

We have already touched upon the topic forced or natural circulation in closed and open systems. It should be supplemented that the principle of the natural movement of the coolant is suitable only for systems that are heating small areas and equipped with low-power boilers. The maximum pipeline length in such circuit is 30 meters. Gravitational heating systems of two-storey houses are rare. The efficiency of such heating is lower than in the designs with the pump.

Compare the main advantages and cons of heating with natural or forced circulation:

Natural Forced
Does not depend on the source of electricityCan be used in rooms with complex geometry and placing pipes based on reasons of maximum aesthetic
Economical, as it does not need an additional pumpConveniently adjust the temperature regime in the room
Does not make out of extraneous noise and vibrationCan be used for multi-storey buildings
Easy to install and maintainWorks with a small diameter pipeline
Works for some time after turning off the boilerHas a long service life
Long heats upPump noise during work
Can not use polymer pipesDependence on the source of electricity
Not suitable for high-rise buildings
Scheme of heating two-storey house with natural circulation
Scheme of heating with forced circulation of a two-storey house

Types of wiring their features

The layout of the heating system in a private house is the result of the work of engineering thought, do not underestimate this process.

Wiring can be divided into three categories:

  • in the direction of vertical or horizontal;
  • on the pipeline on two-pipe or single-tube;
  • in the direction of movement for deadlock and counter.

In the project of heating a two-story house there must be two types of listed categories. It is impossible to say that some of these species are good or bad, in each case the optimal option should be selected. But how to do that?

The first choice is a single-tube or two-pipe heating wiring in a private house? In this matter, opinions differ radically, and all the arguments should be examined before reaching the decision.

How do one-tube systems look like

A single-tube system of heating a private house looks like one contour with boiler and radiators. It is perfect for a building in one floor. Here is just one riser to which all other appliances are connected.

A single-tube system can be horizontal or vertical, depending on the location of the riser.

Scheme of a single-tube system of heating with lower wiring:

If this type of system is used for a two-story building, use vertical risers. Scheme of a single-tube system of heating of a two-story house with vertical stand:

Advantages and disadvantages of one-tube wiring:

pros Minuses
The installation of such a system will require less, it is easy to mount with your own hands.It is impossible to connect more than ten radiators to the vertical riser. Lower floors will not get enough heat.
The cost of the system will be much lower due to a smaller amount of materials.With such a wings, it is impossible to use thermoclap and adjust the air temperature in a specific room.
For one-tube wiring requires the installation of a circulation pump. Without it, the efficiency of the system will be extremely low.

For your information! Modern radiators have regulators and valves that allow you to adjust the temperature even with a single-tube wiring.

What are two-pipe systems

The two-pipe heating system with top wiring gives the heat carrier to climb up and then move to each radiator separately. Thus, each suitable two pipelines with an incoming and outgoing stream.

An example of a two-pipe system of heating of a two-story private house:

Advantages and disadvantages of such contour:

Minuses pros
In comparison with a single-tube system, large expenses for materials will be required. In such a system, much larger adapters, cranes and other fittings.Uniform warming of all rooms. The coolant arrive in each battery with the same temperature.
In such a circuit, you can use natural circulation. No need for a powerful electric pump.
To repair the radiator, there is no need to turn off the entire contour.
There are difficulties in the installation of two-integral heating of a private house with their own hands.You can use a dead-end or passing method of moving the coolant.
Such contour is perfect for buildings with a large area.

For your information! Specialists in heating systems are recommended to be installed on each radiator of thermocrants and drain cranes for urgent repairs.

German practicality: Tichelman scheme

Engineer from Germany Albert Tichelman first suggested changing the principle of working in the heating system. The meaning of the Tiechelman system in a two-story house is that all circulation contours have the same length, which makes it possible to maintain constant uniform pressure.

Tichelman scheme for two-storey house:

The design of Tichelman should cover the entire building, combining floors. Specialists are recommended to additionally install a pump for circulating the coolant on each floor. Some recommend setting one common vertical riser and have already made a wiring along the floors. For better adjustment of the temperature regime in rooms, balancing cranes are installed in the contour. They allow to produce accurate floor settings.

What is good and that bad in the loop of Tichelman on two floors:

pros Minuses
Can be used in premises with any geometryIncreasing the length of the pipeline leads to an increase in the cost of materials
In such a contour, it is possible to install a large number of radiatorsYou can not use small diameter pipes
Uniform warming up
Easy in montageThere are difficulties with a laying loop in non-standard door and window openings
Resistance to adverse factors and long life

Now the Tiechelman system is one of the most popular among country household owners.

Modern style: Leningradka scheme

In the classic heating system "Leningradka" for the two-storey home of the heating battery exhibit at one level around the perimeter of the building. By the location of the pipeline, it can be vertical or horizontal. For a two-story building, it is characterized by using a vertical pipeline. It is more difficult to mount, but the effectiveness of such a system is much higher horizontal.

Leningrad heating system, a scheme for a two-storey house:

In modern designing such systems, fittings, and other additional equipment, which significantly increases the efficiency of the contour are actively used. To circulate the coolant, you can use the pump, but the "Leningrad" can cope with the natural circulation.

Advantages and disadvantages of the scheme:

pros Minuses
It is possible to carry out the installation of the heating of the private house "Leningradka" with their own hands. The circuit of the contour is simple and available for a beginner wizard. To compile a project should produce professionals
High system efficiency
Relatively small costs for mounting materialsInstallation and system balancing is required.
You can repair radiators without disconnecting the entire contour.

Collective heating system: features and advantages

The collector diagram of the heating of a two-story building has a main distinctive feature: each battery has its own eyeliner. This makes it possible to adjust the heating of each radiator or to disable it at all if necessary. The main element of this circuit is a collector. This is a fragment of a large diameter pipe with one inlet and multiple outgoing tubes. To each output you can connect your contour.

Collector circuit diagram:

Now about the advantages and disadvantages of such a system:

pros Minuses
Each radiator can be controlled separately: adjust the temperature and disconnectTo heat the building with such a contour will require more energy
For such a system, you can use thin pipes and even hide them in the thickness of the wallThe system has a high level of hydraulic resistance, so it is not necessary to do without one, but better than several pumps
You can mount multiple contours for different floors or rooms. It is very convenient if you plan to do in some of them.The functioning of the system depends on electricity.

To better imagine the features of collective heating of a two-story house, video material on the topic:

Radiation heating system and its scheme

The use of a radiation system of heating a two-storey house is one of the most effective options. It is guaranteed to provide your dwelling with heat and at the same time will save on energy. In this case, it will be necessary to install not one, but several collectors, one for the floor. And, moreover, each floor is mounted on its own and feed and reverse branch.

Important! For radiation heating at home, it is important to carefully insulate the walls.

Radie layout diagram:

Positive and negative points:

The radiation system is excellent for multi-storey structures. It makes no sense to install it in with a small amount of rooms.

Heat engineering calculation of the heating system: what is it necessary for what

Sign of a professional approach to the development of the heating scheme - the calculation of heat loss. Do I need to do it if it comes only about private home ownership in a couple of floors?

What will this calculate us:

  • we install what power you need a boiler;
  • calculate the number of radiators for each room;
  • we find out how much the heating of the house will do;
  • we will understand how to avoid heat loss;
  • we define the likelihood of destroying building materials and finishes from dampness and temperature drops.

The complexity is only in that it is difficult to make the calculation of the heating of a private house with their own hands. It will take a lot of time and nerves. So, starting to calculate, pour patience and calculators that simplify the process.

Calculation of the power of the boiler heating on the area of \u200b\u200bthe house, formula

If you are mistaken with a choice of boiler, keep in mind that the result will be the fuel overrun and decrease in the life of the system. If the boiler works on solid fuel, then you will have to make it much more often.

Tip! Having calculated the required boiler power, laid a small margin in case of an extreme temperature reduction.

Before starting, the calculation should determine the possible heat loss of the building. This is a very difficult part of the work, requiring a lot of indicators.

The dimensions of the heat loss are affected by the materials of the walls, and. It should take into account the presence of warm floors and the type of wiring used. Organizations that are professionally dealt with similar calculations, even household appliances in the house, from which heat can be carried out during operation. But such accuracy, in principle, for nothing.

In a simplified version, it is believed that for the middle strip there is enough single kilowatt of thermal energy for heating ten square meters of the square. Thus, if the area of \u200b\u200byour home, for example, 100 squares, should be constructed with a capacity of 10 kilowatt. Such a norm corresponds to standard rooms with standard ceiling heights. If the house has non-standard dimensions, they will still have to do settlements.

If it's just in high ceilings, do simple: calculate and apply the coefficient. If you take a standard height of 270 centimeters per unit, then at a height, for example, in 320 centimeters you will receive a coefficient 1.2. Its and use it. Thus, multiplying our ten kilowatts (with a hundred squares) to 1.2, we obtain the required power of 12 kilowatts.

Another important coefficient is climatic. That is, 1 kilowatt is for the middle strip of Russia. And for the northern regions, it will be required at least 2, for the Moscow region - 1.5, for the south - 0.9. When calculating, it should be considered.

Send the result to me by mail

Calculation of the expansion tank and its features

The task of the expansion tank is to maintain optimal pressure in the system, not allowing the hydrowood and breaking the pipeline. With an open system, the calculation of the size of the tank is not particularly important. This is just a tank in the attic. It is better to take a large tank so that the water does not break down, even if it boils in the pipes.

It is much more difficult if the system is closed.

To calculate, it will be necessary to calculate the full volume of the circuit with and radiators. The technical documentation of the batteries is an indication of the volume of coolant. It remains only to calculate the volume of the pipeline using formulas for the sixth grade of the secondary school. It is clear that you will not get a completely accurate digit, but it does not matter. Returning to the topic of simplified calculations, we note that on average, 1 kilowatt of the boiler power accounts for approximately 15 liters of coolant, subject to the use of modern equipment. That is, for our hypothetical house in 100 squares and a boiler in 10 kilowatt, 150 liters of water will be required. Next you need to apply the formula:

The volume of the tank \u003d the volume of the coolant X 0.04 (4% - the expansion coefficient) / the magnitude of the membrane efficiency in the tank.

The last indicator is not difficult to find in the technical documentation for the expansion tank. If the procedure seemed too complicated, use the calculator.

The optimal heating scheme of a 2-storey private house is chosen taking into account the set of factors: efficiency, cost and complexity of installation, the presence of reliable power supply and frequency of use. In addition, the projects of water heating systems should take into account a number of personal requirements of the customer to the interior design of rooms, which can satisfy not every type of pipe laying and heating devices.

Possible options

To correctly select a suitable way of wiring, it makes sense to take existing heating schemes suitable for houses with two floors, and disassemble the pros and cons of each of them. Most often, such options are also being introduced:

  • one-tube horizontal scheme ("Leningradka");
  • a single-tube system of heating of a two-storey house with vertical risers and the natural movement of the coolant;
  • two-pipe stubbing diagram with branches of equal length or annular associated system with circulating pump;
  • collector diagram of heating of a two-story house with a forced circulation of water;
  • water warm floors;
  • plinth heating, also two-pipe.

Options for wiring providing for the installation of radiators can be both an open type (communicating with the atmosphere) and a closed type (operating with excess pressure). Homeowners who want to provide for water heating to economic needs should be aware that the heating circuit of a two-storey house with a two-kite heat generator does not differ from the wiring, which was summed up to a conventional boiler with 1 contour. The difference is to operate: any system of heating a two-story house with a double-circuit boiler warms water for radiators and DHW alternately. When a hot water crane is open, the heating of the coolant stops, the unit completely switches to the DHW.

One highway: pros and cons

A single-tube system of heating of a two-storey house - the Leningradka scheme - consists of one highway laid around the perimeter of the building horizontally, above the floor of each floor. The heating devices are connected to the highway 2 ends, alternately. This type of thermal network is well suited for homes, where two floors occupy a small area (up to 80 m² each). There are reasons for this:

  1. The coolant coming into each subsequent radiator has an increasingly low temperature due to mixing cooled water from previous batteries. Therefore, the length of the ring is limited to 4-5 heating devices.
  2. To warm up the second floor and the rooms where the recent battery costs, their heat transfer should be increased by varying sections.
  3. The horizontal network of a two-storey house with natural circulation should be performed with a large slope (up to 1 cm per 1 m moundatic tube). The boiler is put in the recess, and in the attic there is an expansion tank communicating with the atmosphere.

Leningrad layout of heating of a two-storey house with a forced feed of the coolant works much more stable and more efficient than the method of samonek. For natural circulation in a private house, it is better to make vertical risers, penetrating overlaps and distributing heat radiators at the windows. The flow of water in the risers is carried out from the horizontal collector, laid in an attic room, return to the boiler - along the same highway running over the floor of the 1st floor.

As in the first case, the open expansion tank is put on the attic of a 2-storey cottage, and the highways are packed with a slope. If the heating system is closed, the slopes are required minimal (3 mm on the phenomenon meter), and the membrane tank is placed in the boiler room.

Single-tube wiring of the heating of a two-storey house, though inexpensive in the installation, but are complicated in the calculation and execution.

Yes, and not every owner will like it when large-diameter pipelines are held on the part of the premises, they have to hide them under the box.

Optimal solution - 2 highways

The two-pipe system of heating a two-storey house is good because the coolant is sent to heating devices on one pipe, and returns - on the other. In private house building, 3 types of such systems are used:

  • tupic, coolant in it comes to the last battery and flows back, the flows move towards each other;
  • passing, where the supply and reverse flow proceeds in 1 direction, and the diagram is a closed ring;
  • collector, characterized by individual flow of heated water to each radiator from the distribution manifold.

All two-pipe water heating schemes for a 2-storey private house are easy to perform, in this advantage. If the architecture of the building is not too complicated, and the area does not exceed 300 m², then you can collect pipelines without preliminary calculations. The supply from the boiler is made with a pipe of 25-32 mm, branches - 20-25 mm, and eyeliner - 16 mm. It is understood that the coolant encourages the movement of the pump. Self-heating of a two-story house, when two large pipes passes through all rooms, you will not like anyone.

The deadlock and passing schemes are similar in the installation, and when the collector system, the pipelines will have to be laid directly to batteries in the floor. This is an option for developers who have high requirements for indoor interiors, since there will be no pipes on the walls of the rooms. It can also be implemented in a private house with their own hands, although equipment and materials will cost more than with a stupid scheme.

With a deadlocking system, all radiators installed in a two-storey house are important to divide into groups to stretch the branches of the same length to them. It is customary to do this: 2 branches on the 1st floor, two more - on the second, the flow of the coolant is up - right from the boiler for riser. Backway diagram is realized otherwise: the feed pipe is laid horizontally from the first to the last device, and the reverse starts from the first and heads to the boiler, collecting cooled water from all batteries. So, around the perimeter of the house is formed a ring serving all radiators.

Two-pipe systems are combined by common advantages:

  • supply to all heating devices of the coolant with the same temperature;
  • reliability in work;
  • convenience of balancing, especially associated circuit;
  • the ability to effectively manage the work of heating with various automatic automation;
  • simplicity of installation performed by your own hands.

Heating floor and plinth

Hot water pipes laid in the floor with a settlement step allow you to evenly heat the room with the entire surface of the floor covering. From each heating circuit, whose length does not exceed 100 m, the eyeliner converges to the collector with the mixing unit, which ensures the required coolant consumption and its temperature in the range of + 35 ° ... + 45 ° C (maximum + 55 ° C). The collector is powered directly from the boiler with one branch and controls heating on 2 floors at the same time. Positive sides of a warm floor:

  • equal heating space of rooms;
  • heating is comfortable for people, because heating goes below;
  • low water temperature saves to 15% on energy carriers;
  • any level of system automation is possible - work from thermostators, weather sensors, either according to the program laid in the controller;
  • the system with the controller can be controlled at a distance - through GSM communication or Internet.

Such automatic regulation systems are introduced into the two-storey cottage collector scheme. The lack of warm floors is the high cost of materials and installation work, which is difficult to perform independently.

Heating plinths are a suitable option for any private house, not only a two-story. These heating devices in the form of large plinths are copper or aluminum convectors connected via a two-pipe diagram. They are walking the room around the perimeter, heating the air from all sides. Plinth heating is easily mounted and satisfies any interior design requirements.

A properly equipped heating system guarantees the comfort of any housing. Especially careful planning requires a system of heating a two-story house, because it has the need to lift water in the pipes at an additional height.

Under water (CO) residential building with two floors understand the complex of elements, including pipelines, boiler, fittings, temperature control sensors and other nodes. If they are correctly chosen and installed, the operating costs of housing heating can be significantly reduced and at the same time enjoy a truly comfortable microclimate.

Water system heating 2-storey residential building

The modern system of heating of a two-story house is different:

  • two- and one-tube;
  • with top and bottom wiring;
  • with natural circulation and with forced;
  • with risers of horizontal and vertical design;
  • with a trunk variant of the movement of the coolant and with a dead end.

Heating with a trunk displacement of the coolant

In each particular case, the owner of the cottage is selected the most effective CO, which ensures the maintenance of a given temperature in the dwelling for a certain time, has a simple, functional and convenient control, makes it possible to equip the "warm floor" system.

The optimal is the option of heating, when all the equipment from which the heating system of the two-storey house is functioning in automatic mode.

Let's talk about what is best to put in a cottage with two floors.

The simplest is considered with the name "Leningrad". She was very popular in Soviet times due to the fact that she made the owner of a country cottage completely independent of the central heating system. Leningradka is an economical single-tube heating scheme that is easy to make it yourself. Such from works with and with electric, with brick furnaces, where peat briquettes, firewood, coal are loaded.

With "Leningrad" for a private house

Leningradka gives you the opportunity to reduce the number of pipes necessary for the organization of housing heating, compared with a two-pipe system. To other advantages include:

  • low laboriousness of installation (as mentioned, everything can be done with their own hands) and its "budget";
  • the possibility of simple repair during operation;
  • preservation of an elegant interior in the house (the smaller the pipes, the more unnotines they are indoors);
  • the possibility of mounting the "Warm floor" system (subject to certain conditions) and the installation under the doorways of the "main" pipe (feed heat carrier for steam heating).

"Leningradka" can be "hidden" under the floor, it is easy to spend over it, the installation of pipes for water heating is allowed to perform and vertically, and horizontally. It would seem - the system is better not to find. Unfortunately, everything is not so rosy. First, Leningradka is more suitable for single-storey buildings. The heating of a two-story house with its help is associated with a number of serious difficulties, which, however, can be resolved with their own hands with relatively lowest costs. Secondly, "Leningradka" with horizontal installation does not allow you to make a "warm floor".

Installation of pipes for water heating

Also described by one-tube CO requires the use of welding equipment and a mandatory test (very complex and long) tightness of the obtained welded joints, increase the pressure inside the system. The main disadvantage of it is the fact that heat transfer from radiators standing in different rooms is uneven. For these reasons, two-pipe with many times better "Leningradka".

Such a diagram of the heating of a two-story house is deprived of most "minuses", which have a single-tube design. True, it requires more pipes and other materials. But the organization of high-quality heating of a private building is undoubtedly more important.

The two-pipe system operates according to the following scheme: on one highway, the coolant goes up, and on the other, it returns. To perform such a scheme, it is allowed to use any pipes and types of heating batteries. The radiators are connected in different ways. If the pipeline is "hidden" under the floor or both pipes of the highway are located under the battery, reverse and the coolant itself is connected to the lower radiator pipes.

Diagram of connecting radiators

The efficiency of heat transfer of heating elements in this case may not be very high, since the upper portion of the battery does not always warm. It is not recommended to use such a water heating pipe connection scheme if cast iron radiators are installed. It is better to use more modern panel batteries in this situation.

The second method - the return is connected from below, and the coolant is on top (on the one hand). With this method of connecting, the two-pipe layout functions much more efficiently. But it is not suitable for batteries with a large number (over 15) sections - heat loss in the presence of 16 or more sections become critical.

Connections 2 pipe wiring

The most popular is the projects of heating a private dwelling in two floors, which use the cross (diagonal) method of connecting pipes with their own hands:

  • on the one hand (from above), the coolant is suitable for the radiator;
  • the return is connected on the other side below.

Two-pipe wiring in a private house allows you to overlap CO on one of its sections at any time. At the same time, the rest of the rooms in the cottage continue to heat up in the same volume. It is desirable that the two-pipe system is made with forced, rather than natural circulation (EC) of hot water. We will tell about the differences between the types of circulation.

The difference between these two types of circulation consists in the way of moving water according to CO. To implement a compulsory scheme, it is necessary to install special equipment, in particular the circulation pump, there is no such need for a natural such need.

The EC is characterized by a number of advantages:

  • the absence of noise and vibration system during operation;
  • installation and maintenance elementality;
  • large service life.

Installation of a system with natural circulation

At the same time, with natural circulation, it is quite slowly started, water in pipes of such systems can freeze at minus temperatures on the street. Another minus consists in the need to install large on the cross section of the pipes (they are more expensive and more complex in the installation).

Now such systems are rarely applied. Users prefer more modern and efficient heating scheme. This is with forced circulation, having the following important advantages:

  • the possibility of building in a private house laying of any length;
  • independence of the quality of heating from the temperature of the coolant;
  • simple adjustment of working modes.

With forced circulation

In options with forced circulation, hot water goes through pipes due to the operation of pumping equipment. Water comes from the boiler in which heats up, under the action of a special pump (it is called circulating).

On each radiator, with such a heating scheme, the valves and cranes of Maevsky are put. The first make it possible to choose the heating temperature of a particular battery. The valves can be automatic and manual. And the crane of Maevsky allows you to remove unnecessary air from the system.

Specialists advise Mounting with two-storey cottages with a two-circuit boiler and forced circulation. Then you will be very easy to make in the house "warm floor", set towel rails and always monitor the work of CO, exposing for yourself the most comfortable temperature.

The growing popularity of such a heating scheme for private buildings is due to the convenience of its management and operation. Collector single or two-pipe CO is characterized by an independent laying of the coolant to each radiator installed in the cottage. Due to this, if necessary, you can completely disable any battery or reduce (increase) the temperature of the water in it. At the same time, in other rooms, radiators will operate in previous modes.

Collector independent grade

The collector system has the following scheme:

  • on the risers of the first and second floor of residential buildings are back and feeding collectors;
  • the batteries on the floors are contaminated and the logging line (they are placed in the wall or "hiding" under the floor);
  • the collectors and radiators necessarily put air drains that operate automatically or the cranes of Maevsky.

Revelation air

This layout is ideal for creating a "warm floor" system. In some cases (relatively small cottage area) collector steam heating is mounted without radiators. In essence, the "warm floor" replaces the rag of the batteries. Thereby, the costs of installing the heating system of the house are reduced.

The theme of this article is a diagram of a two-pipe system of heating of a two-storey house and its practical implementation. We will deal with the reader to deal with how to perform a wiring of heating and connecting heating devices, how to achieve uniform heating of all batteries, which pipes and radiators to purchase a heating system for mounting. Let's proceed.

Why two-riveted

Why should the heating scheme be double-pipe?

Because compared to a simpler-tube Leningrad, it allows you to achieve a more uniform heating of the batteries. With a high length of a single-tube contour, the temperature difference between the feed and the reverse is inevitably becomes noticeable and will force increasing the size of the radiators, which is unprofitable and not always applicable from the point of view of the design of the premises.

The multisective battery is a dubious decoration for the living room.

Note that a single-tube system is cheaper in the installation (simply due to the smaller total filling length) and more fault tolerance. As long as the extremes of pressures have a pressure drop, the circulation stop in it is not possible in principle.

One-tube Leningradka - leader on fault tolerance.


All schemes of a two-pipe system of heating of a two-storey house have one common line: they have separate feed and return rosters. Rosels are connected by jumpers with heating devices installed in their gap.

Top and lower rosy

Depending on the location of the feed filling, the diagrams with the lower and upper bottles are highlighted.

  • In the first case, the feed, and the backstage of the contour are located in the basement and are connected by pair of risers. Those, in turn, are connected by jumpers located in the rooms of the top floor or in the attic;

Take jumpers on a cold attic - not a good idea. When stopping the circuit in the cold, water freezes in the risers, and the pipes on the attic turn out to be closed ice after an hour after the heating is turned off.

  • In the second case, the feed is divorced by the attic, and the return on the basement. This scheme greatly simplifies the reset and launch of the system: when reset, it is enough to open the outset on the expansion tank located at the upper point of the feed point, and all the water dependent in the pipes is somewhat alive; When the air is started, it is not praised on each jumper between, but only on the notorious discharge in the expansion tank.

In my opinion, it is upper bottling is most convenient in terms of operation. In the houses with the top arrangement of the filing on my memory, there were never serious accidents associated with the defrost of heating, while in houses with lower bottling radiators and eyeliners in the entrances had to sink every winter.

Gravitational and forced

The two-pipe heating system in a two-story private house can be implemented with a forced motion of the coolant circulation (for this, the circulation pump is used) or with natural circulation, due to the difference in the density of the hot and cold coolant.

Schemes with forced circulation are beneficial in that:

  • Provide greater speed of the coolant and, accordingly, more uniform and fast heating of radiators;
  • Allow you to do with a smaller diameter of bottling.

The main drawback is energy dependency: The pump requires 24-hour food. If the problem of short-term light shutdowns can be solved by setting an uninterruptible power supply, then turning off the electricity in length within a few days will leave your home without heat.

Systems with natural circulation are completely non-volatile.

How does such a heating system arranged?

  • The boiler (usually solid fuel) is lowered as low as possible in a basement or pit. Radiators are mounted above the boiler heat exchanger. Height difference between them, in fact, will provide circulation;

  • Immediately after the boiler, an overclocking nozzle is mounted - a vertical area of \u200b\u200bbottling, rising under the ceiling of the second floor or in the attic. Through it, the water heated in the boiler rises into the upper point of the contour, from where it moves along the bottling of gravity, due to its own severity. From here, by the way, the name of such a system is "gravitational".
  • Immediately after an accelerated nozzle, an open expansion tank is mounted, which is operating at the same time the function of the safety valve and the filler funnel to fill the contour with water. If the coolant boils, steam leaves filling through the tank cover. Through it, you can always add water in exchange for a dropped or evaporated;

  • Both bottling - feed and reverse - mounted with a small constant slope in the course of the coolant movement;
  • The inner diameter of bottling is made as large as possible (no less Du32, more often DU40 - DU50). The large diameter compensates for the minimum hydraulic pressure generated by the temperature drop.

Hydraulic resistance drops with an increase in the inner cross section of the pipe. The thicker bottles and eyeliner, the faster the water circulates in them.

How it works?

  1. Hot water heated by the boiler due to a decreased density is supplanted into the upper point of the contour with colder and dense masses of the coolant;
  2. From there, it continues to move along the bottling laid with a sludge, gradually giving heat air into rooms through the heating devices;
  3. The heat carrier who has given heat returns to the boiler and is involved in the repeated cycle of circulation.

The obvious disadvantages of the gravitational heating system are large inertia, significant temperature difference between the first and the latter during the movement of water by batteries and large costs of installing bottling.

Those where the power supply interruptions are periodic, the installation of combined heating systems is practiced. Actually, they are a classic gravitational scheme with embedded parallel with a filling circulation pump. Bulk check valve is mounted between the pump inserts.

This scheme works like this:

  • With the pump turned on, water goes through its inserts. Due to the excess pressure at the outlet of the pump, the check valve is closed;
  • When the pump is turned off, the valve opens, and water continues to slowly circulate with natural motivation.

We emphasize: only ball valves are used in such schemes. Spring check valve requires to open a significant pressure drop. Even if it opens (which is unlikely), there will be a significant part of the hydraulic pressure.

Convection and domestic

The classic heating scheme of wall or floor radiators is called convection: heat is distributed ascending from heating devices with flows of heated air. Unfortunately, air mixing with these streams is not effective enough: the temperature under the ceiling is always a few degrees higher than at the floor level.

Since residents of the house, as a rule, do not have the usual to spend their leisure on the ceiling, the stronger heating of the upper part of the room has only one consequence - an increase in heat loss through the overlap and roof.

Warm floor does not have such a shortage. Passed in the screed or under the pure-floor pipe coating, the room is as much as possible at the floor level, which makes it possible to achieve a comfortable temperature distribution at minimal cost.

Is it possible to combine the floor with a two-pipe system? If all the heating of the house is made low-temperature intrapole, then only a section between the boiler and collectors will be two-pipe. Further layout will be collector (radiable).

You see, the warm floor has a limit at the maximum loop length (100-120 meters), so the heating of the house is usually several parallel connected circuits.

If the warm floor is connected parallel to high-temperature heating by radiators, it needs a coordination node with a thermal sensor, a three-way or two-supply valve and its own circulation pump.

The pump drives the coolant inside the low-temperature part of the contour; The valve opens and admits a new portion of hot water in a warm floor pipe only when it is cooled to a certain temperature.


What is balancing and why is it needed?

To explain this, I need to clarify a couple more concepts.

  • A dead-paper system of the heating of a private house is the contour, in which when moving the heat carrier from a feedstock, the direction of its movement changes to the opposite. The deadlock schemes are used if the wiring along a closed ring interferes with a panoramic window, a high opening or another obstacle;

  • The backway system (it is a loop of Tichelman) means that the water moves in one direction and on the submission, and in the return.

The Tichelman loop actually represents several parallel contours of the same length and the same hydraulic resistance. The temperature of the batteries in such a heating system will always be approximately the same.

Tichelman loop - several parallel contours of the same length.

With a dead-end system, everything is much more complicated. The jumpers between the pylons and returns with radiators on them are several contours of different lengths and, accordingly, with different hydraulic resistance.

As it is easy to guess, the difference in hydraulic resistance will affect the rate of circulation of the coolant through the diploma and distant from the boiler. The main volume of water will move in a short path; Far devices will be noticeably colder, and in severe frosts they can be dropped at all. Precedents in my memory were, and more than once.

To solve this problem, the patency of the elocting near the radiators boiler is artificially limited by throttling. For this purpose, chokes are used to perform adjustment with their own hands, or thermal heads that control the permeability automatic mode and support the specified temperature.

The temperature of the batteries after adjusting the throtters is changing over the time of half an hour. Manual balancing a large enough contour can take up to two days.



In general, for the autonomous heating system, the best choice will be aluminum sectional batteries. At maximum (up to 200-210 watts per section), the heat transfer is attracted to them a very democratic section of the section (from 250 rubles).

Here is a formula for calculating the needs of the house warm: Q \u003d V * DT * K / 860.

In it:

  • Q-power in kW;
  • V-volume of all heated premises in cubic meters;
  • DT - temperature difference inside and outside the house;
  • k is a coefficient determined by the quality of insulation of the house.

Two variables need comments.

DT is calculated as the difference between the temperature corresponding to sanitary standards (20 degrees for regions with the temperature of the cold five days of winter to -31c and 22 for colder areas) and the temperature of the cold five days.

Winter temperatures for some cities of Russia. We need value - in the first column.

The value of k can be taken from the following table:

For example, for a two-storey house with a size of 6x12 meters and a height of 7 meters, located in Sevastopol (the temperature of the coldest five days -11), without external warming and with single-chamber windows, the need for heat will be: 6 * 12 * 7 * (+ 20 - -11 ) * 1.5 / 860 \u003d 18 kW.

With a thermal power of 18 kW and the stated power producer of a 200 watt section, their total amount will be 18,000 / 200 \u003d 90 (for example, 9 radiators of 10 sections).

Note that the manufacturer's data is correct only for the temperature delta between the coolant and the room in 70c (say, 90/20). The heat transfer is reduced in proportion to the temperature difference and at 60/25 will be only 100 watts per section.


To wiring heating in a private house, we can safely use all types of high-temperature (with the claimed working temperature of 90c) plastic and metal-plastic pipes. My house is mounted by polypropylene aluminum; With the same success, it was possible to choose metal plastic on the press fittings.

The fact is that the parameters of heating in an autonomous circuit with the minimum permeability of its owner are controlled and absolutely stable:

  • The temperature of the coolant is usually held in the range of 50-75 degrees;
  • The pressure in the closed system does not exceed 2.5 kgf / cm2.

The stability of the pressure in the closed circuit during temperature fluctuations is provided by a correctly selected volume of the expansion tank. Usually it takes equal to about 10% of the volume of the coolant in the circuit. Its the easiest way to be measured by filling out the water heating system and draining it into any dimensional container.

And since all the parameters are predictable and stable - is it worth overpaying for reliability, which will not be in demand?

On the heating should not use only metal plastic on compression fittings with precipitated nuts. The instruction is related to the fact that it is very sensitive to the slightest errors in assembly (in particular, to the displacement of sealing rubber rings on the fitting) and often begins to flow on the compounds after several heating and cooling cycles.

Use metal-plating pipes with compression fittings on heating is not the best idea.

What should be Body diameter to batteries and bottling?

The diameter of the filling depends on the method of encouraging the circulation. For the gravitational system, the parameters I already led; For the contour with forced circulation, the diameter of bottling is determined by heat load on it. Here is the data for the average speed of the coolant of 0.7 m / s (with such a speed there are no hydraulic noise):

In practice, a polypropylene tube with a diameter of 25 mm is bought at the area of \u200b\u200bthe house to 200 meters to bottling, for connecting radiators - a diameter of 20 mm.

Do not forget that only metallic pipes are marked with a conditional passage that is approximately equal to the inner diameter. For plastic, the outer diameter and wall thickness are indicated. Calculate the inner section of the pipe can be deducted from the outer diameter of the double wall thickness.


In a closed system with forced circulation, it includes:

  • Expansion tank;
  • Circulation pump;
  • Safety group - pressure gauge, safety valve and automatic air vent.

In addition, all radiators located above bottling are completed with cranes by Maevsky or automatic air. On braces above filling the same air workers, and on brackets located belowpouring - Dumps for the complete drainage of pipes.

Some types of boilers can boast those installed inside the security group, pump and expansion tank. Before you go shopping, do not be lazy to learn the description of the device.

Connecting radiators

For sectional radiators are possible three ways to connect:

  1. One-sided side;
  2. Two-sided lower;
  3. Diagonal.

Which one to choose?

The answer depends on two factors:

  • The number of battery sections;
  • Its location relative to bottling and / or riser.

With a small length of the heating device (up to 7-10 sections) and the side connection will be optimal. The difference in diameter between the radiator collectors and the vertical channels inside the section will provide its uniform warm over the entire length.

If the number of sections is greater than 10 and the heating device is connected to the riser or the bottling above it, our selection is a diagonal connection. It warms all sections, regardless of their quantity.

With a high battery length and its location over bottling More practical will be a bilateral lower connection.

Here is its advantages:

  • The radiator will begin to warm immediately after launching the contour, even without air booming. The air traffic jam will be supplanted with overpressure in the upper collector and will not interfere with the circulation through the lower. At the same time, the sections will be processed at all height due to their own thermal conductivity;
  • In an open heating circuit, the periodic renewal of the coolant will contribute to the gradual hauling of the batteries and the fall of their heat transfer. However, continuous circulation of water through the lower collector will not give me a gather in it: the battery will not need flushing in principle. To wash bottling just once every two or three years to cort the contour on the reset.


So, we got acquainted with the varieties of two-pipe systems and with the features of their installation in a private house. Additional information Dear reader can explore, reviewing the video in this article. Waiting for your additions and comments. Successes, Camrads!

Before us is a three-storey country house. On the ground floor there is a garage and utility rooms. In the second and third floors there will be residential premises. A two-pipe system will be chosen as heating, radiators as heating devices.
three-storey country house
A single-tube system in this house is inappropriate, since the area of \u200b\u200beach floor is more than 60 m2. This means that if we mount a single-tube system, then the first radiators will receive all the energy from the coolant, each subsequent will get a little less. And since our floors are large, the difference between the first and last radiator will be very significant. To avoid this, we must make a two-pipe or collector system.

boiler room

The boiler room will be located on the first floor. The boiler will be a gas with a closed combustion chamber and coaxial chimney.
The boiler power will be 43 kW. This power is calculated according to the following formula (195 m2 x 170 W) + 30%. 30% is a stock necessary for the efficient operation of the boiler in severe frosts or for quick warm-up of the cold house.

connecting boiler to metalplastic pipes and filter installation

installing the plum assembly and the bay of the coolant

In our boiler there is already a pump, an expansion tank, a security group and we need only to put the filter before the boiler and the discharge / bay node of the coolant at the lower point of the system.

installation of two-pipe heating on the first floor

main pipe wiring

We collect and hang radiators, make a wiring and connect the main pipes.

radiator connection circuit in a two-pipe system

Let's look at the connection of the radiator to the two-pipe system.

camping radiator in a two-pipe system

The last radiator closing and to him we immediately supply the pipe 16 mm.
And so we considered the installation of a two-pipe heating system for the first floor. This floor will be calculated for non-residential premises, so radiators will not work for all power, but will provide a temperature of about 15 C, which we set using thermostators installed on radiators.

scheme of two-pipe heating of the second floor
Now let's look at the second floor.
We stretch the riser, we mount the radiators and connect the main pipes.

thermal insulation of metalplastic pipes

Let's pay attention to the entrance door. To pave pipes, we need to deepen them in the floor and well insulate.

radiators are connected as well as on the first floor
Consider risers and their connection. Radiators are connected in the same way that we considered on the first floor.
to connect the third floor, we will need adapters 32x26
We will connect the third floor through adapters, there will immediately go 26 pipes.

third floor scheme

Now let's look at the third floor. Radiators are installed similarly to the first and second floor. Under each window there is a radiator to avoid fogging windows in a minus temperature.
Now briefly tell me how to calculate the power of radiators for each room. For example, take one room. Calculation Create according to the following formula:
19.5 m2 (room area) x 170 W (the required power for heating 1 m2 of the country house) / 180 W (power of one section of the aluminum radiator) \u003d 18 sections.
But since in our room 3 windows, we divide the 18 sections to 3 and get 3 radiator for 6 sections. Here on such a simple formula, see the calculation of the power of the radiator.

3D Scheme of heating two-pipe systems from metalplastic

And so we looked at a 3-storey house with a two-pipe heating system.