Methods of laying a profiled timber. TECHNOLOGY OF THE HOUSE OF THE ACCESSORY OF ACCIDENT BROUSE: Preparatory stage and workflow

Those who own country sites or giving, always dream of building a cozy and comfortable house of wood. It should be noted that the construction of the house of the bar is rather simple and easy. All that is necessary for the construction of a house from a bar is the minimum experience with carpentry tools and a chainsaw, and, of course, a little hardworking.

Bar as building material is very convenient to use, environmentally friendly, does not leave extra construction waste. In addition, the construction technology of the house from the bar does not require any special professional skills, which, undoubtedly, facilitates both the construction process and the time for the construction of the house.

Selection of material

Of course, any construction begins first of all from the selection of the required material in order for the construction to be reliable and durable. When choosing a building material for the construction of a house, several factors must be taken into account: the quality of the material, density and reliability from various weather conditions, sound insulation, financial accessibility and durability. For all the above factors, the bar is great.

There are two types of timber: whole and profiled. A profiled bar is set to a profile that can be with spikes or with trimmed grooves. In other words, this kind of timber is already made in advance with all the necessary additions, so you only need to bring the material to the site and collect the house for details.

This type of timber has many advantages, such as convenience and simplicity to use, resistance to deformations, no need to grind and process the timber. But despite this, he also has a number of shortcomings: first, unnecessary costs for impregnation with special water resistant means; secondly, the further redevelopment or analysis of the house is impossible; Thirdly, the need for insulation in winter.

Another species is a solid timber. This type of timber does not differ from its predecessor with beauty, convenience and ease of use, but has great advantages in another: low cost in the market, the material is widespread in all places of wood selling, due to its natural humidity, the material seats and becomes dense and solid . However, as elsewhere, there are disadvantages: first, these are the costs of its processing, secondly, due to its humidity it is possible to make fungus (in connection with which it is necessary to process the material in advance), the occurrence of small cracks with sharp drops temperatures.

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Project creation

After selecting the building material, the following item during the construction of the house should be the creation of a project. It is necessary to make a preliminary sketch of the house and at least approximately estimate the desired dimensions in the head. Then it is necessary to draw a project plan and calculate the size of length, width, house height. Be sure to draw the desired size of rooms, stairs and other interior elements.

Then the counting of the required building material, its number and cost, time of year and the duration of construction should be calculated. Also, the construction technology of the house involves the presence of a clear size of the house. If there is no possibility to draw up a project yourself, it is necessary to contact one of many construction firms, which will independently make a plan for the construction of the house from the bar and will calculate all the necessary costs of building materials, tools, delivery of timber, etc.

When drawing up a plan, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the dimensions of the timber in the section range from 100x100 mm to 200h200 mm, and the length of the bar is 6 meters. Therefore, the most common and convenient is the ram with a cross section of 150x150 mm and up to 6 meters long, since otherwise it will be necessary to shoginate in length.

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The structure of the foundation of the house do it yourself

After drawing up a construction plan, it is necessary to proceed to the construction of the foundation. The assembly technology of the house from the bar requires the necessary compliance with all the established strength and reliability standards. During the construction of the foundation, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • estimated size and weight of the house;
  • soil characteristics;
  • possible features of the house (extension, superstructure).

After all the necessary factors are taken into account, you can proceed to the construction of the foundation. Distinguish the following types of grounds:

  • concrete;
  • wooden.

In addition, the choice of foundation depends on the size and features of the house. Most often, the construction uses a wooden foundation, since it is less suspended at home.

For the construction of a house from a bar, a small-breeding belt foundation is perfectly suitable, which is laid at approximately 60 to 70 cm.

The house on such a foundation will be strong and sustainable to all nature whims.

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Laying the base and gender

After the end of the construction of the foundation, it is necessary to perform laying of the floor and the base. The construction of the house starts from the device of the lower strapping, which is called the crown. It is laid out on a smooth and covered foundation.

For walls that have a side outside the street, a ram of 15 x 15 cm is used, and the floor beams and inner partitions are made from a bar 10 x 5 cm. After installation, the first crown (it is most susceptible to the development of wood defects) should be covered antiseptic means.

After processing, it is necessary to mount the floor lags. When mounting, it is necessary to take into account that lags are better to lay on the edge, as it creates increased stability. After the draft floor is placed (directly to lags), covered on both sides with thermal insulation. It is advisable to use a bar with a cross section of 25 x 150 mm. The final action is the laying of the main gender, the material of which is chosen for the taste of the consumer.

Sirubami is called different kind of wooden structures, the walls of which are erected using specially prepared materials and the corresponding methods for connecting structural elements.

Usually, pre-processed logs are used to arrange a log cabin, but also for such a work, a wooden bar is well suited. It is economically beneficial, environmentally friendly, extremely easy to use and processing material.

The order of arrangement of a cut from a bar is quite simple. Houses, baths, garages and other buildings are erected by one technology. Check out the main features of the work, follow successively all scheduled events, and you will get a reliable, high-quality and durable log house from a bar.

The arrangement of a log of a bar will be considered on the example of the construction of an ordinary house. Recommendations will be given not only on the direct device of the walls, but also on the preparation and installation of other structural elements.

An independent performance will allow you to get invaluable experience and significantly save on holding all the events, eliminating the need to attract specialists.

Start by selecting a suitable material. The most important characteristics of the finished cut directly depend on the quality of the bar.

To fulfill the activities under consideration, it is best to use profiled glued or a dry wooden timber. A lot of time and money will not take a lot of time and money to arrange a log house from such a bar. Bruz gluing is performed using a special waterproof glue. It does not interfere with wood "breathe" and retains the indicators of its environmental friendliness at the highest level.

The budget option is to arrange a chub from a raw bar, but the walls of such material will require about 1 year to shrink. Only after a complete shrinkage of wood, it will be possible to move to the arrangement of roofing structures, installation of double-glazed windows and performing other related activities.

Project preparation

Make up (order, find outdoor) the project of the future building.

First of all, determine the optimal size of the house, its area, features of the organization of interior.

Reflect in the project location of doors and double-glazed windows, the order of arrangement of various communications and other important points.

Foundation arrangement

The loghouse from the bar will have a relatively small weight. The optimal option for the foundation for this kind of structures is a tape concrete base.

First step

Drop the trench around the perimeter of the future base. Trench depth - 80-100 cm. Specific value Pick in accordance with the indicator of the depth of the soil freezing for your region. Install formwork.

Second Step

Place a layer of sandy-gravel mix on the bottom of the trench. Thoroughly confuse the pillow.

Third Step

Over the pillow, put the reinforcing mesh from the rods with a diameter of 10-12 mm. For bale rods, use steel wire.

Fourth Step

Fill concrete. Leyte a uniform horizontal layer. Plurred concrete construct with a special vibrating tool. Also, such a processing will eliminate excess air from concrete. In the absence of a special tool, push the fill with the reinforcement rod in several places. In the future, emptiness will need to be filled with mortar.

The foundation will gain strength of 3-5 weeks. Formwork is recommended to dismantle only after complete hardening of the foundation.

Lower strand and floor

First step

Squeeze the bottom strapping. Pre-cover the foundation with waterproofing material (ruberoid).

External walls lay out from a bar 15x15 cm, and the inner partitions and floor beams from the material with a cross section of 10x5 cm.

Second Step

Project the laid crown with an antiseptic agent.

Third Step

Fourth Step

Secure the black floor boards on top of the lag. It is important that on both sides they were covered with thermal insulating material. For insulation you can use flowing materials or mineral wool.

Black floor lay 2,5x15 cm from boards.

Fifth Step

Place the chambers of the first floor. For this, the tank board is well suited.

Construction of walls

For bonding rows, use brazening - these are vertical wooden pins, which provide reliable bruises bond, prevent its displacement and breaking of the series.

With the help of one step, 2-3 crowns are usually performed. To perform such a bonding, it is necessary to pre-make the hole in the bar of the hole with a diameter of about 30-40 mm. The recommended step between the brazers is 150 cm.

Between the crowns, lay the sealing material, for example, the pass or jute.

The outer walls are best combined with the use of the lock, known as the "warm angle". The technology of such a compound is as follows: you create in one of the connected spike elements, and in the second timber, you make a groove of similar size.

Different layers of a wooden bar alternate spikes and grooves. Such a compound provides the highest rigidity of the structure, and the coaling angles are irreparable.

Internal partitions must be embedded into bearing walls. The arrangement of partitions are engaged exclusively after the complete completion of the construction of a church.

If you build a two-storey house with dimensions with more than 6x6 m, on the lower floor it is necessary to make at least one inner partition. It will perform the function of an additional support for the floor of the upper floor.

If you need to save on the implementation of building events, you can make internal partitions on frame technology. To do this, collect the frame from the bar 4x4 or 5x5 cm, and then simply cover it with a wooden clapboard or other suitable material.

All wooden structural elements are necessarily processed by antiseptic and antipiren.

At this stage you have to install beams, rafter elements and a crate in accordance with the peculiarities of the selected roofing design.

Set the walls of the attic room and lay ceiling lags. Place these items so that they approximately half the meters for the base of the outer walls.

Lugi make a bar 15x10 cm. Place them on the edge with a step of 900 mm.

To improve the rafting system, use the boards 15x5 cm. This design is a roof frame, so try to make it the most hard and durable. For additional hardening of the design, use racks, riglies, as well as discolutions.

Stropile feet are fixed with increments up to 1 m. After the frame will be fully prepared, proceed to layout the fronts. For their manufacture, use the timing of 15x15 cm. Also, the fronts can be made from siding, or pinch them with a 2,5x15 cm board.

At the end, see the cutter from the 2,5x15 cm boards shave with a step of up to 40 cm.

Fix the layers of moisture, heat and vapor barrier material, and then install the preferred finish roofing material.

Installation of doors and double-glazed windows

In places setting doors and windows, drink the opening of the corresponding sizes. The doors themselves and double-glazed windows can only be mounted after a complete shrinkage of wood.

By the way, you can also find out about the repair of double glazed windows on our website.

In conclusion, you will only have finishing work at your discretion, connect the necessary communications, arrange furniture, equipment and interior items.

Good job!

Video - log house from a bar do it yourself

Building a wooden dwelling requires carpentry skills and appropriate carpentry tools. The construction process consists of several stages, not too complicated, but very responsible. Before collecting a house from a bar, you should carefully examine the technology, choose the correct material and make calculations. This will help not only qualitatively fulfill the task, but also reduce construction costs.

Preparation of the site and the construction of the foundation

For the construction of a brusade house, a ribbon foundation is best suited. Start work with the preparation of the site: remove high vegetation and stones, all the notches and bugs are aligned, make markup. On the markup, dig a trench with a width of 25 cm, the depth of the trench depends on the quality of the soil on the site and the height of the structure. The bar is a relatively light building material, and therefore one-storey house from the bar can be installed on a small-breeding foundation. If it is planned to build 2 floors or soil under the house too loose and unstable, the depth of the foundation should correspond to the depth of the primer of the soil, from 1.2 to 1.5 m.

Types of timber and logs.

For the manufacture of the foundation will be required:

  • crushed stone and sand;
  • concrete solution;
  • boards or plywood for formwork;
  • iron bars for reinforcement;
  • building level.

In the prepared trench, rubble with sand fall asleep, and then form a reinforcing grid from the rod. Use for joining rods welding is not recommended, it is better to take a knitted wire. On the bikes of the trench, the formwork is fixed and concrete mortar is poured. If there is no possibility to buy a finished solution, you need to mix the cement with sand and crushed stone in the ratio of 1: 3: 4; The cement brand must be 400 or 500. It takes about 2 weeks to stand the foundation.

Laying of the first row

Frame of a wooden house from a bar.

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For a log, it is necessary to choose only the whole smooth bars without visible defects. The first crown should consist of the strongest bar cut from the core of the tree. It is possible to determine this by density and arrangement of the rings on the cut. It is very important that the wood is dry and light - bars with dark stains or gray cuts for a log cabin are not suitable.

In the process of laying, the following materials and tools will be needed:

  • ruberoid;
  • liquid bitumen mixture;
  • antiseptic;
  • wooden brazening;
  • plane;
  • drill;
  • a hammer;
  • hacksaw.

The surface of the foundation tape is covered with liquid bitumen, which is placed in the rubberoid. Such waterproofing reliably protects the house from the bar from the penetration of moisture from the foundation and extends its service life several times. The width of the rubberoid should be greater than the width of the foundation by 20-30 cm so that its edges be fed to the same distance on both sides. At the joints, the material is placed by 7-10 cm, thickly missed bitumen and press firmly.

Boas fasteners.

When assembling the first row, you need to decide on the type of angular connections. The most economical option is the compound "in Polterev", when the lower bar drinks the upper part, and the upper - bottom. With this method of attachment, less material is consumed, the ends of the BRUSEV do not go beyond the corners of the structure. Before starting assembly, all wooden elements are necessarily treated with an antiseptic agent and dried, and then drilled holes for napillates. These holes should be located along the bar every and a half meters.

After processing the building material, the laying of the first crown is proceeded. First, from two opposite sides, the first 2 vessels lay out onto the foundation, then on top of them at right angle lowering 2 more with cut-off grooves at the ends. The angles are tightly customized with a sledgehammer and flatter the entire row, the protruding areas should be adjusted by the plane.

Arrangement of floor overlap

The floor for the house from the glued bar.

Article on the topic: Ribbon Foundation: Types and Features

When the first row of the log is laid and fixed, it is necessary to mount the floor overlaps and the base of the bearing walls. In the installation process will be necessary:

  • wooden beams with a cross section of 150x100 mm;
  • hacksaw;
  • a hammer;
  • level and roulette.

In two opposite bars from the inside, shallow grooves are cut off every 40 cm. Experts recommend cutting non-rectangular, but T-shaped grooves, the ends of the beams are cut according to. This method is called a "swallow tail" and is used to increase the strength of the frame compounds with internal partitions and overlaps; Make such grooves can be made using a manual milling machine. When installing the beams of overlapping, it is necessary to check their horizontality by the construction level. All beams should be in the same plane, otherwise the floor of the barhouse will be semen.

Construction of the walls of the building

Device wall from timber.

The next stage is the construction of walls. To work, you will need:

  • bar;
  • insulation;
  • building level;
  • braided;
  • hacksaw;
  • chainsaw.

So that the assembly of the walls is as high quality, special attention should be paid to the connection of the corners. There are several dryling methods: in the bowl, in the paw, on the indigenous spike. The first 2 options are used for round logs, the third method is ideal for a rectangular bar. The bandage on the indigenous spike is somewhat laborious, but it gives the maximum joint density. The process itself looks like this: at the ends of one bar, it is cut on 2/3 of its thickness, leaving a smooth rectangular spike. At the ends of another bar, the corresponding sizes of the groove are cut into which the spike will be included. After the junction, the bars fasten with anticipation with the previous one next and subsequent.

In each row, the location of grooves and spikes should be alternate.

Begroes are metal and wooden, when the brusade house is erected, it is better to use wooden fasteners. The standard thickness of the brazen is 25 mm, height is from 120 to 150 mm. Drill holes under the fasteners are recommended for 2-3 cm deeper. The assembly of the walls is carried out according to the following scheme: they laid a row, adjust the angular connections, the insulation of the insulation on top of the perimeter, laid the next crown and move across.

You can build a log house from a bar with a view to both permanent accommodation and temporary. The log house is erected from such a building material as a timber, and glued. If permanent accommodation is planned in the house from the bar, the building material must be oversgan, and if for temporary - optional. In any case, the timber is stacked by the oven side.

Scheme of species and cross sections of a bar.

Features of bruses

To collect bars with your own hands, unlike log walls, it should be directly on the finished foundation of the tape type. Houses or logs, built from a bar, must provide shrinkage, which eliminates the styling of the walls immediately after the construction of the house. Usually waiting for at least about a year or two years to lay high-quality walls that will serve for a long time. Such a building material, like a bar, has only positive characteristics.

Figure 1. Assembling panel assembly for base.

Use a profiled timber can be saved on finishing materials. The bar can remain the moisture in its structure for a long time, so the dextricted house is completely long. It should not be erected to the log cabin one, you must invite an assistant. The construction process of the house from the bar is not difficult.

To build a high-quality log house, you must use wooden brazed, which is easy to make with your own hands. For this purpose, conventional boards or their trimming remaining after performing any work, for example, related to the installation of the crate. It is better to perform better than solid cutting boards, for this, on the one hand, they are traced with a saw. Then cut on the boards having a width of 120 mm, the main thing is that they turn out to be smooth.

How to put the foundation for a log cabin

Principles of the Ribbon Foundation

Figure 2. Scheme of the organization of the foundation of ventilation.

The first step from which the construction of the bar begins is the bookmark of the foundation. Before performing work, the soil analysis is carried out on a construction site, which comes down to geological research related to the search for groundwater occurrence and the definition of the soil composition.

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For each type of terrain with a certain unit, special types of foundations are provided that will serve as decades, and the presence of groundwater will not have devastating effect on them. Before starting bookmarking the foundation under the frame, it is necessary to break through the trench for the future structure. This is due to the removal of the fertile layer of soil. First, the trench is poured sand, which is compacted by filling it with water. After that, a stone falls into the trench to begin to reinforce the foundation.

It is possible to rein with the reinforcement rods both at the top of the foundation and in the lower. This will allow the highest strength of the entire future cutting structure. Reinforcement is carried out using concrete if it is done with your own hands in a concrete mixer, it will not be so expensive as if buying a ready-made concrete in a construction store. Delivery of concrete is carried out by such a type of transport as a truck-mixer, and it can only come out on the plots with the largest square, otherwise the concrete will have to be unloaded in another way.

The best options will be the use of a concrete mixer installed on the site. This will allow you to independently prepare a concrete solution for reinforcing the foundation, but the quality of the composition will not be so high as the finished concrete. At the bottom of the trench with sand and stones fit the reinforcement, and then poured this space concrete. All the foundation tape, if it is a ribbon, poured concrete to the ground level. The foundation can be arranged with the use of formwork, and the columnal type of foundation is suitable at a certain composition of the soil.

Figure 3. Fundament frame circuit for foundation.

Using a concrete mixer, it should not be closed in the place where its engine is located, since it requires constantly circulating air to cool it after and during operation. Before the start of the construction of a cut from a bar after a complete foundation, the foundation must pass from the week to the month so that the design is completely surrendered.

For a certain type of soil, for example, swampy, it will takes a spatial framework. Only after that create a formwork and a solution of concrete is poured into it. If the foundation is placed in warm weather, then its surface must be put on sawdust or other material, such as moss, rubberoid. You can simply pour its surface with water. The thickness of the formwork boards should be about 40 mm. You should select shields for formwork required height and length.

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Construction unit basement

For the initial shield size, the distance between the axial lines of the base is usually taken. The assembly of shields is carried out directly on Earth using special linings. The panel assembly scheme for the base is shown in Fig. 1. Shields with a smooth side must be addressed inside the base.

The foundation base must provide special windows for ventilation, which are from the surface of the Earth at a distance of 15-20 cm. They are located on the opposite sides of the construct of the base each opposite the other. To create them, you can use asbestos-cement pipes adjacent to the ends to the shields, as shown in Fig. 2. This position of the pipes will allow not to pour the ventilation holes with concrete solution.

Figure 4. Methods for connecting timber.

The armature frame of the base is located at the top, it is shown in Fig. 3, after that, fill the concrete screed. The reinforcement bars should be laid in the method of misless, taking them through the wire.

This method can be obtained a rigid construction that is tightly connecting with the foundation of the future structure. Starting to make the fill of the concrete solution in the formwork, on the shields should be designated the fill line from above. When the sump is ready, start to lay the first crown.

For proper laying of the upper strapping on the base, the ruberoid in two layers, taking into account the entire perimeter of the design. For this, the rubberoid bar is driving along and then stacked on the base. To make the strapping, use smooth bars, on which there are no cracks, various jumps, rot.

How to build a log house from a bar

To protect the gaps between the bars, the chamfer from the upper edges should be removed from the water from entering the water, the size of which will be 10x10 mm. The connection of the corners of the church should follow the method of spike-groove. It is possible to connect a bar on the swords and on the indigenous spike, as shown in Fig. 4 in the form of a scheme. The combination of initial crown angles can be carried out in a method in Poledev, and the fastening of subsequent rows is produced on the knaps using indigenous spikes. The main tools and materials for construction are:

  • bar;
  • saw;
  • a hammer;
  • braided;
  • nails.

One of the most popular services in the construction market today is to build a log. According to this technology, not only private houses, but also baths, as well as household buildings are built. They are warm and attractive in appearance.

If you wish to make walls warmer you can install a ventilated facade. But some prefer to leave the walls in primeval form. So they look very beautiful and correspond to older traditions. If you have appropriate skills, you can build a house from a profiled bar with your own hands. However, first must be familiar with technology.

Main steps

When assembling at home, you must remember his shrinkage. This rule is especially relevant if the construction is carried out using the technology of installation of the units of natural humidity. Shrinkage will be approximately 15 cm if the material of natural humidity is applied. Exceeded logs sitting at about 9 cm.

The assembly is divided into several stages. The first includes a project, then the foundation is erected. The main stage is the grazing assembly. The final works are the manipulation of the roofing device. After shrinkage, external and internal works are held.

The most important first crown

The assembly technology of the house from the profiled bar provides for the focus of special attention to the first crown. It is one of the vulnerable places. This node will form the contour of the house. It is closer to the surface of the Earth and contacts the foundation that pulls into the water from the soil.

The first crown is shielded, these works involve its separation from the foundation of the waterproofing layer. As it, it is usually protruding the runner, stacked on a layer of bituminous mastic. From above there is a lining 100-mm bar, just that its thickness is. As for the width, it should not be less than the corresponding value of the profiled bar. The latter will become an intermediate link between the foundation and wall material.

The lining bar should be made from larch, which is characterized by high resistance to rotting. The material in this case must be processed by an antiseptic. When the kit for assembling the house from the profiled bar is put on the building area, you can start work. After the construction of the foundation and laying the first crown, you can start mounting the lower crown, which is a bar with one profiled side. The horizontal plane must be coated with an antiseptic, and after drying the mixture, the layer of the jute seal is stacked from above. Its thickness should be 5 mm.

Overlapping beams must be embedded in the first crown. But it is better to put them in such a way that they relieved on Ruralshard foundation. If the lower crown occurs, there will be less problems with its replacement. The first two crowns are better made of larch.

The need to process bar

Works on the assembly of houses from the profiled timber is necessarily accompanied by the processing of the material by antiseptics. At the same time, you must take into account that after construction you will have the opportunity to process only the available parts of the walls.

Before laying a profiled timber, it is necessary to protect the remaining surfaces. Do it is necessary before assembling at home. Sezheng and Tycurilla can be performed by antiseptic compositions.

Conducting insulation

After examining the instructions for assembling the house from the profiled bar, you will learn that the obligatory stage is the seal. Ideally, it is better to use jute, which is paved in the corner connections - the most vulnerable places. Some types of profile on the type of Finnish imply laying the junteen tape along the bar in its central part. The main function of the jute seal is the reduction of wall injection. To achieve the result, there will be a layer of 5 mm.

Use of brazen as a connection

An independent assembly of the house from the profiled timber is accompanied by the use of brazing. They are spikes and pins for attaching structural elements. Products have an oblong shape and have a round or square cross section. The basis may be:

  • plastic;
  • metal;
  • wood.

If the walls are harvested from a profiled bar, then the rest are suitable wooden brazed. This mount is used when the humidity of the bar is greater than 20%. This is done so that when drying, the material is not deformed, and cracks were not formed between the crowns. Hell will work on bending and will not allow the bending of the bar.

If you decided to use brazenly as fasteners, you can use some tips that will simplify work. Between themselves should be connected no more than two bars. Begroes are located in a checker order. The step between them should not be more than 1,500 mm.

Begroes should have about the same humidity as a bar. Holes for installing fasteners are drilled vertically by 1.5 bars. The diameter of the holes may be larger than the diameter of the fasteners per 1 mm. Better if this parameter is the same. The heater is clogged with a blue and bleed into the bar. When assembling a house from a profiled timber, you must choose brazen, the length of which will be less than the length of the opening by 30 mm. This requirement is due to the compensation of shrinkage.

Build nuances: instructions for conducting work

By purchasing a ready-made kit for assembling at home, you can independently carry out its installation. Each link will be in its place, the products are performed in products. Work is needed on the principle of assembling a classic log structure. Each link is marked, and when installing it is necessary to follow the scheme.

In the process, you must take into account the grooves and spikes of every detail. When laying with a profile, each edge should match. If the grooves and spikes are not very complex, then the sealing material is laid between the links. This increases the thermal insulation characteristics of the walls.

When assembling the house from the profiled timber, it is important to ensure a dense adjacent of the links to each other. If this rule is not respected, the walls will rot. In the presence of products with spikes and grooves in the shape of a comb, lay the insulation there is no need. The bars will have propilation-bowls that connect the links among themselves in a flat masonry. If there is no cup, you can cut them out using mobile cups.

Completion of construction

After shrinkage, you can proceed to rough and finishing, as well as the construction of the roof. At the same stage, entrance doors and windows are installed. Installation of rough floor is carried out. If the walls have a thickness of 195 mm, then in additional insulation and cladding they do not need. They will be great to keep warm.

Then the protective impregnation must be applied. This will save wood in excellent condition for many years. If there is a desire, then you can acquire the composition that will perform two functions at once - protective and decorative. With this mixture, it is possible to emphasize the structure of the wood and give it a saturated shade.

Features of insulation

After assembling the house from the profiled timber, you can also carry out insulation. In the process, this is usually involved:

  • tow;
  • plates of glass gambles;
  • mineral wool;
  • lengthite canvas.

The glass gamble is paired by a foil vapor barrier layer. This will help reflect the heat inside the premises. The presence of steam isolation will reduce the evaporation of moisture that steals heat.

As thermal insulation, it is better not to use polystyrene foam, as it will exclude the evaporation of moisture from the wood, which ultimately will be the cause of its rotting. For the same reasons, insulating the walls with a rubberoid, like a pergamine, as well as a polyethylene film. It is better to use a membrane variable material.


Build a house from a profiled timber can be a fairly simple task if you order a ready-made kit. In it, all elements of the system are numbered. You will have to carry out wall mounting, guided by the principle of the "Lego" constructor. If you want to achieve additional thermal insulation, then the surface of the walls from the inside can also be separated. This is usually used drywall, organic or lining.

With the roof device for such housing it is better to use professional flooring or Ondulin. Great fits metal tile. Insuction in this case begins with an attic floor. The wizards are then moving to the roof.