Construction of private houses for new technologies. Building materials New Building materials for building houses

Traditional brick or warm ceramics, aerated concrete or arbolit, timber or frame technology - from which material is better to build a house? Any novice developer, choosing building materials, faces contradictory information. Take the optimal solution - a difficult task. We will try to narrow the search by the scope of the most practical and cost-effective options.

What to take into account when choosing a material

The importance of choosing a building material for external walls is difficult to overestimate. To understand which house to build, experts recommend deciding on the following moments:

  • the type of housing is short-term visits or permanent residence;
  • requirements for the strength and environmental friendliness of the wall material;
  • estimated period of settlement;
  • heating method;
  • building budget and labor complexity;
  • availability of building materials in the region;
  • whether the likelihood of further selling at home is allowed.

A universal answer to the question of which material is better for the construction of a private house, no. It all depends on the project, climate, the characteristics of the region of residence and personal preferences of the owner of the site.

Basic requirements K. technological properties of materials:

  • good heat protection - heating at home with cold walls will be very expensive;
  • fire safety;
  • durability;
  • noise insulating quality.

An important choice factor is the total strength of the structural elements. Walls must withstand the weight of the roof, overlap, wind and snow loads.

Comparison of materials for the construction of the house: high-quality assessment

To understand, in what situation, this or that decision will be preferable, comparable to the technical and operational qualities of modern materials for the construction of a private house.

Brick - reliability and high cost

Despite the development of innovative technologies, brick houses hold the leader's position. The main arguments in favor of traditional material:

  • excellent indicators of noise insulation;
  • fire and environmental safety;
  • prestige, aesthetics and broad architectural possibilities;
  • providing a healthy microclimate to the room.

Brick is the most durable material for building a house. Term service reaches up to 100 years.

If everything is so good, then why experiment and develop new technologies? Brick has both disadvantages:

  • the need to arrange a durable foundation due to the severity of brick walls;
  • high cost and construction duration;
  • high laboriousness and seasonality of construction work.

Ceramic brick It has sufficiently high thermal conductivity. To achieve efficient thermal insulation, it is necessary to resort to additional insulation.

The last disadvantage is devoid caramoblock - Potted ceramics. Due to the smallest air, the material is well kept warm. Additional plus - increased dimensions and accelerated masonry process. Minus warm ceramics - fragility. When the wall is sticking, you can split the block.

Characteristics of foam and aerated concrete blocks

One of the options for how to build a warm and economical house is the use of gas and foam concrete. The thermal insulation characteristics of the wall in one layer correspond to the properties of multilayer brickwork. The heat efficiency of blocks is three times higher than the brick indicators.

Both materials have similar characteristics, their main difference in the internal structure. Gas blocks produce from a homogeneous sandy cement mixture. When adding a gas formator inside the block, small through channels are formed.

In foam blocks, on the contrary, closed pores are formed inside the material. Such technology gives foam blocks some advantages over gas blocks:

  • improved energy efficient properties;
  • reduced weight;
  • infertility moisture.

Weighing arguments in favor of both building materials: relative availability, fire and biostostity, ease, simplicity of processing.

Disadvantages of block technology:

  • fragility of walls;
  • the need for external finishing;
  • presence in the composition of chemical elements.

Pros and cons of a wooden house

Adherents of natural materials give preference to wood, affecting the following advantages:

  • ecology - walls do not emit toxic substances hazardous to health and the environment;
  • attractiveness - wooden buildings possess special charm;
  • low heat thermal conductivity;
  • creating inside the house of the optimal microclimate - the walls of the tree "breathe" and take over the excess of humidity;
  • strength - Bring the wall from the log or timber is not easy;
  • the possibility of arranging a simple foundation is suitable.

Relative plus - the cost of building. In general, the construction of wooden housing will cost the cheaper of the brick house due to the lack of the need to finish the walls and enhancement of the foundation.

However, it is impossible to call wood the cheapest material for the construction of the house. The price largely depends on the region. Residents near forest plantations cost-effective use wood, for the rest, the feasibility of building is doubtful. Main arguments against a tree:

  • duration of shrinkage of walls - about 3 years;
  • fire hazard - refractory fluids partially help reduce material flammability, but do not fully solve the problem;
  • probability of cracks;
  • the need for regular protecting processing of wooden walls from rotting and insect attacks.

Many critics of wood negatively respond about the heat efficiency of the houses. The presence of slots reduces the thermal conductivity of the tree. Building needs sealing and additional insulation.

Features of the use of Arbolita

The second name of Arbolita - woodcloth. Material is made of cement binder and organic fillers - woodworking waste. Such a symbiosis awarded arbolite blocks near technical advantages:

  • low thermal conductivity (up to 0.18 w / m) and good sound-absorbing properties;
  • bending strength - Arbolit does not crack;
  • material is impassable and weakly fuel, the formation of smoke is low;
  • easy processing - plates can be cut;
  • air permeability, resistance to rotting;
  • low weight - the weight ratio of arbolit and brick is 1: 3, the requirements for the foundation are reduced.

Finding out that choose - arbolit or other material, we must take into account the climate of the region. The pledge of the durability of the trees - ensuring dryness. The base of the house needs additional waterproofing.

Under the conditions of constant humidity, the arbular unit is capable of absorbing 40-80% of moisture from the outside, which reduces its thermal insulation properties.

Additional mines of Arbolita: imperfect geometry of the block and high cost of quality material. Due to the ease of manufacture, the market is full of private production, the quality of which does not always comply with the standards.

Monolith and concrete blocks

Concrete is considered stronger and more durable bricks. There are two technology buildings at home:

  • solid construction from monolithic concrete;
  • the precast structure from factory reinforced concrete panels.

Cast concrete. A rather complicated technology: the framework of the house of the reinforcement is erected and gradually poured with liquid concrete. As the solution is drying, the formwork is removed and rearranged to another plot of fill.

Advantages of monolithic technology:

  • reliability - the strength of the building is due to the lack of seams, cast house - the optimal option for seismic areas;
  • durability - service life for more than 150 years;
  • fireproof - walls of the house are not destroyed in a fire;
  • form variability - building formwork, you can give the construction any configuration.

Disadvantages of monolithic buildings: high cost, the need to enhance the foundation, the complexity of creating a high formwork, a demand for the quality of concrete.

Prefabricated panels. This is an option for those who are looking for a way like a house. The finished bribe panels are brought to the site and form a construction of them.

The main advantages of the method are: the rate of construction, perfect geometry, available cost, fire safety.

In private house-building, the method is not particularly popular for a number of reasons: Plates produce typical sizes - the choice of projects is limited, concrete walls need warming.

Frame technology - economy and speed of construction

For many Europeans and residents of America, the question of which material is better to build a house, not so relevant. Most prefer the framework technology.

The basis of the building - wooden framewhich subsequently is cured with thermal insulation plates. The method has a number of significant advantages:

  • the speed of construction and the possibility of working all year round - "wet" processes are missing;
  • easy constructions - we can build a small house yourself without the involvement of special equipment;
  • the ease of construction - the skeleton does not require a powerful foundation;
  • the convenience of laying communications - water pipes, vent riples and electrocabels can be laid in the cavity of the walls, overlap;
  • good thermal insulation - subject to the norm of building and using high-quality energy-intensive components.

With a standard wall thickness of 30 cm, the skeleton retains heat as a brick house with a thickness of a wall of 50 cm.

Important, and sometimes the decisive factor in favor of frame technology is a low budget of construction. Fast-based homes are most accessible and very economical in operation in winter due to the effective thermal insulation of the walls.

Frame houses are demanding demanding to the quality of wood for the structure of the support structure. Compared with brick buildings have a lower noise insulation.

When is it better to build a frame house? The popularity of carcasers among compatriots is increasing. Previously, the biased attitude has changed - many on personal experiences were convinced of the practicality and heat capacity of housing. Such houses are universal and cost-effective, their construction is justified in different climatic regions.

Alternative building materials for a private house

In some regions, except the technologies described above, non-standard solutions apply:

  1. Adobe. Building material is popular in Central Asia. Samama is made of kneading and clay. The material holds cool in the summer and maintains heat in winter, but not particularly durable and afraid of water. The sacred houses are suitable only for dry climate, in the conditions of a protracted rainy autumn and harsh winters, the material cannot be used.
  2. Natural a rock. The choice of lovers of the style of "under the old" and all natural. Construction of a house from stone is expensive pleasure. Such a structure will have more than a century.
  3. Slagoblock. The compressed block from the filler is slag and binder - cement. The sllacobal is a cheap alternative to the brick, building material is popular in the construction of hozpostroops and country houses. The ecological safety of pressed blocks is doubtful, so they are not recommended for the construction of residential buildings.

Which house to build: profitability scale

If you compare the cost of building houses from different materials and compare the upcoming service costs, then the rating will look like this:

  • 1st place. Frame house. Approximate cost of construction - 180 y. e. / sq. m, heating costs and home service are minimal.
  • 2nd place. Wooden beam without insulation. The approximate price of the construction is 200 y. e. / sq. m, but thermal costs are more twice, and therefore, the heating bills increase.
  • 3 a place. Aerated concrete with insulation. The cost of building a house - 320 y. e. / sq. m. The cost of heating compared to the frame houses increase by quarter.
  • 4th place. Brick, double laying. The price of the question is about 400 y. e. / sq. M. Operation of the house in the winter period will cost three times more expensive than the content of the sump.

Potential developers often doubt whether it is worth building a frame house or better resort to traditional technologies. Many years of foreign experience, profitability indicators and positive feedback from compatriots speak in favor of frame buildings. For many parameters, they are ahead of brick, wooden and concrete houses.

Video: Wall Materials Comparison

Immediately make a reservation that in this article we will not consider exotic building materials, like a saman brick, cane or felt. Let's talk about the materials traditionally used in Russia and most other countries for the construction of houses. Their many quite (and constantly appear new), however, all of them are certain variations on the topic of wood, stone or concrete.

The traditional dispute about what walls are "warm", and which no, in our opinion, has already lost the relevance: on the one hand, there are so many effective thermal insulation technologies that can be done "warm" any wall; On the other hand, even the most "warm" wall made by "Tip-Lump", instead of heat will give some drafts. Therefore, we believe one of the most important qualities to have the best material for the construction of the house is its weight. The more massive wall of the house, the more stronger and the greater load they can withstand. But the foundations in such a design should have a large bearing ability, which significantly increases the cost of construction (the cost of the foundation can reach up to 30% of the cost of the whole house!)

Houses from wood

The most "light" types of houses are frame-boiled and panel. Their walls and partitions consist of a wooden frame, which is the wooden panels, between which is a layer of thermal insulation material. The difference between them is that the walls of the frame house are built "on the spot", and the panel - at the factory in the form of panels. The advantages of such houses are: the speed of construction (professional brigades spend on the assembly of a frame house around 3 weeks, the panel can be collected in a few days), the possibility of using weakly infant foundations simple in the device, and, consequently, a serious reduction in the construction. Disadvantages: weak strength and carrying ability (it is allowed to build up to two floors with an attic), a short time (the warranty service life of such houses is about 20-25 years, although in reality a qualitatively built house costs without repair and 50-60 years old - there are examples). In addition, in Russia to frame-panel technologies, it is still somewhat wary, although in Europe and America it is one of the most common houses, so the wooden panels may well act as the best material for the construction of the house with the admission of certain structural restrictions.

Wooden logs are followed by weight, or from a circular log log (manual or mechanical cylinder), or from a rectangular bar. Their advantages: ease of construction, average cost, the possibility of using inexpensive foundations, increased, compared with frame houses, durability and durability (40-50 years at least). The disadvantages are as follows: the logs are subject to shrinkage, so it is impossible to build such a house for one season; As a result, the shrinkage is formed slots, so the logs require compulsory caulking; increased fire hazardous material requiring additional protection measures; The most important thing is the direct dependence of the quality of the material from its price. The inexpensive logs of manual feeding are usually made from the tree low quality, with numerous slits, and logs and good quality brushes, as a rule, roads.

Houses from stone and concrete

Recently, houses from various kinds of concrete derivatives were widely widespread: foam concrete, polystyrene concrete, etc. These materials are pretty light (compared to ordinary concrete), non-flammings, have good heat and sound insulation, easy to install and also claim the role of a better material for the construction of the house. Of the minuses, the fragility of a material that does not allow to build above the two floors be noted. There are problems with interior decoration - the "softness" of the material is forced to make a different kind of additional "falseland". In addition, the buildings from these materials require an immediate device of insulated facades, otherwise unprotected walls begin to quickly collapse.

The purpose of this article is to help potential developers to figure out which modern building materials are attractive not only in terms of their price, but also under the conditions for the expediency of their use in the construction of private houses.

The growth of individual construction led to the emergence of various materials on the market, including those that no one before heard. The range of building materials is so big that even experts often lose, not knowing what to choose.

As a rule, individual developers are focused on the following indicators: the price of materials (including facing); the ability to maximize all operations with your own hands; the overall weight of the structure, as the type of foundation and the cost of installation depends on this largely; the cost of finishing; durability; The frequency of the current (capital) repair and exploitation costs (mainly for heating).

First, comprehensive information for each sample is a topic for a separate review. Secondly, there are no ideal materials. Each material has its pros and cons who will be told. Thirdly, many disadvantages of materials are very relative, since the manifestation of their defects is mainly caused by non-quality of products, but excessive self-confidence of the developer, elementary violations of the production technology of construction and installation works and the technical illiteracy of builders on the issues of heat and waterproofing, the temperature expansion of building materials , their compatibility, etc., etc.

What kind of home needed? You need to decide

There are three main types of houses that are erected by private developers.

To first type Refers residential building for permanent residence Those who live in the countryside, but his labor activity is related to the city and for those who want to lead their farm in their own land plot.

This is usually capital buildings with a complete set of extra rooms, such as boiler room, workshop, sauna, garage. Such homes are designed for year-round accommodation, so their walls must have thermal insulation properties in accordance with the climate of the region.

Engineering equipment of houses for permanent residence should provide maximum municipal amenities, surpassing in the comfort of the city apartment.

To the second type Calculate "Second House" or the so-called cottage, employee for temporary accommodation In the country zone. The construction of this type is usually taken into account the possibility of year-round residence, so they are subject to their walls with the same attention, as in homes for permanent residence.

To the third type houses include cottages and garden houses - houses for seasonal accommodation Or short-term arrival, where you can come to spend weekends in the warm season. Most often, such houses are operated at temperatures not lower than -5 degrees, therefore the wall thickness rarely exceeds 25 cm (in one brick), and engineering support is reduced to the stove device, outdoor toilet and well, as a rule, several houses.

All these famous designs of the walls have their pros and cons. Therefore, the developer needs to at least have a little representing not only about the total cost of building a house of this material, but also that for what advantages of the material it makes his choice in favor of this wall design, and with what flaws it will be forced to put up in Further during the operation of the house.

Before the construction of the cottage, it should be remembered that the house of the house is the foundation, walls and roof - sometimes more than 60% of the cost of the house. And at these costs about 50% are enclosing structures or walls.

If you decide to build your own home, the first thing you have to find out is the number of materials that you need to build it. The process of counting all the necessary things is sufficiently capacious, tedious and costly in relation to time, but it is extremely necessary for a stable and successful construction. Therefore, proceed to the calculations.

  • Decide with the size and volume of the house. Determine the exact merar needed for housing, distribute all the rooms, rooms in this time, and select their alignment.
  • Use the services of a specialist. You can explore specialized forums or sites, which provide statistical data on how much each type of building material is needed on a certain structure of the structure or room.
  • If you could not find the necessary information on the network, go to the store and consult the seller. Ask him that from the existing material you are most suitable, which of the materials have the highest quality indicators, and how many of this or that item you need to fill out all the time.
  • Make the final choice of between traditional and modern building materials. Assess not only funds, but also the manufacturability of construction and the duration of operation. Modern technologies make it possible to obtain material with higher "survivability", and at the same time at a completely reasonable price. The assembly process can be much easier, and the end result looks neat and cleaner.
  • Before going to the store again, look at your records. Spend adjustment, calculate the number and price of all goods. Do not forget to order building materials at least with a five percent surplus for unforeseen situations.

The strategic question is the type of walls. To begin with, we will look at three options for wall structures that have been widespread in private house-building.

Old and kind tree

Traditional material for the Russian house-building - wood. It has about 33% of homes from it.

People who are conceived, from which it is better to build a private house, often comes to mind that this material. After all, a wooden house is health and comfort. Its walls are not easy to "breathe", but also make air to the healing, delaying harmful substances. Walls made of wood create in the room the optimal humidity and pleasantly smell.

The walls of the house of the tree have good thermal insulation and retain heat in winter and cool in summer. Wooden house heating costs can be significantly lower compared to brick walls.

Wooden house can be built from logs (pinned or profiled) and / or from a bar (simple or glued).

Cutting hand-held log

This method is the oldest, they used our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. We are talking about a logged manually. The trunk of the tree is cut to the desired length, and then they make locks and grooves. Further, the logs are connected, laying out the outlines of the house. We must definitely wait for the shrinkage - this is about a year, no less. Then it canopate the gaps and squeeze the boxes and doors.

Today, such a way of erection of a wooden house is not used. Everyone can build a house from a pinned log. Such a structure is going, like a constructor, talk about it further.

House from the bar build easier and faster

Neat smooth logs are treated in production conditions and labeled. There are already ready-made details of which they collect walls are supplied to the construction site. The bar can have different sizes and section (rectangular, square, in the form of the letter D). If it is profiled, then there has protrusions and grooves for the connection. Skit cut helps drain out of excess water. The house from this material can be erected with your own hands.

There are several varieties of timber for building a house.

Bar sawn Made of logs with humidity from 50 to 70%. As soon as it is cut off, he immediately goes to the construction site. Because of this, the house is subject to shrinkage, (up to 10 cm). And sometimes cracks appear on the walls.

Stroging Bar dried in production conditions. The humidity of the finished product is from 20 to 25%. After drying on a special machine, the products are sharp. As a result, shrinkage at home, although there is, but very small.

Cleaning ram Made of several layers of lamellas (special boards dried to 6 or 10% humidity). They are glued under pressure, while the fibers of the adjacent layers are perpendicular to each other. Finished products have a length of up to 12 m, and thickness - from 7.5 to 30 cm. They do not give shrinkage, do not deform and do not go cracked. Therefore, many believe that the glued bar is the best material for the walls of a wooden house.

Positive aspects of wooden houses are obvious - these are environmental friendliness, frost resistance, rapid construction, seismic and wind resistance. In addition, wood does not need additional cladding, which promises good budget savings.

The minuses are also there, but they are relatively few. First, the tree is a capricious material. For example, wooden houses often give shrinkage. Shrinkage at home is a natural process of changing the volume of walls due to the drying of the material from which they are made. The maximum shrinkage is about 10% and is observed at houses from freshly dredged logs. Such a building must be stuck without finishing at least 8 months, and usually - year.

In the process of shrinkage, the house can go cracks that are missing by special compositions. The minimum shrinkage is observed at houses from the glued timber and the usual dried bar. Such materials are almost immediately ready for finishing. However, a lot of money will need to warm the house from the bar.

Another minus tree - flammable, the fire can destroy such a structure in a matter of minutes. Therefore, wooden houses are impregnated with special compositions that increase their fire resistance.

Special compositions are needed to protect against rotting and insects. The impregnation is a forced measure, and the special needs themselves are not always environmentally friendly. In addition, a house from a tree requires constant care, especially if it is intended for seasonal residence, it is necessary to prock, since the removal wood starts to rot.

In general, the durability of wooden houses built by experts, with compliance with all technological nuances ranges from 70 to 100 years.

Briefly dignity of wood materials

This is one of the most eco-friendly materials. Build a wooden house is not so expensive as brick. By thermal conductivity, the tree significantly exceeds the brick. Wooden house is usually very beautiful. Often it does not require finish either inside or outside. The foundation is required easy and inexpensive. For example, column. Serves a house from a tree, especially cut down by hand, for a very long time.

Briefly - disadvantages of wood meterias:

A tree is burning, can rot and "eaten" fungus. To prevent this, you need all parts to process with special preparations. Shrink shrink can go from 3 to 5 years. The planed beam and log cabins can crack.

Brick - He is a brick

One of the most popular materials in the market is considered brick. More than 50% of houses in Russia are built of bricks

Brick ceramic and silicate brick. What is the difference?

The construction uses two types of bricks: silicate (white) and ceramic (red) brick.

Ceramic brick It has red. Such a material is not afraid of frosts and does not let water. It is full (no more than 13% emptiness) and hollow (up to 49% emptiness). The shape of the holes in the brick can be round, square, oval, with an arrangement horizontally or vertical. With an increase in their quantity, thermal insulation properties are improved.

For the construction of external fences, building brigades prefer ceramic bricks. Seven brands of ceramic brick are produced: from M75 to M300. The higher the numbers, the stronger the brick. You should also pay attention to the frost resistance, denoted by the letter F. The lowest quality is F15, the highest - F75.

Silicate brick It consists of a mixture of quartz sand, water and air lime. It is strong enough, stealing frost, has good sound insulation. Silicate brick has white color. Its main components - lime, sand and a small proportion of additives.

This kind of brick is also produced both solid and cavities inside. The latter is easier, and the walls of it are much warmer (the air is an excellent heat insulator). But a solid silicate brick may be interested in developing a variety of colors. For the strength of the brick, it does not matter, it is full of day or with cavities inside.

Private and facial brick and their purpose.

Both types of bricks are different purposes. An ordinary brick is also called construction - it is used for the inner masonry of the walls. For him, small cracks are not considered marriage. It does not matter if the corners or ribs are slightly repulsed and there are notches in the corners.

Facial (facing) brick should have an impeccable appearance, not posted notches and flaws.

On the strength of brick and frost resistance

Strength determines the brick brand. For this indicator there is a special marking: letter M and number near (from 75 to 300). This number is the load permitted by this brand per square centimeter. Than this number is more, the hardest brick. For the walls of a two-story or three-story house, M100 and M125 brands are suitable. The base or foundation is placed brick M150 or M175.

Choosing, from which brick build a house, you should take into account and frost resistance (the ability to freeze and disappear, without damaging). To refer to this indicator, the letter F is selected, next to which the number is from 15 to 100. It means the number of frost cycles and defrost without damage to the material. In warmer areas for the outer walls, the F15 brand is enough, where it is colder - F25. Facing usually make the brick of the F50 brand.

The main advantages of brick are strength, fire resistance, wide variety and choice in the market, as well as an acceptable price. A small brick house can sometimes cost cheaper than a wooden cottage. The brick keeps the temperature well in this sense, ideal for homes where year-round accommodation is planned. But at the same time, on the heat transfer, the brick is seriously inferior to the tree.

The shortcomings of the brick also enough. To build a brick house, it is necessary to spend sometimes one and a half times longer than on the construction of a wooden house. Brick is a heavy material that complicates its logistics and storage. For a brick building, a strong and powerful foundation is needed, and these are additional costs.

The brick house is able to stand at 100 - 150 years. It will greatly survive and rains with hurricanes and hails, and severe frosts, and drying heat. Putting the walls of the brick from the old days, so the technology of their construction is worked out to the smallest detail. But the good wizard is not easy to find.

Briefly - the virtues of the brick: Attractive view. Durability. The ability to realize any complex project. Corrosion resistance, mold and fungus. Non-hatching. Protection against noise. Not bad maintenance of heat.

Briefly - brick flaws: Large weight. High demands for professionalism in laying. The need for a durable foundation. The need to use heat-insulator

Inexpensive frame house

And from something cheaper build a house? For someone, the answer to this question is most important. In this case, look at the framework technology. In addition to the cheapness of such a dwelling, the assembly rate is impressive. Only a few weeks - and you can simply make a house in which it will be warm and comfortable.

The basis of such buildings is a frame frame or metal. It includes rafters, racks, farms and other elements. Then the insulation is placed, and on top of all this is trimmed with tight sheets of chipboard or OSP. The wall of this house weighs 15 times less brick.

An expensive tree for a frame goes a little - 5 or 10 times less than for a log. Insulation is the main cost of expenses. However, he, even the best, gives the cost of the wall 1.5 times cheaper than from the bar, and compared with the brick - by 2.7 times.

Frame houses can be two types:

Frame-panel house- Collecting from finished shields. First connect them, then they make partitions between the rooms. The final stage is the roof building.

Frame-frame house- Made on the basis of the "Frame" - frame from BRUSEV and logs based on the foundation. Next put rafters and make a crate. After the roof is made, the framework of the frame is insulating (minvata or PPS). At the end, an external sheath is made.

Since the main material in the construction of a frame house is a heater, then when carrying out the right calculations of its required quantity, the structure is obtained quite warm, which will allow you to significantly save on heating.

Briefly - the dignity of the skeleton house: Extremely low price and quick installation. Good heat resistant (when the heating is disconnected, in minus 10 ° C, the temperature will decrease by 2 ° C per day). Does not finish inside, which reduces costs. Communications can be hidden inside the walls, which saves a place. No special skills are required to build a frame house cheap and quickly. The most incredible designs are possible with a wooden frame. Possible real flight of fantasy. Under the frame house is a sufficiently small small-breeding foundation.

Briefly - disadvantages of a skeleton house: The frame house is considered not very environmentally friendly due to a large number of insulation. Another problem of these houses is various insects and rodents. Like all wooden houses they are combustible, unstable to natural disasters. Another problem of frame houses - in them is stuffy, therefore it takes a ship-exhaust ventilation. The house on the frame will serve less than brick or wooden

Instead of imprisonment

What you need to know when choosing a material for the walls of the house?

Wall materials and production of works on the construction of enclosing structures are one third of all expenses for the construction of the house. And if you, like piglets, Nif-Nifu and NUF-Nufu are carelessly reacted to this serious choice, it will inevitably incur serious costs in the future.

Therefore, we consider the most important criteria and factors that need to be considered when choosing a material for the construction of walls of the house.

A) the question of the price. Costs can be reduced if we take lightweight material for walls. Then you will not have to build a powerful and expensive foundation.

B) thermal insulation. Cold walls will be too expensive in winter. Therefore, before choosing the material, you need to do all the calculations, focusing on local climatic conditions. You can achieve the desired degree of thermal insulation by resorting to the help of insulation. If you take a material with good heat insulating properties, the walls can not be inspired, but it all depends on the regional region.

C) labor costs. The costs of time and strength can be reduced if folded the walls of large blocks, and not from small-piece materials. Such walls are erected 3 - 4 times faster and easier. The highest speed - when erecting frame panel walls.

D) Subsequent trim costs. Modern smooth and aesthetic materials do not require additional decoration of the walls - it saves.

To determine what is better to build the walls of the house, it is necessary to consider the main types of suitable building materials, determine and compare their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

Comparison of various materials for the construction of walls

Materials Dignity disadvantages Cost of materials and works $ / m2
1 2 3 4 5
1 Brick (minimum thickness - 380 mm) Reliability,
The need for insulation, laboriousness, heavy walls, need a powerful foundation 75
2 Cererooblock (thickness - 380 mm) Reliability,
the rate of construction.
Fragility of material
Need a highly qualified specialist.
3 Rounded timber (diameter - 200 mm) Ecology,
Shrinkage of walls, great dependence on the quality of material and specialists,
flammability, rot.
4 Glued profiled bar (200/230 mm) Ecology,
rapid up
lightweight foundation.
Flammability, rot. 111
5 Aerated concrete (thickness - 380) Rapid up
durability, reliability,
ecology, thermal insulation.
Need a solid foundation;
Low bending strength.
6 Wooden frame + sandwich panel with insulation. Rapid up
good thermal insulation
lightweight foundation
Durability of the house depends on technology and

construction qualities.


And another advice. Choosing material for the construction of the house, you should not approach "with a scope" to the upcoming construction. A person, in fact, for complete happiness, not so much need space, especially outside the city. All the savings that you achieve by reducing the cost of materials and construction technologies can be listed with extra floors, rooms and spaces.

We wish you success in finding and finding the only right solution!

Text: Valery Bordyuzhenko -

If seriously considers the option of moving the convergence, the question of which is better to build a house for permanent residence, goes to the fore. The choice of materials for the construction depends on the preference of the owner of the future housing, its financial capabilities, in something - from the current local traditions. Of course, the specificity of the climatic conditions of the region and the characteristics of the soils on the site acquired for the construction of housing is taken into account.

Today, both traditional and new technologies are used for the construction of private houses. In order to stop their choice on one of them, it is necessary to deal with what problems will have to face during large-scale construction work and during the operation of the finished building.

Criteria for selecting material for construction

When choosing a material to build a house, it is necessary to repel from a number of important criteria:

  • In order for the house to be comfortable for accommodation at any time of the year, choosing material for the construction, it is necessary to take into account the average winter temperatures of the region, where it is planned to be raised, comparing them with thermal insulation qualities of future walls and overlaps.

  • In addition, most potential owners seek to make their housing energy saving. That is, with minimal energy costs, to obtain comfortable temperatures in the premises, both in the winter and summer period.
  • The ability of building material becomes an effective barrier from external noise, it is especially important if the building is being built near the busy automotive track or railway tracks.
  • The durability and reliability of the residential building will directly depend on the strength of the selected material.
  • An important role is also played by the appearance of the building. Therefore, it is immediately necessary to decide: which variant of the material is preferable - requiring or not requiring additional finishes.
  • Of course, the pricing availability of the material is always important criterion. In many ways it depends on the construction region.
  • If the owner plans to build on its own (completely or even partially), then the priority of criteria may also be the degree of complexity of working with the elected building materials.

Main types of materials for the construction of a private house

Today, the construction of houses are used as traditional materials used, without exaggeration, centuries, and developed relatively recently, but have already had time to show themselves from a positive side.

So, by defined with the materials for the construction of the house, it is necessary to know that they are conventionally divided into four groups:

  • Natural wood (log or timber).
  • Brick, stone and shell.
  • Porous blocks.
  • Composite materials based on wood.

To determine which of the listed materials it is better to choose for a specific case, it is necessary to consider their physico-specifications and other features.


Silicate and ceramic bricks are used to build houses. Both alone and the second option are made in two kinds that differ in the internal structural structure - brick can be hollow and full.

Both types are widely used to erect house walls. However, different bricks can have and highly distinguishing characteristics.

Full and hollow ceramic brick

Full-year brick is characterized by higher strength, so it is able to withstand high loads. However, it has a high thermal conductivity, and because of this wall, isolated from it, usually require additional insulation and cladding.

Ceramic and silicate, full or void bricks - everyone has its own advantages and disadvantages

The hollow products are better preserved heat in the house, so they are often plated with a wall built of full-scale bricks, leaving the space between the walls, which is filled with heat-insulating materials - slag, clay, foam concrete or polystyrene foam.

Agree, with neat brickwork it is very difficult to compete in the aesthetics of the facade

Brick houses have a respectable appearance and a long operational resource, which sometimes exceeds the deadlines embedded in the design of the building. Buildings from this material are beneficial from other buildings with their strength and reliability. That is why, despite the emergence of innovative materials, the brick did not lose much in its popularity, as he successfully passed the time check. Proof of this is the structure erected sometimes several centuries ago, are still in operation.

However, despite the large number of positive qualities of bricks, this material has not only advantages, but also obvious disadvantages.

To the main thing benefits brick, and therefore houses raised from it include:

  • Environmental purity of the material.

Nowadays, the future owners of houses always pay special attention to this quality material. Brick structures in this regard are impeccable, as the composition of the solution from which products are made are made artificially produced or toxic components. Ceramic brick is made from purified clay, and silicate - from sand and lime.

  • The strength of the design, built of it, long service life.

Over the centuries, both single-storey and multi-storey buildings have been built in different countries from bricks, some until today's days are operated, not even requiring the restoration of the facades. Walls built of bricks made without disruption of technologies, and laid on high-quality solution, resistant to the effects of ultraviolet rays, to moisture, wind, to biological striking.

In addition, brick buildings are able to withstand various natural cataclysms, such as floods, earthquakes, etc.

  • Frost resistance.

This quality suggests that the material is able to fully maintain its operational and decorative qualities during numerous deep freezing and defrosting cycles. Today, different brick brands are presented, the frost resistance of which can be varied. Therefore, acquiring this material should be paid to the indicator F, which just shows this number of cycles. The indicator is higher, the more durable material.

  • Natural moisture regulation in the construction.
  • Fire safety.

Unlike wood, brick racks to open fire, as it is made of non-flammable material, besides the past quenching with high temperatures when it is firing. The brick is not ignited and does not support the burning of the arrangement of the construction elements. True, when exposed to open fire on it for a long time, it loses a margin of safety. This means that the operational period of the walls survived the fire is significantly reduced.

To the list of significant disadvantages Brick buildings include the following factors:

  • Cost of material.

By choosing a brick to build a house, you need to be ready for quite high costs, since, given the "modest" product size, they will be needed so much. In addition to the brick itself, it will be necessary to perform the inner decoration of the walls - it is plastering with the subsequent putty, color or. All these processes are also quite expensive, require a certain time.

  • High thermal conductivity of bricks. If the house is erected in the region with cold winter, where the temperature drops to - 35 ÷ 40 degrees, then the walls of the brick must be thick and amount to at least 640 ÷ 770 mm. Another option may be "sandwich" -then, that is, performed on the principle of "conductive masonry". In this case, at a certain distance, two relatively thin brick walls are presented at the same time, the space between which is filled with thermal insulating materials. Sometimes another method is used for insulation - a doomle is fixed on the facade side of the wall, between the elements of which mineral wool or polystyrene foam is mounted, and then the walls are facing one of the decorative materials.
  • Massiveness.

Brick houses are a very heavy construction. This means that they need to be equipped with a reliable and solid foundation foundation. Otherwise, under high load, it will notice, and with it the brick walls, as a result of which deep cracks will go.

Therefore, to build a high-quality capable of guaranteed to cope with high load, you will also have to be seriously spent.

  • The design of the brick structure should be carried out only a professional. Errors in the calculations of the foundation and determining the thickness of the bearing walls are not allowed. The project and calculations will also be expensive.
  • Gigroscopic material.

This quality is particularly pronounced by a brick made with a violation of technology, that is, not hardly hardened or too porous. In homes from such a material there is always an increased humidity, and get rid of it - quite difficult. Therefore, the walls have to periodically be treated, which takes a lot of time and delivers discomfort in the operation of housing. It is good that today there are quite a few funds that will help protect the brick walls from moisture - they are processed by surfaces at the very beginning of the building. It will help protect brick walls and high separating them from dirt moisture, splashes during the rain or from contact with snow nanos.

Silicate brick is more hygroscopic than ceramic. Therefore, it is not recommended to be used to build a house in the regions with a wet climate. And it is completely excluded when laying the base.

In digital indicators, the main characteristics of the brick look like this:

Characteristic nameFunny brickHollow brickSilicate brick
Density, kg / m³1600 ÷ 1800.1400 ÷ 1700.1700 ÷ 1900.
Thermal conductivity, W / ML0.81 ÷ 0.870.44 0.95
Strength, kgf / cm²125 ÷ 200.100 ÷ 200.150
Moisture absorption,%7 ÷ 8.7 ÷ 8.8 ÷ 10.
Frost resistance cycles50 ÷ 100.50 ÷ 70.35
Recommended wall thickness, mm at air temperature -20 / -30 / -40 ˚С (mm)510/640/770 380/510/640 510/640/770

The cost of bricks in the table is intentionally not specified. This parameter varies in very wide limits, depending on the type, brand, size, manufacturer, construction region. Even one seller has a variation of prices for the same, it seems to be products, but coming from different plants, can be very significant.

Masonry blocks based on cement

In recent years, building blocks made on the basis of cement are increasingly selected for the construction of a private house. Such masonry materials have a number of advantages over traditional bricks, and the first cost can be called the available cost. In addition, the blocks have impressive linear dimensions - one can replace from 4 and even up to 14 standard bricks, so the construction of the house will go much faster.

Today, manufacturers today supply blocks on a cement basis, but made according to various technologies and with various physico-technical and operational indicators:

  • Foam blocks and aerated concrete blocks.
  • Sloblocks and ceramzit concrete blocks.

To figure out what each of the named materials is, and what they differ from each other, let's see closer on their characteristics.

Foam concrete and foam concrete blocks

These building materials, at first glance, are similar in their characteristics. However, their manufacturing technologies are somewhat different.

Aerated concrete is made from cement, lime, sand and water with the addition of aluminum powder. Due to these components, a chemical reaction is activated in the process of manufacturing the composition, accompanied by gas release, which ensures the creation of a porous structure with an open cell. It predetermines very high hygroscopicity of the material.

Foam concrete products are made of cement, sand and water. But the main thing for the formation of the material structure is the foaming agent added at the stage of kneading the solution before filling in the form. The cell is closed.

Both alone and other blocks may have different density, and are divided into brands. The numerical indicator in the brand is just talking about the density of the finished material (kg / m³):

- D 1000- D 1200 - structural products, that is, intended for the construction of bearing walls. Insulation, they are not the most outstanding.

- D 500- D 900 - structural insulating materials. It is them most often and choose for individual construction, combining, so to speak "pleasant with useful."

- D 300- D 500 - thermal insulation blocks. For the supporting structures of the strength qualities of such material is clearly not enough.

Foam concrete is made in one embodiment, which is marked by D1300 to D1600. These are structurally replicated blocks having a high density, but also very significant thermal conductivity. As a rule, the material of this brand is made under the order, and in the practice of residential construction is practically not used.

Aerated concrete and foam concrete blocks have the following characteristic features:

  • Easy processing. Blocks are easily saw using a conventional tree hacksaw. Thanks to this quality, any, even inexperienced builder can cope with the fitting of the material during the construction of the walls. Moreover, the block can be given an arbitrarily intricate shape.
  • The strength of the material. Indicators of this parameter can vary depending on the porosity and the product brand.
  • Low thermal conductivity. This indicator averages 0.08 ÷ 0.22 W / (M × ˚С). The brand D300 and D 500 are especially low, so they are great for additional insulation of houses for permanent residence. Walls from this material perfectly retain heat in the house in the winter cold and coolness in hot summer days.
  • Soundproofing. Aerated concrete and foam concrete possess weighty noise absorption indicators, and the final parameters depend on other characteristics of the material, as well as from the thickness of the walls. According to the standards of SNIP II-12-77, in private houses, the noise insulation level should be 41 ÷ 60 dB, and the soundproofing quality of the aerated concrete is usually superior to these indicators:
Made of material, most often used for the construction of a private houseNoise isolation level, dB, with the thickness of the walls of the enclosing structure, mm
120 180 240 300 360
D500. 36 41 44 46 48
D600. 38 43 46 48 50
  • Environmental purity of the material. Industrial production of blocks is carried out under strict control (especially for aerated concrete). In the laboratories, an inspection is carried out for the presence of radioactive materials and toxic components - they are completely excluded.
  • Mass of blocks. This parameter depends on the density of the material:

As can be seen, this parameter can be somewhat varied in one direction or another. It must be remembered - the higher the density of the material, the higher its thermal conductivity and worse sound insulation.

Along with the positive characteristics, these building materials exist and their limitations which also need to have information:

  • The foam and gas blocks are different, so during the work, with careless handling of the material, it can crack or split. In addition, this may occur when the foundation is shown. Therefore, the foundation under the wall should be as reliable as possible. In order to avoid sediment and cracking, each second ÷ the third row of masonry must be reinforced with metal rods.
  • Gigroscopic of aerated concrete can be attributed to serious disadvantages. This feature predetermines the increase in the scope of work in which waterproofing measures are included.
  • Mandatory internal and external finish involves additional costs.

What to choose - Foam concrete or aerated concrete?

With a mass of general traits, these materials and significant differences have. By what criteria, you can compare more detailed information in a special publication of our portal.

Ceramzite concrete blocks and slag blocks

These blocks, as well as the materials described above, can be attributed to a very affordable and preparing decent characteristics.

Their frost resistance and strength are commensurate with similar parameters of brick walls. The blocks have very large linear parameters and relatively low weight, so the laying of them are made in a short time.

Ceramzit concrete blocks are made of cement mortar with the addition of grams of shallow fraction in 5 ÷ 10 mm, or a claying large-scale sand.

Now, rash, which is the framework of houses, it is necessary to allocate their positive and negative sides.

TO advantages Correctly built frame houses include the following:

  • Ability to work yourself.
  • Low heat thermal conductivity helps to keep warm inside the house.
  • Relatively fast and fairly easy installation of structural elements.
  • There is no need to arrate the massive foundation, as the construction is easy.
  • The design does not give a shrinkage, so the house can be settled immediately after the finishing works.
  • It is not necessary to level the surface of the walls and the ceiling, as they are ready for decorative decorations both outside and inside.
  • Relatively low cost.

However, the frame design has a rather large amount disadvantages which can bring the disappointment to the future residents of the house in the process of its operation:

  • Low tightness of all frame structures, except for the half-timber.
  • Insufficiently long service life due to low strength and reliability of the structure.
  • In frame houses, it must be equipped with correct, otherwise due to insufficient air exchange on the walls and underground mold may appear.
  • Low sound insulation quality.
  • High fire hazard.

  • Insulated material in the floor and walls can be loved for housing rodents and various insects. And from such a "neighborhood" will be very difficult to get rid of.

So better, bar or frame design?

If you have to decide which wood shape is better to choose for construction - a timber or log, or to give preference to the framework design, it will be worthwhile to refer to a special comparative publication to it leads the recommended link.

* * * * * * *

Above we figured out what materials can be used to build houses for year-round residence. Given their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, approximate prices in our region, you can decide which one is best for a specific case on a combination of all evaluation criteria.

If desires and capabilities coincide, you can stay on the best option and start developing the project of the house.

Such information reflected in the article, an interesting video on the same topic:

Video: What material is better to choose for your own residential building?

Innovation affect almost all areas, including construction of houses and cottages. Solar panels, "smart home", natural materials - all these innovations that are already implemented. Many building materials known to us are already applied, however refer to the relatively new "products" of the market. Consider them.

What can be chosen from the new?

Stone houses are undoubtedly popular, but the brick has long ceased to be energy efficient and profitable when the market came out various blocks and bricks:

1. Gasobutton - Comparatively young material. Applies for about 40 years, but popularity only acquires. Reference to energy-efficient and modern types of building materials. Just laying, easy to save, get benefits during operation - all this features aerated concrete. Today it is the most energy efficient material for the construction of houses;

2. Ceramzitobeton - also relates to effective types of building materials. It has an affordable price, high performance characteristics and long service life. For low-rise construction - the optimal choice in the ratio of "price-quality";

3. Low-concrete blocks Based on Portland cement - it is very durable, but energy-efficient material for the construction of low-rise buildings. Lime, slag, perlite, pepze, ash and others are used as bindings. Depending on this, new types of blocks are obtained - pelitobetone, slag concrete (these blocks are considered the most pure and beautiful) and others;

4. Foam concrete - Despite the fact that this type of blocks have received a long time ago, popularity and properties have appreciated only recently. This kind of "bricks" is considered the most heat-insulating;

5. Ceramic or red brick. Innovative technologies offer us also to acquire various rapid materials with high thermal insulation properties.

What can I choose yet?

1. Construction of houses from sandwich panels. This technology refers to modern. Wooden frame is erected, and the cavities of the walls are filled with special panels. A qualitative insulation allows you to achieve high thermal insulation parameters. In such a house, it will be exactly warm, and you can get all the building in just season;

2. Bay straw - blocks based on cement and straw mixture (mixed on a liquid filler - calcium chloride solution). Please note the cost of such a formation - only 70-100 rubles. Beautiful appearance, strength (due to cement reinforcement), increased thermal insulation properties - the main features of bales of straw for the construction of low-rise homes;

3. Pressed wooden shot on liquid binders - "ELSTAR". Eco-friendly, cheap, seismic resistant, efficient;

4. Construction of houses from polyopolster blocks and panels. Undeniable thermal insulation, simplicity of construction, price is the main advantages;

5. Oriented chipboard are obtained by pressing long-sized wood chips. Gluing waterproof resins are used as the main binders. This area is the construction of houses on highly efficient American technology.

The choice is yours!