Requirements and marking GOST for metal doors. We study the requirements of GOST to the metal door Odnipale iron door for non-residential premises GOST

Blocks of door steel

Technical conditions

Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission
According to standardization, technical rationing
And certification in construction (MNTKS)



The Eurasian Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (EAS) is a regional association of national authorities for the standardization of states within the Commonwealth of Independent States. In the future, it is possible to join the EAS national authorities for the standardization of other states

In the ECass, the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Registration and Certification in Construction (MNTKS), which is given the right to adopt interstate standards in the field of construction

The goals, the basic principles and the main procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions "and MSN 1.01-01-96" The system of interstate regulatory documents in construction. Basic provisions "

Information about standard

1 Developed by the Center for Certification of Window and Door Technology and FSUE Central Design and Technological Bureau (FSUE "TsPKKTB" Gosstroy Russia) with the participation of Anoo Academy "Security and Law" and the company "Ablah OY", Bjerboda plant, Finland

2 is made by the state system of Russia

3 adopted by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission on Standardization, Technical Registration and Certification in Construction (MNTKS) on May 14, 2003

Short name of the country on MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the State Management Authority

Ministry of Urban Planning of the Republic of Armenia


KazStroy Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan


State Commission for Architecture and Construction under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic

Ministry of Ecology, Construction and Development of the Territories of the Republic of Moldova

the Russian Federation

Gosstroy Russia


Komarhstroy Republic Tajikistan


State Architectstroy Republic of Uzbekistan

4 introduced for the first time

5 entered into force on March 1, 2004 as the State Standard of the Russian Federation by the Resolution of the Russian State System of June 20, 2003 No. 76

Information on the introduction (termination) of this standard and changes to it on the territory of the States mentioned above is published in the signs of national (state) standards issued in these states.

Information about the changes to this standard is published in the index (catalog) "Interstate Standards", and the textchanges - in the information indicators "Interstate Standards". In case of revision or cancellation of this Standard, the relevant information will be published in the information indicator "Interstate Standards".

GOST 31173-2003

Interstate standard

Blocks of door steel

Technical conditions

Steel Doors.


Date of administration - 2004-20-01

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

This standard applies to blocks of door steel with installed locking devices (hereinafter - door blocks or products) for buildings and structures of various purposes.

Standard does not apply to special purpose blocks in terms of additional fire safety requirements, adultand boilers, the effects of aggressive media, etc., as well as on the door blocks of protective cabins according to the current regulatory documentation.

The scope of specific types of products is established depending on the operating conditions in accordance with the current building standards and the rules, taking into account the requirements of this standard.

Standard can be applied to certification purposes.

2 Regulatory references

This document uses references to the following standards:

4 Classification and Conditional Designation

4.1 Products are classified according to the following features:


design variants;

type of finishes;

operational indicators;

mechanical characteristics;

security properties.

4.1.1 For purpose, door blocks are divided into:

external (entrance to buildings, premises, as well as tambour);

internal (input to the apartment and others intended for operation within the building).

4.1.2 According to options for structural design, door blocks divide:

by design box:

with a closed box;

with a p-shaped box;

with a p-shaped box with a good threshold;

in terms of cloths (including unopened), the direction and type of opening:

single-section (left and right opening);

bipolys (including with linen of different widths);

with non-horizontal horizontal or vertical linen-inserts;

with opening inside the room;

with opening out;

by number of contours of the seal in the focus:

with one contour;

with two and more contours.

4.1.3 In terms of finishing, door blocks are divided into:

painted paint and powder materials;

lined with leather (artificial or natural) and insulation;

plated decorative film materials;

lined with wood or wood-slab materials (including natural or synthetic veneer);

decorated with glazing (mirror) materials;

decorative metal veneer;

combined (including from other materials).

Notes e - in agreement with the customer, other types of finishes are allowed.

4.2 In operational indicators, door blocks are classified according to the resistance of heat transfer, air, water permeability, sound insulation.

4.2.1 In terms of the resulting resistance of the heat transfer, the door blocks are divided into classes:

1 - C. The resistance to heat transfer1.0 m 2 · ° C / W and more;

2 - with the reduced heat transfer resistance from 0.70 to 0.99 m 2 · ° C / W;

3 - with the reduced heat transfer resistance of 0.40 - 0.69 m 2 · ° C / W.

Notes e - Door blocks with a reduced heat transfer resistance of less than 0.40 m 2 · ° C / W classification for this indicator are not subject to.

4.2.2 In terms of air and water permeability, door blocks are divided into classes shown in the table.

Table 1

Volume air permeability at δR \u003d 100 Pa, m 3 / (h · m 2)

Waterproof limit, Pa, not less

Less than 9.

From 9 to 17



1 Indicator of waterproof limit - for entrance door blocks in buildings and rooms from the street.

2 Door units with breathability more than 27 m 3 / (h · m 2) Classifications are not subject to this indicator.

4.2.3 SoundproofingR W.door blocks are divided into classes:

1 - with a decrease in 32 dB air noise and more;

2 - "" »» 26 - 31 dB;

3 - »» »» 20 - 25 dB.

Notes e - Door blocks with sound insulation less than 20 dB of classification according to this indicator are not subject to.

4.3 Door blocks are classified according to the main mechanical characteristics on the strength classes shown in the table.

table 2

Values \u200b\u200bof the indicator for strength class

Resistance to the static load applied in the plane of the web, H, not less




Resistance to the static load applied in the area of \u200b\u200bthe free angle of the web, perpendicular to its plane, H, not less




The resistance of the static load applied in the loop zone perpendicular to the plane of the web, H, not less




Resistance to the dynamic load applied in the direction of opening the door leaf towards the stop, not less

m. cargo - 40 kg

h. Falls - 1.0 m

m. cargo - 40 kg

h. Falls - 0.7 m

m. cargo - 40 kg

h. Falls - 0.5 m

Impedance of shock load with mild inelastic body (in both directions for opening the door web), not less

m. cargo - 30 kg

h. Falls - 1.5 m

m. cargo - 30 kg

h. Falls - 1.0 m

m. cargo - 30 kg

h. Falls - 0.7 m


1 The class of the door block is set by the worst result from all types of tests.

2 An example of determining the strength class when testing the resistance of static load, actthe plane perpendicular to the plane of the canvas in the free corner zone is given in the application.

4.4 Depending on the presence of security properties, door blocks are divided into:

door blocks of ordinary execution equipped with locks III - IV. Classes according to GOST 5089, blocking anti-removaldevices;

door blocks of reinforced versions equipped with locks III - IV Classes according to GOST 5089, reinforced loops, locking anti-blank devices, multi-dealerwith locks with locking around the perimeter, with strength characteristics not lower than class M2;

door blocks protective - reinforced door blocks, with strength characteristics not lower than class M1 and corresponding to the requirements set in annex.

Notes E - In the conditional designation of the door blocks of reinforced execution, the "U" index is added, protective execution - "s".

4.5 The structure of the conditional designation of door blocks:

Examples of conditional notation:

DSV DKN 2100-1270 m3 GOST 31173-2003 - the door block is an internal, biscuit, with a closed box, with the opening of the canvas outside, the usual version, the strength class - m3, 2,100 mm high, 1270 mm wide.

DSN PPVN 1-2-2 m2 in 2300-900 GOST 31173-2003 - the door block is the outer, one-haired right performance, with a threshold, with the opening of the canvas inside, the class in terms of the resistance of the heat transfer - 1, the class in terms of air, water permeability - 2, the class in sound insulation - 2, strength class - M2, reinforced , 2300 mm high, 900 mm wide.

When placing an order for the manufacture (supply) and passports, it is recommended to indicate: a design version of a constructive solution, including a description of filling the door leaf; drawing indicating the opening scheme of the canvas and the design of the door block; Type and brand of door devices and class locks; Type of finishes, width of the box and other requirements for the coordination of the manufacturer with the customer.

In export-import deliveries, it is allowed to apply another conventional structure specified in the contract (contract).

5 Technical requirements

5.1 General and Design Requirements

5.1.1 Products must comply with the requirements of this Standard and manufactured in design and technological documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

5.1.2 The door blocks can be a design welded from steel sheets and rectangular or bent profiles. It is allowed to apply the structure of the "trunk" type, the steel sheets are recommended to weld each other. In the manufacture of welding work, it is recommended to apply welding in a protective gas environment. Places of welding points are installed in the working documentation.

Options for performing door canvases and examples of designs of door blocks are shown in the drawings.

1 - top locking rigle; 2 - top traction of the main castle; 3 - frame frame (welded steel profiles); 4 - places of attachment of the inner "hatch"; 5 - catch; 6 - place of attachment of the upper thrust; 7 - Rigel Zavokov Suwald Castle; 8 - latch; 9 - cylinder Castle 10 - lower line of primary lock; 11 - fastening places; 12 - internal cavity for aggregate; 13 - guide vertical thrust; 14 - lower locking reigleel; 15 - mounting "Ushko"; 16 - threshold; 17 - hole for anti-disconnecting beere (pin); 18 - anti-removable passive riglel (pin); 19 - mounting anchor; 20 - box (frame); 21 - combined Suwaline Cylinder Castle; 22 - internal steel sheet; 23 - outdoor steel sheet; 24 - loop node; 25 - eye

Picture 1 - An example of the design of the door block, whose canvas is welded from two steel sheets and steel profiles, box (frame) - from a steel bent profile

Figure 2. - examples of door canvase designs

Fignok 3. - An example of the design of the door block welded from steel sheets and profiles (with a filling of the middle profile of the box and canvas with wood and foam material)

Figure 4. - An example of the design of the door block welded from steel sheets and profiles, with facing of natural wood

Risooka 5. - An example of the design of a bipoon door block with wood facing or wood-platesmaterials (horizontal section)

Figure 6. - Examples of designs of door canvases welded from two flat steel sheets and steel profiles ( but) and the doorway type "Bunny" ( b.) with vertical reinforcing profiles

Figure 7. - examples of the design of the door leaf, welded from steel profiles, with vertical and horizontal reinforcing profiles and installed locks ( but) and the door frame (b.)

The boxes (frames) are made of a bent profile with a thickness of at least 1.5 mm or from a rectangular profile with a cross section of at least 40 × 50 mm.

Boxes (frames) and door canvases are made at no lower than 15 clarity qualities according to GOST 25347.

5.1.4 In the designs of door cloths, it is recommended to use vertical and horizontal reinforcing profiles (furniture). It is recommended to use at least two vertical and horizontal reinforcing profiles. It is allowed to have reinforcing profiles at an angle between vertical (inclined profiles). Horizontal reinforcing profiles are recommended to be located in the loop area or in the anti-removal zone. Examples of enhancing profiles in the doorway are shown in the picture.

1 - horizontal enhancing profile under the loop; 2 - metal box for traction; 3 - locking elements; 4 - horizontal enhancing profile; 5 - vertical enhancing profile; 6 - web strapping profile; 7 - loops

1 - inclined reinforcing profiles; 2 - horizontal reinforcing profiles; 3 - locking elements; 4 - metal box for thrust; 5 - vertical reinforcing profiles; 6 - web strapping profile; 7 - loops

Figure 8. - Examples of the arrangement of reinforcing profiles in the door canvase

5.1.5 It is allowed to apply instead of the internal solid steel sheet asked sheet blanks, welded according to reinforcing profiles, while the seats of welding points are installed in the design documentation.

As an internal sheet, it is allowed to use solid wood-fibrous plates according to GOST 4598 or other solid sheet materials that ensure sufficient strength.

5.1.6 To repair locks and latches In the place of their installation in the inner sheet, it is recommended to provide "hatch", which is attached on mechanical connections.

5.1.7 Locking devices (locks, latches, additional deposits) It is recommended to be secured on the screws through special lining and clamping brackets with chopped threads. Fastening locking devices should be durable and reliable, eliminating their spontaneous offset during operation. It is not recommended to mount the lock by welding (in the case of the technological need for welding, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of thermal influence on low-melting plastic and other lock parts).

The lock must be installed according to the requirements of the design documentation so that during the operation of the door block does not arise compressive or bending loads on the lock.

Sealing gaskets must be installed throughout the perimeter of the River. Gashes in the joints of the gaskets are not allowed. The adjacent of the gaskets should be dense. Sealing gaskets for external door blocks should be resistant to climatic and atmospheric influences and are tested for durability in test centers accredited for the right to conduct such tests.

5.1.9 The requirements of this standard are applied to door blocks with an area not exceeding 9 m 2, while the height of opening door canvases is recommended no more than 2,200 mm, and the width is not more than 1200 mm.

It is allowed to use unopened horizontal and vertical canvas inserts.

The manufacture of door blocks (cloths) with an area, mass and dimensions exceeding the specified values \u200b\u200bmust be confirmed by the results of laboratory tests or additional strength calculations according to current construction standards.

NOTES E - the largest sizes of the door blocks of specific types depending on the weight of the web, the resistance of the cross sections of the framework profiles, the rigidity of the section of the middle part of the canvas (including external and internal objects, filling, reinforcing profiles), location (and types) loops and locking devices Must be brought in the design documentation of the manufacturer.

5.1.10 The location and dimensions of the holes for the installation of locks and other locking devices are installed in the design documentation, taking into account the requirements of GOST 5089.

5.1.11 Places of holes intended for the input area are recommended to protect special boxes. The box is boiled into the profile of the box (frame) so that they do not interfere with the normal movement of the bolts. It is allowed to perform holes for entering the casuals in the door frame. At the same time, the sizes of the opening must be 2 - 3 mm more than the corresponding sizes of the sequence.

In the closed position, the locks of the lock should be in the door frame to a depth of at least 22 mm.

5.1.12 In the design of products on the loop side, it is recommended to provide for anti-blank passive riggers (pins). The pins should be firmly installed in the doorway frame or in the box by welding, pressing or cutting. It is allowed to use other types of attachment of anti-blank pins that do not reduce their strength qualities. Size, quantity and arrangement of anti-disconnecting pins are installed in the working documentation, while to ensure the greatest protection, anti-blank pins are recommended in the loop zone.

5.1.13 To carry out the installation of the door block in the wall opening on the box profile (frame), the assembly "ears" is welded. The size, the number and location of the assembly "ears" is installed in the working documentation. It is allowed to apply other structures of fasteners that provide the necessary rigidity and strength when mounting the door block.

5.1.14 As an internal filling of door canvases, heat and sound insulation materials, such as mineral wool, basalt wool, foam or other materials on regulatory documentation (ND), are recommended. Filling is placed tightly, without voids.

Limit deviations

Inner size of boxes

External size of the canvas

Clearance under the plan

Dimensions of the location of the instruments, loops and other sizes

Up to 1000 included.

± 2, 0

± 2.0

St. 1000 to 2000 Enable.

± 3.0.

NOTES E - The values \u200b\u200bof the limit deviations of the size of the gaps under the outlook are shown for closed canvases with the compacting gaskets installed.

The difference of the lengths of the diagonals of rectangular cloths with an area of \u200b\u200b1.5 m 2 and less should not exceed 2.0 mm, and over 1.5 m 2 - 3.0 mm.

5.2.4 The perpaid of facial surfaces (s) in welded angular compounds should not exceed 2.0 mm.

5.2.5 Schedules Customs in the assembled product for the design of door blocks with the threshold should not exceed 2.0 mm per 1 M width.

5.2.6 Deviations from straightness of edges of the canvases and boxes should not exceed 1.0 mm per 1.0 m length.

Notes E - the flatness of the doorborns are controlled by measuring the rectinity of their edges and the size of the gaps under the anthew.

5.2.7 The accuracy of geometric parameters is calculated in accordance with GOST 21778, GOST 21779, GOST 21780, taking into account the characteristics of specific structures and technological conditions of manufacture and installation.

5.3 Characteristics

5.3.1 Operational indicators of door blocks are shown in the table .

Table 4.

The value of the indicator

The resistance of the heat transfer waste of the door blocks, m 2 · ° C / W, not less than *


Soundproofing, dB, not less than *

Air permeability at Δ. R 0 \u003d 100 Pa, m 3 / (h · m 2), not more than *

Undoubtivity, opening-closing cycles, not less:

for interior door blocks


for external door blocks


Notes E is the need to apply operational indicators marked by the "*" sign, establish in the design and technical documentation based on the purpose of the door blocks.

5.3.2 Operational indicators of the door blocks of a specific purpose are recommended to be installed in design documentation for construction (reconstruction) and confirm the test results in testscenters accredited for the right to conduct them.

Values \u200b\u200bof static loads, not less

Perpendicular to the plane of the canvas in the free zoneg.

In the plane of the web

Perpendicular to the plane of the canvas in the loop zone










Fall height of cargoh, M.

Massage of cargo m., kg.

Fall height of cargoh, M.

Massage of cargo m., kg.

The color difference, gloss and surface defects are distinguished by the naked eye from a distance of 0.6 - 0.8 m with natural lighting of at least 300 LCs, not allowed.

the metal seam and the boundary zone should not have cracks. Craters of seams in the places of stop (ending) welding must be digested (welded);

seams should have a smooth or even scaly surface without sharp transitions to the main metal;

the seams should be dense along the entire length and not have directs, narrowings, floors, irregularities, slag inclusions, etc.

Characteristics of categories and quality level of welded connections - according to GOST 23118.

5.4 Requirements for materials and components details (including sealing gaskets)

5.4.1 Materials and components used for the manufacture of door blocks must comply with the requirements of standards, technical conditions, technical evidence approved in the prescribed manner.

5.4.2 Materials and components used for the manufacture of door blocks should be resistant to climatic influences.

5.4.3 The surfaces of steel elements of boxes and canvases should not have cracks, mechanical damage, shells, curvatures, rust. On the front surfaces of steel elements, minor local recesses, risks, a waviness depth to 0.5 mm are allowed that do not reduce the functional properties and quality of products.

5.4.4 Steel parts of structures should be made from steel grades, providing the strength characteristics of structural elements, welded, bolted and other compounds, depending on the nature and conditions of their work.

Steel elements are recommended to be made from steel brands not lower than St3KP2 according to GOST 380, rolled varietal according to GOST 1050 or high-alloy steel according to GOST 5632.

5.4.5 Sealing gaskets should be made from atmospheric-resistant elastic polymeric materials according to GOST 30778.

The adjacent of sealing pads should be dense, preventing the penetration of water. Sealing gaskets should be installed continuously throughout the perimeter of the River.

5.4.6 Wooden adhesive cladding should meet the requirements of GOST 30972, profile handling wooden parts - GOST 8242.

5.5 Requirements for hinges, castles and other locking devices

5.5.1 In the manufacture of products, locking and auxiliary devices and loops are used, specially intended for use in metal door blocks. Examples of loops and lock designs are shown in the application.

Type, number, location and method of fixing locking devices and loops are installed in the working documentation based on the size and mass of the opening items of the product, as well as the operating conditions of the door blocks. The door blocks of the door blocks weigh more than 200 kg, as well as products used in public spaces (schools, hospitals, etc.), it is recommended to hang on three loops. The recommended arrangement of the middle loop is 150- 200 mm below the top.

5.5.2 For hanging the boxes per box (frame), it is recommended to use overhead bearing or other loops with the possibility of adjustment in different planes.

The fastening of the loops to the canvas and the boxes is recommended to produce on mechanical connections or by solid welding. It is allowed to use other types of fastening loops that allow you to provide the necessary strength of the structure.

5.5.3 In the door blocks must be installed locks not lower than III Class according to GOST 5089. Castles must comply with the requirements of GOST 538 and GOST 5089.

To improve the protective properties of door blocks, it is recommended to use multi-dealer locks with locking around the perimeter of the door block or locks with additional locking to the upper and lower horizontal box profiles.

To avoid clogging of the hole for the lower vertical goal, entering the lower profile of the box, it is recommended to use the deviators.

5.5.4 Depending on the purpose of the door blocks in the project documentation, as well as when placing orders, it should provide for a complete set of products with valves, door closers (closers), opening angle limiters (stops), eyes, chains, etc.

5.5.8 In cases where door blocks are installed in public premises (kindergartens, schools, hospitals), the use of appliances of antiparters, sensors of smoke and other devices allowing to provide quick evacuation.

5.5.9 When accepting work, keys must be transmitted to the customer in the sealed package under its painting on receipt.

5.6 Product Finishing Requirements

5.6.1 The quality of finishes, as well as the requirements for finishing coating (facing) allowed to establish an approval of the manufacturer with the consumer in the contract (order) for the manufacture (supply) of products. In this case, the assessment of the quality of the finish is allowed to be made according to the references, coordinated with the customer.

5.6.2 As finishing materials, artificial and natural skin, decorative films, MDF plates (with natural or synthetic veneer, smooth or milled), wood, mirrors, plastic, DV,P, paints and other materials according to the requirements of ND. When choosing facing materials, it is necessary to take into account the conditions of operation of products. Preparation options for door blocks are shown in the application.

5.6.3 Metal surfaces of the details before applying paint and polymer coatings must be complied with GOST 9.402. Requirements for paintwork - according to GOST 9.401, coating designation - according to GOST 9.032, coating class not lower than IV.

5.6.4 The quality of surfaces with the finished paint coating must comply with the requirements set in GOST 9.032. At the same time, the first layer of primer paint should be applied, and the subsequent layers - protective-decorative paint and varnishes.

5.6.5 The facial surfaces of the products should not have cracks, burrs, mechanical damage. Requirements for facial surfaces are established in the technical documentation of the manufacturer and / or in the supply contracts, taking into account GOST 9.301 and GOST 9.032.

Nelf-surfaces of products may have recesses, risks, waviness and other surface defects that do not reduce the functional properties and quality of products.

The edges of the holes should not have burrs and irregularities.

5.6.6 The color (tone) and the degree of gloss (gloss, mattness) of the finishing coating should correspond to the reference samples approved by the manufacturer of the manufacturer and coordinated with the customer.

5.6.7 Paints and varnish coatings should have adhesion strength (adhesion) with a surface of the surface not lower than the 2nd score according to the method of lattice cuts according to GOST 15140.

5.6.8 The thickness of paintwork coatings, as well as the procedure for monitoring this indicator, is recommended to be installed in the technical documentation for the manufacture of products.

5.6.9 Protective and protective and decorative coatings must be resistant to temperature-humid-based operational effects.

5.6.10 Facing the products of products is made of MDF plates on ND or from various wood breeds. MDF plates can be decorated with planed veneer according to GOST 2977, implanted veneer according to GOST 99 or synthetic veneer on ND. It is allowed to use milled or smooth MDF plates. Examples of architectural execution of the door cloths with MDF plates are shown in the application.

5.6.11 The facial surfaces of the parts made of wood used for the finishing of door canvases should not have defects processing and wood defects, with the exception of curls, swivels, eyes, fiber tilt up to 5% according to GOST 2140.

Recommended roughness of the facial surfaces of parts of RM wood - no more than 60 microns according to GOST 7016, the moisture of wood should be in the range from 8 to 12%.

5.6.12 Construction of fastening parts of wood and slab materials to steel elements of door blocks should provide the possibility of compensating for their temperature and humidity deformations.

Shape and sizes of sections of facing profiles, fitfor steel surfaces of outer articles, should provide the minimum area of \u200b\u200bcontact with these surfaces, as well as the possibility of airing the cavity between them, otherwise the contacting surfaces must be protected by paint or other protective materials.

5.6.13 Adhesive materials used by cladding door blocks of artificial or genuine leather, as well as decorative films, should provide sufficient clutch strength, and non-fluxed sections, folds, waviness and other appendices are not allowed.

5.7 Completeness and Marking

5.7.1 Complete set of products When delivering them, the consumer must comply with the requirements established in the contract (order).

Door blocks should be supplied in assembled with installed locking devices. In coordination with the consumer, the product set may also include closers (closing regulators), opening angle limiters and other door devices.

The set of keys should be transmitted to the customer in the sealed form under the painting of the Customer (Buyer).

5.7.2 The package should include a quality document (passport) and instructions for the operation of products, including installation recommendations.

5.7.4 Incoming to the product door devices must be marked in accordance with ND on this product.

6 Rules acceptance

6.1 Products should be adopted by the manufacturer's technical control service for compliance with the requirements of this Standard, as well as conditions defined in the contract for the manufacture and supply of products. Confirmation of the acceptance of products by the manufacturing service of the manufacturer's technical control is to issue documents on acceptance (quality) products.

Products are taken by parties or pieces. When accepting products at the manufacturer's enterprise, the batch takes the number of products made within one shift and decorated with one quality document. For the volume of the party, the number of products of one constructive design is manufactured by one order can be taken.

6.2 Product quality requirements established in this Standard confirm:

input control of materials and components;

operational production control;

acceptable control of finished products;

control receipts of the batch of products conducted by the manufacturer's quality control service service;

periodic and certification tests of products in independent test centers;

qualifying tests.

6.3 The procedure for conducting input control and operational production control at workplaces is established in technological documentation.

In case the manufacturer's enterprise completes door blocks with component parts of its own manufacture, then they must be taken and tested in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory documentation for these products.

6.4 Acceptance control of the quality of finished products is carried out by solid control method. The list of controlled indicators is shown in the table.

Finished products that have passed acceptance control are labeled. Products that have not passed acceptable control at least one indicator are branded.

Table 8.

Point number of requirements

Type of testing *

Periodicity (no less often)

Appearance (including color)

For the type of tests I - continuous control, for type II - 1 time in shift

Deviation of the size of the gaps under the outlook

Density of fitting pads

Work loops and locking devices


Deviation of controlled nominal sizes ** and straightness of the edges

Quality of welded connections

For test type II - 1 time in shift, III - 1 time in two years

Once every two years

Resistance to the impact of a soft inelastic body

Resistance to blow metal ball

Once every two years


Compliance with ergonomic requirements

The reduced resistance of heat transfer

Once every five years

Air permeability


* Type of test I - receiving tests for acceptance control; Type of testII - Recommendant tests conducted by the quality of the manufacturer's quality service; Test Test III - Periodic Tests held in Independent Test Centers.

** Controlled nominal sizes for test type II are set in technological documentation.

6.5 Each batch of products is conducted by control receiving tests conducted by the manufacturer's quality quality service. The list of monitored indicators and the frequency of control are shown in the table.

For testing from a batch of products by random selection using samples of door blocks in the amount of 3% of the battery volume, but not less than 3 pcs. If there are less than 3 products in the batch, each product is controlled.

In the case of a negative test result, at least one indicator, at least one specimen, the quality of the products on the double count of samples in the indicator that had a negative test result was carried out.

When re-detecting the indicator's inconsistency with the established requirements, at least one sample, the control and subsequent batch of products are subjected to solid control (disorder). With a positive result, continuous control is returned to the established procedure for receiving tests.

6.6 Periodic tests on the operational indicators specified in - are carried out when producing or when making changes to the design of products or their manufacturing technology, but at least once in the period installed in the table, as well as in product certification. Justified cases allowed to combine periodic and certification tests.

Qualification tests of products are carried out in all indicators when setting products for production.

Tests are carried out in test centers accredited for the right of them.

Tests for determining the reduced heat transfer resistance, air permeability, sound insulation are subjected to constructions intended for the perception of these loads according to the region of their applicationi.

6.7 The consumer has the right to conduct a control check for the quality of products, while observing the order of sampling and the test methods specified in this standard.

When accepting products by consumer party, the number of products, shipped to a specific order, but not over 90 pcs, designed by one quality document.

6.8 When accepting products by consumer, it is recommended to use a single-stage quality control plan given in the table.

Table 9.

Sampling, pcs.

Remote number

Unconscious defects

Critical and significant defects

From 1 to 12

Solid control

1 3 - 25

2 6 - 50

Sv. fifty

NOTES E - to significant and critical defects: defects leading to the loss of operational characteristics, unreasonable without replacing part of the product (breakage of the steel profile, etc.), extinguity of the limit deviations of the size of more than 1.5 times set in ND, the disorderiness of the products. Unconscious defects include disposable defects: minor surface damage, non-regulated door devices and hinges, extinguity of the limit deviations of the size of less than 1.5 times set to ND.

By agreement of the parties, the acceptance of products by the consumer can be carried out in the manufacturer's warehouse, in the consumer warehouse or in another, specified in the contract for supplying the place.

6.9 Each batch of products must be accompanied by a document on the quality (passport). An example of filling the product passport is given in the application.

6.10 Acceptance of products by the consumer does not exempt the manufacturer from responsibility when detecting hidden defects that led to the violation of the performance characteristics of products during the warranty service life.

7 Monitoring methods

7.1 Methods of input and production operational quality control are installed in technological documentation.

7.2 Methods of quality control of products for acceptance control and receiving tests

7.2.1 The geometric dimensions of the products, as well as the straightness of the edges, are determined using the methods installed in GOST 26433.0 and GOST 26433.1.

Limit deviations from the nominal sizes of product elements, the difference of lengths of diagonals and other dimensions are determined using a metal measuring roulette according to GOST 427 applied to the upper mate surface, to the bottom surface.

7.2.4 Appearance, weld quality, Color and quality of finishing products are valued visually by comparing with reference samples approved in the prescribed manner. Surface defects distinguished by the naked eye from a distance of 1.5 m with natural lighting of at least 300 LCs are not allowed.

7.2.5 Adhesion (the adhesion strength of paintwork coatings with a metal surface) is determined by the method of lattice cuts according to GOST 15140.

To determine the density of the adjuncting of sealing gaskets, the size of the gaps in the coarse and the degree of compression of the pads, which should be at least 1/5 of the height of an elaborate gasket. Measures produce a caliper or a ruler according to GOST 427.

The density of the fitting of sealing pads with closed canvases is allowed to be determined by the presence of a continuous trail left by the coloring agent (for example, color chalk), pre-applied to the surface of the gaskets and easily removed after the control.

7.2.7 The work of the door loops is checked by a tenfold opening-closing of the material elements of the product. In case of detection of deviations in the operation of door instruments, they produce their setup and re-test.

7.3 Periodic Test Methods

7.3.1 The reduced thermal resistance is determined according to GOST 26602.1.

7.3.2 Air and water permeability are determined according to GOST 26602.2.

7.3.3 Soundproofing is determined according to GOST 26602.3.

7.3.4 Reliability indicators, static, dynamic resistance, shock loads are determined by nd and methods approved in the prescribed manner.

When testing on the resistance of the dynamic load, the load arising with a sharp opening of the door web (for example, during drafts), at the time of contact of the door canvase with the slope of the doorway.

The impedance test with a soft inelastic body is carried out by a three-time blow, for example, a pear with a diameter of the lower part (300 ± 5) mm and a mass (30 ± 0.5) kg, from the height of the fall by in the central zone of the sample.

Notes E - At the end of testing, door blocks must maintain a performance, while the locks of the lock and the latch should freely enter their response parts.

Before and after testing of door blocks on reliability, it is recommended to check the density of the fitting of sealing gaskets according to.

When testing the door blocks on the resistance of the static load, the acting perpendicular to the plane of the web in the free corner zone, it is recommended to use a chart of the deflection of the free angle of the blade from the accompanying load provided in the application.

7.3.5 Methods for controlling welded joints () Install in the manufacturer's technical documentation in accordance with GOST 5264.

8 Packaging, Transportation and Storage

8.1 Product packaging should ensure their safety during storage, loading and unloading operations and transportation.

8.2 The instruments that are not installed on the products must be packed in a polyethylene film according to GOST 10354 or another packing material that ensures their safety is firmly tied and set complete with products.

8.3 Opening fabrics of products before packaging and transportation must be closed on all locking devices.

8.4 Products are transported by all types of transport in accordance with the rules for transporting goods acting in this type of transport.

8.5 When storing and transporting products, their protection against mechanical damage and impact of atmospheric precipitation should be ensured.

8.6 When storing and transporting products between products, it is recommended to install gaskets from elastic materials.

8.7 products are stored in a vertical or horizontal position on wooden lining, pallets, or in special containers in indoor rooms.

8.8 Warranty period for storing products - 1 year from the date of product shipment by the manufacturer.

9 Manufacturer's guarantees

9.1 The manufacturer's enterprise guarantees the compliance of products to the requirements of this standard, subject to the consumer of the rules for transportation, storage, installation, operation, as well as the scope of application installed in the regulatory and project documentation.

9.2 In agreement with the consumer (Customer), the manufacturer provides after-sales service, including emergency opening of the doors in the event of a loss or breakdown of keys, consulting on the use and operation of door instruments and locking mechanisms, repair of products.

9.3 The warranty period of door blocks is established in the contract for the supply, but at least three years from the date of shipment of products by the manufacturer.

Appendix A.


Terms and Definitions

This standard uses the following terms with appropriate definitions.

a door:A wall structural element intended for entry (exit) into the inner premises of buildings (structures) or for passing from one room to another and consisting of a doorway, a door block, a system of compaction seals and fasteners and cladding parts.

doorway:The opening in the wall intended for mounting the door block and installation of the assembly seal.

door block:The design consisting in the general case out of the box (frame) is rigidly fixed in the doorway, with a loop of a web with locking devices, which provides closet positions for the protection of rooms from climatic, noise (and other) impacts, as well as unauthorized passage.

The door block may include a number of additional elements: the closer, the opening angle limiter, eye, etc.

box:The assembly unit of the door block intended for the mood of the canvas (cloths), fixed to the doorway slopes.

watery:The assembly unit of the door block connected to the box by means of moving links (usually loops).

inner leaf: The sheet of the canvas located on the side of the protected or protected room or object.

profile:Profile detail of the box or strapping (frame) of the canvas.

pretake:Place of adjustment (connections node) of the canvas to profiles of the box.

flavar:The protrusion profile (box), overlapping the clearance in the focus and intended, as a rule, for pressing pads.

door unit of the right (left) opening: The door block with the location of the loops with the right (left) side at the form of the opening side of the web.

Notes E - in the two-gas door block, the right or left opening is determined by the location of the web, which opens first (drawing).

but -door block of right opening; b -door block of the left opening; in- Door block of right opening with horizontal and vertical canvas inserts

Figure A.1. - Defining products in the direction of opening of the canvas

horizontal (vertical) canvas-insert: Unchecked canvas installed above or near the opening web (drawing, in).

locking devices: Devices designed to fix door closed door closed positions (locks, latches, etc.).

reinforcing profile: The profile installed inside the door cauldresses to provide the necessary stiffness and strength of the structure.

sitter:Metal sheet installed on mechanical connections from the inside of the web in the location of the lock fixing the ability to access the lock if it is necessary to repair it.

anti-removable passive riglias (pins): Reinforcing riggers connecting a closed canvas with a box installed on a vertical web profile from the loop side (or on the vertical profile of the hinge side) and providing additional stability of the door block to cracking.

mounting "ears": Metal fastening plates are usually welded to the profiles of the box (frame), ensuring the possibility of fastening the door block in the wall opening.

Appendix B.


Examples of designs of products and versions of the drawings of door canvases

Figure B.1 - Options for finishing door caved milled MDFs or wood plates and wood massif

Figure B.2. - Examples of door loops

Figure B.3. - An example of a lock with a casing of steel rods, with a latch and heat-treated plate protecting the rackin the zone of the castle, grazing


Blow soft object, J, not less:

in the area of \u200b\u200bthe free corner of the canvas

in the zone of moving elements

in the zone of the castle

in the zone of the center of the canvas


According to the current regulatory documentation

Impact of cutting tool


The characteristics of the door blocks in the working design documentation and (or) technical documentation of the manufacturer's technical documentation are installed in the table. Test methods - according to the methods approved in the prescribed manner. Tests are carried out in testing laboratories accredited for the right to conduct such tests.

Appendix G.


Example of defining the strength class of the door block

Denote the boundaries of strength class;

Designation class of strength;

Lines of graphs of the tests of door blocks;

Designation of the tests of the door blocks by the corresponding checks

Figure G.1. - graph of the dependence of the deflection Δf., mm, free corner of the canvas from the applied load R,cN, when testing door blocks on the resistance of the static load, acting perpendicular to the plane of the web in the free corner zone

Appendix D.

Example of filling the passport of the door block

(Name of the manufacturer)


(address, phone, fax manufacturer)

Passport(document on quality)

the door block of steel outdoor reinforced according to GOST 31173-2003

a) the design is one-sex, right performance, with a threshold, opening inside;

b) overall dimensions - height 2300 mm, width 970 mm.

Symbol DSN PPVN 3-2-3 m2 in 2300-900-60 GOST 31173-2003

Certificate of conformity ___________________________

(Certificate number)


a) view of the finish of the canvas - combined (milling plate MDF; videonilisick);

b) door hinges - two overhead bearing loops;

c) locking devices - Suvaled castle and castle with a cylinder mechanism;

d) the number of contours of sealing pads - 2 contours;

e) additional information. The product delivery includes: closer (closing regulator), door stop (opening limiter), instruction manual.

Basic technical specifications confirmed by testing

The reduced resistance of heat transfer is 0.65 m 2 · ° C / W.

Air permeability at Δ.P. 0 \u003d 100 Pa - 15 m 3 / (h · m 2).

Soundproofing - 22 dB.

Requesting, opening cycles-Wagging - 500000.

Class for mechanical characteristics -M2.

Warranty period - 3 years.

Party number - 89.

Order number / position in the order - 17/9.

Receiver SEV __________Manufacture date"____" ______________200___


Appendix E.

General requirements for installation of products

E.1 Requirements for the installation of products are set in project documentation for construction objects, taking into account the design options adopted in the project, arrangement of products for the walls designed for specified climatic and other loads.

E.2 Installation of products should be carried out by specialized construction firms or specially trained brigades of the manufacturer. The end of the installation work must be confirmed by an act of acceptance, which includes the warranty obligations of the manufacturer of work.

E.3 At the request of the consumer (Customer), the manufacturer (supplier) of products should provide him with the typewriter on the installation of door blocks, approved by the manufacturer of the manufacturer and containing:

drawings (schemes) of typical mounting nodes of adjoining;

a list of materials used (taking into account their compatibility and temperature modes of application);

the sequence of technological operations on the installation of door blocks.

E.4 When designing and executing adjoining nodes, the following conditions must be met:

the installation of mounting gaps between products and slopes of openings of wall structures should be throughout the perimeter of the door block dense, hermetic, designed to withstand climatic loads outside and operating conditions indoors;

the design of nodes of the adjoining of outer articles (including the location of the door block in the depth of the opening) should maximize the formation of cold bridges (thermal bridges), leading to the formation of condensate on the internal surfaces of doorways;

the operational characteristics of the designs of adjoining nodes must meet the requirements established in the building standards.

An embodiment of the mounting node of the inner door block is shown in the figure.

1 - box (frame) of the door block; 2 - mounting foam; 3 - outdoor seal; 4 - web door block; 5 - internal seal; 6 - Decorative framing portal; 7 - platband; 8 - mounting anchor; 9 - assembly ear; 10 - wall

Figure E.1 - option of execution of the mounting node of the inner door block

E.5 The number and location of the mounting ears, the form, diameter and the length of the fasteners are set in the working design documentation, taking into account the material of the walls and the design of the doorway. It is recommended to use building anchors with a diameter of at least 10 mm as fasteners for mounting products. The distance between the fasteners is at least 700 mm.

It is not allowed to use for fastening products of sealants, adhesives, foampelters, as well as construction nails.

E.6 Door blocks should be installed in terms of level and plumb. The deviation from the vertical and horizontally profiles of the boxes of mounted products should not exceed 1.5 mm per 1 m length, but not more than 3 mm on the height of the product. At the same time, if opposite profiles are rejected in different directions ("twisting" of the box), their total deviation from normal should not exceed 3 mm.

The door unit is installed in the prepared doorway symmetrically relative to the central vertical of the opening. The deviation from symmetry should not exceed 3 mm in the direction of the discovery of the opening intended for fastening the profile of the box with hinges. The deviation from symmetry in the other side of the opening is not recommended.

E.7 To fill the mounting gaps (seams) of the outer articles, apply the mounting foam, silicone sealants, pre-compressed sealing tapes (compression tapes), insulating polyurethane foam cords, foampels, mineral wool and other materials having a hygienic conclusion and ensuring the required operational indicators of the seams .

E.8 When assessing the mounting seams and the installation of external door blocks, it is recommended to take into account the requirements of GOST 30971.

Appendix J.


Information about the developers of the standard

This standard was developed by the Working Group of Specialists in the composition:

Vlasova T.V., CS DT (head);

Mogutov A.V., Niizf Rasn;

Voronkova L.V., FSUE CPCTB Gosstroy Russia;

Swedes D.N., CA CA;

Savchenko I.F., CA CA;

Savenkov A.V., Anoo Academy "Security and Law";

Petrov E.V., Association "Power";

G. Engble, ABLY OY, Bjerboda plant, Finland;

Gavrilov V.I., CJSC NPVF "Class";

Naan G.G., LLC BIT "Soyuz";

Vlasov A.A., Metal Geometry LLC;

Teplyakov N.N., Voronin V.M., LLC "NPP" Module ";

Labman A.A., Labman G.A., LLC "Le Gran";

Fatahov H.T., Olenev V.T., Gardian;

Hytkov V.Yu., Malovichko V.V., SonEx LLC;

Savich b. C., FSUE CNS;

Swedes N.V., Gosstroy Russia.

Unwanted penetration into the office or residential premises provide entrance doors made of steel, equipped with powerful locking devices throughout the perimeter of the door. Parameters and characteristics of such doors are governed by GOST 31173-2003, entered into operation in 2004.

Development of standards for metal doors is dictated by high requirements for a number of reasons: compliance with the parameters of doorways in construction, performing security functions, insulating properties, their strength and a number of other parameters. Their compliance with the manufacture is necessary to the consumer, otherwise they will not execute the required functions. GOST 31173-2003 gives a fairly wide range of manufacturing parameters from the entrance doors indoors to the protected doors in expensive homes and cottages. Steel doors in our country are very popular.

Standards are intended for serial and small-scale production, where it is possible to debug the technological process in accordance with them, where there is control of their compliance using the appropriate methods and confirmation of test results in special centers accredited to the right of them. In individual production it is difficult to implement. Compliance with standards provides the consumer necessary consumer qualities.

Classification of metal doors GOST 31173 2003

Classified steel doors according to various parameters: appointment, design, finishing, operational and mechanical characteristics, security level. Such a classification allows the consumer just to choose a product with the necessary characteristics. It makes it possible to certify steel products.

The classification depends not only on its design features, but also from the configuration of the door block by locking mechanisms. For example, the security level depends on the strength of the block (M1, M2, M3), the complexity of locks and shut-off mechanisms. Steel door blocks of the simplest performance (strength class M3) are equipped with Class III-IV locks (GOST 5089) and special locking mechanisms, and at the m2 class, they are equipped with many battle locks on reinforced loops.

The locks are mounted on the screws through the pads and staples, pressing the lock to the cloth equipped with a thread. Welding when mounting locks is better not to use, the canvas can be a story, and the lock will not close. The size of the door leaf should not exceed 2200 mm in height and 1200 mm wide, and the weight does not exceed 250 kg.

Steel Door Design

The whole design is welded from steel. The frame is welded from profiles to which steel sheets are welded on both sides. The metal on the canvas doors should be at least 1.8 mm thick. Profiles can be box cross section, P-shaped or corner. In some cases, the frame can be enhanced by additional profiles inside it (minion), both vertical location and horizontal furniture.

The frame is filled with basalt car, foam or other heat and noise insulating materials. To counteract the removal of a block with loops, special pins are installed, which are located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe loop. They do not allow to press the door from the loops and remove it. Pins are installed either in the box, either in the canvas with welding or pressing.

The consumer has the right when buying himself choose the type of finishing, material and its color, nevertheless, GOST 31173-2003 determines the reference samples. The choice of finishing materials according to GOST is very wide and varied: from genuine leather to a polymer coating. The main thing is that GOST determines the permissible parameters of the coating quality for each material below which it is impossible to descend. Output control in production to the appearance of doors refers to special attention.

Main characteristics of metal doors

The main task of the door block is to protect against unauthorized penetration into the room. Along with this task, the door should be protected from the external environment in the form of cold air masses, as well as noise, and serve for a long time without changing the main characteristics. So, the door block should:

  • isolate heat or cold transmission from outside indoors;
  • isolate sounds both from outside and from the inside out;
  • do not pass air;
  • serve for a long time and efficiently;
  • withstand static and dynamic loads on it.

It is these characteristics with quantitative estimates given in GOST 31173 2003 are an indicator of the quality of the blocks. This indicators are acceptance of products at manufacturers plants.

Doors manufactured with the requirements of GOST 31173 2003

Ensuring the main security function is achieved by the composition of the characteristics of the door block (primarily the strength) with locking mechanisms and locks, that is, in one way or another its execution. The higher the strength class and class of locking devices and locks, the higher the quotation of the execution of the door block.

How to install the door block?

Metal doors install specialists of the manufacturer, as special tools and materials corresponding to a specific product are needed. In that case, if a new home is built, the project should describe the size of the doorway, alleged loads and climatic conditions and the requirements of construction standards for the installation of this type of doors.

Construction rates require unconditional provision of filling the gaps between the door and the walls of insulating material, environmentally friendly and with a long service life. An important point when installing the product is the placement of the door block and adjunct nodes in the design in such a way that the "cold bridges" and condensate both inside the product and indoors are not formed.

The door block is attached to the walls of the walls through the mounting ears using anchors to a depth of 70-100 mm. The number of anchors should ensure the fixing of the block in the opening. The ears are recommended to be placed around the perimeter of the frame with a distance between them no more than 700 mm. Before starting the door installation, you need to mark up. In the doorway, the central axis is determined at which the door and the point of the arrangement of the ears occurs and, accordingly, the place of attachment by anchors. Deviations of the door horizontal and vertical axes are controlled by plumbing and level.

If the buyer decided to install the door itself, the company transmits it to the installation instruction instruction with all technological operations for this procedure and the corresponding drawings of the main elements and adjoining sites. The buyer also receives a description of all materials used including metal, steel brand.

Manufacturer's warranty

When buying a product, a passport is defined on the door of GOST. In it, in addition to sizes and constructive features, a compliance certificate is reflected, a description of the technical characteristics mentioned earlier is given. And the standard for all passports includes a completeness of the product. The completeness of the door block includes shut-off devices, door loops, facilities of the canvas, sealing gaskets, closer and door stop.

At the very end of the passport, a warranty period is indicated (at least three years since the acquisition of the product), which is also indicated in the purchase agreement. In the contract, the manufacturer guarantees the buyer to maintain all the characteristics of the product while complying with the rules of transportation, the installation of the product and the rules of operation. The document with which the buyer may challenge certain inconsistencies with the procedures of the product and the warranty period itself is the contract for the purchase of the door block between the buyer and the manufacturer.

It should be noted that when installing the door block, the warranty may not be obtained, since the manufacturer does not have the ability to check the door mounting technology. Therefore, we recommend using the services of the Masters on installing an enterprise that made your door, or resort to the services of certified brigades of the Masters.

In conclusion, it should be stated: the standardization of production always leads to an improvement in the quality of manufactured products, an increase in the service life of products, an increase in maintainability, reducing the cost of manufacturing the product, reduce its price. Therefore, when choosing such a complex product, like a metal door block, focus on GOST 31173 2003.

Blocks of door steel

Technical conditions

Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission
According to standardization, technical rationing
And certification in construction (MNTKS)



The Eurasian Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (EAS) is a regional association of national authorities for the standardization of states within the Commonwealth of Independent States. In the future, it is possible to join the EAS national authorities for the standardization of other states

In the ECAS, the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Registration and Certification in Construction (MNTKS), which is given the right to adopt interstate standards in the field of construction

The goals, the basic principles and the main procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions "and MSN 1.01-01-96" The system of interstate regulatory documents in construction. Basic provisions "

Information about standard

1 Developed by the Center for Certification of Window and Door Technology and FSUE Central Design and Technological Bureau (FSUE "TsPKKTB" Gosstroy Russia) with the participation of Anoo Academy "Security and Law" and the company "Ablah OY", Bjerboda plant, Finland

2 is made by the state system of Russia

3 adopted by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission on Standardization, Technical Registration and Certification in Construction (MNTKS) on May 14, 2003

Short name of the country on MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Country code according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the State Management Authority

Ministry of Urban Planning of the Republic of Armenia


KazStroy Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan


State Commission for Architecture and Construction under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic

Ministry of Ecology, Construction and Development of the Territories of the Republic of Moldova

the Russian Federation

Gosstroy Russia


Komarhstroy Republic Tajikistan


State Architectstroy Republic of Uzbekistan

4 introduced for the first time

5 entered into force on March 1, 2004 as the State Standard of the Russian Federation by the Resolution of the Russian State System of June 20, 2003 No. 76

Information on the introduction (termination) of this standard and changes to it on the territory of the States mentioned above is published in the signs of national (state) standards issued in these states.

Information about the changes to this standard is published in the index (catalog) "Interstate Standards", and the text of the changes - in the information signs "Interstate Standards". In case of revision or cancellation of this Standard, the relevant information will be published in the information indicator "Interstate Standards".

Interstate standard

Blocks of door steel


Steel Doors Specifications

Date of administration - 2004-03-01

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

This standard applies to blocks of door steel with installed locking devices (hereinafter - door blocks or products) for buildings and structures of various purposes.

The standard does not apply to special-purpose door blocks in terms of additional fire safety requirements, explosion and bulbs, the effects of aggressive media, etc., as well as on door blocks of protective cabins according to the current regulatory documentation.

The scope of specific types of products is established depending on the operating conditions in accordance with the current building standards and the rules, taking into account the requirements of this standard.

Standard can be applied to certification purposes.

2 Regulatory references

This document uses references to the following standards:

1 - upper locking reigleel; 2 - upper traction of the main castle; 3 - frame frame (welded steel profiles); 4 - places of attachment of the internal "hatch"; 5 - catch; 6 - the place of attachment of the upper thrust; 7 - Rigel Zavokov Suwald Castle; 8 - latch; 9 - Cylinder Castle's Cylinder; 10 - lower line of primary lock; 11 - fastening places; 12 - internal cavity for aggregate; 13 - guide vertical thrust; 14 - lower locking reiglel; 15 - assembly "Ushko"; 16 - threshold; 17 - a hole for the anti-disconnecting rigle (pin); 18 - anti-removable passive riglel (pin); 19 - mounting anchor; 20 - box (frame); 21 - Combined Suwaline Cylinder Castle; 22 - internal steel sheet; 23 - outer steel sheet; 24 - looped node; 25 - Eye

Picture 1 - An example of the design of the door block, whose canvas is welded from two steel sheets and steel profiles, box (frame) - from steel bent profile

Waters with two steel sheets, steel profiles of a box cross section and cellular filling

The canvas with the outer steel sheet and the inner sheet of fiberboard, with the profiles of complex cross section and filling out of wood or mineral insulation

Waters of the "trunk" type, with P-shaped steel profiles and filling out of foam

A canvas with an outer steel sheet and an internal sheet of fiberboard, corner steel profiles with wood bars and filling out foam

Figure 2. - examples of door canvase designs

Figure 3. - An example of the design of the door block welded from steel sheets and profiles (with a filling of the middle profile of the box and canvas with wood and foam material)

Figure 4. - An example of the design of the door block welded from steel sheets and profiles, with facing of natural wood

Figure 5. - An example of the design of a bipoon door block with wood facing or wood-slab materials (horizontal section)

Figure 6. - Examples of designs of door canvases welded from two flat steel sheets and steel profiles (a) and door leaf type "Best box" (b) with vertical reinforcing profiles

5.4 Requirements for materials and components details (including sealing gaskets)

5.4.1 Materials and components used for the manufacture of door blocks must comply with the requirements of standards, technical conditions, technical evidence approved in the prescribed manner.

5.4.2 Materials and components used for the manufacture of door blocks should be resistant to climatic influences.

5.4.3 The surfaces of steel elements of boxes and canvases should not have cracks, mechanical damage, shells, curvatures, rust. On the front surfaces of steel elements, minor local recesses, risks, a waviness depth to 0.5 mm are allowed that do not reduce the functional properties and quality of products.

5.4.4 Steel parts of structures should be made from steel grades, providing the strength characteristics of structural elements, welded, bolted and other compounds, depending on the nature and conditions of their work.

Steel elements are recommended to be made of steel grades not lower than the SZKP2 according to GOST 380, rolled varieties according to GOST 1050 or high-alloy steel according to GOST 5632.

5.4.5 Sealing gaskets should be made from atmospheric-resistant elastic polymeric materials according to GOST 30778.

The adjacent of sealing pads should be dense, preventing the penetration of water. Sealing gaskets should be installed continuously throughout the perimeter of the River.

5.4.6 Wooden adhesive cladding should meet the requirements of GOST 30972, profile handling wooden parts - GOST 8242.

5.5 Requirements for hinges, castles and other locking devices

5.5.1 In the manufacture of products, locking and auxiliary devices and loops are used, specially intended for use in metal door blocks. Examples of loops and lock designs are shown in the application.

Type, number, location and method of fixing locking devices and loops are installed in the working documentation based on the size and mass of the opening items of the product, as well as the operating conditions of the door blocks. The door blocks of the door blocks weigh more than 200 kg, as well as products used in public spaces (schools, hospitals, etc.), it is recommended to hang on three loops. The recommended arrangement of the middle loop is 150 - 200 mm below the top.

5.5.2 For hanging the boxes per box (frame), it is recommended to use overhead bearing or other loops with the possibility of adjustment in different planes.

5.5.3 In the door blocks must be installed locks not lower than III class GOST 5089. . Castles must meet the requirements of GOST 538 and GOST 5089. .

To improve the protective properties of door blocks, it is recommended to use multi-dealer locks with locking around the perimeter of the door block or locks with additional locking to the upper and lower horizontal box profiles.

To avoid clogging of the hole for the lower vertical goal, entering the lower profile of the box, it is recommended to use deviators.

5.5.4 Depending on the purpose of the door blocks in the project documentation, as well as when placing orders, it should provide for a complete set of products with valves, door closers (closers), opening angle limiters (stops), eyes, chains, etc.

Once every two years


Compliance with ergonomic requirements

Resolved residue heat transmission

Once every five years

Air permeability


* Type of test I - receiving tests for acceptance control; Type of testing II - receiving tests conducted by the manufacturer's quality service; Test Test III - Periodic Tests held in Independent Test Centers.

** Controlled nominal sizes for test type II are set in technological documentation.

6.5 Each batch of products is conducted by control receiving tests conducted by the manufacturer's quality quality service. The list of monitored indicators and the frequency of control are shown in the table.

For testing from a batch of products by random selection using samples of door blocks in the amount of 3% of the battery volume, but not less than 3 pcs. If there are less than 3 products in the batch, each product is controlled.

In the case of a negative test result, at least one indicator, at least one specimen, the quality of the products on the double count of samples in the indicator that had a negative test result was carried out.

When re-detecting the indicator's inconsistency with the established requirements, at least one sample, the control and subsequent batch of products are subjected to solid control (disorder). With a positive result, continuous control is returned to the established procedure for receiving tests.

6.6 Periodic tests on the operational indicators specified in - are carried out when producing or when making changes to the design of products or their manufacturing technology, but at least once in the period installed in the table, as well as in product certification. Justified cases allowed to combine periodic and certification tests.

Qualification tests of products are carried out in all indicators when setting products for production.

Tests are carried out in test centers accredited for the right of them.

Tests to determine the resistance of heat transfer, air permeability, sound insulation are subject to constructions intended for the perception of these loads according to the region of their application.

6.7 The consumer has the right to conduct a control check for the quality of products, while observing the order of sampling and the test methods specified in this standard.

When accepting products by consumer party, the number of products, shipped to a specific order, but not over 90 pcs, designed by one quality document.

Limit deviations from the nominal sizes of product elements, the difference of lengths of diagonals and other dimensions are determined using a metal measuring roulette according to GOST 7502, a caliper of GOST 166, probe on ND.

The limit deviations from straightness of the edges are determined by the application of the calibration line according to GOST 8026 or the construction level with a flatness admission of at least 9th degree of accuracy according to GOST 9416 to the parts under test and measurement of the greatest gap using probe on ND.

7.2.2 Limit deviations from the nominal size of gaps under the outlook are checked with a set of probe or a ruler according to GOST 427.

7.2.3 Conducts in the conjugation of adjacent parts lying in the same plane, determine the dipstream as the distance from the rib of the line of GOST 427, applied to the upper pairing surface, to the bottom surface.

7.2.4 Appearance, weld quality, Color and quality of finishing products are valued visually by comparing with reference samples approved in the prescribed manner. Surface defects distinguished by the naked eye from a distance of 1.5 m with natural lighting of at least 300 LCs are not allowed.

7.2.5 adhesion (the adhesion strength of paintwork coatings with metal surface) is determined by the method of lattice cuts by GOST 15140. .

8 Packaging, Transportation and Storage

8.1 Product packaging should ensure their safety during storage, loading and unloading operations and transportation.

8.2 The instruments that are not installed on the products must be packed in a polyethylene film according to GOST 10354 or another packing material that ensures their safety is firmly tied and set complete with products.

8.3 Opening fabrics of products before packaging and transportation must be closed on all locking devices.

8.4 Products are transported by all types of transport in accordance with the rules for transporting goods acting in this type of transport.

8.5 When storing and transporting products, their protection against mechanical damage and impact of atmospheric precipitation should be ensured.

8.6 When storing and transporting products between products, it is recommended to install gaskets from elastic materials.

8.7 products are stored in a vertical or horizontal position on wooden lining, pallets, or in special containers in indoor rooms.

8.8 Warranty period for storing products - 1 year from the date of product shipment by the manufacturer.

9 Manufacturer's guarantees

9.1 The manufacturer's enterprise guarantees the compliance of products to the requirements of this standard, subject to the consumer of the rules for transportation, storage, installation, operation, as well as the scope of application installed in the regulatory and project documentation.

9.2 In agreement with the consumer (Customer), the manufacturer provides after-sales service, including emergency opening of the doors in the event of a loss or breakdown of keys, consulting on the use and operation of door instruments and locking mechanisms, repair of products.

9.3 The warranty period of door blocks is established in the contract for the supply, but at least three years from the date of shipment of products by the manufacturer.

but -door block of right opening; b -door block of the left opening; in -door Block of the right opening with horizontal injection mounted canvas


Example of defining the strength class of the door block

Figure G.1 - Graph Dependency Deflection Δf., mm, free corner of the canvas from the applied load R,cN, when testing door blocks on the resistance of the static load, acting perpendicular to the plane of the web in the free corner zone

Example of filling the passport of the door block


(Name of the manufacturer)


(address, phone, fax manufacturer)

Passport (document on quality)
the door block of steel outdoor reinforced according to GOST 31173-2003

a) the design is one-sex, right performance, with a threshold, opening inside;

b) overall dimensions - height 2300 mm, width 970 mm.

Conditional designation DSN PPVN 3-2-3 m2 in 2300-900-60 GOST 31173-2003

Certificate of conformity ____________________________

(Certificate number)


a) the type of broth finishes - combined (milling plate MDF; vinylisco);

b) door hinges - two overhead bearing loops;

c) locking devices - a suvalid castle and a lock with a cylinder mechanism;

d) the number of contours of sealing pads - 2 contours;

e) additional information. The product delivery includes: closer (closing regulator), door stop (opening limiter), instruction manual.

Basic technical specifications confirmed by testing

The reduced resistance of heat transfer is 0.65 m 2 · ° C / W. Air permeability at Δ.P 0 \u003d 100 Pa - 15 m 3 / (h · m 2). Soundproofing - 22 dB.

Requesting, opening cycles - closing - 500,000. Class for mechanical characteristics - m 2.

Warranty period - 3 years.

Party number - 89.

Order number / position in the order - 17/9.

Receiver Receive ._________________ Production date "___" ____________ 200__.


Appendix E.

General requirements for installation of products

E.1 Requirements for the installation of products are set in project documentation for construction objects, taking into account the design options adopted in the project, arrangement of products for the walls designed for specified climatic and other loads.

E.2 Installation of products should be carried out by specialized construction firms or specially trained brigades of the manufacturer. The end of the installation work must be confirmed by an act of acceptance, which includes the warranty obligations of the manufacturer of work.

E.3 At the request of the consumer (Customer), the manufacturer (supplier) of products should provide him with the typewriter on the installation of door blocks, approved by the manufacturer of the manufacturer and containing:

drawings (schemes) of typical mounting nodes of adjoining;

a list of materials used (taking into account their compatibility and temperature modes of application);

the sequence of technological operations on the installation of door blocks.

E.4 When designing and executing adjoining nodes, the following conditions must be met:

the installation of mounting gaps between products and slopes of openings of wall structures should be throughout the perimeter of the door block dense, hermetic, designed to withstand climatic loads outside and operating conditions indoors;

the design of nodes of the adjoining of outer articles (including the location of the door block in the depth of the opening) should maximize the formation of cold bridges (thermal bridges), leading to the formation of condensate on the internal surfaces of doorways;

the operational characteristics of the designs of adjoining nodes must meet the requirements established in the building standards.

An embodiment of the mounting node of the inner door block is shown in the figure

1 - box (frame) of the door block; 2 - mounting foam; 3 - outdoor seal; 4 - web door block; 5 - internal seal; 6 - Decorative Framing Portal; 7 - platband; 8 - mounting anchor; 9 - Mounting Ear; 10 - Wall

Appendix J.


Information about the developers of the standard

This standard was developed by the Working Group of Specialists in the composition:

Vlasova T.V., CS DT (head);

Mogutov A.V., Niizf Rasn;

Voronkova L.V., FSUE CPCTB Gosstroy Russia;

Swedes D.N., CA CA;

Savchenko I.F., CA CA;

Savenkov A.V., Anoo Academy "Security and Law";

Petrov E.V., Association "Power";

G. Engble, ABLY OY, Bjerboda plant, Finland;

Gavrilov V.I., CJSC NPVF "Class";

Naan G.G., LLC BIT "Soyuz";

Vlasov A.A., Metal Geometry LLC;

Teplyakov N.N., Voronin V.M., LLC "NPP" Module ";

Labman A.A., Labman G.A., LLC "Le Gran";

Fatahov H.T., Olenev V.T., Gardian;

Hytkov V.Yu., Malovichko V.V., SonEx LLC;

Savich b. C., FSUE CNS;

Swedes N.V., Gosstroy Russia.

Keywords: door blocks, door leaf, box, steel sheet


The Eurasian Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (EAS) is a regional association of national authorities for the standardization of states that are part of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the future it is possible to join the EAS national authorities on the standardization of other states.
The ECAS is operating the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Registration and Certification in Construction (MNTKS), which is given the right to adopt interstate standards in the field of construction.
Objectives, basic principles and the main procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system of the main provisions" and MSN 1.01-01-96 "The system of interstate regulatory documents in construction. Basic provisions "

Information about standard

1 Developed by the Center for Certification of Window and Door Technology and FSUE Central Design and Technological Bureau (FSUE "TsPKKTB" Gosstroy Russia) with the participation of Anoo Academy "Security and Law" and the company "Ablah OY", Bjerboda plant, Finland

2 is made by the state system of Russia

3 adopted by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission on Standardization, Technical Registration and Certification in Construction (MNTKS) on May 14, 2003
For the adoption voted:

Short name of the country according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97 Code code for MK (ISO 3166) 004-97
Abbreviated name of the State Management Authority
Armenia am Ministry of Urban Building of the Republic of Armenia
Kazakhstan KZ KazStroy Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Kyrgyzstan KG State Commission for Architecture and Construction under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic
Moldova MD Ministry of Ecology, Construction and Development of the territory of the Republic of Moldova
Russian Federation of RU Gosstroy Russia
Tajikistan TJ Komarhstroy Republic of Tajikistan
Uzbekistan Uz State Architectstroy Republic of Uzbekistan

4 introduced for the first time

5 entered into force on March 1, 2004 as the State Standard of the Russian Federation by the Resolution of the Russian State System of June 20, 2003 No. 76

Information on the introduction (termination) of this standard and changes to it on the territory of the States mentioned above is published in the signs of national (state) standards issued in these states.
Information about the changes to this standard is published in the index (catalog) "Interstate Standards", and the text of the changes - in the information signs "Interstate Standards". In case of revision or cancellation of this Standard, the relevant information will be published in the information indicator "Interstate Standards".

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

This standard applies to blocks of door steel with installed locking devices (hereinafter - door blocks or products) for buildings and structures of various purposes. Metal doors insulated.
The standard does not apply to special-purpose door blocks in terms of additional fire safety requirements, explosion and bulbs, the effects of aggressive media, etc., as well as on door blocks of protective cabins according to the current regulatory documentation.
The scope of specific types of products is established depending on the operating conditions in accordance with the current building standards and the rules, taking into account the requirements of this standard.
Standard can be applied to certification purposes.

This document uses references to the following standards:
GOST 9.032-74 ESZKS. Paint coatings. Groups. Technical requirements and designations
GOST 9.301-86 ESZKS. Metal and non-metallic coatings are inorganic. General requirements
GOST 9.303-84 ESZKS. Metal and non-metallic coatings are inorganic. General requirements for choosing
GOST 9.401-91 ESZKS. Paint coatings. General requirements and methods of accelerated resistance tests to the effects of climatic factors
GOST 9.402-80 ESZKS. Paint coatings. Preparation of metal surfaces before painting
GOST 99-96 Veneer is late. Technical conditions
GOST 166-89 caliper. Technical conditions
GOST 380-94 Steel carbon articular quality. Brands
GOST 427-75 Metal measuring rules. Technical conditions
GOST 538-2001 Locks and hardware products. General technical conditions
GOST 1050-88 Rent a varietal calibrated, with a special surface finish from carbon high-quality structural steel. General technical conditions
GOST 2140-81 Visible wood defects. Classification, Terms and Definitions, Measuring Methods
GOST 2977-82 veneer planed. Technical conditions
GOST 4598-86 Wood-fiber plates. Technical conditions
GOST 5089-2003 Castles and latches for doors. Technical conditions
GOST 5264-80 Manual arc welding. Compounds welded. Main types, structural elements and sizes
GOST 5632-72 steel high-alloy and alloys corrosion-resistant, heat-resistant and heat-resistant. Brands
GOST 7016-82 Wood products and wood materials. Surface roughness parameters
GOST 7502-98 Rulets measuring metal. Technical conditions
GOST 8026-92 Torching line. Technical conditions
GOST 8242-88 Profile details from wood and wood materials for construction. Technical conditions
GOST 8713-79 Welding under flux. Compounds welded. Main types, structural elements and sizes
GOST 9416-83 Building levels. Technical conditions
GOST 10354-82 Polyethylene film. Technical conditions
GOST 11533-75 Automatic and semi-automatic arc welding under flux. Compounds are welded under sharp and blunt angles. Main types, structural elements and sizes
GOST 11534-75 Manual arc welding. Compounds are welded under sharp and blunt angles. Main types, structural elements and sizes
GOST 14771-76 Arc welding in protective gas. Compounds welded. Main types, structural elements and sizes
GOST 15140-78 Materials paints and varnishes. Methods for determining adhesion
GOST 21778-81 The system of ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Basic provisions
GOST 21779-82 The system for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Technological tolerances
GOST 21780-83 The system for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Calculation of accuracy
GOST 23118-99 construction steel construction. General technical conditions
GOST 23518-79 Arc welding in protective gases. Compounds are welded under sharp and blunt angles. Main types, structural elements and sizes
GOST 25347-82 The main norms of interchangeability. ESDP. Tolerances and recommended fit
GOST 26433.0-85 The system for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Terms of measurement rules. General provisions
GOST 26433.1-89 The system for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Terms of measurement rules. Elements of factory manufacture
GOST 26602.1-99 Blocks window and door. Methods for determining heat transfer resistance
GOST 26602.2-99 Blocks window and door. Methods for determining air and water permeability
GOST 26602.3-99 Window and door blocks. Method for determining sound insulation
GOST 30778-2001 Gaskets sealing from elastomeric materials for window and door blocks. Technical conditions
GOST 30971-2002 Seams mounting units of window blocks to wall openings. General technical conditions
GOST 30972-2002 Billets and details Wooden glued for window and door blocks. Technical conditions

3 Terms and Definitions

Terms and definitions used in this standard are given in Appendix A.

4 Classification and Conditional Designation

4.1 Products are classified according to the following features:
design variants;
type of finishes;
operational indicators;
mechanical characteristics;
Security properties.
4.1.1 For purpose, door blocks are divided into:
external (entrance to buildings, premises, as well as tambour);
Internal (input to the apartment and others intended for operation within the building).
4.1.2 According to options for structural design, door blocks divide:
By design box:
with a closed box;
with a p-shaped box;
with a p-shaped box with a good threshold;
In terms of cloths (including unopened), the direction and type of opening:
single-section (left and right opening);
bipolys (including with linen of different widths);
with non-horizontal horizontal or vertical linen-inserts;
with opening inside the room;
with opening out;
By number of contours of the seal in the focus:
with one contour;
With two and more contours.
4.1.3 In terms of finishing, door blocks are divided into:
painted paint and powder materials;
lined with leather (artificial or natural) and insulation;
plated decorative film materials;
lined with wood or wood-slab materials (including natural or synthetic veneer);
decorated with glazing (mirror) materials;
decorative metal veneer;
Combined (including from other materials).

Note - in coordination with the Customer, other types of finishes are allowed.

4.2 In operational indicators, door blocks are classified according to the resistance of heat transfer, air, water permeability, sound insulation.
4.2.1 In terms of the resulting resistance of the heat transfer, the door blocks are divided into classes:
1 - with the reduced resistance of the heat transfer 1.0 m2 × ° C / W and more;
2 - with the reduced heat transfer resistance from 0.70 to 0.99 m2 × ° C / W;
3 - with the reduced heat transfer resistance of 0.40 - 0.69 m2 × ° C / W.

Note - Door blocks with the reduced heat transfer resistance of less than 0.40 m2 × ° C / W classification according to this indicator are not subject to.

4.2.2 In terms of air and water permeability, the door blocks are divided into classes shown in Table 1.

Table 1

Class bulk air permeability
DR \u003d 100 Pa, m3 / (h × m2) Waterproof limit, Pa, not less
1 less than 9,600
2 from 9 to 17 400
3 17-27 200

1 Indicator of waterproof limit - for entrance door blocks in buildings and rooms from the street.
2 Door blocks with breathability of more than 27 m3 / (h × m2) of the classification for this indicator are not subject to.

4.2.3 In terms of sound insulation RW, door blocks are divided into classes:
1 - with a decrease in 32 dB air noise and more;
2 - »» »» 26-31 dB;
3 - »» »» 20-25 dB.

Note - Door blocks with sound insulation less than 20 dB of classification according to this indicator are not subject to.

4.3 Door blocks are classified according to the main mechanical characteristics on the strength classes shown in Table 2.

table 2

Name of the indicator values \u200b\u200bfor the strength class
M1 m2 m3.
Resistance to the static load applied in the plane of the web, N, at least 7000 5000 3000
Resistance to the static load applied in the zone of the free angle of the web, perpendicular to its plane, N, not less than 2500 1500 1000
Resistance to the static load applied in the loop zone perpendicular to the plane of the web, N, not less than 4000 3000 2000
Resistance to the dynamic load applied in the direction of opening the door canvase towards the stop, no less than the MGRA - 40 kg
Widen - 1.0 m Mgruz - 40 kg
Widen - 0.7 m Mgruz - 40 kg
Attitude - 0.5 m
Impact load resistance to a soft inelastic body (in both directions of opening of the door canvase), no less than the MGRA - 30 kg
Widen - 1.5 m MGRU - 30 kg
Widen - 1.0 m Mgruz - 30 kg
Widget - 0.7 m

1 The class of the door block is set by the worst result from all types of tests.
2 An example of determining the class of strength when testing for the resistance of the static load, acting perpendicular to the plane of the web in the free corner zone, is given in Appendix G.

4.4 Depending on the presence of security properties, door blocks are divided into:
The door blocks of the usual design, equipped with castles of III- IV classes according to GOST 5089, blocking anti-blank devices;
The door blocks of reinforced execution, equipped with castles of III-IV classes according to GOST 5089, reinforced loops, locking anti-removal devices, multi-dealer locks with locking around the perimeter, with strength characteristics not lower than class M2;
Door blocks protective - the door blocks of reinforced execution, with the strength characteristics not lower than class M1 and the corresponding requirements established in Appendix V.

Note - In the conventional designation of the door blocks of reinforced execution, the "U" index, the protective version - "s" is added.

4.5 The structure of the conditional designation of door blocks:

X x x x - x x
Purpose of the product:
DSV - door block steel internal
DSN - a steel door block outdoor

Option of constructive design:
D - biscuit
K - with a closed box
P - with threshold
L - single-bed left opening
P - single-section right opening
VN - opening inside the room
N - opening outward

Classes for operational indicators *, mechanical characteristics (M1, M2, M3) and embodiments on security properties (y, s)

Height size, mm
Size by width, mm
Designation of this Standard

Examples of conditional notation:
DSV DKN 2100-1270 m3 GOST 31173-2003 - the door block of steel internal, biscuit, with a closed box, with the opening of the canvas outside, the usual version, the strength class - M3, 2,100 mm high, 1270 mm wide.
DSN PPVN 1-2-2 m2 in 2300-900 GOST 31173-2003 - the door block of steel outer, one-step right performance, with a threshold, with the opening of the canvas inside, class in terms of the resistance of the heat transfer - 1, class in terms of air -, water permeability - 2, class in terms of sound insulation - 2, the class of strength - m2, reinforced execution, 2300 mm high, 900 mm width.
When placing an order for the manufacture (supply) and passports, it is recommended to indicate: a design version of a constructive solution, including a description of filling the door leaf; drawing indicating the opening scheme of the canvas and the design of the door block; Type and brand of door devices and class locks; Type of finishes, width of the box and other requirements for the coordination of the manufacturer with the customer.
In export-import deliveries, it is allowed to apply another conventional structure specified in the contract (contract).

5 Technical requirements

5.1 General and Design Requirements
5.1.1 Products must comply with the requirements of this Standard and manufactured in design and technological documentation approved in the prescribed manner.
5.1.2 The door blocks can be a design welded from steel sheets and rectangular or bent profiles. It is allowed to apply the structure of the "trunk" type, the steel sheets are recommended to weld each other. In the manufacture of welding work, it is recommended to apply welding in a protective gas environment. Places of welding points are installed in the working documentation.
5.1.3 Profile Angle Connections is recommended for welded connections. Other types of compounds corresponding to or exceeding welded strength are allowed.
Options for performing door cloths and examples of the designs of door blocks are shown in Figures 1-7.

1 - upper locking reigleel; 2 - upper traction of the main castle; 3 - frame frame (welded steel profiles); 4 - places of attachment of the internal "hatch"; 5 - catch; 6 - the place of attachment of the upper thrust; 7 - Rigel Zavokov Suwald Castle; 8 - latch; 9 - Cylinder Castle's Cylinder; 10 - lower line of primary lock; 11 - fastening places; 12 - internal cavity for aggregate; 13 - guide vertical thrust; 14 - lower locking reiglel; 15 - assembly "Ushko"; 16 - threshold; 17 - a hole for the anti-disconnecting rigle (pin); 18 - anti-removable passive riglel (pin); 19 - mounting anchor; 20 - box (frame); 21 - Combined Suwaline Cylinder Castle; 22 - internal steel sheet; 23 - outer steel sheet; 24 - looped node;
25 - Eye

Figure 1 - An example of a design of the door block, whose canvas is welded from two steel sheets and steel profiles, box (frame) - from steel bent profile

Waters with two steel sheets, steel profiles of a box cross section and cellular filling

The canvas with the outer steel sheet and the inner sheet of fiberboard, with the profiles of complex cross section and filling out of wood or mineral insulation

Waters of the "trunk" type, with P-shaped steel profiles and filling out of foam

A canvas with an outer steel sheet and an internal sheet of fiberboard, corner steel profiles with wood bars and filling out foam

Figure 2 - Examples of door canvase designs

Figure 3 - An example of the design of the door block welded from steel sheets and profiles (with the filling of the middle profile of the box and canvas with wood and foam material)

Figure 4 - Example of the design of the door block welded from steel sheets and profiles, with facing of natural wood

Figure 5 - Example of the design of the two-fledged door block with wood facing or wood-slab materials (horizontal section)

Figure 6 - examples of designs of door canvases welded from two flat steel sheets and steel profiles (a) and door blast type "Best" (b) with vertical reinforcing profiles

Figure 7 - Examples of the design of the door leaf welded from steel profiles, with vertical and horizontal reinforcing profiles and installed locks (A) and a door frame (b)

Boxes (frames) are made of a bent profile with a thickness of at least 1.5 mm or from a rectangular profile with a cross section of at least 40'50 mm.
Boxes (frames) and door canvases are made at no lower than 15 clarity qualities according to GOST 25347.
5.1.4 In the designs of door cloths, it is recommended to use vertical and horizontal reinforcing profiles (furniture). It is recommended to use at least two vertical and horizontal reinforcing profiles. It is allowed to have reinforcing profiles at an angle between vertical (inclined profiles). Horizontal reinforcing profiles are recommended to be located in the loop area or in the anti-removal zone. Examples of the arrangement of reinforcing profiles in the doorway are shown in Figure 8.

1 - horizontal enhancing profile under the loop; 2 - metal box for traction; 3 - locking elements; 4 - horizontal enhancing profile; 5 - vertical enhancing profile; 6 - web strapping profile; 7 - loops
1 - inclined reinforcing profiles; 2 - horizontal reinforcing profiles; 3 - locking elements; 4 - metal box for thrust; 5 - vertical reinforcing profiles; 6 - web strapping profile; 7 - loops

Figure 8 - Examples of the arrangement of reinforcing profiles in the door canvase

5.1.5 It is allowed to apply instead of the internal solid steel sheet asked sheet blanks, welded according to reinforcing profiles, while the seats of welding points are installed in the design documentation.
As an internal sheet, it is allowed to use solid wood-fibrous plates according to GOST 4598 or other solid sheet materials that ensure sufficient strength.
5.1.6 To repair locks and latches In the place of their installation in the inner sheet, it is recommended to provide "hatch", which is attached on mechanical connections.
5.1.7 Locking devices (locks, latches, additional deposits) It is recommended to be secured on the screws through special lining and clamping brackets with chopped threads. Fastening locking devices should be durable and reliable, eliminating their spontaneous offset during operation. It is not recommended to mount the lock by welding (in the case of the technological need for welding, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of thermal influence on low-melting plastic and other lock parts).
The lock must be installed according to the requirements of the design documentation so that during the operation of the door block does not arise compressive or bending loads on the lock.
5.1.8 In the designs of the external and input in the apartment of the door blocks (to enhance sound insulation and heat transfer resistance), it is recommended to install at least two contours of sealing gaskets.
Sealing gaskets must be installed throughout the perimeter of the River. Gashes in the joints of the gaskets are not allowed. The adjacent of the gaskets should be dense. Sealing gaskets for external door blocks should be resistant to climatic and atmospheric influences and are tested for durability in test centers accredited for the right to conduct such tests.
5.1.9 The requirements of this standard are applied to door blocks with an area not exceeding 9 m2, while the height of opening door webs is recommended not more than 2,200 mm, and the width is no more than 1200 mm.
It is allowed to use unopened horizontal and vertical canvas inserts.
The recommended mass of door canvases is not more than 250 kg (calculated indicator).
The manufacture of door blocks (cloths) with an area, mass and dimensions exceeding the specified values \u200b\u200bmust be confirmed by the results of laboratory tests or additional strength calculations according to current construction standards.

Note - the largest sizes of the door blocks of specific types, depending on the mass of the web, the resistance of the cross sections of the framework profiles, the rigidity of the section of the middle part of the canvas (including external and internal trim, filling, reinforcing profiles), location (and types) loops and locking devices should To be given in the design documentation of the manufacturer.

5.1.10 The location and dimensions of the holes for the installation of locks and other locking devices are installed in the design documentation, taking into account the requirements of GOST 5089.
5.1.11 Places of holes intended for the input area are recommended to protect special boxes. The box is boiled into the profile of the box (frame) so that they do not interfere with the normal movement of the bolts. It is allowed to perform holes for entering the casuals in the door frame. In this case, the sizes of the opening must be 2-3 mm more than the corresponding sizes of the sequence.
In the closed position, the locks of the lock should be in the door frame to a depth of at least 22 mm.
5.1.12 In the design of products on the loop side, it is recommended to provide for anti-blank passive riggers (pins). The pins should be firmly installed in the doorway frame or in the box by welding, pressing or cutting. It is allowed to use other types of attachment of anti-blank pins that do not reduce their strength qualities. Size, quantity and arrangement of anti-disconnecting pins are installed in the working documentation, while to ensure the greatest protection, anti-blank pins are recommended in the loop zone.
5.1.13 To carry out the installation of the door block in the wall opening on the box profile (frame), the assembly "ears" is welded. The size, the number and location of the assembly "ears" is installed in the working documentation. It is allowed to apply other structures of fasteners that provide the necessary rigidity and strength when mounting the door block.
5.1.14 As an internal filling of door canvases, heat and sound insulation materials, such as mineral wool, basalt wool, foam or other materials on regulatory documentation (ND), are recommended. Filling is placed tightly, without voids.
5.1.15 Products must be safe. The safety conditions for the use of products of various designs are installed in the design documentation (for example, door blocks on evacuation paths are recommended to equip with anti-native instruments).
Products should be designed for operational loads in accordance with current building standards. When designing and manufacturing products, settlement programs should be applied or calculated methods for determining the strength characteristics of products.
5.1.16 Polymer and synthetic materials used to fill and finish the door canvases should have the conclusions of sanitation provided for by the current legislation and decorated in the prescribed manner.

5.2 Dimensions and requirements for limit deviations
5.2.1 Overall dimensions and architectural patterns of door blocks are established in project and technical documentation (ordering, contract for the supply) for the manufacture of products.
The nominal dimensions of the parts of the components, cross sections of profiles and gaps, the size of the location of the instruments, the loops and holes are set in the technical documentation for their manufacture.
5.2.2 Limit deviations of the nominal dimensions of products should not exceed ± 3.0 mm.
5.2.3 Limit deviations of the nominal sizes of products of products, gaps under the outlook, the size of the location of the door devices and the loops should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bset in Table 3.

Table 3.
In millimeters

Size interval limit deviations
INTERNAL SIZE BOXES Outdoor Size Cleaning Clearance Under Moldova Dimensions of the location of instruments, loops and other sizes
Up to 1000 included. ± 2.0 + 1.0
- 2,0 + 1,5
St. 1000 to 2000 Enable. ± 2.5 ± 2.0 + 1.5
- 1.0 ± 2.0
St. 2000 ± 3.0 + 2.0
- 3,0 + 2,0
- 1,0

Note - The values \u200b\u200bof the limit deviations of the size of the gaps under the antimony are shown for closed canvases with the sealing gaskets installed.

The difference between the lengths of the diagonals of rectangular cloths with an area of \u200b\u200b1.5 m2 and less should not exceed 2.0 mm, and an area of \u200b\u200bover 1.5 m2 - 3.0 mm.
5.2.4 The perpaid of facial surfaces (s) in welded angular compounds should not exceed 2.0 mm.
5.2.5 Schedules Customs in the assembled product for the design of door blocks with the threshold should not exceed 2.0 mm per 1 M width.
5.2.6 Deviations from straightness of edges of the canvases and boxes should not exceed 1.0 mm per 1.0 m length.

Note - The flatness of the door canvases is controlled by measuring the rectinity of their edges and the size of the gaps under the anthew.

5.2.7 The accuracy of geometric parameters is calculated in accordance with GOST 21778, GOST 21779, GOST 21780, taking into account the characteristics of specific structures and technological conditions of manufacture and installation.
5.2.8 The size of welded seams must correspond to their working sections established in the technical documentation. The deviations of the sizes of the seams from the specified should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bspecified in GOST 5264, GOST 8713, GOST 11533, GOST 11534, GOST 14771, GOST 23518.
5.2.9 Nominal diameters of holes for bolted compounds and limit deviations from them mounted depending on the method of formation and type of bolted compound, adopted according to GOST 23118.

5.3 Characteristics
5.3.1 Operating performance of door blocks are shown in Table 4.

Table 4.

Name of the indicator value of the indicator
The resistance of heat transfer waste of the door blocks, m2 × ° C / W, not less than * 0.40
Soundproofing, dB, not less than * 20
Air permeability at dp0 \u003d 100 pa, m3 / (h × m2), not more than * 27
Requesting, opening cycles - closing, not less:
For internal door blocks 200000
For outdoor door blocks 500000

Note - The need to apply operational indicators marked with the "*" sign, establish in the design and technical documentation based on the purpose of the door blocks.

5.3.2 Operating performance of the door blocks of a particular purpose is recommended to be installed in project documentation for construction (reconstruction) and confirm the results of tests in test centers accredited for the right to conduct them.
5.3.3 Door units Depending on the strength class, you must withstand the action of static loads according to the requirements of Table 5.

Table 5.

Strength class of static load values, not less than
Perpendicular to the plane of the web in the area of \u200b\u200bthe free angle in the plane of the web perpendicular to the plane of the canvas in the loop zone
M1 4500 7000 4000
M2 3000 5000 3000
M3 2000 3000 2000

5.3.4 Door units Depending on the strength class, to withstand the action of dynamic loads (a break about the barrier is the opening angle limiter, door slope, etc. when opening the web) according to table 6.

Table 6.

M1 1.0 40.
M2 0.7 40
M3 0.5 40.

5.3.5 Door blocks Depending on the class of strength, it must withstand the blow to a soft inelastic body according to the requirements of Table 7.

Table 7.

Strength class Height of cargo cargo H, M Mass of cargo M, kg
M1 1.5 30
M2 1.0 30.
M3 0.7 30

5.3.6 The force applied to the door leaf when closed to the desired compression of sealing pads should not exceed 140 N, while in the closed position latch and the locks of the lock should work without jamming. The effort required to open the door leaf should not exceed 100 H (ergonomic requirements).
5.3.7 In the case of applying for facing of door canvases of artificial or genuine leather or wood (wood-plate materials, including with natural or synthetic veneer), the facing material must withstand without destruction by a metal ball with a mass of 1 kg from a height of 1 m.
5.3.8 Exterior Products: Color, permissible defects of the surface of facing materials and painted elements (risks, scratches, etc.) must comply with the reference samples approved by the manufacturer of the manufacturer.
The color difference, gloss and surface defects are distinguished by the naked eye from a distance of 0.6 - 0.8 m with natural lighting of at least 300 LCs, not allowed.
5.3.9 Welded joints must be durable and satisfy with the requirements controlled visually:
The metal seam and the boundary zone should not have cracks. Craters of seams in the places of stop (ending) welding must be digested (welded);
Seams should have a smooth or even scaly surface without sharp transitions to the main metal;
The seams should be dense along the entire length and not have directs, narrowings, floors, irregularities, slag inclusions, etc.
5.3.10 Temporary resistance of the welding of the weld metal must be not lower than the requirements for the main metal.
Characteristics of categories and quality level of welded connections - according to GOST 23118.

5.4 Requirements for materials and components details (including sealing gaskets)
5.4.1 Materials and components used for the manufacture of door blocks must comply with the requirements of standards, technical conditions, technical evidence approved in the prescribed manner.
5.4.2 Materials and components used for the manufacture of door blocks should be resistant to climatic influences.
5.4.3 The surfaces of steel elements of boxes and canvases should not have cracks, mechanical damage, shells, curvatures, rust. On the front surfaces of steel elements, minor local recesses, risks, a waviness depth to 0.5 mm are allowed that do not reduce the functional properties and quality of products.
5.4.4 Steel parts of structures should be made from steel grades, providing the strength characteristics of structural elements, welded, bolted and other compounds, depending on the nature and conditions of their work.
Steel elements are recommended to be made from steel brands not lower than St3KP2 according to GOST 380, rolled varietal according to GOST 1050 or high-alloy steel according to GOST 5632.
5.4.5 Sealing gaskets should be made from atmospheric-resistant elastic polymeric materials according to GOST 30778.
The adjacent of sealing pads should be dense, preventing the penetration of water. Sealing gaskets should be installed continuously throughout the perimeter of the River.
5.4.6 Wooden adhesive cladding should meet the requirements of GOST 30972, profile handling wooden parts - GOST 8242.

5.5 Requirements for hinges, castles and other locking devices
5.5.1 In the manufacture of products, locking and auxiliary devices and loops are used, specially intended for use in metal door blocks. Examples of loops and lock designs are given in Appendix B.
Type, number, location and method of fixing locking devices and loops are installed in the working documentation based on the size and mass of the opening items of the product, as well as the operating conditions of the door blocks. The door blocks of the door blocks weigh more than 200 kg, as well as products used in public spaces (schools, hospitals, etc.), it is recommended to hang on three loops. The recommended arrangement of the middle loop is 150-200 mm below the top.
5.5.2 For hanging the boxes per box (frame), it is recommended to use overhead bearing or other loops with the possibility of adjustment in different planes.
The fastening of the loops to the canvas and the boxes is recommended to produce on mechanical connections or by solid welding. It is allowed to use other types of fastening loops that allow you to provide the necessary strength of the structure.
5.5.3 In door blocks, locks should be installed not lower than III class according to GOST 5089. Castles must comply with the requirements of GOST 538 and GOST 5089.
In the door block it is recommended to simultaneously install locks with suvalden and cylinder mechanisms, as well as locks with recoding mechanisms of secrets.
To improve the protective properties of door blocks, it is recommended to use multi-dealer locks with locking around the perimeter of the door block or locks with additional locking to the upper and lower horizontal box profiles.
To avoid clogging of the hole for the lower vertical goal, entering the lower profile of the box, it is recommended to use deviators.
5.5.4 Depending on the purpose of the door blocks in the project documentation, as well as when placing orders, it should provide for a complete set of products with valves, door closers (closers), opening angle limiters (stops), eyes, chains, etc.
5.5.5 Locking devices should ensure reliable locking of opening items of products. Opening and closing must occur easily, smoothly, without jamming.
5.5.6 The designs of locking devices and loops should provide a dense and uniform crimping of gaskets throughout the seal contour in the coarse.
5.5.7 Door instruments and fasteners must meet the requirements of GOST 538 and have a protective-decorative (or protective) coating according to GOST 9.303.
5.5.8 In cases where door blocks are installed in public premises (kindergartens, schools, hospitals), the use of appliances of antiparters, sensors of smoke and other devices allowing to provide quick evacuation.
5.5.9 When accepting work, keys must be transmitted to the customer in the sealed package under its painting on receipt.

5.6 Product Finishing Requirements
5.6.1 The quality of finishes, as well as the requirements for finishing coating (facing) allowed to establish an approval of the manufacturer with the consumer in the contract (order) for the manufacture (supply) of products. In this case, the assessment of the quality of the finish is allowed to be made according to the references, coordinated with the customer.
5.6.2 As finishing materials, artificial and natural skin, ornamental films, MDF plates (with natural or synthetic veneer, smooth or milled), wood, mirrors, plastic, fiberboard, paints and other materials according to ND requirements are used. When choosing facing materials, it is necessary to take into account the conditions of operation of products. Options for finishing door blocks are shown in Appendix B.
5.6.3 Metal surfaces of the details before applying paint and polymer coatings must be complied with GOST 9.402. Requirements for paintwork - according to GOST 9.401, the designation of coatings - according to GOST 9.032, the coating class is not lower than IV.
5.6.4 The quality of surfaces with the finished paint coating must comply with the requirements set in GOST 9.032. At the same time, the first layer of primer paint should be applied, and the subsequent layers - protective-decorative paint and varnishes.
5.6.5 The facial surfaces of the products should not have cracks, burrs, mechanical damage. Requirements for facial surfaces are established in the technical documentation of the manufacturer and / or in the supply contracts, taking into account GOST 9.301 and GOST 9.032.
Nelf-surfaces of products may have recesses, risks, waviness and other surface defects that do not reduce the functional properties and quality of products.
The edges of the holes should not have burrs and irregularities.
5.6.6 The color (tone) and the degree of gloss (gloss, mattness) of the finishing coating should correspond to the reference samples approved by the manufacturer of the manufacturer and coordinated with the customer.
5.6.7 Paints and varnish coatings should have adhesion strength (adhesion) with a surface of the surface not lower than the 2nd score according to the method of lattice cuts according to GOST 15140.
5.6.8 The thickness of paintwork coatings, as well as the procedure for monitoring this indicator, is recommended to be installed in the technical documentation for the manufacture of products.
5.6.9 Protective and protective and decorative coatings must be resistant to temperature-humid-based operational effects.
5.6.10 Facing the products of products is made of MDF plates on ND or from various wood breeds. MDF plates can be decorated with planed veneer according to GOST 2977, implanted veneer according to GOST 99 or synthetic veneer on ND. It is allowed to use milled or smooth MDF plates. Examples of architectural execution of the furniture of door cloths MDF plates are given in Appendix B.
5.6.11 The facial surfaces of the parts made of wood used for the finishing of door canvases should not have defects processing and wood defects, with the exception of curls, swivels, eyes, fiber tilt up to 5% according to GOST 2140.
The recommended roughness of the facial surfaces of the parts of RM wood is no more than 60 microns according to GOST 7016, the moisture content of wood should be from 8 to 12%.
5.6.12 Construction of fastening parts of wood and slab materials to steel elements of door blocks should provide the possibility of compensating for their temperature and humidity deformations.
The shape and dimensions of the cross sections of the facing profiles adjacent to the steel surfaces of the outer articles should provide the minimum area of \u200b\u200bcontact with these surfaces, as well as the possibility of airing the cavity between them, otherwise the contacting surfaces must be protected by paint-or other protective materials.
5.6.13 Adhesive materials used by cladding door blocks of artificial or genuine leather, as well as decorative films, should provide sufficient clutch strength, and non-fluxed sections, folds, waviness and other appendices are not allowed.

5.7 Completeness and Marking
5.7.1 Complete set of products When delivering them, the consumer must comply with the requirements established in the contract (order).
Door blocks should be supplied in assembled with installed locking devices. In coordination with the consumer, the product set may also include closers (closing regulators), opening angle limiters and other door devices.
The set of keys should be transmitted to the customer in the sealed form under the painting of the Customer (Buyer).
5.7.2 The package should include a quality document (passport) and instructions for the operation of products, including installation recommendations.
5.7.3 Each product is labeled with a waterproof marker or a label indicating the name of the manufacturer, the manufacturer's brand, the date of its manufacture and / or the order number, the sign (stamp) confirming the acceptance of the product by technical control.
5.7.4 Incoming to the product door devices must be marked in accordance with ND on this product.

6 Rules acceptance

6.1 Products should be adopted by the manufacturer's technical control service for compliance with the requirements of this Standard, as well as conditions defined in the contract for the manufacture and supply of products. Confirmation of the acceptance of products by the manufacturing service of the manufacturer's technical control is to issue documents on acceptance (quality) products.
Products are taken by parties or pieces. When accepting products at the manufacturer's enterprise, the batch takes the number of products made within one shift and decorated with one quality document. For the volume of the party, the number of products of one constructive design is manufactured by one order can be taken.
6.2 Product quality requirements established in this Standard confirm:
input control of materials and components;
operational production control;
acceptable control of finished products;
control receipts of the batch of products conducted by the manufacturer's quality control service service;
periodic and certification tests of products in independent test centers;
Qualifying tests.
6.3 The procedure for conducting input control and operational production control at workplaces is established in technological documentation.
In case the manufacturer's enterprise completes door blocks with component parts of its own manufacture, then they must be taken and tested in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory documentation for these products.
6.4 Acceptance control of the quality of finished products is carried out by solid control method. The list of controlled indicators is shown in Table 8.
Finished products that have passed acceptance control are labeled. Products that have not passed acceptable control at least one indicator are branded.

Table 8.

Name of the indicator point number of requirements Test type * Periodicity
(at least)
Appearance (including color) 5.3.8 + + - for the type of tests I - solid control, for type II - 1 time in shift
Deviation of the size of the gaps under the outlook 5.2.3 + + - the same
The density of the adjustment of the gasket 5.1.8 + + - "
Work loops and locking devices 5.5.5, 5.5.6 + + - "
Marking 5.7.3 + + - "
Deviation of controlled nominal sizes ** and straightness of edges 5.2.2-5.2.8 - + - "
Quality of welded connections 5.3.9 - + - "
5.3.10 + + for the type of test II - 1 time in shift, III - 1 time in two years
Resistance to static loads 5.3.3 - - + once every two years
Resistance to dynamic loads 5.3.4 - - + the same
Resistance to the impact of a soft inelastic body 5.3.5 - - + "
Resistance to the blow of a metal ball 5.3.7 - - + "
Undetyability 5.3.1 - - + "
Compliance with ergonomic requirements 5.3.6 - - + »
The reduced resistance of heat transfer 5.3.1 - - + once every five years
Air permeability 5.3.1 - - +
Soundproofing 5.3.1 - - + »

* Type of test I - receiving tests for acceptance control; Type of testing II - receiving tests conducted by the manufacturer's quality service; Test Test III - Periodic Tests held in Independent Test Centers.
** Controlled nominal sizes for test type II are set in technological documentation.

6.5 Each batch of products is conducted by control receiving tests conducted by the manufacturer's quality quality service. The list of controlled indicators and the frequency of control are shown in Table 8.
For testing from a batch of products by random selection using samples of door blocks in the amount of 3% of the battery volume, but not less than 3 pcs. If there are less than 3 products in the batch, each product is controlled.
In the case of a negative test result, at least one indicator, at least one specimen, the quality of the products on the double count of samples in the indicator that had a negative test result was carried out.
When re-detecting the indicator's inconsistency with the established requirements, at least one sample, the control and subsequent batch of products are subjected to solid control (disorder). With a positive result, continuous control is returned to the established procedure for receiving tests.
6.6 Periodic tests for the operational indicators specified in 5.3.1 - 5.3.7 are carried out when producing or when making changes to the design of products or manufacturing technology, but at least once in the period installed in Table 8, as well as Certification of products. Justified cases allowed to combine periodic and certification tests.
Qualification tests of products are carried out in all indicators when setting products for production.
Tests are carried out in test centers accredited for the right of them.
Tests to determine the resistance of heat transfer, air permeability, sound insulation are subject to constructions intended for the perception of these loads according to the region of their application.
6.7 The consumer has the right to conduct a control check for the quality of products, while observing the order of sampling and the test methods specified in this standard.
When accepting products by consumer party, the number of products, shipped to a specific order, but not over 90 pcs, designed by one quality document.
6.8 When accepting products by consumer, it is recommended to use a single-stage quality control plan given in Table 9.

Table 9.

Part volume, pcs. Sampling, pcs. Remote number
Unconscious Defects Critical and Significant Defects
From 1 to 12 solid control 3 0
13-25 4 3 0
26-50 8 4 0
St. 50 12 5 0

Note - to significant and critical defects include: defects leading to the loss of operational characteristics, unreasonable without replacing the part of the product (breakage of the steel profile, etc.), the excess of the limit deviations of the size of more than 1.5 times set in ND, the exhaustion of products.
Unconscious defects include disposable defects: minor surface damage, non-regulated door devices and hinges, extinguity of the limit deviations of the size of less than 1.5 times set to ND.

By agreement of the parties, the acceptance of products by the consumer can be carried out in the manufacturer's warehouse, in the consumer warehouse or in another, specified in the contract for supplying the place.
6.9 Each batch of products must be accompanied by a document on the quality (passport). An example of filling in the passport of the product is given in Appendix D.
6.10 Acceptance of products by the consumer does not exempt the manufacturer from responsibility when detecting hidden defects that led to the violation of the performance characteristics of products during the warranty service life.

7 Monitoring methods

7.1 Methods of input and production operational quality control are installed in technological documentation.

7.2 Methods of quality control of products at acceptance control and receiving tests
7.2.1 The geometric dimensions of the products, as well as the straightness of the edges, are determined using the methods installed in GOST 26433.0 and GOST 26433.1.
Limit deviations from the nominal sizes of product elements, the difference of lengths of diagonals and other dimensions are determined using a metal measuring roulette according to GOST 7502, a caliper of GOST 166, probe on ND.
The limit deviations from straightness of the edges are determined by the application of the calibration line according to GOST 8026 or the construction level with a flatness admission of at least 9th degree of accuracy according to GOST 9416 to the parts under test and measurement of the greatest gap using probe on ND.
7.2.2 Limit deviations from the nominal size of gaps under the outlook are checked with a set of probe or a ruler according to GOST 427.
7.2.3 Conducts in the conjugation of adjacent parts lying in the same plane, determine the dipstream as the distance from the rib of the line of GOST 427, applied to the upper pairing surface, to the bottom surface.
7.2.4 Appearance, weld quality, Color and quality of finishing products are valued visually by comparing with reference samples approved in the prescribed manner. Surface defects distinguished by the naked eye from a distance of 1.5 m with natural lighting of at least 300 LCs are not allowed.
7.2.5 Adhesion (the adhesion strength of paintwork coatings with a metal surface) is determined by the method of lattice cuts according to GOST 15140.
7.2.6 The density of adjustment and the correctness of the installation of sealing pads, door devices, fasteners and other parts, color and absence of cracks in welded connections, marking and packaging are visually checked.
To determine the density of the adjuncting of sealing gaskets, the size of the gaps in the coarse and the degree of compression of the pads, which should be at least 1/5 of the height of an elaborate gasket. Measures produce a caliper or a ruler according to GOST 427.
The density of the fitting of sealing pads with closed canvases is allowed to be determined by the presence of a continuous trail left by the coloring agent (for example, color chalk), pre-applied to the surface of the gaskets and easily removed after the control.
7.2.7 The work of the door loops is checked by a ten-fold opening - the closure of the folded elements of the product. In case of detection of deviations in the operation of door instruments, they produce their setup and re-test.

7.3 Monitoring methods for periodic tests
7.3.1 The reduced thermal resistance is determined according to GOST 26602.1.
7.3.2 Air and water permeability are determined according to GOST 26602.2.
7.3.3 Soundproofing is determined according to GOST 26602.3.
7.3.4 Reliability indicators, static, dynamic resistance, shock loads are determined by nd and methods approved in the prescribed manner.
When testing on the resistance of the dynamic load, the load arising with a sharp opening of the door web (for example, during drafts), at the time of contact of the door canvase with the slope of the doorway.
The impedance test with a soft inelastic body is carried out by a three-time blow, for example, a pear with a diameter of the lower part (300 ± 5) mm and a mass (30 ± 0.5) kg, from a height of a fall of 5.3.5 to the central sample zone.

Note - At the end of testing, door blocks must maintain performance, while the locks of the lock and the latch should be freely enter their response parts.

Before and after testing door blocks on trouble-freeness, it is recommended to check the density of the fitting of sealing pads according to 7.2.6.
When testing the door blocks on the resistance of the static load, acting perpendicular to the plane of the web in the free corner zone, to determine the class of strength, it is recommended to use a graph of the dependence of the deflection of the free angle of the web from the attached load, which is shown in Appendix G.
7.3.5 Welded quality control methods (5.3.10) are installed in the manufacturer's technical documentation in accordance with GOST 5264.

8 Packaging, Transportation and Storage

8.1 Product packaging should ensure their safety during storage, loading and unloading operations and transportation.
8.2 The instruments that are not installed on the products must be packed in a polyethylene film according to GOST 10354 or another packing material that ensures their safety is firmly tied and set complete with products.
8.3 Opening fabrics of products before packaging and transportation must be closed on all locking devices.
8.4 Products are transported by all types of transport in accordance with the rules for transporting goods acting in this type of transport.
8.5 When storing and transporting products, their protection against mechanical damage and impact of atmospheric precipitation should be ensured.
8.6 When storing and transporting products between products, it is recommended to install gaskets from elastic materials.
8.7 products are stored in a vertical or horizontal position on wooden lining, pallets, or in special containers in indoor rooms.
8.8 Warranty period for storing products - 1 year from the date of product shipment by the manufacturer.

9 Manufacturer's guarantees

9.1 The manufacturer's enterprise guarantees the compliance of products to the requirements of this standard, subject to the consumer of the rules for transportation, storage, installation, operation, as well as the scope of application installed in the regulatory and project documentation.
9.2 In agreement with the consumer (Customer), the manufacturer provides after-sales service, including emergency opening of the doors in the event of a loss or breakdown of keys, consulting on the use and operation of door instruments and locking mechanisms, repair of products.
9.3 The warranty period of door blocks is established in the contract for the supply, but at least three years from the date of shipment of products by the manufacturer.

Appendix A.

Terms and Definitions

This standard uses the following terms with appropriate definitions.
Door: An element of a wall design designed to enter (output) into the inner premises of buildings (structures) or for passing from one room to another and consisting of a doorway, door block, installation of sealing seams and fasteners and cladding parts.
Door opening: opening in the wall intended for mounting the door block and installation of the assembly seal.
Door block: The design consisting in the general case from the box (frame) is rigidly fixed in the doorway, with a cloth hinged with locking devices, providing closed web protection of rooms from climatic, noise (and other) impacts, as well as unauthorized Passage.
The door block may include a number of additional elements: the closer, the opening angle limiter, eye, etc.
Box: Assembly unit of the door block, intended for the mood of the canvas (cloths), fixed to the slopes of the doorway.
The canvas: the assembly unit of the door block, connected to the box by means of moving links (as a rule, loops).
Inner sheet: sheet leaf, located on the side of a guarded or protected room or an object.
Profile: Profile detail of a box or strapping (frames) of the canvas.
Fitting: The place of adjoining (connections) of the canvas to the profiles of the box.
Flavar: the protrusion profile (box) protrusion, overlapping the clearance in the focus and intended, as a rule, to press the pads.
Door unit of the right (left) opening: Door unit with the location of the loops with the right (left) side at the sight of the side of the web.

Metal doors outdoor.

Note - In the two-foot door block, the right or left opening is determined by the location of the web, which opens first (Figure A.1).

A - door block of right opening; b - door block of the left opening; B - the door block of the right opening with horizontal and vertical canvas inserts

Figure A.1 - Definition of products in the direction of opening of the canvases

Horizontal (vertical) Personal-insertion: Unchecked canvas installed above or near the opening web (Figure A.1, B).
Locking devices: devices designed to fix door closed door closed positions (locks, latches, etc.).
Reinforcing profile: Profile installed inside door cavities to provide the necessary stiffness and structural strength.
Lung: Metal sheet installed on mechanical connections from the inside of the web in the location of the lock fixing the ability to access the lock in case of the need for its repair.
Anti-removable passive rigle (pins): reinforcing rigels connecting the closed canvas with a box installed on a vertical web profile from the loop side (or on the vertical profile of the hinge side) and providing additional stability of the door block to cracking.
Mounting "ears": metal fasteners, as a rule, welded to the profiles of the box (frame), ensuring the possibility of fastening the door block in the wall opening.

Application B Doors Metal Warmed, Metal Doors Outdoor

Examples of designs of products and versions of the drawings of door canvases

Figure B.1 - Options for finishing door caved milled MDFs or wood stoves and wood massif

Figure B.2 - Examples of door loops

Figure B.3 - An example of a lock with a cut of steel rods, with a latch and heat-treated plate protecting the rack

Figure B.4 - example of a castle with a hook-shaped casing

Appendix B.

Requirements for protective door blocks:
Table B.1.
Type of destructive impact The value of the indicator
Deforming load (spin, bend, squeezing), n, not less:
In the area of \u200b\u200bthe free corner of the cloth 6000
In the zone of moving elements 8000
In the zone of the castle, grazing 8000
Blow soft object, J, not less:
In the area of \u200b\u200bthe free angle of the canvas 12, the cost of the doors is indicated in the section

Reliable fire fighting doors are one of the preventive measures to ensure fire safety. Our company produces, according to GOST 31173 2003, Metal fire doors. All products are certified, undergoing appropriate check and test.

What conditions will give GOST fire doors?

Fire-made doors made from sheet steel with a thickness of 1.5 mm are capable of resisting the spread of the flame. And the increased airtight of the door design can contribute to attenuation if there is no other source for the intake of oxygen. After all, as it is known, the combustion is impossible in the airless space.

Custom fire doors are door blocks that are classified three classes in terms of heat transfer resistance, water-permeability, sound insulation.

1. Grade 1 provides heat transfer resistance to 1.0 m2 · ° C / W and more;

2. 2 class - from 0.70 to 0.99 m2 · ° C / W;

3. Grade 3 - 0.40 - 0,69m2 · ° C / W. The heat transfer resistance is below 0.40 m2 · ° C / W classification by heat transfer resistance, are not subject to.

The heat transfer resistance is achieved due to refractory fillers with low thermal conductivity placed inside the door leaf.

Metal fire doors are manufactured on our enterprise with the following types of boxes:

· Closed,

· P-shaped,

· P-shaped with a separate threshold.

Fire doors are also divided into destination (installation site):

· Exterior, that is, the doors leading from the street;

· Internal (entrance doors to the apartment, in the office installed inside the building).

As GOST regulates, fire-fighting doors can have the following structures that differ in the direction and type of opening:

· Single-bed (right and left-sided);

· Swinging outwards, or inside the room;

· Two, with canvas of equal and distinguishing width;

· With deaf horizontally or vertically built-in decorative inserts.

The door leaf frame is made of a solid steel profile having a high deformation resistance. The melting point of steel - more than 700 o C.

Decorative finish, appearance of fire doors

The definition of the "fire door" does not mean that this product is welded or mounted from coarse steel sheets without any finish. Fire structures are no less attractive and aesthetic than ordinary, and determines the appearance of fire doors, GOST 31173 2003. Based on this document, as cladding and finishing materials apply

· Natural and synthetic skin,

· Decorative polymeric films;

· Veneered or laminated MDF plates;

· Wood, glass, plastic.

When choosing finishing materials, the conditions in which the operation of the door structures is assumed. In addition to facing materials, polymer, powder, paint coatings that protect metal from corrosion can be applied to fire doors, which protect the entire design and attractive design.

How are the tests of fire doors?

PI was developed and creating a new door model, especially if new materials are applied, the enterprise requires test samples that undergo test tests regulated by Gosstandart.

Testing for fire resistance

Tests for the ability to resist the open flame, GOST 53303 2009 is regulated. Fire doors are included in the list of building structures of this document. Check for fire resistance is performed on the stand equipment with the measuring equipment. The list of equipment includes:

· Verification furnace with automotive fuel and combustion of fuel, providing a unilateral thermal impact on a test object;

· The furnace has a block of smoke channels with a controller of exceeded pressure;

· Measuring instruments recording the parameters obtained;

· Portable thermocouple, determining the temperature on the selected surface area from the unheated side, where the peak temperature rise is supposed.

· A device that simulates tested samples in operation.

Layout for testing and all its components of blocks must comply with the presented technical documentation for a specific model.

Tests for smoke-permeability

Smokeproof door doors are doors that block the spread of flames and smoke capable of anticipating during a predetermined time to penetrate gaseous fire products.

Testing on the permeability of smoke through the tested structures is determined by GOST R 53307 2009 for fire-fighting doors and other building structures resistant to ignitions. The essence of this test is to establish how long the door heated from the fire focus will be able to confront the smoke, how much time during the test it will be smokeproof, being under the action of increased pressure. During testing, the pressure difference is set - 70 Pa ± 10%. The greatest indicator is installed on the heated side.

In this test, there is also a special furnace equipped with nozzles and imitating flooding indoors. Adjustment and maintenance of the required pressure difference is provided by a thermal fist with a strapping controlling dampers and a flow unit.

The test bench is equipped with thermometers, flow meters and gas pressure. The accuracy of the measurement instruments, including the stopwatch, is presented with increased requirements.

Fire resistance limit corresponding to GOST R 53307 2009 of the doors of metal fire prevention and other building structures consists of a fixed state designation when the product is able to resist negative impacts, and the numbers that match this time in minutes: S15, S30, S60. The fire resistance class is installed by the smallest test indicators.

Tests on the test stand and further measurements reveal weak moments, the shortcomings of the door design, which are finalized, is brought to compliance with GTA 31173 2003 fire doors, and only then they are being introduced into mass production.

What to pay attention to, choosing a fire-fighting door?

What do the door characteristics need to pay attention to, buying a fire door? GOST on fire doors draws attention to the locks. Metal fire doors are equipped with anti-blank devices that prevent the removal of the door with loops, and locks with security properties of increased and high categories of 3-4 classes. Some locks are equipped with special systems that allow you to easily open the door from the inside.

It is important that non-maritable polyurethane foam, and minvata, glass gamble - materials capable of resolving high temperature be used as an internal filler.

Our company produces fireproof products with a three-year warranty in Moscow, and confident in the quality and reliability of the design of fire doors according to GOST.

We can order a party of doors for a residential building, office center, another construction facility in Moscow and the region. We will not only produce, but also deliver, and we mount our products in place.