Universal code for intercom metakom without display. Description of methods: how to open an intercom without a key chip

One of the devices most familiar to the average resident of apartment buildings is the Metacom.

These identification locking devices offer a high degree of unauthorized access prevention, are robust, offer multi-level access (both by key and using the Metakom personalized doorphone unlocking code associated with the apartment).

Like other devices, there is a so-called factory, universal code for one or another Metakom intercom.

It depends on the model and firmware of the device and in some cases it can help to get into the entrance if the key is lost, and the personalized combination is completely forgotten.

Features of intercoms Metakom

The Metakom company produces two main classes of devices, if you do not go into details.

One of them is equipped with a display, its hacking is multivariable and highly dependent on the firmware.

The second class is displayless. The intercom with a metacom model of this class will require you to enter data blindly, focusing only on sound signals.

Without exception, all Metakom products are designed for harsh operating conditions.

They operate at temperatures from -40 to +75, retain their performance during icing, provide for the installation of any magnetic lock, providing only effective control.

The number of available addressing (number of subscribers) can vary from 1 to 999, while everyone can receive personalized codes from the metakom entrance.

Installer companies are required to indicate it in the service contract. Another feature of the devices of this company: the apartment code for the keyless metakom intercom can be changed through the personal service menu.

Metakom doorphone opening methods without keys

The door unblocking method provided by the manufacturer is to use the metacom access code set for a specific subscriber.

This is a routine, normal operation. If you fail to do it, you can try one of the combinations based on using the factory settings.

Pressing the "B" button to start operations to open the Metakom intercom without a key

However, it is always worth remembering: all of the above methods will not work if the engineer installing the device on the door has done programming and changed the universal standard code with metakom.

All sets of numbers are entered using the call button - then just B.

Display codes

The method of how to open the Metakom intercom has the largest number of options and sets of numbers when it comes to a model equipped with a display. These locking devices belong to the most modern class and are available in a variety of modifications and firmware.

To hack the intercom with Metakom, you should:

  1. press B and the number of the subscriber from which the addressing begins at the entrance;
  2. after pressing B again, the display will show Cod after a short pause.

For other firmware, the following combinations of actions are available:

  • dial 65535-B-1234-B-8;
  • use 1234-B-6-B-4568.

Here 1234 is the standard password for the firmware from the metakom intercom, which is used in a huge number of models. If a specific intercom was programmed by Metak by an installation engineer, the combinations will not work.

For MK-20 M / T models, there are additional, own combinations for unlocking. To open such a unique Metakom intercom without a key, you can try the following button combinations:

  1. press B-27-B-5702;
  2. use B-1-B-4526.

The last combination is intended not only for unlocking the magnetic lock, but also for entering a new contact key into the registration database. If it is available (the universal standardized key for the Metakom intercom is also suitable) - after entering the tablet, you need to lean it against the appropriate platform on the device. Both of the above sets of actions work not only on MK-20 M / T models, but also on a large number of versions of intercoms without a display.

Changing software settings

All types of access to adjustment functions are made using a single password, it is also called a master code.

This is the already familiar factory combination 1234. You can try it, but if the installation was performed by the responsible master, this password will be changed.

You can find out the new master code from the company that equipped the door with a locking device and issued apartment keys for the installed Metakom intercom.

However, it often happens that the encoding has simply not changed.

The intercom has three types of regulation services:

  • service;
  • systemic;
  • custom.

In the first and second, changes are made to the unified universal Metakom code, apartment bindings and other specific operations. The last of the listed services is the most interesting.

With its help, you can change almost everything that relates to a specific subscriber.

  1. To change the registration of electronic keys, enter the combination 65535-B-1234-B-B-apartment number. After that, a new tablet is applied to the contact pad and B-7 is pressed. This allows you to register a new tablet in the device's memory, for example, to use one key for several entrances.
  2. Erasing data on all electronic keys attached to the subscriber - you need to press 655-B-1234-B-B-apartment number-B-7-0-111. This may be necessary because a limited amount of memory is allocated for each subscriber and sometimes it is required to clear it from old accounts.
  3. Setting a new individual unlock code provides that the homeowner agrees to this operation. To set the combination, press 65535-B-1234-B-B-apartment number-B-0-password-B.

Using the system service menu, you can feel like an engineer programming device and change the doorphone master password.

To do this, you need to know its old meaning. To install a new one, 65535-B-1234-B-9-3 is dialed on the panel. After that, you need to dial a new set of numbers and press the enter key to confirm.

There are techniques for resetting, erasing a specific key from memory, changing addressing, and other rarely used operations.

It is worth noting again: in the given character-letter sets, 1234 is the factory master password, which is recommended for the installer to change without fail.


In order not to get nervous and not look for information, how to open the Metakom intercom on your own entrance - you just need to have some accuracy.

In good form, if your own contact key is lost, you will order it. It can later be tied to a specific apartment by changing the settings of the lock device.

How to open a specific entrance Metakom - knows the company that installed the intercom. Therefore, in a critical situation, you can try to find out the master passwords and get specific data on hacking just by phone.

However, the best tactic is to be careful about your own keys, not to lose them and to know the individual emergency unlocking code for the apartment.

Video: How to open Metakom. Intercom by Metakom. Metacom code

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Everyone at least once in his life lost the keys to the entrance or did not know how to enter the house if a friend suddenly delayed, and it was pouring rain outside. The Metacom intercom can be opened without a magnetic key, but this article is not for those who are going to break the door, but for people who are in a difficult situation and act only to enter their own apartment.

PHOTO: bryansku.ru It is not necessary to use a magnetic key, you can open the door in several ways

Locking devices are of two types - with and without display. In the first case, you can open the door only with a key, and in the second, you can use several tips.

The "Metacom" intercom withstands strong temperature fluctuations and remains in working order even in frost -45 ºС or heat up to +75 ºС. For each entrance and individual subscriber, a personal code is created.

Related article:

How to open an intercom without a key: Vizit, Forward, Cyfral, Eltis, Keyman, Factorial, Blink, Domogard, T-Guard, Rainmann, Metakom; the principle of the intercom and the main ways of opening it - read the publication.

Design features, principle of operation of intercoms "Metacom"

The main features of the intercoms of this brand:

  • high strength and burglar resistance. Damage is virtually eliminated by coating with durable paint. High quality electronics are used;
  • microprocessors in the device are designed taking into account all the latest technologies. They do not fail both at high voltage and at sudden temperature changes;
  • connection is very simple, this greatly simplifies the process and the installation becomes cheaper.

Hacking such a device is almost impossible. If you want to get to your apartment, but have lost the key, call your neighbors, or use a few tricks.

How to open the "Metakom" intercom: distinctive features of identifiers that you need to know

The device, which is issued to the owners of apartments in the entrance - a magnetic key, is very well protected. It continues to work properly even at very high or low temperatures, as well as under various mechanical influences. The data exchange between the main device and the unlocking device is based on the principle of data transmission to the receiver from a magnetic jumper. Today there are a huge number of digital combinations and it is impossible to find a suitable one for a particular door.

All identification devices are completely individual and work only with the Metakom system, and the keys are made of various types, including contactless ones. The key can be in the form of a "pill" or a plastic card.

How to open the Metacom intercom without a key: existing methods

For each version of the device, certain codes are selected, they are always different. Depending on the type of intercom, you can choose several different ways to open the door without a key. First of all, you need to pay attention to the presence or absence of a display on the panel.

Unlocking the door with the Metacom intercom: instructions for models with a display

The easiest option is to enter an individual apartment code. It is spelled out in the contract issued during registration, however, apartment owners very often forget it, or even do not know about its existence. If this method does not work due to the fact that the landlord forgot the code, you can choose other options.

You should try to enter the standard code - 1234 and press the "call" button. However, it can be changed by the installer during installation.

Another option - the very first apartment number from the entire entrance is indicated, it can be 1, 215 or any other number. An inscription should appear confirming that the code is working. After that, the numbers 5702 are entered and you need to wait a few seconds. This is usually enough to unlock the lock, but if it still won't open, you can try a few more complex combinations.

Another combination is 65535 / B, after which the code 1234 / B and the number 8 are immediately entered. If this does not help, then you can check the latest option - 1234 / B and B / 6 / B / 4568.

If this code did not work either, all that remains is to wait for the neighbors to open the door.

Intercom "Metacom" without display: how to open the device without a key

If the intercom does not have a screen, you can use several methods:

  1. Dial the command B / 1 / B / 4526.
  2. Enter code B / 27 / B / 5702 and wait a little.

There are no other options. You can try to reprogram the device and enter a new key, but these are already drastic measures that should be resorted to only if you need to get home very urgently, and relatives will not return soon.

How to open the Metakom intercom without a key: codes for reprogramming

Reprogramming the intercom is a difficult thing that can bear unpleasant consequences not only for the owner of one apartment, but also for the entire entrance, so this method is not recommended.

If it is extremely important to reprogram the intercom, you should seek help from specialists. The support service number is usually indicated on the intercom itself and you can quickly contact the master using it.

Functions Available by Entering Special Codes

If during the installation of the intercom, the unified code 1234 was changed by the masters, then it will not work to enter the entrance, it is best to wait until one of the neighbors comes out. If the settings have not been changed, you can use some of the functions:

  • 65535 / B / 1234 / B / 9/3 / then a new cipher is introduced, universal and after that / B - changing the standard cipher to another;
  • 65535 / B / 1234 / B / B / apartment number / B / 0 / new password / B - code for changing the password only for your own apartment.

The use of other codes is strongly discouraged because they contribute to the reprogramming of the device. A situation may arise when even an experienced master will subsequently not be able to figure out which code was entered and none of the tenants will be able to get home, there will be only one option - to change the intercom, and this is not a cheap pleasure.

In this case, the same signal is transmitted to the new key.

How to open the Metacom intercom with a magnetic pick

If you need to get into the apartment as quickly as possible and there are no other options, you can try to add a new key to the already prepared list using the command 65535 / В / 1234 / В and your apartment number. Then a pill key is applied, after which you need to dial B / 7 and delete the programmed B / 7/0/11 cipher. Then, to enter the entrance, the key that was issued initially, but stopped working, is used.

All these methods will work only if the settings were not changed during installation. If the master nevertheless installed the protection, you need to take an agreement with the company that installed the intercom and come to the office, where a new key will be issued.

How to open an intercom without a key?

As you know, to configure the intercom, you need to get access to the programming mode. Traditionally, this is done by typing a password on the numeric keypad. After entering the installer mode, the specialist who dialed the code gets the opportunity to both open the door with an intercom, and change all kinds of system settings without opening the door.

Manufacturers paid special attention to this particular part of the system. However, the implementation of security system management is not always reliable, which allows both to open the intercom without a key, and to break into intercoms of any brand.

And the main thing is that each of the readers clearly remember: opening the intercom if the need arises is permissible, and hacking the intercom for mercenary purposes is punished according to the criminal code. And when the main purpose of searching for material on how to hack an intercom were just such plans, then look at the same time for the latest edition of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

In the article we will consider information on opening the following types of intercoms: Barrier II, IIM and 4; VIZIT (various models); Cyfral (various models); Eltis; METAKOM; Rainmann; DomoGuard; Blink; T-Guard.

But before that Some general notes on hacking doorphones:

1. You can open the intercom by force. The foot is at the very bottom of the door, under the handle, we rest well and properly, pull the handle. It is not necessary to overpower, it is just important to rest on your foot. It is impossible to simply pull the handle, the force of the magnetic lock is approximately 400 kg.

2. You can purchase a universal key for the intercom. This versatile tool gives us the ability to open almost any intercom. Of course, not all intercoms open, there are certain very secure models. But it still makes us feel free from various restrictions and obstacles. There are several modifications of these keys. There are some that can open any intercom, but the percentage of opening is not very high. More narrowly targeted models have also been developed. For example, they can only open Tsifral, only Visit, Tsifral and Metakom. They have a higher opening percentage (85-99%).

3. Apply intercom codes. You can also open the door with them. Read about the civilized hacking of intercoms in the article at the link.

4. Wait, stand until one of the residents of the entrance leaves. You can wait a long time. Not really. If we get lucky. But it is also possible to open the intercom.

5. Call the apartment and introduce yourself as a plumber, nurse, telephone operator, etc. Not every tenant will be able to open an intercom for you, since due to various hooligan and other actions of our people, confidence in such visitors is decreasing.

6. Piezo element from a lighter. You need to be an electric current in the place where the key from the intercom is inserted. Doesn't always work. But still, such a method to open the intercom has the right to be used.

7. Short-circuit the light bulb at the entrance. If the current is lost, the intercom will also turn off. There is no electricity - you can safely open the intercom. But you can run into trouble. So it is better to use other methods to calmly open the intercom.

8. In order to open the intercom it is possible, even necessary, to use some design features. Any intercom has a microphone and also a speaker. We need to do something similar to feedback. This is what we will use to open the intercom. We cover the intercom board with our hand so as to isolate the microphone and the speaker of the device from external noises. In this case, feedback is obtained (for example, when we bring the microphone to the speaker). At the very peak of the squeak, the door can be pulled well and the intercom can be opened. Why does this happen, you ask?

Because the intercom has its own amplifier. This is what we use to open the intercom. In the event that good feedback is received, the intercom is overloaded. Its microcircuits automatically reduce the voltage. In the case when the feedback is large, even very, then, accordingly, the supply of electrical energy is almost completely stopped and the door is de-energized. Now you can open the intercom with a slight movement of your hand.

9. Service menu. You need to go in there. You can already open the intercom from there.

10. You can also reset the permanent memory of the intercom.
It is necessary to find where exactly the power supply to the intercom is coming from. This usually comes from the visor. Mainly on the first floor of the entrance. There is a small block there. As expected, this block is very well hidden from outsiders. It is easy to reset the intercom memory. Apply +1.5 volts to the 1 and 6 and 8 and 12 m legs. The memory will be cleared. But it is clear that a specialist will be able to restore this case quickly. But we will not wait for him. We need to open the intercom.

11. In winter, intercoms with a touch keypad (DomoGuard, Rainmann) are hypothermic. We take a normal lump of snow, and lean against the keyboard. When the display shows "Err" (10-20 minutes), the intercom will unlock the lock.

12. For regular visits:
We catch the moment when the intercom door is open and glue several layers of adhesive tape on the magnet. At the same time, we leave a small area of ​​the surface for contact. At first glance, the intercom works as usual, but you just have to pull the door harder and voila, it is open.
Hacking intercoms Barrier II and IIM

An old Russian intercom similar to the "Barrier" with a mechanical lock and a flat magnetic key is now possible to meet no more often than a mammoth. Although - anything can happen, and such an intercom can also well stand in one or another no less old house. For models 2 and 2M there is an unchangeable opening code - 1013. Although, roughly speaking, the intercom is opened without problems by a pair of small magnets, with which it is enough to move around the platform to apply the key.

Barrier - 4

The fourth model of this type of intercom is single-user, it was installed in entrances with concierges. As a result, you won't be able to dial a non-replaceable code, but you will have to cheat with magnets to the bitter end. The key of this intercom has 3 magnets.

How to open an intercom without a key vizit

Visit intercoms are considered a little more difficult in terms of opening. The codes on them differ in a solid variety. Often there are no * and # keys on the keyboard, instead of them the C and K keys are used, respectively.

If the installer has not changed the usual settings of such an intercom, then the door should open when you enter * # 4230 or 12 # 345. Opens recently installed intercoms visit code * # 423 or 67 # 890

How to hack a vizit intercom through the service menu: dial # 999 - this is the entrance to the service menu, wait for 2 short beeps, then enter the master code (default 1234). The intercom visit, which is hacked, should react with one short squeak. If you used the wrong code, the signal will become two-tone. In such a situation, it is possible to try the usual varieties of master codes - 6767, 3535, 9999, 0000, 12345, 11639.

After entering the warranty menu, it is possible both to open the intercom for a visit, and to perform a number of slightly more difficult operations.

So, composition 2 - pause - # - pause - 3535 - command to open the intercom door without a key.

The key "3" is configured to program keys for the intercom. After pressing key 3 in the service menu, you must attach the key to the reader, press # and wait for the squeak. That's it, the key is entered into the intercom memory.

Button 4 erases keys from memory.

* - exits the used mode.

# - used to confirm configurations.

It will be a little more difficult to open the "Visit" intercom BVD-3xx - without a display and indication LEDs. To open the door, press 1 in the service menu. However, sometimes breaking the intercom The visit will be successful in the case of the BVD-34x model (with a left-hand receiver).

How to open the Cyfral intercom

To open the Cyfral intercom, you must:

A) in the event that at the entrance there is a living space numbered in multiples of Hundred (Hundred, 200, 300, and so on), then the code is tedious to enter like this: call button (code 1) call button (code 2). On the spot (code 1), it is necessary to enter the number of the living space that is a multiple of Hundred, and on the place of code 2 - 2323, 7272 or 7273.

B) for doorphone models with the letter "M" it is possible to try the code "call button 41" or "call button 1410". Sometimes the door opens if you just enter 07054.

The intercom CCD-2094.1M must be opened in a different way. It is possible to distinguish it by a burning or flashing line on the screen. If you dial the code "call 0000" either it immediately opens up, or you enter the warranty menu (the inscription ON on the screen), then you must press 2, after which the door will open. If OFF appears, the quick entry mode is disabled. This means that the installer, who has been assembling the Digital intercoms for a long time, was in action. The access codes were changed by him accordingly.

Intercom codes Cyfral CCD-2094M

In order to open this type of intercom, you must dial the code "0000 call key". The monitor should show “cod”. It is necessary to use the code 123456 "Call" or 456999 "Call", sometimes the composition 123400 "Call" is used. We are waiting for two to five seconds. If “f0” appears on the monitor, then access to the system menu is open. To open the door, you must use the code 601.

If there is a desire to visit this intercom (more precisely, its owners) often, then it is better to enter in the memory of the intercom a personal key suitable for the "Tsifral" intercom. To achieve the desired result, you must press the call button and keep it pressed until an inscription appears on the monitor notifying you of entering the service mode. After that, we press the "five" and enter the number of the living space available in the entrance. The text on the monitor should change to TOUCH. When this happened - we attach the key. If a model with an old optical key comes across on the way, then instead of the number of the living space, you must dial 600, then insert the key and press the call key.

How to open the Eltis intercom

Eltis intercoms, codes for which do not differ in variety, are simple enough to open. There are 2 options for service combinations that will ensure the "neat hacking" of the Eltis intercom: "call button 100 call button 7273" or "call button

One hundred call button 2323 ". If the hacking of the Eltis intercom did not succumb to such compositions, it is possible to try the options from the "Tsifral" intercoms.

How to open the METAKOM intercom

Hacking the intercom with Metakom is done according to the following scheme: you need to press the call button, then use the number of the first living space in the entrance and press the call again. The monitor should show “COD”. After that, you need to use the code directly - 5702. If this technique does not work, then try the compositions 65535 call button 1234 call button 8 or 1234 call button 6 call button 4568.

And also - about how to hack the intercom with Metakom MK-20 M / T without dancing around the keyboard. In this model, roughly speaking, there is no and will not be a system of protection against the use of master keys. As a result, if you bring a "pill" without firmware to the doorphone reader, it will automatically enter the programming mode. If there is no pill, it is possible to persuade him to open using the numeric keypad. Intercom code Metakom brand MK-20 M / T codes can be "call key 27 call key 5702" or this "call key 1 call key 4526".

How to open the Rainmann intercom

Reinmann 2000 models, also those doorphones of this brand that have a dot on the left on the monitor, can be opened like this:

Press the "key" key on the numeric keypad and enter the code 987654. The answer to this operation should be a double beep. After that, enter the code 123456. The letter "P" should appear on the screen, which actually speaks of entering the service menu.

The intercom is then controlled using the numeric keypad:

4 - block the door;

6 - turn off the intercom;

8 - open the door;

How to open the DomoGuard intercom

Domogard intercoms open a little more difficult. You need to hold down the C key and wait for a squeak. Then quickly enter the service combination - 669900, press the call button and use the apartment number one greater than the last one in the entrance. The intercom will react by showing the inscription "F ---" on the display. It means that we are in the service menu of the intercom. To open the door, dial the code 080. To enter a new key into the memory - code 333, to disable the door lock - code 071

How to open the T-Guard intercom

Hacking this intercom is a particularly simple one. Press “call key + 00000 + call key twice.” The bottom line is to make the last two presses very quickly. The door is open.

How to open the intercom "Factorial"

The order of these intercoms is similar to Digital. The service menu is entered after the 6-digit code of the Factorial intercom has been dialed. Usually it is 000000 or 123456. But the installers say that hacking the Factorial intercom is almost impossible, if only because the Factorial intercom code is changed without fail during installation - this is one of the mandatory service settings. But you can try this combination - press the "5" key until the service message appears on the screen (3-5 seconds), then dial 180180 + call button + 4 + call button.

How to open the Blink intercom

This is the only single-user audio intercom commonly installed on the Russian market. It has neither a screen nor a numeric keypad and is usually installed in houses with a concierge or in private cottages. Therefore, service combinations will not help here. The usual D9-0.1 battery will help - "Krona", "Corundum" and the like. The European type of such a battery is 6F22. Therefore, we find under the bottom panel false bolts of a strange shape - they exactly correspond to the "Crown" connector. We apply a battery to them - and voila, the intercom is open.

Collected from various open Internet sources.

In almost all apartment buildings, various access restriction systems are used. It is possible to open the Metacom intercom in several ways, in which it is not necessary to use an electronic key. However, before that, you should know the general information and features of the intercom systems of the company "Metacom".

General information

Since 1996, Metakom LLC has been one of the largest manufacturers of intercom systems, presenting modern systems for controlling access to premises. The firm's experience allows us to meet any customer's requirements. The products are constantly being modernized: the level of technology is increased and the quality is controlled, which consists of three levels.

Representative offices of the company are located in many countries, and this testifies to the quality of the devices. From this we can conclude that access restriction systems satisfy not only the domestic buyer, but also the foreign one. A huge number of branches of the manufacturer testifies to the reliability of the products. Intercoms "Metakom" occupy a leading position in the domestic and foreign markets.

To open the door, you must have a special electronic key. The identifiers have a high degree of reliability: they are resistant to mechanical shock and electromagnetic waves. There are 2 options for their execution:

  1. Contact.
  2. Contactless.

The first version has a built-in microcircuit (chip) with a memory in which certain information is recorded. The key works on the principle of data exchange. The code cannot be picked or faked, since it has a huge number of numerical combinations (approximately 260,000,000).

The non-contact type is made according to the Em-marine standard in the form of a key fob. The key is also issued in the form of a plastic card. It is impossible to make it yourself, so if you lose it, you should contact the master who installed the intercom. Without an identifier, it is impossible to get into an entrance or an object on which an access restriction system is installed.

Opening methods

In some cases, it is impossible to open Metacom without a key, since an experienced engineer changes the factory code of the device when installing the intercom. The lock release is provided by the manufacturer for emergency door opening. If the operation of entering the password from the "metacom" doorphone cannot be performed, it is necessary to use one of the methods of emergency opening of the locking device:

  1. Introduction of the standard code from the Metakom intercom.
  2. Reprogramming the device.
  3. Make a mechanical impact on the door, which is opened by an electronic lock.

Each model has certain codes that the manufacturer "sews" into the memory of the devices. The latter method should be used when the standard method does not work.

Standard way

Numerical sequences are entered by pressing the call button (B). The codes depend on the model and firmware version of the device. For example, one model may have a completely different version of the "firmware": the device was handed over to a service center and was "flashed" with other software). To open a "metacom", you must perform certain actions:

  1. Press "B" and the number of the subscriber from which the addressing begins at the entrance.
  2. Press "B" again (the display should show a request to enter the code on the screen - the message "Cod").
  3. Enter the combination "5702" and the door will open in 2-3 seconds.

If the door does not open, you can try the following combinations: 65535-B-1234-B-8 and 1234-B-6-B-4568. When you need to hack an intercom that does not support keys, you should use the following combinations: B-27-B-5702 and B-1-B-4526. The last combination serves not only for unlocking the lock, but also enters the electronic key identifier into the database. If you type it and bring the id-key to the reader, its value will be entered into the database. There is an algorithm that allows you to remove a key from the device's memory:

  1. Press the "B" key.
  2. Enter the serial number of the very first apartment and press "B" again.
  3. If everything is done correctly, the message “Cod” should appear on the display.
  4. Enter the command: 65535-B-1234-B-990111.

This method is used by hackers. They "reset" the code of the first apartment. In addition, they use an id-key with a blank value and the combination "B-1-B-4526", that is, they add an empty value to the database (in cybercriminals jargon, an empty value is called "Null"). If for some reason it is impossible to open the electronic lock by entering standard codes, you need to reprogram the device. Intercom systems without a display are easier to open without an electronic identifier. There are only 2 options for the code:

  1. Standard: B-27-B-5702 and wait 2-3 seconds.
  2. Reserve: V-1-V-4526.

The first option for intercom systems without a display is universal, when it did not fit, you should go to the backup code. If for some reason the device did not unlock the electronic lock, you need to use the help of a specialist or perform mechanical action on the device or door.

Intercom programming

You can also change the device code by changing the program settings (system reprogramming operation). For these purposes, you should apply the master code. It is standard and its value corresponds to the set of numbers "1234". However, when installed by an experienced craftsman, it changes, and you can only find out from an engineer. The intercom has 3 adjustment services: service (service), system and user.

To enter the service service, you must enter the combination "65535-B-1234-B". The combination "65535-B-1234-B-9" will allow you to enter the system menu. In addition, the system service allows you to change the doorphone password, but for this you need to know the old password. The password is changed with the combination "65535-B-1234-B-9-3" and a new password is entered. The custom mode allows you to perform the following operations:

  1. Changing the registration of keys: the combination "65535-B-1234-B-B-apartment number". After entering the sequence, you need to attach the key and press "B-7".
  2. Erasing the database of all keys (you do not need to indicate the apartment number) or a separate entry tied to a specific subscriber: 65535-B-1234-B-B-No. of the apartment-B-7-0-111.
  3. Setting a new unblocking code: 65535-B-1234-B-apartment No.-B-0-password-B.
  4. Saving the apartment number in the intercom memory: 65535-B-1234-B-No. of the apartment-B-7.
  5. Deleting all master keys: 65535-B-1234-B-97111.
  6. Entering a new identifier into the database (the key must be attached to the reader): 65535-B-1234-B-99.
  7. Removing the identifier: 65535-B-1234-B-990-111.

The first operation is necessary when you need to use the key for several entrances. The database should be erased when system errors occur, as in some cases the product starts to work incorrectly. In addition, it is necessary to clear the device memory from unnecessary information, which also affects the quality of the residents' safety.

Setting a new code is necessary when it is impossible to enter the entrance due to a damaged electronic key. If the owner of the apartment has been absent for a long time (was in work, government service, etc.) and did not pay for the intercom, his apartment number and information about the id-key can be entered into the device's memory. Removal of all master keys may be required if the system does not work correctly.

Mechanical impact

There are exceptions in which none of the methods works. This happens in critical situations when you need to urgently get to the object. In this case, you can try to open the door using forceful methods of influence. In addition, you must remember that these actions are illegal, and if the intercom or door is damaged, you can incur administrative or criminal liability. The methods of forceful action include:

  • electrical discharge;
  • jerk;
  • blow on the door.

When exposed to a source of electrical discharge on the reader, the intercom will work, since the electrical circuit of the device will open. It is also possible to bring an ordinary lighter to the reader. However, in this case, the intercom may fail. The actuation of the device is based on the physical Ohm's law. As the temperature rises (warming up the reader), the resistance of the electrical circuit increases, and the current decreases.

As a result, the relay or transistor cannot hold the gate of the electronic lock, and the door will open. If you act on the reader with an electric discharge (for example, a shocker), then the semiconductor elements of the circuit will fail. In this case, the bolt of the lock will return to its original state. If you use a lighter, the probability of failure of the intercom system is less than when exposed to an electric discharge.

You can also open the door with a strong jerk, but great force is required. However, this method can only be used for older doorphones. If the model is new, you will not be able to open the lock in this way. The door can open by hitting its sash. This is possible only at a low current value, which can only be found in older models. It is necessary to hit hard and slightly below the outdoor panel.

Call neighbors

Another method, when you can stay out of conflict with the law and keep your equipment in good condition, is to call your neighbors. You need to ask them to open the door, and you can also wait until someone leaves the entrance. If the building is an apartment building, this happens very often. If none of the methods came up, and the tenants of the house continue to suffer from a faulty device, you need to contact a company that specializes in intercoms.

In addition, METAKOM offers a universal electronic key, which is multifunctional. In this case, there is no need to select codes, since the factory "firmware" is used in the id-key.

Thus, the METAKOM intercoms are the optimal solution for ensuring the security of objects. Opening it is quite problematic, but it is possible with the help of special codes. In addition, when using custom settings, the device can be reprogrammed.

Intercom Metakom is one of the most commonly used intercoms in apartment buildings. The name of the device is heard by many people, since such checkpoints provide broad protection against unauthorized access. They are very durable and difficult to crack. You can open the door intercom with Metakom not only with a programmed subscriber key, but also with a specific code that is assigned to a specific apartment.

As you know, all models of intercoms have their own universal code, which is programmed during the manufacture of the device. It is determined by the intercom model and its firmware. If you suddenly for some reason lost your key to the intercom, then in some cases you can use this code to open the door.

Some nuances

The Metacom company produces two main categories of devices, if you do not go into details. One of them is equipped with a screen or display and its hacking is distinguished by alternatives and is precisely determined by the firmware. The second type is without a screen. Models of this category require input of information "by touch", relying only on sound signals. Almost all of Metakom's devices are designed for harsh environments. They can operate at temperatures ranging from -40 to + 75ºC. The models work during glaciation and involve the installation of absolutely any electromagnetic lock with varying degrees of amplification. The number of available subscribers can range from one to nine hundred and ninety-nine, while anyone can accept personalized codes from the entrance with the Metakom system. Firms that are engaged in the installation of intercom systems must necessarily register it in a special contract for work.

How to open a Metakom intercom without a key?

The door unlocking method foreseen by the manufacturer is to use the password code that is assigned to a specific subscriber. Below we will consider all kinds of commands for opening the intercom with Metakom without using key access.

Important! Do not forget that such methods, which we will consider in no case, will work if the installers installing your intercom have changed the factory standard Metakom code.

Screen codes

The way how to open this intercom has the largest number of variations and sets of numbers, if we talk about the model that is equipped with a screen. Such locking units should be classified as the most current category, they come in a variety of options and firmware. In order to hack the intercom with Metakom, it is necessary to perform certain clear actions:

  • Press the B button and select the subscriber's number, from which the addressing begins at the entrance
  • Then it is imperative to press button B again on the screen after a short pause, the inscription Cod will appear

Then several digits 5702 are dialed and after a few seconds, namely two, the Metakom intercom is opened without a real contact key.

In the video: Opening an intercom with a Metakom MK-2003 screen using a code.

For the remaining firmwares, the following set of combinations is allowed:

  • Make up 65535-B-1234-B-8
  • Apply 1234-B-6-B-4568

Here one, two, three, four is the factory metakom firmware code used in a large number of models. If a specific intercom was programmed, which is installed by a specialist, the sets will never work. For MK-20 M / T types there are side, individual unlock kits. In order to open such an actual intercom with a metak without a key, you can try the following combinations:

  • Press B-27-B-5702
  • Apply B-1-B-4526

The final set is needed not only to unlock the electromagnetic lock, but also to enter a new contact key into the registration database. If suddenly it exists in stock (a multifunctional standard key for an intercom metakom is also suitable) - after you have entered the tablet, you must press it to the desired site on the unit. Two sets of steps are given for a large number of doorphones without a screen.

In the video: How to record a key on the Metakom MK2003.1 intercom

In the video: Key programming on the MK-20.2 intercom

Changing software settings

Almost all the digits of access to settings are done with a single code or password, it is also called the master code. This well-known standard set is one, two, three, four. You need to try to enter this command, but, suddenly, the installation was made by a professional specialist - this password will definitely be changed. You need to find out another master code from the company that equipped the door with a locking unit and issued the keys to the apartments for the supplied metakom intercom. But sometimes it happens that the encoding has not easily changed. The intercom has three categories of settings. This is user, system and, of course, service. In the first and second, the change of the only relevant and multifunctional code with metakom, the connection of apartments and various other special processes is made. The most interesting is by far the final of all three listed services. With its help, it is possible to change virtually everything that is assigned to a specific subscriber.

  1. To change the registration of electronic keys - enter the set 65535-B-1234-B-B-number of the apartment. After all this, a brand new tablet is placed on the contact pad and B-7 is pressed. What does this allow? This allows you to register a brand new tablet in the "brain" of the unit, for example, in order to use one key for many entrances.
  2. Disappearance of information about all electronic keys attached to the subscriber - you must press 655-B-1234-B-B-digit of apartment-B-7-0-111. This may be necessary because all subscribers are allocated an oppressed amount of memory and sometimes it is necessary to clean up old accounts.
  3. Installing a brand new separate unlock password predicts that the homeowner agrees with the process. To install the set, press 65535-B-1234-B-B-apartment digit-B-0-code or password-B

With the help of the system service list, it is possible to feel like a professional specialist programming unit and change the master code or doorphone password. For this process, it will be necessary to know its previous meaning. In order to set a new code, dial 65535-B-1234-B-9-3 on the service panel. After all, you need to dial a new set of numbers and press the ENTER button to confirm.

There are also some ways to reset a certain key from memory, change addressing, and other similar methods that are very rarely used. It is imperative to note again: in the written sets one, two, three, four - this is the standard master code, which the professional specialist is advised to change urgently.

On the video: All kinds of ways to open the door of the intercom with Metakom


In order not to waste your nerves and search frantically for information on how to open a metakom intercom at your entrance - you just need to be careful. Including, it is imperative to read with special attention the contract in which the emergency access set is spelled out. It would be a great thing to order a multifunctional key if you suddenly lost the contact. Later it is possible to attach it to a specific apartment by changing the settings of the lock unit.