The device of the apron in the kitchen of ceramic tiles. How to lay out a pounty tile in the kitchen

The kitchen apron is designed to preserve the walls in their original purity, it is easy to wash from fat splashes and water. It is created in several options, but specifically in this article, we will tell about how the apron is made from the tiles with their own hands.

It is necessary that the kitchen apron closes the walls of the walls above the working area. This distance is approximately equated to 60 centimeters and is located above the working area from the tabletop, to the kitchen hinged cabinets, slightly leaving the table top. Over the slab, the tile is laid out to the exhaust level.

The design and dimensions of the apron are planned in advance!

If you have not yet been purchased a kitchen set, the calculation is made on the marks on the wall. Since we know the size of the tile with an apron area, we will not be difficult to calculate the required amount of tile, after pre-drawing the drawing. It must be remembered - the tile is bought with a reserve of 10-15%, as the formation of marriage, in the process of masonry inevitably. Marriage can be both uneven cuts and cutouts for sockets.

Thove apron. Features.

Before any beginning, it is worth familiar with the material with which to work.

Perhaps many would not have decided to make an apron of tile, knowing the features of this material.

If the apron formed dirt, the process of washing will be long and difficult!

The tile itself is easily clean from fat, if used for this special means. But, after laying, seams are formed equal to 1.5-2 millimeters, dirt will be in one way or another, and it will be difficult to withdraw it from there. In a different way, put the tile failure - the seams will be unchanged attributes of your kitchen, so tune in to the fact that the apron is used to wash with a certain frequency. Therefore, the main recommendation is to use as apron only a smooth glossy tile without relief, and make the seams are small, it is desirable, using the cross-long 1 millimeter cross. To another disadvantage of the apron of tile, it is possible to include laboriousness of work, compared with other options. The stacker must have experience and think in advance how to close the pipes and where to make sockets.

The main advantage of this option is a pleasant value and a long service life. But, taking into account the cost of work and additional materials to prepare - the option is not the most profitable.

Prepare to the masonry.

Let's assume that in order to lay out the apron tile, we need two rows of tiles 27 * 40 centimeters, with one number of decor of the same size.

At the initial stage, you may have doubts where to place apron, from the table top or lower, here the main thing is not to break the tile pattern. Suppose we bought a collection with a decor with a horizontal strip. The displacement size, in this case, will depend on how this strip will split the apron space. To improve visual perception, it is better to do it as follows - divide the space by half, using the law of the golden section (total height * 0,618). Let's agree that the walls were lined with plasterboard or plaster in advance. These works must be fully fulfilled, as it is stupid to rely on the fact that glue can save from the curves of the walls. Many mistakenly believe that putting the tile on thick glue, it will rise evenly.

However, the adhesive has one very bad property - dry when frozen. And if the size of your layer is uneven, while drying the tile can break away and it may be a story. Putting the tile on the blotch is strongly recommended, before it needs to be removed. If the wall is covered with ordinary oil paint, it is not necessary to remove it, just make notches on it (up to 100 pieces per m2). To do this, use a bracker with a disc on concrete or chisel.

Due to the non-low weight tile, the entire old plaster is deleted in advance, which is weakly kept.

After you have a mark of the bottom row, set the profile. It is necessary to maintain tiles, otherwise the glue will not have time to frozen and your tile slips. To do this, use laser or hydroelectric background. Using one of these tools, you will be able to fix the tile perfectly.

Exhibit a profile clearly by level!

Apply glue.

1. For an increase in adhesion, treat the wall of deep penetration with the wall.

3. To uniformly distribute the glue on the wall. Use the toothed spatula.

4. The sample of the teeth is selected taking into account the format and weight of the tile, in our case we use a combing of 8 mm.

5. Wheel on how to apply glue on the wall, you will have 20 minutes, to correct the result, after the glue starts to harden. In total, in the bucket, it can stand no more than 2 hours.

Watch out the thickness of the glue layer, it should not exceed 2-3 mm!

The first tile is placed in the most prominent place, the trimming is left at the end.

Using a rule of a long 2 meter, control so that the tile is in a single plane relative to the wall. Pre-install for a time in the opposite side of your kitchen, the beacon tiles, on it you will need to determine the deviations of the rest.

Laying first rows and beacon tiles.

1. For verification of vertical deviations, we use the level, preferably bubble length 60 cm, or laser, if you have it.

  1. After pressing the tile, take the thickness of the adhesive, the excess of the layer above 3 mm is undesirable.
  2. After installing the second tile and removal of the temporary lighthouse, clean the wall from the glue. Align the remaining tile relatively installed.


Pay attention to the direction of the pattern when laying the tile, the manufacturer, on its reverse side, usually exposes the arrow, they must be directed in one direction in all tiles.

  1. If you purchased a cheap domestic tile on the apron, then in the process of its operation, you will be 99 percent to come across the irregularities of its geometric sizes. Deviations will be approximately equal to 1, 2 mm. These errors are compensated by the width of the seams.
  2. The profile screwed to the wall will give an ideal horizontal line, but if the tile is not the same, the upper line may turn out to be a curve. To avoid this, put special plastic wedges under the tile, allowing to adjust the level, depending on their immersion.
  3. When laying the tile, control it to be smooth, relatively adjacent items and keep the overall horizontal. If it is necessary, adjust its size due to the width of the seams and wedges below.
  4. The second row falls in a similar way, but what to control the desired indentation between the tiles use crosses from plastic. Purchase them with a thickness of no more than 2 mm on the apron, in our case it is worth buying a thickness of 1.5 mm. It is advisable to immerse them completely, only in this case it is easier to get the seam of the required width. If the seam is not complete, it becomes smaller, with the help of crosses, correct the evenness of vertical and horizontal seams.
  5. If necessary, cut the tile with manual stoves or grinder. If there is no such tool at hand, use any sharp object: a nail, knife, drill and so on.

We make holes under the electrics.

In order to make a hole for the wire, you will fit the drill for the tile. Wall tile is much softer with outdoor, so one drill will be used to use 15-20 holes.

Holes of greater width are made under sockets, using a diamond spraying crown on a drill. If you have a grinder with a diamond disk on a tile (the disk should be without holes, and the spraying is without bullshit) and a certain skill, you should have to make holes and with it.

To help the stacking, we can offer to buy a new innovative tool - the tile alignment system that we sell three varieties:, and. All their details are made of impact-resistant plastics and about half of them are designed for reusable, that is, save your money during repairs. This tool is two to four times accelerates the process of carrying out facing work, therefore, especially respect among the tiler - professionals, which, thanks to this, can make a greater amount of work and to earn more accordingly. Better laying of tiles with him is amenable to both beginners who are capable of obtaining very professional quality of styling. On the fact of the tile alignment system create perfectly smooth seams and the surface, substantially facilitating the workflow, removing extra manipulations with the level. Structurally Tile alignment systems Consist of 2-3 details. One of them (this may be the base, the clamp, the base) starts behind the tile and is responsible for the quality of the seam and, as a rule, fixes the second part that is responsible for creating a smooth surface. All items have factory quality and do not even have the slightest defects or flaws.

Advantages of alignment systems in comparison with the traditional method of laying

After the adhesive solution is dry, the tile does not seek and does not slide down;
Ideally smooth surface quality, in three planes: horizontal, diagonal, vertical;
Two to four times accelerates the process of conducting facing works to obtain good final quality;

Good opportunity to make good repair even for beginner;
The presence of reusable details - saving is obvious;
The application of alignment systems avoids:
Obtaining injuries that arise as a result of falling when a collision with protruding edges of the tile and a tile laid with drops;
The formation of a tile chipping, due to the mechanical impact of legs, furniture and heavy items;
Mud accumulation in curves of seams between tiles laid in different levels;
And much more.
Do not want such incidents? Use tile alignment systems and get a decent repair that you wanted!

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To Buy tile alignment system, any presented in our online store, you can use the calculator.
Select the alignment system in it, the size of the tile, specify the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and the place of residence. He will consider you the required amount of goods with delivery to the entrance.
After placing the application, our manager will contact you to clarify the delivery address and the amount of material.
For your convenience, we have implemented a large number of payment methods. Good repairs and good shopping!

When repairs are in the kitchen, the owners want to make it the most practical, original. These properties of the room can give an apron of tile, which will protect the wall during cooking and will look very aesthetically, attracting the attention of guests.

The main material for apron is ceramics. It has indispensable quality: resistant to high temperatures, fat, moisture, household chemicals. Putting it yourself quite possible if you use the relevant recommendations. But professionals will make faster and better.

Before reaching this part of the repair, you need to carefully measure and think over the design of the future apron into the kitchen from the tile in accordance with the general design of the room.

Watch an interesting video. The masters laid apron in 10 minutes. Quickly and clearly 🙂

A little bit about size

The tile on the kitchen is of different sizes, the apron is better to take a large - 20 * 30.

There are several nuances when determining the area of \u200b\u200bceramic coating.

  • the height of the lower edge relative to the floor level is calculated simply: the label is placed 5 cm below the table top;
  • upper edge - above 60-70 cm, depending on the height of the upper row of furniture;
  • at the installation site, the apron is postponed to the place of its contact with the wall;
  • the length of the coating is better throughout the table top;
  • the amount of material directly depends on the masonry method.

Standard is the most economical, for independent masonry it is advantageous. Diagonal - most expensive due to trimming angles.

The larger the size of the tile, the faster it will be laid, because the area is reduced quickly, and there is less junctions.

How to choose a tile?

In building stores, the range of classical ceramics on the apron for the kitchen is very diverse. You can use the following tips:

  • rate Composition: The best option will be the stove with additional protection against chemistry with the labeling "AA", porous and covered with icing;
  • right: ceramics stands in different ways, in the kitchen on the apron you can not take too expensive, the quality is unlikely to deteriorate;
  • choose a ceramic tile for several tones lighter or darker color of wallpaper or furniture, but in the same range (if you really want something unusual, you can lay out an apron with a ceramics of another color, but choose the appropriate curtains, blinds or interior items (panel, clock, vases , dishes);
  • pay attention to classic colors: white, beige (they can pick up stickers from vinyl, the apron will always be new, original); Such a tile is suitable for any kitchen, apron looks elegant;
  • inquire if there is a ceramic tile into a kitchen with a finished decor to lay out apron. Designers offer many interesting options: mosaic, plot and landscape panels, always popular clinker (imitating brickwork), ceramics with photo printing. After watching the catalog, you can find an unexpected solution for apron from tiles to your kitchen.

Purchase a tile in such a quantity to have enough "with a margin" in case of breakdown.

What is needed for laying?

Deciding with the tile, it is necessary to look at other departments: at home may not turn out to be the entire set of necessary materials and tools. It is necessary to progress and purchase special glue, primer, waterproof grout and decor (if color tile).

From the tools will be required:

  • various spatulas (rubber, toothed);
  • trowel or spatula to apply glue;
  • building levels (long, short) and pencil;
  • roulette.

When installing the apron, it is not without a grinder or tile cutter, fasteners for drywall, drill, remote crossing and dowels. A sponge and buckets for water and glue are used.

The kitchen tile is chosen, the apron is calculated and thought out, materials and tools in place. You can proceed to work.

How to prepare the wall?

High-quality preparation of the foundation will be a guarantee of durability of the kitchen apron. First of all, you need to correctly remove the old basis.

  • Wallpaper. On paper to make cuts and moisten with soapy water. When the wallpaper is wedged and detached, they are easy to remove the spatula. The remains wash off with water and give the wall to dry. Wooden wall is better treated with Olife.
  • Paint. Many masters do not recommend removing paint if it is well lied. "Problem" places can be cleaned and primed.
  • Cables for outlets and appliances. If they pass under the apron, they need to be put in the shoes, the recesses for which you need to do in the wall. The irregularities are ground, the wire is closed with plaster.
  • Purified surface. If it is uneven, you can use plaster, putty or plasterboard. After drying the solutions, the surface is ground.

On the aligned wall make notches so that the glue is better grabbed.

On the wall of the kitchen can be fungus! It must be processed by a special solution!

A significant stage - applying markup. The lower edge of the apron will be relying on a thin wooden bar or metal profile (temporary measure) attached to the wall (temporary measure). The accuracy of their location should be measured by the construction level. Vertical lines that need to be buried strictly perpendicular to the rail, help control the accuracy of masonry.

The preparation of the adhesive solution is carried out in accordance with the instructions.

Do not dissolve a lot of glue! It quickly grabs and loses properties!

How does the tile laid out?

If the stacker is a novice, it is better to lay a tile for a kitchen apron by the base method, that is, in the rows, starting below.

The glue can be applied in two ways: on the tile itself and on the wall. Specialists disagree in opinions, which one is better. The main thing is that ceramics are good "sat down" and the glue under it is evenly distributed.

Yet more practical and more convenient to apply the adhesive composition on the wall, so you can put 2-3 tiles at the same time. In this case, it is not excluded to apply a very thin layer of glue and on them too.

You can start laying from the edge of the apron and from the middle - as more convenient. The first tile is the most important, when it is installed, do not do without a level or a corner that can be temporarily installed. When you lay out at the same time several pieces, the entire addition fragment is checked.

  • glue apply on the wall with a thin spatula under area 2 or 3 tiles, toothed to make grooves;
  • the tile attach to the wall by pressing, which should be uniform. The excess glue is placed by tapping along the tile area. The accuracy of the installation is checked by the level.

Crossings in horizontal and vertical seams are installed to withstand the same distance between the tiles.

If irregularities remained on the wall, it is permissible to put a thicker layer of glue in this place. First, the first row is mounted. On it - all "responsibility" for the next ranks. It will be better if it gives it enough time for graze (within 24 hours).

Each subsequent row upload only after the previous bread!

In the locations of the wires and installation of sockets on ceramics, you need to correctly make markers for which the holes will be cut out. After installing 10-12 tiles, be sure to wipe the rod or sponge to warn the pouring of the glue on the surface.

What and how to cut a tile?

There is a need to cut ceramics. This can be done with the help of a grinder or roller glass cutter. If you need to cut a lot, it is better to use the tiles. All actions are performed on the facial side of the tile.

  • Bulgarian. There will be fine dust, so the gauze bandage or respirator does not prevent. With the help of a grinder on the tile make an incision, after which it breaks well. Minus - uneven edges that will have to be treated with a sandpaper or file.
  • Roller glass cutter. Pre-tile hold 40 minutes in water. According to the intended line with pressure to draw a line. Put the tile on the edge of the table strictly according to this feature. Reverse the tile with a sharp movement. When laying, the factory edge is attached from the side of the glued tile.
  • Platekorez. Act according to instructions.

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Laying apron from tiles in the kitchen with their own hands

For reading required ~ 6 minutes

It is necessary to put a tile on the kitchen apron - we begin to wise. So always at beginners. It is necessary to organize your first test of the Tilenik as simple as possible, refusing the intricate mosaic, diagonal "harlequin" and other delights. It turns out to lay out two rows of 40 x 20 cm without flaws - and the newcomer is almost that the pros! In this article, let's talk about the rules of laying apron from tiles in the kitchen with their own hands.


Features of the kitchen apron from tile

Glue under ceramics should lie evenly, without air cavities. Beautiful, but very fragile material is to be repeatedly washed, sometimes with effort. It is unlikely to fall out, but crawls - for sure.


And the strip above the working surface should decorate, please. The process of cooking is labor cost, something should be cheerful. Choose beautiful tiles - half. They harmonize the top, the bottom headset, are a significant part of the interior. Would not be mistaken with the design!


Ceramics - three thousand years or more. Designers insist pay attention to the following points:

  • Without seams, it is impossible to lay 2 mm, 1 mm, but should be;
  • It is necessary to start part of the tile down, under the level of the table;
  • The edge of the upper row we turn under the top lockers;
  • Above the cooking surface above, if the exhaust sleeve without facade linings - we put under the most exhaust hatch;
  • In the corners of turns, on the turnings of the apron of small cuts do not lay;
  • From the angle to the left / right - there must be the same pieces of tiles;
  • 2/3 of the tile length - good cut, clapper - a balanced, smaller dimensions better exclude;
  • The main thing is the most difficult - to combine the apron pattern with the construction of kitchen furniture.


Determine the dimensions of the apron, the calculation of the material

Suppose the furniture structure is adjacent to two walls - long and short. One of the ends of the headset has a turn near the entrance door. That is, the layout of the letter "g".


  • start with a solid tile on the left and right;
  • not to testify with small cuts inside the angle;
  • accurately decide on the bottom edge of the calculations.

Selected seam 2 mm. So calculations must operate with a module 202 mm, and not at all tiled 200 mm. From the angular edge, the adjacent layer "takes" 18 mm (where 1 cm is the thickness of the adhesive layer, and 0.8 cm - the thickness of the tile itself). But from the overall length of masonry claims to his molding-ending. He is 15 mm.


Blacks in the plastered wall strip for tiled masonry, given:

Distance from finishing floor to the edge of the bottom row of tiles

Distance from the surface of the table top to the middle seam

Distance from the lower edge of the lockers to the middle seam

850 – 60 = 800

850 + 20 + 330 = 1200

where 850 is the height of the lower part of the headset

330 - visible part of the tile height, without leaving under the locker 50 (mm)

20 - Width of the covering of the table and molding apron

70 - leaving for lockers

330 - Half H Tile

It can be seen that the cabinet, together with a tabletop and an angular molding, will cover not 5 cm of the lower row of the tile, and all 7. The displacement of 2 cm is transferred (increasing) for the mark of the horizontal axis. The upper row of tiles of its lower edge will fall to the level (850 + 20) + 1.5 + 330 \u003d 1201.5 (mm). The band 661.5 is the visible part of the apron, neatly separated by one horizontal seam.


Calculate the purchased number of tiles is easy - to the total S2 area it is necessary to add as much as required for cutting. Rezanny tiles are used only once, so it is not necessary to wise. On the economical use of pieces: the blasting of the brilliance, the invertation of the corners, the secondary use of the stingy will give out.


It should be noted: The simplest example is shown, but for the most optimal altitude, the apron is about 660 mm, as well as for the standard height of the kitchen tables - 850 mm.

Needls of business Patterned, striped, panel, relief decorators do not offer. But if you load it from the first time - it is drawn to the coal, all your ideas, configuring vertical horizontal seams.

Preparation for work and necessary tools to lay out apron in the kitchen

Tile purchased, purchased the desired volume of dry tile glue. What tool will need?


Here is a list:

  • spatula 15 cm - for kneading and cleaning around,
  • runner spatula - remove the ridges,
  • metal Tyrka,
  • grater-sponge
  • malyary roller
  • drip level
  • drill + Mixer nozzle
  • metal hacksaw + diamond string,
  • drill "Ballerinka", diamond drill,
  • two buckets
  • polyfoam slices (drywall),
  • laser level,
  • crosses 1.5,
  • joiner's pencil, feltaster.

At the point of the twelve domestic affairs, the master will exclaim: "such an expensive thing to buy?". Farming with exclamation: the instruction is not intended to make a master who knows the backup of the lower row to put out of the rule, profile, his dowels, attaching it, or even a stick of the pod. PROF is inventive. The novice master of the corners in the entire apartment will bring wallpaper, the baseboard will adjust. It turns out that the economy is the thing.

Instructions for laying

We once again check whether the angle adjacent to the slopes of door openings, windows. Matching verticals should be perfect. Refrigerator, buffet - immediately behind the tile apron? Then there it is impossible to put the tile: there will be an ugly gap without dense to the wall of the fit. We find accurate boundaries.

Preparation of the wall of the wall

  • The old wallpaper was abrained with knives, richly darked, scrupleted the spatula.
  • Oil paint was abolished, primed. The dried surface was plastered again. Sandbed.
  • Concrete new buildings checked the measure on the subject of dawns from the strict vertical. Revealed errors by eliminating duralial beacons, each by plastering "blots", pushing to the wall vertically verified measure. Excess plaster on the sides consider. Plastelling again. We draw attention to a possible bloody surface. "Tummy" beacons are going around, as he and so put forward forward. On it, plaster will be the least.


A smooth dry surface is primed at least two times.


Lower range - defining. For the initially selected type of tile of 400 x 200 mm, only one line is needed: level 820 from the floor. This is if the floor is laid. And if not? The situation when the apron is stacked before working with flooring, is largely true. Why dirt clean floor? In this case, from the concrete screed level 830 you need to raise. The tile floor has H \u003d 20 mm (laminate less - 15 mm). Add 20 - all 850 will turn out.


We put a laser level for a tripod, weigh one single line - the edge of the lower row.

Preparation of adhesive solution

In the bucket pour some water (so that the sediment does not have a dry powder). We wear a respirator, plow the bag, fall asleep. For length L 3 m, H 0.8 m will need 5 kg of glue, that is, 1/5 part 25 kg of bag.


Gradually add water from a plastic bottle to the formation of a thick casher. Powder spraying along the board boards scrape the spatula, return to the total mass. The resulting cleaner withstand 5 minutes, mix the mixer again. Glue is ready.

Tile laying technology

Now we interfere 10 minutes. Exactly so much is needed for laying a small apron of a two-row order. Slightly messenger - the glue will start to lose the plasticity, so pull it out, it will be difficult to pick it up. Hands take care! Textile gloves for this.

All glue threw on the wall of the wall under the apron, you can grab 2-3 cm wider. The left hand holds a metal cooler, the right-toothed spatula. Formed 80 cm ridges from top to bottom, closely picked up, so all over the site.


Focusing on the laser outlined level, put only whole tiles, places of sockets, angular and extreme cuts. In the pocket - remote crossings, they are investing without departing.


Tip: It is better to post on the pasted pieces of paint - and under the circles, and under the hacksaw. Flomaster is much more complicated.


After checking the level of the tile by looking at dubious places on the subject of a suspended, you can rip out to the grout. The fugu is also poured into the water, stirred with a clean mixer. From the bucket, we get closed with a spa spatula, smoothed.

Wire output and sockets

Serve holes. Snorzda Podrothettos are stroke free to maneuver the opportunity. Cups of the submersionals are put after laying apron (not before!). Tile with paint attack, we note the top / bottom of the circle vertically, also horizontally. We put on plasterboard (thick foam fit), drill the ballerina (you can "crown" - diamond spraying). Well, when someone on drilling water from the bottle poured. Then the air is clean. Otherwise you need to wear a respirator. We try, glue, align the level. Only then after this, the cup of peavern is fixing the remnants of the glue, bringing the edges of the cup of the cup (flush).


Similarly, drill holes for hooks, rails, free-leaving wires. Diamond drill is the best assistant. Considate the need for strict horizontality of each of the steam.


Preparation may take a week. But putting ceramics will be easy. The main thing is not to be knocked out, to go clearly according to plan, from the main thing - to the little things. To smear each tile, as if a sandwich, customized trimming without laying the main front - it means to get stuck, and for a long time. Learn to do need right!

The kitchen is a functional room and requires a special approach in choosing interior solutions and materials. The correct organization and thoughtfulness in the design will ensure the ergonomics of space. The kitchen apron acts as an important part of the workspace, creating a reliable protection of the walls from moisture ingress, splashes fat. But not everyone knows how to put apron in the kitchen. Let's deal with.

An apron in the kitchen should be the most practical and beautiful

Basic requirements, materials and fixtures for puil styling Apron

Modern materials and types of kitchen aprons combine the practicality and decorative properties of the surface. You can perform the correct installation. You can apply the verified tips of the masters. The order of installation work provides for thorough preparation of the necessary tools and materials.

The main fixtures for the installation of kitchen apron are:

  • ceramic tile;
  • grout solution;
  • building levels (short and long);
  • glue for tile and container;
  • crosses to correct the thickness of the seams;
  • spatula (rubber, narrow, gear);
  • rubber cizyanka;
  • cord;
  • slab;
  • screwdriver;
  • sponge.

Preparatory stages

Originally produced. The smooth base will be the key to high-quality masonry. Small tile repeats the plane of the walls. In the process of working irregularities, chips, complicate the process of masonry, correct markup and pattern, therefore it is recommended to align the walls at the initial stages of repair.

Preparatory work include:

The kitchen space is subject to constant influences of changing temperatures, high humidity. After removing the old tile, the surface of the plastering layer is sometimes infected with fungus, or mold. Thorough treatment of fungicide will help get rid of unpleasant manifestations.

Only can be compliance with certain conditions. The old surface must be carefully examined, in the absence of damage, masonry is performed. To glue a tile on the tile, you will need to destroy the glossy layer, make the lamp, or treat the surface with special primer compositions. Also laying tiles on plasterboard tiles. The use of moisture-proof material will provide an even, stable plane for installation work.

Marking of kitchen apron

Exactly and properly put the tile is impossible without creating the preliminary markup of the walls. At this stage, the attention should be paid to the accuracy of calculations. The application of the level will allow you to check the quality markup. The laying height depends on the distance between the lower and the upper elements of the furniture. Facing must go a little behind the surface of the table top.

Marking and installation begins with the center, or edge. The choice depends on the placement of furniture. Cropped extreme tiles are optimally positioned in the corner, not around the edges. It is recommended to select the size of the tile, which allows to avoid trimming the material. Permissible to slightly vary the width of the seams, focusing on the type of material. One-piece surface gives aesthetic and completed apron.

Proper laying the tile starts timber. This item will support the masonry, preventing offset. Replace the timber can be plasterboard, or metal profile. Create a smooth vertical will help a special plumb consisting of a lace with a load. After fixing the removal at the top of the wall, under the influence of the severity of the goods, a benchmark is formed that allows you to perform the necessary vertical marks.

Tile glue for reliable fixation

You can safely glue a ceramic tile using only high-quality composition. It should be considered if it was not possible to solve the walls, the cost of glue will significantly increase. It is important to strictly adhere to the proportions specified by the manufacturer. The perforator with a special nozzle will facilitate the mixing of the mass to the required consistency. Incorrectly prepared tile glue can cause the destruction of the apron.

Junis tile glue, like other formulations, is recommended to be prepared immediately before starting installation work. Dry mix is \u200b\u200badded to the water and is mixed before eliminating lumps. The solution should be arranged. After 10-15 minutes, the adhesive weight is re-adhesive and ready to use. In the process of masonry, it is recommended not to save a solution, performing applying in sufficient quantities.

Apply the composition and properly glue the material best applying a toothed spatula with grooves. It is important to distribute glue with a smooth layer and putting the tile slightly pressed on the surface. The teeth are provided on the plane the optimal amount of mass, which significantly reduces the residual surplus.

The tile should be glued consistently without processing an extra area, the mixture will dry up and loses the adhesive properties.

Tile laying technology Cabancor do it yourself

Verified masonry methods will create an original apron into the kitchen from the tile with their own hands. The beginning of the work in large sizes of elements is performed from the central zone. Middle dimensions allow you to put the tile on the wall, starting with a long corner. Plastic crosses create smooth correct seams, the size of products depends on individual preferences and design ideas. It is possible to remove these elements only after drying the adhesive composition.

Put the apron in the kitchen in the corners zone is recommended, focusing on the shape of the working surface. Walls may have sufficient deviations, fix that can be used with glue. The solution gradually layered and forms a smooth surface to perform masonry in the corner. The amount of adhesive layer is adjusted using a level.

Secrets of high-quality surface apron from a tile: distance, height is important

It is recommended to cut the tiles for the design of the corners, using special tools. Platekores will provide a smooth edge without jar. Proper marking allows you to calculate the location of the sockets. If the elements enter the joints, it is enough to perform rectangular sections. Other options will require the use of tungsten threads to carefully cut the tile and make the opening of the desired size.

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Completely completes the laying thorough scatching of the seams. The rubber spatula and sponge will allow you to quickly and comfortably put the task. The composition of the grout after drying is difficult to eliminate from the surface of the tile, so it is better to remove the surplus. The color of the mixture should correspond to the shade of the material, or be darker on the tone.

Beautiful apron in the kitchen will always delight residents at home

The masters recommend performing additional processing of seams with a sealant, which will ensure reliable protection against darkening and fungus. The original kitchen apron, made with your own hands, will decorate the interior, emphasizing the individual style of the room.

In order for repair to do not cause negative emotions, it is better to trust him with himself. This is especially true of the kitchen, where accuracy and reliability is especially important. Lay the tile on the apron of kitchen with your own hands is not so difficult, as it may seem at first glance. For the highest possible result, it is necessary to take into account the nuances of each stage of work. At the same time, it is not necessary to be a professional. Adhering to certain rules, you can subsequently be proud of the finished result.

To properly lay a kitchen apron, it is important to determine its size and design. This will make the interior unique and visually increase the space space. Choosing the material, you need to take into account the height of the overall masonry. To do this, it is possible to make a preliminary sketch that makes all the details of the design, the location of the tile, taking into account its size and pattern.

The height of the apron depends on the design. The work area often reaches the floor, and at the table top it comes at least 20 cm.

If there is an opportunity and knowledge of software software, it is possible to use computer programs to create a unique design (Corel, Draw). Deciding with the amount of material, based on the apron area, you can proceed to work.

Choosing tile

The tile from which the tile is manufactured is the most popular material for apron. It is universal and is resistant to pollution, exposure to moisture, high temperature. It is quite easy to care. And thanks to the variety of color palette and colors, it fits perfectly into any kitchen interior.

Tile is different shapes. In order to create an atmosphere of comfort and harmony, in choosing the color it is better to give preference to shades of the pastel group.

When choosing a tile, it is important to take into account its size. Despite the fact that with the details of the larger work less, the most beautiful appearance has a apron from a small tile. In addition, such dimensions allow you to decorate apron with different patterns, mosaic and combinations. The optimal option today is the tile of a square shape of the rib size 10 - 15 cm.

In order for the departure of the apron as simple as possible, it is better to choose a material with a smooth surface structure. This will make it possible to remove pollution without effort, returning a presentable appearance.

When working, it is important to take into account the supply of material. Often, tiles can be married. In the process of trimming, the chips are not excluded, so the material is usually taken with a reserve of 10% of the required quantity.

Materials and tools for work

Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare the necessary materials and devices. The primary components include:

  1. Primer. With it, it provides a reliable adhesion of tiles with a covered surface. The best choice that specialists recommend, the primer of deep penetration is considered.
  2. Glue for tile. It must be high-quality with a margin of shelf life. So that you do not have to redo work, you need to acquire the glue of verified firms (Cerezite, Unice, Bolls). For greater strength, you can add PVA glue into it.
  3. The rapid mixture should be waterproof and necessary to give the seams of a beautiful identical type in thickness and volume. Due to the presence of color grout, you can choose a mixture in one color scheme with tiles.
  4. Toothed spatula (for glue distribution).
  5. Narrow spatula (for a set of glue).
  6. Roulette.
  7. Roller glass cutter (for cutting the desired size) or tiles.

The secondary devices include:

  1. Crossings for maximum accuracy of drawing and distances between tiles.
  2. Electrode (for kneading solution).
  3. Building level.
  4. Foam sponges (for removing excess tiled glue).
  5. Foam roller.


Surface preparation

The primary stage of the work is to prepare the surface. First you need to completely remove the old coating. Usually for this, the perforator is used, then the wall is cleaned to the plaster layer.

After that, the wall shall be applied to the wall for the maximum adhesion of the tile glue with the surface. The number of protesters is about 200 pcs. 1 square meter.

The next step in the preparation of the wall is the processing of the necessary area with a special primer. For uniform application of primer, a foam roller can be used on the wall. After processing the wall should dry.

Before the direct styling of the kitchen, the apron should apply to the markup, on which the upper and lower boundaries mark, fixing the planks on them. At the same time, the upper plate is fixed by 0.5 - 1 cm above the outlined border. This stock is needed for the top seam.

Especially accurately need to fix the lower bar. This is due to the fact that during the laying the tile did not move down and had clear and accurate boundaries. From how correctly putting the first row, all the work will depend on. If it is the most beautiful and smooth, the apron will look like a high-level professional made it. Any displacement or shift can lead to a violation of the entire type.

Cooking glue

  • Since the life cycle of glue is limited, it is necessary to cook it immediately before lays out the apron.
  • So that the mass is homogeneous, the container should be clean. The finished dry mixture is mixed with water in the proportions indicated on the glue packaging.
  • So that the glue is homogeneous and without lumps, you can use a drill with a special nozzle.
  • After stirring, the solution must be spacked about 10 minutes, after which it is re-stirred. Now you can upload tiles.

Stacking process

This process is particularly important and carried out with regard to certain nuances. It begins with the most convenient angle from below. First, it is necessary to apply tile glue to the wall using a narrow spatula and align the thickness of the layer to the toothed tool. In this case, furrows are formed.

Do not apply glue immediately throughout the perimeter Apron. If the large area is large, glue can dry, and the tile will not stick to it.

Newcomers are better to mount apron in order. The lower edge of the tile should be directed to the bottom plank (profile). The laid row needs to be aligned with their hands, and then check with the help level. When checking, corrected errors. Place the blanks, evenly pressed on the tile. This will allow you to settle glue and firmly copold it with tiles.

If the tile lay crooked while the glue is not reduced, it can be removed, remove the glue layer and put it again.

After the end of the first row, you need to give him the opportunity to dry. If this is not done, the risk of inclination in subsequent rows is great.

For maximum accuracy between the tiles, remote crossings are installed in them. They can be of different sizes and selected depending on the dimensions of the tile itself. The optimal size of crosses that gives the seam identity is 2mm.

Setting several tiles, from their surface you need to remove the remnants of the glue. If you do it after drying the glue, they can stay. The glue must be removed carefully and not to move the laid row.

It is periodically important to check the work with the help of a construction level. In addition, the glue also needs to mix and do not give it to dry. Crossings are inserted between the tiles, fixing the crossing of the seams. This approach will make work as accurate as possible. The thickness of the seams will be the same along and across.

After completing the work, the tiles must be completely dry. Usually this process takes no more than a day. Then the final stage remains - rubbing the seams.

How to perform sprinkle seams?

The seams are considered a vulnerable part of the apron. Therefore, for maximum durability and pleasant appearance of the kitchen apron, you need to choose a product of a proven manufacturer. It is not recommended to pelt them with white grout. On a white background pollution from cooking is visible most bright.

The mixture is divorced by water in the consistency indicated in the instructions. Before processing seams, you need to wipe the tile from dust left after laying.

To perform this operation it is better to use the rubber spatula. The mixture is rubbed towards the direction along and across the uniform filling of the seams. This stage is quite careful and requires no less attentiveness and accuracy. Otherwise, the seams will be different, and the view of the apron will lose attractiveness.

Usually, the seams dried for one hour. After that, you can end them with a spatula, and rub a dry or damp cloth.

For larger gloss and reliability, you can cover the seams with a special varnish. This will significantly simplify the care of the working area, and the seams themselves will retain their original appearance longer. Special properties of varnish will prevent moisture and fat penetration.