Aerial snakes Children's fun or practical aeronautics. Kite

You can ask a question that is it? Flying on the thread in the wind the simplest construction? The triangle of colored paper on which she landed on his head to his guys Merry Poppins? But the usual toy for us is such as a kite, not quite simple, as it may seem at first glance.

The history of the kites takes its beginning during the time of the ancient China. There he was called the snake, because on the holiday of the dragon, which was held on September 9, huge torso from paper, who at the end there was a snake head, launched into the sky. Starting from the second century, this tradition is not forgotten today.

In the ancient chronicles of Slavs and Byzantines, there are different references to the similarities of the kites. Only it was rather a military equipment than toys. In order to confuse the enemy or just scare it, the prince of Oleg applied the "horses and people of paper, armed and marked". And when taking England, Wilhelm has used the conqueror in 1066 a serpent for military specializers.

At this stage of time, the story was silent and the snakes became just an entertainment that was far from science. However, such an aircraft did not fly, which was built without the Aerodynamic law. And such a law helped to open this toy.

We used to know only a few kinds of air coils - it is uninfection, that is, having a tail, and composite, which are connected to the flexible system. Famous mathematician L. Eyler in 1756 said that the snakes are a children's toy that scientists underestimate, but it makes it seriously thinks over. The achievements of Ikara and Grandfather tried to repeat after 140 years a German engineer Liliental and Austrian Hargrav. Hargrav first launched in the air of a person with this device and did not stop on the achieved. The result of which was a boxed air snake, which did not require the tail for stability during the flight. Such flying boxes who came up with Hargrav, pushed the concept of aerodynamics and helped when creating the first aircraft, and became the 3rd possible design - multi-block.

He did not pass the side of the Air Snake and Mikhail Vasilyevich - the keeper of our science. He also dismissed the toy. The nature of the lightning and the upper layers of the atmosphere of Lomonosov studied with its help. Mikhail Vasilyevich used an air serpent, as a conductor, June 26 in 1753, having launched him during a thunderstorm on the twine. Only this experiment almost deprived of his life, but became successful, since the scientist received a discharge of static electricity.

Military and engineers were constantly modified by box coils, including the period of the First World War. During technological progress, this invention served not only to peaceful goals. Snakes were used during hostilities for protection. Above important military facilities raised about 3000 meters small balls, as well as air coils so that their wire cable could knock down the enemies.

This invention even has its own holiday, which is called the "Air Snake Day".

Aerial snakes belong to the ancient aircraft. We found a huge number of reliable historical facts, interesting hypotheses and myths, which reflect the history of birth, development and useful use of air coils by man. The first documents about them are found in a few centuries before the start of the new summer. The origin of the kites is reflected in the oldest legends and myths, and these traces are gradually lost in the MGL of centuries. There is a hypothesis that, to build a famous complex of pyramids in Giza, the ancient Egyptians used air coils. Archaeologists have long broken over how the Egyptians managed to move huge stone blocks. Now scientists are being developed by the theory according to which they used the wind power in order to raise large stones from the place. California programmer Morin Clemmons studied the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, and his attention attracted an image of a person with ropes, as directed, and at the top, these ropes are attached to a strange object, which previously connected with the value of the "bird". The programmer occurred to the program that this is not at all a bird, but an ordinary air snake. Mr. Clemmons decided to test his theory in practice and built a huge air serpent, to which she attached a cement block weighing 180 kilograms. To the greatest surprise of the programmer, his experiment was crowned with success, and the boulder was able to rise into the air. After this discovery, Maureen Clemmons shared his guess with a professor at the University of California by the Egyptologist Morteza Garib. Together they repeated the experience of raising gravity with the help of an air serpent, but this time the obelisk weighing 3.5 tons broke off from the ground. The scientist and programmer were quite surprised with what ease of heavy obelisk broke away from the ground. This discovery was a justification for the new theory, according to which the ancient Egyptians, when constructing the pyramids in Giza, were used by air snakes. Scientists do not exclude that Stonehenge and other monumental buildings in the UK were also erected using snakes. Nevertheless, historians believe that the air serpent is present on Earth, at least more than 2 - 3 thousand years. And today, as in the time of distant antiquity, air snakes, or in another kite, are still fascinated by us.

Perhaps Kites first appeared in Micronesia, Polynesia and Melanesia. There are still kites made from leaves traditionally used for fishing. Fisherman in canoeing rows away from the shore with a kite highly flying over the water. From the kite there is a rope with a bait made of a web that distils through water. The shadow of Kite resembles a big nursing bird, and the bait is a small flying fish. It attracts a finely small (but tasty) fish-needle that attacks the bait, and is confused in the web. The fisherman wures the rope, removes the fish, and starts the kite again. A good fisherman with a single kite and bait can catch a lot of fish.

Polynesians have a myth about two brothers - the gods who opened people kite, while they started a kite duel between themselves. The victorious brother raised his kite above Kite Brother. Until now, competitions are held on the Islands of Polynesia, where all the flying kite is dedicated to the gods.

The exact date of the appearance or origin of Kite is unknown, however, it is believed that the snakes launched over China over 3 thousand years ago, which was confirmed by archaeologists, who found the remains of the ancient "flying" artifact! Materials were found from which they were manufactured: bamboo caskets and silk for sails, ropes. But it is likely that earlier models were made of paper!

According to European historical rumors, in Europe, the invention of the kites is attributed to the Greek scientist, a philosopher archite (Archytas), which, about 400 BC, constructed a wooden bird based on bird flight studies. It was called "Mechanical Pigeon".

In 200 BC Chinese General Han Qin from the Han dynasty launched a kite over the walls of the city besieged to them to assess how far the tunnel would have to go to go for defensive rows, based on the recent reaction. Having received this information, he successfully implemented his plan, removing the enemy by surprise.

Early Chinese kites were far from toys, these were kayats intended for military purposes. Historical chronicles indicate that they have differed in a large size. Some of them were able to raise people into the air to observe the movements of the enemy, others were used to spread propaganda leaflets over the enemy rows. According to the book "The chronicle of strange events," when the Emperor Ksyao Yan from the Lian dynasty was surrounded by the rebels under the leadership of Hou Jean, near the city of Taichag, he was able to send a signal with the help of Kite.

There is a legend that in 202 BC, General Huang Teng and his army were surrounded by opponents, and they threatened complete destruction. It is said that the random gust of the wind ripped from the head of General Hat, and then the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a large number of air serpents, equipped with sound devices, came to him. Aerial snakes were made of bamboo, paper and silk. In the night at night, these air snakes flew right above the heads of the army of opponents, who, having heard mysterious howls in the sky, frightened by anger "gods" fled from the battlefield!

At the time of the Tan dynasty, the bamboo pieces began to attack. In flight, they began to vibrate and ring like a string tool (in Chinese "Zhen"). Since then, kites in China began to call the "Piage of Zhen", that is, the "wind strings". Today in some parts of the country, silk strings or rubber stripes are attached to kite, emitting a pleasant ringing under the influence of wind.

In the ancient Chinese chronicle, an entry record of the enthusiast of the snake raquer Mandarin Wang Gui has been preserved. He built two large air "snake" with 47 rockets, and between them attached a seat. Sitting on him, he ordered the servants to set fire to the rocket and ... flew into the air. But not in the sense soared that flew away, but in the fact that he exploded. Let Mandarin was reckless, but he was beautiful in his recklessness, in his impatient desire to rise into the sky albeit on the air snake. And people did not forget Wang Gu. His name is called Crater, who saw the Soviet Automatic Station "Zond-3" on the back of the moon. He lies almost exactly in the center of an invisible lunar disk.

The culture of piloting of air coils, with the help of traders, spread to neighboring Japan, Korea and India, where he acquired its specific and cultural features. Around 600, during the reign of the Korean Dynasty of Silla, General Jim Yu Sinus gave his soldiers an order to suppress metage. However, those refused to fulfill him, as there was shortly before that they saw a comet in the sky, and they took it as a bad sign. To restore the controllability of the army, the general resorted to the next tricks: he launched an incendiary kernel on the category, simulating the "return" of the comet. Soldiers, seeing it, rushed into battle and defeated the rebels.

In Japan Kites were delivered by Buddhist monks. They used them to scare off evil spirits and attracting rich yields. During the reign of the EDO dynasty, the pilotings of kites acquired extraordinary popularity in Japan. For the first time, the Japanese below the Samurai class was allowed to launch air snakes. The urban administration of Edo (current Tokyo) was unsuccessful tried to dissuade the population from this "the povered, adversely affecting the work" of hobbies. Even in modern Japanese, there is such a concept as "susceptible to kites" or "kaito-maniac". This story also describes. About 300 years ago, one adventurer tried to fly with the help of a big snake on the roof of the Nagoya Castle, and steal the golden statue with her. He could not steal her, but he threw some gold scales from her. Instead of silent, he boasts without tired about his audacious entrance. For what, in the end, was captured and severely punished. He and his family were cooked in oil.

Despite the fact that the Japanese borrowed a lot from Chinese culture, their kite design and kite traditions are very different. So, from the most pressing times, they used kites for purely practical purposes. For example, in the construction of tombs and temples, large kites were used to raise roofs and other materials.

In Japan, the "golden age" of the kites is truly considered to be the period of Hayene (1603-1868). Until that time, the prices of paper were such high that only the highest estate could afford to have fun with the kites. It was also believed that snakes could drive evil spirits. To do this, they portrayed demons whose faces were often decorated with long dried languages.

The first mention of Russian air snake appeared in the annals, which described an event from Russian history. In 906, Kiev Prince Oleg at the siege of Tsargrad (Constantinople) used to intimidate the enemy of the enemy of the "horses and people of paper, armed and marked", i.e. Figure kites.

In 105, N.E. Romans launched decorated fabric floors as military flags (now they are called wind socks). Usually, they were similar in shape similar to the elongated animals with wide open mouths and rose on the poles, it allowed the air snake into the wind streams. A dropping cylindrical tail of such an air serpent of a tissue, arguing as a trunk of a snake, attached to the "snake" riders of self-confidence and created them a more awesome appearance that was able to clean the enemy. In addition, similar air snakes pointed out the directions and strength of the wind. Curious records in ancient Byzantine manuscripts are told about the practical applications of air coils for military purposes. So, in one of them it says that in the IX century. Byzantines allegedly raised a warrior in the air snake, which threw incendiary substances in the enemy mill. In the book of Voltaire Melima, "Nobilitatibus", (1346) There are illustrations on which various "windbags" (socks) are depicted for the bombing of the nuclei in order to intimidate the enemy. As we see from another book - "Rockuel de Missors", 1430, the author of Conrad Kisser - in the end, as a result of evolution, the air snakes began to resemble a long flat kite. This Flying Dragon has spread throughout Europe.

The earliest evidence of the flight of Indian kite is found on painted miniatures dated Mughal reign period, about 1500. A young man was a favorite topic, skillfully owning an air serpent for the abandonment of the messages of his beloved, located under the strictest home arrest.

Marco Polo delivered stories about kites to Europe at the end of the 13th century. In the 15th century, Leonardo Da Vinci, as part of the study of aircraft experimented with kaytov. He developed a system of connecting two breaks of the gorge with the help of kite, which later was carried out in practice through a century during the construction of a bridge in Niagara Falls. In 1756, the famous mathematician L. Eyler wrote the following lines: "Aerial snakes, this toy for children, despised by scientists, may, however, make a deep one to think about it." In 18 -19 centuries, kites began to be used as vehicles and practical instruments in scientific research. People similar to Benjamin Franklin and Alexander Wilson used their knowledge of kites for the study of wind and weather. George Cayle, Samuel Lengley, Laurence Hargreyv, Alexander Bell, and the Rait brothers - all experimented with Kitets, and contributed to the development of aircraft construction. The weather service of the United States launched Kites, designed by William Eddie and Lorenis Hargeve, to raise meteorological instruments and photographs into the air. Mikhail Lomonosov also built air coils - for the study of electricity in the atmosphere. His follower of Georg Wilhelm Richman, during such experience on July 26, 1753, was killed by the discharge of atmospheric electricity. Lomonosov, however, and then dared to continue his experiments. Snakes at that time were flat, not very stable, although they made them for the scientific purposes of significant sizes, a few square meters.

One of the strangest applications of towing kites was the development of a George Pococa School Teacher. In 1822, he used a couple of kites for traction stroller at a speed of about 20 miles / h. Some of his kite arrows, as limited to the documents exceeded 100 miles. And since the road duties were taken at the time of the calculation of the number of horses for one wagon, he did not pay anything. In 1844, the Swiss Finger Ador, experimented with Kite, came up with the following system: kite (bamboo and canvas), 300 m rope and automatic system of shuttle baskets. The baskets were filled with fruits and flowers, pulled up on the rope to kites, and not reaching 2-3 m to them, uncovered and slowly sank to the ground with the help of a parachus in the garden of some of his acquaintances. Pretty original way to send gifts to your friends. His cousin and famous doctor of the time, Jean Colladon, infected with fascinating experiments of a relative, came up with his draw: Lifting into the air with a kite of a mannequin sitting on a chair. Mannequin into human growth, was put down with a gagachy Pooh and weighed 6 kg. The amazement of the residents of Geneva was not the limit.

In 1847, residents near Niagara Falls were decided to build a bridge connecting the Canadian and American coast. They possess the technology of building a bridge, but could not come up with how to transfer the very first, but very important rope between the shores. Steep cliffs, powerful radicals, cold vortex winds and ice drifts did not give the opportunity to resort to the usual in this case, the method of laying a rope. In the end, the idea of \u200b\u200bLeonardo da Vinci on the use for these purposes came to mind. A lot of attempts were made, but it was possible only to one person - a 10-year-old boy, Khoman Walusha. At first, young Khomana, I had to cross the river below the ferry to move to the Canadian side, where the wind was dominant from. The engineer showed him the right Rock, where the guy launched his kite and began to slowly unwind the rope behind him. It would seem that everything is very simple. Kite proudly real in the embroidery, at sunset the wind will fall, and kite falls on the ground. But the first attempt failed: the wind did not weaken in the evening, as he was supposed to him, and Kite did not sit down, and when he finally sat down in the middle of the night, the rope, having had fallen down, turned out to be overlooking the ice. In general, the guy had to transfer back to the other side and repair his kite, but only after 8 days, because of a terrible ice plant. His parents, of course, were terribly dissatisfied with the fact that the child disappears unknown where. But the second attempt passed with a deafening success. After fixing the kite rope on the other side, it began to serve more and thicker ropes, until it came to the steel cable, which was necessary for the construction of the bridge. For all his efforts, the guy was awarded a 10 dollars in the money prize. At the time - big money.

Since 1850, various kite cable and baskets begin to be developed to rescue people with cautious disaster in close proximity to the coast. Here and the kite "Transporter" on the mooring rope Captain Broke (1851), and Kite Lieutenant George Nare (1861), and 4-ternary kite Esterno (1883). Interesting experiments were made near New York in 1892. Their goal was to prove that the kites can be sent from a ship tolerating disaster to a distance of up to 1200 meters from the shore, to create a rescue line. The author of the project, Woodbridge Davis, argued that, all that is required is to collect the folding kite on board the vessel, specially trained for this by sailors. They developed a special managed, in the form of a hexagonal star, collapsible kite to deliver the rescue rope to the shore.

We especially actively worked with snakes in Russia. Many researchers design them, and first of all the talented inventor S.S. Nezhdanovsky. He built large snakes, which were distinguished by amazing stability and good loading capacity. Student of the famous Russian scientist Nikolai Egorovich Zhukovsky, Professor S.A. Chaplygin, remembering the Ageny Snakes of Nezhdanovsky, at the beginning of our century he wrote that they were completely similar to their wings with the current fucking airplanes and gliders, but had more vertical planes. The right was academician Euler: Snake is not a toy. Rather, not only a toy. With it, it was possible to get a lot of useful information and the structure of the atmosphere, and about the movement of the bodies in the air. In 1898, Russian airpower S.A. Ulyanin offered an interesting project of a "snake train" to raise observers and scientific instruments. He came up with the use for these purposes not one huge snake, but a whole bundle of them. Launched together, on one cable, they created not only the necessary lift force, but also provided great safety. If one or even two snake for any reason was out of order, then the rest - and they could be in the "train" to seven or more things - they allowed to be safely as on parachute, to lower observers and scientific instruments to the land. A special "snake team" was even formed: Ulyanin and many other observers raised more than two hundred meters to height. Snake trains also applied on scientific and military courts, used for observations and research in the oceans and in the Arctic. They raised the scientific devices to a height of up to 4-5 kilometers. It was even installed a peculiar record of the height of snakes - 9740 meters!

Traces of cartilage fiction were found in Russian literature: read by A.S. Pushkin "The history of the village of Guliukhina" or "Captive daughter" and you will find there strings about the air snakes.

In 1902, on the cruiser "Lieutenant Ilyin" conducted successful experiments on the rise of the observer at a height of up to 300 m with the help of train from the air coils. In Russia on January 7, 1904, in the Kronstadt Maritime Assembly, Lieutenant N. N. Schraiber made a message "On the use of air coils for lifting observers from the fleet vessels". The lieutenant finished his speech: "... The use of air coils on the ships of the fleet is not only desirable, but even necessary." Most of those present agreed with the Rapporteur. This report was attended by the commander of the Kronstadt port Vice-Admiral S. O. Makarov. And on March 20, the magazine "Airplane" said: "The famous connoisseur of the air coils Lieutenant Schreiber, held this year the course in the officer class of the educational aeronautical park, at the request of Vice Admiral Makarova, sent to Port Arthur for the production of lifts on air sides from the fleet courts ... In good weather, the snake can be seen in the sea at 30-40 versts. This will be the first use of air chains for military purposes. " Unfortunately, for reasons that do not depend on the Lieutenant of Schraibera, the snakes for intelligence could not be applied. In a letter, Lieutenant Colonel V. A. Semekovsky, he wrote: "... they did not have time to do with the snakes, they were launched on the 12th (May 1904), but as soon as five pieces were in the air, the enemy focused on them such a schrapnel fire, What people had to be rerated. No one, safely, did not wound, and the snakes flew and shot diligently hour and a half. Thus, they distracted fire from other points, and they did their job. (It was impossible to admit the thoughts that they could immediately have to ride Moreover, I was not.) "There was also no plan for deploying in Port Arthur an aeronautic fleet, the property of which, along with the transport of Manchur, got into the hands of the Japanese. Sea aeronautical park in Vladivostok managed to organize only at the end of 1904.

The fleet officers were vividly interested in aeronautics and all the latest achievements in this area. This most brightly illustrates the case with a squadrock "brave". On May 14, 1905, the ship came out of the battle with a faulty machine and two boilers, as a result of which more than 11 knots could not give. Commander "Brava" decided to go to Vladivostok. May 17, having spent the whole stock of coal, the destroyer became a few dozen miles from Vladivostok. The situation seemed hopeless, but the seamen helped the telegraph, the range of which was able to increase with the help of an air serpent raised over the ship. To meet the "Bravoy" was sent by a destroyer, who brought him to the port through the mining barriers. The Commander "Brava" was aware of the experiments held on the Postunner cruiser by the sailors of the Baltic Fleet in June 1903. The purpose of these experiments was to determine the possibility of increasing the range of the radio telegrapher. With the help of snakes managed to contact at a distance of 63 miles, which was a good result for the apparatuses of the Popov system made in the Fleet workshops.

During the 1st World War, the British, French, Italian, Russian Army - all used kites to observe the enemy and alarm. Single success Sailors managed to achieve in the use of air coils for marine intelligence.

In the Soviet Union, the passion for air snakes began almost simultaneously with aircraftism in 1926. In 1937, Zvenigorod was organized by the I all-union competitions of air boxed coils. In 1938, in the village of Shcherbinka (now the city of Moscow region) was conducted by the II All-Union Competitions of the boxed serpents, which showed the structures that presented exceptional interest. On the III all-Union competitions of boxed serpents, which took place in 1939 in Serpukhov, the records of the flight of snakes were established to height. Single snakes, designed by the Kiev aircraftist (as they began to call the creators of the air coils) Gromov, was raised to a height of 1550 m. The train compiled from the boxes of the design of the Saratov aircraft model of Grigorenko, was raised to a height of 1800 m. During the Great Patriotic War (1943 .) A. Grigorenko was awarded for the combat use of boxed air coils. The IV All-Union competitions were clearly defined by the technical requirements for the design of the kites.

However, with the advent of first airplanes, the use of air coils was quickly inappropriate. The German Navy continued to use boxed kites on submarines for lifting a person who overlooked the horizon in the boat winding mode. In the 2nd world war, US Navy found kites several applications. Barrchant Kite Harry Sola did not give enemy aircraft to descend low to goals. Pilots shot down in the sea raised the Gibson Gibson Gibson, for quick detection. Kites have quite successfully used the US Navy during the 2nd World War. In 1942, Lieutenant Paul Garber was appointed to the Special Council. US Navy to develop air-like models and served on the aircraft carrier "Block Island". Prior to that, he was known as a big kaiting enthusiast. So in 1931 he wrote a guide to piloting kites for boy scouts. At first he made the Kite model and offered a machine-gun calculation to knock him down. Prior to this, the training shooting was carried out on the clouds, for not the real estate. Machine gunners came to a complete rage, as despite the many queues issued, they could not hit him. But the captain of the ship turned out to be very pleased with the demonstration and ordered the Gabbar to Kite-targets. As machine gunners were improved in the accuracy of shooting, Garber modified his kite. Now he could walk from side to side, make a loop, dive, go up and write eight. This 5-foot rhombid kite was controlled using a control bar and a special double coil. The silhouette of an enemy Japanese or German aircraft was applied at Kite. Replacing wooden racks on aluminum, Garber achieved that kite was able to sink after it was shot down.

Such kite target is attributed to the salvation of one aircraft carrier. Once in the morning, when machine gunners are accommodated in their places for training shooting, because of the clouds, the Japanese torpedo stage unexpectedly emerged. Do not be ready for shooting, the plane could seriously damage the ship. And so it was successfully shot down.

Hundreds of thousands of such kites were used to train machine-gunners, which resulted in greater savings for the American government both in cash and in human resources.

Garber also used triangular boxed kites to transfer important documents from a plane ship. A parcel was made to the cable strained between 2 kayats. The flying airplane clinged the cable with a hook and then delivered the parcel for its intended purpose.

As the aviation was approved more and more, Kite was less and less used for military and scientific purposes. He switched to the category of cultural and health leisure. But the last 50 years demonstrate the newly increased interest in Kiting. The use of new types of materials such as reinforced nylon, fiberglass, carbon led to the fact that kites have become stronger, lighter, richer in color, and more wear-resistant.

The invention of the flexible wing in 1949 by Francis Rogallo and Parafoyl Kite in 1964. Domina Jalbert contributed to the development of such modern aircraft as a paraglider and a sports parachute.

In 1964 The first kaiting association is registered: "American Association of Pilotable Kites". And in 1969 In the US, a new record of the launch height of Kite, which was 10,830 m above the Earth, was registered.

With the appearance in 1972 in the market of the 2-terroy game figure-pilot kite Peter Powell, the people began to launch kites not only for entertainment, but for the purpose of sports piloting. Enthusiasts began experimenting with the form, design, which led to the appearance of kites that could fly faster and perform more accurate maneuvers and intricate tricks. Became popular competitions, where participants competed to the music.

In the 70s, several British used round parachutes to create the necessary forces on water skiing. In 1977, the Dutchyus Gisbertus received a patent. The athlete stood on the board, which was driven by parachute. Swiss Ren KuGN floated in the mid-80s on the design, similar to a closer board, and a paragaider was used to create thrust. It was probably the first athlete who managed to make a high jump at light wind.

And finally, in 1984, the French Dominic and Bruno Leggue, which were engaged in windsurfing and surfing, received a patent for the "sea wing", which was easily restarted from the surface of the water. The Legian Brothers devoted to the development of kitesurfing, starting with the early 1980s. A feature of the design of their kite became a front inflatable balloon, which allowed enough to raise kite in case of falling it into the water. After 1995, when the Legal Brothers demonstrated the possibilities of their kite in Italy, this was the next significant date in the kitesurfing, as the basis of the design of most kites used today is the principle of the Leggue brothers, i.e. Inflatable front cylinder.

In the 1980s, the founder of Kitebaggi Sport - Peter Lynn from New Zealand, created buggy stainless steel design. Kite Buggy is a special three-wheeled trolley for riding for a kite, an air snake.

Pioneers Kaisserfiga from USA Bill Rosler, an engineer from the Aerodynamics department at Boeing, and his son Corey, as an engineer and a first-class water skiing athlete for a number of years experimented with kayats, towing yachts on water and buggy on a solid surface. Success to them came when they received a patent for the "Kiteski" system (kaite ski). This system was a water skiing, which moved into the movement of a two-stroke deltavid kite, managed using a plank to which a special little winch was installed. Since 1994, driving equipment for kiteski began to produce equipment. The launch of the kite from the water was made by winding the sling until the moment when the kite could reach the hand and give it a pulse to run into the air, after which the slings were unwound and the kite took off, creating the necessary traction for towing a person. This design worked quite reliably, but due to the fact that hard rails were used in the design of Kite, kite with falls often broke! Also uncomfortable was that the launch was required to use a special plank with a winch, which was quite cumbersome. He never passed on the kaitsurfing market and was completely supplanted by the Light Inflatable Kitets of the Leggue Brothers from France!

After 1995, commercial companies appeared engaged in the development and manufacture of special equipment for riding air sneakers.

In 1997, Vladimir Bobyl created the first in Russia and in the CIS Kiteclub "Snake Lorovo". So kaiting and kitesurfing appeared in Russia and Ukraine. The log of kaitsurfing in Russia became stronger, and in Ukraine Koktebel.

From 1998, after the first chartsurfing world championship was held on the Hawaii and there were first videos about this new form of "sailing", the kaitsurfing could be considered as an exemplary sport.

In 1999, one of the expeditions used kite to tow the North Pole.

Modern technologies and materials allowed to re-look at the air snakes.

Kites of the new time became much more colorful than their predecessors, a class of sports serpents appeared for extreme sports. And in the last decade there is a surge of interest in gaming air snakes, which finally comes to Russia. But air snakes are not only entertainment, hobbies, outdoor activities, it's also a wonderful sport - kaitsurfing.

Age: 13 years

Place of study: MBOU "School-Gymnasium №10". E. K. Pokrovsky G. Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, Russian Federation

Leader: Krivosekov Roman Vitalyevich, Methodist of the physico-mathematical department of PDO GBOU to the Republic of Crimea Mansman "Seeker", Simferopol

Historical research on the topic:

Aerial snakes: children's fun or practical aeronautics?


1. Introduction

2 History of the emergence and use of air coils

3 Why and how does the air serpent fly?

4 Types of Aerial Snakes

6 List of used literature


Many parents, buying an air serpent, do not even realize that the manufacture and launch of air coils on one side is a children's fun, attracting people of all ages, on the other, a passion, promoting the development of observation, smelting and creative potential. And at first glance, such a simple and usual toy for us is not quite simple, as it may seem.

purpose of work- Examine a kite, like an aircraft, determine the scope of application, construct and run the air serpent.

Tasks:- explore the history of the emergence of air coils;

Find out the types and areas of their use;

Find out why and how snakes flies;

Describe snakes and test it.

The history of the emergence and use of air coarse

The history of air coarse takes its beginning in the time of the ancient China and has at least 2,000 years old. The history of the origin of the air serpent is based primarily on legends and legends, because Materials from which coiled snakes (wood, paper, fabric, leaves and branches of trees) were destroyed pretty quickly. The oldest archaeological finds are about 200 years.

Snakes were built in the form of butterflies, birds, fish, beetles, which were painted in bright colors. The most common was a snake-dragon, similar to a semicorder - half aim.

At a later time, the kites began to build in the form of a flat frame, covered with paper or cloth. They no longer resembled a fabulous snake, but the name was preserved to the present day.

From the very beginning of its existence, the air site was used in the three main directions - military actions, rites and life. The use of the serpent for military purposes was primarily to measure the distance to enemy objects and the effects of enemies. In the history of Russia, there are also mentions of the air sinks: in 906, during the capture of Tsargrad, Prince Oleg ordered to make many kites in the form of horsemen and hiking warriors to inspire horror to defenders of the city: they suddenly saw that they were descended from the sky Russian man.

Used air snakes and in rituals. It was believed that he was a little approaching the sky, where the gods lived and, attracting their attention to their bright appearance, was more chances to draw the attention of the gods on the prayers of people. So, for example, the launch of the snake, they scared the evil spirits and protected from evil forces, diseases, asked a rich harvest.

Also, air snakes were used in Asia for fishing, scaring birds from grain crops, to raise building materials to the vertices of buildings, well, and of course, as toys.

Peredished to this children's toy and scientists. The famous physicist, mathematician and astronomer Leonard Euler wrote: "Aerial snakes, a children's toy, neglecting by adults, will someday the subject of deep research." And he was not mistaken. Back in 1749, the Scottish Astronomer A. Wilson raised a thermometer on the snake to measure the air temperature at height. The famous American scientist B. Franklin with the help of air coins conducted studies of atmospheric electricity and proved that zipper with a thunderstorm is nothing more than an electric discharge of tremendous strength. Opening as a result of these studies, the electric nature of Lightning, Franklin invented the grossing.

The Great Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov also built air snakes for the study of electricity in the atmosphere. On June 26, 1753, Lomonosov "with the help of a snake extracted a zipper from the clouds." He launched a kite in a thunderstorm and on the twine used as a conductor, extracts the discharge of static electricity. These experiments almost cost him life, but his follower of Academician Richman was killed by the discharge of electricity.

In the 19th century, the kines were also widely used for meteorological observations. At the beginning of the 20th century, air snakes made their contribution to the creation of radio. A.S. Popov used snakes for raising antennas to a significant height. It is important to note the use of air coils when developing the first aircraft. In particular, A.F. Mozhaisky, before starting the construction of his aircraft, conducted a series of tests with air snakes. Based on the results of these tests, the sizes of the aircraft were selected, which were supposed to provide sufficient lift force.

The practical capabilities of the air serpent attracted the attention of the military. In 1848, K.I. Konstantinov developed a system of rescue vessels enduring a disaster near the shore, with the help of air serpents. During the First World War, the troops of various countries used snakes to raise to the height of observers of artillery fire, intelligence of enemy positions. Aerial snakes were used on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. For example, with their help, our fighters scattered leaflets.

In the post-war years, the kites became an exciting occupation for schoolchildren. But along with this, they are often used in the field of meteorology for research and observations of the lower layers of the atmosphere. Box snakes raise instruments, recording temperature, pressure, air humidity and wind direction at height. In distant Antarctica, our scientists widely used snakes to study the atmosphere to a height of approximately 1000 m.

Currently, air snakes are not that are not forgotten, they live a full-fledged, active life. Aerial snakes help meteorologists in the study of the upper layers of the atmosphere. At the snake, not only the barometer and the thermometer, but also photo and video equipment, can be strengthened, subsequently using the data for topographic maps. The use of an air serpent for such purposes is much more profitable, easier and cheaper than attracting heavy flight techniques. Also, radio amateurs as 100 years ago, and now use an air serpent to obtain a stable signal.

The air snake has its own holiday. Every year on the second Sunday of October, World Air Snake Day is celebrated worldwide.

Why and how does the air serpent fly?

Air snakes belongs to the aircraft heavier than air. Why is the snake rises and what holds it on top? The underlying condition for this is the air movement relative to the snake. The speed and direction of the wind are constantly changing. Not only mountains, but also at home, bridges, buildings, trees deflect the wind at the surface of the Earth from its horizontal direction. So how does the air snake take off? A simplified drawing will help to answer this question. Let the AV line depicts a section of a flat snake, but an angle to the incoming stream of the wind. Consider what forces act for snakes in flight. On takeoff, the dense weight of the air prevents the movement of the snake, that is, it has some pressure on it. Denote Pressure Pressure F1. Now we construct the parallelograms of the forces and decompose the force F1 into two components - F2 and F3. The force F2 is pushing snakes on us, which means that when the lifting it reduces its initial horizontal speed. Consequently, this is the power of resistance. Another power F3 carries a snake up, it is a lifting force.

Rising snakes into the air, we, as it were, artificially increase the power of the pressure F1 to the surface of the snake. But the force F1, as we already know, is declined into two components: F2 and F3. The mass of the model is constant, and the action of the force F2 prevents Leer. It means that the lifting power increases whipping. It is known that the wind speed with a height increases, because the higher the ground, the less objects that prevented its movement. That is why when you start trying to raise snakes in such a height, where the wind might support him.

Types of air cohesives

All air snakes can be divided into two main groups: unmanaged and managed.

Unmanaged include those who are familiar to all air snakes, which, being raised into the sky, are located about the same point there, and the effect on the movement of which can only have an incident air flow.

The simplest uncontrolled snakes are flat. The genericants of all air coils, they have a flat frame. Stabilization is achieved due to the shape of the serpent, air flows in the sail, tails. As an example, you can bring a Russian snake, Indian snakes, snakes "Star", snakes with Deltacryl.

Curved air snakes have a transverse bending in the design, which allows them to be more resistant compared to flat snakes, eliminates the need to use the tail to stabilize, therefore improves the wind range of the snake. The bending in the design is achieved or due to a specially curved connecting element, or by pulling the transverse elements of the frame like a bow.

Having become acquainted with the designs of flat snakes, we learned that neither the length nor the width of most flat snakes does not exceed 1 m. Why so? To answer this question, you need to consider two important parameters: the lifting force and strength of the snake. Flat snakes with a big scope of the wings are difficult to do, significantly without increasing the strength of its elements. But an increase in strength leads to an increase in the width and thickness of the structural elements of the frame, which affects the mass of the snake. It is impossible to increase the mass to increase the mass, when there is no lifting force to take off the snake. Inventors tried to bypass this contradiction. So there were boxed snakes, the strength of which is much higher than the strength of flat snakes.

Box snakes. Aerial snakes of this group have a spatial framework, they are truly three-dimensional, also at the expense of the carcass increases more stability, and an increase in the working planes is involved in an increase in lifting force. Well everyone knows such air snakes, named by the name of their designers, as a snake of Haragrava, snake Potter.

Relief snakes. This is a hybrid group of coils, the main difference of which is that the form is taken at the expense of the incident air flow. At the same time, the design still uses individual rigid and semi-industrial elements of the frame.

Frameless snakes. The form taken by penetrating the inside of the air snake, and the complete absence of a frame as such - the distinctive features of this group. The main advantage is complete freedom in the size and form of an air serpent, low weight.

Knakes include snakes, whose flight can be controlled by the presence of two or more sling.

Two hundred. Air, so-called sports or aerobatic, snakes are usually a triangular (deltavid) form with two pins, one in each hand. Due to the sling, it is possible to control the direction of flight of this snake. In addition, at the expense of the design, the air serpent is able to carry out maneuvers not only in two planes relative to the pilot, but also in the third plane.

Four stroke. Four slings attached to two handles allow you to fully control the angle of attacks of these air coils. Under the control of the pilot, the serpent is able to fly in any direction, rotate and stop at any point of the windshop.

Frameless. In this category of managed coils, snakes intended for towing, they can be two- and four-hundred. The shape of the sail takes both due to the incident flow and due to the frame formed by compressed air. The main purpose is the towing man.

We reviewed the main types of air coils, but there are snakes that differ from them by design and applied materials. Consider some of them.

Snakes on the principle of WUA. It is known that the apparatuses on the air cushion (WUA) are raised due to the pressure difference: under the bottom, the pressure is always greater than top. And the stability of the apparatus is created by a special device that is uniformly distributing the gas flow throughout the perimeter. For this principle can fly and snakes.

Snake parachute. The air flow hit in a slightly inclined parachute dome and raises it up. To stabilize the flight to the snake-parachute, the tail is attached, and a telescopic tube is fixed in the center under the dome. It serves simultaneously with a rigid frame, and the regulator of the center of gravity model.

Snake. The form of such a snake gives good resistance in flight. The model is very similar to two low cones, folded together. The design is supplemented by a kelle, as well as a small ship that shifts the center of gravity down and thus increasing the stability of the apparatus, and the hole at the bottom of the trim. This hole allows you to use those pressure drops that are created with severe wind gusts.

Snakes.The turntables, rotating under the action of the incident air flow, create not only the surface playing the same role as the plane of a box-shaped or flat snake, but, thanks to the angle of attacks, an additional lifting force is created with their help. This allows you to accompany the sets of smaller sizes.

Snake helicopter.In the city it is difficult to find a large open area, where it would be possible to freely disperse with an air snake. Snake helicopter does not require a lot of space for his launch, and bad weather is not a hindrance.

Snakes with diffusers. Snakes of this type we decided to build and experience. The design of such a snake is very simple. Two rails are fastened in the center of the Cross, and are connected along the edges of a solid thread. The snake is served by a non-blowing casing fabric that is attached to the diffuser from the same fabric (photo 1). We launched our snakes at the school stadium. (Photo 2). Moving along the diffuser with an increasing speed of air, increases the speed of the snake, and also, which is more substantially, gives it additional resistance in flight (photo 3,4,5).

Photo 1.
Photo 2.

Photo 3.
Photo 4.
Photo 5.


Based on the studies conducted by me, I came to the following conclusions:

1 Air Snake has a centuries-old history. They were built from different materials and gave them various forms.

2 The use and use of the air serpent was very diverse: in hostilities, rites, everyday life, as well as to study physical phenomena. And of course, it was always used as a children's toy.

3 Nowadays, the snakes are not used for defense significance and in scientific research its role is not very significant, but for people interested in aeronautics, it helps to understand the basic principles of the flight of all aircraft.

Therefore, it is safe to argue that such a children's fun, like a kite, is primarily an example of practical aeronautics.

List of used literature

    Ermakov A.M. The simplest aircraft models: a book for students of grades 5-8. - M.: Enlightenment, 1984. - 160 p.: Il.

    Zavorotov V.A. From ideas to model: Book for students 4-8 classes. - M., Enlightenment, 1988.- 160 p.: Il. - (Do it yourself).

    Perelman Ya.I. Entertaining physics. Book first.-M.: Science, 1976. - 224С.: IL.


The first thing you will see on any air coating festival are giant inflatable air snakes. Of course they are impressive, and not only their size. Such snakes are manufactured with high accuracy of a large number of nylon or polyester panels, most often they are marine creatures, in this image they are most effectively.

These air snakes are inflated as a rule in front, with the help of air intakes. Which are carefully disassembled under the appearance of the animal.

It takes a lot of time to create such kites, and therefore it is not surprising that they can cost very expensive, prices for these creations reach a million rubles. Nevertheless, the organizers of festivals are ready to represent similar air coils on their shows, because they like visitors very much. Inflatable air snakes are an indispensable member of any festival as in Europe so of course in Asia, where they are mixed with a huge number of modern and traditional snakes.

Parafoils (Parafoils)

The most common and simple of them are "Wind Socks" the so-called sock developing in the wind, turbines and banners. You will be able to see these snakes among gigantic on any side of the kites in Russia, Europe or Asia.

Design The design of the classical paraphate is several surfaces separated by the cells by vertical ribs. Cells have holes, with air flow ray - it inflates the design of pressure on the cell of the snake. The biggest of these snakes can lift heavy items, cameras, probes and even people.

The design of the paraphate is several surfaces separated by vertical ribs. Cells have holes, with air flow ray - it inflates the design of pressure on the cell of the snake.

Sometimes to stabilize this air serpent in the flight requires a large number of keel, partitions and other elements, this is one of the most complex air coils. The reason for the popularity of this type of air coils is that with their help you can lift heavy items to the height much more easily than with any other kite of this size.

Delta Kite (Delta)

The next prevalence is of course Delta Kite. The most simple design of this air snake is a simple triangle

With apparent simplicity, for the manufacture of such an air serpent, it is necessary to have a fair experience. But even a child will cope with the launch of the correctly assembled design. Therefore, the first air serpent would be good to buy this particular Fohma. We often complete them with an additional tail, which stabilizes the flight with a non-equal wind. As you grow your skill, you can disconnect the tail for fast and spectacular flight.

(in it you will find many options for Delta's air coils)

Rokakku (Rokakku)

From the point of view of the flight properties of this snake, he will give a large Oge Delta Kite, if you compare them in one price category, in addition, they are distinguished by greater stability and reliability, it becomes noticeable when the wind speed approaches the critical servers. Like any decent Delta Kite, these handsome people do not need tails, because the presence of tail makes it less maneuverable and smoother in flights.

Initially, Roccaci appeared in Japan and used not only as decoration but also as a weapon

All types of boxed air coils are a design from a set of rails and fabric to create a cellular structure. The traditional simplest box serpent is a design of 2 closed boxes.

Most people can imagine as it looks, these images are represented in many books and well known to us. Many modern snakes are made on the basis of the old design, and look just wonderful. Some designers went on a lot to build amazing, complex structures that use the simple principle of the box in flights ....

Rotary air serpent

Pretty rare type of air coils and the only air snake rotating in flight. Therefore, its flight is not similar to the flight of ordinary air structures.

The flight of the air snake is based on the Monguce effect and for the flight of such a design, even a weak and non-smooth wind

One of the most interesting types of air coils. However, to cope with the flight, you will have to make some efforts.

Air serpent has not alone as a rule 2 or 4 control slings. Despite the fact that they fly as a rule much lower than their fellows, they are certainly very attractive thanks to their constant change in the direction of movement, not to mention the current trend towards super-bright color schemes.

Another type of tricky air coils are aerobatic kites. They are named because it was originally invented for training professional kaiter and in essence are their not a big copy. Due to the fact that in folded form they have absolutely not a lot of weight and size, as well as they are not afraid of damage when falling is very popular

The air snake causes many pleasant emotions and memories of every child or adult. Everyone who at least once launched the snake himself will remember this exciting occupation. It is impossible not to love that feeling when you imagine that it flies not snakes that launched by you, and you yourself.

Aerial snakes is the world's most famous aircraft heavier than air. The first mention of the air snake date back to the second century BC, when in ancient China they were made from the leaves of plants with a bamboo frame. True, a little later, when the Chinese invented the silk, it was it that became the main material for their manufacture.

In China, there is still a legend that once a long time ago one ordinary peasant worked in the field. Suddenly the wind blew, and a bamboo hat flew from the head, saving it from the scorching sun. But he managed to catch her behind the brain and saw that the hat was still continuing to soar high in the air. It was she who became a prototype of an air snake.

Starting with II century AD To this day, the Chinese every year in September arrange a dragon holiday, when the huge body of paper from the head is launched into the sky, because the dragon in this country is considered a symbol of power and well-being. From China, this fun has spread to Asia, Europe, America, and then to Australia. In Japan, the monks believed that the kines distilled the evil spirits, brought well-being and protected from misfortunes.

Aerial snakes are of different shapes, sizes and structures - dragons, tigers, birds, butterflies, there are "musical" snakes - snakes that can "sing", thanks to the hollow bamboo stick.

Types of air coils:

  • Paraphalfoils (Parafoils) are several surfaces separated on cells by vertical ribs. The most common and simple of them are "Wind Socks" the so-called sock developing in the wind, turbines and banners.
  • Delta Kite (Delta) is the following in the prevalence of air snakes. The most simple design of this snake is a simple triangle. Even a child will cope with the launch of the correctly assembled design, so the first air snake is good to have exactly this form.
  • Rokakaku (Rokakku) - differ greater stability and reliability, especially it becomes noticeable when the wind speed approaches the critical servers. This viscose visas do not need tails, because the presence of tail makes it less maneuverable and more smooth in flights.

Run the air snake is very simple. Here are some right steps if you have a partner:

  • Turn the thread at 15 - 30 meters (the standard length of the thread, which is attached to the air snake of 30 meters);
  • Correct in the wind (so that the thread repeated the direction of the wind);
  • Tension the thread and jerk for it or run (already at an altitude of 10-15 meters, the air serpent can catch the breeze. If the serpent begins to break out of your hands, let him dial a height. It is important to catch the moment of tension).

Aerial snakes is a stunning toy, admiring the flight of which you can in a windy day. The launch of air coils is a complex of excellent exercises that do not have completely no contraindications on the coordination of movement, the development of attention and imagination.

Some models of children's air coins can launch a child at the age of 3 years. But still it is worth observing the basic precautions. Choose a safe place to run a snake, it can be a park or square, the main thing, it should be an open space without trees, buildings, wires, highways and roads.

Nowadays, air snakes have come back their popularity. This game contributes to the development of smelting, observation, as well as accuracy of movements. On the second Sunday of October, World Air Snake Day celebrates, where all lovers launch their flying facilities, various contests and festivals are held on these bright flying figures.

There is even a sport associated with air kites - kiting. His hedleranger German Otto Liliental, who in 1891 was able to rise in the air snake of his own design. It was then that this kind of sport was born, in which the athletes move around the territory with the help of air coils.

Another sport related to air serpents is called kaitsurfing. The name speaks for itself: surfist, who catches the waves, holding the air serpent, turns into a kaitigist. The air serpent here plays the role of a motor that allows an athlete to gain a huge speed when conquering waves.

Choose a children's kite is quite simple, many well-known toy manufacturers, such as "abtoys", "Djeco", "Moulin Roty", "1Toy" and "Simba" offer parents of serpent different colors and sizes with various characters of cartoons or fairy tales.

Such air snakes can be found in the store at an affordable price, however, they are not suitable for professional flights and performing tricks in the air. In this case, you need to choose professional air coils in specialized stores.