Altered mother-in-law. Mother-lover

This story told me one friend. I presented myself in his place and sfantazed a little. And that's what happened.

Wife got sick. Who does not hurt? But put it in the hospital, and a three-year-old daughter remained in my hands. And such a job is that no comes, no vacation will take. Where should I with such a baby? I had to turn to the mother-in-law asking for help in trouble. Either let him take a katka, or we will come to us, but you need to do something. The mother-in-law came to us.

Came from work Little, played with Katka, communicated with the mother-in-law. I have a woman that you need. Lenka gave birth, my wife, hardly at eighteen and was now in the juice, even without reaching the age of "berries again." And the character came out. Calm, friendly. And with the son-in-law, with me, that is, the common language has found quickly. Yes, we with her and the difference in age is not so big. Lenka is much younger than me. So no friction arose, on the contrary, everything was cute and beautiful. The mother-in-law looked at Katka, prepared, the farm led. So lived.

Rent an object to the customer, got a premium and a normal working day. Came home early. They played with katka, attracted to the game and mother-in-law. Katka had fun, catching up her grandmother, which ran around the room, on the back of the hot hog, which was depicted dad. Holding behind the ears, so as not to fall from the father, or rather from the housing back, pounded the heels on the sides, sporing the race. Noise, laughter, joyful screams daughter. The battery has come. Katka on the everight of his habit set the storm and storm in the bath.

Both of the mother-in-law stood wet and waited for the ship with a sailor Katka mooring to the shore. The wet robe climbed the treachery figure, and the figure is still very and very thorough. The mother-in-law is similar to Lenka, the truth is a bit more fully, but it is even more colors, gives the charm of a mature woman. And they are similar. Sometimes it seems that two sisters are the youngest and eldest. She has a somewhat more than Lenkina, the ass wreck. Well, Lenka to Mom is almost twenty years old, so they are worldwide in the future.

Yes, the wet figurine of the mother-in-law brought to sinful thoughts, especially since there was no woman for a long time ago. And the mother-in-law, female with his zero feeling my interest, quickly calmied Katka, removed her from the rapid ocean and sent us to sleep, saying that she had to be changed into dry, looked like it.

Katka was sleeping, and we were sitting in the kitchen. With premium bought wine and here sat, tasting this drink, led the conversations for life. Word for the word and moved to family issues. The mother-in-law began to say, as she is glad for her daughter, what a good husband got her: Loving, attentive, caring, gentle. Let the son-in-law be angry and not offended, because it is known that the mother and his daughter has no secrets from each other, because it knows even how things are in bed.

As Lenke was lucky enough to have such a lover's husband, who will make a woman in the bath, to the bed in his hands he will bring all over the bed and kisses even there. The mother-in-law of this and the cinema did not see, not what in life. Life has lived with Alkash, which the words of good rejected, did not stick. Only yell. Well, though hands do not dissolve. No, lucky Lenka was very lucky. And her husband is drunk drunk and sleep. And if it is necessary to finish it, it will fall asleep as a borot once a month, doches a couple of minutes, stinking by the overexhairs
and the side. No kisses, words of gentle.

The mother-in-law told, and her tears flowed on her cheeks, the lips were twisted in a bitter smile, his nose blushed. She sobbed, rubbed tears with the back of the palm and continued his story. And I looked at her and thought that here is a normal woman, but there is no happiness. Do you need a woman? And I started to cast a woman, say that everything will work out, everything will be formed. I stroked her as a child, on my head, kissed. She was barely buried. Lit in front of her in a squat, kissed her crying eyes, collected tears lips, current snacks, kissed swelling lips. At some point, these lips responded to my touch, and in a moment we merged into a kiss, not at all related.

Two stood in the middle of the kitchen and fiercely kissed. Hands fluttered over the bodies, feeling and referring. Languages \u200b\u200bled their conversation, penetrating into his mouth, lips caressed their lips. The robe of the mother-in-law with the shoulders and now miraculously kept on her body. At some point, the mother-in-law moved his shoulders and the barbecue completely slept, exposing her breasts, a little sobbed, but still strong, chubby tummy. After the mother's bath, the bra was not put on the bra and now her breasts, released from captivity, fell into my substituted palms. I squeezed them, caught, without breaking away from the lips of a woman. And then sat down a little and began to kiss the nipples, sank to the tummy. I pressed my head to myself, all whispered about some sin, and I was tightened to the end of the bathrobe and so he fell at all. The mother-in-law stood in front of me, covered only with knitted panties. And now this detail of the clothes was clearly unnecessary.

I pulled down the panties down, exposing the pubes with a reddish piggy, descended them almost to his knees and passionately kissed the tummy, pubis, hips. By pulling the panties a little more, lowered them to the ankle and mother-in-law, crossed the legs through panties, clearly agreeing to me that they were no longer needed. She stood as Venus, published from the sea foam. The body of a mature woman was beautiful.

The semi-verbust of the mother's mother asked me not to look at her, such a thick and terrible. The woman loves the ears and therefore my words that her body is fine that it is perfection itself, which will still be able to give the joy and pleasure to a man that should not be shy, but you have to be proud of such a body, such a figure. He spoke a lot of what, now I do not mention. It is known that at this moment the language of the man becomes without bones and the words themselves are poured, bypassing the brain. And I said everything, interchanting my words kisses. And then picked up the mother-in-law in the hands and carried into the bedroom. She did not resist, giving up in the full will of men. Clamping me for the neck, kissed somewhere in the ear, whispered something.

Putting a woman on the bed, he himself without undressing, again began to cover the body with kisses. Kissed her lips, neck, chest, belly, hips and again lips. The mother-in-law lay, slightly spreading the legs and I spent the finger with the crotch, immersed it in a half-open vagina, took out, sniffed and licked, trying to taste. The smell was almost Lenkin, and the taste of the mother-in-law was a little different. Once again, loaded the finger in the vagina, took him out and persistently put the mother-in-law in his mouth, so that she would try, what a pleasant taste of her pussy. She suused his finger, and I had already stroked her sex lips, the clitoris, that swelling and got out, curious, from the pink flesh mantle.

Teschino vagina was wet, hot. Having dropped before the bed on his knees, gently kissed her into these semi-open lips. I kissed the way the child kiss, as kissing a woman in the corner of the lips or eyes. The lips slid by the moth, but the mother-in-law was enough to strain, cross and, revealing, to substitute their treasure to put their treasure, that women hide from an extraneous gaze. And then they were caressing with tongue and lips. Describe its condition - only time to spend in vain. It was a lying panther, it was a trembling lan, it was a passion volcano and all at the same time. She groaned and shouted something, she rushed her sheet and scratching my back, she was at the peak of bliss.

When her body shook the orgasm, he found himself with a moment next to her, fault by hugging. She was naturally crying, bolding me in the chest. And I stroked her back, shoulders, kissed. After a while, and without taking faces from the chest, the deaf said that she, of course, bitch and creature towards her daughter, but she still wants. Helped me to undress. Rather, just threw clothes with me and fell on his back, spreading his legs wide and now completely giving up and enjoying.

After the third orgasm, lying on the crumplers and crumpled sheets, he said that he never believed women's stories about the flights in bed with her beloved man. But now he was convinced that it was possible. She has already visited the seventh heaven and just happy that I showed her such a flight. And now she is a little tired and wanted to be flying there and therefore, spreading his legs, aggressively pulled me on himself. He herself, taking a member of his hand, sent him to his revealed gap. And when I plunged into her, I fucked, raised my legs up and put them on my shoulders. And I broke. The winners in the captured city do not behave as I acted. I miss the female body, I growled and raised. He pounded a member to the rest, until the uterus itself, Madly moved them into the vagina, trying to fill every corner and snacks of this space. And the mother-in-law took up once again, shuddered in ecstasy.

It rarely happens that immediately, for the first time, a man and a woman cum at the same time. We made it.

Lyed, hugging. I, splashing the accumulated tension, lazily stroked the Teschino body. She, having started her hand between us, held a member that was afraid that he would disappear. Water treatments neglected, it was just so good that I did not want to get up and go somewhere, to do something.

Among the night, Katka woke up and snapped. Jumped together with the mother-in-law and rushed into the nursery. Having at the daughter, the mother-in-law leaned over her crib and sang something, shaking Katku. Her ass, shining in the twilight of the room, her swaying breasts did not leave indifferent dick. Moreover, there is still a large amount of sperm, not spilled for the first time. And I, coming to the mother-in-law, the master movement spread its buttocks, gropping the entrance to the cherished cave. She spread her legs and lower his granddaughter below, without ceasing to hum. And I, now gently and gently, entered the wet, hot and waiting for me to Teschino vagina, began to move there, holding the trees of the hip. From my jolts, deep and measured, she was fed forward, her breasts were swinging. Soon, her voice began to be interrupted, the song was knocked down from the rhythm, and then she looked through the scenered lips, moaned.

Lenka always finished several times until I get to the finish. Such is the long-playing. And the mother-in-law managed to cum, and I also did not warm up. Turning mother-in-law to her, kissed her, hugging over his shoulders. She grabbed me over the neck and stood an empty, on tiptoe. So they reached the bedroom, not blurring hugs. They collapsed on the gloomy bed. And I, kissing Teschino, spoke about this way:

- What a smack! - a possession of the Taurus! Like smack! - I love it! Which Smok! - RELECTION-smack! -The! Which Smok! - Study nipples! What a smack! - Adorable tummy! And some smack! - Smoky-smack! -Work! And as-smk! - Smok-smoking-smack! - Which in her smack! Stick!

Well, stuck.

In the morning, when I went to the kitchen, the mother-in-law was preparing breakfast. Katka still slept. The mother-in-law was cheerful, happy. She easily moved and even flew something. Standing in the door, wished her good morning and watched her with pleasure, as the buttocks played under the bathrobe, how to go there. And the member immediately responded, outping the briefs and submitted to know that he did not mind to visit his familiar vagina. When the mother-in-law leaned down the table, the robe shared her. As expected, the briefs this time did the mother-in-law, and I, without meeting obstacles, was lucually kissed the butt that they seemed in chubby buns from under the coat.

Again, the most powerful, on the rights of the winner, penetrated between the legs and was convinced that after a rapid night there was nothing disappeared that everything was in place. The mother-in-law stood froze. Waiting for her to do next to her owner, her owner. And he, slightly appealing on his back, forced the mother-in-law bend down and began to stroke her crotch, penetrating his fingers into the random hole, and then, pulling the gum of panties and exposing the dick, headed the head of the sideways and even pronounced this head so that the member Wish good morning with my new acquaintance.

Looking at the mother-in-law to her face, hard, so that she caught his breath, kissed and, lifting, put on the kitchen table. Put on the back and dropped the floors of a bathrobe on the outside.

The mother-in-law slid on the table and only his hands, firmly compressing her thighs, did not give it to slip at all. Her hands rushed, then grabbing themselves for the chest that fell out of the bathrobe, they slid on the table, in search of something unknown, they tried to reach me. And I robbed my flesh into it, spanking stomach in the buttocks. The mother-in-law groaned, shouted something and finished, ahead of me. And I strengthened the onion, trying to catch up with mammy Lenka. Soon the daughter wakes up and no one wants to watch her, as her dad has her grandmother on the table. So I discharged.

Laughing, washed away. The mother-in-law, cropped in the bath, fought off my attempts to wash her vagina, herself tried to wash me. For two baths, it was scolded, but there was enough places for the pool.

Then, when the mother-in-law, never dressed, leaning out wiped the floor, that we, indulged flooded, tried to grab her for the ass, for the vagina. She was jokingly choking, but was clearly satisfied.

Breakfast chinno. Washing out a zamuzganian daughter, gaming the hospital to mom. Lenka was glad, looking at our unity. Tikhonechko asked not to offend mom. Then, retaining, something whispered about something with his mother, while we and I collected the leaves in the hospital reclider.

At home, the mother-in-law told that the daughter asked her to look after me, so I did not break down to the left. And if there is a moment that I will be ready to break, (let only mom be offended and understand), asked to replace her, temporarily fulfilling the responsibilities of his wife. She, of course, is ashamed to talk about it, but she always believed his mother's mother and more to apply for nothing to whom. And searching on the side is fraught with the possibility of inventing the family of a good man. And mother-in-law promised to do everything as she asked daughter.

Setting to sleep Katka, lay like spouses, in one bed. Now our intercourse was leisurely, but everything is as passionate. In the mother-in-law, a woman woke up and this woman was trying to take advantage of the chance sent to her fate. In the evening, before bedtime, we were discussing in the kitchen from the mother-in-law (where else?) Lenka's request. And I cried, I'm not very lying. How did she love me if he decided on such a request?! And mother-in-law cried, rejoicing for her daughter, for her husband.

Lenka was discharged from the hospital. Mother-in-law left. What she told Lenka and what was taped, I do not know. Only Lenka began to often send me to the mother under the pretext of help. And when I returned, she did not ask anything about anything. Only here sex on this day we had so stormy, as if Lenka had broken off the chain, as if he was hungry. And I also noticed that my business trips to the mother-in-law coincided with Lenkina monthly.

After some time, Lenka herself admitted to me that I pushed my mother into our bed, which is a little jealous, but looking at how Mom bloomed, rejoices for her and not how much it does not regret the deed. After all, it is enough for her with an excess, and sometimes my activity is even excess. Grabs and mom and mom is very grateful to her daughter for her permission to use surplus. Only here Lenka worries that I would get used to my mother and distribute her my wife. Kissing, soothing that there is no more than them with chick for me in the world.

And we never stopped sleeping from the mother-in-law. And often, when the mother-in-law seated us, Lenka herself sent me to her, at first satisfied to the end. And it remains only to fall into the bed in the threesome. But all something braked. And once, after a feast, about some holiday, it happened. And the sky did not fall to the ground, and the earth did not turn under his feet. Looking at each other's sex, women ordered, receiving an orgasm from the slightest touch. Welding bodies when you do not understand who whom and how caresses. Sex holiday, passion song.

And then the father-in-law crashed across a drunk bench. The mother-in-law moved to us. Her house was left under the cottage. After about a year and a half, Lenka became pregnant, and then mother-in-law. And now Katka sister and brother, who else she and uncle.

In general, the mother-in-law in Russia is the popular hero of jokes, which is well suicide. But they also don't get fucked, all humorous stories write men, ridicuing mother-in-law. And at the same time they feel deep enough to her feelings. Currently, love between the son-in-law and mother-in-law is not uncommon and manifests itself very in gentle moments!

Considering the mother-in-law on the sides of the son-in-law, she is his own wife, only in the future and changed for the better. If she looked like her maiden, but acquired a lot - a huge life experience and no longer capricious. The mother-in-law becomes an absolute ideal for the son-in-law and faces constantly with her in the apartment (if they live together). But according to polls, almost every young son-in-law is barely experiencing deep sympathy for its mother-in-law, before real love becomes between them when the mother-in-law is in love with her daughter's husband.

If you look from the sides of the mother-in-law, then the son-in-law is one of the daughter's mistakes. Thoughts run in the head that the choice is not very bad, as it could be, but it is not so ideal as I wanted. Accordingly, it cares for his parameters of the ideal and in the process of this falls in love with his work. So it turns out that she made it with her own hands, like a warm scarf as a gift, but to give a sorry.

And then the order of fate. It happens that the mother-in-law begins to flirt with the son-in-law, to show signs of attention, well, and he appears a specific desire. It happens that under the influence of alcohol, this desire is embodied in the head or he or her, and sometimes two at once!

Often the very first time at the son-in-law from the mother-in-law and becomes the last. This concept is not even subject to discussion between them, simply in the future all life they pretend that nothing was. Well, Mom simply does not want to hurt and harm her daughter.

The second time is happening with my wife not everyone. Only the coughs are dare, which, by the way, do not have any unsubsion. Once took strength, another time she will go. They look like a young cat, which hunts the mouse, well, respectively, the cat masters her. According to the stories that had to listen to sexual relations between these heroes happen to the hottest and inappropriate time. For example, the wife went to the store for the necessary products for 10 minutes, and at that time a huge desire was overlooking her husband.

Accordingly, there is little time, and the mother-in-law is preparing in the kitchen, he breaks down from the chain and takes it straight on the table, well, so long do not run and do not lose time. The most interesting fact that the name of the son-in-law does not particularly apply to anyone on this topic and even to friends reports on the presence of a fact, and not about the process itself. And the mother-in-law is experiencing an emotional shock and speaks of his erotic revelation with all relevant moments, and not only reports the commission of sin.

You can watch such situations in different ways. Some will condemn and, in fact, do it right, because all these actions can be called incest! Not normal this phenomenon. But on the other hand, no one suffers from these relationships. The son-in-law, of course, is good, the mother-in-law gradually gets used to, and the whole benefit is developing around a young wife!

Well, first, she does not know about all this, and he cannot think about it. Secondly, her husband does not have a mistress, he spends all the strength in the family and laid out in full. Thirdly, the husband is gaining from the mother's mother-in-law and a certain sexual experience, and in the future conveys it to his wife. Fourth, there are no hostile relationship between mom and her daughter's husband.

There are very rare cases when moms lead their husbands in daughters. Mostly two partners suits such a joint accommodation, and it continues until the mother will leave. And after departure, everything falls into place.

These actions can be condemned, but, as they say, nor judge and will not judge. And what to do in such a situation a young wife? A very difficult question, because she can lose two of her closest people and in the end there will remain alone. Therefore, you need to think very much before making any hasty conclusions. Yes, such a connection is not clear, but it can also say that her husband takes out only only she, and besides, at an older age, he will be not indifferent to it!

The mother-in-law decided to stroll along the empty apartment after the bath, but on the sofa it was waiting for a surprise in the form of a sleeping black son-in-law. The awakening of the peasant was terrible. He picks up a mother for a witch-mermaid and tries to fight with a fatal evil. A daughter arrives at the height of the battle on the stage and sees how the hubby is squeezing her naked mother on the sofa. The girl is in a hurry to understand what is happening, but a semi-resistant bottle of beer is treated under his feet. A foam drink turns the entire scene into a heap-maul with a son-in-law in the foundation. Will the guy succeed under the pile of women?

Feeling like a mermaid was chopped by his inhuman severity to the sofa, the guy pushed the rest of the air in the last cry: "No!" Everything, there was nothing more breathing. The lungs went out, inside something huddled, and he lost consciousness.

The daughter of all his might rushed shameless mother by the shoulders, and the ball of two women flopped right in the puddle on the carpet. An empty bottle happily spinning around the confused ladies. A couple of minutes, women raised their limbs and, disobeying this puzzle, was angry at each other. There were no words. It is said that glances are burning. Do not believe! If it were so, then the glance of the daughter was easily burned by the head of the unbelievable milf. Before the ladies, the gift of speech will return, we want to warn readers that for some moral considerations do not basically use an abnormative vocabulary on the site. Therefore, the subsequent female conversation is given in translation from Russian oral into Russian more or less literary.

At young people nerves are stronger, and the mind is cut, so the daughter interrupted the pause of the first:
- Oh, you are a fool of such a, sort of and detectable! What do you do?
- The fool itself is deleting! For whom the mouth you can easily! Why not at work? Did you drive?
- No, specially check came, look, what you do here without me! And on time! Mother native, in old age, naked on the apartment jumps and my man throws onto the man ...
- Damn, I also found a man! Delivered to me your fool nicely. Neither the skin, nor faces, no salary! Only the joy that the width on the pants. Came from work and immediately - Bryak on a sofa with beer! Even hands did not wash !!!
- What the guy cling to the guy! Think, my hands did not wash. Heat, I wanted to drink. We are not in kindergarten, where for dirty hands in the corner put. He is dressed, and you are on yourself, the catchment is bare, better look.

Under the daughter of the upwardness of Mamashek, slept a woolen cape from the chair and wrapped into it. Becoming more or less dressed, she felt more confident and went to the offensive:
- Early you, Durubus such, from kindergarten released! It was necessary to still hold the nodes somewhat, in the stinking corner on the pot, then I remember that the hands always need to wash under the crane! I took the bath, did not know that he declared home so early. Would you wanted to wash your hubby after work - I whateaneous that the light burns in the bathroom, knocked, and immediately became clear who is at home. I am also him and dinner sneaking. So no, I went to a snitch and a gallop to the refrigerator. And then - boo in dirty clothes on my sofa. I can walk in my room as I want. Not in vain for a two-room apartment, the latest veins pulled out. What do you have no TV? Also, the bottles with beer put on the aisle! Look at what my carpet turned. Who will you pay for dry cleaning now? Your beggar inquiry?

Mamachin finger was angry with a sticky stain on the alayer carpet. On the darkened wool surface with a thin ice chip chips. The idea that you have to part with money, rallied women against the new enemy. They turned to the guy at once.

During the female shimmer, a young man did not give a voice. Now he lay motionless, stretching out on the sofa without visible signs of life. From the corner of the mouth of the blood trickle.
- died, no way? - Hopefully asked mother.
"Yuuuuuu," the daughter drove into the voice and collapsed on the sofa next to her husband. The guy is slightly groaned.
- Live, - disappointed the mother-in-law. She was then bent over the sofa, studying the son-in-law for visible damage, and asked faith:
- We will quickly call or go through?

And here the cunning droplet, who slept somewhere in the mother's hair, fell guy on the forehead. He opened his eyes. Awakening was terrible. Research naked witch-mermaid with wet hair has now covered wool and buried right on him! Husband stuck and clogged in convulsions.
- No, it does not pass. Check, how it is short. White hot, not otherwise. You made yourself in the heat with your beer, - summarized the mother-in-law. - I will go, shook and call. You keep him stronger, but still falls to the floor, breaks something, and doctors will think that we beat him, "she dropped his woolen cape on the chair and approached Chiffira.

The cheeky evil disappeared, and the guy began to gradually calm down. A cute wife of his wife made his forgets through cotton wool. Faith caused: "Moyny, what's with you, where hurts?" He wanted to complain to the witch-mermaid, but an unfamiliar vicious voice rang out in the room:
- Where is the patient?
- Won, on the sofa. They came after work, and he already lies drunk unconscious. I used the whole carpet with my beer. Blood from the mouth goes and twitching all, - called nasty treachery voice.

The patient tried to explain that everything was wrong. But I could not tell about the witch-mermaid, the language did not obey. He only walked in vain. From movements in the chest, the guy groaned. Cold fingers touched her hand, then quickly ran through the body and painfully jagged into the ribs.
- AAA!
- Nothing, slate. Ears, two ribs are broken, a heat blow and some other nervous reaction. See, tick on the face? We will understand more in the hospital. The guy is a young, press the week and diverting outpatient. Ship on stretcher! Who will go to the hospital with us? Grab his documents!

The room began a bustle. Faith rushed to her husband's documents. The mother-in-law beyond the sanitation, as if the men suddenly did something from her precious room. In the car, the boy has a calming down, and he woke up by the hospital. The doctor from the ambulance turned out to be experienced, the diagnosis was correct. The ribs recorded the bandage, about the bruises they said that they would pass. The case was more difficult with tick. After the neuropathologist heard about the attack of the mermaid witch, he somehow looked strangely on the guy and led the psychiatrist. The doctor asked about parents, grandparents, called his wife with a mother-in-law. Then made a verdict: "Do not drink!"
- And wash your arms before meals! - Mama glazedly added.
"She is also not harmful," the doctor agreed. - Did you have any chemistry at work, all sorts solutions. All health has different, who knows how it will work on the body.

With this, and a hospital leaf of a boy left a hospital in a day. But on this, a cheerful story of life in a residential area has not yet ended.

In the evening, young were shusked in their room. From mom, it was necessary to go, for sure. It was decided to look for any courses to learn and get to more cash. Side and then rent an apartment. In life, cubed the goal, the vegetable life of a young family, generously fired by beer, ended.

To tear up

In the ass treason, blowjob forced

To tear up

The first time I married twenty years. My wife was stupid, constant, but an extremely ebony girl, which, before me, as it turned out, he had slept with half a district and in whom he studied. Why I got married then and I myself do not know - it was led to some kind of wiring, but, as they say, what is done - that is done. For a while, somewhere about a year, we lived at her at home with her stepfather and mother. I worked on the night shift, came early in the morning and went to bed. Wife with girlfriend in the afternoon of Rayglil somewhere on the market.

My mother-in-law was Natalia, not as an example of his daughter, a woman of amazing beauty: chubby, but not fat, like a guitar resembling a guitar, with full excellent breasts of 3-4 sizes, nicely rounded strong ass, smooth rounded hips - in one word, she attracted I am much more than her daughter. By the way, I really sympatheted my mother-in-law and modestly flirted with me: however, it would be no reason to sell in front of me in underwear and screens out of surprise, as if I don't know what I am in the room at this moment, or throw a magazine or a magazine to a prominent place which describes the history of the son-in-law from the mother-in-law. I have not done anything yet, but gradually the excitement accumulated. Since my mother-in-law did not work, and I worked for a night shift. We often remained with her alone.

Somehow I woke up among the day, I go into the kitchen and I see: my mother-in-law sits at the table and his hands on his neck.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Yes, he says her neck whose. The doctor prescribed a prophylactic massage, and I would not like it. "

"So let me make you a massage, I say, I studied at the masseur in the honeychatum and a diploma."

"Thank you, dear," says mother-in-law.

I started from the neck, then the shoulders scented, hands. Then I tell her: "Sitting is not comfortable. Let's go for you to make a full massage. " We went to the room, she was on the carpet to the sheet of bed and lay on the stomach. I tell her: "Clothes should be removed. How do I do to you through her massage? ". She could have breakdown, broke, but shouting.

Since then, I started massaging her daily. She began to get used to the hands. Then it was so accustomed that I even began to ask me to rub her back in the bathroom - Well, here I went through all the way: soap it all entirely including breasts and causals. She at first screamed, said that it was not good, but I convinced her to treat everything as medical procedures and this rationale apparently arranged))).

I reached the extreme degree of excitement - I could not wait for her to plant the most tomatoes. Apparently she felt it.

And somehow once I go into the kitchen - and there is a mother-in-law. What, I ask, happened? "Yes, the husband again, the nerves again all morning" says. I tell her: "Let's go to make you a masseur". And at the very stake. The section began to massage it, and she fills up. He began to stroke her head, calm down, kiss ... kissed on his lips ... she looked at me so strangely, but continues to cry ... I started kissing her neck shoulders chest ...

She is: "Senechka, what you do." I say: "Silent, fool, and relax." I start kissing her belly, hips ... then spread her legs and passionate !!! She from surprise them shifted so sharply that he almost broke my neck. I tell her: "Lay, fool, do not twitch! I love you!". I take her clitoris, sponge and tongue there. And she already flowed, my head presses my head and moans. I threw the panties with myself and rushed to her. She is: "The sequence is not necessary! ... God is huge!". I was completely overwhelmed here: she poured her slap to her, she grabbed her face with his hands, I jerk spread her legs and planted her. Although lubricants were a lot of member entered with dry crunch and not entirely ... I finished quickly and in it. Then he forced her to suck me a member in Posse 69. Soon he jumped again. I put it with cancer and, the call flapping on the ass, hedraged another time. Then we went to wash. In the soul, she began to suck myself, posting and lustily glancing at me up. I took her on my hands behind the ass. Leaning his back to the wall. And so Drals her in the bathroom, inserting her finger to her anus.

We were hazardous, diet. The mother-in-law removed the dishes from the table. I began to wipe it with a rag. The view of the leaning mother-in-law was stunning. I decided to try her ass. Put her hand between the legs. Stroked the wet sponges. Mocked my fingers in the label began to stand out and began to stroke her anus, gently inserting there on the phalanx then one of the two fingers. The mother-in-law tried to straighten up: "What do you want, the sequence?". I buried her with one hand to the table. In me, the beast awoke again. I began to beat her with his palm of the second hand on the pope, periodically falling on the hips and sexual lips. The mother-in-law tried to break out: "I hurt! I don't want so! " "Stop, bitch!" I growled and grabbed the belt hanging on the stool. I spun her both hands behind my back and began to smoke: "So you do not want? And you can tease me so much time? It's time for pile, whore! "

I threw the belt and started the palm to catch her hips and the vagina. With the next slap on the sexual lips, it cums violently and somehow all immediately cries relaxed. I go to her from behind, a few progressive movements lubricate a member with a lubricant and attach it to a small hole anus. I pushing a little while the member head will not be included in the anus and, then, with a sharp movement, I will find a member of the whole length. Apparently it hurts, as the mother-in-law screamed loudly, suffocated and cried biting her hand. Whatever to distract from pain I grabbed her with one hand for the hair, and the other behind the ass and began to rigid her ass on a member, then removing it almost completely, then planting for the whole length. The tired member from unusual sensations was stood with a cola, but the orgasm did not come, so I Dral Mother's Takes about half an hour, moving from one hole to another.

Then he put her back on the table and Drals her in in this position, flapping on breasts and cheeks.

In the end (I already finish eight times) My mother-in-law reached rapidness: I began to suck my fingers on my hands, kissed me, myself caught my chest, turning my pagies, screamed me: "Yes, yes, come on, fuck me whore!". Finally, I returned it to its original position. Standing with cancer, put a dick to her ass and trembled her head for the hair. In the mirror hanging on the wall, the mother's face was reflected - a satisfied face of a good fucked female. She glanced licks lips covered with dry lubricant and raised her eyes. This picture opened me so much that I entered into her ass. I immediately cum. And she was still wriggle on the pulsating member, as if she tried to absorb everything to the drop.