Berlin operation causes the course of the results. The last battle of war

Berlin, Germany

The Red Army defeated the Berlin grouping of German troops and took the capital of Germany Berlin. The victory of the antihytler coalition in Europe.




I. V. Stalin

A. Hitler †

G. K. Zhukov


I. S. Konev

K. K. Rokossovsky


Forces side

Soviet troops: 1.9 million people, 6250 tanks, more than 7,500 aircraft. Polish troops: 155 900 people

1 million people, 1,500 tanks, more than 3300 aircraft

Soviet troops: 78 291 killed, 274 184 injured, 215.9 thousand units. small arms, 1997 tanks and sau, 2108 guns and mortars, 917 aircraft.
Polish troops: 2825 killed, 6067 wounded

All grouping. Soviet data: OK. 400 thousand killed, approx. 380 thousand captives. Losses of folkssturma, police, organization Todta, Hitlergendan, the service of imperial communication, labor service services (only 500-1 million people) are unknown.

One of the latest strategic operations of Soviet troops at the European Theater of Military Activities, during which the Red Army took the capital of Germany victoriously completed the Great Patriotic War and the World Warf War in Europe. The operation lasted on 23 days - from April 16 to May 8, 1945, during which Soviet troops have advanced to the west at a distance from 100 to 220 km. The width of the front of the fighting is 300 km. Within the framework of the operation, said: Shttinsko-Rostokskaya, Zelovskoy-Berlin, Kotbus-Potsdamskaya, Pedrembg-Torgau and Brandenburg-Rathenovsky front-line offensive operations.

Military political situation in Europe in the spring of 1945

In January-March 1945, the troops of the 1st Belorussky and the 1st Ukrainian fronts during the Voloo-Oder, the East-Pomeranian, the Upper-Silesian and the Nizhne-Silesian operations were overheaded by the Oder and Neuris rivers. Under the shortest distance from the Kustere Brillus, 60 km remained to Berlin. The English-American troops completed the elimination of the Ruruga grouping of German troops and by mid-April, the advanced parts reached the Elbe. The loss of essential raw materials led to the decline in the industrial production of Germany. Increased difficulties with the filling of human losses incurred in the winter of 1944/45. Nevertheless, Germany's armed forces were still an impressive force. According to the reconnaissance of the General Staff of the Red Army, by mid-April, there were 223 divisions and brigades in their composition.

According to the agreements reached by the heads of the USSR, USA and Great Britain in the fall of 1944, the border of the Soviet occupation zone was supposed to take place 150 km west of Berlin. Despite this, Churchillvilized the idea of \u200b\u200bahead of the Red Army and capture Berlin.

Goals of Party


Nazi leadership tried to tighten the war in order to achieve the Separate world with England and the United States and the split of the anti-Hitler coalition. At the same time, the retention of the front against the Soviet Union was crucial.

the USSR

The military-political situation, which pretended by April 1945, demanded from the Soviet command in the shortest possible time to prepare and carry out an operation to defeat the grouping of German troops on the Berlin direction, the seizure of Berlin and entering the Elba River to connect to the allies troops. The successful implementation of this strategic task made it possible to disrupt the plans of the Hitler's leadership for the delay of war.

For the operation, the strength of three fronts was attracted: the 1st Belorussky, 2nd Belorussky and 1st Ukrainian, as well as the 18th air ariance army of distant action, Dniprovskaya military flotilla and part of the forces of the Baltic Fleet.

1st Belorussian Front

  • Send the capital of Germany by the city of Berlin
  • After 12-15 days of surgery to go on the Elba River

1st Ukrainian Front

  • South Berlin's disseminating blow, isolate the main forces of the Center for the Center for the Center from the Berlin group and this is to provide the main blow to the 1st Belarusian Front from the south
  • Defeat the enemy grouping south of Berlin and operational reserves in the area of \u200b\u200bCottat
  • For 10-12 days, not later, to reach Belitz - Wittenberg and then on the River Elbe to Dresden

2nd Belorussian Front

  • Apply a disseminating blow to the north of Berlin, providing the right flank of the 1st Belarusian front from possible opponents of the enemy from the north
  • Press the sea and destroy the German troops north of Berlin

Dniprovskaya Military Flotilla

  • Two teams of river ships promote the troops of the 5th shock and the 8th Guards armies in crossing the Oder and the breakthrough of the enemy defense of Nastustrian bridgehead
  • Third brigade to promote the troops of the 33rd army in the area of \u200b\u200bFürstenberg
  • Provide anti-minor defense of water transport routes.

Red-known Baltic Fleet

  • Support the seaside flank of the 2nd Belarusian front, continuing the blockade to the sea of \u200b\u200bthe Army Group "Kurland" in Latvia (Kullyndsky Cowle)

Operation plan

The operation plan provided for the simultaneous transition to the offensive of the troops of the 1st Belorussian and 1st Ukrainian fronts in the morning of April 16, 1945. The 2nd Belorussian front, in connection with the upcoming major regrouping of his forces, was to begin an offensive on April 20, that is, 4 days later.

The 1st Belorussian Front was to apply the main blow to the forces of the five general-official (47th, 3rd shock, 5th shock, the 8th Guards and 3rd Army) and two tank armies from the Custrian bridgehead in the direction of Berlin. Tank armies were planned to introduce into battle after a breakthrough with the general army of the second defense strip in Zeelian altitudes. An artillery density of up to 270 instruments (caliber from 76 mm and above) was created on the main strike area (caliber from 76 mm and above) for one kilometer of the breakthrough front. In addition, the commander of the front of the city of K. Zhukov decided to apply two auxiliary strikes: to the right of the 61st Soviet and 1st army of Polish troops bypass Berlin from the north in the direction on Eberswalde, Zandaão; And on the left forces of the 69th and 33rd armies to Bonsdorf with the main task of preventing departure to the Berlin of the 9th Army of the enemy.

The 1st Ukrainian Front was supposed to apply the main blow to the forces of five armies: three general-official (13th, 5th Guards and 3rd Guards) and two tanks from the city of Trimbel towards Sprömbert. The auxiliary blow was to be applied in the general direction on Dresden by the 2nd Army of the Polsky forces part of the forces of the 52nd army.

The distinction line between the 1st Ukrainian and 1st Belarusian fronts was cut into 50 km southeast of Berlin in the area of \u200b\u200bLubbin, which allowed, if necessary, the troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front strike at Berlin from the south.

The commander of the 2nd Belarusian Front of K. K. Rokossovsky decided to apply the main blow to the forces of 65, 70 and 49 armies in the direction on the Nechier. Develop success after the breakthrough of German defense should have had separate tank, mechanized and cavalry corps of front-line subordination.

Preparation for the operation

the USSR


Intelligence Aviation 6 times produced Berlin Aerophotus, all approaches to it and defensive strips. A total of about 15 thousand aerial photographs were obtained. According to the results of filming, trophy documents and polls of the prisoners, detailed schemes were compiled, plans, cards that were supplied with all command-staff instances. The Military Topographic Service of the 1st Belarusian Front made an accurate layout of the city with suburbs, which was used in the study of issues related to the organization of the offensive, the general assault of Berlin and the battle in the city center.

Two days before the operation of the operation, in the entire band of the 1st Belarusian front, the battle was conducted. 32 reconnaissance detachments by force to the reinforced rifle battalion each for two days on 14 and 15 April, the battle was specified by the placement of the enemy's fire funds, the dislocation of its groups was determined, the strong and most vulnerable places of the defensive strip were determined.


During the preparation of the offensive, engineering troops of the 1st Belorussian front under the command of Gene-Lieutenant Antipenko performed a large amount of main engineering work. By the beginning of the operation, often under the fire of the enemy, 25 automotive bridges with a total length of 15,017 travel meters were built through Oder, and 40 ferry crossings were prepared. In order to organize the continuous and complete support of the upcoming parts by ammunition and the combustible railway canvas in a busy territory, it was rewrote to a Russian rut to almost the Oder. In addition, the military engineers of the front have attached heroic efforts to strengthen railway bridges through the Vistula, which were threatened by the Spring Ice Trim.

On the 1st Ukrainian Front for the Forcing of the Neurov River, 2440 sapar wooden boats were harvested, 750 robust meters of assault bridges and over 1000 wooden bridges under loads 16 and 60 tons.

The 2nd Belorussian front at the beginning of the offensive was to forcing Oder, whose width in some places reached six kilometers, so special attention was paid to engineering training. The engineering troops of the front under the leadership of Lieutenant Bleslavov, in the shortest possible time pulled up and reliably covered in the coastal zone dozens of pontoons, hundreds of boats, brought timber for the construction of berths and bridges, produced rafts, laid gati through the wetlands of the coast.

Masking and disinformation

In the preparation of the operation, special attention was paid to issues of disguise and achieve operational and tactical suddenness. The headquarters of the fronts developed detailed plans for disinformation measures and the introduction of an enemy misconception, according to which preparation for the onset of the troops of the 1st and 2nd Belarusian fronts was imitated in the city of Shttatin and Guben. At the same time, at the central section of the 1st Belarusian front, where in reality the deposition of the main strike was planned, reinforced defensive work continued. Especially intensely they conducted on sites well-looking opponent. The entire personal composition of the armies clarified that the main task is to persistent defense. In addition, documents characterizing the activities of troops at various sections of the front were thrown into the arrangement of the enemy.

The arrival of reserves and parts of strengthening was carefully masked. Military echelons with artillery, mortar, tank parts on the territory of Poland were masked under the compositions carrying on the platforms of the forest and hay.

When carrying out reconnaissions, tank commanders from the battalion commander to the commander of the army were changed to the infantry form and under the guise of communication was examined by crossings and areas where their divisions will be focused.

The circle of awared people was limited. In addition to the commander, the stakes directive were allowed to acquaint only the headquarters of the armies, headquarters of the operational departments of the headquarters of armies and commander of artillery. Regiment commanders received tasks orally three days before the onset. The junior commanders and the Red Army teams on the offensive was allowed to declare two hours before the attack.

Rearrangeing forces

During the preparations for the Berlin operation, the 2nd Belorussian front, who had just completed the East Pomeranian operation, from 4 to 15 April 1945, was to transfer 4 general-official army to a distance of up to 350 km from Danzig and Gdynia Cities Area and Gdynia by River Oder and Change the army there of the 1st Belorussian Front. The poor condition of the railways and the sharp lack of rolling stock did not fully use the possibilities of railway transport, so the main severity of traffic fell on motor vehicles. Front was allocated 1900 cars. Part of the path of the troops had to be overcome on foot.


The German command foresaw the onset of Soviet troops and carefully prepared for its reflection. Deeply echelonized defense was built from Oder to Berlin, and the city itself was turned into a powerful defensive citadel. The first line divisions were replenished with a personnel and technique, strong reserves were created in the operational depth. In Berlin and near him, a huge number of folksturma battalions were formed.

Character defense

The basis of defense was the Odesko-Neissensky defensive line and the Berlin defensive area. Odessa-Neissensky Rubage consisted of three defensive bands, and his total depth reached 20-40 km. The main defensive band had up to five solid lines of trenches, and her front edge took place along the left bank of the Oder and Neurov rivers. At 10-20 km from him, a second defense band was created. It was the most equipped in engineering terms on Zeelian altitudes - in front of the Kustere Bridgehead. The third band was at a distance of 20-40 km from the front edge. When organizing and equipment defense, the German command skillfully used natural obstacles: lakes, rivers, channels, ravines. All settlements were turned into strong reference points and were adapted to circular defense. During the construction of the Odessa-Neissensky turn, special attention was paid to the organization of anti-tank defense.

The saturation of defensive positions by the troops of the enemy was uneven. The greatest density of troops was observed before the 1st Belarusian front in a strip of a width of 175 km, where 23 divisions were occupied by 23 divisions, a significant number of individual brigades, regiments and battalions, and 14 divisions were defended against the Custrian bridgehead. In the offensive band of the 2nd Belarusian front, 7 infantry divisions and 13 separate regiments were defended by 120 km width. In the strip of the 1st Ukrainian front, a width of 390 km was 25 enemy divisions.

In an effort to increase the resistance of your troops in defense, the Nazi leadership tightened repressive measures. So, on April 15, in his appeal to the soldiers of the Eastern Front, A. Hitler demanded a shot at the place of all who would give an order to the departure or will be departed without an order.

The composition and power of the parties

the USSR

1st Belorussian Front (Commander Marshal G. K. Zhukov, Head of Staff General Colonel M. S. Malinin) As part of:

The 1st Ukrainian Front (Commander Marshal I. S. Konev, Chief of Staff General of the Army, I. E. Petrov) as part of:

  • 3rd Guards Army (Colonel-General Gordov V. N)
  • 5th Guards Army (Colonel-General Zheadov A. S.)
  • 13th Army (Colonel-General Puhov N. P.)
  • 28th Army (Lieutenant General Luchinsky A. A.)
  • 52nd Army (Colonel-General Kitheev K. A.)
  • 3rd Guards Tank Army (Colonel-General Rybalko P. S.)
  • 4th Guards Tank Army (Colonel-General Lelyushenko D. D.)
  • 2nd Air Army (Colonel-General Krasovsky S. A.)
  • 2nd Army of Polish Troops (Lieutenant-General Sverchivsky K. K.)
  • 25th Tank Corps (Major General Tank Forces Fominy E. I.)
  • 4th Guards Tank Corps (Lieutenant Lieutenant General P. P.)
  • 7th Guards Mechanized Corps (Lieutenant General Korchagin I. P.)
  • 1st Guards Cavalry Corps (Lieutenant General Baranov V. K.)

The 2nd Belorussian Front (Commander Marshal K. K. Rokossovsky, Head of Staff General Colonel Bogolyubov A. N.) As part of:

  • 2nd Impact Army (Colonel-General Fedyuninsky I. I.)
  • 65th Army (Colonel-General Batov P. I.)
  • 70th Army (Colonel-General Popov V. S.)
  • 49th Army (Colonel-General Grishin I. T.)
  • 4th Air Army (Colonel-General Aviation Vershinin K. A.)
  • 1st Guards Tank Corps (Lieutenant-General Tank Troops Panov M. F.)
  • 8th Guards Tank Corps (Lieutenant-General Popov Tank Troops A. F.)
  • 3rd Guards Tank Corps (Lieutenant-General Tank Forces Panfilov A. P.)
  • 8th mechanized case (Major General Tank Troops Firsovich A. N.)
  • 3rd Guards Cavalry Corps (Lieutenant General Oslikovsky N. S.)

18th Air Army (Main Marshal Aviation Golovanov A. E.)

Dniprovskaya Military Flotilla (counter-admiral Grigoriev V. V.)

Red Baltic Fleet (Admiral Tributz V. F.)

Total: Soviet troops - 1.9 million people, Polish troops - 155,900 people, 6250 tanks, 41,600 guns and mortars, more than 7,500 aircraft

In addition, in the 1st Belarusian Front, there were German formations, consisting of former prisoners and officers of the Wehrmacht, who gave consent to participate in the fight against the Hitler's regime (Zeidlitz's troops)


The Army Group "Vistula" under the command of General Colonel G. Haneritsi, from April 28, General K. Student as part:

  • 3rd Tank Army (General Tank Forces H. Mandyfel)
    • 32nd Army Corps (General of Infantry F. Shak)
    • army Corps "Oder"
    • 3rd Tank Corps SS (SS Brigadefürer Tsigler)
    • 46th Tank Corps (General of Infantry M. Garais)
    • 101th Army Corps (General of Artillery V. Berlin, from April 18, 1945 Lieutenant General F. Zikst)
  • 9th Army (genera of infantry T. Busus)
    • 56th Tank Corps (General of Artillery Vaidling)
    • 11th CAS Corps (Obergroupenführer SS M. KleinhajsterKamp)
    • 5th Mountain Corpus COP (Obergroupenfürer SS F. Ekeln)
    • 5th Army Corps (Artillery General K. Vegeer)

The Army Center "Center" under the command of General Feldmarshal F. Sherner as part of:

  • 4th Tank Army (General Tank Forces F. Grezer)
    • tank Corps "Great Germany" (General Tank Forces of Jayer)
    • 57th Tank Corps (General Tank Forces F. Kirchner)
  • Part of the forces of the 17th armies (General of infantry V. Hasse)

Aviation support for land forces was carried out: the 4th air fleet, the 6th air fleet, the air fleet "Reich".

Total: 48 infantry, 6 tank and 9 motorized divisions; 37 separate infantry regiments, 98 separate infantry battalions, as well as a large number of separate artillery and special parts and compounds (1 million people, 10,400 guns and mortars, 1,500 tanks and assault guns and 3300 combat aircraft).

On April 24, the Battle joined the 12th Army under the command of General Infantry General V. Wreath, who previously engaged in defense on the Western Front.

Common Travel

1st Belorussian Front (April 16-25)

At 5 am Moscow time (2 hours before dawn) on April 16, artillery preparation began in the band of the 1st Belorussian Front. 9000 guns and mortars, as well as more than 1,500 installations of the PC-13 and BM-31 for 25 minutes, were grinding the first lane of German defense at the 27th kilometer breakthrough site. With the beginning of attack, the fire of artillery was transferred to deep defense, and 143 anti-aircraft spotlights were included in the breakthrough sites. Their dazzling light stunned the enemy and at the same time illuminated the road to the upcoming units. (German night vision systems InfraRot-Scheinwerfer discovered targets at a distance of one kilometer and represented a serious threat to the storm of the Zelian heights, and the searchlights brought them out of powerful illumination.) The first one and a half or two hours the offensive of Soviet troops developed successfully, individual compounds went to the second The defense strip. However, soon the Nazis, relying on a strong and well-prepared second defense strip, began to provide fierce resistance. Along the front, tense battles broke out. Although in some parts of the front, the troops managed to master individual support points, they failed to achieve decisive success. A powerful resistance assembly, equipped on green heights, was irresistible for rifle compounds. This picked up the success of the entire operation. In such an environment, the Commander of the front Marshal Zhukov decided to introduce the 1st Guards Tank Army to the Battle of the 1st and 2nd Guards. This was not provided for by the plan of the offensive, however, the stubborn resistance of the German troops, demanded to strengthen the breakdown ability to enter into the battle armies. The course of the battle on the first day showed that the German command gives the deduction of the Zelian heights crucial. To strengthen defense at this site by the end of April 16, operational reserves of the "Vistula" armies were thrown. All day and all night on April 17, the troops of the 1st Belarusian front led fierce battles with the enemy. By the morning of April 18, tank and rifle compounds, with the support of aviation of the 16th and 18th air armies, took green heights. Overcoming the stubborn defense of German troops and reflecting violent counterattacks, the front troops to the end of April 19 broke through the third defensive band and got the opportunity to develop an offensive on Berlin.

The real threat to the environment, forced the commander of the 9th German army T. Busus to go out with a proposal for the army's discharge to the suburbs of Berlin and the lesson there is strong defense. Such a plan was supported by the Commander of the Army Group "Vistula" General Colonel Heinritz, however, Hitler rejected this proposal and ordered to hold the frontiers-friendly.

On April 20, he was marked by an artillery strike of Berlin, inflicted long-range artillery of the 79th Rifle Corps of the 3rd Shock Army. It was a kind of birthday Guitler. On April 21, part of the 3rd shock, the 2nd Guards Tank, the 47th and 5th shock armies overcoming the third defense strip, broke into the outskirts of Berlin and tied the battles there. First broke into Berlin from the east of the troops, which were part of the 26th Guards Corps of General P. A. Firsov and the 32nd Corps of General D. S. Zhelebin of the 5th shock army. On the same day, the Efreitor A. I. Muravyov established the first Soviet banner in Berlin. On the evening of April 21, from the south to the city, the advanced parts of the 3rd Guards Tank Army P. S. Fishing. On 23 and 24 April, the fighting in all directions took a particularly fierce character. On April 23, the 9th Rifle Corps was achieved the greatest success in the Berlin storming, under the command of the Major General I. P. Grown. The warriors of this building were resolved by the Karlshort, part of the shock and, going to the spree, with the go forced it. The ships of the Dniprovskoy military flotilla were provided with great help when crossing the spree, throwing rifle units under the opposite shore. Although by April 24, the pace of promotion of Soviet troops decreased, the Nazis could not stop them. On April 24, the 5th shock army, leading fierce battles, continued to successfully move towards the center of Berlin.

Acting at the auxiliary direction, 61st Army and the 1st Army of the Polish troops, starting the offensive on April 17, with stubborn battles overcoming German defense, went around Berlin from the north and moved to the Elbe.

1st Ukrainian Front (April 16-25)

The offensive of the troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front developed more successfully. April 16 Early in the morning, a smoke curtain was delivered to the 390-kilometer front, blinded by the advanced observation points of the enemy. At 6 o'clock 55 minutes, after a 40-minute artillery strike at the front edge of German defense, reinforced battalions of the first echelon divisions began to force Neutse. Quickly capturing the bridgehead on the left bank of the river, they provided the conditions for the guidance of bridges and the crossing of the main forces. In the first hours of operation, the engineering troops of the front on the main direction of the strike were equipped with 133 crossings. With each hour, the number of forces and means transported to the bridgehead increase. In the middle of the day, the coming reached the second strip of German defense. Feeling the threat of a major breakthrough, the German command on the first day of the operation threw not only his tactical, but also the operational reserves, putting the task before them, reset the advancing Soviet troops into the river. Nevertheless, to the outcome of the day, the front of the front broke through the main defense strip at the front of 26 km and advanced to a depth of 13 km.

By morning, on April 17, the 3rd and 4th Guards Tank Army crossed through Neutse. The entire day of the troops of the front, overcoming the stubborn resistance of the enemy, continued to expand and deepen the gap in German defense. Aviation support for the upcoming troops was provided by pilots of the 2nd air army. Aviation, acting on the applications of land commanders, destroyed the fire facilities and the lively enemy strength in the forefront. Bombarding aviation has a suitable reserve. By the middle of April 17, the following atmosphere was found in the strip of the 1st Ukrainian Front: in a narrow corridor, punishable forces of the 13th, 3rd and 5th Guards armies, the tank armies of fishing and Lebryushenko went to the west. By the end of the day, they approached the spree and began its forcing. Meanwhile, on the secondary, Dresden, the direction of the troops of the 52nd army of General K.A. Kovel and the 2nd Army of the Troops of the Polish General K. K. Schurchavsky broke through the tactical defense of the enemy and in two days of the fighting advanced to a depth of 20 km.

Considering the slow promotion of troops of the 1st Belorussian front, as well as the success achieved in the strip of the 1st Ukrainian Front, on the night of April 18, the rate decided to turn the 3rd and 4th Guards Tank Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front to Berlin. In its order, the commander of fishing and Lelyushenko wrote the commander of the front entry:

Performing the disposal of the commander, on April 18 and 19, the tank armies of the 1st Ukrainian Front were uncontrollably walked to Berlin. The pace of their offensive reached 35-50 km per day. At the same time, the general-official army was prepared for the elimination of major enemy groups in the area of \u200b\u200bCottbus and Spröbberg.

To the outcome of the day on April 20, the main shock grouping of the 1st Ukrainian Front was deeply wedged into the army of the enemy, and completely cut off the German Army Group from the Army Group Center. Feeling the threat caused by the rapid actions of the Tank Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front, the German command took a number of measures to strengthen the approaches to Berlin. To strengthen defense to the city area of \u200b\u200bTsosssen, Lukekenwalde, infantry and tank parts were urgently directed. Overcoming their stubborn resistance, tankers fishing on the night of April 21 reached the external Berlin defensive obligation. By morning, April 22, the 9th Meritoofan Harred Tank Corps of the 3rd Guards Tank Army forced the Notta Channel of the 3rd Guards Tank Army, Berlin broke through the external defensive way and the end of the day came to the southern coast of Telttovka. There, having met the strong and well-organized opponation resistance, they were stopped.

On April 22, at the Hitler's bet, a meeting of the highest military leadership was held, at which it was decided to withdraw the 12th Army of V. Wreath from the Western Front and the direction of it on the connection from the semicircular 9th army T. Busus. For the organization of the 12th Army, a Feld Marshal was sent to her headquarters. This was the last serious attempt to influence the course of battle, since to the outcome of the day on April 22, the troops of the 1st Belorussky and 1st Ukrainian fronts have formed and almost closed two rings of the environment. One thing is around the 9th Army of the enemy east and southeast of Berlin; Other - West Berlin, around parts directly defeated in the city.

The channel-channel was quite a serious obstacle: water filled with high concreted shores of forty width - fifty meters. In addition, his northern shore was very well prepared for defense: trenches, reinforced concrete dots, dried in the ground Tanks and self-propelled. Above the channel is almost solid, the walls of houses, torn by fire, with walls thick in meter and more. Assessing the situation, the Soviet command decided to spend thorough preparations for force-channel forcing. All day April 23, the 3rd Guards Tank Army was preparing for the assault. By morning on April 24, a powerful artillery grouping was concentrated on the southern bank of the channel, a density of up to 650 stems per kilometer of the front, designed to destroy German fortifications on the opposite shore. Having suppressed by the most powerful artillery strike of enemy defense, the troops of the 6th Guards Tank Corruptment General Major Mitrofanov General, successfully forced the channels-channel and captured the bridgehead on his northern shore. Day April 24, the 12th Army Wreath undertook the first tank attacks at the position of the 5th Guards Mechanized Corps of General Yermakov (4th Guards Tank Army) and parts of the 13th Army. All attacks were successfully repulsed with the support of the 1st assault aviation case of Lieutenant General Ryazanov.

At 12:15 on April 25, west of Berlin, the advanced parts of the 4th Guards Tank Army met with the units of the 47th Army of the 1st Belarusian Front. On the same day, another significant event occurred. After an hour and a half at Elbe, the 34th Guards Corps of General Baklanov of the 5th Guards Army met with American troops.

From April 25 to May 2, the troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front led fierce battles on three directions: parts of the 28th army, the 3rd and 4th Guards tank armies participated in the storm of Berlin; Part of the forces of the 4th Guards Tank Army, together with the 13th Army, reflected Kontrudar 12th German Army; The 3rd Guards Army and part of the forces of the 28th Army blocked and destroyed the surrounded 9th army.

All the time, from the beginning of the operation, the command of the Army Group "Center" was striving to rip off the offensive of Soviet troops. On April 20, the German troops inflicted the first counterpart on the left flank of the 1st Ukrainian Front and pushed the troops of the 52nd Army and the 2nd Army of Polish troops. On April 23, a new powerful counterudrome was followed, as a result of which the defense at the stake of the 52nd Army and the 2nd Army of Polish troops were broken and the German troops advanced 20 km in the overall direction to Spristeng, threatening to go to the front rear.

2nd Belorussian Front (April 20-8)

From April 17 to 19, the troops of the 65th Army of the 2nd Belarusian Front, under the command of General Colonel Batov P. I., conducted exploration of the fight and advanced detachments were mastered by Mezrechy Oder, thereby facilitating the following river forcing. On the morning of April 20, the main forces of the 2nd Belarusian Front passed on the offensive: 65, 70 and 49th Army. Forcing the Oder took place under the cover of artillery flame and smoke curtains. The most successful offensive developed at the plot of the 65th Army, which was the considerable merit of the army engineering troops. Having for 13 o'clock two 16-ton pontoon crossings, the troops of this army in the evening of April 20 captured a bridgehead of 6 and a depth of 1.5 kilometers.

A more modest success was achieved at the central section of the front in the 30th Army Strine. The leftophlantic 49th army met stubborn resistance and did not have success. All day and all night on April 21, the troops of the front, beating numerous attacks of German troops, stubbornly expanded the bridgeheads on the West Bank of Oder. In the current situation, the commander of the front K. K. Rokossovsky decided to send the 49th Army to cross the right neighbor of the 70th Army, and then return to his offensive lane. By April 25, as a result of fierce battles, the front troops expanded the captured by a bridgehead to 35 km along the front and up to 15 km deep. To build a shock power to the West Coast, the Oder was shipped by the 2nd Impact Army, as well as the 1st and 3rd Guards Tank Cases. At the first stage of operation, the 2nd Belarusian front was the main forces of the 3rd German Tank Army, having deprived her opportunity to help fighting under Berlin. On April 26, the compounds of the 65th Army assault on Shttetin. In the future, the Army of the 2nd Belarusian Front breaking the opponent's resistance and pushing the appropriate reserves, stubbornly moved to the west. On May 3, the 3rd Guards Tank Corps of Panfilova South-west Wismar established a connection with the advanced parts of the 2nd British Army.

Liquidation of the Frankfurt-Guba Grouping

By the end of April 24, the compounds of the 28th Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front entered into contact with the parts of the 8th Guards Army of the 1st Belorussian Front, thereby surrounding the southeastern Berlin 9th Army of General Bouss and cutting it off from the city. Surrounded grouping of German troops became referred to - Frankfurt-Gubnaya. Now, before the Soviet command, the task of eliminating the 200-thousand-thousand enemy grouping and the prevention of its breakthrough in Berlin or west. To fulfill the last task, the 3rd Guards Army and part of the forces of the 28th Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front took an active defense on the way of a possible breakthrough of German troops. On April 26, the 3rd, 69th, and the 33rd Army of the 1st Belarusian Front began the final elimination of the surrounded parts. However, the enemy not only provided stubborn resistance, but he repeatedly made attempts to escape from the environment. Skilled maneuvering and skillfully creating superiority in the forces on the narrow sections of the front, the German troops managed to break through the ring of the environment. However, every time the Soviet command took decisive measures to eliminate breakthrough. Up until May 2, the early parts of the 9th German army took desperate attempts to break through the combat order of the 1st Ukrainian Front to the West, to connect to the 12th army of the general wreath. Only a separate small group managed to leak through the forests and go to the West.

Berlin's assault (April 25 - May 2)

At 12 o'clock in the afternoon, the ring around Berlin was closed on April 25, when the 6th Guards Cropus of the 4th Guards Tank Army forced the Hafer River and connected with the parts of the 328th division of the 47th Army of General Perchorovich. By the time, according to the assessment of the Soviet command, Berlin's garrison numbered at least 200 thousand people, 3 thousand guns and 250 tanks. The defense of the city was carefully thought out and well prepared. It was based on a strong fire system, reference points and resistance sites. The closer to the city center, the defense it became denser. Special strength was given massive stone buildings with a large wall thickness. The windows and doors of many buildings were climbed and turned into ambrusuras to lead fire. The streets overlapped with powerful barricades with thickness up to four meters. The defenders had a large number of faustparters, which in the situation of street fighting turned out to be a formidable anti-tank weapon. Incidentally important in the defense system, the enemy had underground structures that were widely used by the enemy for maneuver troops, as well as to cover them from artillery and bomb shocks.

By April 26, six armies of the 1st Belarusian Front (47th, 3rd and 5th percussion, 8th Guards, 1st and 2nd Guards Tank Army) took part in the Storm of Berlin (47th, 3rd and 5th The Ukrainian Front (28th, 3rd and 4th Guards Tank). Given the experience of taking major cities, assault detachments were created in the city in the city of rifle battalions or mouth, enhanced tanks, artillery and sappers. Actions of assault detachments, as a rule, were preceded by a short but powerful artillery preparation.

By April 27, as a result of actions deeply advanced to the center of Berlin armies of two fronts, the enemy grouping in Berlin stretched out a narrow strip from the east to the west - sixteen kilometers in length and two or three, in some places there are five kilometers wide. Fights in the city did not stop in the afternoon nor at night. Quarter over the quarter Soviet troops "threw up" the defense of the enemy. So, in the evening on April 28, parts of the 3rd shock army came to the Reichstag district. On the night of April 29, the actions of advanced battalions under the command of Captain S. A. Remessel and senior lieutenant. Ya. Samsonova was captured by the Moltke Bridge. At dawn on April 30, the assault price of considerable losses was captured by the building of the Ministry of the Interior, adjacent to the parliament building. The path to Reichstag was open.

April 30, 1945 at 21.30 parts of the 150th Rifle Division, under the command of General-Major, V. M. Shatilova and the 171st Rifle Division, under the command of Colonel A. I. National Storms mastered the main part of the Reichstag building. The remaining Hitler parts have resistant resistance. It was necessary to fight for each room. Early in the morning of May 1, over the Reichstag, the assault flag of the 150th Rifle Division was raised, however, the fight for Reichstag continued on all day, and only on the night of May 2, the Reichstag garrison capitulated.

On May 1, only Tirgarian and government quarter remained in the hands of Germans. Here the imperial office was located, in the courtyard of which he was a bunker of Hitler's bet. On the night of May 1, by prior arrangement, the head of the General Staff of German Land Forces General, General Krebs, arrived at the headquarters of the 8th Guards Army. He informed the commander of the army of General V. I. Chuikov about the suicide of Hitler and about the proposal of the new government of Germany to conclude a truce. The message was immediately transferred to G. K. Zhukov, who himself called Moscow. Stalin confirmed the categorical requirement of unconditional surrender. At 18 o'clock on May 1, the new government of Germany rejected the requirement of unconditional surrender, and the Soviet troops with a new force resumed the assault.

In the first hour of the night, on May 2, the radio stations of the 1st Belorussian Front received a message in Russian: "Please stop the fire. We send parliamentary to Potsdam Bridge. " The German officer arrived at the appointed place on behalf of the commander of the defense Berlin General Wadling reported on the readiness of the Berlin garrison to stop resistance. At 6 am, on May 2, General of Artillery Vadling, accompanied by three German generals, passed the front line and surrendered. An hour later, being in the headquarters of the 8th Guards Army, he wrote an order to surrender, which was reproduced and with the help of speaking installations and radio was brought to parts of the enemy defending in the center of Berlin. As this order is made before defending, resistance in the city stopped. By the end of the day, the troops of the 8th Guards Army cleared the central part of the city from the enemy. Separate parts that did not want to give up to capture, tried to break through to the West, but were destroyed or scattered.

Losses of Party

the USSR

From April 16 to May 8, Soviet troops lost 352,775 people, of which it is irretrievable - 78,291 people. The losses of Polish troops over the same period amounted to 8892 people, from them irrevocably - 2825 people. The loss of military equipment amounted to 1997 tanks and SAU, 2108 guns and mortars, 917 combat aircraft, 215.9 thousand units of small arms.


According to combat reports of Soviet fronts:

  • Troops of the 1st Belorussian Front from April 16 to May 13

destroyed 232,726 people, captured 250 675

  • Troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front in the period from April 15 to April 29

destroyed 114,349 people, captured 55,080 people

  • Troops of the 2nd Belarusian Front from April 5 to May 8:

49,770 people destroyed, 84,234 people captured

Thus, on the reports of the Soviet command, the loss of German troops were killed about 400 thousand people, about 380 thousand people were prisoners. Part of the German troops was pushed back to the Elbe and capitulated to the union troops.

Also, according to the evaluation of the Soviet command, the total number of troops that came out of the environment in the Berlin region does not exceed 17,000 people with 80-90 armored vehicles.

Germany losses according to German sources

According to German data, 45 thousand German soldiers took place in defense directly from Berlin, of which 22 thousand people died. The losses of Germany killed in the whole Berlin operation amounted to about one hundred thousand servicemen. It is necessary to take into account that data on losses in 1945 in the OKM was determined by the estimated method. Due to violation of systematic documentary accounting and reporting, violations of the management of troops, the accuracy of these information is very low. In addition, according to the rules adopted in the Weirmacht, the losses of only military personnel were taken into account and the losses of the troops of the Allied States and foreign formations who fought as part of the Wehrmacht, as well as militarized formations that served troops were taken into account.

Owliness of German losses

According to the combat reports of fronts:

  • The troops of the 1st Belorussian front from April 16 to May 13: destroyed - 1184, seized - 629 tanks and self-propelled guns.
  • The troops of the 1st Ukrainian front in the period from April 15 to April 29, destroyed - 1067, seized - 432 tanks and self-propelled guns;
  • The troops of the 2nd Belarusian front in the period from April 5 to May 8 were destroyed - 195, seized - 85 tanks and self-propelled guns.

In total, according to the fronts, 3592 tanks and self-propelled guns were destroyed, which is more than 2 times higher than the number of tanks that were spent on the Soviet-German front before the start of the operation.

In April 1946, a military scientific conference was held, dedicated to the Berlin offensive operation. In one of the speeches, Lieutenant-General K. F. Telegin led the data according to which the total number of tanks, allegedly destroyed during operation by the troops of the 1st Belarusian front, is more than 2 times the number of tanks that occurred in the Germans against the 1st Belorussian Front before starting the operation. Also in the speech was referred to some overestimation (about 15%) of human losses incurred by German troops.

These data allow us to talk about the overestimation of German losses in the technique from the Soviet command. On the other hand, it is necessary to take into account that the 1st Ukrainian front, during the operation it was necessary to fight with the troops of the 12th German army, which before the start of the battle occupied defense against the American troops and the tanks of which were not taken into account at the initial settlement. In addition to the number of baked German tanks over the number of battles taken to the beginning, it is also explained by the high "returnability" of the German tanks after the shot, which was due to the clear work of the equipment evacuation services from the battlefield, the presence of a large number of well-equipped repair units and good maintainability of German tanks .

Results of the operation

  • The destruction of the largest grouping of German troops, capturing the capital of Germany, the captivity of the highest military and political leadership of Germany.
  • The fall of Berlin and the loss of German leadership ability to control led to a practically complete cessation of organized resistance from the German armed forces.
  • Berlin Operation has demonstrated the allies high combat capability of the Red Army and was one of the reasons for the abolition of the operation "unthinkable" - the plan of the war of the Allies against the Soviet Union. However, this decision was in the future did not affect the development of the arms race and the beginning of the Cold War.
  • Hundreds of thousands of people were released from German captivity, among which at least 200 thousand citizens of foreign states. Only in the band of the 2nd Belarusian front from April 5 to May 8, 197,523 people were liberated from the captivity, of which 68,467 citizens of the Allied States.

Feedback opponent

The last commander of the defense of Berlin General of Artillery Vadling, being in the Soviet captivity, gave the following characteristic of the actions of the Red Army in the Berlin Operation:

I believe that the main features of this operation of Russians, as in other operations, is the following:

  • Skillful choice of directions of the main strike.
  • The concentration and commissioning of large forces, and first of all the tank and artillery masses, in areas where there was a greatest success, quick and energetic actions to expand the discreks created in the German front.
  • The use of various tactical techniques, achieving moments of surprise, even in cases where our command has data about the upcoming Russian offensive and expect this offensive.
  • An exclusively maneuverable manual for troops, the operation of Russian troops is characterized by clarity, purposefulness and perseverance in the implementation of these plans.

Historical facts

  • Berlin operation is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest battle in history. About 3.5 million people, 52 thousand guns and mortars, 7750 tanks and 11 thousand aircraft took part in the battle on both sides.
  • Initially, the command of the 1st Belorussian Front planned to carry out an operation on Mastering Berlin in February 1945.
  • Among the 63rd Chelyabinsk Tank Brigade of the 63rd Chelyabinsk Tank Brigade of Mr. Fomichev, the former French Prime Minister Eduar Errio is located near the Guards.
  • On April 23, Hitler, on the basis of a false Donos, gave an order about the execution of the commander of the 56th tank corps of the general artillery general of Vadling. Having learned about this, Waidling arrived at the rate and achieved an audience with Hitler, after which the order for the execution of the general was canceled, and he himself was appointed commander of the Defense of Berlin. In the German artistic film "Bunker", General Weidling, receiving an order in the office of this appointment, says: "I would prefer me to be shot."
  • On April 22, the Tankists of the 5th Guards Tank Corps of the 4th Guards Tank Army were released from the captivity of the commander of the Norwegian army of General Otto Roga.
  • On the 1st Belarusian front, in the direction of the main strike, one kilometer of the front accounted for 358 tons of ammunition, and the weight of one front ammunition exceeded 43 thousand tons.
  • During the offensive to the warriors of the 1st Guards Cavalry Corps under the command of Lieutenant-General Baranova V. K. managed to find and capture the largest tribal equestrian plant, vigorous by the Germans from the North Caucasus in 1942.
  • In the food pack, issued by the inhabitants of Berlin at the end of the hostilities, in addition to basic foods, part of coffee, delivered by a special train from the USSR.
  • The troops of the 2nd Belarusian front were freed from the captivity almost all the highest military leadership of Belgium, including the head of the General Staff of the Belgian Army.
  • The Presidium of the USSR Sun established the medal "For Taking Berlin", which was awarded more than 1 million soldiers. 187 parts and connections that most distinguished during the assault of the enemy capital were assigned the honorary name of Berlin. More than 600 participants of the Berlin Operations were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. 13 people were awarded the 2nd medal "Golden Star" Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • The Berlin Operations are devoted to the 4th and 5 series of film epoplision "Liberation".
  • The Soviet Army involved in the storming of the city directly 464,000 people and 1,500 tanks and SAU.

During the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet troops conducted a Berlin strategic offensive operation, the purpose of which was to defeat the main forces of the German Army Groups "Vistula" and "Center", to master Berlin, to enter the Elba River and connect with the allied troops.

The troops of the Red Army, defeating the major groups of the German fascist troops in East Plygola, Poland and Eastern Pomerania during January - March 1945, by the end of March they came on a wide front to the Eden and Neurce ek. After the liberation of Hungary and the classes of Vienna with Soviet troops in mid-April, fascist Germany was under the blows of the Red Army from the East and South. At the same time from the West, without meeting any organized resistance of the Germans, the Allied troops occurred in Hamburg, Leipzig and Prague directions.

The main forces of the German fascist troops acted against the Red Army. By April 16, there were 214 divisions on the Soviet-German front (of which 34 tank and 15 motorized) and 14 brigades, and against the American-English troops, the German command held only 60 weakly staffed divisions, five of them are tanks. Berlin direction defended 48 infantry, six tank and nine motorized divisions and many other parts and connections (only one million people, 10.4 thousand guns and mortars, 1.5 thousand tanks and assault guns). From the air ground troops covered 3.3 thousand combat aircraft.

The defense of the German fascist troops on the Berlin direction included the Odessa-Neissensky border of 20-40 kilometers, which had three defensive stripes, and the Berlin defensive area, consisting of three ring diversion - external, internal and urban. In total, Berlin, the depth of defense reached 100 kilometers, it crossed by numerous channels and rivers that served serious obstacles for tank troops.

The Soviet Supreme Commander During the Berlin offensive operation, it was envisaged to break through the defense of the enemy on Oder and Neutsea and, developing an offensive in the depth, to surround the main grouping of the German fascist troops, to dismantle it and continue to destroy in parts, to enter the Elbe. For this, troops of the 2nd Belarusian front under the command of Marshal Konstantin Rokossovsky, the troops of the 1st Belorussian front under the command of Marshal Georgy Zhukov and the troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front under the command of Marshal Ivan Konev was held. Dneprovskaya military flotilla, part of the forces of the Baltic Fleet, the 1st and 2nd Army of the Polish troops took part in the operation. In total, the troops of the Red Army arrived at Berlin were over two million people, about 42 thousand guns and mortars, 6250 tanks and self-propelled artillery plants, 7.5 thousand combat aircraft.

According to the operation of the operation, the 1st Belarusian Front was to master Berlin and no later than 12-15 days to reach the Elbe. The 1st Ukrainian Front had a task to defeat the enemy in the area of \u200b\u200bCottat and south of Berlin and on the 10-12th day of operation to master Belitz, Wittenberg and further the Elba River to Dresden. The 2nd Belorussian front was to forcing the Oder River, defeat the shatta group of the enemy and cut off from Berlin the main forces of the German 3rd tank army.

On April 16, 1945, after a powerful aviation and artillery training, a decisive attack of the 1st Belorussian and 1st Ukrainian fronts of the Oder-Neissensky defensive border began. At the site of the main strike of the 1st Belorussian Front, where the offensive was launched before dawn, infantry and tanks, in order to demo the enemy, moved to the attack in the strip, illuminated by 140 powerful spotlights. The troops of the front of the front had to consistently break through a few bands of deeply echelonized defense. On April 17, they managed to break through the defense of the enemy at the main plots from Zeelovsky heights. The troops of the 1st Belorussian Front ended the breakthrough of the third strip of the Odersky line of defense to the outcome on April 19. On the right wing of the front of the front of the front of the 47th Army and the 3rd shock army successfully moved forward to cover Berlin from the North and North-West. On the left wing, the conditions for bypassing the Frankfurt-Gappie group of the enemy from the north and cut-off from the Berlin district were created.

The troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front forced the Neisse River, on the first day he broke through the main strip of the enemy defense, and 1-1.5 kilometers wedged into the second. To the end of April 18, the front troops completed the breakthrough of the Neissensky line of defense, forced the River Sprey and provided conditions for the environment of Berlin from the south. On the Dresden direction of the compound of the 52nd army reflected the counterpart opponent from the north of Gerlitz.

The front part of the 2nd Belarusian front was forced on April 18-19, the Ost-Oder, overcame the Ost-Oder and West Oderer intercourse, and then began forcing the West Oderea.

On April 20 of the fire of artillery of the 1st Belorussian Front on Berlin, his storm began. On April 21, the tanks of the 1st Ukrainian Front broke into the southern outskirts of Berlin. On April 24, the troops of the 1st Belorussky and the 1st Ukrainian fronts were connected in the Bonsdorf area (southeast of Berlin), completing the environment of the Frankfurt-Guban enemy grouping. On April 25, the font tank connections, coming out in the Potsdam area, completed the environment of the entire Berlin grouping (500 thousand people). On the same day, the troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front forced the ELBA River and in the Torgau area united with American troops.

During the onset of the troops of the 2nd Belarusian front, Oder forsted and, breaking through the defense of the enemy, by April 25, advanced to a depth of 20 kilometers; They firmly firmly for the 3rd German tank army, having deprived it with the opportunity to put counterudine from the north of the Soviet troops surrounding Berlin.

The Frankfurt-Gubnaya group was destroyed by the troops of the 1st Ukrainian and 1st Belarusian fronts from April 26 to May 1. The destruction of the Berlin grouping directly in the city continued until May 2. By 15 o'clock on May 2, the opponation resistance in the city stopped. Fights with separate groups that break through from the surroundings of Berlin to the West ended on May 5th.

At the same time, with the defeat of the surrounded groups, the troops of the 1st Belorussian front on May 7 came on a wide front to the Elba River.

At the same time, the troops of the 2nd Belarusian front, successfully advancing in Western Pomerania and Mecklenburg, was mastered on April 26, the main supporting points of the enemy defense on the West Bank of Oder - Poylitsa, Shatttin, Gutov and the Swedt and, deploying the rapid persecution of residues of a broken 3rd The tank army, on May 3 came on the coast of the Baltic Sea, and on May 4, Vimar, Schwerin, River Elde, were moved on May 4, and the Elda River, which was included in contact with English troops. On May 4-5, the front troops were cleaned from the opponent of the island of Volind, Usedom and Rügen, and May 9 landed on the Danish island Bornholm.

The resistance of the German fascist troops was finally broken. On the night of May 9, an act on the capitulation of the Armed Forces of Fascist Germany was signed in the Berlin district of Karlshorst.

The Berlin Operation lasted 23 days, the width of the front of the fighting reached 300 kilometers. The depth of front operations was 100-220 kilometers, the average daily rate of the offensive - 5-10 kilometers. Within the framework of the Berlin operation, Shtttinsko-Rostokskaya, Zelovskoy-Berlin, Kotbus-Potsdamskaya, Pedrembg-Torgau and Brandenburg-Ratchen front-line offensive operations were held.

During the Berlin operation, Soviet troops were surrounded and eliminated the largest grouping of enemy troops in the history of wars.

They defeated 70 infantry, 23 tank and mechanized enemy divisions, 480 thousand people captured.

Berlin operation expensive expected Soviet troops. Their irrevocable losses amounted to 78,291 people, and sanitary - 274,184 people.

More than 600 participants of the Berlin operation were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. 13 people were awarded the second medal "Golden Star" Hero of the Soviet Union.


In the Berlin direction, the army of the "Vistula" army team was held under the command of the Colonel-General G. Heinritz, and the Center for the Center, under the command of General Field Marshal F. Sherner. Berlin 48 infantry, 6 tank and 9 motorized divisions, 37 separate infantry regiments, 98 separate infantry battalions, as well as a large number of individual artillery and special parts and compounds that have numbered 1 million people, 10,500 tanks and mortars, 1,500 tanks, were defended. and assault implements and 3,300 combat aircraft. The Supreme Command of the Wehrmacht wanted to keep the defense in the east at any cost, to keep the offensive of the Red Army, at the same time try to conclude the separate world with the United Kingdom and the United States.

For holding the Berlin operation, troops were attracted by the 2nd Belarusian front under the command of Marshal K.K. Rokossovsky, troops of the 1st Belarusian front under the command of Marshal G.K. Zhukov and troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front under the command of Marshal I.S. Konev. Dneprovskaya military flotilla, part of the forces of the Baltic Fleet, the 1st and 2nd Army of the Polish troops took part in the operation. In total, the troops of the Red Army arrived at Berlin, there were 2.5 million people, 41,600 guns and mortars, 6250 tanks and self-propelled-artillery plants, 7,500 aircraft.

On April 16, the troops of the 1st Belorussky and the 1st Ukrainian fronts were transferred to the offensive. To speed up the promotion of troops, the command of the 1st Belarusian front on the first day introduced the battle of tank and mechanized housings. However, they dragged into stubborn battles and could not break away from the infantry. Soviet troops had to consistently break through several defense bands. At the main areas, Zeelian heights break through the defense only on April 17th. The troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front forced the Neurov River and on the first day of the offensive broke through the main lane of the opponent's defense.

On April 20, the long-range artillery of the Red Army opened fire on Berlin. On April 21, the Tankists of the 3rd Guards Army of the 1st Belarusian Front were the first to burst into the northeastern outskirts of Berlin. The troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front carried out a rapid maneuver at the exit to Berlin from the South and the West. On April 25, the troops of the 1st Ukrainian and 1st Belarusian fronts were connected by West Berlin, completing the surroundings of the entire Berlin enemy grouping. On April 25, 1945, in the area of \u200b\u200bTorgau on the River Elbe Troops, the 5th Guards Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front met with the coming from the West parts of the 1st American Army.

The elimination of the Berlin group of the enemy directly in the city continued until May 2. The storm had to take each street and house. On April 29, battles began for Reichstag, mastering which was entrusted to 79 Rifle Corps of the 3rd Shock Army of the 1st Belarusian Front. Before the assault on the Reichstag, the military council of the 3rd strike army presented with its divisions nine red banners, specially made according to the type of the USSR State Flag. One of these red banners, known under No. 5 as the banner of victory, was transferred to the 150th Rifle Division. Similar homemade red banners, flags and flags were in all advanced parts, connections and divisions. They, as a rule, were awarded to assault groups that were completed from the number of volunteers and went into battle with the main task - to break through to Reichstag and establish a banner of victory on it. The first - at 22 30 minutes in Moscow time on April 30, 1945, watered the assault red banner on the rooftop rooftop on the sculptural figure "Goddess Victory" Artillery officers-intelligence officers of the 136th Army Cannon Artillery Brigade Senior Sergeants G.K. Zagitov, A.F. Lisimenko, A.P. Bobrov and Sergeant A.P. Minin from the Assault Group of the 79th Rifle Corps, which was commanded by Captain V.N. Poppy, assault group of artillery officers acted together with the battalion of Captain S.A. Neset. Two or three hours, also on the roichstag roof on the sculpture of the equestrian knight - Kaiser Wilhelm - according to the orders of the commander of the 756th rifle regiment of the 150th rifle division of Colonel F.M. Zinchenko established the Red Banner No. 5, which was then famous as the banner of Victory. Red Banner №5 Water Intelligents Sergeant M.A. Egorov and Jr. Sergeant M.V. Cantarians who were accompanied by Lieutenant A.P. Best and car guns from the company Senior Sergeant I.Ya. Congues. On May 2, this banner was transferred to the Dome of Reichstag as a victory banner. In total during the assault period and up to the transfer of the Reichstag, the allied troops on it in different places were installed up to 40 red banners, flags and flags. On May 9, the victory banner was removed from the Reichstag and another red banner was delivered to his place.

Fights for Reichstag continued until morning on May 1. At 6:30 am, on May 2, the head of the Defense of Berlin, General of Artillery, Vaidling, surrendered and ordered the remnants of the troops of the Berlin garrison about the cessation of resistance. In the middle of the day, the resistance of the Nazis in the city stopped. This day, surrounded groups of German troops southeast of Berlin were eliminated.

On May 2, 1945, Moscow twice Saluteoval Winners: At 21, volley from 222 guns, and at 23 o'clock - from 324 guns.

In the course of the Berlin strategic offensive operation, 70 German infantry divisions, 23 tank and motorized divisions were defeated, most of the aircraft aviation. About 500,000 soldiers and officers were captured, more than 11,000 guns and mortars were captured, over 1,500 tanks and assault guns, 4,500 aircraft.

In 23 days of continuous offensive fighting, the Red Army and the Polish army during the Berlin operation lost 81,116 people, wounded and patients with 280,000 people. The loss of military equipment and weapons amounted to: 1,997 tanks and self-propelled-artillery installations, 2,108 guns and mortars, 917 combat aircraft, 216 thousand small arms units.

The Government of the USSR and the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR established the medal "For the capture of Berlin", which was awarded more than 1 million 82 thousand soldiers and officers. 187 parts and compounds of the Red Army, the most distinguished during the assault of the enemy capital, was assigned the honorary name "Berlin". More than 600 participants of the Berlin Operations were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. 13 people were awarded the second medal "Golden Star" Hero of the Soviet Union.


Answer form

Berlin Strategic Offensive Operation -Oner from the latest strategic operations of the Soviet troops, during which the Red Army took the capital of Germany and ended the Great Patriotic War. The operation lasted on 23 days - from April 16 to May 8, 1945, during which Soviet troops have advanced to the west at a distance from 100 to 220 km. The width of the front of the fighting is 300 km. Within the framework of the operation, said: Shttinsko-Rostokskaya, Zelovskoy-Berlin, Kotbus-Potsdamskaya, Pedrembg-Torgau and Brandenburg-Rathenovsky front-line offensive operations.
Military political situation in Europe in the spring of 1945 In January-March 1945 The troops of the 1st Belorussky and the 1st Ukrainian fronts during the Volo-Oder, the East-Pomeranian, the Upper-Silesian and the Lower Silesian operations were outwarded by the Oder and Neuris rivers. Under the shortest distance from the Kustere Brillus, 60 km remained to Berlin. The English-American troops completed the elimination of the Ruruga grouping of German troops and by mid-April, the advanced parts reached the Elbe. The loss of essential raw materials led to the decline in the industrial production of Germany. Increased difficulties with the filling of human losses incurred in the winter of 1944/45. Nevertheless, Germany's armed forces were still an impressive force. According to the reconnaissance of the General Staff of the Red Army, by mid-April, there were 223 divisions and brigades in their composition.
According to the agreements reached by the heads of the USSR, USA and Great Britain in the fall of 1944, the border of the Soviet occupation zone was supposed to take place 150 km west of Berlin. Despite this, Churchill put forward the idea of \u200b\u200bahead of the Red Army and capture Berlin.
Goals of Party Germany
Nazi leadership tried to tighten the war in order to achieve the Separate world with England and the United States and the split of the anti-Hitler coalition. At the same time, the retention of the front against the Soviet Union was crucial.

the USSR
The military-political situation, which pretended by April 1945, demanded from the Soviet command in the shortest possible time to prepare and carry out an operation to defeat the grouping of German troops on the Berlin direction, the seizure of Berlin and entering the Elba River to connect to the allies troops. The successful implementation of this strategic task made it possible to disrupt the plans of the Hitler's leadership for the delay of war.
For the operation, the strength of three fronts was attracted: the 1st and 2nd Belorussky, and the 1st Ukrainian, as well as the 18th Air Army Aviation Army, Dniprovskaya Military Flotilla and part of the Baltic Fleet Forces.
Tasks of Soviet fronts
1st Belorussian FrontSend the capital of Germany by the city of Berlin. After 12-15 days of surgery to go on the Elba River 1st Ukrainian FrontApply the south of Berlin south of Berlin, isolate the main forces of the Center for the Center "Center" from the Berlin grouping and to provide this from the south of the main strike of the 1st Belarusian Front. Slide the enemy grouping south of Berlin and operational reserves in the Kotbus area. For 10-12 days, not later, the Belitz - Wittenberg and further on the River Elbe to Dresden. 2nd Belorussian FrontApply the dissection of the northerner of Berlin, providing the right flank of the 1st Belarusian front from possible opponents of the enemy from the north. Put to the sea and destroy the German troops north of Berlin. Dniprovskaya Military FlotillaTwo teams of river ships promote the troops of the 5th shock and the 8th Guards armies in crossing the Oder and the breakthrough of enemy defense at the Kushrinsky bridgehead. The third brigade is promoted by the troops of the 33rd army in the area of \u200b\u200bFürstenberg. Provide anti-minor defense of water transport routes. Red-known Baltic FleetSupport the seaside flank of the 2nd Belorussian Front, continuing the blockade of Kurlyandy armies group in Latvia (Kurlyadsky Covered).
Operation plan Operation plan provided forsimultaneous transition to the offensive of the troops of the 1st Belorussky and 1st Ukrainian fronts in the morning of April 16, 1945. The 2nd Belorussian front, in connection with the upcoming major regrouping of his forces, was to begin an offensive on April 20, that is, 4 days later.

The 1st Belorussian Front must It was the main blow to the forces of the five General (47th, 3rd shock, the 5th shock, the 8th Guards and the 3rd Army) and two tank armies from the Custrian bridgehead in the direction of Berlin. Tank armies were planned to introduce into battle after a breakthrough with the general army of the second defense strip in Zeelian altitudes. An artillery density of up to 270 instruments (caliber from 76 mm and above) was created on the main strike area (caliber from 76 mm and above) for one kilometer of the breakthrough front. In addition, the commander of the front of Kiev Zhukov decided to apply two auxiliary strikes: right - by the 61st Soviet and 1st Army of Polish troops bypass Berlin from the north in the direction on Eberswalde, Zandaão; And on the left forces of the 69th and 33rd armies to Bonsdorf with the main task of preventing departure to the Berlin of the 9th Army of the enemy.

1st Ukrainian Front It was supposed to apply the main blow to the forces of five armies: three general official (13th, 5th Guards and 3rd Guards) and two tanks from the city of Trimbel towards Sprömbert. The auxiliary blow was supposed to be applied in the general direction on Dresden by the forces of the 2nd Army of the Polish troops and part of the forces of the 52nd army.
The distinction line between the 1st Ukrainian and 1st Belarusian fronts was cut into 50 km southeast of Berlin in the area of \u200b\u200bLubbin, which allowed, if necessary, the troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front strike at Berlin from the south.
Commander of the 2nd Belarusian Front KK Rokossovsky decided to apply the main blow to the forces of 65, 70 and 49 armies towards the Neulystritsa. Develop success after the breakthrough of German defense should have had separate tank, mechanized and cavalry corps of front-line subordination.
Preparation for the operation the USSR
Intelligence Aviation 6 times produced Berlin Aerophotus, all approaches to it and defensive strips. A total of about 15 thousand aerial photographs were obtained. According to the results of filming, trophy documents and polls of the prisoners, detailed schemes were compiled, plans, cards that were supplied with all command-staff instances. The military topographic service of the 1st Belorussian Front made an accurate layout of the city with suburbs, which was used in the study of issues related to the organization of the offensive, the general assault of Berlin and the battle in the city center. For two days before the start of the operation in the entire band of the 1st Belorussky The front was conducted by reconnaissance. 32 reconnaissance detachments by force to the reinforced rifle battalion each for two days on 14 and 15 April, the battle was specified by the placement of the enemy's fire funds, the dislocation of its groups was determined, the strong and most vulnerable places of the defensive strip were determined.
During the preparation of the offensive, engineering troops of the 1st Belorussian front under the command of Gene-Lieutenant Antipenko performed a large amount of main engineering work. By the beginning of the operation, often under the fire of the enemy, 25 automotive bridges with a total length of 15,017 travel meters were built through Oder, and 40 ferry crossings were prepared. In order to organize the continuous and complete support of the upcoming parts by ammunition and the combustible railway canvas in a busy territory, it was rewrote to a Russian rut to almost the Oder. In addition, the military engineers of the front have attached heroic efforts to strengthen railway bridges through the Vistula, which were threatened by the Spring Ice Trim.
On the 1st Ukrainian Front For the mining of the Neurov River, 2440 serviced wooden boats were harvested, 750 robust storm bridges and over 1000 wooden bridges for cargoes 16 and 60 tons.
2nd Belorussian Front At the beginning of the offensive, Oder, the width of which in some places reached six kilometers, so special attention was also paid to engineering training. The engineering troops of the front under the leadership of Lieutenant Bleslavov, in the shortest possible time pulled up and reliably covered in the coastal zone dozens of pontoons, hundreds of boats, brought timber for the construction of berths and bridges, produced rafts, laid gati through the wetlands of the coast.

Masking and disinformation
Preparing the offensive, - recalled G.K. Zhukov, - we completely gave yourself a report that the Germans expect our blow to Berlin. Therefore, the front command in all details thought out how to organize this blow most sudden for the enemy. In the preparation of the operation, special attention was paid to issues of masking and achieving operational and tactical surprise. The headquarters of the fronts developed detailed plans for disinformation measures and the introduction of an enemy misconception, according to which preparation for the onset of the troops of the 1st and 2nd Belarusian fronts was imitated in the city of Shttatin and Guben. At the same time, at the central section of the 1st Belarusian front, where in reality the deposition of the main strike was planned, reinforced defensive work continued. Especially intensely they conducted on sites well-looking opponent. The entire personal composition of the armies clarified that the main task is to persistent defense. In addition, documents characterizing the activities of troops at various sections of the front were thrown into the arrangement of the enemy.
The arrival of reserves and parts of strengthening was carefully masked. Military echelons with artillery, mortar, tank parts on the territory of Poland were masked under the compositions carrying on the platforms of the forest and hay.
When carrying out reconnaissions, tank commanders from the battalion commander to the commander of the army were changed to the infantry form and under the guise of communication was examined by crossings and areas where their divisions will be focused.
The circle of awared people was limited. In addition to the commander, the stakes directive were allowed to acquaint only the headquarters of the armies, headquarters of the operational departments of the headquarters of armies and commander of artillery. Regiment commanders received tasks orally three days before the onset. The junior commanders and the Red Army teams on the offensive was allowed to declare two hours before the attack.

Rearrangeing forces
During the preparations for the Berlin operation, the 2nd Belorussian front, who had just completed the East Pomeranian operation, from 4 to 15 April 1945, was to transfer 4 general-official army to a distance of up to 350 km from Danzig and Gdynia Cities Area and Gdynia by River Oder and Change the army there of the 1st Belorussian Front. The poor condition of the railways and the sharp lack of rolling stock did not fully use the possibilities of railway transport, so the main severity of traffic fell on motor vehicles. Front was allocated 1900 cars. Part of the routes of the troops had to be overcome on foot. This was a complex maneuver of the troops of the whole front, - recalled Marshal K.K. Rokossovsky, - the like that was not throughout the Great Patriotic War.

The German command foresaw the onset of Soviet troops and carefully prepared for its reflection. Deeply echelonized defense was built from Oder to Berlin, and the city itself was turned into a powerful defensive citadel. The first line divisions were replenished with a personnel and technique, strong reserves were created in the operational depth. In Berlin and near him, a huge number of folksturma battalions were formed.

Character defense
The basis of defense was the Odesko-Neissensky defensive line and the Berlin defensive area. Odessa-Neissensky Rubage consisted of three defensive bands, and his total depth reached 20-40 km. The main defensive band had up to five solid lines of trenches, and her front edge took place along the left bank of the Oder and Neurov rivers. At 10-20 km from him, a second defense band was created. It was the most equipped in engineering attitude on green altitudes - in front of the Kustere Bridgehead. The third band was at a distance of 20-40 km from the front edge. When organizing and equipment defense, the German command skillfully used natural obstacles: lakes, rivers, channels, ravines. All settlements were turned into strong reference points and were adapted to circular defense. During the construction of the Odessa-Neissensky turn, special attention was paid to the organization of anti-tank defense.

Saturation of defensive positions by the troops The enemy was uneven. The greatest density of troops was observed before the 1st Belarusian front in a strip of a width of 175 km, where 23 divisions were occupied by 23 divisions, a significant number of individual brigades, regiments and battalions, and 14 divisions were defended against the Custrian bridgehead. In the offensive band of the 2nd Belarusian front, 7 infantry divisions and 13 separate regiments were defended by 120 km width. In the strip of the 1st Ukrainian front, a width of 390 km was 25 enemy divisions.

In an effort to increase resistance His troops in defense, the Nazi leadership tightened repressive measures. So, on April 15, in his appeal to the soldiers of the Eastern Front, A. Hitler demanded a shot at the place of all who would give an order to the departure or will be departed without an order.
Forces side the USSR
Total: Soviet troops - 1.9 million people, Polish troops - 155,900 people, 6250 tanks, 41,600 guns and mortars, more than 7,500 aircraft.
In addition, the 1st Belarusian Front had German formations, consisting of the former prisoners of soldiers and the Wehrmacht officers who gave consent to participate in the fight against the Hitler's regime (Zeidlitz's troops).

Total: 48 infantry, 6 tank and 9 motorized divisions; 37 separate infantry regiments, 98 separate infantry battalions, as well as a large number of separate artillery and special parts and compounds (1 million people, 10,400 guns and mortars, 1,500 tanks and assault guns and 3300 combat aircraft).
On April 24, the Battle joined the 12th Army under the command of General Infantry General V. Wreath, who previously engaged in defense on the Western Front.

Common Travel 1st Belorussian Front (April 16-25)
At 5 am Moscow time (2 hours before dawn) on April 16, artillery preparation began in the band of the 1st Belorussian Front. 9000 guns and mortars, as well as more than 1,500 installations of the PC-13 and BM-31 for 25 minutes, were grinding the first lane of German defense at the 27th kilometer breakthrough site. With the beginning of attack, the fire of artillery was transferred to deep defense, and 143 anti-aircraft spotlights were included in the breakthrough sites. Their dazzling light stunned the enemy and at the same time illuminated the road to the upcoming units. The first one and a half or two hours of the Soviet troops developed successfully, separate compounds came to the second defense band. However, soon the Nazis, relying on a strong and well-prepared second defense strip, began to provide fierce resistance. Along the front, tense battles broke out. Although in some parts of the front, the troops managed to master individual support points, they failed to achieve decisive success. A powerful resistance assembly, equipped on green heights, was irresistible for rifle compounds. This picked up the success of the entire operation.
In such an atmosphere, the commander of the front Marshal Zhukov took The decision to introduce the 1st Guards Tank Army to the Battle of the 1st and 2nd Guards Tank Army. This was not provided for by the plan of the offensive, however, the stubborn resistance of the German troops, demanded to strengthen the breakdown ability to enter into the battle armies. The course of the battle on the first day showed that the German command gives the deduction of the Zelian heights crucial. To strengthen defense at this site by the end of April 16, operational reserves of the "Vistula" armies were thrown. All day and all night on April 17, the troops of the 1st Belarusian front led fierce battles with the enemy. By the morning of April 18, tank and rifle compounds, with the support of aviation of the 16th and 18th air armies, took green heights. Overcoming the stubborn defense of German troops and reflecting violent counterattacks, the front troops to the end of April 19 broke through the third defensive band and got the opportunity to develop an offensive on Berlin.

Real threat to the environment Forced the commander of the 9th German army T. Busus to go out with a proposal for the army's discharge to the suburbs of Berlin and the lesson there is strong defense. Such a plan was supported by the Commander of the Army Group "Vistula" General Colonel Heinritz, however, Hitler rejected this proposal and ordered to hold the frontiers-friendly.

April 20 was marked by an artillery strike on Berlindeployed long-range artillery of the 79th Infantry Corps of the 3rd Shock Army. It was a kind of birthday Guitler. On April 21, part of the 3rd shock, the 2nd Guards Tank, the 47th and 5th shock armies overcoming the third defense strip, broke into the outskirts of Berlin and tied the battles there. The first to burst into Berlin from the east of the troops, which were part of the 26th Guards Corps of General P.A. Firsov and 32nd Corps General D. S. Zhelebin of the 5th shock army. On the evening of April 21 from the south to the city, the advanced parts of the 3rd Guards Tank Army P.S. Fishing. On 23 and 24 April, the fighting in all directions took a particularly fierce character. On April 23, the 9th Rifle Corps was achieved the greatest success in the storm of Berlin, under the command of General Major I.P. Reloble. The warriors of this building were resolved by the Karlshort, part of the shock and, going to the spree, with the go forced it. The ships of the Dniprovskoy military flotilla were provided with great help when crossing the spree, throwing rifle units under the opposite shore. Although by April 24, the pace of promotion of Soviet troops decreased, the Nazis could not stop them. On April 24, the 5th shock army, leading fierce battles, continued to successfully move towards the center of Berlin.
Acting at the auxiliary direction, 61st Army and the 1st Army of the Polish troops, starting the offensive on April 17, with stubborn battles overcoming German defense, went around Berlin from the north and moved to the Elbe.
1st Ukrainian Front (April 16-25)
The offensive of the troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front developed more successfully. April 16 Early in the morning, a smoke curtain was delivered to the 390-kilometer front, blinded by the advanced observation points of the enemy. At 6 o'clock 55 minutes, after a 40-minute artillery strike at the front edge of German defense, reinforced battalions of the first echelon divisions began to force Neutse. Quickly capturing the bridgehead on the left bank of the river, they provided the conditions for the guidance of bridges and the crossing of the main forces. In the first hours of operation, the engineering troops of the front on the main direction of the strike were equipped with 133 crossings. With each hour, the number of forces and means transported to the bridgehead increased. In the middle of the day, the coming reached the second strip of German defense. Feeling the threat of a major breakthrough, the German command on the first day of the operation threw not only his tactical, but also the operational reserves, putting the task before them, reset the advancing Soviet troops into the river. Nevertheless, to the outcome of the day, the front of the front broke through the main defense strip at the front of 26 km and advanced to a depth of 13 km.

By morning April 17 Through Neur, the 3rd and 4th Guards Tank Army crossed in full. The entire day of the troops of the front, overcoming the stubborn resistance of the enemy, continued to expand and deepen the gap in German defense. Aviation support for the upcoming troops was rendered by the pilots of the 2nd air army. Assault Aviation, acting on the requests of land commanders, destroyed fire products and live enemy strength at the front edge. Bombarding aviation has a suitable reserve. By the middle of April 17, the following atmosphere was found in the strip of the 1st Ukrainian Front: in a narrow corridor, punishable forces of the 13th, 3rd and 5th Guards armies, the tank armies of fishing and Lebryushenko went to the west. By the end of the day, they approached the spree and began its forcing. Meanwhile, on the secondary, Dresden, the direction of the troops of the 52nd army of General K.A. Kovel and the 2nd Army Troops of Polish General K.K. Schurchavsky broke through the tactical defense of the enemy and in two days of the fighting advanced to a depth of 20 km.

Given the slow promotion of troops of the 1st Belorussian Front, as well as the success achieved in the strip of the 1st Ukrainian Front, on the night of April 18, the rate decided to turn the 3rd and 4th Guards Tank Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front to Berlin. In its order, the commander of fishing and Lelyushenko on the offensive wrote the front commander: on the main direction of the tank fist bolder and more decisively make his way forward. Cities and major settlements bypass and not get involved in protracted front fights. I demand firmly understand that the success of the tank armies depends on the bold maneuver and rapidness.
Performing the order of the commander, On April 18 and 19, the tank armies of the 1st Ukrainian Front were uncontrollable to Berlin. The pace of their offensive reached 35-50 km per day. At the same time, the general-official army was prepared for the elimination of major enemy groups in the area of \u200b\u200bCottbus and Spröbberg.
To the outcome of the day on April 20 The main shock grouping of the 1st Ukrainian Front was deeply wedged into the army of the enemy, and completely cut off the German Army Group from the Army Group Center. Feeling the threat caused by the rapid actions of the Tank Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front, the German command took a number of measures to strengthen the approaches to Berlin. To strengthen defense to the city area of \u200b\u200bTsosssen, Lukekenwalde, infantry and tank parts were urgently directed. Overcoming their stubborn resistance, tankers fishing on the night of April 21 reached the external Berlin defensive obligation.
By morning April 22The 9th Mehkorpus Sukhova and the 6th Guards Tank Corps of Mitrofanov 3rd Guards Tank Army forced the Notta Channel, broke through the external defensive distribution of Berlin and the end of the day came to the south coast of Telttovka. There, having met the strong and well-organized opponation resistance, they were stopped.

Day April 22 at the Hitler rate A meeting of the highest military leadership was held, at which it was decided to withdraw the 12th army V. Wreath from the Western Front and the direction of it on the connection with the semicircular 9th army T. Busus. For the organization of the 12th Army, Field Marshal Kaitel was sent to her headquarters. This was the last serious attempt to influence the course of battle, since to the outcome of the day on April 22, the troops of the 1st Belorussky and 1st Ukrainian fronts have formed and almost closed two rings of the environment. One thing is around the 9th Army of the enemy east and southeast of Berlin; Other - West Berlin, around parts directly defeated in the city.
Channel caval constituted a serious obstacle: Water filled with high concreted shores of forty width - fifty meters. In addition, his northern shore was very well prepared for defense: trenches, reinforced concrete dots, dried in the ground Tanks and self-propelled. Above the channel is almost solid, the walls of houses, torn by fire, with walls thick in meter and more. Assessing the situation, the Soviet command decided to spend thorough preparations for force-channel forcing. All day April 23, the 3rd Guards Tank Army was preparing for the assault. By morning on April 24, a powerful artillery grouping was concentrated on the southern bank of the channel, a density of up to 650 stems per kilometer of the front, designed to destroy German fortifications on the opposite shore. Having suppressed by the most powerful artillery strike, the enemy defense of the 6th Guards Tank Corrupts Major Mitrofanov General Mitrofanov successfully forced the channels-channel and captured a bridgehead on his northern coast. Day April 24, the 12th Army Wreath undertook the first tank attacks at the position of the 5th Guards Mechanized Corps of General Yermakov (4th Guards Tank Army) and parts of the 13th Army. All attacks were successfully repulsed with the support of the 1st assault aviation case of Lieutenant General Ryazanov.

At 12 pm on April 25 West Berlin, the advanced parts of the 4th Guards Tank Army met with parts of the 47th Army of the 1st Belarusian Front. On the same day, another significant event occurred. After an hour and a half at Elbe, the 34th Guards Corps of General Baklanov of the 5th Guards Army met with American troops.
From April 25 to May 2, the troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front led fierce battles on three directions: parts of the 28th army, the 3rd and 4th Guards tank armies participated in the storm of Berlin; Part of the forces of the 4th Guards Tank Army, together with the 13th Army, reflected Kontrudar 12th German Army; The 3rd Guards Army and part of the forces of the 28th Army blocked and destroyed the surrounded 9th army.
All the time, from the beginning of the operation, command of the Army Center "Center" It was sought to ride the offensive of the Soviet troops. On April 20, the German troops inflicted the first counterpart on the left flank of the 1st Ukrainian Front and pushed the troops of the 52nd Army and the 2nd Army of Polish troops. On April 23, a new powerful counterudrome was followed, as a result of which the defense at the stake of the 52nd Army and the 2nd Army of Polish troops were broken and the German troops advanced 20 km in the overall direction to Spristeng, threatening to go to the front rear.

2nd Belorussian Front (April 20-8)
From April 17 to 19, the troops of the 65th Army of the 2nd Belorussian Front, under the command of General Colonel Batov P.I., conducted exploration of the fight and advanced detachments were mastered by Mezrechy Oder, thereby facilitating the following river forcing. On the morning of April 20, the main forces of the 2nd Belarusian Front passed on the offensive: 65, 70 and 49th Army. Forcing the Oder took place under the cover of artillery flame and smoke curtains. The most successful offensive developed at the plot of the 65th Army, which was the considerable merit of the army engineering troops. Having for 13 o'clock two 16-ton pontoon crossings, the troops of this army in the evening of April 20 captured a bridgehead of 6 and a depth of 1.5 kilometers.
We happened to watch the work of the sappers. Working on the throat in ice water among the gaps of the shells and mines, they brought the crossing. Every second they threatened death, but people understood their soldier's debt and thought about one - to help comrades in the West Bank and bring it to the victory.
More modest success was achievedin the central section of the front in the 30th Army Strine. The leftophlantic 49th army met stubborn resistance and did not have success. All day and all night on April 21, the troops of the front, beating numerous attacks of German troops, stubbornly expanded the bridgeheads on the West Bank of Oder. In the current situation, the commander of the front K. K. Rokossovsky decided to send the 49th Army to cross the right neighbor of the 70th Army, and then return to his offensive lane. By April 25, as a result of fierce battles, the front troops expanded the captured by a bridgehead to 35 km along the front and up to 15 km deep. To build a shock power to the West Coast, the Oder was shipped by the 2nd Impact Army, as well as the 1st and 3rd Guards Tank Cases. At the first stage of operation, the 2nd Belarusian front was the main forces of the 3rd German Tank Army, having deprived her opportunity to help fighting under Berlin. On April 26, the compounds of the 65th Army assault on Shttetin. In the future, the Army of the 2nd Belarusian Front breaking the opponent's resistance and pushing the appropriate reserves, stubbornly moved to the west. On May 3, the 3rd Guards Tank Corps of Panfilova South-west Wismar established a connection with the advanced parts of the 2nd British Army.

Liquidation of the Frankfurt-Guba Grouping
By the end of April 24, the compounds of the 28th Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front entered into contact with the parts of the 8th Guards Army of the 1st Belorussian Front, thereby surrounding the southeastern Berlin 9th Army of General Bouss and cutting it off from the city. Surrounded grouping of German troops became referred to - Frankfurt-Gubnaya. Now, before the Soviet command, the task of eliminating the 200-thousand-thousand enemy grouping and the prevention of its breakthrough in Berlin or west. To fulfill the last task, the 3rd Guards Army and part of the forces of the 28th Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front took an active defense on the way of a possible breakthrough of German troops. On April 26, the 3rd, 69th, and the 33rd Army of the 1st Belarusian Front began the final elimination of the surrounded parts. However, the enemy not only provided stubborn resistance, but he repeatedly made attempts to escape from the environment. Skilled maneuvering and skillfully creating superiority in the forces on the narrow sections of the front, the German troops managed to break through the ring of the environment. However, every time the Soviet command took decisive measures to eliminate breakthrough. Up until May 2, the early parts of the 9th German army took desperate attempts to break through the combat order of the 1st Ukrainian Front to the West, to connect to the 12th army of the general wreath. Only a separate small group managed to leak through the forests and go to the West.

Berlin's assault (April 25 - May 2)
At 12 o'clock in the afternoon, the ring around Berlin was closed on April 25, when the 6th Guards Cropus of the 4th Guards Tank Army forced the Hafer River and connected with the parts of the 328th division of the 47th Army of General Perchorovich. By the time, according to the assessment of the Soviet command, Berlin's garrison numbered at least 200 thousand people, 3 thousand guns and 250 tanks. The defense of the city was carefully thought out and well prepared. It was based on a strong fire system, reference points and resistance sites. The closer to the city center, the defense it became denser. Special strength was given massive stone buildings with a large wall thickness. The windows and doors of many buildings were climbed and turned into ambrusuras to lead fire. The streets overlapped with powerful barricades with thickness up to four meters. The defenders had a large number of faustparters, which in the situation of street fighting turned out to be a formidable anti-tank weapon. Incidentally important in the defense system, the enemy had underground structures that were widely used by the enemy for maneuver troops, as well as to cover them from artillery and bomb shocks.

By April 26 in Berlin's storm The six armies of the 1st Belorussian Front (47th, 3rd and 5th strikes, the 8th Guards, the 1st and 2nd Guards Tank Army) and the three armies of the 1st Ukrainian Front (28- I, 3rd and 4th Guards Tanks). Given the experience of taking major cities, assault detachments were created in the city in the city of rifle battalions or mouth, enhanced tanks, artillery and sappers. Actions of assault detachments, as a rule, were preceded by a short but powerful artillery preparation.

By April 27. As a result of actions deeply advanced to the center of Berlin armies of two fronts, the enemy grouping in Berlin stretched out a narrow strip from the east to the west - sixteen kilometers in length and two or three, in some places there are five kilometers wide. Fights in the city did not stop in the afternoon nor at night. Quarter over the quarter Soviet troops "threw up" the defense of the enemy. So, in the evening on April 28, parts of the 3rd shock army came to the Reichstag district. On the night of April 29, the actions of advanced battalions under the command of Captain S. A. Neztashen and Senior Lieutenant K. Ya. Samsonova was captured by the Moltke Bridge. At dawn on April 30, the assault price of considerable losses was captured by the building of the Ministry of the Interior, adjacent to the parliament building. The path to Reichstag was open.
April 30, 1945 at 21.30 parts of the 150th rifle division under the command of General Major in

Berlin 1945 was the largest city of Reich and his center. There were a bid of the commander-in-chief, Reich kancing, headquarters of most armies and many other administrative buildings. For spring, more than 3 million inhabitants lived in Berlin and about 300 thousand stolen civilians of the anti-Hitler coalition countries.

The whole top of Nazi Germany remained here: Hitler, Himmler, Goebbels, Goering and others.

Preparation of the operation

The Soviet leadership planned to take the city at the end of the Berlin offensive operation. This task was set by the troops of the 1st Ukrainian and Belarusian fronts. At the end of April, the advanced parts met, the city was besieged.
The Allies of the USSR software refused to participate in the operation. Berlin, 1945, was an extremely important strategic goal. In addition, the fall in the city would invariably lead to victory in the propaganda plan. Americans developed an assault plan in 1944. After fixing the troops in Normandy, it was planned to make a throw north to the roar and start the attack of the city. But in September, the Americans suffered huge losses in Holland and refused the operation.
Soviet troops of both fronts had more than 2 million alive strength and about 6 thousand tanks. Of course, they could not participate in the assault. 460 thousand people were focused for strike, and Polish formations also took part.

Defense of the city

The defense of Berlin of 1945 was prepared very carefully. The garrison numbered over 200 thousand people. It is quite difficult to call the exact number, because the civilian population was actively attracted to protect the Nazi capital. The city was obeyed by several defense lines. Each building was turned into a fortress. Barricades were built on the streets. Almost the entire population was obliged to take part in the construction of engineering structures. Concrete bunkers were hastily installed on the approaches to the city.

Berlin 1945 defended the best troops of Reich, including the SS. The so-called folksturm was also created - militia detachments scored from civilians. They were actively equipped with faustpatrones. This is a simple anti-tank gun that shoots communal shells. Machine-gun calculations were in buildings and simply on urban streets.


Berlin, 1945, has been under regular bombardments for several months. In the 44th, the raids of the British and Americans were frequent. Prior to that, in 1941, on the personal order of Stalin, a number of secret operations were conducted by Soviet aviation, as a result of the city managed to reset some amounts of bombs.
April 25 began massive art preparation. Soviet aviation mercilessly suppressed firepoints. Gubitsa, mortars, RSZO beat Berlin direct vendor. On April 26, the most fierce battles began in the city for the whole war. For the Red Army, a huge problem was the density of building the city. It was extremely difficult to step up because of the abundance of barricades and dense fire.
Large losses in armored vehicles were determined by a variety of anti-tank groups of Volkssturma. To take one city quarter, he was first treated with artillery.

The fire was terminated only when the infantry approached the German positions. Then the tanks destroyed the stone buildings, which brooped the path, and the Red Army moved on.

Berlin's liberation (1945)

Marshal Zhukov attached to use the experience of Stalingrad battles. In a similar situation, Soviet troops successfully applied small mobile groups. Several armored vehicles were attached to the infantry, a group of sapins, mortars and artilleryrs. Also, sometimes in such a unit included flanmeters. They were needed to destroy the enemy, hidden in underground communications.
The rapid promotion of Soviet troops led to the surroundings of the Reichstag district after 3 days after the start of active battle. On a small plot in the center of the city, 5 thousand Nazis focused. There was a ditch around the building, because of which the tank breakthrough was impossible. All available artillery fired the building. April 30, shells broke the Reichstag. At 14 hours 25 minutes over the buildings raised the red flag.

Photography, capturing this moment, will later become one of

Berlin's fall (1945)

After taking the Reichstag, the Germans began massively running. Head of the General Staff Krebs requested the cessation of fire. Zhukov passed the proposal of the German side personally to Stalin. The commander-in-chief demanded only the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany. Germans rejected such ultimatum. Immediately after that, a squall fire collapsed on Berlin. The battles lasted for several more days, as a result of which the Nazis were finally broken, in Europe were over. In Berlin, 1945 showed the world the power of the liberation Red Army and the Soviet people. The capture of Nazi Logov forever remained one of the most important points in the history of mankind.