How and how to paint wooden doors with your own hands. What is the best way to paint a wooden door? How to paint the entrance wooden door

Save the budget to buy a new door and refresh the interior of the room is quite real. To do this, it is enough to upgrade the old door design, adhering to the technology of preparation and painting of the canvas.

All about choosing paint, features of staining of different types of doors and stages of performing painting works, written in the article.

Distinctive features of painting different types of doors

Old interroom and entrance doors often have a high-quality box and a durable canvas. Various models, even those that are made of valuable wood, over time lose the original gloss. I have accumulated over the years paint layer spoils the appearance of the doors and needs reconstruction.

The easiest and most affordable way to update the input design is the coating of the new paint. With this work, any home master will cope with this work, it is enough to know the features of the materials of the manufacture of doors, modern varnishes and paints, as well as abide by painting technology.

The process of coloring different types of doors has its own characteristics:

  1. Array of wood. Doors from this material are smooth heavy structures. This option maximizes the natural structure of wood. To update the array, choose a transparent varnish or lesing glaze. If the cloth is outdated, the glaze is suitable for a tree.
  2. MDF. The design of such a door consists of sheets of wood chip and insulation. Paint the MDF-door is quite simple, however, before this should be carefully prepared the surface.
  3. Pilented canvas. Frame is performed from MDF, and inserts from thin boards or plywood sheets. Before the painting design will have to disassemble the component elements. Due to the large number of joints, violent doors wear out faster and more often require updates.

How to choose materials for painting doors

Qualitative paints can not be too cheap. In this case, the savings are not justified. Sometimes shortly before the end of the shelf life, stores reduce the price of paint materials. If the painting of the wooden door is planned for the coming days, then this option will allow to save, without losing quality.

Optimal paint for doors

Reflecting on the question: "How to cover the door?" It is necessary to have a general idea of \u200b\u200bpaint goods, their advantages and cons. Assortment of all colors is customary to classify to transparent and opaque.

Opaque paints include alkyd and oil coatings. Most often used nitrocracy, acrylic and alkyd enamel. Each of the listed paints has its own characteristics.

Alkid enamel is the most affordable price presented in a wide range of colors and shades. After drying, a durable, resistant to external factors coating is formed. The material is wear-resistant, economically in consumption and dries relatively quickly.

A significant disadvantage of alkyd paint is an unpleasant smell holding indoors for about two days after staining. Evaporation negatively affects the health of allergies and people with diseases of the respiratory organs. Alkyd enamels are not desirable to use in children's rooms.

Nitrocraska is distinguished by high aesthetic properties, the color palette of materials exceeds acrylic / alkyd enamel. Essential advantages include high wear resistance and strength. However, nitrocrack is even more harmful to health than alkyd enamel. Paint evaporation is very toxic, work on coloring is carried out only in well-ventilated areas in compliance with safety. While the paint does not completely dry into the room can not go.

Acrylic enamels on a water-based basis are best suited for painting interroom doors. The composition is easily applied, it lies well, and when drying there is no unpleasant toxic smell.

Cons Acrylic paint: Higher price and small strength. To increase the wear-resistant coating and preservation of aesthetic species from above, the paint is covered with acrylic special varnish.

Wooden doors varnish are more often used for array designs. Lacrification, like paint staining, protects doors from moisture, bright light and other external influences. There are transparent and tinting varnishes. Some materials are used in conjunction with paints. The choice of one or another varnish depends on the result you want to receive.

Tinting varnishing gives the door a certain shade. Transparent transmits the color of the natural tree tone to the tone.

Council. Buying varnish, you should pay attention to the drying rate. It is better to choose quick-drying LKM - such a varnish does not spread over the surface and harmful to health.

Select the color of interroom doors

Today's assortment of paints allows you to implement the most courageous design solutions for the design of the room. In modern design, three main trends of painting interroom doors are visible:

  • gentle, bright colors of blue, peach, green, pink, lavender color;
  • dark rich shades of brown, cherry, blue, chocolate color;
  • bright colors - orange, yellow, red.
  1. Dark shades, such as "Cherry", "Red Walnut", "Dark Chocolate" will give a living room of sophistication and luxury. Light tones are well suited for the design of the bedroom and the children's room, creating a cozy and comfortable setting.
  2. Sleeping set of snow-white color is combined with the same white door decorated with golden fillets.
  3. For a wooden house, it is better to choose the door from the massif coated with oil transparent impregnation.
  4. A classic interior with antique furniture can be added artificially aged wooden door.
  5. The color frame color must be either lighter or darker color walls.

How to paint a wooden door: technological process

Required tools

First of all, you should take care of the tools. For work you will need:

  • paint bath;
  • painting brushes;
  • gloves;
  • rags;
  • putty knife;
  • malyary Scotch;
  • emery skar;
  • a vacuum cleaner;
  • flashlight - can be useful for convenient search for defects on the door canvase;
  • stools (4 pcs.) or goats (2 pcs.).

Materials will be needed:

  • putty;
  • primer;
  • paint or varnish;
  • solvent.

Surface preparation

It is more convenient to work with the removed web. Therefore, the door is removed from the loops and stacked on the support, for example, on 4 tabs. If the door is stained with an alkyd composition, then work is better carried out in the courtyard, on the terrace or balcony.

After removing the door, dismantle all the fittings. Failure handles and hinges can be wrapped with paper, secure a tape or wrap foil. Castle mechanism to fix and stuck with scotch.

In order to paint the door properly, it is necessary to prepare it correctly. The quality of the execution of this stage depends on how exactly color paint on the door. Preparation procedure:

  1. Remove old paint, layer of putty and primer up to wood. To facilitate the work, you can use a grinding machine, sandpaper, special washes for wood.
  2. Perform a pre-grinding. This will help remove small dents, scratches and paint residues. Grinding is carried out by grinding, medium-trimmed emery. Sleep the surface.
  3. Visible wood flaws to sharpen a special putty. Special attention to the gaps between the decorative elements and the canvas, proloce and joy.
  4. After a complete drying of the putty, the door reload the sandpaper - first the medium-sized, and then fine-grained.

Council. Damaged with time wood can be lit with a solution of chlorine bleach and water in proportion 3: 1, respectively.

Diagram Painting Doors

The coloring scheme depends on the door design:

  1. Shield door. Painting occurs in three stages. It is advisable to apply a roller - it does not leave traces, hairs and ensures uniform painting. Staining begins with the top corner of the door in the transverse direction from left to right. After applying the first layer, the painting should completely dry. The second layer is applied in the longitudinal direction, and the third is in the transverse one.
  2. Pilented door. First, with the help of a brush, all recesses in the canvas are painted. It is important to prevent surplus paint. At the end, the entire door is painted with a roller, sticking to the painting of the panel design.

Deciding with painting technology, you can proceed to further actions.

Order coloring

  1. Prepared to web to put horizontally, pre-stacking the surface with polyethylene. Glasses in the door to protect with painting scotch.
  2. Scroll with a brush small elements of a wooden door, fililenies and protruding details.
  3. Apply the first layer of paint with roller.
  4. Leave the door to complete drying and repeat the staining in the perpendicular direction.
  5. If you need to achieve a brighter and saturated color, the door is painted in three layers.

How to paint the doors from the pine massif: process features

The advantage of inexpensive pine is a pleasant aroma of needles, which adds rest home and contributes to a serene sleep. Pine belongs to soft wood rocks, so susceptible to environmental impacts. To make the material more durable and wear-resistant, it is necessary to protect it properly selected LX.

Some designers reluctantly use the doors from the pine massif in the interior due to the presence of bitch. This disadvantage can be adjusted using a tint veil. The tool will not break the pattern of wood, and give a noble shade.

Before staining, the surface must be sharpened, pollut. Resintees and pockets should be removed, the door can be sanded.

Pine door painting sequence:

  1. Skuring. The door, both new and old, must be finally handled by sandpaper.
  2. Clean the surface from dust.
  3. Progress the cloth. Primer contributes to uniform paint and additionally protects wood from rotting. For better antiseptic protection, it is recommended to use a special impregnation.
  4. Floor. Using the roller, apply the simulated shade on the door. Opaque paints are suitable for full texture paint.
  5. Cove the door with varnish.

How to paint the doors from pine: video

Opening with varnish - practicality and durability of wooden doors

Consider technology, how to paint the door to varnish:

  1. The first stage is preparation. The procedure for preparatory activities is fully consistent with paint coloring technology.
  2. The selected varnish mix directly in the bank to produce a homogeneous mass (during the storage of the LCM, the material can be laid). Stirring is performed very slowly, so that bubbles are not formed.
  3. The first layer is primer. It is performed by dilute varnish, diluted with water or solvent (depends on the type of base). The primer is applied along the wood structure with a brush. When painting can not be stopped, otherwise the stain is formed on the surface, which will have to be used.
  4. After drying the primer, the door to handle shallow skin, to remove repellent wood fibers.
  5. Applying a layer of varnish. This layer is applied in the cross direction with the previous one.

The door opened with varnish until the perfectly smooth surface is formed. You have to apply three layers.

How to paint the door from the fiberboard: step by step instruction

Fiberboard is a very porous material, so before painting it must be braced. This will reduce paint consumption and increase the wear resistance of the coating. As a primer, the usual olive is suitable, which is predefined to heat up to a temperature of + 40 ° - + 50 ° C.

The sequence of painting DVP doors:

  1. Remove the door with loops, put horizontally, clean from garbage, dust. Surface wipe with a cloth moistened in alcohol.
  2. Apply several layers of the primer layer. Careful impregnation will significantly increase the strength and water resistance of the Fiberboard. Olif can be replaced with a grinding mixture with fungicides / insecticides. Such formulations are deprived of an unpleasant odor and it is enough to apply in one layer.
  3. Visible cracks emphasize and leave the door to complete drying.
  4. Surface sandpaper.
  5. Alkyd, oil, acrylic or water paints are suitable for staining. When choosing a composition, it is necessary to take into account the type of fiberboard. For example, the waterproof Fiberboard will repel the paint on a water-soluble basis.

How to properly cover Wooden door - Selection of varnish, preparation and process Update

To change the interior, it is not necessary to buy something new. One possible options is the decision to update the wooden doors with painting or varnish. Such an updated model will harmoniously fit into a rustic, modern or other style. But that the result pleased with his owners, it is necessary to know exactly how to cover the old wooden door to cover, and what events to do this should be done.

What varnish cover interroom wooden doors in the house?

Before painting a wooden door with a mourn and varnish, you need to choose the material. On the market you can find many items of funds that are characterized by their basis:

  • alkyds have a yellowish tint. The main component is solvent. Among the advantages should be allocated strength, water resistance and rapid drying (less than a day). Of the minuses it should be noted the unpleasant odor during painting and fading into the sun;
  • nitrolakes are colorless and retain the natural color of the tree. The main components are acetone and nitrogen compounds. Of the advantages should be highlighted low cost, durability and durability. The disadvantages are flamminess and content of toxic substances;
  • polyurethane darken wood color. The main components are polymers with long molecules. The advantages are low toxicity and no unpleasant odor. Of the minuses, you should select the need for clarifying primer;
  • acrylic are manufactured on a water basis. Used to renovate things in residential premises. The advantages are resistance to ultraviolet, not cracking during operation. The minuses are long-term drying and low resistance to abrasion.

How and how to remove lacquer for painting doors from a tree?

To update the lacquer coating, you must first prepare. To do this, remove the old paint layer in one of the following methods:

  1. Using sandpaper. For more convenient work, it is recommended to use a bar with emery papers naked on it. To completely remove the coating, it is necessary to start processing from the coarse paper, gradually pricing to zero.
  2. Using a grinding machine. Such an option is much faster than manual way. The tool gently removes the old coating, making the surface clean and smooth.
  3. Solvent. Chemicals do not completely remove all layers, leaving traces on the tree. But this option is also used during the removal of the coating.

How to remove the old lacquer with a wooden door?

The future appearance of the canvase differs from the quality of the prepared surface directly. Preparation of the canvas includes the following activities:

  • coloring the previous layers in a convenient way;
  • purification of dust;
  • putty gap and depression. Re-graft;
  • applying bioprotective impregnation;
  • final grinding paper with grit 180 units.

How to cover the old wooden door with a mourn or varnish?

First you need to mix the remedy in an open bank with calm movements. Then pour into the tray. To update the surface, use brushes or rollers. Smooth and rapid movements apply to the canvas.

Cover everything canvas required without interruptions or delays. The next layer is applied perpendicular to the previous one. If we decided to open in three layers, the direction of the third should be like the first. After each layer applied layer, a complete drying should be waited. The amount of time is indicated on the package.

Narrow brush is used to cover the panel part. To renew the frame and platbands, you must paint them in a vertical position. If the drums were formed, it is necessary to use grinding paper.

To paint a thing from a tree, you need to remove accessories from it so that the impregnation can get into all the hidden areas of the design. If this is not done, rotting can form or start a cored beetle.

Why open Wooden doors with varnish?

Such a coating protects the cloth from various types of influences. This is dirt, mechanical impact, humidity. In order to open the wooden structure, it is necessary to prepare it first. To do this, we clean the surface with the skin, paper or machine and clean from dust. Painting the canvas is recommended by an acrylic means that are not smell and quick-drying. Open 2-3 times, with a break for complete drying.

How to renovate the interroom wooden door covered with varnish?

In order to update the surface of the tree, the following methods can be used:

  1. Paint a cloth. A rich assortment of paints allows you to choose the desired shade. You can choose a one-picture version or paint a web-defined pattern. Materials differ not only in color, but also in composition. After painting, the surface is covered with a lacquer layer.
  2. Self-adhesive film and wallpaper.
  3. Laminate. The perfect option to hide the defects of the tree. You can choose any color, and the material is attached to glue.

In order not to buy new, you should learn how to update the wooden interior doors covered with varnish. This option will not only change the interior, but also protect the surface of the canvas from different adverse effects.

Choose paint and varnish for interroom doors

Lost attractiveness The old wooden door is easily renovated by staining. To give the canvas really a new look, you need to choose the right paint and perform preparatory work. Painting compositions based on aggressive solvents remained in the past. An excellent choice for staining the door block is the enamel odorless, a veil or water-based varnish.

What to take into account when choosing paint?

Deciding on an independent restoration of interior wooden doors, it is necessary to learn an important rule: for internal works, paint is designed without smell, and all other enamels and varnishes are outdoor use.

When choosing enamels for windows and doors, the features of the canvas are taken into account:

  • The door block is made from different wood wood and woodworking industry. From density The material depends on the volume of paint absorption until it dry. Excess layer is additional costs. When choosing an expensive paint and varnish material, it is reasonable to use the oil. After impregnation, the loose wood will cover the film, and the paint absorption will decrease.
  • Lacquet or enamel for doors depends on the surface. Smooth It is enough to walk with two thin layers of paint. Rough The material requires more layers.
  • When restoration of door blocks, the previous coating will not be completely removed. New paint material should not contain aggressive substances Drilling old paint. During the reaction on the canvase, bloating and peeling will appear.

Additionally, when choosing a paint material, take into account intensity of use Door block, as well as level humidity and temperature Environment.

Choice colors - This is a personal preference. A new canvas looks beautifully under a transparent varnish or with the addition of veil. The old door after cleaning is better covered with enamel, picking up the right color.

A frequent interior change does not work out without repainting the door block. To avoid in the future difficulties, choose paintwork, easy to remove From the surface.

What to treat a wooden door?

Wood has a big drawback - absorbs moisture. The expanded sash is impossible to close normally or open. In order not to swell the wooden door from dampness, before painting it should be treated with protective impregnation and carry out preparatory activities.

It is especially good to handle a wooden entrance door, as the cloth on the street is constantly exposed to moisture and temperature differences.

How to paint a wooden door?

Paint for the door canvase must meet high performance and be safe to human health. Conditionally paints and varnish materials are divided into two groups:

  • Transparent Lacques and impregnations are better to paint new wooden interior or entrance doors. The applied layer is a decorative icing that does not hide the surface defects. Transparent coating can emphasize the interesting structure of new wood.

  • Opaque Paints or enamels for windows and doors are made of solvents with adding pigments. Under the new layer it is easy to hide wood defects, crude areas of old paint or simply give the door block a new original view.

Most often, during the restoration of the wooden sash, they prefer opaque paints.

Of the wide variety for internal work, it is optimal to choose a safe paint or water-based varnish. From the street, the wooden canvas can be covered even nitrocracy.

Alkyd paint

Alkyd paint is desirable to use during overhaul when no one lives in the apartment. During this period, all toxic smells will have time. The dried surface may be matte or glossy, but in any case the dampness is well repulsed.

Alkyd quick-drying enamel is characterized by the presence of a sharp smell. Its popularity is substantiated by a variety of colors, low cost, resistant to aggressive effects of the external environment.

Alkyd Lac.

Due to the transparent structure, it is better to cover a new wooden interroom or entrance door. The disadvantage is a sharp smell and long-term drying. Brilliant transparent glaze will emphasize the beauty of natural wood.

Acrylic paint

The best choice to paint the wooden doors interior indoors. The advantage of the coloring composition is the absence of toxic smell, as well as the ability to save wood texture. Thin layer wood allows you to "breathe".

Acrylic enamel dry quickly, and after painting there is no indoors toxic smell. Another advantage is a large selection of colors. The disadvantage is considered a high cost. After drying, the surface becomes matte. An additional opening with acrylic varnish also increases the cost of painting a wooden structure.

Acrylic lacquer

Acrylic varnish is perfectly suitable for coating a new raw interior door. Non-flammable, harmless person, the composition will keep the color and texture of wood. The wooden door fabric from the street does not cover acrylic varnish.


Use for interroom unreasonable. Paint is expensive and its main purpose - protection of the painted surface from low and high temperatures. If you want a wooden or metal, you can paint the door at the entrance to the house. Thermoemali differ in the application area. For the wooden canvase, the aerosol paint Bosny is suitable, withstring, depending on the brand, heating to the temperature + 200 ° C or + 650 ° C.


The most durable and durable paint for wooden doors is a nitrolac or nitroemal, but it is better not to use it for interior door blocks. Characterized by high toxicity, and it is possible to work with them only in well-ventilated rooms. Nitrocraska is suitable for the front door. If in the future it will need to be removed, then it is not easy to do it.

Polyurethane paint

Polyurethane paints are gaining popularity, characterized by good adhesion with wood. With proper preparation of a wooden surface, you can not be afraid of the appearance of swirling on the door. The dried layer of paint is completely harmless to humans, retains a bright color for a long period of operation, as well as resistant to the occurrence of scratches. The main advantage of the polyurethane layer is elasticity. With weak strain of wood, cracks will not appear on the paint.

Benefits of simulat and varnish

For wood, the verse and varnish give not only a beautiful appearance, but also additionally protect natural material from aging. A combined coating of two components is often used. The simulator penetrates deep into the wood, where, together with the tanning substances, it forms a protective barrier from moisture and retains the natural painting of the tree from burnout. Varnish creates decorative glitter on the doors, and also additionally protects against moisture.

A wooden door covered with veneer cannot be painted with composites based on aggressive solvents. First of all, it concerns nitrocracy. Matte spots will appear on the chemical impact on the veneer. It is better to choose satellite varnishes on aqueous, glyphthale or polyurethane basis.

To paint the sponied wooden door covered with varnish, the surface is cleaned with a special floor solution. After removing the old varnish, the veneer is ground, and when dried, paint.

Update the entire wooden door block is necessary in case of damage to the coating on a large area. Small scratches easier to lose, pick up the color of paint or varnish.

How to cover the door lacquer

  • 1 Selection of varnish
  • 2 Door preparation
  • 3 Surface varnishing
  • 4 video

Wooden doors look noble, aesthetic and exquisite! They will not compare any other door made from other material. Today it is possible to purchase the workpiece of the door to painting or varnishing. It is cheaper and more practical. You can lacquer the product in that tone that best suits the interior. An even more economical option is to update the door covered with varnish. Of course, you need to remove the old coating - to polish the surface that it takes time, but by means this option will be much more economical.

Varnish has a transparent structure. Due to this, the natural beauty of the tree is emphasized. Even budget vents of the door, for example, made of pine, acquire a solid, expensive and high-quality appearance after varnishing. Tone door, especially those that go into one corridor, should be the same. So it creates a whole painting of the interior. Although the interior door from the side of the room can be painted in any suitable interior tone of paint or varnish.

Tools for applying varnish

To vanish the door you will need:

  • wooden varnish
  • a small brush or roller,
  • rags
  • spatula and spacure on wood,
  • grinding
  • sandpaper with small and large grain,
  • construction hairdryer.

Select varnish

Varnish on a tree

Wooden varnishes are divided into several types.

  1. Alkyd varnishes are based on solvents. They give the tree a yellowish tint, are waterproof. To speed up the drying process, improve moisture resistance and increase hardness, special hardeners can be added to the composition. Drying time is about 24 hours.
  2. Acrylic varnishes are produced based on water. They do not smell and are not toxic. To strengthen the coating can be added special hardeners, because such a varnish itself is definitely.
  3. Nitrolakes have a significant advantage over their fellows - they will dry quickly. Solvents are used as the basis. Nitrolakes are very toxic, so their use is not always justified. By the way, when using nitrolaks, the paintopult is best used.
  4. Polyurethane varnishes are strong. They differ in a dark tint and that is why the surface of the door is ground.

What varnish to choose

Of course, there exists a lot more varnishes on a tree, but they are usually not used at home.

All types of varnish have one feature - the more they are toxic, the better their consumer characteristics.

Whatever your choice, painting the door of the door of the door is based on its own differences. It is more important to understand how to properly prepare the door under varnishing.

Preparation of doors

Door before and after

If you have to lacquer the old door, it should be pre-removed the layer of old paint or varnish. Although with good lacquer safety, sometimes applying a new coating according to old lacquer. To remove the old coating, use sandpaper and construction hairdryer. If the doors are covered with paint, then they can be cleaned with a special wash. Before varnishing, such actions are not recommended. The thing is that the wash can absorb in the wood and affect her color.

While how qualitatively the old coating layer will be removed from the door, its final appearance depends. And this means that it is better to clean the door from the old paint gently, not allowing surface damage.

If you have to put a coating with a lacquer to a new door, then it is pre-pollnate all irregularities. Often, for this purpose used paper for grinding, wrapped around a 25 × 10 cm.


Grinding is a responsible stage, so it is necessary to conduct it with all thoroughness, although it will take a lot of time. The abrasive fraction of sandpaper - 60-180, and everything depends on how uneven the surface is. For this purpose, a grinding machine can be used, which will only reduce the process. With the help of a putty corresponding to the color of wood, cracks and holes are eliminated. A selection of putty color is important - because the final appearance of the door will depend on it.

A special impregnation is applied to the door, protecting wood from the koroeda and mold. To increase the quality of varnish and reduce its flow, primer is used. It is applied using a roller or brush.

Primer for wood

Impregnation, primer and varnish must have the same foundation. Otherwise, due to the incompatibility of the components, the coating will be covered. You can exclude the problem by purchasing impregnation, primer and varnish one company.

After the priming, the door is re-grinding or using sandpaper No. 180, or grinding machine. Thus, the remaining unevenness will be removed. Grinding places are reheated. If the lacquer does not significantly change the color of the tree, they can be replaced with the primer. However, the composition is pre-diluted.

Surface varnishing

Opening the jar with the composition, before covering the door with varnish, slowly stirred it. This condition is important, because only with slow stirring, air bubbles are not formed. Pour a small amount of composition in the bath, pre-fixing the door horizontally. With the frame, of course, everything is more complicated, in view of which when it is painted, the drums will simply shine.

So that the transitions between the layers were inconspicuous, the lacquer is important to apply quickly. The layers are applied in the overweight direction and there must be at least 3. Before you begin to apply the next layer, you must make sure that the previous layer is completely dry. Lucky have different drying speed, so read the instructions to learn how the composition you bind quickly.

As for the fillets, they are usually lacquered with a brush of a small size. Thrust, influx and divorces are removed by sandpaper, except for the top layer. While the layer of varnish dries, a roller or brush can be stored in a bank with varnish or tightly wrapped.

With varnishing, many masters do not remove the handles, but simply soak them, although this action is incorrect. This is explained by the fact that the places under the handles also need to be covered with impregnation and primer.

So, if you adhere to the aforementioned simple tips, the lacquering of the door will pass without difficulty and in short terms. Perhaps you have questions on the topic or some notes to the article. We are waiting for your comments.


This video material shows an interesting option for restoration of a wooden door:

Selection and appliances applying a varnish on wooden doors

Korovin Sergey Dmitrievich

Master of Architecture, graduated from Samara State Architectural University. 11 years of experience in the field of design and construction.

To update the tree when there is no money for the purchase of a new canvase, a varnish for wooden doors is used. Some homeowners are trying to save, sticking the doors with self-keys. Less often, the canvas is trimmed with vinyl panels.

Benefits and features of the use of varnish

Varnish gives the canvas effect appearance and enhances the protective functions of the tree. With the help of varnish, wheels are prevented, and the apartment or house becomes more cozy.

To cover interior wooden doors, you can use several types of varnish. In this case, the canvas can be made of pine and another tree of wood. Due to this technique, the shade inherent in the door canvase is emphasized. The coating material gives some parts of the door saturated and deep color.

Varnish - Affordable Universal Tool Coverage

To lacken a tree, it is recommended to choose the right tool. The impregnations protect the tree from mold and rotting. Protective funds do not allow the canvas to swell. They also protect the box from the Sun, sharp temperature differences.

In some cases, instead of varnishing, you can paint the doors - it looks very stylish in modern interiors.

Before covered with lacquer wooden doors, get acquainted with the advantages of this method of finishing:

  • accessibility - the buyer is given the opportunity to buy varnish taking into account the price factor. At the same time, experts advise to process the canvas with a mixture, which is capable of improving external and protective properties, extinguishing the operating time of the web;
  • easy update - every person will be able to paint the door, including a beginner in carrying out such works;
  • universality - varnish is used for different surfaces;
  • the varnish contributes to an increase in the resilience of the canvas to different negative influences, which include scratches, moisture, mechanical damage.

Water-based varnishes do not smell

All varnishes are classified into the following types of composition:

  • oil - they are based on oils that are well absorbed into the surface, changing its color. They are used as a solvent. Such formulations dry long. They have an unpleasant smell;
  • water - colorless and without sharp smell, matte or glossy type. They dry quickly. But the simplide is used.

Selection of varnish: how not to be mistaken in the choice

To update the door, you can use several types of LKM. Alkyd varnishes include solvents that give wood yellow tone and resistance to moisture.

To reduce the ability to dry out, raising moisture resistance and strength, hardeners are added to the mixture. The surface covered with such a means dries during the day.

Alkyd varnishes give the water to the wood

It is possible to impregnate with wood acrylic varnishes that are made of water. They are non-toxic and have no smell. To increase strength, hardeners add to their composition.

You can update the room decorated with wood, nitrolakes. Their main advantage is rapid drying. The base includes solvents. Of the minuses, an increased toxicity can be allocated, so nitrolakes are rarely applied.

For polyurethane LKMs are characterized by increased strength. During the polyurethane, the tree attaches the dark shade, so the surface of the canvas is ground.

Materials and tools

To carry out preparatory work with the subsequent varnishing of the surface with your own hands, the following tools will be needed:

  • roller or brush;
  • rag;
  • putty knife;
  • wood putty;
  • grinder machine;
  • sandpaper;
  • construction hairdryer.

Preparation of doors

Before covering the LKM, the door is polished - roughness and irregularities are removed. The thicker the box, the longer the grinding process. One of the embodiments is the use of the board (25x10 cm) wrapped with emery paper. You can also perform this work using a grinding machine.

All defects are close to putty, when choosing the color is taken into account. After stripping, the inner box is processed by impregnation - protection against mold and pests.

To improve the quality of varnishing and reduce the flow of varnish, the coating is ground with a roller or brush. Dust is removed from the canvases, and the coating itself is degreased by white-spirited.

For subsequent painting, you will need to handle the door with a chemical composition. An important point is the condition so that impregnation, primer and varnish have one base. Otherwise, the coating will stall. After the primer, repeated grinding is carried out. Then the canvas is ground.

Application of varnish

To cover the doors, varnish will need to dismantle it by setting into a horizontal position. With the help of such actions, you can save the coating from the sublists.

To apply a lacquer, the door is installed horizontally

An ordinary synthetic bruster or roller is used to apply the LKM. The number of layers applied - 3-5. If the base layer was applied by performing horizontal movement of the brush, then the second layer is applied in a vertical direction.

Lacine the door with a brush, inflicting the composition 3-5 times

We make the effect of "Under the Starin"

The doors "Under the Starina" emphasize the design solutions in the room. To update the interior of the house in this way, the wooden door "under the old" is created. For this use several technologies:

    braching - A simple technique that is used by many masters. The work is performed by an iron brush with which the top layer of wood is removed (until the advent of annual rings). But such a technique for giving the door of an old species requires a large amount of varnish;

When brimming the top layer is removed with a metal brush
patting - "Patina" - This is a special paint, which is often used to create the effect under consideration. The mixing technology is to choose the desired color and applying 1 of the main layer, which is subsequently covered with paints or varnishes, but a lighter shade. If the surface dried, a fine-grained skin of the antique is used. The bottom layer that appears through the top, creates the effect of numerous painting. On the canvas you can see "natural scratches";

Patching gives a tree effect of numerous painting

  • equipment of wax - To perform such technology, it will be necessary to observe a specific sequence: applying wax - painting in a brighter tone. After complete drying, paraffin is removed. This uses a spatula. Then the base is grouped. Nail polish or verse. The door is processed by wax. It is such a technology that makes it possible to prevent the "under ancient", as close as possible to the truth.
  • If you have old doors, then it is easier to update it a little or restored.

    Review of Wooden Door Protection

    Do you want to update the interior of the apartment, but do not possess the necessary means? Or you drove into a new housing, and the doors remaining from previous owners, do not fit you categorically? You can save significantly if you spend painting doors.

    If you decide to paint interior doors with your own hands, you will first rate the amount of work, read the simple rules, find out how to cover the wooden canvas doors. As a result, the result obtained will definitely please you.

    What covers use

    Paints differ in used for the basis of the basis.


    Convenient when painting, and the coating of them is practical in operation: it is enough just to wash off the contamination from the surface with a damp cloth. Enough one layer. But if you want to get a deep saturated shade, you can paint the wooden door from pine or oak into two layers. In addition, several layers reliably protect the array from external influences.


    Do not have an unpleasant smell, nonsense. The paint loses well on the surface of the wooden door from the array, dries quickly (about 24 hours). If there is an increased humidity in the room, then the drying process can be slightly delayed. When applying acrylic paint on an old coating, further cracking can be avoided due to the special composition and paint structure.


    The simulator differs from ordinary paints by the fact that it does not remain on the surface of the wooden door with a separate layer - it penetrates inside the wooden canvas. Such impregnation is suitable for underlining the natural structure of the pine array and other beautiful wood species.

    The veil helps to change the shade of the interior door, make it deep and saturated. When using the veil color, the color of the web will look homogeneous. Impregnation on an oil or water basis can be used for staining immediately after purchase. If you purchased them in the form of a powder, then dilute with methyl alcohol. After applying for an array of pines it is necessary to cover the door with a layer of varnish.

    Well protects the array of pine and other breeds from external influences. Due to its structure, he makes a wooden door unstable to moisture, scratches. There are many types of varnishes that will help to give the door from the array new look. So you can emphasize the deep saturated color of the pine array with a suitable varnish.

    Benefits of simulat and varnish

    Protective simulators have differences from classic impregnation. If the door is covered with such a composition, it will "breathe". The coating in this case is resistant to moisture and the appearance of cracks. The market contains a large selection of Morilok. They are suitable for products from the array:

    Some of the veils are transparent. Such solutions emphasize the beauty of wood and protect it from harmful effects. For application it is necessary to use brushes. Carefully read the instructions: some manufacturers offer coat with one layer, and some recommend applying to several layers.

    The door, pre-painted paint, is desirable to cover with a transparent varnish. In this case, it will be less susceptible to external negative effects, keep the shine and color of the coating. If you were coated with an acrylic varnish and noticed that there was a whitish hue, do not worry - after complete drying it will become transparent.

    Choosing a special varnish of cold screwdriver, you can make a coating of the door with a glossy or matte array.

    Where to start updating the canvas

    The process includes the following actions:

    1. Before the painting door to remove with the loops, remove the decorative elements.
    2. Remove the top coating layer. If you do not remove it, the effect of the subsequent painting will be insignificant, besides, lacquer or paint will lie unevenly and with time can enjoy.
    3. Remember that when sanding sandpaper, smooth movements along the fibers need to be performed. In the transverse grinding, furrows will be visible after the final coating of varnish.
    4. After removing the top layer, all the slots and potholes to disguise with putty.
    5. We recycled the surface of the pine array with sandpaper. Invalid the presence of roughness and irregularities.
    6. After that, we spend the door, wipe with a damp cloth and carefully dry it.
    7. Painting easier in a horizontal position. So the coating will fall smoothly, and it is thus much easier to carry out work.

    Coloring can be carried out tools:

    The tool selection depends on your preferences and work skills. The paintopult is used in the work of professionals, besides, it has a high cost. If you need to cover with paint or lacquer just one door, then it is worth thinking about the feasibility of its purchase.

    Features of the application of the veil and varnish

    For the coating of the verse, any wood is suitable: pine, oak, birch. Apply it is generously so that the surface is soaked. After the wood does absorb the veil, you need to remove the remnants. For laundering, a brush and acetone is used. It is necessary to carry out this procedure until the composition does not stop wedge. After that, the door should succeed well.

    Lacitation is made in two stages. After the first layer is applied, it is necessary to wait for it to dry and remove the sandpaper roughness and irregularities. After that, it will be necessary to handle the coating of lacquer again.

    Painting of a veneered web

    If your interior doors are made of veneer, then the grinding procedure should be carried out with extreme caution. It is unacceptable to use grinding machines - they can break the top layer of veneer. Works must be done manually, and it is better to trust this business professionals.

    It is necessary to carefully select the coating material:

    1. If the door is absolutely new, and you simply do not suit her color, you can do without grinding. Just pick up the lacquer of the desired shade and proceed to work. If there are small defects, you can simply check them, and then rub the polyrolol.
    2. Artificial veneer doors are suitable for staining. But there are some difficulties associated with the fact that such a door has a smooth surface with which paint will roll. You can use the primer, but in this case the effect of the natural wood structure will not be preserved.

    In such a case, it is necessary to apply in two layers. For painting, veneer doors worth choosing water-based paints. If the structure of the paint is dense, the individual pattern of the coating will be lost.

    Before you process the door from the veneer, think carefully and appreciate the front of the upcoming work. If there is a small flaw in the form of scratches, you can do the local painting. If necessary, to radically change the color carefully approach the selection of the coating. If you change the surface of the outer layer with chemical dyes, environmental friendliness will violate.

    If you comply with the proposed tips and recommendations, the updated interior doors from the pine or another wood massif will become your pride and revive the interior of the apartment.

    Lost attractiveness The old wooden door is easily renovated by staining. To give the canvas really a new look, you need to choose the right paint and perform preparatory work. Painting compositions based on aggressive solvents remained in the past. An excellent choice for staining the door block is the enamel odorless, a veil or water-based varnish.

    Deciding on an independent restoration of interior wooden doors, it is necessary to learn an important rule: for internal works, paint is designed without smell, and all other enamels and varnishes are outdoor use.

    When choosing enamels for windows and doors, the features of the canvas are taken into account:

    • The door block is made from different wood wood and woodworking industry. From density The material depends on the volume of paint absorption until it dry. Excess layer is additional costs. When choosing an expensive paint and varnish material, it is reasonable to use the oil. After impregnation, the loose wood will cover the film, and the paint absorption will decrease.
    • Lacquet or enamel for doors depends on the surface. Smooth It is enough to walk with two thin layers of paint. Rough The material requires more layers.
    • When restoration of door blocks, the previous coating will not be completely removed. New paint material should not contain aggressive substances Drilling old paint. During the reaction on the canvase, bloating and peeling will appear.

    Additionally, when choosing a paint material, take into account intensity of use Door block, as well as level humidity and temperature Environment.

    Choice colors - This is a personal preference. A new canvas looks beautifully under a transparent varnish or with the addition of veil. The old door after cleaning is better covered with enamel, picking up the right color.

    A frequent interior change does not work out without repainting the door block. To avoid in the future difficulties, choose paintwork, easy to remove From the surface.

    What to treat a wooden door?

    Wood has a big drawback - absorbs moisture. The expanded sash is impossible to close normally or open. In order not to swell the wooden door from dampness, before painting it should be treated with protective impregnation and carry out preparatory activities.

    It is especially good to handle a wooden entrance door, as the cloth on the street is constantly exposed to moisture and temperature differences.

    How to paint a wooden door?

    Paint for the door canvase must meet high performance and be safe to human health. Conditionally paints and varnish materials are divided into two groups:

    • Transparent Lacques and impregnations are better to paint new wooden interior or entrance doors. The applied layer is a decorative icing that does not hide the surface defects. Transparent coating can emphasize the interesting structure of new wood.

    • Opaque Paints or enamels for windows and doors are made of solvents with adding pigments. Under the new layer it is easy to hide wood defects, crude areas of old paint or simply give the door block a new original view.

    Most often, during the restoration of the wooden sash, they prefer opaque paints.

    Of the wide variety for internal work, it is optimal to choose a safe paint or water-based varnish. From the street, the wooden canvas can be covered even nitrocracy.

    Alkyd paint

    Alkyd paint is desirable to use during overhaul when no one lives in the apartment. During this period, all toxic smells will have time. The dried surface may be matte or glossy, but in any case the dampness is well repulsed.

    Alkyd quick-drying enamel is characterized by the presence of a sharp smell. Its popularity is substantiated by a variety of colors, low cost, resistant to aggressive effects of the external environment.

    Alkyd Lac.

    Due to the transparent structure, it is better to cover a new wooden interroom or entrance door. The disadvantage is a sharp smell and long-term drying. Brilliant transparent glaze will emphasize the beauty of natural wood.

    Acrylic paint

    The best choice to paint the wooden doors interior indoors. The advantage of the coloring composition is the absence of toxic smell, as well as the ability to save wood texture. Thin layer wood allows you to "breathe".

    Acrylic enamel dry quickly, and after painting there is no indoors toxic smell. Another advantage is a large selection of colors. The disadvantage is considered a high cost. After drying, the surface becomes matte. An additional opening with acrylic varnish also increases the cost of painting a wooden structure.

    Acrylic lacquer

    Acrylic varnish is perfectly suitable for coating a new raw interior door. Non-flammable, harmless person, the composition will keep the color and texture of wood. The wooden door fabric from the street does not cover acrylic varnish.


    Use for interroom unreasonable. Paint is expensive and its main purpose - protection of the painted surface from low and high temperatures. If you want a wooden or metal, you can paint the door at the entrance to the house. Thermoemali differ in the application area. For the wooden canvase, the aerosol paint Bosny is suitable, withstring, depending on the brand, heating to the temperature + 200 ° C or + 650 ° C.


    The most durable and durable paint for wooden doors is a nitrolac or nitroemal, but it is better not to use it for interior door blocks. Characterized by high toxicity, and it is possible to work with them only in well-ventilated rooms. Nitrocraska is suitable for the front door. If in the future it will need to be removed, then it is not easy to do it.

    Polyurethane paint

    Polyurethane paints are gaining popularity, characterized by good adhesion with wood. With proper preparation of a wooden surface, you can not be afraid of the appearance of swirling on the door. The dried layer of paint is completely harmless to humans, retains a bright color for a long period of operation, as well as resistant to the occurrence of scratches. The main advantage of the polyurethane layer is elasticity. With weak strain of wood, cracks will not appear on the paint.

    Benefits of simulat and varnish

    For wood, the verse and varnish give not only a beautiful appearance, but also additionally protect natural material from aging. A combined coating of two components is often used. The simulator penetrates deep into the wood, where, together with the tanning substances, it forms a protective barrier from moisture and retains the natural painting of the tree from burnout. Varnish creates decorative glitter on the doors, and also additionally protects against moisture.

    Painting of a veneered web

    A wooden door covered with veneer cannot be painted with composites based on aggressive solvents. First of all, it concerns nitrocracy. Matte spots will appear on the chemical impact on the veneer. It is better to choose satellite varnishes on aqueous, glyphthale or polyurethane basis.

    To paint the sponied wooden door covered with varnish, the surface is cleaned with a special floor solution. After removing the old varnish, the veneer is ground, and when dried, paint.

    Update the entire wooden door block is necessary in case of damage to the coating on a large area. Small scratches are easier.

    The interior of absolutely any room involves the presence of certain elements of its elements, the most susceptible to operational loads. These are, in particular, entrance and interior doors, which are exploited most intensively and inferior in this respect only with floor coatings. Due to these circumstances, any door should be protected by a special coating, which would allow its attractive appearance and excellent performance properties for a long time.

    Painting protects wood from temperature drops and high humidity, and also improves its operational service life.

    In the overwhelming majority of cases, such coatings are performed using various paints and varnishes. However, the currently existing huge range of a wide variety of paints, enamels and varnishes will certainly lead a beginner into confusion and pumps up to a reasonable question: how to paint the door best and how to prevent errors? Let's try to consider this question comprehensively and thoroughly.

    What do you need to paint the doors?

    The modern construction and finishing materials market is able to offer the buyer a wide range of already ready-made inlets and interior doors that do not need any refinement. However, in some cases, the door staining may be the necessary measure. Similarly, you can renovate and update the old door, giving it an attractive and original look.

    Quite often, people deliberately acquire unpainted wooden doors to then independently enjoy them in accordance with their own tastes and preferences. In addition, this approach allows to some extent to reduce the costs of installing doors.

    The main advantage of nitroquacies is the high speed of drying.

    There are various staining techniques of surfaces, with the help of which it is possible to achieve not only a flat glossy or matte coating, but also create various decorative effects in the form of cracking, scuffs, imitation of wood texture, etc.

    However, the main purpose of the coating door with paintwork materials is the protection of the latter from:

    • mechanical damage (chips, scratches, scratches);
    • temperature and humidity drops;
    • fungus, mold, insect pests.

    The most demanding on the quality of the protective coating is a wooden entrance door, especially if it has direct contact with an external atmospheric medium. Before painting the entrance door, it is very important to competently select the necessary material.

    Classification of paints and varnishes

    The exceptional variety of the range and the widest range of color solutions of paint products, presented on the shelves of modern stores, are able to satisfy the demands of the most demanding buyer and allow the most extraordinary design projects to implement the most extraordinary design projects. All paints and varnishes, including those used for staining doors, can be classified as follows:

    • by type: impregnations (verses, etc.), varnishes, paints (enamel);
    • by chemical composition: Water-fused or based on organic solvents;
    • in terms of application: for internal works, for external work, universal;
    • by the nature of protection: from the drops of moisture and temperature, from mechanical, chemical and other effects.

    Various shades of tinted varnish allow you to create on a wooden surface imitation of valuable wood.

    In addition, coatings formed using these materials can be transparent and opaque. Transparent coatings form varnishes, glaze and oil impregnation (including Olife). Opaque are various types of paints and enamels:

    • oil;
    • alkyd;
    • polyurethane;
    • acrylic;
    • perchlorvinyl.

    Each of the above types of paints and varnishes has a number of specific characteristics that are assessed as a result of their application.

    An important role in the process of staining the doors is also played by special primer compositions (primers), allowing you to create the most even, durable and durable coating.

    Coating ladies

    Other kind of transparent and translucent varnishes are advisable to use for coating doors made of natural wood array and veneered doors.

    Transparent varnish allows you to save the texture pattern of wood and even benefit from it. Especially given property valuable when processing doors made from valuable wood. Of course, the door prepared for the coating with a transparent varnish should not have any defects, spoiling the appearance of the product. Translucent (tinted) varnishes are produced in a wide variety of colors and shades that make it possible to imitate when applied to one or another valuable breed.

    Most often use 2 main types of varnishes:

    • nitrocellulose (NC);
    • pentafthaled (PF).

    A distinctive feature of nitrolac is a high drying rate of each layer, which forms a durable film with a low-heated gloss. However, nitrolakes are rather toxic, by virtue of which have a limited scope of application.

    Pentafthalic varnishes are much less toxic, but they dry significantly longer (no less than a day). When drying, the PF varnishes form a resistant coating with a pronounced gloss.

    Regardless of the selected species of varnish, the final quality and the degree of gloss coverage will be directly dependent on the amount of layers applied.

    Staining doors enamels and paints

    Acrylic washable paint for the interior is very resistant to abrasion and does not have a characteristic specific smell.

    Enamels based on alkyd resins are the most common and popular at present. The reason for this not only by their quite acceptable cost, but also exceptional versatility in application. The advantages of this paint material are:

    • high coating strength;
    • frost resistance, resistance to temperature drops;
    • water-repellent properties;
    • excellent hiding and high degree of gloss.

    Due to the listed qualities, alkyd enamels find their use not only indoors. Alkid enamel can paint the entrance door in a private house, not only wooden, but also metallic (subject to its appropriate training). Exceptional shelterness and color saturation make it possible to use alkyd enamels to restore old doors to hide various defects, traces of shtatlevia, etc.

    At the same time, alkyd enamels are unsafe in environmental terms and have an extremely unpleasant smell. In addition, they have a long drying time of each layer (at least 10 hours).

    Paint enamel for doors with plastic effect will allow from the old wooden door to make a simulation of plastic.

    Similar flaws are completely deprived of acrylic paints on a water basis. Although it is fair that water-fused paints are unacceptable for painting wooden doors (since they can lead to deformity of the canvas and doss to the door), acrylic paints are often used for this purpose. Such popularity is explained by a number of following advantages:

    • environmental safety and lack of smell;
    • abrasion resistance;
    • high drying speed;
    • color resistance;
    • long service life.

    Acrylic paints are best painted interior doors, since they pass atmospheric moisture that in conditions of high atmospheric humidity may have undesirable consequences. An essential drawback of acrylic paints is their relatively high cost. Given the fact that acrylic paint is applied, as a rule, in several layers, painting costs may increase many times.

    Oil paints and enamels made on the basis of olife can also be used to dye the doors, but are considered morally outdated. Having a high covering ability, they at the same time have a very sharp smell that keeps up to 7 days.

    Thus, by wondering how correctly, first of all, it is necessary to decide what to paint it. The choice of material for painting not only should take into account its technical and operational characteristics, but also include the aesthetic component.

    Wooden doors look noble, aesthetic and exquisite! They will not compare any other door made from other material. Today it is possible to purchase the workpiece of the door to painting or varnishing. It is cheaper and more practical. You can lacquer the product in that tone that best suits the interior. An even more economical option is to update the door covered with varnish. Of course, you need to remove the old coating - to polish the surface that it takes time, but by means this option will be much more economical.

    Varnish has a transparent structure. Due to this, the natural beauty of the tree is emphasized. Even budget vents of the door, for example, made of pine, acquire a solid, expensive and high-quality appearance after varnishing. Tone door, especially those that go into one corridor, should be the same. So it creates a whole painting of the interior. Although the interior door from the side of the room can be painted in any suitable interior tone of paint or varnish.

    To vanish the door you will need:

    • wooden varnish
    • a small brush or roller,
    • rags
    • spatula and spacure on wood,
    • grinding
    • sandpaper with small and large grain,
    • construction hairdryer.

    Select varnish

    Wooden varnishes are divided into several types.

    1. Alkyd varnishes are based on solvents. They give the tree a yellowish tint, are waterproof. To speed up the drying process, improve moisture resistance and increase hardness, special hardeners can be added to the composition. Drying time is about 24 hours.
    2. Acrylic varnishes are produced based on water. They do not smell and are not toxic. To strengthen the coating can be added special hardeners, because such a varnish itself is definitely.
    3. Nitrolakes have a significant advantage over their fellows - they will dry quickly. Solvents are used as the basis. Nitrolakes are very toxic, so their use is not always justified. By the way, when using nitrolaks, the paintopult is best used.
    4. Polyurethane varnishes are strong. They differ in a dark tint and that is why the surface of the door is ground.

    Of course, there exists a lot more varnishes on a tree, but they are usually not used at home.

    All types of varnish have one feature - the more they are toxic, the better their consumer characteristics.

    Whatever your choice, painting the door of the door of the door is based on its own differences. It is more important to understand how to properly prepare the door under varnishing.

    Preparation of doors

    If you have to lacquer the old door, it should be pre-removed the layer of old paint or varnish. Although with good lacquer safety, sometimes applying a new coating according to old lacquer. To remove the old coating, use sandpaper and construction hairdryer. If the doors are covered with paint, then they can be cleaned with a special wash. Before varnishing, such actions are not recommended. The thing is that the wash can absorb in the wood and affect her color.

    While how qualitatively the old coating layer will be removed from the door, its final appearance depends. And this means that it is better to clean the door from the old paint gently, not allowing surface damage.

    If you have to put a coating with a lacquer to a new door, then it is pre-pollnate all irregularities. Often, for this purpose used paper for grinding, wrapped around a 25 × 10 cm.

    Grinding is a responsible stage, so it is necessary to conduct it with all thoroughness, although it will take a lot of time. The abrasive fraction of sandpaper - 60-180, and everything depends on how uneven the surface is. For this purpose, a grinding machine can be used, which will only reduce the process. With the help of a putty corresponding to the color of wood, cracks and holes are eliminated. A selection of putty color is important - because the final appearance of the door will depend on it.

    A special impregnation is applied to the door, protecting wood from the koroeda and mold. To increase the quality of varnish and reduce its flow, primer is used. It is applied using a roller or brush.

    Impregnation, primer and varnish must have the same foundation. Otherwise, due to the incompatibility of the components, the coating will be covered. You can exclude the problem by purchasing impregnation, primer and varnish one company.

    After the priming, the door is re-grinding or using sandpaper No. 180, or grinding machine. Thus, the remaining unevenness will be removed. Grinding places are reheated. If the lacquer does not significantly change the color of the tree, they can be replaced with the primer. However, the composition is pre-diluted.

    Opening the jar with the composition, before covering the door with varnish, slowly stirred it. This condition is important, because only with slow stirring, air bubbles are not formed. Pour a small amount of composition in the bath, pre-fixing the door horizontally. With the frame, of course, everything is more complicated, in view of which when it is painted, the drums will simply shine.

    So that the transitions between the layers were inconspicuous, the lacquer is important to apply quickly. The layers are applied in the overweight direction and there must be at least 3. Before you begin to apply the next layer, you must make sure that the previous layer is completely dry. Lucky have different drying speed, so read the instructions to learn how the composition you bind quickly.

    As for the fillets, they are usually lacquered with a brush of a small size. Thrust, influx and divorces are removed by sandpaper, except for the top layer. While the layer of varnish dries, a roller or brush can be stored in a bank with varnish or tightly wrapped.

    With varnishing, many masters do not remove the handles, but simply soak them, although this action is incorrect. This is explained by the fact that the places under the handles also need to be covered with impregnation and primer.

    So, if you adhere to the aforementioned simple tips, the lacquering of the door will pass without difficulty and in short terms. Perhaps you have questions on the topic or some notes to the article. We are waiting for your comments.


    This video material shows an interesting option for restoration of a wooden door:

    When installing new wooden doors in the bath, you should immediately take care of their protection against negative impact. Couples, high temperature, drafts from ventilation contribute to damaging wood, its deformation and loss of external attractiveness. Avoiding this will help painting doors - a simple and efficient way. Most importantly, competently pick up the paint and put it right.

    Paintwork products are classified as follows:

    • insection -lac, paints and impregnations (oil, wax, veneer, penetrating and film-forming);
    • on chemical composition - on an organic basis and water;
    • according to the method of use - internally, external and combined;
    • according to protective effects - from temperature and humidity fluctuations, from mechanical damage, from chemical and organic stimuli.

    In addition, all coatings are divided into transparent and opaque. The first includes varnishes, glaze and oil impregnations, to the second - paints and enamels manufactured on acrylic, alkyd, polyurethane and oil base.

    Type of composition for wood processingBasic properties
    Suitable for staining interroom and outer doors, has high moisture resistance. Transparent, emphasizes the structure of the tree. Disadvantage: long drying time.
    Safe for health, suitable for any wood, quick-drying. Provides high protection against ultraviolet, gives the surface increased resistance to pollution and moisture effects.
    The most harmless to health, non-combustible, applied indoors. For exterior doors, it does not fit. Keeps natural wood texture and its original color.
    It is easy to apply, well penetrates into the tree, gives wood a darker shade. It is used for processing before painting.
    Deep penetrates into the tree, protects perfectly from moisture, fungus and contaminants. Applies extra strength and pleasant shine of the surface.
    It is used for outer and internal surfaces, creates a durable dense coating with water-repellent properties. It has high shelterness with glossy or matte effect.
    It is easily applied, it has a weak shelterness, thereby saving wood texture. It has high air permeability, so gives the tree to "breathe."

    The opaque paint for bath doors is less common, since the natural drawing of wood more harmoniously fits into the interior. Traditionally, the interior of the bath is performed from wood, so the doors with a pronounced texture look more advantageous.

    But if the tile is used to finish the walls, you can make doors and monophonic, picking up the corresponding color.

    When using paint, the surface is pre-processing with antiseptic impregnation and antipiren, if the door is in the steam room. It is advisable to choose all the means from one manufacturer, it will improve their interaction and make a coating better.

    The optimal choice for bath doors is varnishes and paints on an alkyd basis, the main advantage of which is the resistance to temperature fluctuations and water resistance.

    And yet: paint products should be purchased only in specialized stores, where storage conditions are observed, especially temperature regime.

    How to paint new doors

    The raw wood absorbs moisture well, and if in the bath to put new doors without impregnation with protective compositions, they very soon will swell and stop tightly closed. Therefore, before installing the doors, they need to be prepared correctly and painted. All work should be carried out in the room, so that the dust does not get on the paint.

    Step 1. The door leaf without pens, hooks and loops are placed on a flat steady surface. In the process of manufacturing, the material has already succumbed to grinding, but small roughness or protrusions could remain. Therefore, with the help of grinding or sandpaper, the doors are once again treated on both sides and on the ends. Clean all irregularities, wipe the cloth from dust.

    Step 2. If the paint is chosen for the doors, the cloth is first soaked with primer. The first to handle the deepening, then smooth areas. Since the doors are in a horizontal position, the drips are not formed, and absorption occurs more evenly.

    Step 3. Give the surface to dry completely, and processed it again.

    Step 4.. Now you can paint. For the panel door, the roller is suitable, use an unintentious brush for the panel. The paint should not be too thick, if so, dilute it with a solvent. You should not apply the paint with a thick layer, the quality of the coating will only lose. Depending on the passing ability, it may be necessary to need from 2 to 4 layers of paint, each of which should be completely dry before applying the following.

    Step 5. While the door dries, staining the opening. It is impossible to leave it unprocessed for the same reason that the doors, besides, the painted door in an ugly opening looks not very harmonious.

    After drying, the paint on the door is screwed down the hinge, handle, hook and installed in the opening.

    If the door is selected for the door, the primer is not used. Morilka penetrates deep into the wood, staining the fibers and increasing the protective properties of the material. There are several ways to apply verses that give a different result.

    Trituration.For this method, a simulator is needed with a long drying time. With the help of the roller, the composition is applied on the canvas of the doors and thoroughly rub it with a foam tampon or a piece of dense tissue. It is necessary to rub with an effort, a centimeter for a centimeter so that the liquid is well penetrated into the pores of the tree. The painted surface has a very pronounced pattern.
    Spraying.The veil is chosen by light tones and with the help of the painting, 2-4 layers are applied. This method of staining gives a less pronounced texture, but finely hides the small defects of wood.
    Normal application.Suitable for smooth surfaces. The veil is applied using a roller, as a result of which the surface is painted evenly and does not have divorces.
    Frilling brush.The tool is abundantly applied with a wide brush first along the fibers, then across. Thanks to this method, the tree acquires a deeper and rich shade.

    Council. To avoid discrepancies in color, the veil should be purchased with a reserve and mix well in the bank before use. Painting pigments have the property to settle on the bottom, as a result of which, when staining the doors, one part may differ from the rest.

    Using oil or wax impregnation

    Door treatment with oil impregnation also has its secrets. If the surface is incorrecting on the surface, strips and darker areas may appear. Before use, impregnation must be very well stirred, and do it several times during the work. Apply impregnation with any convenient way - roller, brush, spray or foam sponge. The number of layers depends on the porosity of the material.

    So, you gain a little means and evenly distribute it over the surface from the edge to the edge. It is more convenient to do it in the width of the door canvase. Next, the impregnation is thoroughly triturated with a brush or rolling with a roller, avoiding the influx. Surfaces from 8 to 12 hours, depending on the composition and temperature of the air. The second layer is not applied not later than after 24 hours, otherwise it will not be able to absorb well and its protective properties will decrease.

    Staining old doors

    Old doors in the bath can also be reanimated and made no less attractive than new ones. Although this process and more time-consuming, to cope with it forces to everyone. For convenience, the door must be removed from the loops and put horizontally, but if for some reason it does not work out, it will have to work like this.

    Step 1. The door canvas are removed from the loops, laid on a flat surface. Unscrew the handles, loops, take out locks. If you cannot unscrew, wind by scotch or foil.

    Step 2. With the help of abrasive nozzles, they remove all the layers of old paint to the base.

    If there are covered sections, the putty is also fully believed. There is another convenient way to remove the paint: the top layer of the coating is heated by the construction hairdryer, while the paint does not begin to swear, and then it is written with a metal spatula.

    Step 3.. Slide the paint and dust pieces with the canvas, after which the surface is thoroughly grinding. In hard-to-reach places it is convenient to use sandpaper. After grinding, there should be no rough sections, small irregularities, scratches.

    Grinding door web

    Step 4. Carefully examine the door from all sides, check the density of the compounds, if necessary, strengthen the frame with metal corners and self-draws.

    Step 5. Formed notches and cracks need to be chosen by a new putty. Under the alkyd paint, the putty is suitable for any color, it still will not shine. If the surface is planned to be a surface impregnation, wax or varnish, the tint of putty must coincide with the color of the door leaf.

    Council. If wood darkened a lot from time to time, it can be bleached a bit: blend chlorine with water in a ratio of 1: 3 and is abundantly wetting the surface. When it brings, the door is well washed with clean water and dried in the air.

    Grinding dried spacure

    Step 8.. Wet cloth wipe the cloth from dust from all sides. Next cover the door with a uniform layer of primer. Instead of ordinary primer, you can take an antiseptic impregnation. Especially carefully need to handle joints and recesses.

    Step 9. For staining, you will need a thin brush and roller.

    When the primer dry, takes the brush and paint first all the jumpers, deepening, decorative linings, panels. Next, with the help of a roller paint smooth wide areas.

    The paint is applied fine and uniform layer, thoroughly rubs in one direction. The second layer can be applied not earlier than the first dry. At the same time, the upper layer is always superimposed perpendicular to the bottom, that is, if the first layer was applied in the width of the doors, then the second necessarily make longitudinally. It is especially important to comply with this rule when using a brush from which strokes remain.

    Step 10.. Leave the canvas to dry, are taken for painting the door box in the opening. Here, the same: at the joints, use a thin brush, on the smooth areas - roller.

    If the door is not removed from the loop, it is fixed with wooden wedges on both sides so that the maximum access to all parts of the canvas is fixed. The wedges should be fixed as fast as possible, otherwise, in the process of work, the canvas can move. All further actions are performed similarly. When staining, carefully ensure that the drums are not formed. Handles and loops, other parts of the accessories should also be cleaned of contamination, pollute, update lubricant for ease of move.

    When processing doors, the versication should take into account that from splashes that fell on a clean tree remains, there are dark spots that are shouted through 2-3 layers of the dye. Therefore, if you paint the door, not removed from the loops, it is recommended to apply a veil very carefully and bottom. Roller or brush can not be dipped too much into the liquid so that the drums are not formed. The canvas with drifts and dark stains looks sloppy even under the layer of varnish.

    From the use of vehicles on a water-based, wood fibers have a straight property, from which the surface becomes rough. Eliminate such a defect will help sandpaper with small grain. After secondary processing, the mourn canvas remain smooth.

    Video - Painting of wooden doors

    Video - Doors Staining Technology

    Interior doors help to distinguish between space, protect the rooms from dust, noise, drafts, support a single interior design. However, over time, the input structures lose their usual appearance, which means that the painting of interroom doors is required.

    Can be painted by any enamels, in particular, oil-based products and alkyd paint. The materials will dry quickly, have a resistant coating, a wide palette of shades. Alkid enamel, however, has a strong smell that keeps in the room up to 4 days.

    Therefore, the restoration of interroom structures in the house where there are children, is performed by acrylic enamel - this is a coating of odorless, non-toxic, quickly dries. An acrylic-based paint is sensitive to mechanical damage, so it needs to be fixed with varnish.

    Lucky is suitable for cloths from MDF - transparent or tinted. They retain material texture and mask defects. Veneered structures are processed by nitrocracks, since this composition is well tolerated. It is better to paint glifthal and polyurethane compositions.

    What and how

    Paintwork materials are distinguished by the composition (on an organic or water basis) and the use (for internal, external protection against chemical and organic substances, temperature and humidity drops). The coatings also differ in the basis of the base - impregnation, paints, verses, varnishes.

    The opaque very durable coating creates thick enamels and paints based on polyurethane, liquid acrylic, perchlorvinyl. This group includes oil-based compositions. Alkid enamel is the most common way to process the surface, since it transfers temperature drops, resistant to mechanical damage. The paint on an alkyd basis is applied to the metal, wood.

    The toning surface of the composition is represented by various impregnations, which penetrate the layers of wood, give the desired shade and protect against external influences. Coloring interior doors can also with transparent coatings. These are varnishes (matte or glossy), which protect wood from moisture. Colored varnishes retain the structure of the tree and give the desired shade.

    The internal doors from the fiberboard are painted nitroemals - dense, resistant coatings. For home use, the painters recommend light acrylic dyes on water based. Materials are suitable for painting with a brush, have a good covering ability.

    Coating and Color Choice Rules

    When choosing paint it is worth considering the material of the door, its purpose, interior design of the room. The canvas can be coated with a dense layer - opaque enamels, synthetic dyes based on polyurethane, perchlorvinyl. In order to give an easy-to-wood wood, a transparent lacquer will be required or a veil.

    The choice of color interior structures is determined by the interior of the house. Three tendencies are popular when painting - in pastel shades, saturated dark tones, bright colors. The doors in the house from the tree are covered with varnish or transparent impregnation on an oil basis. For classic interiors with antique furniture, an artificial formation technique is suitable.

    Specialists are recommended for staining the door frame to choose a tone, different from the tone of the walls. Enamels used in the kitchens in the bathroom must have moisture-resistant qualities. If paint is required for interior doors without smell, materials on an acrylic basis are suitable. All coatings should be intended for internal work.

    Preparatory work

    The preparatory stage includes the execution of several consecutive operations. The door is removed from the loops, then dismantle the handles, locks, decorative elements. Remove the old coating can be chemical composition (it may smell unpleasant). Prepare the surface and grind its medium-hearted emery paper. After processing the canvas, it is necessary to wash and deflect the solvent.

    The surface of the door is carefully examined. Detected defects are cracks, chips, - hide a putty, smilling the material tool. The highest quality surface for staining is after primer. The elements of the doors that do not plan to paint, you need to protect with a painting ribbon, scotch.

    Removing the old coating with interroom construction

    Before repainting the door, you must remove the old enamel with a construction hairdryer. The stream of hot air is directed on the layer of the former paint. After softening the surface, the enamel is removed by a spatula. Pentafthalic materials and nitrocracies are removed from the surface with plates, oil - softened to a viscous mass. Chemical washes are helpful in removing old paint. The next step is grinding the purified surface. Works are performed manually and with the help of power tools.

    Process sequence

    In order to paint, you need to perform work in several stages. Experts recommend to carry out these works in rooms with closed windows, while carrying out. In addition to paint, the restoration requires a set of tools: sandpaper, spatula, sponge, putty, solution to remove an old coating. Building tape, primer, brushes, rollers, screwdriver, paint tanks, staircase.

    Paint should be prepared according to the instructions. Then a painting brush is coated with decorative elements and proceed to applying enamel on the surface. The canvas doors are better in painting with a roller, since the stripes remain from the brushes. After applying enamel, the door should be carefully dried. If necessary, you can paint the surface in stages in several layers. Remove the painting tape is recommended after complete surface drying. The final stage: after mounting the handles, locks, the door leafs are hung on the loop.

    Frequently allowed errors

    If errors that can ruin the result are allowed. The defects are missed with the inattentive inspection of the surface manifest on the surface. If the master did not remove oil spots from the surface before applying fresh enamels, the divorces commemorate in fresh paint. To avoid this, the processing of the door with a solvent or acetone, then work on the surface of the surface is performed. The primer is selected for the appropriate paint type.

    Before painting, it is necessary to carefully clean the room from garbage and dust. Even small dust, the pork will create irregularities when staining the surface. The error will be painting without a respirator and special clothes required for the security of the wizard.

    Works are performed with closed windows, however, experts are advised when painting large surfaces to air the room, since enamel, even having odor, distinguishes harmful substances. Do not rush when staining: even quick-drying paint needs drying. The time you need is specified on the package.

    Painting the door under the tree do it yourself

    Single standard doors can be transformed, painting a product under a natural tree. For surface tinting, colors of two colors are required: the main and secondary one. The imitation of the oak surface is created by a combination of light brown and chocolate shades, the color of the wenge - dark red and black paints.

    First, the main tone is applied, after drying, artificial injury is performed using emery paper. Then the door is covered with an additional column of paint. After staining, the surface is dried and lacked. There are variants of transparent varnishes or creating the effect of one-scale wood.

    Thanks to modern technologies, today wooden doors not only look beautiful, but also differ in high quality, to which it is difficult to not pay attention.

    But, decorate your room with good doors not everyone affordable, because such a product from natural wood species costs a lot of money. But, as a budget option, you can buy a "semi-finished product" - the door from the array, such as Oak, Hoang or Pine (sold, usually with standard sizes), without decorative elements, and give your hands the original design door canvase, painting the tree most appropriate LKM.

    Unfortunately, buy a new interior door block to the owners of apartments with an old layout is more problematic, because the "native" doors have non-standard dimensions. In this case, you will have to make the doors of the individual order that it flies in the round sum. Therefore, it makes sense to renovate old doors, thereby saving a family budget and give the apartment of uniqueness and uniqueness.

    Next, we will tell you how to properly prepare the surface, in which sequence it is worth painting work and what paint paint a wooden door so that the final result looked not only well, but also unusually, if the style of the room requires.

    What can be painted wooden doors?

    Today, the question "How to paint the wooden door in the apartment?" Not very relevant, because the market of paints and varnishes is quite diverse. But, before you paint the interroom wooden door in the house, you need to think if you need to keep the structure of natural material, or you need to completely disguise the pattern of wood, curing the canvas opaque layer. Taking on the basis of your own wishes, pay attention to the following LKM:

    • Enamel with an opaque basis.
    • Oil paints.
    • Transparent either tinted varnish.
    • Impregnation on an oil-based basis.
    • Moril.
    • Other LKM, which can be blown out the color of the tree or give the handsome correct shade.

    Below in the table shows the classification of the LKM.



    View: Varnish. Paint. Impregnation.
    Chemical composition:

    Organic basis.

    Water base.
    Mode of application:



    Protective impact: From temperature drops and moisture. From mechanical damage. From chemical and organic stimuli.

    Of course, how to paint the old wooden door is a master's business, but, to the opinion of experienced masters it is worth listening. Many finishers recommend:

    • Acrylic material based on water (substance, as part of which is acrylic, have the most optimal consistency, which is important during work with tassels, and also spread well on the surface);
    • Alkyd material (has a good ability to push moisture, not afraid of the sun, frost and sharp change of temperature regime, dries quickly).

    If you need to process the door to the bath, it is better to stay on alkyd paint for outdoor streetworks, which is less amenable to adverse factors. Using such material, it will be possible to cover the door to the house, as well as interior blocks.

    Important! Pay attention to the staining of the doors by alkyd-containing paints can be carried out only on dry surfaces. If the base of the door is wet, the paint will quickly radiate and get out. And if you need to handle the door with varnish, do not use the Olifu, you only need a verse!

    If you break your head "How to paint a wooden door in the country or in an apartment?" You should already understand that the application of paint is far from one stage. Sometimes to get the desired effect, you have to use different compositions. Initially, experts use an impregnation that can give a certain tone of the door, after which the decorative layer is applied.

    Painting of wooden doors (video)

    Sequence of performance

    The door design is not only the door itself, so it is very important to carefully carry out the preparatory process. Of course, you can repaint only the canvas, but the shoals will fall out of the overall picture. And so, the process of painting the door should be carried out in such a sequence:

    • The door design is removed, which is placed on a steady surface (as an option - a pair of stools). If an alkyd paint is used to work, it is better to transfer to open air, because such LKMs have a caustic smell.

    • Then, without removing the canvas itself, it is fixed by wedges so that the Pilense brush has access to all inaccessible places. Also, block the doors are necessary so that in the process of drying the door does not roll and damaged a new layer of paint.

    Whatever way you go, dismantling the fittings will still have to do. If there are non-removable parts, they can be hidden under paper or foil.

    Preparation of the door coating

    • Remove the entire old coating, even the primer and putty, until the wood remains. For this work, you can use the grinder, a construction hairdryer or special compositions for washing.
    • Then you need to take a sand surface, delete any defects, sanding small lcm residues, degrease. In this work, do not do without grinding, which is better to connect to the vacuum cleaner. If you do not have such a fixture, you can do the emery medium-sized paper.

    • When you completely managed to grind the canvas and camp it, you can move to the putty of large flares. If you plan to use varnish as an finishing coating, it is better to use a special composition for wood. If the decorative dye is not transparent, you can not worry about the color of the putty. Do not forget about the gaps of the walls and the plinth!
    • After putty, having won the mixture specified by the manufacturer, you need to carry out the grinding, disguising the scuff. You can immediately use the medium-trimmed web, after which it is to come with finely abrasive.

    Note that there are large dents on the surface, and you plan to use an opaque or dark material for the finishing layer of the finish, use the auto suck. In such a mixture there is no glass - fiber.

    If the doors under the old finishing materials darkened, and you would like to simply open them, retaining the structure and drawing of wood, the problem areas can be lit. To do this, you can prepare a simple bleach with your own hands: mix the chlorine with water in the ratio of 1: 3. When the surface is fully processed, the rubbish is dried and sucked (so that the paint does not start to swell), you can begin directly dyeing the door.

    How is the usual door painting?

    How to paint the entrance wooden door or interroom we told, it's time to talk about how to perform a simple staining to avoid inclusions and other problems. If you need to update the canvas outside or paint one doors, it makes no sense to buy a spray gun.

    To do this, it will be enough to buy a narrow brush (for hard-to-reach places) and a roller, which is suitable for any canvase (natural wood, Fiberboard, MDF, Canada, etc.). The only minus of tasters - often losing the hairs, so before work it must be fluffy, so that everything is superfluous and poorly fixed fell so as not to spoil the finish.

    For shield doors, it is better to use a roller so that the paint falls uniformly. Work starts from the end, moving to the right. Painting the canvas will have to be 3 closed, so each subsequent layer must lie to the opposite movements. If staining is performed on any other surface, do not allow the paint to be reserved so that the flows are not formed.

    How to use the Morilka?

    In order for the woody rock does not absorb an extra moisture, and the paint laid rockerly, the prepared canvas need to be slightly moistened. All horizontal surfaces are processed by mourn along the fiber, and then across. The finishing layer is applied in the longitudinal direction.

    Shines and details that were not dismantled, begin to cover the bottom so that the drops did not hurt still untouched places. Such a sequence of actions is observed if the finish layer will serve as an opaque material. When the surface treated with the veil will absorb moisture, the fibers of the wood are straightened, which is why it is necessary to abandon the canvas zero sandpaper and repeat the procedure.

    It is also worth noting that after staining (when the dye dries) the tree becomes lighter. Therefore, it is necessary to cover it as many times as necessary to achieve the desired color. If you want to speed up the process, you can use a alcohol-based version. The surface treated with such a composition does not require re-grinding. But, water-soluble materials are considered safer, they will not feel bad and are greater popularity.

    How to simulate wood?

    Tip! Today, the design of the premises in the style of Provence is very popular, which was previously known for the laconicity. Furniture and doors for premises made in this style are usually chosen in light pastel colors, antique imitation is very in demand.

    Adhering to such a stylist when the doors are cleaned with their own hands, a water-emulsion can help or another whisked matte coloring composition. At the same time, many are wondering if it is possible to paint wooden doors with water-making paint? Of course you can, why are such doubts?

    For such substances, you can use both paintopult and rollers or brushes. However, on the Internet you can find a lot of video and photos of instructions, how to paint the wooden door into the white color emulsion, read more detail, such skills for artificial formation will not interfere with you!

    And so to simulate a tree drawing on any base (including metallic) you need:

    • Painting the canvas in yellowish, grayish, beige or white color and dry.
    • Get into liquid soap and brush, and lubricate the necessary site.
    • Take a dark dye and apply to the surface.
    • Remove liquid soap.

    Also to create a retro door, purchase a special brush that is sold in any construction store. The brush make movements, as if combing the hair, over the entire surface to hurt the soft fibers of the breed. Then you can pigmate the surface in different shades.

    Do you want to update the interior of the apartment, but do not possess the necessary means? Or you drove into a new housing, and the doors remaining from previous owners, do not fit you categorically? You can save significantly if you spend painting doors.

    What covers use

    Paints differ in used for the basis of the basis.


    Convenient when painting, and the coating of them is practical in operation: it is enough just to wash off the contamination from the surface with a damp cloth. Enough one layer. But if you want to get a deep saturated tint, then you can from pine or oak in two layers. In addition, several layers reliably protect the array from external influences.


    Do not have an unpleasant smell, nonsense. The paint loses well on the surface of the wooden door from the array, dries quickly (about 24 hours). If there is an increased humidity in the room, then the drying process can be slightly delayed. When applying acrylic paint on an old coating, further cracking can be avoided due to the special composition and paint structure.


    The simulator differs from ordinary paints by the fact that it does not remain on the surface of the wooden door with a separate layer - it penetrates inside the wooden canvas. Such impregnation is suitable for underlining the natural structure of the pine array and other beautiful wood species.

    The veil helps to change the shade of the interior door, make it deep and saturated. When using the veil color, the color of the web will look homogeneous. Impregnation on an oil or water basis can be used for staining immediately after purchase. If you purchased them in the form of a powder, then dilute with methyl alcohol. After applying for an array of pines it is necessary to cover the door with a layer of varnish.


    Well protects the array of pine and other breeds from external influences. Due to its structure, he makes a wooden door unstable to moisture, scratches. There are many types of varnishes that will help to give the door from the array new look. So you can emphasize the deep saturated color of the pine array with a suitable varnish.

    Benefits of simulat and varnish

    Protective simulators have differences from classic impregnation. If the door is covered with such a composition, it will "breathe". The coating in this case is resistant to moisture and the appearance of cracks. The market contains a large selection of Morilok. They are suitable for products from the array:

    • pines;
    • oak;
    • spruce and other breeds.

    Some of the veils are transparent. Such solutions emphasize the beauty of wood and protect it from harmful effects. For application it is necessary to use brushes. Carefully read the instructions: some manufacturers offer coat with one layer, and some recommend applying to several layers.

    The door, pre-painted paint, is desirable to cover with a transparent varnish. In this case, it will be less susceptible to external negative effects, keep the shine and color of the coating. If you were coated with an acrylic varnish and noticed that there was a whitish hue, do not worry - after complete drying it will become transparent.

    Choosing a special varnish of cold screwdriver, you can make a coating of the door with a glossy or matte array.

    Where to start updating the canvas

    The process includes the following actions:

    1. Before the painting door to remove with the loops, remove the decorative elements.
    2. Remove the top coating layer. If you do not remove it, the effect of the subsequent painting will be insignificant, besides, lacquer or paint will lie unevenly and with time can enjoy.
    3. Remember that when sanding sandpaper, smooth movements along the fibers need to be performed. In the transverse grinding, furrows will be visible after the final coating of varnish.
    4. After removing the top layer, all the slots and potholes to disguise with putty.
    5. We recycled the surface of the pine array with sandpaper. Invalid the presence of roughness and irregularities.
    6. After that, we spend the door, wipe with a damp cloth and carefully dry it.
    7. Painting easier in a horizontal position. So the coating will fall smoothly, and it is thus much easier to carry out work.

    Coloring can be carried out tools:

    • brushes;
    • rollers;
    • collavment.

    The tool selection depends on your preferences and work skills. The paintopult is used in the work of professionals, besides, it has a high cost. If you need to cover with paint or lacquer just one door, then it is worth thinking about the feasibility of its purchase.

    Features of the application of the veil and varnish

    For the coating of the verse, any wood is suitable: pine, oak, birch. Apply it is generously so that the surface is soaked. After the wood does absorb the veil, you need to remove the remnants. For laundering, a brush and acetone is used. It is necessary to carry out this procedure until the composition does not stop wedge. After that, the door should succeed well.

    Lacitation is made in two stages. After the first layer is applied, it is necessary to wait for it to dry and remove the sandpaper roughness and irregularities. After that, it will be necessary to handle the coating of lacquer again.

    Painting of a veneered web

    If your interior doors are made of veneer, then the grinding procedure should be carried out with extreme caution. It is unacceptable to use grinding machines - they can break the top layer of veneer. Works must be done manually, and it is better to trust this business professionals.

    It is necessary to carefully select the coating material:

    1. If the door is absolutely new, and you simply do not suit her color, you can do without grinding. Just pick up the lacquer of the desired shade and proceed to work. If there are small defects, you can simply check them, and then rub the polyrolol.
    2. Artificial veneer doors are suitable for staining. But there are some difficulties associated with the fact that such a door has a smooth surface with which paint will roll. You can use the primer, but in this case the effect of the natural wood structure will not be preserved.

    In such a case, it is necessary to apply in two layers. For painting, veneer doors worth choosing water-based paints. If the structure of the paint is dense, the individual pattern of the coating will be lost.

    Before you process the door from the veneer, think carefully and appreciate the front of the upcoming work. If there is a small flaw in the form of scratches, you can do the local painting. If necessary, to radically change the color carefully approach the selection of the coating. If you change the surface of the outer layer with chemical dyes, environmental friendliness will violate.

    If you comply with the proposed tips and recommendations, the updated interior doors from the pine or another wood massif will become your pride and revive the interior of the apartment.