How to glue aluminum foil. Foil on the windows - the cheapest way to protect against heat in the summer

September 19, 2016
Specialization: Master in the construction of plasterboard structures, finishing work and laying flooring. Installation of door and window blocks, finishing of facades, installation of electricians, plumbing and heating - for all types of work I can give detailed consultation.

If you have faced a problem with the protection of the room from the summer heat and you need to solve it with minimal costs, the foil can be an excellent solution, and it can be used different options. I will talk about what can be found on sale today and how to carry out work to protect yourself and not to spoil the window.

Major products and their features

Foil for windows from the Sun can be different, I will tell you about those options that are most common. We will figure it out how to fix them better, in which the pros and cons of this or that decision and in what situations it is better to use a specific type of product.

Option 1 - ordinary foil

This solution has several undoubted advantages:

Democratic price In what, and in value this option does not have equal, the baking foil has an affordable price. If you need to solve the problem with the heat with minimal cost, then it is better not to find this way
Availability You can buy material in both household and food stores in which there is a small section with useful for the owners of small things. Roughly speaking, you can go beyond the bread and buy all the required sunscreen
Efficiency The foil surface very well reflects the sun's rays, thereby allowing to significantly reduce the temperature indoors without the use of special equipment
Easy use For work, you do not need a special tool and fixtures, the mount is performed quite quickly and very simple, below we will analyze this process in detail.

Naturally, this option has its own minuses:

  • The most important disadvantage is that the aluminum foil is opaque, so if you flush the windows completely, it will be dark in the room. Alternatively, you can close the window opening only partially, it will reduce efficiency, but will provide a room at least natural light;
  • Another minus is not a very attractive appearance. Of course, if you need to quickly solve the problem, and the kind is notable, you can not pay attention to this aspect, but still many people want the window to look more or less adequate;

  • If you do not know how to glue foil on the window and listen to the tips of pseudomaster, it is very easy to spoil the surface. Incorrect fastening makes the process of removing foil very long and tedious, you have to sit at the window for more than one hour.

We will deal with how the installation is carried out. I previously read the information on this issue on the Internet and know what I found? That the request "how to remove foil from the window" is far more often the question of how to glue it.

The fact is that many fasten foil as toning - they apply a soap solution on the glass, put the material and drive moisture from under it. As a result, when you need to remove protection, it is found that the foil is taken off with small pieces and other exit except to nourish over the window with the blade or construction knife simply not.

I will talk about a simpler way, it may be less attractive, but it takes a little time, and it will not be difficult to remove the foil.

Before glueing the material on the glass, you need to stock all necessary, the list is very simple:

  • Foil in the required quantity to determine how much it is necessary, measure the area of \u200b\u200bthe glass, then you can navigate on the spot on the basis of the width and length of rolls;
  • Scotch - the most common option will fit, but you can use both narrow, work will be a little more difficult with him, but the removal will be much easier;
  • Scissors are needed for cutting materials when working.

Work is done like this:

  • Initially, the window is rubbed so that there are no dust on the glass and the frame, which will allow scotch to glue much more reliable;
  • Next need to be measured to determine which pieces foil will be cut. To work, it is better to adjust either the table of large size, or free the area on the floor, since the material is very fragile and it can be easily damaged;
  • The sliced \u200b\u200bpiece of foil is placed on the surface, after which it is necessary to glue a piece of tape to the upper side so that it is half visible to the material;
  • Next, the element is fixed on the window, it is better to glue it to the framebut you can and right on the glass, everything depends on the situation;

Foil strips are better to glue each other on the window, and not on the floor or, so it will be much easier.

  • And do not forget that the material is opaque, so before you take some sections, you need to decide which part of the design you will leave open. Try to choose the plot to which the least of the whole sun shines.

A small advice on deletion - after dugouting the scotch, traces can remain, tie out which is easiest to determine the composition for windows.

Option 2 - Curtain film for windows

This is a more reliable type of product, which is specifically designed for use in window structures. Sunscreen curtains has a number of important advantages:

  • Strength - this material is much more reliable than fragile foil, so it is easier to work with it, you will not be afraid to damage the surface with one careless movement;

  • Comfortable dimensions - products are sold in rolls with a width of 60-100 cm and a length of 3 m, such a configuration is well suited for window structures;
  • Democratic cost - one roll will cost you only 100 rubles, and this is better when it is better than a simple foil;
  • Attractiveness - if you take installation in accordance with all the recommendations, your windows will look very carefully and even presentable;
  • Transparency - film reflects the light outside, but inside almost does not limit the review, only slightly darkens the glass. Thanks to this, you can safely close the entire area and provide the most efficient protection from the summer sun.

  • There are two product options, each of which has its advantages. One option is glued on the glass, and the second is used as a curtain, everyone has its advantages, and choose a specific solution to you.

Do not buy the products of Agrocheoztorg, as this is the most unreliable option from the market. On the package it is written "Beware of fakes", but the original does not differ in quality - there are cases when the material came into disrepair the day after gluing, and it was almost impossible to pull it away.

Now we will deal with how to spend your own hands, I will begin consideration with a simpler version, which is called "Curtains sunscreen" and can have different sizes. The workflow with this type of products is extremely simple:

  • Before sticking the chart, it is necessary to wipe the upper part of the frame, the material will attach much better on the clean surface;
  • Next, you need to deploy the canvas, make sure that it is suitable, after which it is necessary to remove the protective film with the upper adhesive strip and tightly press it to the frame, on this installation is completed.

The film skips light and can if necessary, push the curtain, which is very convenient.

Now we will deal with an option that glued on the glass, the instructions for working more complex:

  • To begin, we need to wash the window very well if there are any sorts or stains on it, then the film will only emphasize them and spoil the entire appearance of the window opening. For washing, use any means, the main thing is that the surface is clean;
  • Themes are then performed in order to determine the size of our glazed sections. After that, it is necessary to cut the material, but not exactly according to the parameters, and with a margin of 5 mm in all directions, this will eliminate the marriage when the crack remains around the perimeter, and it will simplify you work, because light dies are easily compensated by the material incentable;
  • The surface should be rich in the soapy solution, it will avoid immediately gluing the film to the glass and help adjust its position. To work the easiest way to use a spray gun in order not to fill the entire window design;

  • A protective layer is also removed from the reflective material and the same soap solution is applied to the surface. You should not have questions to which side of glue material - the reflective surface always looks outward, it is precisely it should be very abundant;
  • The prepared element is neatly located on the glass, thanks to the soap solution, the film moves well on the base, and you need to align it in an optimal position. On the surface there should be no big folds;

  • Moisture from under the film is traveled either by an ordinary cloth or with the help of a rubber spatula, if there is a hand. The work is made from the center to the edges, make sure that anywhere there is no moisture;
  • Lastly, the blade is cut off excess material around the perimeter, after that you can enjoy the result of the work.

The original nail design is now available at home. This requires a fantasy and a little special foil for nails. A flickering manicure that will play with all the colors of the rainbow will become an excellent addition to your party image. Creating a Neil-Design will not take much time, but will please you with its beauty and simple execution. How to glue foil to nails with glue and without glue you can find out right now, as well as a few more secrets for a stunning manicure.

Glue to nails foil (click to enlarge)

What is the foil for nails and its types

The usual food foil is not suitable for manicure, it has another structure and is not intended for this. Special foil material for nyl-design has a glossy side with or without pattern. When joining glue for foil or varnish, the drawing remains on the nails, and the film is cleaned.

Types of foil:

  • transferable;
  • sheet not transferable;
  • embossed;
  • compressed in jars;
  • minx;
  • strips.

Types of foil on nails (click to enlarge)

The choice of material depends on your skill and manicure preferences.

The translated foil is leafs with a pattern or embossed that you need to press for some time to the nail, pre-coated with varnish or special nail glue, and then remove the film and coat with a transparent nail polish.

Sheet foil is perfect for the molding effect. It must be cut in any preferred form and glue the foil to the nails using or gel with a sticky layer.

Foil sticker process (click to enlarge)

The embossed material is suitable for the original manicure execution, since the foil is structured and provides ready-made patterns on the nails in the form of lace, curls, etc.

The foil from jars is the most popular version in design, has a little distinguished look. Most often used to create aquarium manicure. This material is glued on the sticky gel layer, which will provide an additional shine and a long sock. An ordinary varnish will not bring the desired effect.

MINX is a new kind that is very popular with many masters, a hairdryer and stickers are required for execution. They are glued under the influence of warm air.

Strips are a foil on a sticky basis, which costs cheaply and has a big length. This material is presented in different colors. Sometimes such strips allow you to make a perfectly smooth striped manicure with clear boundaries, it is easy to glue to the nail and is also easily removed without traces.

Methods of application

For a spectacular manicure, you need to know how to use the nail foil. Consider a few simple ways.

Check the video to learn more:

Option with gel varnish and transferable or not transferred foil:

  • first, it is necessary to prepare a nail plate, giving it the right shape and removing the cuticle;
  • then apply the database and dry in the ultraviolet lamp;
  • apply 1-2 layers of colored varnish while drying in the lamp. For transfer foil, use a sticky layer lacquer. After drying 2 layers, it is not necessary to remove it;
  • carefully apply the carved foil element and smooth down with a cotton stick or a special applicator, trying not to damage the coating;
  • if you used the translated foil, then the film needs to be removed and covered with a manicure top.

Translation design can be performed with ordinary varnish. This method is applicable to a hot film, which is glued on the color gel.

The second way with ready-made MINX stickers:

  • this option is rapid and easy to use, the stickers with the effect of gold, silver or lace look perfectly. True, such a Neil-art has a short sentence of socks, despite the application of manufacturers. Detect stickers from nails start 3-4 days;
  • on the prepared plate, it is necessary to smoothly attach the sticker with the image. Some masters are recommended to apply a matte lacquer in advance or glue the surface for better clutch;
  • heat stickers with warm air, such as hair dryer. So they will get soft, glue for foil melts and firmly connect a sticker with a nail;
  • excess the films should be cut, and the ends slightly cut;
  • after the cooling, we apply a transparent varnish, paying special attention to the end.

Learn more subtleties from the video:

How to use strips:

  • cover the nail to any varnish and completely dry it;
  • cut the strip into a few small nail in size;
  • apply the material to the nail plastic and stroke with an orange stick or an applicator;
  • excess strips cut off and consolidate the design with a transparent varnish.

Methods of execution of manicure are very much, the design depends only on the fantasy and the capabilities of the master.

Nail casting effect

For a manicure with such an effect, glue for foil or gel for extension is needed. But be prepared that it is not necessary to achieve the perfect result from the first time, in everything you need practice.

Method with glue:

  • apply the desired drawing to the pre-prepared nails and wait a few seconds, it should become transparent;
  • it is possible to determine which side of the foil to the nail box can be a simple experiment - it is enough to scratch the material. Which side will remain tracks, the side and need to work;
  • attach the film to the nail plate, pick up a finger and remove sharply. If the picture remains where the pigment was not imprinted, the procedure can be repeated;
  • from above apply fixing varnish in 1-2 layers.

You can use a special lacc gel (click to enlarge)

We glue foil on gel for extension:

  • in this case, you need to apply a gel pattern for increasing with a sticky layer. It must be dried in the lamp to 2-3 minutes, depending on the manufacturer;
  • press your finger a film with a pattern on the gel lacquer, hold a few seconds and remove with a sharp movement, as in the adhesive version;
  • cove the design with two layers of a transparent gel.

Secrets of a good manicure

First and chief advice - do not forget to cover the nobs by fixing varnish for longer socks.

Transparent lacquer or gel will help avoid damage, scratches, and also give an extra shine to the manicure.

If the foil stuck unevenly, it is possible to get rid of it, removing the lacquer removal. But to remove the shellaca, a special liquid or apparatus will be required. Remove the gel manicure is independently quite difficult, but maybe.

Use only high-quality materials, otherwise the drawing can be blurred. Often, the gel varnish is to blame in a bad result, which can start bubble and straighten the film.

Supplement design with foil can be applied with drawing, ornament or glue rhinestones.

So the manicure will not become vulgar and overloaded, and there will be some kind of "cherry on the cake" that will complement your image.

Manicure, made using foil, is able not only to perfectly decorate your handles, but also to attract attention to those surrounding people. In addition, it is easy to perform at home. It is enough to purchase the material and find out how to properly translate foil. Options for designing nail foil set from lace, gentle flower patterns and geometric patterns.

Foil background. Master Class

Spectacular work can be made even from the usual food foil - the one in which we bang different dishes.

For this we need

foil, acrylic soil, glue and ordinary sponge for washing dishes.

Immediately make a reservation: it is more convenient for me to use a pencil glue, perhaps some of you like it to glue into acrylic soil. In this case, Mastichein to help you ...

Firstly, we laugh with glue cardboard covers of covers so carefully so that there are no non-avoidable places. This is especially important if you plan to then use embossing (on foil, poorly glued to the base, bubbles may appear when exposed to a hair dryer).

Then crumpled foil (take a piece greater than the format of our cover) put on the cardboard basis and ...

we begin to finish it. The main thing is not to rearrange, so as not to turn the future cover in the perfectly smooth mirror. Our goal is to make beautiful chances. I first slightly approach Foil with my hand, then I spent on it with a sponge for dishes - not smoothed, sliding movements, but as if indulging foil into cardboard.

After we treat the facial side of the cover in this way, we add foil to the root side. Do not forget about the "edge": so that the cover loops seek clearly and the foil does not "walked" around the edge, "we roll our cover to the edge on the table on each side.

We turn the cover on the root side and glue a foil to a cardboard basis. Since the fauces will subsequently be glued to this side, then there are no chances here - we need as a smooth surface as possible, so we can glue with zeal, smoothing movements.

Those look ready-made covers

However, they are ready only half. Then the most interesting begins. We recruit acrylic soil on the sponge and rub on the cover. Why I tritura first ... Because I like not a homogeneous tight white background, but with transitions from gray to white - it gives the background a more complex and interesting aged look.
So, first rub the ground over the surface with wide movements

... And then we recruit the soil again and begin to process them separate areas of the surface in the Tech "PHF-PHF" to make them lighter. If the soil is a lot, then you can get this interesting texture (see in an enlarged form)

If we need scuffs for consupporting the effect, turn the sponge for dishes with a tough side and start scrubbing and scratching the surface

Then I use White Embospsing. On some angles, the result looks like this:

Aluminum is a metal, characterized by ease, strength and resistance to external environmental impact. This metal has its drawback - it does not have adhesion properties.

Therefore, it is necessary or welded, or glue. Since only professionals can perform welding, aluminum glue is an excellent household option. But for this metal, only special glue will fit.

Any glue, intended for aluminum, must contain in its composition of the pickens and acids that destroy its oxide film and increase adhesion, providing a solid connection.

  • Mastix aluminum glue. With it, aluminum glued, seal the capacity and compounds, repaired colored and black metals, wood, ceramics and plastic in any combinations. Even at low temperatures, as well as in fatty and wet surfaces, quickly and reliably glues parts. This is a heat-resistant aluminum glue, so the product glued with it can be operated at very low and extremely high temperatures (from -60 to +150 degrees). The cost of tubes with a volume of 55 g: 33 rubles.
  • Cold welding ASTROHIM ACE-9305. This is a reliable adhesive for instant repair, which can be useful in an emergency to eliminate breakage. Its use provides durable aluminum aluminum and its alloys, as well as the restoration of broken or lost fragments, including threads. Temperature range: from -60 to +150 degrees Celsius. Packaging cost: 82 rubles.
  • Cosmopur 819. One-component polyurethane adhesive solution, with which you can fasten aluminum. It gives a viscous and elastic seam between the glued surfaces, is used to fill the gaps, gluing the corners of aluminum structures intended for doors and windows. Also designed to work with assembly and structural compounds. Solvents in its composition are not included. Packing cost of 310 ml: 456 rubles.
  • Moment epoxy metal. Two-component glue, guaranteeing the bonding of aluminum, steel, copper, iron and many other metal products among themselves and in combination with stone, concrete, marble, organic glass and other materials. Suitable for climbing cracks and gaps between surfaces. The cost of packaging with a volume of 50 ml: 320 rubles.

What and how to glue aluminum with aluminum

With the development of modern technologies, firmly glue aluminum parts with each other was made possible by the cold method.

To do this, you will need:

  • Cold welding Mastix glue;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Alcohol, acetone or any other degreasing agent.

To glue aluminum Such glue, you need:

  • Clean the surfaces to connect from rust and dirt sandpaper;
  • Degrease alcohol or acetone;
  • Wait until the surface is dry;
  • Cut off the desired amount of the rod and mix well two components with your fingers so as to obtain a homogeneous mass in the form of plasticine. Coloring should be uniform;
  • Adhesive mixture on both aluminum surfaces that will be connected;
  • Tightly press and fix them for 15 minutes until the glue will open.

What and what else can aluminum can be glued

Two-component aluminum glue on epoxy basis has high adhesionic and heat-resistant properties.

With it, aluminum can be glued with other materials with various thermal expansion: stone, porcelain, wood or plastic.

To glue an aluminum surface with other metals and materials, it is necessary to prepare:

  • Epoxy heat-resistant glue gun epoxy metal;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Tassel;
  • Means for degreasing the glued surface (alcohol or acetone).

After that, you can proceed to work:

  1. Bonded surfaces to clean up coarse sandpaper to remove dirt and rust;
  2. Degrease the details of acetone or alcohol;
  3. Dry;
  4. Squeeze into a separate container the contents of two glue syringes (epoxy mass and hardener) in proportion 1: 1;
  5. Mix well epoxy and hardener with each other with brushes;
  6. Apply glue with a tassel on both glued aluminum surfaces;
  7. Connect the details and close them tight for a few seconds;
  8. Excess glue immediately wipe the cloth;
  9. Wait 30 minutes while the adhesive mixture hardens.

Although many do not recognize the efficiency of using glue for aluminum, correctly selecting the goods and performing glued works clearly according to the instructions, it can be achieved as much as possible compound.

Moreover, such a type of connection can be combined with mechanical fastening.

Like a metal manicure pop div and fashion models? Want to learn how to create a chic manicure, but do not know where to start? In the article, you can learn how to use the foil for nails and create a magnificent design with it.

Types of Foil

Before you know how to use the nail fiwa, we should consider the varieties of this material. There are several types of foil, it varies with texture and method of applying to the nail plate. Some masters practice an innovative method of applying a special liquid foil for nails, this method is somewhat lighter and faster, but has a number of its subtleties and features.

It should be remembered that to create a beautiful manicure, the usual foil is not suitable, and even if there is a beautiful overtake from candy, it is not necessary to use it for design.


The foil in the sheets is sold in the form of a small plate, there is no special adhesive layer on it, therefore, from this type of foil, it is easy to cut various patterns. To glue foil to the nails, you should purchase special glue, thanks to which the material easily sticks to the nail. This kind of is often used to create a mirror or metal manicure. It can be used for any fantasy flight, so how to use the foil for nails depends on you.


A feature of this type of foil is its ability to copy the drawing on the nail plate. There is a type of small rolls placed in a lid-closed jar. The material is a tracing with various colored spraying, as well as with a variety of drawings and intricate hieroglyphs. Roll width is approximately three centimeters, length is one meter. Material is easy to use, so it is well suited for homemade Neil Art. Learn more about how to use the translated foil for nails, you can find out by reading the article completely.


Sold in sheets of small size, in this form there are matte shades, has a textured, rough surface. Most often it is used in conjunction with other types or to create a pattern on one of the nails.

Thermal File

Film is easy to use and does not require additional materials. A distinctive feature of this type is the method of applying to nail platinum. By selecting the desired material size, it needs to be taken over the corner using a tweezers and bring to the ultraviolet lamp for heating. The heated film can be immediately attached to the nail plate, without using an additional adhesive base.

Ribbons and stickers

A special type of material is available in the form of two-layer strips. The top layer is color, lower transparent or white. The color range of ribbons is diverse, there are: monophonic, multicolored, with patterns, as well as with stripe stickers. Adhesive tapes are easy to use, so they gained popularity among Neil Art beginners.


Stirling foil is sold in special containers. She is very thin, similar to Susal. In the vessel, the material is placed in the rig, crumpled form. Won wide popularity in the creation of aquarium manicure on the extensive nails.

comparison table

NameAbility to use for castingPrice, rublesGlueSurface
SheetYes70–150 NeedSmooth
TransferYes70 Depends on the viewsmooth
TisnenayaNot60–80 NeedTextured
TermofolgaNot100–450 Not neededMore often smooth
RibbonsNot50–100 Not neededSmooth
YeahNot40–55 Needrough

Stages of making a manicure with foil

To create any manicure and mastering new techniques, special tools are needed. To make a manicure with the help of foil, you will need to be patient first at home, and in the second to purchase all the materials listed below.

Required tools:

  • liquid for removing the cuticle;
  • manicure set with a sawing;
  • varnish - base;
  • degreasing liquid;
  • primer;
  • fixer;
  • special foil - any shade;
  • glue if there is no adhesive base on the foil;
  • Ultraviolet lamp;
  • Special wand.

Types of glue

Among the majority of users most popular is Jina's glue. It is sold in tubes with a tassel for more convenient application. The glue of this company is good to go to the nail plate, holds the glued material for a long time, does not require additional devices for drying. Price per jar of glue "Jina" is 80 rubles.

Before using foil glue, you need to apply the main color of the varnish. Only after complete drying of the base, the glue can be used, applying it with a thin layer on the entire surface of the nail plate. When the glue changes its color, only if you can glue the film for nails, otherwise the foil can stick badly or do not stick at all.

Hongyi's glue holds not only foil, but also rhinestones. Sold in jars with a thin brush. Bubble with glue volume of 16 milliliters costs 160 rubles. The glue dries over five minutes, does not require additional drying under ultraviolet and easily removed from the skin around the fingers.

Rio Profi manufactures transparent glue, which makes it possible to obtain a glossy coating, is evenly distributed on the nail plate, and dries in just three minutes. On sale enters black opaque bubbles, a volume of 10 milliliters. The price of one bubble is 149 rubles.

Global Fashion - glue of this company will dry in just a few minutes, while drying, the tool changes the color, from white to transparent. Changing the color palette is a signal for applying foil to nail. The glue is sold in tubes of 15 milliliters, it can be both fine and with a conventional brush. The price category varies from 135 rubles to 165 rubles.

Use of transfer foil and glue

In the manual below, it is described in detail about the creation of a manicure at home on natural nails.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Remove the previous coating from the nails.
  2. Make a European or edged manicure.
  3. Using the saw, give each nail the desired form.
  4. Police nails using BAU, the abrasiveness of which is 300 grit.
  5. Decate nails.
  6. Apply a base.
  7. Dry everything under the ultraviolet lamp.
  8. Remove sticky layer with a special napkin.
  9. To paint the nails into the color similar to the colors of the foil or apply a transparent base.
  10. Dry under UV lamp.
  11. Remove the sticky layer.
  12. If you use a simple lacquer, then steps 7-11 do not need to be performed.
  13. After drying the varnish, fully losing the nail plate with glue. If you need to do some kind of pattern, only a certain part of the nail is processed by glue.
  14. Wait a few minutes depends on the firm of glue until the coating becomes transparent.
  15. Attach the inner, white part of the foil, to the site to which glue was applied.
  16. Using a cotton wand or other prior art, evenly distribute foil on the surface of the nail.
  17. After a few seconds, Foil should be removed from the nail with a sharp movement to the side.
  18. After 2 hours, the finish coating is applied to the nail surface, better gel finish. If you do it before, the foil can rush.

For the tear-off foil, it is better to use glue, as the material from which the sheet foil is more rigid, and can not be adopted to the nail.

Working with foil without glue

If there is no glue at hand or you do not want to spend money on the purchase of this tool, you can use foil to create a beautiful design pre-causing glue. The easiest option, to work without adhesive, is the acquisition of sticky ribbons or stickers. If there is no adhesive translation or sheet foil, then for work is suitable as ordinary varnish and gel varnish.

How to use nail foil without glue:

  • perform the first six points from the instructions described above;
  • cover each nail primer, wait for it to complete drying, without using the lamp;
  • cut on ten pieces leafy or break into small pieces of stupid foil;
  • if the translation film, then it can not be cut;
  • apply a basis;
  • give time for complete drying under the lamp;
  • choosing the color of the gel varnish, paint each nail;
  • place nails under the lamp for a few minutes, until complete drying;
  • without removing the sticky layer, attach foil to the nail;
  • evenly distribute and dissolve foil throughout the nail area;
  • sharply remove the translated film for another type of this item to skip;
  • on the surface of the nail with the foil apply the finish;
  • write to dry under the ultraviolet lamp;
  • after drying, remove the sticky layer.


One of the most popular and most convenient types of film. To work with the thermal film, in addition to the standard set of tools, you will need a hairdryer or lamp. Foil is often sold in the form of a plate on which ten stickers are glued, in shape resembling a nail plate. Stickers can be of different colors, with color drawings or simply monophonic. Before creating a design, you need to put your feet in order by making a manicure and degreased nails.

Depending on the selected base and the main varnish will increase the design time. If you choose a gel varnish, it must be dried under the lamp and remove the sticky layer. If you take the usual lacquer for the base, it is enough just to wait for complete drying.

Next, with the help of a tweezers, to spare foil, heat it a bit. Preheat shape attach to the root of the nail plate, gently pulling to bring to the tip of the nail. After overlaying, foil is well dissolved, and delete unnecessary pieces with a sawmill. Secure the result with a special means.

Video Tutorial

After watching the video, you can find out how to properly use the foil for nails, during the development of casting technique.

Options for using foil

Thanks to foil, you can easily create a beautiful design on the nails. Foil is used for, for lunar and. If you are going to a party, you can make a mirror manicure using a gold or silver foil. For such a design, it is better to take a sheet view.

Using the stupid tender foil, you can create a beautiful manicure with multi-colored grains. The smaller to break the pieces of foil, the more beautiful the drawing is obtained. It is necessary to establish small pieces with the help of a tweezers, you can stick them both on the glue and on the adhesive layer of varnish.

Lunny design

Thanks to the use of foil during the creation of a lunar manicure, the marigold looks not only beautiful, but also attract the attention of those surrounding their glitter and unusual performance. Lunar manicure looks great both on short and long nails. The main focus when creating such a design is given to a well or a lunule - a small distance from the base to the center of the nail. Lunka can be done by different options:

  • triangular;
  • convex;
  • deployed;
  • straight.

Before creating, it is necessary to consider not only the view of the well, but also the flower gamut both varnish and foil. It is best to select contrast performance. For example, a golden moon on a black or dark blue background.

Before creating the decor, put nails in order by making a manicure and removing the remains of varnish. It is necessary to cut ten pieces from the foil for the design of the well. To make smooth and neat stripes, it is best to use stencils, or first to make out the paper sketch, and then transfer it to foil.


  1. Degreasing.
  2. Nail coating base.
  3. Seeing the first layer.
  4. Applying the main color of varnish.
  5. Drying in air or under UV light, depending on the material selected.
  6. Removing the sticky layer in the case of using gel lacquer.
  7. Applying glue on the hole of the nail.
  8. After the glue becomes transparent, with the help of a tweezer glue the cut-cut foil.
  9. Machining with a cotton walle of a foil web.
  10. Apply a helium fixer.
  11. Seeing nails.

If you use a translated foil, then on a non-dry layer of the base, you need to glue a piece of transferable foil. After careful leveling and fixing, a sharp movement to disrupt the protective coating. Then gently paint each nail with colored varnish, leaving the mold shape. Finishing the finish coating.

Franch with foil

French manicure won his popularity for a long time. This design is widely used at weddings, as well as for everyday meetings. To give the French manicure a highlight, you can use foil for a smile line. The free edge can be decorated in the form of a crescent, as well as in the form of a triangle. For beginners, special stencils are sold with which you can make even lines. Thanks to the foil, you can create not only standard Franch, but also oblique.

The creation of a French manicure is no different from the lunar design. The main feature will be gluing foil not on the well, but on the thrust of the nail. For oblique french, you need to pre-cut the leaf foil on triangles. If you take a transfer film, then after applying and drying the main color of the varnish, the glue is missing part of the nail diagonal, then you need to perform all the steps to work with the transferable foil.

Mirror or metal manicure

The reflecting manicure is best done with the help of thermal film, thanks to this type of foil manicure turns out to be always beautiful, and the nail plate is covered with a smooth, shiny layer. Terms of use Thermofolga are described above. Foil is best to take silver or gold, without additional drawings.


  • processing of the nail plate;
  • removal of cuticle;
  • degreasing;
  • grinding;
  • applying the foundation and drying;
  • coating the entire nail area with glue;
  • overlay foil, to the nail to apply the inside;
  • smoothing the film with a stick;
  • removal of the upper layer of film, sharp movement;
  • Applying a fixing agent.

Nail design casting

Manicure with casting effect is often created on artificial nails, but it can be performed on natural marigolds at home. To create a manicure of molding, the newcomers are best to take a translated foil, it is much easier to work with it, unlike the invoice - sheet foil.

There are several options for how to use the foil for casting on the nails. The first method provides for the presence of glue, for the second option, you need gel varnish. For each option, it is necessary to predend the standard nail processing: manicure, removal of cuticle degreasing.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Applying a protective coating on the nail.
  2. Polymerization under ultraviolet lamp.
  3. Applying the main shade of varnish.
  4. Drying under the lamp.
  5. Removing the sticky layer.
  6. Grinding.
  7. Drawing pattern with a thin tassel using glue or bright gel varnish.
  8. If glue was applied, then it is necessary to wait for its discoloration, if the lacquer is needed to dry the drawing under the lamp for about two minutes.
  9. A piece of transferable foil, you need to apply the inside to the glue or lacise.
  10. Foil press the entire contour of the pattern.
  11. A sharp movement remove the foil residue.
  12. Design covered with top.
  13. Dry under the lamp.
  14. Remove sticky layer.

The mold design can be supplemented with liquid stones or acrylic powder. You can make stained glass windows with multi-colored varnishes.