What does the word calling mean. What is good work on the call

The vocation is a favorite and socially appreciated business in which a person is a professional. The calling is what a person is called. This is a tendency and inland attraction to some kind of business or profession, justified by the presence of the abilities necessary for affairs.

Work and vocation

If you have little resources, you will have only work. The right to vocation should be earned. This is not for everyone, it is expensive.

What you need to have or be able to find a call

  • Well-developed universal skills: base for professionalism - goal setting, planning, maintaining cheerfulness and high energy, positive worldview, easy learning, etc.
  • Cheerful, living and collected body.

If a man is bad, the eyes are sleepy, dead, gestures are lowered down, then all the calling for him is closed while. Such a body blocks any vocation. The calling is a soul, but if a person has a wrong body, the soul will be blocked by the body.

  • Rich desires: I want a lot!

Live and cheerful man has energetic, developed desires. He wants a lot, he has for what to wake up every day and he doesn't just work out what others are waiting for him, he does what he wants himself. He wants. He dares to want. And how much, do you want?

  • The ability and habit of their ability to bring to the level "excellent" to the level of skill.

Appeal: "I do not know what business in life I do. I do not pull anything ... "- quite typical. Over time, I opened an amazing pattern: as a rule, people who know how to do little are suitable with this.

  • Care, focus of attention in humans - calling this thing that needs many in which it makes sense. When you are expensive to your call, you do something not only because it is personally interesting to you, and take care of what you need people.

When Sherlock Holmes plays on his beloved violin, he is engaged in his favorite thing. But while he plays only for himself, it is his hobby, but not a calling.

Pedagogy calling

In children (including adult children), the vocation needs to develop from the side "Want!". To make sure that there is a vital looking business, this is your (or a loved one) vocation, it is worth taking care of the following moments:

  1. Easy beginning (see positive selfitation)
  2. Availability of life prospects
  3. Authoritative reviews of reputable people
  4. Anchor. See "There is such a profession - to protect your homeland!" For the formation of interest in finding the vocation of the word of an authoritative senior comrade, the view of the elevated mountains on the background of the sublime music) - is arranged with a touch of hand with touching the brush (pay attention!), Elevated pictures and sublime music. The mechanism is similar to the work of the keys of happiness
  5. Lack of good alternative elections. If you all work easily, various authoritative people are authoritative about different hobbies, and the sublime pictures are shown about everything - a person's consciousness is embarrassed, the choice becomes difficult. If the choice is one, it becomes obvious.
  • Adult and caring people need to talk about the meaning of the need of this case to people, and I want it myself will take care of myself. Such a person is enough in words to explain or give him himself to find such a form of his case, which will be most useful and meaningful to people. Businessman - Building business on the principle of cooperation, take care that your field of your influence is widespread. Designer - make a company that will work efficiently, give work to many people. The head - by the team, in which people like to work, bring up employees near, so that they learn to be managers. Mom - grow high-quality, responsive children who will make a lot. Etc.
  • If a person wants a lot, but he knows how much - to find him a vocation First you need to teach it. For a start and first, what such people need to be learning is to learn. Easy learning is also skill. Agree to new, try new, turn on your head, think, set goals, achieve goals, plan time and life, and so on. When these skills are developed - you can run "Want!" and look for a calling.

An adult, who took advantage of a person knows and believes that in the world there are many beautiful and necessary cases that he can do with pleasure and with meaning, especially if it becomes a master. He who knows how to enjoy life and can love (you - can you?), Does not go down to longing. He learns fun, getting acquainted with interest with life and his features (talents), much and with pleasure works, putting more and more significant and more difficult goals. Become a big man, work creatively - and you will never be boring in life. Yes?

Dictionary Efremova


  1. cf.
    1. Inclination, internal attraction to what whale professions (when possessing necessary for that abilities).
    2. Role, task, purpose.
    3. study. The process of action on the value. Glazh.: Call (1A1).

Dictionary of Ozhegov

Visigation BUTNie I, cf.

1. Template to a particular case, profession. P. to science. Doctor by calling.

2. Case of life, appointment. Rising children became her vocation.

Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language (Alabugina)


I, cf.

1. Special tendency, ability to somehow. Case.

* Calling to painting. *

2. book. What makes the meaning of the existence of someone who is Purpose.

* Vocation of man - to people. *

Dictionary Ushakov


vise Nie, calling, cf. (book.).

1. only units. Action by gL -, call, invitation ( study. things.). Come to a friendly calling, come about the young traveler.

2. A tendency, internal attraction to some kind of work, some profession (with possession or with the belief that you have necessary for that abilities). Feel the calling to science. Calling for music. Follow your vocation. The artist on calling.

| Role, task, purpose. "You noble understood the vocation of the actress." Nekrasov. "Oh, who will now remind a high calling to him?" Nekrasov. The historical calling of the proletariat is to build a socialist society.

Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms



♦ (Eng Vocation)

(lat. - Call; from Vocare - call)

Divine appeal to people become christians. In a narrower sense, the view, according to the Roma, God calls people to fulfill certain professional duties or follow the way of life as the path of Christian ministry and piousness. Most often, this term is associated with dedication to a spiritual san. In this case, many factors interact, and the meaning of the calling is manifested in different ways. No vocation is considered more important than others.



♦ (Eng Call (Calling)

(greek. Kaleô - call lat. Vocatio - calling)

calls of God K. salvation or to a certain type of ministry involving God-in-law. God appealed to Moses (Ex. 3: 4) and to prophets (Ier. 1: 5). Jesus called apostles (Matt. 4:21; Rome. 1: 1) and others (MF. 9:13; 22:14).

Bible: Thematic Dictionary


, call

The Lord calls us to yourself

BUT. The main values \u200b\u200b"call (appeal)"

call at the meeting

Gen. 3: 9; Dean 4:18.

pray to the Lord:

Life 4:26; Rome 10:13

put in service:

Exercise 3: 4.5; MK 1: 19,20

B. Call to become children of God

1. What is his essence

call for heaven:

FLP 3:14; Heb 3: 1


associated with our election:

Rome 8:30; 2Phes 2: 13,14

many souls, and few chosen:

2. What should we do


LK 5:32; Acts 2: 38.39; Acts 17:30

call on the name of the Lord:

Acts 9:21; Rome 10:12

confirm the vocation of God by its lives:

3. What are his consequences for us

justified and glorified:

we have communication with Jesus:

we enter the kingdom of God:

1 FES 2:12; 2Pet 1: 9,10

enter into the light of God:

we enter the fame of Christ:

we have christian hope:

we get the inheritance:

; 2) a pronounced tendency to a particular type of creativity, activities, to one or another specialty, profession.

What is the concept of "mediation" differs from the concept of "realization of talent"?

In some cases, the terms "calling" and "talent" can be interpreted as synonyms. However, not always. After all, if a person believes any ability (talent), it wishes that this ability to be implemented to them as much as the conditions of God's home-building require. In the case of a properly, human attitude to his talent consistently, its active disclosure will correspond to the Divine Will. It can be said that God calls a person (including) through the talent of this or that talent. The ends of ignoring such a divine gift, it is shown in the parable of talents ().

On the other hand, we must understand that the disclosure of individual talent as a person can be carried out both in harmony with God's eternal intent and contrary to (see :).

For example, the Lord has given such a person with the ability to draw. But he, developing and implementing this ability, can send it both on writing coarse, depraved cloths or idoliths and writing Orthodox icons.

Another example. Man is endowed with the ability to literary activities. Also, as in the previous version, he can write malicious prose, and can become a kind writer. So, Lev Tolstoy left us a rich literary heritage, wrote a lot about good, revealed the shortcomings of people, showed them the best sides. However, he went against the church and even against the very Lord Jesus Christ, began to deny his resurrection, his divine dignity. Unfortunately, many readers, lunating his writing skill, authority, fame, followed him as a light and evolved from the truth. Did he implemented his writer's gift? - Implemented. But did he fulfill God's calling? Did you land who invested in him this gift?

Therefore, the implementation of a person's personal talent does not always lead to the exercise of God's vocation, and only when a person treats him morally responsible, then when the talent from God is directed towards good. In this case, God becomes his assistant and patron.

I think immediately need to notice that the word vocation Call different things. There is a familiar, almost domestic use (in essence, meaning a congenital tendency to something, talent) - and there is another, a religious idea of \u200b\u200bthe vocation. These are different things, I think. Moreover: I think that there is no more dangerous of them, I will say about it later. In the second case, the initial meaning of this word is a call - very straight and concrete (there is a voice calling, there is a concrete thing to which one or another person call, as the prophet ion or Francis of Assisi or Jeanne d'Ark). In the first case, in the usual use of "calling", this meaning is direct, clear, "on the part" of the incoming call is rather metaphoric. Here the person listens to its own inland location. But I will start at this first case.

The calling in this sense coincides with the physical and mental and mental abilities and the propensions of man. Man seems to find naught Place in the world: here it is good as anywhere, here the fact that others would be difficult or boring, gives him pleasure (as they say "you will not die!"), It's easy for him that it does not have the other: here he is productive, Guetes words. Happy one who is naught The place finds early, and who will get strength to hold on to their find. Because not all such a place enjoys respect in society, not always this traction approve of the neighbor. I met a lot of people who did not allow parents to implement such a natural leaning (counting, for example, that humanitarian education or music or philosophy is an unreliable business, and forcing children to receive "solid", technical, say, education). Or other circumstances interfered. These people later, giving their duty of the Son or her child obedience or tribute to circumstances returned to the fact that they were enthusiastic (usually already with a damaged year) - or all his life lived with bitterness of their own non-effectiveness. And this, natural vocation, as we see, stronger than a person. Change it without loss is impossible for himself.

Is there a lot of lessons in the world, which are experiencing such a pronounced calling? It seems to me that the trouble is that we, modern society, have a very narrow repertoire of such "vocations". Science, art ... What else? If you can sometimes say that there is a vocation of the cook that someone is a cook "By vocation", a brilliant cook (since cooking is also a kind of creativity), then a conversation about the vocation, for example, the dentist will sound strangely. In any case, unusual. Meanwhile, I met a person who was clearly to this vocation. Nothing in the world was not interesting to him than the structure of the teeth and in general everything is connected with this, and the activity itself, which he is busy and which he serves people. It was talent and the strongest passion. I had to meet the same chauffery on the call ...

But usually such things are not discussed and since they are not discussed, many people feel deprived of vocation, because the "man of calling" is familiar with the very narrow circle of professions: musicians, artists, scientists - in a circle traditionally revered classes, where "chosen plates " And this, of course, is a big mistake or inappropriate if you want. Because of this, there is a lot of troubles, many lives break - and most of all, according to my observations, just not to those who were not allowed to implement an artistic or intellectual calling, but in those who chose this path contrary to the obvious lack of personal calling. How many people are taken to write poems precisely because it is highly appreciated. Or because they really love and feel poems - already written poems. And as a result, their lives are forever spoiled. The point is not that they write bad poems - worse than others: they live a false life, the "life of the poet". They play someone else's role and play bad because what Such a real "life of the poet", they are not known, they know the stereotype. This stereotype is played in life. A real fisherman is more similar to this poet (in general someone is real) than this product. Yes, the area of \u200b\u200b"creative professions" is a place where mistakes are most accomplished, where people choose someone else's life.

It would be worth it to interrupt this inertia, it would be worthwhile to take into account what different - and what unexpected - there may be real professional vocation. And not only professional - the circle of cash in our civilization of occupations of the people already inclinations! There is no such profession "friend", let's say, but the calling is to be a friend. And the simplest, I think the criterion of distinguishing the vocation: whether the person feels that he is good when he is busy with those or others. Work on purpose, by calling, gives joy in itself, regardless of its results. A person at this time is nothing more. He is not so important if he will bring his success, recognition. He is happy when he just does this. He feels here, it is here that his fullness of his life. And it can be strange things. This is what is probably needed to remind a modern person who is configured to a very narrow repertoire of "vocations" - that they are much more. It is worth just to be more attentive and notice where you feel good. Where are you good, there you are doing naught a business. This is a natural vocation. Left while this word, though, it seems to me, here is more appropriately another word: the purpose, say. But - I'll remember myself - and this criterion is not absolute. After all, graphoman happens highly Well when he makes up his verses! He is experiencing ecstasy, which Shakespeare did not know. And madness often feels "in its place" more than a healthy person! It is worth thinking ...

But anyway, this is a natural vocation or coincidence with its own place - great luck. If this happened, sooner or later, a person can say: "Finally I know what life is. I live, and I do not serve the term and do not work out the debt, I'm in my place. " This can happen at different times, in different epochs of human life in childhood, in his youth, and sometimes it is too late. Suddenly, a person finds some point where he is good, where he seems to have to be, finds what he is born.

But I repeat, we are still talking about the very spiritual vocation. On the natural gift, natural impulse. And such natural vocation undoubtedly obliges something. When they say that N.N. - The person is capable, but lazy, then most likely, he is simply not too capable, not to the end capable. Because the real ability is the ability to work. For a person from the outside it may seem that a professional musician, a performer - Martyr. A few hours to sit on some one passage? It would be just torture for me! But for him it is not at all forced and stupid labor, it is his calling. And what to talk about the physical suffering of the ballerin? Or about the philologist, breaking the thread of volumes in search of one word? The idea of \u200b\u200bsome distracted from "labor" "abilities" is very superficially. The ability to patience and work is part of the gift, which can determine the part. But emphasizes - ability to work, happiness of voluntary work.

Of course, you should not simplify. It happens that a person is seen that the calling demands too much, and he wants to escape and do others, or anything. Well, if you get corrected and directed from the side. Well, when such a father is attached to the boy Mozart, who will not let him escape from the call. But, I repeat, the ability to work itself is, maybe the most important ability. The ability to grow, the ability to not regret oneself and do not feel that your works are the "victim", which should follow some remuneration, some achievement (as Pushkin Salieri describes his classes). In Soviet times did not like the topic dara: She did not fit into a materialistic worldview, to class theory, in a populist aesthetics. Preferred to talk about labor. People, they say, distinguishes not some mysterious gifts, but just hard work. The various authoritative opinions, such as the words PI. Tchaikovsky that in the work is not 90% of labor, not then 95% (I do not remember statistics) and, respectively, 10 or 5% of talent. Those who became great, just well worked. This is undoubtedly true! One thing is default: what is it gift Labor, inspiration of free labor.

When on the flame of labor
Live boils imagination,

as Pushkin wrote. As you forgive or persuade how to work hard, who has no gift for this, nothing will happen. In such work there will be no fire. And there is nothing to boil on it.

So this is the division of "talent" and "gift" too flat. And not only work or "performance" is a gift, but also a kind of spontaneous Askey. Some of the adoption of restrictions, the natural auscase is in each of these natural vows. As you know, the Apostle Paul puts to the sample of Christians of athletes, athletes: if they want to win, they will certainly refrain from one or another. Athlete is the most illustrative sample of physical asksu. So that your body remains obedient, and it could be used as a good tool, it should be discarded from much. In other professions, such a natural abstinence may be less associated with purely physical limitations, but rather with mental and mental. Here is an experienced master - in a sense, the coach itself, he knows and constantly recognizes what is harmful to him, after which he cannot return to his work. Perhaps there are here and the general simplest patterns. For example, everything that dissipates, everything that entertains, everything that stuns is, it makes it difficult for people of mental labor to return to their area.

And probably, only people of calling engaged in the way they love that they put themselves above themselves can be called quite consistent. They can be envied, whatever their calling: they have something that no circumstances take away. In any circumstances, they will deal with their business. I had to hear in what circumstances it turned out to be possible. So the Great Astronomer Kozyrev told how in Stalin camps, chained to the wheelbarrow, he watched the starry sky. And the car, and the conclusion became a secondary circumstance for him. He continued his business. Or my teacher, Philologist Mikhail Viktorovich Panov told: In the current army, on the front line (he was an artillers), when the German attack had already begun, he thought about the possibility of a verstra, free verse in Russian. It was no time to be afraid of attacks.

That's what a call is. It seems to take out a person from immediate circumstances, frees - and gives him support forever. We said that it requires work, and a certain abstinence, but all this is perceived as a voluntary matter. Such people are often described as heroic and sacrificial, but inside it looks at all. They are happy for what they do, they are alive, and they have no feeling of bringing a grave victim. Vladimir Veniaminovich Bibikhin, the last night of his life was carried out for the editing book about Wittgenstein. He had no strength to move his finger. The editor was sitting by bed and read it out loud not clarified places. They checked cross references. And this end technical (!) Labor only when Vladimir Veniaminovich fell asleep. It was his last dream. Many will say: here is heroism, unheard of self-sacrifice! But I am sure, Bibikhin himself would not agree with this: for him it was not a victim, but salvation, life itself. Life until the last moment.

We have already talked about the inattention of society to many vocation, destinations, about the narrow circle of "chosen" classes. And now, if a person fell not to his place, he will always feel some kind of worthless, serving life. It will be restless to others, envy ... And it would be possible to try to find, where is my real place. It can be very strange. I, for example, I can definitely say: I obviously have a calling to be a cleaner and garden workers. In this kind of classes, I do not feel labor, they give me the best of pleasures - the pleasure of pure conscience. And what? Throw my other classes and go to the cleaner? By reflection, I think that this "calling" cleaners essentially does not contradict what I do in other areas, in the word, in thought. In principle, I do something similar and there. I want to free the space from unnecessary, dirty, spoiled things. Do not fill it with something else, but rather - to free. So my passion for cleaning or clearing the garden rather gives me a visual image of my mental lessons. Follow and link ...

What distinguishes people who really found their place? First of all, as I noticed, the fact that they are much less thinking about themselves. They are free from the fundamental illness of modernity, from this infinitely problematic "I". Who am I, and what is me, etc., and the like ... Napoleon I am or a trembling, genius I am or a genius? In their case, this is not the modesty: this is employment.

Do we remember this issue of Salieri: and I'm not a genius? - Ends "Mozart and Salieri" Pushkin. Father John asked me during the conversation to touch this thing, "Mozart and Salieri." What is this contrast; Dara and labor or elect and impostor? Salieri is not an impostor. He clearly has a calling, early impressionability and passion for music (as he describes his first impression of music in childhood, as he feels Mozart's music). Probably, his mistake in another: his calling is not creative. Musical, but not creative, if he became ... It's not good to do such experiments with the work of art, but, we assume that we consider Pushkin essay as cases of life. Suppose such a person like Salieri, who from the first days so feels the power of music, which so understands from the first hearing what the Mozart plays him, what a vocation he can be? Interpreter. Criticism. Researcher music. Undoubtedly. And if he became critic, a great, insightful critic? Why didn't it occur to him? Because the composer, the Creator is obviously higher. Create music honors than to interpret it. And if he had criticized, he would not have taken to measure himself with Mozart. This is completely different. Mozart is also emphasized: as he depicts Pushkin - this critical feeling does not possess. He does not need it. He plays, and can not appreciate what plays. They would perfectly complemented each other: the creator - and the interpreter.

It is characteristic that just at Pushkin Salieri, a person who does not really do the question all the time the question arises: why? What is the benefit? He constantly asks: What is the benefit in the genius of Mozart? Man by sore The place of this does not ask - how nature does not ask why she does something: why the river flows, why stand the mountains. Meister Eckhart has reflection about the fact that if we were a thousand years old asked for a question of life, why she lives, and she would deign to us to answer, her answer would be: "I live to live."

My teacher Nikita Ilyich Tolstoy somehow told me, still at university years: "If you, Olya, for some reason, the question will be in mind: why is it? - Think this case (it was about choosing a research topic). Everything can be done only until the question arises: why is it? This is a sign that you are not on your just place. All the present is done by anything. Just".

So, we have so far talked about natural vocation. Spiritual calling in his own sense, I think completely different. This is undoubtedly so if we turn to the real stories of such vocations. They are full of the narration of the Holy Scriptures.

But a preliminary note: as in the first case, it is worth remembering the diversity of vocation, about their surprise. St. Scripture invites us the history of great calls, the history of people, resolutely elected from the environment of their people. Should I have from this that there are unsuccessful people and, more than one of these people - most people without spiritual vocation? I think you will agree with me that every person, since he is created by man, should be his place, there must be a plan about him. Understand this idea, coincide with him - another thing. But there can be no man who is not needed for anything. An unnecessary person is completely unnecessary can not be. Otherwise, we would confess the other theology.

The hero of Pasternak ("Dr. Zhivago") says: You care about the resurrection, but you did not notice that you have already risen once - when they were born when they were brought from non-existence to being. This is the resurrection, the first resurrection. And in this sense, every born man is already called upon, caused from non-existence for life.

Who is me all-powerful power

From the insignificance appeared?

as Pushkin asks in the sad verses written by the day of his birth ("Nonignotecy" in his language is non-existence). By itself, life is a vocation, it might not be. It is impossible to take it as a simple dance: well, I live - and I live. It is worth remembering that we are "designed to life" and life itself is already a spiritual vocation. So, in addition to distant calling, let's say musical or some other, there is a first and general human calling - life. There are no exceptions, if we share the Christian faith, if we repeat that Christ "covers and educates every person coming to the world," that cannot be unnecessary, not elected to life, not enlightened by people originally. This, I think, is the first spiritual calling: to live.

A other calling, so to speak, the second election, the calling is already in the strict and concrete sense of the word - about him and the biblical stories are narrated. Here in the word "calling" his straight, initial meaning: Call. This call belongs to another. The person himself cannot call himself. Before there should be a voice that calls. A person answers this call, as Abraham answered - and went unknown where.

Here we see a very strange thing. If the natural vocation, as we described, in the deepest sense correspond to the nature of a person, then it seems to be everything right on the contrary. This vocation contradicts the entire human data, which is called. The first thing that says such a person called is, as a rule, refusal. He replies that it simply cannot fulfill what is required from it, according to quite obvious reasons. Perhaps I will not remember the opposite cases. Abraham as if did not argue. But then ... Already the elderly Sarah laughs when she is foreshadowed to give birth to a son. The most blatant story is, of course, Ion. That's what he resisted before, before he got into the belly of fish: but after that he did not stop. Remember all these calls - right up to the Annunciation (I hope that it does not sound blaspheme). The first word is designed: "But how can I do this? I did not know my husband. " The designed to be called to the incredible things for them, to the impossible. "Objectively" impossible. The prophets lead evidence of this inability: Jeremiah is young, Moses is obliquely ...

Why here A person is chosen as if contrary to his nature and cash? The girl or the old woman is to give birth, the boy is to teach the elders ... that, I think, remains a mystery. But as if the universal plot of the vocation includes the resistance of the one who was called. For some reason he resists. And he is right in his own way! It is as if Chrome were told to become a dancer or a dick - sing Aria. Why not choose more suitable performers for this? And here - in contrast to the fact that we called natural vocation, "the new nature of man is created with the vocation. It gets everything you need to execute the call. Moses is given a speech gift, etc. The initial, these properties of the person are insignificant. Why is that? We can only dwell in bewilderment, in fact: why not choose a brilliant speaker so that he spoke with the people? Why not send less a challenge man who would immediately answer: "Yes, I'll go to Ninevia now and tell you everything." No, for some reason, such a resisting material is almost always selected. Perhaps in order to be more clear, as they say, the glory of God, the force that is accomplished in the impotence - here, again from nothing, the person is going out of the dust when it is necessary. But maybe there is another readiness and suitability that a person himself does not know - and on the basis of which he is urged ... In any case, the biblical stories of the vocation somehow clarify the highest value that obedience is endowed in Christianity. The torment of obedience, his work and the mystery is that it most often contradicts our cash. Our nature, our tendencies repel it: we are told other! And we cannot say: "Chur, not me! No, it's not for me, it is for someone else! "

That's on this I'm cun.

I. Ponomareva: Does the fact that if a person does not ask himself a question about his vocation, does this mean that he is just spiritually immature? And vice versa, if he is thinking, looking for, is it a sign of his spiritual maturity? Is there any regularity here?

Olga Sedakova: You know there are very fussy searches. In art, it is obvious. I do not remember who from the wonderful masters said about "quest": "They are looking for where you need to find." "Find" as if nonsenom. "Search" is possible until the end of life. It happens that such searches are not at all the sign that a person is ripe, but just the opposite. In addition, a person can perform his task without any search, without even thinking that he does something special. You probably know the famous plot in different tubes: the great devotee in the desert at some point decides that he reached the last heights in spiritual perfection and asks in prayer, is there anyone who has achieved more? And hears the answer: "Go to such a city and there you will see a shoemaker on such a street; So he has achieved more. " He listens, finds this shoemaker and asks him about spiritual exploits. A shoemaker says to him: "And I do not do anything special." In the future, it turns out that what he does not notice and not considering a special spiritual business, and there is a better fulfillment of spiritual requirements. (This plot revealed the Lion Tolstoy in the "Father Sergia": Remember how the Father Sergius visits a stupid?) Maybe this. A person performs a vocation, not looking for him, without seeing, without giving himself a report in this. And such execution can be appreciated above. Apparently because it is absolutely sincere. What this is the most "full world" and "crowded bowl". Such a measure of self-dedication that there is no space to look at their own effect on the part.

No, I would not say with all the certainty that those who are looking for, have already woken up, and those who are not looking for, sleep. Probably some other distinction should be found for such sleep and awakening.

I. Ponomareva: Olga Aleksandrovna, and for what laws should a man know about? If he really understood that he was not going anywhere?

Olga Sedakova: I think he will open them. Will open these laws. He will understand that he personally (this personal moment is very important here) to harm and benefit. Another here is, for example, it is possible, and for some reason it is impossible. He may not even be able to explain to himself why. But from somewhere, he knows that very accurately: he knows - or a deplex (Brodsky said that he was silent, like a dog), in which place he can break something that will affect his gift. There is a striking place in the Diaries of Tolstoy (V.V. Bibikhin often recalled him): "You can kill a person and not commit sin, but you can bite off a piece of bread that it will be a deadly sin." This is the observation of the artist. We know the stories, truthful and apocryphic, on the rampant life of famous artists. On their works, these coarse disorders of morality for some reason are not fatablingly reflected. But there is something that would certainly affect that it would distort the very creature of calling. What is it? I think in different cases different, the ego depends, apparently, from the very thing that is expected of him, to which he is called. What you need for this thing, then it is required of it.

E. Novikova: Olga Aleksandrovna, what do you think this option is possible: a person has not found a place designed to him, as the first step you called, but at the same time did he perform a call? That is, he performed spiritual vocation, but I did not find the destiny.

Olga Sedakova: I think yes. In this case, we can think that his destination and was spiritual vocation, and not something else. Pro is a shoemaker from the Catema, which we remembered, does not say that he was amazing, the best shoemaker in the city. It is said that he distributed money to this craft.

E. Novikova: And, for example, when a person's purpose comes into conflict with his calling?

Olga Sedakova: Yes, thanks, your question reminded me that I have not yet told one important thing that was going to say. If this is the purpose (natural attraction, talent, the ability to find your place in life and be productive at this place) if it is taken for actually the spiritual calling, which is often happening, this is a very dangerous thing. Then serving its destination, the gift turns into idolatry. And idols, as loved to repeat Averintsev, require human sacrifices. There is an interesting story of a young parsnik "Parallel Octaves", about the organist who kills his own son in their hobby. Late echo of the romantic cult of the artist. No matter how they discussed the history of Abraham's sacrifice for the human understanding, this is a completely different matter. Pasternakovsky artist does not know what is creating. He is ready to admit to any demand for loved ones for his ministry for any demand. Degenidation of art, like any other creation of idols, ends badly. But I am sure that the artists who managed to create something great created it precisely because they were not worshiped by art or creativity as such, but all the other and all others were considered to be only a tool or material for him. This kind of worship is characteristic of the salty, semi-led people.

Search the vocation is an extremely interesting topic, to discuss the happiness today. We will not miss the opportunity and talk to a thoroughly about human self-determination. Let's discuss the meaning of the word "calling", its synonyms, as well as ways to gain themselves.


The explanatory dictionary is cold and offers only two meanings for the word:

  1. A tendency to any case. For example, "Vasily will become a mathematician on the vocation, do not score a head with literature!".
  2. A matter of life, appointment. "Since then, people with dependencies have become his vocation."

But what can know the dictionary about genuine human calling? This, of course, is primarily a philosophical and psychological problem. Drama, which unfolds separately in each individual life. Daughters, hopes of frustration, when a person chooses one thing, thinks: "Here it is!". Then Miragei is deceived him, he understands that he chose not quite himself, instead of him the choice made someone else: relatives, parents, social situation. And he generally wanted not to him.

Yes, examples are chosen correctly, and the dictionary says the truth, will he be wrong? But the story keeps the result, and we, among other things, let's talk about how to find your place in life and do not regret it, but first synonyms.

Word replacements

The calling is generally quite difficult, so it is possible to consolidate the result to recall the semantic counterparts that the reader will be useful, and we, in turn, do not have the habit of hiding them. Here they are:

  • talent;
  • purpose;
  • abilities;
  • tendency;
  • business (lifelong);
  • craft (holy);
  • tranquility;

Familiar words. It's not so difficult to choose synonym for "vocation", this is just very easy. How to understand your personal, individual gift, talent, purpose? Further, the mechanism of disclosing its own fundamental inclination.

When is the first time a person thinks about choosing a path in life?

It happens in 15-17 years. The lower limit is the 9th grade of high school, and the upper graduation classes. The person is flexible creature, so it is adjusted to the requirements of social and biological time. True, there are different points of view. For example, Erich Fromm - a famous psychologist and a philosopher, dropped the phrase in one of his books that the most favorable time to choose the profession of the whole life is the age closer to 30. This position has its own steps: a person has matured enough to consciously choose something . The probability of error is not so great, the fears are already less or at all, because there is experience.

But the majority of people have no luxury. Social and biological measurements of human existence of inexorab. And then it will be only worse, speed increases every day. For example, in Japan, children already at the age of five are forced to pass tests, which will determine all their further fate: in which school they fall into which company will work. But the kids do not know anything else about the vocation. The interpretation of this word is all the most not available. Therefore, European and Russian children are still lucky.

They have the moment of self-determination comes in early adolescence (in 15-17 years), as has already been said. Together with the need to choose a life path, maybe serious meditation appear for the first time, which inhibit active activities, sometimes harm her. The person for the first time is aware of the responsibility for his life and its choice.

Trial and error method

To ensure that fears like waves are absorbed a boy or a girl and have not taken away the children during this period, they must approach the threshold of early adolescence with a concrete luggage: mugs, clubs in interest, various kinds of games. Then the process of professional self-determination will not be so painful and painful. Although here we are Lukavim, for the calling means suffering. Some things in life can not get easily how much they do not get to them.

Nevertheless, it is still invaluable in solving this problem. If a person is not released from home, do not allow you to create and experiment, for him the process of self-determination, firstly, can delay for life, and secondly, to be extremely painful.

The child must try, search, lose, suffer (within reasonable limits), but find yourself. To be stubborn, then on the expanses of being, the subject matter of all life, and possibly several key specialties. Time is now that in the question of the vocation (this proves the practice) you need to be a "multi-instrumentalist", that is, to understand in several areas of knowledge right away.

Should I wait for divine insight?

There is such a very harmful myth to the destination that, they say, which from the very beginning they know what they want from life, who want to be. Especially often this can be heard from writers. Stephen King and Ray Bradbury confessed what they wrote from 12 years. And the author of "wines from dandelions" argued that he gave out at least 1,000 words every day, starting from this very age. Another hyperpopulation writer George Martin fastened about life on other planets from 4 or 5 years old and they all say that they always knew: Scripture is their vocation.

So, it is up to a certain degree of confluence of circumstances and such irrelevant little things, which and say something shame. For example, inugting modern idols to parents despotic or evil, there would be no phenomena. King Mom has always supported. Bradbury had his own literary agent at 22, it was even before he published his first story.

Of course, when it comes to the call, the interpretation of the word and think about it, people come to mind different cases come to mind, and there is no account of persistence, will, the nature of those or other heroes.

For example, if you read Dovlatov, you can find out: some journalists even starved, but did not throw crafts. And it was not because they are frail or arrogant, but just a vocation - the case is mysterious and does not succumb to the mathematical formula.

God or nature creates a man or a woman with a certain intent, but does not reveal the last to his children to make it more interesting to live. Sometimes the purpose becomes apparent only in adulthood. Remember that the famous example of Bulgakov about the person who teaches the Roman law for 20 years, and in 21 he understands that it actually loves to grow flowers, and the Roman law, on the contrary, is not close to him at all? If the reader wants to get acquainted with the passage in his original form, then let's tell him: he is in the novel "White Guard".

And all because people do not have enough courage, and maybe the experience of living in their own understanding and desire from the very beginning. God here is nothing to do with that the struggle that a person should win himself.