Decorative panels from ceramic tiles do it yourself. Ceramic panels from tiles on the walls and floor for kitchen conditions for creating a picture of ceramics

The use of tiles in the design is now not at all uncommon, it is used in the design of a bathroom, a kitchen, like a floor covering, etc. Dust boring, one-picture color gamut will help panels from tiles. Decorative decoration of ceramics is a great way to revive and diversify the interior of the room. Large panels from tiles look especially beautiful, expensive and realistic. Despite your luxury appearance, such a decoration is available at a price of almost everyone, thanks to our article you will learn a lot about the panel of tiles into the kitchen, in the bathroom, as well as some subtleties associated with this magnificent decor element.

Panel from tile in the bathroom - Bright variations in the photo

Bathroom - a room in which we spend not a small amount of time, with it we begin and end our day, so it is very important that the bathroom is aesthetically attractive. Before purchasing a panel of ceramic tiles for the bathroom, it is necessary to determine with color gamut and sizes. In typical apartments, bathrooms are quite small, so the shape and size of the panel of the tiles are of great importance, because the visual emphasis will be done on it. Too small panels will not look at all successfully, while the panel on the entire wall is also not the best option (if it is not a photo panel), the perfect panel of ceramic tiles should not occupy more than two thirds of the designated area.

Important nuances: Panel with a longer horizontal side visually expanding the room, and the stretched vertical makes it higher.

Regarding the color, perfectly harmonize the panel from the tile, in which the background is similar to the color of the main tile. Also when choosing a color, it is worth considering the fact that light shades visually increase the room, and the dark creates a more intimate setting.

Now the photo-panel is gaining great popularity. Thanks to high-temperature printing technology, it became possible to carry any, the most complex image on the tile, creating a 3D effect.

It is also impossible to leave the charming panel from the mirror tile. A mirror pattern has an incredibly practical and stylish form. The essence of this type of panel is to lay on the wall of a certain set of mirror elements, which in the end add up to a holistic figure. In addition, the mirror drawing visually will increase the room space.

Choose panels from tiles into the kitchen

The panel from the tile for the kitchen is designed to cause and improve the appetite, as well as lift the mood. Therefore, for this panel, the images of still lifes and flower bouquets are excellent on the background of warm shades. The most suitable types of panels from tiles to the kitchen is: Mosaic panel and photo ceramic panel. Next details about each of the types.

Mosaic Punk

Mosaic panel of tiles in the kitchen is popular among all. In the manufacture of such a panel use a variety of colored tiles, which have a small size of 2-3 centimeters. These tiles lay out in such a way that a pattern or picture is formed. Such technique is used when creating images that use a bit of ceramic tiles for the kitchen on the apron.

Photo ceramic panel

We have already mentioned this variety of panels from the tile, the main technology of which is a ceramic dye. Special paint, which during the roasting forms a single integer with enamel. The process of obtaining photo ceramics is a long, painstaking, handmade, which takes quite a long time. At the same time, thanks to this process, a quality tile for a kitchen, which has a great, clear image is obtained.

Choosing a panel of tiles into a kitchen for apron, it is necessary to take into account some rules:

  1. Square is the best shape for tile. With the help of such a form, you can easily distinguish the surface of the kitchen and conveniently placed directly panel.
  2. Smooth, glossy or matte tile - the best options, as a large amount of dirt will be collected on the embossed tile.
  3. Color range of panels from the tile must match the color of furniture, walls and floor.
  4. It is important to take into account the ways of laying tiles, for example, if you lay the tile diagonally, then its flow will be larger.
  5. Before the direct laying of the panel, it is necessary to conduct a visual assessment of how it will be combined with kitchen furniture.

How to make the original panel of ceramic tiles do it yourself

If you like to decorate your home with accessories and elements created by your own hands, then the mosaic panel is the perfect option for you. Creating panels with your own hands, in any case, get a thing that will make the design of your interior unique. If your home has an unnecessary tile after repair or just the remnants of the tile bat, which, it would seem, it is impossible to find application, then make a panel from the tile with your own hands you will be not difficult for you. There are many ways to create a panel. But it all starts with a detailed drawing of the sketch.

The most affordable and simple method is a decoupage. On a specially selected tile glue performed on a film or tracing pattern. Prior to applying the picture, the correct laying of the tile is very important. The printed image after stickers needs additional protection, for this, colorless varnish is perfect. This method of manufacturing a panel from the tile with their own hands is quite simple and convenient, but not suitable for rooms with high humidity.

Another common and most longtime way to create a panel - mosaic. The composition is made up of separate parts of different colors. For this, Maitolika and pieces of multicolored tiles are well suitable. Work time-consuming and takes a lot of time, besides you must have minimal skill. Despite all the difficulties, the end result will make you and become the subject of pride in the interior.

The most advanced way is the drawing of a drawing on the tile with a special composition, which is similar to the glaze. The drawing can be applied manually either by the printed method. Next, the tile is subjected to heat treatment, which is unfortunately impossible to perform at home.

In any case, whatever type you have chosen, with your own hand panels, you guarantee your absolute exclusivity. Such panels can be placed not only on the wall, but also on the coffee tables, windowsills and vases. We hope that you will succeed in this not easy, but exciting business.

The modern interior is increasingly complemented by a panel of tiles. This element has gained great popularity among modern interior designers and in ordinary buyers who want to create their own unique style in the house. We will not hide that the collections of ceramic tiles with cost quite expensive. This is due to the largest cost of the manufacturer on the development and production of this element of the interior.

What is Punk

This word has a French origin. This is the name of the part of the wall or ceiling, which is framed by an ornament, stucco and decorated with a sculptural or picturesque image. In addition, it can be a picture of either bas-relief, which are performed on the ceiling or walls.

Famous manufacturers have adopted this technique and represent interesting panels every year. The tile for the bathroom, the kitchen looks particularly effectively in combination with the masterfully made by the artistic image.

The easiest way to diversify the surface of the walls is to take advantage of the finished ornaments. Often, together with traditional borders in collections, decorative inserts and panels from tile are offered. They are a colorful pattern, which is sometimes combined with a pronounced relief, and in size they, as a rule, coincide with the tiled background. Usually the panel has a rather large area, multiple 2, 4, 6 background tiles.

The finished image is performed on a one-piece ceramic plate size of 1 × 1 m. In addition, it can be typed from individual elements. The plots of such images are endless - from the ancient stories to avant-garde geometric paintings.

Quite often, recently, a panel of tile can represent copies of the fabrics of famous masters, landscapes, still lifes, floristic ornaments.

Most often, buyers turn into numerous firms manufacturing tiles with a photo-drawing. In this case, they often face a difficult task - how to harmoniously combine the selected ready-made panel with the interior created? It is usually implemented as a separate independent product, and the problem of its compatibility is shifted on the shoulders of the buyer. Let's say that such a task on the shoulder is only a very experienced designer.

Today, this work, many manufacturers of ceramic tiles decide together with artists. As a result, each sample is developed for a specific collection of ceramics. When creating panels, certain files are selected with the image. As a result, it turns out the perfect product, combined in the format and color scheme.

Select drawing

Quite often, buyers contact the company for the production of tiles, having a specific idea when choosing a material. They are well aware of the plot, color and configuration. Some of them prefer a panel of tiles with images of birds and animals, others stop their choice on landscape patterns. To facilitate the choice of the client, they produce colorful catalogs for them. In them, the drawing is presented in both separate design and in combination with ceramic tiles.

Manufacture of Panel

Hydroabrasive cutting method produced image elements. The smallest particles of abrasive, mixing with water, from a special tank under pressure come to the place of cutting. The metal superhard nozzle creates a stream of small diameter, which comes out of it at a huge speed. The aqueous solution comes to the location of the cut, and the abrasive particles are pulled and carrying out the smallest pieces of the material being treated with water. As a result, a perfectly smooth surface appears on the cut.

Application of drawing

Images can be applied in different ways - airbrush, decal, mosaic. Traditional compositions from tile manufacturers are usually performed in several colors. Often the addition of different materials in the manufacture of panels is used. The tile can be diluted with inserts of saturated colors from ceramic granite.

Panot application

Most often, such an element is used when creating interiors in the kitchen or in the bathroom. At the same time, there are unconventional areas of its application. For example, in the exclusive, original interiors from leading designers there is a ceramic tile. Panno, or rather used in the design of the simulatory rooms and pools of private houses. Often it is used even in the bedroom.

Mosaic Punk

Such an interior element can be compared with authentic both by its beauty and cost. Mosaic panel of handmade is difficult to distinguish from the picturesque cloth. Realistic images with soft transitions of colors and shades are achieved by the subpole method. Very small elements of the mosaic are split into even smaller particles and lay them out in full compliance with the designed sketch.

If you look at such a picture near, there is an impression of their messy location, but if you move away for a short distance, separate tessers are in an amazing way to turn into a stunning canvas.

There is another way to create a mosaic panel - a matrix assembly. This method is simpler and, accordingly, cheaper. The image is collected from the whole tester of the minimum size (10 × 10 mm). Sometimes they are combined with larger items. To speed up and simplify the styling process, the pattern is selected on cardboard (based).

A layer of paper is glued on the created composition, and then cut to convenient parts for transportation. Installers remain only to lay separate elements of panels in the required manner, consolidating on special glue. As you can see, it is quite simple.

It is no secret that the plot filling of the ceramic panel explicitly indicates a room in which it is preferable to place it. It is quite obvious that a sample with rural landscapes, still lifes, images of fruit baskets and flowers will be more appropriate in the kitchen. Today, popularity is leading relief paintings. They are so voluminous that an involuntarily arises quite a meaningful desire to take fruit from the vase.

Widely used in the bathroom ceramic tiles. Pando is often manufactured with sea motifs or traditional should not be thought that only the Council, manual for action.

Patterned ceramic tile - excellent decoration of the kitchen, bath or hallway. But one of the most spectacular design techniques in modern interiors is the finished wall panel of ceramic tiles. It is laid out of the mosaic using the supplements of the stained glass and the diverse stones. But for this you have to master the appropriate technique. It is much easier to buy a ready-made panel, which is stacked by a fragment behind a fragment, like puzzles, and it turns out a spectacular picture on the wall.

Varieties of decorative panels

Panel - the word French origin denoting a large drawing on the entire wall (ceiling, floor) or a significant part of the surface. It can be framed by frame, ornament or stucco. The decorative panel of ceramic tiles, as a spectacular addition of interiors, is used for a long time.

The first pictures on the tile were drawn in Italy, mostly, these were an angels images or sea landscapes. Today, the plots of decorative compositions applied to ceramic tiles have become much more diverse. They are widely used not only in exclusive interiors, but also in apartments of ordinary citizens, depending on the cost of the panel.

Today, such pictures on the tiles often can be seen:

  • in urban pools and private household;
  • in spacious premises at the entrance in the cottage or under the stairs in the hallway;
  • in the gym;
  • in a combined bathroom over a bath or reservoir;
  • on the wall of the shower cabin behind the glass doors.

The finished decorative panel of ceramic tile is used to create its own unique interior in various styles. The picture of colored pieces of the bat tile can be postponed independently. But it is better to purchase a picturesque image in the finished form:

  • socket or drawing of 4 tiles;
  • wall painting of large sizes;
  • small format ornament for apron design in the kitchen or wall over the bathroom.

Such a print applied to each ceramic tile is separately baked on it by hot firing, and there is a decorative panel. Today they are offered by catalogs or in building supermarkets in a large range. If not satisfied with the choice in the store, you can order a whole panorama by catalogs. The demanding customers often choose even a small outlet of 4 tiles on foreign directories.

The decorative panel of ceramic tiles is used to fill the whole wall, and in the form of individual inserts. Sometimes they are placed in the form of a picture, complementing a frame from a ceramic border. Wealthy buyers are often referring to the manufacturers of a tile or firms that cause images on ceramics. They can make a panel to order, for example:

  • with a photo of one of the family members;
  • large flowers with a 3D effect;
  • with a panorama of a beloved place of rest;
  • with photographic prints of famous optical illusion;
  • with a bulk pattern;
  • depicting your favorite film character, actor or musician;
  • drawn and enlarged portrait of the customer himself, etc.

In essence, these are the same exclusive photo wallpapers on the tile, but in a more practical immeasured form, made in photographic equipment. It should be borne in mind that the cost of such wall images is higher than that of ordinary ceramic tiles. But it is more effectively than ordinary cladding, for example, a panel of ceramic tiles - Photo:

Finished panels from the catalog are also quite expensive. This is due to the fact that additional time and resources are required for the selection or development of a suitable illustration, image application, production of such tiles. In addition, if during the transportation of ready-made panels, at least one tile will break, the whole set will go to the ejection.

You can only use a beautiful fragment of a small format that admits the empty wall in the bathroom or in the kitchen. It is also much more spectacular than the usual cladding with high-quality tiles. Panel on ceramic tiles must be fitted in the interior of the room:

  • better under the finished panel to issue the interior;
  • you can choose a decorative panel in accordance with the room design.

In the collections of Russian, Spanish, Italian and other manufacturers, you can find the plots on any subject, but the most interesting panel of the Mix series is most interesting. This is a number of images on general topics, for example, portraits of mythological Greek gods and goddesses, photos of spices or sunflowers in different ways. There is a spectacular ceramic tile, a panel for a kitchen or bathroom - not only for walls, but also for floors. For example, dolphins viewed in the thickness of water, or floating in the surface of the fish.

Advantages of finished panels

Today, there is a lot of adherents with cleaning surfaces, and a ceramic bathroom tile, a panel is also a stunning solution on the decor of walls and gender. The tile panel with a photographic image using conventional facing material allows you to achieve the greatest decorative effect. Each drawing is designed individually for the collection in a certain stylist and is produced in small series so that consumers can count on the individuality of the interior.

The main advantages of decorative panels from ceramic tiles:

  • guarantee of the durability of the incommable pattern;
  • resistance to chemical reactivities and cleaning products;
  • color resistance guarantee to burnout;
  • ease of care and strength of the finish;
  • ecology surface;
  • large selection of drawings for exclusive design.

If you compare any way of applying an image onto the wall, given how long it will last, the ceramic tile with a finished pattern will always lead through the strength and resistance to abrasion. Everyone knows that the drawing on a tile or ceramic tiles will be unchanged until the end of the life. And for each kitchen or bathroom you can choose inexpensive, but a beautiful image on 4 and more tiles, which will become a decent decoration of the room, the walls of which need frequent cleaning.

In some collections, inserts and panel are offered complete with conventional ceramic tiles, which harmonizes it as much as possible. In this case, you do not need to search for a companion tile, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the offers from the manufacturer by its catalogs.

Basic guidelines for the choice of finished decorative panels on the tile

Most buyers when choosing a tile and a suitable decorative panel suitable for it already imagine the required plot or image. However, if you drop your stereotypes and enable the imagination on the combinatoriality of several types of tiles, you can achieve a stunning effect. To facilitate the choice, it is enough to see the catalogs and ready-made photo examples to use the most successful ideas for yourself.

  • panel, inserts and other decorative elements for wall decoration should be a bit brighter of the main background and correspond to the range (warm or cold part of the spectrum);
  • increased objects or photos should occupy a whole wall;
  • large-scale paintings or panoramas require a large surface and a free wall (without furniture);
  • if mirrors and other insertions are assumed, they must be justified from the point of view of general design;

  • the bright image must be balanced by a calm background;
  • contrast drawings must be harmonized with the rest of the interior;
  • for vague paintings, it is unacceptable to use a bright framework in order not to distract attention from the main panel;
  • the picture or landscape should not be interrupted or closed with subjects of plumbing or accessories (only a small fragment at extreme need);
  • furniture from panels do not put, but it looks very effectively the picture over the tank or on a separate wall;
  • combining in the same room outdoor and wall panels are not recommended, except when it makes up a single picture (seabed, the panorama of the sea shore).

Tip: moisture-resistant premises The use of decorative panel is not limited. For example, ceramic tiles - panels flowers very organically fit into the bedroom above the dressing table. The battle scene or the classic picture will decorate the office, and still life, the image of fruit or spices will decorate the dining area.

Decorative elements for panel design

Complete panels from ceramic tiles will help:

  • different types of tiles;
  • border with ornament;
  • porcelain stoneware with a simulation stone simulation;
  • marble or granite;
  • imported tile;
  • volumetric images;
  • decorative inserts.

Usually I use the background tile, panels and certain decorative elements.

1. Single Insert is the easiest element consisting of 1, 2, 4 and more tiles with a spectacular print or ornament in the form of a socket. It is designed to dilute the monotony of the surface by some image in the kitchen apron. This is the surface behind the stove and sink to the mounted cabinets, that is, above the tabletop Tumb. For kitchen, small inserts with a fantasy ornament or the image of fruits and vegetables are suitable. The bathroom is better to take a ready-made insert with a pattern corresponding to the overall design. Functional inserts are also available, that is, a tile with a soap box, a hook for a towel or a small hanger for bathrobes and linen.

2. The picturesque panel usually takes the entire surface - wall, ceiling or floor. Very exciting to consider whole pictures on the ceiling or wall, taking a bath. This can be a real picture of a well-known artist, transferred to the tile or made in the form of a bulk bas-relief. A panel can be solid, combined from individual tiles or mosaic, that is, with colored fragments on any smooth surface.

3. Panel Frisis is a type of decorative panel without limitation in size. The name is so translated "Free Size", since the center fragment can be further spread and complemented with another tile on any height. Often it is just a drawing without clearly designated boundaries, for example, in the form of add-ons to a bouquet or abstraction. Sometimes the picture is only in one corner of the tile, and the part of the tile is plain, which makes it possible to arbitrarily vary the drawing.

4. Panel from tile on the floor is applied only to the most durable and wear-resistant materials, such as porcelain stoneware. Picture for the floor is different from wall panels, and such plots suggest a top view, that is, with the level of an adult eye. Such tiles can be laid on the perfectly smooth floor surface. These tiled panels compete with decorative bulk floors.

5. Border - the oblong tile with an ornament to build linear images with a repeated pattern, which are known from the time of antiquity. It is smooth and embossed, wide and narrow, two-color and motley. Applying border tiles, you can frame decorative panels or build an independent pattern on a one-photon background from different types of tiles. Popular border laying is a horizontal strip separating darker top and light bottom. Often the curb framing the decorative image or combines the joining surfaces. The vertical border is used to zoning or distinguishing decorative elements, as well as for the framing of the mirror in the bathroom.

Relief panels from beauty tiles compete with conventional smooth panels. They are with a 3D effect and at the same time almost flat, but so realistic that involuntarily want to feel the surface behind the image, this illusion is illusion. But there are rather convex reliefs like stucco, which form entire plots.

Tip: Do not seek to acquire all these types of tiles, it is enough to choose 1-2 varieties to dilute the homogeneous facing surface with a decorative addition.

How to lay out a decorative panel?

Before laying a panel of ceramic tile, it is important to read the instructions. It should be indicated how the panel should be attached to the wall. There is a seamless method of laying ceramic tiles and ordinary. In both cases, it is assumed to use grout or sealant, but this is done in different ways. For seamless styling, the gap between the tile is minimal, and the tile itself should have an absolutely smooth slice and accurately match the dimensions of each fragment.

For any type of laying panels, surface preparation (walls, ceilings, floor) is required. It is important to remove all the remains of the previous layer - paint, wallpaper, irradiating plaster. A primer is applied to the smooth surface for better adhesion, which should completely dry up to laying panels.

While the surface dries up, be sure to lay out the finished panel on any smooth surface in the order of fragments, in which they will be applied, for example, on the wall. If the border and other additions are supposed, they are also better lay out around or as they should look at the finished form. The laying of the tile always starts from the bottom row, while it is important to check the horizontal and the vertical so that there is no distortion.

Sometimes you have to use stovetur, if there is surplus tiles in height and width. Small fragments of the decorative tile panel can be mounted on liquid nails, and large fragments - special construction glue, which should be specified in the instructions for laying the tile. Only after 1-2 lower rows get dry, the following panels are stacked above, until complete completion.

Another option is to independently lay out the mosaic panel of ceramic tiles. There are no restrictions in the selection of an image, and it can be assumed to your own taste or even fantasy. On how to lay out the mosaic panel, you can see a master class.

A panel of tile makes it possible to combine the positive properties of the tile and the original design. From the tile you can create real pictures, bright and saturated, which diverse a boring interior. The modern building materials market offers a huge range of such solutions, so you can satisfy every taste. Will a panel consist of 2-3 tiles or filling the entire wall, - to solve the owner.


Panel in the interior

In fact, any decorative panel is a picturesque product in the form of a framed area of \u200b\u200ba wall or ceiling filled with a picture or ornament. It is an important element of the entire interior. Often it is based on its basis a general style of design of the room is formed. At the same time, the panel can be just an element designed to somewhat diversify a boring design.

A ceramic tile panel is one of the varieties of such a wall or ceiling. It can be performed in any room, but most often used in the kitchen, in the bathroom, hallway, as well as on the facade part of the wall at home. A colorful image can fill out a small part or the wall (ceiling).

The plot of the paintings is chosen depending on the style of the design and fancy of the owner. It can be performed in the form of a classic or abstract painting, landscape, still life, any ornament - creativity is not limited, and this helps a wide selection of finished products and the ability to order the desired drawing.

Panel from ceramics has a number of benefits for those who pay close attention to themselves. All positive qualities that have ceramics possess, including mechanical strength, water resistance, resistance to chemicals, the possibility of using any detergents, non-combustibility, harmlessness for a person, make it possible to create any picture with bright colors from the tile, apply a photo printing.

To certain disadvantages of laying tile, such methods include a complex laying system, the impossibility of cutting tiles and the need for a perfectly smooth wall surface.

A panel of ceramic tiles is performed in different ways. The following technologies can be distinguished: laying a panel from a standard finished tile, to which a certain picture is applied in the factory conditions; Creating a panel of tiles on which any like-like drawing is applied using photo printing; Mosaic technique; mirror panels; Hand painted.

Ready decorative panels

The manufacture of panels on the wall of finished tiles is practically no different from the usual masonry of the tile, except for the need for a thorough selection of elements, the impossibility of cutting them and the inadmissibility of the replacement to other tiles. All the details of the picture are numbered and stitched strictly according to the scheme.

A feature of the creation of a panel of ceramics is the correct placement and choice of optimal size. The picture should be located in the zone where the attention of a person in the room is usually emphasized. Most often it is the central part of the wall, but they also find the use of other options: in the precompanic zone around the perimeter of the room; Small plots over the entire wall surface; In the kitchen - only the work zone, etc.

The amount, size and color gamut of the finished picture depend on the size of the room, the overall style of the interior, the appointment of the room itself. Naturally, various plots and palette are chosen for the kitchen and bathroom.

The size of the panel must be in advancely measured according to the actual area of \u200b\u200bthe wall, taking into account the fact that the picture cannot be cut, reduce, and also change the location of the elements.

In addition, the entire wall is fully engaged in the ornament (for example, the genital imitation), but during the placement of the picture there should be a certain framing, and therefore the tile does not fit until the end of the wall.

Based on the aesthetic perception, you should not overload the room with many different plots. In a small room, it is worth staying only in one option, and to emphasize all the attention. There may be several plots in a large room, but it looks better when they are combined with one idea.

Special attention requires the use of embossed tiles. The surface irregularity creates shadows, i.e., when forming a panel in this case, the location of the lighting source should be taken into account. Shadows can significantly change all the perception of decorative design. Similar problems arise and when using a glossy tile when the glare interfere with seeing a picture.

Almost any picture on the tile can be displayed by using photo printing technology. In this way, on the surface of ceramics, you can recreate the picture, photo, portrait. The exclusive ceramic panel will cost quite expensive, but it will be very long to please the eyes of the favorite image.

Photo printing is ensured by such ways:

  1. Machine printing with firing: provides high reliability, and paints retain the brightness of more than 50 years.
  2. Decol: Transferring the plot with a transfer clip art.
  3. Sublimation method: the cheapest, but not enough durable method of applying pictures.
  4. The drawing on the tile applied with ink with ultraviolet curing.

The most reliable (albeit expensive) is considered to be a photo printing with firing. It is ensured as follows. It is necessary to pick up the tile of the desired color, but monophonic, without a picture. With the help of a machine on a ceramic tile, a selected pattern is formed, and special paints are used. Finally, the tile is burned at a temperature of 850-950 ° C. At the request of the customer, a matte or glossy surface can be provided.

Panel from Mosaic

One of the common ways to create a decorative panel for a long time is a mosaic. For the manufacture of mosaic pattern apply, as a rule, special fine-sized tiles. You can form elements by cutting the tile to pieces of the desired size. Moreover, when cutting, you can provide different form to details. In order to create a panel of this type, a tile of different colors will be required, but without a picture.

With the help of small multicolored ceramic pieces, you can lay out a picture or ornament of the most different style and size. Especially organically mosaic stories are consistent with Provence styles, modern, loft. In addition to the glass, porcelain, pebbles, smalt can be used in the composition.

The lack of a method can be attributed to the presence of a large number of seams, which requires special care when grilled. And among the positive properties, it is possible to note the possibility of bulk masonry, that is, not to lay out clearly on the surface, but to create planned curvilinear surfaces.

How can you diversify the premises

Ceramic tile-panel is most often used in the kitchen and bathroom. It is in these premises that the decor is especially important for considerations of the refreshment of general design.

The bathroom has particularly relevant stories associated with water spaces and their inhabitants. Sea expanses, incident waves and beach panoramas will even fill the small room with freshness, ease and space. The appearance of fish or dolphins diversifies the picture. However, you should not be limited to water ideas, you can use any favorite plot that is able to make a bathroom in a kind and unlike others.

In the kitchen, you can experiment with color, but everything should be coordinated with furniture and a common design. Perfect still life, capable of raising appetite. Beautiful flowers can create a festive atmosphere. The working area looks perfectly mosaic. Plots can be borrowed from folk traditions.

Panel from ceramics is designed to diversify the interior of the room. The simplest paintings can be selected from the finished tiles that are implemented in a wide range. A more expensive option is provided to the photo printing, which will make it possible to implement any fantasy.