Elvira full name. Meaning and Mystery named after Elvira

Translated from the ancient Germanic language, the female name Elvira means "trial", "favorable", "benefactor", "benevolent". There is a legend that the name is associated with the mythological gods of fertility - elves or the ancient German perfumes that symbolized a rich harvest. The theory is also common that the name Elvira has Spanish roots and translates as "protecting", "all overlapping". The name is very popular with Tatar nations.

Characteristic of Elvira: Basic character traits

The owner of Elvira is a born leader who has such features such as the ability to defend its point of view, demanding and determination. It is charismatic and impulsive. Sometimes it seems that she has already been born with a clear and thoughtful plan for the entire future life. Elvira is not devoid of aristocraticism, so at first glance can impress the impressive and cold-blooded person. Elvira from childhood demonstrates its difficult character, showing fighting qualities. It is not afraid of disputes and conflicts, as it almost always comes out of these situations the winner. Elvira is perfectly studying, all disciplines are given to it easily thanks to an outstanding congenital abilities. Good luck accompanies her in all career endeavors, since she, possessing the necessary knowledge, can see people through. She travelers the mood of another person and is almost impossible to deceive it. Elvira often reaches outstanding career vertices, as it is very ambitious and always strive for success. Elvira-winner has an iron will and therefore will never show nervousness and indecision in extreme situations. She dreams of leading other people and with early adolescence tends to this.

Despite excessive self-confidence and authority, Elvira is a very devoted and one-piece person who will never betray friends and will always support close. All the negative qualities of their nature of Elvira skillfully smoothes with humor, erudition and charm.

Positive traits: determination, courage, dedication, insight, strong will.

Negative character traits: the desire to control other people, rigidity, hot temper.

What Elvira in love?

"All or nothing" - the motto of Elvira in love, the golden mean is not for her. This strong and decisive woman does not recognize halftone, so comes to marry only in great love for a very worthy and man who has a certain status in society. If such love does not happen in life, the topic of marriage will be uninteresting.

If Elvira is in love, then the whole world is ready to quit the one. She will never betray her husband and will be a great wife. Disappointed in love, she can destroy the union, because it is not too inclined to adapt, and does not tolerate the routine. A joint life with her may not be too simple, as it is endowed with male features of character and seeks to take a dominant position. However, any man will be with such a wife as a stone wall.

Full name: Elvira

Similar names: Elvir, Elvira, Ilvira

Church name: -

Meaning: friendly; guarding; loyal

The meaning of Elvira - Interpretation

Elvira is an attractive feminine name, used in different countries of the world. There are several versions of its origin. The most common opinion of specialists connects it with the ancient German roots. Translated from German Elvira - "Dogs". This name is like Male Allovera, which means "favorable", "kind", "faithful", "real", "vigilant". Some lingules put forward the assumption that Elvira relates to the name of the German-Scandinavian spirits - elves and elvars. The latter revered ancient peoples as a symbol of fertility. There is a chance that the specified name is endowed with Spanish roots. His translation is "guarding", "Defender". Muslim families also make daughters with this name. Translated from Arabic, it means "Patriot".

Elvira name in other languages

Astrology named after Elvira

Favorable day: Thursday

After year

At the early age of Elvira - a restless and inquisitive child. The girl loves active games, gladly visits dance and sports clubs. Baby is impulsten and not systemandered. It can be interested in any occupation, but it is not for long. From the first years of life, Krochi has a strong inner rod. Elvirochka Gorda and proud. It is difficult for her to establish contacts with new people. Parents should pay attention to the development of such features as kindness, friendliness, generosity.

As a child, Elvira grows fidget, hurry to have everything and everywhere. The girl is little interested in studying, it is much more interesting to play with peers, various active sections and circles. Elvira is not a planned, fiere one idea, it can also cool to it. But in the girl, there is already a strong inner rod. She is proud, proud, not just converge with people. Parents should pay attention to these qualities, in Elvira should develop kindness, peacefulness and tact. Over the years, not the best qualities of Elvira can only aggravate - it will strongly spoil the girl life.

The correct processing process contributes to the correction of character. But Ely still becomes a complex teenager. Her priorities are somewhat different from traditional and generally accepted. The girl has a leader's depositors, prone to protecting weaker people. The latter turn into friends devoted to her. Elvira is demanding that it is often the cause of conflicts with loved ones. To achieve success in life, a girl needs to learn to determine priorities and goals, move towards their implementation.

In the friendship of Elvira also stretches to leadership, she is too proud. But it will never betray those who consider to be a true friend. With age in it, dissatisfaction with society is increasingly strengthened, it feels their superiority. Unfortunately, an excessive pride makes Elvira too susceptible to flattery. And this can take advantage and not quite good people. All negative qualities in communication are smoothed by Eli due to the ability to respect people, as well as the excellent sense of humor. She knows how to adapt well to the surrounding circle of communication. It is equally developed by such qualities as objectivity and subjectivity. Elvira Throughout life, it feels the need to devote yourself to some kind of case.

What does Elvira mean? The meaning of Elvira from the point of view of numerology is characterized by a number 7, which indicates people, are able to express themselves to the most in the field of philosophy, science, art and even religion. However, the success of them largely depends on the ability to plan their own activities and analyze past experience.

Women with the name Elvira patronize two amazing plants - Lily and violet. The latter gives an excellent sex a sense of self-esteem, which is especially manifested in adulthood. Elya is true and constant with respect to love. She is ready to embrace her man. Lily is a symbol of royality and wealth. Properly bypass acquired knowledge and experience, Elvira is capable of achieving much on a professional field.

Ellvira character

Positive qualities at Elvira are dominant, despite the fact that there are also disadvantages. Such can include kindness, determination, activity, purposefulness, excellent feeling of aesthetics, a tendency to self-sacrifice, natural charm, talent.

Elvira is inherent in such quality as leadership. The ability to defend its point of view and demanding to others are present from Eli from childhood. She has a very stormy temperament, which is manifested in various conflict situations. This woman is very strong. She will never allow themselves to show nervousness in small situations. Elvira perfectly understands people, it is almost impossible to deceive. She is quite diplomatic and knows how to use this quality when communicating with people. In addition, Elvira has an iron will.

The key disadvantage of a woman with this name is a tendency to psychological impassional. Losing self-control, it is capable of talking a lot of unpleasant and unfair words.

Sorry about the deed, it is not a fact that Elvira will come first apologize. She is inherent in some pride - she will rather wait apologies from the opponent.

Fate Elvira

From a long time, this name was ordered daughters who wanted financial well-being and high position in society. Fate demanding to Elvira. She needs to develop and sharpen a strong character to establish a balance between softness, femininity, purposefulness and determination. Success expects women accustomed from childhood to work and good manners.

Aristocratic roots are often manifested by an increased burden to self-education, the desire to have an impeccable appearance and the desire to enter the circle of senior society. Elya has inexhaustible optimism, allowing with ease and smile on the lips to overcome any vital difficulties and adversity.

and money

and family

and love


and hobby

Career, Business and Money

Elvira is practical and calculated. She chooses a serious and responsible profession - the inspector of the tax, production technologist, chief heads, politician. In business, a woman feels like a fish in the water. Success accompanies in any sphere. The money relates mediocre, but appreciates high-quality and expensive things.

Elvira perfectly understands the psychology of other people, which could be a teacher or to take a guideline post in any company. But if she wants to engage in trading or financial activities, the counsel will be required, able to direct the thoughts named Elvira in the right direction.

Marriage and family

The owner of this name is married several times. It is difficult to establish life with them. They require a lot and almost never come in principles. Good relations with Elvira add up with stacked and very balanced men. This woman is a good mistress and mother. But she is not ready to abandon his career for the sake of family.

Elvira marriage comes out of love, but with a share of calculation. Next to her, she wants to see a secured person who will be ready to completely obey her and wear it in his arms. Elvira is not the most diligent hostess, life and home duties are very much. Over time, she learns to find a compromise between economic troubles and personal freedom, the housework is trying to shift on specially hired staff.

Sex and love

Elvira is not a romantic nature. It pays importance to feelings, but more valuable in relationships considers common interests, goals and plans. The chief of such a woman can be only a person with a strong will, a sharp mind. For eli, sex does not have a significant value. It quietly costs without intimate relationships for a long time. Does not tolerate coercion and violence.

Elvira is very beautiful, she has the right features of the face, a slim figure, a girl knows how to teach himself. At the same time, its beauty is somewhat cold and alienated, there is not enough sensuality in Elvira, but the pride is noticeable and an invalid temper. Elvira has a lot of fans, without their attention, the girl just dies. But choosing one-sole narrowed Elvira is not in a hurry, she is very expensive his own freedom and independence, she does not want to lose them.


Elvira's name gives his owner with excellent health. In his youth, she can work not to twist the hands, retaining good moral and physical well-being. Women's weak points - gastrointestinal tract, spine and musculoskeletal system.

Without learning to control emotions, Elya risks to acquire neuralgic and psychological diseases. To stabilize internal conditions and health, cardiovenation is recommended.

Hobbies and hobby

Elya prefers men's classes to become character. His hobby includes fishing, sports. Woman loves to travel and care for pets. She can not live in a house without a cat or dog - will constantly miss something. With a pet, she is managed not worse than a veterinarian.

Elvira is determined and persistent in achieving its goal. Such features are manifested by the owner of such a name in childhood, and as aggravated it becomes clear that it will become confident and powerful. Elvira is a real leader. She knows how to defend his point of view, is quite demanding to surrounding people, and its stormy temperament is better manifested in conflict situations. Elvira is difficult to deceive, because it perfectly disassembled people. The girl with the name Elvira has an iron will, sometimes a hot-tempered without a special reason, but most often "cool down".

The bright name of Elvira, such a deceptive gentle and graceful, but with obvious notes of hardness, very consonant with the peculiarities of their owner. It feels deep strength, aristocracy, perseverance. These qualities are unconsciously superimposed on the image of a person, firmly intertwined with a person, gain incredible power. Emotions from pronouncement, listening is hidden, but a powerful impact on personality, interaction with society, temperament.

Ellvira name: value, origin

Highly associated with the individual name becomes the main word and defines fate. Its initial meaning connects exquisite elegance, nobility and tough. It is worth considering the meaning of the name. Elvira in the east - "Patriot". The word in this version has arabic origin, its primary version - Ilifira. In the West, the name is often associated with the word "elver" - an old name of the mythical people of the elves - and is associated with magic legends.

There are male names name. Some scientists argue that only boys were originally called. With the ancient European languages, Elvira is translated as "honest", "truthful", "fair", "sincere", as well as "all protected".

Influence on personality and fate

In all versions of the translation, the meaning of Elvira has similar features. It has a sense of duty, the desire to protect, loyalty, spiritual nobility and imbibibility. Such a woman is persistent, energetic, ambolive. She really knows how to achieve all necessary for themselves, has a purposefulness and difficult character.

Astrology named after Elvira

A somewhat egocentric, but the patronage character of Elvira more corresponds to the Sun and Jupiter. Uranium vibrations are pronounced by explosive emotionality and inner power, and Neptune and Mercury - some cunning and ability to adapt to any atmosphere on time. So with the help of the planets, you can characterize the meaning of Elvira. For a girl born under the signs of the Zodiac Lev, Virgo, Fish, Aquarius, it is perfect for. In the Taurus and Capricorn, the name may be too strengthening inborn stubbornness, which will not be better reflected in the character.

Major psychological traits

Incredibly strong Elvira, as a rule, has been distinguished from childhood with cold stubbornness, to his way, iron will. Education of such a characteristic daughter gives a lot of trouble. Parents should try to maximize Elvira. The importance of respect for the desires of others and teach tacty, otherwise it can grow a stale egoist.

She will always be jealously to protect what he considers just, but often for the truth of Elvira takes only his own views. There is no other opinion for this woman. Elvira perfectly adapts to circumstances, cryingly silent each step.

Temperament, intelligence, intuition

Its huge emotionality woman who is the name of Elvira, can restrain perfectly, sometimes hides feelings for coldness or subtle humor. Excellent memory helps to satisfy tremendous curiosity, lively interest in the world. Elvira, rather, an extrovert, in communication is trying to dominate. Possessing power, sometimes it is not shy to exercise their aggression.

She is diplomatic and skillfully uses such useful quality to meet exorbitant ambitions. It has rapid analytical thinking, able to clearly assess the situation, to predict all the reactions of others. ELVIUM is almost impossible to deceive. Its intuition allows you to instantly recognize the slightest trick. Such a woman can define all the secret intentions of the interlocutor, but often hides such awareness.


Usually, Elvira chooses one goal or an idea, the implementation of which devotes all the forces. She herself looking for his own way, and a sense of duty and some fanatics helps steadily follow the selected path. No wonder the meaning of Elvira - "protected". Trying to prescribe it too problematic. All erosions of Elvira manipulators calculates immediately, and the open pressure has an opposite effect.

Its explosive energy, vital activity, perseverance allow to achieve the fulfillment of the most ambitious ideas, but can harm in case of a negative attitude to life. Elvira should learn to use this force, develop tolerance to loved ones. It also needs to be remembered that the world is multifaceted and the only correct opinion or does not exist.


The professions of such women are often associated with management, finance, policies. Practicality and diplomaticity promise success in trade, business, social activities, economics.

Elvira is a responsible performer, a hardworking ordinary employee, but ambition and reluctance to obey make her strive up to become the leader. Chiefs from such women are obtained very meticulous, wayward, prone to tyranny, despite the meaning of Elvira - "Fair". It is possible to find an approach to such a leader solely through a thorough performance of all orders.

Practicality, intelligence, elvira's calculation helps to achieve a sustainable financial situation. She knows how to save money, scrupulously plans costs, but does not go down to greed.

As affected by the name of Elvira. Marriage compatibility

Communicate with Elvira is not easy. It belongs to friends are patronically, the betrayal is practically unable, knows how to give the right advice, support, but all spoils heavy character. She tries to lead in relationships, often without considering the interests of the partner. In the house of such a woman, the order will be perfect, and all duties in the family are clearly distributed.

In marriage Elvira, unconditional leader. For a possible spouse, it looks short, choosing a cavaller suitable for its power. The husband must fit her in force, the mind, interests, but to be able to diplomatically give up a major role. The golden midship between the ideal marriage of such a woman and the daily hell does not exist. Elvira is able to make a marital perfect, if he is experiencing strong feelings for her husband, but indifference and discontent quickly destroy the family and relationships.

The most favorable unions of these women with Renat, Lvom, Arnold, Alexander, Svyatoslav, Vladimir, Leonid, Peter.

Marriage Elvira and Gennady, Anatoly, Eldar, Bogdan, Nikita, George, Dmitry often disintegrates early or keeps exclusively at the expense of mutual obligations.

A little exotic name of Elvira, the value, the origin of which has several explanations, gives the owner with a rather difficult character. To build a happy fate, she has an extraordinary intelligence, strength, activity. Elvira needs only to learn to harmoniously interact with others, so that due to stubbornness, do not miss a lot of opportunities.

The meaning of Elvira: guarding.

The origin of Elvira: Tatar.

Reduce form name: Elvarka, Ale, Ela, Ella, Elnya, Elyuska, Elusha, Vira, Elvi, Elva.

What does the name of Elvira mean: This name has several versions of origin. According to one of them, the meaning of Elvira is "trial" in the ancient generman language. Also historians believe that the name Elvira was formed from the Male version named Alvar, which can translated as "true, faithful, real" or "benevolent, favorable." Another assumption suggests that the name comes from the names of German-Scandinavian perfumes, which in ancient peoples personified with fertility.

Another version indicates that Elvira is translated from Spanish - "protecting, protecting". It should be said that the Tatar peoples have the name Elvira very popular, but often sounds like Ilvira.

Angela Ellvira Day: The name of Elvira several times a year notes named after: June 14, 11, July 16, August 21, December 26th.

Name Name for Girl

What traits of character determines the meaning of Elvira?

Early childhood: Elvira is gentle and charming, adults easily forgive her some whims and weaknesses. In fact, with Childhood, Elvira successfully manipulates others, thanks to its charm, it seeks desirable.

Teenager: Elvira does not have close friends, but she has many acquaintances and buddies. It early begins to be interested in "adults" relations. She is always in a state of love. However, even gentle feelings do not interfere with it to be very prolonged. Elya does not feel remorse, demanding from his beloved man expensive gifts, flowers, visits to nightclubs and restaurants.

Adult: Elvira is difficult to deceive, because it is perfectly disassembled in humans. The girl with the name Elvira has an iron will, sometimes a hot-tempered without a special reason, but most often "cool down".

For Elvira, the case of honor - always look great. Cheap clothes does not suit her. She always seeks to acquire only exclusive things.

Elvira does not seek to make a career, she will prefer not to work if she has a rich spouse or buddy. If not everything in life is as much as I want, Elya can go to work. But this is only a temporary solution for her. At the work of Elvira, more attention pays flirting than to fulfill its official duties.

Elvira never remains alone. Women who have this name are not remorse of conscience when they are at the same time several lovers. Nevertheless, falling in love for truly, Elvira can become a faithful wife.

Character name Elvira

Positive features: As for the basic qualities, it can be said that Elvira has a rich imagination, fantasy, a tendency to analytical thinking, developed intuition, a bright imagination.

Negative features: But it is important to know that Elvira's name is capable of working on inspiration only alone, so, often she wishes to retire and exhaust them from the surrounding world.

Elvira's name in love and marriage

Does the meaning of Elvira mean happiness promises? It is not always ready to try on the image of a housewife - career growth for her in priority. Although it is worth saying that the complex character of Elvira does not always contribute to successful promotion of service, and it is necessary to re-educate itself in some features. Ale wants to lead people and strives for it. This also applies to friendship and marriage. But at the same time, it perfectly adapts to the situation and, if necessary, can close the eyes to any shortcomings of a person.

Elvira marriage comes early, but the first marriage is rarely successful. Huge importance for has material well-being, and the young spouse can not always provide it.

Elvira does not particularly carefully relate to children, mostly her siblings are provided by themselves, Elvirchka does not require obedience and good estimates from children, for her, for her, so that children do not interfere with her to spend time so that she wants. Small children are practically not interested in her. Elvira is bored whole days to spend together with the Karapuz, so they usually take care of either invited babysitters or grandmothers.

As children, children become more interesting for Elvira. She willingly talk with adolescent children about everything that is somehow interested in them. Elvira becomes more likely by her friend rather than mother, strict and attentive. Therefore, Children of Elvira safely pass the crisis of transitional age, because with her mother they can talk about all their problems.

With the age of Elvira does not lose its external appeal. Grown children are often accepted by Elvira brothers or sisters. She herself does not regret the time and money for care. Her figure remains slim and easy at any age. Elvira is not a particularly good mistress, but prefers the house to be cozy. For this hires the housekeeper, Elvarka herself with great reluctance proceeds to washing or cleaning.

Male name compatibility

Ideal name compatibility:

  • Elvira and Alexander
  • Elvira and Boris.
  • Elvira and Victor
  • Elvira and Eugene
  • Elvira and Sergey

Failed name compatibility:

  • Elvira and Oleg.
  • Elvira and Pavel
  • Elvira and Peter
  • Elvira and Semen.

Talents, Business, Career

Choice of profession: Elvira perfectly understands the psychology of other people, which could be a teacher or to take a guideline post in any company. But if she wants to engage in trading or financial activities, the counsel will be required, able to direct the thoughts named Elvira in the right direction.

Business and Career: Elvira is determined and persistent in achieving its goal. Such features are manifested by the owner of such a name in childhood, and as aggravated it becomes clear that it will become confident and powerful. Elvira is a real leader. She knows how to defend his point of view, is quite demanding to surrounding people, and its stormy temperament is better manifested in conflict situations.

Numerological horoscope named after Elvira:

The meaning of Elvira from the point of view of numerology is characterized by a number 7, which indicates people, are able to express themselves to the most in the field of philosophy, science, art and even religion. However, the success of them largely depends on the ability to plan their own activities and analyze past experience.

Talismans Elvira

  • Zodiac Elvira - Gemini, Virgo
  • Color Elvira - Orange, Brown
  • Favorable day - Thursday
  • Covenant Plant Elvira - Cinnamon, Mint, Violet
  • Patter named after Elvira - Dolphin, Peacock
  • Stone Talisman - Agat, Jasper

Fate named Elvira

  1. Elvira Nabiullina - Russian State Affairs, Economist, Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.
  2. Elvira Retato Tritzolini is an Italian opera singer, who's soprano voice.
  3. Elvira Kokorina - teacher, ballerina, honored artist of the Russian Federation. Warman methodology of teaching the classic dance of the Academy of Russian Ballet. A.Ya. Vaganova.
  4. Elvira Avakyan is a Soviet director and a multiplier artist.
  5. Elvira Danilina - Honored Artist of Russia, Theater and Cinema Artist.
  6. Elvira Khasyanova is a Russian athlete who acts in the synchronous swimming category and is a multiple world champion and Europe.
  7. Elvira Todaua - Goalkeeper of the Russian Football Football team.
  8. Elvira Menendes is the Queen of Galicia and Leon, the first wife of the King of Ordono II Leonsky.
  9. Elvira Barakina is a writer.
  10. Elvira Castilskaya is an extramarital daughter Himena Munos and King Castle Alphons Vi Brave.

Translation name

The transfer of Elvira in different languages \u200b\u200bhas a little different meaning and sounds a little different. In English translates as Elvira, reads as Elvira. The abbreviated name will look like this: Elli, in French is written by Elvir.

Elvira is a female name, rarely found in Russia and Europe. Much more often called girls in Muslim countries. Elvira - a girl with extraordinary thinking. She is sociable, resolutely confident. She knows his shortcomings and knows how to control the weaknesses, so it seeks success towards the goal. We will tell about the meaning of Elvira, the character and fate of its owners in different periods of life.

Photos from YouTube.com

There are two versions of the origin of Elvira. The first binds it to the Scandinavian culture. The second asserts that this is the name of Spanish origin. To unambiguously determine which nationality the name Elvira is impossible.

Meaning of the name

The meaning of Elvira, according to the Scandinavian culture, is the "Child of Elf". In mythology, this creatures highlighted an honorable place. Alva (elves) is creatures, similar to humans with incredible beauty and magical abilities. Translation of Elvira from Spanish: "White", "Clean".

The meaning of Elvira spellers:

  • E is a gift of eloquence, the ability to influence the environment, developed intuition.
  • L - sense of style, good taste, understanding of art and beauty.
  • B is an analytical mindset, attention to detail.
  • In - Communicability, the ability to understand the motives of the actions around others.
  • And - aesthetics, love for beauty, non-conflict.
  • R - People, with the letter "P" in the name - fond of nature, seeking to see the essence of things, not be deceived by external circumstances.
  • A - the desire of material and emotional well-being, the desire for movement, creation, leadership deposits.


The meaning of Elvira for the girl gives the baby a nonsense desire for independence. Since younger age, she does not like the senior assistance, she likes to find out everything through their own experience.

Elvira is a diligent student who loving receiving new information and a respectable teacher. With classmates, she has a relationship with smoothly, but she is not happy with anyone to truly.

The girl whose name is Elvira, has a purposeful character. She is a real fighter that never gives up. Over time, its circle of communication expands, but it can be built with close relationship with several people. The girl with the name Elvira does not succumb to someone else's influence, putting any experience in doubt, and analyzing the situation on their own. With such a strong and purposeful character, she will achieve considerable success in the field of professional sports. Elvira is able to seek her any methods and ways, but it is very emotional and is aggressive.

Adult Elvira becomes calmer and increasing. Age teaches her to give way, listen to someone else's opinion and more suspend decisions. Elvira - emotionally discreet, but responsive girl. She is ready to help close, sometimes to the detriment of his own interests and without personal motives. The girl likes to feel what it is needed. She has excellent health, but she needs to be careful in the manifestation of emotions and avoid stress.

Relationships with the opposite sex in the girl are difficult because of her desire to idealize them. Elvira is demanding, does not know how to accept the shortcomings of the partner, and not every man can reach its high standards. The girl's frivolous novels are not suitable, she is serious, faithful and devoted, looking for a satellite on which you can rely on a difficult moment. For Elvira, it is important to feel a sense of love, but it will marry a person of strong and successful, capable of providing a family. The spouse will have to come to terms that the home wife does not work out - Elvira is not ready to leave a career, personal ambitions and become a housewife.

The girl with the same name has an analytical warehouse of the mind, the creative professions are not suitable for it. She will achieve great success in the financial sphere. In the workplace, the girl exhibits an extraordinary execution and responsibility.


Characteristic of the name Elvira on the sign of the zodiac:

  • Aries - Persistent, purposeful, does not turn around on the way to goal. Not always such persistence is justified. Sometimes the objectives of Elvira-Aries do not cost their spent effort. In communication with the surrounding girl often overtakes a stick.
  • calf - Faithful, devoted, responsive. Most of all in life, she needs to feel necessary.
  • Twins - Communicable since childhood. The girl adores big noisy parties and becomes the soul of the company. A frivolous and non-permanent, it is intelligent and cooler into the tongue, so there are always a lot of people around it.
  • Cancer - Such an extravagant and unusual girl around others is usually difficult to forget. It seems to them that she is "not from this world." Elvira-cancer is a dreamy person living in his own illusory world. She likes to turn in the clouds, to argue about what will never happen and sharply change the topics of the conversation, so it is hard to understand to others.
  • a lion - Proud, narcissistic, ambitious girl, constantly seeking self-improvement. Such character qualities do not interfere with it soberly assess their own opportunities and work to achieve the goal.
  • Virgo - seeks to live on a clear plan, frightening changes and surprises. She often sees a large-scale target, but does not notice what is happening here and now.
  • Libra - Modest girl preferring loneliness to large companies. Most of the time she likes to hold alone with him. The main goal in the life of Elvira-scales considers self-knowledge.
  • Scorpio - Sociable, loves to be the center of universal attention and attract it by all available ways. Unsuccessful jokes and drawing girls often leave her without friends.
  • Sagittarius - The owner of an inconsistent nature. She likes to communicate, but she needs and in time for himself. Elvira-Sagittarius has fun in companies unfamiliar people, but with loved ones sometimes silent.
  • Capricorn - For the external tranquility and the coldness of the girl hiding many emotions and discontent. She needs to learn to give out negative emotions.
  • Aquarius - Sociable, open girl, which makes the impression of a person hiding in the clouds. In fact, she likes to occupy the position of a third-party observer, draw conclusions about the actions of others.
  • Fish - Romantic, dreamy, often runs away from reality into the world of love romance. Elvira likes men, but places a long list of requirements, so one often remains.

Name day

Name Day Elvira does not celebrate.

Color name

Ellvira color - purple. "Purple" attract surrounding non-standard thinking. They are philosophers shrouded in the halo of mystery. In everyday life, they lack practicality, which complicates romantic and family relationships.

Flower name

Photos from Pixabay.com

Ellvira flower - daisy. She symbolizes love, nobility and wealth. In Europe, with the help of Daisy, you are guessing for love. Also, the flower is a symbol of family happiness, marital loyalty and self-sacrifice for love.

Church name

The name of Elvira is not in Orthodox sacraticles. When baptized by parents or the Girl itself, you need to choose another name and celebrate the name day on the day chosen saint. Most often, Elvir cross as Elena.

Name translation in different languages

In most European languages, including English, Elvira's name is written as - Elvira. Options for other countries:

  • On Bulgarian - Elvira.
  • On Polish - Elwira.
  • In French -elvire.

Full name, abbreviated, affectionate

Elvira - full name. Abbreviated and affectional forms name:

  • Elva.
  • Elechka.
  • Elka.

middle name

Elvira's name fits the girl if her father is called:


Consider compatibility of Elvira with male names:

  • With Alexander, the girl will turn out to create a strong family. Easy to rise a man will be able to give Elvira the joy of life and positive emotions, which she lacks.
  • With more friendly union than love. Between them good mutual understanding, but it is not enough to build a family.
  • A business relationship with successfully becomes, together they will achieve great success, but in love the union is unsuccessful - each partners have strong character and personal ambitions that they are not ready to sacrifice. In a pair, constant struggle for leadership.
  • With Elvira from the first minutes mutual attraction arises. Relationships will continue until there is love and passion. Course will not endure tests with problems and life.
  • C is a friendly union, gentle affection for each other.
  • Relations with Cyril will be long and complex. This is the case when together - it is impossible and apart - it is impossible. Cyril and Elvira are unlikely to create a strong family.
  • With Dmitry Love arises not immediately. Relationships begin with friendly and gradually pass into closest.