Folic acid for pregnant women in the early stages. Dosage of folic acid during pregnancy on different trimesters

Many people do not know why folic acid during pregnancy plays such an important role. Today we will tell you how to drink folic acid during pregnancy, how much you need to drink, why it is so important, as well as talk about contraindications and daily dosages.

What is this vitamin?

Flacin or vitamin B9, as well as all vitamins of group B, is water-soluble.
B9 plays a vital role in the production of genetic material (DNA, RNA) and amino acids necessary for cell growth. It plays an important role in the formation of erythrocytes, the functioning of the nervous and immune system, as well as during the healing of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Vitamin B9 is necessary for the production of new cells, which makes it particularly important during periods of rapid growth, such as childhood, youth, pregnancy (fetal development).

In which products

Attention! A balanced diet does not provide a sufficient amount of vitamin B9 to meet the needs of a pregnant woman, so you need to take vitamin complexes.

Vitamin B9 is mainly contained in fruits and vegetables.
In the top ten products containing this vitamin, include wheat germ, soybean sprouts, veal, calf liver, spinach, brussels, broccoli, strawberry, cauliflower, bread from non-refined flour. In more detail about where folic acid is contained, you can read.

Attention: Flavin is vitamin, sensitive to light and heat. About 50% of folic acid is lost by storing on highly illuminated places, washing and cooking.

When and why do you need to take Folazin?

To take as soon as the pregnancy comes and when planning. Taking Folazin before pregnancy, for about four weeks, and within 12 weeks after conception, you reduce the risk of nervous tube defects and other malformations.

Defects of the nervous tube are congenital malformations of the head and spinal cord, resulting from an incomplete merge of the nervous tube during the first four weeks of pregnancy. In this disease, the child is born either dead or becomes disabled for life.

Some studies show that Vitamin B9 can also prevent miscarriage, stroke, autism and some types of cancer.

The body requires folic acid to prevent a certain type of anemia, and some studies believe that folic acid techniques can reduce the risk of preeclampsia. This is a multifaceted disorder that can affect the health of the mother, as well as on the health of the child.

Folic acid also helps become pregnant. You can read more about this.

Why is a newborn child need folic acid?

Folic acid participates in the process of cell division, so the need for folic acid is particularly important during periods of high growth, especially in the first weeks of pregnancy.

Vitamin B9 prevents the following diseases:

  • Disorders of the nervous tube;
  • Congenital heart defects;
  • Violations of urinary tract;
  • Anomalies of the limbs;
  • Orofacial clefts (for example, lip cleaner).

How many folic acid consume? And from what moment?

As part of prevention, in addition to a balanced diet, it is recommended to take 400 μg of folic acid tablets every day when preparing for pregnancy. However, you need to make a higher dose - 500 μg - daily, if:

  • You have already had a child with a defect of the nervous tube.
  • You have or your partner has a nervous tube defect.
  • You are on anti-epileptic preparations.
  • You suffer from celiac disease, diabetes, small-intestine disease, short intestine syndrome, sickle-shaped cell disease or thalassemia.

Folic acid in the early period of pregnancy you need to start accepting without delay. If you start drinking folic acid for four weeks before conception, as well as during the first twelve weeks of pregnancy, the risk of a child with a cleft spine can be reduced by 50-70%.

What dosage should be:

  • The daily rate of folic acid in 1 trimester and when planning: 400mkg.
  • Folic acid dose in the second and third trimesters: 600mkg.
  • In breastfeeding: 500 μg

The lack of folate in your diet can cause anemia. Symptoms: fatigue and weakness. A small foul shortage can also cause irritation.

Contraindication, overdose, side effects

Flavin can also cause some unwanted effects, but they are very rare. Toxicity usually does not occur, since folacine is water-soluble and regularly excreted from the body with urine. So you can not worry due to overdose, but it is not recommended to take more than 1000mkg per day.

Consult your doctor as soon as possible if any of the following side effects occur when taking folic acid:

  • fever;
  • general weakness or discomfort;
  • reddened skin;
  • configuring breathing;
  • skin rash or itching;
  • restless breathing;
  • wheezing.

Allergic to folic acid during pregnancy is very rare, and only eight cases have been reported. In these cases, patients had an allergy to pharmaceutical preparations of vitamin B9, but they did not experience difficulties with the transfer of folate from natural sources. This is confirmed by the fact that allergic symptoms completely disappeared with the termination of therapy.

During the period of tooling, the woman should be especially attentive to its nutrition and the use of vitamins. Indeed, for the growth of the fetus, there is a lot of energy, biologically active substances and trace elements that should come from outside. And folic acid during pregnancy is one of those important for the development of a child of components.

Folic acid is Vitamin V. group of B. is also called vitamin B9, vitamin aircraft, pholycin, pteroidglutamine acid. In the 30s of the last century, this acid was highlighted by scientists from yeast. And in the 40s it was artificially synthesized. For the first time, pealglutamic acid was applied to the treatment of anemia in pregnant women, and later other useful properties were also studied.

Why need folacin

Folic acid deficiency in mothers of mothers is able to cause child development anomalies. For example, it can be born with the underdevelopment of the brain. Also there are anomalies of the spine of varying severity.

Folic acid is necessary for the fetus for other reasons. It prevents heart disease, urinary tract, lips and sky clefts. At the woman itself, vitamin Sun:

  • prevents heart disease;
  • participates in the formation of DNA;
  • does not develop some kind of anemia.

Where to find natural vitamin Sun

Flavin woman can get along with such food:

  • green leaves;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • cereal cultures;
  • all products of animal origin.

But in the products of pteroidutamic acid, it is rapidly destroyed when sunlight gets and at temperatures above 20 ° C. In addition, in products of this acid, it contains very little, so its synthesized drug is much more efficient.

Also vitamin Sun is also produced in the human body. It is made by the intestine microflora. However, any negative factor, for example, the busy rhythm of life or chronic diseases, sharply reduce its development. Pteroidglutamine acid is not accumulated in the body. It is faster spending during pregnancy, with fatigue, lack of sleep and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

If the future mother wants to avoid the pathologies of the fetus, not enough to take vitamin Sun with only food. Specialists recommend pregnant to taking tableted folacine.

Folic acid deficiency during pregnancy and how to compensate

Why are folic acid prescribed during pregnancy? First of all, Flavin is used in cases of insufficiency in its body. Vitamin Sun shortage manifests itself as:

  • prostration;
  • there is a decline of desire;
  • mood instability;
  • reliability of nails and hair.

At the planning pregnancy, Flavin women affects the effectiveness of attempts to become pregnant and forms a foundation for nourishing a healthy child. Therefore, Vitamin Sun is prescribed at the stage of planning a child, when a woman is just going to get pregnant, and the couple is actively preparing to this.

Studies prove that if you drink folic acid a few months before a woman becomes pregnant, and three months after fertilization, it will avoid fetal development defects.

Typically, folic acid and vitamin E when planning pregnancy and after conception are prescribed together, as Vitamin E is also a good immunomodulator and antioxidant. According to the reviews of doctors, it is also successfully applied in preventing infertility and unbearable.

When and in what quantity fodocen

The World Health Organization, relying on the results of multicenter studies, has developed recommendations how to drink folic acid during pregnancy. According to international statistics, it is necessary to consume 400 μg of pealglutamic acid per day to prevent the occurrence of nervous tube defects in the fetus. And women who have already had a child with some changes in the nervous system should take even greater doses of this vitamin.

A few months before conception. And also in the first months of pregnancy, an increased dose of vitamin VITAMIN is prescribed - at least 800 μg (0.8 mg) at 24 hours.

From the second trimester of pregnancy. The amount of vitamin depends on the general state of the woman and the peculiarities of pregnancy. The range of destinations can vary from 400 μg to 5 mg at 24 hours.

The individual dosage of folic acid during pregnancy is determined by the gynecologist. The doctor will be able to answer the question of how much it is necessary to drink folic acid during pregnancy, and to what month to take it only taking into account the history and characteristics of the woman's lifestyle in the position. In addition, the appointment of vitamin may chase the goal of both prevention and treatment. For example, a dose of 5 mg is appointed by a doctor with serious folacen insufficiency. The course of treatment in this case lasts three to four weeks.

Already on the basis of assignments, it will be possible to calculate how many pills per day 1 mg need to be used in each case. The individual dose of vitamin is preferably to drink at the same time of the day. It is possible before, and after meals. Tablet do not need to chew. Squeeze with a small amount of water. For better absorption, the acid drink with B12 and ascorbing.

The occurrence of the body with vitamin Sun does not allow to identify the deficiency of vitamin B12 in time if it is presented. Therefore, with long-term admission of folacine, the doctor's monitoring and observation is required.

Can Sun be too much

Overdose by folic acid during pregnancy is practically no happening, vitamin SU is not harmful. If the vitamin has not spent the day, the surplus is quickly removed from the body. However, the daily border of consumption of this acid is 5 mg. The calculation of the amount of tablets is based on the fact that the dosage of vitamin in one tablet is 1 mg. Thus, the highest daily dose - 5 tablets.

Owning this border leads to such side effects as:

  • intestinal disorder;
  • changes in the work of the kidneys;
  • increased excitability.

When folic acid harms

According to the instructions for the use of folacine contraindicated in cases, if a woman has individual intolerance to the drug. Also, the contraindications are the background diseases such as:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • kidney disease;
  • anemia due to lack of B12.

Now it becomes clear why folic acid during pregnancy, along with all the recommendations, is necessarily appointed by gynecologists. All 9 months of pregnancy folic acid is needed, because at this time the psychological and physiological health of the baby is laid.


Folic acid is one of the first drugs that are prescribed to all women who learned about their pregnancy. Sometimes gynecologists advise to take folic acid at the stage of pregnancy planning.

In this article, we will analyze the need to prescribe folic acid to pregnant, destination, permissible doses of the drug and the duration of reception.

Why is folic acid so necessary for pregnant?

Folic acid belongs to the Vitamins of Group B. This is a water-soluble vitamin B 9. In the human body, it is able to synthesize the microflora of the large intestine.

But it is synthesized in the intestines in small quantities. This amount is absolutely not enough to cover the daily need in it.

Where to take the missing amount of folic acid? From food. But even with a diverse and proper nutrition, a person often displaces the daily rate of folic acid.

With thermal processing of the product or as a result of a long exposure to sunlight on it, vitamin in 9 is destroyed.

Therefore, during pregnancy in the body, women inevitably arises a deficiency of folic acid. In this regard, even the enemy opponents of drug intake during pregnancy do not neglect the reception of folic acid.

It is especially important to replenish this deficiency in the early periods - during the actual growth of the fetus, bookmarks of all its bodies and systems. It was in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy folic acid should enter the body of a woman in large quantities.

Vitamin B 9 is involved in cell division. Without the normal process of dividing cells, organogenesis (laying of organs and systems of the body) is impossible.

Also, folic acid is necessary for blood formation, the formation of blood cells (erythrocytes, platelets, leukocytes). And this is also very important not only for the body of the fetus, but also for the parent organism. After all, pregnancy anemia is a fairly frequent problem.

The deficiency of this vitamin can lead to the defects of the fetal development (defects of the spinal column, anomalies of the development of the maxillofacial region of the child and others).

The role of folic acid in the laying and formation of the nervous tube is very important - the fetus of the future nervous system of the fetus is very important.

Therefore, among the pathologies of fetal development under the conditions of folic acid deficiency, the deficiencies of the nervous system are possible. For example, various brain development disorders can lead to the intrauterine death of the fetus, identifying or the birth of a sick child.

Folic acid plays an important role in the synthesis of amino acids and nucleotides.

Amino acids are built by the proteins of the child's body.

DNA is built from nucleotides - carrier of the organism genetic information. Therefore, with a normal concentration of folic acid, the structure of DNA molecules is formed without damage and mutations.

If folic acid is not enough in the body of a pregnant woman, the toxic substance is beginning to accumulate over time - homocysteine. It is able to damage the walls of the vessels, which during pregnancy can lead to sad consequences.

Damage to the vascular wall is fraught with a premature detachment of the placenta, which can lead to premature gods.

Also an elevated level of homocysteine \u200b\u200bmay contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Vitamin B 9 takes part in the formation of the placenta and its vessels. Therefore, it can lead to uterine-placental insufficiency.

With foliage deficiency, the maternal organism also suffers. The lack of vitamin provokes the development of anemia, toxicosis, depression.

Why do you need folic acid at the stage of pregnancy planning?

Folic acid affects the structure of cell division, especially the cells of the nervous system of the fetus. The baby's nervous tube begins to form on the 16th day after conception. This is the period when most moms do not yet know about conception.

Therefore, in many countries of the world, gynecologists recommend taking folic acid to women in advance, that is, at the stage of pregnancy planning.

It is considered optimal if the future motley before conception will take folic acid at least 3 months.

In case the woman did not take folic acid before pregnancy, and he learned about his position, for example, on the 6-7 week of pregnancy, you still need to start taking folic acid. Since during the entire first trimester, the fetal nerve tube undergoes further differentiation.

The prophylactic dose of folic acid at the stage of pregnancy planning and during the first trimester is 400 μg per day. Differently - 0.4 mg.

Only a special group of future moms (women from the risk group) prescribe large doses of folic acid - 800-1000 μg per day.

The risk group for the birth of a child with congenital anomalies includes women who:

  • an introduction was a pregnancy ending between the birth of a child with the pathology of the nervous system or other defects of development, fetal death;
  • there are cases of hereditary diseases in the family (even among family members of the distant degree of kinship);
  • there are severe diseases - diabetes, megaloblastic anemia, epilepsy, metabolic diseases, ulcerative disease, celiac disease, autoimmune diseases, expressed toxicosis.

With the above-listed diseases, the processes of suction and splitting of folic acid are disrupted.

As well as drugs used in case of diseases (anticonvulsant drugs, antacids, cytostatics, etc.), the absorption of folic acid worsen.

A doctor who is watching a pregnant woman from a risk group can itself regulate the dose of folic acid based on the results of the survey. In some cases, there may be an increase in dose to 2-3 mg of folic acid per day.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the majority of folic acid preparations contain 1 mg of substances in one tablet. Therefore, if you do not enter the risk group, the tablet will have to share. Or you need to choose a drug that would contain a dose that is suitable for you.

Tablets should be taken inside after meals. It is also permissible to take folic acid while eating, if a woman feels nausea after taking a tablet after eating.

How not to overdose the drug?

Many women are afraid of high doses of the drug and believe that when taking 1000 μg (1 mg) of folic acid, an overdose may occur.

In fact, there is no reason for concern. It is difficult to overdose folic acid. This is a water-soluble vitamin, the surplus of which the body easily displays.

Nevertheless, it is not necessary to get involved. The continuous reception of high doses of the drug can lead to disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, the appearance of a metal lift in the mouth, a breakdown of sleep, irritability, anemia (as it leads to a deficiency of vitamin C 12).

To date, among doctors there are two opinions about the duration of folic acid reception during pregnancy.

Some believe that it is enough to take it during the first three months. And in the future, a pregnant woman is recommended to take vitamin complexes with a folic acid content and eat well.

Others recommend to take folic acid throughout the pregnancy and continue the reception during breastfeeding. It is explained by the fact that during the entire pregnancy and the lactation period the need for folic acid increases.

At the same time, on time, the not eliminated shortage of vitamin in the parent organism will lead to its lack of a baby in the body, since in breast milk vitamin B 9 will also be insufficient.

What to do you? Trust your doctor and his opinion. Do not trust a doctor? Change it on this to which you can trust.

Folic acid received its name from the Latin word "Folium" - leaf. Because folic acid was first obtained from leaf greenery.

The main sources of folic acid are green plants. This is spinach, blacks, parsley, salad, beans, lentils, beans, leeks, asparagus, brussels, broccoli, green peas, avocado.

A significant amount of vitamin B 9 is contained in whole grain flour (with bran), croups with a crude grain shell, yeast.

Folic acid is present in the liver, meat, fish, solid cheese, but the thermal processing of such products reduces its number at times.

Vegetables and greens are better to eat in the raw form or cook for a pair to preserve the folic acid to maximize them.

If you infirmly use the above products, then, of course, you should use folic acid additionally in tablets or take vitamin and mineral complexes.

The use of a large amount of tea negatively affects the absorption of folic acid. Moreover, tea accelerates its elimination from the body.

In the pharmaceutical market there are monopreparations containing only folic acid, and preparations with a combined composition.

Conventional folic acid tablets (monopreparation) are produced in a dosage of 400 μg, 500 μg, 1000 μg (depending on the manufacturer of the drug). Most often it is a dosage of 1000 μg.

Foliber is a drug containing folic acid (400 μg) and vitamin B 12 (cyanocobalamin - 2 μg). Assigned to prevent heart diseases, anemia. It can be assigned to pregnant women in the first trimester or planning pregnancy.

With caution, the drug should be used in patients with impaired glucose or galactose absorption, galactosemia or lactase deficiency, since the drug contains 23 mg of lactose in 1 tablet. Accepted one tablet once a day.

Folio. The preparation includes 400 μg of folic acid and 200 μg of iodine. This drug directly contains two important elements for a pregnant woman in a preventive dose.

The folio according to the instructions should be taken once a day, preferably during meals, one tablet. For diseases of the thyroid gland before receiving the drug, you need to adjust the dose of the drugs already used (due to iodine contained in tablets).

Doppelgers Active Folic Acid is a vitamin complex. Contains folic acid - 600 μg, vitamin C - 300 mg, 6 to 6 μg, in 12 - 5 μg, e - 36 mg.

A drug is prescribed for the prevention of heart disease, brainwater disorders, in gynecological diseases. Suitable for the prevention of hypovitaminosis during pregnancy and during lactation. Assigns 1 tablet once a day during meals.

Folic acid with 6 and in 12 (Evalar). The drug contains: Folic acid - 600 μg, vitamin at 12 - 5 μg, vitamin B 6 - 6 mg. This is a biologically active additive for food.

Indications for use are the same as those of the above preparations. The recommended course of treatment is 4-6 weeks. Accepted 1 tablet once a day, preferably during the first meal.

Polyvitamin complexes of type Elevit Prontash, Mantna, Vitruum Prenatal, etc. It is often prescribed to pregnant women with iron deficiency, deficiency of folic acid and other vitamins when carrying a child and breastfeeding.

Important: Not a long time to take calcium-containing vitamin complexes to women with excessive calcium content in the blood.

Folic acid "9 months" and mamifol contain 400 μg of folic acid. Assigned to prevent folic acid failure in women of childbearing age at the pregnancy planning stages (1-3 months) and to prevent the development of nervous tube defects in the fetus. Accepted 1 tablet per day.

For the treatment of a pressed folic acid deficiency, a folacine or apothilic is used. Preparations contain 5 mg of folic acid in one tablet.

There are still iron preparations that additionally contain folic acid. This is Malto, Hemiferon, Zinc Feneuls.

These drugs are used mainly with a deficiency of iron, folio-deficient and iron deficiency anemia. For the prevention of lack of folic acid during pregnancy, they are not quite suitable, as they contain a dose of folic acid below the prophylactic - 300 μg.

Folic acid preparations are sold without prescription and always remain available at a price. However, a woman should not independently decide on the reception and dosage of folic acid during pregnancy.

Always clarify the necessary dosage, the duration of reception, the conditions of receiving the drug and the combination of medication with other medications you received. Including with vitamins.

Vitamins are also medicines, chemicals that in imperative circulation can in combination with other substances in your body give such a chemical reaction that will bring irreparable harm to your body and the body of your child.

Be prudent and careful when applying medications. Health to you and your children!

Folic acid or vitamin B9 is the most important component for the normal functioning of the body. It participates in almost all processes, so the deficit becomes noticeable immediately.

During pregnancy, folic acid requires significantly increase, so women prescribe it in the form of tablets. But recently disputes began between doctors about the dangers of substances on the body and the feasibility of its reception during the planning period and tooling the baby. What is folic acid?

Composition and features of folic acid

Folic acid is synthetic vitamin capable of dissolving in water. Its content in the body provides normal blood supply and increases the level of immunity. But the dose exceeding is also able to cause side effects, so they are prescribed it in specific dosages.

The composition includes active ingredients under the national name of the Flavin. These are polyglutamates involved in the exchange of substances and the formation of nucleic acids.

For people in the usual position, it is enough that the amount of folic acid, which they get from food. However, during pregnancy, the needs of the body are increasing several times, so additional drug intake is necessary.

Folic acid benefits for pregnant women

Today, the folic acid takes 80% of women in the position. Specialists recommend starting a course in the period of the child planning, which significantly reduces the risks of diseases.

Vitamin B9 is very active, he takes part in hemoglobin synthesis and increases immunity, speeds up the growth process of new cells and tissues.

The benefit of this product is difficult to exaggerate, it affects as follows:

  • Normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system, strengthens the vessels and the heart muscle;
  • Provides transportation and synthesis of carbohydrates at the cellular level;
  • Improves and speeds up the operation of leukocytes;
  • Improves the work of the nervous system, establishes the process of transferring pulses;
  • Takes part in the formation of the nervous tube of the fetus;
  • Normalizes psycho-emotional state.

For pregnant women, its benefits are maximum, according to statistics, women who actively accepted folic acid throughout the term, much easier to experience pregnancy and childbirth.

For women, Vitamin B9 is very important, it significantly reduces the risks:

  • Premature births;
  • Miscarriage and frozen pregnancy;
  • Mental retardation of the baby;
  • Congenital pathological defects.

Can foliage acid bring harm?

On this occasion, there are no disputes for several years and there is no definite answer. But scientists concluded that harm could be applied to a woman's health or future child if a systematically exceed dose.

Thus, the elevated level of folic acid in the body may cause a reverse process. In women, the excitation and braking system is disturbed, instability of an emotional state may be observed.

Kids increase the risk of disease in the future of respiratory type diseases. In some cases, doctors indicate the risk of an asthmatic disease. But it rarely happens and only as a result of overdose.

Indications for reception

Folic acid deficiency is dramatically displayed on the physical and emotional patient's health. Therefore, in some cases, it is necessary to take vitamin on clinical symptoms.

The deficit signals a different symptoms:

  • Nervous disorders: neurosis, scattered, feeling of fear and danger, depression;
  • Memory problems;
  • Acute form of anemia;
  • Growth in growth;
  • The language becomes bright red, the process of inflammation begins on the oral mucosa;
  • Frequent disorders of digestion.

Especially acute for lack of folic acid react pregnant women. There are problems with the development of the fetus, lagging in growth and development. Increases the risk of miscarriage. Women themselves feel bad, they are restless. To avoid such a scenario, gynecologists recommend receiving folic acid, but in the correct dosage.


An ordinary person needs about 250 μg per day, but during pregnancy the need increases, so a woman needs to be consumed from 400 to 800 μg.

The dosage is determined by the doctor. The greatest amount should be taken in the first months of pregnancy, about 3 tablets per day. After 12 weeks and before childbirth, the reception can be reduced to 1 tablet per day.

If, during pregnancy, the woman is forced to take antibiotics and other substances that reduce the level of immunity, then the dosage can be enhanced, but only with the permission of the attending physician.


Despite the fact that folic acid is considered very useful and necessary vitamin, it is not possible to take it away. Contraindications include the following states:

  • Vitamin C 12;
  • Exceeding blood glucose levels;
  • Deficiency of isomaltase;
  • Acute fructose intolerance;
  • Age limits up to 3 years;
  • Individual intolerance to the components.

With great care, prescribe pregnant women with pyelonephritis and elevated allergic sensitivity. Although folic acid is an absolutely non-toxic substance, but it is not worth it for a long time.

Adverse reactions are extremely rare, it may be manifestations of headaches, nausea, minor abdominal pain.

Where to take folic acid?

Women in position prescribe vitamin in the form of tablets. This may be the eponymous drug or more modern means of type "Folio", "Elevit", "Mantna". They are released without a recipe in all pharmacies.

  • greens (Parsley, Salad, Spinach, Dill, Brussels Cabbage);
  • beef liver;
  • flour with bran;
  • cod liver;
  • bean cultures and peas;
  • peanuts, hazelnuts and walnuts;
  • pumpkin, melon and citrus.

When taking food, an overdose is not possible, so this method of prevention is more reliable.

Folic acid preparations are recommended to use all women who are in an interesting position or those who are planning pregnancy. Often, it is not possible to get the right amount of vitamins and minerals from food products, so specialists appoint vitamin medicines as its additional source.

Vitamin B9 is an indispensable for the health of a pregnant woman, it is important for the fetus. Folic acid is actively involved in the formation of the nervous tube of the embryo.

It is necessary for the placenta, its proper work, the lack of this vitamin may cause placental insufficiency, which is fraught with premature genus or interruption of pregnancy.

Vitamin B9 helps to fight anemia, which is often found in future mothers. The presence of folic acid in the body reduces the risk of miscarriage and premature birth.

Folic acid participates in the process of blood formation, contributes to the normal formation of white blood cells. Contributes to the absorption of iron but reduces the concentration of vitamin B12, so with it often appoints and cyanocobalamin.

Folic acid participates in the process of cell division. This process accompanies all the development and growth of the embryo.

In the absence of folic acid or insufficiency of it in large quantities, such ailments are developing in a child:

  • hydrocephalus;
  • delay in the development of cerebral activity;
  • muscle Delay;
  • defects of any kind, etc.


Specialists are recommended to use folic acid during pregnancy planning, it should be started in 1-2 months. But if pregnancy was not planned, then take Vitamin B9 should be immediately as soon as a woman learns about his position.. The importance of taking vitamins in the initial period is due to the formation of the embryo.

How much to drink folic acid during pregnancy in different trimesters, how to take it correctly and at what time of day?

Instructions for use in the first trimester

The first weeks of pregnancy include the origin and development of the fetus. The process is very important, since almost all the pregnancy and the state of the fetus depends on it.

During this period, it is necessary to make sure that the body receives a sufficient amount of all vitamins and minerals.

This is especially true of folic acid, which is often called "female" vitamin.

Food is assisted only part, therefore, phaitric preparations of folic acid should be taken.

Often it enters the vitamin and mineral complexes, but it is better to take everything in its pure form, without other vitamins.

Doses of folic acid during pregnancy are different, in the first period you need to take 400 μg twice a day (in the morning and evening).

Take vitamins should be at the same time before meals. It is necessary to drink with clean non-carbonated water. Try not to drink vitamins of tea, coffee or packaged juices.

In the second trimester

In the second trimester, use vitamins and minerals as important as at the beginning of pregnancy.

During this period, the active growth of the baby begins, all organs develop, the nervous system is formed, the child's immunity.

In order for all the processes to pass a right future mom, it is necessary to use enough vitamin B9.

In the second trimester, the dose of folic acid increases to 600 μg per day.

Take vitamins 2-3 times a day(Depends on the dosage).

Application on the third trimester

The last trimester seems like a future mother is not so difficult, there is toxicosis, it is already doing to get used to its state, but it is not worth relaxing.

On the last trimester, Vitamin B9 and other vitamins are important not only to the child, but also mom.

Therefore, in the last weeks of pregnancy, the norm of folic acid is doubled from the initial (800 μg per day).

Take vitamins 2-3 times a day (depends on the dosage of tablets).

Factors in which increase dose

  1. If there are reasons because of which the excitation of acid from the body is accelerated.
  2. If ultrasound shows a high risk of developing any fetal defects.
  3. Any diseases or vices from parents who are transmitted genetically.
  4. Diseases of the stomach, intestines or urinary tract (folic acid is weakly absorbed or quickly displayed).
  5. permanent vomiting in pregnant women also contributes to the removal of vitamin B9 from the body.


Most women are afraid when they hear about the desired amount of folic acid reception, but there is no nervous and worry. Pregnant women have a high need for vitamin B9. Overdose cases are not fixed.

In order for the body to be an excess of this vitamin, the recommended doses should be increased by 20-30 times, which is almost impossible. The extra amounts of acid are removed by the body alone.

Facts about Vitamin B9, who should know every woman

  1. During pregnancy, the body dismisses vitamin B9 faster.
  2. Tea and coffee accelerate the process of acid loss.
  3. When using some drugs, the acid is displayed faster. Specify the compatibility of B9 with the prepared preparations at the attending physician.
  4. Allergic reactions are possible, after all, this is a medical preparation.
  5. To obtain the maximum amount of folic acid from food, you need to consume fresh, thermally untreated vegetables and fruits.

What do you need to future mothers in the early stages? Love, care and suitable complex.

For the development of the embryo bones, it is necessary to take enough vitamin D. in which products it is much -