Individual work on the FMP average group. An abstract of classes in mathematics in the middle group: "Tasks from fixing

FAMP planning for the middle group

for February a month

1 Week

Morning reception


Free activities of children


The game


Purpose: Exercise children in the order of the account.

Didactic game

"Posy to the beetle on the flower!"

Purpose:Fastening in children accounts, knowledge of geometric shapes and colors.


Subject: Comparison of items in height.

Purpose: Learn to compare items in height, set equality between two groups of objects, distinguish between a quantitative and sequence account,

Didactic game

"What are we"

Purpose: Exercise children in comparing the object in height.


Individual work

(With Ulyana and Maxim)

"Snow lumps"

Purpose: Fixing

quantitative and sequence. Exercise in the orientation in space: on the left, right, at the top below

Didactic game

« Mathematical kingdom»

Purpose:securing the account to 5 and in reverse order, knowledge of geometric shapes, knowledge of the position of objects.


Didactic game"Multicolored figures"

Purpose: Consolidate the names of geometric shapes; learn to find objects of the named form; Fixing color; Learn to compare items in length and reflect the result of comparison. Develop logical thinking, imagination. Relieve the desire to bring the work started to the end.

Individual work

(with Ivan, Egor, Sasha)

"When it happens"

Purpose: Consolidate the ideas about the time of day, learn correctly, to use the words "today", "Tomorrow", "Yesterday";


Didactic game

"Who has a tail longer"

Purpose:fixing compare items of different sizes in length and width

2 weeks

Morning reception


Free activities of children


Didactic game

"Cheerful drum"

Purpose:Consolidate account up to 5,


Subject: Comparison of items in size.

Purpose: Continue to learn to compare items in magnitude, reflect the result of comparison.

Didactic game

"Who is more likely to meet"

Purpose: Learn to compare items in magnitude, folding them in a certain sequence - from the largest to the smallest


Didactic game"Continue chain"

Purpose:Remember and consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes (square, circle, triangle, oval, rectangle) and colors.


Individual work

(with Kirill and Natasha)

"Cheerful Ball"

Purpose: Continue to develop skills to navigate in space, correctly determining the direction.

Mathematical Corner Games

"Pyramid", "Lotto", "Color Carousel", etc.


N / game

"Cheerful Circle"

Purpose: Consolidation of the concept of "patient-small"; Ability to navigate in space.

3 weeks

Morning reception


Free activities of children


Didactic game


Purpose: Mastering the ability to highlight various forms.


Subject: Orientation in time.

Purpose: Consolidate the ideas about the time of day, to teach properly use the words "today", "tomorrow", "yesterday"; Develop logical thinking, memory, imagination. Employed.


Didactic game "Compare the subject"Purpose: Fix compare two groups of objects by overlaying and applications, find the same, be able to navigate in space. Develop attention, thinking.

N / game

"Fast steam locomotive"

Purpose: Consolidation of a sequence account; Discern items in magnitude.


Didactic game

"Wonderful bag"

Purpose:exercise children in the account with the help of various analyzers, consolidation of ideas, about quantitative relations between numbers


Didactic game

"Make a subject"

Purpose: Exercise in the preparation of the silhouette of the subject from individual parts (geometric shapes)

4 weeks

Morning reception


Free activities of children


Didactic game

"Stop Arrow"

Purpose: consolidation of presentations about quantitative relations between numbers

Mathematical Corner Games

"Magic box", "Store", "Color Tracks", etc.


Subject: Measuring items.

Purpose: Teach to compare 2 subjects with the help of conditional measurement to develop attention, memory, thinking, shallow motor. Employed.


N / game

"We will gather everything in the circle"

Purpose:Consolidation of the account up to 5; fixing the representation of "more-simile"

Didactic game

"We collect beads"

Purpose: Forming the ability to group geometric shapes for two properties (color and form; value and color),


Individual work

(with Violet and Anna)

"Our day"

Purpose: secure the idea of \u200b\u200bparts of the day, learn how to use the layer "Morning", "Day", "Evening", "Night"


Didactic game

"Decorate the rug"

Purpose: To generate the ability to group items on specified features, determine the number of objects.

Alena Podgorny (Slyusarenko)

A summary of the FMP classes in the middle group "Number and invoice. The value".

Purpose:- to strengthen the idea that the result of the account does not depend on the value of the items;

Learn to compare three objects in height, lay them in a decreasing and increasing sequence;

Exercise in the ability to find the same toys in color or magnitude.

Material:table, 4 dolls, large and small plates, workbooks on mathematics.

Travel course:

The educator offers children to cover the table for tea drinking, putting large and small plates into a row.

Children find out how many small (four) and how many large plates (three).

The educator proposes to compare the number of large and small plates. Asks: "What number is more: four or three? What number is less than three or less? On each big plate, put a small plate. How to make big and small plates become equal?"

the tutor discusses the methods of equalizing the number of objects with children. Children equalize the number of plates and clarify how many large and small plates now.

Work in notebooks.

Children need to pick up for each nesting the subject of the desired value (sundress, apron, bucket, connecting the line with a suitable subject.

Game "Build Guys for Growth."

The educator causes three children of different growth. The rest of the children help him build guys in growth.

For music, children move through the group, at the end of the melody they stop in different places of the group and are built by growth in ascending order.

The exercise is repeated again with the participation of other children.

Thanks for attention!

Publications on the topic:

Open exercise on the FMP in the middle group of hearing-haired children "Quantity and account. The form" KGBS (K) OU "OUZSKAYA C (K) ON SCHOOL-SCHOOL OF THE TIME." Open occupation in the middle group. on the formation of elementary.

A summary of the FMP classes in the preparatory group "Number and score. Account within 10 "Objective: to educate in children a persistent interest in.

Abstract Node in mathematics in the preparatory group "Number and score. Account within 20 " Abstract Node in mathematics in the preparatory group "Number and score. Account within 20 "Tutor Komarova Natalya Anatolyevna. G.

An abstract of open classes on FMP using ICT in the middle group "Account to four, familiarity with the number 4" GBOU SOSH No. 1056 Preschool Office No. 2 Abstract Open Cognitive Development Claim in the Medium Group "Account to Four,.

Abstract FMP classes in the preparatory group "Order and quantitative account" An abstract classes on the formation of elementary mathematical ideas in the preparatory group theme: "The order and quantitative.

Purpose: I exercise in the score of sounds on rumor within 5. Clarify the ideas about the meaning of words far away. Teach to compare three items.

A summary of the FAMP classes in the senior group. The game "Easy account in verse" Purpose. The game exercises children in direct and countdown to 10 and fixes the knowledge of the composition of numbers within 10. The game is developing a child,.

Didactic games in mathematics (Card Self)

2 younger group

"Number and score"
1. Didactic game "Guess who for whom"
Objective: To form in children an idea of \u200b\u200bthe obstacle of some objects by others. Clarify the idea that large items obscure smaller, and smaller do not obscure large; consolidate the words "more", "less", "before"; To acquaint with the word "obscure".

Content. 1st option. Toys stand on the table at the teacher. He asks to see what is on the table, and close your eyes. Takes two toys, retaining them a little to the side and gets up so that he flashes them out. Children open their eyes and discover that there are no two toys. "I did not move away from the table. Where are toys? " - says teacher. If someone from the guys guess, the teacher says in surprise: "Oh, I got up and deposited them." If the children do not find, then looking for himself and, finding missing toys, explains the reason for their disappearance. After this teacher removes the toys and invites you to the table two children: one high, large, the other is small. Children again are convinced in the principle of obstacle, when a little arises behind the back of the big. The results of the game the teacher discusses with children, why Tanya is not visible for the king, and Kolya for Tanya can be seen: "The larger overshadows the smaller, and the smaller one cannot obstruct the larger." .2 There is a game "in hide and seek". One child hides, and the rest of the children under the guidance of the teacher are looking for it, consistently examining the furniture in the room.
2. Didactic game "Build at home"
Purpose: to teach visually correlate the value of the items and check your choice by overlay; develop attention; Fix the words that determine the relativity of the magnitudes "more", "less", "the same".
1st option. Three cardboard houses of different variables with slots for doors and windows, without roofs; Cardboard windows, doors, the roofs of three values \u200b\u200bcorresponding to the size of the houses. 2nd option. Little cardboard houses without roofs with slots for windows and doors, elements to them (roofs, doors, windows) for each child.
Content. The teacher inserts large images of three houses into a set of cloth, having them in random order, and not in a row. On the table folds the elements of houses (roofs, windows, doors). Then tells the children that they will be builders will complete houses that must be neat, even; All items should be selected so that they come to the desired parts. Children hide and in turn "completing" at home. Sitting at the table take part in the assessment of each stage of the work. At the end of the teacher summarizes: "We put a smaller doors to the biggest house, the roof is smaller, the windows are smaller. And in the smallest house the smallest windows, the smallest door, the smallest roof. "
3. The game "Assistant"
Purpose: Development of shallow and general motility, coordination of movements, dexterity. Put hardworking. Equipment: Capacity with fillers, Sockeys, fillers.
Content: The educator offers a child to shift the contents from one captioning other. Equipment: Capacity with fillers, Sockeys, fillers.
4. Didactic game. "Raspberry for bear"
Purpose: To form in children the presentation of equality based on the comparison of two groups of objects, to activate the words in the speech: "So much - how much, equally", "equally".
Content. The teacher says: - Guys, the bear worker loves Malina, he gathered a whole basket in the forest to treat his friends. Look at how much the bear came! Let's put them on the right hand from left to right. And now we treat their raspberries. It is necessary to take so much raspberry berries to have enough for the bearings. Tell me how much cubs? (lot). And now you need to take as many berries. Let's treat berries with berries. Each bear must be given on one berry. How much have you brought berries? (Many) How many cubs do we have? (Many) How else can I say? That's right, their equally, equally; The berries as much as the cubs, and there are so many berries as berries.
Geometric shape
1. Didactic game "Pick up the figure"
Purpose: consolidate the presentation of children about geometric forms, exercise in their name.
Equipment. Demonstration: Circle, Square, Triangle, Carved from Cardboard, Cards with contours 3 geometric lotto.
Content. The admutor shows the children's figures, goes every finger gives task to children: "You have cards on the tables, on which the figures of different shapes are drawn, and the same figures on the tray. Spread all the figures on the cards so that they hide. " Asks children to circle every figure lying on a tray, and then imposes ("hiding") it on the drawn figure.
2. Didactic game "Make an object"
Purpose: exercise in the preparation of the silhouette of the subject of individual parts (geometric shapes).
Equipment. On the table at the teacher, large toys: a house, a nevosha, a snowman, a Christmas tree, a cargo car. On the floor sets of different geometric shapes.
Content. The educator proposes to call toys standing on his table, and make any of them using a set of geometric shapes. Encourages and stimulates the actions of children. Asks: "What was? What geometric figures? ". Children view the resulting silhouettes of toys, recall the corresponding poems, riddles. Perhaps the combination of compiled silhouettes into a single story: "House in the forest", "Winter Walk", "Street"
3. Didactic game "Find out and remember"
Purpose: Teach children remember perceived, to make a choice on the presentation.
Equipment. Cards with the image of three monochrome geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle; circle, oval, square.), Set of small cards with an image of one form for finding on large cards.
Content. The child is a card with a picture of 3 forms. The teacher asks to look at it and remember what forms are drawn there. Then she distributes paper sheets and asks to close their cards. After that shows a small card. puts on the desk the image down, mentally counts up to 15, asks for children to remove the paper and show on their cards the same shape that it demonstrated. To test the teacher reiterates the sample card again. The following two cards (6 forms) are given to children, then three cards (6 forms).
4. Didactic game "Mailbox"
Objective: Learn to see the form in the subject, relate the shape of the slits and tabs, to make a whole of different geometric shapes and their parts, selecting the samples you need and test.
Equipment. Boards with slots for laying out forms, the same in color, but different configurations, depicting the ball, balloon (of two semi-s), two-storey house (of two rectangles); Figures (two semicircles of different colors, two seeds the same color, two rectangles).
Content. Before the child put boards and figures in the afternoon. The teacher offers the kid to make all the pictures, and then say what image it turned out.
5. Didactic game "Looking for and find"
Purpose: learning to find in the room the items of different shapes according to the title; Develop attention and memorization.
Content. The teacher decides in advance in different places of the group room toys of different shapes and says: "We will look for objects of a round form. All that is round in our room, find and bring me on the table. " Children diverge, the teacher assists those who find it difficult. Children bring items, put them on the table of the teacher, sit down to sites. The teacher examines the subjects with them, evaluates the result of the task. The game is repeated, children are looking for objects of another form.
1. Didactic game "Three Square"
Objective: To teach children to relate three subjects in magnitude and designate their relationship with words: "Big", small, "" middle ", the biggest", "smallest".
Equipment. Three squares of different values, flannelph; In children 3 squares, flannelph.
Content. The consipient: children, I have 3 squares, here such (shows). This largest, this one is smaller, and this smallest (shows each of them). And now you show the biggest squares (children raise and show), put. Now lift the average. Now - the smallest. The educator offers children to build from the squares of the tower. Shows how it is done, it places on the flannelhephogee below the large first, then medium, then a small square. "Make you such a tower on your flanneluga, says the tutor.
2. Didactic game "Wide - narrow"
Purpose: to form a "wide - narrow" view.
Content. Turning is carried out in a similar way, but now children learn to distinguish between the width of objects, i.e., wide and narrow ribbons of the same length. When creating a gaming situation, you can use the following game reception. Two cardboard strips are laid on the table - wide and narrow (equal length). On a wide strip (track), a doll and a bear can pass, and in narrow - only one of them. Or you can play a plot with two cars
3. Didactic game "Three Bear"
Purpose: Exercise in comparison and streamlining items in size.
Equipment. At the teacher, the silhouettes of three bears, children have three sizes toy kits: tables, chairs, beds, cups, spoons.
Content. The teacher distributes to children on a set of objects of one type: three spoons of different sizes, three stools and tells ":" There were three bears. What were their name? (Children call). Who is it? (What is the silhouette of Mikhail Ivanovich). What's the Silhouette ? And who is? (Nastasya Petrovna). She is more or less than Mikhail Ivanovich? And what is Mishutka? (Small). Let's arrange every bear room. Here the biggest bear will live here, Mikhail Ivanovich. Who of you have a bed, chair. For Mikhail Ivanovich? (Children put items near the bear in the event of Mikhail Ivanovich's mistake says: "No, this bed is not mine"). There are a bed, a chair. For Mishutki? (Children arrange to him). And these items for whom they remained ? (For Nastasya Petrovna). What are they in size? (Less than for Mikhail Ivanovich, but more than for Mishutka). Let's take them to Nastasya Petrovna. They staged their housing and went to the woods to walk. Who goes ahead? Who is for him? Who is the last? (The educator helps children remember the corresponding Fragments of fairy tales).
4. Didactic game "Hedgehog"
Purpose: to teach correlate items largest, allocate the value as a significant feature determining the action; Fasten the meaning of the words "big", "small", "more", "less", introduce them to the active dictionary of children.
Equipment. Cardboard stencils with an image of heroes, umbrellas of four quantities.
Content. The teacher says that now he will tell a fairy tale about hedgehogs: "The family lived in the forest: Dad, Mom and Two Epud. Here once the hedgehog went to walk, and went out in the field. There was neither a house nor a tree (invited children to find on the trays of the art figurines and put them in front of them. Suitable for each and has figurines in a row largest). Suddenly dad herself said: "Look, what a big cloud. Now it will rain. " "Run into the forest," Hedgehog's mother suggested. - I hide under the Christmas tree. " But then it went raining, and the hedgehog did not have time to hide. You guys have umbrellas. Help the hedgehog, give them umbrellas. Just look carefully to whom which umbrella is suitable. (Watching children use the principle of comparison of items in size). "Well done, now all the hedgehog hid under umbrellas. And they thank you. " The teacher asks anyone why he gave one umbrella to the dad-hedge, and the other - Mama-Ezhik; The next child - why small umbrellas gave small hedge. Children answer, and the teacher helps them correctly formulate the answer.
Oriented in space
1. The game "Right as the left"
Purpose: Mastering the skills to navigate on a sheet of paper.
Content. Matryoshki was very in a hurry and forgot to try their drawings. It is necessary to draw them so that one half looks like another. Children draw, and an adult says: "Point, point, two hook, minus comma - Funny face came out. And if the bow and skull-little man is that girl. And if the absentee and pants, the little man is the boy. " Children consider drawings. "
2. Didactic game "Decorate the shawl"
Purpose: to learn to compare two equal and unequal groups of objects, exercise in orientation on the plane.
Equipment: "Shawls" (big - for the educator, small - for children), a set of leaves of two colors (for each child).
Content. The teacher offers to decorate the scarves with leaves. Asks how to do this (each child performs the task yourself). Then says: "Let's now decorate the handkerchief in a different way, everything is equally. I will decorate my handkerchief, and you are small. Upper edge decorate yellow leaves, like this. (Shows). Put as many leaves as I. With the right hand, spread them in a row from left to right. And green leaves decorate the bottom edge of the handker. Take the same green leaves as yellow. Add another yellow leaf and put it on the top edge of the handker. What leaves makes more? How to make that they become equal? \u200b\u200b"After checking the works and their assessment, the educator offers to decorate the left and right side of the handker with the leaves of different color. Put on the right side of the scarf as many leaves as the left. (Shows). In conclusion, children decorate all sides of the header in their own way and tell about it.
3. Didactic game "Hiding and finding"
Purpose: Learn to navigate in the space of the room, consistently examine it; develop attention and memorization; Learning to allocate from the surrounding items in sight.
Equipment. Different toys.
Content.1th option. The teacher shows the children a bright, colorful toy. He says that they will hide her now, and then will look. Together with the children, bypassing the room, considering and discussing everything that is standing there: "Here is the table, followed by you watch books. But the rack with toys. Let's go further. Here is a wardrobe. Here and you can hide our toy on the shelf with books. We will put it on the shelf (the shelf must be open). Now let's go to play. " The teacher conducts a simple moving game, for example, "do as me." After a while he offers to find a toy. Fixes the result: "The toy was on the shelf." In the next time they hide a neuropal toy, and the room is inspected on the other side. When children learn to find a toy located at the level of their eyes, it is hiding first above, and then below the eye level of the child. The toy hides children, and finds her teacher who slowly sequentially examines the room and the items in it. Children must master the search sequence as a way of orienting in space. Coming around the room, the teacher calls the direction in which the items encountered on the way. For example: "Here is a window. I will go from the window to the door. Here is a wardrobe. I'll look upstairs - there is no, I look down - there is no bottom. I will go further "and so on. 3rd option. The toy hides children under the guidance of the teacher, and looking for any of the guys. He goes out the door in advance and does not see how hiding the toy. The teacher offers him to seek, consistently examining the room.
4. Didactic game "Picture"
Purpose: to learn to have items on a sheet of paper (at the top below, on the sides); Develop attention, imitation; Fasten the perception of holistic items and distinguish between them.
Equipment. Large sheet of paper for panels, large appliqué details (sun, land strip, house, boy figurine, tree, tree, bird), sheets of paper, the same elements of the application of small sizes, pickles, gloves, tassels, linen, rags in the number of children.
Content. The teacher says to children that they will make a beautiful picture: it is on a large sheet, fixed on the board, and they are small on their sheets of paper. You only need to look carefully and do everything as teacher makes. Then the teacher distributes the material to appliqué. At first he sticks down the ground strip, upstairs. The teacher does everything slowly by fixing its actions at each moment and giving the opportunity to children to choose each element and correctly arrange it on paper. If necessary, it helps the child to determine the place on the sheet of paper (top, bottom). According to the end of the teacher compares children's work with its own, discussing the spatial location of the items, praises them, causing a positive attitude to the results of the work. Then briefly describes the content of the resulting image, fastening the spatial location of the items: "The boy went out. I looked at the bottom, at the top - the sky. In the sky sun. Below, on earth, house and tree. The boy stands near the house on the one hand, and the tree - on the other side. A bird sits on the tree. "
Oriented in time
1. Didactic game "Our Day"
Purpose: Secure the idea of \u200b\u200bparts of the day, to teach the words "Morning", "Day", "Evening", "Night".
Equipment. Bi-Ba-bo doll, toy bed, dishes, scallop, etc.; Pictures showing the actions of children at different times of the day.
Content. Children are sitting by a semicircle. The tutor with the help of the doll produces various actions by which children should determine part of the day: the doll rises from bed, dresses, combed (morning), dins (day). The teacher then calls the action, for example: "Doll washed", it offers a child to perform it and call a part of the day corresponding to this action (morning or evening). The teacher reads an excerpt from poems, Petushina: Valya doll wants to sleep. Support her in the bed. I will use her blanket, so that it fell asleep faster. Children laid a doll to sleep and say when it happens. The tutor shows pictures in the time sequence and asks how these actions occur in what part of the day. Then mixes the pictures and, together with children, has them in order to follow the actions of the day. Children lay out their pictures in accordance with the pictures of the teacher.

Medium group

"Number and score"
1. Didactic game. "Right account"
Purpose: help assimilating the procedure for the number of numbers of natural row; Fasten the skills of direct and reverse account.
Content: Children get up in a circle. Before starting, agree, in what order (direct or reverse) will be considered. Then they throw the ball and ride the number. The one who caught the ball continues the bill by moving the ball to the next player
2. Didactic game: "Many, little"
Purpose: help assimilate the concepts of "a lot", "little", "one", "several", "more", "less", "equally".
Content: Ask a child to name single items or objects that are a lot (little). For example: a lot of chairs, one table, a lot of books, few animals. Put in front of a child of different color cards. Let the green cards be 7, and the red -5. Ask what cards are greater than less. Add 2 more red cards. What can I say now?
3. Didactic game: "Guess the number"
Objective: to promote the preparation of children to elementary mathematical actions of addition and subtraction; Help consolidate the skills for determining the previous and subsequent number within the first dozen.
Content: ask, for example, what number is more than three, but less than five; What a number is less than three, but more units, etc. Find, for example, a number within ten and ask the child to guess it. The child calls various numbers, and the teacher says more or less conceived named. Then you can change with the child roles.
4. Didactic game: "Counting Mosaic"
Objective: to acquaint with numbers; Learning to establish a quantity with a number.
Equipment. Accounts.
Content: Together with the child, make figures or letters using counting sticks. Suggest a child next to the number posed the corresponding number of counting sticks.
5dtortic game: "We read and consider"
Purpose: help assimilate the concepts of "a lot", "little", "one", "somewhat", "more", "less", "equally", "so much", "how much"; Ability to compare items in magnitude.
Equipment. Accounting sticks.
Content: reading a book to the child, ask him to postpone so much counting sticks as, for example, was animals in a fairy tale. After they requested how many animals in the fairy tale, ask whom there were more who are smaller, and whom is equally. Compare toys in magnitude: who else is more or a bear? Who is less? Who is the same growth?
Geometric shape.
1. Didactic game: "Pick up in form"
Objective: Teach children to allocate the form of the subject, distracting from other signs.
Equipment. On one large figure of each of five geometric forms, cards with contours of geometric shapes in two figures of each form of two quantities of different colors (a large figure coincides with the contour image on the card).
Content: Children are described in shapes and cards. Educator: "We will now play the game" pick in shape. " To do this, we need to remember the names of different forms. What form is this figure? (Next, this question is repeated with the show of other figures). You must decompose the figures in shape, not paying attention to the color. " Children, incorrectly decomposed the figures, the teacher suggests the contour of the figure, find and fix the error.
2. Didactic game: "Lotto"
Purpose: Mastering the skills to allocate various forms.
Equipment. Cards with the image of geometric shapes.
Content. Children distribute cards on which 3 geometric shapes of different colors and shapes are depicted. Cards are distinguished by the location of geometric shapes, combining them in color. The corresponding geometric shapes are presented for children. The child, on the card of which there is a submitted figure, takes it and imposes on his card so that the figure matches, with drawn. Children say in what order are the figures.
3. Didactic game: "Find your house"
Purpose: Fasten the ability to distinguish and call a circle and square.
Equipment. Circle, square, 2 hoops, circles and squares by the number of children, tambourine.
Content: The tutor puts two two hoops at a large distance from each other. Inside the first hoop, it puts the square carved from the cardboard, inside the second - the circle. These are necessary to divide into two groups: in the hands of the square, and others have a circle. The teacher explains the rules of the game that they are that the guys run around the room And when he hit the tambourine, should find his houses. Those who have a circle run to the hoop, where there is a circle, and those who have a square, to the hoop with a square.
When children scatter in places, the teacher checks what kind of figures in children, whether they chose the house correctly, clarifies how the figures are called and how many of them. In re-holding the game, you need to swap the shapes lying inside the hoop.
4. Didactic game: "Guess"
Purpose: Fasten the ability to distinguish between a circle, square and triangle.
Equipment. ball; Circles, squares, triangles of different colors.
Content: Children become in a circle, in the center of which is the teacher with the ball. He says that now everyone will come up with what the item looks like that will be shown. The teacher shows the yellow circle and puts it to the center. Then he suggested to think and say what this circle is like. He answers the child to whom the educator will roll the ball. Break, caught the ball, says what a circle looks like. For example, on damn, in the sun, on a plate ... Next, the teacher shows a large red circle. Children fantasize: Apple, tomato ... Everything is taking part in the game. For children, the meaning of the game "Guess" is more understandable, show them illustrations. So, red circle - tomato, yellow circle - ball.
1. Didactic game: "Fruit collection"
Objective: to develop the eyes when choosing to sample items of a certain value.
Equipment. Apples Samples (cut from cardboard) three magnitude large, smaller, small; three baskets big, smaller, small; A tree with suspended cardboard apples of the same value as samples (8-10 apples were the same value). The diameter of each apple is smaller than the previous on 0, 5 cm.
Content: The tutor shows a tree with apples, baskets and says that small apples need to be collected in a small basket, and large in big. At the same time, causes three children, everyone gives a sample on the apple and invites them to rip it on the same apple from the tree. If apples are torn correctly, the teacher asks them to put them in the appropriate baskets. Then the task is performed by a new group of children. The game can be repeated several times.
2. Didactic game: "Once, two, three - look!"
Purpose: Teach children to build the image of the object of a given value and use it in the gaming actions.
Equipment. Monochrome pyramids (yellow and green), with the number of rings at least seven. 2-3 pyramids of each color.
Content. Children sit down on high-circle chairs. B. folds on 2-3 tables of pyramid, stirring the rings. Two pyramids put on a small table before children and disassembles one of them. Then causes children and each in them gives one size on a ring and asks to find a couple to his ring. "Look carefully on your rings and try to remember which size they are not to be mistaken. What is your ring, big or small? If a child is hampered with the answer, V. proposed to approach the collected pyramid and attach his ring to the ring of such a magnitude. Then Children suggests to leave their rings on the chairs and go to search for other rings of the same value. It is necessary to search for rings only after all the children say such words "times, two, three-looking!" By choosing a ring, each child returns to the place and puts it on his own sample, which remained at the stool. If the child was mistaken, he was allowed to correct the error, replacing the selected ring on another. For a variety when repetition, you can use as a sample of a pyramid of another color.
3. Didactic game: "Who has the tail longer?"
Purpose: Mastering the ability to compare the objects of contrast size in length and width, use in speech concept: "long", "longer", "wide", "narrow.
Content. Noise behind the door. Beasts appear: elephant, bunny, bear, monkey - Vini-Puha friends. Beasts argue, who has a longer tail. Winnie Pooh offers children to help animals. Children compare the length of the ears of the hare and wolf, the tails of the fox and the bear, the length of the neck of the giraffe and monkey. Each time with V. They determine equality and inequality in length and width, using the corresponding terminology: long, longer, wide, narrow, etc.
4. Didactic game: "Who will rather turn the ribbon"
Purpose: Continue to form a relation to the value as a significant feature, pay attention to the length, acquaint with the words "long", "short".
Content. The educator invites children to learn how to roll tape and shows how to do it, gives everyone to try. Then he suggests playing the game "Who will rather turn the tape." Causes two children, gives one long, to another short ribbon and asks everyone to see who the first will turn his ribbon. Naturally, he wins the tape in short. After that, the teacher lays tapes on the table so that their difference is clearly visible to children, but says nothing. Then children change ribbons. Now wins another child. Children sit down in place, the teacher causes children and offers one of them to choose a ribbon. Asks why he wants this tape. After answering children calls the tapes "short", "long" and summarizes the actions of children: "A short tape is coincided quickly, but a long slower."
Oriented in space
1. Didactic game: "Who where"
Purpose: learning to distinguish between the items in space (ahead, behind, between, in the midst, on the right, on the left, below, at the top).
Equipment. Toys.
Content: put toys in different places of the room. Ask a child, what a toy is standing ahead, behind, nearby, far, etc. Ask what is located on top that is from the bottom, right, on the left, etc.
2. Didactic game: "Run to the figure"
Purpose: Exercise in memorizing and distinguishing numbers, the ability to navigate in space; Develop audit and visual attention.
Equipment: cards with a picture of numbers, woven in different places of the room.
Content: Small mobility game. The teacher (driving) calls one of the numbers, the children find a card with her image and run to it. If some child is mistaken, he drops out of the game for a while. The game is carried out until the winner is revealed.
You can complicate the task, offering children, putting around the numbers, stroll into your hands (or protrud, or sit down) the number it indicates.
3. Didactic game: "Elevator"
Purpose: fix the straight and countdown to 7, fixing the main colors of the rainbow, fix the concepts "up", "down", remember the sequence numeral (first, second ...)
Content: The child is invited to help residents raise or lower them on the elevator, to the desired floor, count the floors, find out how many tenants live on the floor.
4. Didactic game: "Three steps"
Purpose: Orientation in space, skill listen and execute instructions.
Content: Players are divided into two equal teams, get up with each other. The task of each team is a complete composition, smoothly, strictly following the rules, as quickly as possible, reach the finish: pronounce the rules: three steps left, three steps to the right, step forward, one back and four straight.
Oriented in time
1. Didactic game: "When it happens"
Objective: Consider the knowledge of children about the days of the year, their characteristic features; Develop connected speech, attention and resourcefulness, exposure.
Equipment. Pictures at the time of year.
Content: Children sit around the table. The tutor in the hands of several pictures with the image of different seasons, for each year of the year 2-3 pictures. The educator clarifies the rules of the game, the teacher distributes everything in the picture. Then rotates the arrow in a circle. The one for whom she pointed out carefully considers his picture and then talks about its contents. Then they turn the arrow again and to whom she pointed out the time of the year. Warrant of this game can be read by the educator of excerpts from artistic works on seasonal natural phenomena and search for images with appropriate content.
2. Didactic game: "Name missed word"
Objective: Learning to call temporary segments: morning, evening, day, night.
Equipment: ball.
Content: Children form a semicircle. The educator rolls someone from the ball's children. It starts a sentence, passing the names of parts of the day: - We have breakfast in the morning, and we dine ... Children call the missed word. - In the morning you come to kindergarten, but you leave home ....-day you dine, and you have a dinner ...
3. Didactic game: "Who used to? Who later? "
Purpose: Consider the knowledge of children about temporary performances: first, then, before, after, earlier, later.
Content: Staging fairy tales using illustrations of "repka", "Teremok", "Kolobok", etc.
4. Didactic game: "Traffic light"
Purpose: consolidate the presentation of children about the years.
Contents: Teacher says, for example, "Summer ended, spring has come." Children raise a red circle - a stop signal, errors are corrected.
5. Didactic game: "Name missed word"
Purpose: Consider the knowledge of children about parts of the day, their sequences, consolidate the concepts - yesterday, today, tomorrow.
Content: Children in a circle. The lead starts the phrase and throws the ball to one of the players: "The sun shines during the day, and the moon ...". The one who finishes the phrase, comes up with a new "in the morning we came to kindergarten, and returned ...", "if yesterday was Friday, today ...", "Spring replaces the winter, and spring ...".

Senior group.

"Number and score"
1. Didactic game. "Pick up the toy"
Purpose: Exercise in the account of items on the named number and memorizing it to learn to find an equal number of toys.
Content. V. explains to children that they will learn to count so many toys as he says. In turn causes children and gives them a task to bring a certain number of toys and put on this or that table. Another children will charge to check, rightly, whether the task is made, and for this, to check the toys, for example: "Seryozha, bring 3 pyramids and put on this table. Vitya, check how many pyramids brought seinery. " As a result, there are 2 toys on the same table, on the second-3, on the third-4, on the fourth-5. Then the children are invited to count down a certain number of toys and put on that table where there are as many such toys so that it is clear that their equally. By completing the task, the child tells what he did. Another child checks whether the task is true.
2. Didactic game: "Enough?"
Purpose: Teaching children to see equality and inequality of groups of objects of different sizes, bring to the concept that the number does not depend on the size.
Content. V. proposes to treat animals. Previously finds out: "Will carrot bunks, butches of nuts? How to find out? How to check? Children consider toys, compare their number, then treat the animals, applying small toys to large. Having reveaning the equality of the inequality of the number of toys in the group, they add the missing item or remove the extra.
3. Didactic game: "On the poultry farm"
Purpose: Exercise children in account within, show the independence of the number of items from the square they occupy.
Content. W.: "Today we will go on a tour - to the poultry farm. Chickens and chickens live here. Curas are sitting on the upper pranchka, they are 6, on the bottom - 5 chickens. Compare chicken and chickens, determine that chickens are less than chicken. "One chicken ran away. What needs to be done so that the chicken and chickens become equally? (You need to find 1 chicken and return the chicken). The game is repeated. V. Immediately removes chicken, children are looking for mother-chicken for chicken, etc.
4. Didactic game: "Count the Birds"
Purpose: Show the formation of numbers 6 and 7, to teach children to conduct an account within 7.
Content. The teacher exhibits on a set canvas in one row of 2 groups of pictures (bullfights and cinemas (at some distance one from the other and asks: "How do these birds call? Does them equal? \u200b\u200bHow to check?" The child places pictures in 2 rows, one under the other. Finds out that birds equally, by 5. V. adds a cinema and asks: "How much did the cineks become? How did 6 cinkers got? How much did it have been added? How much did what kind of birds did you get anymore? How many? What are there anything less The number is greater: 6 or 6? What is less? How to make birds become equal to 6. (Stresses, if one bird is removed, it will also be equal to 5). Removes 1 blue and asks: "How much have them become? How did the number happened 5 ". Adding 1 bird again in each row and offers to all children to count birds. Similarly, introduces the number 7.
5. Didactic game: "Corresponding and name"
Purpose: Exercise in a rumor.
Content. B. Offers children to count the sounds. He reminds that it is necessary to do this, I do not miss any sound and not running forward ("listen carefully, how many times the hammer"). Remove (2-10) sounds. Total give 2-3 divorities. Next, V. explains the new task: "Now we will count the sounds with closed eyes. When you count the sounds, open your eyes, silently count the same toys and put them in a row. " B. Returns from 2 to 10 times. Children perform a task. Answer the question: "How many toys did you put and why?"
Geometric shape.
1. Didactic game: "Pick up the figure"
Purpose: Secure the ability to distinguish geometric shapes: rectangle, triangle, square, circle, oval.
Equipment: Each child's cards on which a rectangle, a square and a triangle are drawn, color and form vary.
Content. At first, V. suggested to circulate the figures drawn on the cards. Then he plans the table on which the same figures are drawn, but another color and size than in children, and, pointing to one of the figures, says: "I have a big yellow triangle, and you?" And so on. Causes 2-3 children, asks them to call color and size (large, small figures of this species). "I have a little blue square."
2. Didactic game: "Call your bus"
Purpose: I exercise in distinguishing the circle, square, rectangle, triangle, find the same shape of the figure, characterized by color and size,
Content. B. Puts at some distance from each other 4 stools, to which the models of the triangle, rectangle are attached (buses). Children get to buses (it becomes 3 columns behind the chairs. The teacher gives them tickets. Each ticket is the same figure as on the bus. On the "Stop!" The children go to walk, and the teacher changes the models in some places. On the bus "bus" The children find a bus failure and become each other. The game is repeated 2-3 times.
3. Didactic game: "Collect the figure"
Purpose: Learning to conduct an account of items forming any shape.
Content. V. Offers children to move a plate with chopsticks and asks: "What color sticks? Skolki chopsticks each color? It suggests decomposing the sticks of each color so that different shapes come out. After completing the task, children recalculate sticks again. Find how many sticks went to each figure. The teacher draws attention to the fact that the sticks are located in different ways, but their equally - on 4 "How to prove that sticks equally? Children lay sticks with rows of one under the other.
4. Didactic game: "Why doesn't the oval rolling?"
Objective: To introduce children from the figure of oval shape, learning to distinguish between the circle and figure of oval shape
Content. On flannelhemph, there are models of geometric shapes: a circle, square, rectangle, triangle. At first, one child, caused to flannelifu, calls the figures, and on the fact that all the children are doing together. The child is offered to show a circle. Question: What does the circle differ from the rest of the figures? " The child carries a circle with a finger, tries to shake it. B. Summarizes the answers of children: the circle has no corners, and the rest of the figures have corners. On flannelhemph, there are 2 circles and 2 figures of oval shape of different colors and size. "Look at these figures. Are there any circles among them? One of the children is offered to show circles. The attention of children appeal to the fact that there are not only circles on the flannelph, but also other figures. similar to the circle. This is a figure of oval shape. B. teaches to distinguish them from circles; asks: "What are the figures of an oval form similar to the circles? (Oval shape figures are also no angles). The child is offered to show a circle, figure of oval shape. It turns out that the circle rolls, but the figure of the oval form is not. (Why?) Then find out what differs the figure of an oval form from the circle? (Figure of oval form stretched). Compared by app and overlay the circle on oval.
1. Didactic game: "Sticks in a row"
Purpose: Secure the ability to build a sequential row largest.
Content. V. introduces children with a new material and explains the task: "You need to build wands in a row so that they decrease in length." Warns children that the task must be performed on the eye (you can not try and rebuild sticks). "To perform the task, right, you need to take the longest wand each time, which are not laid in a row," explains V.
2. Didactic game: "Speed \u200b\u200bof the skiing"
Purpose: I exercise in the ability to build a sequential row in width, organize a row in 2 directions: descending and increasing.
Equipment. 10 sheets of different widths from 1 to 10 cm. You can use cards.
Content. Participating are divided into 2 groups. Each subgroup gets a set of ski. Both sets are placed on 2 tables. Children of two subgroups are sitting on chairs on one side of the table. On the other sides of the tables are set free benches. Both subgroups of children must build a plank in a row (one descending width, the other in the increasing). In turn, one child comes up to the table and puts in a row 1 plate. When performing the task, samples and movement are excluded. Then children compare. Determine which subgroup coped with the task correctly.
3. Didactic game: "New Year's Christmas trees"
Objective: Teach children to use the measure to determine the height (one of the parameters of the height).
Equipment: 5 sets: in each set of 5 Christmas trees with a height of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 cm. (The Christmas trees can be made of their cardboard on stands). Narrow cardboard strips of the same length.
Content. V. Collects children by semicircle and says: "Children, the new year is approaching, and everyone needs Christmas trees. We will play like this: our group will go to the forest, and everyone will find a Christmas tree there, by measure. I give you measurements, and you will pick up the Christmas tree of the desired height. Who will find such a Christmas tree, suit me with a Christmas tree and a measure and will show how I measured my Christmas tree. You need to measure, putting the measure next to the Christmas tree so that the bottom they coincide, if the top also coincides, then you found the desired Christmas tree (shows the reception of measurement). " Children go to the forest, where different Christmas trees stand on several tables. Everyone picks up the church you need. If the child was mistaken, he returns to the forest and picks up the desired Christmas tree. In conclusion, a trip around the city and delivery of the Christmas trees in places is played.
4. Didactic game: "broken staircase"
Objective: to learn to notice violations in the uniformity of the rise of magnitude.
Equipment: 10 rectangles, a magnitude of a large 10x15, smaller 1xl5. Each subsequent 1 cm below; Flangegraph.
Content. A staircase is built on the flannelhemph. Then all children, except for one presenter, turn away. The presenter takes out one step and shifts the rest. Whoever indicates the other than others, where the ladder is "broken" becomes the lead. If, when you first hold the game, children allow errors, then you can use the measure. It is measured every step and find broken. If children easily cope with the task, you can simultaneously take out two steps in different places.
5. Didactic game: "The sisters go on mushrooms"
Purpose: Secure the skill to build a number of magnitude, set the correspondence of 2 rows, to find the missed element of the row.
Equipment: flannelugaph, 7 paper matryoshki (from 6cm to 14 cm.), Baskets (from 2 cm to 5 cm high). Distribution: the same, only smaller size.
Content. V. Says to Children: "Today we will play the game like sisters go to the forest on the mushrooms. Matryoshki is sisters. They are going to the forest. The first will go the oldest: she is the highest, the most eldest of the remaining and so in growth will go behind her, causes a child who builds matryoshek at the flannelhemph (as in a horizontal range). "They need to give a basket in which they will collect mushrooms," says the teacher. The second child gives him 6 baskets, hid one of them (only not the first and not the last), and proposes to put them in a row under the dolls to Matryoshki them dismantled. The child is building a second sectional range and notices that one matrychka did not have enough baskets. Children find, in which location of the largest gap in the magnitude of the basket. The called child puts the baskets under the mats, so that the nephews are disassembled. One stays without a basket and asks mom to give her a basket. V. will give a missing basket, and the child puts it in place.
6. Didactic game: "Who will select boxes faster"
Purpose: Exercise children in comparison of items in length, width, height.
Content. Finding out what differs from each other boxes standing on the table, V. Easy to the task: "Boxes are placed in the afternoon: long, short, wide and narrow, high and low. Now will memorize the boxes suitable in size. Let's play "Who will quickly select boxes of the desired size?" I will call 2-3 people, give them one box. Children will tell what length, widths, the height of their box. And then I will give the team: "Pick up the boxes equal to your length (width, height). Won the one who will pick up the boxes faster. Children can be asked to build boxes in a row (from the highest to the lowest or from the longest to the shortest).
Oriented in space.
1. Didactic game: "Name and count"
Purpose: Teach children to count the sounds, calling the final number.
Content. The lesson is better to start from the account of toys, causing 2-3 children to the table, after that say that the children know how to consider toys, things, and today they will learn to count the sounds. B. Invites children to count, helping her hand, how many times he will hit the table. It shows how it is necessary to put the brush with a brush with a brush standing on the elbow in the clock. Stroks produce quietly and not too often so that the children have time to count them. First you extract no more than 1-3 sounds and only when children stop mistakenly, the number of blows increases. Next, it is proposed to reproduce the specified number of sounds. The teacher in turn causes children to the table and invites them to hit the hammer, a stick about a wand 2-5 times. In conclusion, all children are offered to raise a hand (lean forward, sit down) so many times how many times the hammer is hit.
2. Didactic game: "Tell me about your pattern"
Objective: Learning to master spatial representations: on the left, right, at the top, below.
Content. Each child has a picture (rug with a pattern). Children should tell how the elements of the pattern are located: in the upper right corner - a circle, in the upper left corner - a square. In the lower left corner - oval, in the lower right corner - a rectangle, in the middle - a circle. You can give a task to tell about the pattern that they painted in drawing classes. For example, in the middle of a large circle - rays depart from it, in every corner flowers. At the top and bottom of the wavy lines, on the right and left - one wavy line with leaves, etc.
3. Didactic game: "Get up to the place"
Purpose: Exercise children in finding location: ahead, behind, left, right, before, for.
Content. B. In turn causes children, indicates where they need to get up: "Sereza come to me, Kolya, stand up so that the serenitions were behind you. Faith stand before Ira ", etc. Calling 5-6 children, the teacher asks them to call, who stands in front and behind them. Next, children are offered to turn left or right and call again, who and where it is worth it.
4. Didactic game: "Where the figure"
Purpose: learn correctly, call figures and their spatial location: in the middle, at the top, below, on the left, right; Memorize the location of the figures.
Content. B. Explains the task: "Today we will learn to memorize where what kind of figure is. To do this, they need to be called in order: first the figure located in the center (in the middle), then at the top, below, on the left, right. " Call 1 child. He shows and calls the figures, the place of their location. Another child shows. Another child is offered to decompose the shapes, as he wants to call their location. Then the child becomes back to the flannelum, and the teacher changes the shapes located on the left and right. The child turns and guess what has changed. Then all the children call the shapes and close their eyes. The teacher changes in places of the figure. Opening his eyes, the children guess what has changed.
5. Didactic game: "Find a toy"
Purpose: learning to master spatial representations.
Content. "At night, when there was no one in the group," said Carlson and brought to the toy as a gift to us. Carlson loves to joke, so he hid toys, and in the letter he wrote how to find them. " Prints the envelope and reads: "You need to stand in front of the table, go straight, etc."
Oriented over time.
1. Didactic game: "Yesterday, today, tomorrow"
Purpose: in the game form to exercise in active distinguishing of temporary concepts "yesterday", "Today", "Tomorrow".
Content. Three houses draw three houses in the corners of the game room. This is "yesterday", "today", "Tomorrow". In each house on one flat model, reflecting a specific temporary concept. This is followed in a circle, read the quatrains from the familiar poem. At the end, stop, and the tutor says loudly: "Yes, yes, yes, it was ... yesterday!" Children run to a house called "Yesterday". Then returned to the circle, the game continues.
2. Didactic game: "Parts of the day"
Purpose: Exercise children in distinguishing parts of the day.
Equipment: pictures: Morning, day, evening, night.
Content. B. Dreads on the floor 4 large houses, each of which corresponds to one part of the day. Behind each house, the corresponding picture is fixed. Children line up in a person face to houses. The educator reads the corresponding passage, from any poem, and then gives a signal, the passage must characterize part of the day, then the game will pass more interesting and more interesting. 1. We go to the courtyard into the courtyard, the leaves will rain with rain, we will rinse under your feet, and fly, fly, fly ...
2.Name in a sunny day
You will leave in the woods
Try try on a penny
Do not rush…
3. Every evening.
Blushes on nettle.
I stand on the road,
Leaning against Iva ...
4. Locked Yellow Maples at night:
Remembered maples
How were green ...
3. Didactic game: "Day and night"
Purpose: Fasten the knowledge of children about parts of the day.
Content. In the middle of the area drawn two parallel lines at a distance of 1-1.5 m. Both sides of them are lines of houses. Playing divide into two teams. They are put on their lines and turn face to house. The name of the "Day" and "Night" teams is determined. The tutor stands at the middle line. He is presenter. According to his team "Day!" Or "Night!" - The players called the team run away into the house, and their opponents catch up. Awards are recalculated and released. Teams are again line up at medium lines, and V. gives a signal.
Option number 2. Before serving the signal V. offers children to repeat a variety of exercise for him, then the signal suddenly suddenly gives.
Option № 3. When you are one of the children. It throws up a cardboard circle, one side of which is painted black, the other in white. And, depending on which side it falls, commands: "Day!", "Night!".
4. "About yesterday"
Purpose: Show children how to take care of time.
Contents: lived a boy named Seryozha. On the table he stood a clock clock, on the wall hung a thick and very important tear-off calendar. The clock was always in a hurry somewhere, the arrows never stood on the spot and always sentenced: "Tick-like that, tick-so - take care of time, miss - do not catch up." The silent calendar of the thought looked at the alarm clocks, because he showed no watches and minutes, and the days. But one day - and the calendar could not stand and spoke:
-Eh, Seryozha, Seryozha! Already three years old, Sunday, the same day is already approaching the end, and you still have not done lessons. ...
"So," the clock said. - Suited by the end of the evening, and you all run and run. Time flies, you can not catch it up, I missed him. Seryozha only dismissed from annoying clocks and a thick calendar.
Dark Serezha's lessons began when darkness came outside the window. I can not see anything. Eyes sticky. Letters on the pages run like black ants. I put her head on the table, and the watches tell him:
- Tych, Tick-like. How many hours lost, walked. Look at the calendar, Sunday will soon leave, and you will never return it again. I looked at Seryozha on the calendar, and the sheet is not the second number, but the third, and not Sunday, but Monday.
"Leated a day," says the calendar, all day.
-No problem. What is lost, you can find, - Sergey answers.
"Go, look for yesterday, let's see if you find him or not."
"And I will try," Serezha replied.
Only he said that something raised him, he skiddled, and he was on the street. She looked around and sees - lifting krag drags to the top of the wall with the door and windows, the new home is growing higher and higher, and builders rise higher and higher. The work is so arguing. None pay attention to the workers, hurry the house to build for other people. I threw a head my head and screaming:
-Dyadniki, do you see from above, where yesterday left?
-Yesterday? - Ask builders. - Why do you need yesterday?
- Turks did not have time. - answered Seryozha.
"Your business is," the builders say. Yesterday we overtook yesterday, and I will overtake tomorrow today.
"Here miracles" - he thinks Seryozha. - How tomorrow you can overtake, if he has not come yet? " And suddenly sees - mom is coming.
-Mom, where would I find yesterday? You see, I somehow lost him. Only you do not worry, mommy, I will definitely find it.
"Do you find him," answered Mom.
Yesterday's day is no longer, and there is only a trace in the affairs of man.
And suddenly, a carpet with red colors unfolded right on Earth.
- What is our yesterday, "says Mom.
We woven this carpet yesterday at the factory.
Next, V. holds a conversation about why Sereza lost yesterday, and how to take time.

Preparatory group.

"Number and score"
1. Didactic game: "Dunno visiting"
Purpose: Learning to see an equal number of different items, consolidate the ability to conduct an account of items.
Equipment: 3 groups of toys from 5, 6, 7 pieces; Cards with circles.
Content: in. Drawn to children: today you have a dunning visit. I asked him to put a card to every group toys, on which the same circles, how much toys are worth. Look, if Delos correctly put the cards. " After hearing the answers of children, the teacher offers 1 child to pick up the corresponding card to each group. Organizes checking. Children in turn (two children) recalculate toys of one of the groups and the circles on the card presented on it. The last group of toys teacher proposes to count all the children together.
2. Didactic game: "Guess which number is missing"
Purpose: Determine the number of numbers in a natural row, call the missed number.
Equipment. Flangegraph, 10 cards with the image of the circles on them from 1 to 10 (on each card of another color circles) checkboxes.
Content. B. puts on the flannelhemph card in the sequence of a natural row. Invites children to see how they stand, whether any number is missing. Then the guys close their eyes, and V. removes one card. After children guess what number is missing, shows a hidden card and puts it in place. The one who first names the missed number receives the checkbox.
3. Didactic game: "Trip"
Purpose: Teach children in comparison of numbers and definition, which of the numbers is greater or less.
Equipment. A set of canvas, 8 large triangles, 8 are small.
Content. B. Talks: "Guys, I went to the kindergarten on the tram. Schoolchildren entered the car: girls and boys. There were free places and boys gave way to their girls. All girls sat down near, and the boys have become along the entire car. Girls I will indicate small triangles, and the boys are big. Who was in the tram more: boys or girls? How did you guess? What number is more (less)? Why did some children think that the boys are more? How to prove that the number 8 is greater than 7, and 7 more 8. " 0Din Child lays small triangles under large, just one under one. V. Zvitsy: "We saw with you that the number of objects does not depend on the place they occupy. To find out which items are more, and what less, it is necessary to consider items and compare their number. "
4. Didactic game: "How much?"
Purpose: development of thinking.
Content. B. Offers children to answer questions:
- How many tails have seven donkeys?
- How many noses have two pieces?
- How many fingers have one boy?
- How many ears have five kids?
- How many ears and three old women? etc.
5. Didactic game: "Flowerba"
Purpose: consolidate the concept that the number of objects does not depend on the distance between them.
Equipment. A set of canvas with 2 stripes, subject pictures with a picture of flowers (7 pieces), cards with 2 free stripes.
Content. On a set of canvas in 2 rows, the 6 drawings of poppies and ASTER are located in 2 rows. V. Says: "Imagine that this is flowerba and flowers grow in two rows. How many poppies? Let's do all together! Can I say how many Astra, without recounting them? Why can this be said? Let's check. Kohl, loudly pick up asters! Now I will transfer Maki and Astra. B. Places Maki close to each other and increases the distance between Astrami. What changed? How do poppies grow now? Astra? Is the colors now? How can I prove that colors equally? (Adds 1 poppy). How many poppies became? How did we get 7 pans? What colors are now more (less)? How to prove that poppies are more? What number is more? (less: 6 or 7?) How to do to be seen that the poppies are more, - than ASTR?
6. Didactic game: "Corresponding, not mistaken"
Purpose: consolidate knowledge that the number of objects does not depend on their size
Equipment: a set of canvas with 2 stripes, 10 large 10 small cubes,
Content. B. Appeals to the children "Now I will put Cuba in a row, and you consider them! How many cubes did I put? (eight). Close your eyes! (For each big cube hurts small). Open your eyes! Is it possible to say, not counting how many small cubes I placed? Why can this be done? Prove that small cubes and large cubes equally! How to make small cubes to become 1 more than big. How much will they be? (Adds a small cube). What kind of cubes has become more? How many of them? What are less? How many of them? What number is more? (less?). What do we need to do so that big and small cubes become equally equal?
7. Didactic game: "Guess what number is missing?"
Purpose: consolidate the knowledge and sequence of numbers.
Content. V. Offers children to play the game "Guess what number I missed?", Explains its content: "I will call 2 numbers, passing between them, and you guess what number I missed. Let's see what a number of children won. " Calls numbers: 2 and 4, 3 and 5, 4 and 6, 5 and 7, 8 and 10, etc.
Geometric shape.
1. Didactic game: "Learn to draw circles"
Objective: Learn to draw circles in squares.
The content of V. reminds which figures they painted in cells and reports: "Today we will learn to draw circles. In order for the circle to be smooth, it is more convenient to draw in a square. Look, I will put a circle on the square. See, the circle relates to all sides of the square, and the corners remain free. " Then the children draw squares, the tutor shows on the board, as it should draw circles (paint the circles in squares in squares.).
2. Didactic game: "Broken Machine"
Objective: to learn to notice violations in the depicted subject.
Equipment: A machine consisting of geometric shapes, which does not get any part.
Content. The flannelhemph is built a machine consisting of geometric shapes. Then all children, except for one - the lead, turns away. The lead removes any detail of the machine. Whoever previously says what it did not become and what form it becomes leading. If children easily cope with the task, you can simultaneously remove two parts.
3. Didactic game: "pick up the figure"
Purpose: Exercising in comparison of the shape of the objects shown in the pictures with geometric shapes.
Equipment: The stand on which the geometric patterns are sampled, pictures on which objects consisting of several parts are drawn.
Content. B. Explains the task: "I will point to the figures, and you choose those among our pictures that the objects of the same form are drawn. If you have a subject that has a part of the same form, you also show the card. "
4. Didactic game: "Flowing out of chopsticks"
Purpose: Exercise in the compilation of chopsticks geometric shapes.
Equipment: Accounting sticks for each child.
Content. The child sample lays out some image or shape image from countable dads.
5. Didactic game: "Speak Figure"
Purpose: make models of familiar geometric figures from parts according to sample.
Equipment: flannelph. Models of geometric shapes.
Content. B. Has the model of geometric figures on Flanhelegraf, causes a child, asks him to show and call the figures. Explains the task: "Each of you have the same geometric shapes, but they are cut into 2 or 4 equal parts; If they are correctly attached to each other, then whole figures are obtained. " By performing the task, children are told, from what quantity they make a figure.
6. Didactic game: "Who will see more"
Purpose: consolidation of knowledge about geometric shapes.
Equipment: flanneluga, geometric shapes.
Content. On the flannelhemph in random order, various geometric shapes are placed. Preschoolers consider and remember them. The presenter considers to three and closes the shapes. Children invites how to name geometric shapes as possible, which were on the flannelhemph. Wins the one who remembers and calls more figures. Continuing the game, the lead changes the number of figures.
7. Didactic game: "Find your shape"
Objective: Teach children to distinguish and correctly call geometric shapes, choose figures according to a visually perceived pattern.
Equipment: Cardboard box with cutting holes triangular, round, square, etc. Forms, geometric shapes, selected, respectively, slots on the box, envelopes with the image of geometric shapes.
Content. The game is that some children are lowered in the geometric flaw box (each in the appropriate slot), while others should choose them from the box, focusing on the images in their envelopes. In this game, the cognitive communication of children is necessarily emerging, thanks to which the speech activity of children arises, children see each other's mistakes: "What do you take? You have a triangle! " Groups of children in this game are recommended to change places.
FEM card file for the middle - senior group


Topic: Repetition.

Software content: Exercise children count to 5;

Secure the time of the year (autumn)

Secure knowledge of geometric figures (circle, square, rectangle, triangle).

Topic: Repetition.

Software content

Correlate the number with the number of objects;

Secure knowledge of geometric figures (circle, square, rectangle, triangle)

Develop attention.

Topic: Repetition.

Software content: Exercise sample;

Compare two groups of items;

Compare items in height.

Topic: Repetition.

Software content: Exercise to see the independence of the number from the spatial location of the items;

Exercise distinguish between the thickness items.

Develop memory.


Topic: 5 and 6.

Software content:

Learn to distinguish between the set 5 and 6;

Learn to reproduce the number of movements by the named number;

Learning carefully listen to the educator.

Subject: Number and figure 6. Rectangle.

Software content: To introduce the number 6;

Learn to find a number 6 among other numbers;

Exercise to find a rectangle among other geometric shapes.

Topic: numbers and numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6. The independence of the number from the spatial location of the items. Square, rectangle, triangle.

Software content: Exercise correlate the number with the number of objects;

Exercise to see the independence of the number from the spatial location of the items;

Learning to lay out a square, rectangle, triangle from county sticks.

Learn to understand the learning task

Topic: numbers and numbers 4, 5, 6. Yesterday, today, tomorrow.

Software content: Continue to develop the ability to establish correspondence between the number, digit and number of objects;

Consolidate the concepts yesterday, today, tomorrow;

Develop logical thinking.


Topic: 6 and 7. On the left, right, in front of the back.

Software content: Learning to distinguish between the set 6 and 7.

Secure the ability to identify the position of the items in relation to yourself;

Develop attention.

Topic: Number and figure 7. High, low.

Software content: To acquaint with the number 7;

Learn to find a number 7 among other numbers;

Correlate the number 7 with the number of objects;

Develop the ability to distinguish objects in height;

Develop memory.

Subject: numbers and numbers from 0 to 7.

Software content: I exercise a sequence and quantitative account to 7;

Find numbers among other numbers;

Learn to act on verbal instructions of the educator.

Topic: oval. Number and figure 7.

Software content: To acquaint with oval;

Learning to find an oval among other geometric shapes;

Exercise to find the number 7 among other numbers;

Continue to learn carefully listen carefully.


Topic: 7 and 8. Oval. Time of year (winter).

Software content: Learning to distinguish between sets 7 and 8;

Establish equalities between two groups of objects;

Exercise finding oval among other geometric shapes;

Consolidate knowledge about the time of the year winter;

Develop logical thinking.

Subject: Number and figure 8. Circle, square, rectangle, triangle, oval.

Software content: To acquaint with the number 8;

Learning to find the number 8 among other numbers;

Exercise to find objects similar to geometric shapes;

Develop memory.

Subject: numbers and numbers from 1 to 8. Wide, narrow.

Software content: Exercise find numbers among other numbers;

Correlate the number and number with the number of objects;

Compare items in width;

Develop attention.

Topic: Quantitative and serial account up to 8. Ahead, rear, upstairs, downstairs on the left, right.

Software content: Exercise children with a sequence and quantitative account to 8;

Determine the position of the subject in space;

To form the ability to understand the learning task.


Topic: 8 and 9.

Software content: Learning to distinguish between sets 8 and 9;

Establish equalities between two groups of objects;

Secure the ability to act on verbal instructions of the educator.

Subject: Number 9. Parts of the day.

Software content: To introduce the number 9;

Learn to find a number 9 among other numbers;

Develop memory.

Subject: numbers and numbers from 0 to 9. Long, short.

Software content: Exercise to count on the sample and called the number;

Exercise reproduce the number of movements by the named number;

Correlate the number with the number of objects;

Compare items in length;

Develop attention.


Subject: 9 and 10. Orientation on a sheet of paper.

Software content: Learning to distinguish between sets 9 and 10;

Establish equality between two groups of objects;

Focus on a sheet of paper.

Subject: number and number 10.

Software content: Learn to count to 10;

Introduce the number 10;

Learn to find a number 10 among other numbers;

Correlate the number and number with the number of objects;

Exercise to understand the learning task and independently perform it.

Days of the week.

Software content: Exercise find numbers among other numbers;

Correlate the number and number with the number of objects;

Teach to call the days of the week.

Develop memory

Topic: sequence and quantitative account up to 10. Orientation on a sheet of paper. Days of the week.

Software content: Secure the skills of the sequence account (within 10), distinguish between the quantitative and ordinal account, to answer the questions correctly: "How much?", "What is the score?";

Exercise oriented on a sheet of paper (left, right, at the top, at the bottom, in the middle);


Topic: a trapezium, days of the week. Time of year (Spring).

Software content: Introduce a geometric figure trapezium;

Teaching it among other figures;

Exercise to call the days of the week;

Consolidate signs of the season of spring;

Develop attention.

Subject: numbers and numbers from 0 to 10. The trapezium.

Software content: Exercise to find a given digit;

Establish equality of two groups of objects;

Learning to lay out a trapezium from county sticks;

Develop logical thinking.

Subject: numbers and numbers from 0 to 10.

Software content

Learn to understand the independence of the number from the spatial location of objects and the direction of the account;

Develop memory.

Topic: Circle, oval, square, rectangle, triangle, trapezium. Parts of the day.

Software content: Exercise to find a given figure among other figures;

Exercise to see geometric shapes in the contours of the surrounding items;

Exercise distinguish between parts of the day;

Develop attention, thinking.


Topic: The composition of the number from units before 5. The score to 10.

Software content: To introduce the quantitative composition of the number from units within 5;

Exercise counting items of more sample, specified number and digit;

Exercise to act on verbal instructions of the educator.

Topic: Composition of the number from units. Square division into 2 parts. Days of the week.

Software content

Learn to divide the square into two parts;

Exercise to call the days of the week;

Exercise to understand the learning task.

Subject: numbers and numbers from 0 to 10.

Software content: Exercise to establish correspondence between the number, digit and number of objects;

Count objects for a given number and digit;

Develop memory.

Topic: Wide, narrow. Long short. Thick, thin. High Low.

Software content: Consolidate the ability to distinguish objects in width;

Exercising children to distinguish objects in length;

Exercising children to distinguish objects in thickness;

Exercising children to distinguish objects in height;

Develop attention.

Topic: Composition of the number from units to 5. Square, rectangle, trapezium, circle, triangle, oval.

Software content: Exercise to call the composition of the number from units;

Determine geometric shapes;

Make a square, rectangle, triangle, trapezing from counting sticks;

Develop thinking.

Topic: Comparison of two groups of items in the range 10. The division of the square into 4 parts.

Software content: Exercise to compare two groups of items, receiving equality from inequality (inequality from equality);

Learn to divide the square on 4 parts;

Secure the ability of children to act according to the verbal instruction of the educator.

Topic: numbers and numbers from 1 to 10. Seasons.

Software content: Exercise correlate the number and number with the number of objects;

Reproduce the number of sounds at a given number;

Secure signs of seasons.

Topic: sequence and quantitative account up to 10. Square division into 4 parts.

Software content: Continue to learn to distinguish between the sequence and quantitative account;

Correlate the number and number with the number of objects;

Divide the square on 4 parts;

Develop memory.

Tasks. Improve the ability of children to compare items (length, width, height).

Day 15.



No. 1. Self-service. Exercise "My clever fingers."

Tasks. Learn children to fasten the hooks, buttons, "velcro" in a coat, jackets, encourage to do it yourself, the development of muscles and shallow motors of the hands.

№ 2. Plot-role-playing game "Kindergarten". The plot is "erased by clothes dolls."

Tasks. Teach children beat real labor actions, use their practical skills in the game, combine various plots, reckon with the interests of comrades.

№ 3. Movable game "Find where it is hidden."

Tasks. Teach children navigate the space in accordance with the speech description of the location of the subject, to act in accordance with the rules of the game. Teach children follow their posture while walking, consistency of hands and leg movements.

№ 4. Work in the corner of nature. Observation of rising onions.

Tasks. Suggest the children to consider the bulbs who planted them earlier, talk about the changes that occurred, assume that green feathers appeared on the bulbs (stems, branches, leaves, flowers).

№ 5. Musical game "Ducklings and Korshun" (music and words N. Gubanova).

Tasks. Teach children to coordinate actions with the text of the game, rhythmically perform movements to the music. Promote the development of individual creative abilities of each child.

No. 6. Acquaintance with decorative and applied arts "Gorodetskaya Painting": Consider postcards "Gorodetskaya painting", Kitchen utensils with Gorodetsky painting.

Tasks. Teach children call the main elements of Gorodetskoy painting, draw up patterns from the elements harvested in advance for "cutting boards". Form aesthetic taste.

№ 7. Preliminary work to the plot-role game "Family": the didactic game "Color dishes"; Reading the work of S. Kaputikyan "Masha lunch."

Tasks. Enrich personal experience of children, expand the ideas about the surrounding reality, deepen the gaming experience of children, teach chosen and produce attributes to the game.



Snow observation in February.

Tasks. To draw the attention of children to the fact that the snow on the site has different shades and is heterogeneous by the structure, suggest expressing assumptions about what changes and why snow occur in different places of the site. Teach children to draw up a brief story based on the results of the observation.

№ 2. Didactic game "As much as".

Tasks. Exercise children in the order of five, to learn the number of cotton, parables to determine the number of cotton. Learning to perform a certain number of actions in accordance with the task.

No. 3. Conversation "Trip in public transport."

Tasks. Rail around the culture of behavior in public transport, to learn to talk about the rules of behavior with a support for signal drawings and questions of the educator.

№ 4. Labor in nature. Dipping by snow trees on the plot.

Tasks. Discuss with children assigning work performed, to propose to choose the necessary tools, agree on joint activities. Teach to talk about the results of work.

№ 5. Movable game "Homeless Hare".

Tasks. To teach children to run around the site, not assigious objects-guidelines, comrades for the game, learn to navigate in space, act in the signal. Develop the coordination of movements, dexterity, improve the functionality of the body.

Independent motor activity.

Tasks. Teach children to act as the organizers of the game, captains, judges, discuss and clarify the rules of game interaction, assess the compliance of the actions of the players by the Rules of the game.




No. 1. Observation of "Children's Clothing".

Tasks. Consider the knowledge of children about the peculiarities of the seasons, changes taking place in the life of people in winter. To actualize the knowledge of children about autumn clothes, learn to compare it with winter clothes, establish links between the state of the weather and children's clothing.

№ 2. Movable game "Aircraft".

Tasks. Teach children agreed to act with the entire team, use all the playing space space, follow their posture while driving. Develop attention.

# 3. Gaming exercise. Running with the change of the lead guide.

Tasks. To teach children to correctly perform the main movements while running, make a change in the sign of the educator, to develop auditory attention, dexterity, increase engine activity, continue to work to strengthen the health of children.

Working with children in the group


# 1. Work in the corner of musical education. Learn to play on the metal fond.

Tasks. Learn children to fulfill the melody of the "Lestenka" singing (E. Tilicheeva) in a gradual movement on the metallophone.

No. 2. Plot-role-playing game "Builders". The plot "New Microdistrict".

Tasks. Teach children negotiate that they will build, distribute material among themselves, to build the plot of the game around actions on the construction of builder builders. Bring up respect for the work of builders.

# 3. Didactic game "Find the same".

Tasks. Teach children find two objects of the same value in various ways (by overlaying and eye), to teach choose the optimal way to compare items based on their location.

Day 16.


# 1. Formation of culture of behavior.

Tasks. Discuss with children various situations arising from the interaction of adults and children in kindergarten, find out which rules have been violated, encourage the guys to comply with the rules of culture rules, relate their actions with them.

# 2. The didactic game "flies - does not fly."

Tasks. Teach children to act in accordance with the rules, develop attention, auditory perception, self-control.

№ 3. Conversation on the topic "Autotransport".

Tasks.To clarify the presentations of children about various cars, their assignment, device, learning to make brief stories about machines in drawings.

№ 4. Movable game "Owl".

Tasks. Teach children to act across the signal in accordance with the text of the poem, develop the speed of the reaction, the ability to concentrate attention.

№ 5. Plot-role-playing game "Hospital".

Tasks. Teach children invent the plot of the game in accordance with personal experience, creatively process and use their knowledge and skills in the game, to use attributes correctly.

No. 6. Work in the bookcard. Acquaintance with the new book.

Tasks. To draw the attention of children to a new book in the bookcard, to learn to consider the book, to draw up and transfer the first impressions about it in speech, on the illustrations to guess its content. Secure the rules of careful handling of books.



# 1. Observation of the means of transport. Reading the poem E. Moshkovskaya "Machine".

Tasks. To actualize, systematize and supplement the knowledge of children on public transport, road rules. Teach children to make stories based on the results of the observation, using the names of the main parts of the machines, types of public transport.

# 2. Didactic game "Guess the description".

Tasks.Teach children to solve and draw up the riddles-descriptions according to plan about various types of transport, cars.

№ 3. Movable game "Traffic light".

Tasks. Suggest children to tell how the traffic light works, as he regulates the movement at the intersection, how to act a pedestrian and shovel, guided by traffic lights. To acquaint children with the rules of the game, learning to perform the functions of a leading, leader players.

№ 4. Sports exercises. Skiing.

Tasks. Exercise children in skiing with a sliding step (up to 500 m), fasten the ability to descend from the mountain, while maintaining the balance, perform turns on the spot and around itself.

№ 5. Labor activity. Clearing tracks from snow.

Tasks.To improve children's skills with a shovel for snow clearing, encourage the desire of children to bring the work started to the end, to achieve a conceived result, to educate in children hard work, persistence.



No. 1. Didactic game "We are looking for a treasure".

Tasks. Develop observation in children, to learn to navigate in the territory of the kindergarten, to determine the direction of movement, increase the motor activity.

№ 2. Movable game"Hunters and hares."

Tasks. Teach children to follow the compliance of their actions to the rules of the game, the correctness of the performance of game actions (jumps on two legs with advance, throwing the ball due to the head left and right hand in target). Develop agility and accuracy.

# 3. Sport exercises. Sledging.

Tasks. Teach children to slow down when descending from the mountain in a given place, teach children to show will, overcome difficulties, help each other.

№ 4. Games with snow. "Lepim the snowman."

Tasks. Teach children to collect and carry snow to build, plan actions in communication with comrades, negotiate the interaction.

Working with children in the group


№ 1. Work in the corner of the book. Using the poems of winter.

Tasks. Work on the expressiveness of the speech of children, develop long-term memory, to educate interest in poetry.

№ 2. Didactic IGra "Who are we?"

Tasks. Teach children to describe the appearance of comrades, to make up and solve puzzles-descriptions, intensify in the speech of children concepts related to the names and elements of clothing.

№ 3. Scene-role-playing game"Barbershop".

Tasks. Educating in children interest in the game, learn to pick up the necessary materials for the game, tools, encourage the consistency of action in the game.

№ 4. Building games. Lego".

Tasks. Teach children to build buildings from various designers according to the instructions and independently, beat the buildings. Develop a creative imagination, fine motility of hands.

№ 5. Work in the corner of sensory education.Learning to compare items.

Tasks. Exercise children in the ability to group items largest, learning to use measurement standards, fix the ability to fix their impressions in speech.

Day 17.



№ 1. Dining room duty. Table setting.

Tasks. Teach children to serve the table correctly, act yourself, neat.

№ 2. Didactic game "What season?"

Tasks. To teach children to relate the description of nature in verses or prose with a certain time of the year, to compare and analyze the description elements.

No. 3. Conversation "I love my kindergarten!"

Tasks. To encourage children to tell, whether they are well in kindergarten, talking about people who make kindergarten to the second home, teach to respect their work.

№ 4. Movable game "Who left?"

Tasks. Teach children to understand the rules of the game, relate their actions with them, exercise in the ability to navigate in space. Develop attention and speed of the reaction, raise self-confidence. Promote hardening the organism using natural sun and air factors.

№ 5. Plot-role-playing games "Bus", "Chauffeur", "Builders".

Tasks. Improve the ability of children to unite in the game, distribute roles, act in accordance with the rules. Cultivate friendly relationships between children.

No. 6. Household work. Walking tables.

Tasks. Teach children to correctly perform the appropriate actions, perform work quickly and gently, follow the rules of personal hygiene.



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