How to glue meter wallpaper: Nuances of high-quality sticking and sequence of facing works. How to glue meter wallpaper: detailed instructions Sticker meter wallpaper

In recent years, more and more in the range of markets, stores for the construction of materials and the Internet spaces can be found on the shelves meter wallpaper. They differ from the wallpapers of standard sizes almost twice, because their width is 106 cm. What are their main advantages in front of smaller counterparts, and how to unmistakably decide on the choice? How to glue phlizelin meter wallpaper? What is the technology of gluing such a finishing material? After all, so long we used for our residential premises. Standard 50 cm width. We will try to answer these questions.

To glue all types of wallpaper on the fliesline substrate, prepare approximately a similar set of tools and materials:

How to glue phlizelin meter wallpaper - Operations of work

The process of sticking the meter wallpaper itself differs little from the conventional pasting, but still have their own nuances. Consider each in more detail:


We remove the finish and clean the roughness and remnants in the form of paper, newspapers and other unnecessary garbage. All preparatory part can be divided into the following steps:

  1. Unscrew the covers from sockets and switches, and we strongly advise you to turn off the electricity during the apartment. Pack holes and door tribunches by painting ribbon, which is easily removed upon completion of the repair.
  2. Dismantle from the walls of all hooks, screws, nails and dowels.
  3. To the end to clean the old finish, carefully in order not to leave the traces of the past decor.
  4. Remove the room from garbage and thoroughly look at the room.

One of the advantages of Wallpaper on Flizelin is the fact that they are not afraid of shallow irregularities of the relief, chipping and scratches. Moreover, if the working purified side is a little rough, it will be more advantageous and facilitates you work with them.


Aligned clean plastered surfaces are predetermined to be covered with primer, which will handle and close multiple noticeable pores. Its use will significantly save the glue consumption in the future, in addition, it will not be overwhelmed into the plaster, which is preventable in addition to the steady gluing of the web.

After applying the ground solution, all dust from the walls is finalized. Keep in mind that if the glue is applied to untreated walls, the part of it is absorbed very quickly, and the flow rate will increase at times, and the glue can simply not be enough. Wait when the primer dries completely, then you can start sticking the wallpaper.


Taking into account that this is a fliesline meter wallpaper, it is important to consider that they have to stick into the junction. The roll width is 106 cm and relies to retreat in each sides of the angle one by one meter. As experts advise, it is more correct to start bolding from the window, moving consistently inside the room. Regarding the first sheet, you need to do the following:

  • align exactly vertically using a plumb;
  • conduct a clear pencil line, use a construction line or level.

Preparation of adhesive solution

During the purchase of glue, pay attention to what type of wallpaper it is intended, in this case it is necessary for phlizelin. The method of cooking method itself is described in detail on the package, as well as manufacturers often accompany the description of visual pictures. Even an amateur can cope with this, because there is nothing complicated here. You need to pour water in a pre-prepared container, and slowly pour the dry mixture, at the same time stirring with a stick or other girlfriend. The main thing is not to cease to interfere until the glue is completely dissolved, otherwise lumps are formed. Then you have to wait no more than 10-20 minutes and the glue is ready.

Cutting wallpaper

We close the floor with a polyethylene film, you can now roll the roll face down. If you have a pattern on the wallpaper, it has to customize it when you cut the panels. Add to the desired length of 10 cm at the top and bottom for stock.

We start bolder

With success, completing all the preparatory steps, you can proceed to the final stage - directly to the blending. Before applying glue, it will have to mix again. Then immediately go to applying the adhesive layer. For easier and fast coverage, use a special roller or a wide brush with a long pile. The technique of sticking phlizelin wallpaper is that there is no need to smear the bands themselves, it is enough to miss only the desired part of the wall. No need to apply glue to large sections of the wall, try to stick to the width of the wallpaper plus 5 cm about the supply.

If you need it - correct the strip, align it around the edge, smooth all the air "bubbles" with the help of a plastic spatula for moving wallpaper or a special roller. Conduce it in the direction from top to bottom, as well as on the sides of the middle of the canvas. Excess the glue spoke to the small sponge or pure cloth, not rubbing, but neatly rod. Continue to sequentially glue the remaining trained bands. Do this follows the joint into the joint. If there is a drawing on your wallpaper, then try to combine it carefully with a neighboring sheet. By virtue of a large roll width, the process of transfiguration of the room is much faster. Try to fulfill this stage and conscience, taking into account that this is not standard wallpaper.

After sticking the panel and its complete clutch, we remove the excess (left about the stock) of the wallpaper using a pre-prepared sharp construction knife and a plastic spatula. Try as close as possible pressing the edge for smooth trimming.

Due to the fact that the meter wallpaper is noticeably more in width than standard, we recommend to make pasting together. Find an assistant for yourself - work with it is incomparably easier and the result will not make yourself wait.

It is recommended to close the windows, interior doors and other sources of drafts. It is necessary to close the ventilation, technical hatches. Open windows is permitted exclusively after the glue will dry out 100%, perhaps waiting will take from one to three days.

The main principle of gluing flieslinic wallpaper in the corners is as follows. The strip should be glued so that it turns out to be a small nourish on the next wall. Impeccable appearance This is the backstage of no more than two centimeters. Then glue on the other side of the angle as low with a slight overlay. After the remaining "tail", we cut off with a knife, adhering to the corner vertical (on the inside of the angle).

Pros and cons

Before you go to the store and choose a meter wallpaper, it is advisable to get acquainted with their advantages and disadvantages. We believe that immediately after a careful study of all aspects of sticking, you will have a more or less clear picture concerning the choice in favor of one or another.


  • There are few junctions on the walls and they are almost invisible.
  • The time of all works is reduced. It is easier to measure and paste 10 bands than twice as much.
  • Cost savings, because the price of the roll of large wide wallpaper, even if a little, but in no way below, in contrast to the two rolls of standard size.


  • The difficulties of the subgon are subsequent strip to the previous, already glued canvase.
  • It is hard to cope with yourself with pasting.

We offer to see a special video lesson, for a more clear example.

How to glue phlizelin meter video wallpaper:

This coverage, as you understand, have a number of important positive qualities. We hope that after reading our article, you have a clearer view of how correctly glued meter wallpaper. We wish you a successful repair and let the resulting result please you!

In the modern world, there are many types of wallpaper, differing from each other with a pattern, color scheme, width, quality used by the material. Not so long ago, a meter width of foreign origin appeared on the global market. Meter canvases are on the phliselin, paper, bamboo, tissue basis. They have some advantages over classic - fewer joints, creating a "seamless" effect, reducing attached effort, time and expenses.

Rolls of meter wallpaper All in large quantities are distributed in counterparts, they are more relevant and convenient than the standard width wallpaper. The only lack of classical is more difficult to adjust the number of sheets. The problem is that people are accustomed to glue wallpaper having a width - 53 centimeters, and the use of wider extremely unusual. With this article, you will understand how to glue the meter width wallpaper, and is it possible to make it one.

I propose to get acquainted with the tips, following which you can avoid mistakes in the process of work and make repairs correctly:

The process of sticking wallpaper can be divided into steps: preparation of the necessary materials and devices, preparation of walls to pasting, the preparation of glue, markup, cutting meter wallpaper, and the process of sticking.

Materials and tools

In the process of work you will need:

  • malyary Scotch;
  • plumb;
  • wide brush;
  • roller or spatula;
  • roulette or centimeter;
  • pure rag or sponge;
  • pencil.

In addition to the listed, you can use sandpaper, putty and primer, if there are significant irregularities on the surfaces.

Preparation of walls

Remove the covers from the sockets and switches, glue the holes with painting scotch and remove the nails, screws, screws, sores, if available. After that, you can start removing old wallpapers and removing irregularities.

When the surface is cleaned, you can start processing it. Clean their sandpaper. If there are significant irregularities, use putty to eliminate them, and then apply one or two layers of primer.

Attention! It is possible to start applying glue on the wall only after complete drying of the primer.

Be sure to watch the video on how to prepare the walls to the salary:

Cooking glue

The selected glue should be approached by the type of your wallpaper. For its proper cooking, pour water into the container and pour the mixture into it into it, while not forgetting to mix in a circle. Give the mixture broke some time. It usually does not exceed twenty minutes.

Marking of walls

Due to the fact that the meter wallpapers are glued, their sticking can be started from any place. You can decide why it will be more convenient for you to glue and from what place should begin to spend less material. To exactly glue the first strip, mark the vertical line from which you will glue. To do this, use a plumb and pencil.

Cutting tools

Experts advise to leave ten centimeters from above and from the bottom of the sheet as a stock. After drying the glue, they can be easily removed. Perform cutting on a clean, dry surface. Roll the wallpaper with the front of the face down, measure the desired length, make a seat, bend the cloth and cut it along the fold line.

Casting of walls and corners

Mix the glue solution again, begin to apply it with a wide brush to the area that the sheet will occupy. Attach a pre-prepared strip to the plot smeared by glue, and then smooth it from the top to the bottom and from the center to the edges. Pick the glue glue with a dry cloth. The second should be glued with the finishing. If your meter wallpaper is drawing, make sure that it coincides.

Important! When sticking, it is impossible to allow the appearance of a draft indoor.

I want to draw your attention to the salabing in hard-to-reach places, that is, behind the batteries of heating, in the corners, doorways, on areas with sockets, switches, etc. To correctly shove the surfaces behind the battery, cut wallpapers on such strips that you will be convenient to use. When sticking the strip near the outlet or switch, apply glue, and then apply the wallpaper yourself. After drying, make a cut of the desired size, remove the surplus and screw the protective boxes from sockets and switches to the place. Do not glue from the angle, if it is uneven. You will need to spend a pre-approximate line. This will avoid drawing distortion.

There are two options for sticking in the corners. You can choose one of them:

Blowing one

If you do not have an assistant during pasting, do not despair. With sticking meter wallpaper, you can cope with yourself, if you buy fliseline, because then the glue should be applied only on the wall. You can easily handle the docking of the seams, especially in the corners, and the strip alignment. If you can't get a sheet right from the first time, then one plus wide wallpaper will help you here. The sheet can be removed and attached anew to the wall, and the tight material of the wallpaper will allow it to be done without prejudice to their structure. If the meter wallpaper was chosen from other materials, it is best to glue them with an assistant.

Successful repair and creative approach.

Meter wallpaper is called imported finishing materials non-standard for the domestic width market. Abroad, wallpaper cannons can be 70, 80, 90 cm or even 1 m wide, while the manufacturers of the post-Soviet space hold a standard of 53 cm. When using wider wallpapers for repair, you can save a room with a smaller number of cloths, which will cope with Repair faster and reduce the number of joints.

Meter wallpaper can be manufactured on a different basis. However, the most common - fliseline.

Some features of the material

Pay special attention to the finishing material for the walls. It is recommended to choose goods in those stores in which samples of materials are located on the stand, and can be assessed as they will look on the wall.

The advantages of fluiselin wallpaper of greater width is a smaller amount of joints, as a result of the wall looks more neat. This is a less laborious process, glue meter fliesline wallpaper not as long as the standard size canvas. In addition, their use allows you to save money for repairs, as the cost of a wide web is lower than the amount for 2 narrow rolls. The appearance of your dwelling will be maintained longer, as Flizelin finish is more durable.

However, it is worth paying attention to that repairs using this material has certain difficulties. First of all, it is necessary to prepare the surface under the finish. It should be perfectly smooth. In the presence of the slightest irregularities and flaws of the working surface, the joints between the canvases will be carefully impossible. Bloom these wallpapers in 1 m. One person will be very problematic, therefore it is recommended to attract an assistant to work. In some cases, when wallpapers are not enough, you have to buy a whole roll, most of which will be thrown by repair.

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Preparatory work

If you have already chosen the finishing material, you can proceed to the preparation of the surface to work. This will make the joints as accurate as possible. Since Flizelin is quite thick and soft material, then the smallest irregularities he is able to hide.

First of all, you need to remove all old materials. If you need to remove old paper wallpaper, and they are not amenable, you can wet them. After processing, the surface can remain rough.

Before starting the pasting, it is necessary to create certain conditions indoors. So that air bubbles do not appear on the surface, the joints did not dissolve, but the canvas did not twist, it is necessary to maintain a constant temperature in the room and prevent the appearance of drafts in it. You can not leave the windows and doors in the room.

Before starting work, you must turn off the supply of electricity to the room. The covers of sockets and switches must be removed so that they do not interfere. In these places it will be necessary to make cuts crosswise and set the covered covers on their places. This is done when the glue will dry.

Prepare the adhesive composition.

Before buying glue, please note that it comes to the wallpaper that you are going to glue.

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It depends on how tightly the canvas will be held on the walls, as well as the convenience of work. What glue you need, you can learn from the instructions for each wallpaper type. Prepare the composition is also necessary in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Observe the proportions specified in the instructions. In order for lumps in the solution, it is necessary to pour water into a container intended for glue, and pour a dry mixture into it with a thin flowing. In this case, water should be stirred. When the entire powder is entered into water, mix the resulting solution thoroughly and leave it for 15 minutes (the exact time is indicated in the glue instructions).

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Next will need to place the walls. The layout of the canvas will help to position the first canvas smoothly. This will require a plumb, pencil and ruler. First, hold one line to which you need to navigate, the following fragments will be located on the wall depending on the first. You can begin to glue phlizelin wallpaper from anywhere in the room. Usually, sticking starts from the window to make it easier to arrange the canvas vertically. However, you can choose any point that will be more convenient and will allow to spend the material economically.

Cut the canvas is recommended with a margin of about 10 cm. Thanks to this cloth, it will come a little on the floor and the ceiling. You can be unnecessary to be trimmed with a stationery knife when the glue is dry. Such a margin will make it possible to correctly correct the level of the location of the canvas if necessary. Working with phliselin wallpaper allows you to do this for 10 minutes after the location of the material fragment on the wall.

Today, flizelinic wallpapers are tremendous among finishing materials. This is explained by the fact that they are reliable, convenient, have a variety of texture. There are 2 of their form: on a fliesline basis and made from pure fliesline. They are also with a pattern and without intended for further painting.

Flizelin wallpaper is very easy to glue, it is not stretched, do not break, do not compress.

The advantage of these wallpapers is a fairly easy process of pasting, which does not require special skills, they are not stretched, do not rush and not compress.

They hide all the irregularities of the walls well and when the cracks appear in them are not cracking. All this is achieved due to the flieslinic basis, it easily slides on the surface, and can be fulfilled with all the work without helpers. The undoubted advantage is that wallpaper without a picture can be quite often painted (up to 10 times), thereby renewing the interior of the room.

See also:


Production features.

How quickly and correctly assemble the bed - read.

How to glue phlizelin wallpaper

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Preliminary stage - surface preparation

To start, count rolls with wallpaper. To determine their quantity, measure the width and height on each wall. When calculating, add to the length of the sheets of several centimeters to the reserve. You can draw a plan on a piece.

Note that buying rolls is needed with the same part number on each package. If wallpaper with a pattern, make sure it is identical everywhere.

Wallpaper gently glue only on smooth walls.

  • walls necessarily align. Wide wallpapers badly fall on rough walls, it can affect the quality of the joints;
  • remove all outlets. Wires insulate so that the moisture does not penetrate the boxes. The surface of the walls is well treated with primer and dry.

For sticking, you will need the following set of devices:

  • roulette;
  • level;
  • roller with a long pile;
  • capacities for the dilution of glue and water;
  • a narrow metal spatula and plastic spatula with a soft edge for tuning sheets;
  • brush for smoothing glued cloth;
  • knife for cutting;
  • special mesh to remove glue from roller;
  • sponge of foam
  • pencil;
  • film.

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Walking fliesline wallpaper

Before glue meter fliesline wallpaper, mark the markup. These wallpapers have a good edge, so they are glued. It is necessary to place the walls from the corner. They are glued in them. If the width of the wallpaper is 1.06 m, leave the angle of 1 m in both directions.

Follow the vertical line at the level of your growth. From the drawn line, we mark the roulette of 1.06 m. Thus, all the walls should be placed.

Put the film on the floor, spread out the roll face down. If sheets with a pattern, consider it when cutting it.

If the sheets without drawings, measure the height in the place where you can glue the sheet, adding 10 cm. Roll to the rolled part so that the edges coincide, then the bending will be smooth. Spend your hand bending, then cut. Similarly, prepare wallpapers for all walls.

Wallpapers are wicked in rolls, while the front side must be inside. Following the instructions specified on the package, in the desired amount of glue. You need to use glue, designed for flieslinic wallpaper. First, pour water into the container, and then lay down the glue, mix well so that the lumps are not formed, because of them it will not work. Leave the glue for a while to swell. Take advantage of a special grid to remove glue excess, it is inserted into the container.

Dry the roller, spend it on the grid, then apply to the surface of the wall calculated for one panel. The peculiarity of flieslinic wallpaper is that they are glued on top.

Take the wallpaper for the edge and attach to the surface. Gradually, lower the cloth down, brush or roller, score wallpaper starting from the middle to the edges. If you use a plastic spatula, be very neat so as not to spoil the cloth.

Watch out the wallpaper well pressed to the surface without forming bubbles and folds.

Having placed 2 or more cauldons, ride the roller each subsequent seam. That part that remained downstairs, carefully cut off. It is advisable to do it when everything gets up. Note that the plinth will have to close the wallpaper entirely. At the top you can install a curb to your taste.

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How to glue wide (meter) fliesline wallpaper

Material wallpapers are very popular in view of several of its own features. Compared to the usual, the advantage of meter wallpaper is lightweight, small amounts of seams, reduce costs when purchasing them. For the price of meter wallpaper is cheaper than 2 small.

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Flying Corners Fliseline Wallpaper

First, the angle must be prepared. This is done in the process of putty: the corners are equipped with plastic corners, they are attached to a putty to the walls. When everything gets dry, the surface of the walls will be ready for further adhesion.
When the wallpaper is glued to the corner, the wall and plastic corner are well missing with glue.

The whole cloth into the angle is better not to glue, because the wallpaper will be placed. Most often, the angles are imperfect, so the wallpaper is frozen there. To avoid this, try to make a small backset on the nearest wall. It is best - up to 2 cm. The next cloth glue on the next wall, sinking it to an angle with the allen. Then this "tail" cut the knife, focusing on the corner vertical.

That is, under this strip will be punctured to 2 cm stripes from the next wall, and this sheet will rest over the edge into the angle.

How to beat meter wallpaper? There are no fundamental differences from another width. Only some positive points are added.

Benefits of meter wallpaper

  1. Saving time. And the phlizelin wallpaper is much faster than narrow.
  2. A more holistic appearance. Since the wallpaper is quite broad, it will take a lot less, therefore, there will be fewer seams.
  3. Budget savings. Cheaper to buy one roll of meter wallpaper than two meter floors.
  4. Ease of transportation. After all, it is convenient to transfer a couple of three wide wallpaper, rather than 5-6 50 centimeters.

Preparation for the salary of meter wallpaper

  • prepare wallpaper, glue for the view you chose
  • prepare the surface: Remove the old wallpaper, spend all recommended events in order to avoid further appearance. If the wall or ceiling is uneven significantly, you will have to resort to its plastering. If the irregularities are small, such a cardinal measure you will not need, you can restrict ourselves. By the way, vinyl and phlizelin meter wallpaper can be dense (perhaps you purchased them), they perfectly mask small wall defects.
  • next step - remove all sockets and switches, pride the insulation of the wires. Remove ceiling and, door platbands.

Pay attention to special characters designated on rolls. We are in one of the articles. Thanks to them, you will find out what way your wallpaper is wrapped, especially if it is a pattern with a pattern.

The process of gluing wide meter wallpaper

Now you can go to the workpiece of the cloth. To do this, measure the height from the ceiling to the floor and add 10 cm - it will be a supply for trimming. Do not hurry to cut the wallpaper immediately to the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room. There are cases when for some reason it is necessary to return a poor-quality / defective product to its seller. So you lose only at the cost of one opened roll.

Strictly according to the instructions, having previously bought it precisely for the type of wallpaper that you have. We strongly recommend using universal glue.

Or fliesline wallpaper, glue is applied only on the walls. Application of glue on the wallpaper will be superfluous, but not critical. The same can be said about sticking vinyl wallpaper.

But the vinyl wallpaper on a paper basis is predetermined by glue for a while. After that, fold the band by the "converter": to wrap two ends to the middle of the missing side and put the dual layer to the middle of the ends again. Some simply fold the leaf in half, the missing side inside. Then we apply glue on the wall and mounted the web to the prepared section of the surface (walls, ceiling). Glue wallpaper need to join.

Make sure that the wallpaper glue does not perform on the place of the joints during smoothing (when you delete the remaining air between the web and the wall). This is fraught with a violation of an external decorative layer, rubbing.

Do not forget that during the salary and until complete drying of the wallpaper cannot be arranged joints, ventilation. Wallpapers must dry under natural conditions.

If you still feel difficulty in pasting wide wallpaper, do not be discouraged, you can always call and invite our masters. We are waiting for your calls seven days a week, ready to start work per day / the day after the appeal.